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NYCW 2012: Gotham Unleashed

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Julie Forletta leaves NYCW


New York City Wrestling has come to terms on the release of manager/valet Julie Forletta as of today. NYCW wishes her the best in all future endeavors.

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Preview for the next episode of NYCW Empire TV...


-As you heard last week, NYCW newcomer Whippy the Clown will go one on one with the Masked Mauler. Will the unorthodox clown prevail, or will the Brown Family have something to say about it?


-A trio of killer matches have also been signed: Ford Gumble takes on Tribal Warrior, Avalanche & Marv Statler go up against the Nation of Filth, and in our main event, the maniac biker Billy Jack Shearer goes head to head with one half of the Tag Team Champions, Cowboy Buck Winchester!


-Plus, Dazzling Dave Diamond is supposed to be in the house, and the NYCW Empire Champion Dean McWade will attempt to get some answers from the New York Doll regarding his actions last week.



Prediction key:

Billy Jack Shearer vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester

Ford Gumble .vs. Tribal Warrior

Whippy the Clown vs. The Masked Mauler

Avalanche & Marv Statler vs. The Nation of Filth

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Billy Jack Shearer vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester

Angry biker FTW


Ford Gumble vs. Tribal Warrior

Please. Someone book T.W as a scary winner, not a scary loser. Please!


Whippy the Clown vs. The Masked Mauler

Botched interference from the Family


Avalanche & Marv Statler vs. The Nation of Filth

Avalanche to look good here

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Billy Jack Shearer vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester


Jacks got the look


Ford Gumble vs. Tribal Warrior


I just can't see Warrior getting pushed over Ford


Whippy the Clown vs. The Masked Mauler


The Clown is my favourite worker in the c verse. bar none.


Avalanche & Marv Statler vs. The Nation of Filth


Filth are passed it

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Billy Jack Shearer vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester

I like the cowboy, and I think he's worth pushing


Ford Gumble .vs. Tribal Warrior

Easier to Push, More Skill as well if I recall correctly


Whippy the Clown vs. The Masked Mauler

Cmon, It's Whippy


Avalanche & Marv Statler vs. The Nation of Filth

Stronger pairing, and it's a legit team.

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Congrats to Jingo. You are now permitted to act smug.


Thanks i think i will ;)



Billy Jack Shearer vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester

Ford Gumble .vs. Tribal Warrior

Whippy the Clown vs. The Masked Mauler

Avalanche & Marv Statler vs. The Nation of Filth

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Billy Jack Shearer vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester

Massive difference in overness, if not in talent


Ford Gumble .vs. Tribal Warrior

Gumble is one of those who can be good or mediocre, depending on how the destiny stat rolled. However Tribal Warrior comes with high menace, which can always be used for good angle grades ( I routinely get C+ or B- when Savage Fury beats people up using menace angles.)


Whippy the Clown vs. The Masked Mauler

Whippy is latest addition, and thus will be pushed


Avalanche & Marv Statler vs. The Nation of Filth

Statler is by far the best actual wrestler of the four here, but Nation of Filth have overness on their side.

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NYCW Empire TV (Episode #3) Aired on National Pride TV in the late night timeslot on Friday, Week 4, June 2012


Held in front of 1,000 people at The Ministry (SELL-OUT)

Taped on Saturday, Week 3, June 2012


-Dark Matches:

The Heavenly Bodies def. Jebediah & Running Wolf

Island Boy Apollo def. Syd Collier


-Show open


Match 1:


Avalanche & Marv Statler w/Katie Cameron



The Nation of Filth


Rock Downpour and Sue Danes welcomed viewers to the show as the action immediately got underway inside the squared circle. The Nation of Filth were trying to bounce back from a minor setback, having come up short against the makeshift team of Billy Jack Shearer and Ford Gumble last week on Empire TV. Meanwhile, the team of Avalanche and Marv Statler were trying to reestablish themselves and earn another shot at the Tag Team Titles sometime in the near future.


