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Men Of Steel Combat: Fans bring the weapons, (we can't afford them).

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Bumpity Bumpity.

This thread will not die!


Don'y worry this isn't going anywhere yet I am in the process of writing the show, I feel the bump was a bit premature, I did make a post just 2 days ago saying I was doing plans but, I'm glad you want this to succeed, (maybe something to do with your MOSC game being deleted:D)


The reason the shows are taking time is I am trying to do things (plans for example) to make sure this doesn't fail like my other dynasty attempts which includes going at a pace that will avoid burnout.

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Don'y worry this isn't going anywhere yet I am in the process of writing the show, I feel the bump was a bit premature, I did make a post just 2 days ago saying I was doing plans but, I'm glad you want this to succeed, (maybe something to do with your MOSC game being deleted:D)


The reason the shows are taking time is I am trying to do things (plans for example) to make sure this doesn't fail like my other dynasty attempts which includes going at a pace that will avoid burnout.


I've started a new MOSC game and i made $3043 profit hahahaha!

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TheEffect" data-cite="TheEffect" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28960" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Glad to know you're getting on with college <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p> I don't know if it's the lack of time, but whenever I go to write up the show I just feel like I have no ideas and can't think of anything creative to write, the sad thing is I've start to think "Oooo, that'd be a fun diary to do" with something else but know (or at least presume) I will ultimately get block, that's not to say this is over but I will certainly be using less detail, as I really want to succeed.</p><p> -</p><p> </p><p> How do you guys with long-running diaries, keep interest?</p><p> </p><p> I'm thinking I like writing and I might just write something non-TEW, but I think most of the fun is actually sharing it, but I can't stick to the constraints of matches and the formatting of the show, it really frustrates me.</p>
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  • 1 month later...

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"Back to Life, Back to Isanity!"

You bring the Weapons.



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MOSC – Dance of The Mad Bastards

Attendance: 28 (It's a bloody Champions League Wednesday)

From Phoenix Nights




Bernie: Hello and welcome to Phoenix Night's for Men of Steel Combat's Dance of the Mad Bastards in front of 28 people in this stuffy club.

Warrior: 28 f*cking people are you taking the p*ss, I could garner more interest in a drying paint exhibition and I'll tell you the problem, the bastard sell out fans who were with us for the good times and then when that mainstream s*it came on the tele those pr*cks watch wrestling from the comfort of their living rooms the lazy bastards!

Bernie: And if you haven't realised yet, Lawrence Young is not putting on a Scottish accent but I am infact joined tonight by Highland Warrior, the founder of MOSC.

Warrior: Founder and Owner don't believe any of the Hall's bulls*it!

Bernie: Let's just start proceedings with one of Hall's men Danny Patterson taking on Ultra Violence and Geordie Jimmy Morris.



Danny Patterson vs Geordie Jimmy Morris & Ultra Violence



Ultra Violence seemed absolutely wasted and sat in the corner of the ring for large parts of the match leaving Jimmy to tale the punches and boots as Danny takes control of the match, already in a position to end the match Danny goes to the outside of the ring o get a chair and a table.


Jimmy manages to get up and when he comes in with the chair he punches it into The Tower's fist and injured his hand as much as he hurt Patterson's head in the process but took a bit of momentum to his 'teams' side and Ultra did eventually take an interest hitting the cane into Patterson's chair and staggering the giant a few times but nothing got the monster down and a single throat thrust takes UV to the outside of the ring and leaving Jimmy back in the ring with Patterson and a similar thrust to the Geordie takes him down too and allows DP to set up a table in the middle of the ring and he lifts Morris up for a chokeslam but the Tyneside Terror reversed it into a DDT and put Patterson through the table, with the fans on his side the adrenaline saw Jimmy bounce off all the ropes like the crazy loon he is and his overexcitement meant he didn't see UV on the apron and he knocked him back to the outside but he did drop a splash on The Tower who was shaken by his offence, Morris then signalled for his Tyneside Neckbreaker by cracking his neck and was set to hit it but when he bounced into the ropes UV wrapped his cane around Morris' neck and Danny Patterson gave him a big boot which knocked UV again back to the floor and a dazed Morris fell victim to a Danny Patterson Chokeslam for the win.


Winner: Danny Patterson



As Patterson leaves ringside, Dunton Hall appears and pats him on the back before making his way to the ring.



