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United States Pro Wrestling 2014

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Mothman turns on the lights... and enlightens fans everywhere.

This time the spotlights are on...


Mexican Hero, Mexican Force, Toni Ramoray, El Mitico, Mr. Lucha III and the new Mexican in USPW... Extraordinario Jr.



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Jack Bruce vs. Selva Marlowe

Hunter Richards vs. Hell Monkey

Mortuus vs. NOTBPW's Cliff Wilson

United States Championship Match

Nicky Champion defends vs. Randy Awesome

Tom Gilmore vs. Dark Flash

Rick Law & Sean Deeley vs. Big Cat Brandon & John McClean

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USPW.com today announced that they are going to extend their deal with their child promotion AWA by featuring some of their workers in matches on their new show Thursday Night Fury. It is being reported that they may try a concept called "Breakout" where, much like the old USPW show the "The Learning Curve", would feature current workers teaming up with youngsters, the difference this time being it would be a competition and focussed on the youngsters rather than a team, heavily featuring AWA workers.


It is however, being largely questioned as to how USPW would fit this into their shows, which are 90 minutes long. Below are a few of the workers who our AWA correspondent has given a few of his likely candidates below. More info will be given as it is received.



Captain Wrestling II, Natural Storm (DC Rayne & Eddie Howard), Edward Cornell, Hell's Bouncer, Jared Johnson, Brandon Smith (who can play a variety of characters) and Xavi Ferrara (real life protege of Thom "Guide" Barrowman)


Jack Bruce vs. Selva Marlowe

Hunter Richards vs. Hell Monkey

Mortuus vs. NOTBPW's Cliff Wilson

United States Championship Match

Nicky Champion defends vs. Randy Awesome

Tom Gilmore vs. Dark Flash

Rick Law & Sean Deeley vs. Big Cat Brandon & John McClean

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Jack Bruce vs. Selva Marlowe

Hunter Richards vs. Hell Monkey

Mortuus vs. NOTBPW's Cliff Wilson

United States Championship Match

Nicky Champion defends vs. Randy Awesome

Tom Gilmore vs. Dark Flash

Rick Law & Sean Deeley vs. Big Cat Brandon & John McClean

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Jack Bruce vs. Selva Marlowe


Hunter Richards vs. Hell Monkey


Mortuus vs. NOTBPW's Cliff Wilson


United States Championship Match

Nicky Champion defends vs. Randy Awesome


Tom Gilmore vs. Dark Flash


Rick Law & Sean Deeley vs. Big Cat Brandon & John McClean


The combo of Law and SSD is too good to discount.

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Show is written and will be up in the morning, I'm pleased to say I'm seeing improvements in what I'm writing from a personal perspective, I hope it comes through well, but if anyone want to predict now the chance :D


Quick Picks:

Jack Bruce vs. Selva Marlowe

Hunter Richards vs. Hell Monkey

Mortuus vs. NOTBPW's Cliff Wilson

United States Championship Match

Nicky Champion defends vs. Randy Awesome

Tom Gilmore vs. Dark Flash

Rick Law & Sean Deeley vs. Big Cat Brandon & John McClean

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Welcome to the show everyone, I'm Mitch Naess and you're watching American Wrestling only on GNN – Total Sport!



And what a show it is as usual, we've got the in-ring début of Jack Bruce,the first match of the new entity Mortuus and Randy Awesome making his return to American Wrestling and he wants a title shot. Tonight! This is going to be an amazing edition of American Wrestling, and here come the terrible trio!


[He is speaking of Eric Eisen, Chris Caulfield and Big Cat Brandon. They all have microphones and enter the ring at the start of the show as ever.]




[He can't begin due to overwhelming boos] My people thank you but honestly that is enough, tonight we are... [he stops and looks over at Big Cat Brandon] what's that in your top pocket?



My face paints.



I am sick to death of seeing those things Big Money.



It's Big Cat Brandon! [Eric reaches over to the paints pot in his pocket and takes them off him,] What are you doing?