Statler got things going with Grunt of the Nation. Collar and elbow tieup in the center of the ring and both competitors find themselves backed up against the ropes. Michael Bull called for a clean break, but naturally Grunt refused to give it, slamming a cheap shot right hand into the midsection of "Marvellous" Marv. Grunt whipped Statler into the ropes and levelled him with a big shoulderblock, then decided to turn to the crowd to antagonize them. While Grunt was playing to the crowd, Statler got back to his feet and tagged in his partner Avalanche. The big man crept up on Grunt... uh oh, this wasn't going to be pretty... Grunt turned around only to receive a boot to the midsection... and a CHOKE BOMB!!!








Winners in 02:17, Avalanche & Marv Statler (E+)


Wow! A shockingly quick defeat for the Nation of Filth. Stink didn't even get an opportunity to tag into the match, and he certainly didn't look too happy about that fact. He entered the ring and started reading Grunt the riot act. Grunt responded by shoving Stink onto his rear end and storming out of the ring. Did we just witness the end for the Nation of Filth? Is it possible to come back from such a humiliating loss? On the flip side of the coin, it was a great victory for the team of Avalanche and Statler, who were starting to come into their own as a tandem in NYCW.




Match 2:


Whippy the Clown



The Masked Mauler w/Streetz Brown


As we saw last week on Empire TV, newcomer Whippy the Clown has already made an enemy out of the Brown family. Don't let the get-up of Whippy the Clown fool you though, despite his outlandish appearance, Whippy is one heck of an athlete. The same can be said of the Masked Mauler, who recently went on a short tour of duty in Japan with the Golden Canvas Grappling promotion.


Whippy began the proceedings by offering a handshake to the Masked Mauler. Streetz Brown immediately hopped up on the ring apron and started screaming bloody murder, recalling the shock of a lifetime he received last week when attempting to shake hands with Whippy. He started ranting about Whippy smuggling foreign objects into the match. Michael Bull attempted to placate the manager by telling him he checked both wrestlers before the bell, but Streetz wasn't having any of it, and in his moment of madness, made the mistake of shoving Michael Bull. The ref lived up to his "No BS" reputation and promptly ejected Streetz from the ringside area! The crowd loved that, as a livid Streetz had no choice but to march back to the locker rooms, being heckled by fans all the way.


That settled, the match could finally get underway. Both competitors circled one another before engaging in a collar and elbow tieup. Mauler immediately transitioned into a waistlock before taking Whippy down and then floating over into a front chancery. Mauler then disrespected his opponent by simply rubbing Whippy's face into the mat. Mauler jumped up and played to the crowd a little, getting on their bad sides even more than he was already. Mauler turned his attention back to his opponent, only to be eating canvas himself moments later when Whippy hit him with a drop toehold. Whippy immediately floated over on top of Mauler and started unlacing his mask! Mauler quickly wormed his way out of Whippy's grasp and backed away from the clown, his eyes boggled in wide-eyed anger.


Eventually the two men locked up again, Mauler gaining the upper hand with an Irish whip into the ropes. Whippy leapfrogged over a backdrop attempt though, and came back at the Masked Mauler with a high cross body resulting in a one count. Whippy waited for Mauler to get back up before pouncing on him with a clothesline from the second turnbuckle, then dragged the masked man over to the ropes before hopping out to the ring apron and nailing Mauler with a slingshot legdrop!






......Thr... kickout!


The NYCW fans were now cheering wildly for the newcomer, who did a mock bow and some clowning antics for them as the Mauler slid out of the ring to get his wits about him. It had to be said, the Mauler looked lost without Streetz out there in his corner. Mauler eventually got back in the ring and we had another tieup, with Whippy taking advantage again with a quick armdrag takedown. Mauler quickly got up and charged at Whippy, but the clown stepped aside and shoved Mauler off into the ropes. The Mauler came back off the ropes with a Thesz press and started choking the life out of Whippy. Michael Bull had to physically restrain Mauler from choking Whippy to death, but the Mauler wasn't finished. He stomped away on the clown, putting the boots to Whippy's midsection. Mauler yanked Whippy up by the hair and hit him with a bodyslam followed up by a kneedrop right across the forehead. Mauler made a nochalant cover, but Whippy was able to escape at two. The momentum had definately shifted in Mauler's favor though.


