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ECW 2009: The Calm Before

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OOD: This is a continueation of my ECW 2006 dynasty that can be found here: . In upcoming posts, the happenings of the nearly 3 years prior will be documented in various fashions.


It had been nearly 3 years since Paul Heyman conned his way into regaining and reopening his creation ECW. And in those 3 years, he had successfully brought Extreme to the masses and helped revolutionize pro wrestling yet again.


In those 3 years, Heyman had adapted ECW to the current wrestling climate. Heyman had made new stars and gave life to those many thought were at the end of their careers. Heyman had gotten back into the swing of things like if ECW had never closed for 5 years. And there was no signs of slowing down. Money was no longer an issue as the company was incredibly profitable, it had a solid monthly PPV deal along with it's show on FX which had become one of the network's highest rated programs. Depending on who you asked, ECW had surpassed TNA and was closing in on the WWE, the company Heyman had gained the rights to ECW back from.


Over those 3 years, several of the names from the initial relaunch had left the promotion to join or rejoin WWE and TNA. But Heyman could care less as his not so secret working agreement with Ring Of Honor constantly fed him new talent which he molded into men who he trusted to carry the ECW name.


2008's in ring schedule was officially over and Heyman and ECW had much to celebrate. The promotion, it's wrestlers and Heyman had celebrated nearly complete sweeps in the major wrestling awards that year. However, they had no idea that within months, ECW would be again fighting for it's life.


But they would not go down without a fight...after all this was..




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My name is CM Punk and I am better than every single one of you people.


With one sentence, CM Punk became one of the most hated men in the history of ECW. Punk was one of the new faces in ECW when the company relaunched and made no friends when he proclaimed himself to be the savior of ECW because unlike the rest of the roster, he was Straight Edge. He didn't drink, he didn't smoke and he didn't do drugs, and this fact made him better than every fan and wrestler in ECW. And off the bat, Punk looked to make a statement to all of ECW, by taking out a man who was the polar opposite of Punk, the cigarette smoking, beer drinking, Singapore cane wielding ECW Icon, The Sandman. For weeks, Punk would blindside Sandman until the 2 would face off officially at ECW's first Pay Per View Anarchy Rulz. The 2 men would battle to a no contest, as Sandman chased Punk out of the arena. Embarrassed, Punk challenged Sandman to a Singapore Cane match at November To Remember. Punk however took the time to get into the Sandman's head, stalking the Sandman and taping his personal and drinking exploits and in a segment that still to this day may have gone to far; Punk followed The Sandman to his son's school, where he attacked him during his son's parent teacher day. Punk stood over a bloody Sandman, holding his head up in front of his 7 year old crying son as he shouted "Do you know why your daddy is like this? Because he drinks and he smokes." The next week, Punk took things even farther as he was challenged by Sandman's oldest son Tyler, only for Tyler to be knocked out by Punk's Pepsi Plunge.


November To Remember saw Punk introduce the world to his Straight Edge Society made up of the monstrous Jay Bradley, Matt Cross and Josh Prohibition. The Sandman was able to fight off the SES but eventually fell to Punk's Anaconda Vise and as a result, Punk caned the Sandman as the SES held him in front of The Sandman's wife and children. With The Sandman injured, Punk proclaimed himself the Straight Edge Messiah and claimed his next target for "cleansing" would be Sabu, who was recently arrested for marijuana possession. Punk again attempted to get into Sabu's head, even as he presented a "Straight Edge Lecture" on how marijuana has no medical advantages. But Sabu would have none of it, and the 2 would face off at Guilty As Charged in January. Punk would defeat Sabu, but that victory would be overshadowed by the playing of "Enter Sandman" and the hint that The Sandman would soon be back. Over the next few months, Punk became paranoid as everywhere he went, The Sandman seemingly followed. Sandman would then proceed to take out Cross and Prohibition of ECW. Punk, incensed challenged The Sandman to a match at Living Dangerously. That match would see The Sandman even the score with Punk, pinning him after blocking the Pepsi Plunge and nailing the White Russian Leg Sweep off the top rope, but it would come at a shocking price as his son Tyler again turned on him and revealed himself to now be a follower of Punk's Straight Edge ways. Punk for weeks flaunted he had gotten to Sandman's family but then shockingly delivered a savage beating to Tyler, ending with Punk choking him out with the Anaconda Vise, sending a bloody Tyler out of ECW once and for all. This led to what was dubbed "The Final Battle" as Punk would face The Sandman in a steel cage match at the 2007 November To Remember. The 2 men would put on one of the most brutal matches in ECW history, ending with Punk nailing The Sandman with The Pepsi Plunge off the top of the cage through 4 tables. Punk now rid of the Sandman moved on to an even bigger fish.