Something I should have done when you joined this team. [He throws the paints away into the crowd, this infuriates Brandon who launches himself towards Eric before Chris steps in.]



Brandon, leave it man. It's not worth falling out over. [this seems to work and he leaves the ring entirely]



Get back here! Now! [brandon puts up a pixelated hand which is obviously displaying “the bird” he leaves and is clearly pissed off at Eric.]



Anyway, I'll deal with that punk later but first I have to... [he is cut off by the music of Jack Bruce] What now!


[Jack Bruce comes to the top of the ramp and has his own microphone.]



Hey, Eric.



What do you want?



Eisen I'm here to tell you I am sick to death of week in, week out, ever since I've seen you in USPW, seeing Eisen and his cronies come out and talk the talk, and it's time you walked, the walk. You've held that belt which you rechristened from the Military Title, to your Million Dollar Title.



BILLION! I think you'll find.



I don't give a crap, you carry that belt as a trophy but at Made for Battle, 5 years to nearly the date, I will be the one challenging you and Eisen, YOU are the “Man Under Pressure!” because I am coming for that belt and I promise a huge match 5 years from hen you screwed me, back up north.



[Eric laughs evilly] Really you still haven't got over that, I've heard of obsession but don't you think you need to move on Bruce. I mean 5 years , it's been five years tomorrow night from that very day, so if you want a match how about tomorrow night on Thursday Night Fury!



You're on!



Oh no, I just remembered, I'm washing my hair [he laughs] so you'll have to wait to the pay-per-view, Jack, but you will get you're match [he laughs again as a frustrated Bruce accepts he will have to wait.]



That man is evil!



I won't argue with that but I'd add that he is an evil genius, and he had Jack and these fans pumped then, only for them to be brought down. Woah what's going on


[selva Marlowe who has match with Jack Bruce first up comes out and attacks Bruce he grabs him by the hair and drags him towards the ring]



This is an unpleasant welcome to a USPW ring from the wild man, to say the least!




Selva took the early advantage into the match and he continued to beat Jack Bruce into a mess wearing him down with blatant chokes and he was lucky to not be DQ'd on numerous occasions as he continued his habit of biting his opponents and poking their eyes and scratching them, but for his appearance his actions would lead many to believe Marlowe is in fact an animal, and his wild behaviour was his downfall when he went for a spear Jack dropped out of the way and Marlowe fell into the ring post and Jack Bruce hit him with a New York Minute for the win despite little offence.


Winner: Jack Bruce



[Jack Bruce is celebrating in the ring with after his début win when he is met in the ring by...]


[Tyson Baine who attacked him from behind and took him out with a lariat to the back of his head, he dragged Bruce over to the ring steps and hit a Spinebuster onto the steel, with Jack well and truly out, Tyson Baine dragged him by his shirt to the back and out of shot.]




The Monkey went at Hunter Richards with his faster, more dangerous side but he was soon put down by Hunter Richards who kept calm in the match and found a perfect opportunity to finish it with the High Society (Alabama Slam).


Winner: Hunter Richards



[The camera cuts to the back where Jack Bruce is being beat up by all the Eisen group, minus John McClean, they are beating him as Eric watches and orders, although it is clear Big Cat Brandon is still in a bad mood and this is bad news for Jack Bruce and he picked him up for a chokeslam but into the shot comes Tom Gilmore and Big Cat drops him.


He has a 2x4 in his hand and he swings it anywhere and everywhere causing Team Eisen to disperse and Tyson Baine to be left to take the beating.]



Eric thought this was over but he was wrong, he is the most hated man in the company!



Everyone want to get their hands on the little punk!




Wilson was dominated conclusively, everyone knew the outcome from the start but the conviction and the lack if give from Mortuus was surprising and every shot looked capable of ending the match and it a Skull Krusher.


Winner: Mortuus


[Making his debut tonight Randy Awesome comes to the ring with a microphone again in his new attire.]



