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SWF: Wrestling Nerds Beware!!!

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<p>Great show, Peter.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Runaway Train</strong> vs American Machine w/BJ O'Neill</p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:8px;">After a great win at WttJ a loss to American Machine would probably only serve to make Frehley look bad, rather than Machine as a star.</span></em></p><p>

<strong>The Jungle Lord</strong> vs. 'The Double R'</p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:8px;">Green mist! I'm probably being stupid but who is Double R?</span></em></p><p>

<strong>Christian Faith</strong> vs. ???</p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:8px;">Either by DQ if it is another monster, or clean if it is someone else, Faith continues to stick it to the man.</span></em></p><p>

<strong>Remo & Eric Eisen</strong> vs. Team Bumfhole (non-title)</p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:8px;">World Champion edges things here.</span></em></p><p>

<strong>Rich Money</strong> vs. Troy Tornado</p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:8px;">Money is, after all, Money.</span></em></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="jhd1" data-cite="jhd1" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28764" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Great show, Peter.<p> </p><p> <strong>Runaway Train</strong> vs American Machine w/BJ O'Neill</p><p> <em><span style="font-size:8px;">After a great win at WttJ a loss to American Machine would probably only serve to make Frehley look bad, rather than Machine as a star.</span></em></p><p> <strong>The Jungle Lord</strong> vs. 'The Double R'</p><p> <em><span style="font-size:8px;">Green mist! I'm probably being stupid but who is Double R?</span></em></p><p> <strong>Christian Faith</strong> vs. ???</p><p> <em><span style="font-size:8px;">Either by DQ if it is another monster, or clean if it is someone else, Faith continues to stick it to the man.</span></em></p><p> <strong>Remo & Eric Eisen</strong> vs. Team Bumfhole (non-title)</p><p> <em><span style="font-size:8px;">World Champion edges things here.</span></em></p><p> <strong>Rich Money</strong> vs. Troy Tornado</p><p> <em><span style="font-size:8px;">Money is, after all, Money.</span></em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Double R is the name i gave to Robbie Retro with his more hip hop alt.</p>
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<p>I'll bite with some predictions...</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Runaway Train</strong> vs American Machine w/BJ O'Neill</p><p>

Unless someone else contributes to cause an upset win, I don't think American Machine's ready to go over Train on his own merits.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Jungle Lord</strong> vs. 'The Double R'</p><p>

Double R may well be spelt as J-O-B for this one.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Christian Faith</strong> vs. ???</p><p>

A win for Faith, although I suspect this could be a set up for a beatdown, so possibly a DQ win.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Remo & Eric Eisen</strong> vs. Team Bumfhole (non-title)</p><p>

The non-title stip sways me towards Eisen and Remo, but I would have gone with them regardless.</p><p> </p><p>

Rich Money vs. Troy Tornado</p><p>

Draw, otherwise I'd just be repeating jhd's predictions (but I suspect Money will take this) <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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Tuesday, Week 3, August 2010

The Friedman Building


The Texas fans in the building rise as one, because Rich Money is out to open the show..






Rich Money walks to the ring and riles up the live gate, telling them that he wants his shot at the the SWF World Title:


“…no, Eric, I didn’t beat you. But let’s face it..you don’t have the guts to take on Deebo for the belt. So step out of my way. Because everyone here in the SWF Universe (cheap pop!) knows that I belong in the main event a No Man’s Land…because I’m JUST…SO…MO- “




Here comes Eric Eisen to the ring to interrupt:


“…I knew it. I knew you’d come out here and try this “the people want to see it” crap. Who gives a rat’s a** about these losers?


I’m Eric Eisen. I keep a private jet. I drive an azure blue Bugatti. In the past year I’ve dated numbers 76, 61, and 43 on Maxim’s Top 100. These losers drive American Made Trucks, have five dollar haircuts, and marry the closest family member that the law allows. Who cares what they think? I’m the #1 Contender.


Rich Money: So are you facing Remo at the PPV?


Eric Eisen: I’ll take my title shot when I’m ready, Rich. The important thing to remember is..you didn’t beat me..therefore –


“Hate Me Now” hits and now Remo comes out to the ring…! The HNIC is clearly not happy that the fate of the world title is being discussed and he’s not included:




“…Now, what is this nonsense about? Y’all wanna talk about Remo’s title while Remo is in the back keeping it on lock in the Twitterverse?


That’s right. Remo tweets. Remo is a media icon. Remo has a clothing line showing in Paris next month. Remo is like Jay-Z…just not as ugly.


But back to what Remo was talkin about: Are you two smoking blunts? Is you high?? Y’all don’t get to make any decisions ABOUT the World Title without talkin’ to the man holdin’ the World Title.


There’s a brutha in the office. We get to make decisions now..”


Rich Money: Now hold on, Deebo..


Remo: The name is REMO


Rich Money: Remo..Deebo…two big, angry brothers with more muscles than brains. One of you is ugly as sin, and looks like they have a sleepy eye. I just can't seem to remember..which is which...?


Remo gets angry and gets in Rich Money’s face. Eric Eisen steps between them, shoving Money. It looks like a brawl is about to erupt when the Supreme-A-Scope comes to life.




It’s Ana Garcia:


“Gentlemen, calm yourselves…the fact is, Eric Eisen is right (boo from the crowd). But so is Rich Money (loud pop, Money gives a golf clap).Eric did not lose that match. He is still the #1 Contender. But what good is it if Mr. Eisen declines to take his title opportunity?


So…next week…I will announce a resolution to this dilemma. There WILL be a new #1 Contender. And one of you two men – Rich Money or Eric Eisen – WILL face Remo for the SWF World Title very soon.


And now...since you three seemed to be ready to fight….tonight – IN THIS VERY RING – Remo will team with Eric Eisen to face Team Bumfhole (cheer from the crowd) and Rich Money will face Troy Tornado!!! (louder pop)


Now get the hell out of my ring…we have a show to do.”






Back to the show, where American Machine is using a T-shirt gun to fire merchandise into the stands as he makes his way to the ring.





These two brawlers engage in a pretty standard match, with Machine using his raw athleticism to attack Train and Train trying to slow Machine down with power moves. Machine hits a flying shoulder block. Machine goes to follow up with his OLD GLORY three-point stance clothesline, but Train snatches him up and delivers a bone-crushing spinebuster! Train follows up with the TRAIN WRECK for the pin!


Runaway Train beats American Machine by pin-fall



Peter Michaels: After beating Steve Frehley at ‘Welcome to the Jungle,’ Runaway Train stays hot on his way to his North American Title match against Angry Gilmore next week..






Backstage, Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole are standing in their dressing room,having what seems like an argument with their manager, Dawn the Cheeleader.


“…listen, I appreciate the help, but did you have to do…that?”


Dawn: Excuse me?

Zimmy: Well, everyone could see..your…your ‘stuff.’ And Jack..


Dawn: Awwww…..Zumwalt Alexander Titus Bumfhole…are you jealous??


Zimmy: Me? No it’s just..(blushing)


Dawn: Jack and I dated for a while. And we had some good times. But he broke my heart when he dumped me. And he’s not the same guy I used to know now that he’s hanging out with that Deacon character. I’m not interested in Jack any more.


Now, I’m not sure if I’m ready to move on…but once I am…I’ll let you know.”


Dawn stands on her top-toes and kisses Zimmy on the cheek before walking out. Randy comes over and slaps Zimmy on the shoulder, laughing.


Randy: No worries, brother. And by the way…I didn’t really mind Dawn showing off her stuff.

Zimmy: Watch yerself…


The two laugh as we go to the next segment




Backstage still, the camera is now pointed at the desk of SWF’s Executive Assistant to the Managing Officer: Ana Garcia. She is on the phone, having a heated conversation.






“..yes..yes…No, I am very happy to have your client, Mr.Khoklov, as a member of this company. He is a huge star in the making.


But the fact remains that Mr.Khoklov kidnapped that woman. And that is not the kind of liability that I am prepared to take on. What if criminal charges had been filed? How would that have made the SWF look? How would that have affected the company’s image?


So I had her let free….No….of course I didn’t care about her physical state..as long as she was alive it was fine by me.


I made an Executive decision. I took matters into my own hand. And I will do so again if Mr. Khoklov forces me to. So..control your client…or else…


Now…on to other matters…I need Mr. Khokov for another project…tonight..”



Duane Fry: Y’know..she seemed like such a nice lady when we did broadcasts together..I wonder who she was talking to?








In the area outside the locker room, Greg Black is trying to psyche up his partner ‘Double R’ Robbie Retro when Steve Frehley walks up:


Black: Yeah! Do this! Who’s house is it…? Oh hey, Steve…what’s up homey..you gonna watch this match


Frehley: Naw..I got this –


But before he can continue, an excited and jabbering Double R jumps back into the conversation.




Frehley and Black stare at Double R, mouths hanging open.


Frehley: Is he serious?


Black: Welllll…we got rid of the 70s stuff and started doing the hip-hop thing just a few months back…he still doesn’t really have the hang of it.

Frehley: I see that. Listen, good luck with the match..I got sumthin else I’m workin’on..






Double R plays to the crowd early, and gets a good reaction as he’s able to dominate with a lot of big impact moves. Lord gets control with a big clothesline, but Double R is right back to it and drills Lord with an Implant DDT for a two count.


Shaken, Lord goes outside and the two men brawl for a few minutes. The referee orders the fight back into the ring. As Double R rolls under the bottom rope, Jungle Lord grabs something out of his boot. Lord rolls in, locks up, and grabs Double R by the wrist. Double R begins convulsing as if he’s been shocked…


Duane Fry: Is that…a HAND BUZZER???


Double R isn’t hurt but the momentary distraction allow Lord to lift him into the JUNGLE JACK HAMMER for the win.


Jungle Lord beats Double R by pin-fall









We go to a backstage interview area, where Jack Bruce is standing next to Kriss Angelle, and a special guest..a young boy with an IV drip attached to his arm.


Kriss: Hello fans. I am incredibly pleased to introduce you to one of SWF’s biggest fans: from Arlen, Texas…Bobby Hill. (round of applause from the fans) Bobby is here with the Make a Wish Foundation.


His one wish was to spend a day with his hero, one of the SWF’s biggest stars, JACK BRUCE!! (fans yell BRUUUUUUCCCCCEEE to show their approval) Jack, you and bobby have been hanging out all afternoon. What have you two ‘rock stars’ been doing?

Jack Bruce: Well Kriss…me and Bobby have been having a great time. First we went over to the production truck…


As he speaks, Jack crouches down to put one arm around the shoulders of Bobby. The boy smiles..but then suddenly looks up and points. It seems like the interview is being interrupted by…






Troy Tornado: Are you kidding me? This kid actually ‘wished’ to hang out with you, you has-been? He needed to wish for a tanning bed. (Tornado checks himself out in a nearby mirror) Look at his skin…it’s like the belly of a crocodile..

Jack Bruce: He’s sick…leukemia..

Tornado: Never heard of it. And ..OH MY GOD..what’s that smell? Is that him? Kid, you smell like you slept in Amy Winehouse’s panty drawer.


Kriss: Ew..you know..I feel terrible, but he does smell kinda bad…


Bobby bursts out in tears.

Jack Bruce: OK, that’s it..


Bruce dives into Tornado taking him down and the two men brawl on the ground. The fight gets out of control quickly, with both men slamming each other into electrical equipment and knocking over boxes. Tornado is busted open when Bruce hits him in the face with a video monitor. But he responds by driving a knee into Bruce’s crotch. Tornado then reaches over and snatches the IV stand, smashing Bruce across the back, before tossing him headfirst into a nearby wall.


Tornado stands up to walk off, spitting blood onto Jack Bruce. He leaves, but not before making one last comment:


“Take it easy, Kid. Good luck with that whole ‘Make a Wish’ thing.”





Before the match began, Jack Giedroyc and The Deacon joined the announce team.





