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USPW - What? This Again?

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...7 Months...


It has been a little over 7 months since I took over the Head Booking duties for USPW. In that time, I have seen the tv ratings go from 1.02 to over 2.0. I have seen phenomenal performances by wrestlers like Chris Caulfield, Darryl Devine, Enygma, Shawn Gonzalez, Acid and many more. I have seen Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins both wrestle in a USPW ring. I have seen wrestlers come like Steve Flash, Art Reed, The Hardcore Brotherhood. I have seen wrestlers go like Peter Valentine, Giant Redwood and Danny Jillefski.


All of this has been due to my influence. All of this has been due to my performance as Head Booker...






I Love each and every moment of the control, the power. I Love twisting the fans in my hands. I Love getting their emotions going. I Love having the power of these wrestlers' lives in my hands. And it is only getting better the harder they perform for me. I'm going to ride each one like a horse until they can no longer go. Then I take them out back and put a bullet in their brain like I did with good ole Pete. What is next for me? Well, it's the same thing as what's next for USPW: a rise straight to the top. The rise of Jack America coincides with the rise of USPW.


I will not falter. I will not fail.

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Jack America has flipped. :eek:


Your writing of Darryl Devine the cowardly heel is fantastic. Having him hide behind Seduction has become a regular occurence!


Global Warning (Johnny Bloodstone and Nikolai Taktarov) vs. Acid and Art Reed

Tough one. We haven't had a good old fashioned foot-on-the-ropes for a while so I'm going for a case of cheating for the victory.

DeMento vs. American Patriot

I can't even begin to explain this one...

Non Title: Bruce the Giant vs. Bob Casey

Bob Casey won't get a move in.

Cherry Bomb and Eve Grunge vs. Alicia Strong and Joanne Rodriguez

Strong and J-Ro are definitely Belle's biggest rivals.

USPW World Television Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Freddie Datsun

Unless Keith has something major lined up (or is leaving) then losing to Datsun won't do him much good.

Enygma and Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield and Steve Flash

I can't decide...

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Monday, Week 2, July 2010

Emma Bitch defeated Nina...D-

Larry Wood defeated Pete The Hillbilly...D

Man Mountain Cahill defeated Jesse Christian to retain the IWL Nationwide title...C-

John Doe defeated Happy Elwood...D-

Mick Muscles defeated Des Davids...C

Jumbo Jackson defeated Billy Jack Shearer to retain the IWL Universal title...C-





Tuesday, Week 2, July 2010

Grandmaster Phunk defeated Kid Toma...D+

ANGLE: Brawl involving Jack Bruce, Eric Eisen and Christian Faith...B+

Colossus defeated Primus Allen...D-

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Squeeky McClean and Angry Gilmore...B

Squeeky McClean defeated Shady K...C+

Marat Khoklov defeated Christian Faith...B+

Steve Frehley defeated Eric Eisen...B





Tuesday, Week 2, July 2010

American Buffalo defeated Mighty Mo...D+

Guide defeated Sgt. Bubba Lee West...C

Giant Tana defeated Clark Alexander...C-

Edd Stone defeated Harry Allen to retain the TCW All Action title...C-

Rick Law defeated Benny Benson to retain the TCW International title...C+

Rocky Golden defeated Troy Tornado...B-


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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 2 July 2010

Location: Centerpiece Bridge (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 2.18




Last Week on USPW American Wrestling:

  • Sam Strong signed a rematch between Darryl Devine and Steve Flash for the USPW World title inside a steel cage at USPW Midsummer Mayhem!
  • Art Reed made his in-ring debut, defeating DeMento with his Hang Time Moonsault.
  • Johnny Bloodstone came down and attacked Art Reed following the match.
  • Chris Caulfield challenged any member of The Hardcore Brotherhood to a match at USPW Midsummer Mayhem.
  • Enygma defeated Captain USA with the Enygma Variation.
  • Enygma would not release the hold following the match and Captain USA had to be stretchered to the back.
  • Matthew Keith defeated American Patriot to retain the USPW World Television title.
  • Belle Bryden opened a Women's Invitational at USPW Midsummer Mayhem. The winner will get a title shot the same night.
  • Freddie Datsun defeated Java to earn a USPW World Television title shot.
  • Matthew Keith locked Datsun in the Proton Lock after the match.
  • Enygma blamed Acid for his snapping.
  • James Prudence defeated Shawn Gonzalez by DQ when The Hardcore Brotherhood interfered.
  • Following the match, Travis Century put James Prudence through a table with a Salvation DDT!
  • Steve Flash defeated Tyson Baine by DQ when Darryl Devine interfered.
  • Devine laid out Flash with a Devine Dream Drop to end the show.






