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WWE 2010: The NXT Great Revolution

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OOD: Using the June 1 MCD Mod with a few minor tweaks to fit in for the story.


It had the task of following the failure that was the WWE's version of ECW.


It was the show that would blend reality TV and sports entertainment together.


It was the show which was supposed to create new stars for a company in serious need of them....


By the end of the first "season," it was nothing short of a failure. It got the lowest ratings any highly distributed WWE show had ever received. The "favorite" to win was made to look weak and ousted rather early. Fans which tuned in initially with a keen interest turned away in droves and by the final episode, it was thought to be an after thought. Even its host network confirmed the show would not return.


Then this happened....


<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSVQe6Jgga8&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSVQe6Jgga8&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>


<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3q-myrnJJM&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3q-myrnJJM&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>


Not for years did a single angle (and an unexpected one at that as no major internet sites had any radar on this) create such a major buzz around a wrestling world which had become downtrodden as a result of the WWE's return to PG and, some would say, "stale" programming and TNA's complete inability to properly book a competitive product.


3 simple letters would start a revolution in the world of pro wrestling not seen in nearly 10 years. This is the story of how the WWE saved an entire industry with 3 simple letters which would grow to become a voice for an entire generation of fans. This is...




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WWE NXT Season 2 Premier


Following the shocking actions of the NXT Season One rookies on RAW, NXT Season 2 would kick off with a bang.


The Rookies are introduced: A visibly injured Matt Striker proceeded to introduce the season 2 rookies and their pro's. Alex Riley and The Miz seem to be 2 peas in a pod, Kaval looked to be rather upset that Team LayCool were his mentors, Kofi Kingston came out with Michael McGillicutty, John Morrision seemed weirded out by the gigantic Eli Cottonwood, MVP brought out Percy Watson, Cody Rhodes seemed rather uninterested with Husky Harris, Mark Henry brought out Lucky Cannon and Zack Ryder finished it out with Titus O'Neil. Striker announced that the pro's and the fan's polls would make up wthe eliminations, which would begin in 3 weeks time. He announced that tonight they would showcase the rookies by having them compete in exhibition matches while the pros look on.


Eli Cottonwood defeated Titus O'Neil: Two very differing styles here as the quiet yet powerful O'Neil took it to the giant from the Kellogg Sanitarium. Despite showing some impressive skills, the brute size and force of Cottonwood would prove the sole advantage the 7'1 giant would need, defeating O'Neil with a overhead choke suplex. With a maniacal grin on his face, Cottonwood was congratulated by a very happy John Morrison. Meanwhile, Zack Ryder looked completely disgusted with O'Neil.


Michael McGillicutty: Perfect-Son A brief video was shown introducing Michael McGillicutty. McGillicutty firmly hyped his wrestling pedigree and how it and ruthless aggression would make him win this season of NXT.


Michael McGillicutty defeated Lucky Cannon: The man who is said to have all the luck in the WWE could have used some tonight as he would fall to McGillicutty following a twisting variation of his father's finishing move, The Perfect Plex. Following the match a proud Kofi Kingston attempted to congratulate McGillicutty on the win, but the ever arrogant McGillicutty blew him off.


Alex Riley: Big Man on Campus: A brief introduction video of the ever arrogant Alex Riley. Riley hyped his high life, with his father being a NY Jet and mother a former Miss Virginia. Riley claimed to have been signing autographs since he was 16 when he was the youngest person to sign a letter of intent with Boston College, where he played QB. Riley claimed him winning NXT was a sure thing and the show should be called Alex Riley and the Seven Dorks.


Kaval defeated Percy Watson: The much charismatic Watson may have underestimated the smallest man in the competition in the dangerous Kaval. He didn't even take off his sunglasses. This would be a tremendous mistake for the man from Miami. Kaval would absorb an early onslaught of power moves, to wear down Watson with his amazing martial arts skills. Kaval would defeat Watson following a vicious diving double stomp onto the chest of Watson. Post match, as LayCool celebrated much like they had won the match, Kaval, ever the warrior walked to the back as LayCool took all the credit in the ring.


Alex Riley defeated Husky Harris: Fans were treated to an unexpectedly good match as two very differing lifestyles clashed. The big mack truck Harris showed surprising agility, almost taking out Riley with a big moonsault, but the arrogant Riley would use some real underhanded tactics and using Harris' momentum for a roll up with a handful of tights. Harris was clearly upset as Riley celebrated with the Miz. Harris' coach Cody Rhodes looked on in annoyance, and claimed it didn't shock him Harris lost.


