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Tuesday, Week 3, January 2010

Everest defeated Akima Brave...D

Captain Atomic defeated Brett Biggz...C-

Brandon James defeated Kid Toma to retain the SWF North American title...C+

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Jack Bruce and Christian Faith...A

Vengeance defeated Steve Frehley...B-

Eric Eisen defeated Jack Bruce...B





Tuesday, Week 3, January 2010

Guide, Giant Tana and Brent Hill defeated Robert Oxford, Joel Bryant and Texas Pete...C

Sammy Bach defeated Freddy Huggins...C+

Eddie Peak defeated Joshua Taylor...B-

Charlie Thatcher defeated Aaron Andrews...C-

Tommy Cornell went to a time limit draw with Ricky Dale Johnson...A

Rocky Golden defeated Wolf Hawkins...B


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24 hour warning for predictions for USPW American Wrestling. Bringing up one more show in July. So far, I have received predictions from:

















Thank you to everyone who has predicted so far and for the comments as well.

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Anger vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: AAA Wrestler Michelle Brendon gets a shot vs. Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. MAW Wrestler Mean Jean Cattley

Andre Jones and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Mick Muscles vs. Des Davids

MAW Wrestler Jay Chord vs. Chris Caulfield

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice

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Anger vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: AAA Wrestler Michelle Brendon gets a shot vs. Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. MAW Wrestler Mean Jean Cattley

Andre Jones and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Mick Muscles vs. Des Davids

MAW Wrestler Jay Chord vs. Chris Caulfield

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice

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Anger vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: AAA Wrestler Michelle Brendon gets a shot vs. Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. MAW Wrestler Mean Jean Cattley

Andre Jones and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Mick Muscles vs. Des Davids

MAW Wrestler Jay Chord vs. Chris Caulfield

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice



I stole this sign.

Play Free Bird!


Gotta copy off of the leader now. Sorry, X.

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Jack America sounds cool and it's been too long since we had a Dude Knee Drop. :D


Glad you like the Jack America name. I was sick and tired of using the 'Avatar' last name and I figured this would fit in with his 'All American Boy' nickname. As far as the Dude Knee Drop goes, it is definitely something enjoyable to write out. lol.


Part of me is happy to see the old Dude back. However, part of me was enjoying the heel version of the Dude that you had in the other diary.


I can understand that. And thanks for the compliment. Who knows what will happen within the near or far future.


Not sure now who has more of a screw loose Jim Force or Andre Jones? :D


I think that's somewhere around a tie, right? lol.

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Anger vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: AAA Wrestler Michelle Brendon gets a shot vs. Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. MAW Wrestler Mean Jean Cattley

Andre Jones and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Mick Muscles vs. Des Davids

MAW Wrestler Jay Chord vs. Chris Caulfield

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice

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USPW has announced a formal working agreement with Canadian Golden Combat, meaning that we will be bringing in the best athletes from Canada to compete here for USPW. CGC is a Canadian wrestling company run by Alex DeColt and was founded in May of 1990. We look forward to seeing the best of Canada right here in USPW.


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Anger vs. Nicky Champion


USPW Women's Title Match: AAA Wrestler Michelle Brendon gets a shot vs. Raven Robinson

If Michelle Brendon is on loan to you then she definately will not win this match.


USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. MAW Wrestler Mean Jean Cattley

same reasoning as above


Andre Jones and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America


Mick Muscles vs. Des Davids


MAW Wrestler Jay Chord vs. Chris Caulfield

Should be a good match regardless of who the winner is.


Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

Since this match is non title I have a feeling that Enygma might loose I could be wrong on thinking this but if so then oh well.


Tyson Baine vs. James Justice

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 3 January 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: 1.28


[uSPW American Wrestling opens up inside the Huntsville Fairgrounds where fans are on their feet. Several camera angles are shown around the building with fans wearing shirts representing several wrestlers here in USPW, including The Force, James Justice, Alicia Strong and Chris Caulfield. There are even a few Tyson Baine and Bruce The Giant t-shirts in the crowd. Of course the fans are holding up their signs as well, including: 'I stole this sign.' and 'Play Free Bird!' The cameras then zoom inside the ring...]




