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Joss Thompson, Adam Matravers and Pit Bull Brown versus Kevin Jones, Leo Price and Jonathan Faust.

Got to go with shenanigans here.


21CW United Kingdom Title Match: Harry Wilson versus Rolling Johnny Stones

Harry does something naughty to set up a rematch. And he'll still be a twat about it


Edward Cornell versus Luke Cool

The new Ed alts rock


Nate Manchester versus Nightmare

Poor Nate. Nightmare isnt losing for a while


Daniel Black Francis versus Mister King

DBF can be a star

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Joss Thompson, Adam Matravers and Pit Bull Brown versus Kevin Jones, Leo Price and Jonathan Faust.


21CW United Kingdom Title Match: Harry Wilson versus Rolling Johnny Stones


Edward Cornell versus Luke Cool


Nate Manchester versus Nightmare


Daniel Black Francis versus Mister King

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Joss Thompson, Adam Matravers and Pit Bull Brown versus Kevin Jones, Leo Price and Jonathan Faust.


21CW United Kingdom Title Match: Harry Wilson versus Rolling Johnny Stones


Edward Cornell versus Luke Cool


Nate Manchester versus Nightmare

Daniel Black Francis versus Mister King

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Okay, I gotta do better than last time...


Joss Thompson, Adam Matravers and Pit Bull Brown versus Kevin Jones, Leo Price and Jonathan Faust.


21CW United Kingdom Title Match: Harry Wilson versus Rolling Johnny Stones


Edward Cornell versus Luke Cool


Nate Manchester versus Nightmare


Daniel Black Francis versus Mister King

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Joss Thompson, Adam Matravers and Pit Bull Brown versus Kevin Jones, Leo Price and Jonathan Faust.


21CW United Kingdom Title Match: Harry Wilson versus Rolling Johnny Stones


Edward Cornell versus Luke Cool


Nate Manchester versus Nightmare


Daniel Black Francis versus Mister King


Didn't want mine and ChrisKid's to match so hopefully we have a clear winner next :D

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The Show begins much as normal, with the video packages and pyro that welcome the viewers to the show, by the time we get to ringside, Jeff Nova is already present in the middle of the ring, microphone in hand.


“I hate to get straight down to business, but I'm going to. Nightmare, why don’t you bring yourself out here, so you explain to me and the people in attendence, exactly why you did what you did”


Nova and the fans await the daemon to make his entrance, but there is nothing, no sign of the giant to be seen.


“Nightmare, I’ll ask once again, get out here”


Again there is nothing, nothing but silence


“Well if you’re not going to come out here, then I’ll put forward my explanation . I believe that Nightmare is not working alone, these Orders he mentoned have obviously hired him to attack me. Nightmare mentioned change is coming and that attack was the beginning , well if someone wants to make some change out here, they’re gonna have to come through me”


The crowd cheers their much beloved owner


“I will find out who’s behind this, I will discover this Order and I will dismantle them and then Nightmare, you will have me to answer to”



Nova leaves and returns to the broadcast booth as the crowd applaud his brave statement against Nightmare




Daniel Black Francis versus Mister King


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Mister King has not had the best luck lately.....and it doesn’t change tonight. Daniel Black Francis basically squashes King, he connects early with a roundhouse kick and that essentially finishes King off for the match, pretty rapidly Francis locked in the Dread Lock and Mister King very quickly tapped out, giving the victory to the Reggae Warrior.


Winner: Daniel Black Francis



We return from the commercial and our 21CW Tag champions, Hot Stuff are in the ring.


Jay B: Welcome to the highest rated part of the show.


Buff: The part, where we, you 21CW Tag Team champios make an appearance.


Jay: Last week, we attacked two very insignificant men, two men who have little to no business on the roster, two men who represent the very worst that 21CW have to offer


Buff: Davey Celtic, Davey London, you are both wastes of our precious precious time, and yet we are forced to fight you at Steel Cage Challenge. Well we are going to finish you off in no time at all, then we’ll return to our hotel rooms, with many beautiful women, while you retreat to the holes that you crawled out of.


Jay: So boys, bring all you’ve got to Steel Cage Challenge, and if you can last longer than five minutes, then I might just respect you........ but I doubt it


Hot Stuff drop their microphones and head backstage, as the fans enduldge in a sea of booing.



Nate Manchester versus Nightmare


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This is barely a match, Nightmare bursts through the curtain and stops to stare at Jeff Nova. Nova goes to stand up but is pulled down by his broadcast partner, Steve Smith. Nate Manchester looks terrified as he stands opposite the gigantic Nightmare, and with good reason. Nightmare begins with a big boot to the small stature of Manchester, he then lifts the prone body of Manchester into a torture rack position, before dropping down to the mat, crushing Nate. The match is ended when Nightmare finally hits the Darkness Choke Slam, and places a boot on Nate’s chest for the three count.


Winner: Nightmare


After the demolition of Nate Manchester had concluded, the 21CW loyalist DJ Reason sprinted from the back, chair in hand, he made a line for Nightmare, only to be booted in the jaw by the behemoth, Nightmare, then lifted the limp Reason up and drilled him down onto the prone steel chair with his Darkness Choke Slam. Nightmare retreated from the carnage, now leaving both Nate Manchester and DJ Reason out of it in the middle of the ring.



