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MAW: The Struggle For Power

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Thirty Minute Iron Man Match for the Mid Atlantic Title

Davis Wayne Newton vs. Aaron Andrews©


#1 Contender Match

Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Casey Valentine


Mid Atlantic Traditional Title

James Prudence vs. Frankie Perez©


Special Attraction Match: Four Corner Survival

Aaron Fujita vs. Steven Parker vs. Josh Jones vs. Nelson Callum


Mid Atlantic All Action Title

Lassana Makutsi vs. Dominic Devito©

Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Cameron Vessey

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Well here it is; Night of Champions to close out 2015. If you will indulge me by answering the following questions:


Match of the night:


Wrestler of the Night:


Your Favorite Moment of the Night:




<table width="40%"><tbody><tr><td align="center">



Sunday Week 4, December 2015

Live from The Mid-Atlantic Center in Aberdeen, Virginia (Mid-Atlantic)

Attendance: 7,500 (SELL OUT)

Live on PPV

Buy Rate: 0.03



Announce Team: AJ Sage and Duke Hazzard





Mid Atlantic Alternative Title


Bald Eagle vs. Seth Whitehead©


In an extremely short match, Seth Whitehead defeated Bald Eagle in 2:17 by pinfall with a Butterfly Powerbomb. Seth Whitehead makes defense number 11 of his Mid Atlantic Alternative Title.

Winner: Seth Whitehead



15 Man Undercard Battle Royal Featuring: Philippe LaGrenier, Jefferson Stardust, Jared Johnson and Remmy Honeyman

Philippe LaGrenier won a battle royal in 10:24 when he eliminated Remmy Honeyman. The final four competitors also included Jefferson Stardust and Jared Johnson.

Winner: Philippe LaGrenier


Main Show



The sold out crowd in the Mid-Atlantic Center cheers loudly as MAW’s signature opening video plays on the big screen set to



Sage: Hello everyone and welcome to MAW Night of Champions! I’m AJ Sage alongside Duke Hazzard and we’ve got a GREAT card for you tonight!


Hazzard: You got that right partna.


Sage: Aaron Andrews defends the Mid Atlantic Title against Davis Wayne Newton; Casey Valentine and Zimmy Bumfhole battle it out to determine who will receive a title match next month at the Rip Chord Invitational and much more! Let’s jump right into the action with our opening match!



Mid Atlantic Traditional Title


James Prudence vs. Frankie Perez©


James Prudence came to the ring carrying the Traditional Title belt, but it was Frankie Perez who was announced as the champion during his entrance. There was an intense feeling in the air as the two of them circled each other after the opening bell. There was a short feeling-out process but the action picked up early. Prudence started to play psychological games with Frankie and was able to grab the advantage. That led to a lot of offense from Prudence that garnered him numerous near falls and even a few believable near falls. Prudence eventually started to get too comfortable and was showboating to the crowd. This allowed Perez to surprise him with a roll-up that got a two count. It was the opening that Perez needed as he started his comeback. James fought valiantly; trying to hold control of the match, but when he attempted a powerbomb Frankie wiggled free and leveled him with a huge clothesline. Perez made his way to his feet and went on the attack. As they crossed the thirteen minute mark, Perez was able to lock Prudence in the P-Clutch and after nearly twenty seconds, James succumbed to the move and tapped out.

Winner: Frankie Perez



Sage: What a match! Frankie Perez retains!


Hazzard: And he’s got possession of his belt back!



Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Cameron Vessey


This match spurned off of the series of tag team matches the two had been a part of. Director of Operations Haley Buck made the match early in the day and these two men delivered. It was a very even bout from start to end with each man getting about the same amount of offense. Jimmy Foxx looked good in the air, but Vessey’s advantage in striking kept him in the match. Foxx looked to be in complete control at the nine minute mark when he went up top looking for the Flying Foxx. Vessey got his knees up and went to work. Eventually he was able to hit the Vessey Driver and pick up the pinfall victory over Jimmy Foxx.

Winner: Cameron Vessey



Sage: A solid victory from Vessey on the big stage! That kid is looking to re-cement his name in MAW and that’s a good step towards doing so.


Hazzard: The kid’s ethics and methods may be questionable but he can go inside that ring.



Mid Atlantic All Action Title


Lassana Makutsi vs. Dominic Devito©


After surprising Lassana Makutsi three weeks ago by winning a shot at the title and then capturing the belt within twenty minutes, Dominic Devito came to the ring to give Makutsi his rematch. The action was solid all the way through. Makutsi took early control, constantly stretching the rules as far as he could. Referee RM Stones admonished him numerous times but never looked close to disqualifying the former champ. Devito fought back valiantly but found himself on the receiving end of an African Splash. Lassana couldn’t believe it when Devito got his shoulder up just before the pinfall was counted. Makutsi went into desperation mode and began throwing everything he could at Dominic. His unorganized manner of attack allowed Devito to gather his wits and make a comeback. As they crossed the nine minute mark, Devito caught Makutsi in a front facelock and dropped him on his skull with a Brainbuster to pick up the victory and successfully defend the title.

Winner: Dominic Devito



Sage: Devito retains! Lassana Makutsi cannot be happy right now. A lot of people called Devito’s title victory a fluke, but I think he just proved that it wasn’t.


Hazzard: Let’s not forget that the man is a former winner of the Rip Chord Invitational; he’s no slouch.



Hugh de Aske vs. Quentin Queen


The crowd got a chance to re-boot their systems with this match as there was little to no history behind it. The pirate came out with the intentions of scoring a big victory. Quentin Queen was continuing his quest to earn himself an invitation to the 2016 RCI. Hugh showed some flashes of brilliance with some offensive outbursts, but in the end it was Queen hitting the Q-Ball and picking up the pinfall victory in just over nine minutes.

Winner: Quentin Queen



Sage: Not a bad showing by Hugh de Aske there, but Quentin Queen picks up a solid victory as he looks forward to a possible berth into the RCI.


Hazzard: I hope he gets in AJ. He hasn’t made a ton of noise, but his performances have been solid.



