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Smackdown Results (Week 4, May 2011)




Sheamus def. Steve Lewington with a Crucifix Powerbomb

The bout had some good action but not much in the way of heat.

Rating: 80





Friday Night Smackdown!





Todd Grisham: We're two nights away from Over the Limit, and every superstar in this locker room is looking to go into the Pay-Per-View with a win! I'm Todd Grisham, with me are Matt Striker and Josh Mathews, and this is Friday Night Smackdown!, people!

Matt Striker: That's right, Todd. Tonight, Intercontinental Champion Ted Dibiase squares off against the controlled frenzy of Kofi Kingston in a non-title match. Will Kofi play the role of spoiler, or will the Million Dollar Son gain momentum heading into his no holds barred match against Christian?

Josh Mathews: Also for tonight, the Straight Edge Society and the Dirtsheet Duo are in action--- but not against each other! The S.E.S. takes on the Hart Dynasty later on tonight, while the D.S.D. meets the Colons in our first match of the evening.

Grisham: Also, Over the Limit opponents Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle will look to impress each other as they take on D-X! Angle versus Triple H later, and Jericho against Michaels in our Main Event! I can't wait!

Striker: Let's get things rolling-- Dirtsheet Duo vs The Colons, and it's next!




Dirtsheet Duo def. The Colons

John Morrison and Carlito engage in a breath-taking display of athleticism, with Carlito hitting a springboard back elbow and the Shaman of Sexy connecting on a corkscrew legdrop. Miz and Morrison gain the advantage with successive pins and double teams, but Carlito is able to tag in Primo, who explodes out of the corner with a top rope dropkick to Miz, followed by a cheap shot to Morrison. The action continues, and Miz is able to hit his signature jumping clothesline to the corner, to the delight of the fans. Miz goes for the Skull-Crushing Finale, but Primo is able to counter into a backslide, getting a two-count. Both superstars tag in their partners, and Morrison gets rolling, hitting a heel kick, then the Flying Chuck to Carlito. Primo breaks up the pin, but Miz answers by clotheslining him out of the ring, allowing Morrison to get the pin after a Starship Pain.

Striker: Look at how fluidly the Dirtsheet Duo works together! It feels like they haven't missed a beat, Todd!

Grisham: Miz and Morrison really complement each other, Matt. The Straight Edge Society better watch out at Over the Limit!

Mathews: The Colons are forced to absorb the loss, thanks to Miz and Morrison!

The match featured great action and a good crowd.

Rating: 81





Christian is in the locker room area with a mic on hand...


Christian: At Over the Limit, it's make it or break it time for Captain Charisma. All these years in the WWE, and I always thought that if I were to leave, it would be on my own terms. This Sunday will be the biggest match of my career... I've been in extreme rules matches, TLC matches, hardcore matches... But this Sunday, my career-- my WWE career!-- will be on the line. This is bigger, more personal, more intense than any other title match that I've had.


I've been here a long time, and I've seen superstars come and go. I've been in the ring with the best, Shawn Michaels, John Cena, Chris Jericho... And I swear to God, Ted Dibiase? He's never going to be worthy to be mentioned in the same breath as the greats. Ted Dibiase is a flash-in-the-pan, a shooting star who will crash and burn.


If, no, WHEN I win the Intercontinental Title at Over the Limit, it will be THE sweetest victory of my life. And don't think I won't enjoy kicking the crap out of Dibiase-- I sure as hell am going to make sure that he's going to feel the beating that I'm going to give him! Yeah, that's right. Captain Charisma knows what his peeps like.





Mathews: I'd expect nothing less than Christian putting it all on the line this Sunday!

Striker: That's just how Captain Charisma rolls, Josh. Up next-- Olympic gold medalist versus the Cerebral Assassin, Kurt Angle and Triple H!

Grisham: This will be a big test for Angle, we'll see if he can pull off a win tonight!



Kurt Angle def. Triple H by DQ

The two in-ring veterans figure in a brawl early, exchanging fists and forcing the referee to restrain them. The Game gets the upper hand with a clothesline followed by another flurry of punches. Kurt Angle finally gets in some sustained offense, desperately reversing a Spinebuster into a DDT. Angle starts to work on Triple H's ankle, stomping away and locking in a leg lock. The Cerebral Assassin fights out, then connects with a Knee Smash, hobbling around the ring and waiting to set his opponent up for the Pedigree. Angle desperately fights out, countering it into a back drop. With both men exhausted and barely moving, Angle's Over the Limit opponent Chris Jericho starts to walk down the ramp. Seeing both men stir, Jericho starts to run down the ring, grabbing a chair then hitting Angle, then pushing Triple H out of the ring. With the referee calling for the bell, Jericho applies the Walls of Jericho, grinning at Angle's screams of pain.

Grisham: Jericho, sadistically enjoying Kurt Angle's agony!

Striker: Kurt Angle got the win, but I'm sure he doesn't feel that way! Oh man, we have to get someone down here to break this up!

Mathews: Here come the backstage officials... Finally, both men are being pulled away.

The superb bout had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd. Triple H is starting to become a little stale in his role.

Rating: 83




Grisham: More action ahead, the Big Show gets to show his stuff in one-on-one action against Joe Hennig!

Striker: World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton defeated Hennig's partner last week, tonight, the World's Largest Athlete looks to make an example out of the young third-generation star.

Mathews: I heard that he was guaranteeing a win via knock out tonight, Matt.



The Big Show def. Joe Hennig

The multi-generational superstar attacks Big Show early, getting in rights and lefts that barely faze the behemoth. A huge shoulder block by Show knocks Hennig down, sparking the beginning of the end for the young superstar. Hennig desperately fights out of a Chokeslam attempt, but the #1 Contender catches him with a Knock-out Punch coming off the ropes.

Grisham: Wow! Big Show just knocked out Joe Hennig! The #1 Contender, sending a message to the World Heavyweight Champion!

Mathews: Big Show looking more focused than ever-- one thing, and one thing only, is on his mind: the World Heavyweight Title!

Striker: This behemoth is the unstoppable force, then that must make the Viper the immovable object! These two rivals will collide on Sunday! Get ready for fireworks!

The match had some good action but not much in the way of heat.

Rating: 65





Shane Mcmahon goes up to Smackdown! GM Dwayne Johnson's office.


Shane Mcmahon: Hey, Dwayne. I know you're the boss here on Smackdown!, but I'm the boss of the WWE, so technically, that makes ME the boss here on Smackdown!, right?

Dwayne Johnson: What do you want, Shane?

Mcmahon: Ah, direct to the point. Good. Well, you see, I've signed this tag team, Kenta Thunder, and I want them here, on Friday nights. You think you can handle that?

Johnson: That's it? You're signing a new team and they're going to be competing on Smackdown! Yeah, I can handle that.

Mcmahon: Ye-ahh, there's this one teeny tiny little thing, though... They're Japanese, and they can't really speak English...

Johnson: Fine, I'll get them a manager. Was that all... sir?!

Mcmahon: Yeah. Treat Kenta and Kobashi the same way you treat the New Breed, eh? The only difference is that they're Smackdown!-exclusive.

The WWE CEO leaves with a smile on his face, while the Smackdown! GM is left mocking "Shane-O-mac".

Rating: 86




Striker: That tag team match is up next-- Kenta Thunder meets another new tag team-- Lethal Consequences!

Grisham: Last week, the Knock-Out Kings spoiled Lethal Consequences' debut. Will Jay Lethal and Austin Creed play the spoiler role for Kenta Thunder tonight?

Mathews: What do you know about Kenta Thunder, Matt?

Striker: These Japanese dynamos serve up stiff hits and precise moves. Every action has a reason, nothing is wasted...



Kenta Thunder def. Lethal Consequences

The team of Kenta and Kobashi dominate early, surprising their opponents with hard kicks that echo throughout the arena. The competitors settle down, and the match turns into a grind-it-out affair, with Jay Lethal trying to wear down Kobashi with a chinlock, pressing his knee to Kobashi's back to add to the damage. Kobashi gets some leverage, managing to push off Lethal, hitting him with a heel kick at full speed. Kenta tags in, placing his opponent in the tree of woe position, then going for a front dropkick that connects. Kenta tries a second time, but Lethal out of desperation pulls himself up, avoiding the attack. Lethal tags in Austin Creed, who comes out swinging. With Kenta on the defensive end, Creed hits a cross body and gets a two-count. Things get messy as all four men suddenly find themselves in the ring at the same time. Kobashi connects with a Burning Lariat on Jay Lethal, Austin Creed hits the CreeDDT on Kobashi, only to turn around and get floored by a Busaiku Knee Kick and the cover by Kenta.

Grisham: Kenta Thunder, victorious in their first match here on Smackdown!

Striker: Kenta calls that the Busaiku Knee Kick, it's just one of the many moves that he's innovated and popularized over the years! Oh, it's going to be a privilege to call Kenta and Kobashi's tag matches together!

Mathews: And remember, they're Smackdown!-exclusive! Oh man, what a coup for the blue brand!

The match had some good action but not much in the way of heat.

Rating: 69





Smackdown! GM Dwayne Johnson and MVP are in the GM's office...


Dwayne Johnson: Hmm... Nice win by those two Japanese dudes. Things are going great... The air-- electric! Oh baby! Yeah!

MVP: Mister G.M., sir! I'd like to ask a favor from you, man...

Johnson: Montel! How's my favorite Playa, buddy?

MVP: Yeah, yeah. listen, pal, I want an ECW title match against Chris Hero, man. I know you can give me that match, Dwayne... C'mon, I need it. I'd do anything and everything, man. I'm desperate!

A maniacal laugh permeates the air...


Necro Butcher: Hehehe, hehe... Hee hee.

Johnson: .... Wow. How'd you get here?

Butcher: I don't want a title match, Rocky, but what I'd like is me and Chris Hero, anything goes, extreme rules... hee hee...

Johnson: Oh, man... Okay, here's what's gonna happen. MVP, you and Butcher are going to team up next week on Smackdown!, against Chris Hero and a partner of his choice... If your team wins, you BOTH get what you want. Deal?

Butcher: Hee hee...

MVP: Fine by me, man. That's great, thanks.

MVP and Butcher start talking and leave the ring while Johnson looks on.

Rating: 90




Striker: I'm not ashamed to say that as a grown man, Necro Butcher scares the bejeesus out of me!

Grisham: Yeah, I don't think I can take seeing him here every week, Matt!

Mathews: Aw, c'mon guys, he's just a man. He's not a Fortunate Son like our IC Champ-- whose match is next, by the way!



Ted Dibiase def. Kofi Kingston by DQ in a non-title match

Kingston furiously attacks Dibiase early, with precision chops and knees to the stomach to disorient the Intercontinental Champion. Kingston props Dibiase on the corner then explodes with his trademark punches. The crowd goes wild as Kofi signals for his finisher early. Kingston goes for Trouble in Paradise, but Dibiase instinctively ducks at the last second, saving the match. The Million Dollar Son goes on the offensive, flooring Kingston with a huge clothesline then going to work, taking a page out of Randy Orton's playbook and going for the Orton Stomps. Dibiase whips Kingston across the ropes, then hits a powerslam to get a two-count. Enraged, the Intercontinental Champion goes and gets a steel chair... But at the last second, Christian runs down and attacks his Over the Limit opponent, saving Kingston from more damage.

Striker: Teddy got the win! Haha this is great! Christian can't do anything right! He just handed the win over to his Over the Limit opponent!

Grisham: What did you want him to do, attack Kofi so Kofi gets awarded the win? If anything, Christian saved Kofi from an attack!

Mathews: Who knows what damage Dibiase would've done to Kofi... But he hightailed it out of here after Captain Charisma showed up!

The bout featured great action and great heat from the audience. There were times when there was a definite lack of psychology on display.

Rating: 76





Shane Mcmahon walks to the ramp, smiling...


Shane Mcmahon: Good evening, everyone. My dad always told me to be more active, more involved in the business, so I'm here tonight to rundown the matches that are scheduled for Over the Limit-- remember, it's THIS Sunday, only on Pay-Per-View!


This Sunday, Ted Dibiase meets Christian in a Title vs. Career match! Dibiase's Intercontinental Title, and Christian's WWE career are on the line! Then in an inter-brand tag team match, The Aristocracy will face The Hardys, with the winning team advancing in the Unified Tag Team Tournament! Also, Dolph Ziggler goes one-on-one with R-Truth, with Ziggler's Hardcore Championship on the line!


Don't forget, Maryse challenges Beth Phoenix for the Undisputed Divas Title! Plus, it's Straight Edge versus Dirtsheet-- CM Punk and Luke Gallows versus The Miz and John Morrison! Two of the best superstars will meet in a Steel Cage, as Kurt Angle takes on Chris Jericho! Also, Kane looks to drag John Cena to hell, Kane versus John Cena, one-on-one!


Oh, and the title matches. The Title matches, you HAVE to see! Evan Bourne and Edge for the WWE Title! and the biggest match of the night, Randy Orton defends his World Heavyweight Championship against The Big Show!


Nine matches on Sunday-- action-packed and, as someone used to say, electrifying! This is WWE, the best name in sports entertainment today!

Rating: 99




Striker: A full slate of matches ready to blow up the place on Sunday!

Grisham: But Smackdown!'s not yet over, Matt! Up next, the S.E.S. tries to "save" the Hart Dynasty!

Mathews: The Dirtsheet Duo won their match earlier on, now it's time for the Society to put up... or shut up!



The Straight Edge Society def. The Hart Dynasty

CM Punk is content to let Luke Gallows do the heavy lifting, with the First Disciple systematically dismantling Tyson Kidd and fending off David Hart Smith, with Punk getting in some cheap shots. The experience of the Hart Dynasty eventually turn the match around, as Kidd and Smith pull off the Hart Attack on Gallows, only to have Punk break the pin. CM Punk tags in, then begins dominating Kidd with clotheslines and martial arts kicks. A cheap shot to Smith, and Punk gets the win after a Go To Sleep on the last student of the Hart Dungeon.

Striker: THAT is how you do things! Systematic and methodical beatdown on the Hart Dynasty tonight!

Grisham: Miz and Morrison better be backstage watching this! They might be in over their heads on Sunday!

Mathews: Never underestimate the resourcefulness of the two-time Slammy award-winning team, Todd. They know how to get things done.

The bout featured great action and a good crowd. The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match.

Rating: 83




Grisham: Time now for our MAIIIIN EVENTTT!

Striker: An epic rivalry rekindled: Chris Jericho faces the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels!

Mathews: How much are you guys willing to bet that Kurt Angle will find some way to interject himself into this match?