The Bumfholes start fast in this one, using their tag ability to 'divide and conquer.' They manage to confuse Eisen and Remo. And when those two head to the outside,the Bumfholes get the crowd to its feet with a set of diving over-the-top-rope clotheslines...EN STERRRREOOOOOOO!

Peter Michaels: Team Bumfhole looking very impressive early on..

The Deacon: Ridiculous. Preposterous. Erogenous. My two men would never be bamboozled by these underhanded and illegal double-team tactics.


Eventually Remo is able to overpower Randy Bumfhole, reversing a suplex attempt and turning it into a face-first brainbuster. Eisen and Remo spend the next few minutes taking turns dominating Randy Bumfhole, getting closer and closer to making the pin. The fans plea with Randy to fight back, but Eisen and Remo have answers each time.


But the teamwork is a problem. Remo and Eisen argue about tags.


Finally, Eisen tags himself in blind, which makes Remo so angry he actually shoves Eisen. Arguing with Remo, Eric doesn't see Randy make the diving tag! Zimmy comes in and delivers a flying back heel kick, which sends Eric crashing into Remo ..the champ is flung out of the ring!!


Now Zimmy and Randy are in charge...double back drop...double atomic drop...high/low clothesline for two!! Randy scoots out of the ring and begins brawling with Remo on the outside. Zimmy goes up top..looking for the BUMFHOLE IN ONE...The Deacon distracts the referee so that Jack Giedroyc can shove Zimmy off the top crotch-first onto the ring rope.


The crowd groans in unison.


Eric Eisen delivers THE SUPREMACY for the 1..2..3!


Eric Eisen & Remo beat Team Bumfhole by pin-fall



Duane Fry: They may have been beaten, but Team Bumfhole looked impressive in defeat and -if not for the distraction - may have pulled the upset off.

Peter Michaels: Absolutely. Now - wait a second...I've just been handed this production note. Christian Faith's opponent for tonight is...oh dear god no...he's still injured...how can she - ?


I'm sorry, fans. Lost my head there. Christian Faith will face...MARAT KHOKLOV!








A video plays recapping the recent feud between Eddie Peak and Vengeance; specifically replaying over and over the spot at 'Welcome to the Jungle' where Eddie Peak used the PEAK OF THE DEVIL, driving Vengeance over the barrier, into the crowd, and through the chairs.




Christian Faith comes down to the ring. His wrists are taped, and his face is still bandaged from the beating he took last week at the PPV.





Earlier his year, Khoklov and Faith engaged in a series of classic brawls, with Faith eventually ending the feud by beating Khoklov in a Cage Match on Supreme TV back in May.


This is not one of those matches.


Still selling his injuries, Faith offers little resistance as Marat simply plows over him. Khoklov flings Faith around the ring. He tosses Christian into the ring steps. He stands on his chest, arrogantly mocking Faith and daring him to fight. For a moment - just a moment - Faith is able to offer up a fight: after a missed leg drop, Faith hits a series of running offensive moves and then delivers a DDT. Faith tries to set Khoklov up for the LEAP OF FAITH. But it is in vain.


Khoklov catches Christian with one hand and delivers a brutal choke-slam. Khoklov follows up with a MOSCOW LARIAT for the pin.


Marat Khoklov pins Christian Faith





Peter Michaels: OH no..not again..


As Khoklov exits the ring, Brandon James, Squeeky McClean, and Paul Huntingdon come charging out like a pack of hyenas. Emma Chase comes calmly down to the ring as her three clients lay the boots to Faith.


'Big Money' focuses his attack on the open wounds on Faith's forehead and - in a few minutes - Faith is wearing the proverbial 'crimson mask.'


Emma Chase finally gets to the ring:


"...you decrepit old fool..you MADE me do this to you. Why didn't you just agree to the offer the front office made you.


Here. (pulling out a sheaf of papers) These are the papers terminating your contract as an active wrestler and agreeing to a Legends deal. Stop this stupidity. Sign them."


James and The In Crowd grab Faith by the arms and force him to his knees. Chase places the papers in front of him, and throws a pen on the ground.


"Sign them!"


Faith - his face still gushing blood - gets his face jammed into the mat.




Faith looks up. Shrugging his shoulders, he pulls himself up and reaches out for the pen. Faith looks up, squares himself ...AND SPITS A WAD OF BLOOD DIRECTLY INTO THE FACE OF EMMA CHASE!!!

Christian Faith: I...ain't ..signing..sh*t..


Emma reacts in predictable fashion: for the next few minutes she orders her men to assault Faith,leaving him - yet again - in a bloody heap.








After his attack on Jack Bruce (and the Make A Wish Foundation), Troy gets a hot reaction form the crowd. Both men are amped and put on a strong performance. Troy repeatedly plays for the crowd,flexing and kissing his muscles.


But it catches up to him: Troy delivers a snap suplex and faces the audience, primping the whole time. But Money nips up, and snatches Tornado up with a MONEY IN THE BANK for a 1...2..NOOOO!


The pace picks up and both competitors spend the next few minutes exchanging trademark offensive moves and near falls. Tornado takes control with a low blow, and goes up top.


Money staggers to his feet...Tornado with a moonsault...Tornado connects...BUT MONEY ROLLS THROUGH...Money gets to his feet with Troy Tornado in a rear waistlock...ANOTHER MONEY IN THE BANK..1..2..3!!


Rich Money beats Troy Tornado by pin-fall





As Money plays to the crowd, we go to the parking garage, where Remo (dressed in street clothes) is headed to a black town car. The champs i headed home for the evening. Suddenly...






Frehly charges into Remo from behind, slamming him into the side of the car. Frehley lifts Remo up..FREHLEY'S COMET ONTO THE CAR WINDSHIELD!!!


Frehley stands over the fallen champ.


Frehley: Yo...Remo...I hear you ain't got a challenger for 'No Man's Land'...consider this my application.


Frehley walks off as we fade to black






Quick Results

Runaway Train pinned American Machine

Jungle Lord pinned Double R

Eric Eisen & Remo beat Team Bumfhole

Marat Khoklov beat Christian Faith

Rich Money pinned Troy Tornado

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The next SWF Pay-Per -View event is 'No Man's Land' and it seems that No Man is safe: Zimmy Bumfhole...Jack Bruce ..Christian Faith ...they were all assaulted last week. But - most surprisingly - SWF World Champion Remo was laid out by 'the Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley.


What questions do we have as we go to the next episode of Supreme TV?:


--Christian Faith was forced to compete last Tuesday. Obviously not at his top form, Faith was easy pickings for the monstrous Marat Khoklov. But even worse, Faith was again bloodied by EmmaCorp. Faith gained a small measure of revenge, but that action has led Emma Chase to request this match: Christian Faith in a handicap match against The 'In-Crowd' Squeeky McClean and Paul Huntingdon.


Ana Garcia was happy to oblige.


--Speaking of Marat Khoklov: it appears as though there is some sort of 'mastermind' behind the actions of the Russian giant. Well...Angry Gilmore will be in the arena to defend his North American title against Runaway Train. It stands to reason that Angry Gilmore will be looking for more information on who this shadowy conspirator might be.


--Steve Frehley made himself known as a possible challenger for Remo's World Title. The two will face off in a six-man tag match...but win, lose, or draw...will the challenge be accepted? And what will Nemesis have to say on the matter?


--After the despicable actions of Troy Tornado, Jack Bruce will be looking for payback. But how long can this rivalry continue? Will these two ever settle their differences? And how many more innocent bystanders will be caught up in this bitter blood feud?


--And last but not least: Ana Garcia has promised an answer to the #1 Contender dillemma. Eric Eisen or Rich Money? Who will it be? How will it be settled? Will thse two warriors square off once again...at NO MAN'S LAND???




Predictions Welcome:


Angry Gilmore © vs Runaway Train - North American Title Match


'Big Money' Brandon James vs. Hell Monkey


Christian Faith vs The In Crowd (Huntingdon & McClean)


'The Great White Shark' Eddie Peak vs The Jungle Lord


Remo, Troy Tornado, & Marc Dubois vs Steve Frehley, Jack Bruce, & Alejandro Marquez

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Stennick" data-cite="Stennick" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28764" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>P.H this dynasty needs more cowbell.....oh and more shows posted too <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> I'm liking it so far great Supreme T.V so yeah basically hop to it <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Hey it only took me a week to get to this ! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Show coming later today..</p>
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Tuesday, Week 4, August 2010

Manhattan National Center




Angry Gilmore is standing in the ring as Supreme TV begins. Gilmore, in his wrestling gear, looks angry (of course) and ready to fight. He grabs a mic and speaks.




“..Last week I stayed home and took a break from the road for literally the first time in months. I rested…I took some time to heal some nagging injuries…get refreshed…recharge my batteries…that sort of thing.


More importantly, I spent some time with my wife Jessie. She needed that time after everything she’d been through recently.


And as nice as that was…I just COULD. NOT. STOP. BEING. ANGRY!!!!


Because the whole time, in the back of my mind, I was trying to think of some way to punish that SONOFAB**** Marat Khoklov for what he put my wife through. I could not stop thinking of ways that I wanted to hurt him.


So last week…imagine my surprise… when I’m watching Supreme TV..and I see Ana Garcia on the phone with someone who claims to be the one controlling Khoklov. Well, obviously, he’s not just some out of control monster? There’s someone out there controlling him? There’s someone out there..WHO TOLD HIM TO KIDNAP MY WIIIIIFE???


That's when I decided then and there that I needed to find out who that someone is. And I have my suspicions…so I want you all to give a nice warm welcome for my FIRST Suspect….THE GURU..!!




A dazed and somewhat surprised Guru wanders out from behind the stage curtains and heads to the ring.


Guru: Tom, now you and I go way back and you know that I..

Angry Gilmore: Quiet! Now, what I know is that you’ve been hanging out backstage for weeks. You have a reputation for managing big muscle-bound monsters and having a lot of success..


Guru: I’ve been looking for work…and…and, Khoklov is a talent but I –


Angry Gilmore: You what? What do you know about Marat Khoklov?? Are you his handler???


Guru: Tom, you’re being irrational..


Angry Gilmore: What did you call me???


Angry finally snaps. He throws The Guru to the ground and locks in his version of the Koji Clutch, THE RAGEAHOL-LOCK. The Guru screams in agony and all the while Angry yells into his ear: ARE YOU HIS MANAGER? ARE YOU HIS MANAGER?


Suddenly, a voice thunders out over the arena speakers:




The voice – digitized so as to be unrecognizable – seems to be coming directly out of the Supreme-A-Scope, accompanied by an almost hypnotic electronic effect.








By this time, Angry has released Gilmore and is yelling at the monitor, demanding for this mysterious speaker to ‘come out and face him.’


Angry Gilmore: Show yourself, you coward!












Marat Khoklov enters the arena and begins his walk to the ring….BUT GILMORE JUMPS OUT OF THE RING AND MEETS HIM HALFWAY!!!


Marat Khoklov and Angry Gilmore begin brawling in the aisle, with Gilmore using a steel chair to compensate for the difference in size. The fight is uncontrollable and eventually security has to come out and separate the two men before things escalate out of control






Back from the break, and security is still in place to keep Marat Khoklov and Angry Gilmore from brawling. Suddenly, Runaway Train leaps from out of the crowd and blasts Angry from behind, starting their North American Title Match!






Train attacks with uncharacteristic speed. He hits power move after power move in an effort to get the pin before Gilmore can fight back. Train hits the Train of Pain for a two count. Feeling confident, Train plays to the crowd before going for the RUNAWAY TRAIN. That split second of hesitation may have cost him however; Angry Gilmore is able to float out of the powerbomb attempt and drive Train to the mat with a DDT! Gilmore locks in a crossface armbar. Train rolls through,gets to his feet, and sends Gilmore crashing into the turnbuckle. Train charges in but Gilmore scrambles out of the way. Train is moving so fast he smashes his head into the ring post…Train staggers back …Angry Gilmore recovers from behind and delivers the ANGER MANAGEMENT for the 1..2..3!