Welcome to the part of the show you all give a damn about. That's right Randy Awesome is here and he is about to pick this mundane show right up, now Nicky Champion, I've got a title shot against you right now and quite simply you've had that belt for too long and again, simply it's time you actually defended it so I can take it off you.


You see this is American Wrestling, that is the United States Champion and I am the model citizen of the United States of America, Nicky the cap fits, you know it and tonight I wear it because tonight I become the United States Champion!


Oh and Nicky I know you were trying to pull a fast one with me, even going as far as to say you lost the title in luggage well, I've spoke to the GM and he said that as the belt isn't present it isn't on the line, I can't have a title shot, but if I beat you tonight Nicky it will be awarded to me upon it being found, so Nicky your aren't fooling anyone, now get out here and take me on!


[Nicky comes out and we get set for a non-title match, for the title!]




This was surprisingly short, after a minute of Randy Awesome trying to postpone the match it began with Nicky going for a grab and Randy Awesome ducked, Nicky ran at him again but he slipped under the bottom rope and Nicky followed they ran around the ring and Randy returned at the 9 count, as did Nicky, he again went for Awesome who moved out of the way and hit his head into the ring post, and as he was dazed Randy rolled him up and got the shocking win, he'll be the new US Champion... when we find it.


Winner: Randy Awesome



New Champ! New Champ!



When the belt is found that is, who would take it from Nicky and at such a strange time, it's a mystery, and I know Randy will want to get to the bottom of it. But what a début.



[The camera goes to the dark boiler room we saw Mortuus last week, in the corner slouched is that mysterious figure again, he has his steel chain again and his face is only illuminated by a single candle flickering as he talks.]



Chris, what you did to me was unforgivably and as I look back on my previous existence it's clear to see that I was foolish to ever trust you. I was foolish to ever trust anyone. Chris, when I came in you had your back up against the wall, Big Cat was after you, Phil was after you even Jack Giedroyc and Nemesis were out to get you and I evened it up, I didn't want this reunion to go ahead as much as you did and when I felt I could trust you, you turn your back on the one man who shared your state of mind. And well when, you, with the help of Brandon, buried me nearly 7 months ago, it was clear I would feel a change.


You thought Chris you'd got rid of me, ended me, and Chris in many ways you did, in many ways you drained everything I was out of me, you killed Vengeance. And that was where you went wrong because you broke the body but you never broke the soul, I still had my power and you went ahead and buried me before you put out the flame. So that process wasn't the end of me, it was a new beginning.


I left the physical and I went on a journey, the body is temporary, the soul is eternal, Chris in your ignorance you didn't know this and you have opened the gates to the reincarnation of Death.


Gone is the weakened exterior, the battered body. Gone are the limitations of my human form. You have relit the flame, Chris. You have rejuvenated the soul, and Chris. You have unleashed HELL!


[Mortuus puts his head back as if to zone back out, the lifeless body lays there as we cut back to the ring.]





Two excellent talent and a long match, it seemed like a dream match up but this somehow fell flat, while both mens skills shone through they never seemed to get a great flow to the match and in all honesty there were extremely awkward points in the match and it was over after an Anger Management from Gilmore.


Winner: Tom Gilmore



I am being told by the production crew we have some footage from earlier this week of Guide's latest military training session



[The scene is accompanied by military music, he is completing the obstacle course when he is jumped from behind whilst climbing the muddy ladder.]


[big Cat Brandon slams his head into the wooden frame and throws him down onto the mud, when Guide gets up Brandon picks him up for the Brandon Bomb drop which looks vicious as Guide crashes to the ground. Brandon then beat mudholes into Guide before two army officials break it up and chuck Brandon off the premises, but the damage is done.]



And that would be why Guide is not here tonight.