KC Glenn vs. Sammy Shark


Another chance for the fans to settle back into their seats here as Glenn and Shark were out to battle for nothing more than bragging rights. Glenn had a bit more on the line, trying to build momentum heading into the New Year and the RCI. Glenn took control early and controlled the match at his pace for the opening few minutes. Sammy Shark had some bursts of offense that allowed him to get a few near falls in the middle of the match, but Glenn fought back and was able to hit his Leg Capture Backdrop Driver to pick up the pinfall victory.

Winner: KC Glenn



Sage: Another fantastic match there! You’ve got to give the members of the MAW roster credit; they go out and bust their butts every night!


Hazzard: That they do AJ. They are some of the best in the world.



Angle Featuring: Davis Wayne Newton


The shot goes backstage where Davis Wayne Newton stands in front of an MAW backdrop. The camera is tight on his back, which is turned to the camera. As the camera pans out, Newton turns around with a grin on his face. The camera stops with a shot of his upper body and Davis begins to speak.


DWN: In November, Aaron Andrews got one step ahead of me and was able to get an UPSET victory for the Mid Atlantic Title. Tonight is my time to show it was nothing more than a fluke. Everyone in this business knows that Aaron Andrews is a lesser competitor and a lesser man than me, but tonight I’ll put that fact on display. A lot of people contest my opinion saying that Andrews has big time experience. He’s been in TCW and SWF so he’s got to be the better wrestler. That’s where I have my biggest advantage. Aaron has taken a step backward in his career by coming to MAW. But I am on my way up. I have no expectations to live up to; Davis Wayne Newton is not expected to be in a national company. So tonight, at the end of that thirty minutes when the bell has rung and my hand is raised as the winner and new Mid Atlantic Champion, Andrews will have just proved that his career peaked and he’s on the downward spiral to a meaningless existence.


Newton flashes his three finger symbol as “The Triple Threat” and pushes past the camera off screen as the scene fades and heads back to ringside.




El Heroe Mexicano vs. Rob Reynolds


The crowd was still abuzz from DWN’s promo as this match began. Mexicano grabbed control early and never looked back. Reynolds did everything he could to keep up with one of the confirmed entrants into the 2016 RCI, but Heroe proved to be too much for him. Mexicano hit a vicious tornado DDT from the corner and got the pinfall in just over seven minutes.

Winner: El Heroe Mexicano



Sage: Reynolds tried, but the former Mid Atlantic Champion was just too much!


Hazzard: I’m saying it right now AJ; Heroe is my pick for the 2016 RCI!





Darryl Devine & Kirk Jameson vs. Antonio & Xavi Ferrera


Word came out on commentary that Antonio and Xavi Ferrera had requested a match on the pay per view because they “deserved it.” What they got was Darryl Devine and Kirk Jameson. The two came out of the gate furiously, gaining them control in the early stages of the match, but Kirk and Darryl were able to improvise a strategy mid-match and gain control. That was the beginning of the end for Antonio and Xavi. In just over seven minutes, Devine took Antonio out of the picture with a clothesline out of the ring and Kirk Jameson locked in the Kirk-Hold on Ferrera to get the submission victory.

Winners: Darryl Devine and Kirk Jameson



Sage: Antonio and Xavi Ferrera’s plan backfired! Instead of proving what they can do they are soundly defeated here at Night of Champions!


Hazzard: They let their egos get the best of them Sage.


Special Attraction: Four Corner Survival




Aaron Fujita vs. Steven Parker vs. Josh Jones vs. Nelson Callum


The match was contested under tag rules, meaning only two men would be in the ring at once. Fujita and Parker started things off with a very good three minute period of chain wrestling. At the end of the exchange they were in a stand-off, neither man ever gaining the advantage. Josh Jones and Nelson Callum were begging to get into the match and were rewarded when Fujita and Parker both tagged out. Callum and Jones went through their own sequence of chain wrestling, but utilized more holds to showcase their technical ability. Jones had finally had enough and began using his speed and agility advantage to take control over Callum. As the match neared the seven minute mark, Callum sent Jones into the ropes and attempted a clothesline on the return. Jones ducked it and hit the ropes again. When he returned he leapt onto Nelson’s shoulders and snapped him over with a hurrincanrana, holding on for a cover. Scott Styles got into position and counted the pinfall, eliminating Nelson Callum from the match.


Nelson Callum has been eliminated.


Parker came into the ring to take Nelson’s place and quickly blasted Fujita off the ring apron. Aaron took a hard fall to the outside, bouncing off the guardrail chest first and crumpling into a heap on the floor. Parker then went to work on Josh Jones. Jones put up a hell of a fight, scoring a few flash roll-ups for near falls. However Parker never relented and was eventually able to put Jones down for the count with a Future Shock.


Josh Jones has been eliminated.


Parker hopped to the outside and hoisted Fujita to his feet and rolled him into the ring. Parker went to work on Aaron’s back and neck as they crossed the ten minute mark. Fujita was able to get in a few flashes of offense, but Parker was in control and knew it. They crossed eleven and a half minutes when Steven lifted Fujita up for the Future Shock. Aaron wiggled free and fell to his feet behind Parker. Fujita planted his hands on Steven’s shoulders and leapt over him, slamming on the brakes and turning. Without having a second to realize what was going on, Parker was leveled by a huge lariat from Fujita that led to a believable near fall. Both men remained on the ground through the count of seven from Scott Styles and finally stirred. They traded blows in the center of the ring which gave the advantage to Fujita. He took his opportunity and planted Parker with the QG-Theory piledriver to pick up the pinfall victory in twelve minutes.

Winner: Aaron Fujita



Sage: A huge victory in a tough contest for Aaron Fujita! He’s really got momentum on his side going into January!


Hazzard: I know I already picked Heroe to win the RCI, but Fujita is my back up that’s for sure!



Amazing Fire Fly vs. Lenny Brown


As was the tone for numerous matches of the night, Lenny Brown came out looking to turn some heads, specifically that of Haley Buck, and earn himself an invitation into the RCI. Amazing Fire Fly was just out to survive. Brown took control early and held the advantage for the first few minutes. AFF wasn’t able to get in any offense during that period. As they crossed the five minute mark, Fire Fly rolled Brown up and got a two count that surprised the crowd and Brown alike. That was AFF’s opportunity to get in some offense that led to a few near falls. His offense was halted when he went to the top rope and tried to come down with a flying hurrincanrana. Brown saw it coming, caught AFF in midair and in one smooth movement, slammed him to the ground with a sitout powerbomb. Now crossing into the match’s seventh minute, Brown got to his feet and planted AFF with the Star Treatment to pick up the victory.

