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How much of this was influenced by Fan Reaction?

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Interesting Awful Match:


- Frankie 'Arma' Geddon vs. Seiho Nanami

- From player-controlled event 'RRR 2: The Return' (from the save game 'Feb Patch')

- Created 12 February 2011


>Another match is about to begin; Frankie 'Arma' Geddon fights Seiho Nanami in the RRR Lightweight division.

>There's been a lot of hype centered on this fight; the question is, can it possibly live up to the massive expectations?

>We are underway!

>A jab misses and Nanami counters with a clean jab.

>There's a stalemate as both fighters throw strikes but neither hits.

>Neither fighter backs away, instead they both choose to start swinging!

>Nanami hits a right hook to the body.

>An errant jab sets Nanami up to counter-strike with a series of quick punches.

>Nanami counters a left jab with a flurry of jabs and straight punches.

>A quick exchange of strikes produces nothing worth mentioning.

>Using head movement, Nanami slips past a left jab and counters with a vicious leg kick.

>Ouch! Geddon falls to the floor, that kick must have caught him low by accident!

>From the looks of things, he will be able to continue.

>The clock is stoppped, giving him time to recover.

>Nanami nails Geddon with a series of quick jabs.

>A speculative right hand from Geddon doesn't find a home.

>Not letting Geddon settle, Nanami moves in closer.

>Nanami looks to move in and stand in the pocket.

>Nanami moves into the pocket.

>Nanami comes in closer, looking to clinch with Geddon.

>Geddon is pulled into a Muay Thai clinch.

>From the clinch, Nanami drives a knee into the face of Geddon!

>Blood is visible on Geddon, that strike looks to have opened up a cut under his eye.

>Nanami holds the clinch despite Geddon struggling to get free.

>From the clinch, Nanami drives a knee into the face of Geddon!

>Nanami maintains his control of the clinch despite Geddon trying to grapple out of it.

>From the clinch, Nanami drives a knee into the face of Geddon!

>Geddon finally breaks free of the Muay Thai clinch.

>Nanami nails Geddon with a series of quick jabs.

>A speculative right hand from Geddon doesn't find a home.

>Not letting Geddon settle, Nanami moves in closer.

>The referee calls for a pause, he wants to check the cut on Geddon.

>The doctor checks the wound, and doesn't take long to signal to the referee that it is only minor.

>The referee brings them to the center and we're back underway!

>A straight left from Geddon fails to land.

>Nanami comes in closer to press the issue.

>Nanami looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Geddon.

>Backing off, Geddon makes sure to keep out of range.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Geddon narrowly misses Nanami with a right uppercut.

>Nanami doesn't let Geddon settle, stepping in closer to impose himself.

>Nanami is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Nanami cannot get close enough to the elusive Geddon.

>Geddon circles as he plans his next move.

>Nanami presses in closer to attack.

>Nanami slips past a left jab and fires back with a vicious leg kick.

>Those strikes to the legs are going to take their toll.

>Both fighters come toe-to-toe and strike, but none of the strikes result in significant damage being done.

>Having stepped in close to throw their strikes, they end up clinched.

>Geddon uses dirty boxing and gets in a few crisp punches on Nanami as they grapple.

>Geddon uses dirty boxing and gets in a few crisp punches on Nanami as they grapple.

>Geddon is trying to push Nanami so that his back is up against the cage.

>Geddon manages it, and controls Nanami up against the cage.

>Geddon hits Nanami, who is pressed up against the cage, with a nice short uppercut.

>Nanami is trapped against the cage and Geddon punishes him with some dirty boxing.

>Geddon smothers Nanami against the cage, then uses his dirty boxing skills to his advantage.

>Geddon steps back from Nanami and looks to unleash some strikes.

>Both fighters exchange strikes, but neither hits anything significant.

>Geddon backs away to create some more space.

>Geddon throws out a quick left jab.

>Time slips away as Nanami doesn't press Geddon, allowing him to circle.

>Breathing very hard, Seiho Nanami is looking ragged.

>Geddon glances a strike off the side of the shoulder.

>Nanami comes in closer to press the issue.

>Moving in closer, a tired-looking Nanami apparently wants to strike from the pocket.

>Geddon now has Nanami standing in the pocket.

>Geddon uses head movement to cause a left jab to sail harmlessly by.

>Geddon slips past a jab and scores with a nice left.

>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.

>Using head movement, Nanami slips past a left jab and counters with a nice left.

>Nanami slips past a jab and scores with a flurry of jabs and straight punches.

>Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Nanami hits a solid punch.

>Round one is brought to an end as time runs out.

>That round goes to Nanami, 10-9 on my card.

>There's the bell for the start of the round!

>Between rounds we could hear the corner of Nanami telling him to be wary of Geddon trying takedowns.

>Nanami avoids a jab.

>Frankie Geddon doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.

>Geddon throws a left jab but Nanami avoids it.

>Nanami slips out of the way of a jab.

>Geddon keeps out of range, assessing the situation.

>The fight slows as Nanami sits back and allows Geddon to circle.

>Geddon bobs and weaves.

>Nanami seems to be waiting for Geddon to make a move.

>A straight left by Geddon keeps Nanami from advancing.

>Nanami seems to be waiting for Geddon to make a move.

>Slowed down by physical tiredness, Geddon still looks to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Geddon eats a stiff counter right hand and almost goes down!

>A jab misses, allowing Nanami to counter-strike with a quick series of punches.

>From the looks of things, I don't think Seiho Nanami has much energy left.

>Nanami slips out of the way of a jab.

>Frankie Geddon looks very, very tired.

>Geddon comes in closer, despite his tiredness, looking to attack from the pocket.

>Nanami uses his strikes to stop Geddon from getting too close.

>Looking tired, Nanami comes in closer, attempting to wrestle with Geddon.