Edward Cornell versus Luke Cool


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Cornell has been on fire in recent weeks, destroying anyone put in front of him, Luke Cool meanwhile looks to boost his own career here by derailing Cornell and destroying his momentum. The match begins with Cornell in top form, dominating the young, arrogant Cool. Cool does manage to fight his way back into the match, after hitting a thumb to the eye of Cornell, from here, Cool uses his wits and speeds to gain a measure of control, however he eventually slips up, by showing off to the crowd for a split second too long and Cornell kicks Cool in the gut, Cornell lifts up Cool and drills him down to the mat with a Black Lightning Bomb for the victory.


Winner: Edward Cornell


Backstage, Adam Matravers is pacing backstage


“ Faust, you seem to have my number, you keep managing to beat me, but no more, at Steel Cage Challenge, my luck changes. See Faust, you’re a weasel, a sneak and we could not be more different and now you want to take me out. Is it jealousy? Maybe, maybe that’s why you hate me or is it just spite? I don’t care, when we step into the ring, I will beat the life out of you, you will be out cold, I will head to the top, soar like an eagle and connect with my Mile High Moonsault and then you will be embarrassed, humiliated and I can finally be free of you”


Matravers give an intense stare down the camera lense and leaves to continue his preparation.



21CW United Kingdom Title Match: Harry Wilson versus Rolling Johnny Stones



<a href="http://s691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/21CW%202/?action=view&current=HarryWilson.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/21CW%202/HarryWilson.jpg" border="0" alt="HARRY WILSON"></a> VS <a href="http://s691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/21CW%202/?action=view&current=JohnnyStones.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/21CW%202/JohnnyStones.jpg" border="0" alt="ROLLING JOHNNY STONES"></a>


Johnny Stones has been on a roll as in the last few weeks and this has forced the 21CW officials to give him this title shot, meanwhile UK champion Harry Wilson has been absent from TV for a few weeks and is looking to return with a bang. The match begins with Stones in control, showing the finesse that has won him so many matches in the last few weeks, but at the same time, he also shows the underhanded means that has “assisted” him in the same matches. Wilson battles back into the match and it goes back and forth, Wilson very nearly picking up a big victory with a DDT, but Stones powers out. The match finally comes to it’s conclusion when Wilson goes for a superkick, Stones dodges with lightning quick tenacity and hits a kick straight to the chest of Wilson, taking advantage, Johnny lifts him up and hits Wilson with his Brainbuster finisher, the referee makes the count...1....2....3, we have a new UK champ, Rolling Johnny Stones!


Winner and NEW UK Champion: Rolling Johnny Stones


We go back to ringside and one of the most hated men on the roster, Stevie Stoat swaggers down to the ring, full of arrogance and pompousity. Stoat is handed a microphone.


“ I’m Stevie Stoat, Franchise player of the 21CW.....not that you could forget that. In just a few days, I launch my first ever Stevie Stoat open invitational challenge, now lots of people have asked me why I would risk my reputation by going into a match with a unknown opponent, but I can tell you that there’s no way that i’m ever going to lose. I am the most perfect wrestler in 21CW, I have tackled opponent after opponent and they have all crumbled in the presence of Stevie Stoat. So, come Sunday evening, my mystery opponent will have to deal with being just another statistic, just another footnote in the history of the Franchise Player, Stevie Stoat”


Stoat smugly smiles as the crowd let loose in their hatred. Stoat mock waves at them and walks backstage, with Rock Star levels of pretention.




Joss Thompson, Adam Matravers and Pit Bull Brown versus Kevin Jones, Jonathan Faust and Leo Price


<a href="http://s691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/21CW%202/?action=view&current=JossThompson.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/21CW%202/JossThompson.jpg" border="0" alt="JOSS THOMPSON"></a><a href="http://s691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/21CW%202/?action=view&current=AdamMatravers-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/21CW%202/AdamMatravers-1.jpg" border="0" alt="ADAM MATRAVERS"></a><a href="http://s691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/21CW%202/?action=view&current=PitBullBrown_alt2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/21CW%202/PitBullBrown_alt2.jpg" border="0" alt="PIT BULL BROWN"></a> VS <a href="http://s691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/21CW%202/?action=view&current=KevinJones.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/21CW%202/KevinJones.jpg" border="0" alt="KEVIN JONES"></a><a href="http://s691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/21CW%202/?action=view&current=JonathanFaust.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/21CW%202/JonathanFaust.jpg" border="0" alt="JONATHAN FAUST"></a><a href="http://s691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/21CW%202/?action=view&current=LeoPrice.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/21CW%202/LeoPrice.jpg" border="0" alt="LEO PRICE"></a>