Tough Love?: The rookies and pros are all now back in the ring. Matt Striker praises the rookies in their in ring debuts. He then goes back just 24 hours when the NXT Season One rookie class destroyed everything in their sight on Raw. Striker then proceeded to ask the rookies their thoughts on the matter. Kaval says it's a hell of a way to make an impact. Watson claimed if you wanted to fight, fight with even odds. Cottonwood just stared at Striker with an evil grin until Striker moved on. Cannon called them cowards. Riley began to sneeze and claimed he was allergic to Striker. Harris challenged to try it with him. O'Neil would echo Harris' sentiments. McGillicutty would go on to mock all of them and claim he doesn't care all he cares about winning. Striker would cut McGillicutty and claim that the WWE locker room was abuzz on the matter and did not want the same thing to happen again, and as a result of it, they had a message to give to the rookies. Suddenly the pros would attack the rookies in a savage fashion. We would close with all of the rookies laying out in the ring as the pros and Striker made their way to the back.


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WWE SmackDown Preview


This week on SmackDown, with Fatal 4 Way a mere 2 weeks away we now know which 3 men will be competing for Jack Swagger's World Heavyweight title. This Friday we will see each of those 4 competitors take each other on in 2 big singles matches as The Big Show takes on "The Straight Edge Superstar" CM Punk and World Heavyweight Champion "The All American American" Jack Swagger takes on the man who qualified for the match last week in Rey Mysterio.


Last week on SmackDown, Kane revealed the agony he's been going through after his brother The Undertaker was found in a vegetative state. "The Big Red Machine" has been hell bent on finding out who put his legendary brother in such a state and effectively taking him out of the WWE. Will Kane discover any new clues this week?


We will also hear from Drew McIntyre, who has demanded time to speak to SmackDown GM Teddy Long concerning his putting the suspended Matt Hardy against him at Raw this past week. With Vince McMahon in his pocket, what will the chosen one have to say to the GM?


All this along with Christian taking on Dolph Ziggler and much more this week on SmackDown.



Confirmed Matches


Big Show vs. CM Punk

Jack Swagger vs. Rey Mysterio

Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler

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Like it, but where's the famous save_us_necro back story :-) I am rooting for Husky Harris to be the breakout star... I miss the fat/chubby guy in the world of pro wrestling


I figure not to blow my load right away....there's a very big story I'm attempting to weave here that will catch everyone off guard.

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Nice looking start. I like that you're just diving straight into things. Nice, simple format. I'll be tuning in.


Big Show vs. CM Punk

Big Show needs to remain dominant, and Punk gets his heat through mic work, not matches.


Jack Swagger vs. Rey Mysterio

Swagger still needs some establishment, and Rey Rey can eternally lose and still be viable. After all, he's not the ultimate underdog if he wins all the time.


Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler

This is early in what should be a pretty good feud. I could see this either ending in a DQ, or with Ziggler making a post-match attack. Either way, Christian's ending the night on his back, and possibly asleep.

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Big Show vs. CM Punk

Keep the big man looking like a threat. Punk can regain any lost momentum in a couple of promos nearer the PPV.

Jack Swagger vs. Rey Mysterio

Champ needs to look strong

Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler

Christian to win, then a post match beat down from Ziggler probably culminating in a sleeper hold...

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WWE SmackDown Results (June 11, 2010)


Putting On Notice: SmackDown opened with World Champ Jack Swagger claiming that he doesn't care who he faced at Fatal 4 Way, he would come out as champion because he was the All American American. However soon enough out came CM Punk and his Straight Edge Society, who claimed he would regain the title because of his straight edge lifestyle. But then out came Rey Mysterio and the Big Show, who both mocked the damage they had previously done to Punk and Swagger, but that moment of friendship ended when both claimed they would be taking the title. As all 4 men shouted about how each was to become champion, out came the flames and with it "The Big Red Machine" Kane, who put forth a cryptic message to all 4 men, that he doesn't care about who the champ will be, he cares about who took The Undertaker out and as far as he's concerned they're all suspects and they will pay if he finds out it's any one of them.