Winner: Lenny Brown



Sage: A good effort by Amazing Fire Fly, but Lenny Brown is your winner.


Hazzard: But was it enough to impress Haley Buck?




Angle Featuring: Aaron Andrews


The shot goes backstage once more to a close-up shot of the Mid Atlantic Title belt. The shot slowly pans out to reveal the belt sitting on the shoulder of Aaron Andrews who stands in front of the MAW backdrop. He looks to the title belt and then back to the camera as he begins to speak.


Andrews: I really hope that Davis Wayne Newton is watching this. Take notice to where this belt is at right now; MY shoulder. At the end of the night, that’s where it will remain. I’ll give credit where credit’s due; you are one hell of a competitor Davis. But your ego is also your downfall. You may think me beating you for this title was a fluke, or that I’m on the downward slide in my career. The fact of the matter is I’m a man that understands business. In TCW I saw that with guys like Wolf Hawkins and Joey Minnesota on the roster, I would never be a headliner. So I went to SWF. It was no different there; I was destined to float around the middle of the card. But in MAW I can headline and take the company to new levels. I am going to help build this company to a global power and make a name for myself on the way. Bring everything you’ve got to the ring tonight. You’re going to need it.


Andrews pats the title belt, smiles and pushes past the camera as the screen fades.



To Determine the #1 Contender to the Mid Atlantic Title


Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Casey Valentine


It was obvious what was on the line in this match; the opportunity to face the Mid Atlantic Champion in January. Bumfhole was clearly the fan favorite in the match, but Valentine had his share of supporters as well. The two went through a short feeling out process but remained familiar with one another from their match just three weeks ago. Casey Valentine’s strategy was evident early; make the bout a slugfest. He was trying to use his advantage in striking ability to his advantage. Zimmy was trying just the opposite; keep the match on the ground or in the air. Bumfhole held large advantages in technical and aerial abilities and knew it was his sure-fire path to victory. In reality, each man used their strengths to hold the advantage over their opponent. The momentum of the match shifted several times in the first fifteen minutes. As they crossed into the fifteenth minute, Bumfhole had taken control and was looking to finish the match off. He ended a flurry of offense by planting Casey with a tornado DDT and scaling the turnbuckle. Zimmy came down looking for the Bumfhole in One (frog splash), but Valentine got his knees up. Bumfhole sprang to his feet clutching his stomach. Valentine got up as well and hoisted Zimmy onto his shoulders. Without much hesitation, Valentine planted Zimmy with the Deep Impact. Most of the crowd booed as he covered, but they all exploded when Bumfhole kicked out at Scott Style’s count of two. Valentine was livid and could not believe that Zimmy had kicked out. Valentine desperately began hitting whatever he could and his disorganized methods of attack were the opening that Zimmy needed to turn the tables once more. Valentine lifted him up for another iteration of the Deep Impact, buck Zimmy got free and snapped Casey over with a reverse hurrincanrana. With Valentine still down, Zimmy got to the top rope and came down with the Bumfhole in One to pick up the victory and the right to face the champion in January.

Winner: Zimmy Bumfhole



Sage: Bumfhole goes on to face the champ in January!


Hazzard: What a match AJ!



Thirty Minute Iron Man Match for the Mid Atlantic Title


Davis Wayne Newton vs. Aaron Andrews©


Though these two had met numerous times in the past, the feeling out process was a lengthy one. The action didn’t really begin until they crossed the ten minute mark in the match. The intensity level was turned up a notch in this one as well. Newton began taking it to Andrews, bringing the abrupt halt to the feeling out process. Newton centered his attack on the legs and back of the champion, apparently setting up the STF. The onslaught continued into the fifteenth minute when he was able to hit the Fisherman’s Suplex and gain the first fall by pinning Andrews.


Davis Wayne Newton earns the first fall. DWN leads one fall to none.


Newton was relentless, going right back on the attack after he was awarded the fall. Andrews tried desperately to get in some offense, but it was only sporadic. Newton felt the need to change his strategy and began continually striking Andrews with right hands, forearms and anything else he could throw. This only worked to anger the Mid Atlantic Champion. Andrews was in his element now. He obliged Newton and slowly began to make a surge by answering the strikes. Before long he caught his opportunity and dropped his challenger with a ridiculous running clothesline. He covered Newton, barely able to hook the leg. Scott Styles slid into position and, much to the joy of the fans, counted Newton’s shoulders to the mat.


Aaron Andrews earns the second fall. The match is tied at one fall a piece.


Both men remained on the mat, exhausted as they crossed the twenty minute mark. Scott Styles administered a standing ten count, which each man answered at the count of seven. They came together in the center of the ring where Newton fired a right hand. Andrews blocked it and fired one of his own. The champion was in control now and went to work on his opponent. Andrews continued into the twenty-fifth minute where he began looking for the move that won him the title in October. Newton was able to wiggle free from Andrews’ first attempt at the Ace Driver, but wasn’t so lucky just a few seconds later. Andrews planted Newton with the Ace Driver and hooked the leg; sure he would pull ahead two falls to one. Scott Styles slid into position and counted as the fans counted too.




Newton had kicked out. It was obvious on Aaron’s face that he was in a state of disbelief. He paused for only a few moments before going back on the attack. Just watching, one could tell that Aaron was in desperation mode. Newton used this as his platform to make a comeback. He eventually caught Aaron with a few right hands and was able to take partial control back as they entered minute number twenty-nine. Newton smelled his opportunity and landed a few moves that put strain on Andrews’ back before looking to the Mid-Atlantic Vision and seeing there was only thirty seconds left. Newton struggled to get Andrews in position and then lifted his boot up into the gut of his opponent. Andrews was vulnerable, allowing DWN to grab a front facelock, hook a leg and attempt the Fisherman’s Suplex. Andrews blocked it and fired a European Uppercut that rocked Newton. Andrews found the adrenaline to will himself forward. He lifted a boot into Newton’s gut and planted him with the Ace Driver. Andrews covered as the crowd began counting down along with the clock. They were at five when Scott Styles got into position.