[...where our announcers Danny Jillefski and Eric Tyler are standing in the center. Both men are dressed in suits that represent their own sense of style, with Danny in a grey suit and Eric in a white suit. It is a definite way to show who is the bad guy and who is the good guy, right?...]


Danny Jillefski

"Good evening everyone and WELCOME to USPW American Wrestling!"


[...Danny and Eric both pause as a 'USPW' chant breaks out through the crowd. Danny looks disgusted with the crowd, while Eric offers a smile to those around the ringside area...]


Eric Tyler

"What a show we have here tonight!"


Danny Jillefski

"Hey! I was gonna say that. You need to keep your mouth shut. This used to be my company, you know."


Eric Tyler

"Yeah, until you ran it toward the ground and needed Sam Strong to step in and bail you out."


Danny Jillefski

"How dare you talk to me like that! I am Danny Jillefski, the best looking announcer in this business. Speaking of business, we should get down to business because tonight we've got a spectacular main event as signed by our esteemed Commissioner last week. We are going to see the number one contender The Demon From Death Valley Tyson Baine as he takes on that out-west, that hippie, that loser James Justice."


[...The crowd cheers the mention of James Justice and boos the mention of Tyson Baine right on cue. A 'Justice' chant breaks out through the audience. Eric raises a hand and motions toward the crowd...]


Eric Tyler

"I don't think these fans would call James Justice a loser, Danny."


Danny Jillefski

"Well, what do they know? These fans only know what I tell them to know, Eric."


Eric Tyler

"Say what you will, Danny, but these fans pay our salaries."


Danny Jillefski

"It says Sam Strong on my paycheck, Eric. I'm not sure where you're getting yours from. If Sam pays you more than a dollar and a half then you're getting more than you're worth."


Eric Tyler

"Will you stop, Danny? Now, let's get out of the ring here because I am sure that our fans will appreciate some wrestling action."


[...Danny just shakes his head and moves to exit the ring. He holds the ropes open for Eric and as soon as Eric gets halfway through he drops the top rope sending Eric Tyler tumbling to the floor. Danny laughs as he steps down to the floor and heads to the announce desk. Eric recovers quickly and moves to join him.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DemonAnger.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/NickyChampion.jpg

Anger vs. Nicky Champion


[The crowd is still really unsure of how to take the antics of Anger. He comes out with Shane Sneer and the Coca Cola bottle. He enters the ring and instead of handing the bottle to Sneer he puts it in the corner. Nicky Champion comes out with a good crowd ovation. He does the right thing in high fiving the fans. He is the white meat babyface. Never does anything wrong, never cheats, always plays to the crowd. Nicky and Anger put forth a good back and forth match here to open things up with a cold crowd. Shane Sneer interfered liberally on behalf of Anger. Nicky took Anger down with a Northern Lights Suplex: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Anger took back control and locked Nicky in a Camel Clutch. Nicky shook his head as Anger pulled back. Nicky was in a ton of pain at this point but he wasn't going to give it up. At this point, Shane Sneer accidentally knocked over the bottle of Coca Cola! Anger saw it and released Nicky Champion. He went over and set the bottle back up. Then he turned back to -- HAWKEYE HAMMER! Nicky nailed Anger with the Hardcore Hammer and makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Nicky Champion (Via Pinfall @ 3:53)

Match Rating: C-




[The fans cheered for Nicky Champion's win, which Danny Jillefski called a travesty of justice with Anger getting distracted by the coca cola bottle. The USPW-Tron lit up and attention turned to a locker room where two people are standing...]




[...Darryl Devine and Seduction are back within that locker room...]


Darryl Devine

"Tonight, Seduction. Tonight, I have what could be the biggest match of my career and it's all mine! I get to take on the USPW World Champion Enygma. He's a riddle, right?"



"He's a mystery."


Darryl Devine

"He's an Enygma. But tonight I am going to unwrap the Enygma. I am going to find the answer to the question: who is Enygma! Once I unmask him, he will have no choice but to give me a USPW World title shot! Right, Seduction?"



"Right, baby. Now, let's get in some prematch stretching."


[...Seduction starts to bend over and we fade out.]




[The USPW-Tron fires up again within an office backstage. A large desk is shown with a ficus in the corner of the office. Sitting behind the desk...]




[...is Commissioner Doom! This elicits a negative reaction from the crowd. Doom is taking pen to paper there when the door opens and a figure walks in...]




