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The Johhny Heizenger Story

Guest codey

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Guest codey


Friday Week 4, February 2013

In front of 2,468 fans in Centerpiece Bridge









© w/ Lisa Bowen for the Tag Team Championship


Cannonball and Stardust shot back into the title with a win on Showcase after several months of obscurity, and they weren’t about to let themselves slip back. Despite the masterful technique Waldorf and Statler possess, the wild and crazy duo of The Awesomeness were able to fend them off throughout the match up. Such talent was to be expected from the former champs, but Waldorf and Statler seemed to underestimate their opponents skill by a vast amount for some odd reason, despite their current manager being very familiar with the challengers. When they looked to be in increasing danger, Lisa Bowen demanded they regroup on the outside, and after several seconds, the trio decided that it would be best to simply up and leave. As they retreated, still talking smack, mind you, Cannonball and Stardust looked on both disappointed and disgusted from the ring as they were declared the winners, but not new champions, via count out.


The Awesomeness win via count out, 56.











vs. Lenny Brown


The brash and boisterous Brown stood in stark contrast to Mitico, who walked to the ring silent and sullen, oblivious to the cheers of his fans. Brown took control early, utilizing an offense that mixed maneuvers from multiple disciplines, keeping the off-his-game Mitico, well, off of his game. That didn’t last long, however, as Mitico soon took back over with his unique mix of traditional lucharesu and technical wrestling, eventually twisting up Brown and forcing him to tap out to a cross armbar. Before the ref could even raise his hand, though, Mitico had already rolled out of the ramp and slipped up the ramp and disappeared to the back, his head down the entire way.


Mitico wins, 64









A Dastardly Duo


Trent Schaffer and Rob Wright were waiting impatiently outside a locked door, complaining all the while.


Who’s in there, anyway? I gotta do my hair, brah!


Shut up, idiot.


Trent banged on the door.


Hey, hurry up! Other people need to use the bathroom, too!


They waited several seconds more, and Trent was about to bring his fist down on the door once more when it suddenly swung open. Standing across from him was none other than...



The Crowd Favorite


Cameron Vessey.


Whoah, boy! No need for a fist fight tonight.


Schaffer let his arm drop and scowled.




Vessey smirked.


Yeah, me. Look, you got a problem, boy?


Yeah, he’s got a problem, alright!


Shut up, Rob. Yeah, I got a problem. The problem is that some loser that thinks he still has the pull of a champion thinks he can walk around doing whatever he wants.


Those sound a little bit like fighting words to me. You care to try and back ‘em up, boy?


Yeah, I care to.


Guess it’s settled then. You and me, next week on Showcase. I’m already itchin’ to whoop up on you, boy.


With that, Vessey turned and left, leaving Schaffer and Wright angrily staring down his back.









They just don't like each other...


Next, we cut to SMY walking backstage. She’s looking for something, but stops suddenly when she comes upon a door with the scowling Brooke Tyler standing guard outside.


Is she around?


Tyler just snarled at her. SMY sighed.


Never mind…


With that, SMY stepped forward to knock on the door, but was stopped when Tyler shot forward, shoving her back several steps. SMY was about to retaliate when the door opened and...



Beautiful, yet oh so cold


Nadia Snow stepped out.


Solve all of your problems with violence, Miss York?


As a matter of fact--


Snow cut her off.


It was a rhetorical question. I know you do. I understand you come from a…simpler breed. It’s just a shame that you even fail at fisticuffs. My match is next, Miss York. Watch, and maybe you can learn a few things.











Suzanne Brazzle vs.
w/ Brooke Tyler


Brazzle debuted on the last show and put on a strong showing against SMY and Eve Grunge, but ultimately lost. This time, the super junior-style wrestle gets to test the mettle of another debutant, the beautiful, yet cold, Nadia Snow. The two put on quite the show against one another, going move for move with one another for the majority of the match. Neither really built any sort of lead until Brazzle finally hit Grunge with a power slam. The woman called for Snow to get back to her feet, but Snow was content to merely draw the referees attention to herself, allowing Brooke Tyler to slide in the ring and nail Brazzle from behind! With Brazzle down, Snow hightailed it up to the top rope, where she leapt off, nailing Brazzle with a Snow Fall (Moonsault) for the win!


Snow wins, 45









La Alianza del Honor


El Mitico was walking backstage, unraveling his wrist tape as he did so. As he walked, he never lifted his eyes from the ground. Suddenly, Apollo and Firefly, Culture Shock, ran up.


Mitico! Where’ve you been, man?


Yeah, man, you haven’t been around to train or anything.


Mitico looked up at them and smiled grimly.


I cannot train with you any longer, amigos. I will only hold you back from reaching peak, anyway.


What are you talking about, man?


I didn’t expect you to understand. It’s okay. You both are right with Him. You do Him honor. I…I do not. I’ve been fighting for myself. That must change before I can be of any use for you.


What about La Alianza del Honor? We’re a team!


No, amigos. You are a team. I am liability, so long as I am on His wrong side.


With that, Mitico turned and walked away, leaving Culture Shock to exchange worried glances with one another.











Yar, First Mate Silver, the wind be good here!




Dread de Aske and Joanna Silver were keeping themselves busy running around the backstage area in their red wagon. Dread waved a plastic sword at all passerbys, and Joanna did her best to sound as much like a pirate as she could.


What in the hell is this supposed to be?



The Black Flag himself


The duo passed by Black Flag himself and stopped.


Avast, ye matey! Be ya wanting a ride on the Red Rider?


You gotta be kiddin’ me. Do you really work here?


Course I be working here!




Patriot shook his head.


Time was you couldn’t work here if all ya were was a joke. Company’s going downhill.


Dread hopped off the wagon.


What ya be sayin, land lubber?


I think ya heard me the first time.


Ah, might be I did. Might be I remember a time when you yourself weren’t such a joke!


What’d you say?


You heard me, matey.




No sooner had Joanna closed her mouth then Dread found Patriot’s arm being swung full force into his face. De Aske collapsed, and Joanna dropped down to check on him as Patriot walked off, chuckling.











vs. The Callum Brothers


The Callum Brothers, Nelson and Landon, hail from sunny California, and they brought the fast paced, high flying action that the boys out west are known for. Unfortunately for them, their first match wasn’t against some unsuspecting fool. Instead, they got matched against veteran flyer Ted Powell and young powerhouse Ant-Man, who proved more than a match for them. The young debutants did prove themselves to be able opponents, however, it was their confidence that led to their downfall. As Landon went up top, he leapt off in a dazzling display, pulling off a beautiful shooting star leg drop. Unfortunately, he found nothing but mat, and after Powell dropkicked Nelson from the ring, Ant-Man was able to lock on the Ant Trap (Dragon Clutch) for the submission victory.


Ant & Powell win, 53.










The Architect sat silently backstage taping his wrists when Citizen X approached.


A House of Chaos match, eh, young Architect?


Architect didn’t look up.


That’s right.


You know, I invented that match. I’ve bled many times in it. Perfected it.


That you have.


I can provide you with the tools to win, young Architect.


Architect stood up now.


That, you can’t do.




When’s the last time you even won a match?


I was Mid Atlantic champion!


Five years ago. Time’s passed you up like a cold breeze. Your best days are behind you. You’ve fallen so far the only help you can provide me is to towel my forehead after a hard day of work. I, on the other hand, have only the future to look forward to. I’m a rising star. The coldest, most calculating wrestler this business has seen in years. I don’t have a breaking point. Tonight, everyone will see that.


Architect strode off, shouldering X aside as he did so. The anarchist merely hung his head low, embarrassed at the tongue lashing he had just received by a man more than ten years his junior.











© for the Traditional Championship


Cornell earned this bout after defeating former champion Ford Gumble, and didn’t waste any time in attempting to end the match. He and Ota absolutely tore into one another from the get go, throwing out some big moves early on into the match. Ota looked to have ended the match after locking Cornell in the tarantula hold, stalking him, and going for a Ninja Strike (Shining Wizard), but Cornell was savvy enough to roll safely out of the way and keep the match going. Cornell kept fighting, and eventually gripped Ota for a London Bridge (Bridging German Suplex), but as he flipped the Darkness Warrior over, Ota slipped free of his grasp, continuing the flip to land on his feet. Quick as lightning, Cornell scrambled over, but he was too late, as Ota blasted him in the face with a Ninja Strike to secure the win.


