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USPW - What? This Again?

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USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Titans defend vs. Champion Force

Tyson Baine is bigger than the belts I've always thought

Johnny Bloodstone vs. American Elemental

Johhny is a beast, AmEl is his feast

USPW Women's Title Match: Belle Bryden defends vs. Alicia Strong

I've already called 1 title change

Travis Century, Shawn Gonzalez and JD Morgan vs. Alex Braun, James Prudence and Donnie J

JD is the weak link, The Brptherhood won the 2 vs 2 last month IIRC this month the good guys win!

USPW National Title Match: Bruce The Giant defends vs. Freddie Datsun

Bruce could be your most marketable star (effort wise)

Tommy Cornell vs. Sam Strong

From a if this was real standpoint, Tommy, the best wrestler in the world and TCW/ The Worlds biggest star, him coming to a 'foreign' promotion and jobbing to a 63 year old man doesn't seem right, and I'm yet to find a part of your booking which is illogical

Mask vs. Mask Match: Enygma vs. Acid

I said as soon as it was mentioned Mask vs. Mask that I had a prediction already, the reasons:

1) Acid won the I quit match

2) Enygma's unmasked render, whilst fitting for him is unspectacular (as it should be due to his bio) and Acid's either the original or the recent one by j-silver (IIRC) is great

USPW World Title Match: Darryl Devine defends vs. Steve Flash

You've built him really well but Devine will still come out on top, he a new champ, he's young, better character and more entertaining.

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USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Titans defend vs. Champion Force

Johnny Bloodstone vs. American Elemental

USPW Women's Title Match: Belle Bryden defends vs. Alicia Strong

Travis Century, Shawn Gonzalez and JD Morgan vs. Alex Braun, James Prudence and Donnie J

USPW National Title Match: Bruce The Giant defends vs. Freddie Datsun

Tommy Cornell vs. Sam Strong

Mask vs. Mask Match: Enygma vs. Acid

USPW World Title Match: Darryl Devine defends vs. Steve Flash

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USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Titans defend vs. Champion Force

Johnny Bloodstone vs. American Elemental

USPW Women's Title Match: Belle Bryden defends vs. Alicia Strong

Travis Century, Shawn Gonzalez and JD Morgan vs. Alex Braun, James Prudence and Donnie J

USPW National Title Match: Bruce The Giant defends vs. Freddie Datsun

Tommy Cornell vs. Sam Strong

Mask vs. Mask Match: Enygma vs. Acid

USPW World Title Match: Darryl Devine defends vs. Steve Flash

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USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Titans defend vs. Champion Force

Johnny Bloodstone vs. American Elemental

USPW Women's Title Match: Belle Bryden defends vs. Alicia Strong

Travis Century, Shawn Gonzalez and JD Morgan vs. Alex Braun, James Prudence and Donnie J

USPW National Title Match: Bruce The Giant defends vs. Freddie Datsun

Tommy Cornell vs. Sam Strong

Mask vs. Mask Match: Enygma vs. Acid

USPW World Title Match: Darryl Devine defends vs. Steve Flash

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USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Titans defend vs. Champion Force

Johnny Bloodstone vs. American Elemental

USPW Women's Title Match: Belle Bryden defends vs. Alicia Strong

Travis Century, Shawn Gonzalez and JD Morgan vs. Alex Braun, James Prudence and Donnie J

USPW National Title Match: Bruce The Giant defends vs. Freddie Datsun

Tommy Cornell vs. Sam Strong

Mask vs. Mask Match: Enygma vs. Acid

USPW World Title Match: Darryl Devine defends vs. Steve Flash

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USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Titans defend vs. Champion ForceJohnny Bloodstone vs. American Elemental

USPW Women's Title Match: Belle Bryden defends vs. Alicia StrongTravis Century, Shawn Gonzalez and JD Morgan vs. Alex Braun, James Prudence and Donnie J

USPW National Title Match: Bruce The Giant defends vs. Freddie Datsun

Tommy Cornell vs. Sam Strong

Mask vs. Mask Match: Enygma vs. Acid

USPW World Title Match: Darryl Devine defends vs. Steve Flash


fan sign:

Enygma forever

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A little update on the card so far. I am currently working on getting it all written up and ready for viewing. I am hoping to get it out within the next few days, possibly even tonight though that is highly unlikely. But I wanted to go ahead and place out the warning here for predictions. So far I have received them from:










Thanks for all the predictions and comments so far everyone. I hope that this pay-per-view doesn't disappoint.

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USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Titans defend vs. Champion Force

Johnny Bloodstone vs. American Elemental

USPW Women's Title Match: Belle Bryden defends vs. Alicia Strong

Travis Century, Shawn Gonzalez and JD Morgan vs. Alex Braun, James Prudence and Donnie J

USPW National Title Match: Bruce The Giant defends vs. Freddie Datsun

Tommy Cornell vs. Sam Strong

Mask vs. Mask Match: Enygma vs. Acid

USPW World Title Match: Darryl Devine defends vs. Steve Flash

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USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Titans defend vs. Champion Force

Force are being pushed towards the titles but I don't think they'll get it just yet.

Johnny Bloodstone vs. American Elemental

Bloodstone is simply the bigger name.

USPW Women's Title Match: Belle Bryden defends vs. Alicia Strong

Feels like we haven't seen much of the Women's Division this month so I'll go for a retain.

Travis Century, Shawn Gonzalez and JD Morgan vs. Alex Braun, James Prudence and Donnie J

The Brotherhood look more like the top names in this match.

