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The Johhny Heizenger Story

Guest codey

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Guest codey




The Rip Chord Invitational is MAW’s signature annual tournament. The winner earns one thing: a shot at the World Championship, to be used any time over the next year, extending to the next Invitational. Eight of MAW’s top stars vie for a chance to win the prize, but only one of them can. Will it be:




El Mitico, the luchadore with the will to accomplish anything?



The Architect, a young man shrouded in mystery, but steeped in skill?



Eddie Cornell, the fiery Brit with the short fuse?



“Black Flag” American Patriot, the brutish bully known for terrorizing those smaller than him?



Eddie Howard, the young star with amazing aspirations?



Chance Fortune, the big league star itching to prove everyone that it wasn’t just luck?



Casey Valentine, the second generation star looking to prove his worth to Rip Chord?



Trent Schaffer, the high flying primadonna, who’s just out to find more gold?


Regardless of who wins, he will most certainly be deserving should he be able to overcome the impressive field of talent. Also competing on the show, Sara Marie York defends her Women’s Championship against Eve Grunge, Cameron Vessey takes on Atlas in a grudge match, and Jay Chord defends his World Championship against both “Mean” Jean Cattley and Oscar Golden in what should be a barnstormer of a main event.








Round One:

El Mitico vs. The Architect

Eddie Cornell vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

Eddie Howard vs. Chance Fortune

Casey Valentine vs. Trent Schaffer

Round Two:

Mitico/Architect vs. Cornell/Patriot

Howard/Fortune vs. Valentine/Schaffer


Round Three:

Eh, just pick a winner…


Also Featuring:

SMY © vs. Eve Grunge for the Women’s Championship

Cameron Vessey vs. Atlas

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Oscar Golden vs. Jay Chord © for the World Championship




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  • Replies 675
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Round One:

El Mitico vs. The Architect

The Architect isnt going over one of your favourite guys


Eddie Cornell vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

Seems patriot has stalled a little. Ed C is all potential


Eddie Howard vs. Chance Fortune

Hes Mr Amazing not Mr Not Quite


Casey Valentine vs. Trent Schaffer

Trent is still a tag chap for me


Round Two:

Mitico vs. Cornell

Cornell is a way away from tha ME though. We know Mitico can tear it up


Howard vs. Valentine

Howard has scored better grades so far. He deserves it.


Round Three:



Also Featuring:

SMY © vs. Eve Grunge for the Women’s Championship

Make me care about her


Cameron Vessey vs. Atlas

Atlas isnt a top-tier guy


“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Oscar Golden vs. Jay Chord © for the World Championship

Should be a barnstormer

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Round One:

El Mitico vs. The Architect

Eddie Cornell vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

Eddie Howard vs. Chance Fortune

Casey Valentine vs. Trent Schaffer


Round Two:

Mitico/Architect vs. Cornell/Patriot

Howard/Fortune vs. Valentine/Schaffer


Round Three:

Cornell vs. Fortune


Also Featuring:

SMY © vs. Eve Grunge for the Women’s Championship

Cameron Vessey vs. Atlas

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Oscar Golden vs. Jay Chord © for the World Championship

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Guest codey

Good news, readers!


I've finally taken many a writer's advise and planned ahead a bit. Not to say I haven't always done that, but it's always just been ideas in my head and I do the actual booking on the fly. For instance, I knew this year I was going to have Jay get the belt at NoC, I just wasn't sure on how the road leading up would play out. I still think it turned out well enough, though :p. Beginning directly after the RCI, I've sat down and I've actually typed up a file containing all my storylines for the workers I want to push, the title belts, that sort of thing, so I think this year's going to turn out a lot more solid from a booking perspective.


In other news, the RCI itself is coming along fine. I've got the first couple of matches typed up, and, while short reads, I think they get their point across. There are a lot of matches on this show, and I don't think anyone wants to read them all with the NoC-style write ups (and I certainly don't want to type that much!).

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Hey Codey I'm almost caught up to the RCI but not quite so I can't really predict in good faith yet. Gimme a day or two and if its not out I'll have predictions up, if it is then I'll be ready to go for the next round. I just wanted to say by catching up with this you have done some awesomely creative stuff with this dynasty and I'm glad to see you seem as excited about it as you ever word. I'm reading and loving it dude.
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Guest codey


Friday Week 4, January 2013

In front of 3,023 fans in Centerpiece Bridge






, RD 1 RCI


Starting the show with a bang, Black Flag and Cornell put on a hard hitting brawl that had the fans on their feet. As you would expect from these two, there were few fancy moves used, but there didn’t need to be. These two put on a great match filled with drama and never once had to reach too deep into their bag of tricks. The end here came fairly suddenly. Cornell had bloodied Patriot’s nose the hard way, and Black Flag, seeing his own blood, dipped from the ring. Cornell gave chase only to see Patriot slide back in, and when he went after him he was met with a boot to the temple followed up by a nasty American Suplex (Backdrop driver).


Patriot advances to the semis, 62.











, RD 1 RCI


The Architect continues to impress. Not much is known about the young technician, but after his match against Jared Johnson and tonight against El Mitico, one thing is certain: the man is dangerous. Mitico, a gifted mat wrestler in his own right, struggled throughout to match the attack of Architect. Architect is still young, though, and he made mistakes throughout that Mitico continually capitalized. That said, Architect looked to have Mitico right where he wanted him, locking in a front facelock, looking for a DDT or another guillotine choke, when Jared Johnson appeared on the ramp. The Carolina Kid was seething as he approached, distracting Architect momentarily. Mitico seized this opportunity to twist himself out of the facelock and wrap Architect up with La Magistral Cradle, scoring himself a three count in the process!


