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NYCW: Smells like Revolution

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New York City Wrestling. Typically known synonymously with old school slow paced psychology driven wrestling. However in recent years the promotions momentum has stalled as certain aspects of the game haven't been able to get with the times. A few roster members had stepped up to Owner the Stomper but himself and Booker Black Hat Bailey to let them know that certain aspects of the company needed updating. This would not be heard as pushes were deflated and some people even let go. By the middle of 2009 however The Stomper was a lot more willing to cooperate with the roster as ticket prices had reached an all time low. Little things were done to try to upgrade parts of the roster and show but it just wasn't clicking as Black Hat Bailer generally refused to do some things that were needed. Roster morale reached an all time low as well in September 2009 whenever Black Hat Bailey gave himself the NYCW Empire Championship. The youth on the roster didn't say anything until the October event but after the main event was Black Hat Bailey vs. Whistler for about the 100th time in NYCW's history the roster had had enough with a lot of the youth threatening to leave if someone under 30 couldn't be allowed to headline for the promotion. Baily refused in front of the entire roster and Stomper. Stomper had no choice but to promptly fire Bailey as the Booker of New York City Wrestling. This led to calls from all over the wrestling world to fill the spot. However Stomper was looking for someone to uphold NYCW's integrity, inject youthfulness into it and bring it to the 21st century all at the same time. That man was the Masked Avatar. Avatar was dedicated to freelance and had traveled up and down the road for the past ten years or so with multiple promotions mastering every one of them's style. Avatar was young enough to know what is hot but old enough to know how to protect the integrity of NYCW. Avatar was the man that NYCW needed to help the promotion.


Pleave forgive my general ignorance to the Cornellverse was bored the other day and decided to start playing around with it. If anything is seen as inaccurate please let me know and I'll do my best diary wise to explain or fix the problem. Haven't done a dynasty in quite a while and hoping I have fun with this one. Thanks,



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Before the January NYCW Event "Rush Hour" promoter The Stomper and the Masked Avatar would sit down for a booking meeting that would change the course of NYCW. Black Hat Bailey had agreed to stay with the company until a replacement (And younger) champion could be crowned with some proper build-up and until he was no longer needed as that was the way old hands took care of business. That was great and all but a new champion needed to be crowned in order for the man to spearhead NYCW to make 2010 a memorable year. Two ideas were thrown around which included:


  • Promote Within

  • Hire an outsider


The problem with promoting within was the limited number of babyfaces at the NYCW's disposal that were young enough to help this youth movement. There was:


  • Animal Harker: An opener in the show who was limited on his amount of ability to carry a promotion plus the fact his gimmick was pure comedy.

  • Dean Waldorf: A capable midcard hand but was already in the tag team division with partner Marv Statler (The Ring Generals) that was carrying the NYCW Tag Division at the moment.

  • Marv Statler: See Dean Waldorf

  • Roger Cage: More than capable of carrying the company on his back but one problem was seen. SWF, USPW, TCW and many other major players in the game were chomping at the bit to sign him and it was just a matter of time before he would depart.

  • Sammy Shark: Decent enough but would he be able to stick around long enough to cash in on a title run.

  • The New York Doll: Not over or talented enough to consider a run at the top.


Hiring outside of the company seemed to a touchy subject as well as it meant that the loyal youth of NYCW that had stuck around for the booking change would be for nothing as it would be someone who hadn't earned his spot coming in and taking the belt.


Stomper also had laid down some ground rules for the Masked Avatar in how to run the promotion.


  • NYCW needed to increase overness in America within the next two years

  • NYCW could not fall below 60,000 in its bank account

  • Masked Avatar could not hire or extend the contract of a spot monkey, someone with less than D- Psychology or D- in Selling.


None of this would be a problem for Masked Avatar. The biggest problem was getting the promotion's momentum rolling with the youthful champion the roster and the fans were basically begging for.

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Good backstory (and I usually never read backstory), it is nice simple and quick to read. I will be following along because I love NYCW and would like to see how your youth movement works out.


Thankyou. I work indy shows where a bunch of the top dogs are guys who need to be helping younger guys. After looking blankly at the Cornellverse Screen for a while I decided on NYCW as I think its a good story to be told. We shall see I guess!

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You left out a couple of options.