And may not be for some time, early scan show that he could have a serious injury. We wish him all the best in his recovery.




this really wasn't much of a tag match, despite what we saw in the footage from earlier, Big Cat really didn't seem up for the cause. He barely even entered the match and when he did he offered little offence and soon tagged himself out of the match. The match was therefore mostly one sided but a referee bump left John with a chance. He took a chair and hit Deeley over the head and tried to get Brandon to join him to finish off Law as well but in Big Cat refusing McClean had the chair snatched off him and Law hit him in the head with it, before putting Deeley on top as the referee came around to give the victory to Rick Law & Deeley.


Winners: Sean Deeley & Rick Law


[After the match everyone is just about coming round and John starts shouting at Brandon, who replies with “I wasn't the legal man” this infuriates John who looks like he is going to go for Brandon but the winners of the match beat him up, the brawl continues with Brandon watching the action unfold with a smirk on his face as we go off air.]



See you all next week on GNN...



You'd be mad to miss it!

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This week on Thurday Night Fury!



Soaring Eagle Championship Match

Gino Montero defends vs Kashmir Singh


Groucho Bling & Elmo Benson vs. The Money Makers (Spencer Spade & Ernest Youngman)


Woman's Championship Match

Alicia Strong defends against Shirley Bristow


Gorgon & Grace Harper vs. Sarah Marie York & Joanne Rodriguez


"El Fuerza" Mexican Force, "El Héroe Mexicano" Mexican Hero & El Mitico Jr. vs. The 3 Latino Kings


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I loving the new Mortuus character and Randy Awesome has champ is just .. Awesome (cant believe i was going to pick him and changed my mind).


Soaring Eagle Championship Match

Gino Montero defends vs Kashmir Singh


Groucho Bling & Elmo Benson vs. The Money Makers (Spencer Spade & Ernest Youngman)


Woman's Championship Match

Alicia Strong defends against Shirley Bristow


Gorgon & Grace Harper vs. Sarah Marie York & Joanne Rodriguez

"El Fuerza" Mexican Force, "El Héroe Mexicano" Mexican Hero & El Mitico Jr. vs. The 3 Latino Kings

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Show is written and will be up in the morning, I'm pleased to say I'm seeing improvements in what I'm writing from a personal perspective, I hope it comes through well, but if anyone want to predict now the chance :D


It does, I think you've been making great progress. I think before the only thing holding you back was that some of your sentences were a little long, but you seem to have shortened them these last few shows and it certainly makes a big difference.


All in all, a great show but I was sure I'd be able to get my predictions in this morning - you must have been awake early! :D Loved Mortuus' promo, and Randy Awesome's debut was cool too - am I the only one who immediately thinks of Zack Ryder? :p


Oh, and you've accidently put up Awesome vs Champion's pics twice (one should be Gilmore vs ????).


Soaring Eagle Championship Match: Gino Montero defends vs Kashmir Singh

Groucho Bling & Elmo Benson vs. The Money Makers (Spencer Spade & Ernest Youngman)

Woman's Championship Match: Alicia Strong defends against Shirley Bristow

Gorgon & Grace Harper vs. Sarah Marie York & Joanne Rodriguez

"El Fuerza" Mexican Force, "El Héroe Mexicano" Mexican Hero & El Mitico Jr. vs. The 3 Latino Kings


Looks like it should be a great main event - I must admit I do like the variety you have on the shows (women's division, trios, luchadors etc.).

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USPW have successfully negotiated new, bigger PPV contract for the next 12 months. From this December's Made for Battle PPV, USPW will broadcast their monthly pay-per-views on HYBOSO and America Select 1, both "huge" carriers. They also already have a deal on Premier Pay Can TV and are in negotiation with Demand TV Mexico, both of whom are "big" carriers, this come weeks after they let their US PPV deal expire and cancelled their small PPV contract with Mexico and Japan, there is expected to be a huge growth in PPV buys in all areas.


