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The Johhny Heizenger Story

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Friday Week 1, September 2013

In front of 3,193 fans in Centerpiece Bridge





Remmington Remus - Dharma Gregg - Adrian Garcia


This is Showcase presented by Mid Atlantic Wrestling, and we’ve already got World Champion Jay Chord, owner Rip Chord, and El Mitico in the ring!







Jay stood proudly to one side of Rip, World Championship resting on his shoulder, and El Mitico to the other, his cape weighing heavily down on him. Rip took a moment to look at them, then began to speak.


You all already know what I’m gonna say, so I’ll just get on with it: at The Clash, we’re gonna have ourselves a rematch between these two men for the World Championship!


The crowd responded strongly to the announcement, cheering wildly. Mitico merely shook his head, but Jay was protesting strongly.


No! No, no, no! I’m not about to do this again. This was supposed to be my celebration ceremony, he was supposed declare me the better man, and I was gonna drink my ass off. I pinned him, I won. That’s that, and that’s all there is to it.


Rip raised the microphone to his mouth to speak, but Mitico cut him off before he could.


No, that’s not all there is to it. We fought to a draw. The Battle of the Mid Atlantic went to a stalemate, but The Clash will see the war conclude. You have become a wicked person, Jay Chord. Your time as champion has seen you go from bad to worse, a virus that has spread through the company. I will be the medicine that cures our ailments. I will take that responsibility, and I will do so gladly.


Jay looked at him, awestruck, then turned to his father.


Are you going to let him talk to me like that dad?


Rip smirked.


You’re the champion now, Jay. This is how people are going to talk to you. To be honest with ya, I like it. Nothing like a little trash talk to build the hype for a match!


So there you have it, folks! Jay Chord vs. El Mitico, the war to settle the score!







Oh, God. This match again? Jay beat him down clear as day at BotMA!




Yeah, Adrian’s been trying to get people to use that acronym all week…


I can’t see it catching on.


Oh, it will. It will.












vs. The Callum Brothers


This one was short, but exciting for what it’s worth. Two former championship winning duos and a pair of talented up and comers guaranteed that. There was a little bit of everything to be seen as each man played to his strengths, be it mat work, brawling, or high flying action. Fire Fly looked especially good in the early going, capping off a great offensive flurry with a no-hands flip over the ropes to the outside, taking out every other competitor in the match.


It was the least-known group that took the win, though, and in impressive fashion. After Nelson delivered a DDT to Marv Statler, his brother Landon climbed to the top and came off the with a beautiful Shooting Star Press Leg Drop to score the upset win!


The Callum Bros. win, 49.






We don’t have much intel on these guys, other than that they trained in the SWF feeder league, RIPW.


After that display, we just learned a lot more about them.







We cut to the interview, where Duke hazard’s standing by with Ota. The wrestler nods calmly at the cowboy before the interview beings.


Ota, after the showin ya had at BotMA, ya seem to be back in a big way. What’s next for ya?


Ota smiled slightly.


Next, Duke, I plan to --


Lose to the #1 wrestler in the world!




That’s right, baby. Robbie Retro’s laying down a challenge! So you best call Kazuma Narato, ‘cause you’re definitely gonna need some back up if you plan on beating me.


Ota turned to his interrupter, still wearing that sly smile.


If you wish to fight me, then I will not turn you down. You have as much a right as anyone else.


Damn right I do! I’m the king of the discoteca, and I’m ready as ever to murder you on the dance floor. POW!







It looks like we’ve got our second match set for The Clash!


And this one should be a great one. Retro’s on fire!


Let’s not forget Ota. His attitude change has paid dividends lately.










Tracy Brendon vs.
© w/ Brooke Tyler for the Women’s Championship


Nadia Snow may not have looked her strongest in tag team action lately, but she certainly turned things around here. Her protégé, Brooke Tyler, really had no purpose at ringside, as Snow actually told her at one point to NOT get involved, seemingly having something to prove. And prove something she did. The aristocratic champion went move for move with the rocker chick she found herself standing across from, and while she didn’t always come out on top, she did always come out looking good.


The match end came rather abruptly in this exciting womens affair. Snow charged in at Brendon resting in the corner, but when the challenger rolled out of the way, Snow nimbly climbed to the top, flipping backwards instantaneously to nail Brendon with a Snow Fall (Moonsault), landing hard on the challenger and scoring the three count!


Snow retains, 57.






It just grinds my gears to see her still winning.


And yet win she does.


She’s definitely a tough one.


I know, I know. It’s just…ugh, I can’t stand her!












That was de Aske’s opening, to which Retro responded to by busting a groove, mouthing an emphatic “Beat that!” to his opponent. De Aske did so, surprising everyone with his dance moves, including a furious Retro, who responded with an offensive rush that floored de Aske.


Retro controlled the bout for most of the opening, but Dread rallied late, using his eclectic mix of offensive tricks to keep Retro backpedaling. Retro aimed to counter it all with a Murder on the Dance Floor, but de Aske grasped him by the arm, twisted, and hoisted the big man on to his shoulders, looking for the cut throat driver. Unfortunately for him, Retro was able to slip out back in a surprisingly slick manner, spun on his feet and delivered a huge Murder on the Dance Floor to the back of Dread’s head, effectively ending the match!


Retro wins, 69.






Say what you want about his high opinion of himself, but Retro can certainly back up all of his talk.


Pfff. Whatever. Did you even see his opponent? He has like what, one win?


And all of his losses were close ones against top competition.


A loss is a loss, sweetheart.








We go now to a darkened room in the heart of Centerpiece Bridge, one that looks an awful lot like a utility room. In it sit’s the dark soul known now as Nirvana.