Dazzling Dave Diamond- While still raw, he has charisma, and good brawling skills


And don't discount Steve Flash- He may be over 40 but he is leaps and bounds better in the ring than anyone on the roster, and can anchor your main title scene until one of the younger guys is ready to break out.


For an outside hire if you choose to go that way, Cameron Vessey would make a lot of sense, and has the added benefit of making Larry Vessey very happy if you bring him in.

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I honestly meant to put down Dave Diamond but forgot too. Hoping he can break out. I already kind of know who I'd like to break out but its honestly who ever makes it to Main Event Status first.


Steve Flash still has years left in him from looking at his stats and will be used as a definite cornerstone of the promotion.


I'll look into Vessey. Already hired a few people from MAW and indy scene but I'll check it out. Thanks for the feedback.

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New York City Wrestling Presents:

Rush Hour

Second Saturday in January 2010


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Findlay O'Farraday

NYCW up and comer Dazzling Dave Diamond is set to go with NYCW Newcomer from MAW Findlay O'Farraday in an exciting match-up between two of the hottest blue chipper's in NYCW.


NYCW Tag Team Title Match:

The Ring Generals vs. Old School Principles

The Tag Team Division heats up as two of the top tag teams in NYCW go head to head for the NYCW Tag Team Titles.


NYCW Empire Title Match:

Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash

Former NYCW Empire Champion Steve Flash goes head to head with current Champion Black Hat Bailey. This match will definitely steal the show and is the hottest ticket in New York!

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Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Findlay O'Farraday

NYCW up and comer Dazzling Dave Diamond is set to go with NYCW Newcomer from MAW Findlay O'Farraday in an exciting match-up between two of the hottest blue chipper's in NYCW.


NYCW Tag Team Title Match:

The Ring Generals vs. Old School Principles

The Tag Team Division heats up as two of the top tag teams in NYCW go head to head for the NYCW Tag Team Titles.


NYCW Empire Title Match:

Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash dq win so no title change

Former NYCW Empire Champion Steve Flash goes head to head with current Champion Black Hat Bailey. This match will definitely steal the show and is the hottest ticket in New York!

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Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Findlay O'Farraday

I got DDD is this one. He def has some potential and should be really good down the line


NYCW Tag Team Title Match:

The Ring Generals vs. Old School Principles

I am going with the Ring Generals in this one. I love me a good tag division so Im excited to see what you'll have coming.


NYCW Empire Title Match:

Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash

I love Steve Flash even though he might now win I'm picking him anyway:D

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NYCW Rush Hour DVD Recap

Live from the Weston Gymnasium (300 Fans Attendance (Sell Out))

Commentary provided by Rock Downpour and Herb Stately



Steve Flash is shown backstage wrapping up his wrist tape. Flash tells the crowd hes a former NYCW Empire Champion, hes been all over the world and a lot of people are calling him the youngest old man in the business. He has heard about the uprising of youth talent in NYCW but one things for sure. In order for them to prove anything in NYCW they need to earn there way to the top like he has. Everyone has a chance at glory and tonight he will get his once again to prove you can teach an old dog new tricks.


Findlay O'Farraday vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond

Solid opening match between NYCW Up and Comer Dave Diamond and the 300 lb Findlay and O'Farraday. Findlay put some good heat on Diamond in order to get him over but Diamond was resilent and fought back. Eventually Diamond hits his Dazzle Driver on the big O'Farraday for the win at 13:10


After the match Diamond and Farraday eventually go to the back. Honest Frank and Lee Wright (An unlikely alliance) come out from the back with microphones. They say in case you can't tell there has been a bit of a revolution started within the NYCW by the youth. Frank says when they were breaking into the business they would've never had the guts to do such a thing. The Old Guard would've kicked them out of the business. Frank announces that what him and Lee are here for. To take the snot-nosed greenhorn punks out of NYCW and keep respect and integrity within the company. Before much more can be said Sammy the Shark and Roger Cage come out to the ring. Shark grabs the microphone and says that Frank and Wright are just being bitter because fair competition is trying to enter into NYCW and that they want it out. He hands the microphone to Cage. Cage goes onto say "he'd like to agree but" and then proceeds to turn around and nail Shark with punches to the face to the shock of the fans. Cage announces that unlike Shark he's not going to stick around in NYCW and get a chance to be big fish in a little pond because he has an SWF contract waiting with his name on it. Cage then asks Frank and Lee to leave as he would be taking out one of NYCW's blue chippers right now and leaving with Shark's NYCW Empire Tri-State Regional Title to take with him to SWF.


