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MAW: The Struggle For Power

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I wanted to step in and apologize for my lack of activity with this over the last few days. I was a bit discouraged by no predictions for Uprising. By the time I had gotten back into the mood to work on the show, it was time for Modern Warfare 3. I'm hoping to get sick of it tomorrow so I can get the show up. All in all, still time to get predictions in!

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I wanted to step in and apologize for my lack of activity with this over the last few days. I was a bit discouraged by no predictions for Uprising. By the time I had gotten back into the mood to work on the show, it was time for Modern Warfare 3. I'm hoping to get sick of it tomorrow so I can get the show up. All in all, still time to get predictions in!


I was going to reply earlier but waited just in case I am blind (which I have been know to miss things in plain sight before), but did you list the matches for the next uprising so we could make predictions?

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I was going to reply earlier but waited just in case I am blind (which I have been know to miss things in plain sight before), but did you list the matches for the next uprising so we could make predictions?



.......Oh....my.....goodness. I cannot believe I didn't notice that they never went up. I must have forgotten to hit the submit button. I feel like a total ass right now. Sorry guys.....



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Main Event - Mid Atlantic Championship

Lenny Brown vs. Aaron Andrews ©


Four Corner Survival

Josh Jones vs. James Prudence vs. Darryl Devine vs. Nelson Callum


KC Glenn and El Heroe Mexicano vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Steven Parker


Triple Threat - Mid Atlantic Traditional Title

Kirk Jameson vs. Sammy Shark vs. Frankie Perez ©


Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Aaron Fujita


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No problem. I'm just glad i didn't miss something. :)


Main Event - Mid Atlantic Championship

Lenny Brown vs. Aaron Andrews ©


Four Corner Survival

Josh Jones vs. James Prudence vs. Darryl Devine vs. Nelson Callum


KC Glenn and El Heroe Mexicano vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Steven Parker


Triple Threat - Mid Atlantic Traditional Title

Kirk Jameson vs. Sammy Shark vs. Frankie Perez ©


Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Aaron Fujita

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Haha, it's all good brother! You've still got a reader in me.


Overall, I'm excited to see where you go from here. Obviously, the two huge heel turns in about two(?) months time shakes your main event up a ton. Plus, your RCI is now one of your top 2 heels, the other being your champion. I know I predicted Andrews to have a reign of terror, and I still think he will, but I'm interested in what diversions you can come up with to keep two uber heels from feuding for a while. KC Glenn can only hold off the dastardly ways of Fujita for so long!



Main Event - Mid Atlantic Championship

Lenny Brown vs. Aaron Andrews ©

Heel vs heel, and Andrews reign of terror gets rolling as he takes ANYONE out


Four Corner Survival

Josh Jones vs. James Prudence vs. Darryl Devine vs. Nelson Callum

You've given JP the strongest build so far


KC Glenn and El Heroe Mexicano vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Steven Parker

I see Steven Parker as the weakest link here, and he takes the fall


Triple Threat - Mid Atlantic Traditional Title

Kirk Jameson vs. Sammy Shark vs. Frankie Perez ©

Tough one, but Sammy's got a corny gimmick, and Perez has a more established personality than Jameson


Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Aaron Fujita

Heel turn domination!





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Main Event - Mid Atlantic Championship

Lenny Brown vs. Aaron Andrews ©


Four Corner Survival

Josh Jones vs. James Prudence vs. Darryl Devine vs. Nelson Callum


KC Glenn and El Heroe Mexicano vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Steven Parker


Triple Threat - Mid Atlantic Traditional Title

Kirk Jameson vs. Sammy Shark vs. Frankie Perez ©


Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Aaron Fujita

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Haha, it's all good brother! You've still got a reader in me.


Overall, I'm excited to see where you go from here. Obviously, the two huge heel turns in about two(?) months time shakes your main event up a ton. Plus, your RCI is now one of your top 2 heels, the other being your champion. I know I predicted Andrews to have a reign of terror, and I still think he will, but I'm interested in what diversions you can come up with to keep two uber heels from feuding for a while. KC Glenn can only hold off the dastardly ways of Fujita for so long!



Main Event - Mid Atlantic Championship

Lenny Brown vs. Aaron Andrews ©

Heel vs heel, and Andrews reign of terror gets rolling as he takes ANYONE out


I just wanted to clarify here: Andrews is still a babyface. He leans more to a tweener than straight-up babyface, but is no way a heel.......yet :-)

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I just wanted to clarify here: Andrews is still a babyface. He leans more to a tweener than straight-up babyface, but is no way a heel.......yet :-)


I thought he went turned heel as well after laying out Zimmy at the end of their tag match. This could be very interesting if he's tweening and not fully turned.