>Nanami grabs Geddon and pulls him into a grapple.

>Nanami is looking to muscle Geddon back against the cage.

>Nanami can't do it though, and Geddon is able to get free.

>Slowed down by physical tiredness, Geddon still looks to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Geddon is now standing in the pocket.

>Nanami uses head movement to dodge a jab, and counters with a kick to the inside of the left leg.

>An exchange of strikes doesn't lead to any real damage.

>From the pocket, Geddon sees a body kick coming and hits a solid left jab.

>A left jab misses, Nanami counters with a crisp left.

>Using good head movement, Geddon slips past a punch and hits a stinging jab.

>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.

>Geddon tries for a left jab but Nanami uses head movement to avoid it.

>Stepping back, Geddon creates a bit of distance.

>Nanami slips past a left jab and fires back with a crisp jab.

>Nanami narrowly misses Geddon with a right uppercut.

>Not letting Nanami settle at all, Geddon comes in closer.

>Slowed down by physical tiredness, Geddon still looks to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>A counter right hook catches Geddon hard, putting him down!

>The referee begins his ten count.







>Geddon is up.

>The referee signals that they should continue the fight.

>Seiho Nanami looks exhausted.

>Slowed down by physical tiredness, Geddon still looks to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Geddon walks into a big left jab, landing right on the cheek.

>Moving forward, Nanami counters a left jab with a nice jab.

>A speculative right hand from Geddon doesn't find a home.

>The fight slows as Nanami sits back and allows Geddon to circle.

>The gas tank looks empty on Frankie Geddon.

>Slowed down by physical tiredness, Geddon still looks to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Nanami uses his strikes to stop Geddon from getting too close.

>Despite being tired, Geddon looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Nanami.

>Strikes from Nanami keep Geddon from stepping in too close.

>Moving in closer, a tired-looking Geddon apparently wants to strike from the pocket.

>Geddon can't close the distance, Nanami keeps him away with strikes.

>Moving in closer, a tired-looking Geddon apparently wants to strike from the pocket.

>Geddon gets caught with a right cross though, and he is momentarily wobbly!

>Nanami snaps off a crisp jab.

>Although visibly tired, Geddon looks to move in and stand in the pocket.

>Strikes from Nanami keep Geddon from stepping in too close.

>Geddon keeps out of range, assessing the situation.

>It seems that Nanami is happy to let Geddon circle for the moment.

>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.

>A straight left from Geddon fails to land.

>Time slips away as Nanami doesn't press Geddon, allowing him to circle.

>Despite being tired, Geddon looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Nanami.

>Nanami now has Geddon standing in the pocket.

>Nanami catches Geddon with a hard kick to the outside of the knee.

>Frankie Geddon is limping, he clearly has a damaged leg.

>The time is up, and that's the end of round two.

>Hopefully the next round will produce a little more in the way of action.

>Nanami takes that round easily by 10-8 on my score card.

>There's the bell and round number three begins!

>There's a short stalemate as both fighters advance and throw strikes, but neither hits.

>From the missed strikes they clinch.

>Using his wrestling skills, Nanami is trying to push Geddon up against the cage.

>Geddon isn't going anywhere though, and manages to slip out of the grapple entirely.

>Geddon throws a barrage of big rights but Nanami is quick to move out of range.

>A visibly tired Geddon is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Nanami.

>Nanami is pulled into a grapple.

>Geddon uses some dirty boxing as he grapples with Nanami.

>Geddon and Nanami break the grapple and are apart again, circling.

>A jab misses, allowing Nanami to counter-strike with a kick to the inside of the left leg.

>There's a short stalemate as both fighters advance and throw strikes, but neither hits.

>In close proximity from the strikes they threw, they fall into a messy clinch.

>Nanami is trying to force Geddon into a Muay Thai clinch.

>He has it hooked, Geddon needs to find a way out quickly.

>From the Muay Thai clinch, Geddon eats a big elbow.

>That strike has re-opened the gash underneath the eye of Geddon.

>Nanami maintains his control of the clinch despite Geddon trying to grapple out of it.

>From the clinch, Geddon gets caught with a vicious elbow to the side of the head.

>Geddon tries to wrestle free of the Muay Thai clinch, but cannot.

>From the Muay Thai clinch, Geddon eats a big elbow.

>Geddon blocks a knee strike, but cannot get free of the Muay Thai clinch.

>Using the clinch, Nanami blasts Geddon with a powerful knee to the cheek!

>Geddon pulls free of the clinch after taking a beating.

>With Geddon bleeding, the referee pauses the fight so that the cut can be checked.

>The doctor checks the cut...and unfortunately signals that it's a deep one, and that the fight must be stopped!

>The winner, by TKO due to a cut, is Seiho Nanami!

>Official Result: Seiho Nanami defeats Frankie 'Arma' Geddon (TKO (Cut) in 5:06 of round 3). The match was rated as being Awful.

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Oh, I wasn't referring to the hype.


I got two fantastic and 1 excellent match in that event all with fighters having been hyped.


It was more the cut I was referring to. The fight both read and statistically looked like it was another fantastic or at least great match prior to the cut.

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Oh, I wasn't referring to the hype.


I got two fantastic and 1 excellent match in that event all with fighters having been hyped.


It was more the cut I was referring to. The fight both read and statistically looked like it was another fantastic or at least great match prior to the cut.


Yeah, I could see Adam wanting to mimic how fans arre upset when a fight is stopped. Maybe try not to look at "awful" being that the fans thought the actual fight action was awful but how the fans felt about the fight as a whole after the fight. I can't remember which fight it was, but I remember it being very good but being pissed when it was stopped by the doc. However, I did want to see a rematch so maybe Adam is trying to convey two completely different things with one "rating" category...

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