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God Bless Texas - 1977 C-Verse

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Giant Grimsley v. Panzer


The Party Animals v. Sneer Corporation


'Old School' Edmond Jackson/Trailer Park Kid w/Debbie Dallas v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Johnny Lawless


Match of Champions: Chief Two Eagles/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) - DCO

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Giant Grimsley v. Panzer


The Party Animals v. Sneer Corporation


'Old School' Edmond Jackson/Trailer Park Kid w/Debbie Dallas v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Johnny Lawless


Match of Champions: Chief Two Eagles/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami)

maybe setting p Jackson challenging Eagles?

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Texas Wrestling

Irvine Hall (MidSouth)

January (Week One) 1979

Attendance: 4,601

Rating: 0.14 on Channel 7 Regional


The program kicked off with its now-standard opening, a camera zoomed in on a young girl kneeling beside her bed, hands folded as if in prayer. “And God bless Mother, and God bless Father. But most of all, God bless Texas!” Then the screen cut to the Lone Star Stampeder and Lawrence Grove, seated behind a desk at ringside.




“Good evening and welcome Texas wrestling fans! I’m Lawrence Grove and I’m joined, as always, by the Lone Star Stampeder. Stampy, what do we have in store for our fans tonight?”


“Well Lawrence, we’ve got one heck of a card. In our main event, we have a match we’ve dubbed the Match of Champions pitting the TWL Champion Chief Two Eagles and the TWL Tag Team Champions Cobra and Viper against the TWL Six-Man Champions Jason Jackson, Eruption, and Tsunami. Should be a real barnburner. But first, let’s head down to the ring for a match between TWL newcomer Panzer and the biggest wrestler in the history of the sport, Giant Grimsley!”



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/GiantGrimsley.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/TheAryanBarbarian_alt-1.jpgw/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/SheikMustafa1977.jpg


Giant Grimsley v. Panzer w/Sheik Mustafa

Billy’s Take: Panzer came to the ring, accompanied by his manager Sheik Mustafa. As they entered, the crowd revolted, screaming at the nefarious pairing of an East German and an Arab. Panzer remained stoic, but Mustafa cajoled the crowd into booing even louder by requesting silence. When Grimsley entered, the crowd roared and even started a spontaneous chant of “U…S…A” Once the match actually began, it demonstrated that neither man is terribly good inside the ring. Thankfully, after only about five minutes of back and forth – neither man backing down one iota – Comrade Popinowski lumbered to the ring. He grabbed Grimsley’s foot as the Giant came off the ropes, causing Grimsley to turn around. Then Popinowski slid inside the ring, forcing me to call for the bell, disqualifying Panzer. After a failed bodyslam attempt on Grimsley, Popinowski hit a gigantic Polish Hammer, nearly knocking the Giant off his feet. But the Giant quickly rebounded and connected with a bodyslam on Popinowski, clearly surprising the Polish powerhouse. The numbers game, however, quickly caught up with Grimsley as Panzer, Popinowski, and Mustafa triple-teamed the large man. Finally reinforcements arrived, in the form of the Masked Patriot and Captain USA. They dispersed the bad guys and checked on Grimsley.

Grimsley d. Panzer via Disqualification

Match Rating: E+



“Well, I can’t say I’m surprised. It’s just like that no-good Sheik to break the rules. I’m glad that the Masked Patriot and Captain USA came out to help the Giant. There is quite a rivalry brewing between these two teams!”


“Right you are Stampy. Now let’s go backstage where earlier I had the privilege of talking to two more TWL newcomers, the Party Animals!




“Welcome TWL fans, I’m here with Dirk ‘Bone-Dogg’ Bonell and Chase Allen. They’ve recently finished up at Texas State and, let’s see here, it looks like Chase, you majored in Business, is that right?” “That’s right Larry,” Chase began, winking at the camera. “Though let’s be honest. I really should’ve majored in chasing tail and bedding the Dean’s wife. I’d have been on the honor roll!” “Ok,” Lawrence moved on. “Now Dirk, apparently you were a Texas State Buffalo for eight years. Did you earn an advanced degree?” “Umm, not too sure what you mean there Lar’. Bone-Dogg was a double-major in beer drinking and keg tossing.” The duo slapped a high-five. “With a minor in ass-whoopin’,” he added. “And now we’re bringin’ our talents to TWL. So watch out boys, it’s party time!” D


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ChaseAllen.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/DirkBonell.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/LeeWright1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/TommyHandell.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ShaneSneer1977.jpg


The Party Animals (Chase Allen/Dirk ‘Bone-Dogg’ Bonell) v. The Sneer Corporation (‘Luscious’ Lee Wright/‘Handsome’ Tommy Handell) w/Shane Sneer

Billy’s Take: Despite Sneer’s incessant interference, the Party Animals made short work of Sneer Corp, finishing off the match with a move dubbed the Party Crasher in which Bonell bodyslammed ‘Handsome’ Tommy and then threw Allen off the top rope onto the prone Handell. The pinfall was academic. After the match, while Sneer checked on his charges, the Party Animals started a “Toga…Toga…” chant, clearly capitalizing on last year’s ultra-successful movie Animal House. Maybe they’ll get pledges?

Party Animals d. Sneer Corp via Party Crasher

Match Rating: D



“Well that was an impressive debut win for the Party Animals, wasn’t it Lawrence?”


“Yes Stampy, it certainly was. Those boys are double tough! Now let’s go back to the ring.”