Angry Gilmore pins Runaway Train







“..dammit…I told you, REMO WANTS FREHLEY!!”


Nemesis: Remo, listen…you’re facing Frehley tonight…


Remo: You retarded, Big Red? Remo looked like a straight busta last week…and that just can’t happen.Frehley stepped to Remo. Now Frehley has to pay. And that’s my word. Do you feel me?


Nemesis: Yes. Yes, I do. You feel disrespected by the attack by Frehley last week and you want payback. But that’s not a reason to give a world title shot, at a major PPV, to a guy who hasn’t done anything in months to earn it. Now, we have a lot on our plates..


Remo: Remo don’t give a damn about wuz on y’alls plates…where was y’all at when I was getting helicoptered through a windshield?

Eric Eisen: Awwww…poor baby…did widdums get hurt?


Remo: Be easy, son. Daddy’s not here to protect yo’ ass..


Eisen: Oh Remo..don’t you get it? Nemesis is telling you to calm down because right now, your issues with Frehley are secondary. I’m waiting for Ana Garcia to make her announcement about how she’s going to determine the #1 Contender. We – as a group - need to try to anticipate what her decision will be, and plan accordingly.


If you want to create your own little ‘black-on-black crime’ spree, be our guest. But we have more important things to worry about.


Remo: Is that right? (Remo walks over to Eisen, as Nemesis tries to stand between the two men) It seems to Remo that there’s an even bigger issue at hand:


Let’s say Garica makes her decision. And then just say you do beat Money at ‘No Man’s Land.’ Well, she already said that means you MUST use your title shot A-S-A-P.


That means that it would be YOU versus Remo.. and nothin’ Big Red here can say or do will save yo’ ass then.


And once that’s done wit…everybody will comprende that ain’t nuthin ‘secondary’ about the ‘H.N.I.C.’ You gon’ have to fall in line, Daddy’s Boy. Whether you like it or not.”


Eisen and Remo glare at each other as the scene shifts to another part of the arena.




Of course, the new scene isn’t any less hostile…






Backstage, Cheerleader Dawn is walking alongside Team Bumfhole when Jack Giedroyc comes around a corner and grabs Dawn by the elbow.


It looks as though Giedroyc is going to proposition his former valet and girlfriend, when Zimmy Bumfhole comes flying in from off-screen and levels Giedroyc with a flying elbow.


This brings Valiant into the fray. This, of course, leads to Randy Bumfhole joining the fight.


Team Bumfhole and Wrath of God are brawling all over the backstage area. Dawn goes for help. The Deacon avoids the violence at all costs, while he yells, “REPARATIONS! RESTITUTION! REPERCUSSIONS!” at the top of his lungs.


Eventually, the terribly underpaid SWF security team comes to the rescue and separates the four men as we head to break.






Back from break and we head to a closed studio where three young SWF Superstars are standing.






“..Good evening to all of you out there in the SWF Universe.


Those of you who have been regular viewers of SWF Uprising probably already know me. You’ve seen me get win after win over men with far more experience than I.Of course, that's not surprising. Talent always trumps experience.


For those who don’t know me, my name is Spencer Spade aka ‘The Supreme Star.’These men behind me are my associates: The 5 Star Recruits, Steven ‘The Future’ Parker and ‘El Joven’ Gino Montero. You’ve probably seen them tearing it up on Uprising as well.As a group we are known as The T.U.P. …or Tremendous Upside Potential.


We are the next step forward in the evolution of SWF.


You should all be excited, because we won't be 'quarantined' to Uprising for much longer. You’ll be seeing all of us on Supreme TV soon. Very soon.”


The three men chuckle knowingly as we go back out to the ring.




Peter Michaels: Speaking of potential…Hell Monkey has been working for months on Uprising. Tonight’s match with James is his first chance to impress on the main show …Supreme TV!





And Monkey does indeed impress; he is able to keep James off his game with athleticism and innovative offense. Monkey even manages a couple of near-falls that get the crowd rumbling in anticipation of an upset. But eventually he gets near enough to the ropes that Emma is able to distract him for a second. In that second, ‘Big Money’ catches Hell Monkey with a savage looking flying knee smash, then follows up with BIG MONEY MOVES for the pin.


Brandon James pins Hell Monkey



We go backstage, where the well-built Kriss Angelle is waiting to interview…Vengeance (??)!!






A huge figure in black, wearing the trademark black robes and skull mask of Vengeance, comes stomping into the interview area, speaking in a low and gravelly voice.




Kriss: Excuse me?


The figure stops and starts to laugh. One massive arm reaches up and removes the mask. The hooded figure turns out to be ..




“Hey, it’s me, Eddie. Eddie Peak.”


Kriss: What the hell was that all about?


Eddie: Well, I mean, Vengeance wears all those dark robes like he’s the Lich King or Darth Vader..so I figured if I said that..


Kriss: No, I mean, why are you wearing that outfit?

Eddie: Well, ever since I beat Vengeance at ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ I’ve been hearing how I need to watch out. Oooh..he’s so scary. He’s gonna get me…but what’s so scary about him?


I’m just as big. Just as strong. I’ve beaten him every time we faced. Look at me Kriss…I’m a scary guy, too. (Eddie smiles a serial killer smile that makes Kriss noticeably uncomfortable)


So I thought: well what makes him so scary? Maybe it’s the outfit. So I decided to try it on. But it’s just sort of…silly. I mean, he dresses like he’s the world’s biggest Raiders fan. Unless you’re a parole officer, how is that scary? He doesn’t scare me. Does that make sense?

Kriss: S-Sure…if you say so..


Eddie: You know what does scare me? The sunlight. Man, I burn easy..


Kriss: Well, that’s because you’re an a-albino, right?


Eddie: WHAT!!! (Eddie grabs Kriss by the arms and lifts her off of her feet, screaming into her face)


Kriss: You’re an a-a-albino..I think..


Eddie: An albino? Are you sure? Really??? Why didn’t anyone tell me that? Sonofa—somebody get Doug on the phone ..I need to talk to him..


Eddie Peak drops a terrified Kriss Angelle on her feet and then wanders off, searching desperately for ‘Doug’ to ask him about this whole ‘albino’ business.





Peter Michaels: This next match…well, it could get ugly.

Duane Fry: Christian Faith is going to face off against The In Crowd in a handicap match. And remember, Emma Chase’s men are no ordinary team. They are former SWF Tag Team Champions.


Peter Michaels: Faith has his work cut out for him.





McClean and Huntingdon took full advantage of the situation, tagging in and out and continuously punishing Faith. The match fell into a pattern: Christian Faith would get the upper hand for a moment, and then The In Crowd would hit a double-team move to regain control. Several times, it appeared as though The In Crowd could have made the pin, but Emma Chase ordered them to pull Faith off the mat.


Peter Michaels: Emma Chase is trying to have her men injure Christian Faith..that jezebel!!!

The tide turned, however, when Emma Chase got too close to the action: Emma was talking to McClean near the ropes when Faith grabbed him by one leg and dumped him over the top topes …onto his manager! The crowd popped huge, but this move also distracted Huntingdon. And when he turned his back to check on his partner and manager, Faith came crashing into him with a knee and sent him headfirst into the turnbuckle. LEAP OF FAITH!!! The referee (perhaps sympathetic because of the 2-on-1 stipulation) allowed the pinfall despite the fact McClean was the legal man…1..2..3!


Christian Faith pinned Paul Huntingdon to beat The In Crowd.



The show shifts scenes to a steady in the office of SWF’s Executive Assistant to the Managing Officer: Ana Garcia.






“Good evening.


As many of you know, over the last few weeks, there has been a heated debate over who is the #1 Contender to the SWF World Heavyweight Title. Eric Eisen is technically the #1 Contender because Rich Money was unable to defeat Eric at our last Pay-Per-View Event. But Money has said that he deserves to be the top contender because the draw was due to interference from The Supremacists, AND because Eric Eisen refuses to take advantage of his #1 Contender status.


So we have come to this.


Many long time fans of the SWF will remember the classic matches known as SWF: War Zone.




Two rings..side-by-side…a double cage surrounding both rings…a caged roof over the top of the entire structure…two teams facing each other in an elimination match were the only way to knock out an opponent is by pin-fall, submission or –most likely- the opponent can no longer continue..SWF: War Zone is one of the most dangerous matches in the history of this industry.


At ‘No Man’s Land,’ the War Zone is back. (crowd pops)


Eric Eisen and Rich Money will select three teammates, respectively. Their teams will face off in a War Zone match at ‘No Man’s Land.’ The winning team’s captain will be considered the new #1 Contender and will be GUARANTEED a World Title shot at ‘Let the Games Begin’ in October.


So – hopefully – our two captains will select worthy team members. Because at 'No Man's Land' the winner will get the right to compete for the single most important prize in our industry.


And the loser? They will become an afterthought.


Thank you. And good night.”




Peter Michaels: What an announcement! The War Zone is back! Let’s go live backstage to Rich Money for his reaction…






Rich Money: Well, well, well…Ana Garcia has decided that the problems between Eric Eisen and myself are so big, they required that she bring back a legendary match from the past to settle things.


Who knew? I thought we were just gonna hug it out. Looks like the bromance is over, Eric…


Folks…I spent the better part of a year chasing down the SWF World Title. A year. Facing off against Jack Bruce. Then dealing with all of Eric’s douchebaggery. Scraping. Fighting. Doing WHATEVER it took…And then when I FINALLY win that title, and I successfully defend it against Bruce and Eric at Supreme Challenge XXX – the biggest show on the planet! - my former best friend jumps me from behind and steals the belt.


So now I’m chasing again.


And now Eric, you’re in my way. Again.


I’m coming for my title, Eric. Go jump in that cage. Shut that door tight. I’m sure you’ll get your usual Supremacist buddies to get your back at ‘No Man’s Land.’ You’ll tell them to stand in my way. (mockingly) ‘Please don’t let him hurt me. I bruise so easy. Boo hoo!’


But it won’t matter, because I’m coming


It won’t matter if it’s 4-on-4, 5-on-5, 4-on-3, 4-on-1….hell it won’t matter if you get every damned member of the Eisen family , line them all up, and flood the cage with blue-blood, inbred, spoiled rich A-holes from all over the world…it still won’t matter.


Because I want my title back. And it’s all on the line at ‘No Man’s Land.’ And everybody – EVERYBODY in the SWF Universe – knows that when it’s crunch time ..I ..AM….MONEY!!!










Backstage, we see Jack Bruce, Alex Marquez, and Steve Frehley speaking to each other. The three men look determined and intense as they get themselves mentally prepared for their upcoming match. When suddenly..






Black N Funky - Greg Black and ‘Double R’ Robbie Retro – come around the corner. Robbie is busy listening to some popular rap hits on his headphones. Unfortunately, they’re hits from about 10 years ago.


Double R: Hey…what’s up fellas?... check out this new track I’m jivin’ out..it’ll make you wanna get Jiggy with it..


Frehley looks over at Black. Greg can only shrug his shoulders as Bruce and Marquez laugh.




‘The Dark Destroyer’ Steve Frehley cuts him off suddenly

Frehley: Listen..I don’t know about O-P-P…but I’m DEFINITELY down with R-A-B


Double R: What’s that stand for?


Frehley: REMO’S. A. B****. (the crowd ooooh’s it’s approval)


Bruce: That’s right, brother. And The Main Man, Jack Bruce is down with W-T-C.


Greg Black: Wu Tang Clan?




The men laugh and exchange some good natured fist bumps. Finally, Greg Black has a question:


Greg Black: What about you, amigo? You got anything to add?


Alex Marquez: No. I was just wondering..is he wearing a portable CD player? Really? You guys couldn’t get him an iPod, esse?