Soaring Eagle Championship Match

Gino Montero defends vs Kashmir Singh

Groucho Bling & Elmo Benson vs. The Money Makers (Spencer Spade & Ernest Youngman)

Woman's Championship Match

Alicia Strong defends against Shirley Bristow

Gorgon & Grace Harper vs. Sarah Marie York & Joanne Rodriguez

"El Fuerza" Mexican Force, "El Héroe Mexicano" Mexican Hero & El Mitico Jr. vs. The 3 Latino Kings

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Soaring Eagle Championship Match

Gino Montero defends vs Kashmir Singh

Groucho Bling & Elmo Benson vs. The Money Makers (Spencer Spade & Ernest Youngman)

Woman's Championship Match

Alicia Strong defends against Shirley Bristow

Gorgon & Grace Harper vs. Sarah Marie York & Joanne Rodriguez

"El Fuerza" Mexican Force, "El Héroe Mexicano" Mexican Hero & El Mitico Jr. vs. The 3 Latino Kings

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Soaring Eagle Championship Match

Gino Montero defends vs Kashmir Singh


Groucho Bling & Elmo Benson vs. The Money Makers (Spencer Spade & Ernest Youngman)


Woman's Championship Match

Alicia Strong defends against Shirley Bristow


Gorgon & Grace Harper vs. Sarah Marie York & Joanne Rodriguez


"El Fuerza" Mexican Force, "El Héroe Mexicano" Mexican Hero & El Mitico Jr. vs. The 3 Latino Kings

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Soaring Eagle Championship Match

Gino Montero defends vs Kashmir Singh

Kashmir better get his head-wobble going


Groucho Bling & Elmo Benson vs. The Money Makers (Spencer Spade & Ernest Youngman)



Woman's Championship Match

Alicia Strong defends against Shirley Bristow

Is Shirley related to Cheatin Mike?


Gorgon & Grace Harper vs. Sarah Marie York & Joanne Rodriguez

Gorgon is great


"El Fuerza" Mexican Force, "El Héroe Mexicano" Mexican Hero & El Mitico Jr. vs. The 3 Latino Kings

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  • 2 weeks later...


[The show kicks off with Alex Braun coming to the ring. Last week he was revealed as the GM of the Thursday Night Fury brand, he enters the ring and asks for a microphone he gets it and begins]


Alex Braun:

Good evening wrestling fans and welcome to Thursday Night Fury, tonight I address you regarding a new concept in USPW. With our well documented relationship with Action Wrestling America we will be bringing a new concept of linking ourselves and our feeder promotion together on a new concept called “Project: Breakout,” the first participants in this innovative new show are as follows, with each wrestler looking for a breakout being assigned a established name in USPW.


First, to be linked with Guide it is Xavi Ferrera, a young Puerto Rican who was initially trained by Guide himself. Then, next up we have Brandon “American Patriot” Smith who will be working very closely with Captain USA and Captain USA Sr., all of these men share a love for all things American and I'm sure you will love them. The next pairing are Steven Parker and Tom Gilmore, the two men are great all rounders and Steven Parker calls himself the Future and I'm sure we will see how true that is. Next up is a tag team, The Natural Storm who will be mentored by Groucho Bling and Art Reed, the pair are 4 time tag champions and they are sure to bring something different to this competition and whether they can stay as a cohesive unit is another question. Then we have a pair of rock stars, Jack Bruce will be working with the “Richmond Rocker” Captain Wrestling II. Also we have Jimmy Awesome teaming up with Edward Cornell. Both have relatives in high places and I am sure these two will have plenty in common. And finally we have Toni Ramoray, who will be working with Mexican Hero [the crowd cheers as we are in his territory,] a man who has proven, time and time again that he is easily on of the...


[Alex Braun is cut off by the theme song of John Greed. He has a microphone in his hand and he smiles, shaking his head,]


John Greed:

So I'm really supposed to believe this so called breakout competition is an even playing field. Please Alex get real, I am supposed to believe everyone has an even chance despite the fact that for the past month all I've seen is Mexican Hero this, Mexican Hero that, it is clear to me and it should be to everyone that the committee who run this place have already chosen Mexican Hero to win and they will manipulate you fans, and...