[...It's the Hardcore American! Chris Caulfield closes the door and that causes the Commissioner to look up. Chris has an even expression on his face while Doom is in a permanent snarl. Chris walks up to the desk and stops, sweeping some paper off the desk...]


Chris Caulfield

"You wanted to see me, Commish?"


Commissioner Doom

"Yes I did, maggot. I know you've got a match to worry about later on with a second generation soldier in Jay Chord. However, I wanted to let you know, you little puke, about your match next week. After Tyson Baine gets finished destroying James Justice tonight, you will be taking him on next week as we head toward Stars, Stripes And Slams. Enjoy it. You're dismissed!"


[...Chris looks at him for a moment and rubs his chin...]


Chris Caulfield

"I've got Tyson Baine next week? He's the man getting the World Title shot at Stars, Stripes And Slams, right? Thank you!"


[...Chris smiles and turns, walking out. Doom sneers and reaches down picking up the paperwork that Chris knocked over. We head back to the ring.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/MichelleBrendon_alt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/RavenNightfall_alt2.jpg


USPW Women's Title Match

AAA Wrestler Michelle Brendon gets a shot vs. Raven Robinson


[One of two Championship matches here tonight pits Raven Robinson defending her USPW Women's title against AAA wrestler Michelle Brendon. The match wasn't that good, to be honest. Definitely a bathroom encounter though the look of Raven Robinson was enough to keep some male fans and some female fans watching. One of the fans held up a sign: 'Ravishing Raven Robinson!' Michelle only got about one armbar in during the whole match. Raven hit the Night Faller on Brendon and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Raven Robinson (Via Pinfall @ 1:53)

Match Rating: E+


[Following the sounding of the bell, Raven Robinson is handed her title -- upside the head!...]




[...Cherry Bomb had grabbed it while outside the ring and stuck Raven Robinson with the belt inside the ring! Cherry will be taking on Raven for that belt at the first ever pay-per-view event: USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams. Cherry moves over into a corner and holds the belt in her lap as officials check on Raven Robinson. Cherry has that odd smile on her face as she rocks back and forth and stares down at the belt.]




[The USPW-Tron draws the eyes of the fans there as it lights up. A baseball stadium is shown from the view of home plate toward the outfield walls. A man steps onto the screen carrying a baseball bat and running his fingers through his hair...]




[...He gives an arrogant smile toward the camera...]


Matthew Keith

"Good evening everyone. My name is 'Perfection' Matthew Keith. I am the best second generation athlete in the wrestling world. In fact, I'm the only perfect second generation athlete. Let me show you."


[...A pitcher walks out onto the mound and Matthew Keith smiles as he calls his shot. The pitch comes -- the swing -- Home Run right where Matthew pointed! Another called shot -- another home run! Three, four, five more in a row. Then Matthew Keith lowers the baseball bat and looks toward the camera...]


Matthew Keith

"Absolutely Perfect."


[...Matthew nods and starts to move toward the dugout. 'Perfection' Matthew Keith coming soon to USPW!]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/PeterValentine.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/MeanJeanCattley.jpg


USPW National Title Match

Peter Valentine defends vs. MAW Wrestler Mean Jean Cattley


[Mean Jean Cattley out-rates Peter Valentine on just about every level except for annoyance to the fans for being on the screen. Peter Valentine has been involved in a feud with Alicia Strong and Nicky Champion after Peter nearly attacked Alicia last week but Nicky stepped in and made the save. Luckily for everyone involved this was a short match, just like the Women's Title match. Though a fan did hold up a sign, reading: 'Peter, I'll be your Valentine!!' Cattley did his best to make Valentine look good and should be commended for the attempt. Valentine dropped Cattley with the Heart Breaker and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Peter Valentine (Via Pinfall @ 1:52)

Match Rating: D-


[...Valentine rose to his feet and raised his arms within the air. He was handed his USPW National title belt and raised it up to boos from the crowd! The crowd really dislikes this guy. He turns and gets speared!...]




[...Nicky Champion throws punches to the head of Peter Valentine! Valentine and Nicky roll around on the mat as security and officials step in to break these two up. Yeah, Nicky is definitely not happy about what Peter Valentine did last week! Security grabs both men and pulls them apart. Both men struggle, though Nicky struggles harder and breaks free! He leaps over the security holding Peter Valentine and throws punches as Peter tries to cover up. Security grabs Nicky Champion again and pull him back. This is definitely not the clean cut Nicky Champion we're used to! Security eventually gets both men seperately to the back.]




