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The Johhny Heizenger Story

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Friday, Week 1, January 2010


I had known Mac for a long time. To most other people, he was The Lord of War, Warlord Pain. A larger than life, face paint-wearing psychopath. But to me, he was just Mac. Sometimes Mackenzie if I was feeling brave, but he was always my teacher, and my friend. The day I turned 18, I showed up on the doorstep of the Piledriver Wrestling School, and Mac took me in. He gave me a place to stay, fed me, and treated me like a son, and all I had to do was let him kick my ass on a daily basis, and clean up the place afterwards. Mac taught me everything I know, and it led me here.


Here, it just so happens, was sitting in an old folding chair in a dirty Maryland arena. The place smelled of sweat and piss, the concrete floors were stained, and the walls were cracked and crumbling. I loved it.


Here I was, in the heart of the famous Stanley Hall, with the legendary Rip Chord only a few feet away, and just a thin wall was between us. From within, I could hear the deep voices of Mac and Rip conversing, but I couldn’t make out the words they were saying. I was sweating bullets, and inside, I was hoping, praying that things were going our way. I tried not to get my hopes up; after all, I was fresh out of training, and had never wrestled a real match before in my life. I was green as could be. But Mac said that’s the kind of guy Rip takes in, and my head was swimming with the possibilities of what could happen.


I was in the middle of trying to think up what I would look like holding the SWF World Championship when Mac poked his head out of the office.


“Come on in, John,” he said. Grinning from ear to ear, I stood up and strode past him into the office of the man I grew up watching battle Sam Strong and Ricky Dale Johnson. I know, it wasn’t that long ago, but I’m young guy, and it’s my childhood and my story. Get off my back. Rip was sitting behind a splintered desk, leaning back in a massive leather rolling chair. As soon as I walked in, he fixed his eyes on me.


“He’s small,” Rip said, and I froze in my tracks. I was, of course. Not for normal people, but as a wrestler. I only stood 5’7 and weighed around 210. I could be beefed up on the roster sheets, but I was still small. And it hurt that that was the first thing Rip pointed out. “You said the kid was strong as an ox.”


“I know he’s small, Rip, and I didn’t tell ya that. But John is strong. Probably stronger than me and you ever were.”


Rip eyed me up and down and sighed. “Well, I already gave you my word. The kid’s in.”


I was speechless. I had just gotten my first wrestling gig straight out of training, and it was for one of my idols. I tried uttering a thank you, but I just kind of stammered. Looking back, it was embarrassing, but at the time, I couldn’t care less. I had a job!


Rip shook his head. “I hope this isn’t an indication of what to expect from your promos, kid.”


“John’s in shock, Rip," Mac said, laughing. "The kid may not be the best talker, but he’s got buckets of charisma. Trust me.”

“That works out, then, I guess,” Rip said as he began rummaging through his desk drawers. I peaked over to see what he was digging for, but he tossed a piece of red cloth at me before I could get a look. Pulling it off my shoulder, I found myself looking into the eyes of a mask, one of the most prestigious pieces of wrestling lore there was. I didn’t think it was possible, but my mood lifted even more after seeing this.


“I’ve been looking for someone to wear this old thing for a while now, and it's your lucky day, kid. We've got a lot of talent coming in with the new year and the Invitational coming up, so maybe this'll make you stand out. First thing's first, you need a name change. Johnny Heizenger just doesn’t sell to me. From now on, you’re -” my heart skipped a beat “- Ant-Man.”




Best. Name. Ever.

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OOC: Well everyone, I'm back with a new diary. Unfortunately, my TCW one died in it's infancy due a hard drive failure and my ineptitude in not backing any of my files up, but hopefully I can come back strong with this one! I think I'm going to like it a bit more, mostly because Heizenger's a character I can work with a lot more. The Avatar was a behind-the-scenes guy that I couldn't really write behind the scenes stuff for due to his relative reclusiveness, but Heizenger's a goofy kid with heart of gold. Plus, I always love a good MAW game.
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OOC: Well, I've just now noticed the typo in the title. Good job me!


I could hardly contain myself. Sitting in Mac’s living room, I had found my voice again, and I wouldn’t shut up.

“I’m working for Rip Chord, Mac! And I get to wear a mask!” I said.


Mac took another sip of his beer and laughed. “Yeah, John, you are. I want to talk to you about that mask, though. Do you know what wearing a mask in this business means?”

“It means I have a look, and a good one too,” I answered, slightly confused.


“You’ve got a look, alright. But whether or not it’s good is debatable,” Mac said, downing the rest of his beer. Continuing, he said, “You’ve got a hell of a chance, John, but you’re going to have to work hard to fulfill your potential. And wearing that thing means that if you do, that mask becomes the star, not you.”


My good mood started to drop a little as I absorbed what he was saying. Looking down at my cream soda (It’s the best!), I began to realize just what Mac meant. “Mac, you trained me, and you’re one of the greats. And Rip, he’s one of the greats, too. I’m starting my career being taught by some of the best there ever was. If I don’t make it, and I get stuck with this mask my whole career, then I guess that’s all I was ever meant for. But I have a feeling, ya know, that I’m going far. I’m going to be one of the greats, just like you.”


Mac smiled as he stood. “That’s what I’m talking about. You keep that attitude, cause you’re gonna need it. To You’re going to be doing a lot of losing to start out, and you can’t let that get you down. Now,” he said, stretching, “I’ve gotta go to bed. A couple of beers these days is enough put me down pretty early. Look over those papers a little bit, and get yourself familiar with the promotion. You can’t show up to your first show clueless about the product.”


As Mac made his way out of the room, I leaned over and picked up a manila folder on the coffee table. After shaking a couple of sheets of paper out, I settled into the arm chair for a night of reading.








Mid Atlantic Champion


American Patriot




Age: 26

Finisher: American Suplex (Backdrop Driver), Inverted Piledriver

My Thoughts: Patriot’s a big boy, and he hits like one. The fact that a guy with a mask is the champion right now gives me hope. I like him, too, so I hope that Mac’s thought’s on the mask being the star aren’t true in this case.