Chris Jericho def. Shawn Michaels

Jericho and Michaels display their technical prowess early on, exchanging submission holds and fighting out of them. with Jericho reaching the ropes on a Figure-Four attempt by HBK, and Michaels powering out of a Walls of Jericho by Y2J. The action is fast-paced, as Michaels hits his flying forearm to the face, and the crowd cheers as he does his signature kip-up. Jericho quickly recovers into a small package and a near-fall. Michaels begins his assault, hitting a bodyslam then a couple of knife-edge chops that again bring the crowd to their feet. Jericho rolls out of the ring, baits HBK to follow, then connects with a drop toe hold that drops Michaels' head right into the steel steps. Jericho maintains the momentum, slamming HBK's head right off the announce table, then whipping him straight to the steel ringpost. The action returns to the ring, where an enziguri gives Jericho a two-count. The Best in the World grows frustrated, ramming Michaels shoulder-first to the turnbuckle amid boos from the crowd. Jericho sneers and his over-inflated ego grows as he slaps his opponent on the head, taunting and mocking him. Michaels fights back, taking Jericho down and delivering rapid punches. HBK hits an inverted atomic drop, then sets up Jericho for a Leap of Faith elbow drop. Jericho rolls out of the way, hitting a bulldog to set up his opponent for the Lionsault. Kurt Angle runs out from the back, and tries to distract the referee, but Jericho takes advantage, hitting Michaels with a low blow, then the Codebreaker for the win.

Mathews: OH! That had to hurt!

Grisham: Jericho and Angle both victorious tonight, but only one of them will be walking out of Over the Limit, a winner.

Striker: Simply a beautiful wrestling display by two accomplished in-ring competitors!

The superb bout had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd.

Rating: 95 (MOTN)




Post Show:


Randy Orton def. Nick Mitchell with an RKO

The match had some good action but not much in the way of heat.

Rating: 56




Overall Show Rating: 90

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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NXT Results (Week 4, May 2011)




Lay-Cool def. the Bellas

The match had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat.

Rating: 62










Gladys Spratt: The last show before Over the Limit, and we're going to make this episode of NXT count! Right, guys?

Joe E. Slick: That's right, Gladys. Five matches on hand for tonight--- it's going to be a wild and exciting night, for sure!

Tommy Dreamer: Our divas are all set for tonight, Slick. Undisputed Divas Champion Beth Phoenix will be taking on an unidentified opponent-- we won't find out until later! Also, Gail Kim and Savannah will be in action, as they tag against Skye and a debuting Desire!

Slick: Desire wants to prove that she belongs here on the all-diva NXT... She'll get her chance later on tonight!

Spratt: Oh yeah, that's going to be a great match-up, fellas. But our opening match-up tonight features two of the best up-and-coming divas on the roster: Natalya versus MsChif, one-on-one!



Natalya def. MsChif

Natalya and MsChif battle it out in a match filled with mistakes and botches; both divas miss their moves and cues, but a missed corner splash by MsChif leads to a spinning clothesline, and the pinfall win, for Natalya.

Dreamer: These two ladies were all over the place tonight-- I don't know if they have enough chemistry together, guys.

Spratt: Maybe both divas are just having off nights, Tommy. They're both skilled divas!

Slick: Well, hopefully this isn't a sign of things to come for tonight...

The match had some good action but non-existent crowd heat. Natalya and MsChif just don't click at all.

Rating: 50




Spratt: We're moving right on with the action, as Allison Danger meets Vanessa Kraven in the ring!

Dreamer: Danger said last week that she was looking to prove that she can hang with the best divas of NXT-- tonight, she looks to prove her point when she meets a fellow newcomer in Vanessa Kraven.

Slick: Kraven will look to do the same, Tommy. As one of the younger members of the NXT brand, Kraven will have a lot to prove to the WWE Universe, she's going to have to go a long way to show she belongs!



Allison Danger def. Vanessa Kraven

Both newcomers give it their all, but Kraven uses her size to full advantage, bullying Danger around and ramming her against the ring posts. Danger fights back, cutting her opponent down to size with precision dropkicks. Kraven goes for a high-risk move, but misses from the top rope, allowing Danger to hit her Shimmering Warlock kick, getting the pinfall victory.

Dreamer: Nice nice move by Danger, guys. She did what she set out to do!

Slick: Allison Danger is one step closer to becoming a household name, Tommy.

Spratt: She's going to need a lot of other steps to accomplish that goal, Slick. But if anyone can do it, it's her!

The bout had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat.

Rating: 34





Beth Phoenix runs into Maryse backstage.


Beth Phoenix: Maryse! You think you're so special? Well here's a newsflash-- you're not! So prove to the WWE Universe that you're not a coward, Maryse! Come out here and face me.


Maryse: Here I am, Beth. Now what do you have to say?

The Undisputed Divas Champino just smiles as Katie Lea Burchill attacks Maryse from behind.

Rating: 72




Slick: What a lousy move by Beth Phoenix! Just moments away from a match against April Lee, the Undisputed Divas Champion orchestrates a brutal attack on her Over the Limit opponent, Maryse!

Dreamer: Did Katie Lea do enough damage, though? It looks like Maryse is still going to compete, and as long as our #1 Contender is still standing, we all know that she's going to give it her all.

Spratt: I don't know, Tommy. That beatdown was pretty severe. I know well enough to not question Maryse's heart and determination, so let's see if she can pull it off.



Maryse def. April Lee

April Lee capitalizes, using her speed and energy to get the better of her already-weakend opponent. A dropkick to the knee sends Maryse rolling out of the ring in pain, but the Sultry Diva gains the upper hand after dodging a suicide dive by Lee. With the tables turned, Maryse eventually gets the victory after a French Kiss DDT.

Slick: Maryse showing just how much heart she has-- I still think she should have begged off from competing in this match. Who knows what condition she'll be in come Over the Limit!

Spratt: That's just not how our #1 Contender sees it, Slick... Every diva out here is deadset on trying to prove that she's the best in the business, one setback and you're going back down the totem pole!

Dreamer: No other word for it, that was just a gutsy gutsy performance by the #1 Contender!

The match had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd head..

Rating: 54




Melina and Mickie James are talking in the locker room.


Melina: Hey, Mickie. So you're teaming with Lay-Cool now?

Mickie: Don't take that tone with me, Melina. Lay-Cool were the only divas who were available on such short notice! It wasn't like they were my first choice...

Melina: But c'mon, its LAY-COOL! What if I teamed with, say-- Beth Phoe--

Melina fails to finish her sentence as Rain runs up from behind and attacks Mickie, causing a huge brawl, taking us right to commercial.

Rating: 72




Slick: Well, whatever Mickie James' feelings were, they're not important now. We still have a show to call!

Spratt: Not ten minutes after our #1 Contender was attacked, another attack takes place! This isn't how we do things here on NXT, people!

Dreamer: I know, tonight's a really strange night...Tag match up next, as Gail Kim and Savannah take on Skye and Desire!



Gail Kim and Savannah def. Skye and Desire

The match was full of miscues and slip-ups, as Savannah showed her inexperience, missing moves and even slipping from the top rope. Desire did no better, missing a handspring back elbow by a couple of inches. Gail Kim finally put an end to the match after locking in the Octopus Stretch on Desire, forcing her to tap out.

Dreamer: Oh man-- This was NOT pretty!

Spratt: Maybe if we quickly move on, we can forget that this match ever happened, Tommy...

Slick: Well, the good thing is these girls can only get better from here, right?

The awful match was completely devoid of heat. Skye has switched to an On the Fence Lesbian gimmick, getting an initial 42 rating.

Rating: 32




Spratt: Main Event time, people! Oh yeah, I can-NOT wait!

Dreamer: The Undisputed Divas Champion, Beth Phoenix, meets NXT's newest diva-- Sarah Stock!

Slick: This non-title match will be crucial for Maryse-- I don't doubt that she'll be watching intently.

Dreamer: She got a close-up view of just how ruthless Phoenix can be, if you know what I mean...



Beth Phoenix def. Sarah Stock

Phoenix and the debuting Sarah Stock wrestle in a back-and-forth match, with Stock repeatedly roaring back from offensive attacks by the Glamazon, forcing the Undisputed Divas Champion to rethink her strategy. A brutal clothesline takes the fight out of the newcomer, and the Glamazon finishes her off with the patented Glam Slam.

Dreamer: Just when we think we saw a vulnerable side to Beth Phoenix, she decimates her opponent. See how easy it was for her?

Spratt: Sarah Stock put up one heck of a fight in her debut, but it was not meant to be. The dominance of the Glamazon reigns supreme here on NXT!

Slick: Well, that's all the time we have for this week. We leave you guys with a video for the Undisputed Divas Championship match at Over the Limit. Will we have a new champion after Sunday? Tune in next week to find out!

The match had some good action but not much in the way of heat.

Rating: 61





A hype video is shown of Maryse and Beth Phoenix to end the show...

Rating: 69




Post Show:


Melissa def. Eve Torres with a Kudoh Driver

The match had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat.

Rating: 38




Overall Show Rating: 57

Some of the angles used definitely helped lift the show as a whole.

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This Sunday on Pay-Per-View, WWE Presents:






Match Previews:


Unified Tag Tam Tournament Qualifying Match

The Hardys vs. The Aristocracy

Jeff Hardy wants to rid himself of William Regal, and he'll get his chance on Sunday, when the legendary Hardys fly high once again and vie for a shot at the Unified Tag Team Titles against the Aristocracy. Regal and his partner, Finlay, have guaranteed victory at the PPV, and the two veterans just might do it, getting themselves one step closer to Tag Team gold.



Hardcore Title Match

Dolph Ziggler © vs. R-Truth

The youthful exuberance of Ziggler meets the veteran savvy of R-Truth in this match-up, which will NOT be under hardcore rules. The Rappin' Superstar looks to knock the wind out of Ziggler's sails, but the Picture of Perfection



Dirtsheet Duo vs. Straight Edge Society

What started out as a simple cleansing attempt has resulted in a personal vendetta. Straight Edge Savior CM Punk has made it his mission to save The Miz, with or without his permission. A pinfall victory at Over the Limit just might do the trick, although Punk and his First Disciple, Luke Gallows, will have their hands full with the reunited team of Miz and Morrison. Will the Dirtsheet Duo ride high, or will the S.E.S. save these wayward souls?



John Cena vs. Kane

This goes beyond win-loss records and championships. Kane claims John Cena was the cause of The Undertaker's disappearance, while the Chain Gang Commander has tried again and again to show his opponent that there was nothing anyone can do. At Over the Limit, these two men will meet, with nothing but pride on the line. Kane versus John Cena, this Sunday at Over the LImit.



Career vs. Title Match

Christan vs. Intercontinental Champion Ted Dibiase

Has Captain Charisma finally met the code he can't crack, the riddle he can't solve, the champion he can't beat? At Sunday, Christian puts his WWE career on the line as he takes on one of WWE's fastest-rising young stars, all for the Intercontinental Championship.



WWE Title Match

Evan Bourne © vs. Edge

The Rated-R Superstar has refused to accept that at Extreme Rules, Evan Bourne was better with a ladder than he was. At Over the Limit, Edge will once again challenge the WWE Champion for his title. With no weapons and cheap shots allowed, will the Ultimate Opportunist focus on his goal, or will he find himself a victim of Air Bourne?



Steel Cage Match

Chris Jericho vs. Kurt Angle

Two matches; the same result. The quest to find out who is the better wrestler will be taken up a notch, as Jericho and Angle try to prove their superiority-- inside a Steel Cage. Anything goes inside this steel structure as the two men go all out in their quest to be crowned "best in the world." At Over the Limit, two people climb in the cage, but only one will climb out a winner.



Undisputed Diva's Championship Match

Beth Phoenix © vs. Maryse

Undisputed Diva's Champion Beth Phoenix has made it clear to every diva on NXT: no one messes with The Glamazon. Apparently, Maryse failed to get the memo, and this Sunday, the French-Canadian Beauty looks to prove Phoenix wrong and win the Undisputed Championship in the process. At Over the Limit, will we crown a new Diva's Champion, or will the reign of The Glamazon resonate?



Knock-out Match for the World Heavyweight Title

Randy Orton © vs. The Big Show

The immovable force versus the unstoppable object. At Over the Limit, these two larger than life superstars will collide, with the World Heavyweight Title on the line in a Knock-out Match. Will The Viper, Randy Orton, the youngest World Heavyweight Champion in history, retain his title, or will The Big Show, the Largest Athlete in the World, earn himself another reign? It's the RKO vs. the Chokeslam, the Punt Kick vs. the Knock-Out Punch. Orton versus The Big Show, KO Match for the World Heavyweight Title.


Unified Tag Tam Tournament Qualifying Match

The Hardys vs. The Aristocracy


Hardcore Title Match

Dolph Ziggler © vs. R-Truth


Dirtsheet Duo vs. Straight Edge Society


John Cena vs. Kane


Career vs. Title Match

Christan vs. Intercontinental Champion Ted Dibiase


WWE Title Match

Evan Bourne © vs. Edge


Steel Cage Match

Chris Jericho vs. Kurt Angle


Undisputed Diva's Championship Match

Beth Phoenix © vs. Maryse


Knock-out Match for the World Heavyweight Title

Randy Orton © vs. The Big Show


(note: i decided to make the predictions count for something-- so the winner can either

a) make a PPV match (any stipulation/match type),

b) name a tag team/ create a tag team [but with limited choices if you want to create a team],

c) choose a wrestler that i will try to sign,

d) any other reasonable in-game request [just in case i missed something])


i actually wanted to imitate BHK1978's idea and go with "ask a wrestler a question," but i don't have an interview show-- although that can fall under "d." this is just a trial run, though, and we'll see where it goes. it might get kind of weird if it's always just the two of you (although i don't mind if you don't mind) :rolleyes:

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I am not picking on who I think will win but who I want to win for the most part.


Unified Tag Tam Tournament Qualifying Match

The Hardys vs. The Aristocracy


I have always disliked the Hardys, and have always been a huge fan of Regal so even if I am wrong that is my reason.


Hardcore Title Match

Dolph Ziggler © vs. R-Truth


I like Ron but (more so when he was in TNA) I don't think he will win here.


Dirtsheet Duo vs. Straight Edge Society


I hate the Miz and never cared for Morrison. And Punk is awsome.


John Cena vs. Kane


Career vs. Title Match

Christan vs. Intercontinental Champion Ted Dibiase


Christan could be leaving which means that Ted will win. However, I shall go with Christan.


WWE Title Match

Evan Bourne © vs. Edge


I think Edge will win this one.


Steel Cage Match

Chris Jericho vs. Kurt Angle


This is a really tough one to call, and if it was not in a steel cage I would go with a draw. However, I shall go with Chris here.


Undisputed Diva's Championship Match

Beth Phoenix © vs. Maryse


I like both but Maryse is just a little bit hotter.:D


Knock-out Match for the World Heavyweight Title

Randy Orton © vs. The Big Show


Yeah I don't want to see The Big Slow with the title.

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Over the Limit 2011




Jack Swagger def. Jay Lethal with a Hager-Meister

The bout featured great action and a good crowd.

Rating: 82





WWE Presents: Over The Limit





Jim Ross: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! The air is ELECTRIC here inside Yankee Stadium in New York, as the WWE Universe prepares itself for another slate of spectacular match-ups, here tonight, at Over the Limit! I'm Jim Ross, and beside me are Joey Styles and Matt Striker. Take it away, guys!

Joey Styles: That's right, J.R.! Tonight, World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton meets his biggest challenge yet-- the Big Show!