Mauler pushed Whippy against the turnbuckles and continued to knock the wind out of him with several kicks to the midsection. An Irish whip into the opposite turnbuckle followed. Whippy managed a tippup out of the corner, but Mauler put on the brakes in time and caught the clown in mid-air. He carried the clown across the ring in the Canadian backbreaker rack position, looking as if he was going to spectacularly dump Whippy over the top rope and to the hard concrete below... but Whippy was somehow able to wriggle free and sent the Mauler flying between the ring ropes and to the arena floor with a spinning headscissors! Whippy quickly capitalized on the reversal of fortune, jumping out to the ring apron and waiting for the Mauler to get his bearings. As soon as the Mauler got to his feet, Whippy came flying off the ring apron with a cannonball apron dive which made the ringside fans explode!


Whippy shoved the Masked Mauler back into the ring and immediately went for the lateral press, but the Mauler managed to get a boot up on the bottom rope at two to break up the pinfall. The clown hoisted the masked man up and sent him off into the ropes, but the Mauler managed to put the breaks on and countered Whippy's backdrop attempt with a facebreaker, driving the side of Whippy's face into the Mauler's knee. Whippy went reeling backwards clutching at his jaw, and the Mauler took advantage by clipping Whippy's left leg and immediately locking in a spinning toe hold. Michael Bull was in position and asked Whippy if he wanted to give it up, but the clown was surprisingly resilient, managing to reach out and grab the ropes to break the submission hold. The Mauler took advantage of the rules and kept the hold wrenched in until the ref's count reached four. The Mauler stomped on Whippy's leg a few times before dragging the clown to a vertical base and leveling him with a stiff European uppercut. Whippy fell back against the ropes seeing stars, and the Mauler moved in for the kill, looking as if he was going for the Iron Claw... but Whippy had enough wits to allow himself to simply fall through the ring ropes and out onto the apron, evading the Mauler's finisher.


The Mauler went to drag Whippy back into the ring, but Whippy countered with a shoulder thrust to the midsection, then hastily scaled the turnbuckles from the apron and, with his uninjured leg, came down on the Mauler with a flying spinning heel kick! Mauler was out of it! Whippy went upstairs once again and performed a spectacular corkscrew moonsault - a move he likes to call Clowning Around. Whippy made the cover...








Winner in 12:04, Whippy the Clown (match rating: D+)


An enjoyable, back-and-forth contest between two seasoned pros. A big win for Whippy on his NYCW in-ring debut.




When NYCW Empire TV came back from commercial, we were backstage in the interview area with Sue Danes.




DANES: "Welcome back, fans. I'm joined at this time by Streetz Brown and two of his clients, Rick Sanders and the Masked Mauler, otherwise known as the Old-School Principals."




Streetz still appeared to be fuming mad over being tossed in the last match. He was accompanied by a stoic Tri-State Regional Champion, Rick Sanders, and a sweaty, tired looking Masked Mauler, who had a towel draped over his shoulders.


DANES: "I'm told you have a challenge you'd like to issue..."


STREETZ: "That's right, girlie. So you think you pretty tough, clown-man?! You ain't tough. You don't know nuthin' about tough. You know what you just saw out there, 'rasslin fans? A fluke. That's right, a fluke! Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then, and Whippy - that's you, pal. Ya got lucky against the Mauler, that's all. It just so happens the Mauler had a contact lense come loose right at the end of that match, and that's the ONLY reason you were able to keep his shoulders down for three, I assure you, clown-man."


The Masked Mauler points at his right eye while still attempting to appear menacing and tough for the cameras. It's debatable whether or not he succeeds.


STREETZ: "So we got a challenge for ya. You find ANYBODY in the NYCW locker room. Or anybody out on the street. Anybody dumb enough to team up with ya. And you bring 'em to Empire TV next week to take on the Old-School Principals. We don't care who it is! Bring in Bruce the Giant! Bring in the Stomper! Bring in the fat guy with the beard who always sits in the front row! It don't matter who you get, cause when the Mauler's done pounding on ya, and when my man slick Rick slaps the figure-four leglock on ya, you'll be just like everybody else who made the mistake of crossin' the Brown Family - cryin' for they mama! Hahaha!"


(segment rating: D-)




Match 3:


Ford Gumble



Tribal Warrior


Streetz Brown's ban from ringside would be in effect for the rest of the night, thus explaining why Tribal Warrior came out for this match unaccompanied. This could potentially be a big match in terms of standing in the NYCW ranks. A win for either man could put them in the running for a future title opportunity, at the very least a number one contender's match. Ford Gumble is coming off a momentum building tag team victory last week, while Tribal Warrior has enjoyed a very high winning percentage since debuting in NYCW late last year.