USPW National Title Match: Bruce The Giant defends vs. Freddie Datsun

Bruce is just too strong to lose to Datsun.

Tommy Cornell vs. Sam Strong

Tommy's still a top dog in TCW, so he'd probably go over Strong (if nothing else, to stop the TCW losing streak!).

Mask vs. Mask Match: Enygma vs. Acid

Really could go either way, but I want to know Enygma's secret!

USPW World Title Match: Darryl Devine defends vs. Steve Flash

Too soon for a title change.

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USPW fans were shocked when they heard that Peter Valentine has been released from his IWL and USPW contract. Apparently neither side could come close enough on a deal to get him to stay. USPW is not ruling out his possible return in the future and wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.





Friday, Week 4, June 2010

Findlay O'Farraday defeated Riley McManus...E+

ANGLE: Brawl involving American Patriot, Mean Jean Cattley and Citizen X...D+

Ricky Douglas defeated Huey Cannonball...E+

Ace Youngblood defeated Jefferson Stardust...E+

Casey Valentine defeated Curtis Jenkins...D

Mean Jean Cattley defeated Citizen X...C

American Patriot defeated Cameron Vessey to retain the Mid Atlantic Championship title...C





Friday, Week 4, June 2010

Pete The Hillbilly defeated Ant-Man...E

Kinuye Mushashibo defeated Amber Allen...D-

Jesse Christian defeated Al The Hillbilly...C

Man Mountain Cahill defeated Happy Elwood to retain the IWL Nationwide title...D

ANGLE: Skit involving Blonde Bombshell, Commissioner Doom and Des Davids...B-

Des Davids defeated Billy Jack Shearer...C-

Jumbo Jackson defeated Mick Muscles for the IWL Universal title...C-


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Saturday Week 4 June 2010

Location: The Dust Bowl (South East)

Attendance: 15,000

Overall Rating: B

PPV Buyrate: .78




Last Week on USPW American Wrestling:

  • Steve Flash defeated Nikolai Taktarov.
  • Darryl Devine reiterated Seduction's offer to Steve Flash to retire but Flash did not take the offer.
  • The Titans defeated American Elemental and Captain USA.
  • Following their match, The Titans brawled with Champion Force.
  • The Fly Boys won their debut match against Savage Fury.
  • Post-Match, they, along with Alex Braun, were attacked and brought down by The Hardcore Brotherhood.
  • Enygma and Acid had a face-off. This was the last USPW American Wrestling for one of them to be in a mask.
  • Darryl Devine defeated American Patriot. American Patriot made a good showing in the match.
  • Bruce the Giant defeated Chris Caulfield by DQ when Freddie Datsun interfered.
  • Datsun laid out Bruce with a chairshot to end the show.




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/NickyChampion_jhdangel.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JimForce_dse81.jpg


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

The Titans defend vs. Champion Force


[Our commentary team of Mitch Naess, Eric Tyler and Davis Ditterich welcomes everyone to USPW Last Man Standing! What an epic show we have for you this evening! And it begins with the entrance of two of the wildest, craziest wrestlers in USPW: Champion Force! The Champion and The Force ran down to the ring and slid inside shaking the ropes and getting the crowd pumped. This was a definite polar opposite of the entrance of the USPW World Tag Team Champions. Shane Sneer stood between Tyson Baine and T-Rex as the two men walked carefully down to the ring. Sneer motioned for them to enter the ring and when they did the brawl was on!]


[Things broke down early and often in this opening bout. There wasn't a whole lot of selling by either side except by The Champion, who got stuck within the corner of The Titans early on. Baine threw The Champion into the corner and then went for a military press slam. The Champion slid out and rolled up Baine: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The Champion crawled over and tagged out to The Force. The Force hit Baine with a clothesline and then one for T-Rex! The Force whipped Baine to the ropes -- Sleeperhold! Baine backed The Force into the corner quickly to break the hold. Shane Sneer climbed on the apron and got the attention of the referee. T-Rex entered the ring with a steel chair, catching The Force with a hard chair shot! Baine grabbed The Force -- Hades Bomb! Sneer drops off the apron as Baine makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Titans (Via Pinfall @ 6:41; The Titans retain the USPW World Tag Team titles)

Match Rating: C+






[We head backstage to a locker room area where Darryl Devine and Seduction are both seated on a bench. Darryl has Seduction in front of him and his arms are around her waist.]


Darryl Devine

"Tonight we are going to celebrate a quick and easy victory and title defense. Steve Flash doesn't have a chance against me, right, baby?"



"That's right, Darryl. He doesn't even have half a chance. Because you're mighty fine and he's mighty old."


[The two of them share a laugh and a kiss. They both look extremely confident going into tonight's match later on. Let's head back to the ring.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JohnnyBloodstone_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AmericanElemental.jpg

Johnny Bloodstone vs. American Elemental


[A match that could have been the sleeper match of the night but somehow wasn't. The fans did get into the match some with 'USA' chants directed more against Johnny Bloodstone than for American Elemental. Bloodstone went for a German Suplex early on but American Elemental used the momentum to flip to his feet behind Bloodstone. Elemental caught Bloodstone with an enzuigiri kick to the face instead of the usual placement of the back of the head. He made a quick cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Elemental raises up to his feet and hits a standing moonsault on Bloodstone! What a move! Elemental gets up quickly and pulls up Bloodstone, whipping him into the turnbuckle. He comes running in and climbs up, raising his fist and begins raining down punches! He makes it all the way to ten before bringing Bloodstone over in a monkey flip! American Elemental is really taking it to Johnny Bloodstone!]


