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God Bless Texas - 1977 C-Verse

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A confession.

I didn't like this dynasty at the start. It was Stennick's California Dreaming that made me reread about Texas. I'm glad I did. It's a lot of fun. It actually works in conjunction with Stennick to really make both dynasties pop. It's a rare occurrence and one I've enjoyed.


Thanks for your honesty. After rereading my early shows, I'm not a big fan either! :) I think that I spent the first several shows really feeling my way through the writing and booking process (having never even played a 70's mod) so it took me a while to hit my stride. Glad you've been enjoying the recent shows!

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TWL Deep in the Heart of Texas

Irvine Hall (MidSouth)

March 1978

Attendance: 3,488




Mark ‘The Lariat’ Krogan came out to start the show, walking slowly to the ring and carrying the TWL Title belt over his shoulder. “Today is a day that I knew would come, a day I’ve been puttin’ off for a real long time,” he began, the crowd on edge, “When I started in this business 29 years ago, I never thought this day would come. I was young and naïve, I didn’t know no better. But today I stand in front of you humbled. Humbled by my successes, and by my failures. Humbled by all of the great wrestlers I’ve fought alongside. But humbled, most of all, by the respect you fans have given me for the last three decades.” The crowd half-heartedly cheered, not wanting to hear the inevitable end to this speech. “I want to walk out the door a champion. I want to leave on top. Very few athletes get that chance. So tonight is my last night as a professional wrestler, the end of the road, my last rodeo.” The crowd sat in stunned silence as the TWL champion stood in the center of the ring, having announced his retirement. B-




Suddenly a slow, obnoxious clapping sound began, apparently emanating from backstage, but reverberating around the now-silent arena. Suddenly the source of the clapping, Jason Jackson, strode out to the ring, flanked by Double Disaster. “Oh bravo grandpa, bravo. Oscar worthy!” he dabbed at the corners of his eyes. “Brought a tear to my eye to like hear that bull**** speech,” he quipped. “Get real pops. It ain’t about going out on like the top. Its about getting so old that you get discounts at Denny’s. Its about getting so old that you forget who you are, and where you live. Its about getting so old that you just can’t keep up with the likes of the California Dreamboat Jason Jackson. I know exactly why you’re leaving, why you’re quitting. You’re scared! You know deep down in your heart of hearts that you can’t ever like beat me. That’s it, isn’t it pops?” Krogan sneered. “How dare you come out here and ruin this moment, my moment? You want your shot at me boy? I’ll tell you what. In my last act as a professional wrestler, I’m gonna whoop your skinny little health food-eatin’, surfboard-ridin’, California ass all over this fine state of Texas!” Jackson feigned terror and then laughed, pulling his oversize Samoan running mates backstage as he called over his shoulder, “keep on dreamin’ pops, keep on California’ dreamin’…,” leaving the Lariat in the center of the ring, alone. C-



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Cobra1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Viper.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ProfessorNero1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/TimberWolf.jpg


Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. The Sadistic Duo (Professor Nero/TimberWolf)

Billy’s Take: This was a tale of two matches. When Professor Nero was in the ring, he used his typical underhanded tactics (feigning injury, intentionally showing weakness to take his opponent by surprise, etc.) to gain the advantage. When TimberWolf was in the ring, the Crimson Serpent Cult dominated. In the end, Cobra and Nero battled outside the ring while Viper connected with a Roundhouse Kick to TimberWolf’s snout, pinning him for the three count.

Crimson Serpent Cult d. Nero/TimberWolf via Snakebite Roundhouse Kick

Match Rating: B-





As is becoming typical after matches pitting members of The Nation against the Disciples of Evilness, Chief Two Eagles and the Prophet came to stand beside the Crimson Serpent Cult while the Lords of War flanked Nero and TimberWolf. Somewhat surprisingly, Nero did not order his men to attack the Nation. Instead, Nero stood stock-still, staring intently at Chief Two Eagles’ extravagant eagle-feathered war bonnet. Chief, unable to endure the standoff any longer, ordered his men to attack. As the Lords of War and TimberWolf battled the Crimson Serpent Cult and the Prophet, Nero slid out of the ring, giggling and pointing to himself and Chief Two Eagles, as if indicating that they were alike, as Nero had accused last show. B



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JohnnyBoyTucker.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/DonJuanMartinez.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ShannonKelly.jpg


Texas Death Match: ‘American Made’ Johnny Boy Tucker v. Don Juan Reyes w/Shannon

Billy’s Take: This was a brutal and bloody affair, with Tucker dishing out far more than he took. The usually evasive Don Juan Reyes was unable to escape the tenacity of Tucker’s attack and, thankfully for all involved, Tucker ended it mercifully with a Power Lariat after about nine minutes.

