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Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Back In The Water... (CZCW)

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Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Back In The Water...

- PWH interviews new CZCW head honcho, Silver Shark -

Posted by Mark Diesler. Tuesday, Week 1, January 2010 @ 11:43pm



With Cliff Anderson announcing a hiatus from the wrestling business, ProWrestlingHits.com's Mark Diesler caught up with his appointed heir, Silver Shark, at the Coastal Resort training centre this morning and was able to get a few words with the Coastal Zone's newest attraction.




PWH: So, Silver Shark, you're in charge now. Congratulations! I guess the first question should be: How did that come about?


SS: Well, Cliff called me a few weeks back, talking about how he felt he'd taken CZCW as far as he could and needed a break from the industry. I don't think anyone expected him to go as far as he did to get that break, but anyway... We're coming up to our twentieth anniversary this year, y'know? Not many independents can say that - hell, TCW can't even say that! I think the guy deserves a break.


PWH: Without meaning to sound at all rude or disrespectful... why you? I mean, most people in the industry - and fans, too - would've expected Fox Mask to be Cliff's lieutenant, as it were. And The Guru was still in charge of booking at the time of the announcement...


SS: Fox is definitely considered synonymous with the Zone, but that's part of the problem: Fox IS the Zone. He can't do anything else. I'm sure he won't mind me telling you that he was Cliff's first choice, but he already runs the training camp, and holds the main title, and does basically everything else behind the scenes. He's an amazing guy, but there's still only one of him. I'll definitely be working closely with Fox in my new role, for sure. As for The Guru, he'd had a good stay with us, but other options opened up for him, that's all I can say.


SS: As for me, Cliff and I are pretty close. He got me started in the industry way back when. Seems ridiculous to think about it really, he was a twenty-nine year old play-by-play man with some financial backers, I was a 19-year-old right outta training camp. He'd called a few of my really early matches, and for some reason decided he'd book me on his first card. I I was actually in the first ever CZCW match, haha. Even Fox can't say that. I lost, I think. Never thought it'd go anywhere, but it helped pay the bills... now look at us!


PWH: Cliff has left a lasting imprint on the world of wrestling, for sure. But will he be back? Has he sold the company to you outright? Tell us the juicy details!


SS: I'm not going to go into too much detail, sorry. But I will say that for all intents and purposes, I am in full control of the company now, yes. Cliff still owns it, in name, and may return someday. He may return and decide to do something totally different, who knows? But I'm here to do a job, and I'm brim-full of ideas!


PWH: What about Cliff's position as announcer for the company?


SS: With Cliff going on hiatus from the business - I believe he's somewhere in the Seychelles as we speak - we've obviously had to find a new lead announcer. We've had literally hundreds of audition tapes - mainly from overeager fans - which we appreciated greatly. However we've settled on a guy some of our fans will recognise from east-coast indies by the name of Remmington Remus. We think he's the perfect choice for our youthful, high-energy product, and can't wait to get him in the booth!


PWH: CZCW's next event was scheduled to be Revolution 2010. Is this an omen? Will there be a revolutionary new direction for CZCW? Or do you intend this to be a fairly innocuous backstage changeover that won't affect the product much at all?


SS: I don't want to reveal too much until the event itself. Man, I wish I could! But no, I'm gonna keep schtum. What I will say though, is that Revolution 2010 is going to be more than just the traditional name for our January event...


PWH: So we can expect a true revolution?


SS: Yes, but... possibly not the one you're expecting...


PWH: Will this revolution be televised?


SS: Hahaha, as much as we'd all love that, no. This revolution will not be televised. That is definitely one of my goals for my tenure here, however.


PWH: Can we expect more Japanese wrestlers in The Zone in future, owing to your long stint with World Level Wrestling?


SS: I think I'm allowed to announce... hell, I own this shindig right? Of course I can announce it! I've already been working towards that goal, and can officially announce a working agreement between World Level Wrestling and Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling, very similar to the existing agreements between ourselves and MPWF and MAW. Hopefully several of my friends (and enemies!) from World Level will be appearing in the Zone in future, and vice versa! We're also in talks with several other independent promotions across North America. I want to bring workers from all over the States, and beyond, down to SoCal for a huge-ass tournament this year, but that's genuinely all I can say about that at the moment.


