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NOW (RW 0/0/0 promotion, 2002)

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With my previous laptop deciding to die, and taking my previous diary save with it, I've decided that it's time to have a go at a new diary. Having never played a Real World 0/0/0 promotion before, I've decided to give one a go. I'm using Genadi's 2002 mod, as 2002 is one of the more interesting periods in recent wrestling history. As well as running my promotion (NOW), I'm also planning on following the fortunes of the newly opened ROH and the debuting TNA.


January 2002:


The first Monday of a new year, ordinarily I would have had a brand new year of professional wrestling to get excited about... but now? Well, let’s just say I’ve lost my faith. In the past year, wrestling has gone from being my main source of joy, to my greatest source of disappointment.


A couple of years ago we had WCW and the WWF battling it out at the top, with ECW snapping at their heels. Times were good. Now though, only the WWF were left to dominate the industry. I’ll openly admit that the WWF were already my least favourite of the 3 major promotions in the US, but I didn’t actually dislike the WWF until the botched ‘Invasion Storyline’ of last year. They had a great opportunity to tell an unbelievable story and they came up with... that? Unfortunately with the WWF the only sizeable US promotion left, wrestling fans like me are left with little choice. It’s either watch the WWF, or don’t watch wrestling.


The problem is that I’ve watched wrestling for over 15 years. It’s been a great source of joy, and provided a distraction from some of the other problems in my life. I couldn’t just step away from the business... but I wasn’t happy watching the WWF for the next year. ..


Over the next few months this feeling grew and grew, but a chance meeting with the owner of a local Gym at a local Indy event might offer me a chance to change it. The guy had been called Harry, and we’d struck up a conversation about the matches we had seen that night, and about the state of the industry in general. The guy was a total wrestling nut, and he told me that he’d placed an order for a full size wrestling ring about a month ago, only to realise he had nothing he could do with it. He then made me a very interesting offer.


He said he’d liked my views on how a promotion should be run, and that he’d love to see how I did as a booker. Looking back, the guy was probably just trying to hustle me into paying to use a wrestling ring he had no use for, but at the time he had seemed sincere enough. He had given me his business card and said that if I ever did take the plunge to give him a call and he’d rent his gym out to me at a discount price. I hadn’t seriously considered his offer at the time, but the following Monday night as I watched RAW on TV I couldn’t help but think “I could do better than this”.


Having lost my job the previous year, and with no real prospects of employment, I didn’t exactly have a lot on my plate... and I’d been to more local Indy shows than I could count, so I knew the better workers from the lesser ones. Hell I even knew a few guys who work the Indy’s... but I couldn’t seriously pull this off, could I?


My name is Marcus Swift, and this is the story of NOW...

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<p>After spending a few weeks researching the legal requirements of forming a new wrestling promotion and applying for the appropriate certificates, by the start of April I was finally ready to go. Happy that I had everything in hand, I had contacted Harry about the use of his Gym as a venue. At first he didn’t remember who I was, but after some prompting he had been very co-operative and we had arranged a meeting at his Gym the next day.</p><p> </p><p>

The next day, as I was walking through the streets of Eastern Los Angeles on my way home from my meeting with Harry, I couldn’t help but notice how rundown this area had got. It sure wasn’t the side of L.A. you saw on postcards or in the films. I’ve heard many people refer to L.A. as “The City Of Angels”... well I guess this is an area the angels forgot. I guess everyone had to start somewhere though right? And as a small time wrestling promotion with no money, prestige or even a name yet, I guess I couldn’t be picky.</p><p> </p><p>

I finally arrived at the bus stop, and began the ride home. As I sat there I began thinking about what I could call my new promotion. After struggling to come up with anything for about 5 minutes, I had a brainwave. We realised that we were essentially going to be a tiny promotion rebelling against the dominance of the WWF, and that’s when the nWo came to mind. They had been the biggest rebels in the last decade of pro-wrestling. Obviously I couldn’t just take the name, but maybe something related to it. After trying a few variations I finally came up with one I liked. My promotion was going to be the New Order of Wrestling. </p><p> </p><p>

