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SWF: No Fancy Titles

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The Supremes


Peter Michaels: "Hello and welcome to the first SWF Supreme TV of 2010. As always I'm Peter Michaels with my partners here at the both Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen."


Daune Fry: "Peter its great to have another new year here with you and Jerry in the booth and I can't wait to see what 2010 has in store for the SWF."


Jerry Eisen: "Me either Duane but we do know a few things as we are just a little under two weeks away from When Hell Freezes over and the line up is already stellar. Vengeance looks to remove the obstacle in his way of cleansing SWF, Steve Frehley. Christian Faith has promised to end the undefeated streak of Marat Khoklov and stop the giants reign of terror backstage. Brandon James will defend the SWF North American title against Joey Sexy. Remo will finally get his hands on the hero that has been thwarting his backstage rampages, Lobster Warrior. And lastly Jack Bruce gets his rematch as he goes up against my brother Eric...."




Eric Eisen's music hits and the the heir apparent of SWF heads to the ring with the SWF World Heavyweight title over his shoulder and a large paper bag in his hand. Eisen the younger steps into the ring and plays to the crowd as if their incredibly loud booking is actually cheers just for him. Eric paces the ring and hits the ring posts holding the belt aloft taunting the crowd with his ill-gotten gains. He grabs a mic from one of the roadies and settles in to the center of the ring with a smug smile of superiority on his face.


"Oh what a great new year it is, and it must be a great new year for all of you seeing as you have me as your SWF World Heavyweight title holder. Actually seeing as some of you have to call me the Supremacist, I'd say its actually a Supreme new year.


Now Supreme that's a great word. Highest in rank or authority; paramount; sovereign; chief. Of the highest quality, degree, character, importance. Greatest, utmost, or extreme. Last or final; ultimate. All of these definitions speak highly of me, they speak highly of this company and they speak high of the people who fit these descriptions.


So I'd been pondering about what I could do to help not only keep this company as the Supreme entity it is in the world of wrestling but also how I could make it grow. And I thought and I thought and finally and idea, a Supreme idea, came to me. What this company needs is a way to recognize those of us who meet the Supreme ideal. Now I know not everyone can be the total all around Supreme specimen like myself but some of the people in this company represent the ultimate ideal of Supremacy in individual aspects of life. Supreme intelligence, Supreme looks, Supreme skill, Supreme brutality, Supreme strength or even Supreme size.


So now you are wondering how I intend to go about on this Supreme undertaking. The answer is quite simple all I had to do is look back on the man who began this company and see where he had succeeded and where he had failed. I looked at my father's life work and made the determination he had the right idea but not the wherewithal to pull it off. So for all those who can live up to the Supreme ideal of this company you will be welcomed with open arms into the elite club the are The Suprema... now wait I have taken what is old and made it new again. This group is not my father's failure this group is The New Supremacists."


Eric lifts his arms outward and turns basking in the intensified booing the crowd gives and the announce team takes the time to comment.


Peter Michaels: Good god Richard Eisen once held this entire company in his greed little hands but using The Supremacists as his tool for domination.


Jerry Eisen: That's right fear gripped the entire locker room for the years that my father held sway.


Duane Fry: Happily I missed most of that era but I can imagine this might be worse.


While Michaels, Eisen and Frye talk about the past Eric takes off his sports jacket and then unbuttons his dress shirt. Upon removing his top layer of clothing a black T-Shirt with purple lettering is revealed. The words "The New Supremacists" adorn the from arced over a large coat of arms that include a lion resplendent in the upper right quarter and the SWF insignia in the lower left quarter. The back of the shirt says "Born to Rule." Eric then reaches into the brown paper bag and removes a large rolled up cloth which he begins to unfurl. Once its unrolled it is apparently a New Supremacists T-Shirt, a very large New Supremacists T-Shirt, which Eric drapes over the top rope.


Duane Fry: Purple has long since been the color of Royalty


Peter Michaels: Good lord look at the size of that shirt


Jerry Eisen: No... it can't be.


"Tonight I would also like to introduce to you the first member of The New Supremacists, the first specimen I have determined fits the idea that we strive for. Let it be known that the first member of the royal bloodline is"




Eric gestures to the entrance ramp and the music for Marat Khoklov hits. The giant comes from backstage with a limp body slung over his shoulder and makes his way to the ring. Even with the body Marat still manages to step over the top rope and he comes to stand face to face with Eric. Eisen smiles and nods his head and Marat drops the body unceremoniously on the mat in front of the leader of The New Supremacists. The camera finally gets a chance to focus on the face showing Christian Faith on the titantron for the world to see. Marat grabs the T-Shirt off the top rope and dons his new colors.




"Supreme size and Supreme strength all in one package. And Christian Faith he represents all that The New Supremacists stand against. He represents the past, he represents stagnation and most of all he represents failiure. But he's not the only one, the whole locker room should be aware those who stand against us will fall just like Faith has. Which leads me to the last thing I need to say here tonight. Seeing as how Marat has taken out his nemesis this monster has agreed to help me deal with mine. Tonight's main event will be Marat Khoklov versus Jack Bruce. So Jack you had better prepare yourself because we don't intend on leaving enough of you to make it to When Hell Freezes over."




Eisen and Kholov leave the ring and the camera pans in on Christian Faith. EMTs rush out from the back and Supreme TV goes to commercial as they try and get Faith out of the ring.


Rating: A


Money Can't Buy Everything




The commercial comes back with Eric Eisen leading Marat Khoklov down a hall backstage. When they turn a corner Rich Money is coming toward him with his arm in a sling. This is the first anyone has seen of Money since Jack Bruce destroyed him and he gets a pop from the crowd who seem pleased to see him. Eric tried to move past him, but Money puts himself between Eric and his desired path.


"Eric you and I need to talk."


"I don't have time for you Rich so I suggest you get out of my way."


"But we really need to..."


Annoyed Eric wavs his hand and Marat pushes infront of him and grabs Rich Money by the throat. The giant backs Money up against a wall and lifts the injured star up by his neck. Eisen walks past and then waves again and Khoklov drops money who is left chocking while Te New Supremacists walk down the hall.


Rating: B+


Giedroyc & Valiant over Roberts & DuBois




In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Giedroyc & Valiant defeated Roberts & DuBois in 12:06 when Jack Giedroyc defeated Enforcer Roberts by pinfall with a Crashing On.


Valiant show good chemistry with his manager Hanah who was at ring side with Giedroyc's manager Dawn the Cheerleader. Sadly, however, Dubois and Roberts showed no chemistry as partners which means their may be a change in the tag ranks soon.


Rating: C+


(NO) Turn To The Dark Side




Giedroyc and Valiant are on their way up the ramp when The Moral Majority step out even before their music signals the coming of the next match. Angry Gilmore has a mic and begins steps up to Jack.


Gilmore: "Look we've asked you politely and we've explained our position. You know that you have more in common with us then any of those uncivilized immoral dregs in the back, but so far you've refuse our invitations. So I'm putting it like this I'm giving you one last chance to join our cause or we're going to have to make you."


Squeeky McClean steps up into Valiant's face as the four stare at each other.


Giedroyc: "Just because we're all fairly clean cut and we all choose not to do drugs or overly curse doesn't mean we're the same as you. We have respect for the differences of our peers which is something that quite frankly makes us better than you. So for the last time no. Jack and Valiant continue their trek to the back and The Moral Majority makes their way to the ring obviously upset by the continued snubs of the SWF Tag Team Champions."


Rating: B+


The Moral Majority over The Amazing Bumfholes




In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, The Moral Majority defeated The Amazing Bumfholes in 11:33 when Angry Gilmore defeated Zimmy Bumfhole by pinfall after Squeaky McClean hit Zimmy with the ring bell while Gilmore had the ref distracted..


Rating: B-


Past Present




Joe Sexy is in the back with his protege Robbie Retro leaning agianst some of the equipment talking.


Sexy: "Look it's not that hard, you just need to be yourself."


Robbie fluffs his afro and pats his zootsuit


Sexy: "Ok maybe not too much of yourself. You just need to show them your interested and not pushy."


Retro nods his head and the sound of muffled talking can be heard. The camera pans back a bit and Dawn the Cheerleader and Hannah walk into the shot. Joe pokes Robbie in the ribs with his elbow and motions his head toward the girls.


Sexy: "Just follow my lead. Hey ladies saw the match with Giedroyc & Valiant, you certainly brightened up the ringside area quite a bit."


Hannah and Dawn laugh and smile at each other.


Sexy: "Look I'm not sure if you got anything going on with those boys but my friend here and I are headed out for a few drinks and we would be honored if you two gorgeous ladies would bright up our evening like you did the ring."


Hannah: "Well I don't know."


Retro: "I'm sure it'll be a groovy time."


Hannah and Dawn giggle at Robbie and Joe just shakes his head.


Sexy: "What's the worst that can happen... you have a bad time. If you're not having fun we'll take you back to your place and drop you off. But if you don't come you never know you could be missing out on a good time."


Hannah and Dawn whisper back and forth to each other and then turn to the boys.


Dawn: "Alright we'll go with you but if we don't like it straight home."


Sexy: "Of course ladies, if nothing I'm always a gentleman."


Joe Sexy takes Hanah's arm and Robbie Retro gets Dawn the Cheerleader's and the group wanders down the hall toward an exit.


Robbie: "Alright lets Boogie."


With that Robbie puts his finger in the sky light a Saturday Night Fever disco pose and the camera fades out to commercial.


Rating: C


It's No Biggz Thing




SWF Supreme TV comes back from commercial and Vengeance is in the back beating the holy hell out of two figures. It takes a moment for the camera to get a good view of the bloodied and battered faces that are Bart and Brett Biggz.


Jerry Eisen: "Good good what has vengeance done to those two boys."


Duane Frye: "It looks like another one of Vengeance's cleansings as he calls them."


Jerry Eisen: "Some one has to get in their and stop that."


As if on cue Steve Frehley rushes into the camera's view giving Vengeance a full on tackle.


Peter Michaels: "Thank god its Frehley, its Frehley."


Frehley and Vengeance brawl with each other laying it on with huge punches to the head and body of their opponents. After a minute or so the two tire out and with one more stunning blow Vengeance leaves Frehley reeling slightly but still standing. With Vengeance gone Steve helps the beaten Biggz Boyz up and walks them off screen


Rating: A


Brandon James over Robbie Retro




In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Brandon James defeated Robbie Retro in 6:04 by pinfall with a Big Money Move.


Rating: C-


Vengeance Is Upon Us




A video segment shows the history of Frehley and Vengeance's beef with each other. Starting with Vengeance's final big win over Christian Faith after which he tried to permanently end the SWF veteran's carrer. After that it had been a series of ominous threats toward Frehley and Frehley stopping numerous attempts of Vengeance to cleans the SWF. There first match at Christmas Clash ended in a draw and things have been heating up over the last two weeks in anticipation of a rematch.


Rating: B+


Checking on a Friend




Christian Faith is in the on site doctor's office when Jack Bruce walks into the room.


Bruce: "Christian, oh man dude how ya feeling?"


Faith: "I've been better Jack, been a lot better."


Bruce: "I was running late I wish there could have been something I could have done maybe stopped it if I'd gotten hear on time."


Faith: "Don't Sweat it man. There's nothing you could have done. Eric laid a trap and it was sprung perfectly. If nothing else that boys one smart cookie, much like his father. But the doc says I'll be alright, right now I'm more worried about you. You have to face Khoklov, tonight. He's already beaten everyone who's been put in his path including me at Christmas Clash."


Bruce: "And I'm pretty sure the giant isn't the only thing I have to worry about."


Faith: "If I could be there for you I would I hope you know that."


Bruce: "It's cool dude I know you would. I'll be OK I promise."


Rating: A*


Lobster Warrior over Runaway Train




In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Lobster Warrior defeated Runaway Train in 13:10 when Runaway Train was disqualified for attacking Lobster Warrior in the corner.


The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown.


Rating: B+


Mo' Money, Mo' Probelms




Rich Money is backstage looking for something. A look that can only mean he found that something crosses his face and he heads right toward Jack Bruce who is heading to the ring.


Money: Look Jack we need to talk."


Bruce: "I don't have time right now Rich. Go take your problems to some one else."


Jack focused on his match blows right past Rich and Money is left standing their with a look of intense disappointment on his face.


Rating: B+


Jack Bruce over Marat Khoklov




In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Jack Bruce defeated Marat Khoklov in 21:40 when Marat Khoklov was disqualified when Eric Eisen ran in and attacked Jack Bruce.


The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. The match suffered from a lack of psychology, it could have really used somebody with the knowledge of how to construct a proper flow.


Rating: B-


Here Comes The Calvary




Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov really lay in the boots to Jack Bruce as the ref tries to get them off. More refs come out to stop the violence but Marat sweeps them all out of the right leaving them lying on the floor at ringside. The intense beating lasts for a minute or so more before a slightly limping Christian Faith hits the ring with a baseball bat. Faith whacks Khoklov in the knee before heading toward Eric who hightails it out of the ring. Marat stands off and even manages to get the upper hand on the bat wielding Faith until a beat Jack Bruce gets back into the fray. The two men finally manage to force the Russian giant to flee the ring. As they leave the mic picks up the taunts from Eisen about Bruce and Faith getting what's coming to them before the show goes off the air.


Rating: A


Some of the angles used, definitely helped lift the show as a whole. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Overall Rating: B

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The More the Scarier




Supreme TV opens with Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov already in the ring. Eric is pacing back and forth while Marat stands their staring down the whole crowd, and winning.


Peter Michaels: Welcome to SWF Supreme TV ladies and gentleman and it appears we are going to hear some words from The New Supremacists to start things off.


Jerry Eisen: After last week my brother and his monster have really made an impact here in SWF and knowing him I'm pretty sure we're in for some more of the same.


Duane Fry: Guys there's only one thing I'm sure of and that, that we're probably going to see some new members of The New Supremacists tonight.


Peter Michaels: " I'm going to have to wholeheartedly agree with you there Duane.


