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Angles always bombing!!

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So I'm playing the 2001 mod by Genadi (sp?). My product is 50/50 in terms of pop and perf and yet no matter who I put on to do an angle whether is be Cena or Sting or who ever it always bombs and only gets about 40-60 where everything else is constantly at 70-85 so they constantly bring down my overall.


Anyone got any ideas as to why this is? Thanks in advance :)

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So I'm playing the 2001 mod by Genadi (sp?). My product is 50/50 in terms of pop and perf and yet no matter who I put on to do an angle whether is be Cena or Sting or who ever it always bombs and only gets about 40-60 where everything else is constantly at 70-85 so they constantly bring down my overall.


Anyone got any ideas as to why this is? Thanks in advance :)


What's your match ratio? Are your fans looking for matches and hate angles? Are you basing Cena on menace, not overness/entertainment/whatever?


If you have at most 90% match ratio, you should be able to get away with the odd angle from your top stars without getting dinged.

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What is Cena's popularity like? If he's not popular yet, his Entertainment skills won't carry him to great ratings. Popularity is still key when it comes to cutting promos.


As for Sting, not sure, as I doubt his popularity is low. Check to see if he has any bad habits, such as drinking or drugs. Those will have a serious affect if the number is high.

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Mr ration is 80% matches and I usually made them go on entertainment with cena being 72 and sting being 78 booker being 75. All of them usually got about 65 its not good cause it ruins my overall score but then if I get rid of it, it kinda ruins the realism.


Any ideas?


In fairness, if Sting has entertainment in the 78 region and has 65 pop, that sort of rating for an angle doesn't actually strike me as being that low. You probably need to get them a tad bit more over first, if my guesstimations on the ratings calculations are right.

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