Eddie Cornell…


Eddie Cornell had money, women, cars and clothes. Eddie Cornell had it all. Eddie Cornell was unhappy.


He looked up, the dim light casting a sinister shadow across his face.


Eddie Cornell had to die.


Eddie Cornell had to die, and Nirvana had to be born. I’m a satisfied man. Happy, even!


Nirvana laughed heartily, but that sour look never left his face.


The Great Ota was unhappy, and he died, too. Now he’s happy. Eddie Howard was a pretender, and U had to make him better. I did.


And Ant-Man. Ant-Man hid a raging fury behind a mask, and in one instant, I changed that. I released all the bad, and now there’s just good. In a rush of blood and tattered cloth, all the rage just washed away!


Now I just want to know who’s next? Who wants to be fixed? At The Clash, I’ll fight anyone. If you want Nirvana, I will take you there in an instant.







That man’s just disturbing.


Tell me about it.


We can take solace in the fact that he’s somewhere no one else is going to be looking for, at least.


As long as I don’t have to commentate on another blood bath of his tonight, I’m happy.


I’m not sure my stomach can take another one.








Eddie Howard began to make his way out to the ring next, but before he even made it halfway down the ramp, Jared Johnson and The Architect came running down and drilled him from behind. The duo began to put the boots to the heavy handed brawler. The attack was quick but brutal, and when it was done, Jean Cattley made his way down the ramp and escorted his battered opponent into the ring. Once there, the veteran technician got in the ref’s face, demanding he start the match, and the man in stripes obliged.







Mr. Amazing stood no chance, despite his feeble attempts of getting in the match. Cattley used the early attack to make short work of him, capping off an assault on his neck with a Mood Swing to take the win.


The Mean Machine wins, 62


The rest of The Machine climbed into the ring after the match, handing Jean a live mic.


I don’t have time for this. The Machine doesn’t have time for this. You give me Eddie Howard, and I ask you “Why?” I don’t need a tune up match. I spent the past two months beating Cameron Vessey back to where he belongs, and I’m moving on to bigger and better things. This is a regression. This is an insult. Not only to me, but to The Machine. The Machine is rolling. I’ve taken two of the top young talents we have, two bitter rivals, and I’ve got them to work together. I myself am the BEST technical wrestler there is around here.


The Machine’s rolling, people, and we want top competition.


Jean, never one to speak for too long, spiked the mic and left, Double J and The Architect in trail.







This is a group I like. Almost makes me want to get back in the managerial game. Almost…


Until now, I was fine with the group, but jumping Howard from behind?


It’s disgusting.











The Crippler position is where the camera takes us next, getting a clear view of Oscar Golden before his match. The Canadian Blonde looks as smug as ever until American Patriot walked into the frame.


Good luck out there, boy. I mean it.


Golden sighed.


If this is one of your thuggish attempts at trying to disguise a threat in a gesture of good will, you’re failing.


Golden turned toward him and smirked.


I’m unflappable.


This time Patriot smirked back.


Oh, trust me, I ain’t trying to disguise anything. I really want you to do good. That way you can’t say you were hurt, or worn down, or tired or any other bull shit when I whip your ass at The Clash.


I challenge, hmm? I guess I’ll accept. I can count it as another in the long line of my victories over you.


Patriot placed his meaty paw on Golden’s shoulder.


That’s good. I’ll be looking forward to it. Now--


Patriot lifted his hand and delivered a thunderous chop to Golden’s chest, staggering him backwards and through the curtain.


--You’ve got yourself a match.







The cerebral approach these two took in going after one another was a definite change of pace from the rest of the night. While both men are primarily technicians, they come from completely different areas, and that influenced their work considerably. Golden, hailing from North of the border, preferred a slightly more clinical approach, using the tried and true basics that got him to this point.


Mitico, however, hails from South of the border, and the little flourishes he puts into every move really show that. Despite these little differences, the two gelled incredibly well, and there were times where it seemed the match would go to a stalemate, stalling the momentum of both men heading into The Clash.


The final five minutes themselves seemed to almost be one long counter sequence, with neither being able to take the other down or secure a hold, until finally Mitico surprised Golden by leaping in the air, wrapping his legs around his arm, and twisting him down, landing with Golden trapped in a tight Cross Armbreaker! Golden only held on for a few seconds before he found himself tapping wildly, making Mitico the winner.


El Mitico wins, 72.






Talk about winning big heading into The Clash!


I still don’t think the kid can do it.


You only think that way because we think he CAN.


And I happen to know you two tend to be wrong more than anything.


Would you get over yourself?







in a Mid Atlantic Death Match


You can’t just pin your opponent to win this one. You have to pin him down for a three count, get up, and make sure he stays down for another 10 seconds. Basically, you need to knock him the hell out.


That’s exactly what bitter rivals Valentine and Brown attempted to do.


For 20+ minutes, these two bled all over the mat and the ringside area, battering one another with reckless abandon. The announcers didn’t really have much work to do, as there’s only so many ways you can describe a punch or a chair shot. (I prefer brutal, myself)


At several points, it looked like either man could win, and the near falls were plenty. Finally, though, the two men had limped their way up to the top of the ramp, where they battled for position. After ducking a wild haymaker, it was Brown that secured his position as aggressor, hoisting Valentine onto his shoulders, and delivering a Star Treatment (TKO) that saw Valentine get his head drilled into the stage before limply rolling off to the floor, 8 feet below.


Brown looked down at him, and with an impressive vertical leap came down with an elbow drop, that earned him the three count. As Brown rolled off Valentine’s limp form, the ref began to count, 1.…..2.…..3.…..4.…..5.…..6.…..7.…..8.…..9.…..10! Brown wins, but he can barely celebrate, aside from a pained smile and a raise of the hand.