Mid Atlantic Tag Team



The Awesomeness (Cannonball and Stardust)





Ages: 24, 22

Finishers: Cannonball Run (Running Knee Strike), Stage Dive (Senton Bomb)

My thoughts: A case of two decent guys that are great as a team. Since teaming up, they’ve gone a tear, beating every team MAW’s brought in. Luckily for me, neither are really great singles guys, so I don’t have much to worry about with them getting in my way. It’s a shame, too, cause they’re both pretty cool guys.


Main Eventers


Rayne Man




Age: 23

Finisher: Rayne Drop (Jackhammer Suplex), Rayne Fall (Top rope elbow drop)

My Thoughts: Rayne’s one of the guys being brought in with me. He was a jobber with the SWF, and to be honest, I can see why. Dude’s pretty generic overall, but the worst part’s his name. He can’t use “Greg Rayne,” so he picked one of the worst names I’ve ever heard. Why he chose Rayne Man, I don’t know, but I think it’s going to indicative of his success.

Remmy Skye




Age: 25

Finisher: Skye Diver (Corkscrew Moonsault)

My Thoughts: Now Remmy, he’s a good signing. He’s really talented, and has a great look. I just wonder how long he’ll be around before one of the big two try and snap him up. It’s a wonder they haven’t already.


Mean Jean Cattley




Age: 31

Finisher: Mood Swing (Reverse STO)

My thoughts: Cattley’s one of the those great wrestlers that never made it. I can see why he sticks around, though. He’s getting a little older, and, along with Rip, he books all of the shows. Having him around is great, and I hope I can learn from him at least a little


Mainstream Hernandez




Age: 23

Finisher: Super Kick, Apparition #14 (Sliced Bread #2), Pontiac to Home (Lung Blower)

My thoughts: The first real star MAW ever produced is back. Hernandez is set to enter RCI, and I think he’s got a real good chance of winning a record third time. Seeing a guy like this come out of MAW leaves me with high hopes for myself.

Upper Midcard


Cameron Vessey




Age: 22

Finisher: Vessey Plex (Exploder Suplex)

My Thoughts: Vessey’s dad and uncle are both legends, and he’s got a lot of what made them big: intensity, skills, and a good look. If he tries hard enough, he could be even bigger than both of them.

Jay Chord




Age: 19

Finisher: Cradle Piledriver, Super DDT

My thoughts: I talked to Jay for maybe a minute the other day. In that minute, he pushed me, called me a loser, a midget, and told me I’d never make it in MAW as long as he’s around. What a ****.

Roderick Remus




Age: 21

Finisher: Remus Clutch (Crossface Chickenwing)

My Thoughts: Remus is a nice guy. Like me, he’s trying to break into MAW, but he’s been around a while longer, and he’s pretty high up the card because of it. His brother’s a pretty nice guy, too, and I hope that he finds a job soon.


Findlay O’Farraday




Age: 24

Finisher: Atomic Spinebuster

My thoughts: Findlay’s old school. And big, too. All in all, he fits in perfectly with MAW.

Citizen X




Age: 30

Finisher: Anarchy X (Crucifix Powerbomb)

My Thoughts: X is the second oldest guy on the roster, and a great talker. Hopefully he can teach me a little bit about mic work. I may be full of charming, crowd-drawing charisma, but my promos are mostly just me rambling. Kinda like Jim Force does. Does anyone understand what that guy’s talking about?




Brett Starr




Age: 19

Finisher: Hollywood Hammer (Diving Double Axe Handle)

My thoughts: Jay’s best friend, and also a huge ****. He’s not hear as talented as Mickey, but he can talk and work the crowd, so he’ll be around for a while. Big Smack Scott still has a job, after all.


Casey Valentine




Age: 21

Finisher: Deep Impact (Belly to Belly Slam)

My thoughts: Trained by Rip, and really talented. He gives me a lot of hope for how good I could become working for MAW.

Ricky Douglas




Age: 24

Finisher: Figure Four Leg Lock

My thoughts: Ricky’s an old-school worker. He understands how to work a match, but he’s not exactly the most flashy or charismatic guy around.

Curtis Jenkins




Age: 25

Finisher: Brit Trip (STO)

My thoughts: I don’t think CJ’ll ever be a star, but the team he has going with Riley McManus is a good one. I’ll probably end up working with him a bit in my time here at MAW.


Max Mayhem




Age: 25

Finisher: Maximum Mayhem (Dudley Dog)

My Thoughts: Max is good, I’ll give him that. And the crazy spaceman character he plays is entertaining, too.

Ace Youngblood




Age: 24

Finisher: Tomahawk Chop

My Thoughts: Ace teams with Max Mayhem, and while both are good, Ace is clearly more talented. Why a Native American is teaming with a spaceman I don’t know, but they are.


Matt Hocking




Age: 20

Finisher: Hock Shock (Leg Lariat)

My thoughts: Matt’s got a good look, and should get over well/ For a rookie, he’s really talented, and I see him going places. For now, though, he’s sitting in the tag team ranks.


Lower Midcard

Joe Cool




Age: 20

Finisher: Regular Move (Slingshot Suplex)

My Thoughts: Joe Cool is Hocking’s tag partner. While equally as talented, there’s something about him that keeps him from standing out as much as his partner does. Still, he should see some decent success.


Riley McManus




Age: 23

Finisher: Spider Stretch (Octopus Stretch)

My Thoughts: When I talked to Riley the other day, he came across as a real humble guy, eager to learn. Aside from the humble part, he reminded me of myself a lot. Hopefully, we both see some success in our careers.






Age: 22

Finisher: The Heartbreaker (Double Knee Gutbuster)

My thoughts: Raphael’s a lucky guy. He works for both MAW and RIPW, so he gets to learn from both Rip Chord and Professor Nero, two of the greatest of all time. Jealous, I am.




Mark Smart




Age: 20

Finisher: The Smart Mark (Fisherman Suplex)

My Thoughts: Mark’s been around for a while, and this is his first chance with a real promotion. For now, he’s my main competition, but looking at him and looking at me, it’s easy to see who’s gonna be more successful.


…No, not him. Me.






Age: 20

Finisher: Ant-Slam (Running Powerslam of Immense Strength and Unimaginable Power)

My Thoughts: Yes! I’m included on the roster sheet! I mean, sure, I’m at the very bottom, but everyone starts somewhere, and I don’t think I’ll be here very long. I hope not, at least.