Ota retains, 69.











in a House of Chaos


House of Chaos. No more violent match has ever taken place in MAW. The ring was surrounded by an unforgiving steel cage. You’ll find no chain link fences here. Over the ring, cables are crossed in an “X.” A variety of ordinary objects, which, in the hands of a sadistic man, can be made to do horrible things, hang just out of arms reach on them. Jared Johnson and The Architect wasted no time in rushing up the sides to grab them.


For fifteen minutes, these two men battered each other in a match that wouldn’t be too out of place in PSW. Both found themselves bleeding profusely, and it became clear that neither would be walking out of this match just fine and dandy. Oddly enough, the finish didn’t even involve a weapon. Directly, at least. The Architect wisely targeted the legs of Johnson throughout the bout, attempting to cripple his opponent. And when he placed Johnson’s foot in between a folding chair and stomped on it from the top rope, the end looked like it was near. But even though h was near crippled, with blood pouring out of him, Johnson found it in him to battle back against his rival. Shot after shot with a chair of his own nearly put Architect down for good, and when he kicked out, Johnson called for his signature Crossface. Architect struggled to his feet, and Johnson forced him right back down, attempting to lock it in! But Architect, the technician that he is, was able to roll out of the move, and before Johnson could react, slapped on an ankle lock! Johnson did his best to hold on, but the damage already done was too much, and Double J taps!


The Architect wins, 54.










Through a half closed door, we see Jay and Rip Chord engaged in a heated discussion. Suddenly, Rip slaps something out of Jay’s hand.


And put that **** down!




What? You wanna wind up like me? Is that what you want?


What? I mean-


No, that’s not what you want. You’re a damn world champion! Don’t screw this up!


Jay reached for something else on the table, but Rip swiftly grasped him by the wrist and forced him back.


I said no, damn it. Now get the hell out there.


Jay scowled.


Fine. But the fact is I wouldn’t be doing this if you had just listened to me in the first place.


Jay wrenched his wrist away from his dad and stormed out of the room, directly into the camera man looking on from outside.


Get out of my face!










Before the next match, Lisa Bowen led Behemoth to the ring. She looked excruciatingly annoyed as she grabbed a mic.


A few of the more observant members of the audience may notice that a certain someone is missing from our little group here. That certain someone talked a mean game on Showcase. He made himself seem like the world’s greatest. As soon as we went to the back, he ran straight to Rip, turned in his two week notice, packed his stuff, and ran away, his tail tucked between his leg.


Yes, ladies and gentleman, Chance Fortune, your Rip Chord Invitational winner, is a coward, and he is no longer with this company. Thankfully, I’ve put together a team of the most talented and feared wrestlers in the world, and will continue to do so. In the meantime, I think I’ve got the perfect challenger for Jean Cattley: The Behemoth!





w/ Lisa Bowen


Despite the massive size difference, Cattley proved to be a tenacious fighter as he always does. The technician did his best throughout to chop the big man down to size, and made great headway until Behemoth was sent to the outside, where The Ring Generals stood guard after making their way to the ring. Cattley wisely remained in the ring, but it allowed Behemoth some recovery time. Behemoth returned with some heavy shots, but Cattley still managed to nullify them for the most part. It wasn’t until The Ring Generals hopped up on the apron and distracted the ref that Cattley showed any sort of weakness. With the ref occupied, Lisa Bowen drew Cattley’s attention and fired off a resounding slap that sent Cattley reeling straight into Behemoth, who dropped him with a running boot to the face for the win.


Behemoth wins, 63.














Rip wasn’t out here with his son, presumably from the argument the two had earlier in the night. Golden took control early on, forcing Chord to retreat to the outside a couple of times. Chord’s stalling seemed to infuriate Golden a bit, and the brash Canadian went after Chord, taking the fight straight to him on the outside. The two brawled on the outside for a bit with Golden gaining the upper hand, but he was soon shut up after Chord countered a whip and sent him flying into the barrier. Chord quickly returned to the ring, hoping for a count out, but Golden made sure that wouldn’t happen. Once back in the ring, Golden returned to form, showing the world just how far he’s come as he imposed his will upon the champ. Jay seemed wide-eyed as he failed to have any sort of answer to Golden’s offense.


Until, that is, Golden made the mistake of attempting a splash from the top. Jay wisely raised his knees, driving them into the descending Golden’s gut. Sensing his first opportunity, Jay went to work, albeit slowly at first. With punches, stomps, and holds, Jay slowly wore down his challenger, though Golden was able to still get in the occasional shot. After powering out of sleeper hold, Golden forced the match to it’s climactic ending, as the two began to trade big move after big move. Golden hit a brain buster, Jay hit a DDT. Golden locked on a Golden Rule (Elevated Boston Crab), Jay hit him with a power bomb. But when Golden attempted a high velocity discuss forearm, Jay was able to sense the danger presented and countered with a kick to the gut, followed closely by a Cradle Piledriver, which finally put the challenger down.


As the ring bell rang, the crowd was on their feet, applauding the two competitors as they lay on the mat, exhausted. They showered both winner and loser with praise for what might just be MAW’s best match yet.


Jay retains, 79.






Total: 68

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  • Replies 675
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So I just realized that your Hugh de Aske/Joanna Silver thing is incredibly similar to part of an e-fed I...was? in. I was Captain Paul Burchill accompanied by The Hurricane and Jillian Hall. And we went around backstage in a boat.


I also recall throwing Ezekiel Jackson from a ladder into a boat full of weapons and such.




ANYWAY: Jay wanted the coke.

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Guest codey

Back story for this month:

Roderick and I went to a fair in Charlotte. There was cotton candy!






Cannonball vs Marv Statler

SMY vs Candy Floss

Eddie Howard vs Lenny Brown

Eddie Cornell vs Frost

Dread de Aske vs "Black Flag" American Patriot

Cameron Vessey vs Trent Schaffer

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest codey

Sorry for the long wait on the show. I'm...lazy. Yeah, that's it.




Friday Week 1, March 2013

In front of 2,945 screaming fans in Centerpiece Bridge







The World Champion


The show kicked off with Jay Chord, sans Rip, sauntering on down to the ring, his World Championship belt draped over his shoulder. One fan held a sign reading “Cam Vessey Rules” over the barrier, and without missing a beat, Jay snatched it out of his hands, ripped it up, and tossed it behind him. He laughed as he stepped in the ring.


Ya know, some people said I couldn’t do it. They said I nearly took the fall back in January, that I would lose to that Canadian piece of crap Oscar Golden last week. Well, to them, I’ve got one question: What’s sitting pretty on my shoulder? Last week, I put Golden down. You may say that I looked scared when the match was announced, that I didn’t want it. Well, all that was was a clever ruse on my part. I was luring Golden into a false sense of security, and then I pounced.


But enough about that loser. Let’s talk about something that actually matters. Look to my left, look to my right, look behind me, ahead of me, hell look over and under me. Notice something missing? That’s right, people, no Rip Chord tonight. Or ever again, as far as I’m concerned. Dad my still be my boss, but I’ve made it clear to him that I’ll no longer be in need of his managerial services, if you can even call them that. You see, dad made it clear that all he wanted to do was live vicariously through me. What’s worse was that he disapproved of my preparation methods. All I’ve gotta say to that is that hey, it worked for you, why not me?


And it did. Doing things the Chord way, I beat Oscar Golden, and now, disappointingly enough, there doesn’t seem to be any challengers left for me. It’s sad, that’s what it is. So I’ve got a proposition for anyone that thinks they can take me out: I’ll fight the first man that walks out here, no questions asked, at Super Showdown.


But wait! Before anyone comes out, I do have one tiny little stipulation. You see, I’m what you might call a star, and I’m not going to waste any of my time fighting just anyone. The man I fight needs pedigree, talent, star power, charisma and skill. The man I fight has to have been a World Champion.