[A turning point within the match came when Elemental tried a suicide dive outside the ring and it really did turn out to be suicide as Bloodstone moved out of the way and sent Elemental facefirst into the guardrail! Elemental was wobbly after that and Bloodstone tossed him back inside the ring. Bloodstone joined him inside and took him right back down with a Fisherman's Buster! Bloodstone called for the finish and turned American Elemental onto his stomach -- Bloodstone Mutilation! His variation on the Camel Clutch! American Elemental taps out with his free hand. This one's over.]


Winner: Johnny Bloodstone (Via Submission @ 6:57)

Match Rating: C+


[The bell sounds but Johnny Bloodstone is NOT releasing the hold! Referee Wilson Carlisle signals for the bell again but Bloodstone is NOT listening! Bloodstone has that Bloodstone Mutilation locked on tight. The referee tries to break the hold but he cannot get it broken! He begins to count and reaches four before Johnny releases the hold and stares down the official. Bloodstone raises his arm in the air and absorbs in the boos and 'USA' chants from the crowd.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BelleBryden.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AliciaStrong.jpg


USPW Women's Title Match

Belle Bryden defends vs. Alicia Strong


[some very solid women's wrestling here tonight. This is definitely what seperates USPW from some of the other promotions like TCW and SWF. There was some hair pulling to start off the match with both of the blondes going after the hair and both of them ending up on their backs in the process. Both women got up and Alicia ducked a clothesline from Belle Bryden. She shoved Belle into the corner and began lighting her up with chops to the chest! She pulled Belle out of the corner with a hip toss and then a dropkick and the USPW Women's Champion vacated the ring! Alicia came right out after her, though and kicked her in the gut. She grabbed her by the hair and ran her toward the ring post but Belle fought out and sent Alicia into the ring post instead! The crowd booed as Alicia staggered on her feet. Belle sent her into the ring and followed her inside.]


[belle set up Alicia for the Dish of the Day but Alicia ducked the kick! Alicia brought down Belle with a trip and made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Belle barely kicked out at the last second! Strong moved her body and began throwing punches! She picked up Bryden and sent her to the ropes -- back body drop! Bryden grabs her back as she lands on the mat. Strong looks to be setting her up. She stares down Bryden as the USPW Women's Champion gets to her feet -- Strong Arm -- NO! Belle avoided the Strong Arm Tactic and sent Alicia face-first into the turnbuckle! Belle rolls up Alicia, putting her feet on the ropes for added leverage: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Belle Bryden steals this one!]


Winner: Belle Bryden (Via Pinfall @ 7:20; Belle Bryden retains the USPW Women's title)

Match Rating: B-






[We head backstage once again as Belle celebrates her win. This time we have Sara Silver standing in front of a locker room door that reads 'Tommy Cornell.' She knocks on the door and it is answered by the man himself. The TCW Owner draws unbelievable boos from the crowd.]


Sara Silver

"Tommy Cornell, tonight you just might be the most hated man in USPW."


[Tommy raises a finger to silence Sara Silver and then takes the microphone.]


Tommy Cornell

"You were never good enough to come to TCW so why in the world would I let you interview me? Yeah I am the most hated man in USPW because I run a better company. I run a more successful alternative to SWF. We don't just have old men like Chris Caulfield, Bruce the Giant and the other geriatrics that make up USPW. We have men like Wolf Hawkins and Aaron Andrews. We have Bryan Vessey. We have the best in the world. But tonight is not about that. Tonight is about my gaining my revenge on Sam Strong. Sam beat me in the ring the last time that he and I were together and I just cannot stand to let that sit in my stomach. Tonight, Sam Strong, you 63 year old nursing home candidate, I end you."


[Tommy shoves Sara backward and hands her the microphone before closing the door back to his dressing room. Sara shrug and we head back to the ring.]




Match #4




Travis Century, Shawn Gonzalez and JD Morgan vs. Alex Braun, James Prudence and Donnie J


[it's six man tag team action right here on the pay-per-view. We have the Hardcore Brotherhood on one side of the ring and Braun and The Fly Boys on the other side of the ring. This one broke down early and often, much to no one's surprise, really. When the dust settled, Prudence was stuck within the corner of the Hardcore Brotherhood taking a beating from all three members as they tagged in and out mercilessly. As Prudence hit the mat from a double flapjack by Gonzalez and Morgan, attention turned to the top of the entranceway]




[where Chris Caulfield came walking toward the ring! Travis Century said he wanted an answer by the end of tonight and he just might be getting one here. Chris walks around outside the ring and grabs a steel chair. He moves to a neutral corner and sets the chair down, sitting in it to watch the proceedings. Prudence uses this moment of distraction to bring down Gonzalez with a dropkick and then crawl toward his corner. Gonzalez tags in Morgan and in comes the Iceman! Braun takes down Morgan with a clothesline! He throws a punch to Gonzalez and then stares down Travis Century, who doesn't even flinch! Braun turns back to Morgan and ducks a clothesline. He picks up Morgan on his shoulder -- snake eyes! He bounces off the ropes -- clothesline -- ducked! The clothesline caught the referee! Down goes Jez McArthuer in a heap! Braun turns back to Morgan, who floors him with a clothesline of his own! Travis Century steps into the ring, motioning for Chris Caulfield. Gonzalez and Morgan go after the Fly Boys to keep them occupied as Caulfield folds up the chair and enters the ring. Century motions toward Alex Braun as Braun is getting to his feet. The rest of the Hardcore Brotherhood enter the ring and wait and watch. Alex Braun turns and Chris Caulfield swings -- KEERACK!]