Brown wins, 59.






Total: 59

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Yeah, there was a bit of a negative chemistry hit on that one. I wasn't expecting a fantastic match from them (which is why it main evented showcase instead of being a second tier match on a big show), but it certainly hurts to see it do that poorly.


Still, I was planning on ending their feud there and evolving to something bigger, so now I can only move on.

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Ota vs. Robbie Retro

Suzanne Brazzle vs. Nadia Snow © for the Women’s Championship

The Graduates © vs. The Callum Brothers for the Tag Team Championship

Josh Jones & The Awesomeness vs. The Machine

American Patriot vs. Oscar Golden

El Mitico vs. Jay Chord © for the World Championship

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Ota vs. Robbie Retro

Suzanne Brazzle vs. Nadia Snow © for the Women’s Championship

The Graduates © vs. The Callum Brothers for the Tag Team Championship

Josh Jones & The Awesomeness vs. The Machine

American Patriot vs. Oscar Golden

El Mitico vs. Jay Chord © for the World Championship

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Ota vs. Robbie Retro

Suzanne Brazzle vs. Nadia Snow © for the Women’s Championship

The Graduates © vs. The Callum Brothers for the Tag Team Championship


Josh Jones & The Awesomeness vs. The Machine

named team over jobbers


American Patriot vs. Oscar Golden

AmPat rules


El Mitico vs. Jay Chord © for the World Championship

I really want to say Mitico but I see it happening at a bigger show tbh

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Ota vs. Robbie Retro

Suzanne Brazzle vs. Nadia Snow © for the Women’s Championship

The Graduates © vs. The Callum Brothers for the Tag Team Championship

Josh Jones & The Awesomeness vs. The Machine

American Patriot vs. Oscar Golden

El Mitico vs. Jay Chord © for the World Championship

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Ota vs. Robbie Retro

Suzanne Brazzle vs. Nadia Snow © for the Women’s Championship

The Graduates © vs. The Callum Brothers for the Tag Team Championship

Josh Jones & The Awesomeness vs. The Machine

American Patriot vs. Oscar Golden

El Mitico vs. Jay Chord © for the World Championship

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<p>Ota vs. <strong>Robbie Retro</strong></p><p>

Suzanne Brazzle vs. <strong>Nadia Snow ©</strong> for the Women’s Championship</p><p>

<strong>The Graduates ©</strong> vs. The Callum Brothers for the Tag Team Championship</p><p>

Josh Jones & The Awesomeness vs. <strong>The Machine</strong></p><p>

<strong>American Patriot</strong> vs. Oscar Golden</p><p>

<strong>El Mitico vs. Jay Chord ©</strong> for the World Championship</p>

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Saturday Week 3, September 2013

In front of 2,622 fans in Centerpiece Bridge






Remmington Remus - Dharma Gregg - Adrian Garcia


Welcome to The Clash, folks! I’m Remmington Remus alongside Adrian Garcia and the lovely Dharma Gregg, and we’ve got a packed night of action for you.


That’s right. We’ve got El Mitico challenging again for the World Championship, American Patriot and Oscar Golden going at it, and we kick things off with Robbie Retro and Ota!









There’s a reason this one was picked as the opener. The two competitors came out and put on an excellent showcase, complete with near falls, exciting drama and a metric ton of tenacity from both men. Ota may be a bit more calm these days, but he’s no less exciting to watch.


Retro, in comparison, dropped his showboating act, recognizing the talent standing across from him, apparently having done his homework as he managed to block a number of Ota’s trademark spots, apparently seeing them coming before they actually did.


The end of the match showed this perfectly. After a near fall following a frankensteiner, Ota ran the ropes, looking for a Ninja Strike as he rebounded. Retro had the spot picked, though, and came bowling after Ota, meeting him with a Murder on the Dance Floor the instant Ota turned around, sending the ninja sprawling as he flipped inside out. The pin afterward was academic, Ota was clearly done, but only after a tough showing.


Retro wins, 64.


After the match, Retro produced a mic. Breathing heavily, he addressed the fans.


That’s one tough bastard!


The crowd wasn’t quite sure what to make of the compliment, and Retro responded appropriately.


Don’t get me wrong, he’s not the #1 wrestler in the world, I am. But I don’t think you understand what makes me the best. Not only am I an amazing physical specimen--


He points to a young lady in the front row.


--and I know you know that, darling-- but I’m the smartest dude in this business. I study tape every day. And I don’t just watch what goes on now, I watch the past. They don’t call me Retro just because of my fly ass style. And I take notes. I know about everything that’s ever happened. And I’m better than all of that. I’m better than everything to come.


I’m the end all be all, baby. The past can kiss my ass, and the future might as well not even bother showing up.







That was a great match, but I’m not sure if the big words are really needed after the match.


He’s the winner, man, he can say whatever he wants.


True, but does he really need to? He has no problem letting his ring work do that.





for the Women's Championship

Brooke Tyler better be taking notes here. Not only does she have a chance to learn from the champ, but the extremely talented challenger as well.


The two vixens went from corner to corner, rope to rope at an increasingly dangerous speed, throwing their bodies around in ways that few of their male counterparts can say they can. Brazzle and Snow crashed and burned more than a couple of times taking risks that caused the crowd to collectively gasp.


Appropriately enough, the finish came as a result of one such risk. Brazzle went for her Miracle Connection (Springboard forearm), but Snow had her scouted and dived out of the way at the last possible second, ensuring Brazzle was fully committed to the move. As a result, Brazzle face planted rather hard, and Snow took the opportunity to climb up top and come flying off with a Snow Fall (Moonsault), landing across the back of Brazzle to score the pinfall!


