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Tuesday Week 3, March 2010


Aaron Andrews vs. Sammy Bach




He normally talkative Bach had yet to say anything about facing friend Troy Tornado at Just Another Day when he opened up this week’s show by taking on Aaron Andrews. Andrews put forth his best effort in trying to topple the champ, but his best wasn’t good enough as he soon found Bach on his Back, and tapped out to the move. After the match, Bach continued his media silence regarding Tornado and left the ring.


Bach makes Andrews tap and then deuces, 71.



A Line in the Sand




Koshiro Ino stood alone backstage, his gaze focused on the Cornell.


“Tommy Cornell,” the usually silent warrior began. “What you’ve done is not to be taken lightly. You’ve taken the honor away from one of our young warriors. Joey Minnesota has distanced himself and turned his back on us. Now he stands apart, basing his actions on vengeance. In doing so, his discipline is fading away, and I place the blame on you.”


Ino drew a line with his hand in front of him.


“At Just Another Day, you will have to cross this line. You will have to face me, and I will put you in your place.”


Clark Alexander w/ Danny Fonzarelli vs. Eddie Peak




Alexander and Fonzarelli, who was accompanying his partner, looked slightly afraid as the match began, and for good reason. Peak spent the match on a rampage, running over Clark at every point. Mercifully, he ended the match with a Peak of Perfection. The assault wasn’t complete after the match, however, as when Fonzarelli went to check on his partner, Peak struck and layed out the hard partier as well, sending a clear message to Bryan Vessey.


Peak steamrolls his way to a win, 68



Scout vs. Wolf Hawkins




Scout continued the New Wave’s battle with the Syndicate as he took on Wolf Hawkins this week. The two men put on an entertaining bout with a bit of history behind, and the gifted technician had Cornell’s protégé in trouble at multiple points through the match. Scout’s experience wasn’t enough in the end, though, as Hawkins was able to get a running start and knock the head off of Scout with a Full Moon Rising to score the win.


Wolf wins, 80.



The Upstart




“That sure was a sweet thing you said to Sam Keith last week,” Rick Law said as he approached RDJ in his locker room.


“You’d best have a good reason for being here right now, Law. I don’t have to wait until our match to put a lickin’ on you.”


“I don’t have any doubts about that, Johnson. I just figured I’d drop by and give you a fair warning: After tonight, you stay out of my way. I’m going to beat Sam Keith no matter what, and I don’t want to have to put you down in the process. Believe it or not, I actually respect you.”


“Then I guess it’s time for me to give you a fair warning: I don’t care what you say to me. I don’t care if you respect me or not, because I sure as hell don’t respect you. And I don’t care what you think you can do to Keith. You’ve bitten off a lot more than you can chew with Sam Keith, and tonight, you’ve bitten off a lot more than you can chew in me.” RDJ pushed past Law.

“Good luck tonight, kid,” he said as Law stared down his back.



The Fly Boys vs. The Machines




The Fly Boys took to the air quickly as they tried to fly past The Machines, who seemed to have trouble containing the former cruiserweight tag champs. They were able to get a hold of Donnie eventually, however, and began to lay a slow but steady beating down on the cruiserweight. Once he got the hot tag to Jimmy, however, the tables turned again as he took both Machines down. When he went for a cross body block, though, Anderson was able to catch him, allowing Hill to run the ropes and the two put Prudence down with the Deus Ex Machina to score the win.

The Machines win, 66.



Syndicated Rerun




“Great match, guys,” Wolf Hawkins said as he hi-fived both Anderson and Hill. The two were relaxing in their locker room with Tommy Cornell and Hawkins.

“That it was,” Cornell agreed. “You two are gonna have your titles back before long.”


“That’s the plan,” Anderson said. “And thanks to you two beating the hell out of The New Wave, it should be easier than ever.”


“That was our pleasure. Beating on those two has always been a bloody good time.”

“Agreed,” The Machines both said, shaking their heads.


“Now at Just Another Day, I expect you both to win. Me and Wolf have put in work to help you two out, and you’d better deliver.”


“Oh, no worries on that front. The New Wave is gonna be old news come next Sunday, and our names are going to be on the tips of everyone’s tongue.”



RDJ vs. Rick Law




Both of TCW’s Ricks combined to put on an entertaining little brawl that saw the match take the floor. While there, Law was able to slam RDJ’s head into the ring post, and take control from that point in the match. Once back in the ring, it was only a matter of time before the #1 contender slung RDJ around in a squad car slam to secure the win.


Rick Law wins, 72.


Sam Keith and Rocky Golden vs Joey Minnesota and Tommy Cornell




Minnesota and Golden started the match off, and Minnesota, with his newfound sadistic attitude, took quick control of the match. The match went back and forth after Golden was able to tag in Keith, who did his best to keep his team in the match. Eventually, Texas Pete made an appearance, attacking Golden with a blackjack behind the ref’s back. Things looked bad for Keith, now alone with Cornell and Minnesota, but Keith was able to toss Cornell from the ring, allowing him the chance to trip up Minnesota and lock in the Proton Lock for the tap out win.


While Keith was surviving, Cornell returned to the ring, and, along with Pete, began laying into Keith. Rick Law began to sprint down to the ring, but he was intercepted by the now-recovered Rocky Golden, who did his best to hold off Law as RDJ, Wolf Hawkins, and Koshiro Ino hurried to the ring to join the fray. As the eight men brawled all over the ring, the show came to a close.

Keith wins, but finds himself in the middle of a huge brawl, 76.



Total: A 77 for a show that felt more like a sports entertainment affair. My bad guys…



Next Time on Total Wrestling

Aaron Andrews vs. Robert Oxford

Benny Benson vs. American Buffalo

Gino Montero vs. Sammy Bach

Matthew Keith and Rocky Golden vs. Texas Pete and Wolf Hawkins

Scout vs. Brent Hill

Sam Keith, RDJ, and Koshiro Ino vs. Tommy Cornell, Joey Minnesota, and Rick Law

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Aaron Andrews vs. Robert Oxford

Benny Benson vs. American Buffalo

Gino Montero vs. Sammy Bach

Matthew Keith and Rocky Golden vs. Texas Pete and Wolf Hawkins

Scout vs. Brent Hill

Sam Keith, RDJ, and Koshiro Ino vs. Tommy Cornell, Joey Minnesota, and Rick Law

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Tuesday Week 4, March 2010



Aaron Andrews vs. Robert Oxford



Andrews, who’s been on the losing of most of his matches since challenging for Edd Stone’s All Action title in January, opened the show against veteran Robert Oxford. Oxford took control of the match early and it didn’t look like he was going to relinquish it, until AA was able to pick up the comeback win with a Battery Pack out of nowhere.


Andrews grabbed a mic after the match to speak his mind to the fans.


“That’s it!” he shouted. “Starting tonight, you’re all going to see a new Aaron Andrews around here. I’m done getting beat on, and I’m done losing. I’m going to keep winning matches, I’m going to keep getting better, and I’m not going to stop until I win a championship!”


Andrews wins and issues a mission statement, 69



Benny Benson w/ Bryan Vessey vs. American Buffalo



To combat the Hellfire Club’s tendency for double team assaults, Benson had his newfound friend Bryan Vessey accompany him to the ring. The story here was Benson doing his best to try and avoid getting caught and overpowered by Buffalo, who did his best to do just that. Like all big-vs.-small match ups, Buffalo eventually did catch him, and layed a beating on Benson. When Benson found himself in the corner with Buffalo charging him to attempt the Stampede, Benson wisely moved out of the way and rolled Buffalo up to score the win.


Buffalo immediately went after Benson after the match, but was caught off by Vessey, who leveled the big man with a Vessey Plex. Vessey got a mic from ringside afterward.


“Eddie Peak! I’ve been thinking about this a couple of weeks now, and I’d like to spice up our match this Sunday a little bit. I know someone that wants to climb the ladder in TCW, and I’m pretty damn sure wants to take a few shots at you, too.” Vessey turned to Benson, who was trying to rub the soreness out of his neck.

“What do you say, Benny? Do you want in on this match?”


Benson’s face lit up at the offer. “You know I do!”


“There you have it, Eddie! This Sunday, it’s you, me, and Benson! I hope you’re ready.”


Benny Benson wins, 61



Gino Montero vs. Sammy Bach




Prior to the match, Bach took a chance to speak his mind.


“There’s two people backstage that I know want a shot at my title. One of them, I know I can beat. The other’s gonna be a little more of a challenge, and he’s one of my good friends, but-” Bach flashed a smile “-I know I can beat him, too. So I’ll tell you what, I’m gonna breeze through this match tonight, and then Sunday, I’ll fight both of you! And since I’m such a nice guy, I’ll give you both tickets to my next concert as a consolation prize for coming in second place!”


Montero didn’t seem to appreciate the comment about Bach breezing through the match, and did his best to show the rock star the error of his ways. Bach, for his part, was able to keep his senses throughout Montero’s opening assault, and quickly turned the tables on the rookie. After a few impressive moves, Bach dropped Montero and cinched in the Bach on Your Back to get the submission victory.


Bach makes Montero tap, 83.


An Uneasy Alliance




Backstage, Wolf Hawkins was arguing with Texas Pete.


“You may be buddies with Law, but don’t think that means I trust you,” Hawkins said. “As far as I’m concerned, you aren’t good enough to step into the ring with me.”


“Look here, boy. I don’t give a damn what you think. You may think you’re a big shot around here, but fact is, you don’t get a lick of respect from anyone backstage. You may be a star in the present, but me and Rick, we’re the stars of the future.”


Wolf got into Pete’s face. “Is that so?”


The big Texan was unmoved. “Yeah, it is.”


Just as the two looked like they were going to come to blows, Cornell entered the room.


“What the bloody hell do you two think you’re doing? You’re match is up next, and you’re about to get into a brawl in my locker room? You’d better take that to the ring if you know what’s good for you.”


The two stared each other down a moment longer before Wolf pushed off of Pete’s chest and left the room.


“You two, big man. Get moving!”


Matthew Keith and Rocky Golden vs. Wolf Hawkins and Texas Pete




Hawkins and Pete had all the tools to win this match, but they seemed to throw away their chances at every turn because of their communication issues, whereas Golden and Keith, who have been teaming as of late, capitalized on the errors of their opponents as much as they could. This strategy eventually led to their winning as Keith locked Pete in a Proton Lock to score the win as Hawkins looked on.


Hawkins and Pete argue their way to a loss, 80



Scout vs. Brent Hill




The New Wave had something to say prior to the match.


“Anderson, Hill,” Guide began. “These past few weeks you’ve been setting us up against tough some competition, wearing us down. Well we’re here tonight telling you that we’ve had enough! Tonight, we’re putting down a challenge for you.”


“That’s right,” Scout continued. “Tonight, if Hill can beat me one-on-one, we’ll give you one last title shot at Just Another Day. But if you lose, well, I guess that’s kind of obvious.”


