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Jasper Mann's Revenge

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The Mystery Mann


Jasper Mann Seeks Revenge


There was shock when reports came in that at MAW's Night of Champions Jay Chord had lost to a relative newcomer. Many MAW fans were excited by the new man's choke of Chord until the Fresh Prince of Stanley Hall passed out. We here at TotalExtremeWrestling.com thought this would be the start of a huge push for this obviously talented young man.


So imagine our shock when on Saturday Week 4 December 2009, one day after the event Jasper Mann was fired. News started coming in fast. First we learned from MAW that Jasper had gone "off-script". Next Rip admitted that his son had been legitimately choked out and Jasper Mann had been fired because of it. Soon after Jasper Mann released a short statement saying he didn't go off script because his opponent "threw the script out". Looking at the video on MyScreen you can see what looks to be a legit punch thrown by Jay Chord followed by a legit triangle choke by his opponent Jasper Mann.


Two days after this news storm, Jasper Mann kicked the story up a notch, announcing the formation of the American Wrestling Association, which will hold shows right in Stanley Hall. Not content with taking the home of the Chord's promotion, Mann released this statement.




"The American Wrestling Association is here to fight the Chord's in the Mid Atlantic while tuning up to become a major player in the American national wrestling market"


While it remains to be seen if the AWA and Jasper Mann can live up to this claim, there is certainly a lot of buzz surrounding the new company.


They will be in Stanley Hall on Sunday Week 4 January 2010 for AWA Mice and Men


Hernendez and Jameson vs. Wiley Coyote - American Tag Team Championship

Nigel Svensson vs. Prv. Security

Frankie Dee vs. Wolfgang Remus

Happy Elwood vs. Larry Hardwood

Antonio Del Veccio vs. Hugh de Aske

Mr. America vs. Fumihiro Ota - America vs. Japan

Honest Frank vs. Jasper Mann - American Championship

-Total Extreme Wrestling

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nice looking backstory you have here



Hernendez and Jameson vs. Wiley Coyote - American Tag Team Championship

Youth and Skill, pretty obvious


Nigel Svensson vs. Prv. Security

Idk who the other guy is, so Nigel wins cause he's talented


Frankie Dee vs. Wolfgang Remus

If this is Rod Remus, if not I still dont like frankie dee


Happy Elwood vs. Larry Hardwood



Antonio Del Veccio vs. Hugh de Aske

Former MAW student gets the win


Mr. America vs. Fumihiro Ota - America vs. Japan

Too popular


Honest Frank vs. Jasper Mann - American Championship

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Hernendez and Jameson vs. Wiley Coyote - American Tag Team Championship

Hernandez is freakin' awesome, and Jameson ain't too shabby either.


Nigel Svensson vs. Prv. Security

Nigel is a guy I ALWAYS pick up in my games.


Frankie Dee vs. Wolfgang Remus

Dunno, he seems nice.


Happy Elwood vs. Larry Hardwood

Guessing this is Larry Wood, and either way, Happy Elwood is baaaaad.


Antonio Del Veccio vs. Hugh de Aske

He's great, and he works in the US and A.


Mr. America vs. Fumihiro Ota - America vs. Japan

Dunno who Mr. America is but Fumihiro Ota is very popular and has decent skills too.


Honest Frank vs. Jasper Mann - American Championship

Never put the title on yourself.

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Never put the title on yourself.


I get why he says this in terms of a dairy. But I tend to disagree with this principle. If you to stabilize a belt or get one off the ground, there's no one else you can count as heavily on to do what's needed when the time comes as yourself.

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In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, The Masked Meanie defeated Too Hot in 8:03 by pinfall.


38 D-


The show opens with the music of the Indy scenes hardest working man, Honest Frank. The man himself walks down to the ring with a purpose, his trademark red blazer over a tight black undershirt instead of his normal full business suit attire. He already had his black "Trust Me" tights on that some may recognize from NYCW and PSW, furthering the image that Frank came to fight and not talk. Of course this doesn't mean he came without a microphone.




"I am thirty nine years old. I have been in the wrestling industry for twenty two years! I graduated from the Piledriver School of Wrestling like Vengeance, Jack Bruce, the Peaks, and Rick Law. I wrestled in XFW, NYCW and PSW. So trust me when I say I have experience inside this ring. Trust me!"


In a violent show Frank rips off his coat and throws it to the ground. In a swift, violent act he kicks it out of the ring.


"Trust me when I say that never in my twenty plus years have I seen a man with more stupidity than the owner of the pile of monkey trash he's calling American Wrestling Association. Who the ---- is he trying to kid with that ----? Beside the morons in the audience? This isn't even the Mid Atlantic's best company, mine-as-well the American Wrestling Association!"




Jasper Mann pops out of the back and the crowd pops a small amount, recognizing the Indy scene standout.