The crowd roared, knowing that Cameron Vessey was the only other World Champion on roster, but Jay only smirked.


Oh, wait, I forgot. There’s no former world champs in the back. Your beloved Cameron Vessey hasn’t even made it to the show yet!


Jay broke out laughing, but he was soon cut off by music unfamiliar to MAW, but familiar to fans familiar to DaVE, USPW, and SWF. Blue Collar Man by Styx erupted from the speakers, and the crowd absolutely erupted as none other than…




Freddie Datsun!?


Freddie Datsun appeared from the back, leaving Jay slack jawed!


Not expecting me, were ya kid?


See, I was in the back visiting some of my old friends, and I couldn’t help but hear the challenge you just made. Only world champs, huh? I’ve got one of those somewhere in my closet back home, so how about fighting me?


Jay’s color and ability to speak suddenly returned to him.


You don’t even work here, old--


Now that don’t seem to matter much, does it? You made the challenge, I answered, we fight. That’s that, Jay. You said any world champ, and here I am. Let’s do this. I mean, it could be worse. It could’ve been Ricky Johnson. He has a thing for beating on Chords, if I’m remembering him right.


Jay scowled.


Ya know what? You’re on, old man! I can’t wait to remind you what it’s like to be young.


Datsun chuckled.


I’m looking forward to it, kid. Looking forward to it.











Cannonball vs. Marv Statler w/ Lisa Bowen


Neither man’s tag partner was at ringside, but Statler’s manager, Lisa Bowen, certainly made her presence known throughout what was otherwise an even match. Bowen did her best to keep both the ref and Cannonball distracted, but that was exactly what eventually backfired on her. She stepped up on the apron, drawing Cannonball to her, but when Statler came up behind to strike him, Cannon quickly slipped out of the way, causing Statler to suddenly stop his momentum to avoid smashing Bowen. This allowed Cannonball to roll Statler up, gaining the pinfall over the tag champ before he quickly made his exit.


Cannonball wins, 57











Ant-Man, Ted Powell, and that one guy


Backstage, Ant-Man and Ted Powell were conversing when Citizen X strolled up to them.


Well, well, well, Man-Ant. Theodore. It is good to see you so…enjoying…your freedom. It seems that a life of servitude was just not for you.


It’s funny, X. Me and Ted, we were just having a conversation, and I mentioned that every time someone around here mentions your name around here, you just seem to pop up out of no where. After that, you get into a match with them and they hand you your ass on a platter.


Watch your tongue, Man-Ant…


AM: No, no, no, X. Let’s cut to the chase. Me and Ted, we’re on a little bit of a revenge kick right now. We already took care of Garcia, but I’ve still got to get my hands on the bastard that got Rip to sell him my contract in the first place.


In that case, I sincerely hope--


I know it was you, you slimy bastard. And I’ve already got the match set up. At Super Showdown, I’m finally going to put all of that crap behind me. You’re the final piece of that puzzle buddy, and I plan on slamming you down into it as hard as I possibly can.












Sara Marie York vs. Candy Floss


Having squared off before, these two came to the ring prepared, and that showed as they went hold for hold with one another in the early going. Soon, SMY’s champion instinct took hold, though, and she went on a roll that Floss had no answer for. Eventually, Floss finally fell to an Energy Burst (Go2Sleep), giving SMY the win.


SMY wins, 47




Cold sophistication


Just as SMY began to celebrate, none other than Nadia Snow made her appearance on the stage.


Darling, when are you going to duel one with a bit more skill? What’s more, when are you going to display a little more for yourself? All I ever see from you is an unrefined offense and a rudimentary at best defense. It’s disappointing to see you sully that title you hold so dearly with your less than impressive skills.


SMY eyed her angrily.


Less than impressive, huh? It’s funny, that’s exactly what I thought last week when I watched your match. You do talk a mean game, though. You’ve only been here a month and we already know that match. Let’s see if you can back it up, though. I just had a match, and I guarantee I can still whip you around.


York dropped her mic then, beckoning Snow to confront her. In doing so, she failed to notice…



The Franchise


…Brooke Tyler slide into the ring and stand up behind her. At that moment Snow began to laugh.


Not me, darling. You’re not ready for that. But you are ready for…her.


A split second after Snow finished speaking, Tyler spun York aroud and began laying into her with heavy forearm blows. Tyler whipped the champion against the ropes, and when she rebounded, hit her with an impressive overhead belly to belly suplex. As York was struggling to recover from the vicious surprise assault, Tyler surprised her once more, this time sitting heavily on her back and locking in the Brooke Breaker (Seated Full Nelson), forcing York to scream out in pain.


That’s enough, Brooke darling.


Tyler released the hold.


Sara, you will see me at Super Showdown, but it will not be in singles competition. You may be the champion, but you’ve yet to earn the right to face one such as myself alone. No, this will be a tag team match. Brooke and me against you and anyone you can find that would dare attempt to do battle with us.











Bowen Enterprises


Next up, Lisa Bowen led her band of dreary men to the ring. She looked particularly smug tonight.


Last week I said that my group has the power to beat anyone. ANYONE. We don’t need Chance Fortune to do that, and we certainly don’t want him. Do you disagree? Just look at Jean Cattley. He disagreed, and look at how he ended up. Staring up at the lights as Behemoth pinned him 1, 2, 3. I know that with just him and The Ring Generals, we can throttle the life out of this company, but why should I be content to use boxing gloves when I can unload with a pair of brass knuckles? So I made good on my promise, and I went out and found the hottest, most talented wrestler I could. I’m sure that you’ll all be interested to see just who he is…


With that, Lisa gestured to the stage, and a familiar bit of music began to play, and…



The Canadian Blonde


Oscar Golden stepped out on the stage! The Canadian Blonde looked around at the confused fans for a moment before strutting to the ring, where he grabbed Lisa Bowen’s mic.


Yes, people, I’ve aligned myself with Bowen Enterprises. It’s a shocker, right? Wrong. Bowen Enterprises is where the hottest talent in the business can be found, and I fit in just perfect. Just one week ago, I was on the verge of winning the World Championship, and if it weren’t for some fluke, I would have won. But I didn’t, and I slipped down the pecking order. I’m not okay with that. I’m hungry. I want to be the best. Hell, I am the best, it’s you who don’t know it.


: I’m the best wrestler in the world to never hold that title. 5 years ago, I was on the verge of doing it. Even closer than I am now. I was supposed to be MAW’s first World Champion. Instead, I got sent packing back to Canada and cheated by Rip Chord himself. You see, Rip knew that if I won that belt, that would be it. His baby boy Jay would never have been able to beat me without a miracle occurring, and he knew it. He told me I was too good for MAW. He lied. Well, half lied. I am too good, but it’s not for MAW, it’s for his spoiled brat of a son! I mean to beat Jay for that belt, and by aligning myself with Lisa, I’ve placed myself that much closer to my goal.


Hold on a minute.



Looking for a fight


It was Jean Cattley.


Before you even think of going after Jay again, you have to deal with me. Oscar, I’ve always liked you, but you better think twice if I won’t go after for getting with that woman. You just crossed a line that I can’t abide.


Can’t abide? Jean, I don’t want to force you further down the card than you already are. It wouldn’t be right.


Hold on, Oscar. You’re mine now. Jean, you tried to put your hands on me last week, and that’s something that I just can’t “abide” by. But this time, it’s going to be the entire Succession you take on. Marv, Dean, Behemoth, and Oscar all get a piece of you in an elimination match. You’ve got to beat all four of them, but not alone. I’ll let you pick whoever you want to team with. It’s not like it’ll matter, though. We can’t be beaten.


We’ll see about that, Lisa.












Eddie Howard vs. Lenny Brown


Brown’s been looking hot ever since he debuted a few months ago, but he’s still yet to pick up a win in MAW. Despite the losing streak, the ****y youngster put up a good fight against the ****y veteran in this clash of egos. Despite a strong showing that saw Brown surprise Howard with a nice pop up rana at one point, he still ultimately fell to Mr. Amazing himself following a Jackhammer.