Dunton: Good evening Men of Sh*t fans, for those of you who don't know me I am Dunton Hall, and I am the man in control of Men of Steel Combat


Bernie: Where you going Greg?



Warrior: Woah, Woah, there laddie, I think your mistaken if you think that this promotion, which I've loved for 30 years is in your control your a bigger d*ckhead than I though Hall and I already though you were a massive di...

Dunton: Gregory, talk to me when it's your own knees your using. Speaking of Handicap, and since I call the shots in around here so tonight we will see Jeffrey McPeterson in 3 on 1 match against Har...


Warrior: No, no, no you aren't understanding cause whilst I'm still alive and kicking, albeit with out using all my own body parts, you will never take Men of Steel from me and as these people as my witness I will kill you, I will kill your son and I will kill anyone who dares try and take the promotion I've called home for so long because you can take my knee caps and you can take my workers but I swear you will never ever take my f*ckin' promotion Dunton so I'd suggest leaving the ring before I break your scrawny little neck.


Dunton: OK, Greg I understand that my name isn't yet above the door but soon it will be because my knowledge is my power and my money talks, Greg.


And for all you try and all your willing you are unable to match me in anyway I mean look at us I'm 22 years ago I was 27, you was 25 I was well into my millions of pounds and you Greg you were winning a crappy little piece of gold for the first time, in some grotty little club like this and you really feel you have any power over me The Rebels and My Prodigy, really Gregory?


Warrior: It's not a question of whether I have the power it's the question of what you have missing that I have and that's heart because when Hall was collecting cookie jars, I was bleeding, boozing and brawling for that title and although my body may me giving up on me, and these fans are leaving us like the s*it of someone who had Phoenix Night's 'famous' dodgy curries, I will never lose my passion, my love and my will to fight, kill and do what it takes to get rid of you and your son!


Dunton: Whatever you say G-Mac but don't say you weren't warned!


Dunton drops his match and heads for the back as the infuriated owner heads back to the commentary table.


Jeffrey McPeterson vs Tony Wright


A very weak performance from Tony Wright gave McPeterson all the offence and a barrage of blows to the head and numerous various weapon shots saw Mr. Wright out on his feet fairly quickly and he wasn't on his feet much longer when Jeffrey unleashed some dropkicks and lariats on the Epitome of Manliness and it took a Tartan Pain (running bulldog) onto a chair and the match was done.


Winner: Jeffrey McPeterson


Another instrumental hits and the fans know who coming and start their 'You Fat Bastard' chants early.



Allen: Club Tropicana drinks are freeeee;

fun and laughter there's enough for everyone;

all that's missing is Jeremy;

He is 'drowned out' yet again.


Allen: It's the A to the L to the L to the E to the N;

That name again;

It's The Hunk O' Love, The Jay Dawg, Jeremy Allen

I'm the perfect athlete, the model human being;

And you better believe what your seeing;

'Coz I'm gunna beat the champion of Blood and Beer;

And I'll kick you back to Blackpool, and you'll land just off the pier


Now Psycho, I'm ready for you! Are you ready to lose?


MOSC Blood & Beer Championship

Psycho © vs Jeremy Allen



The two start up the match with brawl in the ring, but it soon spews out to the ringside area and Psycho tales control of the 'Fat Bastard' and smashes him into the metal railing until he causes blood from the J-Dawg's nose which trickles down him face leaving him in a lot of pain and letting Psycho take a cheese grater to Jeremy's head which shears some of the skin of the Hunks head, but as Psycho goes to hit him with the grater ,to add more injury, Allen ducks and headbutts Psycho repeatedly and takes the grater off him laying it on the floor and dropping the champion on his head into the grater, followed by a camel clutch variation where the cheese grater is put onto the neck and pushed in with the locked arms drawing blood for the B&B champions throat and causing him to pass out.


Jeremy Allen rolls him into the ring and rolls back and takes a chair with him and puts it on Psycho's throat and goes to the second rope and drops him weight onto Psycho for the win


Still Champion: Jeremy Allen (New MOSC Blood & Beer Champion)



[Jeremy Allen celebrates and picks his favourite chick from the crowd who promptly rejects him as Bruce Hall comes down to the ring but takes a microphone before going in the ring]



'Hello and Welcome to the Bruce Hall Show and first of all to my supporting cast and you greasy northerners, what the hell have you been doing, but thankful for well me and my father really – business is picking up and it looks as though I am about to add another name of sorry losers who dared crossed the one whose 'Got it All!' and for all the chicks out their who inevitably want a piece of this...