Greg Black: Baby steps. We just got him to put the Walkman away last week…


The men laugh again as we go back to the ring.







Jungle Lord has been on a hot streak lately, but ‘The Great White Shark’ is a different animal (see what I did there?). Lord is big, strong, and athletic, which makes him hard for many opponents to deal with. Eddie, however, is bigger, stronger, and almost as athletic. So the match quickly degenerates to Lord attempting an offensive move and Eddie reversing it. Jungle Lord even tries some of his underhanded tactics that have been so successful recently: he goes under the ring to look for some kind of weapon but Eddie just grabs one leg and drags him out, before lifting him to his feet and driving him to the ground with a vicious spinebuster!


Things are solidly in hand for Eddie Peak when suddenly…NEMESIS APPEARS!




Nemesis comes out to the ring and begins gesturing at Peak, finally taking a swing at Peak through the ring ropes. Eddie Peak is incensed and jumps outside the ring and chases Nemesis up the ramp and backstage. The Jungle Lord – sitting in the ring and still looking dazed – is the beneficiary of a surprising count-out win.


Jungle Lord beats Eddie Peak by count-out.




Backstage, we see Eddie Peak still searching for Nemesis, but it appears as though The Supremacist manager is long gone from the arena.





Steve Frehley started the match by challenging Remo to step in and face him. Remo –being Remo- did just that and the fans were treated to a wild brawl between the two in the opening minutes. But eventually Dubois tagged in and ‘The Model’ was able to use his speed and technical skill to throw Frehley off his game, even stopping to pose for the fans after an especially graceful top-rope head scissors.


The match continued like this, with each man tagging in to counter what the other team was doing. Marquez would use speed to counter Remo, Tornado would counter the speed of Marquez with his tactical skill, Frehley would tag in to overpower Tornado, and then Remo would out-brawl Frehley. Etc.


Late in the match, Jack Bruce got a hot tag and was able to send all three opponents scampering outside the ring. With the referee distracted by the chaos, Frehley was able to smash Remo in the back with a steel chair! With Remo out of commission, Frehley and Marquez were able to team up to send Dubois crashing into Troy Tornado.


Tornado – dazed by the contact – turned and walked straight into a NEW YOUR MINUTE for the pin-fall.


Steve Frehley, Jack Bruce, and Alejandro Marquez beat Remo, Troy Tornado, and Marc Dubois





As Frehley, Bruce, and Marquez celebrated in the ring, Tornado and Remo re-grouped at the top of the ramp before grabbing a pair of microphones:


Troy Tornado: Bruce…you washed up hack! I’ve been kicking your a** ever since I got to the SWF…BUT YOU JUST WON’TLEARN! Fine…that’s fine…that just means I get to show you again that I AM THE REAL ROCK STAR OF THE SWF!


At ‘No Man’s Land’…I’m going to show you exactly what a ‘Painful Procedure’ is…me and you…LAST. MAN. STANDING.


The crowd roars it’s approval as Jack Bruce nods his head to show that accepts the challenge.


Remo: Yo…thas all gravy…but y’all can do Dave versus Sammy on yer own time…The H-N-I-C gotta play media mogul for a hot second..


Remo pulls out his Blackberry and begins to type as he speaks.


Remo: Remo is about to post the first ever live tweet on Supreme TV…(typing) @SWFwrestling.com…Remo ..wl face.. Fake @ss Frehley… @ No Man's l& …4t.. WRLD ..Title. Frehley..you wanted a piece of Remo…you got a piece of Remo!


The crowd pops again as Remo and Frehley jaw at each other from across the arena as the show goes to black.







Quick Results

Angry Gilmore pinned Runaway Train

Brandon James pinned Hell Monkey

Christian Faith beat The In Crowd

The Jungle Lord beat Eddie Peak by count-out

Jack Bruce, Steve Frehley, Alex Marquez beat Remo, Troy Tornado, Marc Dubois

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On Supreme TV it was announced that Eric Eisen would lead a team of four men against a team led by Rich Money in the legendary SWF War Zone Match. Well Eric Eisen wasted no time in announcing his first two selections: Vengeance and 'The Russian Monster' Marat Khoklov.


While Vengeance seems like a natural selection as a member of The Supremacists, Khoklov is somehwat of a surprise due to his unpredictable nature and the recent revelation that he has a mysterious handler directing his career. Both both men do have some things in common: they are huge, nearly unstoppable, and - at times- seemingly impervious to pain.


No matter who the final teammate is, Vengeance and Khoklov should give Eisen a huge advantage headed into the match.


What else to watch for?


--Well now that Eisen has shown his first two choices, the big question is: Who will team with Rich Money? Who will have the intestinal fortitude to match up against Eisen & Co in the steel cage?


--Angry Gilmore has said that he won't stop until he discovers the man (or woman?) in control of Marat Khoklov's attacks on him and his wife. It obviously wasn't The Guru. So who's next on Angry's list of suspects? Will the search continue?


--Christian Faith managed ot defeat The In Crowd in a handicap match. Word out of the Head Office is that Ana Garcia was none too pleased with that. Garcia wants Faith gone, and has scheduled him in a tag match against Brandon James. Is this yet another opportunity for James and EmmaCorp to assault Christian Faith?


--The SWF Tag Titles will be on the line at 'No Man's Land.' Who will face Team Bumfhole? That will be decided at Supreme TV.


--And last but not least: Remo has actually challenged 'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley to a match at 'No Man's Land.' Strange, considering the champion is usually not the one doing the challenging. This Tuesday both men will meet face-to-face for the contract signing. Will sparks fly? Or is that a rhetorical question?




Predictions Welcome:


Troy Tornado vs. American Machine w/ BJ O'Neill


Black N Funky vs. Wrath of God w/The Deacon - #1 Tag Contender


Steve Frehley vs. Bryan Holmes


Eric Eisen vs. Alejandro Marquez


Vengeance & 'Big Money' Brandon James vs. Rich Money & Christian Faith

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  • 2 weeks later...



Tuesday, Week 1, September 2010

The Cattle Market






The show opens backstage, in the stylishly decorated dressing room of Rich Money. SWF’s resident billionaire playboy is standing next to Angry Gilmore and his wife, Jessie. The two men seem to be having a disagreement.


“…Listen Tom, I certainly appreciate the offer. But you’ve always been more of a ‘wrestler’ than a fighter and this kind of match..”


Angry: F*** you, Rich.


Money: Excuse me?


Angry: As long as you’ve known me you’ve known how much Jessie means to me. And you know that I would die trying to protect her. After everything Khoklov has put her through, you can look me in the eye and tell me that you don’t think I’m ready to fight?




(breathing heavily) Don’t you get it? Being in that cage doesn’t mean I’m the one in danger. I’ve beaten Khoklov once. I’m not the one who needs to worry. When those cage doors close, I won’t be the one trapped in there with him. He’s going to be the one trapped in there with ME.


Rich Money can see the intensity in the eyes of Angry Gilmore and simply nods his head to signify his agreement. Angry Gilmore will be on Team Money at ‘No Man’s Land.’ As the two men shake hands, there’s a knock at the door, and in walks….





…Jack Bruce and Alejandro Marquez.


Rich Money walks up to Jack Bruce and the two longtime rivals stare each other down for a few moments before Money asks a question.


Money: What are you doing here, Jack?


Bruce: Rich, baby, you more than anyone should know that Samantha Bruce’s Baby Boy goes where the action is.


Money: I get that. But you already have a match at ‘No Man’s Land’ so –


Bruce: Not me. Him.


Money: Him? Latino Heat? I’m putting a team together for War Zone, not casting for a soap opera.


Marquez: Wha’s that s’posed to mean, vato? Chu don’ think I can throw down? Chu thinkI can’t hang wit’ the big boys? Listen up…I like to have fun and baila con los mujeres..but when it’s Business Time, it’s Business Time. Si quiere pelear, vamos a pelear…you feel me, esse?

Money (looking over at Jack Bruce): you vouching for him, Jack.


Bruce: I am.


Money: Then he’s in.


Money shakes the hands of Bruce and Marquez and both men go over to greet Angry Gilmore and Jessie. The four men exchange a few words before Rich Money speaks up:


Money: Damn…I really hope that our last team member has a little more ..um..beef to him. Because we’re going up against Vengeance and Marat Khoklov.And – no offense fellas – but you two aren’t exactly the Lords of War.


Suddenly, the dressing room door is caved in and in walks …




“Hey it’s me, Eddie. Eddie Peak.”


Money: What’s going on, Eddie Eddie Peak.


Peak: Can I join your team?


Money (looking over and smiling at Angry, Bruce, and Marquez): I think we can make room.

Peak: Awesome! Oh man..you guys are in, too? This is too sweet. There’s four of us…it’s like the A-Team, sorta.


Rich is Hannibal..because he’s like the leader and stuff. He’s got all the master plans. Angry is Murdock because he’s all angry and mental and stuff (Jessie laughs and Angry ****s an eyebrow at her before laughing himself). Alex here is like Face because he’s got that Ladie’s Man Thing. And I guess…I guess I’m B.A. But not the Rampage Jackson version. The good version, with the Mohawk and feathers…


Eddie Peak prattles on as Angry Gilmore walks over to Rich Money.


Angry: Is he nuts?


“…man I always thought I’d make a good black guy..”


Money: Yes. Yes, he is.


Rich Money reaches into his desk and pulls out a giant cigar. He takes a bite out of the tip, lights it up, takes a huge drag, and exhales a happy puff of smoke into the air.


Money: He’s perfect. Damn…I love it when a plan comes together.


Everyone laughs and Team Money seems in genuinely good spirits as we go to break.






Back from the break, The ‘Real’ Rock Star is headed to the ring to open the show.





Machine continues to improve, and his size and strength makes him a legitimate threat whenever he steps in the ring. That being said, Troy Tornado is one of the best in the business and he makes quick work of countering Machine’s offense. Tornado is so much in charge that he even takes time to go over slap O’Neill on the rump. That move backfires, however. Machine gets angry (and you wouldn’t like him when he’s angry) and unloads with a series of running clotheslines. Machine delivers a vicious powerslam for a two-count. With the crowd cheering, Machine tries to hit OLD GLORY, but Tornado dances out of the way, sending Machine crashing into the turnbuckle. With American Machine staggered, Tornado jumps nimbly up to the second rope and leaps off, delivering the STAR MAKER…1..2…3!


Troy Tornado pins American Machine




A video plays, highlighted by bizarre calliope music and grainy footage of scenes from a Circus…a tattered big top…the caged animals, frothing and biting at their chains…the subhuman sideshow freaks… clowns, smiling behind the cruelty in their eyes.


A woman’s voice speaks: “Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, please turn you attention to the center ring…you are about to bear witness toooo…












Backstage, Emma Chase is walking alongside her client ‘Big Money’ Brandon James. The two are on their way to their dressing room. Chase is angry and her normally silky smooth voice is sharp and angry. And maybe even a little nervous.


“…This is insane! Christian Faith is a senile old man. Why can’t we get rid of him? We attack and attack and attack and he keeps coming back. We’ve left him a bloody mess several times, and he keeps coming back. And what happens last week? He beats John AND Paul.


EmmaCorp was given a contract. EmmaCorp never fails. Do you understand me, Brandon?

Brandon James: Yes, but –


Emma: Don’t you see? This is your big chance, Brandon. If we do this for Ana Garcia and the Board of Directors, we can write our own ticket to the top of this company. But nothing is working. And it’s making you look bad, Brandon.


Brandon James: Emma I –


Emma: Even worse, it’s making ME look bad.


Chase and James turn the corner and enter EmmaCorp’s private office/dressing room. They are shocked to discover that the room is a complete shambles: the furniture is knocked over, there is broken glass everywhere, and there are several holes in the walls.


And there – lying on the ground – are a battered and beaten Squeeky McClean and Paul Huntingdon.