Tucker d. Reyes via Power Lariat

Match Rating: C



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MikeyMontana.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/PatDeacon1977.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MajorWGReginald.jpg

VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Machete_alt.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Rampage.jpg


No Holds Barred: Trailer Park Kid/‘Perfect’ Pat Deacon w/Major W.G. Reginald III v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Billy’s Take: Another brutal match, with the team of Machete and Rampage holding their own against the uber-talented Pat Deacon and up-and-coming Texas Outlaw Trailer Park Kid. The match went back and forth, the painted duo reveling in the fact that it was No Holds Barred by gouging, biting, and kicking at will. But in the end, the experience of Deacon was simply too much as, while Rampage locked the Silent Death in on the Trailer Park Kid, Perfect Pat rolled up Machete to get the quick pinfall before TPK submitted.

TPK/Deacon d. Painted Paranoia via roll-up

Match Rating: C+



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/FloydBowmn.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/LuisMontero1977.jpg


Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman v. Luis Reyes

Billy’s Take: Bowman came out first and took the microphone. “I just got one ****in’ thing to say, so listen the **** up. Luis Reyes, you’re a dumb mother****er if you think you’re gonna come into my ****in’ ring and ****in’ beat me. So get out here and get your ****in’ *** handed to you, *****!” Reyes nonchalantly strolled to the ring, seemingly oblivious of the hyper Bowman nearly foaming at the mouth in anticipation of this fight. When Luis finally did enter the ring, this was an out-and-out brawl, with neither man giving any quarter. After about fifteen minutes of solid back-and-forth action, Luis Reyes clearly showing that he belonged, Bowman hit a semi-low blow on Reyes, sending Luis to the mat in a heap. Bowman picked up the fallen Mexican grappler and tossed him into the ropes, hitting the Salute ‘n Boot to end the match.

Bowman d. Reyes via Salute ‘n Boot

Match Rating: C+



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MarkKrogan.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JasonJackson_MJSTARK.jpg


Mark ‘The Lariat’ Krogan v. ‘New School’ Jason Jackson

Billy’s Take: Jason Jackson came out first to a resounding chorus of boos. He’s received a much stronger response in the last several weeks. I think his character is really getting over. When Krogan came out, the crowd erupted, giving him a standing ovation. Kurt Berkely announced that this was a non-title match, since Krogan was retiring, which set Jackson off. Inside the ring, this match was about Krogan finally getting his hands on Jackson and, despite New School’s constant escapes to the floor and apron, Krogan manhandled the California Dreamboat. Though Jackson looked strong throughout, this one was never really in doubt. When Krogan hit the Power Lariat, the crowd erupted and continued their earlier standing ovation as I hit the mat three times to give Krogan the win in his farewell effort.

Krogan d. Jackson via Power Lariat

Match Rating: B-




Mark ‘The Lariat’ Krogan, standing victorious in the center of the ring, dropped to ringside to retrieve the TWL Title belt. He gently brought it into the ring and solemnly laid it in the center. “I am officially vacating the TWL Title. I’ve already talked to the boss, and he told me that, starting next show, there will be an 8-man tournament to decide the next champion of this company. Good luck to those eight men, you’re fighting for the top prize in all of wrestling. Carry that belt with pride. Just one more thing. Thank you,” Krogan began to tear up, “thank you all.” B

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Crimson Serpent Cult v. The Sadistic Duo (Professor Nero/TimberWolf)

Texas Streetfight: 'American Made' Johnny Boy Tucker v. Don Juan Reyes w/Shannon

No Holds Barred: Trailer Park Kid/'Perfect' Pat Deacon v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman v. Luis Reyes

Non-Title: Mark 'The Lariat' Krogan v. 'New School' Jason Jackson


4/5. Nice job Bolt!


I knew Strong was leaving when you had Bowman blow his nose on him lol. That just REAKED of a Vince McMahon thing to do :) Great show though and I think Tucker/Krogan is the best story going.


I agree, that did feel very McMahon-ish, but I was a little pissed that I had to cut a storyline planned to run for at least a few more months because of Sam Strong, erm, Stravagelli. Oh, and 3/5 correct (that's what you get for picking Jackson over Krogan!)


Crimson Serpent Cult v. The Sadistic Duo (Professor Nero/TimberWolf)

Texas Streetfight: 'American Made' Johnny Boy Tucker v. Don Juan Reyes w/Shannon

No Holds Barred: Trailer Park Kid/'Perfect' Pat Deacon v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman v. Luis Reyes

Non-Title: Mark 'The Lariat' Krogan v. 'New School' Jason Jackson


3/5. Nice work Beeker.



You all chose Painted Paranoia to go over TPK and Deacon. That was initially the plan. Needless to say, the defection of Blackheart Jones and the retirement of Mark Krogan really shook up this card and forced me to make some last-minute changes.

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Very nice show. Great rating for the Krogan match. Kinda of surprising really. Little dissapointed in the rating for Bowman, but nice rating non the less. Other than that, still reading and enjoying.
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Very noce show. Great rating for the Krogan match. Kinda of surprising really. Little dissapointed in the rating for Bowman, but nice rating non the less. Other than that, still reading and enjoying.