Matt Striker: Over on the RAW side of things, WWE Champion Evan Bourne once again defends his title against the Rated-R Superstar, Edge! But honestly, the match I'm most excited for is Straight Edge versus Dirtsheet! CM Punk tries to save another lost, searching soul, in his quest for purification!

Styles: Well, we're kicking things off with a Unified Tag Team Qualifying match-- the Hardys meet the Aristocracy!

Ross: William Regal has absolutely HOUNDED young Jeff Hardy these past few weeks, and tonight, the Rainbow-Haired Warrior will look to exorcise his troubles-- it could all go away with a win here!




This opening bout, is a tag team match! With the winners advancing in the Unified Tag Team Title Tournament! Introducing first, from Cameron, North Carolina...


The Aristocracy def. The Hardys

The dynamic chemistry between the two teams again reared itself, with the action being fast, furious, and intense. Quick tags define the match, with Regal conspiring with Finlay to wear down Jeff Hardy, with Regal stretching Hardy's back, while Finlay delivered hard stomps to his opponent's chest. Regal gets in more shots to Hardy, but an ill-advised clothesline misses, with the Enigmatic Enigma countering with a flying forearm. Hardy gets in the hot tag to his brother, and the elder Hardy immediately makes his presence felt, hitting the Side Effect on Regal, then hitting a low dropkick to Finlay before getting himself a near-fall. The fan favorites get the upper hand, isolating the former King of the Ring, even hitting their trademark Poetry in Motion double team. Matt Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on Regal, then tags in his brother, who begins to climb up top, connecting with the Swanton Bomb. But before the referee could start the count, Finlay runs in and blindly swings at the official, knocking him out. With no official in sight, the Irishman goes for his shillelagh.

Styles: This looks like it's going to take a real ugly turn for the Hardys, J.R.!

Ross: If there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's that you can never EVER count the Hardys out! These boys always manage to find a way!

Striker: Hey, wait! It's the Knock-out Kings! Wade Barrett, Michael Tarver! They're coming down to the ring!

The Knock-out Kings focus on the Hardys, with Tarver hitting Matt with his KO Punch, while Barrett floors Jeff with a big boot. The Kings drag Matt out of the ring and up the ramp, delivering kicks and punches along the way. Meanwhile, Regal pins Jeff, but as the recovering referee gets to two, the Enigmatic Enigma manages to get his shoulder up to the delight of the fans. The Aristocracy, incensed, start stomping away at Jeff, then Finlay pulls him up and holds him in place while Regal hits his Running Knee Trembler, as the Aristocracy get the win and advance in the Unified Tag Team Titles Tournament.

Ross: What the hell is this?! The Knock-Out Kings taking out Matt Hardy out of the equation and allowing Regal and Finlay to get the win!

Striker: My guess is that the NXT New Breed have plans for the Unified Tag Team titles... plans that DON'T include the Hardys!

Styles: That would be the educated guess, Matt, and it won't be surprising if you're proven right!

The bout featured great action and great heat.

Rating: 88



The Knock-Out Kings run back down to the ring and continue their attack on Jeff Hardy.

Ross: NO! The match is over, darn it! They've had enough!

Styles: The Knock-Out Kings dishing out more and more punishment to Jeff! God knows what they've done to Matt!

Striker: Haha! No mercy! The smart thing to do is pour salt on the wounds, add insult to injury, make sure that the job is done right!

Ross: It's despicable is what it is, Matt!

Rating: 76




Styles: The backstage officials were finally able to regain control, and now we can move on with the show-- this next match doesn't get any more personal than this! It's Career vs. Title, J.R.!

Ross: Captain Charisma is putting everything on the line, in one last desperate attempt to get a win over Intercontinental Champion Ted Dibiase!

Striker: Who do you think will win, J.R.?

Ross: I think Christian has a shot at this, IF he can keep his emotions in check...

Striker: I think Christian will have to unleash his emotions-- let go of his frustrations and his rage, and take it all out on Ted Dibiase!


This next match, is the CAREER VS. TITLE MATCH, and it is for the INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada...


Ted Dibiase def. Christian to retain the Intercontinental Championship

Both superstars start out tentatively, but the crowd is firmly behind Captain Charisma, and a distracted Dibiase starts yelling at the fans, giving Christian an opening to start unloading some punches on his opponent. Dibiase desperately hangs on to the ropes, exhaling as the referee forces Captain Charisma to stop the assault. A running dropkick sends Dibiase flying out of the ring, and Christian follows, repeatedly slamming his opponent's head on the apron, then on the ring post. Dibiase manages to reverse an irish whip to the steel steps, and the Million Dollar Son this time takes advantage, positioning Christian right against the steps then delivering a huge kick that elicits a collective gasp from the audience. Dibiase smirks as he drags a battered Christian back into the ring, nonchalantly going for the cover, only to have Captain Charisma kick out at the last possible moment. Dibiase begins rabidly punching away, busting Christian wide open. Medical personnel rush to his side, but the President of the Peepulation pushes them away, opting to go back into the fight, surprising Dibiase with a DDT. It takes Christian a few seconds, but he manages to drape his arm around the Champion, who kicks out at two and a half. Both men use each other to get to their feet, exchanging blows while on wobbly legs. Christian comes off the ropes, but Dibiase catches him with a vicious clothesline for another two-count.

Styles: Both superstars giving it their all tonight!

Striker: For Christian, there is no tomorrow-- because if he loses this match, there is literally NO tomorrow!

Ross: Another astute observation, Matt. The blood is trickling from Christian's head, how long until Dibiase takes advantage of that wound?

Styles: Ted Dibiase knows well enough to capitalize on every little weakness that he sees, J.R.!

Dibiase starts pounding away on Christian in the corner, trying to make his opponent lose more blood. Christian manages to hit his trademark pendulum kick to a rushing Dibiase, and the fans spur him on as the President of the Peepulation climbs up and hits his Flashpoint signature move. Captain Charisma starts clapping his hands, and the WWE Universe joins in in anticipation of the Killswitch. Christian hooks Dibiase's arms and turns, but the Million Dollar Son is able to counter it into a Million Dollar Dream. Dibiase locks in the hold and wrenches, but Christian refuses to quit, desperately trying to fight out. The Intercontinental Champion, sensing his opponent beginning to recover, locks in the hold even tighter, then hits his signature Dream Street. Instead of going for the cover, Dibiase re-applies the Million Dollar Dream to a fallen Christian, forcing the referee to award the submission victory to the Champion.

Ross: No, dammit! No! This can't end this way!

Styles: This truly is a sad day, as Ted Dibiase, in retaining his Intercontinental Championship, has effectively retired Christian from the WWE!

Striker: Captain Charisma is no more. Long live the Intercontinental Champion, Ted Dibiase!

The match had excellent in-ring action and great heat.

Rating: 80





A John Cena-Kane hype video is shown...

Ross: Two heavyweights in the WWE prepare to square off in a match that promises to be physical and personal!

Striker: The Big Red Monster has sworn to anyone who will listen that he will make John Cena pay for his sins-- but the general consensus is that John Cena is innocent of the crime that Kane is accusing him of: making the Undertaker "disappear!"

Styles: We all know that Cena had nothing to do with it, J.R., and we ALSO know that Kane has never been right in the head!

Ross: Well, this match is next! It doesn't get any more personal than this!

Rating: 98


The following contest, is for ONE FALL...!


Kane def. John Cena

Cena starts out trying to reason with Kane, only to be met with a huge uppercut that knocks him off his feet. Cena promptly gets back up, and the slugfest begins, with both men trading blows-- Cena, too proud to fall, and Kane, too big to knock down with a punch. Cena bounces off the ropes and hits a flying shoulder block, knocking Kane back. The Chain Gang Commander follows it up with a clothesline that sends Kane flying over the ropes, quickly followed by a focused Cena. Kane manages to get the advantage outside, blocking Cena's attack and ramming his opponent's head onto the ring post. A slam onto the barricade causes more damage, and Kane quickly rushes back to the ring, content with getting a potential count out victory. Cena slides in at nine, and the action continues, with the two men once again exchanging fists, with Cena this time getting the upper hand after a kick to the gut and the Throwback. Kane sits up, and Cena desperately tries to get some more stomps in, but the Big Red Monster catches his leg, pulling him in and sending him back down with a clothesline. Kane laughs his sinister laugh, dragging Cena up and setting him up for a Chokeslam. Cena desperately fights out of his predicament, getting an adrenaline rush and going for the STF. Kane manages to reach the ropes, and Cena breaks the hold but starts stomping away, trying to make sure his opponent doesn't get the chance to recover.

Ross: This has been one hellacious match!

Styles: Both men have been evenly-matched so far-- this could go either way!

Striker: One miscue from either superstar could spell doom, and right now it looks like John Cena's not taking any chances!

Cena hits his Fisherman's Suplex, then connects with the Five-Knuckle Shuffle, getting a two-count. Cena surprisingly does his word-life taunt, then starts to pump up his sneakers, signalling for the Attitude Adjustment. Cena lifts his opponent up, but Kane fights out of it, going for the Tombstone. Cena desperately worms his way out, then goes for the Attitude Adjustment again, only for Kane to fight out again. This time, Kane goes for-- and hits-- the Chokeslam, getting the win over one of the most popular stars in the WWE.

Styles: This win doesn't mean anything, does it? Cena isn't any more guilty of "making the Undertaker disappear" than he was before this match began.

Striker: It may be a different story for Kane, Joey. Look at his eyes-- the Demon seems to feel that has has vindicated his brother, and only time will tell if this haunting on Cena will continue, maybe even reach new heights.

The superb bout had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd. The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown.

Rating: 83





D-Generation X make their way to the ring...


Triple H: Do you notice anything strange, Shawn?

Shawn Michaels: Hmm... As a matter of fact, I do, Hunter! For some strange, strange reason, we aren't scheduled to compete tonight!

Triple H: That's right. Some genius back there thought that leaving two of the most bankable guys in the industry today out of Over the Limit was a good idea. Whoever that guy is, should be future endeavor'd, like, right now.

Michaels: Relax, Hunter. I mean, maybe that's what the little kids want these days. I'm not as cool as I once was, and you-- well, let's just say you've had better days. We're not... down with the twitter and the iPad and the technology that might enslave us one day...

Triple H: Okay, Shawn. Don't get paranoid on me again... The bottomline is, the most successful tag team in the history of the business wasn't even scheduled to be here tonight, but like the troopers we were, we came, anyway--

Michaels: Yeah! we had to drive all the way to New York and buy a ticket from one of those scalpers, JUST to get in!

Triple H: We know when we're not wanted, guys. We can just leave if that's what you want...

The crowd lets out a resounding "NOOOOO!" to the delight of D-X

Michaels: We're not going anywhere, man! Are you insane?! We're D-X! We've outlasted everyone! We've seen it all, and it would be stupid to leave now, when we're at our primes-- err, near our primes-- umm, just past our primes-- oh, who are we kidding, we're just lucky to be able to lace up our boots night in and night out!

Triple H: NO! We are NOT washed-up! We can take on any one of those guys in the back, Shawn! I'm the Game! You're the Heartbreak Kid! We are D-Generation X! And we damn sure are the BEST that this business has to offer! And if you're not down with that--

Triple H doesnt get to finish his sentence, as the NXT New Breed run down to the ring and beat down D-X until a number of backstage officials come to break it up.

Rating: 84




Styles: What the-- Why isn't anyone doing anything about this? This is the New Breed's second attack tonight!

Ross: I'm appalled by how insignificant this seems to our WWE CEO! Where's Shane Mcmahon? Heck, where's Austin? Where's Johnson?

Striker: The NXT New Breed operate outside of RAW or Smackdown!, and as such, the GMs don't have control over these renegades. It is up to our brilliant CEO to control these men, and if he has yet to issue a statement, I'm sure there is a perfectly good reason for it.

Ross: Perfectly good reason my Oklahoman-barbecued behind! The law should be enforced, Shane Mcmahon can't hold all the power!

Styles: Guys guys--

Striker: Why not, J.R.? He's the CEO, he's the chief, the top dog, the man in charge. If he stays silent on these matters, I'm going to trust him.

Ross: Yeah, you do that, Matt. Let's see how far that gets you when the New Breed are raining fists on your face...

Styles: Guys! We have a match to do! It's the Straight Edge Society meeting the Dirtsheet Duo!


This next match, is the for ONE FALL! Introducing first, the team of CM PUNK and Luke GALLOWS... the STRAIGHT EDGE SOCIETY!


Straight Edge Society def. Dirtsheet Duo

John Morrison takes the mic before the match...

John Morrison: CM Punk... Before the match officially starts, I just want to say some things that Billy Shakespeare told me to say. You see, Billy and I go way back, we hang out at my Palace of Wisdom, that's where we do our best work. Billy, he said:

CM Punk, you stare into the abyss and you feel fear;

the S.E.S. sucks, this much is clear.

The golden hourglass says you're out of time,

The Chick Magnet and the Shaman, we're freaking sublime.

Skull-Crushing Finale into the Starship Pain,

you're going to end up a loser-- once again!

The team of Miz and Morrison don't wait for the opening bell, going right at their opponents. Morrison takes Gallows out of the equation early, hitting a heel kick that sends the First Disciple rolling out of the ring. Morrison and Punk start out the match, instantly reliving their history together. The Straight Edge Savior gets the best of Morrison this time, landing a roundhouse kick that knocks his opponent out cold. The Miz manages to break up the ensuing pinfall, and the S.E.S. focus on isolating Morrison, targeting his head in their attacks. Punk tags in Gallows, who delivers a crushing Big Boot, looking to follow it up with the Gallows Pole. The Shaman of Sexy is able to counter it, executing a desperation hurracanrana to buy himself more time. A much-needed tag to the Miz later, and the S.E.S. are sent reeling, as Miz unleashes on the First Disciple, hitting rights and lefts, sending Gallows to the corner and connecting with his Swinging Corner Clothesline. Miz climbs up to the top rope, but Punk is able to push him off, and the Society once again gets the upper hand. Gallows tags in his Savior, and Punk immediately works on Miz's midsection, ramming hard knees and elbows to the Chick Magnet's back.

Ross: This sure as hell is an odd way to save someone...

Striker: CM Punk is a hero, and he should be applauded for what he has done so far, not mocked and ridiculed.

Styles: Punk is one of the fastest rising starts today, but many people don't value his achievements and-- Oh! Hard shot to the Miz!

Punk gets in his martial arts combo, then positions Miz in the corner for the high knee. The Chick Magnet instinctively pushes off on the subsequent bulldog, going for a Reality Check that misses. An irish whip sends Miz running, when suddenly, a masked figure reaches for the ropes, tripping Miz and sending him to the outside. Morrison goes to help out as Punk distracts the referee, but Gallows intercepts him, connecting on the Gallows Pole on the Guru of Greatness. while the mystery member sizes up the Miz, hitting a brutal Running Front Dropkick. The Miz is rolled back into the ring, where CM Punk coolly hits the Go To Sleep for the win.