[The announcers welcomed everyone to USPW American Wrestling this week. What a show we have for you tonight. They get interrupted by a hard rock riff and out from the back comes the man, the mystery known as Enygma. Enygma is wearing a sneer on his face as he heads down to the ring and steps inside. He has a microphone in hand.]



"First of all, the big mystery here tonight is how each and every one of you got out of your parents' basement to come here to the show tonight."


[boos echo through the crowd.]



"With that said, welcome to my Path of Rage. Welcome to the darkness before the dawn. Welcome to the life of Enygma. And you have one man to blame for this: Acid. Acid, you are to blame for what I choose to do to each and every person I step into the ring with. I hope you can live with yourself. I hope you were watching last week when I snapped Captain USA's ankle. I thought about taking his mask but snapping his ankle was a little more fun. I enjoyed hearing those bones snap underneath my weight. I enjoyed..."


['And crown thy good

With brotherhood

From sea to shining sea.'


The crowd got on their feet looking toward the curtains]




[as American Elemental came out! Another masked wrestler here in USPW. American Elemental headed right to the ring and stepped inside. Enygma just started laughing.]



"Alright, I'm game, why are you here?"


[AE grabbed the microphone from Enygma. Enygma's jovial mood turned sour when he did that.]


American Elemental

"Captain USA was my friend and my tag team partner, Enygma. What you did to him last week was not right."


[Enygma nodded like he agreed with American Elemental. Enygma started to turn away and then turned back -- dropkick by AE! American Elemental took down Enygma with a second dropkick. He catapulted to the top turnbuckle and leaped -- powerslam by Enygma! Enygma grabbed the ankle -- Enygma Variation! American Elemental is yelling and tapping out. Enygma releases the hold after about two minutes and smiles, looking down at American Elemental. He slides out of the ring as staff members come down to check on American Elemental.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JohnnyBloodstone_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/RandallHopkirk_jhdangel.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Acid.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ArtReed.jpg

Global Warning (Johnny Bloodstone and Nikolai Taktarov) vs. Acid and Art Reed


[A match that had some good action that went back and forth in this opening contest. Bloodstone and Taktarov were the more well-oiled team and it showed in the early-goings as they kept Acid over in their corner and used double teams and quick tags to keep him down. Taktarov definitely had the power advantage. He took Acid down with a big Russian Sickle and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Within the next few minutes, Acid was able to hit a springboard clothesline and then tag out to the Pure Athlete. Reed went after both Taktarov and Bloodstone when he hit the ring. The newest USPW athlete took Taktarov down to the mat and locked on the Dread Lock! It was only a matter of moments before Taktarov was tapping out!]


Winners: Acid and Art Reed (Via Submission @ 10:22)

Match Rating: B-






[We head backstage for the first time this evening through the power of the USPW-Tron. A locker room is within the background and the camera is zoomed out showing the USPW World Tag Team Champions The Titans. Shane Sneer stands between the two very large athletes.]


Shane Sneer

"Champion Force, you saw at Last Man Standing just who the two last men standing were. These two men are still holding the USPW World Tag Team titles. But that's no surprise to me and it shouldn't be any surprise to anyone out there watching. These are the two toughest men in the business today. We want to prove it for anyone who didn't catch Last Man Standing. Midsummer Mayhem, we WILL put the USPW World Tag Team titles on the line against Champion Force once again. But this time it will be in a Street Fight. Pinfalls count anywhere. Champion Force, you may be tough men but these two men? They are TITANS."