[some familiar music played through the P.A. system and that music had the fans on their feet in anticipation, cheering wildly!...]




[...James Justice walked out from the back and raised his arms to even more cheers. He walked about halfway down the ramp and then whipped off his shades. He turned and slipped them on a young fan, ruffling his hair before walking the rest of the way down the ramp and into the ring. He reaches out and is given a wireless microphone before moving to the center of the ring. He pauses there for a moment and then raises the microphone to his lips...]


James Justice



[...Another big crowd popas the crowd echoed his word..'DUDES!'..then began a 'Justice' chant as James gave a goofy smile out to the crowd for a few moments. Then he raised the microphone to his lips again...]


James Justice

"Last week, Corporal Dude thought he was giving me a punishment. Last week, Corporal Dude decided he would put me in a match with 'Mike' Tyson Dude. Well, this isn't boxing, Dudes. This is professional wrestling and I've got all my dudes and dudettes behind me. I am 39 years old and I have been with this company for three years. Does Corporal Dude think he can really intimidate me with anyone? I held the USPW World title for over a year. I beat everyone that stepped within my path until I was beaten for that title by the Jurassic Dude. Speaking of that Jurassic Dude, don't think that I am overlooking you, Dude. Don't think for one moment that I am not looking forward to Stars, Stripes And Slams where I get to prove that my win over you was no fluke, Dude. And don't think for a single moment that your partner 'Mike' Tyson Dude is going to stop me from getting to the first-ever USPW Pay-Per-View event. That is never going to happen, dude. But tonight I have to focus all of my attention on your partner. Tonight, I am going to prove that instead of 'Mike' Tyson Dude I am the one that deserves the USPW World title shot. Tonight, 'Mike' Tyson Dude, you are going to have to face Liberty, Justice And the Red, White and Dude!"


[...James gives a thumbs up and the crowd cheers for Justice! Justice's music kicks up and he tosses the mic. out of the ring. A chant of 'DUDE, DUDE, DUDE' slides out through the crowd as Justice high fives the fans while he makes his way up the ramp.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AndreJones.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/giantredwood-1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CaptainUSA.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JimForce_dse81.jpg

Andre Jones and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America


[Definitely not the most technically sound matchup that we've had tonight. Though there were several signs within the crowd raised for this bout in particular, including: 'If a wood-chuck can what a wood-chuck can what can a woodchuck that a Giant Redwood can.', 'FORCES OF AMERICA! FOR AMERICA!' and 'Does Jack America + The Forces of America = The Land of The Free?' Andre Jones has Henry and Henrietta in his corner while Captain USA has the American flag in his corner. Back in 2005, Captain USA was the USPW World Champion. He lost that belt to Giant Redwood. Redwood lost the belt to The Force. The Forces of America are also 2 time former USPW World Tag Team Champions. Andre Jones defeated The Force for the USPW World Television Title. So a lot of history between these four men. This was a relatively short match for a tag team encounter. The crowd didn't really care completely for the match though a lot of them did hold up Force action figures and signs. Giant Redwood showed his strength throughout the match. Captain USA was able to fight his way out of a Power Bomb attempt before both men made tags. The Force made some big clotheslines on Jones. Jones tried to get Henry involved but he was knocked outside the ring. The Force raised Jones up and dropped him with the Full Force! He made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! This reunion of The Forces of America was successful, not to mention that The Force defeated his opponent at Stars, Stripes And Slams and the USPW World Television Champion!]


Winners: The Forces of America (Via Pinfall @ 3:49)

Match Rating: D-




[The USPW-Tron lights up as the fans celebrate the win by The Forces of America. The cameras are outside within the parking garage beside the Huntsville Fairgrounds. The camera shows many different cars lined up within parking spaces and then focus in one car in particular. There is a figure that is obviously female standing by the open trunk...]




[...Alicia Strong tosses her bag within the trunk and takes in a deep breath. Yeah, she is definitely still feeling the intimidation from last week. She closes the trunk and there is a figure standing where the trunk blocked his presence. Alicia looks up and over to find...]