NYCW Tri-State Regional Title Match:

Roger Cage vs. Sammy The Shark

Cage and Shark battle back and forth with stiff strikes as soon as Shark had recovered enough to realize what had happened. Not alot of finesse or scientific or even old school wrestling in this one as Cage made it pretty clear he intended on leaving the NYCW with its second most prized belt. Eventually Cage got the better of Sammy after hitting a Piledriver on him mid-match. Cage then proceeded to work the neck of Shark trying to tease more Piledriver attempts. However Shark fights back enough to nail Cage with a Piledriver of his own and successfully defends the Tri-State Regional Title against his former partner and best friend to end an excellent 14:21 match.


After the match Cage looks on shocked as his former partner stands tall over him. Cage attempts to charge him but Shark ducks down and sends Cage flying over the ropes. Cage gets up pissed as the crowd looks on in what had to be an embarassing last night for Cage in NYCW.


After Cage/Shark get to the back Land Mass is out in the ring with a microphone. He questions the new booker's decision to leave him off the show. He said not to worry as in his hand is a contract for anyone in the crowd to wrestle him one on one right now. Eventually a young man agrees to come to the ring who is severely undersized compared to Mass. Mass tells him to step out and let a real man from the crowd into the ring. The young man disagrees with the statement and tells him hand him the contract. Mass refuses to do so and starts taunting the kid. Eventually the kid snatches the contract from his hands and powders out of the ring and signs it on the spot. Mass chases him back into the ring and the young man hits Mass with a beautiful dropkick. Mass powders out of the ring and grabs a microphone asking what the hell is going on here. The kid grabs a microphone and explains his name is the Insider Mark Smart and he is here to make his MARK in NYCW to a nice reaction.


Mark Smart vs. Land Mass

Mass charges the ring and attempts to overpower Smart but Smart has a fast move on hand for Mass anytime he trys to attack him. The fans are wowed with moves not typically seen in NYCW after Smart hits a Wheelbarrow into a bulldog on Mass. Eventually Mass takes control of the match and dominates poor Smart with big power moves and strikes. At one point Mass grabs Smart for a Powerbomb signalling for the end. Once he has Smart up Smart reverses it into a Sunset Flip and scores the upset win.


Post-match as Mass looks on in shock Smart celebrates on the rampway. Before he can make it to the back a monster of a man comes out from the crowd and nails Smart with a big club to the back. The man throws Smart into the ring and gets in there with Mass. The two men hit a big double Powerbomb on Smart. Mass grabs a microphone and explains that some people here might recognize the guy who just helped him. Its his former tag team partner the BIG PROBLEM! They explain a fan was supposed to respond at first, Mass refuses to wrestle him, Problem gets in the ring, they wrestle for a bit, Mass wins, they shake hands and Massive Problems is back with authority until some little runt decided to ruin there plans. They pick up Smart for another double Powerbomb but before long a big man comes out from the back and knocks both men down with a flying shoulder tackle. The man turns out to be MAW's Bulldozer Brandon Smith! Smith explains he watched the match from the back and saw great potential in Mark Smart and commends his effort. He was originally just here for the ride to negotiate a contract but doesnt need a contract to whoop The Big Problem's ass!


The Big Problem vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Bulldozer and The Big Problem do a standard hard-hitting big guy match with some good nearfalls and intense action. Neither man really remained in control during this match. Eventually Bulldozer Brandon Smith shows why he is a top star in MAW and hits him with a big Backdrop Driver to get the win at 8:46


Post-match Smart and Bulldozer run of Problem and Mass. Smart grabs the microphone and challenges them to a tag team match next month. Smith agrees to it as Mass and Problem run to the back.


NYCW Tag Title Match:

Ring Generals © vs. Old School Principles

Solid old school tag match. Principles apply the heat on Dean Waldorf after he gets some shine. Apply the heat, false tags, fake tags, blind tags, hope spots and all that fun stuff. Eventually Rick Sanders makes a mistake letting Waldorf hit Sanders with a DDT. Statler comes in for the hot and they eventually takes out Masked Grappler with a line over the top rope. Eventually Statler and Waldorf hit a Backdrop Backbreaker on Sanders to get the win at 11:35


DVD Extra:

Black Hat Bailey is talking backstage with Honest Frank and Lee Wright. He tells them to watch out for Steve Flash as he may be old in age but young at heart and will do nothing to try and help them stop this uprising of talent. Bailey says he will be doing everything in his power to stop Flash tonight and hopes they are watching as together they can stop Flash better than apart.