[Travis Century was floored by the chairshot! The crowd went absolutely wild! Braun took down Shawn Gonzalez with a clothesline! JD Morgan is in shock and he takes a chair shot from Chris Caulfield! The Hardcore American raises the chair to cheers from the crowd! Caulfield revives the referee and then exits the ring. Braun grabs JD Morgan -- Braun Damage! Braun makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Alex Braun, James Prudence and Donnie J (Via Pinfall @ 9:44)

Match Rating: C


[The three count is made and Chris Caulfield enters the ring along with the Fly Boys. All four men stand side by side in the middle of the ring. They raise their arms as the Hardcore Brotherhood exit the ring. The tide has definitely turned in this feud!]






[We head backstage once again. This time standing out within a hallway is our number one interviewer: Sara Silver and the number one contender to the USPW World title: Steve Flash! Steve rolls his shoulders back and turns his focus to Sara Silver.]


Sara Silver

"Steve, tonight you have the chance of a lifetime. You have the opportunity to unseat the USPW World Champion Darryl Devine and capture your first major title since 2008. What do you think your chances are of beating this man who is about half your age?"


Steve Flash

"Sara, I think my chances are pretty good. Darryl thinks my chances are pretty good. I know that because of his recent attacks and trying to get me to retire. One thing that I have on him is experience. That experience will be put to the test tonight. But remember that match could end any second. It could end in a flash and a bang."


[sara nodded and we headed back to the ring.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BrucetheGiant.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/FreddieDatsun.jpg


USPW National Title Match

Bruce The Giant defends vs. Freddie Datsun


[Another match for the sleeper contest of the night. Once again the 'USA' chants went out throughout this match as Bruce took on the American Everyman. Datsun did everything he could early on in this match to get the big man off his feet. He used clotheslines and shoulderblocks and even flying shouldertackles. The last one had Bruce rocking a little bit but the Giant managed to stay on his feet. Datsun came at him again and was dropped with a giant side slam! Datsun grabbed his back in utter pain as Bruce rose up and roared at the crowd. 'USA' chants came flying through at Bruce and Bruce just laughed at them! Bruce picked up Datsun and sent him flying down to the mat with a Giant Headbutt! The American Everyman looks weakened by this blow by Bruce!]


[bruce picked up Datsun and sent him hard into the turnbuckles! Datsun was only left standing by force of will alone! Bruce looked toward Datsun with evil intentions and then charged the corner -- Datsun moved! Bruce hit the corner chest-first! Datsun dropped down and Bruce tripped over him and went crashing to the mat! Datsun pulled himself up and bounced off the ropes -- Big Splash! Datsun made the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The kickout sent Datsun flying halfway across the ring! Datsun used the ropes to pull up to his feet but this gave Bruce some time to get up as well. Datsun bounced off the ropes and charged Bruce -- GOOZLED! Bruce got to his feet and lifted Datsun into the air -- Giant Choke Slam! Freddie Datsun was planted in the center of the ring! Bruce made the cover as the air filled with 'USA' chants: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Bruce the Giant (Via Pinfall @ 6:46' Bruce the Giant retains the USPW National title)

Match Rating: B-




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TommyCornell.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SamStrong_alt.jpg

Tommy Cornell vs. Sam Strong


[A video detailing the history between Tommy Cornell and Sam Strong begins to play. Of course this is a pretty short history right now since it's all USPW footage but still. Tommy Cornell is the first to come out and he just may be the most hated man in USPW. Tommy walks out ignoring the catcalls from the crowd. This is one of three main events here tonight. Tommy enters the ring and moves to the far corner.


'I am a Real American

Fight for the rights of every man

I am a Real American

Fight for what's right

Fight for your life!'


The crowd goes absolutely wild as 'Real American' plays through the P.A. system. Out, alone, walks the owner of USPW, a real and true American ICON Sam Strong! Sam starts giving high fives to the crowd members as he makes his way down to the ring. He eyes Tommy Cornell from ringside and then climbs the stairs and steps inside the ring. The two men just stare at one another from opposite sides of the ring. This is a battle that so many have been waiting to see happen one more time.]


[And the match itself was a definite disappointment from all aspects. It is obvious to anyone watching that Sam Strong is a shell of himself as a performer inside the ring. Tommy had to carry the match but even he was having an off night as a performer. Cornell got the crowd riled up with chokeholds on the ropes and raking the eyes of the USPW Owner. The crowd went right along with him, yelling and screaming. The 'Strong' chants filled the arena. Cornell body slammed Strong to the mat, dropped an elbow and made a cover:]











[strong kicked out and began to shake uncontrollably! The fans begin to chant his name as he absorbs some blows from Tommy Cornell! He's starting to Strong up! He gets to his feet and points toward Tommy Cornell! He blocks a punch and fires back with three straight right hands! He brings Cornell over in an armdrag! He cups his ear to the crowd and when he does that it seems to be a signal because out come two people from the back.]




[Alicia Strong and The Champion! Alicia is Sam's daughter and The Champion was and is the protege of Sam Strong! The pair hit ringside and Strong catches Cornell with a Strong Arm Tactic! He waves Alicia and The Champion in and the referee throws this match out.]