Brandon James: What the..?


Emma: It was Faith. He attacked them while we were out. This is it…so help me…if it’s the last thing I do in this company, Christian Faith is a dead man.






Peter Michaels: We are joined at commentary by the SWF Tag Champions, Randy and Zimmy, better known as Team Bumfhole. Randy, the winner of this match gets a tag team title shot at ‘No Man’s Land.’ Do you have any preferences?


Randy: Well I don’t…


Zimmy: We want to face Wrath of God. Point blank. Nothing against Greg and Robbie, but we have some personal business to finish.




The action starts quickly, with Black opening against Giedroyc. Neither man gets control of the action. ‘Double R’ tags in and his size and strength seems to be turning the tide. He drills Giedroyc with a spear. He catches Valiant coming off the ropes with a flapjack. Double R is in total control…right up until The Deacon trips him coming off the ropes, allowing Giedroyc to catch him with a hammerlock suplex.


Duane: The numbers game working against Black N Funky …


Zimmy: That’s so typical of this team.


For the next few minutes, Giedroyc and Valiant take turns delivering the punishment to Double R. They smartly cut him off from his partner and deliver move after move to try to get the pin. But Double R keeps kicking out. It finally looks like the match is over when Valiant and Giedroyc team up to deliver EXODUS (back suplex/lung-blower combo). 1…2….Nooooo! Double R gets his foot on the ropes.


The Deacon reaches in and knocks the foot away. The referee catches The Deacon and the two men argue.

Zimmy: I’ve had enough of this…


Zimmy Bumfhole goes over and decks The Deacon! The crowd erupts. Before anyone can stop them, Randy and Zimmy are brawling with Giedroyc and Valiant outside the ring. Greg Black hops in the ring, bounces off the opposite ropes, and deliver a suicide splash onto all four men!!!


With all three teams now brawling, the referee declares the match a No-Contest.


Black N Funky draw with Wrath of God


Security comes out to regain control as we head to the backstage area.






Angry Gilmore is stalking the arena hallways. His face is intense and determined. He seems to be questioning technicians and production staff members as he goes along. Angry Gilmore is definitely looking for somebody. Suddenly…


“There you are!”


Angry Gilmore runs up to a man in a large hat and gaudy fur coat. He grabs him by the shoulder and spins him around, revealing…






“…Heeeyyyyy,Tom…what’s happenin’ home-skillet?”


Angry Gilmore: Cut the crap, Danny. Or should I call you Mr. Phunk? What are you doing here?


Bling: Tom, are you serious? …I have some dates booked down here. So with you guys in the area I wanted to stop in and say hi to some old friends. What’s the deal?


Angry Gilmore: The deal is…everyone knows you left because the people in back thought you were ‘too small’ to make it as a wrestler. So maybe you figured out that the only way to be ‘bigger’ was to get your own hired muscle? Someone so big that no one could ever turn you down?


Bling: Oh, snap! Are you saying…? Wait, you came up to ask me if I’m the one managing Khoklov? Are you serious?


Angry Gilmore: AM I SERIOUS!!? AM I SERIOUS!!? Let me show you how serious I am..


Angry Gilmore snatches Bling up, positions him, and then delivers ANGER MANAGEMENT on the concrete floor!


Angry: Now do you think I’m being serious???


Bling moans and rolls over, his head busted open. All he says, over and over is three words: It’s not me. It's not me. Gilmore seems to calm down, indicating he believes him.


Angry: It better not be. Or I’ll be back.


Gilmore storms off as medics rush over to attend to Bling.










Backstage, ‘The Real Rock Star’ Troy Tornado and Marc ‘The Model’ Dubois are primping and posing for a group of photographers. Troy pauses long enough to talk about his upcoming match with Jack Bruce at ‘No Man’s Land.’ Tornado is convinced that he will once-and-for-all end the debate about who is the true rock star of wrestling by beating Bruce in that Last Man Standing match. The paprazzi agrees and asks Troy to ‘face this way.’


Troy ends by telling the photogs that they are lucky because they are about to get an exclusive scoop.


Tornado: Tell em, Marc…


Dubois: Oh Troy..if you insist. You know that I hate to brag.


Marc Dubois removes his jacket to reveal that he’s wearing a shirt emblazoned with a giant picture of …Marc Dubois. He continues:


Dubois: Well, as of a few minutes ago, it has been made official that I am now a part of Team Eisen. That’s right…at ‘No Man’s Land’ I will team up with Eric Eisen and those two vicious brutes Marat Khoklov and Vengeance to face off against Ricky Money and his drab, homely, unexciting team of wanna-be’s.


Eric knew that the match was going to be tough and he needed someone fierce. Well, there’s no one more fierce than ‘The Model.’ (Dubois looks over at Tornado and the two men curl their lips in agreement) Now back up you jackals…I need room to pose or else you won’t get the full effects of these gorgeous cheekbones.


The photographers snap away as the interview concludes and we go back to the arena.







Under normal circumstances, Bryan Holmes is a hardened competitor and a gifted technician who gives every one of his opponent’s fits. Win, lose, or draw, with the punishment he dishes out, your body remembers what it was like to face Bryan Holmes. Too bad for Bryan these are not normal circumstances. Frehley is on an absolute tear as of late; the kind of tear that helped Frehley beat Runaway Train for the SWF World Title and hold onto it for 10 months a few years back.


Holmes didn’t stand a chance. He never really gets started and it makes the match seem disjointed at times.


After a few minutes of sometimes awkward back-and-forth action, Steve Frehley takes over. Holmes tries counter after counter, but Frehley plows forward and eventually delivers FREHLEYS COMET for the win.


Steve Frehley beats Bryan Holmes


After the match, Steve Frehley jumps on a microphone.


“..Alright, Remo, let’s do this! Get down here so we can make this nice and legal.”


Frehley waits in the ring as attendants come out to prepare the ring for the contract signing…AFTER THE BREAK.








Back in the ring, Steve Frehley is sitting in a chair at a table. The mat is covered by a blue carpet, and banners with the SWF logo are hanging in the corners. The only thing on the table is a pen and a contract.


Suddenly, ‘Hate Me Now’ explodes from the loudspeakers and the SWF World Heavyweight Champion Remo comes out from behind the curtains and makes his way to the ring; Remo plays to the fans the whole time, yelling at them and making insulting gestures. Dressed to the nine, Remo climbs the steps, enters the ring through the middle ropes, glares menacingly over at Frehley, and then lifts the title belt over his head. Frehley, calm and composed, only returns his glare with a smirk. Remo sits down and begins talking rapidly to Frehley, and Frehley eventually grabs a mic to respond:


Frehley: Ok now..calm down big boy…


Remo: Who you callin’ boy?


Frehley: All I’m saying is to calm down. We are out here to complete a simple business transaction. There’s no need for all this hostility. I wanted a title match, so I did everything I could to get your attention. Even if the meant slamming you headfirst into a windshield (the crowd pops at the mention of Frehley driving Remo into the hood of his car with a FREHLEY’S COMET). You agreed to my challenge. Now we’re here..ready to sign this contract…so I can take THAT title off of YOUR waist at ‘No Man’s Land.’


I mean..it’s really not that big a deal.


Remo: Ohhhhh..so thas your game,huh playa? Fine. Do yer thing…Remo doesn’t hate. Be Mr. Calm Cool and Collected. I get it. You wanna rile me up…let me make a mistake ..take advantage of Remo’s temper. Whateva’s cleva.


But just know this…I ain’t biting. I’m not. I see you, Frehley. I see what your deal is.


Frehley: And what’s that?


Remo: It’s the oldest thing in the book. Jealousy. Steve Frehley is jealous of Remo. Because for a long time..YOU were the H.N.I.C. YOU were the scary brutha with all the street cred. YOU were the one that had all these bustas in the back running for cover. (in a mocking tone) “Oh here comes Steve Frehley. He’s wearing a Malcolm X hat..run for cover. Boo hoo!”


And now you see me, you know your time is past. You know that it’s Remo’s World now.

Frehley: Is that it?


Remo: Yup. And it’s not really surprising. I mean…Jigga came out of retirement because he got sick of people hyping up Lil Weezie. MJ came out of retirement because he got tired of people hyping up Kobe. Hell..I’m pretty sure Gary Coleman tried to come back because he got sick of seeing Webster on TV. So what you did was typical: you got tired of people ignoring ‘the Dark Destroyer’ and you jumped up to take a shot at the man who took your place. You wanted to be the H.N.I.C. again.


But it’s not happening Frehley. You’re about to get slapped back down to the middle of the pack where you belong.


Frehley: Oh really? Well if it’s that simple, why haven’t you signed the contract yet?


Remo smiles, leans over, and puts his signature on the dotted line. And then, like a cat, he thrusts his hand and grabs Frehley, dragging him out of his seat and setting him up for Remo’s DESTROYER finisher. But Frehley blocks!! He elbows Remo in the head, lifts him onto his shoulders, and seems to set up for a FREHLEY’S COMET through the table…but Remo floats out of the move and hastily rolls out of the ring.


Remo and Frehley stare each other down. The crowd is wild for the near confrontation and as Remo retreats back up the ramp, Frehley signs the contracts and tosses it in Remo’s direction.







Backstage, Bryan Holmes is wearing street clothes and headed to his ride when he walks past Chris Morrisette. Morrisette pats Holmes on the back and tell him that his last match was ‘a tough loss’ before waling away. Holmes, offended, stops Morrisette in his tracks.


Holmes: Tough loss? That’s funny. Coming from some guy who I haven’t seen win a match in weeks.


Morrisette: C’mon Bryan..that’s not how I meant it. You know I respect the hell out of you..


Holmes: It seems like you feel sorry for me. We go back, Chris. But don’t patronize me. You’re not exactly lighting things on fire since you stopped being Fish Man.

Morrisette: It was a lobster.


Holmes: Whatever…you think you’re doing so great? How about this: next week,you and me, one-on-one. Then we’ll see who’s feeling bad about their ‘tough loss’ afterwards.


Holmes storms off as an exasperated Chris Morrisette can only shake his head.





Backstage, the camera is in the office of SWF’s Executive Assistant to the Managing Officer: Ana Garcia.






Garcia is flanked by Rich Money and Eric Eisen (in his wrestling gear). The three have clearly been arguing for a few minutes.


“…This is crap! The match is set-up specifically to eliminate outside interference. Nemesis should not be allowed at ringside.”


Eisen: Let’s get real, Money. Nemesis isn’t getting physically involved. He’s my manager. He’s Vengeance’s manager. He’s there to offer advice. That’s it.


Money: Oh, like all that ‘advice’ he gave when you were champion? When he hit me in the head with a pipe during that No DQ match so you could…


Eisen: So what? No DQ means NO DQ…


Garcia: ENOUGH!


Rich Money and Eric Eisen stop their arguing and look over at Garcia.

Garcia: The fact is, Mr. Campbell has interfered in man of your matches Mr. Eisen. But I find it hard to believe he’d be able to make his presence felt in this kind of match, so I’m hesitant to ban him needlessly as it would give a definite strategic advantage to you, Mr.Money.


So here’s what I propose: since all the teams are official, will have a special challenge next week. Three matches. Two singles. One tag. A Best-of-Three series. And the winner gets to decide if Mr. Campbell can be at ringside. Fair enough?


Eisen and Money agree.

Garcia: Excellent. Now please leave my office. I have another matter to attend to ..


Rich Money and Eric Eisen exit. As the leave, Runaway Train walks cautiously into Garcia’s office.


“…ahhhh…Mr. Train…just who I wanted to see…”




Back to the arena, where an irritated Eric Eisen heads out to face Alejandro Marquez. The young latin superstar gets a thunderous ovation from the Puerto Rico crowd.





