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[- SWF -]: "The Incessant Need for Supremacy"

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“A convoluted tale of one Family’s incessant obsession with Money, Fame, and Power; Administered at




The surname
is synonymous with American Pro Wrestling. While its usage often conjures up a negative reaction, rooted in a slew of ugly scenarios; both proven and unproven, there is no denying the obvious grandeur that resides deep within the name.


For thirty years, this embattled entity has waged a war based on absolute destruction. Ethical standards were bent, ‘better judgment’ was consistently ignored, and ill-advised maneuvers were continually administered; all with the ending goal being that of ‘Global Domination’. While eternal sympathists of those who were trampled along the way will consistently ‘cry foul, as it pertains to these polarizing practices, one thing they cannot deny is the glaringly simple truth that said practices have worked. In three short decades, a small, rather unknown, company has boomed into an International Juggernaut; aggressively seeking expansion at every turn. However, this organizational rise, considered by many to be a raging act of Imperial demolition, would not be remotely possible if it were not for the ‘iron-fisted’ hands of one; Richard Eisen.


In a self-manufactured world of fame, money, and power; one could best perceive the impenetrable Eisen-Brand as undoubtedly ‘bullet-proof’. However, as you will all witness, external views are often misleading. Just as a duck looks calm in his demeanor, swimming gracefully against the current, the real truth lies underneath the blackened water. The tranquil nature of his upper half masks the tireless fluttering of webbed feet underneath; ultimately portraying the best representation of such a hazed understanding of the reality force-fed before us. With this in mind, acting as a far-reaching guide in the back of our minds, we now dive into the world that Eisen-built; “The Land of Supreme”.


This is the epic story unveiling the ugly-truth behind the 1st Family of Pro Wrestling; both in and out of the ring.
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The SWF-Saga has begun; as you can see. I was fortunate to have a lot of free time over this weekend; so, a good 'groundwork' was able to be constructed. With that said, this project (or novel as I like to call it as you can see) is going to be a slow-moving one for the most part. Especially straight out of the gate as there's A LOT of information that I still have left to process from a character-perspective with the "Supreme Superstars". So, until I feel 100% comfy with them, don't expect to see the first card for a bit.


Also, as you can see, I'm going to go at this dynasty will a full-force approach as it pertains to it being a 'novel'. You can pretty much expect the same style of writing style, it's just that this time you'll have an easy accessible 'glossary' page at the beginning of this project. This way, It's easier to read straight through the 'novel' from start to finish (while it's broken down in chapters & segments to said chapters). I thought you could find a link for individual posts (making it easier to do the whole segments thing within the chapter) but it seems like the only link I can find is for the page itself? I'll have to fool around with it to see if it's possible to link individual posts though. With the chapters will also come links to each show & this will be listed at the base of the "Glossary" page as it's own seperate entity.


All in all, I really want to thank everyone for their continuing support. I love writing these things and I hope that you enjoy reading them, interacting with them, too. Also, a special thank you goes out to BigPapa42 for paving the way for us SWF dynasty writers. You're work was epic and I only hope to bring my own, unique, spin on things in which to not copy you (while it also may be hard not to. ha). To those who are already doing SWF dynasties, or looking to do so, I'm excited to join the 'SWF Brotherin' and hope that we can all work together to bring forth our own perceptions of the company in question. Also, another special thank you goes out to jhd1 for his patience, insight, and hard-work when it comes to the beautiful alt renders he's developed for me in the past (and hopefully future). He, much like ReapeR and KAM, have made it possible for me to truly dive into these projects as everyone looks exactly how I would picture. As a writer, This is an amazing thing to have just a 'click' away.








EDIT: I found how to link to individual posts by viewing the thread in 'Threaded Mode' and then using the properties section to find its location. This will help me to truly lay this project out like a 'novel' as the glossary page will make it possible for you to easily transition from a 'main source'; a great tool if you're looking to catch up - OR - looking for a new way to read a GDS Dynasty.




Onto more specific responses...



Amazing intro. Can't wait for this thing to get going!


Thank you, Levitical! As you can see, with such an early post, I couldn't wait to get this thing going either. ha. With that said, as said above, it's going to be a gradual project with this one as it's going to take a lot more of my time to make sure everything is in line. Plus, starting a new 'saga' will certainly call for a lot of background information as it forms. All in all, it's great to know that I have some people already looking forward to reading!


I officially <3 You Eisen-Verse :p


Seriously, Cannot wait for this to get started!