Snow retains, 54.






I…I can’t really complain about that win.


Show took it fair and square.


Befitting of a strong champion.


I’m still not fully sold on her yet, though. She’s still a cheat, if you ask me.







Backstage, Lenny Brown is walking through the wings, chatting up anyone that will bother listening to him. As he’s bragging about his victory over Casey Valentine to a member of the staff, he’s approached by Cameron Vessey.


You ever hear of a sore winner?


Brown barely even looked at him as he responded.


Nah, but I have heard of a winner. And when I beat your little buddy, that’s what I became. That means I get to act however I want. Valentine lost, and he knows his place. That boy ain’t saying a thing, as he should.


Vessey shook his head.


In that case, I think I better make you into a loser. I’m tired of hearing you talking, and since you seem to know your place so well, it looks like that’ll shut you up.


Please. I’m a winner, and as such, I only wrestle winners. Right now, that ain’t you. Jean Cattley didn’t even wanna give you a second match, he beat yo ass so bad. You want a match with me, you gotta prove you deserve it.


Alright, then. You want proof? You got it.


Lookin forward to it, homie.







After seeing what Brown did to Valentine, is this really wise of Vessey?


It’s true Cattley handled him pretty easily, but Cattley’s a veteran.


And Brown’s a rookie.


A talented rookie.








vs. The Callum Brothers for the Tag Team Championship


This was a battle of two teams that just really understand one another. The Callum Brothers have recently emerged as contenders, and they put up a great fight against the current champs.


Sadly, this one didn’t last all that long, and the match suffered for it. It seemed to end just as it got rolling. Fforde was able to hit Callum with a Fforde Flip Facecrusher early in the 7th minute, and Cam Jones came in to intercept Landon before he could break up the pin.


The Graduates retain, 49






Damn it, I had big money on The Callums!


What? Where’s your professional integrity, Adrian?


I’m a color commentator, bud, I don’t have to have any.







Backstage, and Duke Hazard is standing alone in the interview area.


At Showcase, Nirvana made an open challenge, and I know you were all looking forward to that. But that ain’t gonna happen tonight.


Hazard put up his hands in defense.


I know, I know, it ain’t something you wanna hear. But here’s the thing, no one stepped up. No one wanted to go up against him. Because of that, we jest couldn’t justify flyin’ him out tonight.


Wait, am I late or something?




The camera zoomed out to reveal a very big, well dressed young man.


Wait, ain’t you Mi--


Nah, man, that ain’t me.


The man smiled.


The name’s Mohammed Barrett. A lot of people may know that I’ve recently been let go by a certain company. Some may say a little bit unfairly. I don’t really care. But I’m here in MAW now, and I’m looking to make an impact. Nirvana, I’m coming for you boy. Everyone else, get your popcorn ready, there’s gonna be fireworks!







That’s a pretty high profile signing, guys! Your thoughts, Adrian?


I agree. Barrett’s a big, physical guy. I’m just worried about seeing how he really stacks up against our guys.


I’m with Adrian, sadly. He was just recently released for a reason. What it is, who knows, but we’re sure to find out.







Sitting in his locker room, El Mitico ripped off and secured the last bit of his wrist tape. With his head still down, he began to speak.


One thing Jay Chord continually brings up is that this business is in his blood. That championship gold is in his genes. It’s in mine, too. The difference there is that I’m the fourth generation of a wrestling family. Chord’s the second.


That’s one thing he doesn’t realize. The next is that his father was no fan favorite. He’s turned his life around now somewhat, but in his day he was a villain, and he loved it. Jay’s got it in his head that his fathe was beloved and that he should be too. No. You’re father nearly ruined wrestling, and you’re well on the road to doing it as well.


But wrestling is still around, otherwise we wouldn’t be here now. So what happened? What stopped the legendary Rip Chord? I’ll tell you: someone stepped in and stood up against him. In his day, it was Sam Strong that finally silenced him, driving his forearm straight though his head.


Now, I’m no Sam Strong, but I see the ability in me to stop you, Jay Chord. I see in me the ability to save wrestling. I see in me the ability to be a champion.









Josh Jones & The Awesomeness vs.

Cattley acted more like a coach than a partner here, barking orders and criticizing the technique of Johnson and Architect all match long. Interestingly enough, he seemed to be able to reign in the hare between Johnson and Architect, getting the two to wok together as a cohesive unit.


The mat game was relentless. The Awesomeness seemed unable to provide any answers for it, and it was all Jones could do to keep the trio in the match. But when Cattley tagged himself in, the match just when downhill. After a brutal assault wearing down Cannonball’s neck, The Mean Machine forced him down with a wicked looking Mood Swing (Swinging reverse STO) to score the win.


The Machine win, 55.






Johnson and Architect looked almost…cohesive tonight.


I’ve got to give credit to Cattley for that. Something he’s done has these two working as a unit.


Within the environment MAW cultivates, I think a focused Jean Cattley can do anything, I really do.







Wake Up begins to play, heralding the unexpected arrival of Ant-Man. The crowd’s craning their necks to see the recently unmasked star appear, but when he does, it’s under the blood stained and tattered hood he’s worn for the past 3 and a half years. With a slow shuffle, the charismatic powerhouse makes his way to the ring, where he picks up a microphone and addresses the fans.


Three and a half years. Three and a half
years, and all it took was one instant to rip it right off my head.


Ant looks to the ground, thoughtful.


