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Total Nonstop Action 2011: From Joke To Contender

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After starting 2010 with high hopes and full of anticipation for the coming year following the arrival of Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff, TNA president Dixie Carter has finally realized that more changes are needed in 2011. Fans began to quickly backlash
at the follies of the "New Regime" and fan approval quickly dropped as Hogan began to bring in a bevy of over the hill friends to work for him. Coupled with the nonsensical writing and booking by Vince Russo, Bischoff, Hogan and others on the committee TNA began to flounder more so than it had in the previous years.


Citing a need for a change for the better, Dixie Carter shook up the front office to get new blood and fresh ideas in there behind the helm in the hopes of steering the company in the direction of success instead following in the steps of past failed companies.


In a bold move, she hired one Michael Rockwell, a relatively unknown in the wrestling world. Rockwell had been a booker and writer for various small time promotions in the Florida area but never got his "big break" with a well known company. At the suggestion of Terry Taylor who heard of his work through various sources, Rockwell was contacted and eventually hired to take over TNA as Head Booker and Writer.


While the locker room is a bit aprehensive to have their fates in the hands of this unknown, some are grateful that it's not in the hands they were in prior to Rockwell's.


*Note: I've played the first 4 weeks of the game already and am one day away from the Genesis PPV. I originally did not have the intention of making a diary but got the urge to do so and figured starting at the PPV would be as good of place as any to beginning


I'm using the MCD Real World(January Edition) mod by Mr. Canada for my database. Credit to him for the database info and as an extension all the people that helped him with his data/graphics.*




To catch everyone up to speed, here is a rundown on the happenings within the company thus far.


Vince Russo, Orlando Jordan, Rob Terry, Robbie E, Brutus Magnus, Don West and Jessie Neal have been released.


Jimmy Jacobs has been signed to a P.P.A. contract.


Mr. Anderson, AJ Styles, D'Angelo Dinero have been battling one another for a shot at Jeff Hardy's World Title.


Beer Money has been making the Motor City Machineguns life hell this past month in pursuit of the tag titles.


Frankie Kazarian is shredding through any competition that is put in front of him.


Desmonde Wolfe has been beating Jeff Jarrett up and down the arena the past few weeks after Double J stuck his nose in Wolfe's business.


Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe have made possibly the most dangerous tag team ever and have reached the finals in a tag team tournament where they will meet the Immortal Security team of Gunner and Murphy.


Rumors are running rampant of new signing that will appear at Genesis to challenge RVD.


Sting has been training and it is believed to make his return at Genesis.

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Official TNA: Genesis Preview



Jeff Hardy vs Mr. Anderson vs D'Angelo Dinero vs AJ Styles in a Fatal Four Way Ladder Match for the TNA World Heavyweight Title!


Rob Van Dam vs A Mystery Opponent making his TNA Debut!


Olympic Violence(Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle) vs Gunner & Murphy in the finals of the tag tournament.


Desmond Wolfe vs Jeff Jarrett in a submission match.


Kazarian vs Eric Young.


Beer Money vs Motor City Machine Guns for the TNA Tag Team Championship.


Mickie James vs Winter vs Madison Rayne for the TNA Knockouts Championship.


And the return of the Icon Sting to TNA!




I'll do results later today after I get some rest.

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Jeff Hardy vs Mr. Anderson vs D'Angelo Dinero vs AJ Styles in a Fatal Four Way Ladder Match for the TNA World Heavyweight Title!


Rob Van Dam vs A Mystery Opponent making his TNA Debut!


Olympic Violence(Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle) vs Gunner & Murphy in the finals of the tag tournament.


Desmond Wolfe vs Jeff Jarrett in a submission match.


Kazarian vs Eric Young.


Beer Money vs Motor City Machine Guns for the TNA Tag Team Championship.


Mickie James vs Winter vs Madison Rayne for the TNA Knockouts Championship.

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Jeff Hardy vs Mr. Anderson vs D'Angelo Dinero vs AJ Styles in a Fatal Four Way Ladder Match for the TNA World Heavyweight Title!


Rob Van Dam vs A Mystery Opponent making his TNA Debut!

Olympic Violence(Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle) vs Gunner & Murphy in the finals of the tag tournament.


Desmond Wolfe vs Jeff Jarrett in a submission match.