[He plays with his hair almost... flirtatiously]

I wouldn't go near any of you with a flaming 10 foot bargepole you scaly dogs

[The women and their men get a bit angry]

Please no barking...

[A 'f*ck you Bruce!' chant begins'

You want to do what?... Well I can't blame you but that does actually bring you to my next point a new rule straight from the boss him self Mr. Dunton Hall:


Any employee of Men of Steel who swears in the presence of Us or the ©ockney Rebels will be dealt with very severely and will possible be removed from any future events and now onto my opponent Bruiser, failure to win against The Prodigy tonight will lead in you joining all these animal who paid to get in on the dole line.

[That is enough for Bruiser who takes a snooker cue to Bruce's head and we get under way.]

Bruiser's job on the line

Bruce Hall vs Bruiser

http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/Full/BruceJackson2.jpg http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/J%20Silver/Bruiser.jpg


The brawl spewed out through the club and we even disturbed the Karaoke at one point, the weapons used ranged from Frying Pans to Cheese Graters to a mouse trap and the crowd where loving Bruiser's offence and hating Bruce's in equal measure but they couldn't hide their delight at a piledriver breaking one one the many spare seats for a two count the match continued at a very aggressive brawling tone but Bruce managed to prise a bit of decent technical work out of Bruiser who even took to the top rope to plant a axe handle smash on the newcomer. And it seemed like Bruce Hall had all bases covered as when he looked uncomfortable right on cue arrived with a Barbed Wire Bat he swung for Bruiser but the veteran ducked and Bruce was busted open from just above the eye and Bruiser got hold of the Bat and the unarmed Patterson ran away leaving 'his boss' alone and the half blinded Hall got a Gutwrench Powerbomb through he droves of empty seats and won the match


Winner: Bruiser



Bernie: And now after that extremely, excruciating battle of the brawlers we got our Main Event,

Greg: That's right Bern and this is gunna be one helluva match and I can't wait until my new Warrior in the war kicks some ass and take that belt because that where the real power is!


[The two named competitors make there way to the ring and get ready for the mystery man...]



'And now introducing from Glascow, Scotland. He is currently classed as a middleweight, this is The Eliminator, Genocide Agent!'


[Agent runs down to the ring but slips on a broken beer bottle from Bruce's match and lands on his bare chest, he is bleeding before the match he also hit is head and is helped to the ring by the referee (way to make a 'big' debut for us) and he just slumps in a corner]


Bernie: So much for a Warrior Greg.

Greg: That was awful [buries head in hands]


MOSC UK Championshio Match

MOSC Deathmatch

Genocide Agent vs Harley Neill vs Thug




This match was set to be a barnstormer with weapons and all out Three Way dance war but unfortunately Genocide Agent seemed a little (minor) concussed and the fans really didn't want to see him after that terrible display and he was gone from the match within a couple of minutes leaving us with another standard Thug vs Neill match which as fun as it is may start to grate on the fans and speaking of grating, the cheese grater was great and used to greater effect than before and both men were bloodied by it just a few minutes after Genocide Agent had left with the blood free flowing the match took a big turn when a Table Powerbomb was botched and Harley was dropped from 10 feet onto the concrete floor and Thug took control rolling him back in the ring and Bell-to-Belly suplexed Harley through the table and got a two count.


But slowly and surely Harley started to come around getting the odd offence in against thugs heavy weapon use and Thug set up a table in the corner but Harley had come round and he speared Thug through it he then began to stalk Thug and as he fell straight into the hand of Neill he chokeslammed him to the outside of the ring through the announcers table and picked up the win


Winner: Harley Neill



Bernie: And again Neill too strong for his challenger and that's all we got time for so from me and an angry prematurely departed Scotsman, and please don;t expect to see Genocide agent featuring again [laughs to him self] Goodnight.


Dance of The Mad Bastards 2010.

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Prediction Prizes!