Our main event here is a huge six man tag featuring six of our biggest stars here in 21CW, with three very personal feuds and rivalries that are shaping the landscape here at the moment. The pace of the match varies wildly as it goes on, Matravers forces the match to go much faster, only for Kevin Jones to slow it down and join in a massive brawl with his rival Pit Bull Brown, Thompson and Price speed it up, only for Faust to slow it down once more as the match goes on and each man shows exactly what he can do and proves their worth to the 21CW fanbase. In terms of in ring action, we see Pit Bull Brown and Kevin Jones engaging in some vicious brawling all over the ring and out of it, we see Adam Matravers desperately trying to pin Jonathan Faust and get over his repeated losses to him and we see Leo Price avoid Joss Thompson as much as he can, only tagging in when it appears Thompson is down and out, in order to try and get the cheap pinfall win. The match goes on until Brown and Jones finally brawl their way up the ramp, the referee is distracted and Joss Thompson tries to break it up, unfortunately with all the commotion on the outside, Leo Price grabs Thompson’s 21CW title from ringside and chucks it to Faust, who cracks Matravers in the head with it, busting open “Mile High”, Faust kicks the title out of the ring and the referee turns around to see Faust make the cover...1.....2....3. The match is over and Faust and Price celebrate their deception of the official as we go off the air and Steve Smith plugs 21CW Steel Cage Challenge one last time.


Winners: Jonathan Faust, Leo Price and Kevin Jones



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Prediction Contest Standings



After 3 Events.


1.ChrisKid (13)

2.TheEffect (12)

3.20LEgend (11)

3.Boltinho (11)

5.Midnightnick (8)

6.Liquidswords (7)

7.Number Six (5)



So ChrisKid takes the lead with two shows to go. Thanks for all your predictions, the preview to 21CW Steel Cage Challenge will be up probabally later today.

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21CW has come to terms on the release of 21CW superstar Mister King (Clint Washington). We wish King the best in his future endeavors.

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21CW Steel Cage Challenge



21CW World Title Match: Joss Thompson © VS Leo Price


This match has been in the making for well over twelve months, these two men were once friends, who tried to become the dominant force in 21CW under the moniker of “The Takeover”, however Leo Price brutally turned on his former comrade, sparking off a rivalry that will come to a head inside a steel cage match. With these two bitter foes finally clashing inside a hellacious structure, something has finally got to give, one man will leave as 21CW World Champion, but who?


Adam Matravers Vs Jonathan Faust


These two superstars have recently become trapped in a heated feud, Faust has apparently taken offence that he has been overlooked as the face of the company and Matravers has recently been suffering defeat after defeat at Faust’s hands. Can Adam finally turn the tide and beat Faust or will Matravers yet again be beaten?


Pit Bull Brown Vs Kevin Jones


Two men who have been beating the living daylights out of each other the past few weeks, they apparently have no personal issues or grievances, they just like to fight and each has decided to target the other. With no one willing to get in between these two brawlers, this one could get very messy, but who will walk away with their head held high and who will be left laying in the mat, staring up at the lights?


The Stevie Stoat Open Invitational Challenge


The self confessed “Franchise Player” of 21CW has been on a roll lately, beating whoever’s placed in front of him, but tonight he will face a bigger challenge, in his first ever edition of “Stevie Stoat’s Open Invitational Challenge”, he has put it out there for any member of the 21CW roster, new or old, but will Stoat’s confidence get the better of him or can he truly live up to his moniker?


21CW Tag Team Title Match: Hot Stuff ©Vs The Anglo-Scots Connection


Two of our greatest tag teams in 21CW history will collide as Hot Stuff (Jay B and Buff Martinez) fight the two time 21CW tag champs The Anglo-Scots Connection (Davey London and Davey Celtic). Hot Stuff have utilised sneak attacks and personal slurs in an effort to get into the heads of the Davey’s, but will it all come to fruition?


21CW United Kingdom Title Match: Rolling Johnny Stones © Vs Daniel Black Francis


Two polar opposites go into this match, one a fun loving reggae warrior, the other the epitome of Rock N Roll, a brash young superstar with gold around his waist. These two have also had a series of run ins ever since Johnny Stones cheated to defeat Black Francis just a few short weeks ago on 21CW Best Of British, and since Stones captured the 21CW UK title, the odds have only been upped further, these two men will collide once again at Steel Cage Challenge, but who will walk out of the arena as 21CW UK champ?


DJ Reason Vs Nightmare


If you ask anybody what the biggest story of January has been here in 21CW, they will respond with Nightmare’s brutal unprovoked attack on our owner, Jeff Nova. Since that night, Nightmare has said only one statement about why he did what he did and that was that “The Orders” were coming and things were about to change. With Nova down and out, 21CW loyalist, DJ Reason stepped up to confront Nightmare and challenged him to this match here tonight, but can Reason topple the daemon? Or Will Nightmare crush Reason like so many others? And what of the Orders, will they appear and reveal themselves? Find out all this and much more on PPV.





Prediction Key

21CW World Title: Joss Thompson © vs Leo Price

Adam Matravers vs Jonathan Faust

Pit Bull Brown vs Kevin Jones

Stevie Stoat vs ???

21CW Tag Titles: Hot Stuff © vs Anglo-Scots Connection

21CW UK Title: Rolling Johnny Stones © vs Daniel Black Francis

DJ Reason vs Nightmare

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21CW World Title: Joss Thompson © vs Leo Price

Adam Matravers vs Jonathan Faust

Pit Bull Brown vs Kevin Jones

Stevie Stoat vs ???