Thanks cmdrsam! To be honest, Bowman/Reyes disappointed me as well. I forgot to look at the reasoning, but can only assume that either the match was too short (at 12 minutes) or Bowman was off his game (a penalty which I've seen multiple times with 'F-Bomb').

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From the Notebook of Referee Billy




Following the show, The Lone Star Stampeder tracked me down, sitting in the hallway taking notes in my notebook. "Hey thar' Billy. How's the note-takin' comin'?" "Erm, good I guess Stampy. Nice show tonight, what with Mark leavin' an' all," I stammered. "Look Billy, you know me. I don't beat around the bush. So let me get straight to the point. We lost Rip. We lost Stravagelli. We're losin' the Lariat. And I'm afraid Nero's about to lose his mind bookin' around this crap. We need some fresh ideas on the bookin' committee, some new blood. Whaddya think Billy? Wanna sit in on 'em and bounce some ideas off around?" I stood dumbstruck. "Well, Billy?" Stampy's voice brought me out of my stupor. "Umm, yeah. Absolutely yes. Thanks Stampy, thanks so much!" I shook his hand warmly and quickly walked down the hall, ideas running through my head.

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From the Notebook of Referee Billy...Barrowman




Well, wrestling fans, what a couple of months it has been here in TWL! First the reigning TWL champion Rip Chord left for the bright lights of the SWF. Then Samuel Stravagelli, aka Blackheart Jones aka Sam Strong, followed him out the door. And finally the man who took the belt from Rip Chord, Mark 'The Lariat' Krogan, announced his retirement.


This has resulted in a never-before-seen in Texas, eight-man tournament for the TWL Title which will kick off at TWL High Noon. Here are the matches announced for the card:


TWL Title Tournament: Mean Mark Green v. Professor Nero

TWL Title Tournament: 'American Made' Johnny Boy Tucker v. 'New School' Jason Jackson

Chief Two Eagles/The Prophet v. The Lords of War (Warlord Agony/Warlord Pain) w/Professor Nero

TWL Title Tournament: 'Perfect' Pat Deacon v. Luis Reyes

TWL Title Tournament: Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman v. Mystery Opponent

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TWL Title Tournament: Mean Mark Green v. Professor Nero



TWL Title Tournament: 'American Made' Johnny Boy Tucker v. 'New School' Jason Jackson

Shenanigans. ie Outlaw interference


Chief Two Eagles/The Prophet v. The Lords of War (Warlord Agony/Warlord Pain) w/Professor Nero

Eagles is a star. The Lords are potential still


TWL Title Tournament: 'Perfect' Pat Deacon v. Luis Reyes

Ugliest man in wrestling is getting pushed


TWL Title Tournament: Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman v. Mystery Opponent

I dont ****ing care the this ***er is. He's not ****ing beating F-Bomb

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TWL Title Tournament: Mean Mark Green v. Professor Nero

TWL Title Tournament: 'American Made' Johnny Boy Tucker v. 'New School' Jason Jackson

Chief Two Eagles/The Prophet v. The Lords of War (Warlord Agony/Warlord Pain) w/Professor Nero

TWL Title Tournament: 'Perfect' Pat Deacon v. Luis Reyes

TWL Title Tournament: Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman v. Mystery Opponent

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TWL High Noon

Irvine Hall (MidSouth)

March 1978

Attendance: 3,559


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MeanMarkGreen.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ProfessorNero1977.jpg


TWL Title Tournament: Mean Mark Green v. Professor Nero

Billy’s Take: Green and Nero are a very evenly-matched pair. Both are relatively experienced and well-known, especially in the state of Texas. In the end, Nero’s deviousness turned the tide of the match as he managed to crack Green over the head with his ever-present cane (as my back was turned, of course), allowing him to pin Mean Mark for the three count.

Nero d. Mean Mark via pinfall

Match Rating: C+





Mark ‘The Lariat’ Krogan came out to the ring, wearing street clothes. “Johnny Boy Tucker, I got somethin’ to say to ya’.” Johnny Boy Tucker, apparently anticipating Krogan’s call-out, emerged almost immediately. “Johnny Boy, I treated you like my son for these past three years. And how do you repay me? By joinin’ up with the Texas Outlaws? Is that how you treat family?” “Look Mark,” Johnny replied, “I’m not sayin’ that you ain’t family. Because I think of you like a second dad. But what I did’s got nothin’ to do with you and me. I may have decided a bit hastily, in the heat of the moment. I’ve got a temper, Mark, you know that. And losin’ those tag titles set me off. But bein’ an Outlaw is bein’ part of somethin’ bigger. Bein’ part of a group. Somethin’, frankly, that you wouldn’t understand.” Krogan shook his head. “You’re right, Johnny Boy,” he admitted, drawing some boos from the crowd, “I don’t know what its like to turn my back on family and to side with a group of ruffians.” “They ain’t ruffians Mark, they’re friends.”Be that as it may, Johnny Boy, the moment you chose to be an Outlaw was the moment that our ‘family’ disappeared. You’re my friend, Johnny Boy, and you always will be. But you ain’t family. Not anymore.” Krogan hung his head, shaking it sadly from side to side, and walked away, leaving Johnny Boy Tucker in the ring, standing in stunned silence. B