Howard wins, 57













Eddie Cornell vs. Frost


The second Eddie to fight tonight found himself against a more proven opponent in Frost. The big man came out rushing like a bull, starting early with a huge clothesline that left Cornell loopy. After a short time on defense, though, Cornell was able to shake the cobwebs loose and fight back against the big man, looking very good in the progress. Finally, showing that his reputation as a giant killer is well deserved, Cornell launched Frost overhead with a London Bridge (Bridging German Suplex) that led to his eventual win.


Cornell wins, 51.



The Architect


While Cornell celebrated, his music was interrupted by Degausser, and The Architect (of Your Destruction) strode out onto the ramp.


Congratulations, Eddie. I mean that, I do. You did looked great tonight. I mean, sure, you fought a guy that couldn’t even beat a side show freak in a mask, but who cares about that? You won!


Eddie was watching, extremely irritated.


[breathing heavily] Is there a point to this? I’d like to hit the showers pretty soon.


Yeah, Eddie, there’s a point to this. See, I just can’t help but notice that these fans love you. For some reason, they can’t get enough of “The Giant Killer.” Or, as I like to call you, “The Cornell Without Talent.” These people love you, but I couldn’t pay them to give me the time of day. Last week, I absolutely destroyed their celebrated son, and they despise me for it. I proved that I’m worthy of their attention, but they resist. At Super Showdown, I want to make a point. I want to make that point against you, Eddie Cornell.


That it?


Yeah, Eddie. That’s it.


Well ya little bugger, I’m not one to turn down a fight, so I’ll accept your challenge. I hope you understand what you’re getting into, ya little bastard.












Dread de Aske w/ Joanna Silver vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot


De Aske made his debut last month in a losing effort to Atlas, and quickly drew the ire of Patriot, who didn’t appreciate the strong words the, err, pirate had for him. Despite rolling out to the ring in a red wagon, Dread was all business when the ring bell rang. Patriot tried to bully Dread around throughout, but it quickly became apparent that the pirate’s skills were to great to allow that to happen. When de Aske wasn’t slipping past wild rights and lefts, he was using an impressive moveset to whittle down the big Patriot. Soon enough, with the scantily clad Joanna Silver leading them, the crowd became solidly behind the quickly impressing Dread de Aske. Alas, even with the crowd and momentum behind him, de Aske wasn’t able to put Patriot away. His back gave out as he lifted the big man up for a Cutthroat Driver, and Patriot was quick to put him away with an American Suplex (Backdrop Driver). After the pin, Patriot looked down at him, disgusted, and sent a scorching boot straight to his midsection before storming off, leaving Silver to check on her captain.


Patriot wins, 57.











A man lost and a man searching


Backstage, “Mean” Jean Cattley was wandering around when he ran into El Mitico, who was sitting alone in the hallway, staring forlornly at the wall.


Mitico, I’ve been looking everywhere for you.


Mitico looked up at Cattley.


What would you want with me?


Buck up kid. I’m sure you’ve heard that I’ve got to put together a team for Super Showdown. I want you. It’ll give you the chance to fight the good fight like you’ve been talking about.


Mitico stood up, shaking his head.


No it won’t, Jean.


Cattley looked confused.


What do you mean it won’t? You’ll be sticking it to some bad apples if you fight with me.


That may be so, amigo, but you aren’t any better than they are.


Jean was taken aback by this statement.


You say you fight for good, for the locker room, for guys like me, but you lie to yourself and everyone else. You fight for yourself, Jean. Like your music says, you fight for pride. It’s not wrong, amigo, but it’s not something I can take part in. I’m sorry, Jean, but I have to say no.


With that, Mitico turned and left, leaving Cattley alone in the hallway, thoroughly confused.












Cameron Vessey vs. Trent Schaffer w/ Rob Wright


If Vessey expected a fair fight, then he must have been extremely surprised when this one got underway. Rob Wright got involved from the get go, doing his best to distract the referee at every turn, and even physically got involved, at one point hitting Vessey with the Wright Move (STO), which nearly ended the match. That’s not to take anything away from Schaffer, though. The brash young high flyer would have done well even had Wright not been there to assist. For once, he was actually able to hit his diving head butt on Vessey, but was unlucky enough to have not noticed Vessey’s foot under the ropes when he went for the pin.


With the match wearing down, Vessey reversed an Irish whip that inadvertently sent Schaffer flying into the referee, knocking him down. Wright took the opportunity to once again get involved, and he and Schaffer commenced to beating down Vessey. It wasn’t until the former champ was able to sidestep Schaffer and send him flying from the ring that he was able to come back. Fending off Wright alone proved to be easy enough for him, and he was able to quickly hit him with a Vessey Driver. And when Schaffer charged back into the ring? He got one, too! It took the ref a moment to stir, but when he did, he found Vessey covering Schaffer, and counted the 1...2...3!


Vessey wins, 70








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Great show, Codey. I love
the Architect
for one; very mysterious in a way. The whole 'I beat the celebrated son and they hated me for it' schpeel is something that tells of a man who, seemingly, desperately wants to be accepted despite his heelish arrogance. Also, the
Bowen Enterprise
is certainly shaping up to be a pretty good hodge-podge of talent. Plus, whenever you have
Larry Wood
in the fold... I'm interested.


Keep it up!!





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Guest codey

Thanks, EV!


The Architect is probably my favorite addition to TEW2010. When I saw him debut in my first MAW game this edition, I was instantly drawn to him. Oddly enough, I placed him in a tag team with Eddie Cornell that time around, named The Artists. He's a character I love, and one that I desperately want to get right. He's a schemer above all else, but he's far from afraid to get in and mix it up in a fight.


As far as Bowen Enterprises goes, I've always been a sucker for heel stables. I've always been of the mind that wrestling is a vehicle to create heroes, and the best way to do that is to present insurmountable obstacles for them to overcome. The heel stable is a perfect way to do that. That said, other than Lisa, they're all pretty personality-less. Marv and Dean are viscous, but they have the persona of a pair of trees. Behemoth is, well, a mindless behemoth of a man. With Chance, I had a #1 guy with talent and a history to build off of. When he left, I figured Golden would be perfect to replace him. His turn lends the stable some momentum and keeps them in the main event picture, and he lends some surprising talent to the group. Before his feud with Patriot, I honestly had no idea he would work out as well as he has. The only negative point of the turn is that I can't exploit his good chemistry with Jay to try and break the 80 match score hump anymore.


Oh, and despite just being a so-so manager, I like Lisa. She only improves about a point per year, but she's the only manager I've kept around since the very beginning, and I do want to keep a little bit of the MAW that I started with around. That, and I enjoy watching her continually fail to make an impact with her clients.

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Guest codey

Don't forget to vote for diary of the month in Real World, Rookie, and C-Verse categories! There's some really great writers in this month.





Cameron Vessey vs Ford Gumble

Ant-Man vs Citizen X

Eddie Howard vs The Great Ota for the Traditional title

SMY & Tracy Brendon vs Nadia Snow & Brooke Tyler

Eddie Cornell vs The Architect

"Mean" Jean Cattley, ???, ???, and ??? vs Bowen Enterprises (Golden, The Ring Generals, and Behemoth) in an elimination match

El Mitico will be in action!

Freddie Datsun vs Jay Chord for the World Championship

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Cameron Vessey vs Ford Gumble

Ant-Man vs Citizen X

Eddie Howard vs The Great Ota for the Traditional title

SMY & Tracy Brendon vs Nadia Snow & Brooke Tyler

Eddie Cornell vs The Architect

"Mean" Jean Cattley, ???, ???, and ??? vs Bowen Enterprises (Golden, The Ring Generals, and Behemoth) in an elimination match

El Mitico will be in action!

Freddie Datsun vs Jay Chord for the World Championship

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Cameron Vessey vs Ford Gumble

Ant-Man vs Citizen X

Eddie Howard vs The Great Ota for the Traditional title

SMY & Tracy Brendon vs Nadia Snow & Brooke Tyler

Eddie Cornell vs The Architect

"Mean" Jean Cattley, ???, ???, and ??? vs Bowen Enterprises (Golden, The Ring Generals, and Behemoth) in an elimination match

El Mitico will be in action!