Eric has given the crowd the prerequisite amount of time to boo him and the Russian monster and lifts the mic to orate to the fans.


Eric Eisen: "Last week Christian Faith and Jack Bruce got to see the power that is The New Supremacists first hand. What they haven't seen however is the FULL power of The New Supremacists. And why have they not seen our FULL power? Its because The New Supremacists are not complete. So tonight we work toward filling out this Supreme group by adding some more of the cream of the crop here in SWF.


Tonight's addition.... actually additions to The New Supremacists are one of the top pairs in the wrestling industry today. The represent Supreme animalistic fury and Supreme animal attraction. They are come to us as beauty and the beast and they come to us as winners. Tonight The New Supremacists extend an invitation to Emma Chase and her client, the SWF North American champion, Brandon James."




Eric Eisen begins to clap giving the new members of his group around of applause as Brandon James music comes across the PA system. Emma chase is the first to emerge from the backstage area followed by her client, James, and the two walk to the ring. Eisen graciously holds the ropes open for Emma who enters the ring and gives Eric a peck on the cheek. James enters next and shakes hands with Eric and stand behind Emma who grabs a mic of her own.


Emma Chase: "Thank you Eric, thank you so much for granting us the great opportunity to be a part of THE biggest movement in all of professional wrestling. Not that we had any doubt that were exactly the Supreme people that you were speaking of in your very eloquent address last week."


Eric Eisen: "beauty and Intelligence. Your ability continues to impress me Emma."


Emma Chase: "As does your. But really we're not here to mere pat ourselves on the back. We're here because there is a chance to be a part of something greater and to spread that greatness through the SWF. My client and I have always been pioneers and we look forward to moving forward with the Supreme initiative of The New Supremacists."


Eric Eisen: "I'm glad to hear that Emma because one of the first things on The New Supremacists agenda is to remove those things which block the path of our domination. In particular I am speaking of two individuals who did not learn their lesson after last week. Seeing as who this is my father's company I have moved ahead and made a match tonight. A match in which your client will play a large role. Tonight the giant and the man beast will take on and destroy Christian Faith and Jack Bruce. Tonight we will make sure that Faith and Bruce have nothing left in the tank for When Heel Freezes over."


Brand smirks and nods his head in anticipation while Marat cracks his knuckles with a sound that can even be heard over the booing of the crowd.


Emma Chase: "My client is eager to help you in this endeavor and tonights match will be the end of Faith and Bruce."


Eric, Emma, Brandon and Marat play a little to the crowd as they garner so more jeers before making their way out of the ring and up the ramp backstage.


Jerry Eisen: "Even I can't believe my brother and I always expect him to be the lowest of the low."


Duane Fry: "Christian Faith and Jack Bruce certainly have their work cut out for themselves. Tonight's match going to be a Barn-Stormer!"


Peter Michaels: "I'm not sure if they can win against those two monster, I'm just hoping they can survive."


Rating: A*


On Coming Train




A very short video package announces that the match of Gregory Black versus Runaway Train has been added to the card at SWF When Hell Freezes over.


Peter Michaels: "Black has certainly had is troubles as of late with Runaway Train."


Dunae Fry: Runaway Train is a monster by comparison, one can only wonder why Black accept this match."


Jerry Eisen: "He was being beaten by Train backstage constantly so he might as well take his chances in the ring where there are rules."


Rating: C+


Joe Sexy and Robbie Retro over Roberts & DuBois




In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Joe Sexy and Robbie Retro defeated Roberts & DuBois in 13:30 when Robbie Retro defeated Enforcer Roberts by pinfall with a Murder On The Dancefloor.


Rating: B-


Friendly Advice




Steve Frehley is sitting in the locker room preparing himself for a match taping up his hands and intently focusing on whatever his current thoughts are. A swishing sound can be heard of camera and then Lobster Warrior appears on the screen.


Lobster Warrior: "Fear not citizen Frehley for I Lobster Warrior will let no harm come to you tonight."


Steve Frehley: "Look here Lobby I didn't have any fear to begin with. Tonight we face two of the toughest competitors in the SWF, Remo and Vengeance."


Lobster Warrior: "I have been preparing myself in the Crustacean Castle far below the waves and I'm sure we will defeat those evil doers in this evenings conflict."


Steve Frehley shakes his head obviously getting a little frustrated with SWF's resident superhero.


Steve Frehley; "Look man I don't think you are taking this seriously enough/"


Lobster Warrior: "I'm not just taking this seriously, I'm taking it deadly seriously."


Steve Frehley: "Alright then, how about this let me offer you a little advice. I've been facing off against Remo on and off for years. He's become some what of an arch villain for me if you will."


Lobster Warrior: "Arch villain, I understand. Your advice would be much appreciated in my quest to defeat this villainous scum."


Steve Frehley: "Well Remo is a true monster and its not just his strength you have to match out for. Remo moves with a speed a lot of other brutes don't have. He is also as ferocious as a wild animal. So you have to be faster than him as well as smarter. He's got size on you so stay away from his hands and try taking him out at the knees."


Lobster Warrior: "Thank you citizen Frehley I will return to the Crustacean Castle to ponder these words and I will meet you back here for our match later tonight.


Rating: B+


Word In Edge Wise




Eric Eisen is in his office facing off against Jack Bruce in a battle of words.


Jack Bruce: "I don't care who you think you are or who your father is. You will not have the massive moron Khoklov at ring side for our match."


Eric Eisen: "I will do what I damn well please and nothing you can say or do will stop me."


Rich Money makes his way into the office his arm out of the sling he had been wearing last week.


Rich Money: "I really need to...."


Money is cut off as Jack continues the conversation with Eric.


Jack Bruce: "Your father may own the company but he doesn't control it. I'll go over his head to the board."


Rich Money: "Look I think I deserve..."


Eric Eisen: "The board what can they do. With no general manager for Supreme TV there wouldn't even be a way for them to enforce any rulings."


Rich: "You two have done nothing bu...."


Jack Bruce: "We'll see about that you miserable little deviant."


Eric Eisen: "At When Hell Freezes over you'll be finished so I don't think it really matters if you find some one to hear your whining."


Rich Money: "I want a chance at the..."


With that Jack Bruce storms out of the room, followed immediately by Eric Eisen. This leave Rich Money in mid sentence talking to know one. Money is obviously irate but there appears to be nothing he can do about it.


Rating: A


Tag Team Title Match




Another video package match announcement for a tag team title match between The Moral Majority and Giedroyc & Valiant.


Duane Fry: "It looks like negotiations have broken down with The Moral Majority and Giedroyc & Valiant.


Jerry Eisen: "Gilmore and McClean have been on a holier than thou tirade of late and I'm not sure they even deserve a title shot."


Peter Michaels: "It doesn't matter if they deserve it I suppose as they apparently have gotten one."


Duane Fry: "This will be a tough first defense for the tag team champions but if anyone can stand up to these bullies its certainly Giedroyc & Valiant."


Rating: C+


Runaway Train over Jungle Lord




In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Runaway Train dominated Jungle Lord in 5:42 by pinfall with a Train Wreck.


Rating: C-


Smells Like Team Spirit




Jack Bruce and Christian Faith are walking down the hall toward the ring for their tag team match.


Faith: "You good to go after last week."


Bruce: "Yeah how about you, I wasn't the only one who took a beat."


Faith: "I feel better than I have in a long time. We're going to go out there and nip this New Supremacists bull in the bud before it goes to far."


Bruce: "Were gonna go out there and rock Eisen and Khoklov like there's no tomorrow."


Faith: "Alright brother you and me a the big V."


Bruce: "You said it dude, you said it."


Rating: A


Jack Bruce and Christian Faith draw Marat Khoklov and Brandon James




In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Bruce and Faith drew with Khoklov and James in 22:08 when the match descended into chaos after Eric Eisen entered the ring and the ref lost control of everybody.


Marat Khoklov was really off his game tonight. The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown.


Rating: B


Something Wicked




The camera comes into focus in an ominously lit room somewhere in the building. From the shadows steps the form of SWF's resident angel of death, Vengeance.


Vengeance: "Steve Frehley you have stood in my way for the last time. My mission has been clear from the beginning, to remove all those who commit sin in the SWF. You have stopped me from getting my rightful vengeance time and again and that will just not stand. Standing in my way is standing in front of a force of nature. My mission is righteous and cannot be put aside or reasoned with.


Tonight Frehley I face you with a tag team partner and although our victory is assured this is not your ultimate end. I will save your complete destruction for When Hell Freezes Over, where I will have you alone in the ring. At When Hell Freezes over I will cause you the exquisite torturous pain that you deserve for siding with heretics and heathens. You will face the wrath of that which cannot be stopped and you will be sent to your final resting place.


Frehley at When Hell Freezes over you shall be cast asunder and your soul will be left to rot in the depths of hell where it belongs. Your name has found its way into the book of sorrows and vengeance shall be mine. So it is written, so it shall be."


The camera is still running but the lights in the room go out.


Vengeance: "Death comes to all this fate cannot be changed."


When the lights come back on Vengeance has vanished.


Rating: A


The Moral of the Story




The Moral Majority and Giedroyc & Valiant are in the back facing off against each other. Hannah and Dawn the Cheerleader stand near their respective clients.


Gilmore: You surround yourself with these whore it is no wonder you don't join with what is obviously our noble cause."


Giedroyc: "We don't join with you because what you are is obviously insane."


Valiant: "The fact that you would use that language around a lady just proves you are not what you say you are."


McClean: "I don't see a lady in the room to be worried about just two harlots."


Hannah and Dawn look taken aback by these attacks on their good name.


Giedroyc: "Look here you two you need to let it go and back off of us. You got your title shot so you can just leave."


Gilmore: "Its not just about the title shot Jack, its about something so meaningful as the SWF Tag Team titles being in the hands of people who can be a role model for our young viewers. Its about the titles being in the hands of Paragons of virtue not degenerates and their sluts."


Valiant: "Alright that's it I've had enough. We're leaving but rest assured in two days you two will be eating your words."


McClean: "That's right run away with your tails between your legs. Not only are you unclean and unworthy of being Tag Team champions, you are also cowards."


Giedroyc & Valiant take the high road and ignore the taunts of The Moral Majority as they usher their valets down the hall and away from the insults being hurled at them.


Rating: B


Vengeance and Remo over Steve Frehley and Lobster Warrior




In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Vengeance and Remo defeated Frehley and Warrior in 23:15 when Vengeance defeated Lobster Warrior by pinfall with a Skull Krusher.


Steve Frehley and Lobster Warrior have absolutely zero chemistry as partners. The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown.


Rating: B+


This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Overall Rating: B+

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Now this is my kind of diary, nice short match write-ups and long well written promos!


I do have to say that I am a little surprised that you are doing an SWF diary. I thought you would do a CZCW or ACPW diary. But like I said I am glad you are doing SWF because this has been good thus far.


One quick question, where is Marc Speed? And has he switched styles yet?:D

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Vengeance vs Steve Frehley



Runaway Train vs Gregory Black



The Moral Majority vs Giedroyc & Valiant

For the SWF Tag Team titles




Marat Khoklov vs Christian Faith



Brandon James vs Joe Sexy

For the SWF North American title




Eric Eisen vs Jack Bruce

For the SWF World Heavyweight title




Remo vs Lobster Warrior




Vengeance vs Steve Frehley

Runaway Train vs Gregory Black

The Moral Majority vs Giedroyc & Valiant

For the SWF Tag Team titles

Marat Khoklov vs Christian Faith

Brandon James vs Joe Sexy

For the SWF North American title

Eric Eisen vs Jack Bruce

For the SWF World Heavyweight title

Remo vs Lobster Warrior

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Now this is my kind of diary, nice short match write-ups and long well written promos!


I do have to say that I am a little surprised that you are doing an SWF diary. I thought you would do a CZCW or ACPW diary. But like I said I am glad you are doing SWF because this has been good thus far.


One quick question, where is Marc Speed? And has he switched styles yet?:D


Yeah I started an ACPW diary when I first got the game but my computer crashed and I couldn't continue. I had a great CZCW that was six years in and I was gonna start write-ups but my laptop got stolen so that's gone too.


Truth is I've always sucked at Pop based feds but I really wanted to give one another go. I've been having The New Supremacists story idea floating around my head since 2008 and with the changes in SWF it all became so clear. Then finally Eisen-Verse's SWF pushed me over the edge. I'm finished January and February in game and I'm doing quite well so I started the write ups once I knew I'd continue with the game.


Oh and Marc Speed is in RIPW along with a ton of other guys I wanted to grab onto for when growth and possibly a brand split happened. But no he hasn't changed styles yet.

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Oh and Marc Speed is in RIPW along with a ton of other guys I wanted to grab onto for when growth and possibly a brand split happened. But no he hasn't changed styles yet.


Cool, I never sign Marc when I play as the SWF even though he is one of my favorites. However, he is always the first person I sign when I play as TCW.


Vengeance vs Steve Frehley


Runaway Train vs Gregory Black


The Moral Majority vs Giedroyc & Valiant

For the SWF Tag Team titles


Marat Khoklov vs Christian Faith


Brandon James vs Joe Sexy

For the SWF North American title


I know it will not happen but I like Joe Sexy.


Eric Eisen vs Jack Bruce

For the SWF World Heavyweight title


Remo vs Lobster Warrior

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Vengeance vs Steve Frehley

Although I haven't looked in depth yet, Frehley seems to have fallen to Jobber to the main event status


Runaway Train vs Gregory Black

Train is on his way down, Black is on his way up


The Moral Majority vs Giedroyc & Valiant

For the SWF Tag Team titles


Marat Khoklov vs Christian Faith

Dq loss, with beatdown following


Brandon James vs Joe Sexy

For the SWF North American title

James is a future main eventer, so he needs to stay strong and Sexy is midcard jobber


Eric Eisen vs Jack Bruce

For the SWF World Heavyweight title

Eisen should hold this for the first few months at least


Remo vs Lobster Warrior

Remo is another one on the rise.


No Rich Money?

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No Rich Money?