Mitico advances, 70.


After the match, Johnson made no attempt to enter the ring. Instead, he simply snarled some insulting words at Architect before making his exit. Architect, for his part, didn’t seem to upset. No, the schemer actually seemed a little bit happy that Johnson was retaliating, staring down his enemy's back and laughing.













Since ditching the 17-pound hat and the flashy wardrobe, Mr. Amazing has been on quite the run. In his attempt to forge a singles career in addition to his already impressive tag team career, he’s done quite well. Unfortunately for him, Chance Fortune has also been on a roll since debuting for MAW after leaving TCW, and the two found themselves clashing in a battle that saw neither man give any ground until the end. Howard had lifted Fortune up for the Jackhammer, but Fortune smartly brought his knee down multiple times on the temple of Howard, who was forced to set him down. From here, Fortune quickly spun aroud and dropped him with a Stroke of Luck (Reverse Snap DDT) to take the win and advance in the tournament.


Fortune advances, 66.













This quarterfinal pits two of MAW’s most outspoken prim donnas, but they did their best to show everyone that when it came down to it, both are ready for a fight. From bell to bell, Valentine and Schaffer went hold-for-hold, shot-for-shot and move-for-move for the better part of 10 minutes. The ending came as Schaffer went to the top, looking to hit his diving head butt, but Valentine followed him up. After a short exchange, Valentine got control, wrapped Schaffer up, and planted him with a Deep Impact (Second rope belly to belly suplex) to score the win and advance further.


Valentine wins, 68.









The Golden One


We cut now to Oscar Golden, who’s standing backstage.


…When Jean Cattley first brought me back to MAW, a lot of people said, “Who?” I wasn’t recognized. I wasn’t known. And I don’t know why. When I as finally recognized, when I was finally known, people still didn’t get it. They didn’t understand why I was special. Why Cattley brought me back. I was just some tag team wrestler. A good one, they said, but still, just a tag team guy. I got sick of that. That ate me up. So I went out of my way, looking for fights. I wanted the biggest, baddest guys around, and I wanted to beat them. And that’s what I did. At Night of Champions, I beat American Patriot and I introduced all of the doubters to The Golden One. I showed them what I was capable of, and now here I am, fighting for the World Championship.


Jay, I don’t have anything against you. I don’t have a problem with you like other guys might. In fact, I think you’re a pretty decent guy once you get past the *******-front you put up. But you have something I want, and I’m not going to stop until I get it.












© vs.
for the Women’s Championship


Grunge has challenged for the title before, and each time, she seems to get a little more dangerous. This time proved no different. Though SMY got in some offense early on, the disgruntled rocker chick soon cut her off with a dominating performance. For several minutes, SMY was fighting defensively, but she was soon able to come back, eventually hitting her trademark York Shuffle (2x slaps, spinning backhand) on Grunge, dropping her. She quickly covered her, but Grunge managed to kick out after 2. Calling for the end, York then hit her with the Energy Burst (Go2Sleep), and Grunge wasn’t getting up after that one. York wins.


SMY retains, 51.


As York was celebrating, the lights once again dimmed down, and the video from Showcase played once again.


…The cold is a deadly thing..

…It is always known, but never expected…

…It’s beauty enraptures…

…It creeps up with deadly intent…

…Winter is coming…


When the lights came back on, SMY already had a microphone. She looked annoyed as she leaned on the ropes.


Alright, then, let’s do this. Come on out. No one cares about your ‘big reveal.’ Just let me know who you are so I can go ahead and beat you to.


No one came out.


Okay, that’s how it’s gonna be. I guess you wanna wait to jump me when I don’t expect it, just like everyone else. Here’s the thing, though. I do expect it. You aren’t gonna take me out. I am S-M-Y, and I am the best in the world. Whatever dreams you have about messing with my head and then beating me aren’t going to come true. I’ll tell you that right now.


She shook her head.


I can’t wait to see what kind of crazy this one is…











vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot, RD2 RCI


The semi finals begin as they did one year ago, with El Mitico taking on the bruiser American Patriot. Fortunately for him, he faced a fellow technician instead of a powerhouse in the first round as he did last year, and he came into this one a little bit fresher. That didn’t seem to bother Patriot, who was all over him from the onset. The twosome once again put on a great show for the fans, and their history shone through in every move, as they seemed to add an extra little bit of nastiness to everything. Patriot seemed to be getting the best of the young luchadore, though, until Mitico unexpectedly fired back with a series of punches. He ran back to run the ropes, but Patriot followed suit and leveled Mitico with a lariat just as he turned around. Bellowing laughter, Patriot picked up Mitico, who was essentially limp, and lifted easily up onto the top turnbuckle. He followed suit, and soon had Mitico set up for a superplex, but the luchadore found it somewhere in him to fire off a series of ****s to the gut of Patriot, forcing him to break his hold on him. From here, Mitico clashed with Patriot, mask to mask, as he head butted him repeatedly. With Patriot reeling, Mitico finally pushed him away and sent him crashing to the mat. Shaking the cobwebs loose, he stood up and leapt off, delivering a flying knee drop straight to Patriot’s head! Flinging himself over Patriot, Mitico was able to earn the pinfall after the brutal-looking move and advance to the finals once more!