Striker: I love it! A new member in the Society? That brings the total to five-- the mystery member, Luke Gallows, Serena, Melissa, and our Savior, CM Punk-- no wait, six! You're a member, right, J.R.?

Ross: Yeah, right. When pigs fly, Matt. Nevertheless, it was a big win for the Straight Edge Society, and they may be one step closer to saving The Miz.

Styles: I don't know about you, but I'm tuning in to Smackdown! this week to see who the new member is!

The bout featured great action and great heat.

Rating: 85




The Straight Edge Society and the mystery member start attacking the Dirtsheet Duo...

Ross: Another beatdown! Not this way!

Striker: I, for one, would like to know who that new member is...

Styles: I'm surprised it isn't you, Matt! Considering you've been singing CM Punk's praises the entire night...

Striker: Oh, I've filed my application to the Society, I just have to be initiated, Joey. Maybe you'd like to join and have your life change for the better? How 'bout you, J.R.?

Rating: 88




Ross: The Steel Cage match is up ahead!

Striker: The Olympic Gold Medalist and the loudmouth who swallowed a thesaurus face off to see who really is the better wrestler!

Styles: Well put, Matt. But that still doesn't discount the fact that Jericho is still one of the best-- if not THE best! He's going to have his hands full tonight, as Kurt Angle is one of the few who are at Jericho's level!

Ross: That's true, Joey. This promises to be one hell of a match!



This next match, is the STEEL CAGE MATCH! Introducing first, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania...


Kurt Angle def. Chris Jericho

Angle starts out trying to trap Jericho with holds and locks, but the veteran grappler manages to confound Angle at every turn, constantly working his way out of his predicaments. The match progresses with both wrestlers hitting moves-- Jericho hits a hip toss and a dragon screw, while Angle hits a belly-to-belly off of a charging Jericho. Angle starts climbing up the cage, but Jericho hangs on to him, hitting a powerbomb in the process. Jericho tries to escape, but Angle starts to stir, forcing the former Undisputed Champion to try his luck with a diving cross body. Unfortunately for him, the Olympic Gold Medalist rolls through, turning it into an Angle Lock. Jericho screams in pain as he desperately tries to reach the ropes, but Angle locks in the grapevine, using his weight to cause more damage. Still, Jericho refuses to tap, finally managing to break free after repeatedly kicking his opponent in the face. The determined Angle continues his assault, stomping away on Jericho's ankle. The Olympic Hero yells at the referee to open the cage door, but a hobbling Jericho rushes to meet him, flooring him with a Codebreaker.

Striker: Woo! What heart by Jericho! C'mon, Chris! You can do this!

Styles: What the-- you were just insulting him before the match began!

Striker: Can I help it if I'm fickle?

Jericho manages to go for the cover, but Angle kicks out. As the two men struggle to their feet, Angle erupts with punches that send Jericho staggering, then in a surprising twist, Angle tries to use Jericho's own move against him, taking him down and going for the Walls of Jericho. The Mental Mastermind fights out of it, deftly spinning Angle out of the lock. Angle misses a clothesline and Jericho answers with his trademark facebuster, but instead of going for the Lionsault, he climbs up the cage again. Angle hangs on to Jericho's leg, trying to lock in the Ankle Lock mid-climb. The added weight proves too much, as Jericho falls to the floor. Angle again tries to go for the Ankle Lock, but Jericho counters it into an enziguri. The referee is helpless as both men lay sprawled on the floor for what seems like minutes. With neither man able to stand on their own power, Angle and Jericho literally lean on each other for support, and with one last gasp, Jericho hits a Codebreaker on the Olympic Hero. Running purely on adrenaline, Jericho starts climbing up the cage, but before he could reach the top, Angle starts to desperately ram the cage, hoping to catch Jericho off balance. The tactic works, as Jericho falls, with his ankle getting caught in the ropes, forcing him to watch helplessly as Angle hobbled to the door and escapes the cage.

Ross: This match was supposed to be a slobber-knocker, and it delivered! Match of the night for sure!

Styles: Don't be so sure, J.R. There are still a couple more matches to go before the night is done!

Striker: These warriors left it all inside the cage-- their blood, sweat, and tears have stained the ring and the steel chain that served as their prison for this match. Tonight, Kurt Angle has proven himself to be the better man.

Styles: Yes, but the match just shows how equal these two competitors are! We could have a dozen matches and they'd be split 6-6!

Ross: I wouldn't mind that, calling these matches would be an honor!

The superb bout had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd.

Rating: 96 (MOTN)





A hype video is shown for tonight's World Heavyweight Title match between the Big Show and Randy Orton...

Ross: The Big Show's fist is as big as my face! One KO Punch from that giant and we might see a new World Heavyweight Champion tonight, Joey!

Styles: The Big Show's not an easy opponent, for sure. But you can't count out the Viper-- Randy Orton is as ruthless and as efficient as they come!

Striker: Randy has held onto that Title since winning it at Wrestlemania 27, tonight, he faces his biggest opponent yet-- both figuratively and literally!

Rating: 97




Styles: It's time to get HARDCORE!

Ross: Uh... No it's not, Joey.

Striker: Yeah, Styles. Didn't you get the memo? The Hardcore Title match isn't going to be under hardcore rules...

Styles: What? Really?

Ross: WWE CEO Shane Mcmahon has said that it will be a normal singles match. Apparently, he wants to make sure that both the Hardcore Champion and his challenger are on their toes, ready for any curve balls that are thrown their way...


This next match, is for the HARDCORE Championship! Introducing first, from Los Angeles...


Dolph Ziggler def. R-Truth to retain the Hardcore Championship

The Hardcore Champion gets right to work on his challenger, pounding away and refusing to let up. The referee finally gets Ziggler to stop, but the Champion rushes right back in, surprising even R-Truth with his aggression. The Rapping Superstar eventually gets a breather after Ziggler misses a corner splash. Truth unleashes a series of right hooks that send the Hardcore Champion rocking until a clothesline takes him down, getting a two-count. The challenger continues his assault, dishing out stomps and elbow drops to his opponent, punctuated by a leg drop for another near-fall. A vertical suplex stunner and another near-fall later, and Truth gets rolling. The champion does all he can to survive, reaching for the ropes every chance he gets, hanging on in the hope of hanging onto his Championship. Finally, a miscue by R-Truth sends him over the top rope, giving Ziggler the chance to catch his breath. It doesn't take long for the Champion to get back on the attack, hitting Truth with a baseball slide to the outside. The two men brawl outside but simultaneously run back to the ring to beat the ten count. Back inside, the Picture of Perfection again takes control, hitting a drop toe hold so that R-Truth's head perfectly hits the bottom turnbuckle. The Hardcore Champion works over his opponent's neck, wrenching away while adding sharp elbows.

Striker: We're seeing the master at work! Remember, Dolph Ziggler was an outstanding amateur wrestler at Kent State, he's well-versed inside the ring. What about R-Truth, huh? He's nothing but a glorified wanna-be rapper!

Ross: R-Truth has one of the biggest hearts I've ever seen, Matt! What he lacks in wrestling savvy, he makes up for with sheer force of will!

Styles: Well, he better will himself out of this predicament-- Ziggler's attack continues!

It doesn't take long for Ziggler to lock in the Sleeper Hold, but R-Truth doesn't give up, flailing away and trying to free himself from Ziggler's grasp. Truth grabs the ropes, but Ziggler pulls him to the center of the ring, making sure his opponent can't get out of this one. The referee starts to raise R-Truth's hand, but he shows some life and the fans start to cheer as he gets some elbows in to Ziggler's gut. The Champion still holds on, locking in his grip even tighter, and in a surprise desperation move, R-Truth kicks Ziggler where it hurts the most-- allowing Ziggler to retain via disqualification.

Ross: R-Truth felt that he had no other choice, no other recourse except this one. Do I agree with it? No. But that's what he did, and Dolph Ziggler stays on as Hardcore Champion for another day.

Styles: R-Truth was gasping for air, J.R. There was nothing else he could do, he didn't want to pass out to Ziggler's sinister Sleeper, so he took an alternative way out.

Striker: R-Truth is nothing but a thug who doesn't play by the rules! That's what happens when you let these people in to the ring, they break the first rule they can get their hands on!

The match had excellent in-ring action and great heat. The match suffered from a lack of psychology, it could really have used somebody with the knowledge of how to construct a proper flow.

Rating: 75




Striker: Time now for the World Heavyweight Title match! The competitors will have a very special set of rules for tonights's match-- and these rules are simple!

Styles: Knock your opponent out before he does the same to you!

Striker: See? Simple! Even Joey Styles gets it!

Ross: This feud has been simmering, as Orton and 'Show have preferred to show each other what they could do, instead of doing it to each other. Tonight, they will unleash all the pent-up aggression that they have for each other, leaving only one of them to walk out of Over the Limit as the World Heavyweight Champion!


This next match, is a knock-out match, and it is for the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first, from St. Louis, Missouri...


The Big Show def. Randy Orton © to win the World Heavyweight Championship

The Champion comes out swinging, connecting on well-placed shots to the head. The challenger just shrugs it off, pushing Orton away like he was nothing. Orton's eyes widen, realizing just how strong his opponent is. The Big Show laughs, then headbutts Orton so hard, the Viper is forced to roll out of the ring to recover. Suddenly walking with a purpose, the World Heavyweight Champion realizes that the match is no-DQ, retrieving a chair from ringside and hitting the giant in the gut with it. Orton gets in more loud shots as Big Show falls to his knees, and Orton gets this crazed look on his face, drops the chair to the mat, and delivers a DDT that lets out a resounding thud, followed by a gasp from the crowd. The referee lifts Big Show's arm, which drops twice. The crowd goes wild once Show starts to show signs of life, and the match continues with Orton grabbing a Kendo Stick from under the ring, hitting his opponent a number of times. Orton moves back to survey his work and his expression completely changes as the edges of his mouth form a sinister smile and his eyes lock on to Big Show's head. The Viper rushes his attack, but Big Show is able to dodge the Punt Kick, saving himself from a concussion.

Ross: Oh, that was CLOSE! Orton almost kicked Big Show's head off!

Styles: Big Show may be getting his second wind here, J.R. I'd be getting worried right about now if I was Randy Orton--

Striker: But you're not Randy Orton, Joey! And you're not the Big Show, either! These superstars have worked as hard as you can work to get where they are right now, just to get a chance to be named the World Heavyweight Champion!

Ross: EMTs and medical personnel on hand right now just in case this match gets out of hand, I have no doubt in my mind that these people will be necessary after the match!

The fight rages on, with Big Show catching a Kendo Stick-swing by Orton, breaking the stick in half, then flooring the Champion with a big boot. The giant starts to choke Orton, who desperately tries to fight out of it, only for Show to lift Orton to the outside, reapplying the choke to knock Orton unconscious. The Champion finally breaks free after grabbing a trash can lid and desperately ramming it down to Big Show's head. The Viper sets up the announce table, but struggles to drag his opponent there. Orton foolishly tries to send Big Show crashing to the steel steps, which the challenger promptly counters. Seizing the advantage, Show picks Orton up, ramming him head first into the ring post. The Viper starts to bleed as Big Show shouts for the referee to see if enough damage was done to consider it a knock out. Orton defiantly gets on one knee, posing for the crowd before being taken back down by the huge size 22 boot of the Big Show. The World's Largest Athlete signals for his Showstopper Chokeslam, calmly dragging his opponent to the announce table, slamming his head twice, then Chokeslamming Orton so hard the announce table collapses.

Styles: Woah! Glad we got out of the way in time!

Ross: This is not good for our Champion, not good at all... The EMTs better stay ready, the Viper might be needing them soon!

Striker: Who cares about the EMTs, J.R.! We might be seeing a new champion soon enough!

It takes the referee some time to navigate the carnage, and when he does, he starts to check on Orton, whose arm falls once... then twice... but at the last second, Orton manages to keep his arm raised, preventing the referee from calling it a victory for the Big Show! Orton barely gets up, and in one last act of defiance, does the Orton Pose for the roaring fans. The Big Show responds with his signature Knock-Out Punch, and the Viper falls one more time, with his head bouncing off the barricade on the way down. The stunned crowd watches in silence as the referee raises Orton's arm, which falls once... twice... and for the last time. The Big Show celebrates his new championship in the ring as Orton has to be attended to by the medical personnel.

Ross: Ladies and gentlemen, I would personally like to ask you to say a prayer for our FORMER World Heavyweight Champion as he recovers from the damage that was done by this monster, this giant, the Big Show...

Striker: You forgot to add "this NEW World Heavyweight Champion," J.R.! But you're right. This match ends in a somber note-- we knew one of these men would get knocked out, but what Randy Orton had to endure, I wouldn't wish on anyone, not even Joey Styles!

Styles: Gee, thanks, Matt. I didn't know you cared. But what does this mean for the Viper? Will he be fit enough to use his rematch clause? And if he does use it, how will he beat the Big Show?

The superb bout had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd.

Rating: 83





A hype video is shown for tonight's WWE Championship match...

Ross: The Ultimate Opportunist gets his second consecutive chance to win the WWE TItle away from the electrifying Evan Bourne! Will Edge finally get back to the top of the WWE with a win, or will an Air Bourne send him crashing back down?

Striker: Our Main Event promises to be an exciting match! Oh c'mon, J.R.-- I know you want to say it!

Ross: It's going to be a Slobberknocker for sure, Matt!

Rating: 97




Styles: This next match is for the Undisputed Diva's Championship, guys... And since King's not here, I'll say it for him... puppies!

Ross: King would've enjoyed this match, Joey. And I'm sure the WWE Universe would, too. Champion Beth Phoenix defends her title against Maryse-- two of NXT's best and brightest square off for the ultimate goal!

Striker: The Glamazon stayed strong on her way to Over the Limit, but Maryse has been on a hot streak herself. Tonight, one of them will cool off with a loss!



Beth Phoenix def. Maryse to retain the Undisputed Diva's Championship

Phoenix controls the match early after a few hits that send Maryse on her back. The Undisputed Champion gloats, but a leg sweep by her challenger evens the score, and Maryse immediately jumps on top of the Glamazon, connecting with rights and lefts and pulling her hair until the referee is forced to pull them apart. The challenger continues her assault with a loud slap that serves to enrage the Champion more than it hurts her. Phoenix goes on the attack, taking Maryse down and ramming her head on the mat. A vertical suplex follows, and the Champion gets the two-count. Phoenix then pulls her challenger up, irish whipping her to all four corners. The Glamazon charges right at Maryse, who barely dodges the running clothesline, countering it into a snapmare and a kick to the back.

Ross: This is it, this is it, new champion... no! The Glamazon kicks out at two!

Styles: Maryse on a roll right now, J.R. But how long until the Undisputed Champion recovers? The French-Canadian is going to have to do a lot more damage than that to take out Beth Phoenix!

Maryse presses on, trying to cause more damage with a knee to the back. Phoenix powers out, but is taken back down after a hair pull by Maryse. A knee drop to the face follows, then a cover for a two-count. Maryse pulls the Glamazon up by her hair, then goes for the French Kiss DDT... but Beth Phoenix is able to block it, turning it into a northern lights suplex. The Champion bridges, but Maryse get a shoulder up at the last possible second. A furious Glamzon stomps away at her opponent, then stalks her, setting her up for the Glam Slam, and connecting. Three seconds later, and the Glamazon retains her Championship.

