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Developmental Promotions

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When you go to the business, investment screen to setup a developmental region, you can create larger promotions by investing more money into them. Am I correct in assuming that if you create a large regional promotion that it can grow larger based on its performance?
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If I have a developmental promotion and I decide to resign from the parent company and take over running the developmental, would the dev territory then be able to grow larger than regional?


Im pretty sure in saying you cant book for a development fed.

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Im pretty sure in saying you cant book for a development fed.


You are correct. You cannot book for a development promotion. The only alternative would be to sever the relationship between parent and child, but then you'd lose all of workers on dev deals.

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I always thought it would make sense, once you've paid for the development promotion, if you could be the owner but have someone else be head booker. That way you could give them goals and rules so that if they do hire someone it is going to be someone who fits your criteria.


Although I surpose that could be achieved through the editor by giving the AI rules at that level...

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