ONE! TWO! THREE!!!!!!!






Winner: Aaron Andrews (2 falls to 1)





Hazzard: What a match! Andrews overcomes everything and keeps his Mid Atlantic Title.


Sage: What a night! Unfortunately we are out of time! Join us this Sunday on National Pride TV for Uprising! Thanks for joining us for Night of Champions!


The pay per view ends with Aaron Andrews receiving his title belt in the ring. He climbs onto one of the turnbuckles and hoists the belt into the air as the MAW logo appears and the show fades to dark.




©Mid Atlantic Wrestling 2015


Overall Rating




Prediction Standings after 5 Events


1. codey (25)

2. emark (24)

3. pyroman (11)

4. Rayelek (9)

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Match of the night: Andrews -v- Newton, a classic 2 out of 3 falls match


Wrestler of the Night: Aaron Fujita for surviving the survival match


Your Favorite Moment of the Night: As strange as it may sound, Glenn getting an 81 rated match with Sammy. I've never been able to get any real good usage out of Sammy in any game I've played.


Interesting to see where the story goes with a face champ and a face #1 contender...

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<table width="75%"><tbody><tr><td align="center">

From the MAW website; Written by AJ Sage:


MAW Earns Recognition From TEW.com


Mid Atlantic Wrestling is 2015’s Most Improved Promotion according to Total Extreme Wrestling. The highly respected wrestling magazine released their annual “Year End Wards” this morning and named MAW as the promotion that made the biggest leaps in popularity based on fan base. 2015 saw MAW expand their product by adding monthly shows in the Great Lakes and South East regions. This expansion was essential in their re-classification from a Regional Company to a Cult Company. Their growth in popularity was also essential in securing both a national television deal and a small pay per view agreement. MAW also had two wrestlers featured in The Power 100. Davis Wayne Newton earned number 63 while KC Glenn was ranked at number 68.

The other awards handed out by the magazine for 2015 were:



Johnny Bloodstone of NOTBPW (2) with an average match rating of 93 and a high of 100



Mercury of WLW with an average match rating of 80 and a high of 92



Dan Stone Jr of NOTBPW with an average match rating of 94 and a high of 100



DEVIL Kurabe (5) of 5SSW with an average match rating of 78 and a high of 87



North of the Border Pro Wrestling with an average show rating of 87 and a high of 96



Dan Stone Jr. defeated Sean Deleey at NOTBPW Winter War 2015 rated at 100



TCW Saturday Showcase rated at 96 and a main event of Tommy Cornell defeated Wolf Hawkins rated at 99





MAW Co-Wrestlers of the Year




Casey Valentine and Davis Wayne Newton defeated Aaron Andrews and KC Glenn







Main Event:

Davis Wayne Newton defeated Aaron Fujita to retain the Mid Atlantic Title</td></tr></tbody></table>

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Very good show. You've found a very effective match write up plan. I'm actually a little jealous, it's something I still struggle with!


To be honest codey, I based my new style off of yours. So keep with it. I like yours very much as well. Thanks for the comments!

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<table width="40%"><tbody><tr><td align="center">From MAW.com:


Director of Operations Haley Buck issued a statement today announcing that she had finalized the field for the 2016 Rip Chord Invitational. The seven of the nine remaining spots had been filled and two “play-in” matches were announced to determine the final two competitors. Of the men announced, three will be visiting from other promotions.


Greg Black, one of SWF’s most recognizable stars, will come in representing SWF and CGC.


Frederique Antonio Garcia, also a member of the SWF roster, will represent SWF and FCW.


Fumihiro Ota, a former star of TCW’s cruiserweight division, will represent FCW also.


Haley Buck announced the following MAW wrestlers and cited their recent in-ring performances as what earned them their spots:


Steven Parker

Casey Valentine

Davis Wayne Newton

Lenny Brown

Darryl Devine

Kirk Jameson


Along with the announcement of these men came the “play-in” matches to determine the final two competitors. In the upcoming weeks, Josh Jones will battle Nelson Callum and Quentin Queen will battle Sammy Shark. These four men narrowly missed the cut for direct entry into the tournament, but still have a huge opportunity on the table. Ms. Buck also assured MAW fans and employees alike that all of the competitors would be involved in “preview matches” in the weeks to come.



MAW Uprising


Main Event

Aaron Andrews and Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Frederique Antonio Garcia


RCI Preview Match

Aaron Fujita vs. Lenny Brown


RCI Preview Match

KC Glenn and Greg Black vs. Casey Valentine and Fumihiro Ota


Mid Atlantic Traditional Title

Steven Parker vs. Frankie Perez©


RCI Preview Match

El Heroe Mexicano vs. Kirk Jameson</td></tr></tbody></table>

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MAW Uprising


Main Event

Aaron Andrews and Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Frederique Antonio Garcia


RCI Preview Match

Aaron Fujita vs. Lenny Brown


RCI Preview Match

KC Glenn and Greg Black vs. Casey Valentine and Fumihiro Ota


Mid Atlantic Traditional Title

Steven Parker vs. Frankie Perez©


RCI Preview Match

El Heroe Mexicano vs. Kirk Jameson</td></tr></tbody></table>[/font]


Mostly just voting for guys I like again.

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<p>Main Event</p><p>

<strong>Aaron Andrews and Zimmy Bumfhole</strong> vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Frederique Antonio Garcia</p><p> </p><p>

RCI Preview Match</p><p>

<strong>Aaron Fujita</strong> vs. Lenny Brown</p><p> </p><p>

RCI Preview Match</p><p>

KC Glenn and Greg Black vs. <strong>Casey Valentine and Fumihiro Ota</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Mid Atlantic Traditional Title</p><p>

Steven Parker vs. <strong>Frankie Perez©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

RCI Preview Match</p><p>

<strong>El Heroe Mexicano</strong> vs. Kirk Jameson</p>

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Main Event

Aaron Andrews and Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Frederique Antonio Garcia


RCI Preview Match

Aaron Fujita vs. Lenny Brown Fujita's gotta stay strong!