[...Peter Valentine standing right there. Her eyes go wide and she takes a few steps back. Then she runs toward the driver's side of the car but Valentine is quickly there and pushes her up against the car, pinning her there and holding her wrists...]


Peter Valentine

"How dare you reject me, Alicia! Do you know who I am?"


[...Alicia's eyes are wide as she is frozen in the spot...]


Peter Valentine

"You're coming with me!"


[...Peter opens the back door and tosses Alicia inside before moving to the driver's side. He opens the door, pulling the keys out. He closes the door and starts up the engine. He pulls out of the parking space and begins driving off. The vehicle starts swerving at a high rate of speed. Then it turns and runs right into a post! The camera is dropped and the feet of the cameraman can be seen running toward the accident...]



"We need some help out here! Someone call 911!


[...The camera fades out with a visibly distraught crowd within the Huntsville Fairgrounds.]




[The USPW-Tron lights up again, this time showing the backstage area. A very large figure is shown standing alone...]




[...One of the two number one contenders looks up and right into the camera...]


Bruce The Giant

"Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum. I smell the blood of a Hardcore American. At least I will in a little over a week when I step inside the ring with him. Chris Caulfield, you think you're better than me? You think that you can fell a giant who has not left his feet since our match last year? This time, I am not going down onto the ground, Chris. This time you are going to be the one who falls. You will be the one left staring at the ceiling after a Giant Choke Slam. You will be the one who loses his number one contender spot. As a way to ensure that, you and I will be stepping within the confines of a steel cage. This means that there will be no way out. No one will be able to step inside and save you from the beating that you are going to endure. No disqualifications, no countouts to save your number one contendership. I am going to prove that I deserve the USPW World title shot. I am a 7'4", 600 pound living fire breathing giant! I captured the USPW World title on my first show here. Inside the steel cage, you are going to be my stepping stone to the USPW World title! ROAR!"


[...Bruce raises his arm in the choke slam motion! He looks into the camera and then we head back to the ring.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/MickMuscles.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DesDavids-1-1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/FreddieDatsun.jpg

Mick Muscles vs. Des Davids


[Last week, Danny Rushmore defeated Freddie Datsun to give The Towers of Power some momentum going into this match. This week, Freddie Datsun came down to the ring with Des Davids to ensure there is no interference. The 6'5" 260 pound Davids learned his craft under the tutelage of Rip Chord, which proves his pedigree. Mick Muscles is a former USPW World Champion and former four time USPW World Tag Team Champion but The People's Team are the ones who ended their latest title reign. This was a back and forth match between these two. The match itself was a brawl from start to finish. Shane Sneer interfered and attacked Des Davids in the match until Freddie Datsun chased him to the back. Davids got back in the ring and avoided a clothesline from Muscles! Davids turned around -- Quarterback Sack! Davids made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Davids has pinned a former USPW World Champion!]


Winner: Des Davids (Via Pinfall @ 5:37)

Match Rating: D




[The focus of the show turned down to the announcers...]




[...Danny Jillefski and Eric Tyler looked up to the camera...]


Eric Tyler

"Ladies and Gentlemen, that was a big win for Des Davids as we get closer to the pay-per-view Stars, Stripes And Slams. But right now we need to talk about what happened within that parking garage. Both Peter Valentine and Alicia Strong have been taken to a local hospital by ambulance. That was an absolutely disgusting display by Peter Valentine."


Danny Jillefski

"You know, normally I don't agree with you, Eric. In fact, it makes me throw up a little bit in my mouth to do so. However, what Peter Valentine did was over the line. He took things a little bit too far."


Eric Tyler

"I agree. But it looks like Alicia fought to make things safe for herself. Though both of them have been taken to the hospital. We have also just learned that next week Sam Strong will be in the building!"


Danny Jillefski

"I am sure that our boss will have a lot to say about that incident."


Eric Tyler

"I agree, Danny. Let's head back to the ring."


[...And we head back to the ring for our next match.]