Freddie Datsun vs Jay Chord for the World Championship

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Cameron Vessey vs Ford Gumble

Ant-Man vs Citizen X

Eddie Howard vs The Great Ota for the Traditional title

SMY & Tracy Brendon vs Nadia Snow & Brooke Tyler

Eddie Cornell vs The Architect

"Mean" Jean Cattley, ???, ???, and ??? vs Bowen Enterprises (Golden, The Ring Generals, and Behemoth) in an elimination match

El Mitico will be in action!

Freddie Datsun vs Jay Chord for the World Championship

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Friday Week 4, March 2013

In front of 2,341 fans in Centerpiece Bridge











Following his victory over Trent Schaffer on Showcase, the former World Champion looked to continue his winning ways tonight against Ford Gumble. Unfortunately, the Texas Hitman had other things in mind. Both men are known for their hard hitting ways, and neither looked to stray from their usual game plans. Gumble came forth with some cracking kicks, whereas Vessey showed off the kind of brawling ability that only good genes and training from the best can teach you. Unfortunately for Gumble, that’s what won the match, and Vessey put him down for the count with a Vessey Driver (Spinning DVD) soon enough.


Vessey wins, 65















X is known as one of the most manipulating individuals in all of MAW, and that came back to bite him on Showcase when one of the men he spurned returned to challenge him. The powerfully built Ant-Man put everything into this battle, but fighting a former MAW Champion proved to be quite a bit more difficult than he originally believed. Though Ant-Man and X were virtually the same size, their physical traits couldn’t be more different. Ant-Man stood thickly muscled and seemingly slow against Citizen X, who sped from rope to rope, corner to corner, doing his damnedest to tire out Ant-Man. He was unable to succeed in his game plan, however, and Ant-Man was able to emphatically put him down in his place with a thunderous Ant-Slam (Flapjack Powerslam).


Ant didn’t end the match there, though. Seeking a bit more retribution for his pseudo-enslavement to Adrian Garcia, Ant jaw jacked at X a bit before rolling him over and slapping on Ant Trap (Dragon Clutch) to force X to frantically tap out.


Ant-Man wins, 50.















for the Traditional Championship


Howard’s another one of MAW’s guys that’s doing his best to break away from the back, and he looked to cement his place here tonight by winning the Traditional title. Ota, however, saw fit to oppose him at every opportunity. That jerk.


Ota made great use of his speed game to keep the powerful “Mr. Amazing” on his toes, but that didn’t mean that he was afraid to stand still and confront his opponent head-on. The two had a couple of stiff exchanges in the center of the ring, and though Ota didn’t win all of them, he showcased his trademark vicious streak, fighting dirty at all opportunities. Eyes rakes, gouges, chop blocks and even a stomp to the nether region were the name of Ota’s game, but that never stopped Howard. The veteran workhorse fought back over and over again, eventually setting Ota up for his patented Jackhammer suplex. Ota, however, didn’t seem to think getting hit with the power move was a good idea, and countered masterfully by spewing the green mist in Howard’s eyes from a completely vertical position. Howard roughly set him back down, and Ota used the chance to blast him with a Ninja Strike (Shining Wizard).


Ota wins, 69












El Mitico sat in silence backstage praying when his time of reverence was suddenly interrupted by none other than Trent Schaffer and Rob Wright. Mitico stopped to stare sullenly up at them.


Hey Trent, get a load of Mr. Goody Two Shoes here.


Leave him alone, Rob. He’s just trying to pray for a little bit of good luck.


What is he, dumb? There’s no such thing as good luck.


Not dumb, Trent. That’s insulting. This masked idiot is just ignorant. He just hasn’t been told the one simple truth around here yet.


What’s that?


Trent sneered down at Mitico.


Nice guys finish last. [He looks over at Rob, who’s shaking his head dumbly. Satisfied, he looks back to Mitico] Seeing as how neither of us have a match tonight, El Retardo, I’m going to offer up my services to educate you on this. Unless you’re chicken, that is…


Mitico slowly stood from his kneeling position.


I’m not praying for luck, amigo. I pray for guidance, and it’s that guidance precisely that will lead me past the black oblivion that is your ego. It is you who should pray for luck.


Schaffer turned a deep shade of red.


Look, you dumb--


I will do what I can to help heal your soul, but it is not my place to do it for you. It’s something you must do alone. It can be done, amigo. I sat back for a long time, seeking guidance, a purpose, and I have found it.


My job, my purpose, is to heal MAW. I am to take the evils that fester here, and turn them to good. I will spread helpful words and attempt to help those among us that can’t help themselves. I start with you. O want you to be good, Trent. I do. But I cannot make you. Beware, though. I am no wilting flower. If you force my hand, I will strike back. Not only will you have marked me as an enemy, you will have marked yourself as lost to me. If that is the case, may God have pity on your soul.


Mitico then spun on his heel, leaving a stunned pair of prima donnas in his wake.














Tonight marks the first night that Brooke Tyler officially competes in in ring competition, and she demonstrated to everyone why Snow chose her as a bodyguard. “The Franchise,” daughter of DaVE legend Eric Tyler, matched up well against both of her opponents, at one point nearly forcing SMY to tap to her trademark Brooke Breaker (Seated Full Nelson), but Tracy Brendon soon broke it up. Snow smartly left the largest body of ring work to her associate, tagging herself in at the most opportune times to execute some very nice aerial maneuvers. The match finish came in exciting fashion. With SMY on the outside and Tyler and Brendon the legal ladies, Snow sprinted across the ring, flipped over the ropes and took out SMY, allowing Tyler to slap the Brooke Breaker on Brendon to force the submission.


Snow and Tyler win, 52












Duke knocked on a locker room door, and soon after, Jay Chord popped his head, looking oddly happy for a World Champion about to put his title on the line against one of the better workers of the past two decades.


Duke! How ya doing, man?


Uh, I’m doin’ purty good. But I wanna ask you yer feelins on tonight’s match against Freddie Datsun, Jay.


Freddie, Freddie, Freddie… Look, I admit it. I was a little surprised when he came out on Showcase. He’s a good wrestler. Real good, even. But he isn’t Jay Chord good. No one is. So I’m not afraid of him, or anyone else, for that matter. I’m the best, damn it!


A lot of peope are wonderin’ how yer gonna do without Rip by yer side anymore. Thoughts?


Yeah, I’ve got some thoughts. I’m gonna do better! I don’t need my old man dragging me down, trying to live through me. Dad’s got other things on his mind anyway, like not running this company into the ground. Luckily, he’s got me for a champ, and that’s not gonna happen. Look, Duke, I’ve got places to be. This interview’s over.


Walking almost straight through Duke, Jay strode off down the hallway. Duke through his hands up before walking off in the other direction. The camera man wasn’t done, however. Jay left the locker room door open, and the camera zoomed in to reveal a number of cans laying crushed on the floor.


Beer cans.














The Architect called out Cornell on Showcase, and this match was the result. The Architect attempted to begin the match utilizing the cold, clinical approach to technical wrestling he’s become known for, but Cornell quickly silenced that with some simple yet effective left hands. Cornell remained in control for the majority of the bout, but Architect made everyone of his shots count as he viciously went after Cornell’s leg. After a quick exchange, it was Cornell who came out on top, wrapping his wrists around the waist of The Architect, looking for his patented London Bridge, but just before he could, the lights in the arena suddenly shut off!


When they came back on, Cornell was writhing in pain on the ground, clawing at his eyes, now covered with what could only be Ota’s green mist! The Architect looked around, completely surprised, but quickly recovered his wits and jumped at the chance to slap the ankle lock on his opponent. With no where to go, Cornell found himself tapping out in the middle of the ring, victim of both The Architect and, apparently, The Great Ota!


Architect wins, 51













Next up, we cut to Rip Chord, who’s mulling over some paper work in his office when American Patriot suddenly bursts into the room.