[The Titans look intimidating within the background. Tyson Baine turns and grabs a locker, yanking it off the wall and dropping it to the ground! Shane quickly steps out of the way and we head elsewhere.]






[We head to another locker room area where Chris Caulfield can be seen getting ready. He closes the locker and there stands the #1 contender 'The Remarkable' Steve Flash. Chris and Steve bump fists with one another.]


Steve Flash

"Chris, you made the right choice when it comes to the Hardcore Brotherhood. Now tonight you and I have a couple of tough challenges in the form of Enygma and Darryl Devine. I know I've got your back and I know you've got my back tonight."


Chris Caulfield

"Of course, Steve. Tonight, we're gonna get Hardcore...Remarkable Style!"


[Chris and Steve shake hands and we head back to the ring.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DustyBin_alt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BulldozerBrandon_alt2.jpg

DeMento vs. American Patriot


[A definite bathroom break match as neither one of these two men are very popular with the fans. American Patriot got the requisite 'USA' chant from the crowd during the match. American Patriot dominated, including a big military press slam to the hockey mask wearing DeMento. American Patriot lifted DeMento onto his shoulders -- Inverted Piledriver! AP made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: American Patriot (Via Pinfall @ 3:33)

Match Rating: D-






[We head backstage again through the wonders of the USPW-Tron and we are brought to an interview area where 'The American Everyman' Freddie Datsun is standing. Freddie looks into the camera.]


Freddie Datsun

"The USPW World title. The USPW World Tag Team titles. Two belts that I have held in my career here in USPW. The USPW World Television title? I haven't won that one yet. Tonight is going to be that night. Tonight I become a triple crown champion. Matthew, you come from a great wrestling legacy. You are a great wrestler yourself. You might even be better than me. But not tonight. Not tonight."


[Freddie draws in a breath, running his fingers through his hair and turns and walks off.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BrucetheGiant.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BobCasey.jpg

Non Title

Bruce the Giant vs. Bob Casey


[The crowd was definitely surprised when Bruce the Giant came down with an American flag in hand. He stepped into the ring, putting the flag in his corner. Once the bell sounded he absolutely squashed Bob Casey in the center of the ring. Casey took a body slam and an avalanche in the corner. Bruce grabbed him by the throat and lifted him in the air. He held him up there, turning around and around and then crushed Bob Casey with a Giant Choke Slam. Bruce put his foot on the chest of Bob Casey: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Bruce the Giant (Via Pinfall @ 2:27)

Match Rating: C


[After the bell sounded, Bruce rolled Bob Casey out of the ring. Bruce turned and walked over to the American flag that was in his corner. He raised it up and then broke the staff over his knee! He released a roar that was met with boos and chants of 'USA, USA, USA!' He grabbed the flag, preparing to rip it when someone came running down to the ring.]




[it's Jack America! Jack slides in the ring and raises his hands, trying to plead with Bruce the Giant not to rip the flag. Bruce goes for a clothesline -- ducked! Jack stomps on Bruce's foot! He pushes the USPW National Champion back to the ropes -- clothesline over the top rope! Bruce the Giant landed on his feet and Jack grabbed the American flag, raising it high and waving it for the cheering crowd.]






[We are taken backstage once again where the USPW World Television Champion is stretching within the locker room. He looks up toward the camera and flashes that arrogant smile he is known for.]


Matthew Keith

"Perfection. It is something that many people strive for but only one man achieves. Captain USA, The Force, Steve Flash, Jack America and more have thought that they could break my perfect streak. All of them fell to the wayside against Perfection. Freddie Datsun, you shouldn't feel too bad after tonight. You're just the latest to fall to Perfection. Nobody beats Perfection. Nobody."


[Matthew goes back to stretching and we head elsewhere.]