“That’s right: If you lose, you get nothing.”


Hill came out, fired up. He and Scout clearly bring out the best in each other, and both together they put on a very entertaining technical affair that might be frowned upon by the fans of our competition. Long chain-wrestling sequences and dramatic struggles to gain the upper hand highlighted this match, that Brent Hill won with a Complete Package. As he and Anderson celebrated together, Guide comforted Scout, who was disappointed in his loss tonight.

Brent Hill wins and earns The Machines one more shot, 84.



Sam Keith, RDJ, and Koshiro Ino vs. Tommy Cornell, Joey Minnesota, and Rick Law




RDJ was the center of a very focused assault from the bad guys in tonight’s main event. They got a hold of the veteran early, and did their damnedest not to relinquish control. Keith and Ino spent the majority of the match eagerly waiting to see some action, and they got their chance when RDJ leveled Minnesota with a Southern Lariat. When RDJ was nearly to Keith to tag his friend in, Cornell and Law entered the ring and pulled Johnson away from his partners, prompting the faces to enter the ring a brawl to erupt. In the confusion, Law was able to swing RDJ around in a Squad Car Slam, allowing Minnesota to crawl over and cover the veteran for the victory.

The “bad guys” get some momentum going into Just Another Day, 92



Total: 82




Next: A PWR preview of Just Another Day!

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Pro Wrestling Review

Just Another Day? I Think Not!

By Mark Smart


It’s still days away, but TCW’s Just Another Day PPV is already generating some major league buzz in wrestling circles around the world. The show is airing throughout all of North America for the first time this month, as a deal with a Mexican PPV carrier has just been reached. And with a star-studded lineup, the show promises to be a great one.


In matches only available to those in attendance, Rocky Golden will take on Texas Pete, and Wolf Hawkins will team up with a newcomer by the name of Greg Gauge to take on Aaron Andrews and Chance Fortune.


Just last night, John Anderson and Brent Hill and themselves one last shot at The New Waves tag team titles when Brent Hill pinned Scout in a one-on-one match. The Machines have been attempting to steal back the titles for months now, and this is their last chance. So far, The New Wave has been able to stave off The Machines attempts so far, but will they be able to pull through and hold their titles against a team that’s in a must win situation?


Sammy Bach will also be defending his International Championship against former champion Joshua Taylor. But the bigger story here is his friend and oft-partner, Troy Tornado, has been inserted into the match to turn it into a triple threat! Will Bach be able to come out with the gold around his waste, or will one of the challengers walk away as champion?


In another triple threat match, Eddie Peak, Bryan Vessey, and Benny Benson will be competing in a grudge match. Peak and Vessey have a history of trouble with each other, exemplified by Peak putting Vessey out of action through all of February after a steel cage match at Malice in Wonderland. Peak then entered into a feud with Benny Benson, which saw Benson on the losing end more often than not. When Vessey made his return, it was assumed he would challenge Peak once more, but no one expected to see him request to have Benson inserted into the match as well!


Tommy Cornell may have found himself a little lower down the card than he usually is, but don’t expect the former Heavyweight Champion to breeze through his match. Rough Justice is going to be taking on the Warrior, Koshiro Ino, in a grudge match. Ino believes Cornell tainted the young Joey Minnesota, and Cornell, well, he just wants to fight. The two are going to get a chance in a few days as they clash at Just Another Day!


In a match just made today at the request of Joey Minnesota, he’ll be taking on former friend and mentor Ricky Dale Johnson. Minnesota may know everything there is to know about RDJ, but RDJ’s a veteran of the sport, and Minnesota’s going to have a hard time if he expects to catch RDJ with something he hasn’t seen yet. With some serious hate behind it, this match should be an intense one!


And finally, in the main event of the evening, Sam Keith will be making his first title defense as World Heavyweight Champion as he takes on Rick Law. Law earned his shot by defeating two formidable opponents in Eddie Peak and Benny Benson, so Keith has his hands full in this one. Rick Law had better be careful, too, as Keith is a legend in the business. Don’t be surprised if Texas Pete, Rocky Golden, and Matthew Keith make an appearance to support their respective partners in this one!



Just Another Day

Benny Benson vs. Bryan Vessey vs. Eddie Peak

Joshua Taylor vs. Troy Tornado vs. Sammy Bach ã for the International Championship

The New Wave ã vs. The Machines for the Tag Team Championship

Koshiro Ino vs. Tommy Cornell

RDJ vs. Joey Minnesota

Sam Keith ã vs. Rick Law for the World Heavyweight Championship


And, as a bonus:

The LA Connection vs. Wolf Hawkins and Greg Gauge

Rocky Golden vs. Texas Pete

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Hey man really liking this so far. TCW is one of my favorite promotions so I'll be following. If there is anyway to slow this down just a smidge that'd be awesome. I'd say even if you write up the shows in word I would post one like one every two days that way it gives people time to get caught up and you're not six months into this by the time people figure out its here. Anyway here's my predictions. :D


Benny Benson vs. Bryan Vessey vs. Eddie Peak - I know these other two guys are trying to break the tag team wrestler mold and Eddie himself had to break that but as far as I'm concerned Eddie is the man.


Joshua Taylor vs. Troy Tornado vs. Sammy Bach ã for the International Championship - I love me some Troy Tornado but DAMN this is going to be a good match up. There isn't a bad worker in the bunch so I'll just pick my favorite.


The New Wave ã vs. The Machines for the Tag Team Championship - I find the New Wave sort of dull so I'm sticking with the Wrestling Machines baby!


Koshiro Ino vs. Tommy Cornell - No way Tommy loses to this guy


RDJ vs. Joey Minnesota - I'm not the biggest Joey fan in the world but RDJ is aging, I'd say you give it to Joey even if I don't like the guy.


Sam Keith ã vs. Rick Law for the World Heavyweight Championship - I don't think you're ready for Sam to drop the title in his first defense.


And, as a bonus:

The LA Connection vs. Wolf Hawkins and Greg Gauge - Wolf Hawkins isn't about to lose even if he's stuck in a no name tag team.


Rocky Golden vs. Texas Pete - Pete is getting old and Rocky's the former champion


good luck with this man I'll be following

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Sunday Week 4, March 2010


We opened the show with two matches that those of you at home missed out on. First up, Rocky Golden beat Texas Pete in a short-but-fun match, and then Wolf Hawkins and a strangely familiar looking lad named Greg Gauge took on the LA Connection. Gauge showed off some impressive skills, and he and his partner left Aaron Andrews frustrated after pinning Chance Fortune.


Bryan Vessey vs. Benny Benson vs. Eddie Peak




As most suspected, this triple threat match looked more like a handicap one at times as the faces did their best to pick apart Peak and take him out of the match early. After Benson staggered Peak with an enzigiri, Vessey capitalized and layed the big man out with a lariat. With Peak down and out, the two faces shook hands and turned the match into what looked more like a friendly competition. As time dragged on, however, Peak was recovering his senses on the outside, and made his return in a big way. After Vessey whipped Benson into the ropes, Peak stormed the ring destroyed Benson with a huge shoulder block, using the smaller man’s momentum to send him flying. Vessey then charged his nemesis, but Peak ducked the lariat attempt, and countered it into a Peak of Perfection, pinning his rival for the win. After the win, Peak spit on Vessey and left the ring. Once on the ramp, he turned back to survey the carnage left in the ring, snarling as he backed his way backstage.


Peak wins, 81



Joshua Taylor vs. Troy Tornado vs. Sammy Bach for the International Championship




The second triple threat match of the evening turned out to be equally as good as the first. Bach’s only been champion for a month, but he’s already found two men trying to take it away from him. And try they did, as Taylor and Tornado went after the champ with reckless abandon. Unlike the last match, the men in this match were equal opportunists, with no one focusing on taking out any particular person. Bach and Tornado took to the air regularly, with Taylor focusing on staying grounded and avoiding the aerial attacks of his opponents. When Tornado was eventually able to surprise Taylor with a Star Maker, it looked like the rock singer would take the win and the title - until Sammy Bach came up behind and surprised him with an Adrenaline to steal the win.


Bach retains his belt, 81



The New Wave vs. The Machines for the World Tag Team Titles





With the elements of a great grudge and title match, this was anything but just another tag team match. The Machines were well aware that they were on their last legs here, and looked to do everything in their power to win back what they saw as their tag team titles. That said, The New Wave weren’t about to just roll over and let them take them without a fight, and gave back everything The Machines dished out. As even as the match was, it was only a matter of time until one person foud himself alone in the ring with the other team. That moment came when Guide clotheslined Brent Hill out of the ring, leaving John Anderson to deal with both commandos. After a short struggle, the Wave of Mutilation was hit, and the New Wave found themselves holding their belts over their heads once more.

The New Wave retain, 72



Bros Forever



“**** it!” Troy Tornado yelled, tossing his shirt into the corner as he entered his locker room. Sammy Bach soon followed.


“Whoa, Troy, you gotta settle down man. Everyone loses every now and then.


Tornado continued to seethe, and Bach cracked a smile as an idea came to his head. “I know what’ll cheer you up.”


When Tornado didn’t say anything, Bach continued. “Groupies, man, groupies. After my show tonight, all the groupies you could want. I’ll even let you wear the belt for ‘em.”


Troy tried to keep a straight face, but a smile eventually shot across it. “Alright, man, alright!”

“So are we still cool?”

“Yeah, we’re still good,” Tornado answered as the two shook hands.



Overconfident, much?




Backstage, Tommy Cornell’s getting ready for his match as he and Wolf vent to one another.


“Can you believe this, Tommy? My match didn’t even make it on the PPV!”


“Who cares! I’m the biggest star in this company, I haven’t been in the main event in months. And now because the board decided to put in a match with some Japanese nobody, I’m further down the card than I think I’ve ever been.”

“We’re the Syndicate, Tommy. That’s supposed to mean something. We used to have pull around here!”

“You’re **** right we did. So tonight, I’m going to remind everyone why we had that pull. I’m going to go out there and put on a demonstration of what it means to be in the Syndicate, what you have to be able to do to people. I sure as hell hope that face painted fool is ready.”


“…Put him in a body bag, Tommy.”


Koshiro Ino vs. Tommy Cornell




Cornell did put on a huge demonstration, but it was far from the one he thought he would. Instead, he and Ino put on one of the best back-and-forth brawls in TCW history. The two fought all over the ring, with the battle spilling out to the floor multiple times. A number of times throughout the match, Ino looked like he had Cornell on the ropes, but Rough Justice was able to keep himself in the match. The end of the match came when Ino downed Cornell with a German suplex and ascended the ropes to attempt the Warrior’s Way. Cornell, the wily veteran he is, was able to counteract the attack by shaking the ropes, causing Ino to get caught up on the turnbuckle. Seeing Ino trapped, Cornell struck and began his trademark Hung Jury assault. Ino was unable to resist the strikes for the duration of the referee’s five-count and verbally tapped.