The match began with Warrior lashing out at Gumble with some lefts and rights, but Gumble held his own and fired back with some punches of his own. Warrior gained the upper hand with a thrusting chop to the throat, then went right for the eyes of his opponent, trying to gouge them out with his taped hands. Well... this one was never going to be a technical masterpiece...


Gumble escaped Warrior's grasp and connected with a lucky blind haymaker that sent the Samoan reeling. Gumble's vision cleared and he came at Tribal Warrior with a double leg takedown and started throwing wild mount punches on Warrior. The powerhouse Samoan shoved Gumble off and moved himself into the mounted position, biting at Gumble's forehead like a starved savage. Gumble shoved Tribal Warrior off and both competitors fell out of the ring and continued brawling on the floor. Gumble kicked Warrior in the gut and Irish whipped him into the steel guardrail. Gumble came after Warrior, but the member of the Brown family ducked his head and backdropped Gumble into the front row!


Warrior climbed over the guardrail and went after Gumble... but Gumble came up with a glancing headbutt that kept the Samoan at bay. Gumble threw a knee into the midsection of Tribal Warrior and set him up for a vertical suplex, but Warrior blocked it with a knee of his own and took Gumble down with a clothesline that sent him sprawling further into the audience, who were loving this rare foray into hardcore style brawls.


Meanwhile, Michael Bull had long ago reached 10 on his count. He threw the match out.


In 03:49, Tribal Warrior and Ford Gumble fought to a double countout (match rating: D-)


Both Warrior and Gumble continued brawling even after the bell had rung. It took a team of backstage officials to separate the two men, who were obviously running on high aggression this evening. Doubtful we've seen the last of these two going at it.




We had a camera backstage with the NYCW Empire Champion Dean McWade in the locker rooms. His manager Vita approached.




MCWADE: "Is he here tonight?"


VITA: "He's in the other locker room... are you sure..?"


MCWADE: "Got to. I ain't one for this waiting crap. Take me to him."


Vita sighs and leads McWade out of the room and across the hallway. The camera crew followed along with the pair until they came to a stop in front of someone. The camera panned around and we saw the New York Doll sitting in a folding chair. He was wearing an Agnostic Front t-shirt and trench coat, clearly not dressed for combat tonight.




VITA: "Hi. Uh... listen, Dean wanted to have a word with you."


MCWADE: "Yeah. Listen, kid... thanks for the assist last week. Didn't have to do that, but I do appreciate it. Now listen, I ain't usually one to mince words, I do most of my talking in the ring, so here's the deal. I know you got that contract for a title shot, and I'm guessing it's my belt you want a shot at. That's no problem with me. So what do you say we go to the NYCW board and get us a match signed for next week?"


NEW YORK DOLL: "........."


MCWADE: "Come on, kid. I'm a fighting champ. I ain't looking to duck nobody."


NEW YORK DOLL: "........."


McWade exhaled sharply and got closer to the New York Doll, trying to restrain his anger.


MCWADE: "Dammit! What's your problem? Look, I'm not the kind of person who likes to play these games..."


The New York Doll chuckled and rose from the chair.




The would-be challenger then stood up and exited the room without giving McWade and Vita so much as a second glance. Vita looked less than impressed.


VITA: "If he thinks he can play mind games with you, he needs to think again."


But the champion appeared to be deep in thought. He wasn't quite sure what to make of the New York Doll.


(segment rating: D-)





Match 4:


Billy Jack Shearer



Cowboy Buck Winchester w/Marshall Dillon


Since entering the NYCW, Buck Winchester had been on a roll. Soon after his debut, he formed a team with fellow Texan grappler Marshall Dillon and in short order the two climbed to the top of tag team ranks, capturing the Tag Team Titles along the way. Tonight may very well be the rough Texan's toughest challenge though, as he takes on a former co-holder of the NYCW Tag Team Titles, Billy Jack Shearer. Neither man was short on intestinal fortitude, so this one could be one hell of a fight.