Rey Mysterio defeated Jack Swagger: The masked luchador used his speed to outwit the World Champion initially, but soon enough Swagger had the match firmly inc ontrol as a result of his significant size advantage. However as Swagger attempted his signature Gutwrench Powerbomb, the ever quick Mysterio swung Swagger into not one but 2 619's and finishing it off with a big splash for the shocking win. As Mysterio celebrated, a very angry World Champ blasted Mysterio in the back of the head with his title belt. He then picked up the lifeless Mysterio and drove him to the ground with his Gutwrench Powerbomb. But then out came Kane, who blasted Swagger with a huge chokeslam. As Kane was going to leave the ring, he walked over to a slowly rising Mysterio and blasted him with a chokeslam of his own.


Layla defeated Tiffany: The LayCool era continued as Layla, accompanied by Michele McCool and their NXT Rookie Kaval, defeated their newest thorn in their side Tiffany with a neckbreaker.


An UnCommon Man: Cody Rhodes, with his NXT Rookie Husky Harris is speaking of his many "uncommon" feats while in the WWE. However as he does this, in walks MVP with his own rookie Percy Watson in tow. MVP claims Cody is uncommon, uncommonly awful and goes on about how he's nothing at all like one of MVP's heroes, Cody's own father Dusty Rhodes. Cody fires back that he doesn't care what a jail bird has to say. MVP says he will care when he beats him later on tonight.


Christian defeated Dolph Ziggler: "Mr. Ziggles" came out accompanied by his new "associated" Vickie Guerrero, which Christian quickly made fun of. In a very fast passed match which saw Ziggler nearly steal one after nailing the Zig Zag, the wily vet Christian was able to defeat Ziggler with a victory roll after countering Ziggler's dreaded Sleeper hold. However there was no time to celebrate, as Guerrero directed the team of Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer down to the ring to attack Christian. After a brief struggle, the numbers game got to "Captain Charisma" as while he fought off Hawkins and Archer, Ziggler was able to clamp on the sleeper and putting the former IC Champion to sleep.


He Won't Rest...: Backstage we see Kane in a darkly lit room, holding flowers he then lays on a casket. Kane announces that he has never been more focused before in his life, not on a title or a rival but on vengeance on whoever took out the Undertaker.


The Chosen One Always Gets His Way: Dre McIntyre made his way to the ring and called out both Teddy Long and Kofi Kingston. McIntyre claims he's tired of the conspiracy against him by Teddy Long and has again taken his case to the very top. and passes a letter to Teddy Long. Long, after looking at the letter and looking very dejected announces that Mr. McMahon has not only announced that McIntyre will challenge for the US Title at Fatal 4 Way but also following his "return" on Raw, Matt Hardy has been indefinitely suspended from not just SmackDown but the WWE and if Long did not confirm this, he would be forced to face McIntyre next week on SmackDown. Long hangs his head in shame as McIntyre laughs. Kofi then grabs the mic and says Teddy doesn't have to take this abuse and doesn't have to cower to Drew because Kofi is the champ and is someone who won't let that happen. Suddenly, Long with an apparent return of his backbone, rips up Mr. McMahon's letter and says McIntyre will only face Kingston for the title if he wins his match against Long next week. McIntyre smirks at Long's seemingly terrible idea. McIntyre then turns to Kofi and laughs as he exits the ring. Kofi looks slightly puzzled as an intense Long looks at a smiling McIntyre.


Rebound and Hype: Raw Rebound focuses on the destruction of John Cena and Raw by the Season One NXT Rookies. Striker and Grisham villianize the rookies with Striker hyping it more personally as he was attacked and still feeling the effects of it. They then ran down the card for Fatal 4 Way.


The Invasion....CONTINUES: The next bout between Cody Rhodes and MVP would not even begin. As MVP and his rookie Percy Watson waited in the ring as Cody Rhodes and his rookie Husky Harris walked down the isle, from both sides of the isle crowd rand down all 8 NXT Rookies, all wearing jeans and NXT Tshirts. They jumped the guard rail and immediately swarmed on Cody Rhodes. Almost instantly, MVP and Percy Watson rushed to actually help Rhodes. As this happened, the NXT group split and Darren Young, Skip Sheffield, Michael Tarver and Wade Barrett attacked MVP. Grisham and Striker were in shock, screaming for help from someone. The NXT group soon enough had MVP and Rhodes out cold and had roughed up several security guards. As they dragged Rhodes and MVP into the ring, Daniel Bryan shouted to Harris and Watson to leave. What was bizarre was in the attack, Watson and Harris were not at all touched, despite their attempts to fight the NXT group off. An angry and confused Watson and Harris stood there as the NXT group surrounded Rhodes and VP, looking to do more damage, until a large group of SmackDown wrestlers rushed the ring and the NXT group bailed out and ran out of the arena. The crowd was shocked as the roster checked on the injured Rhodes and MVP, as a clearly confused Watson and Harris checked on their coaches as Grisham wondered why this was happening.