Ross: Aww, Maryse put up one heck of a fight, but it was not meant to be, tonight, the Glamazon reigns supreme!

Striker: The sultry look of the challenger and her mere resolve was not enough to prove that she was the dominant diva of the NXT brand... Maryse falls in a hard-fought match that could've ended in a number of other ways!

Styles: It was a great match, though. One of the greatest divas matches I've seen in a long while. Could this be the start of something good?

The bout featured great action and a good crowd.

Rating: 83




Ross: Time for our Main Event of the evening, gentlemen!

Styles: This is why we save the best for last-- Evan Bourne versus Edge for the WWE Championship! Whose fans will be going home happy?

Striker: Whatever the outcome, the WWE Universe will be leaving with smiles on their faces, this has been a great night!



Evan Bourne def. Edge to retain the WWE Championship

The match starts slow, with both superstars circling the ring and waiting for the other to make a move. They lock up, with Edge winning the exchange, getting his adversary in a chinlock and locking it in tight. Bourne tries to push off, but Edge holds on, refusing to let go of the move. The WWE Champion tries for a back suplex, but Edge moves his weight and still holds on. With no other recourse, Bourne bounces off the ropes and straight to the other side, going in between the ropes and pulling Edge down in one motion, catching his neck on a top rope guillotine. The crowd cheers as Bourne climbs to the top rope, only to be met with a recovered Edge, who prevents the Champion's attacks with fists to the head. The Rated-R Superstar goes for a superplex, but Bourne blocks it, sends Edge down to the canvas, then hits him with his flying clothesline for the two-count. Both men get up and Edge tries to Spear the Champion, but Bourne jumps out of it and the challenger ends up hitting the ring post. The Champion takes advantage, hitting a trio of martial arts kicks, then a running high knee. Edge reels, then falls on his face to a roar by the audience. Air Bourne sizes up his challenger, and as Edge gets up, the Champion runs right at him, leaping high into the air and directing his right knee to his face. The Ultimate Opportunist instinctively reaches out, catches Bourne by the legs, and alley-oops him to the turnbuckle. Bourne lands on his feet on the top rope, though, and the challenger turns around to a flying cross body and an aplauding crowd.

Ross: Good Gawd Almighty! That kid Evan Bourne sure knows how to fly!

Styles: A great display of aerial artistry by the WWE Champion, but will that be enough to get the victory over the Ultimate Opportunist?

Striker: This young man from St. Louis has had dreams of flight ever since he can remember-- Evan Bourne has soared to the top of the wrestling world, and you can damn sure bet that he'd like for things to stay that way.

The action heats up with Edge hitting a big boot, forcing the Champion to roll out of the ring to recover. Edge follows, and gets the momentum after ramming Bourne into everything he can-- the steel steps, the barricade, the announce table. The Rated-R Superstar stomps away at Bourne, targeting his upper body. The challenger rips the flooring and attempts the Edgecution twice, both times blocked by Bourne. The challenger clubs Bourne over the head, then throws him to the side as he goes to expose more of the concrete floor. Edge pulls Bourne back up, then goes for a Downward Spiral, with the Champion's head connecting on the concrete. The move takes a toll on both men, but Edge starts to stir as Bourne lies bloodied. The challenger rolls Bourne back to the ring, then gingerly goes for a cover... but the Champion kicks out at two and three-fourths!

Ross: By Gawd! There's still some fight left in Evan Bourne!

Striker: A Downward Spiral to the concrete couldn't keep him down, but a Spear might! Go, Edge, go! New WWE Champion!

An unbelieving Edge stares into space, then angrily storms to the corner, setting Bourne up for the Spear. The Champion finally gets on his feet, sees Edge charging at him, then hits a front dropkick that sends his opponent down to the mat in pain. With both men down, Bourne crawls to the ropes, trying to get himself up. The Champion counters a clothesline by Edge into a Here It Is Driver, punctuated by the cheers of the WWE Universe as they chant, "Let's Go, Evan, Let's Go!," hoping to energize their WWE Champion. Bourne finally manages to drape an arm over his opponent, and the referee counts one, two... and Edge gets a shoulder up just in time! The capacity crowd holds their breath as both superstars struggle to their feet, supported only by the weight of their opponent. The two men engage in a slugfest, neither one willing to give ground, when out of nowhere, the WWE Champion connects with a roundhouse kick to the head. Edge goes down hard, and the WWE Universe roars in excitement as Bourne heads up top... and connects with the Shooting Star Press! The referee starts his count, one, two, three. Evan Bourne retains his WWE Championship!

Styles: OH MY GOD!

Ross: That was one hell of a match, folks. Certainly one for the ages, if you ask me. Both men gave it their all, and there could be no regrets at the end of this one!

Striker: No regrets, but plenty of heartbreak for the Ultimate Opportunist, J.R. Edge is left wondering what went wrong while our WWE Champion Evan Bourne savors his hard-earned victory!

Styles: What a way to end Over the Limit! See you tomorrow for Monday Night RAW!

The superb bout had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd.

Rating: 94




Post Show:



Bryan Danielson and Rey Mysterio def. Muhammad Hassan and Rocky Romero

The bout featured great action but not much in the way of heat.

Rating: 56




Overall Show Rating: 88

There was a feeling that some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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What happened to Christian? Did you not re-up him or did he just sign with someone else?


And I went 3/9!:eek: I guess that is what I get for picking people I like to win.:D


christian won't be re-signed, i had nothing much planned for him and i wanted to feature other workers...