Chief Two Eagles came down to the ring, followed closely by Cobra and Viper, all carrying their TWL title belts. As usual, Chief Two Eagles handed an eagle feather from his resplendent headdress to a fan at ringside and then took hold of a microphone. “Tonight is an historic occasion. In this very ring, there will be six men, all TWL champions. And even though there are no titles on the line, this match is vital to maintaining the balance of power in Texas. Because though the forces of evil seek to overwhelm us,” he motioned to his compatriots, “we will prevail. When the dust settles and the smoke clears, I can promise you that it will be The Nation with our arms raised in victory.” C+



“Rousing words there from the Chief. Geez I hope he can shut Jason Jackson up. I am so sick and tired of hearing his ramblings. Now to the ring where we’ll see how his father, Edmond Jackson, can do against Cheatin’ Mike Barstow and Johnny Lawless!”


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/EdmondJackson.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MikeyMontana.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/DebbieDallas.jpg

VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/CheatinMikeBarstow.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JohnnyLawless.jpg


‘Old School’ Edmond Jackson/Trailer Park Kid w/Debbie Dallas v. Cheatin’ Mike Barstow/Johnny Lawless

Billy’s Take: The origins of this match lie back a few weeks when both Barstow and Lawless felt cheated in their losses to the Trailer Park Kid and Chief Two Eagles respectively. The heels came out first, drawing loud boos from the assembled fans. When Edmond and his partner emerged, the crowd erupted, particularly after Debbie Dallas performed what can only be called an ‘energetic cheer,’ leaving little to the imagination. Inside the ring, this was a very hard-fought contest. At first, Lawless and Barstow contented themselves with going toe-to-toe against Jackson and the Kid, apparently confident that they were superior to their opponents. A clothesline from Trailer Park Kid and hiptoss from Jackson ended that supposition and sent the heels to the floor. They did regroup, however, and entered into a back-and-forth in the middle part of the match. In the end they could not keep from cheating as, while my back was turned dealing with Barstow, Lawless hit the Trailer Park Kid with a low blow and then grabbed a handful of tights to pick up the tainted victory.

Cheatin’ Mike/Lawless d. Ed Jackson/TPK via pinfall

Match Rating: C+



“That ain’t fair at all. Well, I guess we can’t blame Referee Billy for not seein’ that one. There’s a reason they call Barstow ‘Cheatin’ Mike’ and the former Johnny Boy Tucker ‘Lawless’! Now, I wish we could do without this next bit, but Professor Nero does have a right to speak. So we’ll head down to the ring now for a couple of words from the ‘Intelligent Monster’.”




Professor Nero stood in the center of the ring, flanked by Demon Anger and Demon Spite. “Take a long, hard look at these monsters you see before you,” Nero began in a deep, dark whisper. “Especially you…Pain. You were once like these two men. You once showed the same promise, the same potential, and, most importantly, the same indescribable malice. But now you’re like a little baby kitten. A neutered, tamed housepet. You are not the monster you imagine yourself to be. You are a mere shadow of your former self.” Suddenly Nero’s lifeless eyes lit up and his voice assumed a sing-song lilt. “The rain in Spain falls mainly on the Pain. No, no, no. Wrong again Mycroft. Singin’ in the Pain, just singin’ in the Pain. WRONG!” Nero suddenly slapped himself hard across the face, apparently regaining his composure. “Pain, your day of reckoning is coming. Soon it will be upon us and you will find out what true PAIN is really all about!” C


“Sumpin’ just ain’t right with that one. I should know, I’ve been in the ring against him. He’s a sick and twisted individual!”


“And he butchers nursery rhymes. Bastard. Now it’s finally time for our main event. Let’s head down to the ring for what promises to be a real mat classic!”




VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JasonJackson_MJSTARK.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Eruption.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Tsunami.jpg


Match of Champions: The Nation (Chief Two Eagles/Cobra/Viper) v. West Coast Warriors (‘New School’ Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami)

Billy’s Take: Just as Lawrence Grove predicted before the match, this was quite a contest. All six men shone, none willing to take a backseat. Chief Two Eagles used his remarkable athleticism, stoic grace, and brutal knife-edge chops to dismantle his opponents. Cobra and Viper used almost-telepathic teamwork to execute picture-perfect double-teams. Jason Jackson demonstrated both a willingness to bend the rules and an exceptionally solid moveset to counter the aggression of The Nation. And Double Disaster showcased raw, unadulterated power – throwing the members of the Crimson Serpent Cult around with abandon. Jackson especially looked good when matched against Two Eagles, throwing a scare into the TWL champion. But in the end, Jackson must’ve realized that his team had little chance against the proud Chief and his men as ‘New School’, much to the crowd’s delight, led his somewhat hesitant charges to the back, losing by countout.

The Nation d. West Coast Warriors via Countout

Match Rating: B-


“What a night of wrestling! Once again, Chief Two Eagles paid a price but walked away a winner. How long can he keep this up? You’ll have to tune in next week to find out. Until then, goodnight and God bless Texas!”

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Giant Grimsley v. Panzer

The Party Animals v. Sneer Corporation

'Old School' Edmond Jackson/Trailer Park Kid w/Debbie Dallas v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Johnny Lawless

Match of Champions: Chief Two Eagles/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami)


3/4. Well done PS!


Giant Grimsley v. Panzer

The Party Animals v. Sneer Corporation

'Old School' Edmond Jackson/Trailer Park Kid w/Debbie Dallas v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Johnny Lawless

Match of Champions: Chief Two Eagles/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami)


2/4. Several people suspected a Sneer Corp win. They are definitely my bottom-rung team - don't expect any 'W's soon!