Cornell wins while bringing down the house, 98. (:D)



The Student Meets the Master




RDJ was making his way to the ring when he was intercepted by his opponent, Joey Minnesota.

“Ricky, Ricky, Ricky,” Minnesota began. “Why’d it have to come to this, Ricky?”


“Why?” RDJ asked, turning to face Minnesota. “Why don’t you tell me, boy? I didn’t have any part in this mad-man streak of your’s.”


“Oh, but you did, Ricky. Trust me, you did. But ya know, I’m actually grateful for it now. When you were teaming up, fighting the good fight, I thought I was the best I could be. For some reason, though, I just kept losing.”

“But then you replaced me!” Minnesota cackled as RDJ watched him, confused. “Don’t worry, though, ‘cause I’m not mad! In fact, it’s the complete opposite. I am glad for what you did for me. Now, I’m a winner!”


“I don’t care what you have to say, Joey, let’s just go out there -” RDJ was cut off as Minnesota pulled him close in a hug.


“Love ya buddy,” Minnesota whispered before delivering a knee to RDJ’s gut.


RDJ vs. Joey Minnesota




The two men came spilling out onto the stage and fought all the way down to the ring. They spent a bit longer tearing into each other at ringside before they finally made their way into the squared circle and the match officially began. It was clear from the get go that both men were out for blood in this one, as they both displayed a tendency to forego actual wrestling technique and simply fight the man standing across from them. After a good half hour of this bloody match, Minnesota finally put an end to it with an Empire Spiral. As RDJ lay motionless on the mat, Minnesota crawled over and whispered something in his before standing up and becoming overcome with laughter.


Minnesota comes away bloodied, but wins nonetheless, 84


The Good, the Bad




Rick Law was standing backstage, eyes fixated on the camera.


“One month ago, I earned the right to challenge for World Heavyweight Championship,” he began. “Over the past month, I tried to stay as professional as possible. A friendly match here and there, a little bit of trash talk, no big deal. But tonight, I’m letting loose. I’m going to hurt Sam Keith, and I’m going to bloody him. And after all that, I’m going to hold up his, my World Heavyweight Championship, and everyone in the world is going to see that Rick Law is a big deal. Tonight, Sam, it gets personal. Tonight, I’m going to retire you. You’ve had a good career.


Sam Keith vs. Rick Law for the World Heavyweight Championship




Law tried to get a head start by attacking Keith as he handed his belt off to the ref, who was quick to call for the ring bell. Law controlled the match in the early going, but Keith was able to bust out some smooth counters to keep himself in the match. As soon as he took control, Keith began working on the neck of Law with neck breakers, neck cranks, and simple strikes. Law fought his way out of a sleeper hold to regain control, and from here the momentum switched multiple times. After dropping Keith with a power slam, Law called for the Squad Car Slam. Lifting Keith up and whipping him into the ropes, Law caught the champ and began swinging him, but Keith used his momentum to swing all of the way around Law and pull him down into a Proton Lock! Law was slowly making his way to the ropes, but the pain was too much for the challenger, who tapped out, giving Sam Keith the win to close out the show!

The legend retains his title, 95.



Total: 88

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Post show thoughts:


-Very satisfied with the card. Only one match scored below an 80, which is a first for me.


-As for that match, I am a little disappointed. Singles matches between them are much better and I was hoping their experience would carry them higher.


-Minnesota's taking his turn as my resident mentally unstable heel. Watch out, TCW!


-The Law/Keith match actually exceeded my expectations. Maybe I was just spoiled by the Keith/Golden matches.


-Yes, I did put the guy main eventing last month's PPV as world champ in a dark match. At least he won. I really have no idea what Joel Bryant was thinking making him champion.


-My first A* match ever! I know it was with Tommy, which is like easy mode, but it was also with Koshiro Ino, who's good, but not that good. It definitely makes me rethink my stance on Ino and change some plans up.



Next Week on Total Wrestling!

The Tag Team Specialists vs some fresh faces! (Supposed to be a dark match, but I screwed up the booking...)

Scout vs Davis Wayne

The Fly Boys vs Charlie Thatcher and Genghis Rahn

A battle royal to become #1 contender to Sam Keith's title featuring: Virtually everyone not booked already!

Aaron Andrews vs Troy Tornado

RDJ and Ino vs Rick Law and Joey Minnesota

Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell

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Tuesday Week 1, April 2010

The Tag Team Specialists vs. North and South (Korea)




The evening kicked off with a fizzle as Robert Oxford and Joel Bryant took on the debuting North and South. The two masked men set a fast pace in the early going, and South actually had Oxford reeling at one point. When he went to play to the fans, North slapped him upside the back of his head, inadvertently tagging himself in, leading to Oxford and Bryant taking control of the match. The two men were quick to hit the Tradition Slam to score the win over the odd couple.


The Tag Team Specialists take a quick win over North and South (Korea), 40



The Keith Dynasty




Sam Keith came to the ring with a big smile on his face, flanked by his son Matthew and pupil Rocky Golden. He held a microphone in one and his World Heavyweight Championship in the other.


“I’ve been World Champ before,” he started off, “but this is my first time in TCW, and I’m going to be honest, this is the one that means the most. In a company that values the abilities of wrestlers more than how many t-shirts they can sell, I’m the top guy. The top guy in a company full of young, talented wrestlers that put everything on the line night in and night out.


“Back East, they wouldn’t give most of the guys here a chance. But in TCW, they’ve flourished, and they’ve become stars. That’s why I came to TCW in the first place. I wanted to prove to everyone that I could win in the toughest place around, that I wasn’t just a fighter in an actor’s world. At The War to Settle the Score, I finally proved that after 31 years in this business that I am the best, and last Sunday, I proved that I can stay at the top of this mountain. I may be 49 years old, but I can guarantee you that I’m here to stay!”


The crowd erupted into cheers, but they were all cut off by the familiar music of Tommy Cornell. Sam Keith’s smile turned into a scowl as he stared down his former partner.



“That’s a touching speech, Sam, it really is. There’s just one thing I’d like to add, though: You’re not the best in the world. Hell, you’re not even the best in this company. That title belongs to this mean British bastard.”


Golden interjected. “Cornell, you could never match Sam and you know it!” Keith put his arm in front of Rocky, telling him to back down.


“You’d better put your boy on a leash, Sam, before I go in their and whip him too.”


“You won’t need to do that, Tommy. I’m going to let my wrestling do the talking when I beat you tonight.”


“And I welcome the challenge, old friend,” Tommy said, smiling.



Scout vs. Davis Wayne




Scout took on relative newcomer Davis Wayne in the next match, and Wayne made the mistake of beginning the match by charging the ring and getting right in the veteran Scout’s face. Scout then proceeded spend the majority of the match beating on Wayne. Wayne, for his part was able to weather Scout’s assault and even got some shots of his own in, but the veteran looked like he was too much for him. Wayne surprised everyone, though, when he moved out of the way of a charging Scout and rolled him up for the pinfall victory, leaving Scout stunned in the ring.


Wayne stuns everyone and scores his first singles victory, 63.



The Fly Boys vs. Charlie Thatcher and Genghis Rahn




This was the perfect match for Donnie and Jimmy to gain back some momentum. Thatcher and Rahn hadn’t been seen in months, but the two were still well known as formidable threats to anyone, and they showed why as they took the fight to the former cruiserweight tag champs. The Boys didn’t let that get to them though, and Donnie James finished off Thatcher with a Death on Miami Beach.

The Fly Boys win this one, 64.


Law’s Not Done




“You think you’re done with me, don’t you, Keith?” Law began. He was standing in a dark room with a sour look on his face. “You think you just beat me and that’s it. I may not be entitled to a rematch with you, but I’ve never been entitled to anything in my life. Everything I have, I’ve earned, and I don’t have any problem earning another title shot.


“All I’m going to say is you can make it a whole lot easier on you and your friends if you just give me a shot. No questions asked, just another fight. If you choose not to, I’d just like you to keep in mind that I can be a very persuasive individual should I choose to be. Sam, Don’t make me ask you again.”



Battle Royale to Determine the New #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship


15 superstars started off in this match, sending bodies flying. Big-man Texas Pete was on a tear in the beginning, eliminating 5 other wrestlers on his before the remaining stars decided to team up and be rid of him. The final four came down to Wolf Hawkins, Edd Stone, Bryan Vessey, and Eddie Peak. Stone wisely did his best to hide away from all the action between the other three men, but was left on his own following a huge Vessey Lariat that eliminated Peak and carried him out with his momentum as well. Now down to Hawkins and Stone, the match turned into a game of cat and mouse, with Stone picking his shots wisely. The finale came after Stone attempted to skin the cat thinking Hawkins had turned his attention away. Hawkins, however, saw the entire thing, and nailed Stone with a Full Moon Rising, knocking the All Action champ off the apron and earning himself a title shot.


Hawkins earns a title shot, 71.



The Celebration


“Did you see that, Tommy!?” Wolf asked excitedly as he burst into The Syndicate locker room.


“I did, Wolf, I did,” Tommy Cornell answered, standing up and congratulating the youngster. “And you just gave me that much more incentive to whip Sam Keith all over the arena tonight. I see gold in The Syndicate’s future, Wolf, and it starts tonight. Next week, it’s up to you.”


“I’m not gonna let you down, Tommy. This is my destiny. I can sense it.”



Aaron Andrews vs. Troy Tornado



Tornado looked over confident coming into this match, and Andrews made him pay for it from the get-go. The youngster looked to continue his promise to succeed by beating respect into Tornado. Tornado got the odd bit of offense in, but for the most part Double A ruled this match. Finally, almost mercifully, Andrews hoisted Tornado up and dropped him down in a Battery Pack to score the win.

Aaron Andrews means business, 80.



Friendly Words?




Tornado was walking backstage, rubbing his neck when he heard a laugh. Angrily, he spun around to see Sammy Bach staring him down.


“Too many strippers last night?” Bach asked.


Troy scowled. “The kid got lucky!” he exclaimed. “Any other night I could beat him, it’s just my…my…my ribs are banged up! Ever since Sunday. The doc told me not to even wrestle tonight.”


“Your ribs, huh? Sounds like some bull **** to me, partner.”


“It’s not a lie, dammit! I’ve got a doctor’s slip to prove it,” Troy said, turning and storming off toward his locker room. Bach chuckled again.

“Whatever you say, friend.”