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TV Taping

Saturday Week 1, February 2016

To be broadcast on National Pride TV

From The Mid Atlantic Center in Aberdeen, VA (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 7,141

TV Rating: 0.29


Announce Team: AJ Sage and Duke Hazzard


MAW Officials: RM Stones, Shane Stones and Head Official: Scott Styles



Mid Atlantic All Action Title


Hugh de Aske vs. Cameron Vessey ©

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Cameron Vessey defeated Hugh de Aske in 8:14 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver. Cameron Vessey makes defense number 1 of his Mid Atlantic All Action Title.

Winner: Cameron Vessey retains the All Action Title






Dominic Devito & Quentin Queen vs. Antonio & Xavi Ferrera

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Dominic Devito and Quentin Queen defeated Antonio and Xavi Ferrera in 8:21 when Quentin Queen defeated Xavi Ferrera by pinfall with a Q-Ball.

Winners: Devito and Queen


Main Show


The crowd inside the Mid Atlantic Center cheers as the lights dim and a small highlight video from the 2016 Rip Chord Invitational plays. It lasts a minute and then the MAW signature opening video plays set to “Move” by Thousand Foot Krutch.



Angle Featuring: Aaron Fujita

After the opening video plays, the crowd quiets down until the music of Aaron Fujita hits the system. The crowd immediately lets out a loud chorus of boos as the 2016 RCI winner pushes through the curtain. He saunters out to the top of the aisle and smiles as he looks towards the crowd. His smile never leaves as he makes his way to the ring, clad in his wrestling gear, and climbs in. Aaron receives a microphone, allows his music and the jeers from the crowd to die before speaking.

Fujita: Well hello Aberdeen! I don’t know why you’re booing me; all I did was win the RCI.

Fujita’s comment only works to anger the crowd more. He smirks again and speaks.

Fujita: For the last week I’ve had hundreds if not thousands of people e-mailing me, calling me, tweeting me just to ask me why. “Why did you do it Aaron? Why did you turn your back on us?” I look right back at all of you and ask a question of my own. Why not? For nearly ten years I have busted my ass to give you fans what you wanted to see. Where did that get me? Nowhere. What did catering to the wants of people like you get me? Nothing. I finally decided it was time to start wrestling for ME. Being the nice guy and acting heroically for you people never won me any titles or got me any recognition. I acted the way that was best for me and I won the RCI. Now I’ll spend the next nine months getting ready for my date with destiny and all you people can do is sit there and watch it.

The crowd boos as Aaron smirks and hands the microphone back off.



Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Aaron Fujita

The opening contest was less of a match and more of an observation of Fujita’s new methods. Foxx came out at the start of the match strong, but quickly found himself overmatched. Fujita took control and never looked back. It was a six minute methodical destruction of his opponent. Fujita toyed with Foxx as well, hitting a number of his trademark moves including the packaged piledriver, attempting a pin and pulling Foxx off the mat before the three count. Finally at the eight minute mark Aaron hit the QG-Theory piledriver and picked up the elementary pinfall.

Winner: Aaron Fujita



Bald Eagle vs. Casey Valentine

This match was over almost before it had begun. The opening bell rang and Valentine went to work. Unlike the previous contest, Valentine went to work and got the job done as quickly as he could. In just over a minute he planted Bald Eagle with the Deep Impact and got the pinfall.

Winner: Casey Valentine



Mid Atlantic Traditional Title


Kirk Jameson vs. Sammy Shark vs. Frankie Perez©

This match was far different than its two predecessors. This match was one fall to a finish and all three men were determined to get the upper hand. Perez and Shark were the first to collide. They went through some solid wrestling as Kirk Jameson watched. Perez ended that exchange with the advantage as Shark spilled to the floor for a breather. Jameson stepped in and went through a sequence with the champion was well. That was the basic formula of the match; the action rotated between two of the three men. This continued into the twelfth minute when Shark hit a huge sitout powerbomb on Kirk Jameson. Kirk rolled to the side of the ring as Sammy got to his feet. As Sammy turned, he walked right into the grasp of Frankie Perez who planted him with the Perfect Parity and immediately locked in the P-Clutch. Sammy hung on, but eventually tapped out to give the victory to the champion.

Winner: Frankie Perez retains the Traditional Title



Angle Featuring: Frankie Perez and Aaron Fujita

Referee Shane Stones hands the Traditional Title back to Perez as the crowd applauds the title defense. Suddenly their cheers turn to boos as Aaron Fujita rushes down the aisle and slides into the ring. Fujita gets to his feet and waits for Perez to turn around. He does and catches a superkick for his troubles. The Traditional Title belt falls to the mat as Aaron makes his next move. He picks Perez up and plants him with a packaged piledriver before requesting a microphone.