Winchester and Shearer circled one another to start before locking horns in the center of the ring. Shearer used his size to his advantage and shoved Winchester off into the turnbuckles, but the firey Texan came back with a straight right hand. Shearer fired back with a right of his own and, as expected, we had a slugfest on our hands. Shearer appeared to gain the upper hand with his punches and shot Winchester off into the ropes, catching him with a big shoulderblock then knocked Winchester onto his rear. The cowboy wasn't down long though, he was up on his feet daring Shearer to try that again. Winchester ran the ropes and, second verse same as the first, Shearer knocked Winchester down again with another hard-hitting shoulderblock. Winchester got back up and walked into a right hand, followed by an Irish whip into the turnbuckles. Shearer charged in after the cowboy, but Winchester got an elbow up in time to repel the big man. Winchester took Shearer down with a diving clothesline and covered the big guy, but Shearer was out at two.


Shearer worked his way back to a vertical base, only to be greeted with a boot to the gut. Winchester performed a Bunkhouse Buck style rake of Shearer's back which caused Shearer to growl in pain. Winchester then shoved Shearer into the turnbuckles and worked him over with a series of shoulders driven right into the midsection. Winchester managed to get the big man down with a snap mare takeover, a rare technical move from him, and then applied a nerve hold between Shearer's neck and left shoulder. Shearer was able to get to his feet and power out of the hold, but Winchester maintained the advantage with a stiff knee to the chest. Winchester shot Shearer off into the ropes and looked to go for a clothesline, but Shearer ducked out of the way and immediately put the brakes on, spinning Winchester around and booting him in the gut. Shearer took Winchester down with a gutwrench suplex. Shearer made a cover...








Billy Jack yanked Winchester up by his Wranglers and softened the Texan up with a pair of clubbing forearm shots across the back, followed up with a pumphandle slam. Shearer went for another pinfall attempt.






......Thre... no!


Undeterred, Shearer pulled his opponent up for more punishment, but Winchester bought himself a momentary breather with a diving headbutt into the midsection of Shearer. After clearing the cobwebs, Winchester got up and went in at Shearer with a flurry of right hands, then went for the eyes with a gouging move which caused Michael Bull to start reading him the riot act. Winchester broke the eye gouge and hit Shearer with a big Dusty elbow, followed by a short arm clothesline that took the big man down. Now Winchester went for a cover, making sure to ram his elbow into the side of Shearer's face as he made the pin...






......shoulder up!


Winchester visibly scowled at Michael Bull before picking Shearer back up. He whipped Shearer into the ropes and connected with a sloppy big boot to the mush, then with a big elbowdrop, trying to crush the chest of Shearer. He stomped away at Shearer until the ref called for a break, but Winchester wouldn't let up. Finally the ref forced Winchester off and started verbally berating him for breaking the rules. Winchester jawed back at the ref, and while Bull's attention was on Winchester, Marshall Dillon took a moment to become physically involved in the match, choking on BJ Shearer and ramming a stiff elbow into Shearer's forehead. Winchester went back to work on Shearer after this, locking on a side headlock and using his knuckles to give Shearer a really abrasive looking noogie. This was anything but the same playful poke big brothers perform on their younger siblings. Shearer eventually shoved Winchester off, but the co-holder of the Tag Team Titles drove another knee into the big man's gut and whipped him into the ropes... no! Reversed by Shearer. BJ caught Winchester with a backdrop, but Winchester was quickly back to his feet and coming at Shearer, only to walk straight into an overhead press! In an incredible display of power, Shearer held Winchester up over his head for a few moments before slamming him down to the canvas.


Shearer was now firmly in control, and he was liking his chances. Winchester managed to get up again, but he was groggy, and backed himself into a big atomic drop from Shearer. Winchester wobbled around and walked right back into Shearer's grasp - who lifted Winchester up over his head and levelled him with the Death Valley Driver! That had to be all!








Winner in 10:55, Billy Jack Shearer (match rating: D-)




Great win for Shearer, who keeps his momentum rolling. Shearer was celebrating his win, acknowledging the fans at ringside, when Marshall Dillon slid into the ring and nailed Shearer with a cheap shot from behind! Winchester eventually got back to his feet and joined in with his tag team partner in attacking Shearer.