RCI Preview Match

KC Glenn and Greg Black vs. Casey Valentine and Fumihiro Ota


Mid Atlantic Traditional Title

Steven Parker vs. Frankie Perez©


RCI Preview Match

El Heroe Mexicano vs. Kirk Jameson



This looks like an all face night for me.

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I hate to sound like a complete nerd, but lets face it, I write wrestling stories for your enjoyment. :p Got home from my parents for dinner and realized that the season premiere of Storm Chasers was on Discovery tonight. Some of you might know that I have a degree in Meteorology and a passion for weather. I haven't been able to get the show completed tonight, so I'm looking at tomorrow afternoon. Sorry to disappoint, but weather is a bigger passion than writing. :)



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I hate to sound like a complete nerd, but lets face it, I write wrestling stories for your enjoyment. :p Got home from my parents for dinner and realized that the season premiere of Storm Chasers was on Discovery tonight. Some of you might know that I have a degree in Meteorology and a passion for weather. I haven't been able to get the show completed tonight, so I'm looking at tomorrow afternoon. Sorry to disappoint, but weather is a bigger passion than writing. :)




At least your passion allows me to get my picks in. :p


Main Event

Aaron Andrews and Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Frederique Antonio Garcia


RCI Preview Match

Aaron Fujita vs. Lenny Brown


RCI Preview Match

KC Glenn and Greg Black vs. Casey Valentine and Fumihiro Ota


Mid Atlantic Traditional Title

Steven Parker vs. Frankie Perez©


RCI Preview Match

El Heroe Mexicano vs. Kirk Jameson

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Well guys, I've been battling random power outages four the last six hours or so. Its raining here, but nothing major. I'm flabbergasted as to what the cause is. Anyway, I've lost my work three or four times now, but was able to partially recover it thanks to auto-save. I cannot risk my computer's health however. I'll wait til morning to see if everything is working better on ComEd's end. Sorry!



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Alright, it seems like ComEd finally cleared up their issue last night. I'm about to head to work until 4 P.M. After that, I'm free for a weekend so this show will be going up tonight. Sorry for the delays; but between these power outages, me getting a cold and fire department stuff I haven't had the chance to finish it up. Thanks for your patience and for sticking with me!



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In an attempt to keep things rolling, I'm just posting what I have done. I've gotten a cold in the last couple of days and frankly it has kicked my ass. I tried working on it last night and then this morning, but my mind just isn't up to it. So here it is. The semi-main and main events aren't summarized, but everything else is done.


<table width="40%"><tbody><tr><td align="center">Mingling backstage before the show, I had a good time. Though she wouldn’t tell me why, Claire couldn’t make it to the show. I spent the time normally set aside to see her in the locker room with everyone else. It was really nice to see our non-regulars who were there for the show. All in all it was just a very fun time. I saw KC Glenn and Warren Technique secluded from most of the other guys so I stepped up to ask how they were. I was taken back when I heard they were talking about Swedish ballets. Who would have thought that?



TV Taping

Saturday Week 1, January 2016

For Broadcast on National Pride TV

From The Mid-Atlantic Center in Aberdeen, Virginia (Mid-Atlantic)

Attendance: 7,500 (SELL OUT)

TV Rating: 0.30



Announce Team: AJ Sage and Duke Hazzard







Darryl Devine, Josh Jones and Quentin Queen vs. James Prudence, Nelson Callum and Sammy Shark


In a match that had some good action and average heat, James Prudence, Nelson Callum and Sammy Shark defeated Darryl Devine, Josh Jones and Quentin Queen in 7:19 when Sammy Shark defeated Josh Jones by pinfall with an Ace In The Hole.

Winners: Shark, Prudence and Callum



Main Show




The sold out crowd inside The Mid-Atlantic Center goes crazy as the lights dim and the Mid-Atlantic Vision screen fills up with MAW’s signature opening video set to “Move” by Thousand Foot Krutch.



Sage: Hello everyone and welcome to the first episode of Uprising of the new year!


Hazzard: 2015 was a helluva year in MAW and I don’t think 2016 is going to be any different!


Sage: Me either Duke! We’re heading towards one of the most prestigious tournaments in wrestling; the Rip Chord Invitational. Fourteen of the sixteen competitors have been determined and we’re set to get a little preview of them all tonight!





KC Glenn and Greg Black vs. Casey Valentine and Fumihiro Ota


Greg Black and Fumihiro Ota made their MAW debuts on opposite sides of the ring in this bout. The opener had great action and played the standard tag team formula perfectly. Valentine and Ota isolated KC Glenn from his partner for the majority of the match. Glenn was able to get a few shots in at the ten minute mark and make it to Greg Black. Black came in a house of fire and took it to Casey and Ota. Eventually, Ota and Valentine played the numbers game and took control. That’s when KC Glenn showed back up. He clotheslined Casey out of the ring, leaving the two legal men inside the ring. Greg Black hit Ota with his Fade To Black spinebuster and picked up the pinfall victory.

Winners: KC Glenn and Greg Black



Sage: If that match is any indication as to what the RCI will be, I can’t wait for the pay-per-view!


Hazzard: Black and Ota both looked good out there.



Mid Atlantic Alternative Title



Jefferson Stardust vs. Edward Cornell vs. Seth Whitehead©


Seth Whitehead came out to defend his Alternative Title once more. Cornell and Stardust had their sights set on spoiling his night. The three went through some pretty standard three-way spots before the match headed for its conclusion. Cornell had sent Jefferson Stardust out of the ring with a clothesline, but Seth Whitehead had control over him now. Whitehead went to the top and came down looking for a splash. The inexperienced flyer came down on Edward Cornell’s knees and rolled off to the side. Cornell didn’t have any time to react as Jefferson Stardust came off the opposite corner with a Stage Dive and landed on Edward. The high flying move was enough for him to pick up the victory and win the Alternative Title.

Winner and NEW Alternative Champion: Jefferson Stardust



Sage: Seth Whitehead cannot be happy! He just lost the Alternative Title without getting pinned!


Hazzard: That’s the risk of a triple threat match, AJ.