I’ve taken some beatings in that time. Hell, it took me six months to even win a match. Since then, I’ve had my highs and my fair share of lows, but I think I’ve had a good go of it. Last month, I thought was about to get back on top. I had promised Ted I would, and I was so sure that I was gonna win. As you can see, that didn’t exactly happen.


Instead, I got in the ring with a maniac, and he beat me from ring post to ring post. I’m not ashamed to admit that. What I am ashamed to admit happened happened after the match. Nirvana took my mask, and Ant-Man? Well, he killed Ant-Man. But in the process… in the process…


Ant was clearly struggling to speak at this point. It took him several moments for him to compose himself and steady his voice. He tried to speak once more, but the words caught in his mouth. Finally, he took a deep breath, reached up, and ripped the mask off of his head.


In the process, Johnny Heizenger was born.










That little bastard…


A year and a half working together and not even
knew his real name!









The war between these two has raged off and on since late last year, and that showed. There’s absolutely nothing but animosity between American Patriot and Oscar Golden. Their disposition may have switched from heel to face and vice versa, but the strong personalities remain. Golden’s still a c0cky little bastard, and Patriot is still an angry brute.


There was a lot of back and forth as would be expected from two men that have fought this much. Patriot did his best to un through Golden, using a lot of slams and strikes, with Golden retaliating with some slick technical wrestling.


Slowly, though, as the match wore on, Golden began to slow down while Patriot just continued to pick up steam. After a particularly powerful slam, Patriot looked to have the match well within his reach. Stalking up on Golden, he raised his leg to deliver a stomp, and Golden shot up with his own, delivering a nut shot to Patriot, crumpling him!


The referee was out of position, though, and didn’t call the for the disqualification. Smirking, Golden got to his feet before delivering a couple of stomps of his own to the lower back of Patriot, which he had been working on all night. Finally, he took both legs in his hands, sat back, placed his knee on Patriot’s neck, and yanked with all of his might. For over a minute, the submission held, and for a minute, Patriot slowly inched his way to the ropes in pain, before finally, much to Golden’s dismay, he grasped the bottom rope, breaking the hold.


Throwing a fit, Golden got in the ref’s face for a moment before turning back to Patriot, still on the ground. He dragged the big man to his feet, got him in the suplex position, and attempted to lift him for the Golden Shower (Brainbuster). Before he could get him airborne, though, Patiot delivered a heavy body shot, staggering Golden, who attempted to retaliate with a clothesline. That proved to be a mistake, though, because Patriot ducked under, grabbed Golden from behind, and nailed him with a bridging American Suplex (Backdrop Driver) that earned him the three count!


Patriot wins, 65.






It looks like Golden may have needed his old manager Lisa Bowen tonight.


While it’s true that a good manager can make a big difference, Lisa Bowen isn’t a good manager.


Not like you?


Not at all.









for the World Championship


Just consider last month’s match a preview for this one. Whereas that one was a good match, this one was downright excellent.


There was straight technical mat wrestling. There was brawling. There was even a little bit aerial action. There were submissions. There was a counter to damn near everything. Jay Chord actually went up top and hit a diving elbow drop from nearly across the ring. El Mitico was throwing bombs. The drama was off the hook.


Despite all of that, the truly impressive thing was the pace they set. Both of them are among the top cardio freaks in the business, and for thirty plus minutes, they kept the action moving at an intense pace. It’s really hard to break the match down and explain what happened, really. The fact is, this one of those matches you simply need to lose yourself in.


Mitico eventually downed Chord with a flying knee, sending him to the mat long enough to take a step out on the apron. Mitico was hyping himself up as he waited on Chord to make his way to his feet, With the crowd solidly on his side, Mitico leapt up, spring boarding up on the ropes, launching himself toward Chord--


Only to find himself ripped violently to the ground as he’s caught midair with a DDT! With urgency, Jay Chord flips him over and hooks the leg, scoring a one…two…thr--kick out! Mitico kicks out!


Furious, Chord goes back at him, reaching down to his prone opponent, and Mitico grabs him by the arm, pulling him down, looking to lock on the Cross Armbreaker! With Jay still in a standing position, he attempts to do just as he did last month, stacking Mitico up on his shoulders as he weathers the storm. With Mitico yanking back, Jay gets a one…two…thr--


No! Mitico gets his shoulders up at the last minute, flipping out onto his front simultaneously! In the process, he yanks Jay down further on his stomach, giving him even more leverage to pull back, and Jay has no choice to but to tap out, awarding Mitico the match and the World Championship!


Mitico wins the World Championship, 80!


Falling backwards into the corner, Mitico can only clutch at the World Championship belt the referee awards him. The tears are flowing as the new World Champion lets the moment sink in on him. Jay Chord shoots him a look full of daggers as he holds his arm close to his chest, worn down as hell, but he soon drops his head and heads up the ramp, championshipless.


The final image of the show is a lasting one of the newly crowned champion kneeling in the center of the ring, clutching the World Championship to his chest.