The Texas Outlaws stomped away on Shearer for a few moments before picking the big man up and whipping him into the ropes. Shearer managed to rebound with a double clothesline on both men! He flattened Dillon with a big right hand, Winchester got up and walked into one himself. Dillon came back at Shearer, but Billy Jack managed to scoop him up and plant Dillon with a bodyslam. Shearer was in total control of the situation, but a fourth person suddenly slid into the ring and clipped Shearer from behind...




Dazzling Dave Diamond!


Diamond started laying into Shearer with furious lefts and rights. He said something to Dillon, who jumped out of the ring and grabbed the steel folding chair out from under the ring announcer. Dillon handed the chair to Dave Diamond, who wasted no time in winding up and clobbering Shearer with a vicious chair shot! Shearer collapsed in a heap, but Diamond wasn't finished - he motioned for one of the Texas Outlaws to pick Shearer back up and hold him in place. Diamond climbed up to the second turnbuckle and came down upon Shearer's forehead with an atomic chairshot from the second rope! Shearer was out cold.


Diamond tossed the chair down on top of Shearer's prone body and posed in the ring with the Texas Outlaws. The crowd were threatening to riot, as Empire TV went off the air with the announcers wondering why Dave Diamond decided to assault Billy Jack Shearer unprovoked.


(segment rating: D+)



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Eagle eyes may have caught that this past show was held at The Ministry. This was a total goof on my part. Remember kids, don't do drugs and play TEW. You'll book shows in the wrong venues. Straight edge!




Prediction results:


Well, one match was a no-contest, so I'll just throw that one out...


Boltinho - 3/3

20LEgend - 3/3

SeanMcFly - 1/3

BHK1978 - 2/3

Jingo - 2/3

Clp605 - 2/3

Dragonmack - 2/3

TheEffect - 3/3


Congrats to Boltinho, 20LEgend, and TheEffect. You are now permitted to form a stable and cut a 20-minute heel promo about how the rest of the predictors aren't in your league.

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Okay, just some thoughts from an experienced NYCW booker.


Firstly, your matches are way short. I presume it's due to the length of the show (I'm guessing it's about an hour), but it's still surprising to see a couple of matches go under 5 minutes. Though given the quality of The Nation that's maybe a good thing.


Secondly, whilst I love your roster for it's uniqueness and difference, you need a proper franchise player- a good all-round talent that can do the heavy lifting and get you into the C band matches. I've used Cameron, Atom Smasher and Steve Flash in that slot, D-Mack's got himself, Ota and Buddy Garner, but you haven't really got that one or two guys to give you the lift. DDD is good, McWade is good, but there needs to be one more guy. Since I don't do criticism without suggestions, though, I'd reccommend looking at Mean Jean or Des Davids, who're both good guys that shouldn't overshadow the rest of your roster.

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Secondly, whilst I love your roster for it's uniqueness and difference, you need a proper franchise player- a good all-round talent that can do the heavy lifting and get you into the C band matches. I've used Cameron, Atom Smasher and Steve Flash in that slot, D-Mack's got himself, Ota and Buddy Garner, but you haven't really got that one or two guys to give you the lift. DDD is good, McWade is good, but there needs to be one more guy. Since I don't do criticism without suggestions, though, I'd reccommend looking at Mean Jean or Des Davids, who're both good guys that shouldn't overshadow the rest of your roster.


See, I have to disagree. I really like this diary *because* of the unique roster (and, of course, the very solid characterization and logical booking). I could also see Whippy or Ford sliding into that 'third-person' role, depending on how they mesh with McWade and DDD.


I do agree, however, that you probably need to build a little stronger threat to McWade as, much as I love your portrayal of New York Doll, he'd be a tough sell as champ.


Just out of curiousity, Number_six, since this begins in 2012, did you have any of those 'franchise players' in the first two years of your diary? Or have you always relied on Bailey (before he retired), McWade, etc.?

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I do agree, however, that you probably need to build a little stronger threat to McWade as, much as I love your portrayal of New York Doll, he'd be a tough sell as champ.


Just out of curiousity, Number_six, since this begins in 2012, did you have any of those 'franchise players' in the first two years of your diary? Or have you always relied on Bailey (before he retired), McWade, etc.?


I won't give away spoilers this far ahead, but there's more to the New York Doll's push than meets the eye.