RDJ and Koshiro Ino vs. Rick Law and Joey Minnesota




Law and Ino started this one off. Ino’s coming off an incredible match up from Sunday, but that’s what hurt him the most, as Law and Minnesota targeted the bruised warrior. RDJ was apparently the wrong partner for Ino tonight, as the usually brave veteran seemed almost scared of Minnesota, who was stalking around the ringside any time he wasn’t tagged in. When he was, RDJ was quick to tag himself out, apparently wanting nothing to do with his former student after Sunday’s match. After one such occasion, Ino attempted to end the match with a Kobra Bite, but Minnesota countered it into an Empire Spiral to score the win. After the match, Minnesota whispered something into the ear of Ino, then set his gaze on RDJ, who was now backing his way up the ramp. Minnesota began cackling as he watched his mentor shy away from the fight.


Law and Minnesota win, 83.


Sam Keith vs. Tommy Cornell




Keith and Cornell have a lot of history, and it all came together in this match. The two put it all on display, with counter after counter and wild brawling at ringside, and even the rare high flying move from Cornell. Cornell had attempted to finish Keith multiple times throughout the match with the Guilt Trip, but each time Sam avoided the finisher and kept on fighting, frustrating Tommy. Eventually, Tommy went to hit a superplex, but Keith pushed him off of the ropes and followed with a splash, leading to a two count. Now fired up, Keith flipped Cornell onto his stomach and latched in the Proton Lock, forcing Cornell. As the show closed, Sam Keith held his hand high, but Cornell had clearly met his goal of punishing him, as Keith left the match a bruised and beaten man.


Keith wins it, 92.



Total: 84


Next up: PWR Interview with Tommy Cornell

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Thanks. I think I've finally foudn how I want to write most of my characters, so the shows are improving just from that. I like to think I'm throwing out some original ideas, too. I don't think anyone's had Joey Minnesota turn into a madman with rejection issues yet. That, and I'm actually getting comfortable writing the shows. At first, I was trying to work with what was already there, but now I'm writing my own storylines, not just my take on the beginning ones (aside from Vessey/Peak, that is, but I like that rivalry :D)
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Pro Wrestling Review

Spotlight: Tommy Cornell

By Mark Smart



Tommy Cornell is an industry icon. A self-made man leading a powerhouse company with shows in America, Canada, and Mexico at the young age of 31. From his humble beginnings in Men of Steel Combat, to his tumultuous time in the land of Supreme, all of the way to the top of Total Championship Wrestling, Cornell has proven without a shadow of a doubt that he’s not only one of the greatest wrestlers in the world, but also that he’s one of the greatest minds this industry has ever produced. I recently had the chance to sit down with Mr. Cornell, and we shared our thoughts on a number of topics.


Mark Smart: Thank you for your time, Mr. Cornell. I’d like to start off by congratulating you on TCW’s recent jump to becoming an international entity in the wrestling world.


Tommy Cornell: Thank you, Mark. But I don’t want to take all the credit for making it this far. That goes to everyone on the TCW roster.


MS: TCW had largely sat at the same place popularity-wise for a number of years, and in only a few months, new head booker Cody Lane has brought the company to new heights. Did you expect this from him?


TC: [Laughs] I expected some fresh booking, that’s all. You always expect a change in booking to either bring new fans in or scare them away, and Cody’s been instrumental in bringing in a massive amount of new fans.


MS: How did the previous head booker, Joel Bryant, take the news of his demotion?


TC: Joel knew it was time, in a way. He enjoyed the job, but I don’t think it was ever what he aspired to do. He always spoke of wanting to teach the younger guys more than anything. Besides, he’s still on the booking team, just not as the head of the totem.


MS: Does this mean that we’ll see him training in one of TCW’s numerous development promotions?


TC: When he retires, if that’s what he wants to do. Right now, though, he’s teaching through experience, along with Robert Oxford.


MS: Why pick Cody Lane as the successor, and not yourself, or Sam Keith?


TC: I’ve never been a fan of wrestlers getting the book. I think Sam and I think a little too much of ourselves to book a show responsibly. [Laughs] Joel always recognized that his place wasn’t at the top of the card, and he liked that. The fans accepted him, but never as a top guy, ya know? With Cody, I don’t have to worry about any of that.


MS: Even so, you’ve got Archie Judge and Arnold Westbury both on the roster in non-wrestling roles. Why not them?


TC: Those two are great road agents, but their booking is a bit antiquated. Cody has a lot to offer. He’s shown from his work in CZCW that he can book wrestling-intensive shows. When he was at MAW, he proved he could pull a great show out of a bunch of a raw rookies. Then he proved he could book a good weekly show once we hired him. The choice was actually pretty easy for me.


MS: Well the results do show, you made the right choice.


TC: Thanks.


MS: Now, you’ve not always been with TCW, Mr. Cornell.


TC: I haven’t.


MS: Could you talk a little bit about your journey to this point?


TC: Sure. I started out in Men of Steel Combat in Britain back in 1996. I wrestled a handful of matches there, and tapes of my matches started circulating with traders. Sam was was World Champ in the SWF at the time, and he had a lot of pull with the company.


MS: Just to clarify, this is current TCW World Heavyweight Champion Sam Keith we’re talking about?


TC: That’s him. Anyway, Sam liked to keep his ear to the ground and search for new, young talent to try and give a break to, so he was always in the shops talking to the traders and watching obscure matches. Eventually, he saw my matches, and pitched me to Eisen. Remember, this was before the internet, so he actually had to go out of his way to find me.


MS: And about a month after your debut you were working for the biggest promotion in the world. Quite a feat for someone that wasn’t even trained by the company.


TC: And it only lasted a little under a year. [Laughs]


MS: Because of the match with Nemesis?


TC: That’s the one. Eisen developed a strong dislike, to put it lightly, of me following that match. There was no way he was going to rehire me when my contract came up, and he had no reason to, because the fans completely turned against me once I started getting jobbed out in every match.


MS: When your contract came up, you were quick to sign on with TCW, then known as the Hollyweird Grappling Company. Why them, and not DAVE or someone else?


TC: I actually considered DAVE before making my decision. Nemesis was the one who changed my mind, believe it or not. I called him one night, and we talked for a few hours. Look at John, and you see the face of DAVE. You see someone that wanted to do everything he could to make that company succeed. But he told me not to come here. Told me I was too good for DAVE. I think he saw that they would never get past the point they were. It was too much of a niche product, they would have to completely change it and alienate all of their fans to get further.


MS: So Nemesis told you to go to HGC, a fledgling company run by a young kid, and now you find yourself as the owner of an internationally known company.


TC: Well, it sounds bloody crazy when you put it that way.


MS: How exactly did you become owner, anyway?


TC: Me, Rip Chord, Sam Strong, Joel Bryant, and Robert Oxford all got together and decided to buy the company outright in 1999. Sam and Rip had a ton of funds hidden away, and Jeol, Robert and me all pitched in. For a couple of years, we did everything: Wrestlers, road agents, owners, booking team, everything. It was during this time that I won my first world championship. Fun fact: that World Championship was my first title, period. How many people can say that?


MS: Not too many, I’d say.


TC: Well, after a few years, Sam left to form USPW and Rip to make MAW, and it was just me, Joel, and Robert. Neither were really interested in running the company, so I bought their shares and become the sole owner and operator of what was by then TCW. They both have a job for life, and get slightly above average pay. Rip and Sam will always have a place, too, if they want it. We’re helping Rip out now by keeping MAW as a development promotion.


MS: Do you have any predictions for what Cody Lane has in store for TCW’s future?


TC: Well, Total Mayhem’s coming up in two months, and with so many main event players locking up, and with all of these feuds mixing together, I’d expect the traditional Total Mayhem match to be a good one. I’d also look for a bunch of our developmental guys to start popping up on the lower card and in dark matches soon. There’s so much talent we’ve got in the basement there it’s amazing.


MS: Mr. Cornell, thank you again for your time today.


TC: And thank you for all of the positive coverage you’ve been giving TCW as of late. I knew there was a reason I hired you!





Next Time on Total Wrestling

Joshua Taylor vs Eddie Peak

The Fly Boys vs Davis Wayne and surprise partner

Bryan Vessey vs John Anderson

Gino Montero vs Freddy Huggins vs American Buffalo to decide the #1 contender for the International Championship

RDJ, Koshiro Ino, and Rocky Golden vs Tommy Cornell, Joey Minnesota, and Texas Pete

Sam Keith vs Wolf Hawkins for the World Heavyweight Championship

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Tuesday Week 2, April 2010



The show opened up with two matches not seen on television, with Edd Stone defeating Brent Hill and Benny Benson to retain his All Action Championship, and the Tag Team Specialists once again dominating North and South (Korea).


Joshua Taylor vs. Eddie Peak




Peak and Taylor opened the show with a bang. Taylor, the smaller man in the match, spent the majority of it trying to tie Peak up and take away his power by chopping down the big man’s legs. Peak had other plans though, as he just ran through Taylor whenever he had control, and eventually used that momentum to end the match with a Peak of Perfection.


Peak wins, 71



The Fly Boys vs. Davis Wayne and…Insane Machine!




Wayne came out with a psychotic looking character in a mechanical mask that was clearly familiar to the Fly Boys, as his presence caused the usually smiling duo to clam up a bit. The newcomer came in with a mix of high flying and stiff kicks that he and partner Davis Wayne used to shut the Fly Boys down, scoring the win following a fisherman’s driver from Insane Machine, a move he calls the Infernal Machine.


Davis and newcomer Insane Machine win, 61







Rick Law stood in a dark room, smiling at the camera.


“Sam, I know we haven’t exactly got along in the past few weeks, but I just want you to know that I’m pulling for you tonight. Now, I’m not at the arena tonight, so I can’t make sure you win tonight, but I am pulling for you. ‘Cause if you lose tonight, then what I’m about to do is gonna be pointless.”


The camera panned out to reveal Matthew Keith handcuffed to a chair as Law stepped up behind him, pulling out his night stick.




“So what do you say, Sam? Am I gonna be your next challenger?” Law asked as he brought the stick down on Matt’s shoulder, summoning a scream of pain from the young Keith. “What’s the answer, Sam?” Law shouted as he continually brought the stick down, beating Matthew with it.


Breathing heavily, Law stepped away and addressed the camera. “I want an answer, Sam, or this is just going to keep happening. See ya soon.”



Bryan Vessey vs. John Anderson




Following the disturbing we just witnessed, Vessey and Anderson presented to the crowd a pure wrestling match in an attempt to lighten the mood somewhat. The two put on a technical affair that saw the more experienced Vessey take advantage and end the match with a Vessey Plex that put Anderson down and out.


After the match, Eddie Peak and American Buffalo made their way onto the ramp. In a rarity, Peak was holding a microphone.




“Things aren’t done between us, Vessey,” Peak snarled. “Buffalo and I want another piece of you. At ‘Tread, we’re challenging you to a tag match. Any partner you want, even that annoying little bug, Benson. You can decline if you want, but you’ll only be making it harder on yourself.”


Vessey was shaking his head yes, making it clear that he wasn’t backing down from this challenge.


Bryan Vessey pulls out the win, 81.