[We are shown Belle Bryden intently watching the monitor as our next match is the women's tag team match.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CherryBomb_jhd1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/EveGrunge_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AliciaStrong.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JoanneRodriguez.jpg

Cherry Bomb and Eve Grunge vs. Alicia Strong and Joanne Rodriguez


[some good action in this tag team encounter though it was an uneasy partnership between Alicia Strong and Joanne Rodriguez. About a month ago, Alicia hit J-Ro with a Strong Arm Tactic en route to winning a three way match. Toward the end of the match, both Strong and J-Ro were hitting some powerful moves like they were showing off to each other or to Belle Bryden. J-Ro hit Eve Grunge with the J-Rocker but Alicia Strong tagged herself in! Alicia pulled Eve back up -- Strong Arm Tactic! Alicia made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Alicia Strong and Joanne Rodriguez (Via Pinfall @ 7:47)

Match Rating: C


[Joanne came in the ring following the ending of the match and shoved Alicia! Alicia shoved her back! The two women got face-to-face jawwing with each other as officials came out to break things up. These two definitely look like they will come face-to-face during the Women's Open Invitational.]






[We are taken backstage once more as Steve Flash is shown walking down a hallway. He gets stopped by Seduction. Flash raises a brow, wondering what's going on and then he gets nailed from behind by Darryl Devine! Devine grabs Flash by the head and rams him hard into the wall. Flash staggers backward and ducks a clothesline from Devine -- Atomic Drop! Devine holds his posterior region! Seduction steps in the way, making Flash come up short. Officials flood the area quickly to avoid anymore backstage fighting.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/mattkeithf.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/FreddieDatsun.jpg


USPW World Television Title Match

Matthew Keith defends vs. Freddie Datsun


[Freddie Datsun came out to a good crowd ovation. The American Everyman has been within USPW for four years and is definitely a crowd favorite. He steps inside and then out comes the confident, arrogant Champion. 'Perfection' Matthew Keith enters the ring and tosses the belt to referee Jez McArthuer. Keith comes at Datsun with a clothesline but Datsun ducks! Datsun throws some right hands and then winds up on the left and drops Keith with that left punch. Keith quickly rolls outside the ring to catch his breath and get a handle on the situation at hand. Datsun doesn't give him much of an opportunity, following the USPW World Television outside the ring. Datsun whips Keith toward the guardrail -- reversed! Datsun hits hard back-first against the guard rail! Keith moves over quickly and uses the guardrail as a springboard for a kick to the face! What a move by Matthew Keith! Keith rolls Datsun in the ring and follows him inside.]


[The next few minutes were spent with Keith in control, focusing on the back of the American Everyman. Every time it seemed like Datsun would try to get some momentum, Keith would use a rake of the eyes or a chokehold or some other cheap tactic to gain the advantage back. A change in the winds came when Keith tried to take down Datsun with a Sleeperhold. That Sleeper got reversed into a jawbreaker by Datsun. The crowd got behind the American Everyman, trying to power him up. Datsun took down Keith with a huge powerslam! The American Everyman got the crowd going wild on his side and looked to Matthew Keith. He walked over and picked up Keith, raising him up on his shoulders for the Patriot Press -- punch by Keith -- and down goes Freddie Datsun? Matthew Keith slides something into his trunks and then grabs the legs of Datsun -- Proton Lock! Referee Jez McArthuer checks on Datsun and Datsun is out! The referee signals for the bell and the title defense for Matthew Keith!]


Winner: Matthew Keith (Via Submission @ 7:58; Matthew Keith retains the USPW World Television title)

Match Rating: C+




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Devine_alt2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SteveFlash.jpg

Enygma and Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield and Steve Flash


[What a main event we have lined up for you this evening. A tag team matchup featuring Enygma and Darryl Devine against Chris Caulfield and Steve Flash. Flash and Devine were a little worn out from their altercation earlier in the night so Enygma and Caulfield started out the match. It was a solid brawl between two former USPW World Champions. In fact, the only person never to hold the USPW World gold in this match is Steve Flash. A brawl between Enygma and Caulfield was tempered when Enygma brought Caulfield to the mat and tagged out to Devine. Devine pulled Caulfield over into the corner and laced his chest with three straight chops! These two men know each other very well. Devine pulled Caulfield out of the corner and kicked him in the gut. He double under hooked his arms -- Butterfly Suplex! Perfectly executed by the USPW World Champion! Devine made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! As Caulfield kicked out, we were joined by some uninvited guests.]