Total: 69

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<p>JOHNNY! HE'S FINALLY HOME!</p><p> </p><p>

*megahug*</p><p> </p><p>

Awesome to see Mitico carry off the victory at long last too. He's a great worker.</p><p> </p><p>

You've had some impressive signings lately. I know from experience that Retro is a complete workhorse at this size, and Mo isn't too shabby either - though I've seen him improve to vastly varying degrees.</p><p> </p><p>

(Is it bad that the first thing I thought when Johnny unmasked was that he managed to shave too?)</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Boltinho" data-cite="Boltinho" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29024" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yay Mitico!<p> </p><p> First time Ive seen him win a title on this board.</p><p> </p><p> Good show Codey</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blake Trask" data-cite="Blake Trask" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29024" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>JOHNNY! HE'S FINALLY HOME!<p> </p><p> *megahug*</p><p> </p><p> Awesome to see Mitico carry off the victory at long last too. He's a great worker.</p><p> </p><p> You've had some impressive signings lately. I know from experience that Retro is a complete workhorse at this size, and Mo isn't too shabby either - though I've seen him improve to vastly varying degrees.</p><p> </p><p> (Is it bad that the first thing I thought when Johnny unmasked was that he managed to shave too?)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm glad to see the title change was well received! Mostly, I'm just glad that my readers are able to see Mitico as a champion. The match grades were always there, but I wasn't sure if everyone was satisfied with the booking. </p><p> </p><p> Either way, an 80! I have no idea how they didn't manage as good last month (maybe the draw contributed to the 73), but they're the top two ring generals and showstoppers on the roster (Mitico's #1 in both, with Chord following) and this match showed that.</p><p> </p><p> Retro's a good talent that's still improving. Well, in his performance stats, his brawling's kind of topped out at 60. That said, he's still a perfect SWF worker, and I have no idea why they let him go. His popularity is sitting at 58 across the board (with a 60 in the Mid Atlantic thanks to me!), so you can imagine how surprised I was when I saw the news story that NYCW had hired him. </p><p> </p><p> As far as Mighty Mo(hammed) Barrett goes, I don't see him ever becoming a great talent, but he should be a solid addition to my midcard, especially with his star quality. Still, he's real young and still improving, albeit incredibly slowly.</p><p> </p><p> Oh, and the beard will be back! I just didn't want to have to explain why he was wearing sunglasses underneath his mask! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">Don't forget to vote for me (Or somebody else...) in this month's DotM poll. As always, it's a strong field.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/MAW-1.jpg</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

The Graduates vs. The Primadonnas</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Mohammed Barrett vs. Blackfire</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

The Awesomeness vs. The Architect & Jared Johnson</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Johnny Heizenger vs. Behemoth</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Cameron Vessey vs. Oscar Golden</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

El Mitico © vs. Jay Chord for the World Championship; Jay utilizing his rematch clause</span></p></div><p></p>

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<p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">The Graduates vs. </span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>The Primadonnas</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Mohammed Barrett</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> vs. Blackfire</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

The Awesomeness vs.</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong> The Architect & Jared Johnson</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Johnny Heizenger</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> vs. Behemoth</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Cameron Vessey</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> vs. Oscar Golden</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>El Mitico ©</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> vs. Jay Chord for the World Championship; Jay utilizing his rematch clause</span></p>

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<p><strong>The Graduates</strong> vs. The Primadonnas</p><p>

<strong> Mohammed Barrett</strong> vs. Blackfire</p><p>

The Awesomeness vs. <strong>The Architect & Jared Johnson</strong></p><p>

<strong> Johnny Heizenger</strong> vs. Behemoth</p><p>

<strong>Cameron Vessey</strong> vs. Oscar Golden</p><p>

<strong>El Mitico ©</strong> vs. Jay Chord for the World Championship; Jay utilizing his rematch clause</p>

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<p><strong>The Graduates</strong> vs. The Primadonnas</p><p>

<strong>Mohammed Barrett</strong> vs. Blackfire</p><p>

The Awesomeness vs. <strong>The Architect & Jared Johnson</strong></p><p>

<strong>Johnny Heizenger</strong> vs. Behemoth</p><p>

Cameron Vessey vs. <strong>Oscar Golden</strong></p><p>

<strong>El Mitico ©</strong> vs. Jay Chord for the World Championship</p>

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The Graduates vs. The Primadonnas

Mohammed Barrett vs. Blackfire

The Awesomeness vs. The Architect & Jared Johnson

Johnny Heizenger vs. Behemoth

Cameron Vessey vs. Oscar Golden

El Mitico © vs. Jay Chord for the World Championship; Jay utilizing his rematch clause

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Friday Week 1, October 2013

In front of 2,914 fans in Centerpiece Bridge







Remmington Remus - Dharma Gregg - Adrian Garcia


Welcome to Showcase, everyone! We’ve got a packed show for you, topped off with a rematch of The Clash’s epic main event between El Mitico and Jay Chord, as Chord is already utilizing his contractually guaranteed rematch.


That’s right. So gear up for what could be the greatest showcase ever, starting off with the tag team champs in non-title action against The Primadonnas.









This match was all about teamwork. Well, at least in The Graduates case. In The Primadonnas, it was the lack-there-of. The Graduates were running on all cylinders, seemingly knowing exactly what the other had in mind at all times. Whatever the other needed done was accomplished, and without any prompting. For Schaffer and Wright, the opposite happened.


It’s no secret that Schaffer sees himself as the star of the group, and that affected their teamwork significantly. Schaffer saw Wright as incapable of competing, tagging himself multiple times to the detriment of his team. Despite the negative results his being in the match caused, it was still Wright that took the fall, taking a viscous impact from a power bomb/neck breaker combo from Wright and Jones they dubbed Lesson Learned.


The Graduates win, 51.




Immediately after the match, The Ring Generals made an appearance, sneaking out from the crowd and laying a beating to the tag champs. After hitting Jones with a high/low, the sneak attackers were riding high.




That lasted all of about ten seconds, as Culture Shock made an appearance, sprinting down to the ring to put a halt to the attack. Apollo hit a big time spear on Waldorf, while Fire Fly hit a very impressive springboard hurricanrana on Statler, taking the assailants right out of the ring. As The Ring Generals stepped back slowly, keeping an eye on the ring, Culture Shock checked on the beaten down champs, ensuring their safety.