As for the so-called 'franchise players', I had a number of Bailey/Flash matches early on in my promotion, but Steve Flash got injured and his contract expired. When he came back from injury, he didn't want to work for me anymore. Des Davids is on my shortlist, so maybe I can look to him in the not too distant future, but boy oh boy - if anyone's upset with my choice of workers thus far, they're going to have a coronary when they see the next upcoming debut (and you would be APPALLED to know how long I used Land Mass despite his sucky stats).


Anyway, yeah the matches are short because I've only got an hour to work with. I've tweaked product settings so the fans don't expect 30 minute iron man matches or anything, plus I've pushed up angle ratio slightly for TV. I would definitely prefer longer matches, but at the same time, I've still got some guys (like the aforementioned Nation) who will blow up if they go over 10 minutes, so right now this is probably the best formula for me.


(But, as an aside - the Nation's match this week was really short because of storyline reasons. I hope that was apparent. It's the old 'is Established Tag Team X really falling apart before our eyes?' routine.)


It seems I've received the most criticism from... the other NYCW bookers (and for the same reason too - OH YEAH?! WELL YOU GUYS DON'T HAVE ENOUGH BIG GIANT BRAWLERS WITH HIGH MENACE!). Which is fine, I really do welcome all criticism, but ultimately we've got three very different promotions and I think it would be boring as hell if there was 'one true way' to book the company. My personal idea for the promotion is to keep it at regional for as long as I can AND stay true to the old-school mentality of the fans for as long as I can. Some of the fans of this company are stuck in the 80's - they don't mind seeing overly muscular guys take on big fat guys in lousy matches. Is this a losing attitude? Will this bankrupt me and cause the promotion to fold? I don't care if it is, I'm having loads of fun with it.

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Loving this still, great writing especially for New York Doll, I sincerely hope he gets the title from McWade. His character and the 'I don't play games' 'well I do interchange was so cool' as the mysterious mind-games guy he so could be champ.


Also I actually tried to bring NYD into my PSW game based solely on your characterization of him, I am officially a NYD fan thanks to you :D

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Loving this still, great writing especially for New York Doll, I sincerely hope he gets the title from McWade. His character and the 'I don't play games' 'well I do interchange was so cool' as the mysterious mind-games guy he so could be champ.


Also I actually tried to bring NYD into my PSW game based solely on your characterization of him, I am officially a NYD fan thanks to you :D


It's important to train him up though, as he starts out very rough around the edges. His initial storyline in my NYCW was that he was the young punk hellbent on becoming the legend-killer of the company - which gave me a great excuse to put him in there almost exclusively with all the experienced guys. He had programs with Lee Wright, Whistler, and I even brought guys out of retirement like the Stomper for brief matches. Most memorably, I had NYD leave Sheik Mustafa battered and bloodied in the center of the ring (beating up 60-something year old men is always good for heel heat). Thankfully some of the vets' skills rubbed off on NYD, and his performance-based stats started to go up little by little.


I would also find a worker with high entertainment skills on your roster and put him/her in pre or post show angles with NYD. Abuse the heck out of 'em if you can.

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Here's NYD (Spike) at the start of the game:



And here is two and a half years later:



May not seem like much to some (I'm sure some will weep at his technical ability), but I love doing pet projects like this. Getting behind a guy and slowly building him up over time. He's still young too, so there's plenty of room for further improvement.

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D+ in Tri State, D- in Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic, and New England. F+ in Ontario, Quebec, and Maritimes (that's gotta be spillover, right? I've never promoted there and my TV doesn't reach Canada).


Cool and that is spillover. Sorry for all the questions but how much you got in the bank balance?

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No problem. I'm currently sitting at $563,061. I made a lot of my money running multiple shows a month in the Tri-State (in addition to my forays into other territories to build up their pop, which sometimes cost me money, but never too much if I only used a very small selection of wrestlers). The wrestling industry was somewhat 'meh' at the time, but the economy was on the up, so I'm sure that helped me somewhat.


Finances are definitely one of my weaknesses though, which is why I'd like to tread water at regional for as long as I can, build up my bank balance if I can, and then try to make the jump (assuming I'm on the verge). I'm currently taking a bit of a hit because of my TV production costs and such, but that's nothing new for anyone who's ever played and gotten a first television show for an up and coming promotion (I'm glad I put max points into negotiation though).

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