Mid Atlantic All Action Title


Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Dominic Devito©


Dominic Devito thanked Jimmy Foxx for his help the previous month against Lassana Makutsi by giving him a shot at the All Action Title. Foxx had some flashes of offense right at the beginning of the match, but the rest of the bout was completely even. It wasn’t until the final seconds when Foxx missed his Flying Foxx finisher that the winner was decided. Devito sprang into action after the missed move and was able to hit Jimmy with the Brainbuster to pick up the victory and successfully defend the title.

Winner: Dominic Devito



Sage: What a nice show of respect by Devito and Foxx. Devito gives Foxx a shot at the belt….


Hazzard: And now Foxx is shaking Dominic’s hand after the loss. You got to love stuff like that AJ.



Angle Featuring Dominic Devito and Cameron Vessey


Flying Jimmy Foxx pats Dominic Devito on the back and exits the ring. Devito hops up onto a turnbuckle and thrusts the All Action Title into the air as the crowd cheers. Suddenly they start to yell and buzz as Cameron Vessey rushes down the ramp, past Jimmy Foxx and into the ring. He rushes up behind Devito and powerbombs him to the canvas before laying down stomp after stomp.


Sage: What’s this about!? Come on! Cameron Vessey is attacking the All Action Champion!


Vessey continues his attack for a few moments until Flying Jimmy Foxx slides back into the ring, coming to save his new found friend. Vessey scatters when Foxx gets there. Outside of the ring, Vessey points at Devito and motions towards the All Action title belt that lies at his side.




El Heroe Mexicano vs. Kirk Jameson


The second RCI preview match was out next. Both men were looking for victories to solidify themselves as contenders to take the tournament and earn a shot at the Mid Atlantic Title. Jameson took control early, surprising the former Mid Atlantic Champion in El Heroe Mexicano. Jameson got several near-falsl in the opening five minutes of the bout, but made a mistake from the top. Heroe took that opportunity and capitalized with a flurry of offense that led to him locking in the Mexican Mutilation and picking up the submission victory.

Winner: El Heroe Mexicano



Sage: A great showing by both men!


Hazzard: And another match that makes the RCI too far away!



Mid Atlantic Traditional Title


Steven Parker vs. Frankie Perez©


Frankie Perez prepared to put his Traditional Title on the line against a potential opponent in the 2016 RCI. Steven Parker had his eye on the title after coming up short in his bid to win the Mid Atlantic Title. Perez took control early, using a series of strikes and head droppy moves to gain numerous near falls. He went to the well one too many times, giving Steven the chance he needed to make a comeback. Parker got several believable near falls as they crossed the ten minute mark. Parker went for the Future Shock, but Frankie wiggled free and leveled his challenger with a lariat. Both men went down, causing RM Stones to start his standing ten count. Both men got to their feet and met in the center of the ring with an exchange of strikes. Perez got the advantage and was able to hit the Perfect Parity to pick up the pinfall and successfully defend the Traditional Title.

Winner: Frankie Perez



Sage: Perez retains again!


Hazzard: He’s looking good heading into the tournament AJ!



Aaron Fujita vs. Lenny Brown

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Aaron Fujita defeated Lenny Brown in 12:30 by pinfall with a Convective Inhibition.

Winner: Aaron Fujita






Aaron Andrews and Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Frederique Antonio Garcia

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Aaron Andrews and Zimmy Bumfhole defeated Davis Wayne Newton and Frederique Antonio Garcia in 13:34 when Aaron Andrews defeated Davis Wayne Newton by pinfall with an Ace Driver.

Winners: Andrews and Bumfhole




Overall Show



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<table width="40%"><tbody><tr><td align="center">We were happy to extend the contract of Lassana Makutsi. I felt that he was going to be an essential member of our roster for years to come so I even offered a written deal. Lassana agreed to the terms and was locked up to MAW for 24 more months. Now before MAW Wrestling, I had some business to take care of. Phil Roberts had told me he was going to be at the show, so I expressed that to our roster. Some of our roster was looking to speak with him over a few different things before the show. The problem was, Phil showed up about ten minutes before bell time. I pulled him aside and gave him a stern warning about showing up on time. It was important for the owner of the company to show up on time, because if he didn’t it set a bad example. He told me he’d be more punctual, but he was clearly annoyed by the discipline.



MAW Wrestling 34

Friday Week 2, January 2016

Live from The Arkansas Coliseum (South East)

Attendance: 2,000 (SELL OUT)




Rest of the Roster Battle Royal

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Philippe LaGrenier won a battle royal in 10:27. The final four competitors also included Raphael, Hugh de Aske and Andrew Taylor, with Raphael being the final elimination.

Winner: Philippe LaGrenier



Main Show




The crowd goes nuts when the mini-Mid Atlantic Vision lights up with the signature MAW Opening Video set to “Move” by Thousand Foot Krutch.



Fatal Four-Way

Kirk Jameson vs. Sammy Shark vs. Quentin Queen vs. Davis Wayne Newton

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Davis Wayne Newton defeated Kirk Jameson, Sammy Shark and Quentin Queen in 14:10 when Davis Wayne Newton defeated Sammy Shark by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex.

Winner: Davis Wayne Newton



Mid Atlantic Alternative Title

Felipe Caballero vs. Austin Smooth vs. Syd Collier vs. Jefferson Stardust©

In an extremely short match, Jefferson Stardust defeated Austin Smooth, Felipe Caballero and Syd Collier in 5:12 when Jefferson Stardust defeated Syd Collier by pinfall with a Stage Dive. Jefferson Stardust makes defense number 1 of his Mid Atlantic Alternative Title.

Winner: Jefferson Stardust



Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Xavi Ferrera

In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Xavi Ferrera defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx in 10:08 by pinfall with a High Impact Frog Splash.

Winner: Xavi Ferrera



Remmy Honeyman vs. Cameron Vessey

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Cameron Vessey defeated Remmy Honeyman in 8:04 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver.

Winner: Cameron Vessey



Jared Johnson and Kashmir Singh vs. Antonio and Lassana Makutsi

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Antonio and Lassana Makutsi defeated Jared Johnson and Kashmir Singh in 10:55 when Antonio defeated Jared Johnson by pinfall with an Italian DDT.

Winners: Makutsi and Antonio



Mid Atlantic All Action Title

Amazing Fire Fly vs. Seth Whitehead vs. Dominic Devito©

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Dominic Devito defeated Seth Whitehead and Amazing Fire Fly in 8:20 when Dominic Devito defeated Seth Whitehead by pinfall with a Brainbuster. Dominic Devito makes defense number 5 of his Mid Atlantic All Action Title.