Mitico advances, 72













Two big personalities clashed next, as Casey Valentine and Chance Fortune attempt to get past one another and into the finals. They both made a great claim for the spot, pulling off some exciting moves and giving the crowd good reason to stay on their feet for the rest of the show. As the match wore on, though, it became clear that ’big league star’ Chance Fortune was coming out on top during one too many exchanges, and soon, Casey Valentine found himself falling victim to a Stroke of Luck (Snap inverted DDT) that cost him the match and his chances of making it all of the way to the finals.


Fortune advances, 57 (Damn you Casey Valentine and your bad chemistry bug!)










We cut now to an empty locker room. Luggage is strewn around the room, and a chair lies knocked over. From the restroom, the sound of a man retching can be heard.


What the hell’s the matter with?


The voice was coming from inside.


Someone could be heard mumbling a reply.


Course it ain’t nerves, kid. It’s that damn Indian food you ate. Crap always gets ya sick.


More mumbling.


Alright, kid, just come see me when you’re doin better.


The bathroom door then opened, and Rip Chord stepped out.



The man, the legend


He looked at the camera and scowled.


Get the hell out of here, damn it! This is a private room, and you morons ain’t welcome!













Tonight marks the first match since Vessey defeated Atlas to win the World Championship, and Atlas’s first in nearly a year. The time away certainly seemed to help Atlas out a ton, as the monstrous competitor displayed aspects of his game that involved more than simply battering his opponent to pieces. Fortunately, Vessey’s time as champion also helped him step his game up quite a bit, and the former champ came out fired on all cylinders, ready for a war with the giant. That’s exactly what he got, too, as the two absolutely brutalized one another throughout the match. Despite an evenly fought battle, the match ended much the same as their last, with Vessey hoisting the big man onto his shoulders and drilling him with a Vessey Driver to score the win.


Vessey wins, 60.












for the RCI Trophy


Fast paced would be an understatement describing this match up. In their second meeting, Mitico and Fortune took their experience against one another and used it to turn the heat up a notch, despite their clear exhaustion. Neither man gave an inch, and Mitico looked especially impressive, having to contend with the added distraction of Lisa Bowen’s constant distractions throughout the match. So much was her involvement that at one point she actually slapped the masked man right across the face, leading him staggering right into the waiting arms of Chance Fortune, who nearly finished him then and there with a hurricanrana that saw him spiked right on his head.


Mitico refused to give up, though, and continued to fight through the adversity. But when Lisa Bowen slid one of The Ring General’s tag titles into the ring, it looked like the match would end right there and then. Chance Fortune took aim at El Mitico and charged, but the lucha star was able to counter with a perfectly timed dropkick to the knees, felling him. Mitico then grabbed Fortune’s arm and attempted to twist around into a La Magistral Cradle, but as he flipped over him, Fortune twisted his body with him, countering the pin attempt into one of his own, and the referee counted Mitico’s shoulders down 1, 2, 3!


Fortune wins the RCI, 66


After the match, Rip climbed into the ring with the massive trophy, handing it to Chance Fortune.


Ladies and gentleman, I present to you the winner of the Rip Chord Invitational, Chance Fortune!


The crowd booed as Rip shook Fortune’s hand and exited the ring. Fortune, who puzzlingly had a bit of an angry look on his face, handed the trophy to Lisa Bowen, who gladly accepted.


How do you like me now, Tommy? I just shook hands with the man that was whipping your ass when he was fifty years old. But that doesn’t really matter to me yet. I don’t care about this tournament. I don’t want a trophy. What I want, what I NEED, is a World Championship. That’s the only reason I competed here tonight. Soon, I’m going to be Chance Fortune, World Champion, and I’m going to shove that title right down the throats of every God damned person that ever doubted me. I am the best wrestler in the world, and you’re all about to finally see that.









The Mean Machine


Jean Cattley stood backstage, looked at the camera, and turned away.


…There’s a reason I’m the measuring stick around here. I’m the meanest son of a bitch there is, and that’s the truth. If I could go back in time, I could hang with Mickey Starr, Sam Strong, Corporal Doom, and, why not? Even Rip Chord. You might say that they’re better than me. That might be true. But I don’t give a damn. I WANT to win. I WILL win.


Jean turned back to the camera now.


I was a two time Mid Atlantic Champion. Now, I WANT to win a World Championship. I WILL win it.











© for the World Championship


As the match began, the newly crowned champion looked a little tentative. He was nervous, maybe even scared. Golden and Cattley saw that immediately.


Together, they went right after Jay. After knocking the champ around for a while, they finally tossed him to the outside and went after one another. This continued for several minutes until Jay made his return to the match, taking both men out. It seems that a good whack upside the head was all it took to turn the champions fight mode on. With the champ equally ready to fight as the two challengers, the match suddenly became quite even. Jay very nearly finished the match at one point as he delivered a picture perfect DDT to Cattley, only to have Golden break up the pin. The three battled for several more minutes before Cattley was able to remove Jay from the ring once more, this time with a back body drop that saw Jay land awkwardly on the outside.