The crowd is WHITE HOT for Marquez. Several times, ‘CHAM-PAGNE LO-VER’ chants are heard in the background. Marquez uses the momentum to control the match early, moving fluidly and attacking Eisen from all angles. Eisen is just a step slower and it shows. Marquez gets a two-count early on with a huracanrana that brings the crowd to the edge of its seat. With the crowd urging him on, Marquez again attacked from above, but Eisen caught him and drove him to the mat with a wicked spinebuster!


Peter Michaels: Marquez made a mistake there…going to the well once too often…


Eisen dominates for the next few minutes. He punishes Marquez, crushing him in the corner and pounding him with knees and elbow strikes. Marquez attempts to come back, but Eisen stops him every time. Big suplex. Snake eyes. Piledriver..1..2..Noo!


Frustrated, Eisen whips Marquez into the turnbuckle and charges in. But Marquez catches him with a forearm uppercut and follows up with a DDT! The crowd again is going nuts as Marquez delivers move after move, flying around the ring, striking with a series of top rope kicks and strikes. Eisen seems to be out on his feet as Marquez sets him up…twisting neckbreaker…Eisen is flat on his back in the middle of the ring. Marquez goes to the top rope as the Puerto Rican crowd rises to its feet.

Duane Fry: Marquez setting up for his Frog Splash finisher..he calls it the TEQUILA SUNRISE…


Marquez leaps off the tope rope…but Eric Eisen rolls out of the way!! Marquez crashes to the mat and Eisen staggers to his feet. He drags Marquez up, go behind, sleeper hold to set up for THE SUPREMACY, but Marquez runs up the corner turnbuckle and backflips to land behind Eisen! Marquez with a rolling back pin on Eisen..1..2..3!!


Peter Michaels: Alejandro Marquez has just pinned Eric Eisen!!! What an upset! What an upset! The crowd is going insane!


Eisen pounds the mat in frustration as Marquez celebrates in the crowd. The roar is deafening as Supreme TV goes to break.






We head back to the arena, where an intense and thoughtful Christian Faith is standing in the center of the ring before his match.






“…I was sitting in the back, thinking about everything I’ve been seeing on tonight’s show. And I started to notice a pattern. Troy Tornado talked about taking the place of Jack Bruce. Remo talked about taking the place of Steve Frehley. And it made me think of my own situation because, in a lot of ways, Brandon James and his manager want to take my place.


Now, I’m not a big fan of either Troy or Remo. They won’t be on my Christmas Card list, if you catch my drift. But I’ve in this business for a long time and what they’re doing is a part of the natural order of things. Young stars need to make a name for themselves. After all, the Old Lion can’t rule the pride forever; eventually the Young Lion has to step up and take their place.


So I may not like those two, but at least they’re doing things the right way. Man to man. Face to face. If Troy beats Jack or Remo beats Steve, then so be it. Let the best man win. That’s the natural order of things. I know it’s a dirty phrase around here, but it’s the ‘Old-fashioned’ way of doing things and there’s nothing wrong with that.


Now let’s talk about you, Brandon. You’re not doing things the right way. Your Ms. Chase takes a contract from a pencil necked button pusher in the main office, and you just jump right to it, doncha fella? Emma says ‘Jump’ and you say, ‘How High?’ And as if that’s not bad enough, you can’t even face me man to man, face to face. No...you won’t do things the old fashioned way…you’ve attacked me with your sidekicks ..from behind…when I’m already hurt or worn down.


You’ve made it clear you’ll do whatever it takes to fulfill that contract. To impress your manager. To impress the suits. Well that’s fine, Brandon.


Because …you see…I’ve been in this business a long time and I’ve learned a lot. And something I’ve learned is that guys like you, they don’t last. Yeah you’re young and gifted and when I was coming up guys your size didn’t move as fast as you do. But you don’t want it bad enough. You don’t have the heart Brandon. You don’t have the guts. That’s why you take shortcuts. That’s why you let other people do your thinking. That’s why you’re willing to make your name on my blood. But not the right way. No…you want it cheap.


Brandon James if you wanted to step to me face-to-face and say ‘It’s time to go’ then fine. You wouldn’t be the first and I’m sure you won’t be the last. But if you think that I’m going to let you end my career the cheap way, the easy way, then son…you’ve lost your damned mind.


You want to spill blood? Then I’ll spill blood. You want to ambush me? Fine. I can sneak in and lay out your buddies with a baseball bat when you’re not looking. And you want to send me into retirement because some accountant who’s bever set foot inside a ring thinks I don’t sell enough merchandise??? Then come do your worst. Because I don’t think you have what it takes. And if anyone is going to retire after this is all over…I’m pretty sure it won’t be me.


It’s going to take a helluva lot more than some pretty suits to send me out to pasture. It’s going to take guts..it’s going to take heart…it’s going to take some giant cajones (laughing)…and it’s going to take something more than smarts…it’s going to something that you don’t have Brandon….it’s going to take ….FAITH!!!

The crowd roars as we head to the final break of the night.









Vengeance is making his first appearance since his defeat at ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ and the monster looks like he’s in ‘mid-season’ form as he and Faith opened the match with an energetic brawl. Vengeance delivered his trademark running big boot, only to eat a running double-axehandle moments later.


The brawl doesn’t slow down when Money and James enter. Both men are agile, but Brandon is stronger. And that seems to give him the edge when he blocks and counters a suplex attempt and plants Money into the mat. But Money recovers and delivers a swift kick to ‘Big Money’s’ face coming out of the ropes and when he tags in Faith the arena erupts as Faith tosses James around the ring. For almost 17 minutes, the match goes like this, with each team countering the other’s offense, but neither seemingly able to put the other away.


Finally, however, Vengeance has Money o the verge of defeat when he delivers a brain-numbing choke-slam. 1…2…No! Money kicks out but Vengeance senses an opportunity. He tags in James. Vengeance grabs Rich Money from behind as James bounces off the opposite ropes looking for BIG MONEY MOVES…but Money steps out of the way..and James drills Vengeance and the monster goes spilling over the top rope onto the ring floor!!

Duane Fry: Look out..Emma is up on the ring apron to provide a distraction..Rich Money cuts her off…


As Rich Money and Emma Chase argue, the referee goes over to break them apart, which gives Christian Faith a chance to roll into the ring holding a steel chair. James – still woozy from his collision with Vengeance – gets to his feet and IS ABSOLUTELY LEVELLED by Christian Faith. Faith rolls out as Rich Money – still the legal man – turns around and makes the cover on a now very unconscious Brandon James.


Christian Faith & Rich Money defeat Brandon James & Vengeance




Seconds after the pin, Vengeance nearly decapitates Money with a running clothesline. Faith tries to make the assist, but Vengeance batters him as well. Suddenly…




…Eddie Peak, Angry Gilmore, and Alejandro Marquez are running to the ring…




…but they get cut off by Eric Eisen, Nemesis, and Marc Dubois


The ring area is know a wild brawl between the members of Team Money and Team Eisen with Brandon James and Christian Faith thrown in for good measure. All ten men take turns exchanging blows before security swarms the arena and our show fades to black.







Quick Results

Troy Tornado pinned American Machine

Black N Funky drew with Wrath of God

Steve Frehley pinned Bryan Holmes

Alejandro Marquez pinned Eric Eisen

Rich Money & Christian Faith beat Eric Eisen & Vengeance

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For those still reading, please forgive all the talkie-talkie this episode. i just really got caught up in writing the promos


Also, probably gonna take a break for a week. I've got the next few shows booked, but my time to do the write ups will be limited for the next few days.


Not a hiatus...just have my hands full with Thats 70s Mod 1.1 :)

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  • 2 weeks later...






As agreed upon in the office of Ana Garcia, Team Money and Team Eisen will meet in a Best of 3 Series to determine whether or not Nemesis will be allowed at ringside during the SWF: War Zone match at 'No Man's Land.' It's no secret that Eric Eisen and Vengeance have both gained more than a few victories due to the interference (they would call it 'coaching') of Nemesis. So whther or not he is presence could mean a huge difference in the War Zone match.


And not only will the winner have that strategic advantage, but they will head into 'No Man's Land' with a great deal of momentum.


In the first match, two of the finest all-around wrestlers on the planet will battle head to head as Angry Gilmore faces 'The Model' Marc Dubois.


The second match is a dream match-up of two of the true MONSTERS in the industry: 'The Great White Shark' Eddie Peak vs. 'The Russian Monster' Marat Khoklov. This match is PPV main event caliber battle where NO ONE is truly safe.


And lastly - if necessary - the tiebreaker match will feature Eric Eisen and fellow Supremacist, Vengeance facing off against Rich Money and Alejandro Marquez. Eisen will absolutely need the win, but will he be able to focus on the business at hand or will he be distracted by the humiliation he faced last week when he was stunned by Marquez?


What else to watch for?


--Remo and Steve Frehley continue their heated rivalry. Their contract signing nearly turned into an all-out brawl. What comes next?


--Troy Tornado and Jack Bruce are headed into what is expected to b the FINAL match in their rivalry...'Last Man Standing' ...Jack Bruce has said he will be speaking about the match and just what it means to him and his career.


--Christian Faith was again the aggressor, attacking The In Crowd and coming out on top in his tag-match against Brandon James. How will EmmaCorp respond?


--When Black n Funky fought Wrath of God to a draw, the Executive Office decided that Team Bumfhole would face both teams in a 3-Way Tag Match at 'No Man's Land.' At Supreme TV, we'll get a preview of that when Zimmy faces off against Jack Giedroyc and Greg Black.




Predictions Welcome




Angry Gilmore vs. Troy Tornado


Eddie Peak vs. Marat Khoklov


Rich Money & Alejandro Marquez vs. Eric Eisen & Vengeance




Chris Morrisette vs. Bryan Holmes


Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Jack Giedroyc vs. Greg Black

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/SWF-tv.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Tuesday, Week 2, September 2010</strong></p><p><strong>

The SupremiSphere</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

The New England fans are on their feet as Supreme TV opens with Rich Money standing in the ring alongside his teammate, Angry Gilmore and the spectacular Jessie. Standing across the ring from those members of Team Money are Eric Eisen, Nemesis, and ‘The Model’ Marc Dubois. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/RichMoney_alt1.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/AngryGilmore.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/Jessie.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/nemesis2.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/ericeisen2-1.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/MarcDuBois_alt2.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>LET THE BEST-OF-3 BEGIN</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

“…Well, well, well…here we go again…it seems like you and I have been having problems with one another forever, Eric. But hopefully – HOPEFULLY – we cann settle everything this Thursday at ‘No Man’s Land.’ But before me and my Moneymakers can beat you senseless in the War Zone, we have to settle a little matter of whether or not your redheaded stepdad - see what I did there? –can join you at ringside.”</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nemsis:</strong> Are you scared, Money? You already making excuses…?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Money:</strong> I’m just trying to make sure that you don’t use the same tactics that allowed Eric here to keep his belt all those months. I mean, I get it….’bad guys’ need to cheat..but you guys are too much. When Eric went to the DMV to take his last driving test, I heard you went along and hit the instructor with a steel chair…Right, Angry?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Angry:</strong> That was pretty bad, Rich.</p><p>


Money:</strong> Everyone’s a critic. The point is…when I beat Eric, I want it to be on the up-and-up. The only way to make sure of that is if you’re not there, Nemesis. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nemesis:</strong> It won’t matter either way, Money. Eric has gathered the two most powerful engines of destruction in wrestling today: Vengeance and Marat Khoklov. Those two –alongside two trained wrestling machines like Eric and Dubois – are unstoppable. Your team of ‘vanilla midgets’ has no chance. </p><p> </p><p>

Angy Gilmore is insulted and immediately steps forward to confront Nemesis, but Rich Money cuts him off. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Money:</strong> Whatever you say, Nemesis. But if you were really that confident that your team was unbeatable, then you wouldn’t be fighting so hard to make sure you’re at ringside. And that brings us to tonight…Team Money vs Team Eisen…are your boys ready Eric?</p><p>