Gino Montero vs. Freddy Huggins vs. American Buffalo




American Buffalo was already waiting in the ring when the two fixtures of the all action division made their way down, and he translated that early start into momentum as he overpowered both of the much smaller men. The usual enemies of Montero and “Fabulous” Freddy ended up teaming up to cut the big man down to size, eventually laying him out following a dropkick/enzigiri combo, leaving them alone to wrestle in the ring. They took too much time, however, allowing Buffalo to recover, and charge Huggins with a Stampede, removing him from contention. Montero, however, was still in it, and was able to surprise Buffalo with a rollup to score the upset, earning his second title shot of his TCW career.


Montero surprises, 69.



Another Tag Challenge?




Sammy Bach and Troy Tornado were chatting backstage as Aaron Andrews approached.


“I got lucky last week, huh?” Andrews said as he confronted Tornado.


A look of anger spread across Troy’s face. “Yeah, kid, you did. Everyone in this arena knows that I can beat you 9 nights out 10, and that you’re just some flash in the pan.”


“If that’s the case, why not wrestle me again?”


“I’d rather fight you right now,” Tornado said, ****ing his fist back. Before he could swing, Bach caught his arm, holding him back.


“Whoa, buddy, you need to calm down. The kid’s not worth the trouble.”


Tornado sighed. “You’re right, he doesn’t even deserve to be on my radar.”


“There we go,” Bach said, as Gino Montero approached. “What the hell are you doing here?”



“It looks like you’re wearing my belt, ese,” Montero said.


“What’d you say?” Bach said.


“You heard me, you ****y ass,” Montero said.


“Why you little-” This time it was Tornado holding Bach back as he lunged at the Mexican star.


Andrews and Montero both began backing up. “I have an idea: next week, let’s have ourselves a tag match. You two against us. Fun times, right?” Andrews said, laughing.



RDJ, Koshiro Ino, and Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell, Joey Minnesota, and Texas Pete




In what has become a regular fixture of TCW television, these six men did battle to earn some kind of advantage in a war they’ve been waging for the past few months. With 6 men, the fight was all over the place, but in an entertaining way. It looked like Team Cornell was going to win the match, but that was stopped as soon as Cornell tagged in Pete. Pete looked to capitalize on a beaten Rocky Golden, but was instead hoisted into The Rack and forced to submit.

RDJ, Ino, and Golden pull off the win, 81


Angry at the loss, Minnesota and Cornell attacked the members of the other squad following the match, sparking a huge brawl that security failed to contain. What stopped it, however, was a huge surprise, as a guitar riff familiar to wrestling fans everywhere cut through the air, and John “Nemesis” Campbell stepped onto the stage.



“Cut this bull **** out!” Campbell yelled. And cut it out everyone in the ring did, so surprised they were by the legends appearance. “Now I’m sure you’re all wondering what the hell Nemesis is doing here, and I’m going to tell ya. The board of directors or whatever the hell they’re called around here, they needed a presence in TCW. A visible one. And what damn presence is there that’s bigger than me?”


The crowd roared their approval. “Ya’ll have been fighting for entirely too long, and I know I’m not the only one around here that’s getting a little tired of it. It’s time to end this ****. So come the next PPV, we’re going to have a little four-way tag match, between all of you. See if you still wanna fight when you end up against some of your good old friends. And, if that doesn’t work, well, we’ll just go from there.”


“You boys have yourselves a lovely evening, and start getting your teams ready. I’m gonna need the list soon,” Campbell said as he turned and went backstage, leaving the 6 men standing slack-jawed in the ring.


Sam Keith vs. Wolf Hawkins for the World Heavyweight Championship





It was obvious that Rick Law’s actions toward his son had taken an adverse effect on Sam Keith, and Wolf Hawkins was eager to capitalize on the unique state of mind the champion was in. Each time Keith was able to gain control, a different shot of Matthew beaten and bloodied was put up on the big screen, distracting the champion and allowing Hawkins to take over once again. Finally, though, the pictures were enough to simply send Keith into a rage, as he unleashed a brutal assault on the young superstar. As Keith locked in the Proton Lock, a collage of all of the pictures appeared on screen, causing the champ to crank back on the hold viciously, forcing Hawkins to tap out immediately. As the show went off air, Keith held his championship up high, seething as he stared at the pictures of his son.


Keith retains, 88


Total: 82



Next Time on Total Wrestling:

Aaron Andrews and Gino Montero vs. Troy Tornado and Sammy Bach

Scout vs. Insane Machine

Bryan Vessey vs. Brent Hill

Matthew Keith vs. Texas Pete

Rocky Golden vs. Joey Minnesota

Sam Keith and RDJ vs. Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins

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Post show thoughts:


-Yep, I hired Nemesis as an authority figure. He's officially a face, but since I'm not going to book him in any matches, I'm not going to treat him like one. Instead, he's going to be on the side of some faces and some heels. Biased, but toward both sides at different times.


-So far this month, Gino Montero's popularity has jumped 11 points. Aaron Andrew's win over Troy Tornado and the subsequent angle this week has also shot him up around 25 points, and he now autopushes as an upper midcarder, which is higher than I would actually push him right now.


-I'm still stuck as to what to do with Benny Benson. His stats should make him a good midcarder, but he autopushes toward the top of the card, where he's just not good enough to hang. That, and besides "fun loving face," I don't have any sort of character to give him.


-Troy Tornado's another one I'm having trouble with, but I think that's mainly because I see him and Bach as having the same character, and I love me some Bach. I know he's supposed to be one of the main event players, but he'll be an upper midcard gate keeper for a while, I think.


-We scored a 5.81 with the last show, up from the 5.03 we got with our first show. As we've steadily grown, SWF has begun to fall, beginning the year with a 7.82 and scoring a 6.48 on their last show.


-Eric Eisen is still SWF World Champion, but his best match oddly came in a loss to Rich Money. It also happened to be the companies best match of the year so far, scoring a 92. Eisen's having a solid but not spectacular year, participating in 8 out of the 10 best matches SWF has put on.


-Similarly, Tommy Cornell has been in 8 of TCW's best matches, though his have all been considerably better. Only his tag match with Wolf Hawkins vs the Freedom Fighters of RDJ and Joey Minnesota scored lower, and it was only by one point. All of his others have equaled or beaten each of Eisen's outings. TCW champion Sam Keith has been in 5 of our best matches, with only one of his match against Joey Minnesota a couple of months ago being worse, again by only one point.


-Gargantuan's contract with CGC came up, and I couldn't help but sign him up. He's currently in FCW as the latest monster heel to go up against legend Puerto Rican Power.


-Japan and Australia currently have the best economies and industries. Everywhere else in the world both are sub-50, with the American economy sitting at 46 and the industry at 25, with both rising.


-Rocky Golden's decent and has top notch star quality, but I have no idea how he ended up as the world champion in TCW. SWF, I can see, but he never had the skills to really succeed in a performance based fed. I was contemplating jobbing him down the card until he comfortably sat at midcard, but he's shown enough of an improvement that I feel comfortable letting my other top talent carry him to a good (not great) match.

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Tuesday Week 3, April 2010



Two tag team affairs made up the dark matches tonight, with the Tag Team Specialists beating Party Down (Clark Alexander and Danny Fonzarelli) and the Canadian Animals bulldozing North and South (Korea).



The Nemesis Age




John “Nemesis” Campbell was quite the sight backstage. The still-massive man sat in a folding chair behind a cheap wooden table wearing an even cheaper looking suit, and he was scanning over a number of papers taken from an open briefcase sitting next to him. After a moment, he looked up and addressed the camera.


“’Why Nemesis?’ a lot of you are asking,” he said. “I’ll tell you why. I’m the only person in the whole damn world that can control all these ***holes that call themselves wrestlers around here, and the boys running this show saw that. To prove that, I made a match that’s gonna take the biggest egos in this company and make them all fight each other. They’re gonna choose sides, and they’re gonna do their damnedest to beat on their friends and enemies. I did this to show that I have control. Two of the teams have already thrown their hats in, but they’re the ones that I expected first anyway. We’ve got Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins, and Koshiro Ino and RD Johnson. We’ll see what other teams we get.

“As far as title matches are concerned, I’ve decided Davis Wayne and Bat **** Insane Machine are gonna challenge my old DAVE friends for the tag titles. Get some new faces in that division. We got the Mexican Jumping Bean Gino Montero challenging Sammy Bach for the International title, and the All Action title’s up in limbo.


“And finally, just like everyone saw coming, Sam Keith’s accepted Rick Law’s challenge. They’re gonna duke it out again this month. Things got real personal here, so this one should be great. Now that we got all this set-up **** out of the way,” Nemesis flashed a smile, exposing more than a few false teeth, “let’s get the show started!”


Aaron Andrews and Gino Montero vs. Troy Tornado and Sammy Bach




Whereas Troy Tornado took his opponents seriously, Sammy Bach seemed to vastly underestimate the skills of Andrews and Montero. It took a kick in the jaw to jar the champ back to reality, but it was too little, too late, as Andrews soon hit Tornado with a Battery Pack and scored the win.

Andrews and Montero win, 61


Scout w/Guide vs. Insane Machine w/Davis Wayne




Just minutes ago, we learned that the newcomer Machine had already earned his first title shot, so that put heavy implications on this match. The two men appeared to be evenly matched, and the momentum switched constantly without one man ever gaining too much of an advantage. Eventually, Wayne’s presence at ringside allowed Machine to hit the Infernal Machine after Wayne distracted Scout. As Machine stood silently in the ring, Wayne hopped up and down repeatedly in excitement, as Guide checked on his partner.


Insane Machine wins with a bit of help, 76



Oooh, Rejected!




At the catering table, Tommy Cornell was picking his way through the vegetable platter, eying the food with disgust. He picked up piece of broccoli and took a bite of it, before gagging and covering his mouth. Looking around to see no one in the immediate area, he spit the green back onto the plate. Standing straight, he began to turn and walk away before bumping into Joey Minnesota, who was apparently had been watching him the entire time.


“What the bloody hell is wrong with you?” Tommy shouted, jumping and spilling his plate of food.


Minnesota grinned. “Nothing’s wrong, Tommy, nothing at all. I was just getting so excited about the PPV match coming up, I just had to come talk to you!”


Tommy looked puzzled. “Talk to me about what?”

“About the plan, Tommy, the plan!” Minnesota cackled. “How are we going to beat three other teams?”

“Ooooh, I get it. You think we’re teaming together.”


Minnesota’s smile faltered. “What are you talking about, Tommy?”


“Joey, I already have a partner. I mean, you’re an ok enough guy, and I like having you on my side in a fight, but…you’re a bit off, Joey.”


Now Minnesota’s face was completely straight. “I see, Tommy, I see. I’ll see you around then. See ya around.”


“Yeah, I guess,” Tommy said, brushing past Minnesota, who just stood in place, staring off at the wall.


The Legacy




Edd Stone and Fabulous Freddy Huggins burst into Nemesis’ “office,” enraged.