With Jay on the outside, Cattley and Golden traded blows in the center of the ring. Cattley, woozy after the earlier DDT he received from Jay Chord, was the first to make a mistake. Lunging forward to grab Golden for a Mood Swing, Cattley stumbled, and Golden took advantage, using Cattley’s own momentum to hurl him into the ring post, shoulder first. Golden pulled him and hoisted him up onto the top rope, calling for his signature Golden Shower (Brainbuster). But as he climbed up with Jean, Jay slid into the ring and threw everything he had left into a shove, causing Oscar to tumble out and over the top rope and down to the floor. Jean, now beginning to collect his thoughts, was incapacitated once more as Jay took a running start and leapt up, hitting a vicious flying forearm that caught The Mean Machine flush on the jaw. With Jean on dream street, it was easy enough for Jay to drag him out and nail him with a super DDT, scoring the three count directly after and retaining his World Championship.


Jay retains the belt, 73





Total: 65

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Guest codey

The facility looked the same as ever on the outside, but the inside was a completely new beast. The old worn out ring had a new mat, the apron was draped with new banners reading “Piledriver Wrestling,” and the ring was surrounded with a barricade which would keep out the people that would presumably be filling the seats neatly lined up in rows around the building. All in all, it looked like a real professional outfit, and Mac looked pleased as all hell standing next to me.


“It’s nice, ain’t it, kid?” he asked me.


“Yeah, Mac, it really is.”


I looked around a bit more, amazed at how the grimy little place that I trained in looked now. Now, it really did look fitting for all the stars it had produced. The Peak Brothers, Rick Law, Jack Bruce, and even that bastard Troy Pilgrim would have fit in here well if this had been around when they came through. I dare say I would even look good in that ring. I was a MAW guy now, though, so I missed that boat.


“When do you start the shows?” I asked.


“We’re not sure yet, but we’re aiming to start in a couple of months. Still gotta get the roster together, and then there’s the issues with permits and sponsorships we’re working through.”


“Couldn’t put this together when I came through, huh?” I joked.


“You know damn well we couldn’t afford it, ya little bastard. Maybe if you would’ve paid for some of training we could have set this up years ago, but no, ya had to pay with hard labor instead,” he said, laughing.


“Piledriver Wrestling. It’s got a nice ring to it, Mac.”


“Yeah, I guess. The school owners made me name it that, but it works good enough. I wanted to call it “Warlord Pain Wrestling,” but they said that wouldn’t cut it.”


“I can see that.”


“So, you think Rip’ll take the agreement?”


“I don’t know. We like to present ourselves as professionals in MAW, Mac. We’re big timers in the Mid Atlantic,” I joked.


“Yeah, says the guy that wears the ant costume.”


“Hey, I make that thing look damn good.”


“Yeah, yeah. So you think it’ll be a deal?”


“Sure. Rip’s got agreements with every other promotion around, I don’t see why he’d skip on you.”


Mac breathed a sigh of relief.


“That’s good, kid. I was relying on that partnership.”


“Mac, he sent me to scope you guys out. He knows our relationship, and he knows that even if this place was a complete **** hole I’d tell him it looked like Rich Eisen funded you. He was always going to sign the agreement.”


“Well, ya little bastard, I guess if you put it like that, It’s not such big deal, after all,” Mac laughed.







The Awesomeness vs. The Primadonnas

Ant-Man vs. Frost

SMY vs debuting Suzanna Brazzle vs. Eve Grunge for the Women’s Championship

Eddie Cornell vs. Ford Gumble

The Atlantic Connection vs. The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

??? vs. Atlas

Oscar Golden vs. Behemoth

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The Awesomeness vs. The Primadonnas

Ant-Man vs. Frost

SMY vs debuting Suzanna Brazzle vs. Eve Grunge for the Women’s Championship

Eddie Cornell vs. Ford Gumble

The Atlantic Connection vs. The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

??? vs. Atlas

Oscar Golden vs. Behemoth

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The Awesomeness vs. The Primadonnas

Ant-Man vs. Frost

SMY vs debuting Suzanna Brazzle vs. Eve Grunge for the Women’s Championship

Eddie Cornell vs. Ford Gumble

The Atlantic Connection vs. The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

??? vs. Atlas

Oscar Golden vs. Behemoth

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I'm all caught up. I have to say that not only was that a helluva RCI tournament it was even better with Jean cutting that promo right before the main event. I believed he might just walk out of there champion something I didn't believe before that promo. Very good job Codey!


The Awesomeness vs. The Primadonnas

Ant-Man vs. Frost

SMY vs debuting Suzanna Brazzle vs. Eve Grunge for the Women’s Championship

Eddie Cornell vs. Ford Gumble

The Atlantic Connection vs. The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

??? vs. Atlas

Oscar Golden vs. Behemoth

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Very intrigued by the vomiting segment.. it's got to be Jay, but what was the problem? Blamed it on food, sure, but nerves before the big match? Possibly, but his performance didn't show it after the initial blip (in my opinion).


I imagine you'll go with the nerves angle or something, but it does set up a very, very interesting "drinking too much" storyline that could be how he keeps the nerves at bay.


I love this damn diary.

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Guest codey
I'm all caught up. I have to say that not only was that a helluva RCI tournament it was even better with Jean cutting that promo right before the main event. I believed he might just walk out of there champion something I didn't believe before that promo. Very good job Codey!


Many thanks, Stennick! I've managed to to read the first few segments of your latest HGC show, and I'm happy to report that so far, I think you've matched the quality of CPW(?) diary. Great stuff and good luck!



Very intrigued by the vomiting segment.. it's got to be Jay, but what was the problem? Blamed it on food, sure, but nerves before the big match? Possibly, but his performance didn't show it after the initial blip (in my opinion).