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The crowd was a lot louder than I could have ever expected. Peaking out the curtains, I could see Rip standing up from his place at the announce table, addressing the crowd. It was amazing how he had them eating out of the palm of his hands. I couldn’t believe that I was actually going on right after Rip Chord. Nervously, I slid my mask on and started pacing, when the other Chord bumped into me.


“Watch where you’re going, ***hole,” he said, pushing me.


“W-w-what?” I stammered.


Jay got right up in my face. “Alright, midget-boy, I’m going to explain this to you simple enough. If you **** up tonight, you’ll get ****** up. This is all about me, not some little prick in a mask.”


I was glad I was wearing the mask, because I didn’t want Jay to see the fear spreading across my face. This was my first real match, and I was deathly afraid that I was going to mess up somehow, and having Jay in my face telling me not to wasn’t helping.

“I got it, man. Settle down,” I said, trying to sound tough. Looking back it was kind of a futile attempt. I was standing there in a full body red and yellow costume complete with feelers and my voice was quivering. At the time, though, I thought that costume was the ****!

“You better,” Jay said, shoulder checking me on his way to the curtains. As soon as he opened them and strode past that invisible line separating real life and wrestling…life (God, that sounds dumb…) a chorus of boos erupted from the crowd. As big of an ass Jay is, he understands how to work a crowd, and always has. It’s a shame that talent lie that went to him, and not, say, Ben Williams.

“Don’t worry about any of that, Johnny.”


I turned around to see Remmy Skye standing there, his mutli-colored hair looking as glorious as ever.

“This is my first night here, but even over in Cali, we know Jay’s an ass,” Remmy laughed.


“About as big as they come, too,” I said, chuckling a little bit.


“Hey, I know this is your first, and you’re probably nervous as hell. You probably think you’re gonna go out there and botch every move you do, and get laughed out of the arena.”


“I don’t think you’re helping me all that much.”

“I botch my moves all the time. I still put on good matches. Do you know what the secret is?”



“I don’t care. Wrestling is fun. Every time I go out there, my goal is to have a good time. Not put on a great match. That comes with it if you’re having a good time. Look, for the past two years or so you’ve been training to get here. You worked every day of the week just so you be here, right now. This is your reward, Johnny. Have a good time,” he said, laughing.


“You’re right, and I worked too damn hard to let a guy like Jay get to me like that! Thanks, Remmy, I really appreciate all that,” I said.


Walking toward the curtains, I stopped just short. This was it. The official debut of Ant-Man, world champion in the making. Taking a deep breath, I separated the curtains and stepped over the threshold, right into a new world.







Round 1:

Ant-Man vs Jay Chord

Citizen X vs Casey Valentine

Mainstream Hernandez vs Roderick Remus

Remmy Skye vs Cameron Vessey

Round 2:

Ant-Man/Jay Chord vs Citizen X/Casey Valentine

Mainstream Hernandez/Roderick Remus vs Remmy Skye/Cameron Vessey

Round 3:

Ant-Man, Jay Chord, Citizen X, Casey Valentine, Mainstream Hernandez, Roderick Remus, Remmy Skye, or Cameron Vessey to win


Also in action:

Rayne Man vs Raphael

Team America (Matt Hocking and Joe Cool) vs The Awesomeness for the Tag Team Championship

American Patriot vs Jean Cattley for the Mid Atlantic Championship

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Ant-man needs to be more man and less ant. Remmy's pretty chill, and Jay is the same ol' ******* as always. Very good dialogue, and Remmy's mini-speech to Ant was strangely endearing. Question, is this going to be solely based around Ant-man in MAW or is Johnny Heizenger going places in other feds that you'll write about? Because either way is pretty good.


Round 1:

Ant-Man vs Jay Chord

Citizen X vs Casey Valentine

Mainstream Hernandez vs Roderick Remus

Remmy Skye vs Cameron Vessey


Round 2:

Jay Chord vs Casey Valentine

Mainstream Hernandez vs Cameron Vessey


Round 3:

Jay Chord vs Cameron Vessey

Get the feeling Jay is going to be a major adversary.


Also in action:


Rayne Man vs Raphael

Team America (Matt Hocking and Joe Cool) vs The Awesomeness for the Tag Team Championship

American Patriot vs Jean Cattley for the Mid Atlantic Championship

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(only because I am using him as my main eventer in my 0/0/0 game) BUT YEAHHHHH!


Round 1:

Ant-Man vs Jay Chord

Citizen X vs Casey Valentine

Mainstream Hernandez vs Roderick Remus

Remmy Skye vs Cameron Vessey

Round 2:

Jay Chord vs Citizen X

Mainstream Hernandez vs Remmy Skye

Round 3:

Mainstream Hernandez


Also in action:

Rayne Man vs Raphael

Team America (Matt Hocking and Joe Cool) vs The Awesomeness for the Tag Team Championship

American Patriot vs Jean Cattley for the Mid Atlantic Championship

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For now, it's just going to be Ant-Man in MAW. As time goes on, I'm going to debate whether or not I move him up to bigger and better things. He does want to be a star, after all!
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Round 1:

Ant-Man vs Jay Chord

Citizen X vs Casey Valentine

Mainstream Hernandez vs Roderick Remus

Remmy Skye vs Cameron Vessey

Round 2:

Ant-Man/Jay Chord vs Citizen X/Casey Valentine

Mainstream Hernandez/Roderick Remus vs Remmy Skye/Cameron Vessey

Round 3:

Ant-Man, Jay Chord, Citizen X, Casey Valentine, Mainstream Hernandez, Roderick Remus, Remmy Skye, or Cameron Vessey to win


Also in action:

Rayne Man vs Raphael

Team America (Matt Hocking and Joe Cool) vs The Awesomeness for the Tag Team Championship

American Patriot vs Jean Cattley for the Mid Atlantic Championship

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Friday Week 4, January 2010

In front of a raucous crowd of 105 people


“Welcome, everyone, to the fifth annual Rip Chord Invitational,” Rip said, standing up from the announce booth to a chorus of cheers. “Tonight, we crown the top young talent in the wrestling world. MAW has a reputation as the first stop for superstars on their way to a successful career, and winning tonight’s tournament could very well be the first milestone in one skilled wrestler’s storied career. Tonight we’ll see a few debuting stars, and some old favorites vie for this coveted trophy.” Rip held up the Invitational Cup, and the crowd ooh-ed and awe-ed at the massive thing.