Winner: Draw (Via Sports Entertainment Finish @ 11:15)

Match Rating: C


[The Champion picks up Tommy Cornell and lifts him over his shoulder. Alicia exits the ring and goes around and picks up a huge garbage can! The crowd goes absolutely nuts! Alicia sets the garbage can at ringside while Sam poses in the center of the ring. The Champion drops Tommy Cornell into the garbage can! The two Strongs and The Champion pick up the garbage can and carry it to the back. Looks like they are taking out the trash right here in USPW!]




Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma_alt1jt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Acid.jpg

Mask vs. Mask Match

Enygma vs. Acid


[Our second of three main events here and one that so many people have been looking forward to seeing since the match was announced. Acid stepping inside the ring with Enygma in a mask vs. mask match. One of these two men will be walking out of here without their mask on. Acid was the first man to come out and he got the cheers from the crowd. He was focused on the ring, though. But this also meant that he didn't see Enygma coming at him from behind -- KEERACK! Enygma hit Acid in the back of the head with a chair! Acid fell to his knees and Enygma dropped the chair. Enygma grabbed Acid and ran him head-first into the security barrier! He picked up Acid -- press slam throat-first on the security railing! Acid staggered toward the ring and Enygma just followed him. Enygma tossed Acid inside the ring and then joined him inside. The bell sounded and Enygma bounced off the ropes -- legdrop! Enygma made a cover:]









Shoulder Up!]



[The crowd went wild when Acid got that shoulder up in time! Enygma picked up Acid and sent him hard into the turnbuckle and followed him in with a corner clothesline. Acid staggered away from the turnbuckles and Enygma dropped him with a bulldog. Enygma picked up Acid from the mat and walked with him over to the turnbuckles. He set him up on the top turnbuckle and climbed up with him. Acid threw a punch! He threw another one! Another one! Acid suddenly started to come to life here! He leaped -- Sunset Flip Power Bomb! What a move by the man in the black mask! Acid made a quick cover:]












[Not this early for Acid. Acid picked up Enygma and lifted him onto his shoulders -- gutbuster! Acid dropped Enygma stomach-first on his knee! Acid rolls Enygma onto his stomach and goes for the Acidity Test but Enygma reaches the ropes quickly! Enygma rolls out of the ring to regroup for a moment while the fans pop huge for Acid! Enygma paces for a few moments outside the ring, walking by a fan with a sign that reads: 'Enygma forever!']


[Enygma climbs back inside the ring and lunges for Acid -- ducked -- drop toe hold by Acid! Acid goes for the ankle of Enygma but Enygma spins around and takes down Acid with a headscissors! A great counter by Enygma! Both men get to their feet. Enygma comes charging at Acid with a clothesline -- ducked -- wait! Enygma used the clothesline as a decoy! Enygma slams a knee into the sternum of Acid and then tucks him between his legs -- Power Bomb! He just folded Acid in half. Enygma turns it into a pinfall: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Enygma yanks Acid back up and irish whips him into a corner. Enygma begins firing in a series of kicks and punches with the referee stepping in and telling him to break. Enygma ignores the referee for a moment and then growls at him when the referee tries to get him to step back. Enygma grabs Acid and whips him to the ropes -- Powerslam! Enygma makes the cover, hooking the leg:]












[so close to a three count for Enygma! Enygma turns Acid onto his back and goes for the ankle -- Enygma Variation! He gets it locked in! The crowd get on their feet as Acid raises his hand. He could have to tap out right here! Can anyone break out of the Enygma Variation??? Acid struggles and fights and shakes his head. He's not going to give it up! But is he going to get a broken ankle out of this? Acid pulls himself closer and closer to that bottom rope, pulling the whole body of Enygma along with him. He crawls and strains -- and reaches the bottom rope! Referee Jez McArthuer steps in and calls for the break. Enygma cannot believe it! Somehow Acid survived the Enygma Variation!]


[Enygma releases the hold and gets to his feet. He pulls Acid up and lifts him for a press slam -- NO! Acid wiggles his way free and falls behind Enygma. He turns Enygma around -- punch to the solar plexus! He tucks Enygma in and double underhooks -- Power Bomb! A double underhook power bomb by Acid! But Acid is grabbing his ankle. He is hurt and lying on the mat. That had to take every last bit of strength that he has left. Both men are doing their best to catch their breath in this moment. Acid uses the ropes to pull himself up while Enygma tries his best to get to his feet as well. Acid lunges at Enygma with a punch -- ducked! Another punch and another duck by Enygma! Acid throws one lower and catches Enygma in the gut -- DDT! Acid dropped Enygma with a DDT! Enygma lays out on the mat. The crowd begins to chant 'Acid, Acid, Acid!' Acid pulls himself up using the ropes and he climbs outside the ring and onto the ring apron. He's climbing the turnbuckles! Can he do that on his injured ankle? He gets to the top and steadies himself -- Acid Rain Bomb! The Acid Rain Bomb connected! Acid grabs his ankle in obvious pain from the landing! Acid turns over though and makes the cover, hooking the leg:]











Winner: Acid (Via Pinfall @ 15:03; Enygma must unmask)

Match Rating: B-


[unbelievable! Acid has just pinned Enygma! This means that Enygma lost the silence match and now he must unmask! Several road agents and the fun police come out to make sure that Enygma cannot run. Acid pulls himself over and begins to unlace the mask of Enygma! This is unprecedented right here in USPW! Enygma HAS to be unconcious! Acid gets the laces undone and he yanks off the mask!]