Kazarian vs Eric Young.


Beer Money vs Motor City Machine Guns for the TNA Tag Team Championship.

Mickie James vs Winter vs Madison Rayne for the TNA Knockouts Championship.

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Jeff Hardy vs Mr. Anderson vs D'Angelo Dinero vs AJ Styles in a Fatal Four Way Ladder Match for the TNA World Heavyweight Title!


Rob Van Dam vs A Mystery Opponent making his TNA Debut!


Olympic Violence(Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle) vs Gunner & Murphy in the finals of the tag tournament.


Desmond Wolfe vs Jeff Jarrett in a submission match.


Kazarian vs Eric Young.


Beer Money vs Motor City Machine Guns for the TNA Tag Team Championship.


Mickie James vs Winter vs Madison Rayne for the TNA Knockouts Championship.

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Jeff Hardy vs Mr. Anderson vs D'Angelo Dinero vs AJ Styles in a Fatal Four Way Ladder Match for the TNA World Heavyweight Title!


Rob Van Dam vs A Mystery Opponent making his TNA Debut!


Olympic Violence(Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle) vs Gunner & Murphy in the finals of the tag tournament.


Desmond Wolfe vs Jeff Jarrett in a submission match.


Kazarian vs Eric Young.


Beer Money vs Motor City Machine Guns for the TNA Tag Team Championship.


Mickie James vs Winter vs Madison Rayne for the TNA Knockouts Championship.


All based on personal preference for now.

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TNA Genesis


Live! From the Von Braun Center in Alabama!

Sponsored by Butterfinger!


The show opens up with a pyro display to get the fans ready for the night ahead. Taz and Tenay begin to run down the card when the camera suddenly cuts to the rafters where we see Sting with his trademark baseball bat in hand! Sting is here! But what could he want?

*90 Rating*


Mickie James vs Madison Rayne vs Winter

The three knockouts make their respective entrances much to the joy of the crowd. As the match begins, the two challengers immediately focus on the champion Rayne in an effort to take her out of the picture early. After some back and forth action between the three, the end comes when Mickie is tossed to the outside from the top turnbuckle and Winter nails Madison with her Head Whip Backbreaker for the 3 count!


Winner and NEW TNA Knockouts Champion, Winter!

*52 Rating*


Jeff Hardy is shown in his locker room speaking about how he is the king of the ladder match and that Anderson, Dinero and even AJ stand no shot tonight and how he won't hold back on his fellow Immortal member.

*68 Rating*


The camera quickly cuts to a different part of the backstage area where we see Eric Young on the ground in obvious pain holding his gut. A pipe suddenly drops near him, the camera pans up to show Kazarian standing over him with a smirk on his face.

*62 Rating*


Kazarian vs Eric Young

Kazarian makes his entrance with a huge smile on his face, confident that this match is a forgone conclusion. Eric barely makes it out to the ring, obviously feeling the effects of the attack. It's a one sided match with Kazarian toying with Young for a while before eventually hitting his finisher for the win.


Winner: Kazarian!

*49 Rating*


As the referees help Eric to the back, a video is shown demonstrating how Olympic Violence has torn through the competition thus far to reach the finals and how Gunner and Murphy have cheated their way there.

*87 Rating*


Olympic Violence vs Immortal Security

Joe and Kurt looked like dogs with chew toys out there, with the chew toys being Gunner and Murphy. Olympic Violence absolutely dominated from the opening bell despite the two Immortal members attempts to cheat which were quickly thwarted by senior referee Earl Hebner. The end saw Kurt cinch in the Ankle lock on Gunner who quickly tapped making Olympic Violence the winners of the Tag Tournament.

Winners: Olympic Violence!

*46 Rating*


After the match, Kurt and Joe celebrate in the ring and let it be known that no tag will stand in their way on the way to the gold!

*81 Rating*


The camera cuts to show a video of the past months events between Beer Money and the Machine Guns hyping up the upcoming fight for the Tag Titles.

*61 Rating*


Motor City Machine Guns vs Beer Money

Great back and forth match that had the Guns use their speed and aerial assault on the challengers while Beer Money countered with the strength game. Ric Flair attempted to get involved but was quickly sent to the back before he could have any impact. Shelley eventually hit the Shellshock on Storm while Sabin held Roode back for the pinfall victory.