“So before I bore everyone with my talking, let’s get this thing going!”






Ant-Man vs. Jay Chord



Rip’s spawn was the first out, and he reveled in the all of the hate the crowd was raining down on him. Before stepping into the ring, he grabbed a mic to address the crowd.


“Ya know, this is my first time competing in my dad’s invitational, and, while it’s inevitable that I’m going to win, I want to feel like I earned it. So I went to dad, and I told him that I wanted the toughest opponent he could find for my first round. He told me that he’d look around, and try his best to find a suitable wrestler for me to fight, but before he could, I found this man. I went to dad and told him he was the guy I wanted to fight, that he was as tough as they came, and I got his name put on the tournament bracket. So ladies and gentleman, I present to you the strongest son of a ***** you’ll ever meet: Ant-Man!”


As Jay said this, a small, masked man made his way out of the back. He was wearing a red and yellow costume, and the feelers from his mask hung limply around his head. Rip was shaking his head as the man made his way to the ring. Upon entering the squared circle, Jay immediately got into his face, but Ant-Man pushed him back, provoking Jay into throwing some stiff right hands at him. Jay dominated most of the match, but Ant-Man displayed some ability and power. After countering a camel clutch by simply standing up with Jay on his back and slamming him on the ground, Ant-Man played to the crowd a bit, before trying to pick Jay up to continue his comeback. Jay wasn’t having it, though, and poked Ant-Mans eyes before dropping the smaller man with a DDT for the win.


Jay wins, 35.






Citizen X vs. Casey Valentine




Next up Citizen X took on Jay Chord’s running mate, Casey Valentine. This was a fairly even match between two quality competitors, but Valentine’s relatively young in the business, and Citizen X used the experience advantage to secure the win.


Citizen X wins, 50






Mainstream Hernandez vs. Roderick Remus





Roderick Remus was already in the ring when Mainstream made his entrance. As soon as his music hit, the crowd went crazy as Hernandez made his return to MAW. Already having a microphone in hand, the Wild One addressed the fans.

“That’s right, that’s right, MAW is Mainstream once again! I see all the Main-iacs on their feet, and it just warms my heart. It gets my blood moving, my brain working, and my muscles pumped!” Mainstream said this with a cheesy smile on his face. "And all that just reminds me of one thing: The Rip Chord Invitational is my night! The trophy’s a little bigger this year, but I don’t think I’ll have any problem holding it up at the end of the night.”


Dropping the mic, Mainstream sprinted down to the ring and the match was on. Remus is a strong competitor, and he plenty of flashes of greatness in the match, but Mainstream’s off-the-wall style was too much for him to grasp, and he fell to an Apparition #14 when it was all said and done.

Mainstream wins, 47.






Remmy Skye vs. Cameron Vessey




This is Skye’s first night here in MAW, and his high flying, almost suicidal style was something to behold for the fans here in Stanley Hall. It was all Vessey could do to keep him grounded long enough to throw some strikes at the Georgia Rainbow. When the ref took a bump (Vessey pulled him in the way of a charging Skye), Skye knocked Vessey down and ascended the turnbuckles, but Bret Starr, the newest member of The Succession, ran to the ring and pushed Skye off into the ring. Vessey, now recovered, was able to grab Skye and drop him with a Vessey Plex. As the ref regained his wits, he saw Vessey covering Skye, and counted an agonizingly slow three count.


Vessey wins (And shows good chemistry working with Remmy), 64.






Team America vs. The Awesomeness for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles




“My boys are strong, quick, smart, and, most of all, awesome,” Lisa Bowen said as she and The Awesomeness made their way to the ring. “If these two nobodies think they can come onto our turf and beat us, then they’re sadly mistaken. Cannonball and Stardust are the perfect team, whereas ‘Team America’ are just a couple of jokes. The Awesomeness, well, we’re superstars.”


Upon finishing, the three executed an obviously choreographed pose, and the fans showered them with utter contempt. Team America obviously didn’t appreciate the way Bowen talked about them, because they came out hot, taking the fight straight to Cannonball and Stardust. The matched swayed back and forth, with both teams executing some very nice double team maneuvers, but in the end it was just Joe Cool and Stardust. Ducking a clothesline attempt, Stardust whipped around and pulled Cool over to score a nice little roll up and secured the win. After the match, Team America discussed what had just happened while The Awesomeness danced their ways up the ramp.


The Awesomeness retain, 33






Citizen X vs. Jay Chord




The Anarchist presented a much bigger challenge to Jay than Ant-Man did. Armed with experience and some high risk moves, Citizen X did his best to stop Chord in the semis so that he himself could advance to the finals. X was already worn down from his previous match, though, and it was only a matter of time unil the much more fresh Chord took advantage and finished him with a Cradle Piledriver to move on to the finals.


Jay advances, 49






Mainstream Hernandez vs. Cameron Vessey




Vessey made his way to the ring with his primary interference runner, Bret Starr, but Rip wasn’t having it this time.

“This is my tournament, and it’s my company,” Rip said, standing up from the announce table. “What I say goes around here, and Starr, you’re going this time! I won’t have you ruin my tournament by interfering in my matches.”


Vessey and Starr threw a fit in the ring, pleading their case to Rip, but they eventually gave in, and Starr turned tail and went backstage. He was still on his way to the back when Mainstream made his entrance, and the Wild One took the chance to mess with the young Starr. Feigning a punch in his direction, Starr jumped back and went sprawling, causing the Mainstream and the crowd to erupt in laughter at his expense. Grumbling, Starr picked himself up and made his way backstage.


With Starr gone, Vessey was going to have a much harder time becoming the second man to make a repeat tournament win (the first being Mainstream himself). That said, the second generation star put on a great showing against Mainstream. At multiple points in the match, he had Mainstream reeling, and looked like he could steal the win. When the ref counted an especially close two-count pin, Vessey made the mistake of arguing the call. Upon turning around, he was met with a boot to the face, as Mainstream landed a particularly viscous Super Kick to score the win and advance to the finals.