Giant Grimsley v. Panzer

The Party Animals v. Sneer Corporation

'Old School' Edmond Jackson/Trailer Park Kid w/Debbie Dallas v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Johnny Lawless

Match of Champions: Chief Two Eagles/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami)


3/4. Considered going that way on the main event, but wanted to keep the TWL champ strong.


Giant Grimsley v. Panzer

The Party Animals v. Sneer Corporation

'Old School' Edmond Jackson/Trailer Park Kid w/Debbie Dallas v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Johnny Lawless

Match of Champions: Chief Two Eagles/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami)


3/4. Good guesses BP!


Giant Grimsley v. Panzer

The Party Animals v. Sneer Corporation

'Old School' Edmond Jackson/Trailer Park Kid w/Debbie Dallas v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Johnny Lawless

Match of Champions: Chief Two Eagles/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) - DCO


2/4. The double countout was a good guess, but I wanted to really play up Jackson's character by having his team walkout.


Giant Grimsley v. Panzer

The Party Animals v. Sneer Corporation

'Old School' Edmond Jackson/Trailer Park Kid w/Debbie Dallas v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Johnny Lawless

Match of Champions: Chief Two Eagles/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami)

maybe setting p Jackson challenging Eagles?


2/4. Main event could've gone either way, but Panzer wasn't picking up a win yet. He needs a lot more overness before picking up wins. Expect him to support in angles for a while more.

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(Posting again since my last post has not been approved as of yet and I had less than 3 posts at the time)


I have been a long time lurker of this forum and never registered, but the other day I started reading this diary and I read all 36 pages in one day. Great job ajcrible, your diary is very entertaining and it has motivated me to attempt to do my own 1977 diary.


Also living in Texas in the 1980s has made me be a major mark for WCCW, I loved the 6 Man title you created! Props to that!

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I have been a long time lurker of this forum and never registered, but the other day I started reading this diary and I read all 36 pages in one day. Great job ajcrible, your diary is very entertaining and it has motivated me to attempt to do my own 1977 diary.


Also living in Texas in the 1980s has made me be a major mark for WCCW, I loved the 6 Man title you created! Props to that!


Wow, thanks for the compliment. Like you, I lurked for a long time before registering (and I believe it was 2-3 years after I registered that I finally posted). Good luck on your own 1977 diary - I'll definitely be reading!


I'm also glad that you can see the parallels between the mid-80s WCCW and my own TWL. There are several WCCW storylines I'm planning to adopt in the coming months and others from which I plan to borrow liberally. Definitely let me know via the forum or PM any thoughts!

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From the Notebook of Referee Billy




Well folks, looks like things are heating up in TWL. Texas Wrestling last week featured a top-notch main event as, in the Match of Champions, Chief Two Eagles and the Crimson Serpent Cult defeated the West Coast Warriors. This week should be another barn-burner as Stampy has announced the following contests.


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. TimberWolf

Luis Montero was recently named Mexico's top athlete for 1978. Though a surprise to outsiders, those who have seen Montero wrestle understand his considerable talent. Or maybe TimberWolf will win...!?!?!?


#1 Contender's Match: New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

Both teams want tag team gold. The New Zealand Game Hunters are a pair of vicious newcomers while Double Disaster is a more established tag team. Who will prevail in this battle of monsters?


Chief Two Eagles/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

Two Eagles faces challenges from all sides. This week, he'll be teaming with the young Canadian wrestler Kenny Maynard to take on the veteran Texas Outlaws. Can youth overcome years of tag team experience?


'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. Johnny Lawless

Lawless wants to prove that he is still a top challenger in TWL. To do that, he'll have to take out one of the region's legends, Edmond Jackson.



Quick Picks:


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. TimberWolf


#1 Contender's Match: New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)


Chief Two Eagles/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman


'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. Johnny Lawless

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My first predictions in this diary:


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. TimberWolf


#1 Contender's Match: New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)


Chief Two Eagles/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

Maybe setting up a push as a number 1 contender for one of the Outlaws?


'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. Johnny Lawless

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Luis Montero w/Shannon v. TimberWolf


#1 Contender's Match: New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)


Chief Two Eagles/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman


'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. Johnny Lawless

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Luis Montero w/Shannon v. TimberWolf


#1 Contender's Match: New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)


Chief Two Eagles/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman


'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. Johnny Lawless<!-- / message -->

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Luis Montero w/Shannon v. TimberWolf


#1 Contender's Match: New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)


Chief Two Eagles/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. Johnny Lawless

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Luis Montero w/Shannon v. TimberWolf

- TimidWolf does the J-O-B here. What's a Texas Squash called?


#1 Contender's Match: New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

- Texas likes things simple, face vs. heel.


Chief Two Eagles/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

- The Texas Outlaws don't likely need this win but it makes the Chief look beatable even if Maynard takes the fall. As he's no DeColt.


'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. Johnny Lawless

- I thought that was New School at first which would have made for a very un-70s Main Event. I'll give the nod to Lawless so he can rechallenge the Chief.



Incidentally I've been on holiday for 2 weeks, hence my silence on the forums.

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Texas Wrestling

The Junkyard (Midwest)

January (Week Two) 1979

Attendance: 1,000

Rating: 0.14 on Channel 7 Regional


The program kicked off with its now-standard opening, a camera zoomed in on a young girl kneeling beside her bed, hands folded as if in prayer. “And God bless Mother, and God bless Father. But most of all, God bless Texas!” Then the screen cut to the Lone Star Stampeder and Lawrence Grove, seated behind a desk at ringside.