Winner: Dominic Devito



Fatal Four-Way

Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Lenny Brown vs. Josh Jones vs. Nelson Callum

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Zimmy Bumfhole defeated Josh Jones, Lenny Brown and Nelson Callum in 14:56 when Zimmy Bumfhole defeated Lenny Brown by pinfall with a Bumfhole In One.

Winner: Zimmy Bumfhole



Mid Atlantic Title

KC Glenn vs. Aaron Andrews©

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Aaron Andrews defeated KC Glenn in 19:52 by pinfall with an Ace Driver. Aaron Andrews makes defense number 11 of his Mid Atlantic Title.

Winner: Aaron Andrews




Overall Rating




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<table width=40%><tr><td align=center>Okay, so I've decided to call an end to the previous prediction contest after Night of Champions. The winner was codey! Congratulations and I'll be getting with you shortly to discuss your prize. The updated NEW standings after the first episode of Uprising will be up when this episode goes up.




Main Event - Six Man Tag

Aaron Andrews, Zimmy Bumfhole and Aaron Fujita vs. Davis Wayne Newton, Casey Valentine and James Prudence


RCI Preview Match

El Heroe Mexicano vs. Steven Parker


2016 RCI Play-In #1 - For the second to last spot in the tournament

Josh Jones vs. Nelson Callum


KC Glenn vs. Antonio



Dominic Devito vs. Lenny Brown</td></tr></table>

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I win!


Main Event - Six Man Tag

Aaron Andrews, Zimmy Bumfhole and Aaron Fujita vs. Davis Wayne Newton, Casey Valentine and James Prudence


RCI Preview Match

El Heroe Mexicano vs. Steven Parker


2016 RCI Play-In #1 - For the second to last spot in the tournament

Josh Jones vs. Nelson Callum


KC Glenn vs. Antonio



Dominic Devito vs. Lenny Brown

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Main Event - Six Man Tag

Aaron Andrews, Zimmy Bumfhole and Aaron Fujita vs. Davis Wayne Newton, Casey Valentine and James Prudence


RCI Preview Match

El Heroe Mexicano vs. Steven Parker


2016 RCI Play-In #1 - For the second to last spot in the tournament

Josh Jones vs. Nelson Callum


KC Glenn vs. Antonio



Dominic Devito vs. Lenny Brown

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Wow, the owner gets disciplined as well. He can't be happy about that...


Aaron Andrews, Zimmy Bumfhole and Aaron Fujita vs. Davis Wayne Newton, Casey Valentine and James Prudence


RCI Preview Match

El Heroe Mexicano vs. Steven Parker


2016 RCI Play-In #1 - For the second to last spot in the tournament

Josh Jones vs. Nelson Callum


KC Glenn vs. Antonio



Dominic Devito vs. Lenny Brown

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TV Taping

Saturday Week 2, January 2016

For Broadcast on National Pride TV

From The Mid-Atlantic Center in Aberdeen, Virginia (Mid-Atlantic)

Attendance: 7,322

TV Rating: 0.30



Announce Team: AJ Sage and Duke Hazzard





Mid Atlantic Alternative Title


Bald Eagle vs. Jefferson Stardust© w/ Lisa Bowen


In an extremely short match, Jefferson Stardust defeated Bald Eagle in 3:10 by pinfall with a Stage Dive. Jefferson Stardust makes defense number 2 of his Mid Atlantic Alternative Title.

Winner: Jefferson Stardust




Mid Atlantic Traditional Title




Darryl Devine vs. Sammy Shark vs. Kirk Jameson vs. Frankie Perez©


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Frankie Perez defeated Darryl Devine, Sammy Shark and Kirk Jameson in 10:08 when Frankie Perez defeated Kirk Jameson by submission with a P-Clutch. Frankie Perez makes defense number 10 of his Mid Atlantic Traditional Title.

Winner: Frankie Perez



Main Show




The sold out crowd inside The Mid-Atlantic Center goes crazy as the lights dim and the Mid-Atlantic Vision screen fills up with MAW’s signature opening video set to



Sage: Welcome to another episode of Uprising on National Pride TV! I’m AJ Sage alongside my colleague Duke Hazzard!


Hazzard: Howdy folks.


Sage: We’ve got a lot of action for you tonight including a huge six man tag team main event! Let’s get right into the action!



KC Glenn vs. Antonio


KC Glenn came out with one intention on his mind; gaining momentum heading into the 2016 RCI. Antonio used underhanded tactics at the beginning of the match to get himself ahead. Referee Shane Stones admonished him for it and that lead to his demise. KC Glenn was able to capitalize on Antonio’s arguments with the official and began to take control. Glenn hit the Leg Capture Backdrop Driver on Antonio and picked up the pinfall victory.

Winner: KC Glenn



Sage: That’s a huge win for KC Glenn!


Hazzard: I’m telling ya AJ, this year’s tournament field is the most competitive we’ve ever seen!



El Heroe Mexicano vs. Steven Parker


Both men in this bout came out looking for a solid victory just two weeks before the tournament. The match started out with a lengthy feeling out process, taking up the first six or seven minutes of the match. When that broke down, Steven Parker used his advanced striking ability to rock the masked Mexican. Heroe fought valiantly to even the match back up. Heroe’s speed and agility ended up being the pivotal element in the bout. He used high risk moves and eventually climbed back to the top rope. He came down with a beautiful Shooting Star Press dubbed the Heroe Splash to pick up the pinfall.

Winner: El Heroe Mexicano



Sage: What a match! El Heroe Mexicano picks up the victory!


Hazzard: Both of those men are going to do good things in the tournament, AJ.



Angle Featuring: Mid Atlantic Champion Aaron Andrews and Zimmy Bumfhole


Backstage Zimmy Bumfhole walks down a hallway. He greets numerous people as he continues. After rounding a few corners he stops in front of a doorway and brings his hand up to knock. On the door is a plaque that reads “Mid Atlantic Champion – Aaron Andrew.” The crowd cheers at the sight of Andrews’ name and they cheer louder when he answers the door with the title hanging on his shoulder. Andrews steps out into the hallway.


