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God Bless Texas - 1977 C-Verse

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Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Lords of War (Warlord Agony/Warlord Pain) ©

- Pain turns on Agony, becomes the Undertaker of the TWL.


'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. Eruption

- Old school over new school baby!.


Giant Grimsley v. Tsunami

- Giant Squash!~!


The Night Rider v. 'New School' Jason Jackson

- Night Rider better get on out of here! And New School's the man to do it.


Country Whipping Match: Luis Montero v. Mean Mark Green

- Luis Montero has been losing a lot in recent shows, no?


Number One Contender's Match: Chief Two Eagles v. 'Gorgeous' George DeColt

- How long till Canada starts sniffing around for DeColt?

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Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Lords of War (Warlord Agony/Warlord Pain) ©

'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. Eruption

Giant Grimsley v. Tsunami

The Night Rider v. 'New School' Jason Jackson

Country Whipping Match: Luis Montero v. Mean Mark Green

Number One Contender's Match: Chief Two Eagles v. 'Gorgeous' George DeColt

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Fight to the Finish

Irvine Hall (MidSouth)

October 1978

Attendance: 4,402




VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/WarlordAgony1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/WarlordPain1977.jpgw/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ProfessorNero1977.jpg


TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. The Lords of War (Warlord Agony/Warlord Pain) w/Professor Nero

Billy’s Take: The crowd was revved up for this opening contest. The Crimson Serpent Cult entered first, receiving a strong reaction from the fans at ringside. The Lords of War were welcomed quite oppositely, boos raining down on them the entire time. The match itself was quite physical, as you would expect from these four men. In the end, Agony lifted Cobra into position for the War Machine, but Cobra slithered out while Viper pushed Pain off the ropes, allowing Cobra to slide down Agony’s back and into position for a sunset flip. Agony refused to budge, until Viper exploded off the ropes into Agony’s face with a dropkick. Cobra and Viper then both pinned Agony’s shoulders to the mat as I counted to three, giving us new tag team champions!

Crimson Serpent Cult d. Lords of War to WIN the TWL Tag Team Titles

Match Rating: C+





The Lone Star Stampeder came out to the ring carrying a microphone. “I told y’all that I wasn’t gonna leave Archie Judge in lurch, ‘specially after seein’ that tag team title match! I’ve come out here tonight to make good on ma promise. Archie, I done scoured the entire United States to find you a tag partner, but when it came down to it I knew there was only one man for the job. A man who’s young and hungry, a good Texan, and will fight for you ‘till the end. Here is that man. Meet “Double Wide” Dave Wylde!” The crowd’s cheers were muted, despite their admiration for Stampy, as a nondescript man (undoubtedly "Double Wide" Dave Wylde) walked out to the ring and waved to the crowd, shaking hands with Archie Judge after the latter emerged from backstage. D+



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/EdmondJackson.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MarkKrogan.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Eruption.jpg


‘Old School’ Edmond Jackson w/Mark ‘The Lariat’ Krogan v. Eruption

Billy’s Take: Fresh off a tag team victory over Edmond Jackson and Giant Grimsley, Eruption, one-half of Double Disaster, looked sharp in the early going of this match. He overpowered Jackson and seemed to toy with his veteran opponent. But eventually Jackson’s wiles and experience paid off as he bided his time until Eruption made a mistake. When Eruption went for a corner splash Jackson, who was obviously playing possum, moved out of the way and Eruption went head-first into the steel ring post. Jackson locked on the Eagle Claw and pinned Eruption for the win.

Jackson d. Eruption via Eagle Claw

Match Rating: C





Immediately after the match, Tsunami and ‘New School’ Jason Jackson hit the ring. As Jackson distracted his father, Tsunami barreled into Mark Krogan. Eruption, after finally coming to, joined his partner in pummeling the former TWL champion. After the duo hit a huge Tidal Wave on the Lariat, they left the prone figure of Mark Krogan alone on the floor as Edmond Jackson finally reached his friend and checked on the fallen legend. B-


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/GiantGrimsley.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Tsunami.jpg


Giant Grimsley v. Tsunami

Billy’s Take: Krogan was stretchered out before this match, making him unable to stand in Grimsley’s corner. Tsunami likewise had no manager, but seemed less thrown off by that fact and controlled the early part of the match. Although he is a tag team specialist, Tsunami was able to keep up with the offensive attack of the Giant and seemed to be in great position when he came flying off the ropes for a shoulderblock. But Grimsley caught the huge Samoan in mid-air and squeezed him tightly in a giant bearhug. As Tsunami slowly faded, ‘New School’ Jason Jackson and Eruption hit the ring and attacked Grimsley, drawing the disqualification. The trio attacked the giant, but Edmond Jackson quickly arrived, a two-by-four in hand, causing Double Disaster to beat a hasty retreat while Jason Jackson moved warily toward the ring, awaiting his next match.