"Frank, honestly, you're nothing but a washed up old never been! The only reason we hired you was to make guys like Mr. America, Antonio Del Veccio and myself look better. So where the hell do you get off taking mic time at the start of the show just to rip our company?"


"Kid, you don't know a ring post from a wishbone yet so don't try talking down to me. I give this stupid company a year, nine months while I'm here and three months to collapse after I leave this rathole. So to you and the rest of the idiots in the crowd and in the back I say ---- off."


Frank turns to leave but Mann turns him around ... Mann Down (Cutter)! Jasper Mann has struck the first blow a full hour and change before the championship match!


53 D+




Hernendez and Jameson vs. Wiley Coyote

American Tag Team Champion titles


Synapsis: The first match of AWA's existence carries the importance of being a title match. This was the age old battle of fresh young legs versus wily veteran savvy. There is a slight twist in that all four combatants are all faces. Wiley Coyote bruise up Jameson, catching him with some isolated (but legal) double teams. After a few minutes Coyote goes for a big clothesline, but Jameson ducks under, leaps to the corner and tags in a fresh Mainstream. Mainstream is beating Coyote convincingly before he goes to the top rope. This proves to be a mistake, as the splash attempt catches knees and Coyote tags in Steinway and Wiley hits the Steinway Highway.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Wiley Coyote defeated Hernendez and Jameson in 12:53 when Wiley Steinway defeated Mainstream Hernandez by pinfall with a Steinway Highway. Wiley Coyote win the American Tag Team Champion titles.


36 D-





Nigel Svensson vs. Pvt. Security


Synapsis: Nigel is a lot of things: a great European talent, a future star if all goes right and a solid technical wrestler. What he was not was someone who could stand up to the sheer size and power of the massive Pvt. Security. After a bit of a runaround Security hit the choke slam on Nigel and covered for the win.


In an extremely short match, Pvt. Security defeated Nigel Svensson in 3:15 by pinfall with a Choke Slam.


30 E+



The camera pans around to see three men surrounding one woman in plush large chair. The overall feel seems to ooze mafia, with the woman herself being the don. Her black top with red lace plunges far beyond the normal neck line of a shirt this style.


"Girls like variety." The words hang in the air as the seductress licks her lips slightly.


"Hugh de Aske, noted rule bender in the ring and in life. A true Pirate bad boy. Frankie Dee, the quiet one, the silent assassin. Thomas Morgan. My Thomas Morgan. My Trademark, the epitome of what you need to be to get with an Angelle. When I joined AWA I told them I wasn't looking for a client, I wanted any army. This ... is my army. This is Krissy's Krew."


With a snapping high kick, Frankie Dee smashes the camera and the feed cuts out.


36 D-




Frankie Dee vs. Wolfgang Remus


Synapsis: Frankie Dee had any number of advantages going into this match. He had Krissy Angelle in his corner. He had experience up in Canada in a 'name' company. He even started the match with a stiff kick that rung Remus' bell and almost got the three count in the first minute. As the match went on, Wolfgang's pluckiness began to show through, which beget a showcase of Wolfgang's determination. Even after a less than subtle distraction, Remus was able to avoid a flurry of strikes and use a subtle low blow to set Dee up for the Wolf Fang Kick (Running Big Boot). Remus locked in the Remus Clutch and it was all over.


In an extremely poor match, Wolfgang Remus defeated Frankie Dee in 13:11 by submission with a Remus Clutch. During the match we also had Krissy Angelle distract Remus.


28 E




Happy Elwood vs. Larry Hardwood


Synapsis: Larry Hardwood is known the world over for his hardcore savageness and brawling excellence. Elwood is known simply as 'that USPW jobber'. Perhaps it is because of this that Elwood seemed to have more fire at the start of the match. Elwood is able to topple the man mountain rather quickly and for about five minutes it looks like we are about to see a major upset here. Hardwood starts power countering a few of Elwood's high octane attacks and the balance starts to shift. Clubbing blows soon follow, leading Elwood to get desperate. He tries to go to the top rope, but is grabbed and thrown down by Hardwood. Hardwood barrels to the ropes, bounces off ... Running Big Foot!


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Larry Hardwood defeated Happy Elwood in 11:10 by pinfall with a Running Big Foot.


40 D




Antonio Del Veccio vs. Hugh de Aske


Synapsis: A pirate who shows no mercy taking on a man who simply will not stay down. The match consists a lot of Hugh beating down the plucky Italian and Antonio fighting back. Whenever Antonio would look like he was going to gain any sort of advantage, Krissy would make her presence known and Hugh would regain control. After rolling for a fair amount Hugh pulls his thumb across his throat. With the Mid Atlantic crowd firmly in his corner, Antonio is able to slide out the back of a cut throat driver... low blow! The referee wasn't in position to see it! Vintage Rip Chord move there! Hugh is spun around ... Italian DDT! Antonio covers for the desperation pin and gets the three count!