The champs need help? Are you serious?


From a sneak attack?


I’d say anyone would need help.


Especially from a team as dangerous as The Ring Generals.


It’s just like you two to gang up on me.







We cut now to a black and white image, showing The Machines training. Jean Cattley is watching on intently as Jared Johnson and The Architect chain wrestle with one another. Cattley smirks a little as the session escalates quickly, becoming stiffer and stiffer. Before long, the veterans has to jump in as both of them threaten to hurt one another, Architect via a deep armbar, Johnson via repeated punches to the face.




Reluctantly, both men stop their training session, shooting dirty looks toward one another. Cattler steps into the ring, looking form one to the other.


Do you want to succeed? Do you want to be someone in this company?


Architect begins to respond, opening his mouth before Cattley cuts him off.


Don’t talk. I know the answer. You think I would even bother training you if I didn’t? I look at you two and I see the most worthy pair of competitors in this company to carry on the name of The Machine. But to do that, you must accomplish a few things. You must be a whole nother level in ring compared to your inferior peers. You must be able to compete at the highest level possible. But most of all, you must be able to put personal issues behind you.


You two hate each other, that’s well documented. I’m not going to lie, that’s one of the main reasons I picked Jared to pick up after Sterling left. You’re both two of the most talented young wrestlers in this company. If I can see that you’re able to put your differences aside to achieve more, then I know that I can rely on you. And if I can rely on you, then I know you can be part of The Machine.


You’re 21 and 23, respectively. The two last champions in this company were 22 and 23. You nearly match up exactly with them. Soon, I’m going to show you exactly what how skill and knowledge will match up with their supposed natural talent.







Cattley seems to have his sights set high, as he should with the group he has.


In that case, we’ll see how they can achieve later on tonight.


And they’ll certainly have their hands full with the experienced team of The Awesomeness.


Cannonball and Stardust may put up a good fight, but we’ll see if they can put down The Architect and Johnson.







vs. Blackfire


In an exclusive MAW.com interview, Barrett tells a story of how he made a couple of appearances at TCW wrestling school, explaining that he’s very aware of Blackfire’s skills. He then goes on to say that he’s not impressed with him at all, since he’s the first graduate not good enough to get picked up by TCW upon graduation.


Then this match happened.


Blackfire put on an incredibly completive match with the debutant, not backing down from the highly muscled, highly explosive newcomer at all. That all changed as the match wore on, when Barrett’s Plunging Spine buster (high impact spin buster) abruptly ended the match.


Barrett wins, 46.




The Traditional champ then appeared on the video screen, clapping and wearing a grim expression on his face.


Congratulations, Mr. Barrett, you defeated a servant of the darkness. You showed up unfortunately late at The Clash, but tonight, you proved a certain amount of worth. I can respect. But--


Nirvana chuckled to himself.


--will you be able to beat an agent of light such as myself? Or will you only find yourself in your own personal Nirvana like so many others?


Nirvana cackled.


Only time will tell! At Where It All Begins, we’ll find out!







Wow! That’s the first big match announcement for Where it All Begins.


And as impressive as Barrett looked her, I don’t like his chances.


You’ve got to admit he looked good.


But as good as Nirvana?


I’m not too sure about that.







Backstage, Sara Marie York and Suzanne Brazzle are deep in conversation. Brazzle seems to be down about her loss to Nadia Snow, with York doing her best to cheer her up.


--I’m telling you, you can beat her. Don’t let her winning get you down.


She didn’t even have to cheat like she always does, though. She beat me straight up. I can’t compete with her.




Nadia Snow then swooped into the room, Brooke Tyler stomping angrily in her wake.


That is right, Miss Brazzle. You
unable to compete with me. I am glad that you’ve finally come to your senses.


York puffed up to Snow, standing up for her friend.


Suz can take you, easy!


Snow chuckled, Tyler cracked her knuckle (singular, because it rhymes better).


If she’s so good, why doesn’t she say so herself?


She doesn’t need to say it. She’ll prove it by beating you!


I welcome the challenge, if you can even call it that. Brooke, come.


Snow twirled on her feet, leaving the room. Tyler followed in her wake, but not before glowering at Brazzle and York.







Brazzle’s got some definite confidence issues.


It’ll be tough to beat Snow if she can’t believe she can.


Wise words from Adrian Garcia?


It happens every now and then.









The former tag champs haven’t exactly been on a hot streak lately, and requested an immediate rematch against The Machine after their less-than-stellar effort at The Clash. Unfortunately, this one was just more of the same. Cannonball and Stardust were unable to get any sort of offense going, whereas The machine just rolled on through them, finally ending it when Johnson and Architect locked a Carolina Crossface/ankle lock combo on Stardust, and held on for a good while after he tapped, just for good measure.


The Machine win, 55.






Cattley’s really got in the heads of these two.


He’s certainly got them drinking some sort of Kool-Aid. These two hated each other!


And here they are working side by side.


Let’s not kid ourselves, though. There’s still at least a little tension between them. We saw that earlier.









The Ant-Man cometh, and he goes by the name of Heizenger. The little man with big time strength came out with an Ant-Man mask on, ripping it off as he stepped in the ring, a huge grin on his face. It seems his unmasking has actually rejuvenated him, and when Behemoth got to the ring, he charged right at the monster from the Georgia backwoods.


The two hammered one another for around ten minutes, but Heizenger’s multi-faceted game proved to be the kicker here, as he used his ever-expanding knowledge of counters and holds to torment Behemoth, who, finally having enough, charged in with a big boot that would have beheaded anyone unlucky enough to get hit with it. Heizenger ducked, spun on his feet, and nailed Behemoth with a monstrously impressive Ant-Slam (flapjack power slam) as he turned to meet his opponent. The pin afterward was academic, and Heizenger celebrated by putting on a stylish pair of shades and high-fiving the fans at ringside.