With having no job for nearly a year now, I was completely broke. Luckily as I headed into the bank with a business plan, I was confident that they would be more than happy to provide me with an overdraft to give me something to work with. Sure enough, even my flimsy plan to make money with a backyard wrestling promotion was enough to get a small overdraft facility on the account. Happy in the knowledge I’d be able to pay people, well at least for the first show, I began to make a few phone calls. Within ten minutes I had been turned down by no less than 10 different guys... maybe this was going to be harder than I thought?</p>

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It took me a lot longer than I had expected, but by the end of April the New Order of Wrestling was finally ready to go. I had a starting roster, an Announcer, a Ref, and had booked out Harry’s Gym for the final Wednesday of the month. Harry had even agreed to put posters up around his Gym advertising the event.


Getting a roster together for a company that had no money and that nobody had heard of had proved difficult. However, I had managed to get 12 young and talented guys to agree to work for very little money. Most just saw it as a way to get their name out there, and none was an established name of the Indy circuit. Still there was enough talent there to put on a good show.


Starting Roster:

Main Event

Paul London (Face) – A talented young wrestler trained by Dory Funk Jr. An exciting young high flyer who easily slots into the Main Event.


Gary Steele (Face) – A former NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Steele is an accomplished young wrestler with solid Rumble and Technical skills.


Austin Aries (Heel) – Young high flyer trained by Eddie Sharkey, has plenty of room for improvement but is a real talent.


Nigel McGuiness (Heel) – A talented Technical wrestler all the way from the United Kingdom. Splits his time between the US and the UK.


Upper Midcard

Matt Sydal (Face) – Like many of the roster is still young, but shows talent as a High Flyer.


Delirious (Face) – Little is known about this mysterious High Flyer, except that he is a tremendous talent.


Chris Hero (Face) – Another young High Flyer, who has predominantly worked out of the Midwest until now.


James Storm (Heel) – “Cowboy” James Storm is an entertaining brawler who predominantly works on the Southern Indy scene.


Carly Colon (Heel) – A talented second generation wrestler with decent all round skills.



Roderick Strong (Heel) – A talented young wrestler with a solid all round game.


Sonjay Dutt (Heel) – One of the first Indian-American professional wrestlers, an exciting young High Flyer.


Lower Midcard

Jack Evans (Face) – An exciting young talent with incredible athleticism. Still green and lack Psychology, but could develop into a top talent.


Staff – Jeremy Borash (Announcer), SoCal Val (Colour), Sean Hanson (Referee), Brock Guffman (Road Agent)

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<p>Sucks to hear your laptop died, I enjoyed your previous dynasty.</p><p> </p><p>

Youve got one talented roster there, suprised they came in cheaply. I guess they were not as popular back then. And just checking to make sure im right, Carly Colon = Carlito?</p>

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<p>With the Gym booked, I started to look over the roster I had put together. In good spirits I sat down to book my very first card...</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>NOW: The New Order Begins</strong></p><p>

Wednesday @9pm, L.A. Fitness</p><p> </p><p>

Matches include:</p><p>

Jack Evans vs Matt Sydal vs Sonjay Dutt vs Roderick Strong</p><p>

<em>Quarter-Finals in Championship Tournament:</em></p><p>

Gary Steele vs Nigel McGuiness </p><p>

Delirious vs Carly Colon </p><p>

Austin Aries vs Chris Hero </p><p>

Paul London vs “Cowboy” James Storm </p><p> </p><p>

Predictions are welcomed, prize will be named later...</p>

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<p>NOW: The New Order Begins</p><p>

Wednesday @9pm, L.A. Fitness</p><p> </p><p>

Matches include:</p><p>

Jack Evans vs <strong>Matt Sydal</strong> vs Sonjay Dutt vs Roderick Strong</p><p>