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JohnnyBoyTucker.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JasonJackson_MJSTARK.jpg


TWL Title Tournament: ‘American Made’ Johnny Boy Tucker v. ‘New School’ Jason Jackson

Billy’s Take: Tucker struggled in the early part of this match, obviously shaken by the encounter with his former mentor. Jackson took full advantage of Tucker’s lapse in concentration, nearly gaining pinfalls on numerous occasions. But Tucker persevered and, just when it looked like Jackson would clamp on the California Dream, Tucker discovered a sudden reserve of energy. His eyes got wild and he went after Jackson like a man possessed. After brutalizing the California Dreamboat, Tucker ended the match with a Power Lariat that caused Jackson to turn a full somersault in the air and land on his shoulders. Tucker pinned him for the now-academic three count.

Tucker d. Jackson via Power Lariat

Match Rating: C



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ChiefTwoEagles1977_alt.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/CherokeeHawk.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/WarlordAgony1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/WarlordPain1977.jpgw/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ProfessorNero1977.jpg


Chief Two Eagles/The Prophet v. The Lords of War (Warlord Agony/Warlord Pain) w/Professor Nero

Billy’s Take: Chief and The Prophet came out with the Crimson Serpent Cult. After they arrived at ringside, Chief handed off his resplendent eagle-feathered headdress to Cobra and directed the Cult to the backstage area. Nero, already standing in the ring with his tag team, watched forlornly as the headdress left the arena. Inside the ring, the Lords of War demonstrated how far they’d come since debuting in TWL eighteen months ago. They kept up with the veteran pairing of Chief and Prophet move-for-move. The presence of Professor Nero at ringside provided an extra advantage and it appeared that the youngsters would pull off a major upset. But their intense hatred for the members of the Nation emerged, causing the carnage to spill outside the ring. I had no choice but to count out all four men, ending the match as a draw.

Chief Two Eagles/Prophet drew with the Lords of War after both teams were counted out

Match Rating: B-





After the match, the brawl between these four men continued. Professor Nero, of course, interjected himself and dispatched the Prophet with a cane to the back. This left Chief Two Eagles in a three-on-one situation. Unfortunately for the Lords of War and Nero, Chief was up to the task, flattening each Lord of War with a tomahawk chop. He and Nero stood eye to eye, just briefly, before Nero laughed maniacally and backed away, just as the Crimson Serpent Cult and TimberWolf ran to the ring to protect their respective teams. B+





Carlos Reyes and Luis Reyes strode to the ring, Don Juan and Shannon notably absent. Carlos took the microphone. “Don Juan has, how they say, flew the coop. He took pretty Shannon down to meet Mama in Mexico City. So he not a tag champ anymore. But don’t you worry, me and Luis will be champs.” The crowd booed this announcement, clearly unhappy that the Reyes’ simply switched partners without defending the belts. “What, you don’t like that we just switched? Well too damn bad. You try and take belts, we sue for discrimination. We get good American lawyers.” D


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/PatDeacon1977.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MajorWGReginald.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/LuisMontero1977.jpg


TWL Title Tournament: ‘Perfect’ Pat Deacon w/Major W.G. Reginald III v. Luis Reyes

Billy’s Take: Luis Reyes once again demonstrated his vast potential, matching Perfect Pat move-for-move for the entire twenty minute match. But Deacon’s experience advantage, in the end, proved to be too much to overcome as Reyes fell victim to the Deacon Driver to allow Perfect Pat to move on to the semi-finals in the TWL Title Tournament.

Deacon d. Reyes via Deacon Driver

Match Rating: B





Mark ‘The Lariat’ Krogan came out for a second time tonight, again taking the microphone. “I was a bit worried Johnny Boy’d react like he did. So I want to introduce to you *my* chosen entrant into the TWL Title Tournament. He is a former TWL champion and longtime nemesis of the Texas Outlaws. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce ‘Gorgeous’ George DeColt!” The crowd exploded at the mention of Texas stalwart, and current CWF superstar, George DeColt as he made his way out, shaking hands with Mark Krogan before sliding into the ring. C+


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/GeorgeDeColt1977.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/FloydBowmn.jpg


TWL Title Tournament: ‘Gorgeous’ George DeColt v. Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman

Billy’s Take: The unannounced appearance of DeColt clearly threw Bowman off his game. Despite being taken unawares, F-Bomb proved to be equal to the task, attacking DeColt like a rabid animal, a flurry of punches, kicks, and (not surprisingly from Floyd) a series of profanities, some of which I’d never heard before. But Bowman’s exuberance cost him in the end as he set up DeColt for a Salute ‘n Boot. Instead of falling prey to Bowman’s feared finisher, Gorgeous George slid under and caught Floyd with a DeColt 45. He made the pinfall as I counted 1,2,3 to move on to the tournament semi-finals.