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<p>RAW Results (week 1, June 2011)</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Pre-Show:</strong></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/drewmcintyre.jpg?t=1282986519</span><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/vs9.jpg?t=1277780282</span><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/ronkillings.jpg?t=1282986551</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> <strong>Drew Mcintyre</strong> def. R-Truth with an Ego Trip</p><p> <em>The match featured great action and great heat.</em></p><p> Rating: <strong><span style="color:#9ACD32;">78</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/RAWintro.gif?t=1279332343</span><p> <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Monday Night RAW</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:left;"><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/mic.jpg?t=1278420669</span><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/MichaelCole.jpg?t=1279335982</span><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/JimRoss.jpg?t=1279335974</span><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/JoeyStyles.jpg?t=1279335957</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> <strong>Michael Cole:</strong> With Over the Limit behind us, the WWE Universe looks ahead to Fatal Fourway! God evening, and welcome to the longest-running weekly episodic television show in history, Monday Night RAW! I'm Michael Cole, and beside me, the GREAT Jim Ross!</p><p> <strong>Jim Ross:</strong> I'm humbled by your introduction, Michael. I'm just a guy from Oklahoma who does what he loves. Just like you, and all the superstars in the back. Tonight sure will be a big night! Evan Bourne walked into Over the Limit as WWE Champion, and he comes here tonight, STILL your WWE Champion! Who will get the opportunity to challenge him next? Who do you think it'll be, Joey?</p><p> <strong>Joey Styles:</strong> Well, it could be just about anyeone, J.R.! Heck, it could be Cole for all we know! Wait-- here comes the Champion now!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/mic.jpg?t=1278420669</span></p><p> <em>WWE Champion Evan Bourne walks out to cheers from the fans.</em></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/evanbourne.jpg?t=1282986684</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28290" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Evan Bourne:</strong> Hello, WWE Universe! I am proof that dreams DO come true! Last night, I had the biggest match of my career, and with a litle bit of skill, a <em>lot</em> of luck, and some good timing, I managed to pull it off! Yeah! <p> </p><p> So what about Fatal Fourway? Some people have started asking me who my opponent's going to be... Well, I don't have an answer for them. I don't KNOW who the challenger will be, but one thing's for sure, I'll be there, giving it all I have! YEAH!</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> <em>RAW's Assistant General Manager John Layfield comes out to interrupt</em></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/JBL.jpg?t=1282986745</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28290" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>John Layfield:</strong> *ahem* I'm glad you brought it up, <em>Champ</em>. At Fatal Fourway, your Championship won't be defended in a fourway match-- no, RAW's fourway match will determine the #1 Contender for <em>AFTER</em> Fatal Fourway. And tonight, we're going to find out who gets to compete in that match! Our main event-- the original Mr. Money in the Bank goes up against the current Mr. Money in the Bank, as Edge takes on Jack Swagger! Also later on, John Cena meets Shad Gaspard, Jeff Hardy and Cody Rhodes battle it out, and... in the MOST exciting match of the night, surely the most thrilling, most heart-stopping match, Batista takes on... Santino Marella! Oh man, that's gonna be something!<p> </p><p> And hey, you must think you're home free, don't you? Nah, you're still having a match at Fatal Fourway. Boy, you weren't the only one who had a big win last night... That's right, kid! At Fatal Fourway, YOU will be defending your WWE Championship against... The Big Red Monster, KANE! Hehe. One last thing. It's going to be a FIRST BLOOD MATCH!</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> <em>Evan Bourne stares on in shock as Layfield triumphantly walks back to his office.</em></p><p> Rating:<strong><span style="color:#00FFFF;">97</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ross:</strong> A heck of a bombshell dropped by our Assistant General Manager, John Layfield! Four huge matches scheduled for tonight, with the winners earning a slot for RAW's #1 Contender Fourway match at Fatal Fourway!</p><p> <strong>Cole:</strong> That's right, J.R. But what about this, Evan Bourne defends his WWE Championship against the demented psycho Kane! And that match will be a First Blood Match! You can't get any bigger than that!</p><p> <strong>Styles:</strong> Well, the most exciting match of the night is coming up, with Batista taking on the Italian Stallion, Santino!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/batista-1.jpg?t=1282990391</span><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/vs9.jpg?t=1277780282</span><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/SantinoMarella.jpg?t=1282986788</span><p> <strong>Batista def. Santino Marella to qualify for Fatal Fourway's #1 Contender Fourway match</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> <em>Batista stays in control throughout the match despite Santino's efforts, as the big man takes it to the Milan Miracle right from the outset, flooring him with a vicious clothesline. Santino tries to fight back as the match goes on, but a shoulder block attempt goes awry, and Batista sends his opponent flying head-first into the turnbuckle with an alley-oop. A backbreaker gets him a two-count, and an enraged Batista starts his grab-onto-the-rope taunt, connecting on a devastating Batista Bomb that puts Santino down for the count.</em></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28290" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Cole:</strong> Nothing surprising about the result of the match, Batista comes out on top. <p> <strong>Ross:</strong> Santino Marella gave it all he can, Michael. In the end, it just wasn't enough to take down The Animal.</p><p> <strong>Styles:</strong> Wow! What heart-pounding action! A must-see match for sure!</p></div></blockquote><p> <em>The match had great action and a good crowd.</em></p><p> Rating: <strong><span style="color:#9ACD32;">81</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/mic.jpg?t=1278420669</span></p><p> <em>After a commercial break, we go backstage to see the NXT New Breed beating down Justin Gabriel.</em></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/stusandersmic.jpg?t=1282986826</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28290" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Wade Barrett:</strong> A few weeks ago, the NXT New Breed reached out to Justin Gabriel. We offered him a chance to join us, his brothers, but he refused. Well, tonigh', Gabriel, and the REST of the Dubya-Dubya-E Universe sees jus' wha' happens when you take the New Breed lightly! This is a warning to D-Generation X, the Hardys, the entire Dubya-Dubya-E! If you're not with us, then you're in our way. And THIS is how we trea' those who ge' in our way. Beware the NXT New Breed, the TRUE masters of the Dubya-Dubya-E! <p> </p></div></blockquote><p> <em>RAW GM Steve Austin chases off the attackers, calling in medical personnel to tend to Gabriel</em></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/SteveAustin.jpg?t=1282986869</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28290" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Steve Austin:</strong> YEAH! You cowards <em>better</em> run! Damnit... HEY! New Breed! Gabriel was supposed to be in a match tonight, but looking at the shape he's in, I'm gon' have to find a replacement. So it's gon' be... the New Breed's Darren Young... against a man you ALL now so well... Bryan Danielson! And it's gon' be next! That's the bottomline!</div></blockquote><p> <em>Steve Austin gives the NXT New Breed a one-finger salute as the crwod chants, "'coz Stone Cold says so!" in the background.</em></p><p> Rating: <strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">94</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ross:</strong> An impromptu match for one of the members of the New Breed, and it's scheduled for right now! Bryan Danielson meets Darren Young!</p><p> <strong>Cole:</strong> The New Breed really have gone overboard with their recent attacks-- heck, they attacked the Hardys <em>and</em> D-X last night at Over the Limit! </p><p> <strong>Styles:</strong> You heard Wade Barrett, Cole! If you're not with them, you're just standing in their way!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/bryandanielson2-1.jpg?t=1282986909</span><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/vs9.jpg?t=1277780282</span><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/fredsampson2.jpg?t=1282986918</span><p> <strong>Bryan Danielson def. Darren Young</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> <em>Darren Young actually showed some backbone, as the match starts in a back-and-forth, frenetic pace. Young keeps up with Danielson, slowing the United States Champion's attacks, hitting timely clotheslines, and staying close to the ropes to avoid Danielson's submission moves. The American Dragon presses on, however, eventually trapping Young in the corner, then hitting a flurry of forehands, setting the New Breed member up for a running knee to the face. Danielson gets a two-count, then goes right back on the attack, hitting sharp elbows to Young's neck. The Knock-Out Kings slowly make their way down the ramp, but the referee is able to send them back to the locker room. Young's Party Boys partner, Heath Slater, is able to sneak in, though, hitting Danielson with clubbing blows. The US Champion fights out, knocking Slater out with a huge roundhouse kick as the referee misses the action due to the distraction. Young goes for his full-nelson slam, but Danielson hits a modified snapmare, then locks in his LeBell Lock, earning the submission victory.</em></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28290" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Styles:</strong> The NXT New Breed tried to help one of their own, but the referee got in their way! The WWE authorities really <em>are</em> trying to put them down!<p> <strong>Ross:</strong> What are you talking about, Joey? The referee was just doing his job!</p><p> <strong>Cole:</strong> That wimp Danielson high-tailing it out of here, no doubt he doesn't want a beating like the one Justin Gabriel received earlier on!</p></div></blockquote> <p> <em>The match featured great action and a good crowd.</em></p><p> Rating: <strong><span style="color:#9ACD32;">78</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/mic.jpg?t=1278420669</span></p><p> <em>An NXT Promo package is shown.</em></p><p> <strong>Ross:</strong> The Glamazon successfully defended her Championship against Maryse. This week n NXT, the divas compete for the chance to be in the fourway match for Phoenix's Undisputed Divas Championship!</p><p> <strong>Cole:</strong> Tune in to Syfy to find out who gets a slot for Fatal Fourway!</p><p> Rating: <strong><span style="color:#FFFF00;">68</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/mic.jpg?t=1278420669</span></p><p> <em>John Cena is backstage.</em></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/JohnCena6.jpg?t=1282986735</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28290" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>John Cena:</strong> Last night was one of the most hellacious nights of my life. You had two combustible elements, the Chain Gang Warrior, yours truly, and the Big Red Psycho, Kane! We all knew that something had to give! Unfortunately, I had to absorb the loss. Well, Kane, the better man last night won. But don't think for a second that I'm done with your bald, creepy, eyebrow-shaven butt! Look, you monster! You beat me to within an INCH OF MY LIFE last night! That's what you HAD TO DO to keep me down for three seconds! Well guess what, Kane, I'm still standing! You're not as tough as you think you are, man. And I'm tougher than you think I am. This isn't over, Kane. Not by a long--</div></blockquote><p> <em>Kane attacks Cena and the two men brawl until backstage officials get between them.</em></p><p> Rating: <strong><span style="color:#00FFFF;">100</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ross:</strong> No love lost between those two men. I know for a fact that John Cena is a very proud man, and it must have taken a lot for him to admit that Kane was the better man last night at Over the Limit.</p><p> <strong>Cole:</strong> Well, John Cena's going to have to take Kane out of his mind tonight; he's taking on Shad Gaspard next!</p><p> <strong>Styles:</strong> I talked to Assistant GM Layfield, and he said that he wanted to reward Cryme Tyme for the excellent work that they've done, and so he gave them a chance to enter the Fourway match. Unfortunately for JTG, the coin toss came up in favor of Shad. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/JohnCena6.jpg?t=1282986735</span><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/vs9.jpg?t=1277780282</span><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/shadgaspard-1.jpg?t=1282987867</span><p> <strong>John Cena def. Shad Gaspard to qualify for Fatal Fourway's #1 Contender Fourway match</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> <em>John Cena looked to take out his frustrations on Shad, but the big man gamely fought back early, even knocking Cena down with a big boot. Shad looked to showcase his versatility, but a trip to the top rope results in a superplex by Cena, and the former WWE Champion takes control, hitting a Five-Knuckle Shuffle for a near-fall. Cena pumps the crowd up for the Attitude Adjustment, but Shad powers out of it, hitting a DDT to earn himself a reprieve. Brooklyn's Finest hits a choke bomb to get a two-count, then tries to go for his STO, but the Chain Gang Commander counters it into a perfect drop toe hold, then an STF, making Shad Gaspard tap out.</em></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28290" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Styles:</strong> Shad TAPPED! Shad tapped!<p> <strong>Ross:</strong> And CeNation rejoices as John Cena officially becomes a part of Fatal Fourway! This was a VERY good match, maybe match of the night, in my opinion!</p><p> <strong>Cole:</strong> There are still some more matches on the slate, J.R. Jeff Hardy has always proven to be a highlight reel in the making, and Edge looks to steal the show every chance he can get!</p></div></blockquote><p> <em>The bout featured great action and great heat. Shad Gaspard is starting to become a little stale in his current role.</em></p><p> Rating: <strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">93</span></strong><strong> (MOTN)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/mic.jpg?t=1278420669</span></p><p> <em>Drew Mcintyre comes out to the ring and calls out Rey Mysterio.</em></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/drewmcintyre.jpg?t=1282986519</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28290" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Drew Mcintyre:</strong> Re'! I wan' to end this farce, Re'! I wan' ye to face me, one-on-one, winner take all. I've had enough of li'l kids coming up to me and sayin', "please don' bea' Re' Mysterio, Drew. We know ye'r the bes' wrestler in the Dubya-Dubya-E, but RE's the only one superstar who's smaller than we are! We need 'im, Mr. Mcintyre!" <p> </p><p> Ye see, Re', the kids don' love ye. They don' respect ye. Heck, they don' even like ye. I <strong>AM</strong> the future of the Dubya-Dubya-E, Re'. And ye'r nothin' more than a footnote in history. Ye will stand in the record books, as bein' the firs' man tha' the GREA' Drew Mcintyre FORCED to retire. I'm gon'ae bea' ye up so bad, ye won' be able ta walk, Re'. I'm gon'ae bea' ye up so bad, ye'll wish ye were back 'ome in Mexico, 'IDING from me!</p><p> </p><p> So 'ow 'bout it, Re'? Ye and me, at Fatal Fourway. Winner take all, LOSER leaves RAW!</p></div></blockquote><p> <em>Mysterio comes out, only to be attacked by the NXT New Breed before he can answer.</em></p><p> Rating: <strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">94</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Cole:</strong> A bold challenge by the Sinister Scotsman, guys. </p><p> <strong>Ross:</strong> Drew Mcintyre is not one to lack in confidence, Michael. He believes he can take Rey Mysterio down, he believes he can take Rey Mysterio OUT, and he wants Rey to accept his challenge so that he can prove to the world that he is superior in every way.</p><p> <strong>Styles:</strong> Apparently, our vengeful General Manager is in a very vindictive mood tonight. Up next, the A-List Asskickers are in action, as they take on the Dragon Warriors-- and, get this, if ANY member of the NXT New Breed interfers, they'll be out of a job!</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/RichieSteamboat.jpg?t=1282987035</span><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/lowki.jpg?t=1282987055</span><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/vs9.jpg?t=1277780282</span><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/davidotunga-1.jpg?t=1282986991</span><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/AfaJrnxt-1.jpg?t=1282986990</span><p> <strong>Dragon Warriors def. A-List Ass-Kickers</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> <em>The action is wild as the two young teams give it their all in this match. Afa is able to get the advantage over Steamboat, hitting a huge powerslam after catching a crossbody attempt. Kaval breaks up the pinfall with a front dropkick, and all hell breaks loose as the four competitors brawl it out, with the Ass-Kickers getting the upper hand, sending Steamboat out of the ring with a clothesline, then a double suplex on Kaval, who somehow manages to get a shoulder up for a two-count. Suddenly, Steamboat jumps up to the top rope, executing a Flying Crossbody that takes out both Afa and Otunga. The Son of the Dragon hits a perfect spinning heel kick, sending Afa tumbling out of the ring, while Kaval pulls off a Warrior's Way, getting the pinfall win over Otunga.</em></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28290" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Ross:</strong> What an upset by the Dragon Warriors! The NXT New Breed suffer their second loss tonight! <p> <strong>Styles:</strong> Kaval and Steamboat got lucky, J.R. Any other night and the results would be reversed. </p><p> <strong>Cole:</strong> While that may be true, tonight, the Dragon Warriors ride high after a big win over the A-List Ass-Kickers!</p></div></blockquote><p> <em>The match had some good action but non-existent crowd heat.</em></p><p> Rating: <strong><span style="color:#008000;">73</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ross:</strong> Two more matches scheduled for tonight-- two more qualifying matches for Fatal Fourway's RAW #1 Contender's match!</p><p> <strong>Cole:</strong> Up next, Jeff Hardy looks to get back on the winning track, as he competes against Captivating Cody Rhodes for the 3rd spot in the Fourway match!</p><p> <strong>Styles:</strong> The young Hardy looks to have recovered from the assault by the New Breed last night at Over the Limit... Let's see if any lingering injuries will play a part here.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/JeffHardy.jpg?t=1282987116</span><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/vs9.jpg?t=1277780282</span><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/codyrhodes-1.jpg?t=1283035255</span><p> <strong>Jeff Hardy def. Cody Rhodes to qualify for Fatal Fourway's #1 Contender Fourway match</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> <em>Captivating Cody takes control of the match, grounding Hardy and focusing on Hardy's taped-up abdomen, trying to add to the damage that was done at Over the Limit. The second-generation star rams Hardy into the ring post, then maintains an abdominal stretch in the middle of the ring. Hardy eventually fights back, turning another irish whip into the corner into an impromptu Whisper in the Wind. The WWE Universe roars its approval as the Extreme Enigma makes his way to the top in anticipation of the Swanton Bomb, but Rhodes recovers and Hardy changes things up with a diving clothesline. Hardy goes for the pin, but Captivating Cody suckered him in, beating him to the punch with a small package for the near-fall. The Rainbow-Haired Warrior gets up and hits a Twist of Fate, connecting with a Swanton Bomb for the pinfall.</em></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28290" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Cole:</strong> OH! What a huge Swanton Bomb by Jeff Hardy! Poor Cody Rhodes, he never even saw it coming!<p> <strong>Styles:</strong> Captivating Cody thought he had it in the bag, but Jeff Hardy managed to eke out this amazing victory.</p><p> <strong>Ross:</strong> Tonight is Hardy's night-- the kid is going to Fatal Fourway for a chance at the WWE Championship!</p></div></blockquote><p> <em>The match featured great action and a good crowd.</em></p><p> Rating: <strong><span style="color:#00FF00;">84</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Cole:</strong> Time for our Main Event! Match #4 of the qualifying matches for the Fourway match at Fatal Fourway!</p><p> <strong>Styles:</strong> A former Money in the Bank winner meets the current Money in hte Bank winner, as Edge faces Jack Swagger!</p><p> <strong>Ross:</strong> The Ultimate Opportunist had his second chance at the Championship, but once again, Evan Bourne got the best of him. Now he'll have to start from the bottom and earn his shot at the gold!</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/edge-1.jpg?t=1282990392</span><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/vs9.jpg?t=1277780282</span><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/jackswagger.jpg?t=1282987210</span><p> <strong>Edge def. Jack Swagger to qualify for Fatal Fourway's #1 Contender Fourway match</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> <em>The current Mr. MITB gets on a roll early, overpowering the in-ring veteran with takedowns, highlighting his amateur wrestling background. The brash arrogance of the All-American American leads to an opening for the Rated-R Superstar, and Edge eventually manages an Edgecution from out of nowhere, stunning Swagger and the crowd. With both men down, Edge manages to crawl to the corner, where Swagger sees an opportunity and charges at his opponent. The Ultimate Opportunist dodges, ramming Swagger shoulder-first into the ring post. Edge rolls back and sets Swagger up for the Spear, but Swagger manages to catch him mid-run. Swagger goes for the Gutwrench Powerbomb, but Edge worms his way out and floors Swagger with a clothseline. A near-fall later, and Edge once again makes his way to the corner, waiting to pounce with a Spear. Swagger gets out of the way, but Edge manages to stop himself from running into the turnbuckle, only to be set up for a Gutwrench Powerbomb once again. The Rated-R Superstar desperately squirms his way out, surprising Swagger with a roll-up to qualify for the #1 Contender's match at Fatal Fourway.</em></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28290" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Ross:</strong> Edge stole another one! Edge stole another one!<p> <strong>Styles:</strong> Calm down, J.R., Edge didn't "steal" anything. The Rated-R Superstar just did what he does best-- get a win even when everything is against his favor!</p><p> <strong>Cole:</strong> The question is-- will he steal another win at Fatal Fourway? </p><p> <strong>Ross:</strong> He doesn't deserve another shot at the WWE Title!</p><p> <strong>Styles:</strong> Edge still has one strike left before you can consider him out of the Title picture, J.R.!</p></div></blockquote><p> <em>The superb bout had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd.</em></p><p> Rating: <strong><span style="color:#00FF00;">87</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/mic.jpg?t=1278420669</span></p><p> <em>John Cena, Batista, and Jeff Hardy come out and start to brawl with each other.</em></p><p> <strong>Ross:</strong> All four men are in the ring right now! Good God Almighty, we better get someone out here, pronto!</p><p> <strong>Styles:</strong> It'll take a LOT of willpower for these men to hold it in until Fatal Fourway, J.R.! There's just too much bad blood!</p><p> <strong>Cole:</strong> Batista and Cena! Hardy and Edge! What will next week have in store for them? That's all the time we have, ladies and gentlemen! See you next Monday!</p><p> Rating: <strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">94</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Post Show:</strong></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/ReyMysterio.jpg?t=1282986634</span><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/TEW%2010%20game/vs9.jpg?t=1277780282</span><span>http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy214/michgcs/yoshi.jpg?t=1282986566</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> <strong>Rey Mysterio</strong> def. Yoshi Tatsu</p><p> <em>The match featured great action and average heat. Rey Mysterio and Yoshi Tatsu don't click, and it showed in their performances.</em></p><p> Rating: <strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">44</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Overall Show Rating: <strong><span style="color:#00FF00;">88</span></strong></p><p> <em>There are no specific comments to be made about this show.</em></p>
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I have said it before and I shall say it again, you are great at promos! You write exactly how they speak, I think that is why I enjoy this diary so much.


One thing I must admit that I did not understand was, how in the hell was Shad Gaspard in one of the qualifying matches for the Fatal Four-Way!:eek: I mean I knew he was going to lose but still...:D

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I have said it before and I shall say it again, you are great at promos! You write exactly how they speak, I think that is why I enjoy this diary so much.


One thing I must admit that I did not understand was, how in the hell was Shad Gaspard in one of the qualifying matches for the Fatal Four-Way!:eek: I mean I knew he was going to lose but still...:D


LOL well, i wanted a big guy and Shad fit the bill... what I didn't understand was how THAT was the MOTN :(

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Superstars Results (week 1, June 2011)




Claudio Castagnoli def. Chavo Guerrero with a Ricola Bomb

The bout featured great action but not much in the way of heat.

Rating: 74





WWE Superstars





Josh Mathews: Another week, another episode of WWE Superstars!

Shane Mcmahon: That's right, Josh. Tonight, the Hart Dynasty look to advance in the Unified Tag Team Tournament, going up against the impromptu team of Chris Masters and Vance Archer!

Gladys Spratt: I don't understand... Is there an official bracket for this tournament?

Mcmahon: Not yet, Gladys... But it'll all make sense after a while... Don't worry, I'm planning some things for the tag tournament...

Mathews: Yeah, like we haven't heard that before. Rivalries explode in tonight's edition of Superstars, as one-half of Londrick takes on one-half of Zig-Zack, it's The Brian Kendrick one-on-one against Zack Ryder!

Mcmahon: You ain't kidding, Josh! Later on tonight, the Franchise Playa MVP meets ECW Champion Chris Hero in a non-title match... and for our main event, Straight Edge Society member Luke Gallows looks to save the Shaman of Sexy, John Morrison!





The Hart Dynasty def. Chris Masters and Vance Archer

The team of Masters and Archer try to overpower the more experienced Hart Dynasty, taking turns in isolating Tyson Kidd. David Hart Smith eventually gets the hot tag, and the young Hart Dynasty take it to their opponents, with Kidd knocking Masters off the apron with a roundhouse kick, before finishing off the Hart Attack on Archer, letting Smith secure the win.

Mathews: Well, Masters and Archer were no match for the Hart Dynasty's experience and in-ring chemistry, guys...

Spratt: Looks like the Hart Dynasty advances, Shane... What exactly do they advance to?

Mcmahon: Uh-uh, Gladys. You'll find out when the rest of the WWE Universe finds out!

The match had some good action but not much in the way of heat.

Rating: 67





A WWE.com exclusive shows Zig-Zack talking in the locker room.


Dolph Ziggler: Dude, you got a big match tonight. Now Londrick's really been hot on our tails-- but hey, who can blame them, right?

Zack Ryder: Damn right, bro. Everyone wants a piece of Zig-Zack, the coolest team in WWE history. I get what you're saying. A win against Kendrick and we can finally aim for bigger things.