Mainstream advances, 53






Rayne Man vs. Raphael




Both of these men are new comers to MAW, and both looked to make a name for themselves. Maybe that’s the reason they performed well together. While the match was just filler, it was highly entertaining filler, and these two both came out winners. The official winner, though, was Rayne Man, after he climbed to the top and landed a Rayne Fall.


Rayne Man wins(And has great chemistry with Raphael), 38.






Jay Chord vs. Mainstream Hernandez to determine the winner of the Fifth Annual Rip Chord Invitational





The two men faced off in the center of the ring for what seemed like forever before finally tying up. Jay overpowered Mainstream to start, but his momentum was turned into an arm drag that left Mainstream smiling at Jay. The smile sent Chord in to a rage, and Chord rushed Mainstream to get the match truly under way. For the next 16 minutes, both mean used everything in their arsenal to try and put the other away, and it seemed like they were truly equals. That is, of course, until Mainstream booted the overconfident Chord in the gut, spun him around, and delivered an absolutely brutal looking Pontiac to Home to finish him off. Mainstream celebrated for a minute or two before Rip climbed into the ring, and Jay rolled out, sulking off to the back.


“Congratulations, James,” Rip began, shaking Mainstream’s hand. “This is your 3rd time winning the Invitational, and I don’t think anyone’s going to beat your record anytime soon.” Rip hoisted up the cup and passed it Hernandez, who had something to say.


“Thanks a lot, Rip,” Mainstream said, breathing heavily. “And thanks to all my Main-iacs that came out to support me! Without you coming to feed me all of this positive energy, I never could have done it. But my chi’s strong right now, stronger than it’s ever been. Thank you, thank you everyone!”


Mainstream bowed to the crowd, who roared their approval of the winner, and Rip patted him on the back before returning to the announce table, allowing him to bask in all the glory a while longer.

Mainstream takes the cup once again, 54.






American Patriot vs. Jean Cattley for the Mid Atlantic Championship





The minute “Red, White, and Blue” by Lynyrd Skynyrd hit the speakers, the crowd erupted in cheers, even before the champion showed his face. The cheers got even louder once he did, and he came down waving the American flag, and shaking hands with the fans at ringside. Cattley got a considerably less kind reception, but the journeyman couldn’t have cared less. Ever since The Firm broke up, he’s been on an unstoppable war path in an effort to regain his championship, and that road’s led him directly to a rematch with American Patriot.


The match was a methodically paced, hard-hitting affair, which the fans here in Stanley Hall went absolutely wild for. Every stiff shot Patriot would throw left the fans cheering wildly, and every lock Cattley placed him in left them on the edge of their seats, wondering if the champ would be able to fight out. Knowing that Patriot’s strength came mostly from his suplexes and his ability to power through most anything, Cattley wisely focused on whittling away at his legs. With kicks, leg locks, and even the occasional illegal chop block, Cattley was slowly but surely destroying the knee of the champ. When Patriot did get control of the match, he was slow to capitalize, and Cattley quickly regained control, so slow was Patriot due to his knee.


After locking in a single leg Boston crab, Cattley looked like he was going to regain his title. Everyone in the arena seemed to accept this as the outcome. Everyone, that is, except Patriot. After spending several minutes in the hold, Patriot finally lifted up and twisted Cattley off of him. When Cattley attempted to regain control of the situation, he was met with several shots to the gut, pushing him back. Stnding up and roaring to the crowd’s delight, Patriot pounced, tackling Cattley and delivering several stiff shots, stunning the challenger. Upon recovering, Cattley through a clumsy, looping punch at the champ, but Patriot easily ducked, and took the chance to pull off the American Suplex to win the match.


Patriot’s music hit for the second time tonight, and he found himself celebrating in the center of the ring with his belt, and his customary red, white, and blue streamers showering down on him. The celebration was cut short, though, when Cattley leveled the champ with a chop block. Stalking the downed warrior, Cattley delivered several boots to the knee of Patriot, stopping only to ridicule the champ. Finally, he grabbed the champs legs, twisted them together, and sat down in a figure four leglock that left the champ writhing in pain. Security flooded out of the back, finally pulling Cattley off Patriot, but it was too late. The damage to his knee had already been done, and Cattley celebrated as if he had won the match.



Total: 56


Next time: The post-show festivities...

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The Invitational was sort of a big event for MAW. It was the start of a new year and foreshadowed was to be in the coming months. Wrestlers from all over showed up to take in the event, to discover new talent, or just to themselves discovered. Luckily, I already fell in to the latter category.


The locker room was crowded, and it was hard to get from one place to another without bumping in to at least one overly-excited wrestler. Not feeling very comfortable in the setting yet (I was very much the new guy), I decided to sit and watch, get a grip on my surroundings. Looking around, I noticed a very animated Remmy Skye discussing something or another with the intently listening Findlay O’Farraday and Casey Valentine. Despite his young age, Remmy was one of the more experienced guy on the roster, and he had a wealth of road stories that he told with his trademark Georgian accent.


Rip was having a discussion with someone I didn’t recognize. The man was wearing tight fitting western clothes, and had a noticeable bulge in his abdominal area unlike me, your super ripped, in-shape hero. They finished their conversation with a laugh and shook hands, before the man turned and left and Rip did his best to mingle with the boys.


Off to the side of the main crowd, Jay was busy brooding with his sidekick, Brett Starr. If there’s one thing I’ve noticed since I got here, it’s that Brett’s lips are glued to Jay’s ass. If you’re on Brett’s bad side, you don’t have anything to worry about because Jay’s too self-centered to care. But if you’re on Jay’s bad side, watch out. Not only do you get the wrath of that prick, but Brett will insert himself into your business faster than you could expect. I witnessed this earlier today when he took a pair of scissors to Ace Youngblood’s headdress. Apparently, Ace hadn’t bumped well enough in a match with Jay last month, and Brett took exception to it. Lost in my thoughts, I hadn’t noticed the two of them turn and look at me until it was too late. They had caught me watching them, and Jay sneered, while Brett did his best to imitate.


Not wanting to make any enemies already, I quickly turned and tried to find something else occupy my attention. I was having no luck when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I found Steve Flash (!) looking down at me.