Fujita: In nine months I will win the Mid Atlantic Title in the main event of MAW’s biggest show of the year. But I’m not waiting that long to have gold around my waist.

Aaron steps over to the Traditional Title and picks it up. He stares at it for a moment and then stoops over the motionless body of Frankie Perez. He gently lays the belt across Frankie’s chest and pats it a few times.

Fujita: Keep it warm for me buddy.

Fujita drops the microphone and exits the ring as the shot goes backstage.



Angle Featuring: Casey Valentine and Haley Buck

Haley Buck sits in her office. She flips through some papers when Casey Valentine walks into her office with a certain swagger in his step. She greets him and stands to speak with him.


Valentine: Ms. Buck I’m going to make this short and sweet. I want another shot at the mid Atlantic Title. No questions. I want a shot at Wrestling Classic. I expect the match to be announced shortly.

As quickly as he entered, Casey left. Haley Buck shook her head and chuckled as she watched him leave.



Angle Featuring: El Heroe Mexicano and Haley Buck

El Héroe Mexicano passes Casey Valentine as he walks into Haley Buck’s office. Valentine stares him down for a moment and then proceeds away. Heroe smiles through his mask as he approaches MAW’s Director of Operations.

Heroe: Ms. Buck, how are you? Listen I have a request for you. I believe that my performance over the last couple of months have been good enough to earn myself the opportunity to become the number one contender to the Mid Atlantic Title. All I’m asking you is to give me the chance to earn a match against Aaron Andrews.

Haley Buck nods slightly as if she was agreeing with the masked man. After a few moments of pondering, she speaks.

HB: You know Heroe you’re right. Next week you’re going to face Casey Valentine to determine who will be facing Aaron Andrews at Wrestling Classic. I wish you all the luck in the world.

Heroe: Thank you Ms. Buck! You won’t be let down.

Heroe shakes her hand and leaves her office ecstatic.



Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Andrew Taylor

Zimmy Bumfhole came out looking to begin re-solidifying his spot in Maw after coming up short in his bid for the Mid Atlantic Title. His first step certainly made a statement. Andrew Taylor was no match for the former SWF star. Zimmy took control and hit the Bumfhole In One frog splash to get the pinfall in just 45 seconds.

Winner: Zimmy Bumfhole






KC Glenn & El Heroe Mexicano vs. Davis Wayne Newton & Steven Parker

All four men came into this match with something to prove after failed bids in the Rip Chord Invitational. The match itself followed a fairly standard tag team formula. Newton and Glenn started things off and did some good chain wrestling. Newton got the advantage and went to work on Glenn. Newton and Parker isolated him from his corner using frequent tags and referee distractions to wear Glenn down. They crossed into the seventh minute and El Heroe Mexicano still hadn’t gotten into the match yet. Finally, Glenn was able to break free from the attack and make the tag. Heroe came in a house of fire but it wasn’t enough. DWN and Steven Parker stayed on the attack and eventually Parker was able to hit the Future shock on Heroe to pick up the victory.

Winners: Davis Wayne Newton and Steven Parker


Four Corner Survival



Josh Jones vs. James Prudence vs. Darryl Devine vs. Nelson Callum

When the bell rang these two broke off into two pairs. Callum battled Devine while Jones battled Prudence. The two groups each went through a solid two minutes of chain wrestling. They began dodging one another as they went through their respective moves. Then it became a matter of one-upping the other pair. Eventually the chain wrestling broke down and the four men began to brawl. The first elimination occurred at the five minute mark when Devine hit the Devine Dream Drop on Nelson Callum and picked up the pinfall. Devine went to the outside for a breather as Josh Jones and James Prudence took center stage. They wrestled hard for five minutes until Prudence hit a superkick out of nowhere that was enough to put Jones down for the count of three. Devine re-entered the ring and tried to take Prudence by surprise, but James was ready. Prudence fought off the attack and caught Devine in the Prudential Pain Plan. Darryl showed tremendous courage by hanging on for nearly thirty seconds, but he finally had to swallow his pride and slap the mat to give the submission victory to Prudence.

Winner: James Prudence



Mid Atlantic Title


Lenny Brown vs. Aaron Andrews©

Aaron Andrews wasn’t taking this match lightly and neither was his challenger. Lenny Brown started the match with a certain intensity, attacking fast. He took control early and kept the champion on the ropes and reeling. For the first five minutes of the match Andrews didn’t get a lick of offense in. He was at the mercy of Lenny Brown. Brown felt like he was in complete control and began playing the crowd a bit. He was being lackadaisical in his movements and it cost him. Andrews surged back and got in a string of offense that seemed to bring the two men back on par with one another. The match was evenly contested from this point on. There were numerous near falls in the match that got the crowd going. They crossed into the fifteenth minute and Lenny went for the Star Treatment but Andrews wiggled free. In a split second Aaron hit Brown with the Ace Driver and picked up the pinfall to retain the title.