There are plans for Money but the first episode of 2010 he had his arm in a sling and even by the second episode neither Bruce nor Eisen want anything to do with him.


Working on the write up for the show now. Gonna try and make the PPV match a little more in-depth but not to long.

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Heaven And Hell




A recap video for the first match of the night shows the first confrontation between Frehley and Vengeance at the Supreme TV after Break Like the wind. Frehley is trying to get out of Vengeance why he tried to finish off Christian Faith, permanently at the PPV. Vengeance's answer was a resounding beat down of Frehley. It moves on to show Vengeance attacking different members of the SWF locker room but each time Frehley shows up to stop the attacks. A looped cut of Frehley asking "Why?" plays for a few seconds and then the match and Christmas Clash where both men were counted out as the continued a brawl that ended out the show.


The second have are the segments after Christmas Clash starting with Frehley's request for a rematch and Vengeance's agreement swearing to end him once and for all. Frehley making the save for both The Amazing Bumfholes and The Biggz Boyz and then tag team match on the last Supreme TV before the show where Vengeance motions to Frehley that this is what will happen to him as he gives Lobster Warrior the Skull Crusher. The Skull Crusher is shown over and over again as the last words in Vengeance's final promo before the PPV are played on loop as well "Death comes to all this fate cannot be changed."


Ana Garcia: "Vengeance has really got an air of fear around him that permeats the entire locker room area. I know he scares the bejesus out of me."


Peter Michaels: "Me too Ana. And welcome ladies and gentlemen to When Hell Freezes Over and out opening match where one of the opponents is quite literally from hell."


Duane Fry: "Frehley has gone toe to toe with some of the toughest men in the business. His battles against Remo are almost the stuff of legends but this time he faces an opponent not of this world."


Peter Michaels: "Lets hope for his sake the Frehley can at the very least walk away from this match."


Rating: B+


Vengeance over Steve Frehley




In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Vengeance defeated Steve Frehley in 22:11 by pinfall with a Skull Krusher.


The match suffered because of the lack of selling on display. The match suffered from a lack of psychology, it could have really used somebody with the knowledge of how to construct a proper flow.


This match was highly disappointing two Main Event guys in an A storyline one with A overness and one with B+ and the lack of psychology and lack of selling tanked the match all the way down to C+. Or maybe it was following the great recap of their previous fights but this match just did not live up to expectations.


Rating: C+


Gregory Black over Runaway Train




In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Gregory Black defeated Runaway Train in 12:23 by disqualification because an enraged Train would not stop his assault on a prone Black hanging on for dear life to the bottom rope. Black put up a good fight when Train was thinking about what he was doing but once the big man snapped and instinct took over Black began to take a beat, sadly instinct doesn't understand rules and the beaen up black takes the win.


A surprise great match. Apparently Train can pull out some good solid matches with a half way decent opponent. With his match against Lobster Warrior pulling a B i would have figured Black's lower skill level would have pulled a lower grade.


Rating: B


Giedroyc & Valiant over The Moral Majority





In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Giedroyc & Valiant defeated The Moral Majority in 13:28 when Jack Giedroyc defeated Squeeky McClean by pinfall with a Crashing On. Giedroyc & Valiant make defense number 1 of their SWF World Tag Team titles.


The tag team champs put on a match equal to what the main events have been putting on as of late, although The Moral Majority are two top opponents with both in ring skill and the ability to work a crowd.


Rating: B


Storm Before The Storm





Jack Bruce and Christian Faith are in the back having a few words about both of their up coming matches that evening that the mic only barely picks up.The camera pans out a bit and all of a sudden Brandon James and Marat Khoklov are all over Faith and Bruce who never saw the attack coming. Eric Eisen stands to the side directing traffic while Emma Chase looks sternly, but attractively, at the proceedings. Marat continues to work Christian over on one side of the screen while Brandon holds Jack so Eric can get in his face.


Eric Eisen: "I said you'd never make it to When Hell Freezes Over, at least not in one piece. You face me tonight but if you can drag yourself down to the ring. And if you manage to make it there to face you'll never make it out."


Eric proceeds to rain down blows on Jacks head and chest.


Eric Eisen: "The New Supremacists are the real power here in SWF and you are not so Supreme Jack. You are just a pretender trying to fake it for the fans who don't even care about you."


Eric gives Jack one more boot to the gut and then Brandon James continues his assault. Some refs come out and try and get it to stop but Chase and Eisen hold them off long enough for Khoklov to give Faith the Russian Legend Power Bomb on to some debris and then James gives the Brandon Bomb Drop to Bruce right on top of Faith.


After the destruction they caused The New Supremacists brush themselves off and straighten out their clothes while the refs tend to the two injured men they left behind.


Rating: A*


Monsters In The Closet




The story of Christian Faith and his current nemesis Marat Khoklov begins with the return of Faith after his beating by Vengeance. Faith had been out two weeks and the video shows the first thing that happened to him when he entered the building the first December Supreme TV Marat Khoklov attacked him without warning. The video then cuts to Faith calling out Khoklov later that night to ask him why and the Russian monster just attacks him again.


The video jumps to Christmas Clash and Faith's promo before his first match with Khoklov where he promises to be the one to put an end to the giants winning streak and prove he is not unstoppable. The proof however is not in the pudding as it cuts to the end of the match where Christian eats the Moscow Lariat which is show a few times for emphasis.


The video shows the next two attacks on Faith which happen on the consecutive shows after Christmas Clash and then the formation of the New Supremacists and Faith being dumped in front of Eric Eisen as a bloody sacrifice to start the new stables reign of terror in SWF. The of the vignette shows the tag team match between the teams of Bruce & Faith and James & Khoklov and the chaos as all four men beat the holy hell out of each other.


Ana Garcia: "Christian Faith has been on the receiving end of a lot of punishment from Marat Khoklov and after the beat he received just moments ago I wonder if he'll even be able to have this match against the monster."


Peter Michaels: "I've known Christian Faith a long time Ana and unless the doctors strap him to a table there is nothing that'll keep that man from this ring."


Ana Garcia: "Are you sure that's wise?"


Peter Michaels: "Wise or not that's the kind of man Faith is."


Duane Fry: "And that never say die attitude is why Faith is a four time SWF World Heavyweight Champion. If anyone can put this monster away it's Christian Faith."


Rating: B+


Marat Khoklov over Christian Faith




In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Marat Khoklov defeated Christian Faith in 22:26 by pinfall with a Moscow Lariat following interference from Eric Eisen. Apparently even though Faith could barely make it to the ring after the attack just prior to the bout Eisen needed to interfere for Khoklov to get the win.




The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. I was hoping for better here as well, which is apparently going to be my standard reaction to main event level matches. A storyline, both workers A* momentum, Marat A* across the board and Faith A across the board. Faith's psychology managed to carry the monster's lack there of but he couldn't hide the lack of selling. All in all still not a bad match but I was hoping for better.


Rating: B


From Russian With Love




After the match is over Eric Eisen tells Marat Khoklov that Christian Faith isn't finished. With Eric directing traffic Marat lays heavy into Christian who didn't seem to be 100% going into the match and definitely wasn't 100% coming out of it. The monstrous Russian proceeds to beat the holy hell out of Faith throwing him from pillar to pillar as the wind gets knocked from his body every time he hits a ring post.


As the beating continues inside officials start to come from the back but Eric heads them off at the ramp. You can hear him yelling at them to get back and he threatens to fire anyone who moves closer. The refs all seem sufficiently taken aback by this threat and confer amongst themselves as to what they should do as the beating continues.


Faith takes a few minutes of just general pounding before the final and most brutal punishment begins. After being whipped into the ropes Faith takes another Moscow Lariat, getting turned inside out before hitting the floor. Khoklov lifts the prone body of Faith and squeezes him so tight in the Russian Giant Bear Hug that the legend's eyes almost pop out of his head. Finally Faith gets his second Russian Legend Power Bomb of the night and the camera watches his eyes roll up into the back of his head.


Eric signals for Marat that its time to go and the giant comes over the top rope and follows the leader of The New Supremacists away from ringside. The frightened officials wait for Eisen and Khoklov to disappear backstage before heading over to Faith to check on him. An EMT is quickly summoned and Faith is taken out of the ring on a stretcher with his neck locked into place.


Peter Michaels: "I have no words. No words."


Duane Fry: "On a night that has seen a lot of brutality already that has to be the worst beating I've seen."


Ana Garcia: "I tried not to watch, I tried. My heart goes out to Christian Faith's family."


Peter Michaels: "No words."


Rating: A*


Brandon James over Joe Sexy





In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Brandon James defeated Joe Sexy in 13:40 by pinfall with a Big Money Move following Emma Chase getting on the ring apron and flirting with the ref while James hit Sexy in the head with the North American title. Brandon James makes defense number 1 of his SWF North American title.


Joe Sexy seemed off his game tonight. There were times when there was a definite lack of psychology on display, and the match had a tendency to drift a little. Lack of psychology, lower momentum for the workers and the story, B and B- overness and Sexy of his game and still pulling in ratings equal to those of our main event stars.


Rating: B






We head backstage where Lobster Warrior is wandering the back halls waving to crew members and other wrestlers he passes. He walks past a door to the parking structure when the door opens and a large arm comes out and grabs him pulling him into the door. The camera just manages to make it inside the stairwell before the door closes and it catch Remo beginning to lay heavy punches into Lobster Warrior.


Warrior takes a few hits to the stomach and then to the head before going down on the floor. Remo leans his hands up against the wall to help steady himself as he puts the boots to Lobby really giving him a work over. The camera turns from looking down at Lobster Warrior to looking up into Remo's face. Remo's lips are turned up into a snarl, his nostrils flare and his eyes seem to be glazed over although they light up alittle with sadistic pleasure as each blow is landed.


The camera pans back out to get both men in the shot again, moving up the stairs to get a downward angle. We can see blood coming from Lobster Warrior's nose and mouth and Remo stops kicking the downed opponent. Remo lifts Warrior up backs up with him and then runs full force into the wall, crushing the superhero between himself and the concrete. He does this a few more times until Lobby goes limp in his hands.


It looks for a minute as if Remo with his opponent but that turns out not to be the case. Remo moves Warrior to the stairs leading down and trhows him down the flight of steps. Lobster Warrior appears broken in a heap on the landing below, while Remo just smiles. Remo turns and heads out of the stairwell and the camera comes around to look down on Lobster Warrior.


Duane Fry: "Good lord look at the beating that Lobster Warrior took."


Ana Garcia: "I can't watch tell me when its over, I just can't look at what's happened it's horrible"


Peter Michaels: "I don't even know it Lobster Warrior is going to make it to tonight's main event."


Duane Fry: "Me either Peter, me either. Some one get some help in there."


Rating: A


Build Up Steam




The video for the Eric Eisen versus Jack Bruce match recaps the entire Man Under Pressure storyline to date. All the veiled threats of the hidden mastermind. Matches against All the major heel stars in an effort to eat away at Bruce's resolve. The final battles against Rich Money before Jack Bruce put him out of commission. And finally the the reveal of Eric Eisen as Jack Bruce's tormentor and Eric standing over Jack at Christmas Clash with the title in his hands taunting the barely conscious superstar.


The video continues with Jack demanding his rematch and getting it for When Hell Freezes Over, which is exactly what Eric Eisen says will happen before Jack gets the title back. The we go through the formation of The New Supremacists as well as the win over Marat Khoklov and the beating that came after it and the tag team draw with the final clip being the uncontrolled brawl at the end of the match


Rating: A


Eric Eisen over Jack Bruce

For the SWF World Heavyweight title





In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Eric Eisen defeated Jack Bruce in 22:39 by pinfall with The Supremacy following interference from Marat Khoklov. Eric Eisen makes defence number 1 of his SWF World Heavyweight title.




The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. The match suffered from a lack of psychology, it could have really used somebody with the knowledge of how to construct a proper flow. What have we learned from main event matches, yes disappointment. A* Momentum for the story and both workers and A* overness for both workers. Apparently the lack of selling and psychology was so bad that the match was severely penalized.


Rating: B


Remo over Lobster Warrior




In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Remo defeated Lobster Warrior in 24:15 by pinfall with The Destroyer. The superhero just couldn't get one over on the bastion of rage that is Remo, although the beating he took earlier in the show may have slowed him a little.


The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. There were times when there was a definite lack of psychology on display, and the match had a tendency to drift a little. Lobster Warrior can take a B- overness, C+ momentum Runaway Train to a B match but can only to the same with a B+ overness, B+ momentum Remo, seems kind of sad doesn't it. Oh well more disappointment I guess I'll learn to live with it


Rating: B


Some of the angles used definitely helped lift the show as a whole. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our populairty.


Overall Rating: B+

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Peter Michaels: "Hello folks and welcome to Supreme TV and we're juct coming off the heels of When Hell Freezes Over and what a monstrous show that was."


Duane Fry: "Good lord Peter we saw so much brutal violence and I'm not even talking about the matches. Remo threw Lobster Warrior down a flight of stairs and Christian Faith was turned inside out as he took every finihser Marat Khoklov had to offer."


Jerry Eisen: "Its been five days and all the ring warriors have had time to rest up. I hear that Lobster Warrior has arrived and I know for a fact that Christian Faith is in the main event tonight."


Duane Fry: "Better men than I Jerry, I'm not even sure I could be standing five days after one of those beatings."


Peter Michaels: "That's why you're not a wrestler Duane."


Duane Fry: "No sir. Much safer here at the announce both with you two."


Money Can't Buy Me Love




Rich Money's entrance music plays and the former Eric Eisen pawn comes down to the ring dressed in his ring gear. He paces back and forth nervously for a moment and then reaches out of the ring for a mic.


Rich Money: "So if you hadn't noticed I was left off of the Pay Per View last night. I don't just mean I didn't have a match I mean I was totally left off the show. If I hadn't been able to get some tickets for it on the day of the show I would have had to watch at home. Now I know I'm going off of he injuries inflicted on me by Jack Bruce, but that's no reason not to have me around. An interview, maybe in the announce both or a special quest referee. But nope, no match, no segments, no Rich Money.