“You’re new, aren’t you?” he asked.

“Um, yes, I am,” I got out.


Steve laughed. “I can tell. Even Mark Smart’s mixing it up out there, and you're sitting all alone here at the punch bowl.”


Steve nodded toward the crowd and I looked over to see James Hernandez pouring beer from his trophy into the mouth of Mark. I couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of the small man trying his best to take it all in.

“So how long have you been in the business?”

“Uhh, tonight was actually my first real match,” I answered.

“Really, now? I gotta say, kid, I’m impressed by what I saw.”


“All I did was bump a lot, it wasn’t too hard. The one actual move I tried to hit got countered before I could even set it up, really…”


“And you looked doing all of it. Kid, almost everyone starts where you’re at right now. You’re going to pay your dues, do the job, and then Rip’s gonna let you loose. That’s why he gave you the mask. Once your time comes, I think you’re gonna lose that goofy costume and put all the losing behind you. You may not ever be a star, but I think you definitely have the potential.”

My face lit up. “Thanks, thanks a lot. I really appreciate this. I mean, I’ve wanted to do this since I was a kid. That’s why I got Mac to train me, and I when I got here I saw how many great wrestlers there already were. If I’m being honest, I got kind of scared that this wasn’t for me.”

“Wait, Mac trained you? Mac Gargan?”


“Yeah, why?”


Steve laughed. “Kid, you’ve got the pedigree to be one of the all-time greats. If you don’t make, I’m going to hunt you down and pop you right upside the head,” he said, before clapping me on the shoulder and walking away.


I couldn’t believe it. I just talked to one of the best wrestlers around, and he told me that I had the potential to be great. At that point, I didn’t understand how I could doubt myself. This business was for me, and I was going to be great. People were going to know my name (Well, maybe not my name, but at least Ant-Man’s!). I wasn’t going to let anything stand in my way on the road to greatness.








Dark Matches

Citizen X vs. Raphael

Rayne Man vs. Brett Starr


Main Card

Jay Chord vs. Remmy Skye

Findlay O’Farraday vs. Mark Smart

Ace Youngblood and Max Mayhem vs. The Awesomeness

Ant-Man vs. Roderick Remus

Steve Flash vs. Cameron Vessey

American Patriot and Mainstream Hernandez vs. Jean Cattley and a mystery partner



OOC: Kudos to any comic book fans that can find the reference I put into this post!

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Dark Matches

Citizen X vs. Raphael

Rayne Man vs. Brett Starr


Main Card

Jay Chord vs. Remmy Skye

Findlay O’Farraday vs. Mark Smart

Ace Youngblood and Max Mayhem vs. The Awesomeness

Ant-Man vs. Roderick Remus

Steve Flash vs. Cameron Vessey

American Patriot and Mainstream Hernandez vs. Jean Cattley and a mystery partner


OOC: Kudos to any comic book fans that can find the reference I put into this post!



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I'm sitting at work, horribly bored (no traffic to work :(), so I decided to go ahead and type up the post show for the Wrestling Classic. I have no idea if it'll be well received, but Johnny's experiences are really fun to write up. Writing a character with an actual personality as opposed to The Avatar, who I had to write strictly through the PWR articles. The backstage segments are actually really fun to write, which is great since I want the diary to be more about Johnny than Ant-Man.
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Just popping into say I like the style of this. Making your avatar an in game wrestler removes the bias people often feel towards their in game representation, and your writing style is readable and good. KUTGW!


Dark Matches

Citizen X vs. Raphael - not many talented faces in MAW, plus X is a good old hand for training.

Rayne Man vs. Brett Starr - seems like you're building him up


Main Card

Jay Chord vs. Remmy Skye - Remmy won't be around for long; TCW usually come calling inside the first year. Jay will be here forever and is actually quite good. Even if he is an ass.

Findlay O’Farraday vs. Mark Smart - Monster face SMASH!

Ace Youngblood and Max Mayhem vs. The Awesomeness - This for the titles? No matter, Youngblood and Mayhem suck.

Ant-Man vs. Roderick Remus - Job, Jonny, job!

Steve Flash vs. Cameron Vessey - Flash is here to put people over and make them improve. Plus he often gets signed by NOTBPW. And Rip loves Vessey.

American Patriot and Mainstream Hernandez vs. Jean Cattley and a mystery partner - Build Jean as a credible threat to Patriot. Plus ??? means WIN!

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Bah, beat me to it MH!


Codey, this is a great start to a diary. I like that you're taking a positive look at the MAW roster (Benning and Hocking :-o) without being too much of a wide-eyed naïf. Very much looking forward to seeing where this goes.



Gizmo rules all! I agree with JC. Cannot wait to see Ant-Man drive Jay Chord on his head.....if that ever happens.

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Dark Matches

Citizen X vs. Raphael


Rayne Man vs. Brett Starr


He may be leaving for the SWF which if that is the case well I am probably wrong about this pick.


Main Card

Jay Chord vs. Remmy Skye



Findlay O’Farraday vs. Mark Smart




Ace Youngblood and Max Mayhem vs. The Awesomeness



Ant-Man vs. Roderick Remus



Steve Flash vs. Cameron Vessey



American Patriot and Mainstream Hernandez vs. Jean Cattley and a mystery


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Citizen X vs. Raphael

Rayne Man vs. Brett Starr


Main Card

Jay Chord vs. Remmy Skye

Findlay O’Farraday vs. Mark Smart

Ace Youngblood and Max Mayhem vs. The Awesomeness

Ant-Man vs. Roderick Remus

Steve Flash vs. Cameron Vessey

American Patriot and Mainstream Hernandez vs. Jean Cattley and a mystery partner

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Friday Week 4, February 2010

In front of a crowd of 48 fans, and 48 more (mostly drunk) confused bystanders



Te evening kicked off with two entertaining matches, the first of which saw newcomer Raphael put up a good fight against Citizen X. X proved to be the more durable wrestler, though, and pulled off the win following a Flying Anarchy (Flying Splash). Following that, Rayne Man took on Brett Starr in a match that saw Rayne net the win following a Rayne Fall.