[The Hardcore Brotherhood came down to the ringside area. They stood in a neutral corner and watched as Caulfield began firing back on Devine. Caulfield made the tag to the #1 Contender! Flash came leaping in with a sidekick to Devine! Devine stumbled backward and quickly tagged out to Enygma. Enygma dove at the ankles of Flash, tripping him up and going for a cover but not even getting a one count. Enygma pulled Flash up and grabbed him -- T-Bone Suplex! What a move by the riddler! Enygma dragged Flash back over to his corner and Devine tagged himself in. Enygma looked angered but left the ring as Devine climbed the turnbuckles -- top rope legdrop! What a move by Darryl Devine! Devine made the cover:]












[steve Flash is NOT done yet, folks! Devine pulled Flash to his feet and sent him to the ropes -- clothesline -- ducked! Flash hit Devine with a dropkick to the back of the head! Devine stumbled forward and then fell to the mat. Both men looked to make tags. Flash and Devine crawled toward their corners. Devine tagged in Enygma and Flash tagged in the Hardcore American! Chris Caulfield took down Enygma with a clothesline! He gave Devine a punch! He turned back to Enygma -- backbreaker! The crowd goes absolutely nuts! Caulfield makes a cover: No referee! Seduction has the referee distracted! Darryl Devine and Steve Flash both come in and start to brawl! They both fall out of the ring and begin brawling up the aisle. Shawn Gonzalez enters the ring as Chris Caulfield gets to his feet -- chair shot! The crowd boos as Gonzalez lays out Caulfield with a chair! Enygma moves over and grabs the ankle -- Enygma Variation! The crowd boos as the finisher is locked on Caulfield! Seduction drops off the apron to go after Steve Flash and try to help her man. Travis Century is pulling a table from under the ring. The referee calls for the bell as it seems Chris Caulfield has fallen unconcious!]


Winners: Enygma and Darryl Devine (Via Submission @ 9:31)

Match Rating: B


[Enygma exited the ring following the sound of the bell. Obviously he doesn't care either way about the Hardcore Brotherhood and their plight. Travis Century slides the table into the ring and Shawn Gonzalez and JD Morgan follow. The table is set up and Century does the sign of the cross over the lifeless body of 'The Hardcore American.' Shawn Gonzalez pulls him up and tucks him between his legs -- Power Bomb through the table! Caulfield twitches inside the shards of that table! The Hardcore Brotherhood stand tall in the center of the ring as the show comes to a close.]

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Two perfect scores this week! Congratulations to 20LEgend and Rayelek!




1. Rayelek=63 Wins

2. xopher316=59 Wins

Tigerkinney=59 Wins

4. jhd1=57 Wins

5. 20LEgend=56 Wins

6. blewrider1980=55 Wins

7. Jingo=54 Wins

8. Emark=51 Wins

9. ChrisKid=44 Wins

10. Wrestling Century=42 Wins

11. Dragonmack=36 Wins

12. Bigpapa42=28 Wins

13. Boltinho=24 Wins

14. TheLeviticalLawKid3=23 Wins

15. bgbuff=19 Wins

16. Marcel Fromage=4 Wins

SeanMcFly=4 Wins

18. MorenoKing24=3 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Wednesday Week 3 July 2010


Cherry Bomb vs. Raven Robinson

DeMento and UEW Wrestler Joey Beauchamp vs. The Fly Boys

Nikolai Taktarov vs. Jack America

USPW World Television Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Matthew Keith defends vs. Art Reed

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Steve Flash


Heels are listed first except in the case of title matches. In title matches, the champion is listed first.


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Cherry Bomb vs. Raven Robinson

DeMento and UEW Wrestler Joey Beauchamp vs. The Fly Boys

Nikolai Taktarov vs. Jack America

USPW World Television Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Matthew Keith defends vs. Art Reed

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Steve Flash

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Cherry Bomb vs. Raven Robinson


DeMento and UEW Wrestler Joey Beauchamp vs. The Fly Boys

Beauchamp coming in wont win and he's with the Dusty Bin

Nikolai Taktarov vs. Jack America

He got pinned last week so Nik gets a bit of momentum back

USPW World Television Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Matthew Keith defends vs. Art Reed

The time limit screams draw to me and Art needs to keep the momentum, even though 10 min time limit is traditional, it sticks out at me

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Steve Flash

He in the main event at the PPV Steve has gotta win

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Angel Athletic Association, Canadian Golden Combat, Mid Atlantic Wrestling, Pride Glory Honor Wrestling and Total Championship Wrestling.