I don’t know why ya did it, Rip, but the freak’s gotta go!


Rip, annoyed, pulled off his reading glasses and looked up at Black Flag.


What in the blue hell are you going on ab--


Yarr, me mateys!




With those three words, Dread de Aske could be seen being rolled into the room atop his red wagon, plastic sword held high, pushed by none other than The Pirate of Men’s Pants, Joanna Silver.


I see ya be talkin’ about me, Black Flag!


Rip looked from Patriot to Dread, from Dread to Patriot, and back again.


What the hell…


Rip, you gotta fire this guy. He’s been following me around all month. At the store, the DMV, the bars, hell, at my house! That’s trespassing, Rip. Trespassing!


Rip shook his head, exasperated.


Well if ya’d just fight me like a right honorable man, we’d be done!




Patriot poked a heavy finger into de Aske’s chest, nearly knocking him off balance and out of his wagon.


I beat you already, twerp! There ain’t gonna be a match. Only reason we’re here is to get you fired. Right, Rip?


…Make the match, I guess.


Rip waved his hand at them and tried to return to his paperwork.


DdA & JS:


What!? Rip, you can’t be serious! He…he…he trespassed!


Rip set his cold gray eyes on Patriot.


Last I heard, if someone was trespassing you called the cops. I run a wrestling company, Patriot. If you’ve got a problem with someone, you fight them. At Showcase, that’s what you’re going to do. Now get the hell out of my office.











Prior to the next match starting, Jean Cattley came to the ring, microphone in hand.


A lot of people have been wondering just who would volunteer to fight with me tonight. Turns out, a better question would’ve been who didn’t volunteer. A lot of people want your people knocked down a peg, Lisa, and these three were at the forefront. Let me introduce you to my partners for tonight.


Jean waved his hand toward the stage, and a familiar trio of men walked down to the ring.






w/ Lisa Bowen in an elimination match.


The match got off to a furious pace as with the face team getting in all the offense for the most part. The Awesomeness duo soon grew a bit too ****y, though, and Stardust became the first eliminated after he fell to a charging big boot from Behemoth.


Elimination: Stardust


The match took a bit more of an even pacing from here, with Bowen Enterprises using the number advantage to take an increasing amount of control. Oscar Golden finally tagged in and put on a clinic as he took on every member of Cattley’s team at least once, showing everyone exactly why he’s become such a big time contender in the company in recent months. He even took the next elimination, narrowly avoiding a Valentine’s Kiss (Standing leg drop to the back of the head), countering with a double leg takedown, and slapping on The Golden Rule (High angle Boston crab) to force the submission.


Elimination: Casey Valentine


Jean Cattley was not to be kept down, however, and tagged himself in quickly after Golden tagged out, hitting an unsuspecting Marv Statler with the Mood Swing (Swinging reverse STO) for the elimination.


Elimination: Marv Statler


Now with the odds at 3-2, Jean’s team was still outnumbered, but were still in the running. Unfortunately, Golden cut the odds down even more, hitting Cannonball with the Golden Shower ( Brainbuster) to eliminate him.


Elimination: Cannonball


With Dean Waldorf, Behemoth, and Oscar Golden still in the match, Cattley’s odds looked pretty grim. The veteran fighter never stopped trying to come back, though, and after an extended beating at the hands of his opponents, he surprised everyone by hitting the Mood Swing on Behemoth out of no where! He crawled slowly toward his opponent, giving him ample time to recover, but still managed to get the eliminating pin!


Elimination: Behemoth


Golden, furious, stormed into the ring next, along with Dean Waldorf. The two layed into Cattley, who was virtually unable to fight back. Waldorf lifted him up, held his arms behind his back, and called for Golden to strike. Golden did, but it wasn’t Cattley he hit. The veteran ducked, and Golden’s wild right struck Waldorf straight in the jaw.


Cattley knocked Golden down with a clothesline and proceeded to work over Waldorf. After dumping him from the ring, he turned his attention back to Golden…only to get hit with a beautiful double leg! Golden locks on the Golden Rule, but Cattley’s fighting back! The veteran begins pulling himself to the ropes, inching closer and closer with every moment…but Golden forces him back to the center of the ring at the last moment! With one motion, he drives his knee into Cattley’s back, forcing more pressure on the battered warrior, and finally forces Cattley to tap!


Elimination: Jean Cattley



Bowen Enterprises win, 64


Cut the music!


Golden was breathing heavily after the long match, but still chose to stop and address the fans.


Tonight, I proved to everyone that I am the real deal! [Pauses and breathes] Not only am I the most beautiful wrestler in the industry, but I create brutal, visceral masterpieces in this very ring. I craft art when I step through these ropes. That’s what being a champion is about. Not being some alcoholic jackass with no clue. Jay Chord, you may have beaten me before, but with the power of Bowen Enterprises behind, nothing’s going to stop me from becoming champion! Whoever wins tonight, it doesn’t matter. Freddie Datsun’s an old man and Jay Chord’s just a clueless bastard. I can beat them both. I WILL beat them both.














Schaffer took this match in an attempt to rebound from his loss to Cameron Vessey on Showcase, hoping to find the lost, morose El Mitico that’s been appearing as of late as his opponent. Instead, the one he found was an El Mitico with a renewed fire for competition, and the result was a damn good back and forth bout that saw both men performing at a high level. Even Rob Wright at ringside was too impressed to interfere in the match, much to Trent Schaffer’s dismay. In the end, it may have been Wright’s decision to not get involved that cost Schaffer the match. After a long match of working over the shoulder and arm of Schaffer, Mitico slapped on an extremely tight rolling armbar that forced Schaffer to tap near immediately.


Mitico wins, 70














© for the World Championship


Datsun, a former USPW World Champion made his debut on Showcase, surprisingly answering Jay Chord’s call for any former world champ to challenge for his title. From the moment the match began, the 43 year old Datsun failed to disappoint as he took Chord to the exact same limits that Cameron Vessey, Jean Cattley, and Oscar Golden have in recent months.


What we got was a very entertaining brawl that proved that current FCW star Datsun hasn’t lost a step since leaving USPW. Jay Chord, with a seemingly renewed confidence, didn’t seem to let that bother him at all. The World Champion took everything the seasoned vet threw at him and happily returned it. At one point or another, both men clashed heads, with Jay getting the worst of it and a cut opening up over his eye. The blood only served to enrage him more, and Jay spent the rest of the match tearing through his opponent, eventually finishing him with the Cradle Piledriver. The lasting image of the match saw Jay, a face of crimson, screaming in rage as he sat down, driving Datsun’s head forcefully into the canvas.


Jay wins, 69.





Total: 63

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Freddie may not have been sticking around after tonight’s show, but he did hang out after the show and give a mini-seminar to us all before splitting back to Puerto Rico. MAW’s always been about younger talent learning and growing and what-not, and he really understood. Sure, Ford, Ota, and Larry Wood had success in the big leagues, but Freddie helped establish DaVE, spent years in the SWF, and won a World Championship with USPW. He’s a world class competitor, and learning from him really helped us a lot.


A big focus of the seminar was something that I felt a lot of people on the roster could use help with, from top to bottom: selling. For some reason, some guys get it stuck in their heads that the only people that need to be able to do it well are the curtain jerkers. They think that once you reach a certain point on the card, it becomes solely your opponents responsibility to make himself look good. Not true. Freddie was brought in for the sole purpose of putting on a good match with Jay, and then lying down for him. He’s not a “jobber,” or anything else resembling that. He’s a legitimate main eventer, and had he been sticking around longer, would probably have had a longer program with the World Champion of our promotion. The point is, he sold like a champ for Jay, and Jay, despite his ego, sold like a champ for him. They both made each other look great tonight, and he said that that’s becoming a lost art with kids these days.


He spoke for about an hour, and I think the entire locker room was listening intently. Even Larry Wood, Mean Jean, and Ota were paying attention, and they’ve all been around the block a time or two. Overall, the experience was well worth it, and I really think that having him there did wonders for everyone on the roster.