Alex Braun:

This is rubbish

[Greed knocks the microphone out of Braun's hand.]


John Greed:

And the fact is that they are the one who predetermine what happens in this place and then cover it up, they chose who makes it to the top, they choose who you cheer. They manipulate our programming, by hyping who they want to hype, those who'll be best for money. The choice has gone from wrestling thanks to the board of
, it's in the damn name they want to control your minds and control these wrestlers. There's no chance of these other guys making it because they have chosen who wins this tournament. They are the thought police and if you chose to cheer one of the guys they don't want, they take him off of TV, they stop granting him his contractual right to wrestle, they don't want you fans to think, they want you to buy into their stars and their blinkered beliefs and thoughts of what 'makes a star'. They will never allow guys like me or Threepwood, we'll never get any time because the board of control are taking over. They are already bringing the changes, they sacked Chase for not staying in line and they got Nemesis in, these are the facts laid before you, so why can nobody see it. I will bet anything Hero comes out with that breakout prize and 6 of the other will not be seen again. Captain Wrestling is on his way too. They are all over the web, all over AWA.com it's those two, you can see it yourself,
see it for yourselves, I beg you!


They only want your money, they see a wrestling fan and they see an idiot and they say I can exploit them, so please stop being sheep, stop being the self-fulfilling prophecy of what a wrestling fan should be, do not let them control you. Do not allow these puppet masters to control your mind. If you do fall for these elitist, you are just making the rich, richer. The wrestlers themselves don't see how they are being twisted and manipulated, so it is up to me and you the fans, to start the revolution and overthrow the power!

[John Greed hits Alex Braun with his microphone and coldly walks to the back, to a surprisingly mixed reaction.]


Davis Ditterich:
Wow, that was something.

Shane Sneer:
That guy is full of crap, so lets move on now!




The crowd never got into this match and really it wasn't long enough to entice anyone into it. It was an average match to be fair and the match focussed on the power of Gorgon, who finished it off it 7 minutes with a Hydra Bomb on SMY.


Winner: Gorgon and Grace Harper


Ana Garcia: Wow, Gorgon was dominant in there tonight.



[We then get taken to the back where Henry Lee is storming up to the camera, when he reaches it he grabs it and intensely looks down it.]

Henry Lee:

Doug, you were my tag partner and I though my hardcore brother, but last week because of a bitter grudge over the fact we didn't make the Born Enemies pay-per-view you attacked me. We were not born enemies Doug but now Doug we are, you picked on the wrong guy because, I am a man who will hold a grudge, ask Chris Caulfield, and the way I destroyed him, is only a fraction of what I'm going to do to you, Doug next week on Thursday Night Fury!




2/3 of the Six Man Champions versus one of the up and coming USPW teams, they hade a good back and forth match and Spencer Spade nearly won it with a cheeky roll up, but the end of the match was for Concept to celebrate as they finished Spade with a Game Over for the win.


Winner: True Concept



[We again cut to the back where Jay Lane and Rhystraint are stood together when they are joined by Swoop McCarthy.]


Swoop McCarthy:
Yo, Rhys, Jay!

[swoop shakes hands with his fellow Australians]

Jay 'The Hammer' Lane:
I hear your looking at getting back into action soon bro, what's keeping you mate?

Swoop McCarthy:
Nothing, you just gotta pick a good time haven't you. The thing is that I reckon, you, Rhys and I could take those six man championships, so what do you say next week, I return and we win that gold?

Jay 'The Hammer' Lane:
I love it! What do you think Rhys?

[He grunts and nods his head, before a big smile comes on his face and he puts his huge thumb up!]


Shane Sneer:
Big match for next week, I can't wait for the show already!

Ana Garcia:
But up now is a man also in action next week, Henry Lee up against Ant-Man




Henry Lee dominated the Ant all the way through the match and he hit all of his big moves and used all of the ring for his attack on Ant-Man who never stood a chance against Henry Lee who was sending Doug Peak a message, finishing it with an Asylum Buster.