“Welcome fans to this week’s edition of Texas Wrestling. What a night we have in store for you! In our main event, former TWL champion Johnny Lawless faces off against ‘Old School’ Edmond Jackson. We also have the number one contendership for the tag team titles on the line as Double Disaster takes on the New Zealand Game Hunters. But first, let’s head down to the ring for a contest between Luis Montero and TimberWolf!”


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/LuisMontero1977.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ShannonKelly.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/TimberWolf.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ProfessorNero1977.jpg


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. TimberWolf w/Professor Nero

Billy’s Take: This one was never really in doubt as the youngster recently voted Mexico’s top athlete of 1978 dominated his canine opponent. After connecting with a vicious suplex, Montero climbed the ropes and came off with a thunderous flying kneedrop to pick up the win. The only other really entertaining aspect of this match was Shannon trying to avoid the gaze of the sadistic Professor Nero.

Montero d. TimberWolf via flying kneedrop

Match Rating: C



“Wow, that Luis Montero is one heck of a wrestler. He’s destined for big things, don’t you think Stampy?”


“Durn right Lawrence. Now I’ve been in the ring with him, but since he dumped those no good Border Runners he’s become a completely different man. Plus having the lovely Shannon by his side don’t hurt none! Well now, let’s head to a pre-taped segment from the Party Animals.”



Cameras cut to the Party Animals, Chase Allen and Dirk ‘Bone-Dogg’ Bonell, in a pre-recorded segment. “Drink, drink, drink,” Allen urged on his partner – apparently the duo were at a party. Bonell downed an unmarked can and slammed the empty into his forehead, crushing it. Allen and Bonell slapped a high five before Bone-Dogg let out a disgustingly loud belch. Allen turned and faced the camera. “We are the Party Animals. We do two things really well. We party hard,” he waved a hand around the room where at least two dozen other people stood pounding drinks and dancing. “And we fight hard.” As if on cue, Bone-Dogg threw a bystander out the nearby front door. Allen laughed. “And we’re headed to the top of TWL.” D-



“Strong words there from the Party Animals. They could very well be top contenders to the TWL Tag Team Titles soon. But our next contest will determine the new number one contenders for those belts. Let’s head down to the ring.”



VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Croup.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Vandemar.jpg


TWL Tag Team Titles: Number One Contender’s Match: New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

Billy’s Take: What a hard-hitting match! Croup and Vandemar are undoubtedly one of the top teams to come through TWL in some time. They stood toe-to-toe with the enormous Samoan duo and looked like they were going to win on several occasions before finally falling prey to the Tidal Wave, giving the win to Double Disaster.

Double Disaster d. NZGH via Tidal Wave

Match Rating: C-




As Tsunami and Eruption caught their breath in the ring, the TWL tag team champions, Cobra and Viper – the Crimson Serpent Cult – emerged from the back, their belts hanging languidly over their shoulders. “Ssshould we be ssscared?” Cobra hissed into the microphone. “That Double Disssassster are the new number one contendersss?” Viper shook his head no. “That’ssss right Viper. We ssshould not…and are not. Becaussse the Crimssson Ssserpent Cult are never the prey. We are alwaysss the predatorsss!” Double Disaster merely watched warily before heading to the back. C



“Seems like the Crimson Serpent Cult are planning to take the fight to Double Disaster. That is one matchup I can’t wait to see. What do you think, Stampy?”


The Lone Star Stampeder paused and then answered slowly. “To be perfectly honest, I ain’t sure what to think. I like that those boys are plannin’ to whoop up on Double Disaster, but I still don’t trust ‘em one bit. One thing’s for sure, they’re a double-tough team with double-tough attitudes to match. Speakin’ of double-tough teams, we’ve got two of ‘em in our next bout. The Texas Outlaws face off against TWL Champion Chief Two Eagles and his partner ‘The Mayne Event’ Kenny Maynard – two men who fought against each other on last week’s show. Should be a good one!”


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ChiefTwoEagles1977_alt.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/KennyMaynard-1.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MeanMarkGreen.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/FloydBowmn.jpg


Chief Two Eagles/‘The Mayne Event’ Kenny Maynard v. Texas Outlaws (Mean Mark Green/Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman)

Billy’s Take: The Outlaws came down first as the crowd booed in unison – Bowman flipping them the bird and Green completely ignoring the catcalls. When Maynard and Two Eagles came out, the crowd roared its approval. Two Eagles strolled regally to the ring, pausing only to hand an eagle feather from his headdress to a young boy sitting at ringside. Maynard, on the other hand, enthusiastically slapped hands with several fans, causing at least two teenage girls to swoon. Inside the ring, these four men were as different as their ring entrances indicated. Bowman was like a whirlwind – clawing, punching, kicking, biting, and gouging with little regard for either himself or his opponent. Green was cold and calculating, methodically working over the right arm of Chief Two Eagles, apparently to take away Chief’s Tomahawk Chop move. The Chief moved fluidly, with a grace usually reserved for much smaller, and less powerful, men. Maynard enthusiastically remained on the offensive, taking unnecessary gambles in the hopes of connecting with his devastating powerslam finisher. But in the end, this drive cost him as he ran at Green while Bowman had Chief Two Eagles distracted on the floor. Green moved out of the way and hit an Outlaw Driver on the over-enthusiastic youngster, giving the veteran team of Green and Bowman the victory.

Texas Outlaws d. Two Eagles/Maynard via Outlaw Driver

Match Rating: C



“Somewhat of an upset there, don’tcha think Stampy?”