I imagine you'll go with the nerves angle or something, but it does set up a very, very interesting "drinking too much" storyline that could be how he keeps the nerves at bay.


I love this damn diary.


Damn you and your ability to come up with a better storyline than me! ;) The angle I was originally going with was Jay not really being ready to be a champion and Rip being unable to see that, but I think I might just have to add in elements of that to the storyline.

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Guest codey


Friday Week 1, February 2013

In front of 3,004 folks in Centerpiece Bridge






The father/son duo of Rip and Jay Chord made their entrance at the top of the show, looking immensely pleased with themselves. As Jay held his freshly defended title belt draped over his shoulder, Rip grabbed a microphone to address the crowd.


Before we commence the celebration ceremony, I’d like to take this time to make an announcement of my own. As you can, sitting next to Dharma Gregg and Remmy Remus at our announce table is Duke Hazard. He’s taking over for me. Seeing my son with the gold has made me realize that a job like that’s below a Chord. I don’t commentate. I make things happen. From now on, that’s my role. I’m strictly in the business of running this business. Now, son, you can continue.


Rip handed the mic over to Jay, but before he could speak…



The Golden One


Oscar Golden’s music hit, and the Canadian Blonde sauntered out to the ring.


Jay, I don’t care what you have to say, and neither does anyone else. What I care about is getting another shot at that.


Golden forcefully poked the World Championship, nudging Jay back a little.


Oh, you want a shot at this? Too bad! Golden, I already beat you. I proved to everyone that you’re just not ready to step into the ring with greatness, and probably never will be.


Wrong, Jay. You beat Jean Cattley. I don’t remember getting pinned or tapping out last week.


Oh, please. It was a triple threat match, you loser. Now get out of my ring before I have security toss you out on your ass.


Hold on a minute, Jay.


Rip held up his hand to both men.


Ozzie’s got a point. You didn’t pin him. So I think, with my first night in my new job, I’m gonna set this match up, right here, right now, for Wrestling Classic!


Jay, out of reach of the microphone, was arguing with his father, but Rip either didn’t seem to notice too much or didn’t care. Rip’s music then began to play, and Golden, thoroughly satisfied, turned to leave. Before he disappeared to the back, though, Rip said something that stopped him dead in his tracks.


Not so fast, kid. First, you gotta win a match tonight…against Behemoth!













Cannonball and Stardust make their return to Showcase against Trent Schaffer and Rob Wright, and boy, did they look impressive in their return. The always exciting pair came out on a roll, hitting all of their big spots. Schaffer, for the most part, was able to keep up with them and match the pairing, but Wright, unfortunately, wasn’t. It was he who eventually fail to an Awesome Rocker (Spinebuster/Flying Forearm combo), giving the win to The Awesomeness, who make a very good case for themselves as the next tag title contenders!


The Awesomeness win, 49










The scene cuts next to Rip Chord’s office, where the legendary wrestler and promoter is at work looking over some paper work when a knock is heard at the door.


[Looking up]
Yeah, yeah, come in.





Suddenly. The door swung forcefully open, and a bearded, dreadlocked man with one eye was rolled in on a red wagon. Pushing was a tiny, struggling, skimpily dressed young lady in a pirate hat.


What in the hell!?


Ya harr, matey! Captain Dread de Aske and Joanna Silver, at yer service!




De Aske nimbly leapt from the ladder up on Rip’s desk. Rip looked disgusted.


We be here asking for a match!




Won’t be leavin without one, mind ya.


Rip looked back and forth, eying the two of them up and down. De Aske had something of a grimace on his face, and Silver had a bug eyed look of excitement.


Umm, I mean, yeah, why the hell not?


Rip and de Aske locked eyes for a few seconds, the legend obviously waiting for de Asko to make a move. He didn’t.


…Anything else?


Oh! No, matey, that be it!


With that, de Aske hopped down off of the desk and stepped into the wagon.


First mate Silver, we be ready to leave!




Silver then hunched over, and, after a brief struggle, got the wagon rolling and out of the office. Rip slowly shook his head.


What…the hell…did I just agree to?









The Architect of Your Destruction


Out in the ring next was The Architect, formerly known as John Sanders. He had a microphone and a big grin, despite his first round loss last week in the Rip Chord Invitational.


They say no plan’s perfect, and that’s true. Even I, with all my genius, can’t formulate the perfect plan. There’s too many variables, too many random occurrences. But this one, well, this one screwed up from my own simple mistake. Nothing random happened, nothing miraculous. I simply made a mistake. You see, I intended to put Jared Johnson away way back at Night of Champions. I was supposed to be done with him long ago. But it turns out, I underestimated him. I assumed that when I broke him mentally and physically, he would fade away. Disappear. Die, even. But he didn’t do that. He just cracked a little.


It doesn’t matter, though. The real sign of genius is adaptability, and that’s what I can do. It’s what I AM doing. Jared, I’ve pulled out the old blueprints and I’ve dusted them off. I layed them down on the table and I put pencil to paper, and I changed some things up. The blueprints were flawed, Jared, but not anymore. Now, they lead straight to your destruction. Now, they lead straight to a House of Chaos. So what do you say, JJ? Do you really want to do this?


Johnson’s music hit next, and the Carolina Kid stomped out onto the stage.



The Carolina Kid


He didn’t say anything. He only locked eyes with Architect before slowly shaking his head up and down, then turned and made his exit. The message was clear, and Architect didn’t need any words to know that he had his match.