Winner: Henry Lee



[C-V2 come to the ring with a pair of microphones.]

Casey Valentine:
We along with Brett Starr are The Success, success is in our blood. We used to be known as the Succession but the fact is we follow no one we are not just 2nd generation guys any more we are stars in our own right, and we don't need to live off of our relatives legacy like some people here, we've had words, you know who you are. The Mexican have done it for years but I expected better from you As...[Cameron whispers in his ear] well you know who you are and the fact is all these washed up old guys we don't need them and you losers do!


[With that out comes Ash Campbell and Matty Faith, both also related to 2 wrestling legends.]


Ash Campbell:
You got a problem with me boys, you say it right to my face, okay. The fact is that you guys have never done anything in your careers and you seem to think a bit of self hype makes you stars. Well, sorry to break this to you, CV, but it doesn't work like that, stars are built on hard work and kicking ass! So before you make claims about me and my friends how about you take me out!


Matty Faith:
If you guys have the balls that is!


Cameron Vessey:
Are you guys serious? We haven't got time for you amateurs, over and out from The Success, good look boys, but the men, we have business to attend to.


[CV leave the ring and laugh at the others in the ring as they walk up the ramp and taunt the “boys” as they joke with each other in private.]


Shane Sneer:
Tension builds on Fury, Thursday Nights are heating up!


[We then cut to the back where Henry Lee is just returning to his locker room...


… when he is again attacked by Doug Peak!


he again uses his lead pipe, particularly focussing on Lee's heavily documented bad back.]




Shirley again showed why she is a monster, the huge woman completely dominated Alicia throughout this contest using bites, scrapes and chokes as well as lots of striking Alicia made a slow come back at the end but Shirley caught her on a crossbody attempt. She slammed her down but only got a 2 fall, Shirley was fuming and she turned to the referee demanding a 3 count, when the referee refused Shirley knocked him out with a knockout punch, she continued to batter Alicia until the referee woke up and dq'd her and security led her away.


Winner: Alicia Strong


Davis Ditterich:
At least she retained

Ana Garcia:
Just not in a way she would have wanted to.


[We come back and the ring has been set up for Captain USA and Captain USA's talkshow.]


Captain USA:
Welcome at this time, my guest for tonight Clark [Captain USA Sr. whispers to him.] okay, welcome Clark Xander! [sr. whispers again,] I mean Xander Clark. [Captain USA looks angry and just passes the microphone to the original.]


Captain USA sr.
He is a top young star, from Hawaii but he's living the American dream, here is “Hawaiian Thunder” Xander Clark!


[He makes his way to the ring and is handed a microphone by Senior, the new Captain USA doesn't seem interest after his error.]

Xander Clark:
Thanks for that intro, [he laughs] it's great to be on the show USA, thanks for having me as the first guest.


Captain USA Sr.:
Of course but the fact is there is a particular reason for you being here isn't there.


Xander Clark:
The fact is as of next week Captain USA and myself become the newest tag team in USPW. The fact is I love America and these guys clearly do so this week I made some calls and we are a team and I can't wait! Krusher Karloff, you better watch out because while he's working on Breakout, I'll be watching his back brother!


Shane Sneer:
A new team and a big message, I don't think Karloff will be happy about this!






A high impact 6 man tag with each team having 2 fast, quick and explosive members and both with their own powerhouse, it was hard to keep track of the match, such was the amount of action, but the south east fans were easily most behind the cult hero. When the match did calm down it was when Hector was about to hit a springboard dive at Mexican Hero in the ring, but he caught him in mid-air with a spinning heel kick knocking him to his corner tagging back in the big man, Jesus Chavez. Jesus lunged but he ducked and hit him with a sliced bread, combining it with kicking Rudy off the apron and dropping Chavez in the ring. Force then went to the furthest turnbuckle away and hit his signature Flying Headbutt and he could easily have had the match finished but he decided to lock in a Mexican Mutilation (Arm Trap Crossface) for good measure and the referee deemed Jesus out of it to bring an end to the match.