Winners and STILL TNA Tag Team Champions: Motor City Machine Guns!

*61 Rating*


As the Guns celebrate their win, the camera cuts to the back showing Desmond Wolfe stretching out and getting ready for his Submission Match with Jeff Jarrett.

*77 Rating*


Desmond Wolfe vs Jeff Jarrett in a Submission Match


Following Wolfe's win last week over Double J in a tag match, he chose the stipulation of a submission match which plays favorably into his hands. Jeff comes out looking really worried about the upcoming fight, Wolfe on the flip side, comes out looking calm and relaxed, obviously confident. As the bell rings, Wolfe begins to open up a clinic of technical wrestling on Jarrett. Jeff needing to scramble to the ropes multiple times to save his skin. Jeff showed some fight in him at times, mostly thanks to thumbs to the eyes and cheap shots. But they were all mostly short lived. The end however, came when Jeff went to grab a chair, only for the referee to grab it away quickly, while the ref was disposing of the chair, Double J took some brass knuckles out of his trunks and nailed Wolfe across the jaw knocking him out. Jeff quickly locked in a figure 4 and the ref had no choice but to call the match declaring Jarrett the winner!


Winner: Jeff Jarrett!

*59 Rating*


As Jeff makes his way to the back and Wolfe is eventually helped back as well. The familiar music of Sting hits the PA system and the Icon makes his way out to the ring! He begins to cut a promo on how in his absence from the company, he thought about how to best save the company. And that was to take Immortal out one by one. The promo is cut short however when the tron lights up showing none other than Hulk Hogan. Hogan states that he was waiting for this moment and how he knew Sting was always the sucker when it came to his choice in friends. And that if he wants to fight Immortal so badly, he can start tonight with their newest member...

*78 Rating*


Sting vs Immortal's Newest Member


Sting waits anxiously in the ring for the opponent to come out. Suddenly the music of Kevin Nash hits the sound system as the big man steps out to the shock of Sting. Nash with a mic in hand states that Hogan made an offer he couldn't turn down and that Nash now has a large share of TNA stock, enough to make him a co-owner along with Hogan and Bischoff. And that his first act will be to take Sting out. Nash gets in the ring and Sting is still in disbelief, but that is quickly shaken off as Nash lays into Sting quickly. Sting never gets out of the starting blocks in this match as Nash dominates from beginning to end where he nails the Jackknife for the three count.


Winner: Kevin Nash!

*68 Rating*


Following the shock of those events, RVD is shown backstage. He cuts a promo on how he his anxious to see who his mystery opponent is tonight.

*68 Rating*


Rob Van Dam vs ???


RVD makes his way out to the ring and awaits his opponent who has just signed with TNA. The arena dims and on the tron the name Shelton Benjamin appears to a huge pop from the audience. From the back steps Benjamin who makes his way down to the ring. The bell is sounded and the two go out at showcasing a great back and forth match featuring a great amount of athletic prowess. The end came when Shelton countered the Five Star by lifting his knees up and following up by hitting a T-Bone Suplex on the former TNA World Champion!


Winner: Shelton Benjamin!

*76 Rating*


AJ Styles vs Mr. Anderson vs D'Angelo Dinero vs Jeff Hardy for the TNA World Heavyweight Title!


Ladders are set up around ring side as the title is hoisted high above the ring. The four combatants make their way out to the ring and the match begins. It starts out as a glorified tag match as Anderson and Dinero go for Hardy but Styles helps his fellow Immortal member. That however is thrown out the door when Hardy smacks Styles with a ladder as AJ is battling Anderson in the corner. Anderson and D'Angelo eventually get into it as well while Hardy and Styles brawl. The end came when Hardy tipped the ladder over sending Dinero and Styles crashing to the outside onto a pair of fallen ladders then hitting the Twist of Hate on Anderson. Hardy climbs the ladder in the ring and retrieves his World Title. He surveys the damage he's caushed and can't help but smile as the show goes off the air.


Winner and STILL TNA World Heavyweight Champion: Jeff Hardy!

*71 Rating*



Overall Rating: 74

Match of the night: Rob Van Dam vs Shelton Benjamin

Pop of the night: Sting returning to TNA

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Impact preview!