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JayChord_alt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

MAW Wrestler Jay Chord vs. Chris Caulfield


[Jay Chord was already up within the ring yelling at a fan who was holding up a sign reading 'Jay Chord = Crybaby!' Of course he is the son of the legendary Rip Chord. He is known as a brawler and a technical wrestler. One of the two number one contenders comes out and pauses at the end of the entrance, turning and giving his bandana to a young fan who cheers for him and shows the bandana to all of his friends. Chris enters the ring and avoids a clothesline from Jay Chord. Caulfield dominated this match from start to finish with Jay Chord not even getting in one offensive hold. Caulfield dropped Chord with a neckbreaker and made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! He locks in a Triangle Choke but Jay Chord will not submit! Caulfield releases the hold and sends Chord outside the ring. Caulfield runs Chord into the steel steps and then into the ring post! He brings Chord into the ring and hooks him -- Danger Drop! Caulfield makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Chris Caulfield (Via Pinfall @ 2:19)

Match Rating: D


[Caulfield raises up to cheers from the crowd and chants of 'He's Hardcore, He's Hardcore, He's Hardcore.' The former USPW Television Champion turns and looks, seeing someone lumbering up the aisle...]




[...Bruce The Giant reaches ringside when the locker room explodes. Wrestlers come running in, keeping Chris Caulfield and Bruce The Giant seperate. The crowd boos because they wanted to see these two men go at it! Chris and Bruce try to get seperated from the pack of wrestlers but they have several tough wrestlers and security guards on each one. Bruce is taken to the back first and then Chris Caulfield second.]




Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Devine_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma_alt1jt.jpg

Non Title

Darryl Devine vs. Enygma


[Darryl Devine and Seduction made their entrance first with the crowd booing the two. Devine and Seduction entered the ring and Seduction massaged her boyfriend's shoulders as they waited for the appearance of Enygma. Enygma stood within the rafters. Enygma began stepping down through the crowd. About halfway down, he paused and gave a fan a replica of his Enygma match. The fan held up a sign: 'True Devine= Enygma!' Enygma finished coming down to the ring, leaping over the guardrail. He took off his belt and put it down on the announce table. Danny and Eric talked about the gold on the belt as Enygma entered the ring. Devine went right after him, throwing forearms to the back of the USPW World Champion! Devine grabbed Enygma and ran him toward the turnbuckle but Enygma blocked it! He slammed Devine's head into the turnbuckle and then turned him in the corner, throwing several punches to the chest of Devine! Devine slumped down in the corner and Enygma stepped back. Devine exited the ring and paced, looking angry and Seduction came over talking over some strategy. When Devine entered the ring, the two locked up and Enygma brought Devine into a corner. Devine switched that and took over Enygma with a hip toss and then a dropkick! Devine definitely has more flying and technical skills than Enygma. Devine tossed Enygma outside the ring and caught a chair from Seduction! Devine set the chair up by the near ropes. Devine bounced off the far ropes and used the chair as a springboard to the ropes as Enygma rose to his feet. Devine leaped -- springboard Plancha on to Enygma outside the ring! The crowd is shocked at the move here in USPW! Devine raises to his feet and yells at the crowd, drawing boos. Devine picks up Enygma and brings him back to the ring. He tosses him inside and joins him quickly...]


[...The chair is tossed outside the ring by the referee. Devine looks to Enygma and hits a low dropkick as Enygma tries to get up. Devine makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Devine looks to the referee and yells at him that it should have been a three count! But the referee shakes his head. Devine moves back toward Enygma and begins working on his mask! Devine wants to take that mask off the USPW World Champion! Devine yanking at the mask hard but Enygma throws a punch to the gut! Another punch! Another punch! Devine releases the mask. Enygma gets to his feet. He sends Devine to the ropes -- clothesline! Enygma pulls Devine to his feet -- short-arm clothesline! Enygma makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Enygma kicks Devine in the leg. Enygma stomps on the ankle! Devine reaches down and grabs it in pain! Enygma drags Devine over to the ring post and then slides out of the ring. Enygma grabs Devine's ankle and slams it into the ring post! Devine yells in pain! Seduction comes over but Enygma looks at her and she backs off. Enygma fixes his mask and slides back into the ring. He pulls a limping Devine to his feet. He trips Devine and pulls him to the center of the ring -- Enygma Variation! Devine shakes his head! Enygma cinches the hold on tighter. Devine in an immense amount of pain. Devine -- taps! Devine taps out!]