Quarter-Finals in Championship Tournament:</p><p>

Gary Steele vs <strong>Nigel McGuiness</strong></p><p>

Delirious vs <strong>Carly Colon</strong></p><p>

<strong>Austin Aries</strong> vs Chris Hero </p><p>

<strong>Paul London</strong> vs “Cowboy” James Storm </p><p> </p><p>

Just off personal preference and pushes</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="1234" data-cite="1234" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29333" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Sucks to hear your laptop died, I enjoyed your previous dynasty.<p> </p><p> Youve got one talented roster there, suprised they came in cheaply. I guess they were not as popular back then. And just checking to make sure im right, Carly Colon = Carlito?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah I couldn't quite face another C-Verse game so soon. I'd actually simmed a few months further than the thread got to, and had some big stories in motion, so was gutted when my laptop packed in <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Anyway I have a nice shiny new laptop now, so not all bad lol.</p><p> </p><p> Yeah, they are all quite green so this could go either way tbh. I think the oldest guy on the roster is Nigel McGuiness, and he's only 26! Yes Carly Colon is Carlito. I think the main problem I could face here is getting my workers stolen by TNA/WWE as soon as they gain some experience with me, still should be an interesting ride...</p>
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<p>Jack Evans vs <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Matt Sydal</span></strong> vs Sonjay Dutt vs Roderick Strong</p><p>

Sydal is the most over, and with good talent all around I have to pick based on overness.</p><p> </p><p>

Quarter-Finals in Championship Tournament:</p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Gary Steele</span></strong> vs Nigel McGuiness</p><p>

Sadly this tournament needs another face win despite what I initially said > (Steele is the only wrestler you have who I dont know, so im officially starting the "Job Gary Steel Fan Club")</p><p> </p><p>

Delirious vs <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Carly Colon</span></strong></p><p>

Colon probably is a better wrestler.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Austin Aries</span></strong> vs Chris Hero</p><p>

Again Overness, not much else I can do until a few shows in.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Paul London</span></strong> vs “Cowboy” James Storm </p><p>

London is a main eventer, and this tournament needs some face love (that sounds so wrong).</p><p> </p><p>

OT - Just one thing I have to know, was Donte ever going to be champion?</p>

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<p>Nice to see you are back, too bad that your previous diary is dead because of broken laptop as I was enjoying that one. I´m quite clueless about real world wrestling espesially anything outside of WWE or TNA so I´m probably way off on my predictions but here we go anyway.</p><p> </p><p>

Jack Evans vs <strong>Matt Sydal</strong> vs Sonjay Dutt vs Roderick Strong</p><p>

<em>Sydal is highest on ladders right now so I go with him over Dutt who is only guy that I know on these four.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Quarter-Finals in Championship Tournament:</p><p>

Gary Steele vs <strong>Nigel McGuiness</strong></p><p>

<em>was McGuiness Desmond Wolfe? I really can´t remember but I definitely have seen his name before.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Delirious vs<strong> Carly Colon</strong></p><p>

<em>Carlito is wayyy to cool to lose here</em></p><p>


Austin Aries</strong> vs Chris Hero</p><p>

<em>Aries is the main event guy here so he picks up the win</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Paul London</strong> vs “Cowboy” James Storm </p><p>

<em>Again London is main event guy while Storm isn´t</em></p>

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Nice to see you are back, too bad that your previous diary is dead because of broken laptop as I was enjoying that one. I´m quite clueless about real world wrestling espesially anything outside of WWE or TNA so I´m probably way off on my predictions but here we go anyway.


Jack Evans vs Matt Sydal vs Sonjay Dutt vs Roderick Strong

Sydal is highest on ladders right now so I go with him over Dutt who is only guy that I know on these four.


Quarter-Finals in Championship Tournament:

Gary Steele vs Nigel McGuiness

was McGuiness Desmond Wolfe? I really can´t remember but I definitely have seen his name before.


Delirious vs Carly Colon

Carlito is wayyy to cool to lose here

Austin Aries vs Chris Hero

Aries is the main event guy here so he picks up the win


Paul London vs “Cowboy” James Storm

Again London is main event guy while Storm isn´t


I approve

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NOW: The New Order Has Arrived

Week 4 April 2002

LA Fitness – Los Angeles

Attendance: 15


On the DVD release of the show, we open with Jeremy Borash and SoCal Val at the announce desk...


JB: “Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, and thank you for joining on this exciting night. Welcome to the debut show of the New Order of Wrestling. I’m your Announcer Jeremy Borash, and I’m joined tonight at the Announce Desk by the beautiful SoCal Val. A great show in store tonight Val...”