“Tough to say, Lawrence. Chief Two Eagles and Kenny Maynard may be more talented, but the Outlaws have been together a real long time and know their stuff! Now I ‘spose it’s time for my least favorite part of the show – Sheik Mustafa has purchased some air time for his man, Comrade Popinowski”




Sheik Mustafa came out to the ring, followed by Comrade Popinowski and Panzer. Sheik took the microphone. “Stupid Americans, listen closely. Comrade Popinowski has something to say.” The chemically-enhanced Polish brute took the microphone. “Grimsley,” he grunted into the microphone, “you are lucky man. Comrade not fully prepared last time to slam your puny American carcass. Tonight I not make same mistake. Come out here and take your beating!” As if on cue, Giant Grimsley lumbered out and entered the ring, daring Popinowski to make the first move. Popinowski flew at the American giant, quickly attempting a bodyslam. But Grimsley pushed him away, laughing. Popinowski flew into a chemically-fueled rage, bellowing and running at Grimsley a second time. This time the force shook the ring as the two men locked horns. Sheik Mustafa and Panzer quickly intervened, helping Popinowski lift Grimsley and bodyslam him to the ground. The Masked Patriot and Captain USA ran down to the ring to even the odds, but Popinowski was apparently satisfied by his success and, unfurling a Soviet flag, began waving it above his head, driving the crowd to the brink of rioting as the evil foreign trio left the ring. C-



“I hope that no good Comrade Popinowski gets what’s comin’ to him. I can’t wait to see Grimsley get his meathooks on ol’ Sheik either!”


“Well folks, it’s main event time and what a treat we have for you today. ‘Old School’ Edmond Jackson against head Texas Outlaw Johnny Lawless. And it’s comin’ up next!”


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/EdmondJackson.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JohnnyLawless.jpg


‘Old School’ Edmond Jackson v. Johnny Lawless

Billy’s Take: This was a much-anticipated main event as Edmond Jackson is a veritable legend while Lawless is a former TWL champion. The match went back and forth, both men scoring near falls – Jackson with a schoolboy and Lawless with a handful-of-tights-assisted rollup. Slowly but surely the tide turned toward the veteran as Lawless grew increasingly frustrated with not being able to put down the wily Jackson. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, Edmond Jackson’s son 'New School' Jason Jackson slunk down to the ring. Unbeknownst to me at the time, Jason slid a pair of brass knuckles to Johnny Lawless. Lawless put them on and crushed Jackson with a punch to the temple. Edmond’s body went limp and was easy pickings, giving Lawless the victory.

Lawless d. Jackson via pinfall

Match Rating: D+


“What a lowdown, no-good, stinkin’ piece of…”


Lawrence interrupted, “What a night of wrestling! It looks like there is still bad blood between father and son. And we have new number one tag team contenders. What will happen next? You’ll have to tune in next week to find out. Until then, goodnight and God bless Texas!”

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Luis Montero w/Shannon v. TimberWolf

#1 Contender's Match: New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

Chief Two Eagles/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. Johnny Lawless


2/4. To be honest, the two that you missed could've gone either way.


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. TimberWolf

#1 Contender's Match: New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

Chief Two Eagles/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. Johnny Lawless


3/4 - just missed on the #1 Contender's...


My first predictions in this diary:

Luis Montero w/Shannon v. TimberWolf

#1 Contender's Match: New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

Chief Two Eagles/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

Maybe setting up a push as a number 1 contender for one of the Outlaws?

'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. Johnny Lawless


3/4. Thanks for predicting for the first time Strelka! Also, I think Green pinning Maynard could very well lead to a title shot. No way Floyd's getting near Chief one-on-one (poor chemistry).


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. TimberWolf

#1 Contender's Match: New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

Chief Two Eagles/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. Johnny Lawless


4/4. Well done, bg!


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. TimberWolf

#1 Contender's Match: New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

Chief Two Eagles/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. Johnny Lawless<!-- / message -->


2/4 Jingo. Better luck next time!


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. TimberWolf

#1 Contender's Match: New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

Chief Two Eagles/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. Johnny Lawless


2/4. Just like Jingo, apparently.


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. TimberWolf

- TimidWolf does the J-O-B here. What's a Texas Squash called?

#1 Contender's Match: New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

- Texas likes things simple, face vs. heel.

Chief Two Eagles/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

- The Texas Outlaws don't likely need this win but it makes the Chief look beatable even if Maynard takes the fall. As he's no DeColt.

'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. Johnny Lawless

- I thought that was New School at first which would have made for a very un-70s Main Event. I'll give the nod to Lawless so he can rechallenge the Chief.


Glad to have you back Beeker. I love reading your thoughts on the matches. Incidentally, a Texas squash is called a french fry - it's the state vegetable. Oh, and a 4/4!

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From the Notebook of Referee Billy




Today we celebrated Thom's first birthday with a big party. We invited all of our friends, mostly TWL wrestlers and people I know from the gym, and, of course, the neighbors. Johnny Boy Tucker and Shannon Kelly (yep, they're still together - we keep teasing Johnny Boy about gettng her a ring) were there, as were Luis Montero (he's a bit shy), Stampy, and Chase and Dirk (they made an appearance and then begged out when they heard we didn't have a keg). Floyd, Mark, and Mikey (aka the Trailer Park Kid) stopped by for a bit, as did both Edmond and Jason Jackson (they came and left in different cars - kayfabe!), and, of course, Mike (aka Professor Nero) who had agreed a couple of months back to be Thom's godfather.


Little Thom had such a good time smashing his face (and fist) into his birthday cake. The only part he enjoyed more was chasing Jeremy (Finch, our neighbor's kid), through the yard. Those two are like peas in a pod. Jeremy scouts around for trouble to get into and our Thom guides him right through it!