PWH: Sounds great! I'm assuming you'll be appearing in the ring for CZCW very soon?


SS: You bet! Look out for me! I can't wait to get back in the ring with some of the old crew from back in the day, and of course the new crew!


PWH: Talking of the 'new crew', what's your opinion on the generation of wrestlers that have popped up in CZCW since you left? The Rich and Famouses and American Flashes of the promotion?


SS: Obviously I'm not going to comment publicly on specific wrestlers, but in general I believe they're a talented bunch of guys, who'll do well for us. And for other promotions too, down the road.


PWH: Well I can see you're a busy guy, so I'll let you go. It's been an honour, Silver Shark. Congratulations on your new role, and the best of luck in your future endeavours...


SS: You can't Future Endeavour me yet! Who are you, Richard Eisen? Haha!


PWH: Hah, fair point. Good luck, though, seriously. We here at PWH hope for great things from the Coastal Zone in the next year. Any last words as we wrap up the interview?


SS: Thanks for coming down to see us! I look forward to our Most Improved Promotion award this year...!


PWH: Not gunning for Best Promotion?


SS: Jack Bruce could spend two hours taking a dump on live TV and you'd still give that one to the SWF...


PWH: Ooh, harsh! ...but probably true. Hey, I don't write 'em. I only get one vote.


SS: Spend it wisely. That's all I'm sayin'. And here's twenty bucks. To help you remember. Wait, are we still recording?



CZCW present Revolution 2010, from the Snake Pit, Santa Monica, California. Monday, Week 3, January 2010.

Doors open at 6pm for a 7pm start.

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(OOC: Awww hell. I wasn't supposed to post this thread! I was meant to click Preview and then save it in Wordpad like I normally do and forget about it. I guess I'll have to see this through now, huh? :p Oh, and don't worry, there is a roster post coming).



CZCW: Revolution 2010 Recap

- Attendance: 726 - The Snake Pit, Santa Monica -

Posted by Mark Diesler. Monday, Week 3, January 2010 @ 11:54pm



Pre-Show Match: The Lords Of Extreme vs. Air Attack Weasel & Jonnie Perez

Obviously you can't have dark matches without TV/PPV/some sort of broadcasting, but for the last few years CZCW have always opened the show early with matches between the younger talent. Normally I'm far too late to the show to see them, but I made an effort for Silver Shark's first show in charge!

This was a short, nicely worked opening bout to give some ring-time to the inexperienced Perez sibling, as Weasel succumbed to the I Am Cougar, Hear Me Roar! after 8:22. A bit short, but perfectly acceptable standard of wrestling for a 'dark' match. [D]




Going Coastal vs. Rich and Famous

This started as a promising match, but the fans absolutely hated the finish, though I have a feeling it's the start of a major angle for CZCW which may change the way the promotion is booked in future. With the match still fairly even in terms of advantage, the hulking figure of Grue Slugg and his smaller partner Hugo Garrido hit the ring, and started beating down both teams with clubbing strikes and blows, which soon cleared the ring and left the referee with no choice but to call a double-disqualification. Only the second in CZCW history, and the first due to outside interference. The fans in attendance crapped all over it. [E-]




With the four fallen combatants littered around ringside, a luchador in a green bandana-style mask and green fedora hat soon entered the ring. He introduced himself as Genio Verde, the Green Genius, and hyped Los Destructores (the team of Grue Slugg and Hugo Garrido) up as the new, most destructive tag team in the company. He said that for too long, the fans in attendance had been treated to emotionless performances from selfless "artists" who cared too much about being loved by the fans for their athletic exploits and flashy, highlight-reel moves to ever become successful in wrestling, let alone in life. Verde said that to be successful, you had to take what was yours, even if it meant being selfish. He went on to proclaim a new era in CZCW, a "Rudo Revolution". Wrestlers like himself and his new clients, who are prepared not to fight honourably for the entertainment of the fans, but to reach out and grab fame and fortune by any means necessary. He invited any young, ambitious wrestlers watching or reading about this event to join him, and take CZCW by force. "This revolucion," he said, "will not be televised. The networks wouldn't have the cojones!"