DeColt d. Bowman via DeColt 45

Match Rating: C+




Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman shook the cobwebs out and sat up on the mat as Mark ‘The Lariat’ Krogan came out to congratulate his surprise entrant, Johnny Boy Tucker following closely behind. As Krogan put his arm around DeColt, Tucker checked on Bowman. Floyd pulled Johnny down to his level and whispered something to Tucker. Johnny Boy pulled Tucker to his feet and the duo approached Mark Krogan and George DeColt. Bowman extended his hand to Krogan. The Lariat looked to the crowd, who urged him on. Krogan shook Bowman’s hand and then turned around to walk backstage. Once he turned his back, however, Bowman leveled him with a kick to kidneys. Krogan doubled over as DeColt recoiled. Tucker hit a Power Lariat that nearly decapitated DeColt and then turned to Krogan. Tucker and Bowman put the boots to Krogan, leaving him lying in a pool of his own blood. “That’s what the **** you get for ****in’ tryin’ to turn Johnny against me,” Bowman spat into the microphone. Tucker sneered. “Damn right Floyd. Mark, you picked George DeColt to represent you in the tournament? Not me, the man who you professed was like a son to you? Well **** that, and **** you. Mark, you’re dead to me. I’m above the law now. I’m an Outlaw!” B-

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OMFG dude best show yet. Decolt, Tucker, Krogan, I'm LOVING this man. I have to admit I was scared when Krogan was retiring I wasn't sure who you could bring in that wouldn't feel jobberific compared to Strong, Rip, Krogan, etc. THIS man doesn't have that feeling. George freaking Decolt is in Texas and I love it!!!
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Sorry I meant to predict but it slipped my mind.

DeColt is quite the coup for TWL. Happy to see Krogan still around and Tucker venturing out on his own. He's already learning a thing or ****in' two from F-Bomb.


Luis Reyes is your next major heel. It's obvious. I'm guessing Don Juan joined SWF?


And Nero segments always make me smile.

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OMFG dude best show yet. Decolt, Tucker, Krogan, I'm LOVING this man. I have to admit I was scared when Krogan was retiring I wasn't sure who you could bring in that wouldn't feel jobberific compared to Strong, Rip, Krogan, etc. THIS man doesn't have that feeling. George freaking Decolt is in Texas and I love it!!!


Thanks Sten. I'm excited to have DeColt in Texas, even for a short run (which I'm sure it will be. He'll be on a written deal in Canada soon enough).


Sorry I meant to predict but it slipped my mind.

DeColt is quite the coup for TWL. Happy to see Krogan still around and Tucker venturing out on his own. He's already learning a thing or ****in' two from F-Bomb.


Luis Reyes is your next major heel. It's obvious. I'm guessing Don Juan joined SWF?


And Nero segments always make me smile.



Thanks Beeker. No worries on missing a prediction. I'll have another set up in a bit.


Luis Reyes is certainly a possibility as one of my top heels. The man has undeniable talent!


Glad you enjoy the Nero segments. He's a sadistic bastard and definitely one of my favorites.

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From the Notebook of Referee Billy




Wow, what a way to kick off the TWL Title tournament! The shocking redebut of 'Gorgeous' George Decolt and an equally shocking turn by Johnny Boy Tucker on his mentor, Mark 'The Lariat' Krogan. Needless to say, TWL Blood Red Sunset looks to live up to its name. Here are the matches Stampy has released for the event:


Mean Mark Green v. The Night Rider

The Night Rider has not been seen much as of late, but is always a dangerous foe. And how will Green react to his longtime ally Floyd Bowman turning on the fans?


Tag Team Title Match: The Show Stealers (Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement) v.

Border Runners (Carlos/Luis Reyes) ©

Yes, the Show Stealers are still on the roster. Can they pull a monumental upset? No really, can they?


The Executioners/Captain USA v. 'New School' Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

Jackson has lost two straight matches. Can he and his huge Samoan partners defeat the masked-man-trio?


TWL Title Tournament: Johnny Boy Tucker v. Professor Nero

This is an interesting matchup, pitting the long-hated Professor Nero against the recently-hated Johnny Boy Tucker. Who will win? Will the fans care?


TWL Title Tournament: 'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. 'Perfect' Pat Deacon

This is truly a match for the ages. Two of TWL's longtime 'good guys' face off in a battle to claim the TWL Title. Will Perfect Pat remain, well, perfect, or will Gorgeous George move on to the finals?