These two have had problems stemming back from when Ant-Man temporarily took Frost out of action, and when they were last face to face, Frost passed up the opportunity to get even. Ant-Man didn’t have Powell with him this time, though, and Frost had a lot more courage as a result. The angry Canadian and Ant-Man went at it in a pretty even matchup, going power to power, with neither seeming to give up any ground against the other. Frost looked dangerous throughout, and nearly put away the much smaller-but-equally-as-powerful Ant-Man away with a big boot that snapped his head back, but Ant-Man powered out of the pin and managed to fight back, eventually slapping an Ant Trap (Dragon Clutch) on Frost, forcing his former teammate to tap out.


Ant-Man wins, 52










American Patriot, who hasn’t exactly been on a roll lately, was seen pacing backstage. As he did so, he stopped dead, and the camera panned over to reveal a smirking Citizen X.


What the hell do you want?


Oh, nothing really. Just looking to exchange a few words with a fellow former champion.


Hmmph. What about?


I just thought it interesting that, despite the fact that you seem to lose so much lately, you still get every opportunity to prove yourself, whereas I seem to have been forgotten, except when people want to point out that I’ve fallen on hard times.


Only reason is you’re a scrawny little sum ***** that no one cares about.


Oh, you do play your bully role so well, don’t you? But I’ve got to be honest, the villain just doesn’t suit you. Not when you still wear the flag of…
[X snarls his next words]
a government. There’s very few of those that I can stand, and your’s certainly isn’t one of them. In fact, I--


Patriot suddenly threw everything he had into a lariat, nearly knocking X’s head off of his shoulders.


You shoulda known better than to talk about my mask, BOY.












© vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs.
for the Women’s Championship


Brazzle, with a style that certainly wouldn’t be out of place in Japan, came out looking very impressive in her debut match. She was able to keep SMY and Grunge at bay with a variety of strikes and speedy moves at the beginning of the match, but the more well known pairing were eventually able to wear down on her, and when it came down to it, Brazzle eventually fell to an Energy Burst (Go2Sleep), meeting SMY’s knee in her debut.


SMY retains, 49.


After a short celebration, SMY walked over and extended a hand to the now recovering Brazzle. Brazzle accepted, but as SMY helped her to her feet, the lights in the arena suddenly cut. Once again, the big screen cut a scene of snow falling, but this time, the words spelled across the screen were different.



…Is Here…


As the words faded, two women stepped out on the stage.



The latest threat to the women's division (Thanks again to jhd1 for the Brooke Tyler render!)


One, graceful, elegant, and beautiful, but with a cold, frigid demeanor. The other was larger, less comely but still pretty in her own right. Had she not given off such an angry, resentful attitude, she might have been considered an equal to her smaller friend. The smaller woman was the first to speak.


My name is Nadia Snow, Miss York, and I can assure you that I am most certainly not crazy. Neither, for that matter, is my associate, Brooke.


No, I am far from crazy. I graduated from Harvard Law at the age of 19. I have consorted with royalty and dined with movie stars. I’ve modeled dresses during the Paris Fashion Week. I can safely say that I am the most intelligent, beautiful, put together woman that you have personally set your eyes on. I will be honest and say that when I look upon you that I see a woman with potential, though. That said, I also see a woman far too simple to ever realize said potential. I see a championship belt being worn on inferior stock. I see a woman that discredits everything that belt stands for. I see a woman that I will beat.


I can’t allow ruin the prestige of that belt in it’s infancy. I am here to save it before it’s too late. To save this entire division. Brooke and I will certainly make sure that that happens.


The two women’s music played again, and Nadia turned, graceful as a ballerina, and left. Brooke stuck behind a moment longer, almost snarling at York.


York, for her part, looked thoroughly insulted as she stood in the ring, asking Brazzle just who in the hell the two debutants really are. Brazzle was unable to offer any answer.










Backstage, Trent Schaffer was delivering a verbal beat down to his associate, Rob Wright, as the latter sat on a table, holding an ice pack to his neck.


…What the hell do you mean, “Sorry?” That doesn’t cut it, man!


Just then, Cameron Vessey walked by, chuckling to himself. Schaffer spun on his heel and called after him.


You think that’s funny, huh?


Vessey lazily turned around.


Yeah, I do.


And with that, the former World Champ turned back around and walked on, still chuckling to himself. Schaffer was less than pleased, and responded by pouring it on Wright even more.













It was announced prior to the match that the winner of this one would determine the next challenger for The Great Ota’s Traditional title, and both men showed everyone just how much they wanted it by going full throttle throughout. Both showed some great brawling, with Gumble’s kicks in particular being brutal. Despite that, it looked like the former champ wouldn’t be heading into Wrestling Classic in a title bout, as Cornell was able to hit him with the London Bridge (Bridging German) to score the 1, 2, 3.


Cornell wins, now #1 contender, 62












The Atlantic Connection vs.
© w/ Lisa Bowen for the Tag Team Championship


The Ring Generals seem confident that they’ll win against anyone they face. So much so that they were willing to face one of MAW’s longest tenured teams with the belts on the line. With a chance to steal the belts, the technicians Jenkins and Riley did everything they could to try and beat the champs. Unfortunately for them, that was no where near enough. Marv and Dean picked them apart before hitting General Order (Backbreaker/Knee drop combo) to finish off Jenkins.


The Generals retain, 50



The rest of Lisa's goons


After the match, Lisa Bowen got in the ring, and they were also joined by fellow Bowen Enterprises members Chance Fortune and Behemoth.