Jeff Hardy vs Mr. Anderson


The champion takes on Anderson in the main event. Following the brutal ladder match from Genesis, can Anderson exact a measure of revenge on Hardy?


Rob Van Dam vs Shelton Benjamin


After the surprise appearance by Benjamin who defeated RVD last night, Rob has requested a rematch with the new star. Can RVD make up for his loss last night?


New Knockouts Champion Winter vs Madison Rayne


Madison who lost her title last night at Genesis has invoked her rematch clause against the new champion Winter. Was the title win a fluke? Is Winter a legit champion? How does this effect the other Knockouts?


Olympic Violence vs The Young Bucks


Following their win last night at Genesis, Olympic Violence is looking to decimate more teams on their way to a title match. The Young Bucks think they can take out the Olympic Hero and the Samoan Submission Machine and catapult themselves into the title picture.


Robert Roode vs Alex Shelley


The Guns beat Beer Money last night but Eric Bischoff has made a singles match tonight between Roode and Shelley. Can Robert strike back at Alex and make up for last nights defeat?



All this and more on the next TNA Impact!

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LIVE! From Grambling State University!


Douglas Williams vs Kiyoshi


The pre-show match featured Television Champion Douglas Williams take on Kiyoshi. Quick back and forth match that eventually saw Williams score the win after a viscous crossface variation.

*46 Rating*


The music of Immortal hits as the show opens up and down the ramp comes Hogan, Hardy and the newest member, Kevin Nash. The three of them step into the ring to a chorus of jeers. Hogan cuts a promo about how gullible how not only Sting was to trust Nash, but how the fans were just as gullible to believe Hardy would lose his title at Genesis. Nash gets on the stick to call Sting a fool that should have never bothered coming back and how his legacy means nothing next to Nash's or anyone in Immortal. Hardy takes the mic and cuts a promo on Anderson on how stupid he is to want a rematch tonight after what Hardy did to him last night in the ladder match. But nonetheless if it's what Anderson wants, it's what he'll get, along with a Swanton Bomb.

*68 Rating*


As the three of them leave the ring, the camera pans up to the rafters to spot Sting looking down at the arena floor watching the three Immortal members walk to the backstage area.

*75 Rating*


Winter vs Madison Rayne for the TNA Knockouts Title


Rayne comes out looking obviously angry over losing the title. Winter comes out with the title around her waist, and boy does it look good there. Madison jumps on the champ as soon as she gets into the ring. The two begin rolling around on the mat cat-fighting before Winter eventualy gets the upperhand and some "wrestling" can take place. The match had some suprisingly good action for a womans match which ended when Winter hit her finisher for the second straight night on Madison for the three count.


Winner and STILL TNA Knockout Champion: Winter!

*39 Rating*


After the match, Winter is leaving the ring only to be attacked by an enraged Madison Rayne. Madison clubs her from behind and whips her into the guard rail and begins to lay some boots into her when suddenly there is a commotion from the crowd! Over the railing jumps a female who grabs Madison and drops her with a double arm DDT on the entrance ramp. She checks on Winter to make sure she's ok before heading towards the back, but not before turning to the camera to reveal it was none other than Alissa Flash who hasn't been in the company for over a year!

*40 Rating*


Brian Kendrick vs Jimmy Jacobs


As the show comes back from commercial, Kendrick is already in the ring meditating when the lights dim and unfamiliar music begins to play as Jimmy Jacobs walks out to the whiny emo music, with So Cal Val surprisingly on his arm! She's now sporting a rather emo look herself now to go along with Jimmy. Jacobs upon entering the ring begins a relentless assault upon Kendrick all the while dedicating practically every move to Val. Jacobs scores the win after using a dragon sleeper like move that Kendrick passes out from and forces the ref to call for the bell.


Winner: Jimmy Jacobs w/ So Cal Val

*45 Rating*


In the back, Sting is pacing around talking about how he was sick of always being the friend to be betrayed and how he plans on getting Nash back for this betrayal, even if it means putting his career on the line to get to Nash and Immortal.

*75 Rating*


As Sting is talking, he's blind sided by Nash who has his own baseball bat with him. Nash lays sting out under a pile of debris in the back, but not before proclaiming that Sting's career has been over for years, he just hasn't accepted it yet.