Eric Eisen:</strong> You know we are Eric. And we’re going to start by taking apart your so-called ‘wrestling expert’ Angry Gilmore with this guy…’The Model’ Marc Dubois (Dubois preens for the crowds and teases the females in the audience by flexing his abds). And once that’s done, Marat will take apart Peak. And hell…we might as well tell the producers to figure out what to do with the last half hour of the show, because we won’t be needing that main event. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rich Money:</strong> An extra half hour…I guess you could have sex with your girlfriend…22 times…</p><p> </p><p>

At this, Eric Eisen lunges forward, which allows Angry Gilmore to move in and clothesline Eisen over the top ropes. Nemesis follows to check on his client. Dubois pounces on Gilmore from behind, but Jessie distracts him and Rich Money crushes him with a running short fore-arm and signals for the referee.</p><p> </p><p>

Our first match….IS NOW!!!</p><p>


GRADE: B+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/AngryGilmore.jpg</span>W/<span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/Jessie.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/thVS_alt04.png</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/MarcDuBois_alt2.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p>



When you put two of the better workers in the company together, you can’t help but get good results, even in a 12 minute TV opener. The two men smoothly transition between spots and move crisply around the ring. After a few minutes, Marc Dubois is able to gain the upper hand by using the referee as a shield and jabbing Angry in the eye. Dubois works over Angry Gilmore’s legs…stretching, stomping, and twisting the area around the left knee. He eventually rolls Gilmore into a one-leg Boston Crab.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Angry Gilmore is struggling to get to the ropes…he can’t make it....is he going to tap?..NO! Angry is able to grab the ropes and break the hold.</p><p> </p><p>

Dubois continue to pound Gilmore. He goes up top to attempt a frog splash…Nooo! Gilmore moves. Angry Gilmore tries to twist Dubois into an ANGER MANAGEMENT…but Dubois stomps at the knee and Gilmore is back down. Dubois plays to the crowd, flexing his muscles and kissing his biceps. He goes over to try a figure-four leg-lock…but Gilmore rolls Dubois up into a small package <em>out of nowhere..1…2…3!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Angry Gilmore beats Marc Dubois by pin-fall. Team Money up 1-0 on Team Eisen</strong></p><p><strong>

GRADE: B+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Afterwards, an irate Marc Dubois rolls out of the ring, pounding the mat. Gilmore, his knee still banged up, rolls around on the ground. Jessie comes in to help him to his feet when suddenly…</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/MaratKhoklov_alt.jpg</span><p> </p><p>

…MARAT KHOKLOV JUMPS INTO THE RING FROM OUT OF THE CROWD!!!</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

‘The Russian Monster’ head straight for the Gilmores. Angry pushes his wife Jessie out of the way and Khoklov nearly decapitates him with a MOSCOW LARIAT. A helpless Jessie pleads with Khoklov to stop, but the monster doesn’t even acknowledge her cries. He lifts Angry Gilmore up with one giant hand…walks to the ring ropes…CHOKE SLAM OVER THE TOPE ROPES AND ONTO THE ARENA FLOOR!!! </p><p> </p><p>

Angry Gilmore hits the ground with a sickening thud.</p><p> </p><p>

With a sneer, Khoklov turns and walks off as Jessie can only call for medical help.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>GRADE: A</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/SWF-1.jpg</span><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/ZimmyBumfhole-1.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/RandyBumfhole2-1.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/DawnTheCheerleader_alt.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>IT’S A DATE</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

Backstage, Randy Bulfhole is joking with his brother Zimmy. Both men are headed to the ring, when they pass Dawn the Cheerleader - who is headed in the opposite direction. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Randy:</strong> Hey Dawn….where are you headed? Aren’t you going to watch the next match?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dawn: </strong>I can’t. I have to get ready. I have this hot outfit I want to wear…I’ve got a big date tonight.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Zimmy:</strong> You do? Oh…</p><p> </p><p>

Zimmy tries to hide the disappointment on his face, to very little success. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dawn: </strong>Why the sad face, Zumwalt? You don’t know where you’re taking me?</p><p>


Zimmy:</strong> Huh?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dawn: </strong>I have a hot date tonight…<em>with you.</em> I’m ready to move on, and it’s about time a good looking guy took me out to dinner. And that guy is you. As soon as the show is over, we’re going out on the town.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Zimmy: </strong>OH!?? Yeah..cool. That’s cool. But ..where..?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dawn:</strong> That’s not my job to figure it out. It’s our first date and you’re the guy. Think of something. But something nice…I’m wearing something short and the cute shoes I just got when we were in New York. So I need to fit in and not look all out of place..</p><p>


Zimmy: </strong>No matter where we go, you’ll be the hottest girl there. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dawn:</strong> Damn right, I will (laughing) …Oh.. and try not to get too beat up out there. If we’re going somewhere nice I don’t want you looking like some hobo.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Zimmy:</strong> OK..I’ll try. </p><p> </p><p>

The two smile at each other and Zimmy – with a renewed enthusiasm – heads to the ring.</p><p>


Randy:</strong> Damn…I thought we were playing Call of Duty tonight..</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>GRADE: C+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/JackGiedroyc_alt3.jpg</span>W/<span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/CarlBatch_jhdPH5.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/thVS_alt04.png</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/GrouchoBling_alt2.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/thVS_alt04.png</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/ZimmyBumfhole-1.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p>


Giedroyc and Zimmy are heated rivals and they made it clear they didn’t want anyone getting between them; the two spent the opening few minutes throwing Greg Black out of the ring every time he stepped between their brawling. Eventually Black had enough and sent both men to the mat with a thunderous double DDT. For the next few minutes, Black sets the pace, attacking and moving between both of his opponents. Black seems poised for the win when he nails Giedroyc with FADE TO BLACK, but The Deacon hops up on the ring apron and distracts the referee. Shane Stones goes over, and this brings Zimmy Bumfhole over to attack The Deacon which brings Black over to free up the Stones. Giedroyc recovers and hits a spectacular jumping enzuiguiri on Black, that sends him crashing into Zimmy and the tag-champ spills out onto the floor. Black staggers backwards into a CRASHING ON and Giedroyc gets the win. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jack Giedroyc beats Greg Black and Zimmy Bumfhole by pin-fall</strong></p><p><strong>

GRADE: B-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

For the second time in two weeks, a video plays, highlighted by bizarre calliope music and grainy footage of scenes from a Circus…a wind-swept center ring…a tattered big top…the caged animals, frothing and biting at their chains…the audience laughing maniacally, their faces possessed … clowns, smiling behind the cruelty in their eyes. </p><p> </p><p>

A woman’s voice speaks: “Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, please turn you attention to the center ring…you are about to bear witness toooo…</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/TGSONbanner.jpg</span><p>

</p><p><em><span style="font-size:18px;">

…COMING SOON..TO A TOWN NEAR YOU!!”</span></em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>GRADE: B+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Backstage, The Jungle Lord is seen walking to his dressing room when he is rushed by BJ O’Neill and her client, American Machine</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/JungleJack_alt3.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/BJONeill.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/AmericanMachine2.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>

WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM, DUDE?</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

“…What is your major malfunction, jerk wad?”</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jungle Lord:</strong> Excuse me…</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>BJ O’Neill:</strong> Listen, I get that we’re all in this business to compete. And I don’t mind it if Machine loses fair-and-square. But we’ve faced you twice now on Uprising…and both times you cheat to win with that..that..<em>disgusting</em> green goop. </p><p> </p><p>

You used to be a really nice guy…what happened to you? And that green goop…can’t you use a chair or a ..a.. brass knuckles thingy like any normal cheater?</p><p> </p><p>

Jungle Lord steps forward as if to confront O’Neill but American Machine quickly steps in the way. The two men stare each other down for a moment before Lord speaks:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jungle Lord: </strong>You got a problem with me? Fine. Let’s settle it. One more match. At ‘No Man’s Land.’ Hopefully you won’t need your girl here to do you talking there….Machine. </p><p> </p><p>

American Machine and The Jungle Lord stare each other down as we go to break.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/SWF-1.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

A video plays, highlighting the months-long feud between ‘The Real Rock Star’ Troy Tornado and Jack Bruce.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>GRADE: B+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Backstage, Jack Bruce is ready to talk about his upcoming match with Troy Tornado: a ‘Last Man Standing’ affair at ‘No Man’s Land.’</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/JackBruce.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>I GET IT, TROY. I GET IT. </strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

“…WOOOOO-DADDY! New York City’s favorite son is here…and he’s ready to ROCK! I’m here to talk about this Thursday’s big show …LIVE…the first ever ‘No Man’s Land’ …and your truly is going to settle the score with Troy Tornado in a ‘Last Man Standing’ match. </p><p> </p><p>


And I’ve got one thing to say to Troy Tornado: I get it. I get it, Troy. </p><p> </p><p>

I get why you came to this company and have made it your mission to show me up. I remember what it was like to be in your shoes. Young…talented…struggling to make a name for yourself in TCW (the crowd is slightly surprised at the mention of the competition by name). </p><p> </p><p>

And then I got Painful Procedure. And for the next few years, I saw a million faces and I rocked them all. And then when the time came, I came to the only place where SUPREME happens and Jack Bruce became a household name. </p><p> </p><p>

So what happened to you, Troy? You had the same ride. The same company. You were the leader of Painful Procedure and you got your big break. But it wasn’t <em>exactly</em> the same was it? Because no matter how many great matches you put on, no matter how great you were, no matter what you did …you were ALWAYS going to be compared to the original.</p><p> </p><p>

For the rest of your life, I was Dave and you were Sammy…I was Bon Scott and you were just Brian Johnson…I was Steve Perry and you were that kid on YouTube. I was the 100% Grade-A Original Real Deal Rock Star of WRRRRREEESSSTTTTLLLING..and you were just a cheap knock off</p><p> </p><p>

So you had to come here, you had to follow me, you had to take me down, because you had to prove to the world that you mattered and that you weren’t just walking in my footsteps. You needed to take me down.</p><p> </p><p>

So here we are. And here I am, Troy. You have your chance. </p><p> </p><p>

LAST. MAN. STANDING. When it’s all said and done, will you be just nother pretender to the throne, or will you prove to the world that you are every bit the rock star as I am. Can you Rock n Roll all night long? Or are you just easy on Sunday morning? What’s it going to be Troy….?</p><p> </p><p>

I think I know the answer. In the end…no one…NO ONE…rocks …like…JACK (fans join in) BRUUUUUUUUUUUCE!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>GRADE: B+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/LobsterWarrior_alt2.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/thVS_alt04.png</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/BryanHolmes.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>CHRIS MORRISETTE VS BRYAN HOLMES</strong></p><p>

Back to the ring, where these two mat technicians faced off to settle their differences from their backstage run-in last week. But that was not to be. They opened the match with a nifty exchange of hold and counter-holds. And it appeared as though Morrisette had the match in hold when he went for the LOBSTER TRAP, but Holmes scooped him up and over to the outside. The two brawled and – again – Morrisette looked like he was in control, but Holmes rolled through a slam attempt on the outside and grabbed an ankle lock! Morrisette countered and grabbed an ankle lock of his own. With both men refusing to submit or break the hold, the referee eventually applied the double count-out,</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Morrisette draw with Bryan Holmes</strong></p><p><strong>

GRADE: B</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/SWF-1.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Backstage, Christian Faith is walking to the interview area when he is confronted by Emma Chase and her clients, ‘Big Money’ Brandon James and The In Crowd.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/ChristianFaith.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/EmmaChase_alt3.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/BigCatBrandon_alt2.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>NO MAN’S LAND</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

