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TNA: "They" get some Love.

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Normally every story has a beginning a middle and an end. There are clear obstacles to overcome, there is a protagonist and an antagonist, there are allies and there are enemies, in short there is clarity. Life simply isn't like that though.


That is why humans crave entertainment. To escape the confusion that is life, to get wrapped up in a story and life vicariously through other's. This is the basis of any story and it is as true today as it was during the time of the ancient Greeks, the founder's of western literature and culture.


Wrestling is the ultimate representation of this. It has room for every possible combination of character's and stories while maintaining at it's base the eternal struggle of mankind to transcend oneself and achieve lasting glory. To give people that in it's purest and best form, and make a buck of it in the process, has always been my goal.


So as I begin to chronicle my current adventures I had to sit and think long and hard where to begin. Was it when I was contacted by Dixie Carter? Was it when I was shoved aside by the organisation I had given 22 years of my life as they started to value to bottom line over quality? Was it when I started to publicly criticize my current employer?


In the end I settled on the power of simplicity. It all starts with one word. The most powerful word in the English language. The word that many are loath to say and some crave to use. A word without nothing would ever get done, a word that separates the good from the bad and brings some clarity into the confusion that is life.


And that word is:....


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Sometime early September



Dixie: "No"


Me: "What do you mean no?"


Dixie: "Well you asked me what your role would be and your role would be to say no"


Me: "And why do you need me for this?"


Dixie: "Well Vince, Eric and Terry all have great ideas but it's hard to chose which ones to chose and which ones to disregard. And I realise that that is just not my forte. You have been Vince's (Mac) axe man for so long it should come natural to you."


Me: "So basically you want me to play the bad guy role. You do know I am not Vince (Mac) himself you know, I am a different person."


Dixie: "You are right but I am not looking for the whole Vince I am looking for someone like you who just as Vince can filter out the good from the bad but who isn't an egomaniacal a hole."


Me: "And what do Terry, Eric and Vince think of this?"


Dixie: "Well I talked to them and they agree so long as Terry and Eric keep creative control over their characters and you help Vince learn the production side of things.They will come up with the ideas and such and you will act as their filter. Terry tried to do it but he is just too kind hearted for the role."


Me: "Ok I will do it. But on one condition"


Dixie: "That is?"


Me: "I also get Taylor's job and you send him packing."


Dixie: "I can't give you total control over the firing and hiring Bruce, that is one of the thing's that nixed the deal with Heyman"


Me: "I don't want total control as you will still have final say but I will be responsible for who we sign and let go and will have the most say apart from you, furthermore Taylor is a snake in my opinion and I don't want him around. Just ask Eric and he will agree."


Dixie: "Ok I can live with that."


Me: "If that is the case then we have a deal. Please send me a contract proposal and we will work out the details."


Dixie: "Our lawyers will be in touch with you asap. You will start the first of October is that ok?"


Me: "Fine and in the meantime could you send me the results of that survey you guys did, the minutes by minutes of the last two years, merchandise sales of the last two years, the talent contract information and Spike TV's demands on you guys? I want to be prepared when I step in."


Dixie: "Ok but you would have to sign a non disclosure first and I will send that information along. It might take a while to gather it all though."


Me: "I understand just get it to me as quick as you can and it doesn't have to be all at once."


Dixie: "That's fine and may I be the first to congratulate you and welcome you aboard."


Me: "Thanks Dixie, I will do everything I can to make this work."



Well you did it again Bruce, you got yourself back into a viper's nest. Well at least they can't be as bad as the one I got fired from. Or can they? Ah well at least I am back in the business and this is going to be a real challenge.



(OOC: next post out of character info.)

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Ok as some of you may have guessed I am playing the role of Bruce Prichard aka Brother Love. He actually came into TNA on October 7th and is reportedly working as a producer. In this version he actually has overall booking power with his main power being the ability to say no and being the main talent relations guy and he is brought in a week earlier. Russo, Hogan and Bischoff remain on board but Bruce is the overall supervisor with Dixie focussing on the business side of things.