Remmy Skye vs. Jay Chord




“What happened last month was a travesty!” Jay chord complained, pacing back and forth in the ring. “I should have won the Invitational! I’m the future of this company, me! Mainstream Hernandez is a joke. I’m the most talented wrestler in this company, not him! And now, all because of that loss, I’m stuck fighting some loser who couldn’t fight his way out of the first round. Who books these matches?”


Remmy Skye’s music hit, and the high flyer made his way to the ring.


“Pshaw! Boy, you’d complain if Jesus Christ himself came down and handed you a five dollar bill! Facts are facts, and they say you lost last month!” The crowd roared their approval. “Now I ain’t gonna say I fared any better, but I’m only bein’ honest when I say the only reason I lost was your little buddy running in and taking a cheap shot at me. Tonight, I’m gonna right that wrong, and you’re gonna help me when you lay down on your back for them three seconds!”


Jay had had enough, and swung at Remmy, but the Georgian saw it coming and ducked, dishing out a right hand of his own that found it’s mark right upside Jay’s head. Jay had a considerable amount of difficulty containing Remmy’s high flying assault throughout the match, and Skye flew all over the ring, hitting Chord with some fancy moves the fans in Stanley Hall weren’t too used to. Eventually, Jay had had enough, and called out to the back for assistance, at which point Brett Starr marched down to the ring with a steel chair in hand. Starr slid into the ring, only to be met with a boot to the gut from Remmy, and he dropped the chair. Remmy picked the chair up, and absolutely leveled Brett with it. Starr crumpled, and Remmy threw the chair to ringside. Jay tried to sneak in from behind and steal the win, but Remmy was expecting him, and hit a hurricanrana that left Jay surprised and down for the count. Remmy slid out of the ring and celebrated with the fans at ringside while Jay threw a fit, kicking the ropes and screaming bloody murder.


Remmy wins, 56






Findlay O’Farraday vs. Mark Smart




The next match was a quick affair. The longest bit was Findlay thundering down to the ring, his massive frame looking as imposing as humanly possible. Findlay looked so intense during his journey to the ring that opponent Mark Smart was cowering in the corner from the moment Findlay lumbered through the curtains, frozen in fear. The match went relatively quick as soon as Findlay hit the ring, beating down Smart with his huge, ham-like fists. He mercifully ended the match following his trademark Atomic Spinebuster, and left the ring in much the same fashion that he entered with.


Findlay dominates, 25.






Mainstream Hernandez was sitting backstage playing with a paddle ball when he noticed the camera watching him. Moving his hand across his face, he displayed a faux-serious expression.


“The time is now, Main-iacs!” he said. “Time to go to the gym, do some backflips, iron my shirts, and eat my cereal, because I am once again the next big thing in MAW! I’ve got my trophy sitting in my kitchen back home, and it signifies one thing to me: I get another shot at that big, shiny, cheesy looking belt that everyone around here wants. And if there’s one thing Mainstream loves, it’s cheesy. Believe that, Main-iacs!”

“Don’t think you can just waltz in here and get another title shot just because you won some tournament, Hernandez,” Jean Cattley interrupted, approaching Mainstream with a familiar looking, but oddly angry, cowboy.




“What are you talking, Mean Machine? Winning that tournament means I get a title shot. Anytime in the next 11, 12, 13 months? Who knows, I didn’t really look over the contract that much. Anyway, I get a shot, dude!”

“You don’t get anything until after I’m done, do you understand, Hernandez? I’ve got Patriot on his last leg, literally, and I’ve enlisted the help of an old friend to help me seal the deal and finally finish off that oversized monkey.”






The cowboy threw huge right hand at Mainstream, leaving the Wild One down and backstage.





Max Mayhem and Ace Youngblood vs. The Awesomeness




Fresh off of a big win to open the new year, The Awesomeness were all over Mayhem and Youngblood. The rock stars went right at the young duo from the beginning and never relented. Mayhem and Youngblood got in a minimal amount of offense, and were never able to establish any forward momentum, so everyone could feel the end coming when Mayhem found himself alone with Cannonball and Stardust. The two dropped Mayhem and ascended the same turnbuckle, signaling for the Awesome Drop. Stardust came down with a leg drop at the same time Cannonball delivered a splash, and Cannonball covered him for the win.


The Awesomeness win, 30.


“That’s what I’m talking about, boys!” Lisa Bowen exclaimed, embracing her team. “That is why you’re the most dominant team in MAW wrestling history. Natural Storm? No way. Call to Action? Hah! The Canadian Blondes? Not even close. After this dominating performance and last months big win, there’s no doubt in my or anyone else’s that you’re unbeatable!”


Team America’s music hit, and Matt Hocking and Joe Cool made their appearance.




“Best ever?” Hocking began. “Not even close! You beat us last month, but there’s no way you can do it again.”


“Is that so?”


"Yeah, that’s so, and that’s why we’re issuing a formal challenge tonight. One month’s time, you and us, for the titles!” Hocking held up his hand and Joe Cool slapped it, then went back to looking so…cool…


The Awesomeness were shaking their heads no, obviously not wanting the match, but Bowen was oblivious. “You want it, you got it!” she said, before striking a pose that the suddenly down Cannonball and Stardust didn’t join in on.






Ant-Man vs. Roderick Remus




Despite being stopped by Mainstream, Remus had a strong showing in the tournament last month. The same couldn’t be said for Ant-Man, who got dominated by Jay Chord. He fared slightly better tonight, but for the most got his hide tanned for the duration of the match. He did display some flashes of power though, at one point pressing Remus high above his head before the cruiserweight slipped out and finished him with a Remus Clutch, forcing the Ant to tap out.

Remus wins, 22.






Steve Flash vs. Cameron Vessey



"What the hell is going on around here?” Vessey asked. “I’m one of the greatest young prospects this sport’s ever seen, and I’m stuck fighting some geezer? Like Jay said earlier, who books this crap? Flash, you don’t belong here. MAW is a young man’s playground, and your time is up. Recess is over.”


Flash came out to some low-key music before taking the mic from Vessey’s hand. “…You talk too much,” was all he said before the two of them locked horns, and the match was underway. As good as Vessey likes to say he is, there were multiple points in the match where the extremely talented veteran Flash had him on the ropes and looked like he could finish him. But Flash, for some reason, wouldn’t capitalize on these opportunities. Instead he opted to let the match continue and keep fighting the young star. Eventually, this backfired on him when he attempted to lift Vessey from the ground and was met with a wild looping right hand. Pulling the stunned Flash in, Vessey drilled him with a Vessey Plex to pull off the win.