The Awesomeness vs. The Callum Brothers

Casey Valentine vs. Josh Jones vs. The Architect

Ted Powell vs. Lenny Brown

Tracy Brendon vs. Nadia Snow

Ant-Man vs. Behemoth

A Tale of Two Eddies (Cornell & Howard) vs. The Great Ota & Atlas

Dread de Aske vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot





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You do a really great job at telling the back stage story. Keep up the awesome work!


The Awesomeness vs. The Callum Brothers

Casey Valentine vs. Josh Jones vs. The Architect

Ted Powell vs. Lenny Brown

Tracy Brendon vs. Nadia Snow

Ant-Man vs. Behemoth

A Tale of Two Eddies (Cornell & Howard) vs. The Great Ota & Atlas

Dread de Aske vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

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Thanks a lot, Emark!


I wasn't planning on telling anyone this, but I used this as an excuse to go into the editor and give Ant-Man a 2 point boost in selling and a single point in psychology, which hasn't budged from it's level of 52 in the past year. Yes, I admit it, I am a cheater. But I totally justified it!

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still is still great stuff Codey.


MAW really seem like a big company nowadays. How about a brief industry update?


Id love to see whats going on in the UK?


The Awesomeness vs. The Callum Brothers

Id like the Awesomeness to get back to the top


Casey Valentine vs. Josh Jones vs. The Architect

You love him. Nuff said


Ted Powell vs. Lenny Brown

New alt is great. Lenny gets a push


Tracy Brendon vs. Nadia Snow

Nadia is getting the best buildup youve done for a lady. Nice character


Ant-Man vs. Behemoth

When is Antman getting in the ME scene?


A Tale of Two Eddies (Cornell & Howard) vs. The Great Ota & Atlas

I love Ed C. A lot. Ota needs taking down a peg or two


Dread de Aske vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

Aske is going to job his way up

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Well, MAW is currently the 24th ranked promotion in the world, but the 4th most influential in the US behind the usual big three of SWF, TCW, and USPW in that order. USPW has recently gone on to being a national company, though they quickly fell back down to cult. Steve Frehley's their champ. Other than that, the US is business as usual. Same goes for Europe, Australia, Japan, and Mexico.


I'm glad you asked about the UK, though, because one of the coolest things I've seen in game happened there. After MOSC shut down in March 2011, Geordie Jimmy Morris (former RoF owner) opened up HIW, and who did he get for head booker? Highland Warrior! They've only been open for 4 months now, but this apparent dream team for UK fans has seen the promotion gain a pop point each month. I'd like to see them get the Triple Crown Championship off Brilliant White and on Petey Barnes, though. He's their prize stallion.


I forgot to mention MAW's popularity earlier! Right now, we have 53 in the Mid Atlantic and 17 in the Great Lakes and South East. As of May 2013 (I've already booked through our current month) we're sitting on $422,151. Yes, we're pretty poor. At the beginning of the diary I lost consistently until we hit about $50,000, then we slowly started building up. The past six months or so have seen have seen us making money in the 25-50 thousand range, which I see as I big step up.


Once MAW hits a C- in pop, I'd like to test the waters with a B show running in the South East and Great Lakes titled Incoming for all my lesser known talent. I'll run it once as a special deal to see if I make money that month, but it's something I really, REALLY want to do so that everyone on my bloated roster gets work. Maybe the Paratroopers will even be able to make an appearance outside of a dark match (They're not actually terrible anymore, to tell the truth!)..

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Posting this in a little bit of a hurry. It's dinner time and I'm starving, so if there's any mistakes or anything, blame it on my refrigerator being empty of leftovers.



Friday Week 1, April 2013

In front of 3,108 fans in Centerpiece Bridge







The show kicked off with Bowen Enterprises, all high on life following their victory last week, saunter out to the ring.


Ladies and gentleman, let me introduce you to the newest challenger for Jay Chord’s World Championship, Oscar Golden!


Golden soaked in the chorus of boos the rabid fans rained down on him.


Now I know he’s challenged before, and he’s lost before. This time is different. This time, he has all the strength of Bowen Enterprises behind him!


Golden stepped forward.


That’s right, people. Not only are you looking at the newest challenger for the World Championship, you are looking directly at the NEXT World Champion! I--


Before he could continue, Image of the Invisible blasted through the speakers, and Jay Chord walked out onto the stage. With the massive World Championship around his waist, he oozed swagger.




Will you just shut up? We all know what’s going to happen when you try and take me on again. 10 times out of 10, you lose. That’s what happens when you step in the ring with the greatest of all time. You beat a washed up old man, two goof balls, and a lackey last week. Me? I beat a former World Champion. That’s a title you’ll never achieve Golden. Least as long as I’m around.


Jay smirked.


I’m going to hold this title for the rest of my career. There’s not a person in this building that can beat me. No one.


Whoah, whoah, whoah, dudes!


Someone in the crowd was shouting from first row. Upon further inspection, it was revealed to be none other than…




Mainstream Hernandez! As soon as he was recognized, color commentator Dharma Gregg rushed to hand him a a live mic.


Did I just hear you right, bro? No one in the building can beat you? I seem to remember beating you 1, 2, 3 last time we tangled, hombre.


Who even asked you, James? You don’t even work here anymore!


The Ring Generals patted Golden on the back and high fived him, apparently impressed by his “insult.”


Exactly. You ran away with your tail tucked between your legs when you realized I was the future of this company.


I wouldn’t exactly say that’s how it went down, but whatevs. I was just here to enjoy the show, but I think I changed my mind. I think it’s time for me to cash in on my RCI title shot!


Both Jay and Golden were stunned.


That’s only good for a year! You can’t do that!


Hernandez grinned goofily.


A contract year, broseph. I only used 11 of those months! And seeing as how this little match has already been approved by your daddy, I think I might just insert myself into your match at Americana!


No! You can’t!


Yes! I can!


And with that, Mainstream plopped himself back down in his front row seat to enjoy the rest of the show. Jay threw a fit on the stage, and Golden commenced to arguing with Lisa Bowen in the ring.












vs. The Callum Brothers


Last week, The Awesomeness had a strong showing alongside Mean Jean and Casey Valentine, though they ultimately lost in their efforts. Now, they’re looking to get back on with their winning ways, hoping for a rematch with The Ring Generals.


Well, they certainly made a strong case for themselves. Cannonball and Stardust were firing on all cylinders tonight, and once they got rolling, there was nothing Landon and Nelson could do to stop them. At one point, Landon, in desperation, attempted to scale the turnbuckles, but Cannonball was quick to react and crotched the young Californian on the top rope. From here, he nailed him with a super neck breaker that left Landon clutching his neck in pain, allowing Cannonball to get the 1, 2, 3 for his team.


The Awesomeness win, 46












vs. Josh Jones vs.


This was a showcase of three young, hungry stars in the making. All three men have shown themselves to be dangerous opponents in the past, and their reputations kept them wary of one another throughout. Unfortunately, it was just that - reputations - that led to Josh Jones being picked on throughout the bout. The youngster has yet to pick up a win, and Valentine and Architect recognized, targeting him from the get go. After Valentine hit him with a Valentine’s Kiss, Architect unceremoniously tossed him to the outside and locked on his patented ankle lock, forcing the submission and earning the victory.


Architect wins, 59












Rip, I’m getting tired of this.


Cameron Vessey barged into the MAW owner’s office without so much as a knock.


I want a challenge, Rip. I want a match against a real opponent. I’m the best in this company, and I deserve to fight the best you got. Not scrubs like Trent Schaffer.


Rip, annoyed, pulled his reading glasses from his face and sat them down.


And just who the hell do you think you are?


You know who I am. I’m Cameron Ves-


No. You’re an employee. MY employee. You don’t come in here demanding things of me. I demand them of YOU.


Vessey was a little put back by Rip’s reaction.


Alright, Rip. Alright. I’ll try and be a little more “respectful” in the future. So I’ll ask you nicely. Can I have a match tonight?






No. You don’t come in here and ask me crap like that when the show’s already on. The card’s set, Vessey. That’s it. And you don’t get anything at Americana, either. I guess now would be a good time to let everyone know that you felt it more important to work somewhere else on that date.