I <3 you too, McFly. Does that make us GDS buddies now? Is there an 'accept' button somewhere? ha jk. As said with Levitical, Thank you for your support already! Honestly, it's great to know that there are others out there who are genuinely excited for this project (as am I).


Good luck with this, I can't wait to see what you do with Everest and Marat Khoklov.:D


Thank you, BHK. You've been an amazing source of support going all the way back to my PSW days, so, your continued interaction is something I really cherish. As with Everest and Khoklov, I already have some ideas in mind; however, won't really cement those ideas until the first couple of shows make their rounds. With that said, I'm not going to pretend like I have all of these characters in order already; I have a long way to go before I'm 100% comfy with the roster as it pertains to 'my vision' for them.

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There is a way to link to just one post because they do it in the mafia games all of the time. That being said I have no clue how to do it. So if you figure it out could you either put it in here or PM me. Because I have always been curious on how to do it.


click the number in the corner of the box, beside the report button


and on topic, I will be reading and have followed your other projects off and on, but hopefully I'll be able to see this whole thing

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You know I can't wait my friend, as always! I know you've got some great ideas so I'm really looking forward to your take on the big names - and on the grandest stage of them all what can possibly go wrong!? :p
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If I remember correctly, your first attempt at a diary was an SWF game, a few years back. That was short-lived, as you hadn't yet found your voice, for dynasties. I haven't followed along with your work in the Evolution of Greed series - simply due to time constraints - but by all accounts you have yourself evolved into a top-notch writer. Your early posts here verify that quite nicely.


This time, I'm on board. Good luck with this project, tackling your namesake.

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Thank you to those who continue to show their support for this project. I would address every one of you personally but it would end up looking the same after the first few; simply saying “Thank you!” and I don’t want to bore anyone. That said; just know that I AM very appreciative of your feedback thus far. It’s good to know that there is a definite following already forming. Very cool to see!


Now, I wanted to touch on a few responses left behind...



Looking forward to this. I've always had a read of your other projects as a bit of a lurker, but I'll be on the ground floor for this. I've been hoping you'd do an SWF diary sooner or later :D


I think common thought was that this is where I would end up with time. I remember, awhile back, toward the beginning of my Greed-saga, someone wrote that it was odd to see someone with the name 'eisen-verse' booking PSW. I can agree. ha. I originally chose my username out of homage to the most powerful man in the Cornellverse; Richard Eisen. To me, it seemed wierd to call the fictional world by any other name than his; seeing how he was the 'top dog' across the entire world. Now, I finally get to tell the story of that very man (and his family; focusing my perspective from his eldest Son). So, I guess, for the first time, My username actually works. ha.



You know I can't wait my friend, as always! I know you've got some great ideas so I'm really looking forward to your take on the big names - and on the grandest stage of them all what can possibly go wrong!? :p


Yea, what could go wrong? Ha. That’s one of the reasons I was always afraid to jump at the SWF as the characters, in themselves, are Iconic. It’s FAR easier to write for people who little is known about as you can easily create them in your own light. With the SWF, These guys are really THE wrestlers on the American scene (if not international scene). So, there’s more pressure to ‘get it right’.


While it use to scare me, I now see it as a challenge that I freely accept. I’ve always come back to this consummate ‘itch’ with SWF; now it’s just time to scratch it as I’ve said before. :D Pressure, challenges, and all.



If I remember correctly, your first attempt at a diary was an SWF game, a few years back. That was short-lived, as you hadn't yet found your voice, for dynasties. I haven't followed along with your work in the Evolution of Greed series - simply due to time constraints - but by all accounts you have yourself evolved into a top-notch writer. Your early posts here verify that quite nicely.


This time, I'm on board. Good luck with this project, tackling your namesake.


Wow. I’m actually quite shocked that anyone remembers that SWF diary. At that point, it was a little much to ‘chew’ as I was new to the whole ‘diary’ writing thing and had NO IDEA how much work really has to go into these things for them to be considered ‘good’. Since then, through the Greed-saga, I’ve found my stride as it pertains to my writing style. More or less, up until now, I don’t believe I could have taken on such a project without having it crash and burn.


I’m not going to lie, this WILL be the most challenging diary that I’ve ever tackled before but I’m super-focused to make it as great as possible. Plus, coming at it from a ‘novel’ perspective makes it much more interesting to me in the long run; giving the project it’s own distinct voice in itself.


All in all, thank you for such confidence, Greg. I still feel like a ‘newbie’ when it comes to writing these things despite doing so for almost 2 years now. Maybe it’s because there are a lot of people still left on the board who have been doing this for far longer than that even. With that said, I’m honored to be seen/perceived as a ‘great writer’. It’s all very cool for me.





