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Converting Word formatting to forum formatting

James Casey

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Firefox. The only sensible alternative to Chrome. :p (Yeah. I know. Everyone has their own tastes. But mine are the right ones.)


EDIT: Note that this could be completely irrelevant. I'll see if I can get it to not show me the A thing, 5 min.

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Thats why because I'm using Chrome it came up in IE but honestly in order to use IE for anything I'd have to be handed large amounts of unmarked bills. They need to be unmarked so when I give them to my hitman to assinate whoever created IE it won't come back to me :)


As for Firefox....its good in a second place kinda way ;)

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Yeah. It's Chrome. No doubt.


I popped on to my Linux partition, open up Chromium (the clear choice for Linux use) and there it isn't.


Now, if I were really looking to be thorough, I'd check Minefield as well (the Beta-version of Firefox, which runs WAAAAAY better, but doesn't have Speed-dial). But I am lazy.

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What do you mean it doesn't convert picture links in real time?


In other words, it doesn't take a link like this: whatever and automatically convert it to the picture within the post as you're writing it. Some forum software setups I'm familiar with do that in WYSIWYG mode. (And for those unfamiliar, WYSIWYG stands for What You See Is What You Get. Its basic purpose is to allow you to see what your post looks like before hitting Submit and without hitting Preview, though the Preview option still remains).


Real time WYSIWYG linking would allow me to paste an image link into a post I'm writing and, after a couple seconds (load time), the picture pops up in the post. If I remember right, phpBB has it but vBulletin doesn't (or they charge extra for the additional functionality).

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I've been playing around with this for most of the evening trying to get a post to work right, so on this occasion it hasn't saved me any time at all :o


However, if it's showing up weird with lots of :p, >> or lace> randomly inserted throughout, that's what I was struggling with.


Oddly, it seemed to work first time in new topics, replying to this and other topics... almost anywhere except the dynasty forum. Still, we seem to be there now.


Has anyone else had a similar problem? I can work around it, but it's odd that some (but not all) topics in the Dynasty forum seem to bring this up.


As I say, pasting into a shorter topic, and then copying from there into my diary works fine - I wonder if topic length is an issue?

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