Mean Mark Green v. The Night Rider

Tag Team Titles: Show Stealers v. Border Runners ©

The Executioners/Captain USA v. Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Tournament: Johnny Boy Tucker v. Professor Nero

TWL Title Tournament: 'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. 'Perfect' Pat Deacon

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Nice to see you truckin' through the inevitable pratfalls at regional, as has been mentioned DeColt is a great coup for TWL. CWF does usually hit national not too long after SWF, so use him while you can... ;)


Also, I was surprised at the great rating for the Chief 2 Eagles/Prophet vs. Lords of War tag team match- you must have the Lords of War pretty over and improving steadily, they usually don't see that range for quite a while!


EDIT- Are we going to be seeing Johnny Lawless anytime soon??? :D

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Nice to see you truckin' through the inevitable pratfalls at regional, as has been mentioned DeColt is a great coup for TWL. CWF does usually hit national not too long after SWF, so use him while you can... ;)


Also, I was surprised at the great rating for the Chief 2 Eagles/Prophet vs. Lords of War tag team match- you must have the Lords of War pretty over and improving steadily, they usually don't see that range for quite a while!


EDIT- Are we going to be seeing Johnny Lawless anytime soon??? :D


Thanks Mr. T! CWF is already at National, so I'm sure they'll sign DeColt to a written deal eventually.


I was also surprised at how well the tag match went. Agony and Pain have both increased drastically (at least one letter grade in almost every performance-based stat) and are now fairly over (C-) in the Midsouth.


Johnny Lawless? Who Is...Johnny Lawless? ;)

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Mean Mark Green v. The Night Rider

Tag Team Titles: Show Stealers v. Border Runners ©

The Executioners/Captain USA v. Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Tournament: Johnny Boy Tucker v. Professor Nero

TWL Title Tournament: 'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. 'Perfect' Pat Deacon


hate i've been off for a while...just got caught up...great work :D

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Mean Mark Green v. The Night Rider

Shenaigans? What the **** are shenanigans? *** that *** you ****-****ing ****dog!


Tag Team Titles: Show Stealers v. Border Runners ©

This is close. COuld easily see the runners vacate this for new things


The Executioners/Captain USA v. Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

Jackson seals this for me. And the two giant, unstoppable Samoans


TWL Title Tournament: Johnny Boy Tucker v. Professor Nero

Nero's time is coming, but JB is red-hot right now


TWL Title Tournament: 'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. 'Perfect' Pat Deacon

Push him while you've got him

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Mean Mark Green v. The Night Rider

- I refuse to vote against that fantastic 'stache, plus when I hear 'Night Rider' I think of a cross between David Hasselhoff and Dusty Rhodes as the Midnight Rider and in no known or unknown universe can I support Dusty Hoff!


Tag Team Titles: Show Stealers v. Border Runners ©

- They may be out to steal the show but they aren't about to steal the titles. Not even in Immigration Services forcibly deport the Border Runners during the show will the Show Stealers end up as champions.


The Executioners/Captain USA v. Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

- Jackson has rightfully jobbed the past couple of months but unless his storyline is being ended early this is where he and his Disasters show just how dangerous they are capable of becoming and show Texas that without Krogan it's only a matter of time before Texas is renamed East California.


TWL Title Tournament: Johnny Boy Tucker v. Professor Nero

TWL Title Tournament: 'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. 'Perfect' Pat Deacon

- This is one way to guarantee a face-heel final which is essential for a Southern Style federation. I'm trying to think of the freshest match-up, which eliminates a Nero/Deacon final. They don't need a title to further their animosity. DeColt/Tucker don't need the title either as they fight over Krogan's Old Man Love. So I'm going with the most compelling match-up for me. The Gorgeously Golden DeColt versus the Evil Mastermind of Evilness Nero.

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Mean Mark Green v. The Night Rider - Once Rip left what little I was behind the Night Rider left.


Tag Team Titles: Show Stealers v. Border Runners© - Although I have lost many a prediction at the hands of the Border Runners I'm not voting against this time.


The Executioners/Captain USA v. Jason Jackson/Double Disaster - I think this is a safe bet


TWL Title Tournament: Johnny Boy Tucker[ v. Professor Nero


TWL Title Tournament: Gorgeous' George DeColt v. 'Perfect' Pat Deacon


I think you matched up the finals of this tournmaent perfectly. You could go the Deacon/Nero route which would be totally believable and the more "texas" way to go. That being said this is something that could bring Tucker up to the title. He's white hot right now and I think Decolt is the guy that can get Tucker even more over.