“Why the hell aren’t I on the PPV?” Stone demanded. “I come from the greatest wrestling family this industry’s ever seen! I'm the All Action Champion! What is this, some kind of vendetta against me?”


“Yeah,” Huggins added, “What is this?”


Nemesis calmly stood up so that he was looking down on them. “Kid, this ain’t personal. I just don’t think you could draw flies if you were covered in ****.” Stone and Huggins both looked shocked. “You don’t like it, well, I think you should prove me wrong. To be honest, I’d like to be wrong in this case. Now get your asses out of my office!”


Dejected, the champ and his crony turned and made their way out of the office as Nemesis returned to his work.


Bryan Vessey vs. Brent Hill




Hill looked to avenge his partner’s loss last week in this bout against Bryan Vessey. Unfortunately for him, Vessey had other ideas, and after a back and forth fight, he pinned Hill following a Vessey driver. While Hill licked his wounds, Vessey grabbed a mic.


“Eddie Peak, I know you don’t really need me to say it, but I accept your challenge. And as for my partner, what can I say, you were right. I’m anything but unpredictable, I guess, and in two weeks time me and Benny Benson are gonna kick your ass!”

Vessey wins and accepts, 83


Matthew Keith vs. Texas Pete w/Rick Law




Pete and Law came out to the ring with a number of personal security. Clearly, they were worried for what Sam Keith might try to do to them. Matthew Keith, though, only came out with bandaged ribs and an obvious limp, which was just blood in the water to the veteran Pete. Pete was all over Keith from the start, and controlled most of the match. Keith was able to gain some footing when he avoided a Pete clothesline and countered into a DDT. When things looked like they were going to go Keith’s way, Rick Law distracted the ref, allowing Pete to hit Keith with his trademark blackjack and secure the win.


Pete wins, 64




Law and Pete stood in the ring gloating, when Sam Keith’s music hit, and the security snapped into action, forming a wall between the heels and the stage. For a moment, it looked like nothing would happen, but Rocky Golden and Sam Keith appeared out of the crowd and snuck in behind everyone, launching an assault on Pete and Law!


The two victims did their best to cover up, but Keith and Golden layed into them until they were finally pulled off by the security, who were quick to usher Law out of the ring. They left Pete, though, and Keith and Golden capitalized on it, taking their time to hit him with a Rocky Road and lock on the Proton Lock as Law, surrounded by security, backed away, seething.




Rocky Golden vs. Joey Minnesota




Golden was in the ring and ready for Minnesota, who seemed even more dangerous tonight than usual tonight. The two exchanged moves aplenty for the majority of the match, until Minnesota pulled ahead and never looked back. Throughout the closing minutes of the match, he had a number of opportunities to finish off Golden, but instead opted to stalk his opponent, hitting him with devastating shots and letting him recover, only to do it all over again. Mercifully, he finished him off with an Empire Spiral before slithering out of the ring and wandering to the back.


Minnesota wins, 74



Sam Keith and RDJ vs. The Syndicate




With all four men in the ring, Cornell grabbed the mic.


“Keith, you may have gotten lucky these past two weeks and beaten us, but I can guarantee you that there’s no way in hell you can beat us tonight. If I were you, I’d just turn around and walk away now, because if you don’t now, you’re just gonna en up being -” Keith cut him off as he ripped the mic from his hand.


“Tommy, you talk too damn much! After I beat you both tonight, that’s it. You’re going to leave me the hell alone, and in return I won’t break your necks thinking you’re Rick Law, because I can promise you, that’s what I’m going to do if you get in my way!”


Keith dropped the mic and dropped Cornell with a right hand that signaled the start of the match. The syndicate got a hold of RDJ early on and put the pressure on the veteran, who did his best to fight back. When it looked like Tommy Cornell was about to have him beat, RDJ dropped him with the Southern Justice. Both men had an agonizing crawl to their waiting partners, and both made the tag at about the same time. Unfortunately for Wolf Hawkins, Sam Keith had decided to come in to win the match, and that’s just what he did, using his momentum to beat on Hawkins until he could lock in the Proton Lock.


Keith and RDJ win, 94.



Total: 84


Next Time on Total Wrestling

The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists

Jimmy Prudence vs. Davis Wayne

Gino Montero vs. Edd Stone

Party Down (Clark Alexander and Danny Fonzarelli) vs. Eddie Peak and American Buffalo

Joshua Taylor vs. Freddy Huggins

Bryan Vessey vs. Troy Tornado

RDJ and Koshiro Ino vs. The Syndicate

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OOC: Had to edit the total rating for the last show. I had it reading 94, when in actuality it was just an 84.





Tuesday Week 4, April 2010


This week’s show kicked off with two dark matches, the first of which saw The Machines steamroll North and South (Korea). The second match was a little more competitive, with Matthew Keith edging out a victory over former International champ Genghis Rahn.



The Third Team




Nemesis was standing around, talking to the production crew when he was approached by Rocky Golden and Matthew Keith.


“We’re in,” Rocky stated.


“Both of you?” Nemesis asked, pointing at Keith.


“Yeah,” the young star answered. “Both of us. Together.”


“Matt wants to prove himself.”

“Why? Trying to get out of your old man’s shadow?”


“You saw what happened the last two weeks. I’m a target. Because of who my dad is, I’ve got a big bulls eye on my back. I want to show everyone that messing with me’s a mistake, and this match is my chance.”

“Fair enough, boys. Your teams in. Kick some ass”

“We’ll do our best, sir.”



The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists




Insane Machine and Davis Wayne were watching this close match from the stage from the start. The veterans Bryant and Oxford did everything in their power to beat the champs, and they came close on a number of occasions, but the champs proved to be resilient enough to weather all the assaults and pulled out the win when they leveled Bryant with a Wave of Mutilation. After the match Wayne shouted some threatening words to the champs while Machine stood silently to his side.


The New Wave win, 62.



Jimmy Prudence vs. Davis Wayne




Wayne had a match next, taking on Fly Boy Jimmy Prudence. Prudence was looking to avenge his teams loss from two weeks ago and re-establish themselves in the tag title picture, but Wayne had other plans, going to the air to beat Prudence with a flying leg drop.

Wayne wins, 49



Gino Montero vs. Edd Stone w/Laura Huggins



Stone started off with a mic in hand. “Last week, Nemesis told me that I didn’t have what it takes to be big.” Stone paused. “Well what the hell does he know? He ended his career in a second-rate company that couldn’t make enough money to pay off its employees! But then I thought, on the off chance that he is right, I should hire a consultant. So I talked to my good friend Freddy, and he was kind enough to lend me the services of his personal advisor and sister, Laura Huggins. With her on my side, there’s no way I can lose!”


Gino Montero thought otherwise. The #1 contender to the International champion threw everything he had at Stone. Laura Huggins was doing her best to distract the ref and Montero at ringside, but neither were having any of it. The end of the match came when Stone charged Montero in the corner, only to have it countered into a sunset flip for the win. As Montero left to prepare for his match on Sunday, Stone sat in the ring, not believing he had just lost in singles competition.

Montero wins, 78



Party Down vs. Eddie Peak and American Buffalo




For Peak and Buffalo, this was the perfect warm up match for their PPV fight against Benny Benson and Bryan Vessey. Alexander and Fonzarelli were shaking in their boots when this one started, and those nerves kept them from getting in any offense through the entire match. Peak and Buffalo absolutely demolished the fun-loving pair on their way to a one-sided victory.

The Hellfire Club win, 62.


Joshua Taylor vs. Fabulous Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins




Huggins was dancing and playing to the crowd as this one started, offending the all-business Taylor, who was looking to earn his way back into the International Title hunt. Huggins did surprisingly well, mounting some good offense against the former champ, looking to make a name for himself, too. Taylor’s well-honed skills eventually proved to be too much for the Fabulous One, though, when he locked him in the Butterfly Lock to score the submission victory.


Taylor taps out Huggins, 49 (no chemistry whatsoever between these two…)



Heavy Backup




The opening riff of “The Boys are Back in Town” blasted through the speakers, and Sam Keith made his way to the ring, with Matthew and Rocky in tow.


“Rick Law,” Keith said. “That’s a name that never really meant anything to me before. When I got hurt two years ago, he was the guy they picked to replace in the Syndicate, and when I came back, he was the guy I kicked out. He was a second rate wrestler then, and he’s a second wrestler now. Normally, a champion wouldn’t bother with guys like him. But Rick, Rick made it personal. I’ve been in this business a long time, and all I’ve ever wanted was to be the best. I never really wanted to go out of my way and hurt anyone. I’ve done what I had to do, and that was about it.


“Rick, I want to hurt you. I want to hold you down and I want to break your neck. You’re going to pay for what you’ve done, I can promise you that.”


The sound of sirens erupted through the air, and a security detail made their way out to the stage, Rick Law in trail.




“Sam,” Law said. “You sound like a crazy old man out here. This isn’t personal for me, and it shouldn’t be for you either. It’s just business!”

“Business, huh? Is that why you kidnapped and beat my son?”


“I didn’t do anything to him that can’t happen out in that ring on any given night, Sam. Just look what happened last week! An in-ring accident incapacitated the boy. It’s one of the truly, truly sad pitfalls of working in such a dangerous business. You’d better keep an eye on him, Sam. It looks like he might attract trouble, if you know what I mean.”

“All I know is you’re lucky you’re behind all those goons, because I’d be happy to start our match right here, right now.”


“Sam, you know damn well this security isn’t for me, it’s for you! Who knows what I’d do to you and your friends if I got loose? Besides, I’d much rather show you the long arm of the law in front of a crowd of 30,000 than this bunch of misfits.” The crowd booed. “You’ve got five days, Sam. Five days before you have to fight the Law, and the Law will win.” Law turned and exited the stage, flanked by his security detail as Keith and co stared a hole in his back.


Bryan Vessey vs. Troy Tornado




Vessey and Tornado put on a highly entertaining match. Vessey, who’s usually engaged in a brutal rivalry with Eddie Peak, was able to showcase his technical abilities against fellow middleweight Tornado. The two chose to replace trading punches with submissions and classic limb-work, and the result was a highly methodical match. Mid-way through the match, Aaron Andrews made his way to ringside to cheer on Vessey. The highly vocal young star was getting inside Tornado’s head, and the end of the match came when Tornado finally went after Andrews, allowing Vessey to pull out an ankle lock. Tornado held on as long as he could, but when Vessey grapevined the hold, the former champ was forced to tap out.


Bryan Vessey wins, 84


The Freedom Fighters 2.0 vs. The Syndicate




In a familiar match, the Syndicate and Freedom Fighters fought in the main event. The two teams were both looking to build some momentum heading into Sunday’s tag match, and they were pulling out all the stops to gain it. When it looked like The Syndicate were about to claim the win, Joey Minnesota sprinted down to the ring, launching himself into Koshiro Ino and Wolf Hawkins. Seeing the attack on both men, the ref called for the bell, declaring the match a draw.