Winner: Aaron Andrews retains the Mid Atlantic Title



Overall Rating



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I have a question for my readers. I was toying around with an idea that would maybe clean up the shows a little bit. Would anyone be opposed to me posting the shows in an html format? What would happen is that I would post a link when the show goes up. This link would open up a website that contains the show. Nothing more than the show and links to previous shows would be on this website. What does everyone think?
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I'm thinking something along the lines of this. I figured out that I can just insert an iframe into the post and that way nobody has to navigate to a different page to read the show. Thoughts?


<iframe src="http://www.clabobby.com/maw/testshow4.html" style="border:3px black double;" name="main" scrolling="yes" frameborder="1" align="top" height="500px" width="1020px" style="overflow-x:hidden;" horizontalscrolling="no" verticalscrolling="yes">


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Main Event - Fatal Four Way for the Mid Atlantic Title

James Prudence vs. Darryl Devine vs. Steven Parker vs. Aaron Andrews©


For a Shot at the Mid Atlantic Title

El Heroe Mexicano vs. Casey Valentine


Zimmy Bumfhole and Frankie Perez vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Aaron Fujita


KC Glenn vs. Lenny Brown


Mid Atlantic All Action Title

Dominic Devito vs. Cameron Vessey</td></tr></tbody></table>

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I love the new format. It looks fantastic. Keep using it, and you've definitely got a nomination for presentation in the DotY competition.



Main Event - Fatal Four Way for the Mid Atlantic Title

James Prudence vs. Darryl Devine vs. Steven Parker vs. Aaron Andrews©


For a Shot at the Mid Atlantic Title

El Heroe Mexicano vs. Casey Valentine


Zimmy Bumfhole and Frankie Perez vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Aaron Fujita

KC Glenn vs. Lenny Brown


Mid Atlantic All Action Title

Dominic Devito vs. Cameron Vessey

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Main Event - Fatal Four Way for the Mid Atlantic Title

James Prudence vs. Darryl Devine vs. Steven Parker vs. Aaron Andrews©


For a Shot at the Mid Atlantic Title

El Heroe Mexicano vs. Casey Valentine


Zimmy Bumfhole and Frankie Perez vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Aaron Fujita


KC Glenn vs. Lenny Brown


Mid Atlantic All Action Title

Dominic Devito vs. Cameron Vessey

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Main Event - Fatal Four Way for the Mid Atlantic Title

James Prudence vs. Darryl Devine vs. Steven Parker vs. Aaron Andrews©


For a Shot at the Mid Atlantic Title

El Heroe Mexicano vs. Casey Valentine


Zimmy Bumfhole and Frankie Perez vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Aaron Fujita


KC Glenn vs. Lenny Brown


Mid Atlantic All Action Title

Dominic Devito vs. Cameron Vessey

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I love the new format. It looks fantastic. Keep using it, and you've definitely got a nomination for presentation in the DotY competition.


I'm glad you like it. And I will be sticking with it. I like it so much more because I can actually save it when I'm coding. So now I won't have to wait for a period when I have plenty of time to code it. I can start it and save it if I need to and come back later. I think it will help productivity out tons.


Uprising will be up tomorrow or Saturday. It all really depends on what time I wake up in the morning and how I feel. So there is still time to get predictions in!

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Main Event - Fatal Four Way for the Mid Atlantic Title

James Prudence vs. Darryl Devine vs. Steven Parker vs. Aaron Andrews©


For a Shot at the Mid Atlantic Title

El Heroe Mexicano vs. Casey Valentine


Zimmy Bumfhole and Frankie Perez vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Aaron Fujita


KC Glenn vs. Lenny Brown


Mid Atlantic All Action Title

Dominic Devito vs. Cameron Vessey

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<p><strong><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">So here's the deal gang. Uprising will be up tonight. Come hell or high water. In the future though, I'm changing my view point. I had always made an effort to get things up every other day or so in an attempt to keep everyone happy. Recently this hasn't been happening though. I've been working 6-8 days in a row for almost two months now and its catching up to me. Its to the point now where all I want to do on my days off are sit around and watch TV. So in the future, things won;t be coming out nearly as often as they used to. I'm not giving up on this thing because I've worked too hard to get you guys loyal to me. I just wanted to let you know that things might not be quite as active around here.</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Robbie</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">


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It better be up, damn it! I kid, I kid. Take your time getting the shows up. With work and school all I ever want to do is sit at home and play Skyrim or something. It took me two weeks to get this last show up, I don't think my readers minded too much. Your readers shouldn't either!
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