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TWL Blood Red Sunset

War Memorial Auditorium (Midwest)

April 1978

Attendance: 1,620




The show kicked off somewhat surprisingly with the Trailer Park Kid, standing in the middle of the ring. He hadn’t spoken a word in the past year and a half and always seemed overshadowed in promos by Floyd Bowman and Mean Mark Green. “I’ve got somethin’ to say,” he began, in a halting drawl. “All right, say what you’ve got to say!” a heckler yelled from the crowd. “I don’t know if it’ll make a difference,” the Kid stammered, “but I figured its time for me to take a stand. Pat Deacon, you’ve always been a real nice guy and I just want ya’ to know I got your back. No matter what.” Trailer Park Kid was obviously nervous, speaking in front of a crowd, and fumbled in his pocket, pulling out a cigarette, lighting it, and taking a long draw. Pat Deacon came out, towel-waving Major W.G. Reginald III in tow. “Thanks Kid,” Deacon looked genuinely touched, “that really means a lot to me.” The two men shook hands in the ring, Major Reginald imploring the crowd to cheer for this now formally-aligned tandem. B-




Suddenly, Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman emerged like a bat out of hell (Meatloaf Rules!) from the back with Johnny Boy Tucker close on his heels. “Now wait just a ****in’ minute. Who the **** do you think you are, you ****in’ *****! Maybe you didn’t get the ****in’ memo. Bein’ an Outlaw ain’t like takin’ a ****, you ain’t done when you’re ready to ****in’ wipe. Bein’ an Outlaw is a lifetime ****in’ commitment. You don’t walk away from the ****in’ Texas ***-damned mother****in’ Outlaws, *****!” Tucker took the mic and continued. “Way I see it Kid is that you got two choices. You can either turn your back on Pat Deacon or you can turn your back on us. Can’t have it both ways. I wished to hell I hadn’t had to choose between the Outlaws and Mark Krogan, but I did. And I’d do it again. You can either live as an Outlaw or die by an Outlaw. Your choice Kid.” C-



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MeanMarkGreen.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/TheNightRider.jpg


Mean Mark Green v. The Night Rider

Billy’s Take: These two men are both very capable brawlers. The Night Rider was impressive in pummeling Mean Mark in the early going, even working in some of his developing technical expertise to throw off Green. But in the end, Green was able to overcome the challenge and pin the Night Rider after hitting an Outlaw Driver.

Green d. Night Rider via Outlaw Driver

Match Rating: C+




http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/BradKelley.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/RedFalcon.jpg VS



TWL Tag Team Title Match: Show Stealers (Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement) v. The Border Runners (Carlos Reyes/Luis Reyes) ©

Billy’s Take: The Show Stealers are quite, erm, show stealers. They hopped and flipped and generally had the crowd on the edges of their seats. But their inexperience and inability to wrestle on the mat really hurt them in the end, as they fell victim to the Double Fence Hop Legdrop from the Reyes’.

Border Runners d. Show Stealers via Double Fence Hop Legdrop to retain the TWL Tag Team Titles

Match Rating: C-




After the match, Luis and Carlos Reyes apparently wanted to make an example of the Show Stealers, beating on them both until Mr. Excitement lay in the fetal position curled up in a corner and Red Falcon had blood streaming from a gash in his forehead. As the Border Runners stood over the fallen duo, Team Texas ran down to the ring to make the save. Archie Judge and the Lone Star Stampeder cleared the ring of their longtime nemeses, Archie hitting the Martial Law on Carlos and Stampy connecting with a rarely-seen Texas Tumble rolling heel kick on Luis. After checking on Mr. Excitement and Red Falcon, Stampy and Archie played to the crowd for a moment before heading to the back. D-





‘New School’ Jason Jackson came out to the ring, followed by Double Disaster and an oily-haired man wearing a sleazy-looking white leisure suit. Jackson took the microphone. “Like listen up for a sec, peons. I’ve got someone for you to meet. This,” he pointed proudly at the unknown man, “is Larry Laffer, the Los Angeles Lounge Lizard. He’s not only like my good bud, but also a fellow Californian. He’s gonna be a business partner here in TWL and like advise me ‘n stuff.” Larry Laffer looked around, shooting one particularly well-endowed lady in the front row ‘double guns’ with his fingers. “But onto more pressing matters,” Jackson continued. “Tonight you are all in the presence of greatness. You are looking at the man who sent Mark Krogan to the glue factory, retiring a Southern Legend. I’m not just the California Dreamboat, but a Texas Legend Killer as well! Oh yes, I am like that good. So ladies, that’s just one more thing you can ponder tonight when you’re thinkin’ of me while…California Dreamin’!” D+



VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JasonJackson_MJSTARK.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Eruption.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Tsunami.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/LarryGrubbs.jpg


The Executioners/Captain USA v. ‘New School’ Jason Jackson/Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami) w/Larry Laffer

Billy’s Take: Captain USA immediately had the crowd on the side of his team after starting his now-trademark “U…S…A” chant, which soon reverberated through the arena. Unfortunately this may have been the high-point of the match for Captain’s team as, after a few minutes of back and forth, one of the Executioners fell prey to a huge double-splash move by Double Disaster dubbed the Tidal Wave. Jason Jackson waved off the giant Samoan team and unnecessarily locked in the California Dream to pick up the pinfall win for his team.