Grimsley d. Tsunami via DQ

Match Rating: D-



Once Edmond Jackson and Giant Grimsley left the ring, ‘New School’ Jason Jackson slid in and took the microphone. “Tonight Giant Grimsley felt the wrath of the West Coast Warriors and last show I ran Mighty Thor out of town. Mark Krogan is now nothing more than a Southern memory and Pat Deacon turned his back on the territory just to get away from me. My resume keeps getting more impressive. Not only am I the Hollywood Heartthrob, the Los Angeles Loverboy, and the Sacramento Sensation, but I am THE giant killer! Now there is only one more name on my hit list for tonight. And that is the no-good scum Night Rider. Get out here Rider and take your ass-whippin’ like a man!” C


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/TheNightRider.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JasonJackson_MJSTARK.jpg


The Night Rider v. ‘New School’ Jason Jackson

Billy’s Take: Despite his earlier bravado, Jackson spent more time outside the ring breaking Rider’s momentum than time spent actually wrestling inside the ring. Although not firmly behind the Night Rider, the crowd turned instantly on Jackson and let him know it. This seemed to only fuel Jackson’s already substantial ego as he continued to constantly pull me in front of oncoming attacks and hide behind me when Rider approached. As Night Rider grew continually frustrated, he finally made a mistake, lunging wildly at Jackson. Jason ducked and hit a neckbreaker then locked in the California Dream for the win.

Jackson d. Night Rider via California Dream

Match Rating: C





Sheik Mustafa and Comrade Popinowski came down to the ring, amidst a chorus of boos. “You dumb Americans think you know everything don’t you? Think capitalism is good, right? Think Rocky is real instead of stupid American movie, don’t you? Think anyone in this company can match the power of Popinowski. Show them comrade!” Popinowski, carrying a keg with the word “Stolichnaya” on the side, hoisted it to his shoulders and began doing squats. As Sheik counted out loud in Arabic, the crowd’s ire grew. After reaching twenty, Popinowski dropped the keg with a thud and went with his manager backstage, drawing irate boos from fans at ringside, who started a spontaneous USA chant. D+



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/LuisMontero1977.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ShannonKelly.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MeanMarkGreen.jpg


Country Whipping Match: Luis Montero w/Shannon v. Mean Mark Green

Billy’s Take: In this match, both men had a leather strap tied to their wrist which they could use on their opponent. Needless to say, this was a brutal affair. Green took the early advantage, obviously having had some experience with this particular type of match, whipping Montero’s back mercilessly. But Montero quickly acclimated and came back, using his strap to choke out the larger Green. Back and forth the two went, red welts blistering on each of their backs. Green laid out Montero with a two-handed shot from his belt and then lifted Montero into position for the Outlaw Driver. Montero somehow slid out and belted Green across the legs. As Green doubled over in pain, Montero quickly hit the jumping piledriver to pick up the win.

Montero d. Green via jumping piledriver

Match Rating: B-




The Texas Outlaws, Johnny Lawless and Floyd Bowman, ran down to the ring, each carrying a leather strap. The duo jumped Luis Montero, despite Shannon’s pleas, and began beating the winner of the match. Satisfied with the carnage, the Outlaws helped Mean Mark Green to the back and left Montero lying in the center of the ring. B-




http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ChiefTwoEagles1977_alt.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/GeorgeDeColt1977.jpg


Number One Contender Match: Chief Two Eagles v. ‘Gorgeous’ George DeColt

Billy’s Take: Two Eagles was introduced first and received a huge ovation, slapping hands with fans at ringside and, as usual, handing off a leather Indian necklace to one lucky kid. When DeColt came down, he received a near-equal response. The two men shook hands before the match began and circled one another warily though obviously aware of what was at stake. The men went back and forth, with DeColt claiming the early edge but Eagles quickly responding. After nearly fifteen minutes of excellent give and take, an exhausted DeColt connected with a DeColt 45, but was too tired to immediately make the cover. By the time he crawled over, Chief was miraculously able to kick out at two! This drained DeColt, who fell prey to a Tomahawk Chop a short time later. This time there was no kick out and Chief became the new number one contender!