I hope none of you blinked, because if you did, you just missed a perfect example of Bowen Enterprises absolute domination. Tag team champs, Rip Chord Invitational winner, and soon to be World Champion. There’s not a thing we can’t do in this industry, and there’s not a thing that anyone can do about it. Bowen Enterprises is the future, and baby, the future’s coming pretty fast.


That’s right, Lisa. If you want gold, you join us. We’ve got it in abundance. You know what else we have? The hottest, fastest rising star in this business. I’m the hidden gem of the century. Rip realized that, and now he’s got biggest thing in wrestling as his soon-to-be World Champion. I’m shooting so high and so fast, there’s not a thing that can stop me.



The Mean Machine


As if on cue, Jean Cattley’s music hit, and the prideful star hit the stage.


Nothing can stop you? Let’s not go too far.


Get out of here old man, you’re not wanted.


Hold on a minute, Chance. You don’t even know what I want yet.


Chance sighed, annoyed.


You want a match, huh? Well you can go on and just forget it. I’ve beaten you already, I don’t need to do it again. Besides, Jean, aren’t you a little below me? When’s the last time you won a match, anyway?


Jean smirked. Or, at least, tried to. His lips did twist a little, that we’re sure of.


That’s a deep cut. But come on. You know you aren’t getting that shot this month. And you know you can beat me, so I’d say it’s a safe bet. You won’t even need any of your…luck.


Old man, you’re not going to trash talk me into taking a match. I’m gonna spend all of my time resting up and relaxing until I get my title shot.


Oh, you are, boy? Well what if I decide to spend all my time beating the living hell out of you? I’ll hit you backstage, in the parking lot, at the gym, in the parking lot, hell, boy, I’ll go straight to your home. I won’t quit until you aren’t moving.


Why don’t you get in this ring and say that, old man? My friends won’t hit. Too hard.


Why don’t you get in the ring with me at Wrestling Classic and try and shut me up then? Too afraid, boy?


To hell with you, Cattley. You got a match. I can’t wait to wipe that look off your ugly mug for you.









The Southern Drawl and the Honorable Warrior


We cut next to Duke Hazard, who’s standing by with El Mitico, fresh off of his finals loss in the RCI.


Mitico, last week ya lost week to Chance Fortune in the finals, just like you did last year, costing you another title shot, and jest a couple a months ago, ya lost another number one contender match to Jay Chord. Lots of folks is saying that you just don’t got what it takes to be a main event guy round these parts. What’re yer thoughts?


Mitico was sullenly staring at the ground as Hazard spoke. When he finished, he raised his head and began to speak in an almost inaudible voice.


…They’re right. I don’t have what it takes. I’ve been fighting since I was fifteen years old, always searching for the honor I felt I was destined to have. For the honor that my father and his father and his father had. I’ve spent years searching, and it wasn’t until last week that I realized that I was wrong all along. Honor is not something that men can simply have, it is something much more. Honor…honor is something that a man gives to those that are better he. It is like respect, but it is so much more than that. Honor is what I must offer up to The Lord.


For years, I have been attempting to build a suit of honor around myself, and I have continually failed. I tried to hoard it all for myself, and in doing so, I neglected Him. He alone is deserving. Not I. I have to rebuild my relationship with Him, Duke. Until I do so, I will never have what it takes to bring this company into the light. I don’t know how long it will take. That doesn’t matter. I WILL do it. Not for me, but for Him.













If Atlas found de Aske being pushed to the ring in a wagon by a scantily clad woman strange, he did a damn good of hiding it. The stoic monster watched on like a statue as de Aske and Silver led the crowd in a series of “Yar‘”s. The pirate looked incredibly pleased as he started the match, and in fact did quite well against the former Mid Atlantic Champion. I guess if you’re going to run around dressed like a pirate, you better have some sort of skills to help back up the silliness. De Aske mixed in a little bit of everything in his offense and defense, surprising Atlas throughout. When Atlas gets a hold of you, though, it’s quite difficult to get free, though, as evidenced when de Aske finally fell to a World Bomb (Double hand choke bomb), giving Atlas the win.


Atlas wins, 50











w/ Lisa Bowen


Neither Golden nor Behemoth knew they would be fighting tonight, but that didn’t bother either. Golden’s been on quite the roll lately and got his courage from there, and Behemoth, well, Behemoth never cares who or what he fights. He just seems to want to hit things. And hit things he did. Throughout the match, the wildman had Golden on the run, with Golden unable to hold him down for any significant amount of time. For a good while there, it looked like Golden would be walking into his title match at Wrestling Classic with a loss on his record, but the Canadian was able to fight back through the pain, leading up to a huge tornado DDT out of the corner, that left both men down. Seeing Behemoth finally down and barely stirring, Golden leapt at the opportunity to lock the monster in The Golden Rule (High angle Boston crab), forcing Behemoth to tap out, much to Lisa Bowen's disappointment.


Golden wins heading into Wrestling Classic, 61.





Total: 54

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Guest codey

Nope, Joanna Silver is her own woman. I did have to her edit her to get her on the roster, though. She starts as a wrestler, but she's so terrible, Rip wouldn't even let me hire her. I was gonna use her as a manager anyway, so it worked out :D


You can blame Mr. Adam Ryland himself for the cheesy line, by the way. I just like it so much I couldn't resist :p

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Guest codey





“Are you ****ing kidding me!?”