Ziggler: Yeah. With me holding the Hardcore Championship, it's only a matter of time before we get the Unified Tag Titles, and before long, we're gonna be running the show on Monday nights!

Ryder: Woo woo woo--

Ryder doesn't get the chance to finish as Londrick suddenly attack them from behind, sparking a brawl which leaves Ziggler and Ryder down for the count.

Rating: 87




Mcmahon: What the-- For shame! Dolph and Zack were just having a pre-match conversation, no need to jump them like that! Man, Londrick sure are sore losers!

Mathews: Wait-- you praised Zig-Zack when they did the same thing!

Mcmahon: Well times have changed, Josh. Now this sort of behavior should be discouraged.

Spratt: Their match is up next, too! Let's see what sort of condition Ryder is in... Maybe he'll have to forfeit the match!




The Brian Kendrick def. Zack Ryder

Despite the sneak attack, the Long Island Loudmouth still puts up a fight, refusing to back down against his rival, even managing to get a foot on the ropes after the Sliced Bread #2. Ryder finally gets some offense in, but Kendrick manages to counter a flying cross body, using Ryder's own momentum against him, getting the pinfall victory.

Spratt: Oh, radio! That's going to be a bitter defeat to swallow!

Mcmahon: The Long Island Iced Z doesn't swallow anything, Spratt. He chews it up, then spits it out. Just you wait, Zig-Zack's gonna be back on the winning track soon enough.

Mathews: That cheap shot by Londrick sure paid off tonight, but a win is a win, and Kendrick's a winner tonight!

The bout featured great action and a good crowd.

Rating: 70





A video is shown, hyping Rey Mysterio.

Mathews: The Master of the 6-1-9 has done it all! His courage and determination have earned the respect of everyone in the WWE locker room!

Mcmahon: Everyone except one... The Chosen One knows just how frail and weak Mysterio can be, and Mcintyre's proven himself correct already!

Spratt: I'm not so sure of that one, Shane. Their feud looks to be far from over at this point...

Rating: 100




Mathews: We're continuing the action, with our weekly dose of Smackdown! Up next, ECW Champion Chris Hero meets one of his most bitter rivals, MVP!

Mcmahon: MVP has turned himself around, Josh. Yes, he's made mistakes in the past. But he knows how to use the skills he's learned, and he's applying them in the ring!

Spratt: What skills are you talking about, Shane? How to pick a lock? How to escape from jail using the bedsheets?

Mcmahon: How to survive, Gladys. MVP learned that at an early age, and that's why he's here, competing on the most ruthless, competitive pro wrestling company in the world.




Chris Hero def. MVP

The two bitter rivals slug it out in a bonafide fight, with several near pinfalls and near tapouts. Hero gets the advantage after MVP misses with the Playa's Boot, and the ECW Champion capitalizes, rolling up the Franchise Playa for a very close two-count. Hero goes for the Hangman's Clutch, but MVP counters and goes for his Playmaker, only to be reversed into a Hero's Welcome by the ECW Champion, who earns the win.

Mcmahon: Wow! What an intense match! Both men really gave it their all tonight--

Spratt: It could have gone either way, I think. But tonight, Chris Hero shows just how big his heart is!

Mathews: He better have a huge heart, because this week on Smackdown!, Hero and his unnamed partner are taking on MVP and the sadistic Necro Butcher!

The bout featured great action and good crowd.

Rating: 76




Mcmahon: Three matches down, one to go! Main Event time, guys!

Mathews: And what a sweet main event it is, Shane. John Morrison, one-on-one against Luke Gallows! The First Disciple has vowed to show Morrison the error of his ways and bring him to the Straight Edge Side. Will that prophecy be fulfilled, or will the Guru of Greatness--

Spratt: SHHH! Here comes Morrison now! Wow, I just love that slo-mo entrance of his!



John Morrison def. Luke Gallows

Morrison uses his quickness early, but Gallows eventually catches the Shaman of Sexy, throwing him across the ring by the hair. The First Disciple smiles a sinister Straight Edge smile before delivering a big boot to his opponent. Gallows stays strong, pounding away at Morrison and pleading for the former co-host of the Dirtsheet to accept the Straight Edge lifestyle. The Guru of Greatness finally manages to shut Gallows up, hitting the Flying Chuck, followed by the Starship Pain, to get the pinfall win.

Mathews: Oh! Gallows finally closes his mouth...

Mcmahon: Not really, Josh. The First Disciple's mouth is still open-- he's quiet because he's unconscious!

Spratt: Oh, John Morrison... those abs...

Mcmahon: Hey, I have abs, too, don't I?

Mathews: What, you mean Joey Abs?

The bout featured great action and a good crowd.

Rating: 90 (MOTN)





A RAW Recall is shown, recapping all four qualifying matches for Fatal Fourway's #1 Contender Fourway match.

Mathews: This past RAW, we found out the four superstars who at Fatal Fourway will vie for the #1 Contendership for the WWE Championship...

Mcmahon: Batista, John Cena, Jeff Hardy, and Edge. After Fatal Fourway, one of these men will get the chance to go toe-to-toe with the WWE Champion, whoever he may be... Kane? Evan Bourne? AGH I can't wait for Fatal Fourway to get here!

Spratt: I hope John Cena wins it, he's dreamy...

Rating: 100




Post Show:


Ezekiel Jackson def. Brian Lawler

The match had some good action but not much in the way of heat.

Rating: 38




Overall Show Rating: 88

There are no specific comments to be made about this show.

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Smackdown! Results (week 1, June 2011)




The Colons def. Kenta Thunder

The bout featured great action but not much in the way of heat.

Rating: 80





Friday Night Smackdown!





Todd Grisham: Less than a week removed from Over the Limit, and the WWE Universe STILL can't believe the results of the World Heavyweight Championship match!

Matt Striker: You better believe it, Todd. Big Show was the better man last Sunday, and he is once again earned his way atop the food chain. We have a new World Heavyweight Champion, and he is the World's Largest Athlete!

Josh Mathews: What I can't believe was the amount of punishment Randy Orton sustained. Who knew just how resilient the Viper was?

Striker: The former World Heavyweight Champion was very determined to keep his Championship, but once the Big Show sets his mind on something, NOTHING will stand in his way.

Grisham: Early reports indicate that Orton had to spend the night at the hospital, and he'll be at his home in St. Louis for the meantime, recuperating from the damage that the Big Show dealt--

Mathews: Speak of the devil, Todd. Here comes the new World Heavyweight Champion now!





The Big Show comes out with a smile-- and his World Heavyweight Championship.


Big Show: Yeah, that's right. Your NEW World Heavyweight Champion is here. You guys better get used to having this shiny little thing draped over my shoulder, because let me tell you right now, it's going to be a cold day in hell before I let this baby out of my sight.


Randy Orton took more than anyone ever has. Heck, anyone who doesn't quit after a Chokeslam through the announce table is either incredibly crazy or someone who should be respected. But all the same, Randy's going to be... out of commission for a while. Poor guy's never gonna be the same again.


Let's go back to my reign-- the Smackdown! roster better cower in fear, because there's a new head atop the totem pole. I'm the alpha dog now, and I'm just gonna come out and say it right now, I don't care if you send an entire ARMY after me, it doesn't matter, all you guys can come one at a time or all at once, I'm still gonna come out on top.

A familiar theme song plays and the crowd gets on its feet as Smackdown!'s GM crashes the speech.


Dwayne Johnson: Wow-wow-wow-wow, WOW, Big Slow! Let's not get ahead of ourselves here, buddy. Yes, you may be the current World Heavyweight Champion, blah blah blah, but don't forget who your boss is-- the General Manager of Smackdow-- the Most Electrifying Man in Spo-- THE PEOPLE'S... G.M.! Dwayne... Johnson. And before you forget, Champ, I call the shots around here. This is MY show. You fight whoever I tell you to fight, my man.

Big Show: Hey, no problem, Rock--

Johnson: My name's Dwayne, Show. I'd really appreciate it if you learned it.

Big Show: Yeah, fine. Dwayne. Look, I don't see what the problem is, I'll fight whoever, man. One punch is all I need to take out the chump I'm facing, man.

Johnson: I'm glad you say that, Show. 'Cause tonight, after the tag team match between Necro and MVP and Hero and whomever he got as a partner, it's going to be ALL qualifying matches for a spot at Fatal Fourway's Fourway match for YOUR World Heavyweight Championship. Tonight, it's gonna be CM Punk and The Miz and Matt Hardy, and Kofi Kingston versus Sheamus, and later on, Chris Jericho, Triple H, and John Morrison, and finally, in our main event-- Kurt Angle versus Shawn Michaels!

Big Show: Wait wait waitaminute, man-- that's FOUR people. There's only three spots.

Johnson: I was getting to that, buddy. After the last match, me and you, we're gonna come down to this ring, with all the other winners of their matches, and YOU'RE gonna get to choose the odd man out. That sound fair?

Big Show: Yeah, yeah, I can work with that...

Johnson leaves the World Heavyweight Champion grinning and thinking to himself.

Rating: 92





Mathews: Huge announcement by our General Manager, tonight promises to be an exciting night!

Striker: And we're kicking things off right, Josh. Up next, MVP and Necro Butcher see action against Chris Hero and his partner... but who will it be?

Grisham: We're about to find out, Matt!



Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli def. MVP and Necro Butcher by DQ

Necro Butcher's eyes grow wide at the sight of Claudio Castagnoli, but the sadistic extremist focuses on the ECW Champion almost right away, preferring to engage in a brawl rather than a tag match. Necro is finally forced to tag in MVP after a desperation DDT by Hero, sending both men scrambling for tags. Double C shows the Franchise Playa that he's no slouch, hitting a variety of moves, highlighted by a European Uppercut that sends MVP to the canvas. Not satisfied, Castagnoli goes for his trademark Ricola Bomb, but before he could connect, Necro butts in with a chair shot to the back. The match ends via DQ, but the brawl begins.

Mathews: All hell has broken loose! All four men are just randomly throwing punches!

Striker: The hardcore Necro Butcher obviously still harbors ill will towards the so-called Kings of Wrestling, apparently there is some leftover friction from their days in the indies...

Grisham: All the same, they should still know the rules of the match, Matt. NO CHAIRSHOTS!

The match had some good action but not much in the way of heat. MVP has switched to a Gangsta gimmick, getting an initial 77 rating.

Rating: 74




Both teams continue to brawl, being separated only after a number of backstage officials intervene.

Striker: Necro Butcher looks seriously P.O.'ed at Claudio Castagnoli, guys! I guess he wanted Hero all to himself! He didn't even consider the possibility of Double C coming to Smackdown! to help out his friend!

Mathews: The ECW Champ has some back-up now! I just don't know how long this partnership between Hero and Castagnoli will last, I'm sure Claudio will be looking to make a name for himself in the WWE.

Rating: 78




Grisham: Well, the first of our FOUR qualifying matches is up next, and it'll pit CM Punk against the older brother of his last failed attempt at converting someone, Matt Hardy, and against his CURRENT pet project, The Miz!

Striker: Our Savior's heart is pure and clean, Todd. CM Punk believes that inside every person, even ingrates like you, Todd, lies the potential to be great-- to be pure-- to be STRAIGHT EDGE.

Mathews: And I believe that you missed taking your medication again, Matt.



CM Punk def. The Miz and Matt Hardy to qualify for the Fourway match for the World Heavyweight Championship at Fatal Fourway

The Miz and Hardy quickly form an uneasy alliance, focusing on the Straight Edge Savior and taking him out of the ring with a double clothesline before turning on each other. Matt Hardy wins the exchange, hitting a scoop slam and connecting on his trademark second rope legdrop. Punk rejoins the fight before Hardy could go for the pin, and the Second City Saint sends Hardy staggering to the the corner, where Punk connects with his running knee. Hardy reverses the bulldog, sending Punk straight to Miz, who hits a clothesline. Miz and Hardy argue over who gets to cover Punk, and the Straight Edge Savior takes advantage, flooring Hardy with a roundhouse kick and hitting a fisherman's suplex on the Miz. Punk signals for his finisher, but Matt Hardy fights out of the Go To Sleep, sending Punk shoulder-first into the ring post. Hardy hits the Twist of Fate on the Miz, but Punk spins him around and connects with the GTS, finally getting the three-count.

Striker: YES! The Straight Edge Society once again rejoices at the accomplishments of our leader!

Grisham: Could you imagine if Punk wins the Title at Fatal Fourway, Josh? The Society's going to be pretty hard to live with!

Mathews: CM Punk has shown that he can win it all, Todd, but at Fatal Fourway, he'd be going up against three other men, not two!

The bout featured great action and great heat.

Rating: 79




CM Punk tells Luke Gallows to get him a mic.


CM Punk: *hff* *hnh* Miz... You just saw the greatness of the CM Punk... You just saw the greatness of the S.E.S. At Fatal Fourway, I will be in the Main Event, while YOU, you will be backstage, WATCHING as I once again, win the World Heavyweight Championship.


Look at our newest member, Javier San Miguel. You might know him back in his old life as Tito Aquino, but that's in the past now. He has turned his back on the drugs and the booze and the prostitution that run rampant in Mexico, he has taken the Straight Edge pledge, and he and my favorite disciple, Luke Gallows, will dominate the tag team division for years to come.


Think about it, Michael. Think about what you're doing to your life. Think about all your "Miz-fits" and for once in your life, do something RIGHT. Join me. Join us. It's not enough to just "be awesome," Michael. You have to BE Straight Edge.

Rating: 89





A hype video is shown of the Kofi Kingston-Sheamus feud.

Striker: Finally, this rivalry will be put to an end-- one will fall, and the other will move on to the Fatal Fourway!

Mathews: MAY move on, Matt. Remember, Big Show gets to pick the odd man out!

Rating: 77



Grisham: And the best part about it is, this match is up next!

Striker: Both men hold victories over one another, this will be for something other than pride-- this will be for a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship!




Sheamus def. Kofi Kingston to qualify for the Fourway match for the World Heavyweight Championship at Fatal Fourway

Kofi takes it right to Sheamus early on, with the former Intercontinental Champion hitting elbows then connecting on a dropkick that sends the Irishman rolling out of the ring. The Ghanian daredevil goes for a suicide dive, but Sheamus catches him, dropping him right on the barricade. The crowd boos in disgust as the Emerald Warrior continues to batter his opponent, but once they get back in the ring, Kingston is able to counter the Crucifix Powerbomb into a double-hand chop that leads to a Boom Drop and the roar of the crowd. Kingston signals for the Trouble in Paradise, but Ted Dibiase appears on the ramp, giving Sheamus enough time to floor Kingston with a Brogue Kick to get the win.

Grisham: What an anti-climactic way to end the match! Kofi Kingston had the match won! Damn that Ted Dibiase!

Striker: The Million Dollar Son came out here with a purpose, Todd! After ridding the WWE of Christian, the Intercontinental Champion is setting his sights on Kofi Kingston!

Mathews: You're both missing the important thing here-- Sheamus is going to Fatal Fourway!