Chief d. DeColt via Tomahawk Chop

Match Rating: B-




Surprisingly, Professor Nero came to the ring to address George DeColt as Chief Two Eagles left for backstage, keeping a weather eye on his old nemesis. “Georgie porgie puddin’ pie, kissed the girls and made them cry. Some like it hot and some like it cold, some like it in the pot nine days old! Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold. Three blind mice, see how they run…he cut off their tail with a carving knife!” Nero began in a sing-song before his visage suddenly grew dark. “George DeColt, don’t you pay attention?” Nero deadpanned into the microphone. “When Pat Deacon decided to make his fight against me personal I took it one step further, I threatened his family. And just like him, you’re a daddy. Little Jack, Steve and, my favorite, Alex. I’ve seen them backstage. But who protects them from demons at night? There are demons in this world, George. Demons far worse than even I,” Nero cackled, his demonic laughter echoing through the arena. “Be careful George or the demons may just get your little ones.” DeColt, able to endure no longer, took off after Nero. The Professor fled, his eyes full of hatred. B+

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Apparently, in my haste to post "Who Is...Bill Popinowksi" I forgot to recap the previous predictions. So here are the results from both shows.


Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

The Lone Star Stampeder v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

Edmond Jackson/Giant Grimsley v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

Mighty Thor v. 'New School' Jason Jackson


3/4 PS. Stampy's too nice to win on the way out!


Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

The Lone Star Stampeder v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

Edmond Jackson/Giant Grimsley v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

Mighty Thor v. 'New School' Jason Jackson


3/4. Nice work Jingo, except that Thor was headed out.


Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

The Lone Star Stampeder v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

Edmond Jackson/Giant Grimsley v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

Mighty Thor v. 'New School' Jason Jackson


3/4. All right but the second tag match.


Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

- Need to be kept strong to challenge the Lords of War. Currently GreenBomb are above the tag straps... but CSC keep the tag division vital. (Unless they're hoping to SWF) How can the faces be fireball hurling snakes? I dunno, must be Texas.

The Lone Star Stampeder v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

- This will likely be based on LSS's demeanour. Does he want to go out on top or will he help establish a new star in the promotion he owns? I'm going with Stampy losing via cheatin' but getting some just moral victory revenge after the fact.

Edmond Jackson/Giant Grimsley v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

- I think PapaGiant topple the Double Disaster.

Mighty Thor v. 'New School' Jason Jackson

- But the whiny spoiled bratling JJ finds a way to sneak a victory over the Mighty (and mighty gullible) Thor.


Couple of remarks. First, I don't know how fireball-hurling-snakes can be faces, especially against proud Texans. But as you said, this is Texas. And of course Stampy was losing on his way out. Good rub for Cheatin' Mike (who has B+ momentum right now). And finally, I like the name PapaGiant! Oh, and 3/4.


Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

The Lone Star Stampeder v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

Edmond Jackson/Giant Grimsley v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

Mighty Thor v. 'New School' Jason Jackson


1/4. Ouch! Though in all honesty, they could've just as easily gone the other way.


Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Lords of War (Warlord Agony/Warlord Pain) ©

'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. Eruption

Giant Grimsley v. Tsunami

The Night Rider v. 'New School' Jason Jackson

Country Whipping Match: Luis Montero v. Mean Mark Green

Number One Contender's Match: Chief Two Eagles v. 'Gorgeous' George DeColt


4/6. You were on a roll until the final two matches!


Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Lords of War (Warlord Agony/Warlord Pain) ©

'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. Eruption

Giant Grimsley v. Tsunami

The Night Rider v. 'New School' Jason Jackson

Country Whipping Match: Luis Montero v. Mean Mark Green

Number One Contender's Match: Chief Two Eagles v. 'Gorgeous' George DeColt


4/6. I almost did the 'alternating victories for partners' in the middle, but decided to emphasize Double Disaster as a great tag team and Grimsley/Edmond Jackson as great singles workers.


Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Lords of War (Warlord Agony/Warlord Pain) ©

- Damn you SWF!

'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. Eruption

- Cheating to steal an old school victory.