*74 Rating*


Alex Shelley vs Robert Roode


Good match between these two just like most of the MCMG and Beer Money matches. Shelley controlled most of the early action as his speed and technical ability really shined, but it was Roode who took over in the last part. Following a missed shooting star press, Roode capitalized by distracting the ref long enough to allow Ric Flair to throw some sort of substance into Shelley's eyes. As Alex turned around, Roode nails the fisherman suplex for the win.


Winner: Robert Roode w/ Ric Flair

*57 Rating*


Olympic Violence vs The Young Bucks


Olympic Violence fresh off their tournament win at Genesis are out to make more of a statement tonight, unfortunately for The Young Bucks, they were the lambs for slaughter for the night. Joe and Angle were on them from beginning to end, laying in stiff shots and using a bevy of submission moves on the two young kids. Joe eventually ended their suffering after about 8 minutes after a muscle buster and three count.


Winner: Olympic Violence

*56 Rating*


After the commercial break, we see Jeff Jarrett leaving the Immortal locker room and heading towards catering. As he grabs a plate and looks over the selection, Desmond Wolfe comes from out of nowhere with a tray and leveling Jeff upside the head with it. Wolfe begins throwing a series of elbows into the skull of Jeff, obviously upset over what transpired last night at Genesis. Wolfe is eventually pulled off of Jeff but not before proclaiming that if Jeff wants to use brass knuckles, he can bring them next week to a street fight!

*46 Rating*


Shelton Benjamin vs Rob Van Dam


Following last nights loss, RVD requested a rematch for tonight and it was granted. The two once again put on a stellar match with great fast paced action. Both competitors brought out the aerial assault and showed great technical prowess. The end came after Benjamin dove to the outside after RVD and the two crashed THROUGH the guard rail out into the crowd. The referee counted both competitors out just before RVD could make it back into the ring! Both RVD and Shelton were obviously upset by the decision.


Winner: Draw due to double countout!

*65 Rating*


In the back, Mr. Anderson with a taped right shoulder obviously showing the effects of last nights fatal four way ladder match cut a promo on Jeff Hardy and how even though he lost last night, he will be taking that belt away from Hardy. And that path starts tonight.

*75 Rating*


TNA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Hardy vs Mr. Anderson (non-title)


A hot crowd certainly helped this match get off to a great start. The two really show a dislike for each other out there. Hardy focuses on Anderson's injured shoulder throughout the match with Anderson fighting through the pain every step of the way. Hardy eventually lays Anderson out with a Twist of Hate. He goes up for the Swanton but Anderson manages to roll out of the way! Anderson picks Hardy up and nails him with the Mic Check! He goes for the cover but out from the back comes AJ Styles! Styles slides into the ring and begins laying the boots to Anderson. The crowd pops again when Dinero comes running from the back and tackles AJ to the ground! The ref throws the match out as all hell is breaking loose in the ring now with AJ and Dinero fighting along with Hardy and Anderson duking it out as the show goes off the air.


Winner: No Contest

*Rating 63*



*Overall Show Rating 63*

Match of the night: Jeff Hardy vs Mr. Anderson

Pop of night: Sting

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Impact Preview Week 2 February 2011


AJ Styles & Jeff Hardy vs Mr. Anderson & D'Angelo Dinero


Following the events on the past Impact between these four, it's clear that the hunt for the World Title is still alive as ever. So what better way to see how bad these four want that title than to stick them in a tag match and see what they can do to the other team, or possibly their own partner.


Desmond Wolfe vs Jeff Jarrett in a street fight


Wolfe is not what you'd call a happy camper after what Jarrett did at Genesis. Jeff's use of brass knuckles to steal the win has made Wolfe challenge Jarrett to a street fight next week on Impact! What will happen when both men can use weapons?


Kevin Nash vs Amazing Red


Following his attack last week on Sting, Nash has vowed to systematically run through the rest of the TNA roster to secure Immortal as the single entity within the company. His first choice of opponent? Amazing Red. What will happen when the big veteran takes on the hungry young blood. And what of Sting?


Olympic Violence vs Bully Ray & Abyss


With Against All Odds slowly approaching, Olympic Violence is ready for their title shot for tag gold. This week they get Bully Ray and The Monster Abyss. Can Olympic Violence continue their reign of domination or will they be knocked off the fast track by the bully and the monster?




All this and much more on the next TNA Impact!

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