SoCal Val: “Right you are JB. We have some of the hottest young talents from around the independent circuit for you tonight.”


JB: “We really do have some top wrestlers on show tonight. And Val, how perfect is this? On NOW’s debut show, we are going to see the start of a tournament that will see the winner crowned the very first NOW Champion. How exciting is that? As if that wasn’t enough, all 4 quarter-final matches of that tournament will take place right here tonight!”


SoCal Val: “That’s right JB, and on top of that we have a fatal four way match that is sure to be action packed. I don’t know about you JB, but I can’t wait to sink my teeth into some action later tonight...”


(40 D-)



NOW Championship Tournament Quarter Final

Nigel McGuiness vs Gary Steele


We kick the show proper off with the opening match in the tournament for the NOW Title. I’d hoped these two Technically based wrestlers would get us off to a good start. The match itself had some solid in-ring action, but unfortunately the crowd just didn’t seem to care about this match... at all. To add to that, Steele had an off night which meant this opening match didn’t go over anywhere near as well as I had hoped.


Nigel McGuiness in 6:58 with a Tiger Bomb (30 E+)



Carly Colon makes his way purposefully to the ring with a microphone in hand. He tells the crowd that he is above wrestling in a smelly gymnasium in from of a dozen people. He was a second generation wrestler, and was destined for things far higher than NOW. As for his opponent tonight? All Carly had to say was that “Mask’s aren’t cool”.


(21 E-)



NOW Championship Tournament Quarter Final

Carly Colon vs Delirious


The second match of out tournament. The action in this match was a poor match, and the whole thing was devoid of any heat... however it seemed to go over better with the crowd than either of the previous two segments. Carly seemed unnerved at the start of the match by some of Delirious' antics, and struggled to build any offense early on in the match. He eventually settled down though, and built up a good period of offense himself. The match was very open, until Delirious was able to hit a huge Leaping Lariot and build some momentum. Delirious stayed on top of Colon, and when he hit the Bizarro Driver the match was over.


Delirious in 6:43 (39 D-)



NOW Championship Tournament Quarter Final

Chris Hero vs Austin Aries


The next match in our Championship tournament, and this match had some solid in-Ring action but again crowd heat was non-existent. Strangely this seemed to go over about the same as the previous bout, despite involving superior wrestling and two guys who were higher up the card.


Austin Aries in 6:57 with a Brainbuster (39 D-)



Jack Evans vs Matt Sydal vs Sonjay Dutt vs Roderick Strong


A fun four way here as a break from the tournament matches. I’m not going to even try and pretend this was anything but a spot fest. However it did have some periods of solid in-ring action, but once again there was no heat to speak of. I decided to throw these four high-flyers together and overbook it with a bunch of innovative spots in order to try and hide these guys lack of Psychology. Despite the overbooking, Dutt still looked inconsistent in his selling, and Evans was still noticeably poor with his Psychology. On the positive Matt Sydal really stood out as a potential star.


One of the biggest spots of the night came right at the end of the match, with Jack Evans hitting a double moonsault on Sonjay Dutt to the outside. The impact was enough to take both men out of the match. Seeing an opportunity, Strong whipped Sydal to the corner and charged him. Unfortunately Sydal saw him coming and got the boots up, catching Strong hard in the temple and sending him to the matt. Sydal quickly climbed to the top rope and hit the Shooting Star Press to get the three count.


Matt Sydal in 6:52 when he pinned Roderick Strong with a Shooting Star Press. (39 D-)



NOW Championship Tournament Quarter Final

Paul London vs James Storm


Now to the Main Event and the final Quarter Final of our tournament. Again the match had some solid in-ring action, but again the match suffered from virtually non-existent crowd heat. This match went ever so slightly longer than the rest of the card, and London displayed noticeably poor Psychology out there. Still this was a fun match to watch, with a real clash of styles as Storm tried to ground the high flying London. He did well at the start of the match, building a good period of offence. However London was able to get back into the match, and eventually hit the London Calling to pick up the win and round off our debut show.


Paul London in 8:01 with a London Calling (39 D-)


Show: 37 D-


Angles were poor compared to in-ring action. The show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Elsewhere in April:



The WWF called Jamie Noble up from development, and extended Scott Hall’s deal.