Giant Grimsley v. Tsunami

- Giant CRUSH~!

The Night Rider v. 'New School' Jason Jackson

- DustyHoff can't collect on the debt he's owed by Jackson... yet.

Country Whipping Match: Luis Montero v. Mean Mark Green

- Back in 1978 you could whip someone and it not be seen as politically incorrect. Here, Green loses... but then the Outlaws whip Montero regardless. Dastardly Outlaws!

Number One Contender's Match: Chief Two Eagles v. 'Gorgeous' George DeColt

- I think it's time for the Chief to get his shot at glory.


5/6. Nice work! And yes, damn SWF.


Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Lords of War (Warlord Agony/Warlord Pain) ©

- Pain turns on Agony, becomes the Undertaker of the TWL.

'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. Eruption

- Old school over new school baby!.

Giant Grimsley v. Tsunami

- Giant Squash!~!

The Night Rider v. 'New School' Jason Jackson

- Night Rider better get on out of here! And New School's the man to do it.

Country Whipping Match: Luis Montero v. Mean Mark Green

- Luis Montero has been losing a lot in recent shows, no?

Number One Contender's Match: Chief Two Eagles v. 'Gorgeous' George DeColt

- How long till Canada starts sniffing around for DeColt?


5/6. Also missed on one of the middle matches. And I like the idea of making Pain an Undertaker-esque wrestler. I just have a hard time separating him from Agony. He may need a makeover.


Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Lords of War (Warlord Agony/Warlord Pain) ©

'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. Eruption

Giant Grimsley v. Tsunami

The Night Rider v. 'New School' Jason Jackson

Country Whipping Match: Luis Montero v. Mean Mark Green

Number One Contender's Match: Chief Two Eagles v. 'Gorgeous' George DeColt


5/6. There was no way that Agony was taking a TWL tag belt to SWF and the only real contenders were the Cult.

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Just out of interest, who've you got to take over announcing? 'Cos I can't think of anyone who doesn't already work for one of the other companies, and I try to avoid sharing announcers if at all possible.


When SWF stole Kurt Berkely, I tried out several individuals before settling on my boss, the Lone Star Stampeder. I could use Matt Cinder, Kevin Flagstaff, or Pops Santoro (as they are the best three available), but I'd just as soon build up Stampy. He is at a C right now and I expect that to rise in the next several months.


My colour commentator is a graduate of Canada's Finest Wrestling Academy with A*'s in mic and charisma and an A in acting. So no worries there (until SWF steals him, of course).


Give him a wide-brimmed hat, a leather trenchcoat and fingerless gloves. ::p


Hmmm...do I have to paint bags under his eyes and make him wear mascara? Should he carry an urn? Or perhaps ride a motorcycle?

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Hmmm...do I have to paint bags under his eyes and make him wear mascara? Should he carry an urn? Or perhaps ride a motorcycle?


*rolling and lolling* Unless you're getting him a manager, I'd nix the urn suggestion. Not to mention the motorcycle gimmick is a few decades ahead of the current time period.


But you have to admit, wide-brimmed hat and trenchcoast would look bitching on either Warlord. :D

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*rolling and lolling* Unless you're getting him a manager, I'd nix the urn suggestion. Not to mention the motorcycle gimmick is a few decades ahead of the current time period.


But you have to admit, wide-brimmed hat and trenchcoast would look bitching on either Warlord. :D


I agree that either Warlord could pull off the look. I'll have to request it on the alts page and see what they can produce!

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Ah yes, have to love Pop Tarts!


From the Notebook of Referee Billy




TWL 6 Feet Under is shaping up to be quite an interesting show. Here is the announced card:


Non-Title Match: The Shaman v. Johnny Lawless ©

Chief Two Eagles just won a mini-tournament to become the number one contender to Johnny Lawless' TWL Title. Before facing the Chief, Lawless wants to make an example of Chief's mentor, The Shaman. Will the proud Indian warrior stand for such a mockery?


Mighty Thor v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

By hook or crook, Cheatin' Mike is undefeated in TWL. But he's not faced anyone nearly as physically imposing as Mighty Thor. Will Cheatin' Mike's streak end or will he come out on top?


'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. TimberWolf

Last month, TimberWolf and Professor Nero injured young Kenny Maynard, a proud Canadian and friend of George DeColt. Now Maynard wants his revenge.