From here, everything degenerated into a massive brawl, with Rocky Golden and Matthew Keith making their way to the ring, along with Texas Pete. All eight men were looking to dish out some punishment. Eventually, it came down to RDJ, Rocky Golden, Texas Pete, and Joey Minnesota alone in the ring. Pete barreled Golden out of the ring, while Minnesota layed his former mentor out with a resounding running knee to the face. The only two left standing in the ring, Minnesota and Pete turned to each other and locked eyes for a moment before Pete extended his hand. Minnesota looked skeptical, but eventually accepted, and the two shook hands to end the show.

The match ends in a draw, 88



Total: 88




Up Next: PWR preview of Where Angels Fear to Tread (I wish TCW PPV names weren’t so long. That‘s the hardest name to incorporate into a promo)

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Pro Wrestling Review

Where Angels Fear to Tread

By Mark Smart


The wrestling world is heating up again this week as we gear up for TCW’s latest PPV extravaganza, Where Angels Fear to Tread. Just five days away, the show’s looking to be hot one, as new man in charge John “Nemesis” Campbell has left his mark on the card. From the undercard to the main event, every match has been affected by the hardcore legend.


Edd Stone, deemed by Nemesis as not having the star power to be featured on the main show, opens the show in a dark match defending his All Action title against Harry Allen and Chance Fortune. Also on the undercard, The Machines are taking on North and South (Korea), who are looking for their very first win in TCW.




Aaron Andrews is taking on Troy Tornado to open the show. The pair have had issues ever since Andrews scored a win over Tornado following the Just Another Day PPV. Andrews is on a tear after declaring himself stronger and more focused than ever a few weeks ago, and Tornado’s coming off of a bit of a losing streak. Can Troy turn his luck around, or will Andrews continue his journey to the top?





Davis Wayne debuted his partner Insane Machine just 3 weeks ago, and the pair have already earned a tag title shot following their defeat of The Fly Boys. Both Guide and Scout have fallen to the challengers in singles competition, so the blue chip prospect and Machine have an edge coming in to the match due to the momentum. The New Wave have a history of beating Machines when it counts, though, so will they be able to come out on top here?




Gino Montero earned a title shot against International champ Sammy Bach by winning a tough match against Fabulous Freddy Huggins and the monstrous American Buffalo. The last time these two locked up, Bach won a tough fight against the relative new-comer, but Montero’s been around a bit longer now, and has shown a ton of improvement. Despite that, Bach still doesn’t see Montero as a challenge, but his underestimate could be in Montero’s favor. Will the Tijuana Kid be able to upset the rock star?




Bryan Vessey and Eddie Peak have a rivalry extending back for months and along they way Benny Benson and American Buffalo have been dragged into it. This match has happened before, with The Hellfire Club coming out on top. The veteran Vessey and the resilient Benson are never ones to count out of a match, though, so they could very well win this time. Will the Hellfire Club come out on top, or will Vessey and Benson take them to the limit and come out as the winners this time?




The co-main event of the evening has been dubbed a Trench Warfare match by Nemesis. According to him, all four teams consisting of Rocky Golden and Matthew Keith, RDJ and Koshiro Ino, Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins, and the just-confirmed team of Joey Minnesota and Texas Pete will all be in the ring at once. No tags will be made, and it’s anything goes. Nemesis made this match to split up the alliances waging war on one another in TCW so that the main event could be shaken up, but will that really be accomplished? Or will this match just exacerbate the issues these men have with each other?





Last month, Sam Keith defeated Rick Law to retain his World Heavyweight Championship. Whereas the legend did his best to move on and seek out new challengers, defeating Wolf Hawkins in a championship match, Law had other plans. Desperate for the rematch that Keith wouldn’t give him, Law kidnapped Matthew Keith and delivered an absolutely brutal beating to the young star-in-making. His plan worked, and Keith accepted Law’s challenge, but has Law got in over his head? Keith beat him last month, and this time he’s more focused than ever on hurting the challenger. Will Sam Keith deliver the revenge that Rick Law so deserves, or will he fall to the Law?




Where Angels Fear to Tread

Aaron Andrews vs. Troy Tornado

The New Wave © vs. Davis Wayne and Insane Machine for the Tag Team Championship

Gino Montero vs. Sammy Bach © for the International Championship

Bryan Vessey and Benny Benson vs. Eddie Peak and American Buffalo

Rocky Golden and Matthew Keith vs. The Freedom Fighters 2.0 vs. The Syndicate vs. Joey Minnesota and Texas Pete

Sam Keith © vs. Rick Law for the World Heavyweight Championship

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Aaron Andrews vs. Troy Tornado

The New Wave © vs. Davis Wayne and Insane Machine for the Tag Team Championship

Gino Montero vs. Sammy Bach © for the International Championship

Bryan Vessey and Benny Benson vs. Eddie Peak and American Buffalo

Rocky Golden and Matthew Keith vs. The Freedom Fighters 2.0 vs. The Syndicate vs. Joey Minnesota and Texas Pete

Sam Keith © vs. Rick Law for the World Heavyweight Championship

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Sunday Week 4, April 2010



Tonight’s show kicked off in an entertaining way, with Edd Stone defeating both Harry Allen and Chance Fortune in a highly competitive match to retain his All Action championship. To follow up, The Machines defeated North and South (Korea) in a relatively dull match that saw the masked duo succumb to their constant bickering.

Aaron Andrews vs. Troy Tornado




Andrews and Tornado kicked off the televised portion of the card with a great match. Andrews displayed a greatly improved ground game to start, coming out on top through multiple exchanges with Tornado. Frustrated, Tornado bailed to the outside where Andrews chased him. Upon re-entering the ring, Andrews was met with a series of stomps, allowing Tornado to take control of the match. They exchanged control a few more times throughout the match, and Tornado made sure to let Andrews know what he thought of him each time he took the reigns, shouting insults to Double A and the crowd. Andrews fought back, though, and eventually had Tornado set up for the Battery Pack. Andrews took to long to execute, though, as Tornado dropped to his knees and hit him with a low blow, obscured from the ref’s vision. From here the crafty heel rolled up Andrews with a hand full of tights. As Tornado taunted his way up the ramp, Andrews fumed in the ring, shouting bloody murder to his rival.

Tornado cheats his way to a win, 73.



The New Wave vs. Davis Wayne and Insane Machine for the World Tag Team Championship





The new-comers hold a victory each over both members of The New Wave, and used that psychological edge coming into the match to take control early. Whereas Machine came in hitting hard and fast, utilizing stiff strikes and high flying moves, Wayne slowed the pace down considerably, stalking the champs and picking his brutal shots, mixing them up with complex holds. The champs were doing their best to hold on, but the challengers were making them seem sluggish and weak, as if they hadn’t prepared for them much at all. The difference in pace that the challengers det ended up being their downfall, however, as Scout was able to recover fight out of an abdominal stretch from Wayne, allowing him to recover and get the hot tag to Guide, who came in like a bat out of hell and cleared house. Taking Machine out of the match, he lifted Wayne in the air, allowing Scout to run the ropes and lay Wayne out with a Wave of Mutilation to score the win.


The New Wave retain, 73



Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way




Rick Law stood backstage, with Texas Pete standing forebodingly behind him. He was smoking a stubby cigar, which he pulled out and flicked to the away before talking.


“This is a big night for me and Pete. Tonight, we put ourselves on the map, and we get to enjoy doing it. Tonight, we get our hands on the so-called “Keith Dynasty.” The group of self-righteous, better-than-you ***holes that have been doing their best to hold the rest of us, the hard-working wrestlers of TCW, down. Tonight, Pete’s teaming up with the criminally insane, which I’m looking past, Joey Minnesota, and they’re going to tear Rocky Golden and young Matthew from limb to limb, along with everyone else. Those boys are going to cement themselves at the top of the card, isn’t that right, Pete?”


Pete nodded his head and let out a grunt, indicating a yes.

“And then it’s my turn.” Law smiled now. “Sam, it’s gonna be and you, one more time. I ain’t gonna go easy on you like last time, either. Respectfully, I’m gonna bash your damn face in, and I’m gonna enjoy every moment of it. I’m going to save this company from the horror of being represented by a past-his-prime old man. I don’t care if you’re a legend, Keith, your time’s gone. You’re the past, and I’m the future. Tonight, I’m going to make you realize that.”



Gino Montero vs. Sammy Bach for the International Championship





Gino Montero’s shown flashes of greatness ever since arriving here in TCW, and tonight he aimed to realize his potential. Montero quickly gained control, taking advantage of Bach’s overconfidence with a series of fast paced moves that left Bach off balance and surprised. Once Bach had a chance to adjust to his opponents assault, though, he was able to mount and offnse and get back into the match. After flattening Montero with a flapjack, Bach went to the apron and executed a beautiful springboard dropkick. The match ended up being a high flying affair that would not have been out of place in the All Action division, as the two rising stars did their best to top every risk the other man. This competition eventually led to the end of the match, after Montero ascended the ropes and attempted a beautiful 450 splash that unfortunately missed it’s mark, as Bach had rolled out of the way. With Montero down, Bach was quick to act and slapped on the Bach on Your Back, forcing the tired Montero to tap out rather quickly.

Sammy Bach retains, 75.



And the Rivalry Continues


http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/TroyTornado.jpghttp://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/SammyBach_alt1.jpg http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/AaronAndrews_alt2.jpg

“Once again, the Rock City Stars come out on top!” Troy Tornado said, approaching Sammy Bach. The two exchanged a congratulatory high five before Aaron Andrews burst into the locker room.


“Tornado, this isn’t over!” Andrews shouted, backing Tornado into a corner, before Sammy Bach came between them.

“Kid, you need to get out of here, before I make you leave,” Bach said. Tornado was cowed down in the corner still.

“I’m not leaving until your friend there agrees to give me a rematch.”


“Of course he agrees. He beat you tonight, and he can damn sure do it again. Now if I were you, I’d leave before I decide to stop being so kind, and kick you out.”

“Fine, I’m gone. And I’ll see you -” Andrews pointed at Tornado, who had a shocked look on his face, “-soon.”


As Andrews left, Tornado turned to Bach. “Why would you do that?” he whined.



The Potential is There



“You left me off the card for this crap?” Edd Stone said as he strolled into Nemesis’ office. “My match was ten times better than whatever it is they’re doing out there now.”


Nemesis looked up from the papers he was concentrating on. “Is that so, kid?”


“You’re damn right it’s so! I have the talent to headline any show that TCW puts on, and you know it. Don’t take your frustrations about being a talent less hack out on me, it’s not my fault DAVE never made it big.”