Punk now set his sights on a man whom he had never seen eye to eye with, a man he didn't respect and a man he also considered an addict and a man he thought he was better than: ECW Champion Rob Van Dam. Punk publicly mocked RVD and his past with marijuana including his arrst with Sabu. Punk continously goaded RVD into giving him a title shot, which RVD refused as he was dealing with both Magog (Abyss) and Kurt Angle at the time. Punk began to campaign for a title shot, as he constantly put together a series of major wins, culminating with him winning the ECW TV Title by defeating then champion Charlie Haas at Hardcore Heaven 2007. Punk now claimed unlike RVD he was THE champion in ECW and proceeded to defend the title every week against both ECW and non ECW talent, which he would defeat them usually in nefarious ways. However he finally got RVD's attention when he eliminated RVD at the CyberSlam Battle Royal. RVD then shockingly cost Punk his TV Title as he distracted Punk enough for him to get rolled up by Matt Sydal. The Punk/RVD feud was on and again Punk publicly humiliated RVD for his unabashed love of marijuana, calling him an addict and claiming he put all of his opponents at risk cause he wrestles high. At Anarchy Rulz, Punk finally realized what he had been wanting since the year began as he faced RVD in a non title match. Punk stunned the world as he defeated RVD with his new finishing maneuver, the vicious Go To Sleep. It was then announced that Punk would face Van Dam for the ECW Title at November To Remember 2008.


The match would not disappoint as the 2 men put on what was voted the 2008 match of the year as they went 50 minutes straight at a hectic pace. Following a series of many near falls, RVD had blocked Punk's Pepsi Plunge attempt and signaled for the 5 Star Frog Splash, but Punk quickly scaled the ropes to deliver a flying knee to Van Dam's head and then would blast RVD with a vicious top rope Go To Sleep. Punk slowly made the cover and shocked the world as he was now the ECW World Heavyweight Champion. With 2009 now approaching, love him or hate him, CM Punk was the ECW World Heavyweight Champion. And that made him better than everyone in ECW.








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Sadly, I didn't catch your first go-around with ECW; however, I'll certainly be reading from here on out. I was a HUGE mark for the original company; so, I have a soft spot for anyone who is willing to continue the 'revolution'. Also, your post about CM Punk sold me on this project. Why? You really had to think that whole thing through & showed that you had a real dedication to the project as a whole. That, alone, showed me that you are a great writer to follow.


I'm looking forward to where this all goes from here!




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When ECW relaunched in 2006, the company had compiled an impressive amount of mainstream names to go along with a roster of up and comers and original ECW stars. Heyman, through various means, many being of the nefarious kind, had brought in several major names which he believed would be down for the long haul. In most of those cases he was wrong.


The first to go was Nick Dinsmore, who at the time was one half of the ECW Tag Team champions with Shane Helms. Dinsmore was plagued by knee injuries during both his WWE and ECW runs and when the WWE offered him a contract as an agent/trainer, Dinsmore instantly agreed. Heyman, ever the quick booker, booked The Dudley Boys to beat The Career Killers for the title, a hot shot move days before they were rumored to win the belts at Guilty As Charged 07. Helms himself would be gone within weeks as he quit after having serious issues with Heyman's rumored plans for him.


Magog was a signing Heyman anticipated to be huge. Magog was formally known as Abyss in TNA and Heyman considered it a major steal. Magog was thrust into a feud with Sabu and then moved into a program with ECW Champion Rob Van Dam. Despite having very solid matches, Magog never got over with fans, who pelted him with chants ranging from "We Want Kane" to "Fire Him Paul". Magog was soon gone following a surprisingly good match against RVD at Guilty As Charged 07, only to go back to TNA where he promptly became the company's top heel as Abyss. Sean Morley and Bobby Roode were two others poached from WWE and TNA respectively, but would leave under good terms both after nearly a year in the company. But the big losses were on the way.