Winner: La Alianza Mexicana



[After the match everyone else leaves apart from Mexican Hero who takes a microphone. Before he can begin however, from over the railings comes John Greed with a rope in his hand. He wraps it around the neck of Mexican Hero and chokes the life out of him, until Toni Ramoray comes out.


He checks on Hero who goes with him to the back holding his neck.

Davis Ditterich:
Not sure why Toni was here

Ana Garcia: But thank goodness he was or Greed could have killed Hero!




The match had some really good fast action, with Kashmir providing a base for Gino to show why he is Soaring Eagle personified, he showed his completeness as a wrestler mixing great technique, flying and general ring awareness. He was more or less too quick for Singh for most of the match. Singh did get some offence and he seemed stronger than Montero for what we did see. Gino didn't lose his composure though and he continued to fight thorough the comeback and eventually got back on top, finishing the match after a top rope arm drag followed up by an Enzuigiri leaving Singh in the centre of the ring and subject to a Montero Press (Shooting Star Press) for the victory to retain.


Winner: Gino Montero


[After the match Gino is in the ring, and he is attacked by...


Hell Monkey, he hits Montero in the back and then stalks him before hitting him with an Hell Fire kick as he get up. Monkey then signals that he wants that title!]

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This week on Global!



Acid II vs. Frankie Perez


Acid vs. AJ Jackson


Spencer Spade vs. Human Arsenal


Giant Khoklov vs. Gino Montero


Chris Morrisette vs. Jack Giedroyc


Main Event: Greg Gauge vs. "El Héroe Mexicano" Mexican Hero

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Title History... The History of...

The US Championship



Current Champion:
Randy Awesome (pending belt being found)


Thankgiving Thunder 2011, November 2011


The US Championship was created as a unification belt of the TV championship and the Nation Championship, held at the time by Andre Jones and The Force respectively. When it became apparent that Commissioner of the time Phil Vibert did not like the cluster of championship belts, he decided to face off Andre Jones and The Force in a US Title match, with an added mystery challenger for USPW's biggest Pay-Per-View of the year, Thankgiving Thunder 2011.


The mystery opponent turned out to be Bruce The Great, a man held in much higher regard than his two challengers. Bruce proved this by easily winning the championship. He then went on to hold the belt for 17 months, until March 2013 beating foes such as Chris Caulfield, Groucho Bling, Chance Fortune, Jim Justice and he had some in particular excellent matches against, the then young underdog Champagne Lover.


He eventually lost his belt, after 22 defenses, to The Marksman, who completed his ultra fast rise by beating the future Hall of Immortal with his Bullseye Superkick. And although his reign was only 11 months he did make a massive 24 defenses, taking on, a plethora of talent and had an excellent feud with Jim Justice over the gold. His best matches came against Enygma, Dark Flash and somewhat surprisingly Handsome Stranger, the later of whom considers it his best match ever as does much of the wrestling media.


The man who stopped him only made 4 defenses only made 4 defenses before vacating the title, beating The Marksman in his only notable defense before vacation. Nicky Champion then became the champion beating John McClean at The Hall Of Fame, where he was accompanied by the one night only appearing Sam Strong. With the title getting lost in the shuffle of stable wars Nicky only made 4 defenses in his 5 month reign, before losing the belt and having to fight Randy Awesome on the premise that when the belt is found, if Randy was the winner he got the belt. Randy picked up the surprising victory in under 4 minutes with a surprising roll up on Champion, thus meaning when the belt is retrieved Randy will become the physical champion.



USPW Global:

Acid II vs. Frankie Perez

Acid vs. AJ Jackson

Spencer Spade vs. Human Arsenal

Giant Khoklov vs. Gino Montero

Chris Morrisette vs. Jack Giedroyc

Greg Gauge vs. "El Héroe Mexicano" Mexican Hero

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