Rip sneered at him.


But I agree. You do need a step up in competition. Someone that’ll kick your ass. So next month, you got what you want when you come back. That good enough for you?


Vessey’s usual grin was replaced by a scowl by now.


Yeah, Rip, that’s good enough for me.














As Powell made his way to the ring, Brown took it upon himself to interrupt his entrance with some choice words for the veteran high flyer. Powell, not one to take trash talk in stride, responded by smacking Brown upside the head repeatedly when the match began. Brown was able to recover and turned the match into an evenly fought affair, but Powell fired off with a Motion Sensor (Roundhouse Kick) that leveled the athletic rookie to take the win.


Powell wins, 60












Mr. Chord, we have to talk!


Rip through his hands up as Lisa Bowen lead The Ring Generals into his office.


Lisa, I hired you as a favor to your daddy, but you’ve gone on to become one of the most damn annoying people that works for me!


Lisa shot him an appalled look.


Mr. Chord! I manage some of the most respected talent in this company, and frankly, I am disgusted by how you’re treating us! Words like those you just used might just lead to a lawsuit if they keep up.


Rip sighed.


…Ok, ok. What do you want?


What I want is a little respect, as do my clients, The Ring Generals.


Marv & Dean:


They’ve already beaten those two losers I used to handle, and now I find out you’re considering giving The Loser-ness another title shot?


Not considering it; I’ve already done it. Look, they deserve a shot, so they get one. That’s how things work around here.


But, but, they lost already! They’re not good enough!


I’ll tell you what, Lisa: I’m not a fan of one-sided rivalries. They’re bad for business. But the fact is, Cannonball and Stardust put up a hell of a fight against your boys. If they win at Americana, then I’ve got a nice trilogy on my hands. That’s good for business. If they lose, I won’t give them another match. Not as long as your boys still have the titles. The Generals will have proven themselves better, and move on to the next challengers-


[smirking] ..of which there are none that can match them…


- that step up. And that’s it.


Lisa smiled sweetly.


See, Mr. Chord. I knew we could work together!











Backstage, “Mean” Jean Cattley was conversing with youngster Sterling Whitlock (Who competes regularly in dark matches), when he was approached by The Architect, still toweling off his hair dry after his win earlier tonight.


Well if it isn’t The Mean Machine himself!


Cattley looked toward the youngster and turned back to Sterling.


I’ll talk to you some more later. You’d better get out of here.


Sterling nodded and left the scene.


What do you want, kid?


Whoah, why so standoffish? I come with good intentions. I just wanted to extend my well wishes to you and say I hope that you get back on your winning ways. You’re one of the few guys I respect around here.


Is that so?


Yeah, that’s so. I’ve got a lot a lot of respect for you. I’m here for a match, Jean. I want to show all the people out there that I deserve their respect by taking on one of the legends around these parts. I want you at Americana, Jean.


Jean shook his head.


You sure you’re ready for me, kid?


More than I’ll ever be.


Jean extended his hand, and The Architect shook it firmly before Jean pulled him in tight.


Be warned, though. I’m a step up in competition from what you’re used to taking on. When’s the last time you even saw Jared Johnson?


The Architect smiled as he pulled himself free of Cattley’s grasp.


Oh, I’m counting on it, Jean. I’m counting on it.












Tracy Brendon vs.


With the recent arrival of Tracy Brendon and Brooke Tyler, the women of MAW have stepped up their game considerably, and Tracy Brendon continued that trend as she attempted to slow the roll of the sophisticated Snow. Brendon threw everything she had at Snow, but she was still unable to topple Snow, and after a slingshot suplex set her up, found herself falling prey to a Snow Fall (Moonsault) that put her away.


Snow wins, 60.













The size differential here may have scared other men, but Ant-Man’s been known to press men of similar size to Behemoth high over his head. As such, the diminutive wonder stayed true to his usual power game, matching the wild Behemoth feat for feat. The match stayed at an even pace for the majority of it’s length until one mustachioed anarchist reared his ugly head. At the end of the match, Citizen X sprinted down to the ring and hopped up on the apron, looking to blast Ant-Man as Behemoth whipped him into the ropes. Unfortunately for Behemoth, Ant-Man was able to use his momentum to switch the move around and send Behemoth charging toward X instead. The two collided, and Ant-Man hit the dazed Behemoth with an Ant-Slam (Flapjack Powerslam) for the victory!


Ant wins, 62


After the match, it took every bit of Lisa Bowen’s will to calm down the raging Behemoth, who was busying himself with dismantling the ringside area, to include the turnbuckles, announce table, and ringside barriers!











El Mitico was walking backstage, keeping to himself, when he rounded a corner and found himself face to face with Atlas.


Mitico attempted to walk around the silent beast, but whichever way he tried, Atlas stuck his arm out, blocking him.


What is it you want, Atlas?


Atlas said nothing.


I don’t wish for any conflict with you, Atlas. You’ve proven yourself to be an honorable and dedicated opponent since your return. You may or may not walk in His light, I do not know. But you conduct yourself in a manner that He Himself would, and I respect that. You’ve broken off your previous alliances, you do not search for conflict, and that is to be commended. You are not an evil man, and that has become clear.


…I want a match. With you. At Americana.


Is that all?


Atlas made no reply, and Mitico dropped his head and closed his eyes. When he opened them back up he replied with a smile and a clap on Atlas’ meaty shoulder.


Very well. I will fight you. You’ll present a tough test for me, amigo. I can’t pass that up. We’ll meet at Americana, then.












A Tale of Two Eddies vs.


The story of this match was one of partner conflict. Not between Ota and Atlas; the two of them have had no interaction between one another in over a year and seem to have put all their troubles behind them, working together fine. The two Eddies, however, just could not gel. Both of them have been competing for Ota’s Traditional Championship lately, and see each other as rivals. As such, they both got the idea in their head that if they were the one to get the pin, they would be the one to get the next title shot. This lead to quite a bit of clashing between them, as they just could not get on the same page with one another. This was their downfall, as they both fell to the finishers of Ota and Atlas, Cornell receiving a World Bomb and Howard taking a Ninja Strike to the chin. Needless to say, they lost the match.


Ota and Atlas win, 66.















These two have been at each other’s (cut)throats for a couple of months now, and all that hate came out during this match, starting with Patriot attacking de Aske as he made his entrance, knocking him right of red wagon. The beat down continued for several minutes until de Aske began to fight back with an eclectic offense that saw him mix together some relatively wacky yet effective striking with some high flying offense to keep Patriot on his toes. This continued for a little while, but Patriot soon found himself bulling his way back onto the offensive, and he began to throw everything at the Dread, but the Patriot repeatedly kicked out, even after taking a vicious round of machine gun chops and a lariat.


Patriot argued to the ref a bit after every pin, but as de Aske began fighting back, it became clear that he shouldn’t turn his back on his opponent long. Finally, after ducking under a lariat, de Aske seemed to be back on a roll, finally struggling to lift Patriot up for a Cutthroat Driver, but his back was too beaten to hold him up. He dropped Patriot down and quickly fell victim to an American Suplex, that finally put him away.


Patriot wins, 56.


After the match, Joanna Silver slid into the ring to check on the beaten de Aske. She quickly scattered away in fear, though, as Patriot stomped toward her and her boyfriend(?). Patriot looked like he had bad intentions in his eyes, but instead of continuing his assault, he helped de Aske to his feet. Nodding toward his wobbly rival, he then exited the ring, leaving Dread de Aske and Joanna Silver confused.







Total: 54

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His close friends do. Roderick and Remington Remus, Findlay and Gorgon all know. Jay does too, but that's only because he's the bosses son.
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/waits for Mainstream to get stolen before Americana


btw, debut American Elemental as "Americana" on that show, please? Before I deleted it (too much craziness; I bought out EXODUS >_>), I was going to give him an Undertaker streak at the event.




So is Behemoth Larry Wood? And Callum, the other one...Jackpot Jordan? Jake Idol?

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