21CW Tag Titles: Hot Stuff © vs Anglo-Scots Connection

21CW UK Title: Rolling Johnny Stones © vs Daniel Black Francis

DJ Reason vs Nightmare

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21CW World Title: Joss Thompson © vs Leo Price

Adam Matravers vs Jonathan Faust

Pit Bull Brown vs Kevin Jones

Stevie Stoat vs ???

21CW Tag Titles: Hot Stuff © vs Anglo-Scots Connection

21CW UK Title: Rolling Johnny Stones © vs Daniel Black Francis

DJ Reason vs Nightmare

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21CW World Title: Joss Thompson © vs Leo Price

Adam Matravers vs Jonathan Faust

Pit Bull Brown vs Kevin Jones

Stevie Stoat vs ???

21CW Tag Titles: Hot Stuff © vs Anglo-Scots Connection

21CW UK Title: Rolling Johnny Stones © vs Daniel Black Francis

DJ Reason vs Nightmare

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21CW World Title: Joss Thompson © vs Leo Price

Joss is too good to not be champ


Adam Matravers vs Jonathan Faust

I'd prefer Adam here, but hes crap on the mic and you need a top heel to go after Joss next


Pit Bull Brown vs Kevin Jones

Pitbull is awesome.


Stevie Stoat vs ???

Im going for Beauchamp here


21CW Tag Titles: Hot Stuff © vs Anglo-Scots Connection

Your Anglo-Scots promos are good. And today Ive been in Scotland and now England so...


21CW UK Title: Rolling Johnny Stones © vs Daniel Black Francis

RJS cant drop the belt straight away


DJ Reason vs Nightmare

If Nightmare wins this its a travesty. But I think he will

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The show begins with a hype video, that shows some of the key moments of the last month here in 21CW, there is a heavy focus on Nightmare’s attack on Jeff Nova and then his promise that “The Order” are coming, we then move into the 21CW World title picture, featuring the long rivalry between Leo Price and Joss Thompson that will come to a head tonight inside a steel cage, with nowhere to run, both men will have to fight their way out.


We go to ringside and pyro bursts through the arena, Jeff Nova and Steve Smith welcome us to Steel Cage Challenge and it begins with 21CW Loyalist DJ Reason bursting through the curtain, ready for his match with Nightmare.



DJ Reason versus Nightmare



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Reason stands firm in the ring as the monstrous Nightmare stalks his way from backstage. Nightmare’s enormous frame and menacing looks scaring near all the children in the audience. As Nightmare gets into the ring, his size becomes even more apparent even compared to his opponent, Reason tries his best not to be intimidated, but perhaps it strikes him a little as when the bell rings he takes too long to act and Nightmare strikes first with a big clothesline. Reason is left down on the mat as Nightmare begins to put the boots into the fallen loyalist, and Reason begins trying to assert himself into the match, he pulls himself from the mat and begins to trade blows with Nightmare, in an effort to topple the giant, this however does not seem to work too well and Nightmare comes back with a big head butt which leaves Reason yet again off his feet. The match goes on and Nightmare proves why he is such a deadly competitor, throwing Reason around the ring like he was a cruiserweight and hitting any number of high power moves, including backbreakers and a deadly looking tilt a whirl slam, Reason does however manage to hit a big face crusher on the daemon, stunning him briefly and giving Reason a chance in the match. Reason waits for Nightmare to get to his knees and charges, looking to connect with a boot to the head, Nightmare dodges and Reason goes into the ropes, he bounces straight into Nightmare’s path and the monster immediately lifts him up and connects with a choke slam. Nightmare covers the fallen superstar....1.....2.....3. Nightmare’s reign of terror looks set to continue.


Winner: Nightmare




After the match, Nightmare once again lifts up DJ Reason and then drills him back down to the mat with a chokeslam, this continues, with Nightmare just dominating the loyalist. Eventually officials run out from the back and the behemoth finally relents and leaves. Officials call for paramedics who place DJ Reason on a stretcher and carry him to the backstage area as Nova and Smith get over the seriousness of Reason’s condition.



21CW United Kingdom Title Match: Rolling Johnny Stones versus Daniel Black Francis


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These two men have been developing quite a rivalry on Best of British these past few weeks and since Johnny Stones captured the UK title last week, this title match was added to the card. The match begins with Francis taking it to Stones, clearly looking to finish the match early and capture the UK title for the third time, but ultimately Stones is unwilling to give in so easily and the match goes on beyond the opening minutes. Johnny Stones quickly gets into his stride in the match and begins to control the pace of the encounter, he also utilises some cheap tricks and cheats to further get a grip in the fight and dominate his opponent, DBF however is able to battle his way back into the match and it continues to be a very back and forth affair, with both men proving that they have legitimate claims to that prestigious United Kingdom title belt. Johnny Stones begins to hit a hot streak and connects with multiple dropkicks and clotheslines, before nailing a jumping DDT, but even this only manages a two count before the Reggae Warrior kicked out. Francis ultimately fights back from this near fall and with Stones on the ropes he hits a spinning heel kick, knocking Stones to the apron. DBF heads to the top rope and flies, looking to connect with a Dreadlock Drop, but Stones rolled out of the way at the last minute, Stones bided his time and when Francis finally made it to his feet, he was immediately met with a Brainbuster from Stones. He makes the cover....1......2........3! Stones retains his UK Title