Big Event: WWF Backlash (85 B+)

Main Event: HHH bt Steve Austin for Undisputed Title



ROH bought in Mike Tenay, Billy Silverman, Larry Zbyszko and Mark Madden.


Big Event: ROH Night Of Appreciation (65 C)

Main Event: Corino & Styles bt Matthews & Spanky

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After a successful first show last month, in which we even managed to turn a very small profit, I was full of excitement as I sat down to book the second show. I had just put the finishing touches to the card, and was happy with my work when my phone rang...


“What do you mean you can’t work tonight?”


“Ring of Honour have a gig in Philly.”


“But you were meant to be in the Main Event tonight...”


“I’m sorry man, guess you’ll just have to change it.”


“I guess I’ll have to, goodbye”


“Later man.”


So I had no Paul London tonight... fantastic. I tore up my original card, and started jotting down some ideas.


NOW: The New Order Has Arrived

Delirious vs Nigel McGuinness (NOW Championship Tournament Semi-Final)


Tonight’s Main Event will see the first of two semi-final matches to decide who will compete for the first ever NOW Championship next month. Both these men picked up big wins last week, but who will move on to the final of our tournament?


Matt Sydal vs Roderick Strong


Matt Sydal pinned Roderick Strong in the fatal four way at NOW’s debut show, but will the result be the same as they go one on one tonight?


Jack Evans vs Sonjay Dutt


Jack Evans took both himself and Sonjay Dutt out of the fatal four way match last month after a massive double moonsault to the outside. Dutt blames Evans for costing him the match last week, but will the “Original Playa from the Himalayas” be able to overcome “The Prince of Parkland”?


Chris Hero vs James Storm

Gary Steele vs Austin Aries


With all four of these men losing last month, they will all be looking to regain some momentum in their matches tonight.


Quick Picks:

Delirious vs Nigel McGuinness

Matt Sydal vs Roderick Strong

Jack Evans vs Sonjay Dutt

Chris Hero vs James Storm

Gary Steele vs Austin Aries

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Delirious vs Nigel McGuinness


Matt Sydal vs Roderick Strong


Jack Evans vs Sonjay Dutt


Chris Hero vs James Storm


Gary Steele vs Austin Aries


No comments this time since these are all guesses or simply picked by who is higher on ladders.

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Delirious vs Nigel McGuinness

England FTW.


Matt Sydal vs Roderick Strong

Highest on ladder.


Jack Evans vs Sonjay Dutt

Sonjay gets revenge on "The Aerial Emperor"


Chris Hero vs James Storm

Who's your hero?


Gary Steele vs Austin Aries

Tonight marks the start of my "Job Gary Steele Fan Club".

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Delirious vs Nigel McGuinness McGuinness and Delirious are both great prospects, but I just like Nigel more I guess.

Matt Sydal vs Roderick Strong Sydal is great, one of the most smooth aerial wrestlers.

Jack Evans vs Sonjay Dutt Random guess.

Chris Hero vs James Storm Chris Hero is awesome, not sure if he can beat Storm though.

Gary Steele vs Austin Aries Dunno who the other guy is.

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Delirious vs Nigel McGuinness

I have a feeling you are gonna push Delirious hard....and may need a face in the final with a lack of trust in London to show up

Matt Sydal vs Roderick Strong

Jack Evans vs Sonjay Dutt

Chris Hero vs James Storm

this one is impossible to pick and neither guy needs a loss so I'm gonna go with a non-finish of some sort

Gary Steele vs Austin Aries

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NOW: The New Order Has Arrived

Week 4 May 2002

LA Fitness – Los Angeles

Attendance: 18


For the DVD release of the show, we start at the announce desk with JB and SoCal Val.


JB: “Ladies and Gentlemen welcome once again to NOW, and what a show we have lined up for you tonight.”


SoCal Val: “Right you are JB, as tonight we see Sonjay Dutt try to exact some revenge on Jack Evans who he blames for costing him the fatal four way at our debut show last month. Will the “Original Playa From The Himalayas” have enough to see off “The Prince Of Parkland”.