Well then I'm a little irritated. All I wanted to do was get back into things here in SWF. I tried to talk to Eric and he blew me off. Well actually what he did was sick his goon Khoklov on me. Then I tried to talk to Jack and I wasa basically told I wasn't worth his time. Eric's mind was somewhere else and Jack was on his way to a match so as much as I think what they did was rude and unprofessional I could let it slide... if not for the next week. I tried to talk to them both at the same time and not only did neither of them want anything to do with me, they ignored me, pretended like I didn't even exist."


Rich Money appears to be getting more and more agitated as he continues talking. He paces back and forth up and down the ring, leaning over the ropes as if to talk to individual portions of the crowd.


"Now I know I may not have been the most popular person with you guys out there or back in the locker room but I'm really not that bad. I mean look at me I go used by Eric just like half the other guys back there. I took my beating from Jack and I hold no ill will against him for that, I probably deserved it. But what I don't deserve is being tossed aside like trash. I've been to the top of this company and at the very least I deserve matches and I'd like a little piece of Eric too for what got done to me.


So here's the deal. I'm calling both of you out. Eric. Jack. The least you can do is come out here and face me like men. I'm not leaving this ring til I get some satisfaction."


Rich Money stands there watching the titantron and the entrance ramp waiting for some one to emerge. Half a minute goes by and nothing happens and the look on Money's face gets angrier and angrier.


Peter Michaels: "Ladies and gentleman we have to go to commercial we'll be right back with more Supreme TV."


The camera fades out with lone Rich Money still in the ring.


Peter Michaels: "We're back folks and during he break security came and removed Rich Money from the ring. And he wasn't happy about it."


Replay video of Rich Money being escorted from the ring shows him arguing and physically fighting against the security guards. After being pushed out of the ring Money gives up and goes with the flow walking up the ramp. He doesn't have a mic anymore but the camera mic pics him yelling backstage at Jack Bruce and Eric Eisen calling the cowards.


Duane Fry: "Ya know if I were him I'd be upset too."


Jerry Eisen: "Be that as it may we have a show to put on and a tag team match up next."


Peter Michaels: "Personally I hope he finds what he was looking for out here."


Duane Fry: "Me too."


Rating: B+


The Moral Majority over The Biggz Boyz




In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Moral Majority defeated The Biggz Boyz in 12:19 when Angry Gilmore defeated Brett Biggz by pinfall with an Anger Management.


Not quite a squash match but a little something to show The Moral Majority can get wins. In General Jessie did a good job at ringside but she doesn't interact well with Brett Biggz.


Rating: C+


Cheating A Cheat




The Moral Majority don't take their win graciously stomping Brett and Bart Biggz out of the ring to be helped up the ramp by Jessie. Gilmore heads toward the announce table side of the ring and motions for a microphone which is brought to him by one of the sound crew.


Gilmore: "And another pair of degenerates is sent packing by our superior moral fiber. But that's not what I want to talk about here tonight, what I want to talk about his how we were robbed last Thursday. Cheated out of our rightful reign as SWF Tag Team champions. Bring up the tape, bring up the tape."


A tape of the match is shown and it starts where the ref is making Angry Gilmore get out of the ring as he's saying he didn't see a tag. What the tape doesn't show is that in fact the tag did not happen and Angry Gilmore was trying to cheat his way into the ring to take the place of his tiring partner. The tape skips ahead less then a minute to the ending where Squeeky McClean gets hit with the Crashing On and is pinned by Jack Giedroyc as Valiant shoots across the ring to stop Angry Gilmore from breaking up the pin.


Gilmore: "Twice, twice we were cheated by Giedroyc & Valiant. I should have been the legal man and thus never would have been caught up in the Crashing On and even with the blind ref Valiant should not have been allowed in the ring and the pin would have been broken."


Squeeky McClean takes the mic from Gilmore to say his piece.


McClean: "Originally we thought you stood for the same things we did. We appluaded your no drinking and anti drugs stances. We even wanted you to join with us to show the world that a strong unified front of porper morals can exist in this land of decaying values. But after witnessing this after seeing what you really stand for. After watching you willfully take the win when you know we were cheated, how could we ever want you to be apart of something so pure as The Moral Majority."


Gilmore: "That being said what we want is a rematch. A chance to prove we can take you when you don't cheat to win. And if you don't give it to us we're going to go above your heads to a higher power that knows about fair play and force you to give us what we so rightfully deserve."


Rating: B


Heroes Stick Together


Jerry Eisen: "I'm getting reports that something is going on backstage."


Duane Fry: "Hold on here comes the video feed."




Parking lot area and Remo is going ballistic. He reaches behind a car and grabs something and then its seen to be the limp body of The Masked Patriot. Remo continues to throw around the much smaller worker, on top of cars, against walls and then through a door into the backstage area. Remo tosses The Masked Patriot over a large group of boxes and out of view. A swishing noises is heard and Remo moves around the boxes to get at his prey only to find some one standing between him and his target.


Duane Fry: "Its Lobster Warrior, Lobster Warrior. The man Remo beat with in an inch of his life and then defeated in the ring at the main event of When Hell Freezes Over."




Lobster Warrior leaps into action and begins to pummel the momentarily distracted Remo, knocking the big man off balance and pushing him away from The Masked Patriot. The battle is pitch with Remo getting more enraged as Lobster Warrior peppers him not only with shots but with stereotypical Superhero banter which includes more than a handful of bad puns. Back and forth the fight rages for a few minutes before Remo realizes that today he will not be taking the win and pushes Lobster Warrior to the floor. Before Warrior can right himself up, Remo has left the area.


Lobster Warrior makes his way back over to The Masked Patriot.


Warrior: "Fear not fellow masked avenger I have run off the villain and you are safe. I will stay with you untill help arrives to amke sure the fiendish destroy does not return."


The camera fades out with Lobster Warrior at The Masked Patriots side cradling the head of the prone victim.


Rating: B+


Giedroyc & Valiant over The Samoan Wildboyz




In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Giedroyc & Valiant defeated The Samoan Wildboyz in 12:28 when Valiant defeated Kid Toma by pinfall with a V-Split.


Valiant takes the win this time for his team and as has been the case in every match prior Hannah at ringside has been good for Valaint as the two play off each other well.


Rating: B-


Clash Of The Titans




Supreme TV returns to air with a wild brawl going on backstage. Vengeance is really going after Steve Frehley who, being no slouch, is putting up one hell of a fight. The two men are fighting back and forth knocking over boxes of equipment and practically mowing over some of the backstage staff.


Peter Michaels: "It loooks like Vengeacne is trying to finish off what he started at Christmas Clash."


Jerey Eise: "I think Vengeacne expected his win at When Hell Freezes Over to be the end of Steve Frehley."


Peter Michaels: "It takes a little more than a loss to stopp The Dark Destroyer."


Duane: "I think you mean it takes a lot more Peter."


Peter Michaels: "Too true. He what's this looks like their trying to break it up."




The tag team champions Jack Giedroyc and Valaint get into the mix trying to separate the two monster and are quickly joined by Gregory Black. Not to be out done by their current nemesis The Moral Majority come on board too, although they're doing more to pull Frehley from Vengeance then to stop the angel of death from hitting Frehley. Finally an oddly composed Runaway Train comes in and pushes both men apart and stares down Gregory Black.




The scene comes down a bit and the Heel walk off with Vengeance while the faces talk to Frehley out of the cameras hearing but with obvious tones of concern.


Rating: A


Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov over The Amazing Bumfholes




In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Eisen and Khoklov defeated The Amazing Bumfholes in 22:19 when Eric Eisen defeated Randy Bumfhole by pinfall with The Supremacy.


The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. There were times when there was a definite lack of psychology on display, and the match had a tendency to drift a little. The Amazing Bumfholes may not have one this match but they proved they could stand toe to toe with the most powerful stable and the largest man in the SWF.


Rating: B


The Search Is On




After their win Eisen calls down the rest of The New Supremacists, while he and Khoklov wait around in the ring. Emma Chase and Brandon James make their way to the ring and fall in behind their leader.


Eisen: "The New Supremacists have the SWF World Heavyweight title and we have the SWF North American title but what we don't have are the SWF Tag Team titles. The problem is that the current SWF Tag Team champions are not Supreme. Jack Giedroyc and Valiant just don't fit what we are trying to accomplish here so we will not be asking them to join."


Peter Michaels: "Not that they'd have anything to do with The NEw Supremacists anyway."


Eisen: "So The New Supremacists are going to be looking for a tag team to fill the void within our group. A duo that represents the Supremacy that the rest of us already embody. We're going to be watching very closely to see if there is any pair out their who we think can keep up with what we already have going here."


Chase: "Too right Eric, too right we're going to obviously be looking for talent, but we're also going to be looking for cunning. The team we are looking for will have to know how to do what it takes to win. I'm sure most of you in the locker room are looking at yourselves and saying, 'that's me' but it isn't that simple. There is also a certain... a certain x factor that one some one as enlightened as Eric or myself can see. So don't go patting yourselves on the back just yet."


Eisen: "And always remeber we'll be watching."


The New Supremacists leave the ring to a chorus fo boos, but their haughty attitude just basks in the hatred that the fans have for them.


Rating: A


Nothing To Lose But The Tag Team Titles




A short video package shows that The Moral Majority will be taking on Giedroyc & Valiant at nothing to lose.


Duane Fry: "Apparently Giedroyc & Valiant took no time in agreeing to the rematch with The Moral Majority."


Peter Michaels: "I had little doubt they would."


Duane Fry: "I'm sure Giedroyc and Valiant don't like having thier name dragged through the mud by the likes of McCleanand Gilmore."


Jerry: "I think the fans probably saw though what those two were saying."


Rating: C+


Jack Bruce and Christian Faith over Roberts & Huntington




In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Bruce and Faith defeated Roberts & Huntington in 22:09 when Jack Bruce defeated Paul Huntington by pinfall with a New York Minute.


The experiment of Enforcer Roberts and Marc DuBois is apparently over as the team had no chemistry but Roberts & Huntington fight the good fight and put Jack Bruce and Christian faith over in one hell of a match.


Rating: A


Keeping The Faith


Jack Bruce is in the ring with Christian Faith still by his side. Jack calls for a mic and faces the backstage area.




Bruce: "Eric you weaselly little bastard, get your ass out here. You still have to cheat to win and I demand another rematch for the SWF World Heavyweight title. Come on kid get out here and give me another shot, a clean shot with none of your goons around."


Jack Bruce paces the ring and Christian Faith tries to calm him. A few moments pass before The New Supremacists music hits and the whole gang makes its way out on to the stage. jack leans over the ring and start yelling up at Eric.




Eisen: "Jack, Jack, Jack. Jack, Jack. You don't get to dictate what goes on around here.There is a board and a proper way to go about this. The only one who gets to make matches around here is me and that's because my father is chair of the board with controlling interest in the company. But go ahead keep whining it just proves my point that you lack what it takes be be the Supreme being here in SWF."


Bruce: "Shut your mouth Eric and just give me the title shot. The only reason you one ws because your mutant giant over the interfered in the match."


Eric looks up at Marat and pats the side of his arm.


Eisen: "Jack I think you hurt his feelings and that's not nice, I'm certainly not going to give you a title shot now. That was totally uncalled for and certainly not the behavior I expect from a top caliber performer."


Emma Chase leans into Eric Eisen and whispers something in his ear.


Eisen: "You know what that's an excellent idea. Oh Jack I have a proposition for you. I won't be giving you a rematch we can talk about that later, but since you've hurt Marat's feelings and you seem to do so well with Mr. Faith here tonight at Nothing to Lose there will be a tag match. You and Christian Faith versus Marat Khoklov and myself. What do you say?"


Jack Bruce talks with Christian Faith out of the ear shot of the mic although its obviously asking if he'll do the match. They talk for a few moments and the Christian Faith grabs the mic.


Faith: "Alright Eric. I've been putting Eisens in their place for years. I shut down your father and now I'm going to shut you down. Nothing to Lose tag team match The New Supremacists versus Bruce and Faith. And this is the end of your little experiment."


Faith and Bruce are leaning over the rope yelling up to The New Supremacists while Eisen just stand there with his holier than thou smirk as the camera fades out ending the show.


Rating: A*


This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Overall Rating: A


Nothing To Lose

Christian Faith and Jack Bruce vs Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov

Giedroyc & Valiant © vs The Moral Majority

For the SWF Tag Team Titles

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Must say, I am liking this so far, Apupunchau. I appreciate the straight-forward approach.


Thanks Bigpapa. There are a few reasons for the just shows straight-forward approach not the least of which being there are already a lot of folks who do certain things better. I always like Eisen-Verse's highlights and backstage views of what's going on. And D-Mack gives one of the best reviews of what's going on in the C-Verse.


But there are two main reasons why I really went minimalist. The first is I wanted to stay Kayfabe and not give away all the backstage goings on. Let people see the show for just the show. And second doing all the in between stuff can be distracting to me. Its far more to write and I'm likely to get burned out quicker. I'm only on the fifth show and I'm having a harder time writing the promos then the first four shows.


Speaking of which three segments to go and then the next episode of Supreme TV will be up.

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Thanks Bigpapa. There are a few reasons for the just shows straight-forward approach not the least of which being there are already a lot of folks who do certain things better. I always like Eisen-Verse's highlights and backstage views of what's going on. And D-Mack gives one of the best reviews of what's going on in the C-Verse.


But there are two main reasons why I really went minimalist. The first is I wanted to stay Kayfabe and not give away all the backstage goings on. Let people see the show for just the show. And second doing all the in between stuff can be distracting to me. Its far more to write and I'm likely to get burned out quicker. I'm only on the fifth show and I'm having a harder time writing the promos then the first four shows.


Speaking of which three segments to go and then the next episode of Supreme TV will be up.