Winner: Enygma (Via Submission @ 9:44)

Match Rating: C-




Match #8

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Liberty_dse81.jpg

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice


[James Justice came down to the ring, sliding another pair of shades onto a fan who was smiling and holding up a sign reading 'Tyson Baine will be in Pain!' As Justice turned back toward the ring he was attacked from behind by Tyson Baine with several forearm shots! Baine turned and slammed Justice face-first into the guardrail right in front of the fan who got his shades. Baine choked Justice on the guardrail to boos from the fans. Baine pulled Justice back and grabbed him by the hair. He walked him down to ringside and slammed him face-first into the ring post! Justice staggered away and Baine slid him into the ring. The larger Tyson Baine, the demon of the deep, joined him inside the ring. Baine picked up Justice and sent him to the ropes -- big clothesline by Baine! Baine made a cover: 1 -- Shoulder Up! Baine pulls Justice to his feet and raises his left arm up above his head -- punch to the ribcage! A Heart Punch by Tyson Baine. Justice fell to the mat, grabbing his ribcage. Baine made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The crowd cheered for the kickout! The former USPW World Champion is looking in a bad way to start this match. Baine pulls Justice between his legs. He lifts him up. Justice wiggled free and fell behind Tyson Baine! Justice reaches back and grabs Baine -- Neckbreaker!...]


[...Both men fall to the mat in definite pain as they lie there breathing in and out. Referee Baby Jamie begins the ten count. The crowd boos as T-Rex begins walking down toward the ring. He is Tyson Baine's tag team partner and will face James Justice at Stars, Stripes And Slams. As the ten count continues, the boos move away for a 'Justice' chant. James is the first one to his feet -- kick to the ribs on Tyson Baine! Baine holds his ribs and Justice pulls Baine to his feet. Justice brings Baine back into a corner, driving him in hard and knocking the air out of Tyson Baine. Justice holds his ribs for a moment and then climbs the turnbuckles. He raises his fist and then begins raining punches down on Baine! The crowd counts along until Justice reaches ten! Justice drops down and Baine staggers slightly forward. Justice grabs him -- One handed Bulldog! Justice makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Justice pulls Tyson Baine up and kicks him in the gut. He hooks a front face lock and draws Baine's arm over his head. He grabs the leg of Tyson Baine -- Fisherman's Suplex into a bridge: 1 -- 2 -- The bridge collapses and Justice is left holding his ribs in pain...]


[...Tyson Baine climbs to his feet. Justice moves in for a clothesline -- Tyson ducks -- but the referee doesn't! Justice takes down referee Baby Jamie with a clothesline! Baby Jamie collapses down to the mat. Justice with a back kick to Tyson Baine. He turns and sends Baine to the ropes -- Spinebuster! Justice holds his ribs as he gets up. He looks down at Baine and then bounces off the ropes -- SSSSSSTTTTTTAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLSSSSSS -- DUDE KNEE DROP! The crowd goes wild! Justice gets to his feet and looks toward Tyson Baine! Justice raises his arms up and down, getting the crowd on their feet with stomps and claps. Tyson Baine slowly begins pulling himself to his feet. T-Rex climbs up on the apron and then steps inside the ring. Justice hooks Baine but can't lift him for the Liberation Slam! T-Rex grabs Justice -- Extinction! T-Rex hits the Extinction on Justice! The crowd boos as T-Rex exits the ring just as the referee comes to. Baine turns and grabs Justice -- Hades Bomb! Baine makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Tyson Baine (Via Pinfall @ 10:21)

Match Rating: C+




[The crowd boos this big win by Tyson Baine. Baine gets to his feet and T-Rex looks around the crowd for a moment. He grabs a sign that reads: 'If T-Rex So Is Tough - Why Doesn't He Rip This Aluminium Sign In Two!' He steps inside the ring with the sign and slams it onto the back of James Justice! T-Rex picks up Justice -- Jurassic Crush! He swings Justice back and forth with the Swinging Full Nelson. The crowd begins a 'DUDE' chant, trying to get Justice to break the hold but Justice slumps within the hold. T-Rex lets him go and then stands beside Tyson Baine. The Titans raise their arms to boos from the crowd as the show comes to a close.]

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No perfect scores this time but many people got 7/8. Congratulations to 20LEgend, Huntman, Timber, blewrider1980 and tristram!