Vessey wins, 48.






American Patriot and Mainstream Hernandez vs. Jean Cattley and Ford Gumble




Prior to the match, it was revealed that Cattley’s mystery cowboy was actually fromer TCW star Ford Gumble. Apparently, the two go way back, and it showed as they displayed excellent team work taking the fight to the two champs. Hernandez, sporting a black eye from the earlier cheap shot Gumble dished out, was on a mission pay the westerner back. Patriot, though, was less on the offensive than his partner. Doing his best to protect his damaged knee, Patriot looked to be holding back for the majority of the match. Cattley, seeing the big target he made last month, went straight for it, and Patriot found himself fending off both bad guys while he tried to get to his partner. Eventually, he did, and Mainstream came in on a tear and took both men out. Having recovered his senses and realizing the battle was lost, Cattley vacated the ring, leaving Gumble alone to get hit with the Apparition #14 and take the fall. Cattley shook his head in disgust as Patriot limped his way to the ropes, leaning over to point an intimidating finger right at the Mean Machine.


Mainstream and Patriot win, 57.




Total: 53


Next up: The post-show!



OOC: Thanks for all the support, everyone. I’m actually surprised that it’s been this well-received already. Didn’t expect it at all. The post-show should be up soon since I’ve already written it. I just need to go through and do some revisions before posting!

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“Johnny, show James your Rip impression,” Roderick Remus said, prodding me in the side with his elbow.


“Yeah bro, let’s see this famous performance,” James said. “Roddy’s been going on about it all night. “

“I’ve already done it, like, three times tonight,” I complained. I had, too. Once for Findlay, once for Ricky Douglas and Huey, and again for Jefferson and Lisa. The last one I enjoyed the most, because it gave me a chance to make Lisa laugh. She’s so dreamy.


“Dude, just do it. It’s hilarious!”

“Alright, man, alright!”


I was midway through my act (I got to the good part, where I start drunk-wrestling an invisible Luis Montero. High brow stuff) when I was interrupted.



I spun around quickly to discover Rip watching my act intently. I immediately released Montero from my sleeper hold and stood as still as possible. Maybe if I didn't move...


“Walk with me,” he said.


Looking around, I tried to find James and Roddy so they could attempt to save me, but they were both already shuffling away. Dropping my head, I followed Rip through the halls of Stanley Hall. Neither of us spoke for a few minutes, and it made for an excruciatingly awkward trek. I assumed Rip’s silence was because he was so angry with me, and I knew mine was because I was scared ****less that I was about to be let go after just two matches. Finally, Rip broke the silence and spoke.

“You’re wrong, you know.”



“It wasn’t Luis.”


“…I’m not following, sir.”


“Luis would never let me get away with wrestling wasted,” he smiled. “The match you were doing was against Nero, but he taught me a lesson about it, too.”


“Sorry, sir.”


“Don’t be, kid, and stop calling me sir. It’s Rip.” We rounded the corner and stopped outside his office. “You tell a good story. You’ve got obvious charisma, and we can work with that. Your body language gets your points off across well, which is more than I can say for a lot of the guys working here. Problem is, you mic skills stink like week old fish.”

“I know, sir, and I’m working on that. James has been helping me out a lot, giving me pointers and stuff like that. I feel like I’m improving a lot. If you ever decide to give me the ball, I’ll be ready to run.”


“That’s good, John. James is a good guy to learn from. He’s still young, but he’s already got the experience and know-how to be a star. Reminds me of a young, oh, what’s his name? That Brit over in California I used to work with?”


“Tommy Cornell?”


Rip shook his head. “Nah, that doesn’t sound right. Anyway, back to you. You may be working on your promos now, but they’re still no good, so we’re giving you a manager.”


A manager? Could it be? All the big stars always had managers at some point! “Thanks a lot, Rip!”


“Don’t thank me, it’s something we need to do. We just lost a wrestler to SWF, and I need people to pick up the slack. You’re still not going to be a feature guy, but you’re going to get a little more time, and the manager’s gonna help with that.”


“Thanks again, Rip, I mean it. You give me the chance to get over, and I promise you, I will.”


“Now don’t get too excited, John. The manager I’ve contacted is a real looker, so you need to watch that she doesn’t get more over than you. Talk to her a bit.”


A manager? An attractive lady? An attractive lady manager that I get to spend a lot of time with? I’m not ashamed to say that I swooned in front of Rip.





Dark Match

Rayne Man vs. Mark Smart

Main Card

Team America vs. The Awesomeness © for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles

Findlay O’Farraday vs. Roderick Remus

The Succession (Vessey, Valentine, and Chord) vs. Remmy Skye, Steve Flash, and ???

Ant-Man vs. Raphael

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Jean Cattley

American Patriot vs. Ford Gumble

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Dark Match

Rayne Man vs. Mark Smart


Main Card

Team America vs. The Awesomeness © for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles

Findlay O’Farraday vs. Roderick Remus

The Succession (Vessey, Valentine, and Chord) vs. Remmy Skye, Steve Flash, and ???

Ant-Man vs. Raphael

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Jean Cattley

American Patriot vs. Ford Gumble

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Dark Match

Rayne Man vs. Mark Smart - You're prepping him for a push :)


Main Card

Team America vs. The Awesomeness © for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles - America need more experience before they get the titles.

Findlay O’Farraday vs. Roderick Remus - Findlay SMASH!

The Succession (Vessey, Valentine, and Chord) vs. Remmy Skye, Steve Flash, and ??? - ??? = win.

Ant-Man vs. Raphael - He's better than you.

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Jean Cattley - Prepping him for a shot at Patriot, I guess. Why you let a Face win the RCI with a face champion I'll never know.

American Patriot vs. Ford Gumble - Aaand the camp retains...

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Mainstream Hernandez vs. Jean Cattley - Prepping him for a shot at Patriot, I guess. Why you let a Face win the RCI with a face champion I'll never no.


Hey now, I've got a year to work that out!

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