<HR style="COLOR: #666666" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Prediction's (ranked firstly on number of correct answers and secondly on order of prediction)


1st Jingo 5/5 (100%)

2nd Boltinho 4/5 (80%)

= The Effect 4/5 (80%)

4th ChrisKid 3/5 (60%)


The Overall Rankings (based on number of correct predictions first, and then number of 'monthly' wins and thirdly (only for listings) on number of 100%'s


1) Jingo 16/17 (3 Wins) (2, 100%)

2) 14/17 Boltinho (1 win)

=) 14/17 The Effect (1 win)

4) ChrisKid 13/17 (1 win)(1, 100%)

5)TakerNGN (Did not predict)

6) Jaded (did not predict)

=) EisenVerse (did not predict)


Two winners two prizes, Jingo with the win and Bolt for the show title



From left to right:

1) The Hunk O' Love Seduction kit is the Jeremy Allen devised romantic aid. Struggle with the ladies? Want to spice up a relationship? Or just looking for fun if so then adding Jeremy Allen to the equation is sure to put the replay into foreplay.

2) This is a unique oppurtunity to get the MOSC impressive Easter Egg you've ever seen made by a mould of Highland Warrior, unfortunately I think Jeremy Allen has been at it


As with prizes their will be the legal stuff (I'd just scroll down if I were you)




Men of Steel Combat are not responsable for the condition of above prizes and prizes may vary from those in the above images, it is up to you to fight it out for these prizes and it may resort to first come first serve.


***If you wish to have your prize insured send credit card details or PayPal information in a PM to 20LEgend.***


Jeremy Allen reservses the right to replace the mask in any sexual activity it may take place involving the Seduction Pack, any evidence of re-distribution of prizes will be punished. HEAVILY!




Thanks to the four who voted again, one drop out, thanks.

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  • 5 months later...

Men Of Steel Combat: Welcome To Dystopia


Psycho vs. "The Graduate" Dwayne Dark

Winner takes on Jeremy Allen directly after

Ultra Violence vs. Genocide Agent

Blood and Beer Championship Match

"The Hunk O' Love" Jeremy Allen vs. Winner of previous match

Bruce "Got It" Hall vs. Bruiser

The Coc|< ney Rebels vs. Thug & Jeffery McPeterson


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Psycho vs. "The Graduate" Dwayne Dark


Winner takes on Jeremy Allen directly after

Ultra Violence vs. Genocide Agent


Blood and Beer Championship Match

"The Hunk O' Love" Jeremy Allen vs. Winner of previous match


Bruce "Got It" Hall vs. Bruiser


The Coc|

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Good to see this back.


Psycho vs. "The Graduate" Dwayne Dark

Winner takes on Jeremy Allen directly after

Ultra Violence vs. Genocide Agent

Blood and Beer Championship Match

"The Hunk O' Love" Jeremy Allen vs. Winner of previous match

Bruce "Got It" Hall vs. Bruiser

The Coc|< ney Rebels vs. Thug & Jeffery McPeterson

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Psycho vs. "The Graduate" Dwayne Dark

Winner takes on Jeremy Allen directly after

Ultra Violence vs. Genocide Agent

Blood and Beer Championship Match

"The Hunk O' Love" Jeremy Allen vs. Winner of previous match

Bruce "Got It" Hall vs. Bruiser

The Coc|< ney Rebels vs. Thug & Jeffery McPeterson

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Psycho vs. "The Graduate" Dwayne Dark

Winner takes on Jeremy Allen directly after


Ultra Violence vs. Genocide Agent

Blood and Beer Championship Match


"The Hunk O' Love" Jeremy Allen vs. Winner of previous match

Bruce "Got It" Hall vs. Bruiser

The Coc|< ney Rebels vs. Thug & Jeffery McPeterson


Can't believe I missed this I mean I don't think I missed it but I am definately interested to see if you can make MOSC a success as they are a very hard promotion to run. I tried to play as them once and I failed miserably so good luck with the future of this!

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Love a return after a hiatus ;)


Psycho vs. "The Graduate" Dwayne Dark

Dwayne Dark sucks


Winner takes on Jeremy Allen directly after



Ultra Violence vs. Genocide Agent

UV is pure MOSC


Blood and Beer Championship Match

"The Hunk O' Love" Jeremy Allen vs. Winner of previous match

Neither UV or Agent is a belt contender though


Bruce "Got It" Hall vs. Bruiser

I hope Thug gets involved!


The Coc|< ney Rebels vs. Thug & Jeffery McPeterson

I'm becoming a Jeff fan. Good worker

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