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From the Notebook of Referee Billy




The last episode of Texas Wrestling was certainly interesting. Jason Jackson cost his father, Edmond, a match against former TWL champion Johnny Lawless, Comrade Popinowski declared his intent to bodyslam AND humiliate Giant Grimsley, Double Disaster became the top contenders to the tag team championships held by the Crimson Serpent Cult, and the Texas Outlaws picked up a huge win over Chief Two Eagles and Kenny Maynard. What is in store for us this time? Here are the announced matches:


6-Man Title Match: Pain/New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) ©

Double Disaster defeated the Game Hunters last week to become #1 contenders to the tag team belts. Will they be equally successful this time around or will the inclusion of Pain end the reign of the Warriors?


The Party Animals (Chase Allen/Dirk 'Bone-Dogg' Bonell) v. The Warsaw Pact (Comrade Popinowski/Panzer) w/Sheik Mustafa

We've seen the Party Animals flash their party side. But how will they deal with the huge European musclemen inside the squared circle?


'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green

Last week, Green pinned Maynard in a tag team match. Will their roles be reversed when they meet one-on-one?


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

The main event promises to be a barn-burner as Luis Montero battles the dirtiest player in the game, Cheatin' Mike. Can Montero overcome not only Barstow's talents, but also his underhanded tactics?


Plus: Chief Two Eagles will announce his partner (in a rematch against Green and Bowman) for a match at TWL's signature January event - Back in the Saddle.


Quick Picks:

6-Man Title Match: Pain/New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) ©


The Party Animals (Chase Allen/Dirk 'Bone-Dogg' Bonell) v. The Warsaw Pact (Comrade Popinowski/Panzer) w/Sheik Mustafa


'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow


Plus: Chief Two Eagles will announce his partner (in a rematch against Green and Bowman) for a match at TWL's signature January event - Back in the Saddle.

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6-Man Title Match: Pain/New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) ©


The Party Animals (Chase Allen/Dirk 'Bone-Dogg' Bonell) v. The Warsaw Pact (Comrade Popinowski/Panzer) w/Sheik Mustafa


'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow


Plus: Chief Two Eagles will announce his partner (in a rematch against Green and Bowman) for a match at TWL's signature January event - Back in the Saddle: Edmond Jackson

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6-Man Title Match: Pain/New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) ©


The Party Animals (Chase Allen/Dirk 'Bone-Dogg' Bonell) v. The Warsaw Pact (Comrade Popinowski/Panzer) w/Sheik Mustafa

'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

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6-Man Title Match: Pain/New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) ©

- I think this is by Count Out or DQ to give the West Coasters some challengers while keeping them dangerous, plus it means come 'big event time' Stampy can either be a bad boss and make Double Diaster pull Double Duty *or* they can duck a challenger.


The Party Animals (Chase Allen/Dirk 'Bone-Dogg' Bonell) v. The Warsaw Pact (Comrade Popinowski/Panzer) w/Sheik Mustafa

- Party Animals lose in their debut when they discover the beer stand has a line-up and they can't make it back to the ring in time. Still Beer. WHOOOOO! Par-tay!


'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green

- I think the Mayne Event could really use a clean pinfall over the man known to be Mark... and to be Mean.


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

- Barstow seems a natural to get a quick, cheap elevation for a shot against the Chief and lose, but perhaps install himself firmly in the upper midcard. At least, that's how I'd do it.


Plus: Chief Two Eagles will announce his partner (in a rematch against Green and Bowman) for a match at TWL's signature January event - Back in the Saddle.

PLUS: I don't know the 77 Verse overly well, so I can go with someone standard (like the Shaman) or someone with history (Trailer Park Kid) go way outside the box... being me I'll go that route so... uh... hmmm... let's go with Jimmy Power - he seems to show up in most 77 Dynasties.

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6-Man Title Match: Pain/New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) ©


The Party Animals (Chase Allen/Dirk 'Bone-Dogg' Bonell) v. The Warsaw Pact (Comrade Popinowski/Panzer) w/Sheik Mustafa


'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow


Plus: Chief Two Eagles will announce his partner (in a rematch against Green and Bowman) for a match at TWL's signature January event - Back in the Saddle: Giant Grimsley

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Texas Wrestling

Irvine Hall (Midsouth)

January (Week Three) 1979

Attendance: 5,000

Rating: 0.16 on Channel 7 Regional


The program kicked off with its now-standard opening, a camera zoomed in on a young girl kneeling beside her bed, hands folded as if in prayer. “And God bless Mother, and God bless Father. But most of all, God bless Texas!” Then the screen cut to the Lone Star Stampeder and Lawrence Grove, seated behind a desk at ringside.




“Welcome fans and thank you for tuning in to Texas Wrestling. As usual, we’ve got a jam-packed night of wrestling action. Our main event will feature Luis Montero going against Cheatin’ Mike Barstow. We also have one of the co-founders of the Texas Outlaws, Mean Mark Green, taking on one of wrestling’s future stars – ‘The Mayne Event’ Kenny Maynard. But first, we go to the ring for a Six-Man title match between the West Coast Warriors and their challenger,s Pain and the New Zealand Game Hunters!”