Thanks for the mention, and yeah the task of writing it up is one of the things that has really discouraged me from attempting to do a diary on one of the bigger promotions. Just too many people to try and do justice to for me in the time that I want to actually have to spend writing ( especially as I expand and evolve as a writer over the course of my diaries.) Even in CGC, the largest company I have done to date, there were probably several people and teams that I really didn't do anything with and probably should have. Overall it just seems easier for me to start small and then build up as I get ideas for people and storylines. But if I did do a National level promotion diary, it would probably be on a minimalist approach as well, otherwise it would take me forever to get it written up, and get the story moving along! :D But keep up the good work, and I will be following along. :)

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Thanks Bigpapa. There are a few reasons for the just shows straight-forward approach not the least of which being there are already a lot of folks who do certain things better. I always like Eisen-Verse's highlights and backstage views of what's going on. And D-Mack gives one of the best reviews of what's going on in the C-Verse.


But there are two main reasons why I really went minimalist. The first is I wanted to stay Kayfabe and not give away all the backstage goings on. Let people see the show for just the show. And second doing all the in between stuff can be distracting to me. Its far more to write and I'm likely to get burned out quicker. I'm only on the fifth show and I'm having a harder time writing the promos then the first four shows.


Speaking of which three segments to go and then the next episode of Supreme TV will be up.


Well-written and interesting backstage segments can add an interesting layer to a diary, but they are not necessary. The straight-kayfabe approach is pretty cool. I honestly like different writers taking different approaches - it gets boring if everyone is doing the same thing with the same format.


As for burning out, not a fun possibility. Unless you are the kind of writer who works best with a set schedule and continual deadlines, then my advice (which is unsolicited, so take it or leave it, LOL) is to not push yourself too hard. This kind of project should be fun (I believe, at least) and putting continual pressure on yourself to produce can start to take that away. As readers, I think we all love to see regular new shows, but not at the expense of the project as a whole.

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Head In The Game


Peter Michaels: "Welcome to Supreme TV. As always I'm Peter Michaels, along with Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen and tonight ahve we got a show for you. Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Lobster Warrior and Steve Frehley take on The Moral Majority and Roberts & Huntington."


Jerry Eisen: "That's right Peter four of the top men in SWF take on one of the best up and coming tag teams as well as Paul Huntington and future star being groomed by one of the toughest men in the business Enforcer Roberts."


Duane Fry: "You heard it here first folks this match is gonna be a barn-stormer!!!"


Peter Michaels: "First up Faith, Bruce, Frehley and Lobster Warrior have some words for our audience."




Lobster Warrior's music comes on first and SWF's resident hero makes his way to the ring slapping hands with the kids along the ramp. He gets about halfway down when Steve Frehley's music comes on and the Dark Destroyer makes his way to the ring to, a bit gruffer but none the less liked by fans. When both men are at the bottom of the ramp the iconic music of Christian Faith hits and the fans pop big. Faith makes it down to the ringside and shakes hands with Frehley and Warrior and all three men get into the ring. Finally the music for the most popular wrestler in the SWF and probably the world hits and the fan reaction goes to the next level. Jack Bruce makes his way out with all the pomp and pyros making his way to the ring, taking time to pose with the kids on the side for pictures and handshakes, before making it into the ring with the others.


Faith: "It's always great to see the fans in Minnesota keeping the faith."


Warrior: "A heroes welcome to be sure thank you citizens."


Faith: "We've all got our individual problems going on with The Supremacists or Remo or Vengeance, but that's not why we're here tonight. If there's anything I've learned over the years its focus on the task at hand and tonight that task is Angry Gilmore, Squeeky McClean, Enforcer Roberts and Paul Huntington."


Steve Frehley: "I'll be going with the Frehley plan of attack, crush anything in my path, if that's alright with you guys."


Faith: "I've seen the plan work time and again Steve and I've got no problem with it. You've always been a team player whenever you've worked with me before and I'm sure things haven;t changed."


Steve Frehley nods and shakes hands with Christian Faith.


Faith: "What about you Lobby what do you got on your plate for our opponents tonight."


Warrior: "A heaping helping of justice Citizen Faith. The Moral Majority claim to be the saviors of the SWF but we all know true villains can believe wholeheartedly that they're doing the right thing and these two fit the bill. One of them can expect to feel the Shell Fish Shock tonight."


Faith: "I'd expect nothing less Lobby old pal and I'm sure the citizens of Minnesota will sleep better tonight knowing you're on the job."


Christian Faith turns toward Jack Bruce has been standing kinda off to the side in more of a contemplative stance than the rest of the crew in the ring.


Faith: "Jack... Hey Jack you there buddy. Come on man get your head in the game. What's going on with you."


Bruce: "Dude I'm just stressin' out about the tag match at Nothing to Lose. Keeps ole Jack Bruce's mind occupied like a song that's stuck in your head that you can't get rid of."


Faith: "We've got two weeks buddy and then that's our problem. Tonight we've got other fish to fry... oh sorry Lobby."


Bruce: "You're right dude, as always you're right. Ole Jack Bruce needs to get his head in the game. Drown out this crap with some good ole rock n' roll. I'm behind you guys tonight 100%. Jack Bruce is all in and Gilmore, McClean, Roberts and Huntington you guys are going down in a New York Minute."


The fans go nuts and the four men play up to the crowd each hitting a ring post and raising their arms to the sky before the camera fades out.


Rating: A


Brandon James and Runaway Train over Jungle Machine




In a match that had some good action and average heat, James and Train defeated Jungle Machine in 12:26 when Runaway Train defeated Jungle Lord by pinfall with a Train Wreck.


The heels take a clean win more to show that they are strong than anything else although the match wasn't exactly a dominating affair for James and Train they still came out looking good. Both Emma Chase and BJ O'Neil did a good job at ringside including at least two almost cat fights.


Rating: B-


Who's The Fairest Of Them All




Supreme TV comes back on air showing Joe Sexy in the ring with Robbie Retro before their six man tag match. Robbie is doing his little disco dance to entertain the crowd before Sexy starts his promo.


Sexy: "Brandon James, the franchise player, and now part of The New Supremacists. He's got flair I'll give him that, and he's got style of a sort. But what I hear from unnamed parties is that he's a little lacking in certain other areas. Yet he still has Emma Chase..."


Robbie Retro interjects, "Yeah what's up with that?"


Sexy: "That's a good question Robbie a good question indeed. You see I got just as much or more flair and certainly a better style. And I definitely have the motion of the ocean if you know what I'm saying. Emma I know you're just using James to get to me. I know you helped him win because if he loses he won't ever face me again and you'll be with out your Sexy fix. I find it very hard to hold it against you... or maybe I don't"


Joe sexy gives a big over exaggerated wink to the camera.


Sexy: "The thing is Emma I want you just as much as I want the SWF North American title and I'm not gonna let one little hiccup in the road stop me. Now I've asked for a rematch and I'm pretty sure I'll get it. We all know the fans want to see Joe Sexy show Brandon James what its all about. The other thing we all know is that is that you want to be rescued from the horrid tiny existence that is sharing a bed with Brandon James


We all know the call you 'Big Money' Brandon James and I'm sure that's just you trying to over compensate. You're really 'Little Money' Brandon James because only Joe Sexy truly get the Money Shot."


Finished Joe Sexy hands the mic to the ringside sound crew guy while Gregory Black's music starts up signifying the beginning of the next match.


Rating: C


Greg Black, Joe Sexy and Robbie Retro over Everest and The Next Big Thing




In a match that had some good action and average heat, Gregory Black and The Ladies Men defeated Everest, Frederique Antonio Garcia and Marc DuBois in 12:15 when Gregory Black defeated Everest by pinfall with a Fade To Black.


More build up for guys in a storyline. Emma chase comes down and distract Joe Sexy and Robbie Retro at one point but the faces still push on. Once it looks like things aren't going their way Marc DuBois and Frederique Antonio Garcia (The Next Big Thing) take a powder leaving Everest to eat the pin from Gregory Black, showing that Black can beat a big man even when its not a DQ, as was his PPV match with Runaway Train.


Rating: C+


Two Team Enter One Team Leaves




The camera shot finds us in the interior of an office. Eric Eisen is sitting at a nice desk looking for some paper with Marat Khoklov standing behind him staring ahead with the scariest face know to man. Brandon James is lounging on a nice leather couch while Emma Chase is on the phone talking about some big deal that her client is going to be signing on to. The camera settles on the four for a moment when behind the view the sound a door opening herald the entrance for The Next Big Thing (Frederique Antonio Garcia) and The Samoan Wildboyz (Akima Brave and Kid Toma). Emma Chase excuses herself and hangs up the phone when the two teams arrive.




Eric Eisen: "Well gentleman we've been reviewing the performance of all the tag team here in the SWF and e've narrowed our choices down to you four gentlemen. Now Toma, Akima you guys haven't had a stellar win record as of late but you do have a certain since of savage fury that we could add to our group. DuBois, Garcia you too or so new tonight was your first match and you lost, although admittedly the loss really goes to that tub of lard Everest but stil to a portentous start. However, you two do fit the sense of style and grace that The New Supremacists have been cultivating.


I've spoke with my associates and so far its split. Mr. James seems to err on the side of the intensity that The Samoan Wildboyz bring and Ms. Chase thinks that The Next Big THing fits our group in name as well as in social graces. Mr. Khoklov however thinks all four of you look like lunch so he's abstaining I think. As for myself I haven't made up my mind yet but rest assured by the end of tonight one pair of you will be apart of The New Supremacists."


The two teams both seem to want this and as such take to giving each other the stare down in front of Eric nad the crew as the cameras fade out.


Rating: A


No One Wins A Fight With A Steam Roller




Apparently still pissed off after Lobster Warrior foiling his last hunt Remo decides its time to give SWF's hero another round of attacks. Remo finds Lobster Warrior talking to some youngsters from the roster who all scatter like roaches when the lights come on. Warrior turns around to see what got the young bucks so spooked and he's on the receiving edge of a straight punch to the face. Remo picks him up and throws him into any object he can find for a few minutes drawing things out by stalking his prey after having launched him a few feet. Lobby final hits a group of unstable shipping boxes and one of them falls on top of him. Seeing this Remo heaves and topples the rest of them leaving Lobster Warrior buried in a pile of debris as he walks off.


Rating: B


Eric Eisen, Marat Khoklov, Remo and Vengeance over Giedroyc & Valiant and The Amazing Bumfholes





In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Eric Eisen, Marat Khoklov, Remo and Vengeance defeated Giedroyc & Valiant and The Amazing Bumfholes in 21:40 when Eric Eisen defeated Zimmy Bumfhole by pinfall with a handful of tights.


The four main event heels take a win in a hard fought bout against the SWF Tag Team champions and The Amazing Bufholes. Zimmy Bumfhole eats the pin, while being held by his titles, from Eric Eisen who's taken most of the pins in multiman matches so far in 2010. A lack of selling, psychology and Khoklov being off his game took the match down a few pegs even with added benefit of great chemistry between Valiant and his manager Hannah.


Rating: B-


The Choice Is Yours




We come back from the commercial and the camera catches Eisen and Khoklov still in their ring gear headed back toward the locker room with Emma Chase and Brandon James right behind.


Esien: "Yes Emma the decision has been made, we'll tell them as soon as we get changed."


Chase: "If you're sure we can tell them now."


Eisen: "No we should all do it together, unified front and all and I don't want to do it dressed like this."


Chase: "Alright Eric you and Marat get changed and we'll head over."


Eisen: "No jumping the gun on this one Emma. Tonight The New Supremacists have themselves soon to be SWF Tag Team champions and they'll certainly make an impact before the night is over."


Chase: "Of course Eric. The New Supremacists always make an impact any less and we wouldn't be at the top of the game."


They all stop and Emma opens the door for Eric and the others as they head into the office where they met the tag team hopefuls earlier. The camera stays outside and the door swings shut.


Rating: A*


Big Money vs The Money Shot





I quick graphics package showing a side by side portraits of Brandon James and Joe Sexy at first animated and then set into still poses with the Nothing To Lose Logo behind it shows on the screen.


Jerry Eisen: "It looks like Joe Sexy had it right on THE MONEY. A rematch has been made for Nothing To Lose."


Peter Michaels: "Brandon James will have two weeks to stew over the words of Joe Sexy and prepare himself to defend the SWF North American title once again."


Jerry Eisen: "Brandon James won't be the only person stewing on words, a lot of what Joe Sexy said was directed at Emma James."


Duane Fry: "We all know Joe Sexy is a ladies man but if he wins the SWF North American title will Emma Chase really jump ship to Joe Sexy."


Peter Michaels: "I don't know Duane but we'll all find out at Nothing to Lose."


Rating: B-


Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Lobster Warrior and Steve Frehley over The Moral Majority and Roberts & Huntington





In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Lobster Warrior and Steve Frehley defeated The Moral Majority and Roberts & Huntington in 22:23 when Jack Bruce defeated Paul Huntingdon by pinfall with a New York Minute.


All the talent in the ring in terms of name value with all the main event faces and ring skills brought by their midcard challengers made this a great match. Like their counter parts in the earlier match the faces still had to fight for this one but they got a clean pin and everyone came out looking good.


Rating: A


We Are Legion





Right after the match The New Supremacists rush the ring while the four Faith, Bruce, Warrior and Frehley are celebrating. Apparently the Eisen's choice of the tag team addition to The New Supremacists was The Next Big Thing as Marc DuBois and Frederique Antonio Garcia come out with them. If nothing the Supremacists are cunning tacticians a quick blow to stun all four men at once get them to their really target. All five active in-ring members attack Steve Frehley and beat him til he can't move while ignoring the blows for the other three men after they come around.


With Frehley down its now five on three and Lobster Warrior is the next to take the full brunt of The New Supremacists assualts. Quick pushed to knock Faith and Bruce over allow Eisen, Khoklov, James, DuBois the opportunity surround the usually fast moving Lobster Warrior and stop a hole in him so fast he doesn't know what hit in him. DuBois and Garcia seem to fit in perfectly with the group as the dutifully take order from Eisen and the attack goes down as smoothly as possible.


With just two men left standing DuBois and Garcia are ordered to hold Jack Bruce who is stunned from a quick axe handle blow to the head by Brandon James. The James and Khoklov team up on pounding the holy hell out off Christian Faith. Faith take a massively severe beating with a few blows by Eric between bouts of yelling in jacks face about what's going to happen to him if he doesn't back off.