Kurt Angle and Ken Kennedy were touted as the faces of ECW along with Rob Van Dam early on. Kennedy was one of the WWE developmental talents who moved over to ECW and immediately was pushed to the moon as he cost RVD the WWE Title at One Night Stand 2. Anderson and RVD would have a solid, yet unspectacular feud for several months until Anderson, who had combated injuries during this feud went off screen to heal up only to return against Tommy Dreamer in a severely lackluster feud. Kurt Angle was the company's big get. He was fresh off a release from the WWE so he could go to rehab (which he did not do) and immediately went to ECW. Angle was easily the most over guy in the company, blowing through feuds with Mike Knox, Sean Morley and Bobby Roode, eventually leading up to an Angle/RVD program set for late 07-early 08. But Angle became increasingly annoyed with his character's direction and the direction of the company. Despite going literally undefeated during his time in ECW, Angle believed he should have been pushed more, citing he was taking a major pay decrease in working for ECW and was the biggest star the company had to offer. Angle then incensed Heyman as he publically claimed he wasn't sure if he would resign with ECW following the end of his yearlong contract. This was despite the fact Angle recently turned heel and joined up with Kennedy and Knox to form The Big Three, a very hot angle putting Angle as the heel against RVD. Heyman then called Angle on his bluff and publically announced if Angle wanted out of his contract, he could leave. Angle then announced he had accepted the deal and following his match with RVD at Hardcore Heaven 07, he would be gone from ECW. What followed shocked ECW to it's core as Ken Kennedy and Mike Knox both also requested releases from the company. Heyman complied and in the process lost 2 of his most marketable heels. Heyman restructured the PPV as a result and made the main event a 6 man tag team match featuring Angle, Kennedy and Knox against RVD, Dreamer and The Sandman. The ECW Trio sent the Big Three packing amid a 20 minute long match fueled by loud anti Angle/Kennedy/Knox chants, in what many call one of the most hostile crowds in ECW history. Less than a month after it had taken place, Angle had debuted for TNA and Kennedy and Knox were resigned with the WWE. But for every name that came and went, Heyman and ECW had a remarkable way for taking indy or mid level names and making them huge and thusly negating anyone leaving. Just look at the man who was quickly becoming the company's top face.





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Previous Results


ECW November To Remember Results

November 16, 2008


- El Generico and Little Guido wrestled to a no contest after Takeshi Morishima, led by Larry Sweeney destroyed both men with the Backdrop Driver. Sweeney then called out Tommy Dreamer to face Morishima later tonight.


-The Briscoe Brothers defeated Do It For Her and Delirious and CIMA in an excelent triangle bout after The Briscoes pinned Jimmy Jacobs after nailing the Sprinboard Doomsday.


-"The Natural" Nic Nemeth defeated Colt Cabana in his debut match after nailing Natural Selection leaping reverse bulldog after Cabana was distracted by Homicide. After the match, Cide waved off his allies to help aid in an attack and proceded to nail Cabana with a lariat and claim he best stay out of Homicide's business


-The Necro Butcher defeated Balls Mahoney in a hardcore affair after nailing him with the Tiger Driver onto a stack of chairs.


-ECW World Tag Team Champions The Dudley Boys defeated Paul Burchill and Nigel McGuiness in a very good contest after nailing 3D on Burchill. Following the match the 2 teams shook hands.


-Matt Sydal defeated 2 Cold Scorpio in an excelent bout after moving out of the Scoprio Splash and then quickly nailing the Shooting Star Press. Following the match the 2 shook hands in a sign of respect but were then suddenly attacked by Sweet and Sour Inc's Morishima.


-Tommy Dreamer defeated Takeshi Morishima in a good contest after Dreamer was aided by a returning Sandman who fought off Sweet and Sour Inc. members Chris Hero and Justin Credible Sandman then blasted Morishima in the head with his cane, which allowed Dreamer to nail him with the DDT. After the match, Sweeney claimed Sandman was now involved in Dreamer's feud with Sweeney and S&S Inc.


-ECW World Television Champion "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson defeated Homicide in an excelent matchup after Homicide tapped out to the Cattle Mutulation after Danielson telegraphed the Cop Killa. Homicide was earlier blinded by Colt Cabana spraying air freshener into his eyes, to which he was jumped by Homicide allies Low Ki and Hernandez. Following the match, as Danielson celebrated, out walked Danielson's rival Austin Aries who sarcastically applauded and motioned the belt would soon be his.


-CM Punk defeated ECW World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam to capture the title in an excelent 50 minute match ending with Punk countering the 5 Star Frog Splash with a top rope version of the Go To Sleep. This would be Punk's first ECW World Title.

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