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/WarlordPain_jhdAJ2.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Croup.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Vandemar.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JasonJackson_MJSTARK.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Eruption.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Tsunami.jpg


TWL Six-Man Title Match: Pain/New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. West Coast Warriors (‘New School’ Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) ©

Billy’s Take: The crowd showered boos down on the champions, obviously not big fans of ‘New School’ and his Samoan backups. The match went back and forth with neither side able to gain a discernable edge. There was, however, an obvious underlying storyline as the Game Hunters and Double Disasters paired off and began brawling outside the ring. Their actions distracted Jackson, who turned his back on Pain. The huge painted warrior spun Jackson around and planted him with a ring-shaking Pain Killer. Jackson crumpled and Pain made the cover for the three count and the win!

Pain/NZGH d. WCW to WIN the TWL Six-Man Tag Team Titles

Match Rating: C




As Double Disaster disengaged from the New Zealand Game Hunters and Jason Jackson tried to shake out the cobwebs, Professor Nero and the Demons of Rage ran down to the ring. The Demons blindsided the Game Hunters and then turned their attention to Pain. Pain, unwilling to wait for the attack to occur, jumped at Professor Nero. Demon Anger and Demon Spite quickly intervened, saving their master from a certain beating. The Disciples of Evilness pummeled Pain and left him lying in the middle of the ring. As Nero stepped over Pain, he took a microphone. “Pain, now that you’ve won a title, you have something I want. And you know what lengths I will go to in order to get what I want. Tonight was just a glimpse of the,” Nero giggled demonically, “*pain* I will put you through. This time you should still be able to walk. Next time you might not be so lucky.” C+



“Those no-good Disciples of Evilness ruined what should have been a party for our new Six-Man champs! Speakin’ of parties, next up we’ve got the Party Animals taking on Sheik Mustafa’s team of Comrade Popinowski and Panzer. At least we don’t have to see Popinowski lift weights today!”



VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/BillPop_2.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/TheAryanBarbarian_alt-1.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/SheikMustafa1977.jpg


The Party Animals (Chase Allen/Dirk ‘Bone-Dogg’ Bonell) v. Warsaw Pact (Comrade Popinowski/Panzer) w/Sheik MustafaBilly’s Take: The Party Animals are gaining notoriety here in TWL, as both characters and in the ring. Tonight they faced a much tougher challenge in the Iron Curtain team of Comrade Popinowski and Panzer. Apparently Sheik Mustafa is calling his duo the Warsaw Pact. The huge Commie-Fascist tandem came out first, waving both a Soviet flag and the banner of East Germany. Inside the ring, the Warsaw Pact took the fight to the partiers, though they were unable to put them away. Eventually the foursome spilled to the outside, where I had no choice but to count both teams out.

Warsaw Pact and Party Animals draw after both being counted outMatch Rating: D-


“I don’t think we’ve seen the end of that one. What do you think Lawrence?”


“I reckon you’re right Stampy. I also think we’re in for a big treat as we have Chief Two Eagles’ announcement coming up next!”





Chief Two Eagles strode regally to the ring, passing a youngster a single white eagle feather from his resplendent headdress. Shortly thereafter, Cobra and Viper – the other two members of The Nation – came to the ring, apparently awaiting Chief Two Eagles’ decision for a partner for Back in the Saddle. Chief Two Eagles went to take a microphone, but was beat to the punch by Cobra. “Sssso, Chief. Tell usss. Tell usss all. Who will it be? Viper or me? Which of usss getsss to be your teammate at Back in the Sssaddle? Which sssnake will join you in your quessst to take out the Outlawsss?” Chief Two Eagles looked slightly taken aback, a rare moment of emotion from the normally stoic Indian. “Cobra, my good and faithful friend. You and Viper are like family. But Double Disaster won a number one contender’s match for your belts, so you already have a match at Back in the Saddle. Fortunately there is another valiant hero without a match who has stood by my side before. Welcome my partner, the Masked Patriot!”


The Masked Patriot emerged, slapping hands with fans on his way to the ring. He and Chief Two Eagles shook hands as the Crimson Serpent Cult looked slightly morose but dutifully followed their leader and his new partner backstage. B-


“Chief Two Eagles couldn’t have made a better choice. But I don’t think the Crimson Serpent Cult agreed. It’ll be interesting to see which teams come out on top at Back in the Saddle.”



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/KennyMaynard-1.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MeanMarkGreen.jpg


‘The Mayne Event’ Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green

Billy’s Take: Maynard is getting more popular by the day. The crowd has really gotten behind his blue-chipper routine. Of course his past associations with George DeColt and Chief Two Eagles have only helped his ascendancy. This match played out along a timeless storyline – wily, cheating veteran heel against upstart, flashy rookie. After several minutes of solid back and forth action, Maynard hit a running powerslam and thought that he had the match won. But Green had slipped a foot onto the ropes to avoid the loss. Maynard leapt up to celebrate the upset victory. But by turning his back, Maynard allowed Green to drive a knee right into his unprotected kidneys. Maynard fell to the mat and Green rolled him up, grabbing a handful of tights for good measure, to pick up the win.

Green d. Maynard via pinfall

Match Rating: C-





Mean Mark Green stayed in the ring and was joined by Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman and Johnny Lawless. Green took the microphone first. “Well, well, well, Chief. You and the Masked Patriot ‘gainst me and Floyd at Back in the Saddle. Hope you fellas took notes on what just happened to your boy Maynard, ‘cuz that’s only a preview of what y’all are gonna face when you climb into the ring against me and F-Bomb. Tell ‘em Bomb.” Floyd took the microphone and began spitting obscenities into the microphone. Something about “****in’ killing the dirty Injun and the piece of **** masked *****.” Seriously the censors must’ve been paid overtime for this one. Finally Lawless grabbed the microphone from Bowman and wiped off the spit. “Bottom line,” Lawless began, “is that the Outlaws are fixin’ to take what we want. At Back in the Saddle, Floyd and Mark’ll take out Chief and Patriot. I’m scheduled to beat up on the Trailer Park Kid. Can’t say it’ll be much of a challenge – probably won’t even break a sweat. But I plan on making an example of the Kid – showing him and all of you idiot fans how much better the Outlaws are without him and giving you all a glimpse at how the Outlaws run the show here in TWL!” C


“Well fans, it seems like the Texas Outlaws have a plan. Take out Chief Two Eagles, the Masked Patriot, AND the Trailer Park Kid. Wow, talk about a hit list! What do you think Stampy?”