Antonio Del Veccio defeated Hugh de Aske by pinfall with a Italian DDT. In this match we saw Krissy Angelle distract Antonio Del Veccio.


32 D-




Fumihiro Ota vs. Mr. America


*Mr. America is not Brandon Smith


Synapsis: Ota started the match with his famous high energy assault, bewildering Mr. America. America simply look flat footed as Ota hit him with strike after stiff devastating strike. A jarring kick the the side of the jaw put America down for a two count, but he kicked out. Ota continued the assault, using the ring ropes to sling shot him around the ring and pinpoint a series of hit and run strikes. The culmination of this barrage came with a cross body, or rather an attempted cross body. America caught the ninja mid flight and slammed him down. Ota regained his footing first, but the time to think kicked in America's adrenaline. Power punch to the side of the head! Power punch to the side of the head! Jog to the ring ropes ... jog back ... shoulder block! Ota goes down. America goes for his finisher the American Leg Drop, but as he's running to the ropes someone trips him up. Hugh de Aske slides into the ring and delivers a Cut Throat Driver to Mr. America. America is stumbling up ... Ninja Strike!


Fumihiro Ota defeated Mr. America by pinfall with a Ninja Strike with help from Hugh de Aske.






Honest Frank vs. Jasper Mann

American Champion


Synapsis: Two great wrestlers dueling to have the honor of being the very first AWA American Champion. One is an Indy leagand, the other the owner of the AWA. Jasper actually starts with the upper hand, dragging Frank to a corner and putting the boots to the schiesty grappler. Frank roles out of the ring, and when Jasper Mann tries to please the crowd by attempting a suicide dive Frank moves! With Jasper down, Frank thinks he can strut to his blazer (which he took off before the match) and use it to choke out Mann. Jasper instead uses the blazer to pull Frank in for a big clothesline. Jasper looks a bit dizzy, perhaps he hit his head from the suicide dive, but is able to prop himself up with help from the ring. As Frank rises up, Mann goes for the Mann down, only to be pushed head first into the steel ring steps!


Pulling on his experience in Pittsburgh, Frank sets Mann's head on top of the steel steps. He goes for a big knee drop, but Mann moves. Frank is clutching his knee... Mann Down! Desperation move by Jasper Mann! He props himself up and into the ring, where he can barely stand. In slides Larry Hardwood and Pvt. Security. Hardwood distracts the ref as Security nails Mann with a chokeslam. Hardwood the goes out of the ring and ... assists Frank into the ring. Frank comes to his senses enough to lift Mann off the canvas and hit the Frank-N-Hurter.


Honest Frank defeated Jasper Mann by pinfall with a Frank-N-Hurter with help from Pvt. Security and Larry Hardwood.




After the three count, Frank goes to a corner and its as Pvt. Security holds Mann up. He throws Mann at Larry who puts him down with a Running Big Foot. Security goes to pick Mann up again when a hooded man emerges from the crowd with a chair. Chair shot to Security! Chair shot to Hardwood! Chair shot to Hardwood! Chair shot to Hardwood. Chair shot to Hardwood and finally the big man falls. Frank looks on with a look of disbelief until the hooded man makes the universal "come get some" signal. Honest Frank charges and...




















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Ummm, where the hell is the rest of my post? It was there, I swear. Was it accidentally deleted? I really don't want to have to rewrite the thing again (albeit not too much is missing, but still...).
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Ummm, where the hell is the rest of my post? It was there, I swear. Was it accidentally deleted? I really don't want to have to rewrite the thing again (albeit not too much is missing, but still...).


Who is the winner. Find out after the break. I'm rooting for the Super Ninja.

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Does anyone know your account details? If so, and they don't like you then they could be messing with your work.


Nah, not even Orange-kun. I'll get to re-writing in a few hours, got some work time fun to do first.

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AWA Brethren


Larry Hardwood & Pvt. Security vs. Wiley Coyote ©

American Tag Team titles


Frankie Dee & Thomas Morgan vs. Kirk Jameson & Mainstream Hernendez


Antonio Del Veccio & Mr. America vs. Fumihiro Ota & Hugh de Aske


Honest Frank & ??? vs. Jasper Mann & Mean Jean Cattley

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AWA Brethren


Larry Hardwood & Pvt. Security vs. Wiley Coyote ©

American Tag Team titles


Frankie Dee & Thomas Morgan vs. Kirk Jameson & Mainstream Hernendez


Antonio Del Veccio & Mr. America vs. Fumihiro Ota & Hugh de Aske


Honest Frank & ??? vs. Jasper Mann & Mean Jean Cattley

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