1. xopher316=17 Wins

2. jhd1=16 Wins

bgbuff=16 Wins

20LEgend=16 Wins

blewrider1980=16 Wins

6. SWF Fan=15 Wins

critical-23=15 Wins

mcorey=15 Wins

Lexa90=15 Wins

Dragonmack=15 Wins

11. TakerNGN74=14 Wins

BHK1978=14 Wins

Bigpapa42=14 Wins

Rayelek=14 Wins

Huntman=14 Wins

tristram=14 Wins

17. dse81=11 Wins

Timber=11 Wins

19. borman_48=9 Wins

Tigerkinney=9 Wins

21. Arogue=8 Wins

22. Hitman23=5 Wins

23. Greg McNeish=4 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Wednesday Week 4 January 2010


Mick Muscles vs. James Justice

Bruce The Giant vs. The Hillbillys

Darryl Devine vs. Freddie Datsun

Cherry Bomb vs. AAA Wrestler Miss Sara

Non Title: Andre Jones vs. Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. Chris Caulfield


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:cool: James Justice sunglasses totally going on e-Bay.


Great show. Loving the use of the wonderful re-renders. Oh and on a side note




You can probably get a pretty penny for them. Though his pop right now for the United States is C+.


As far as the re-renders go, the artists definitely did a great job on them. I think I have a good mix right now of the re-renders and the original renders.


Not many people picked Tyson Baine to win the main event. I just hope I wasn't trying too hard to outsmart anyone and that it made sense to everyone now that they've seen it.

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Mick Muscles vs. James Justice

Bruce The Giant vs. The Hillbillys

Darryl Devine vs. Freddie Datsun

Cherry Bomb vs. AAA Wrestler Miss Sara

Non Title: Andre Jones vs. Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. Chris Caulfield


All the other ones seem fairly straight-forward, so I'm going with Caulfield on the off-chance that there's a curve-ball in there.


Also, snce this is the first diary of yours that I'm following, can anyone do the crowd signs or is that just a prize thing? :confused:

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Mick Muscles vs. James Justice

Bruce The Giant vs. The Hillbillys

Darryl Devine vs. Freddie Datsun

Cherry Bomb vs. AAA Wrestler Miss Sara

Non Title: Andre Jones vs. Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. Chris Caulfield



The guy next to me stole my pants.


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Also, snce this is the first diary of yours that I'm following, can anyone do the crowd signs or is that just a prize thing? :confused:


Sorry for the double post, but anyone can do signs if they want. I don't know who started it, but it's a snowballed into a lot of diaries.

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Also, snce this is the first diary of yours that I'm following, can anyone do the crowd signs or is that just a prize thing? :confused:


Sorry for the double post, but anyone can do signs if they want. I don't know who started it, but it's a snowballed into a lot of diaries.


As xopher316 says, anyone can do the signs. In fact, it is encouraged for people to do signs. As far as I can remember right now, I was the first one to bring the signs into diaries and I didn't even know that other people were doing it off-hand. If so, I'm glad that people enjoy that part of the diary.

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Mick Muscles vs. James Justice

Face of USPW losing? No way!


Bruce The Giant vs. The Hillbillys

Poor Hillbillys and their one fan, lol.


Darryl Devine vs. Freddie Datsun

Devine hasn't done enough yet. And Datsun's got tag team momentum IMO.


Cherry Bomb vs. AAA Wrestler Miss Sara

Home talent stays strong.


Non Title: Andre Jones vs. Enygma

Enygma's the champ, yo!


Tyson Baine vs. Chris Caulfield

Baine's got scary momentum right now and will be too much for Caulfield.

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Mick Muscles vs. James Justice


Main Eventer over Tag Team Guy


Bruce The Giant vs. The Hillbillys


Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of a Hillbilly...make that two Hillbillys


Darryl Devine vs. Freddie Datsun


Datsun needs to stay stronger than Devine right now.


Cherry Bomb vs. AAA Wrestler Miss Sara


Cherry Bomb's challenging for the belt, so yeah this is gonna be a squash


Non Title: Andre Jones vs. Enygma


The World Champion isn't going to lose a match to a midcarder, non title or not


Tyson Baine vs. Chris Caulfield


Whilst a face is holding the belt, it's best to keep all the monster heels looking strong and a threat that they can take the belt away from Engyma at any time.

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