Jackson/Double Disaster d. Executioners/Captain USA via California Dream

Match Rating: D-



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JohnnyBoyTucker.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ProfessorNero1977.jpg


TWL Title Tournament: Johnny Boy Tucker v. Professor Nero

Billy’s Take: Nero came out first and was, as always, roundly booed. The reception for Johnny Boy Tucker, on the other hand, was decidedly mixed. Some fans obviously reacted to his recent turn on Mark Krogan by booing while others cheered simply to get behind someone (and certainly preferred Johnny Boy to Nero). Inside the ring, the two men worked a good match, with each hitting their trademark spots. In the end, Nero made a rare mistake. He threw a chair into the ring, a tactic he often uses to distract me. As I removed the chair, he blasted Johnny Boy Tucker with his cane. This time I was ready for it and turned around in time to see Nero commit the nefarious act. I immediately called for the bell, awarding the match to Tucker via disqualification.

Tucker d. Nero via DQ

Match Rating: C-





Professor Nero was irate at my decision and came after me. I hightailed away just as Chief Two Eagles, Prophet, and the Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra and Viper) hit the ring. As if on cue, Professor Nero’s Disciples of Evilness, TimberWolf and the Lords of War (Warlord Agony and Warlord Pain) came down to make it an even four on four. Instead of attack Nero as the Nation had done in previous weeks, Chief Two Eagles took a microphone and challenged Nero and the Disciples to a four-on-four match at the next show. Nero accepted, his maniacal laugh doubtlessly sending shivers down the spines of all in attendance. C+



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/GeorgeDeColt1977.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/PatDeacon1977.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MajorWGReginald.jpg


TWL Title Tournament: ‘Gorgeous’ George DeColt v. ‘Perfect’ Pat Deacon w/Major WG Reginald III

Billy’s Take: The crowd was excited for this one, despite it being a rare face versus face match. The two shook hands before the match started and wrestled a technically-brilliant contest, going back and forth and never taking advantage of their opponent’s misfortunes. For instance, Deacon once got tangled in the ropes and DeColt stood back to let me disentangle Deacon before resuming his attack. In the end, DeColt picked up the win after sliding out of a Deacon Driver and connecting with a DeColt 45 to pick up the win and move into the tournament finals against Johnny Boy Tucker! Afterwards, the competitors shook hands and pandered to the crowd together, proving their mutual friendship.

DeColt d. Deacon via DeColt 45

Match Rating: B-

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Mean Mark Green v. The Night Rider

Tag Team Titles: Show Stealers v. Border Runners ©

The Executioners/Captain USA v. Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Tournament: Johnny Boy Tucker v. Professor Nero

TWL Title Tournament: 'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. 'Perfect' Pat Deacon


Nice to see you back bgbuff! 3/5...took you a couple picks to warm up.


Mean Mark Green v. The Night Rider

Tag Team Titles: Show Stealers v. Border Runners©

The Executioners/Captain USA v. Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Tournament: Johnny Boy Tucker[ v. Professor Nero

TWL Title Tournament: Gorgeous' George DeColt v. 'Perfect' Pat Deacon


2/5 toeach. Guess I'll have to reevaluate giving the Show Stealers a push. They got a lot of love this time around!


Mean Mark Green v. The Night Rider

Tag Team Titles: Show Stealers v. Border Runners ©

The Executioners/Captain USA v. Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Tournament: Johnny Boy Tucker v. Professor Nero

TWL Title Tournament: 'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. 'Perfect' Pat Deacon


Right on with your reasoning Bolt. 4/5...and the first match could've gone either way. I let them figure out who'd win. I have storylines for that which could have gone either way.


Mean Mark Green v. The Night Rider

Tag Team Titles: Show Stealers v. Border Runners ©

The Executioners/Captain USA v. Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Tournament: Johnny Boy Tucker v. Professor Nero

TWL Title Tournament: 'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. 'Perfect' Pat Deacon


Beeker, as always I love the reasoning behind your selections. Your 'Dusty Hoff' analogy for The Night Rider was hilarious. If I had a talking car at my disposal, I could really cheese it up! Oh, and your analysis of the tournament was spot-on, if not entirely correct.


Mean Mark Green v. The Night Rider

Tag Team Titles: Show Stealers v. Border Runners©

The Executioners/Captain USA v. Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Tournament: Johnny Boy Tucker v. Professor Nero

TWL Title Tournament: Gorgeous' George DeColt v. 'Perfect' Pat Deacon


5/5. Wow Sten, just as I start to suck at predicting your cards, you nail one of mine!

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Trailer Park Kid promoing, The Border Runners still hopping fences and a pretty awesome TWL title tournament finals. Very nice show indeed and I'm curious the direction your going.


Also I'm very pleased to be FINALLY predicting correctly in this dang dynasty only took over a year of dynasty time :)

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