Once Faith is a non-issue all attention turns to Jack Bruce. Antonio Garcia gets of Romeo is Bleeding first which starts the cut in Bruce's head. DuBois choose to use the Marc of Excellence, furthering the abuse that Bruce takes. James takes his shot with the Big Money Move and the wound on Bruce's Forehead starts to gush blood. The Russian Monster Khoklov hits the Russian Legend Power Bomb which leaves Bruce squarely on the floor in the middle of the mat perfectly set up for Eric Eisen to come off the top rope and hit The Supremacy.


The show goes off the air with The New Supremacists gloating in the ring. Eric holds up the SWF World Heavyweight title and Emma Chase gets in the ring to hand Brandon the SWF North American title to hold aloft. Marc and Frederique shake hands with each other happy to be the newest members of the SWF's biggest stable and Marat Khoklov is just Marat, a large immovable, scary object.


Rating: B


There was a feeling that some of the angles did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Overall Rating: B+


Nothing To Lose

Christian Faith and Jack Bruce vs Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov

Giedroyc & Valiant © vs The Moral Majority

For the SWF Tag Team Titles

Joe Sexy vs Brandon James ©

For the SWF North American Title

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So I came up with a brilliant idea while I was writing one of the promos for the next show and well the problem is for it to work out I need a new show logo. It looks like most of the logo makers haven't been on in a month or more so I was wondering if anyone reading the diary would like to make an adjust logo for Supreme TV for me. If so PM me for what I need so I'm not blabbing the whole thing to the world... thanks :)
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/SWF1.jpg</span><p> </p><p> <span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/PeterMichaels.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/DuaneFry.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/JerryEisen.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> "Welcome to Supreme TV. As always I'm Peter Michaels, along with Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen and tonight ahve we got a show for you. Leading up to Nothing to lose we have a four on four main event Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Lobster Warrior and Steve Frehley taking on Eric Eisen, Marat Khoklov, Remo and Vengeance."</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jerry Eisen:</strong> "You have to imagine Peter that all four men who got attacked last week will be gunning for my brother and the Russian monster."</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Fry:</strong> "After Remo beat down Lobster Warrior last week and Steve Frehley and Vengeance needing to be separated the week before you've got to believe there is no love lost there either. All in all you've heard it here first folks this match is gonna be a barn-stormer!!!"</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28719" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">This Is Supremacists TV</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/EricEisen.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/MaratKhoklov.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/BrandonJames.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg</span><p> <span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/MarcDuBois.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/FrederiqueGarcia.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The music of The New Supremacists cuts off the announcers and the entire group heads down to the ring. All of them except Khoklov dressed in what appear to be immaculately tailored suits. Eric leads the pack followed immediately by the ever present monster Marat. Brandon James walks side by side with Emma Chase, whom most of the male fans hoot and holler over. The Next Big Thing, Marc DuBois and Frederique Antontio Garcia take up the rear and stop every few feet to pose a little for the fans to show of thier greatness.</p><p> </p><p> All six members of the hottest stable in professional wrestling enter the ring and set themselves up to tell the crowd why they are the greatest, whether the crowd wants it or not. As usual Eric Eisen is the mouth piece of the group, and as he came down with his own mic he doesn't waste anytime.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Eisen:</strong> <span style="color:Red">"Since the day of its inception in my mind I knew that The New Supremacists was going to take SWF, no the world by storm. Since the Supreme TV where I first let you bask in the glory of my genius this knowledge has become truth. The New Supremacists have dominated the SWF from top to bottom, we have taken total control of the product and shaped it in our Supreme images.</span></p><p><span style="color:Red"> </span></p><p><span style="color:Red"> My father my own SWF this is true. He is in control of the board of directors and his decision is final. But he hasn't been calling the shots, he hasn't been making the major matches, he hasn't been deciding who gets title shots. All decisions in on Supreme TV have been coming through me. It is by my mighty whim that you have been allowed to see the might New Supremacists in action week in and week out. It is my knowledge of what you pathetic lot like to see that has kept SWF one step ahead of all the other wrestling programs out there.</span></p><p><span style="color:Red"> </span></p><p><span style="color:Red"> So you ask yourself what does that have to do with anything. Why am I out here right now talking to you. The answer is you should concern yourself. This is The New Supremacists show, we call the shots. But if you must know we are out here because I have been toying with an idea. An inkling of something great has been rolling around my mind and it has finally taken form. As the benevolent leader that I am I have decided to share this idea with you. Put it up on the screen please."</span></p><p> </p><p> On the screen a logo appears, a logo much like the Supreme TV logo except it says Supremacists TV</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Eisen:</strong> <span style="color:Red">"Much better. A logo to really show why this show is great. Without the New Supremacists this show would be nothing. SWF would be a second rate company of has beens and never will bes. The New Supremacists are the SWF and now this is Supremacists TV."</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p></p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/SWF_SupTV.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Emma Chase goes into the small leather satchel she had been carrting and pulls out some papers.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Chase:</strong> <span style="color:Yellow">"And there is nothing any one can do about. I had these legal binding contract written up, which have been signed by the chairman of the board and notarized making this truly the show of Supremacy."</span></p><p> </p><p> Emma holds the papers in the air to show them off, although no one can really see them, and Eric starts off around of applause for the ingenuity of the young woman which is soon picked up by the rest of the group. The fans who are not so keen on the idea begin to boo loudly.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaesls:</strong> "Supremacists TV? Am I going to have to call it that every week now?"</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Fry:</strong> "It certainly looks like it Pete."</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jerry Eisen:</strong> "I'm not happy about this either Peter, but it looks like we're stuck."</p><p> </p><p> The New Supremacists make their way from the ring with smug smiles on their faces as the fans continue to boo them. Some even take to throwing stuff at the group but Eisen and his faction just shrug it off.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Rating: A</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">The Amazing Bumfholes over Roberts & Huntington</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/RandyBumfhole.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/ZimmyBumfhole.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/EnforcerRoberts.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/PaulHuntington.jpg</span></p><div style="text-align:center"></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Amazing Bumfholes defeated Roberts & Huntington in 11:32 when Randy Bumfhole defeated Paul Huntingdon by pinfall with a Bumfhole Buster.</p><p> </p><p> Both these teams had been losing to higher rated teams so far in 2010 ten but now The Amazing Bumfholes have established themselves a little higher up the pecking order. Hunting takes the loss showing he still has a lot ot learn from his mentor, but the Bumfholes have been a team for a lot longer so Roberts & Huntington certainly don't come out of this looking weak. The two teams but on a good match quite above their popualrity level and the fans enjoyed it.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Rating: B-</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28719" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">Lost Money</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/RichMoney.jpg</span></p><div style="text-align:center"></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Rich Money is in the back with a camera on him ready to say a few words.</p><p> </p><p> Money: <span style="color:Blue">"I don't know if anyone else noticed but I was left off yet another show. As a matter of fact last week they didn't even bother to tell me what arena we were going to be at. I talked last time about turning over a new leaf and I'm gonna stick by my words. But its hard, hard when the people you are trying to make amends with ignore you. Its hard when the company you work hard for ignores you. I'm right here ready to do what it takes and I'm tired of being ignored.</span></p><p><span style="color:Blue"> </span></p><p><span style="color:Blue"> You know what they say if you want something done right do it yourself. Or maybe that isn't the most appropriate phrase. I think I'm going to go with you need to take matters into your own hands. I'm not going to wait for Eric or Jack to give me the time of day. And I'm not going to left in the shadows anymore by this company. I was a player in the big game and I haven't fallen that far.</span></p><p><span style="color:Blue"> </span></p><p><span style="color:Blue"> So maybe I have no allies. Maybe I burned all my bridges and I'm the one who is going to have to live with that. So I'm out here, out on this limb all alone and I'm going to stay out here until I do something about it. I was once a title contender and that's where I'm going to stay. Eric you used me, set me on a path of destruction for your own ends. Sure I walked right into your trap but I'm done being used, I'm coming after you and I'm coming after the SWF World Heavyweight title. And Jack, oh poor Jack. I know the things I tried to do to you and maybe I can never be forgiven. I don't expect you to trust me, and after the way I've been treated the past few weeks now I just don't care. You want a piece of Eisen too, you want the title you believe is yours back, well we both have the same goal and quite frankly I want it more."</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Rating: A</strong></p></div><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">The Next Big Thing over Heroes Unlimited</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/MarcDuBois.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/FrederiqueGarcia.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/AtomSmasher.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/CheetahBoy.jpg</span></p><div style="text-align:center"></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, The Next Big Thing defeated Heroes Unlimited in 12:03 when Marc DuBois defeated Cheetah Boy by submission with a Model Solution.</p><p> </p><p> The New Supremacists tag team contribution takes a win over the new team of Captain Atomic and his sidekick Cheetah Boy in a not so hot little match. Not much to say about it other then a bleh midcard match.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Rating: D+</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">Gregory Black over John Greed</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/GregoryBlack.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/JohnGreed.jpg</span></p><div style="text-align:center"></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Gregory Black defeated John Greed in 5:42 by pinfall with a Fade To Black.</p><p> </p><p> Gregory Black builds some more momentum this time dominating John Greed. The match wasn't on par with what Black can pull of with a more popular opponent, at least not in terms of growd reaction but it did its job.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Rating: C</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28719" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong><em>If The Train Goes Of The Track</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/GregoryBlack.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/RunawayTrain.jpg</span></p><div style="text-align:center"></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Gregory Black barely has time to have his hand raised when Runaway Train comes locomotive like full steam ahead into the ring and tackles the much smaller Black from behind. Train goes totally ballistic and the ref bails on the ring the instant he sees Black's body come hurtling towards him.Train doesn't give cruiserweight star a chance to recover and runs full force into a splash in the corner with the camera catching Black's head snap back and forth quickly. Gregory slides down in the corner and Train begins to stomp the holy hell out of him.</p><p> </p><p> Once there are a few more refs they venture into to break it up and each gets unceremoniously tossed over the top rope by train as they try to talk him out of his intended action. Gregory Black makes it up during this time but is still in a complete daze. Runaway Train gets a running start and hits Black with a big book turning him almost 360 coming to a stop face first on the mat.</p><p> </p><p> Security comes down the ramp but train leans over the top rope facing them yelling and screaming about coming any closer. Train gets black up one more time and hits the trian wreck before security has decided they've seen enough. Twelve men rush the ring and it takes all of them to get a hold of train while the refs sneak Gregory Black out the other side of the ring. The totally derailed superstar keeps yelling about running over Black but even his strength is not enough to break the grip of all twelve security agents.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Rating: B-</strong></p></div><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>Jerry Eisen:</strong> "Somebody has got to put a stop to Runaway Train."</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Fry:</strong> "Oh the violence, the ferocity."</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jerry Eisen:</strong> "I'm getting word that's not the only fight going on here on Supreme TV."</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> "Supremacists TV Jerry. As much as I hate the sound of it I like having you guys in the announce booth and I'm sure you're brother would have no quals firing you."</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jerry Eisen:</strong> "Too right Peter. OK we have a camera back there lets take it to the back."</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28719" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">Rock And A Hard Place</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/SteveFrehley.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/Vengeance.jpg</span></p><div style="text-align:center"></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Steve Frehley and Vengeance are brawling around the backstage area beating each other with first and slamming each other into any object they can find. The camera follows them from the backstage into the parking lot wher ethey start slamming into car and the equipment truck. The pass by Jack Giedroyc and Valiant who seem to be in a heated discussion with their tag team title opponents The Moral Majority. Both teams stop knowing full well that if this battle gets out hand no one is safe. Gilmore and McClean try and grab Frehley while Valiant and Giedroyc try to pull Vengeance off by the waist. All four men are given thanks be being booted, beaten or thrown off.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/JackGiedroyc.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/Valiant.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/AngryGilmore.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/SqueekyMcClean.jpg</span></p><div style="text-align:center"></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Lobster Warrior comes "flying" in and stops to help up Giedroyc who points to Vengeance and Frehley. Lobster Warrior leaves the fallen tag teams to get themselves up off the floor and heads over to deal with the brawling brutes. Warrior is having no luck and what he didn't see is Remo coming up behind him. Before Remo can get his hands on Lobby blows meant for their opponent from both Frehley and Vengeance land on him. Now that Remo is in the fray he and Warrior are both trying to stop the fight.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/LobsterWarrior.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/Remo.jpg</span></p><div style="text-align:center"></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Giedroyc & Valiant and The Moral Majority are now up and coming rushing over and it takes all six men to separate Frehley and Vengeacne, who fight out a few times to continue the brawl but are eventually subdued. The six men wait for security to arrive and "help". Before letting go of Vengeance and Frehley which is when the camera goes to commercial. </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Rating: A</strong></p></div><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> "Welcome back folks its sure been a night for battling nad brawling here on.... Supremacists TV."</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Fry:</strong> "And now we might actually get to see some of the fight in the ring where it belongs."</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">The Moral Majority over Jungle Machine</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/AngryGilmore.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/SqueekyMcClean.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/AmericanMachine.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/JungleLord.jpg</span></p><div style="text-align:center"></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Moral Majority defeated Jungle Machine in 12:19 when Angry Gilmore defeated American Machine by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.</p><p> </p><p> The Moral Majority is up to their old tricks stealing a win from Jungle Machine with Gilmore's feet on the ropes. Even the mediocrity that is American Machine's in-ring skills couldn't stop the other three workers from putting on one hell of the match. You could almost see the youngster learning something through the whole match.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rating: B</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28719" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">Things To Come</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/ChristianFaith.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/JackBruce.jpg</span></p><div style="text-align:center"></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Supreme TV comes back from its commercial break with Jack Bruce and Christian Faith in the ring. The fans are cheering loudly for both men who pace the ring occasionally hitting corner or leaning over the ropes to get the crowed even more riles. Both men have a mic in hand and Christain Faith is the first to speak.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Faith:</strong> <span style="color:Blue">"It's always great to see the fans in Kansas keeping the faith."</span></p><p> </p><p> Faith gives the crowd time as they roar to his standard tag line opening.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Faith:</strong> <span style="color:Blue">"Last week I told my buddy Jack Bruce here not to worry about our match against that snivelling little brat Eric Eisen and his brain dead muscle bound monster Marat Khoklov. I told him to keep his mind in the game and handle the immediate business for the matter at hand. Tonight I could say the same thing but Eric and Marat are a part of the immediate business and they are most certainly the matter at hand.</span></p><p><span style="color:Blue"> </span></p><p><span style="color:Blue"> So Jack what do you think about what's going down tonight and waht's gonna go down at Nothing to Lose?"</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bruce:</strong> <span style="color:Green">"Well Christian, what Jack Bruce thinks is that these punks are going down dude. Jack Bruce has been at this quite some time and so have you Christian Faith but these so called Supremacists are basically just groupies in this business. Jack Bruce doesn't care if Eric Eisen is the son of the owner and Jack Bruce doesn't care if that punk was born with a damn silver spoon in his mouth. Jack Bruce is gonna take it to these punks like he takes it to all the other posers in the business."</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Faith:</strong> <span style="color:Blue">"That's what I like to hear man. I've known you a long time and I can tell this whole arena that Jack Bruce is a man you can rely on.</span></p><p><span style="color:Blue"> </span></p><p><span style="color:Blue"> So here's what I have to say to Eric Eisen and his New Supremacists. You can try and change the shows name and you can call yourself the leader of the pack. But unless you can stand toe to toe with the past there will never be any future."</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bruce:</strong> <span style="color:Green">"The truth is Christian, Jack Bruce has had it up to here with daddy's little girl and he don't care if Eric has some rabid dogs as team mates. The New Supremacists are just a flash in the pan and at Nothing to Lose they've used up all their time. As far as Jack Bruce is concerned they're time is done and that time has been a New York Minute."</span></p><p><span style="color:Green"> </span></p><p> <strong>Rating: A*</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28719" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">I've Been Working On The Railroad</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/GregoryBlack.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/RunawayTrain.jpg</span></p><div style="text-align:center"></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The standard side by side comparison announcing the addition of a Runaway Train versus Gregory Black rematch for Nothing to Lose.</p><p> </p><p> Duane Fry: "It looks like Runaway Train's attack early got some attention as it seems he's been granted a rematch."</p><p> </p><p> Peter Michaels: "Nothing to lose is really shaping up."</p><p> </p><p> Duane Fry: "Runaway Train has been on a rampage since his loss to Black this is a chance to even the score."</p><p> </p><p> Jerry Eise: "If Train can contain his temper this time and not get DQ'd Gregory Black may not com eout with the win on this one."</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rating: B-</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">Faith, Bruce, Warrior and Frehley draw Eisen, Khoklov, Remo and Vengeance</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/ChristianFaith.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/JackBruce.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/LobsterWarrior.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/SteveFrehley.jpg</span></p><div style="text-align:center"><p> <span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/EricEisen.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/MaratKhoklov.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/Remo.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/Vengeance.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Lobster Warrior and Steve Frehley drew with Eric Eisen, Marat Khoklov, Remo and Vengeance in 21:47 when the referee lost al control of the match and threw it out.</p><p> </p><p> The eight top workers put on a hell of match but with all those people in the ring it looked a little sloppier then it should have been. Vengeance and Eric Eisen were both not puting on their A game and the match as a whole lacked in the area of really selling it. But all in all the fans looked past the obvious flaws and enjoyed themselves.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rating: B+</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28719" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Its A Jungle Out There</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/ChristianFaith.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/JackBruce.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/LobsterWarrior.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/SteveFrehley.jpg</span></p><div style="text-align:center"></div><p> <span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/EricEisen.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/MaratKhoklov.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/Remo.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/Vengeance.jpg</span></p><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> With the match thrown out and all four men in the ring the brawling continued. The workers grouped up into pairs as they fought with their current antagonists. Faith tried to go toe to toe with Khoklov. Bruce went after the sniveling Eisen. Lobby held his own against Remo. And Frehley and Vengeance pouned on each other like there was no tomorrow. The ref bailed quite quickly as he was in the ring with some of the largest and meanest men in pro wrestling.</p><p> </p><p> No security came out, no officials, no one could stop the caranage as the upper hand swung back and forth between each pair. Supreme TV goes of the air and there is no clear idea who will win the brawl in the ring.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Rating: A*</strong></p></div><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Some of the angles used definitely helped lift the show as a whole. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Overall Rating: B+</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-size:10px">Nothing To Lose</span></span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:10px">Christian Faith and Jack Bruce vs Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:10px">Giedroyc & Valiant © vs The Moral Majority</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:8px">For the SWF Tag Team Titles</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:10px">Joe Sexy vs Brandon James ©</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:8px">For the SWF North American Title</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:10px">Gregory Black vs Runaway Train</span></strong></p></div></div></blockquote>
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Peter Michaels: "Welcome to... I can believe I'm saying this... Supremacists TV. As always I'm Peter Michaels, along with Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen and tonight ahve we got a show for you. I've already been informed we will be announcing one last match for Nothing to Lose and a stupendous double main event tonight Marat Kjoklov and Eric Eisen will be taking on the SWF Tag Team champions Jack Giedroyc and Valiant and then Christian Faith and Jack Bruce will be facing off against The Moral Majority."