[Enygma's true face is realized right here on USPW Last Man Standing! Acid holds the mask up, using the ropes to get to his feet, barely able to stand on that ankle. But he got the last laugh here on Enygma! Acid holds up Enygma's mask to cheers from the crowd! And just think we still have one match to go!]




Match #8

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Devine_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SteveFlash.jpg


USPW World Title Match

Darryl Devine defends vs. Steve Flash


[it is our main event of the evening. A one fall match to determine the USPW World Championship! The man who comes in first walks alone down to the ring. He gives some high fives to the fans as he passes them by but otherwise 'Remarkable' Steve Flash looked focused on the task at hand. He better be focused because the USPW World Champion has been on a tear this year. Flash enters the ring and stretches back on the ropes. Then his eyes focus in on the entrance as 'Mighty Fine' begins to play. Boos roll in from the crowd rivaling that which Tommy Cornell got earlier in the evening. Seduction steps from the back first and then Darryl Devine parts the curtain. Some explosives and pyros are set off around the top of the entrance. Devine air punches a few times mockingly and then walks down to the ring. He steps inside and removes the USPW World title belt handing it over to our referee for this evening Wilson Carlisle. Wilson shows it to Steve Flash and then raises it up to let everyone know that this match is for the belt! Wilson hands the belt off to the timekeeper and looks between the two combatants. Darryl gets some last minutes words in with Seduction and Wilson Carlisle calls for the bell. Our main event of the evening has started!]


[The two men circle each other for about thirty seconds. Neither man willing to step across and make the first move. Flash moves in first, ducking down and bringing down Devine with a double leg. He makes a quick cover: 1 -- Kickout! Flash bounces off the ropes and Devine kips up -- hard, stiff clothesline by Steve Flash brings Devine back to the mat! Flash grabs both the legs of Devine and turns him over -- Boston Crab! Flash sits back on it and Devine cries out in utter pain! Devine quickly crawls toward the ropes and grabs ahold of the bottom rope for dear life. Wilson Carlisle steps in and makes Flash break the hold. Flash releases and Devine quickly crawls outside the ring. He stands up on the apron and Flash comes over -- shoulder to the gut by Devine! Again! Devine leaps over -- Sunset Flip:]












[both men get to their feet and Flash goes for a clothesline -- ducked! Flash bounces off the ropes -- Scoop Powerslam! What a move by Darryl Devine! The crowd boos the USPW World Champion and he taunts them for a moment while Flash slowly starts to recover. Devine helps Flash to his feet and a couple of European uppercuts bring Flash to the corner. Devine picks up Flash and sets him up on the top turnbuckle. He climbs up and looks to Flash for a moment -- Super flying headscissors! What a move that sent both men crashing down to the mat! Devine even had to take a moment or two to catch his breath before he moved over and went for the cover:]












[somehow, someway Steve Flash kicked out of that move! Devine looked frustrated following the kickout and he pushed Flash out of the ring, spilling his body on the floor below. Devine got the attention of the referee and Seduction came around -- kick -- NO! Flash caught her foot as she tried to kick him! Seduction's eyes went wide and Flash released her and rolled inside the ring. Devine comes to Flash with a clothesline -- ducked! Flash with a rear waistlock -- German Suplex! The hold connected but Flash didn't release! He brings Devine up -- German Suplex! That's two in a row! Flash didn't release his hands. He pulls Devine up for the trifecta -- GERMAN SUPLEX! He finally releases after the rolling train of Germans but he's too winded, too battered to make a cover on Devine. This could be Steve Flash's chance to win the USPW World title! Flash finally works up some strength to crawl over. He puts an arm across the USPW World Champion:]









Shoulder Up!]



[The USPW World Champion still has something left in him but that might have been just out of instinct! Both men are worn out at this point! But neither man wants to be defeated! Flash gets to his feet first and he drags Devine over to the middle rope, draping his throat over that middle rope. Flash looks around for a moment and then grabs the top rope, slingshotting himself over the ropes -- guillotine leg drop! Devine's throat got smashed in that middle rope! Flash lands outside the ring and plays to the fans sitting in the first row for a moment. Flash slides inside the ring and picks up Devine, shoving him over by the corner. He lifts Devine up and sets him on the top turnbuckle. Both men are sucking wind at this point. Flash climbs up and turns around so that he is facing the ring. He lifts Devine up and onto his shoulder:












TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER OFF THE SECOND TURNBUCKLE! What a move by Steve Flash! That has GOT to be it, right? Flash is slow to make the cover but he finally crawls over and does just that:]












[We have a NEW USPW World Champion! Steve Flash has done it! NO! Wait! He hasn't! The referee Wilson Carlisle signals that it was only a two count! Devine's left foot got on the bottom rope at the 2 and 7/8 mark! That's what happens when you don't hook the leg! Flash slams his hands on the mat frustrated. What does he have to do in order to put Darryl Devine away? Flash pulls Devine to his feet and sends him to the ropes. Devine can barely walk, let alone run at this point. But he gets back to Flash and Flash grabs him -- FLASH BA -- NO! Devine grabbed the top rope to keep from landing there with the Flash Bang! Devine falls to the side, grabbing his leg. It looks like he might have damaged it when he landed. Referee Wilson Carlisle comes over to check with him. He might have to stop the match. In the background, Steve Flash is climbing to his feet and Seduction hops on the apron -- WHAM! She nailed him in the back of the head with her shoe! That spiked heel went right up against his forehead! To say Flash is groggy would be an understatement. Devine suddenly pulls himself up. Looks like that leg is alright! Devine comes over -- kick to the gut -- Devine Dream Drop! He connects with the Devine Dream Drop! He makes the cover, hooking the tights:]











Winner: Darryl Devine (Via Pinfall @ 14:49; Darryl Devine retains the USPW World title)

Match Rating: B


[The crowd boos heavily as the referee signals the three count. Devine rolls out of the ring where Seduction already has the USPW World title belt in hand. She hands it over to Devine and he nearly falls over holding onto the weight of the belt. This was definitely a stiff challenge for Darryl Devine! Devine looks up at the fallen Steve Flash inside the ring and raises his arm in victory. We're out of time! We'll see you Wednesday for USPW American Wrestling and all the fall out from Last Man Standing!]