Andrews: Hey Zimmy.


Zimmy: Aaron. Listen. I want you to know that this match we’ve got coming up is strictly business. I have nothing against you. But I want that belt.


Aaron smiles and pats Zimmy on the shoulder.


Andrews: No worries. You wouldn’t be a wrestler if you didn’t strive for the top prize in a company. I know you’re going to keep things clean and we can have a great match.


Zimmy nods.


Zimmy: And may the best man win.


Zimmy pats Aaron on the shoulder once more and walks away.


Andrews: I plan to.


Aaron smiles and walks back into his locker room.



2016 Rip Chord Invitational Play-In #1 – Winner Receives Entry into Tournament


Josh Jones vs. Nelson Callum


It was clear what was on the line in this match. One of the final two spots in the tournament would be won by the victor of the bout. The two youngsters started off fast paced and things never changed through the match. Each man had their moments in the spotlight as they traded control. As they crossed over the ten minute mark it was still either man’s ballgame. They hit double clotheslines and both men went down as RM Stones administered his standing count of ten. Both men got to their feet at the count of seven and met in the center of the ring with a series of strikes. Josh blocked a few and hit the Canadian Backdrop that was enough for him to pick up the victory and gain entry into the 2016 RCI.

Winner: Josh Jones



Sage: Josh Jones wins! He’s going to be in the Rip Chord Invitational! Good golly what a match that was!


Hazzard: Both men gave it their all but in the end I guess Josh Jones wanted it just a bit more!




Dominic Devito vs. Lenny Brown


Dominic Devito came out with his All Action Title in hand but he wouldn’t be putting it on the line. Instead he was fighting for bragging rights against the more popular Lenny Brown. Devito had nothing to lose and everything to gain by beating the bigger star. It was just the opposite for Brown. Lenny took control early and dominated until they crossed the seven minute mark. Brown let his ego get the best of him and Devito jumped on his chance. He took it to Lenny for the next several minutes and got several near falls. Brown began to fight back, but it looked like the damage had already been done. Each time he got a bit of offense in, Devito was right there to stop him. Dominic attempted the Crucifix Powerbomb, but Brown wiggled free and landed behind him. Devito turned around right into a huge big boot that sent him to the mat. Brown pounced, running on instinct, and hit Devito with the Star Treatment (Fireman’s Carry DDT) to pick up the victory.

Winner: Lenny Brown



Sage: I speak for myself when I say I am impressed with the fight that Dominic Devito just put up!


Hazzard: You’re not the only one!



Angle Featuring: Cameron Vessey and Dominic Devito


Lenny Brown has his hand raised and looks down to Dominic Devito. Lenny shakes his head and exits the ring as Devito uses the ropes to get to his feet. The crowd gives the All Action Champion a nice ovation, which he acknowledges by raising his hand and saying “thank you.” He stands in the center of the ring when a young man dressed in jeans and a leather jacket jumps the guardrail and slides into the ring.


Sage: It’s Cameron Vessey! What is he doing here?!


Vessey gets to his feet and slowly walks up behind Devito. The crowd boos and yells for the All Action Champion to turn around. When he finally does, Vessey is waiting for him. Cam lands a boot to the gut and hoists Devito onto his shoulders. He spins around in a circle a few times before dropping Dominic down to the mat high on his neck and shoulders with the Death Valley Driver known as the Vessey Driver. Cameron got to his feet and straightened his coat as the crowd booed. Dominic didn’t move much as he clenched his head. Vessey asked for a microphone and, after receiving one, walked over to his fallen foe. Vessey looks disgusted as he kicks at Devito and pushes him off of the ring apron to the floor below. Vessey spots the All Action Title lying on the mat and picks it up. He stares at it for a second and then tosses it down onto Devito.


Vessey: Get that piece of trash out of here! And you people shut the hell up!


The crowd boos louder now as Vessey looks irate. After a few moments they quiet down and Cameron speaks again.


Vessey: You know there was a time that I was on top of this company. Back in 2009, I won the Rip Chord Invitational. I was going places. At least that’s what Rip Chord told me. He told me it was time I moved on to bigger and better things. That’s when Richard Eisen came calling. I left for RIPW destined for greatness. Then I got called up to SWF. Things were looking good for me. But after a year and a half, I realized that Japan was where I would be a big hit. So I went off to GCG and WLW and BHOTWG. Still, nobody understood the star that I could be.


Vessey runs his hand through his hair.


Vessey: So I came back to the states. Let me tell you people something; I am a star damn it! Being here in this miserable piece of garbage promotion is demeaning! I deserve better than this! But while I’m here I’m going to make the most of it. And The All Action Title is first on the list!


The crowd boos loudly as Vessey drops the microphone in the middle of the ring and hops out to the floor. He looks down to Dominic Devito and shakes his head before walking back up the aisle and into the back.






Aaron Andrews, Zimmy Bumfhole & Aaron Fujita vs. Davis Wayne Newton, Casey Valentine & James Prudence


The huge main event was action packed from beginning to end. Aaron Fujita and Casey Valentine started things off with a solid three minutes of fast-paced chain wrestling that ended with each man standing across the ring from each other in a standoff. Aaron and Casey tagged out to Zimmy and DWN respectively. The match evolved into a systematic attack secluding Aaron Fujita from his two partners by the other team. At the twelve minute mark Fujita was able to tag out to Aaron Andrews, but it was much of the same. Andrews got secluded from his corner as well. Prudence, Newton and Valentine kept themselves fresh with numerous tags. They crossed into the fifteenth minute and things started to break down. Fights broke out all around the ring leading to chaos. Back in the ring, as they approached the twentieth minute, Casey attempted the Deep Impact, but Zimmy countered into a sickening flip piledriver. Zimmy found his opportunity and went to the top rope, coming down with the Bumfhole In One to pick up the pinfall victory for his team.

Winners: Andrews, Bumfhole and Fujita



Sage: Bumfhole gets the pinfall on Valentine!


Hazzard: It’s a huge one that’s for sure!


Sage: Well folks that’s all the time we have! Join us again next week for Uprising! Goodnight!



©Mid Atlantic Wrestling 2016


Overall Rating


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