None of us had to stand anywhere near Rip’s office to hear what he was saying. The response to the question was significantly quieter, though, and we couldn’t make it out.


“I was making you a damn centerpiece, a God damn feature attraction, and you give it up so you can lay on your back for Rich Eisen, of all people?” Rip continued. “You were gonna be a star, and now you’re throwing all that away.”


Another inaudible response.


“You think I care about that!? Get your damn gear, and get the hell out of my territory. Next time you come to the Mid Atlantic, I’m gonna send Brandon Smith to teach you a few lessons. Get!”


There was the sound of a chair scooting backwards, then some irregular footsteps, and finally he stepped out of the office.


Chance Fortune looked at all of us, and we looked back. Some of us were more than a little confused, but most were just angry, and let him know that with our stares. Chance responded by arrogantly looking back at us. He said nothing as he strode to his locker, grabbed his gear, and left the building. Soon after, Rip too left his office.


“Alright, everyone, I’m sure ya heard all of that. Let me be clear, I don’t give a damn if you sign with Eisen, Cornell, or even Belle Bryden. Good on you if you do. But I do expect your respect. You tell me as soon as you get that contract. Don’t wait to sign it and tell me your leaving the night of a show. That ain’t how things work around here. Jean, I need you. We’ve got some crap to talk about. Book ourselves out of this hole.”








The Awesomeness vs. The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

El Mitico vs. Lenny Brown

Suzanne Brazzle vs. Nadia Snow

Ant-Man & Powell vs. The Callum Brothers (Nelson & Landon)

Eddie Cornell vs. The Great Ota © for the Traditional Championship

Jared Johnson vs. The Architect in a House of Chaos

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Behemoth (Replacing Chance Fortune)

Oscar Golden vs. Jay Chord © for the World Championship






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The Awesomeness vs. The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship


El Mitico vs. Lenny Brown


Suzanne Brazzle vs. Nadia Snow


Ant-Man & Powell vs. The Callum Brothers (Nelson & Landon)


Eddie Cornell vs. The Great Ota © for the Traditional Championship


Jared Johnson vs. The Architect in a House of Chaos


“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Behemoth (Replacing Chance Fortune)


Oscar Golden vs. Jay Chord © for the World Championship

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Tough break on Chance, surprised you're not jobbing him out as punishment for leaving it to tell you!


The Awesomeness vs. The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

El Mitico vs. Lenny Brown

Suzanne Brazzle vs. Nadia Snow

Ant-Man & Powell vs. The Callum Brothers (Nelson & Landon)

Eddie Cornell vs. The Great Ota © for the Traditional Championship

Jared Johnson vs. The Architect in a House of Chaos

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Behemoth (Replacing Chance Fortune)

Oscar Golden vs. Jay Chord © for the World Championship


Hmm.. no title changes in my predictions... might change this!

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Guest codey
I definitely wanted to job him out. Unfortunately, the jerk signed right after Showcase and left before Wrestling Classic. Fortunately, I was able to find a good replacement for him, so it didn't really throw too big of a wrench in my plans.
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The Awesomeness vs. The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

El Mitico vs. Lenny Brown

Suzanne Brazzle vs. Nadia Snow

Ant-Man & Powell vs. The Callum Brothers (Nelson & Landon)

Eddie Cornell vs. The Great Ota © for the Traditional Championship-Tough one to call but Eddie has been a roll

Jared Johnson vs. The Architect in a House of Chaos

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Behemoth (Replacing Chance Fortune)

Oscar Golden vs. Jay Chord © for the World Championship


Tough break on Fortune leaving. The same thing happened in my MAW game as well. I was actually burned a couple times by Fortune and Aaron Andrews.

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Guest codey

I don't see it as Rip getting a big head. It's just who it was that Fortune went to. Rip has history with SWF, and I don't see that as being resolved. That, and I wrote in as Fortune telling Rip about all this as he was leaving, and I think Rip is understandably pissed.


The last guys that left, going to USPW and NOTBPW, got a going away party after our biggest show of the year. I think even if Fortune had gone back to TCW, Rip would have been okay with it. But SWF, on the other hand...

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Guest codey
To add, I really of the opinion that Fortune will just job in SWF. His popularity levels are too low for them to ever push him (which is also why TCW released him. He got all the way down into the low-40s), and he'll only ever get wins against their other jobbers like Cheetah Boy. If he had gone back to TCW, however, he would have had a higher chance of getting up the card due to their low-level All Action title that guys like Remmy Skye and Mikey James have used to solidify themselves in the midcard. Sure, it's not a headlining spot, but at least they're not wasting their talents by jobbing night after night.
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Its wrong that this was on page 4


The Awesomeness vs. The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

Id want a change though. Ring Generals dont do it for me


El Mitico vs. Lenny Brown


Suzanne Brazzle vs. Nadia Snow


Ant-Man & Powell vs. The Callum Brothers (Nelson & Landon)

Hmmm strange one here. But the Callums need the win surely?


Eddie Cornell vs. The Great Ota © for the Traditional Championship

Ed rules


Jared Johnson vs. The Architect in a House of Chaos

Stip seals it for me


“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Behemoth (Replacing Chance Fortune)


Oscar Golden vs. Jay Chord © for the World Championship

Would Jay even drop the belt?

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Guest codey
I know it's been a while since the last show got posted, but fear not! The next one should be up by Friday at the latest! Just wanted to update all my readers on the goings on.
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