Anne Stardust, Alex DeColt, Rip Chord, Sadaharu Jimbo and Tommy Cornell.


All the owners of the various federations that we, the USPW, have working agreements with. The question is, which domino will fall first? Which of these promotions will become surplus to our demands? Only TCW and PGHW are considered to have higher importance than our company. CGC seems to have a little more influence than our company does right now. That leaves MAW and AAA.


AAA is a company that I reached out to right away when I became the Head Booker of USPW. Anne Stardust was eager to sign this working agreement so she knew her company would not be raided and perhaps she could get to use such stars as Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson and Belle Bryden.


MAW is a company that is run by Sam Strong's best friend in this business: Rip Chord. MAW could never be a threat to this company as Rip Chord keeps it small for a reason. Those are both reasons that MAW is pretty safe even with our push toward a National company.


Tommy Cornell has been trying to get ahold of me here lately as he is looking to use the working agreement a little more. Who knows how that might play out in the future.

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Cherry Bomb vs. Raven Robinson

DeMento and UEW Wrestler Joey Beauchamp vs. The Fly Boys

Nikolai Taktarov vs. Jack America

USPW World Television Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Matthew Keith defends vs. Art Reed

Time limit draw!!

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Steve Flash

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I see so not much chance of seeing Dread :p


I'm not going to completely rule it out as there are several PGHW wrestlers I would like to have within the company. Though Dread has retired as of Week 1 in May and was listed within the Hall of Immortals.


Other than Dread, names that I would look at would be Bryan Holmes, Hell Monkey, Raymond Diaz and William Hayes.

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Cherry Bomb vs. Raven Robinson

DeMento and UEW Wrestler Joey Beauchamp vs. The Fly Boys

Nikolai Taktarov vs. Jack America

USPW World Television Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Matthew Keith defends vs. Art Reed

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Steve Flash

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Cherry Bomb vs. Raven Robinson


Could go either way, but I think Raven's still a face right and the champs a heel. So I say she gets the win here...don't really have much other logic than that, in a match that could quite honestly go either way.


DeMento and UEW Wrestler Joey Beauchamp vs. The Fly Boys


Two jobbers thrown together against a genuine team, hmm I wonder who will win this one :rolleyes:. By the way what's happened to James Justice?, who of course brought James Prudence into USPW.


Nikolai Taktarov vs. Jack America


I'm getting the feeling you have plans to push yourself beyond the glorified jobber role, looks like the head bookers ego is growing :p My though here is Jack America picks up the DQ win following some Global Warning inteference.


USPW World Television Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Matthew Keith defends vs. Art Reed (Time Limit Draw)


Unless you're going to actually surprise us, the 10 Minute time limit stip kind of telegraphs the finish.


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Steve Flash


Flash is getting another shot at the World Title, so it's best to keep him strong here.

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By the way what's happened to James Justice?, who of course brought James Prudence into USPW.[/i]


As of the roster update at the top of page 49 he is currently down in IWL, USPW's development.


Edit: In USPW Storyline terms he was taken in April (Week 2) by The Hardcore Brotherhood.

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Cherry Bomb vs. Raven Robinson

DeMento and UEW Wrestler Joey Beauchamp vs. The Fly Boys

Nikolai Taktarov vs. Jack America

USPW World Television Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Matthew Keith defends vs. Art Reed

time limit draw

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Steve Flash

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By the way what's happened to James Justice?, who of course brought James Prudence into USPW.[/i]


As of the roster update at the top of page 49 he is currently down in IWL, USPW's development.


Edit: In USPW Storyline terms he was taken in April (Week 2) by The Hardcore Brotherhood.


Unfortunately, James Justice suffered a "real-life" major concussion. I just tossed him down to IWL for now while he goes through his rehab and all. He won't be back until around June of next year.

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