JB: “Then form your Main Event tonight; we have the first of the Semi-Final matches from our Championship tournament with Nigel McGuiness facing off against Delirious. First up though we have Gary Steele facing off against Austin Aries.”


(32 E+)


Gary Steele vs Austin Aries


A solid opening bout between these two. The match contained solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat. The match started slowly, with the two men trading holds. Aries tried to get an early win by locking in the Horns of Aries, but Steele was able to break the hold by getting to the ropes. The match was very open for a period, before Aries turned the match with a Death Valley Driver which he quickly followed up with a big knee drop. From there he was able to hit the Brainbuster and get the three count.


Austin Aries in 6:55 with a Brainbuster (37 D-)


Chris Hero vs James Storm


Another nice match here, with some more solid in-ring action. However, once again crowd heat was a problem, being non-existent in this match. James Storm gained the momentum early on, beating on his smaller opponent and gaining a near fall after a nice DDT. However, Hero was able to change the momentum when he surprised Storm and rolled him into a School Boy pin attempt for a two count. He followed this with a dropkick to the face of a seated Storm, and then a standing Moonsault which gained him another near fall. Chris Hero was able to keep up his momentum, and hit the Hero’s Welcome for the win.


Chris Hero in 7:59 with a Hero’s Welcome (37 D-)


Delirious is in the ring, presumably to hype his upcoming NOW Championship tournament Semi-Final match with Nigel McGuiness. I say presumably, because he just talks incoherent babble until he is interrupted by his opponent in tonight’s Main Event, Nigel McGuinness. McGuinness confronts Delirious and emphasises the need for all people to speak the “Queen’s English”. He then attacks Delirious, and the two brawl until they are separated by security.


(19 E-)


Jack Evans vs Sonjay Dutt


A fun match here, which was overbooked and contained a number of spots. There was some solid in-ring action on display, but non-existant crowd heat. Unfortunately these two guys just didn’t seem to click at all, with a number of spots having awkward pauses before execution. This is a real shame, as I had planned a lengthy feud between these two. Once again Evan’s showed a lack of Psychology, which could become a problem for him going forward.


The match went back and forth, with the two trading high risk manoeuvres and near falls. Eventually Jack Evans took one risk too many, missing a springboard 450 splash. While Evans was down, Dutt took advantage and went to the top to hit the Hindu Press and take the victory.


Sonjay Dutt in 7:23 with a Hindu Press (35 E+)


Matt Sydal vs Roderick Strong


A good, fun match here between two young talents. Once again the match had some solid in-ring action, but once again there was no heat to speak of it. This was a really open match, with both men getting good periods of offense. Sydal picked up a near fall after an Enzuigiri/Standing Moonsault combo, and also hit a Suicide Dive to the outside. Meanwhile Strong had a near fall after a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker, and also nearly got a Submission with a Boston Crab.


The end of the match came with Strong going for a Backdrop, but Sydal fought out of it with the elbows before connecting with a Roundhouse Kick to Strong’s temple. This gave Sydal the time to get to the top rope and hit the Shooting Star Splash and get the victory.


Matt Sydal in 6:33 with a Shooting Star Press (37 D-)


NOW Championship Tournament Semi-Final

Nigel McGuiness vs Delirious


The first of our Semi-Final matches saw Nigel McGuinness face off against Delirious. The match had solid in-ring action, but non-existent crowd heat.


Upon the sound of the opening bell Delirious was sent into hysterics, running wildly around the ring screaming... until he was cut off by a European Uppercut from McGuinness. The Brit began to work the arm of Delirioius with moves like a Bridging Scissored Armbar and a Hammerlock. Eventually, Delirious was able to get into the match, hitting some nice moves such as a Hurricarana and a huge Leaping Lariot.


The match finished after Delirious went high risk and climbed to the top rope, only to be cut off and caused Delirious to staddle the turnbuckle. From here McGuinness was able to set Delirious up for the Tower Of London and progress to the Final of the Championship tournament, and is beginning to show some real Star Quality.


Nigel McGuiness in 7:43 with a Tower Of London (38 D-)


Show: 36 D-


There was a feeling that some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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The main talking point in the wrestling world this month was the WWF losing their court battle, and being forced to change their name to the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment). It remains to be seen if this will have any effect on their product, or on their popularity.