Winner: Rolling Johnny Stones



21CW Tag Team Titles: Hot Stuff versus The Anglo-Scots Connection


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The tag titles are on the line here and both teams obviously want to leave with the gold around their waists. The match begins with The Davey’s trying to get the job done quick, a succession of schoolboys and rollups are made in an effort to wear out Jay B and force a quick victory, this may work on lesser teams on the 21CW roster but Hot Stuff are made of sterner.....stuff. Jay B quickly tags in Buff Martinez and the Barcelona Bull begins a great period of dominance for his team, keeping Davey Celtic away from his English counterpart and utilising quick tags with Jay to wear out the young Scotsman. The match goes on with Celtic still in dire straits, desperate to make the tag but being outgunned by Hot Stuff, and wisely being kept away from his corner, Martinez and Jay seemed fully in control and very aware of this. Their arrogance however does lead to a mistake, Martinez stalls when going to deliver a DDT and Celtic powers out, pushing Martinez into his partner, Jay B, who then topples from the apron, Celtic using all his energy dived over and tagged in Davey London who flew into the ring hitting Martinez with several dropkicks and looking fired up and ready for action, however as he ran the ropes, the ever quick Jay B pulled the top rope down, sending London over the top to the hard floor, then Jay B delivered his B-Bopper finisher on the floor and rolled London back into the ring, Martinez made the cover...1....2...3. That’s all she wrote for this one, Hot Stuff retain their title.


Winners and STILL 21CW Tag Team Champions: Hot Stuff



After all the action has calmed down and the announcers hype up that next is Stevie Stoat’s open challenge, as Nova and Smith discuss this, Stevie Stoat’s music plays out of the PA and Stoat struts down to the ring, microphone in hand, he addresses the crowd as he makes his way to the ring.


“Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s me, the Franchise Player, Stevie Stoat, but how could you ever forget that? It’s the time of the show that everyone’s been waiting for, the men, the women, the children, the merch guy, Steve Smith, I know you’ve been looking forward to it , it’s the first ever Stevie Stoat open invitational challenge, so bring them on out, send out the first ever loser of the Stoat Open Challenge”


Stoat waited for his opponent in the ring and the crowd eagerly anticipated his opponent, the music hit and his opponent was............







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Edward Cornell!





Edward Cornell versus Stevie Stoat


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The match starts and Cornell charges at Stoat, who quickly leaps out of the ring, much to the chagrin of both Cornell and the fans in attendance, as the referee began to make a ten count, Cornell decided to follow him to the outside and a chase began, Stoat quickly rolling back into the ring. When Cornell followed, Stoat immediately went at him with some boots and the match finally began properly, with Stoat in control and looking dangerous in the early going. As the match evolved, Cornell finally managed to fight back after his early setbacks and the battle became much more back and forth, Cornell looked dangerous against Stoat, hitting a big DDT for a near fall and even going to the top rope to connect with a dropkick. This began to shake Stevie Stoat and he began to slip up here and there, missing several big moves and giving the control to Cornell, who thrived under the challenge. Cornell looked to end it all and began with positioning himself for a spear, he flew at Stoat, who managed to dodge at the last minute, Stoat then went to grab a chair from the outside and brought it into the ring, the referee instantly took the foreign object from him, but while the refs back was turned, Stoat hit the now standing Cornell square in his family jewels with a quick kick, Cornell was beyond winded as Stoat hit his infamous Super Kick. The referee turned around just in time to see the kick connect and counted.....1......2......3. Stevie Stoat wins his first open challenge here live on PPV.


Winner: Stevie Stoat



Pit Bull Brown versus Kevin Jones



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As the two men make their way down to the ring, Jeff Nova and Steve Smith tell the viewer just how much these two men like to fight, their words prove eerily accurate as the two begin brawling before the bell has even rang. Rather than try to get in between the two men and risk injury, the referee chooses to let this continue and starts the match with the two superstars already engaged heavily in a mass brawl. The match begins in the ring, with both men using the squared circle to their advantage, Kevin Jones removing the turnbuckle covers and driving his opponents head into the steel turnbuckle, but this can only muster a two count before Brown powered out. The match went to the outside when Pit Bull Brown hit a clothesline on Jones with such force that it sent him tumbling over the top rope and nearly took his head clean off, Brown leapt out of the ring to continue the brawl on the outside. The outside brawl began with Brown slamming Jones to the hard floor with a bodyslam, this then turned into a whipping match, with Jones being sent into the steel steps and Brown flying into the crowd barrier then eating a big boot from Jones, who charged at him. The two men continued in this vein fighting their way up onto the stage, once up there, both men threw everything they had at each other in an effort to gain a victory, Pit Bull Brown went for a DDT, but Jones pushed him away, a kick to the mid section and Jones lifted Brown up for a death valley driver......however this was not enough for Jones, seeing an opportunity, Jones hit that death valley drop off the stage onto the cold hard floor below, with Brown laying motionless on that solid ground, Jones dived off the stage with an elbow drop, connecting totally, the referee rushed up to the scene and Jones just managed to crawl over to Brown and drape an arm over his body....1.......2......3. Jones wins this brutal encounter.