Heizenger wins, 62.






Little bastard…


He looks like a whole new person in the ring.




Still plotting your revenge, huh?









Knock knock!


You already know the scene. Rip Chord’s office. The MAW owner’s doing his best to handle his ever-growing volume of paperwork, and Robbie Retro’s doing his best to keep him from that.


What the hell do you want now?


Just a few words of congratulation, baby!


Don’t call me that.


Sure thing, daddy-o. I’m just wondering if you’re finally ready to admit that you’re looking at the future.


What I’m looking at is something that I’m ready to take out back and shoot. Get the hell out of my office, kid.


Whoah, whoah, whoah, daddy-o! Such hostility. It hurts! It --


There a problem here?




American Patriot stepped up into the scene


No problem too big for me to handle.


I tell you what, Rip. Why don’t you let me handle this for you.


Rip smiled.


Ya know what? I like that idea. I like that
. You two tear into each other.


Rip, daddy-o, I’m better than this cat! I’m the #1 wrestler I the world! This guy’s just settling for America.


As far as I’m concerned, boy, America is the world. I’m gonna take that made up title of yours and I’m gonna shove it right up your ass.


Take it outside, I’ve got crap to do in here. And Patriot?


Yeah boss?


Kick his ass.







Talk about some heavyweights!


That one’s gonna be nothing but a brawl, plain and simple.


Tell me about it. I’m already thinking of the all the different ways I can describe a punch.









Before this one began, Lenny Brown came down to the ring and eyeballed Remmington Remus until the commentator reluctantly gave up his headset. Brown smirked and took it, spending the entire match tearing down Cameron Vessey on commentary.


Vessey and Golden have become a couple of the go to guys in MAW over the years, and this match showed why. The two combined to put on a very entertaining affair, showcasing a nice mix brawling and technique. Vessey knew that he couldn’t counter
with Golden, so he chose instead to punch his way out of submissions. To his credit, it worked. Golden found himself unable to force the former World Champion to submit, and Vessey was able to put him away with a Vessey Driver as we approached the twenty mark.


Vessey wins, 69


After the match, Vessey pointed at Brown, jawing some very obscene words toward him.







Yeah, keep talking, big man.


That’s gotta get you fired up for a match with him, Lenny.


Maybe. But it ain’t gonna be one on one. Playboy ain’t earned that yet.








for the World Championship


These two don’t have any sort of innate understanding of one another. Maybe it’s the language barrier, who knows. But what they do have is an understanding of
. There’s no way that these two can turn in anything other than an excellent match.


This is Chord’s one chance to regain the World Championship without either earning a number one contendership or the champ gifting him a shot, so MAW’s prodigal son was fighting with all he had. The match went much the same as the one at The Clash with slight variations. Each man had the other’s spots scouted, and they were able to counter out of situations that they fell victim to the last time around.


As the match wore on, it became increasingly obvious that the two were evenly matched, that neither was any better than the other. Still, in Mitico’s first defense, it began to look like he would lose; Jay Chord was just coming at him with too much steam. After a particularly brutal DDT from Chord, the match looked to be over. Chord slowly dragged himself over to Mitico, attempting to make the cover, but he was suddenly cut off when Jared Johnson and The Architect slid into the ring, raining boots down on Mitico. The ref immediately called for the DQ, awarding Mitico the win, and costing Jay Chord his rematch.


Mitico retains via DQ, 78.




Chord stared on blankly as the assault continued. So stunned was he that he missed Jean Cattley also enter the ring, and The Mean Machine nailed him with a big time Mood Swing! Cattley looked down on Chord, then to Mitico, still taking a beating. Cattley called the rest of The Machine to stop and grabbed a microphone.


The champion and the top challenger beaten and broken. Just like that. They’re good. Real good. But here they are, lying at my feet. I’m the best wrestler in this company. There’s not a person in ths ring or in that locker room that can best me.


Like I said, the champion and the top challenger, at my feet. Neither of them deserve those titles. I’m taking the belt back. I’m taking this company back. No, scratch that. We’re taking it all back.
The Machine’s
taking it all back.
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Get ready for Where it All Begins Again!




C-V-2 vs Lenny Brown & Rob Wright

Suzanne Brazzle vs Nadia Snow © for the Women's Championship

Mohammed Barrett vs Nirvana © for the Traditional Championship

The Graduates © vs Culture Shock vs The Ring Generals for the Tag Team Championship

American Patriot vs Robbie Retro

El Mitico © vs "Mean" Jean Cattley for the World Championship


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C-V-2 vs Lenny Brown & Rob Wright

Suzanne Brazzle vs Nadia Snow © for the Women's Championship

Mohammed Barrett vs Nirvana © for the Traditional Championship

The Graduates © vs Culture Shock vs The Ring Generals for the Tag Team Championship

American Patriot vs Robbie Retro

El Mitico © vs "Mean" Jean Cattley for the World Championship

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C-V-2 vs Lenny Brown & Rob Wright


Suzanne Brazzle vs Nadia Snow © for the Women's Championship


Mohammed Barrett vs Nirvana © for the Traditional Championship


The Graduates © vs Culture Shock vs The Ring Generals for the Tag Team Championship

Returning stars


American Patriot vs Robbie Retro

Im guessing Retro is on a few bob


El Mitico © vs "Mean" Jean Cattley for the World Championship

Dodgy win. DQ or some such that puts Jean over but leaves Mitico with the belt

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