I am using a modified MrCanada mod and it starts the first of October so the first show will be before the glory. Instead of 2 hour shows I am actually going to use a ninety minute format as that is what we as viewers actually get to see and what TNA has to work with. PPV's are still 3 hours though. I am mainly giving a different twist to the whole "they" story and Sting's "them" but there will also be overall product changes in time. There will be no radical changes but more incremental as Bruce/I get more accustomed to my role and expand my power base.


I am going to try and stay as close as possible to the real world so apart from some early hiring's for the "They" angle nobody that can't come in will come in. Say if for instance the WWE in this game decides to release Kofi Kingston but he is still employed in the real world I won't hire him. Even possible hiring's that the real TNA have not done will be closely looked at. I will try to catch up to TNA to where they are in the real world and after that I will try and post every Friday after Impact or Tuesday after a ppv. This will also simulate the more chaotic feel and the need to do short term changes due to signings or injuries. For instance I won't be hiring Jericho as I don't think TNA could pull that off. But if TNA manages it I would be forced to start writing for him.


I also want everyone to be as critical as possible simulating the general net's attitude towards TNA and to make sure I don't leave any plotholes or don't explain anything etc. etc. There will also be backstage segments mainly in the beginning as Bruce get's settled into his role but also after that. Furthermore there will be segments explaining my booking philosophies starting with a short mantra ala Controversy Creates Cash which then gets a further explanation. On one of the first pages the mantra's will be gathered with links.



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On screen wrestling talent:





AJ Styles

Alex Shelly

Amazing Red

Brian Kendrick

Brother Devon

Brother Ray

Chris Sabin

D'Angelo Dinero

Desmond Wolf (Injured)

Douglas Williams

Eric Young

Hernandez ( Out on loan)

James Storm

Jay Lethal

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarrett

Jeremy Buck

Jesse Neal


Kevin Nash


Kurt Angle


Matt Morgan

Max Buck

Mr. Anderson


Orlando Jordan


Reid Flair (Yet to debut)


Rob Terry

Rob Van Dam

Robbie E

Robert Roode


Samoa Joe

Shannon Moore

Shark Boy

Stevie Richards


Tommy Dreamer


Occasional Wrestlers:


Hulk Hogan

Mick Foley

Rick Flair


Tag Teams:


Motor City Machine Guns

Beer Money Inc.

Ink Inc.

Team 3D

Generation Me

Jordan & Young

London Brawling


Knock Out's:


Angelina Love

Daffney (Injured)


Lacey Von Erich

Madison Rayne

Mickie James



Taylor Wilde

Velvet Skye







Key: Mainstream

Heavy: Modern

Medium: Traditional, Daredevil

Low: Pure, Hardcore, Risque

Very Low: Cult, Lucha Libre, Realism, Comedy


Match Intensity: 20%

Match Danger: 40%

Face/ Heel divide: Medium

T & A levels: Low

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Balance is Beautiful.


Total Product, not singular draws.


Controversy Creates Consciousness, Quality Creates Cash.


Clarity Is Key.


The 3 B's.


The Sweet 6.


The Great 8.


Less Is More.


Freshness Is Business. (nod to Bigpapa)


Long Term Over Everything.


Make What Matters.


Build It, Promote the hell out of it, and They will come.


Rating's are over rated.


Direction Dictates.


Perception is in the hand of the broadcaster.


More to come..

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Card for Before the Glory:


Mick Foley vs Ric Flair Last Man Standing


Sky & Love vs Tara & Rayne for the Beautiful people name and music.


25k Battle Royal featuring all uninjured competitors on the current BFG card. Angle, Hardy, Anderson, Abyss, Sting, Nash, Pope, Joe, Jarrett, AJ Styles, Kaz, Morgan, Roode, Storm, Dreamer, Rhino, Raven, Richards, Sabu, Williams, Lethal, Shelly, Sabin, M Buck, J Buck.


Also The Shore will début.


ooc: no other's will be announced, in order to stay close to realism.

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Hehe well apparently you can as Angle won it lolz. Thanks guys. I know a lot of TNA diaries have been going up lately and jhd1's been particularly good so I really appreciate the support. I just couldn't wait to really get my own vision on TNA out there after the BFG disappointment.
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