Big Show defeated CM Punk by DQ: "The World's Largest Athlete" would pick up a win against the clearly outsized "Masked Messiah of Straight Edge". Punk attempted throughout the match to try and kick Show down to size but to no avail. With nothing to lose, Punk sent in Luke Gallows in to take on Show, only to have the masked mystery man run down and nail Show with a chair, making the DQ official. As Show attempted to fight off The SES, out came Kane who proceeded to chokeslam all 3 members of the SES, ending with a knock out punch by Show on Punk. As Show seemingly thanked Kane for his help, "The Big Red Machine" shocked everyone by chokeslamming the 500 plus pounder. SmackDown ends with Kane, brooding with vengeance standing over 4 fallen bodies.



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Pro Wrestling Torch Newsweek


-The wrestling world is abuzz with the sudden and major progression of the NXT angle. In both major WWE shows this week, the former stars of NXT made their presanse felt in an invasion angle. It appears the WWE is playing all of their cards on their chest with this angle, not allowing any information getting to anywhere.


-It appears that Randy Orton may very well be off Fatal 4 Way as a result of his shoulder injury. We've been told his doctor has requested Orton to take a month off to properly heal his shoulder. More on this as we get it.


-It appears as though the WWE may very well be on another hiring/fireing spree in upcoming weeks. Several WWE scouts were present at this weekend's ROH shows and have apparently furthered their intrest in several major ROH stars. At the same time, expect some lower card/ FCW cuts in upcoming weeks.


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first off, this has the makings of a great thread... hopefully you get to update it early and often :D


second, i have a noob question: how'd you get the images to show up? i was thinking of starting my own dynasty and tried to insert an image but it only showed up as a link :s

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first off, this has the makings of a great thread... hopefully you get to update it early and often :D


second, i have a noob question: how'd you get the images to show up? i was thinking of starting my own dynasty and tried to insert an image but it only showed up as a link :s


Use a website such as photobucket to host the images. After uploading something use the whateveryourphoto'slinkis code to make it appear on screen.

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WWE has come to terms on the release of NXT first season rookie Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) as of today June 11, 2010. We wish Daniel Bryan the best in all future endeavors.


From Dave Meltzer: I have heard from many within the WWE that this may very well be a legit firing having to do with Danielson's choking of Justin Roberts which wasn't cleared with WWE brass. WWE is being very tight lipped about this to their staff. I expect more about this soon.

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WWE Raw Preview


This week on Raw, every member of the WWE roster will be on full alert following a second attack on WWE superstars by the outlaw NXT Season One Rookies. We have learned that the man who felt the initial brunt of the NXT attack, John Cena will open Raw with a statement concerning the attack.


But that won't be all for the WWE Champ, as we are one week away from Fatal 4 Way and Cena will be in action in a huge 6 man main event as Cena teams with Evan Bourne and one of the men he'll be facing in Randy Orton against the two other men he'll be facing in Edge and Sheamus along with former champ Chris Jericho.


We will also see the former US Champion The Miz take on the man he pinned last week, his former partner John Morrison. The Miz is still fuming from his lost of the US Title to R-Truth, can he put himself back into the picture by defeating "The Monday Night Delight" in this battle of The Dirt Sheet?


All this plus the WWE Unified Tag Team Champions The Hart Dynasty take on the duo of Yoshi Tatsu and Goldust and USA's own "Royal Pains" star Mark Feuerstein will be special guest host this week on Raw.


Confirmed Matches


John Cena, Randy Orton and Evan Bourne vs. Edge, Sheamus and Chris Jericho


The Miz vs. John Morrison


The Hart Dynasty vs. Goldust and Yoshi Tatsu


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Confirmed Matches


John Cena, Randy Orton and Evan Bourne vs. Edge, Sheamus and Chris Jericho


Cena's going to be injured


The Miz vs. John Morrison


Because he is AWESOME!!!



The Hart Dynasty vs. Goldust and Yoshi Tatsu


Just because

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