After the ugly reaction to the last match, I was surprised by how good this was, and how much the fans here got into it. [D+]




Matt Sparrow vs. Insane Machine

A decent match, but not as good as these two are capable of. The main purpose of this match seems to have been the beginning of a possible evolution in Machine's character. The cold, calculating, ruthless technician persona we all know and love gave way at certain points to an angrier, more random, violent wrestler, which Sparrow wasn't prepared for. Genio Verde - on commentary - commented on how he thought Machine would make a great addition to his new group. Chase reminded him that, being a machine, it'd take some convincing him. Chase, by the way, is doing a wonderful job on commentary tonight. As are the range of wrestlers accompanying him (California Love Machine and James Prudence, mostly). I'm sat right behind them so I get to hear every word [D+]




The Cali Dragons vs. Shoot Club {C}

- For The Coastal Zone Tag Team Championships -

Wow... This was twenty full minutes of stiff strikes and slick submission holds that had the fans eating it up and, by the end, wanting more. Of course, Verde called it 'emotionless' and 'pandering to the wants of the fans'. But if that's what they were doing, they did it fantastically. The match also provided some memorable spots, such as Frankie Perez nearly tapping out to Al Coleman's Ankle Brace, but tapping his partner's hand as he did so and thus no longer being the legal man. The finish was a draw by double countout as the match spilled to the outside.

With Speed and James beating ten bells out of each other on the ramp, Perez speared Coleman into the guard rail and went to break the count and win the match, but Coleman grabbed Perez' leg as he turned away and applied his Ankle Brace finisher, leaving Perez fruitlessly tapping out for the second time in the match as the referee counted 20. This was a good bout, leaving the fans disappointed but salivating at the thought of a rematch. The good kind of draw, as opposed to the farcical draw from earlier. [C-]




Fox Mask {C} vs. Donnie J. vs. James Prudence vs. Remmy Skye

- For The Coastal Zone Championship -

If the last match was good, then this was CZCW's first Match of the Year Candidate. The match lasted thirty-five minutes bell-to-bell and has to go down as being amongst the best matches the Coastal Zone has ever seen. The match started out with the participants naturally re-forming their shaky alliances - Zone Out vs. the Uneasy Alliance that was formerly the Fly Boys. That didn't last long however, as James Prudence soon saw an opportunity to get ahead, and turned on Donnie, much to Verde's delight. Chase remarked that Prudence would never align himself with the Rudo Revolucion, because unsavoury as he can be at times, Prudence was almost as much a part of the Zone as Fox Mask himself. The King Of The Zone must've heard him, as he soon began teaming with Platinum in beating down Donnie J, until Remmy took exception to the two-on one attack and took Prudence out. From there, a period of fast-paced action ensued with all four men flying around the ring until Donnie J - balancing on the top turnbuckle - took a dropkick to the midsection from Skye and landed hard on the outside. From there, things went badly for Prudence as the Zone Out duo worked some slick tag-team manouvers on the hated Zoner until he escaped the ring.


For a brief moment, Zone Out paraded the ring, jointly basking in the fans' approval of the first period of action. That was before Fox Mask saw his chance and blindsided his stoner friend with a Fox Hunter, earning a two-count before Donnie J crawled into the ring to save the match. Prudence was careful not to attract too much attention to himself on the outside, letting the other three participants wear themselves out before he struck. He was caught out though when the limp form of Donnie J came crashing onto him, having been dumped out of the ring by Fox Mask. Reminded of the fourth combatant in the match, Fox broke out an Asai moonsault, landing on both of them and taking all three men to the concrete. Seeing this, Donnie J thought about an aerial assault of his own, but despite the urging of the crowd elected to wait it out in the ring.


The first man up was Fox, who picked up Remmy Skye and dusted him off, helping him back into the ring before being rolled up from behind by Prudence. This served no obvious purpose since falls only count in the ring, but it did provide Donnie J an opportunity to pin Skye. He only managed a two-count though before Skye kicked out.


Later, it was Donnie J's turn to subconciously help out his former-partner-turned-arch-rival, as he locked Fox Mask in a game of last-man-standing as they wailed away on each other with punches, while behind them Remmy Skye was locked in the Prudential Pain Plan. Luckily for the defending champion Fox won the game, sending Donnie slumping onto Prudence and breaking the hold, more by luck than judgment.