May also saw the debut of Jeff Jarrett’s new promotion Total Non-stop Action (TNA). They will look to fill the void left by the demise of WCW. Dutch Mantell has been appointed as Head Booker, and the promotion has signed a PPV deal with Sky Angel.



Called Doug Basham and Sharmell up from development.


Signed CM Punk and Sara Del Ray on development deals (OVW).


Big Event: Judgement Day (86, B+)

Main Event: The Rock bt Chris Jericho



Made a slew of signings in May to fill their roster. The biggest name of which was Rey Mysterio Jr of WCW fame.


Signings: Rey Mysterio Jr, Shark Boy, NOSAWA, Ariel, April Hunter, Jerry Lawler, Ken Shamrock, Homicide, Trent Acid, Armando Quintero, Scott Armstrong, Rena Mero, Roebrt Brisko, Jorge Estrada, Harley Race, Nova, Kid Kash, Joel Maximo, LuFisto, Daizee Haze, Teddy Hart, B-Boy, Jay Lethal, Ruckus, Colt Cabana


Big Event: TNA Pay The Piper (73, B-)

Main Event: Jeff Jarrett bt Rey Mysterio Jr for the TNA Big Gold Belt


Title Changes:

Jeff Jarrett won the TNA Big Gold Belt (Previous Holder: n/a)

NOSAWA & Trent Acid won the NWA:TNA World Tag Team Titles (Previous Holders: n/a)



No signings for ROH this month.


Big Event: ROH Death To All (65, C)

Main Event: American Dragon bt Low Ki to retain the ROH World Title

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Although I was generally happy with the way things were going, I still needed to work out a way to improve the quality of the angles we were putting on. The angles had dragged down the last two shows, so I really wanted to find a way to change that. I spent the month searching for possible solutions, and think I may just have come up with one...


NOW: The New Order Has Arrived

Paul London vs Austin Aries (NOW Championship Tournament Semi Final)

This month’s Main Event will see Paul London face off against Austin Aries in the second of our Championship Tournament Semi-Final’s. This match was supposed to have happened last month, but London working a ROH show meant that it had to be moved to this month’s show. Who will join Nigel McGuiness in the final at next month’s show?


Chris Hero vs Nigel McGuiness

Speaking of Nigel McGuiness, he will be looking to build momentum going into his Championship match next month. However Chris Hero will provide tough competition for the Englishman. Will McGuiness be able to keep his momentum going?


Matt Sydal & Jack Evans vs Roderick Strong & Sonjay Dutt

A potentially combustible match, as there is a lot of bad feeling between these four competitors. Matt Sydal has been able to pin Roderick Strong two months in a row, and Strong will be keen to get some revenge here. There’s also been bad blood between Jack Evans and Sonjay Dutt over the past couple of months, with Dutt blaming Evans for costing him the four way at NOW’s debut show. Which team will come out on top here?


Gary Steele vs Carly Colon

Neither of these two men have been able to get of the mark in NOW so far, and both will be going all out to get that all important first win.


Delirious vs James Storm

Delirious fell just short against Nigel McGuiness in last month’s Main Event, and will be looking to bounce back here and regain some momentum. James Storm has struggled so far in NOW, but will be looking to change that tonight.


Quick Picks:

Paul London vs Austin Aries

Chris Hero vs Nigel McGuiness

Matt Sydal & Jack Evans vs Roderick Strong & Sonjay Dutt

Gary Steele vs Carly Colon

Delirious vs James Storm

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Paul London vs Austin Aries

Final needs to be face vs heel. Since London = face, he gets the win, even if I do want Aries to win.


Chris Hero vs Nigel McGuiness

No way McGuinness will lose just before a title match.


Matt Sydal & Jack Evans vs Roderick Strong & Sonjay Dutt

Roderick Stong against his Generation Next stable mates...now thats weird. Just picked the side with the most Generation Next on it.


Gary Steele vs Carly Colon



Delirious vs James Storm

"Blah-Argh-Garg-Delirious-Freh-Bleh-James-Storm." Dont worry, Delirious will understand.

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