Winner: Kevin Jones



The hooded figure that is Jonathan Faust is seen backstage, he is surrounded by candles in a dark room. He removes his hood to speak to the camera


“Adam Matravers, what is difficult to comprehend here, it is impossible for you to defeat me, I am your superior... and I will prove this tonight. I will be the victor in our clash and I will walk away with the knowledge that I defeated you and left your spirit and body broken. I am a man, the man who will tonight defeat you and who will go on to achieve whatever I set my mind to and will achieve it with deadly accuracy . Luck is for the feeble, Matravers, so you will need as much as possible if you wish to defeat me”


Faust once again puts his hood up and starts to chant an incarnation as we go back to the ringside area.



Adam Matravers versus Jonathan Faust


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These two men enter the ring in entirely different circumstances, Faust descends down the ring in cover of darkness, his hood keeping his face hidden from view, when he finally unveils a smug smile runs across his face. Adam Matravers on the other hand bursts through the curtain full of energy, slapping the fans hands on the way down, yet despite this he seems angry or at the very least distracted by his inability to put Faust away in recent weeks and our commentators discuss wheter that will affect him here tonight. The two men lock up and even in the early going of the match, Jonathan Faust still seems to be in control, dominating Matravers early on and looking like the mind games he utilised were working a treat. The match went on and Matravers battled back into things, finally looking like he had his opponents number, he was flying on a hot streak when he went for his patented Mile High Moonsault, but at the last second Faust moved away and Matravers crashed to the mat. Faust seized his opportunity, seeing his opponent downed, he bide his time, he waited for Matravers to stand and hits his Devils Drop finisher! The crowd groans in despair as Faust makes the cover....1....2....KICK OUT! Matravers got his shoulder up, Faust looks stunned, he quickly stands and charges at Matravers with a clothesline, he misses and Matravers connects with a roundhouse kick that knocks Faust to the mat, Matravers hops onto the top rope and waits for Faust to stand, as soon as he does Matravers soars with a crossbody, but his momentum is used against him, Faust rolls Matravers onto his back....1....2....3! Faust wins, but Matravers took him to the absolute limit here tonight!


Winner: Jonathan Faust



A video plays that shows us the history of Joss Thompson and Leo Price. It shows us their individual debuts and then the birth of their alliance, The Takeover. It showed as they steamrollered through the 21CW roster before Leo Price’s jealousy finally got the better of him and he betrayed his partner, the video then takes us to the modern day and the challenge laid out by Leo Price for this Steel Cage match.



21CW World Title Match: Steel Cage


Joss Thompson vs Leo Price



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This match has been in the making for years and both men are aware of it. As the two men step into the steel structure which will force them once and for all to settle their score they both have a steely determined look on their face, knowing that not only is the 21CW world title on the line, but so is their pride. The referee checks both men for illegal objects before finally locking shut the cage door and allowing the match to begin. The match began and Leo Price finally had to face off with Thompson. The early portion of the match was spent with an angry and frustrated Thompson beating Price down into the corner over and over, releasing all the pent up aggression of the last twelve months on his former partner, ultimately however this strategy left Thompson a little worn out and Price was able to worm his way back into the match and create an even playing field. It was Price that first took advantage of his surroundings, repeatedly throwing Thompson into the steel cage and then grating his head on the cage, drawing blood from the 21CW world champion. Thompson made his comeback fairly quickly releasing a flurry of quick dropkicks and clotheslines and then throwing Price into the cage door head first to bust open his opponent and leave both men bleeding. The match continued and both men fought with everything they had, desperate to walk away with the ultimate prize in 21CW, Price looked to have the upper hand and even connected with his Price Drop, but as he looked set to walk out of the cage door, Joss grabbed his foot, dragging him back in and connecting with a Clean Cutter, Thompson began to slowly climb the cage, only for Price to pull himself back up and stop Thompson just before he could make it all the way over. The two men began to show their desperation, anxiously trying to break through the door or climb the cage wall, but to no avail. The two men’s battle seemed to be unstoppable, Thompson finally hit yet another Clean Cutter and made for the door, it was unlocked, his foot was out of the door and WHACK....Kathleen Lee had struck the 21CW champion with his own title, Joss just collapsed and Price began to stir. Leo finally made it to his feet and began to climb the cage, he was higher and higher, closer and closer to that escape, but Joss sensing the danger scrambled to his feet and flew up the cage like a cat, he quickly found himself face to face with Leo and the two men wailed on each other, both men coming close to falling, until finally Thompson hit an elbow to the head that sent Price falling back to the mat. Thompson made his way to the top of the cage, he looked down at the outside, then to Price laying out in the ring, then back to the outside.....then Thompson hit it....he flew from the top of the cage with a moonsault, connecting onto Price much to the crowd’s amazement. Joss finally made his way to his feet and the door was unlocked, Kathleen tried to stop Joss once more, but was instead shoved from the cage to the floor. With nothing left to stop him retaining his title, a bloodied and beaten Joss Thompson stepped through the cage door and was announced as still the 21CW World Champion.