The Whistler comes down to the ring for commentary for the main event.


NYCW Empire Championship Match:

Black Hat Bailey © vs. Steve Flash

Flash and Bailey cut a good pace with slow chain wrestling at the first of the match but pick up the pace nicely. Good story told in which Bailey looked willing to do whatever needed to be done to hold onto his belt. Bailey cut off Flash early on and applied the heat to Flash's knee. Flash fought back at the right poitns with flashes of hope but Bailey would be quick to cut him right back off. Right when it looked like Bailey was going to win the match with a Boston Crab Flash was able to reverse it fight back and reverse a backdrop attempt into the Flash BANG! (Snapmare Driver) to get the win at 18:45 in the Match of the Night.


Post-match Flash celebrates in the ring until Honest Frank and Lee Wright come in. They explain to him that he has three options. He can either refuse to join them and get attacked, he can join them and remain champion or he can hand them the belt and leave the ring unharmed. Flash thinks about it for a second and throws the belt at Frank. Frank catches it and Flash dropkicks to the belt into Frank's face! Frank is busted open! Before long Wright and Bailey (Who had recovered enough) start to beat down Flash and Frank joins in. However from the back runs the debuting Masked Avatar in what seems to be help for Steve Flash but it quickly turns into Avatar joining Honest Frank and company's beatdown on Flash. Before long Avatar locks in an IRON CLAW on Flash as blood starts to gash from his forehead. Avatar grabs the microphone and explains that fans have been hearing about a youth uprising. Avatar says he is 32 years old and the most youthful person on the entire roster. Avatar says himself, Frank and Black Hat Bailey conspired to make it look like all these youth talents would be featured from now on and then swerve everyone by having them join forces in order to rid NYCW of the youthful talent and to forever preserve the old school legacy. Avatar says they are here to rule over NYCW and the Old Guard will forever preserve the Legacy NYCW has built for old school wrestling.

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NYCW Rush Hour Post Show Booking Notes:

  • The decision to get the hat off of Black Hat Bailey and onto strong was made so Steve Flash could get a final run at the top. Bailey's stamina is pretty weak compared to a lot of roster members and he was incredibly tired by the end of his basic match with Flash. It was also used so that Avatar could be highlighted as a Main Event Heel with Honest Frank, Bailey and Lee Wright playing the roles of his henchmen in order to spice things up. It appears as if Bailey will be sticking around for just a little bit longer.

  • Mark Smart vs. Land Mass was the weakest match of the show (E-). Smart isn't being blamed for this however. Mass was said to be visibly pissed to be working with Smart pre-show and had told a few roster member he wasn't ok with putting Smart over. If Mass and Problem can't deliver this show then both will be closer examined and spots reevaluated on the NYCW Roster.

  • Stomper watched the show closeley and was said to be overall happy with most of it. The use of outside talents going over on some of his home grown talents had him weary and the angle at the end of the show made him question Avatar's booking since it steered away from the old school booking NYCW was used to but upon hearing the crowd's reaction to the angle he slowly approved of it. There was definite heat on Avatar for having Cage mention he signed to SWF before Cage vs. Shark but nothing that won't be gotten over.

  • A few more talents are expected to debut soon in NYCW but the general feeling backstage is that they will be slowing down bringing in new talent and seeing what talents on the roster and coming in will really stick in the company.

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Just a suggestion on your format. Perhaps put something between each segment, like a banner, or put matches in quotes and angles in plain, Basically something to break up the wall of text a little more. I personally use a small banner between different segments, others use different things. The easier a show is to read, the better likelyhood of keeping those who browse willing to stay a little longer and actually get hooked.
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Its not necessary if you dont like doing that. Im just saying it gets quicker, easier and less daunting as you get used to it. Just like playing this dang game in fact...


Check out 1PWfans NYCW dynasty which has virtually no graphic whizz-kiddery and is still a great read as the format is so clear. Obvious sections, bold titles, winners and grades picked out.


If people like your story they'll read every word, but some people are going to skim and check out the things they look for in a dynasty. Making it easy for them is essential. How you do that is only limited by your ideas.


Sorry that sounded so patronising. Didnt mean to teach you to suck eggs!

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