Jerry Eisen: "We'll also be seeing Remo and Vengeance teaming together against The Amazing Bumfholes and the rest of The New Supremacists, Brandon James, and The Next Big Thing in a three man match against Robbie Retro and The Biggz Boyz."


Duane Fry: "Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov face off against Christian Faith and Jack Bruce at Nothing to Lose so both these teams have something to prove here tonight. The Moral Majority has been around longer and are both excellent players of the game and as good as Giedroyc & Valiant are I'm gonn have to say Bruce and Faith have the tougher competition. I can't wait to see that confrontation later tonight. All in all you've heard it here first folks this match is gonna be a barn-stormer!!!"


Peter Michaels: "But first up a few words from Rich Money."


Can't Keep A Good Man Down




On cue Rich Money's music hits and the former contender for the SWF World Heavyweight title makes his way to the ring in a suit and tie. The fans give Money a very positive reaction as he walks down the ramp and walks through the ropes and into the ring. Money has a mic in hand but gives the fans a minute to calm down before he begins talking.


Money: "So the second pay per view since I returned to SWF and only one more match to be announced and I can tell you right now that match doesn't include Rich Money. I've come out here a few weeks and I've expressed my disapproval of this treatment and I've treid to confront the people in charge and I've gotten nowhere. Some folks think I've been a little whiny about this point and maybe there right. I haven't quite been feeling myself lately and that's all gotta change.


So I'm not on Nothing to Lose, really the fualt is my own. I haven't' taken matters into my own hands. I haven't made an impact enough to deserve to be on the show. That's OK, the New Rich Money may have turned his back on the ways of old, but the new Rich Money hasn't lost his drive or his will to win. So regardless of if I have a match Thursday or not, the new Rich Money is going to make his presence known."


Jerry Eisen: "Make his presence known. What could Rich Money mean by that."


Peter Michaels: "I'll guess will just have to wait for Nothing to Lose to find out."


Rating: A


Four Corners Of Hell




The standard video animation to show the last match for Nothing to Lose flash across the screen. Pictures of Vengeance, Remo, Lobster Warrior and Steve Frehley show that these men will be in a four way dance at the pay perview.


Peter Michaels: "Well folks it looks like we have our last match for Nothing to Lose."


Jerry Eisen: "We could play a game of which of these things are not like the other as the all around Lobster Warrior is put in to the ring with four of the largest, baddest brawlers in pro wrestling today."


Duane Fry: "This match could go anyway which is the thrill of these fourway battles. But next we'll see two of these men, Remo and Vengeance, team up against The Amazing Bumfholes."


Rating: B


Remo and Vengeance over The Amazing Bumfholes




In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Remo and Vengeance defeated The Amazing Bumfholes in 21:51 when Vengeance defeated Zimmy Bumfhole by pinfall with a Skull Krusher.


The match went a little too long and the dragged a bit as no one had the psychology to keep it coherent. Zimmy Bumfhole wa also not up to his usually high standards. Remo and Vengeance gets the win but there was some obviously heavy tension between the two monsters especially when Vengeance tagged himself in and got the Skull Krusher on Zimmy Bumfhole who was previously dazed by Remo.


Rating: B-


Battle of the Beasts




The argument between the two monsters heats up and both men begin pushing each other. Words get louder and louder the pushes become shoves, and then the shoves become blows. Finally both men turn the argument over a pin into an all out war. The blows come raining down as both man look to put a true and definitive stop to the other.


The fight lasts for a good few minutes before a number of workers from the back file out to help separate the two men. Some official make it to ring side but they obviously don't have the size to stop the two men. It takes a minute or so to finally get the men separated as they continually try and break free to get at each other. It all ends as Remo is forced out of the ring and pushed backstage while the other half of the locker room holds down Vengeance.


Rating: A


Brandon James and The Next Big Thing over Robbie Retro and The Biggz Boyz




In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Brandon James and The Next Big Thing defeated Robbie Retro and The Biggz Boyz in 12:27 when Brandon James defeated Brett Biggz by pinfall after the Big Money Move while Bart was distracted by Emma Chase.


A great match to show the domination of The New Supremacists as they totally destroy Retro and the Biggz Boyz


Rating: B-


Thinning The Herd





The protege of Joe Sexy, Robbie Retro, is caught alone in the ring as the match comes to an end and The New Supremacists jump on him like a back of lions attacking the slowest member of the herd. Retro is goes down pretty quickly after a handful of fists from James, DuBois and Garcia. After falling Retro is the recipient of the boots of The New Supremacists. Emma Chase gets down into Robbie Retro's face and start yelling at him while he's down. Its unclear but the directional mic on the camera gets some words making it sound like she's asking where Sexy is to save him.




The overhead cam gets the scene and as if on cue while Emma asks about him Joe Sexy heads in from the back with no music to herald his coming. Joe Sexy runs into the ring and the first thing he does is take out Brandon James before he can defend himself. Marc DuBois and Frederique Anotonio Garcia see the man and clothes the distance thinking they still had the numbers game but two quick boots to the cut followed by two One Night Stands and The Next Big Thing is out like a light.


Sexy turns his attention to Emma Chase who is over the body of Retro. Chase backs up into a corner with Sexy giving her a big smile, but Brandon James is up. James egotistically taps Sexy on the shoulder looking for him to turn around into the Big Money Move but gets a boot to the gut instead. Sexy blows a kiss at Emma Chase and a third one night stand is delivered. The distraction is long enough however for Emma to bail from the ring.


The totally stunned New Supremacists roll out of the ring holding their heads and Emma leads them away up the ramp while Joe Sexy gets Robbie Retro up and on his feet. Sexy points to James and then motions with the hand not helping Retro stand that he's coming after the SWF North American title.


Rating: B


A Boy And His Giant




Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov make their way to the ring for their bouth against the SWF Tag Team champions. But apparently The New Supremacists have a few words to say before this match starts, as Eric has a mic in his hands.


Eric Eisen: "Thursday night, Nothing to Lose. The New Supremacists go up against a washed out old lump that my father has been beating around the SWF for years and a wanna be rock star who can barely remember his own name.It's called a pronoun Jack use one every now and again. Marat and I have already proven that we can beat you in singles competition. We have also won every tag team match we've had together to date.Tonight we're going to show you exactly what's going to happen to you using the SWF Tag Team champions as your proxies/


The New Supremacists are the biggest, most dominant faction in all of pro wrestling. We cannot be stopped by the likes of you Jack Bruce and Christian Faith. We are the future of this business and we will have total control. There is nothing that you can say, and certainly nothing you can do to stop us from taking over the SWF. After Nothing to Lose when The New Supremacists steamroll over you two we will continue to bring this company into the bright new future it deserves. And the past... well the past will be taken out back and put in the trash where it belongs."


Rating: A*


Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov over Giedroyc & Valiant




In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov defeated Giedroyc & Valiant in 21:38 when Eric Eisen defeated Jack Giedroyc by pinfall after using the SWF World Heavyweight title.


This match was not a dominating affair like the previous bout for The New Supremacists, the tag team champs proved that they can stand toe to toe with the big boys here. The match lacked a bit in the selling and psychology departments but all in all a good outting for all four men. The ref is distracted by Marat Khoklov man handling Valiant on the outside of the ring and misses Eric Eisen using the SWF World Heavyweight championship to hit Jack Giedroyc in the head. Eric gets the refs attention and the count is one, two, three.


Rating: B


Christian Faith and Jack Bruce over The Moral Majority




In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Christian Faith and Jack Bruce defeated The Moral Majority in 22:04 when Jack Bruce defeated Squeeky McClean by pinfall with a New York Minute.


This is one hell of a match and all four men come out of this one looking good. McClean and Gilmore prove they can put on main event level performances and Bruce and Faith show they can stand up to just about anything and have a good chance of beating Eisen and Khoklov at Nothing to Lose.


Rating: A


Battle For Supremacy




The show ends with a video package shwoing the build up to The New Supremacists versus Fatih and Bruce at Nothing to Lose. It sarts the creation of the New Supremacists and a number of the confrontation between Bruce, Faith and the evolving stable. We are shown the losses for both Bruce and Faith at When Hell Freezes over, punctuated by showing the finisher from both matches over and over.


We move into the next chapter when Bruce asks for his SWF World Heavyweight title rematch but instead gets a tag team match with Christian Faith against Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov. Next we get The New Supremacists taking out all four members of the main event group from the second week after the pay per view. And finally images from the four on four brawl at the end of the the next show are shown, isolating the action between Faith and Khoklov and Eisen and Bruce. The show goes off the air with all four men swinging punches at each other to punctuate the battle that is yet to come.