“I think that I can’t wait until Back in the Saddle, Lawrence. But first, let’s go down to the ring for what promises to be one heckuva main event match between Luis Montero and Cheatin’ Mike Barstow.”



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/LuisMontero1977.jpgw/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ShannonKelly.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/CheatinMikeBarstow.jpg


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. Cheatin’ Mike Barstow

Billy’s Take: Wow. I expected this to be a solid match, but not one of the best in all my time here. The storytelling was simple – Montero is an exciting, athletic talent while Barstow is one of the greatest natural heels in professional wrestling today. Back and forth the two went – Montero using high risk, high impact maneuvers and Barstow trying to alternately stall and use underhanded tactics to gain momentum. In the end, Barstow locked on the cross armbreaker and seemed poised to win the match. But Montero slithered and slid to the ropes, able to barely grasp it with his outstretched hand, forcing a break. Montero then gained control, using a suplex to down Barstow. Montero climbed to the top rope and launched himself in the air. Aware that Montero had been using a huge kneedrop as a finisher, Barstow desperately tried to roll out of the way when he saw Montero launch himself off the ropes. Montero, misjudging the distance because of the quick shift, landed hard on Barstow’s arm with his knee. Barstow screamed in pain. At first I thought this a ruse by Barstow – after all, he’s been known to cry wolf. But after several seconds I called for the bell, awarding the match to Montero via stoppage.

Montero d. Barstow via stoppage

Match Rating: B


“Holy cow, get paramedics down there now. It looks like Cheatin’ Mike’s arm is shattered!”


“Well folks, I wish we could stay with this, but we’re out of time! What will happen next? You’ll have to tune in next week to find out. Until then, goodnight and God bless Texas!”

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6-Man Title Match: Pain/New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) ©

The Party Animals (Chase Allen/Dirk 'Bone-Dogg' Bonell) v. The Warsaw Pact (Comrade Popinowski/Panzer) w/Sheik Mustafa

'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green

Luis Montero w/Shannon v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

Plus: Chief Two Eagles will announce his partner (in a rematch against Green and Bowman) for a match at TWL's signature January event - Back in the Saddle: Edmond Jackson


3/3 on matches that actually had a finish. Nice work! But nope, Edmond was not the mystery partner.


6-Man Title Match: Pain/New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) ©

The Party Animals (Chase Allen/Dirk 'Bone-Dogg' Bonell) v. The Warsaw Pact (Comrade Popinowski/Panzer) w/Sheik Mustafa

'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green

Luis Montero w/Shannon v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow


1/3 on matches with a finish.


6-Man Title Match: Pain/New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) ©

- I think this is by Count Out or DQ to give the West Coasters some challengers while keeping them dangerous, plus it means come 'big event time' Stampy can either be a bad boss and make Double Diaster pull Double Duty *or* they can duck a challenger.

The Party Animals (Chase Allen/Dirk 'Bone-Dogg' Bonell) v. The Warsaw Pact (Comrade Popinowski/Panzer) w/Sheik Mustafa

- Party Animals lose in their debut when they discover the beer stand has a line-up and they can't make it back to the ring in time. Still Beer. WHOOOOO! Par-tay!

'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green

- I think the Mayne Event could really use a clean pinfall over the man known to be Mark... and to be Mean.

Luis Montero w/Shannon v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

- Barstow seems a natural to get a quick, cheap elevation for a shot against the Chief and lose, but perhaps install himself firmly in the upper midcard. At least, that's how I'd do it.

Plus: Chief Two Eagles will announce his partner (in a rematch against Green and Bowman) for a match at TWL's signature January event - Back in the Saddle.

PLUS: I don't know the 77 Verse overly well, so I can go with someone standard (like the Shaman) or someone with history (Trailer Park Kid) go way outside the box... being me I'll go that route so... uh... hmmm... let's go with Jimmy Power - he seems to show up in most 77 Dynasties.


1/3. I love your reasoning, particularly for the 6-Man match and the main event. Both the title switch and the Barstow loss were done for a reason, which should become clear in the next 2-3 months of shows.


Oh, and I despise Jimmy Power. If I can reasonably avoid using him, I will. I think it's because he does pop up in so many other 77 dynasties as the fat, annoying guy.



6-Man Title Match: Pain/New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) ©

The Party Animals (Chase Allen/Dirk 'Bone-Dogg' Bonell) v. The Warsaw Pact (Comrade Popinowski/Panzer) w/Sheik Mustafa

'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. Mean Mark Green

Luis Montero w/Shannon v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

Plus: Chief Two Eagles will announce his partner (in a rematch against Green and Bowman) for a match at TWL's signature January event - Back in the Saddle: Giant Grimsley


0/3. Ouch. Though it is a testament to the evenness of these men that all four matches easily could have gone the other way.


And I thought about using Grimsley, but I have him in more of an angle with Popinowski that should lead to a little blowoff at Back in the Saddle.

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