Standing up, Nemesis stared down at the smaller man. Even in his 50s, he remained an intimidating presence. “Kid, you have all the talent in the world, I’ll give you that. But you don’t have the drive, the passion that those guys out there now have. The stars of TCW would bleed themselves dry just for a chance to sit at the top of the mountain, to hold that world championship. They work harder than anyone else in the world just for that small chance that they could hold that belt over their head, just so they could say they did it, they made it to the top.


“You’ve got a level of talent that’s hard for anyone in this business to match, but you piss it down the drain. You couldn’t care less about putting in the work that they do. You feel entitled to everything just because of who you are, but you haven’t earned a thing in this business except a title belt that no one gives a **** about. You came here to make it big, but all you’ve done is prove your old man and brothers right.


“You come in here asking my why I left you off the show? I did it because you don’t deserve it. Will that always be the case? It could be, or it couldn’t. Dammit kid, that’s for you to decide. But I think I already showed you that coasting on that names of yours isn’t gonna cut it with me in charge. So turn your ass around, and go put in some damn work. Then you can come talk to me.”


Dejected, Stone turned on his heels and sulked out of the office, leaving Nemesis to return to his work.



Bryan Vessey and Benny Benson vs. American Buffalo and Eddie Peak




These four men continued their feud in this tag match. Surprisingly, it was not the much smaller Benson that the Hellfire Club targeted. Instead, they focused their attack on the veteran Vessey, cutting him off from his corner and partner. Despite the gang attack, Vessey was able to mount several mini-comebacks, at one point locking Buffalo in an ankle lock, only for Peak to respond with a boot to his face. The final comeback came after Vessey was able to surprise Peak with a Vessey Plex, and scoring the hot tag to Benson. Peak reached Buffalo just as the tag was made, and the much smaller man used his speed to chop down the big man. While Buffalo gassed out, Benson remained fresh, and was eventually able to go to the top and land his corkscrew splash, calling it the New Concept, to score the win for his team.


Vessey and Benson win, 80


Immediately following the match, Peak jumped Benson from behind, landing the Peak of Perfection and laying him out. Turning his attention to Vessey, he, along with Buffalo, beat the vet down and produced a pair of handcuffs, which they used to secure Vessey in the corner. Leaving the ring to grab a steel chair, Peak began to rain down number of vicious shots, leaving Vessey bloody and unconscious. As the medical crew rushed to the ring, Peak and Buffalo held their arms high as they retreated to the locker room.


Rocky Golden and Matthew Keith vs. Freedom Fighters 2.0 vs. The Syndicate vs. Joey Minnesota and Texas Pete




This match was complete chaos from the very beginning, as all eight men immediately tore into each other. The competitors were pretty quick to take the match to ringside and involve any weapons they could get their hands on. After a ladder came into play, Joey Minnesota brought the fans to their feet after he won a slugfest with Wolf Hawkins and hit The Prodigy with an Empire Spiral from the top of the ladder. Surprisingly, though, spot of the match belonged to Matthew Keith and Texas Pete. With Pete brawling with Koshiro Ino at ringside, Keith ascended the top rope steel chair in hand, and leaped off to deliver an absolutely brutal chair shot to the Texan. The hit not only bloodied Pete, but broke the chair into two pieces, and left the seat a crumpled mess. Alas, despite an impressive performance, it was not his team that won the match. Tommy Cornell finished Rocky Golden off after setting a table up in the corner and putting the former world champ through it with a Rough Justice to score the win for his team. The surviving members of the match, bruised and bloodied, looked on with anger as The Syndicate made their way to the back. Clearly, the harsh feelings everyone felt for each other hadn’t been smoothed out through this match.


The Syndicate win, 86.


The Return of a Classic




Back in Nemesis’ office, the legend sat at his desk staring intently at the camera. “The talent level in TCW runs deep,” he began. Nearly everyone on our roster could headline our shows, and put on a damn good match for you people. The problem is, they don’t get the chance. We’ve got around 60 kids sitting on our roster that are never gonna see a television camera, and that’s a damn shame. Coming from DaVE, where a lot of our boys never made it big, this pisses me off. So I’ve been talking to the boss men, and I’ve been talking to the network ***holes, and I’ve got a big announcement to make. Before I ruin it, I present to you my little project!”


The screen turned black before a video began rolling.




The screen cut to videos of unknowns mixed in with the likes of Gino Montero, Harry Allen, and Edd Stone performing making their way to the ring in a variety of venues, from stadiums to gymnasiums




The wrestler’s were now shown performing moves either never before seen or rarely done, along with post-match celebrations and emotional breakdowns after defeats.




The impressive montage continued, but this time clips from women’s matches were intertwined with them. The women weren’t the pretty blonde bimbos usually seen in wrestling, but were taking shots equal to those the men were dishing out, and giving back harder at points.






Sam Keith vs. Rick Law for the World Heavyweight Championship





As the two men stood across from each other, Keith brought a microphone up to his mouth. “Law, like I said Tuesday night: I don’t usually enjoy what I’m about to do. But tonight, I’m going to relish the opportunity to break your damn neck,” Keith said before rushing across the ring to tackle Law and begin raining punches down on him. The fans were going crazy as Keith got his revenge, before Law had to make a hasty retreat to the outside. As Keith followed him, he was met with a stiff right hand, and Law followed up by driving him into the ring apron, and then slamming his head into the steel steps. Law took control until he slipped up and Keith countered a looping right hand into a take down and slipped on the Proton Lock. Law was able to hold and reach the ropes, though and the match continued. Keith began to stalk Law, bringing his foot down on the back of the challengers neck periodically. After a bit of neck work, Law was able to turn the table and toss Keith into the corner where he took control again.


After some devastating moves such as a superplex and a belly to belly suplex on the outside, it looked like Law had the match in the bag, and he apparently thought so, too, as he began to get ****y. Instead of finishing the champ and claiming his prize, Law decided to toy with him. Keith fired back afew punches, feigning a comeback, but Law stifled him and again continued his slow torture of the champ. Eventually, Law finally called for the Squad Car Slam, and sent Keith to the ropes. Coming back, though, Keith had his wits about him, and landed a serious uppercut to the challenger that allowed him to bring him down into the Proton Lock once more! Law held on for minutes, but he could never quite reach the ropes, and eventually was forced to tap out. Despite the victory, Keith would not release the hold, and it took a number of staff members to finally pull him off of Law, who lay still in the center of the ring.


Sam Keith retains, 84.


Total: 80 (Disappointing…)



Next: PWR recap of the event!

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-size:24px;">Pro Wrestling Review</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

</span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-size:18px;">TCW: What’s to Come</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

By Mark Smart</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Where Angels Fear to Tread has come and gone, and not much has changed within TCW. The show left a lot of feuds open, with no conclusion to any of the ongoing storylines that have dominated TCW television in the past month. In that sense, the show was a failure. That said, TCW has always been more about the matches, and in that area, it was a resounding success. From the Aaron Andrews/Troy Tornado opener to the brutal trench warfare match, all the way to the main event, Where Angels Fear to Tread was as solid a wrestling show one could expect. </p><p> </p><p>

Whereas Gino Montero looks like he’s going to be heading back to the drawing board and dropping out of the title race for now, Aaron Andrews is going to continue his feud with the Rock City Stars. He’s already got a rematch lined up with Troy Tornado, and you can expect him to lock horns with Sammy Bach in singles or tag team action in the coming weeks. And while Davis Wayne and Insane Machine had an impressive debut as a team, The New Wave put them away in convincing fashion, so don’t expect them to get a rematch any time soon.</p><p> </p><p>

The brutal feud between Eddie Peak and Bryan Vessey appears to have no end in sight, as last night’s tag match failed to provide a conclusion to the saga. Though no one’s really sure why Peak and Vessey have been going at it for so many months, they continually provide highly entertaining matches, and there’s still more to come. Whatever the reason, it appears that Peak only has issues with Vessey, as his revenge on Benny Benson for defeating American Buffalo was light compared to the brutal assault he dished out to Vessey. Though Vessey went to the hospital following his match, he’s been cleared to wrestle at the next show, although the stitches in his head and his banged up ribs will provide an easy target. What will Peak do next, and will Vessey be ready?</p><p> </p><p>

The entire main event scene of TCW appears to be warring at this time, with the sides drawn between the Keith Dynasty/Freedom Fighters and the loose alliance of Rick Law and Texas Pete, The Syndicate, and the unpredictable Joey Minnesota. Last night’s trench warfare match has left these fragile alliances strained, as it turned ally against ally in a bid to come out on top. Matches like this are what make TCW great; there’s no incentive for winning, but the wrestlers still put their bodies on the line to try and come out on top. </p><p> </p><p>

Sam Keith vs. Rick Law, however, did have a light at the end of the tunnel in the form of the World Heavyweight Championship. Law has done everything in his power to get this match, but in doing so he’s incensed the champion, drawing a rage out of Sam Keith that’s never been seen before. Despite this, Law looked to have their match won, when the legendary Keith pulled out his patented Proton Lock to secure the victory. Even with the match won, however, Keith refused to release the hold, almost guaranteeing that these two would lock up again.</p><p> </p><p>

The biggest news of the night came from John ‘Nemesis’ Campbell, when he revealed that the much-loved Saturday Night Showcase would be returning to television. The details of the show are as follows:</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>- The show will begin airing June 2010, the week after Total Mayhem.</p><p>

-The All Action division will make it’s home here, but don’t expect it to disappear from Total Wrestling completely</p><p>

-Though familiar faces will put their time in, the shows focus will be on the development of the future. When one of the 60+ wrestlers in TCW’s development league makes the jump to the big time, this is where you can expect to see them develop their on-screen character. </p><p>

-For the first time ever, women’s wrestling will be a featured portion of an internationally televised wrestling show. Though the women will be relegated to their own division, don’t be surprised to see them in inter-gender tag matches where the women face the women, and the men face the men. </p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Total Mayhem’s one of the biggest events of the year for TCW, and there’s a lot to look forward to heading into the show. Lots of hot feuds and the advent of a new generation of stars should be enough to bring in even the most wary of viewers!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:14px;">Next time on Total Wrestling</span></span></p><p>

The Fly Boys vs. The Machines</p><p>

Harry Allen vs. Edd Stone</p><p>

Joshua Taylor vs. Troy Tornado</p><p>

Benny Benson vs. American Buffalo</p><p>

Bryan Vessey vs. Wolf Hawkins</p><p>

RDJ vs. Joey Minnesota vs. Tommy Cornell</p><p>


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I've got bad news for everyone that's been following this diary. My significant other dropped my laptop while moving it from the living room, and its caused some damage to my hard drive. Unfortunately, this means that I have to get a new one (I'll probably just get a pc, the laptops old as Hell), and I've lost all of my TEW and diary data. Really makes me wish I had saved everything on my external.


Anyway, this diary is dead :( when I get everything set up again, I'll probably start a new. It won't feature TCW, and I'll probably use a different user character, most likely a ***** poor worker with good potential.

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