---> The next novel post comes in a little bit (later tonight); it’s entitled “Man in the Mirror”. This will give you a brief insight into my User Character; Jerry Eisen. I’m not going to unveil his entire character at this point, as it may take a bit to totally flesh everything out; however, it will give a good first impression for the eldest Eisen boy.

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Wow. I’m actually quite shocked that anyone remembers that SWF diary.


What can I say? I'm an old man in these parts, with a mind for the trivial. My friends like to say that I have an uncanny ability to remember useless information; it's useful stuff I struggle with.

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Definitely looking forward to this one, E-V. With my own diaries coming to a close, it does mean that I can focus more on reading some of the great writers around here. The readings just might spark some creativity somewhere.


I'm sorry to hear that your projects are coming to a close, Angel. You've been a dominating force on these boards ever since you swung around. I'm sure, if you're like me, then you'll find a new avenue to tackle once you can step away for a second. It's great to know that i'll have you on board though! :D


What can I say? I'm an old man in these parts, with a mind for the trivial. My friends like to say that I have an uncanny ability to remember useless information; it's useful stuff I struggle with.


A mind for the trivial just means that you have a strong, photographic, memory. I would love to have that!


Definitely looking forward to what you manage in Supreme, EV.


Thank you, PA. Honestly, I just hope that I can somehow stack up to your epic.

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“Focus. Tighten the noose. Focus. It looks straight. Focus.

This is your moment; your time to prove your ‘worth’. Stay Focused. The only one who can stop you at this point is yourself; fear nothing.

Focus. Focus. Focus.”



I stand in complete darkness; the only semblance of a light coming from the gold-plated desk lamp that rests a few steps from the jagged, full-length, mirror that attempts to pass as an artistic approach to daily necessities. At this point of the day, Many find themselves still deep in a soothing slumber; not me. It is expected that the Sun is the ultimate alarm clock, relaying when it is time to get up and ‘start the day’; however, that ideal is inherently flawed. It’s the trotting view of the uninspired; the men and women who will, almost certainly, spend the rest of their lives in a hazed state of normalcy.


Not I. I have a Legacy to uphold; A Family name to do right by.


When you grow up as an ‘Eisen’ it’s expected, no demanded, that you grab life by the throat; squeezing every last inch of air from those willing to give it up. While it may sound rather ‘violent’ to some, the analogy is nothing short of the truth. Truthfully, none of this would be here today if it weren’t for that simple mantra. ‘Pops’ would have slowly fizzled into oblivion, comfortable with the disease of the lackluster, and this Empire would find it’s end much like Rome once did; burned to the ground through the means of it’s competitors.


11 minutes.


That’s all I need to get ready; anything more would be a waste of my, and company, time. There are some who relish in the though of ‘easing’ into the day; slowly allowing our brains to fire more rapidly as it’s re-introduced to the world on a daily basis. I am not one of them. Again, ‘easing’ is another example of those who accept life as a mindless process of wandering from too and fro; waiting for something, or someone, to control their destiny. Not I. I don’t place my stock in faith; I cement it on ‘Action’.


I calmly glide across the flattened carpet of my hotel room, grabbing my briefcase in the process, seamlessly stepping through the doorframe and into the dimly lit hallway of my VIP floor. At a quick glance, I extend my right hand outward in which to read the time on my silver-plated watch; 5:15 AM. Right on time; as always.


Have you ever heard the phrase: “The world is your oyster?”


Comforting, Yes? Sadly, for you, it’s complete bull-sh*t.


The correct phrase is; “The world is the Eisen’s oyster”.


If you disagree with me, then prove me wrong. I dare you. Our brand is impenetrable. Our name strikes fear into our competitors. These are all facts; impossible to argue.


What have you done thus far? Bought a one-story home with a measly joint income of $80,000 a year? Admirable, yes, but something indicative of the thought that this world is your oyster? No. I’m sure many will question my thoughts on the matter but, in reality, it doesn’t really mean anything to me personally. External perceptions of me are not important.


Following a minor seconds wait for the elevator, I now seamlessly glide through the grandiose lobby filled to the ceiling with pure marble; a typical day in the life of an Eisen. Within a moment’s time, I am silently ushered into an awaiting black limo; the physical vehicles change with every passing city; however, they all portray the same ‘War Room’ mentality that comes with its usage.


The day; January 1st 2010.


The most important day of my life; the exact moment where the SWF Empire begins its gradual transfer of Power from within the confines of the Eisen Family.
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