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No perfect scores on the pay-per-view! But we did have a couple of people get 6/8. Congratulations to Rayelek and jhd1!




1. Rayelek=53 Wins

2. xopher316=49 Wins

3. Tigerkinney=48 Wins

jhd1=48 Wins

5. Jingo=46 Wins

blewrider1980=46 Wins

7. 20LEgend=45 Wins

8. Wrestling Century=42 Wins

Emark=42 Wins

10. Dragonmack=36 Wins

11. ChrisKid=34 Wins

12. Boltinho=24 Wins

13. TheLeviticalLawKid3=23 Wins

14. Bigpapa42=19 Wins

15. bgbuff=16 Wins

16. Marcel Fromage=4 Wins

SeanMcFly=4 Wins

18. MorenoKing24=3 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Wednesday Week 1 July 2010


DeMento vs. Art Reed

Enygma vs. Captain USA

USPW World Television Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. American Patriot

#1 Contender Match, USPW World Television title: Java vs. Freddie Datsun

JD Morgan vs. James Prudence

Tyson Baine vs. Steve Flash


Heels are listed first except in the case of title matches. In title matches, the champion is listed first.


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What a main event! And Steve almost had it won too :D


DeMento vs. Art Reed

DeMento is Dusty Bin, right?

Enygma vs. Captain USA

Get Enygma some momentum back by squashing a jobber.

USPW World Television Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. American Patriot

Keith. Is. Perfection.

#1 Contender Match, USPW World Television title: Java vs. Freddie Datsun

Datsun's the face and facing Bruce can't have done his pop any harm, regardless of the defeat.

JD Morgan vs. James Prudence

Revenge for the Brotherhood. Next week will be the other way around.

Tyson Baine vs. Steve Flash

Tough one, but I can see a DQ for Flash.

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Flash was so robbed!


DeMento vs. Art Reed

-No win for Dusty Bin

Enygma vs. Captain USA

-Captain jobber strikes again

USPW World Television Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. American Patriot

-Another America based jobber here

#1 Contender Match, USPW World Television title: Java vs. Freddie Datsun

-Hard to pick Datsun for another title shot, but he's the face and the title is held by a heel

JD Morgan vs. James Prudence

-Hard to say here, but Morgan's allies are likely to get involved, and they cost Prudence the match

Tyson Baine vs. Steve Flash

-With Baine in the tag ranks, when I saw his name, I wondered where he'd been. Still, Flash couldn't take out Devine and this will be another demoralizing loss.

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DeMento vs. Art Reed

Enygma vs. Captain USA

USPW World Television Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. American Patriot

#1 Contender Match, USPW World Television title: Java vs. Freddie Datsun

JD Morgan vs. James Prudence

Tyson Baine vs. Steve Flash

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DeMento vs. Art Reed

DeMento sucks

Enygma vs. Captain USA

Enygma needs something although I wouldn't bee surprised if he tried to steal Captain USA's match

USPW World Television Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. American Patriot

#1 Contender Match, USPW World Television title: Java vs. Freddie Datsun

JD Morgan vs. James Prudence

Even though he's British JD bores me to hell

Tyson Baine vs. Steve Flash

I don't know, Steve Flash shouldn't be going over Tyson Baine anywhere but in this diary, and although I could see Steve winning, I like Tyson


As for the PPV, shocking and upset that Acid won (isn't he supposed to be the face :p) but I just find that Enygma deserves a push since he is the only guy you can rely on being here for 5 years and he never gets the push he deserves when you can bank on him and get him to A* but on balance Acid would lose the mystery whilst Gene already had in the I quit. Steve Flash 'winning' shocked me until I read the next line, and I had an idea about The Hardcore Brotherhood vs. Braun & the Fly's. Didn't really understand the Strong Cornell match (probably just me being dumb), good really strong show but Tyson Baine is still too good for the tag division :p this hopefully builds to a Titans split and feud storyline but who knows. Another top show and with my joint first (joint with this) ending I will be looking even more forward to this and updates with it.


Also before I forget what is Jumbo Jackson in development for he is awesome, but my point really is I like the IWL updates they are cool although they are small I think they add to it knowing who is potentially coming up it is a cool addition to this great dynasty!