More by luck than judgment was the theme for the finish too, as with tiredness starting to show on all the wrestlers, and Rita Charles tending to her boyfriend James Prudence on the outside after a missed plancha, Fox Mask hit the Fox Hunter on Skye for the second time in the match, but was unable to cover. Instead he slumped forwards, exhausted, on top of Donnie J. Donnie found some deep reserve of energy inside him to kick out, but all he managed was to send Fox sprawling across the ring onto Remmy Skye, and the completely unintentional pinfall scored a three-count for the victory. Fox Mask had retained the Coastal Zone title, but probably didn't fully realise it until he woke up the next day. The fans did though, and gave him the loudest ovation the Snake Pit has heard for some time, to the annoyance of Genio Verde, who stormed off up the ramp largely unnoticed. [b-]




Overall Show Rating: C.

All in all, an amazing start to Silver Shark's tenure, although he could be accused of stacking the deck with that main event. We'll have to see if he can keep it up!




(OOC: Hope the recap style is interesting enough for you guys. The main event was of epic length, compared to the usual write up lengths, because it was so good. I don't have a lot of spare time these days, so the match writeups will be kept quite short unless I get a wave of inspiration, a story needs to be told in more detail, or the match is epic. All three happened at once there. ¬_¬).

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If the rest of Silver Shark's reign continues like that...


Aye, opening show hit straight out of the ballpark.


Also the recap style works nicely. Writing up matches for diaries is a tough balancing act... you want detail, but not too much that it becomes a chore to read. You want background, but moves as well, without overdoing it, etc. Some matches will end up longer if you've got a story to tell, but as long as you don't 'force' in info just for the sake of adding length, you'll be fine. Your write-up hit a nice middle, which is important given CZCW's emphasis on matches.


I'll stop rambling now. Nice start.

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Chasin' Paradise - January 2010



Hey there Zoners! Chase Paradise here, the new voice of CZCW in this new era. I'm here with my new monthly blog, keeping you up to date with all the happenings in and involving the Coastal Zone that you may not have read about elsewhere, be sure to visit at the end of each month to catch up on all the latest insider info! Here we go for January...


- We at CZCW are pleased to announce that according to trusted wrestling website ProWrestlingHits.com, we were ranked Best in the South West last month, based on the ratings received for all the independent wrestling promotions accessible to residents of the Southwestern United States. We beat out Las Vegas, Nevada based Babes of Sin City and Washington's Angel Athletic Association along with a host of smaller independents, for the title. What a start to the year!


- Marc Speed has decided to concentrate on becoming more of a technician and will start to adapt his ringwork with that in mind, which suits us at CZCW just fine. The change has made no difference to his standing within the company, everyone at CZCW is excited to see where his new direction takes him.


- Insane Machine picked up a very minor ankle injury a few days after our Revolution event, and will miss a few World Level Wrestling dates and won't be able to defend his World Level Streetfighting title at Power & Glory. He's assured us he'll definitely be fit again for Vendetta though!


- As many of you will have noticed, the CZCW website's roster page is - for the first time in our history - divided into Tecnicos and Rudos (plus a seperate section for those workers who have so far declined to comment on their allegiance). We are excited by this change, and look forward to seeing how this affects the fragile relationships built up between our wrestlers over the weeks and months to come.


- You will also notice a brand new section of the website, the CZCW Blog. The Blog is accessible by any wrestler with a CZCW contract, and is available for them to post videos or text blogs to rant and rave about any topic they desire. Check it often for the latest promos and information on your favourite CZCW stars!


That's all for this month, folks! Don't forget to head down to Santa Monica's Snake Pit for CZCW: Vendetta, the third Monday of February! That's only about a week removed from Valentine's day, but there'll be no love lost in The Pit, as the Shoot Club and the Cali Dragons once again try to find out who the better team is!


CZCW: Vendetta Lineup

Monday, Week 3, February

The Snake Pit, Santa Monica

The Lords of Xtreme vs. Insanity Inc.

Going Coastal vs. Los Destructores

Shoot Club vs. The Cali Dragons - [Coastal Zone Tag Team Championships]

Zone Out vs. The Uneasy Alliance


(OOC: Roster'll probably be up tomorrow, all the pics are on my other PC which doesn't have internet access. Forgot about that. ¬_¬).

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