TWL Six Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Edmond Jackson/Night Rider © v. Machete/Drake Oberlin/Rick Horn

This marks an opportunity for the inexperienced trio of Machete, Drake Oberlin, and Rick Horn to stand out in TWL. Will they make the most of this chance or will they be steamrolled by the powerful champs?


TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. Texas Outlaws (Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)

The Crimson Serpent Cult and Texas Outlaws have a long history. With Chief Two Eagles, a close friend of the Cult, as the number one contender to the TWL Title, held by a Texas Outlaw, there are bound to be fireworks in this one!


'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero

Nero has crossed the line, defaming DeColt's entire family. 'Gorgeous' George wants revenge. Will the hot-headed Canadian emerge victorious or will the nefarious Professor have one more trick up his sleeve?



Quick Picks:


Non-Title: The Shaman v. Johnny Lawless ©


Mighty Thor v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow


'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. TimberWolf


TWL Six Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Edmond Jackson/Night Rider © v. Machete/Drake Oberlin/Rick Horn


TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. Texas Outlaws (Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)


'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero

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Quick Picks:


TWL Title Match: The Shaman v. Johnny Lawless ©


Mighty Thor v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow


'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. TimberWolf


TWL Six Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Edmond Jackson/Night Rider v. Machete/Drake Oberlin/Rick Horn


TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Texas Outlaws (Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)


'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero



You mind putting up a complete listing of your roster?

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TWL Title Match: The Shaman v. Johnny Lawless ©


Mighty Thor v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow


'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. TimberWolf


TWL Six Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Edmond Jackson/Night Rider v. Machete/Drake Oberlin/Rick Horn


TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Texas Outlaws (Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)


'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero

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*rolling and lolling* Unless you're getting him a manager, I'd nix the urn suggestion. Not to mention the motorcycle gimmick is a few decades ahead of the current time period.


But you have to admit, wide-brimmed hat and trenchcoast would look bitching on either Warlord. :D




First published, 1966.



Non-Title: The Shaman v. Johnny Lawless ©


Mighty Thor v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow


'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. TimberWolf


TWL Six Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Edmond Jackson/Night Rider © v. Machete/Drake Oberlin/Rick Horn


TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. Texas Outlaws (Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)


'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero



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A lot of motorcycle clubs formed after World War II, as many veterans were jaded and didn't want to pursue the "American Dream in the suburbs" lifestyle. I think it was mid 50s when the first "outlaw" stuff about biker games entered pop culture through films and such, but it was definitely in place by the late 60s and the Hell's Angels role at Altamont.


Non-Title: The Shaman v. Johnny Lawless ©


Mighty Thor v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow


'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. TimberWolf


TWL Six Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Edmond Jackson/Night Rider © v. Machete/Drake Oberlin/Rick Horn


TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. Texas Outlaws (Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)


'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero

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Non-Title: The Shaman v. Johnny Lawless ©

Mighty Thor v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. TimberWolf

TWL Six Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Edmond Jackson/Night Rider © v. Machete/Drake Oberlin/Rick Horn

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. Texas Outlaws (Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)

'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero

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Non-Title: The Shaman v. Johnny Lawless ©


Mighty Thor v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow


'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. TimberWolf


TWL Six Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Edmond Jackson/Night Rider © v. Machete/Drake Oberlin/Rick Horn


TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. Texas Outlaws (Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)


'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero

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Non-Title: The Shaman v. Johnny Lawless ©

- I thought The Shaman went on a Vision Quest, got lost in the Dreamscape and was never to return.


Mighty Thor v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

- Mighty Thor is not known for his mental acuity and in-ring savvy. Thor: "Wha..? Thor hammer you!" Quiet Thor, go read an Avengers comic.


'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. TimberWolf

- Unless Maynard is here to be an All-Canadian Job boy, I think he might have more upside than TimidWolf does at this point.


TWL Six Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Edmond Jackson/Night Rider © v. Machete/Drake Oberlin/Rick Horn

- DustyPapaGiant for the squash. Who is Hornerlin? :)


TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. Texas Outlaws (Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)

- The real question is who gets caught obliterating the rules the most flagrantly. My call is... "What the F*** you mean I can't F***in hit a F***in J@p with a G**D*** piece of Bl***y F***in lumber?"... yah, him.


'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero

- The mind games work as Nero leads DeColt on those first few steps along dark paths of his depraved soul.

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