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USPW World Champion: Darryl Devine

USPW Television Champion: Matthew Keith

USPW National Champion: Bruce the Giant

USPW Womens Champion: Belle Bryden

USPW World Tag Team Champions: The Titans (Tyson Baine and T-Rex)


Main Eventers

'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield

Bruce The Giant

'Mighty Fine' Darryl Devine (Managed by Seduction)

Shawn Gonzalez

'The Jurassic Power' T-Rex (Managed by Shane Sneer)

'The Demon From The Deep' Tyson Baine (Managed by Shane Sneer)


Upper Midcarders

'The Innovator of Silence' 'The Silence Behind The Violence' Acid

'American Everyman' Freddie Datsun

'The Remarkable' Steve Flash

The Champion

'The Mysterious' Enygma

'The Preacher' Travis Century



'The Iceman' Alex Braun

'The Pure Athlete' Art Reed

Donnie J

'The All American Boy' Jack America

'Platinum' James Prudence

The Force

'The Submission Demon' Johnny Bloodstone

'Perfection' Matthew Keith

Nikolai Taktarov


Lower Midcarders

American Patriot

Andre Jones


Tribal Warrior



American Elemental

Captain USA

JD Morgan


Enhancement Talents

Bob Casey



Women's Division

Alicia Strong

'J-Ro' Joanne Rodriguez

'The Angel Of The Dark' Raven Robinson

Belle Bryden

Cherry Bomb

Eve Grunge






Davis Ditterich

Mitch Naess


Colour Commentator

Eric Tyler

Sara Silver

Shane Sneer



Baby Jamie

Jez McArthuer

Wilson Carlisle


Authority Figure

Sam Strong


Road Agent

Duncan Kendall



Tag Teams

Champion Force (The Champion and The Force)

The Fly Boys (Donnie J and James Prudence)

The Forces Of America (Captain USA and The Force)

Savage Fury (Java and Tribal Warrior)

The Titans (Tyson Baine and T-Rex) (Managed by Shane Sneer)



The Sneer Corporation:

Shane Sneer

Tyson Baine



The Hardcore Brotherhood:

JD Morgan

Shawn Gonzalez

Travis Century


Global Warning:

Bruce the Giant

Johnny Bloodstone

Nikolai Taktarov




Blonde Bombshell

Des Davids

Happy Elwood

James Justice

Jumbo Jackson

Kinuye Mushashibo

Pete The Hillbilly

Robbie Sanchez

Al The Hillbilly

Amber Allen


Billy Jack Shearer

Commissioner Doom

Danny Rushmore

Emma Bitch

Jared Johnson

Larry Wood

Man Mountain Cahill

Mick Muscles


Oscar Ozymandias

Queen Emily

Sky King


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I love me a good roster update, some shocks in there but I'm sure Acid isn't far from Main event now, hopefully this will help me get my predictions back on track :p The top is stacked against the faces but I like that as it gives more of an underdog feel to the Main Event which I think you should always have anyway. Also the face Upper Midcarders are still gonna get great match and there only that on paper really as Baine and ex aren't really pushed as main eventers (e.g opening up the ppv) and Steve Flash just debuted, so aside from on the game it's pretty even. Development looks good are they all under development contracts or are they the people who are contracted to the company including thos on ppa and the development?


I have a feeling some prediction are going to change in light of the roster breakdown.

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What a main event! And Steve almost had it won too :D


Flash was so robbed!


I am glad you guys enjoyed the main event writeup. I tried to make it as good as I could for this major pay-per-view event, showing that both men had the opportunity to win the match.


As for the PPV, shocking and upset that Acid won (isn't he supposed to be the face :p) but I just find that Enygma deserves a push since he is the only guy you can rely on being here for 5 years and he never gets the push he deserves when you can bank on him and get him to A* but on balance Acid would lose the mystery whilst Gene already had in the I quit. Steve Flash 'winning' shocked me until I read the next line, and I had an idea about The Hardcore Brotherhood vs. Braun & the Fly's. Didn't really understand the Strong Cornell match (probably just me being dumb), good really strong show but Tyson Baine is still too good for the tag division :p this hopefully builds to a Titans split and feud storyline but who knows. Another top show and with my joint first (joint with this) ending I will be looking even more forward to this and updates with it.


Also before I forget what is Jumbo Jackson in development for he is awesome, but my point really is I like the IWL updates they are cool although they are small I think they add to it knowing who is potentially coming up it is a cool addition to this great dynasty!


I knew that there was debate between whether Acid or Enygma would win the match. One of the reasons that I made the choice that I did will become more clear later on. However, you are right about Enygma already losing the I Quit match so that made things easier to make this decision.


The Strong/Cornell match was supposed to be a bit of a poor writeup in and of itself because the match was such a disappointment in rating.


Jumbo is in IWL right now because I didn't have anything for him. With him winning the IWL Universal title he might just stay down there awhile longer. But I'm glad you're enjoying the IWL writeups. It is always interesting to me to see how they use the talent I've given them.


Thanks for the comments, though! Keep them coming!


Hope everyone enjoyed the pay-per-view!

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I love me a good roster update, some shocks in there but I'm sure Acid isn't far from Main event now, hopefully this will help me get my predictions back on track :p The top is stacked against the faces but I like that as it gives more of an underdog feel to the Main Event which I think you should always have anyway. Also the face Upper Midcarders are still gonna get great match and there only that on paper really as Baine and ex aren't really pushed as main eventers (e.g opening up the ppv) and Steve Flash just debuted, so aside from on the game it's pretty even. Development looks good are they all under development contracts or are they the people who are contracted to the company including thos on ppa and the development?


I have a feeling some prediction are going to change in light of the roster breakdown.


Some definite surprises in there. Acid is at a B- right now in terms of overness in the USA. If there's anyone you wanna know in particular, please let me know. Baine and T-Rex are at 'B' overness right now in the USA.


All the guys on the developmental roster there are under developmental contracts. There are a few other ones in the company, like Jesse Christian and John Doe/Gareth Wayne that are on PPA deals.


And I wanted to provide the roster update right now because it's been 6 months in game time.

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