Winner and STILL 21CW World Champion: Joss Thompson



The cage is raised as Joss Thompson celebrates his victory over his long time foe. Thompson clasps his 21CW title belt and holds it up for all the fans to see, it seems like the perfect ending to Thompson’s night.........but then, the lights go out, screams are heard from all around the arena. When the lights finally burst back into function, there he is....the monster, the hellspawn that is Nightmare, Thompson doesn’t have time to react before Nightmare brutally clotheslines him, Thompson crumbles to the mat and his title belt falls to the floor. Nightmare is relentless in the beatdown that follows, he whips Thompson into the corner and connects with a massive big boot, Thompson is already out of it when Nightmare finishes him off with his Darkness Choke Slam. Thompson is left a mess, just about breathing and now thoroughly bloodied and bruised, Jeff Nova can’t take it any more and grabs a chair... he leaps into the ring and starts swinging, but Nightmare has already left, leaving yet another trail of disaster in his wake, the last images we see on the PPV is Jeff Nova checking Joss and calling for paramedics to come and tend to his fallen 21CW champion.




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Prediction Contest Standings



After 4 Events.



1.ChrisKid (19)

2.TheEffect (18)

3.Boltinho (16)

4.Midnightnick (14)

5.20LEgend (11)

6.Number Six (10)

7.Liquidswords (7)


So ChrisKid still has the lead by just one point with one show to go, the next show preview should be up later today.

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21CW Best Of British Preview


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Just days removed from the huge show that was Steel Cage Challenge and there is bound to be some fallout from Nightmare's brutal attack on 21CW champion, Joss Thompson. As well as this Jeff Nova is poised to announce the main event for our next major show, World War 3. All this and much more on Best of British.




Prediction Key


Joss Thompson vs Nightmare

Adam Matravers and Edward Cornell vs Jonathan Faust and Stevie Stoat

Harry Wilson vs Luke Cool

Phillip Cooper vs Stefan Raynor

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<p>Nice show at steel cage challenge</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Joss Thompson</strong> vs Nightmare</p><p>

I think Nightmare will have to get a DQ or his 'boss' will debut, interfere and the match will be thrown out. No point wasting all this buildup but NM is nowhere near god enough in the ring to go over Joss</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Adam Matravers and Edward Cornell</strong> vs Jonathan Faust and Stevie Stoat</p><p>

Like the mix of styles in this one. Just a shame that 2 are awful on the mic and one is so-so</p><p> </p><p>

Harry Wilson vs <strong>Luke Cool</strong></p><p>

Harry is an ass. Job him down ASAP</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Phillip Cooper</strong> vs Stefan Raynor</p><p>

Both actually can turn into decent workers. Cooper's hat thing is stupid</p>

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21CW Best of British Wrestling





The show begins with a recap over last nights pay per view event, we see clips from Stevie Stoat’s open challenge, Faust and Matravers match and finally the steel cage match between Price and Thompson and then Nightmare’s brutal attack on Joss after the match. We then launch into our usual opening video and pyro.


When we come to ringside, Jeff Nova is standing in the ring.


“ Last night was a night full of amazing action and it made me proud to be the owner of the greatest promotion in the United Kingdom and next month one of our greatest events will take place, as twenty men will enter into the ring, nineteen will be thrown over the top rope and the winner will earn a title shot at World War 3.”


The fans cheer at the prospect of World War 3


“ There will be twenty men in the match, but one man who will certainly not be in the match is Nightmare. Nightmare has been a blight on this company in the last month and when he assaulted the 21CW champion, Joss Thompson, he let again crossed a line, so I have officially banned him from entering World War 3. However Nightmare you will be in action tonight, as Joss Thompson has requested revenge and as such you Nightmare will face 21CW champion Joss Thompson in a non title match”


Again the fans go wild at the prospect of this huge match.


Jeff Nova steps down and makes his way back to the broadcast booth as the show begins in ernest.



Phillip Cooper versus Stefan Raynor




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Cooper makes his way out to a big pop from the crowd to face a man who hasn’t been seen in a couple of weeks and is hungry to prove himself in Stefan Raynor. The match is heavily balanced toward Phillip and he keeps control for a huge portion of the match, ultimately Louie Peyton tries to get himself involved in the match and this does give Raynor a short boost of momentum, but it’s no suprise to anyone when Cooper puts Raynor away after connecting with an implant DDT and then heading to the top rope to hit his finisher maneuveure, the Cooper Fly Splash.


Winner: Phillip Cooper



Jay B and Buff Martinez come out to the ring, with their tag titles still around their waists. The fans let them know their feelings, but it just seems to make Hot Stuff even happier.


Martinez grabs a microphone and the two men jump into the ring.


Buff: The Barcelona Bull is in the house, and guess what, he still has his tag title.


Jay: Yeah, the ratings winners are here and are still holding the gold, and do you know why?....It’s because there is no competition for us.


Buff: That’s right, Davey Celtic, Davey London. You’re two terrible blots on 21CW’s roster.