“…Oh, Christian. You have proven to be quite the scrapper, haven’t you? Not so sanctimonious when you’re ambushing my men from behind last week, were you?”</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Christian Faith:</strong> Why bother fighting fair when I’m constantly outnumbered. Speaking of which…</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Emma Chase:</strong> Oh, don’t you worry. We’re not here to attack you. We’re just here to pass on a bit of information. You see…Ana Garcia was so impressed by your victory in your handicap match a few weeks back that she decided she wanted to see you do it again. Just with different competition this time. At ‘No Man’s Land’ you’ll be facing Brandon here and this man…</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/RunawayTrain.jpg</span><p> </p><p>

…Runaway Train.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Christian Faith:</strong> Train? And your client? Why is it that you scum can’t fight fair?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Train:</strong> I’m just doing what the boss lady told me to do. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Emma Chase:</strong> Speaking of which…Mr. Train…show Christian just what you’ve been hired for..</p><p> </p><p>

Without further word, Runaway Train charges forward. Faith tries to deflect the blow, but he is struck by Brandon James from behind. The staggered Faith collides with the rampaging Runaway Train. And Train prevails, driving Faith backwards with running shoulder charge and sending him sailing into the wall behind him. </p><p> </p><p>

Emma Chase walks over and – with a look of superior disgust – spits directly onto Christian’s face. </p><p> </p><p>

“Payback…as always, Mr. Faith..is a b****.”</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>GRADE: B+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Speaking of Ana Garcia: the camera shifts to the office of SWF’s Executive Assistant to the Managing Officer.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/AnaGarcia_alt1.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

“..Good evening members of the SWF Universe. </p><p> </p><p>

As many of you may have noticed, over the last few months we here at the SWF have begun signing some of the most exciting and athletic wrestlers from around the planet. And beyond our own roster, our relationships with our promotional partners have given us access to even more top-flight talent.</p><p> </p><p>

As such..the Board of Directors has come to a decision.</p><p>

At ‘No Man’s Land,’ the SWF is reviving the most exciting, most innovative, most thrilling division in all of sports entertainment. We are bringing back..THE SHOOTING STAR TITLE. (there’s a minor pop from the crowd) </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/SWF_Shooting.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

And at ‘No Man’s Land’ we will allow some of the talented performers here at SWF- men such as Hell Monkey and The Fox – to compete alongside some of the greatest performers on the planet in a Five Points Shooting Star Scramble to determine the new champion. </p><p> </p><p>

And who are those names? Well…I’m not talking. But I promise you all..you won’t be disappointed.</p><p> </p><p>

Thanks you, and good night.”</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>GRADE: B</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/SWF-1.jpg</span><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/SteveFrehley.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/KrissyAngelle_Self1.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>YOUR BUTT IS MINE</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

Backstage, ‘The Dark Destroyer’ Steve Frehley is about ready to cut an interview with the sultry Kriss Angelle …</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/Remo_alt1-1.jpg</span><p> </p><p>

…when he is blasted from behind by REMO!!!</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Frehley is sent sprawling by Remo and Angelle goes running off, screaming in fear. Remo lifts Frehley off the ground and begins driving his head into the electrical and camera equipment. Frehley is busted open almost instantly.</p><p> </p><p>

“..YOU WAN’ SUMMA REMO?? YOU WANT SUMMA REMO, CUZ???!!”</p><p> </p><p>

With Frehley staggered, Remo lifts one of the small monitors off a nearby table, spins and lunges forward to drive the monitor into Frehley’s head….<em>but Frehley ducks!!</em> The momentum sends Remo off balance and Frehley is able to lift him into position..AND DELIVERS A FREHLEY’S COMET ON THE CEMENT FLOOR!</p><p> </p><p>

Both men lay prone and barely conscious. Emergency personnel flock to the scene as we go to the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>GRADE: B+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> This next match is dream match for many members of the SWF Universe around the world: ‘The Russian Monster’ Marat Khoklov versus ‘The Great White Shark’ Eddie Peak…</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duane Fry:</strong> These two monsters have destroyed everything in their path in the SWF. But now that they face each other... bar the windows and lock the doors. We might have to call FEMA to clean up this wreckage.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/EddiePeak_alt2.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/thVS_alt04.png</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/MaratKhoklov_alt.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>EDDIE PEAK VS. MARAT KHOKLOV</strong></p><p>

No hyperbole here…these two bull elephants rush at each other immediately and begin throwing haymakers. The crowd is stunned when Khoklov lifts Peak off his feet with a front tackle….but the crowd is equally stunned when Peak responds by nipping to his feet and delivering a vicious spinebuster on Khoklov. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> I literally felt my chair shake with the impact of that move!</p><p> </p><p>

Both men stagger to their feet…Khoklov leans back and bounces off the ropes to deliver his MOSCOW LARIAT..<em>but Eddie Peak doesn’t even budge!!!</em> For the next few minutes, both of these juggernauts throw everything they can at one another, but neither gives an inch. Peak staggers Khoklov momentarily with a huge boot to the head, but Khoklov shoves Peak back and the referee Darren Smith gets knocked aside in the collision. </p><p> </p><p>

With the referee down, Khoklov goes to the outside and grabs a chair. But when he rears back to deliver a blow to Peak, Eddie punches through the chair and sends it crashing into Khoklov’s head!</p><p> </p><p>

Khoklov stagger…staggers…and falls to the ground as the crowd goes nuts! But Eddie Peak’s celebration is cut off ..</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/SkullDeBones_alt.jpg</span><p> </p><p>

…when Vengeance hits the ring!</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Vengeance delivers a thunderous blow from behind, cracking Eddie Peak with a steel chair. Vengeance lays the chair down on the ground, and he and Khoklov deliver a HUGE double powerbomb to Peak – slamming his head into the steel!</p><p> </p><p>

Peak is done. Vengeance rolls out of the ring. And Khoklov makes the cover.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Marat Khoklov beats Eddie Peak by pin-fall. Team Eisen and Team Money TIE 1-1</strong></p><p><strong>

GRADE: B+ </strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/SWF-1.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Before we go to the ring, we see Rich Money and Alejandro Marquez warming up backstage. They know that Angry Gilmore and now Eddie Peak have both been taken out by Team Eisen earlier in the night.</p><p> </p><p>

They are intense. They are focused. They are outnumbered.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>GRADE: A</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/RichMoney_alt2.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/ChampagneLover_alt1.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/thVS_alt04.png</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/EricEisen-1.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/SkullDeBones_alt.jpg</span>W/<span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/nemesis2.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>


Vengeance hasn’t been on TV in a ring in a few weeks, and he’s got plenty of pent-up aggression. And it shows. He dominates the first few minutes of the match, running around the ring and blasting both Marquez and Money with power offense. He tosses both men around like rag dolls until they are able to cut him off with a double dropkick. He tags in Eisen and Eric goes immediately after Marquez.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duane Fry: </strong>You can see in his face that Eric Eisen is still angry about losing to Merquez last week…he was clearly embarrassed.</p><p> </p><p>

But Marquez is able to reverse all of Eric Eisen’s attacks. He dodges a clothesline and counters with a floating DDT; he evades a slam attempt and delivers a slam of his own; he blocks a suplex and drills Eisen with a slingshot suplex for a two-count. Eric Eisen is thoroughly frustrated by Marquez and gets no respite when Rich Money is tagged in. With the crowd cheering, Money is in total control and nearly pins Eric. He goes up top looking to finish Eric Eisen off…when Vengeance shoves him off the top turnbuckle. </p><p> </p><p>

Now The Supremacists take control. They pound and pound and double-team Rich Money. After a few minutes, he seems on the verge of defeat. Money kicks out of several pin attempts at the last second. Eisen and Vengeance go for a double choke-slam, but with his last gasp Money is able to punch his way out and dive for the tag!!!</p><p> </p><p>

Marquez rushes in and stuns the crowd by drop-kicking Vengeance over the top rope! The referee tries to regain control of the melee, which allows Nemesis to distract Marquez. Eisen sneaks up from behind…<em>and delivers a low blow!</em> Eric Eisen turns around and delivers THE SUPREMACY for the pin.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eric Eisen & Vengeance beat Rich Money & Alejandro Marquez. Team Eisen wins 2-1</strong></p><p><strong>

GRADE: B</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/RichMoney_alt2.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/EricEisen-1.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/SkullDeBones_alt.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/nemesis2.jpg</span><span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/MaratKhoklov_alt.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

With Marquez out on the mat, Vengeance reaches through the ropes and drags him outside the ring, and delivers a VICIOUS choke slam on the ringside floor.</p><p> </p><p>

And all of a sudden, Rich Money is standing alone in the ring with Nemesis, Vengeance, and Eric Eisen…and now here comes Marat Khoklov down the ramp…</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nemesis: </strong>Well Money…you lost….and you might as well get used to losing. Because I’ll be there at ringside at War Zone..and there’s not a chance in HELL your team is beating this war machine…so think of this as a preview…</p><p> </p><p>

Nemesis signals and Eisen, Vengeance, and Khoklov rush at Rich Money, kicking, stomping, punching, chopping…</p><p> </p><p>


Fade to black.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>GRADE: A</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>FINAL GRADE:</strong></span></p><p>

<span>http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/grade_bplus.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Quick Results</p><p>

Angry Gilmore pinned Marc Dubois</p><p>

Jack Giedroyc beat Greg Black and Zimmy Bumfhole</p><p>

Chris Morrisette draw with Bryan Holmes</p><p>

Marat Khoklov beat Eddie Peak</p><p>

Eric Eisen & Vengeance beat Rich Money & Alex Marquez</p>

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Jungle Lord vs. American Machine

Jungle Lord's continued use of underhanded tactics and strange demeanor has rubbed BJ O'Neill the wrong way and now Machine is looking for payback for him and his manager


Chris Morrisette vs Bryan Holmes

The two technicians fought to a draw on Supreme TV and a return match was immediately scheduled for 'No Man's Land.' Can these two men - so similar in style - settle their differences?


Hell Monkey vs The Fox vs ??? vs ??? vs ???


The Shooting Star Title is back. Two of the five competitors in this scramble match are confirmed. But who are the other three? Ana Garcia has guaranteed some big surprises..but how big??


Christian Faith vs. 'Big Money' Brandon James and Runaway Train

The Board of Directors STILL wants to get rid of Christian Faith, but he hasn't made it easy on EmmaCorp. So they have contracted the former SWF World Champion to add his muscle to the effort. Brandon James is a test on his own, but now that you add Train...is this the end of the tracks for Christian Faith?


Team Bumfhole © vs. Wrath of God vs Black N Funky

SWF Tag Team Championship

The Bumfhole feud with Wrath of God is personal. Things like these always are when a woman is involved. But the titles are still the reward everyone is chasing and now Black N Funky are in the mix. Can the Bumfholes focus past their hatred of WoG? Will WoG get the belts back they still consider theirs? Or will Black and 'Double R' let those two teams fight it out and take the tag titles while they're occupied wit h each other?


Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado


Two men who bitterly hate each other. Two men who have been feuding for months. And this will be the match that settles it all; a match where there will be no fluke wins, no easy outs, and lucky victories. A match designed to test the mettle and fortitude of the men involved. Last Man Standing...


Two men enter, One Rock Star Leaves.


'the HNIC' Remo © vs. Steve Frehley

SWF World Heavyweight Championship

A fight that has to do as much with manhood and pride as it does with the SWF World Title. Frehley is hungry to wear the gold again and Remo is hungry to prove that he deserves his spot on the top of the card. Who comes out on top?




Team Money: Rich Money, Eddie Peak, Angry Gilmore, Alejandro Marquez vs Team Eisen: Rich Eisen, Vengeance, Marat Khoklov, Marc Dubois


Two rings..covered by a steel cage...4 on 4 elimination...No DQ..No Mercy...


The match is legendary. Throughout the annals of SWF, War Zone has been used to settle only the most heated and bloody of rivalries, and this will be no different. The men involved have too many issues to name, but one primary issue will be resolved.


When this is over,either Rich Money or Eric Eisen will one and for all be named the #1 Contender. And that man MUST face Remo for the SWF World Title.

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