Rating: A


This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Rating: A


Nothing To Lose

Christian Faith and Jack Bruce vs Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov

Giedroyc & Valiant © vs The Moral Majority

For the SWF Tag Team Titles

Joe Sexy vs Brandon James ©

For the SWF North American Title

Gregory Black vs Runaway Train

Lobster Warrior vs Steve Frehley vs Remo vs Vengeance

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Christian Faith and Jack Bruce vs Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov



Lobster Warrior vs Steve Frehley vs Remo vs Vengeance



Gregory Black vs Runaway Train



Joe Sexy vs Brandon James ©

For the SWF North American title




Giedroyc & Valiant © vs The Moral Majority

For the SWF Tag Team titles




Christian Faith and Jack Bruce vs Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov

Lobster Warrior vs Steve Frehley vs Remo vs Vengeance

Gregory Black vs Runaway Train

Joe Sexy vs Brandon James ©

For the SWF North American title

Giedroyc & Valiant © vs The Moral Majority

For the SWF Tag Team titles

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Christian Faith and Jack Bruce vs Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov

Khoklov is there to lose and then beat the hell out of the faces afterwards.


Lobster Warrior vs Steve Frehley vs Remo vs Vengeance

To me it's between Remo & Vengeance, and Vengeance needs to win to be kept strong in this type of match.


Gregory Black vs Runaway Train

Train is approaching the end of the line


Joe Sexy vs Brandon James ©

For the SWF North American title

Sexy is a midcard enhancement


Giedroyc & Valiant © vs The Moral Majority

For the SWF Tag Team titles

G & V are the class of what has seemed to become a weak tag scene.

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Christian Faith and Jack Bruce vs Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov


I can't believe what I am about to do but, "I gotta have Faith." Hangs his head low ashamed that he just quoted a George Michaels song.


Lobster Warrior vs Steve Frehley vs Remo vs Vengeance


Much like D-Mac said Vengeance should be the one coming out of this match looking strong.


Gregory Black vs Runaway Train


Joe Sexy vs Brandon James ©

For the SWF North American title


Giedroyc & Valiant © vs The Moral Majority

For the SWF Tag Team titles


I am not a fan of Valiant, so I would like to see him lose his title.

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Christian Faith and Jack Bruce vs Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov

I like the heels here with some kind of tainted win


Lobster Warrior vs Steve Frehley vs Remo vs Vengeance

Remo or Vengeance


Gregory Black vs Runaway Train

yeah this is where Train becomes a jobber to the stars


Joe Sexy vs Brandon James ©

For the SWF North American title


I like your Joe Sexy bette rthan what I could get out of him, but James is the pick here


Giedroyc & Valiant © vs The Moral Majority

For the SWF Tag Team titles


the better team..

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Christian Faith and Jack Bruce vs Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov


Lobster Warrior vs Steve Frehley vs Remo vs Vengeance


Gregory Black vs Runaway Train


Joe Sexy vs Brandon James ©

For the SWF North American title


Giedroyc & Valiant © vs The Moral Majority

For the SWF Tag Team titles

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This Is Your Main Event


Nothing to Lose starts with a a video package showing the history of the evenings Main Event. It starts with the revelation of Eric Eisen as the master mind behind the fall of Jack Bruce and then shows Marat Khoklov making his first unprovoked attack against Christian Faith. It continues showing the events past Christmas Clash culminating with the formation of the New Supremacists.


After the formation of The New Supremacists it highlights every attack made against Jack, Christian or any group that contains one or both of these members. The package ends with the rematch challenge Bruce made against Eisen and then Eisen response of a tag team match. The response and the facial expression on Jack and Christian’s faces are replayed over and over again as the last images of the video


Rating: A


Peter Michaels: “Welcome to Nothing to Lose. As always I'm Peter Michaels, along with Duane Fry and our pay per view colleague, the lovely Ana Garcia.”


Ana Garcia: “It’s always great to be here with you, Peter, and Duane on these the high points of the SWF year.”


Peter Michaels: “High points they are Ana especially with a main event like tonight's with the seemingly unstoppable New Supremacists taking on two of the old guard in SWF Christian Faith and Jack Bruce.”


Ana Garcia: “Christian Faith and Jack Bruce have a lot on their plate tonight and I for one don’t envy their position. Duane what’s your call on this match up tonight?”


Duane Fry: “My take is that it’s gonna be an uphill battle for Faith and Bruce but an uphill battle is what these men live for. Eisen and Khoklov can’t take these two lightly because if they do it’s all over. All in all you've heard it here first folks this match is gonna be a barn-stormer!!!"


Peter Michaels: “First up we have some SWF Tag Team title action with The Moral Majority looking to take down Valiant & Giedroyc.”


Ana Garcia: “Both sides believing that they are fighting for the side of decency but only one can be champion.”


The Moral Majority over Giedroyc & Valiant





In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, The Moral Majority defeated Giedroyc & Valiant in 14:32 when Valiant was disqualified for attacking Angry Gilmore with the belt.


The crowd was really into this match and both teams showed some great ring work. The two lovely ladies at ringside Hannah and Dawn the Cheerleader were no distraction to The Moral Majority who were apparently above such things. But the crowd was into them, especially Hannah who really got the fans behind her boys.


The match ended after Valaint finally turned the momentum around and almost go a pinfall on Angry Gilmore. McClean distracted the ref by moving over to Dawn and Hannah and chiding them for being under dressed. With the ref distracted Giedroyc and Valiant both moved to get McClean off their valets and didn’t see Gilmore reach out of the ring for the SWF Tag Team titles. Valiant turned around in time and barely missed getting hit with the belt and a struggle ensued. Gilmore lost that battle and spilled on the floor, which is exactly when the ref turned around and disqualified Valiant for using the belt on Gilmore. The champs retain the title but Gilmore and McClean get the victory.


Rating: B-


The Majority Has Spoken




They may have one but the moral Majority certainly wasn’t happy about not winning the titles which the ref had to wrest from their hands as they tried to take them. The anger led to an attack on Giedroyc and Valiant who were still at ringside trying to figure out what went wrong. Both men were dragged into the ring by their hair to the sound of screams coming from Dawn and Hannah.


The attack was swift but not brutal, with both McClean and Gilmore being more precise technical wrestlers the objective appear to be destroy one part of the body. Both men decided the left the Achilles heel of their opponents and spent a few minutes using every lock and hold they could thing of on them. The ref spent the entire time trying to break it up to no avail. The attack was punctuated not only by the valets scream but by the constant ringing of the bell the hwole time.


The attack ended when Gilmore and McCLean were damn well ready. The Moral Majority left the ring turning to the camera with the universal title belt motion around their waists. Jack Giedroyc and Valiant had to be helped from the ring as they hobbled up the ramp with a ref under one arm and their respective valets under the other.


Rating: B


Peter Michaels: “Good god what an attack. You can bet this isn’t over with between these two teams.”


Duane Fry: “This seems like great strategy on the part of The Moral Majority. They know having the win gives them the likely hood of a rematch for the titles and they want their opponents to be as weakened as possible for that eventuality.”


Ana Garcia: “Is it over I can’t look?”


Peter Michaels: “Keep those eyes covered Ana I’m getting word from the back there’s some more violence afoot backstage.”


All Aboard For Pain




Attacks abound as right after the beat down of Giedroyc & Valiant by The Moral Majority the camera cuts to the backstage area where Runaway Train is literally running over Gregory Black. Gregory Black is being bodily picked up by Runaway Train and rammed into a solid object at top speed. Black slips to the floor, while security spends a few seconds trying to grab at Train who fights his way out to get back to Black. And then wash, rinse and reapeat. This lasts for a few minutes before either Train is either satisfied or bored and wanders away much to the astonished security who tend to Black.


Rating: C+


Brandon James over Joe Sexy


http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/BrandonJames.jpghttp://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/Emma Chase.jpghttp://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/JoeSexy.jpg



In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Brandon James defeated Joe Sexy in 14:07 by disqualification after Emma Chase slipped a weapon in. During the match we also saw Frederique Antonio Garcia run in and attack Sexy, and Marc DuBois also attack Sexy. Brandon James makes defence number 2 of his SWF North American title.


The match was good by meaning of the word even with what could have been some more psychology and selling shown. Emma was great at ring side, keeping the ref distracted for an attack by The New Supremacists young up and coming tag team and also making sure he didn’t see the pair of brass knuckles she slipped in to Brandon James which he subsequently hit Joe Sexy with. Although the match showed an even amount of offense the fact the James required so much outside interference to put Sexy away, even after Sexy kicked out after a Big Money Move, shows that sexy may have what it takes to get the title off of Brandon James.


Rating: B


Runaway Train over Gregory Black




In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Runaway Train defeated Gregory Black in 11:41 by pinfall with a Train Wreck.


The bathroom match of the night shows Train taking a not so easy win but a win none the less over an obviously injured Gregory Black. Black fights back valiantly but the punishment sustained from earlier just was too much so he falls to the Train Wreck. This evens up the score to one and one for these two men.


Rating: C+


And Then There Were Four




We see a hype video for the four way match between Lobster Warrior, Steve Frehley, Remo and Vengeance. We start with Frehley standing his ground against Vengeance backstage and Vengeance swearing retribution. We then get almost the same scene but a few weeks later showing Lobster Warrior standing up to Remo. We see the end of the tag team match with Warrior and Frehley losing to Remo and Vengeance and then the ends of the the singles matches at When Hell Freezes over. All in all a sense that Lobster Warrior and Steve Frehley have been getting their asses kicked.


The mood changes a bit as we see a few backstage rescues by both men but is quickly turned around as we are also soon the backstage beatdowns and brawls that have happened post When Hell Freezes over. The last images we are shown are the juxtaposition of the sides, Steve Frehley gives Lobster Warrior advice on how to beat Remo and then Remo and Vengeance brawling after their tag team match.


Rating: A


Vengeance over Lobster Warrior, Remo and Steve Frehley




In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Vengeance defeated Lobster Warrior, Remo and Steve Frehley in 25:33 when Vengeance defeated Lobster Warrior by pinfall with a Skull Krusher.


Although this match left a little to be desired for a semi main event, especially from three main eventers and one of the top rising upper card guys on the roster. Even with the lack of selling and psychological flow it still lifted the mood of the crowd.


The match saw the early fighting between current foes and then switching off between the pairings. When Lobster Warrior was thrown out of the ring that’s when things got a little dicey. Remo wanted some of Frehley but Vengeance already had him and then tension from the past Supreme TV flared up and the two monsters went at it. Lobster Warrior got back in the ring and he and Frehley just watched for a moment. Realizing that Vengeance was probably the tougher foe the two faces joined Remo and took out Vengeance, leaving him lying motionless at ring side.


The battle raged between the three with Remo showing that maybe he is who Warrior and Frehley should have helped gang up on as he took the fight to both men. Remo took out Lobster Warrior a second time, almost getting a pin but it was broken up by Frehley. The old feud didn’t die as the two went at it ferociously until neither man could get up.


With all four men down it looked like it could be anybody’s game and that anybody was Vengeance who shot up outside the ring seeming unfazed from all his previous damage. The men in the ring were beginning to rouse but Vengeance was over the top rope in a flash. Frehley was the first two his feet, Skull Krusher. Next Remo was up but possibly unaware of his surroundings, Skull Krusher. And finally Lobster Warrior, who appeared to be the most aware evaded the first attempt by Vengeance but it was just prolonging the inevitable, Skull Krusher.


All three men down in the ring and Vengeance drags them one by one to the center. Lobster Warrior’s back on the mat, then Steve Frehley on top of the fallen superhero and finally Remo atop his long time foe. Vengeance places himself on top of the pile and the ref counts 1, 2 and 3. Vengeance takes the win.


Rating: B-


Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov over Christian Faith and Jack Bruce




In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Marat Khoklov and Eric Eisen defeated Jack Bruce and Christian Faith in 30:09 when Eric Eisen defeated Christian Faith by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage.


The final match of the night was so far the best match of the year. The crowd desperately wanted to see The New Supremacists head home with their tails between their legs, but that was not to be. With such a high profile match it was odd not to see any of the other New Supremacists at ring side, but that still didn’t mean it would be easy for Bruce and Faith.


The match showed a pretty even offense on both sides, with Eric taking back the momentum for his side with a few dirty moves when he could. The end came with Eric Eisen and Jack Bruce in the ring. Marat Khoklov and Christian Faith began brawling outside of the ring and that brawl made it was backstage leaving Eisen and Bruce alone in the ring. Eric seemed a little concerned but still went about business as usual. Jack Bruce appeared to have the upper hand and went for the New York Minute but he missed. Eric Eisen stole the opportunity and roll Bruce up putting his feet on the ring ropes for leverage and the ref counted the pin without noticing.


Rating: A


Double Or Nothing




Jack Bruce is totally surprised by the loss and in his moment of disbelieve Eric Eisen attacks him from behind. Eric Lays heavily into Bruce who goes down, while the ref yells at Eisen to get off. The ref seems lost and motions toward the back for help. The help that arrives is Rich Money who slides into the ring behind Eric.




Money taps Eric on the shoulder, Eric seems shocked and is immediately caught up in Money’s lesser know move Dollars From Heaven. With Eric on the ground Rich starts yelling at him about using people while laying in the boots. The ref is yet again flabbergasted about what to do as it seems no other help is coming. Eric manages to get to his feet and fights back but gets run with his back in the corner. Eisen tries to drop down and slide under the ropes but Money grabs him by the hair, gets him up and hits Money In The Bank, putting Eric down for the count.


Eric is down and Money seems mostly satisfied. Jack Bruce gets to his feet unsteadily at looks at Money, confused as to what is going on. Money walks up to Bruce slowly and the fans are expecting the handshake, but neither man puts out a hand. They stare at each other for a bit and then Jack Bruce gets a boot to the gut and goes down to a second Money In The Bank. Money doesn’t stay to beat on Jack, the one move seems to have finished his dealings with Bruce, although the camera mic pick him up saying “I won’t be ignored”. Eric on the other hand gets another kick or two before Money exits the ring and the show closes with both Jack Bruce and Eric Eisen down in the ring.


Rating: A


There was a feeling that some of the angles did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our populairty.


Overall Rating: B+

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