Jay: You’re not just an embarrassment to 21CW, but also to all Englishmen and all Scotsman, you are one awful tag team.


Buff: And that’s why you’re not worthy of our time and our effort.


Jay: So 21CW, send us some competition or we may just hold these belts until the day we retire.


The fans boo as Hot Stuff fist bump and swagger backstage.



Harry Wilson versus Luke Cool



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Wilson begins the match in control as he attempts to get back into winning ways after losing his United Kingdom title, however Luke Cool doesn’t seem to care and fights back into the match. The match is a very open one with both men hitting all their big moves and trying to put the other one away, there are several near falls and the crowd even begins to get quite into the match, ultimately Wilson gets frustrated after a two count and argues with the referee, this gives Luke Cool the opportunity he needed and he rolled up Wilson from behind, grabbing the tights for added support, the referee counts..1...2....3 and Luke Cool gets the victory.


Winner: Luke Cool



Johnny Stones is sitting backstage in what appears to be his own personal dressing room, it is painted black and has tacky silver crucifixes adoring the walls. There are two “Groupies” with him and Stones certainly appears to be enjoying himself, drinking champagne and with dubious looking substances on the table in front of him


“ That’s right, Rolling Johnny Stones won again.This time he beat that reggae loving, dope smoking, loser Daniel Black Francis. Danny, you learnt first hand that you just don’t have what it takes to hang with a rockstar and I’m still the 21CW UK Champion......but that’s not enough, no not nearly enough.What I want, what I really want, is the ultimate prize, the 21CW title and at World War 3, I’m gonna win that opportunity, It doesn’t matter if I enter at number one or number twenty, the result will be the same, Rolling Johnny Stones wins.......and the crowd goes wild”


Stones laughs as do his two floozies, we leave the dressing room as he begins to pour champagne.



Adam Matravers and Edward Cornell versus Jonathan Faust and Stevie Stoat



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This tag match pits four established 21CW stars against each other and it certainly doesn’t disappoint. In the match, Matravers seems on fire, unleashing move after move on Faust and Stoat and in general lighting up the crowd with his high energy style, Faust on the other hand actually looks to be on the back burner for the match, taking move after move and uncharacteristically struggling to get much offense in and quickly tagging out to Stoat. Stoat meanwhile looks to avoid any action with Cornell after he resorted to cheating to beat him at Steel Cage Challenge, yet Cornell does eventually get the tag in and does deliver some damage to Stoat, making him pay for his treachery. The match looks heavily in favour of Cornell and Matravers and Adam looks to have the match under control as he goes for a Mile High Moonsault on Stoat, unfortunately Faust pulls out some brass knuckles from his pocket and leaps up to strike Matravers straight in the face with them. Matravers crumbles to the mat and Stoat slinks an arm over the fallen star, the referee counts the victory and Faust yet again defeats Matravers.


Winners: Jonathan Faust and Stevie Stoat



After the match has ended, Steve Smith informs us that there is some sort of commotion backstage, we cut to the catering area where Pit Bull Brown and Kevin Jones are brawling, officials and agents are trying to separate the two men, but to no avail, the two superstars begin wailing on each other with any form of weaponary they can get their hands on, finally arena security turns up and separates the two men.



Joss Thompson versus Nightmare


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Nightmare has been running riot lately, quashing anybody that stands in his way and ultimately earmarking himself as the resident monster here in 21CW, but he would face his biggest challenge to date in current 21CW world champion, Joss Thompson. Thompson sprints down to the ring to fight Nightmare and the two men exchange blows in the early going, providing a back and forth that is not normally seen in Nightmare matches, it is an odd comparison to his normally dominant performances. However as the match draws on Nightmare gradually seizes control of the match, he begins slowly, some successful clotheslines, a big headbutt and big boot but before too long he has ravaged Thompson and left him laying in the ring, it begins to appear to be more of a punishment, more like he has been sent to injure Thompson rather than actually defeat him. The crowd desperately wills Joss to his feet, he launches a comeback, he throws everything he has at Nightmare and briefly stuns him.....but before anything can come of it, he is struck in the back of his head with a chair.....Leo Price has entered the ring, the referee calls for the bell as Joss slowly gets to his feet.


Winner (Via DQ) : Joss Thompson



The match has been called a DQ but with the distraction from Price, Nightmare takes the advantage and hits his Darkness Choke Slam, Thompson is out. Price and Nightmare stare deeply at each other, it seems for a moment that Nightmare is gearing up to strike Price, dominate him in the same way he’s been dominating the 21CW roster in recent weeks, the two men gaze at each other for what seems to be an eternity..........then they bow to each other, a mutual sign of respect, a link clear between the two. Price lifts up Thompson and smacks him with a Price Drop, Nightmare then lifts the battered body of Joss and again delivers a Darkness Choke Slam


Leo Price and Nightmare stand in the ring and strike the same pose, the kneeling pose, as if a knight kneeling in front of their monarch. The fans go wild with hatred as the two men leave the ring. We now know that Price is a part of the Orders, but just who else is left to come? As we go off the air, Steve Smith asks these questions whilst Jeff Nova remains silent.



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