The match had excellent in-ring action and great heat.

Rating: 80




Mathews: Two down, and two to go! The action continues, triple threat action up next!

Grisham: Jericho versus Morrison versus Triple H. All three men are hungry for the gold, but only one of them will make it to Fatal Fourway!

Striker: This kind of action, you can only see on Friday nights!



Chris Jericho def. John Morrison and Triple H to qualify for the Fourway match for the World Heavyweight Championship at Fatal Fourway

All three superstars go at it from the get-go, with the desperation showing in each man's eyes. Triple H uses his size to dominate most of the match, battering Jericho with right hands, then hitting a Spinebuster on Morrison for a two-count. Jericho fights back, hitting an Enziguri on Morrison, who had just hit a springboard crossbody on the Game. Jericho tries to put the Shaman of Sexy in the Walls of Jericho, but Morrison uses his athleticism to turn it into a small package, getting a near-fall in the process. The Best in the World then tries the same thing on Triple H, who is able to power out and flip his opponent. The Cerebral Assassin sets Jericho up for the Pedigree, but Jericho counters into a backslide pin for a two-count. A Flying Chuck has Triple H reeling, sending him right to a Codebreaker, topped off by a Starship Pain by Morrison. The ever-wily Jericho then throws Morrison out of the ring, getting the pinfall for himself.

Striker: OH YES! Yes yes yes! Jericho has pulled it off once again!

Grisham: What a back-and-forth match! It really could have gone either way... You can't help but feel bad for John Morrison, the kid put it all on the line tonight, but in the end, it just wasn't enought.

Mathews: I wouldn't be too worried about the Guru of Greatness, Todd. The Palace of Wisdom doesn't allow self-pity and depression. Morrison's going to bounce back, for sure.

The match had excellent in-ring action and great heat.

Rating: 80




Grisham: It's now time for our MAIIIIIIN EVENT!

Mathews: Will Shawn Michaels succeed where his D-X partner failed? Or will Kurt Angle join his rival, Chris Jericho, in competing for Smackdown!'s top prize?

Striker: This match is between two fierce competitors, guys. Two in-ring veterans who will stop at nothing to get what they want.



Kurt Angle def. Shawn Michaels

Both veterans start out tentatively, with each man trying to gauge the other. Angle starts with a series of takedowns, but Michaels keeps getting back up, frustrating the Olympic Gold Medalist more and more as the match progressed. The Heartbreak Kid eventually gets the upper hand, connecting on his Flying Forearm. Michaels tunes up the band and goes for Sweet Chin Music, but Angle counters it into the Angle Lock. HBK desperately fights out of it, reaching the ropes and saving the match-up. Angle signals for the Angle Slam, but Michaels counters it into a roll-up, getting a near-fall. Angle gets back up, bridging a German Suplex for a two-count. With frustration mounting, the Olympian goes to expose the turnbuckle, only to be stopped by the referee. The New Breed's Michael Tarver suddenly runs down to the ring, getting up on the apron, distracting Michaels, who connects with Sweet Chin Music on Tarver. It would prove to be a costly mistake, as the Heartbreak Kid turns around to an Angle Slam, losing the spot to Kurt Angle.

Striker: And just like that, Kurt Angle is back in the title hunt!

Grisham: That wasn't fair! The odds were stacked against him, and Tarver's presence should have given HBK the DQ win!

Mathews: Well, you better believe that the leader of D-X won't be taking this lightly. The New Breed rears its ugly head once again.

The superb bout had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd. The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match.

Rating: 90 (MOTN)





Big Show and Dwayne Johnson come down to the ring, followed by Chris Jericho, Sheamus, and CM Punk.


Johnson: So, Champ, who'll it be? Who will be on the outside looking in come Fatal Fourway?

The World Heavyweight Champion looks intently at the four men who qualified, trying to intimidate his possible opponents. Then, without a word, the giant floors Punk with a Knock-Out Punch.

Johnson: OH! That had to hurt! Lights out, Punkie!

Rating: 100




Post Show:


Ted Dibiase def. Rocky Romero with a Million Dollar Dream

The match had some good action but not much in the way of heat.

Rating: 65




Overall Show Rating: 89

There are no specific comments to be made about this show.

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Necro Butcher on the main show! That is awesome! And he even managed to pull off a decent rating in the match! Well it was probably everyone else in the match but...well Necro is awesome!


Yeah, that's why Christian had to go... He had to make room for Necro! :D

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NXT Results (week 1, June 2011)




Beth Phoenix def. Desire

The match had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat. Desire was rusty.

Rating: 63










Gladys Spratt: Now that Over the Limit's over and done with... We still have the same Undisputed Diva's Champion here on NXT!

Joe E. Slick: That's right, Gladys. Beth Phoenix has withstood the challenge of Maryse, now what is there left to do?

Tommy Dreamer: Well, six divas will be competing tonight to see who gets to challenge the Glamazon at Fatal Fourway, so there's still that, Slick.

Slick: What? Really?

Spratt: You really should start to pay more attention, Joe. It's going to be Melina versus Gail Kim in our Main Event, then Michell McCool against Kelly Kelly before that, and in our first match of the night, Rain one-on-one against Mickie James!



Mickie James def. Rain to qualify for the Fatal Fourway Undisputed Diva's Championship match

With no love lost between the two, both divas battle it out in an all-out display of mat-work that repeatedly sees the momentum shift, with Mickie James turning an attempted Acid Rain into the Mickie-DT for the win.

Dreamer: Not bad, not bad at all. Mickie James ekes out a big win, thanks to her experience and athleticism!

Spratt: What does this mean for Rain? Last week she attacks both Mickie and Melina, and tonight, she almost qualifies for the Fourway match...

Slick: "Almost" isn't gonna cut it here on NXT, Gladys. It's either a win or a loss, no other way about it. And tonight, Rain is a loser.

The match had some good action but non-existent crowd heat. Rain and Mickie James have pretty good chemistry.

Rating: 69




Melina runs to the ring, and the three divas have to be restrained after a brawl erupts.

Spratt: All three divas picking up right where they left off-- Melina getting some retribution a week after Rain went crazy and attacked both Melina and Mickie!

Slick: Well, Rain lost her chance to compete in the Fourway match, but Melina still has a shot at getting in the match in our Main Event tonight!

Rating: 89




Dreamer: Match 2 of our series of qualifying matches features Michelle McCool and Kelly Kelly... and it's next!

Spratt: It would be a really big win if Kelly were to pull this off. That's a pretty big "if," though.

Slick: I don't like her chances, but I guess anything's possible... right?



Michelle McCool def. Kelly Kelly to to qualify for the Fatal Fourway Undisputed Diva's Championship match

The match begins with McCool flooring Kelly with a big boot. The former Women's Champion dominates the match, finally putting Kelly away after a Fallen Angel for the three-count.

Spratt: Not much to be said here, guys. Michelle McCool is focused on the biggest prize of NXT-- the Undisputed Diva's Championship!

Dreamer: You're not wrong, Gladys. Kelly Kelly never had a chance!

It was an extremely short match (5 mins total segment).

Rating: 46





The Anti-Divas make their way to the ring.


Serena: Our Savior, CM Punk, told us to spread the word of Straight Edge to NXT. He told us to go forth and convert our fellow-- *ugh* NOT divas-- our fellow WOMEN, and be shining examples of the goodness of Straight Edge.

Melissa: And what better way is there than to beat the two people who most reflect what Straight Edge IS NOT? The Bellas are seen week in and week out, flaunting their bodies and wearing barely anything. After we beat them tonight, they're going to have no choice but accept Straight Edge into their lives!

The Anti-Divas end their promos by raising their left hands, and placing their right on their hearts, as a sign of the Straight Edge pledges.

Rating: 66



The Anti-Divas def. the Bellas

The Bella twins try to prove the Anti-Divas wrong, going full-force right from the bell, twice knocking down Serena and ably displaying their tag team experience. The Straight Edge ladies are able to fight back, however, as Serena is somehow able to push Nikki Bella off the top rope, allowing Melissa to hit the Kudoh Driver for the pinfall victory.

Slick: Well, the Anti-Divas said they were going to do it, and they did just that! Go Straight Edge!

Spratt: They barely won, Slick. Seems to me like they underestimated the Bellas, don't you think?

Dreamer: Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. But the bottomline is, they still got the win.

The match had some good action but not much in the way of heat.

Rating: 72 (MOTN)





A recap video of the Maryse-Beth Phoenix Championship match at Over the Limit is shown.

Dreamer: Maryse could've won this match with a little more training... We would've had a Champion that's easier on the eyes if I was the one who trained her!

Spratt: No sense crying over spilled milk, Tommy. Let's focus on the qualifying matches, now.

Slick: And HEY! The Glamazon's pretty easy on the eyes herself, man!

Rating: 75




Spratt: Maryse gets a comeback-match tonight, as she takes on Natalya, next!

Dreamer: The French-Canadian isn't scheduled to be in the Fourway match, and I'm bettin' she'll be looking to take her frustration out on the daughter of the Anvil!

Slick: Natalya's no slouch herself, this match won't be as lopsided as you think, Tommy!




Maryse def. Natalya

The two Canadians figure in an even match that showcases both divas' in-ring ability, with Natalya countering a French Kiss attempt into a backbreaker, and Maryse reversing the Sharpshooter into a Small Package. The match ends when Natalya goes for her signature Discus Clothesline, but Maryse ducks under it and connects with the French Kiss DDT.

Slick: Ooh-la-la! The former #1 Contender hasn't missed a beat, Gladys! Maryse is still on the right track!

Spratt: The Sultry Diva may not have won the Gold at Over the Limit, but she's still a force to be reckoned with here on NXT!

Dreamer: I wouldn't want to walk into a dark alley with these two ladies, I tell you that! They may be extremely hot, but they're also extremely dangerous!

The match had some good action but not much in the way of heat.

Rating: 67




Spratt: Main Event time, people! Oh yeah, the last spot for Fatal Fourway is up for grabs!

Dreamer: The Undisputed Divas Champion, Beth Phoenix, meets NXT's newest diva-- Sarah Stock!

Slick: This non-title match will be crucial for Maryse-- I don't doubt that she'll be watching intently.

Dreamer: She got a close-up view of just how ruthless Phoenix can be, if you know what I mean...



Melina def. Gail Kim to qualify for the Fatal Fourway Undisputed Diva's Championship match

Gail Kim stays strong throughout the match, hitting Melina with a variety of moves that display her athleticism. Melina, to her credit, manages to survive, kicking out of Gail's pin attempts and reaching the ropes at every submission. The tide turns after Gail misses on a top-rope splash, giving Melina enough of an opening to hit the Extreme Makeover... only for Gail to kick out! Melina sizes her opponent up, then connects with the Sunset Split to make it into the Fourway match.

Dreamer: Oh man, what a match! Two of the best, right there!

Spratt: Yet another heart-breaking loss for Gail Kim. Will she never get her shot at the big times?

Slick: She had her shot tonight, Gladys-- but she bungled it up, like always!

Dreamer: What will next week bring? Oh man, I can't wait for these four divas to go face to face!

Spratt: That's all the time we have, see you next week, folks!

The match had some good action but not much in the way of heat.

Rating: 70




Post Show:


Nora Greenwald def. Eve Torres and April Lee and Vanessa Kraven

The match had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat.

Rating: 29




Overall Show Rating: 71

There are no specific comments to be made about this show.

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First off I love the Anti-Divas! Such a great storyline idea.


Michelle McCool vs. Kelly Kelly: All I have to say is :eek:! Wow do they both suck that much in the data that they would put on such a horrible match? I mean no other match on your card was even close to that level of badness.

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First off I love the Anti-Divas! Such a great storyline idea.


Michelle McCool vs. Kelly Kelly: All I have to say is :eek:! Wow do they both suck that much in the data that they would put on such a horrible match? I mean no other match on your card was even close to that level of badness.


LOL kelly sucks, but i'm guessing maybe the match time hurt the rating as well...

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LOL kelly sucks, but i'm guessing maybe the match time hurt the rating as well...


It might have hurt a little bit but it was not your main or semi-main so it should not have hurt you too much. Oh and I assume NXT is your B show, which means it did not hurt your overall fed popularity because people expect crap on your B show.


Oh and I love that picture of Maryse...well really I love any pictures of Maryse.:D

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It might have hurt a little bit but it was not your main or semi-main so it should not have hurt you too much. Oh and I assume NXT is your B show, which means it did not hurt your overall fed popularity because people expect crap on your B show.


Oh and I love that picture of Maryse...well really I love any pictures of Maryse.:D


Maryse is just... too beautiful for words :D yep, it's a B-show. Trying to not get a negative crowd reaction from AJ Lee before i regularly her on NXT, though :rolleyes:

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Quick hits from around the United States:





-WWE is reportedly looking to scrap the Hell in the Cell PPV idea after just one year, with the higher-ups convincing CEO Shane Mcmahon that the PPV was unnecessary in the yearly PPV lineup, and that the concept was demeaning the Hell in the Cell match itself. Look for Shane Mcmahon to make an official announcement on RAW sometime in the near future.


-WWE has successfully signed both KENTA and Kenta Kobashi to written deals. Backstage reports indicate that the 'E is looking to provide the two Japanese stars with lighter schedules to ease the wear and tear on their bodies.




-Florida-based TNA has introduced Teddy Hart, Jay Briscoe, and Mikey Whipwreck to its roster, hoping that the new additions would get them one step closer to being the top promotion in the world.


-Dixie Carter also sent out a tweet thanking all the fans who attended TNA's Sacrifice, held at Hawaii's Lahaina Civic Center. The sell-out crowd of 2,400 saw Ken Anderson defeat Rob Van Dam to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Title.




-ROH has signed Scott Steiner to a pay-per-appearance deal. A retired wrestler, it is still unknown what role he will play in the young promotion.




-SHIMMER sold out Indiana's Swonder Ice Arena, with the 1,500 in attendance seeing Jillian Hall defeat Ayako Hamada in what was considered to be the Match of the Night.





-As reported before, Over the Limit's Career vs Title match was Christian's last televised match. The in-ring veteran's contract was not renewed as creative reportedly had no plans for the former champion. Other workers whose contracts are up for renewal include Kaval (Brandon Silvestry), Matt Striker, and Jeff Hardy.

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-Dixie Carter also sent out a tweet thanking all the fans who attended TNA's Sacrifice, held at Hawaii's Lahaina Civic Center. The sell-out crowd of 2,400 saw Ken Anderson defeat Rob Van Dam to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Title.


That is the one thing I find funny about real world mods is stuff like TNA holding a PPV in Hawaii.


-ROH has signed Scott Steiner to a pay-per-appearance deal. A retired wrestler, it is still unknown what role he will play in the young promotion.


:eek:! What the heck could he possibly be doing in ROH?:D

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-ROH has signed Scott Steiner to a pay-per-appearance deal. A retired wrestler, it is still unknown what role he will play in the young promotion.



Thats golden, i like comedy writing but you'd struggle to make that up ...


I'd say Matt Strikers the most valuable of the 3 (never really like Jeff .. Ok maybe a little when he teamed with Matt).

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