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Don't you just love it when an old man goes mad?

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Dan Severn is 50 years old on my game and was put against Rampage who at 26 has just moved to the heavyweight division after constantly failing to make the weight. I am writing a diary but I doubt anyone will remember by the time I get to this match in the diary it is so far ahead. I figured Severn would make a good opponent for Rampage to beat and then this happened, I really enjoyed watching Severn when I was younger and he got me into MMA so it was great to see him turn back the years.


>Next up, Quinton 'Rampage' Jackson goes head to head with 'The Beast' Dan Severn in the UFC Heavyweight division.

>The fight begins!

>Rampage throws a right kick to the body but Severn avoids it.

>Severn feints to the right, trying to draw Rampage into throwing a strike.

>Severn uses a flurry of lefts and rights to get Rampage to cover up, then shoots in looking for a takedown.

>Rampage attempts to avoid Severn as he shoots in.

>The takedown is unsuccessful, Rampage avoided Severn.

>Rampage uses a smart combination to get Severn to cover up, then shoots in looking for a takedown.

>Rampage is stopped by a good sprawl, and is pulled down to the ground in a loose front facelock until he is on his knees.

>Severn hits a crunching knee strike to the head!

>Turtled up, Rampage takes a wicked knee strike to the side of the head!

>Severn hits a short knee strike to the head.

>Severn hits a big knee to the side of the head of the turtled Rampage!

>Severn hits a big knee to the side of the head of the turtled Rampage!

>Rampage cannot stop himself being rolled and secured in side control.

>Severn uses side control to hit a brutal knee strike just above the hip!

>Severn begins trying to get himself behind Rampage.

>Severn takes the back, Rampage could do nothing about it.

>Severn successfully gets both hooks in, and seems primed to finish.

>With both hooks in and therefore great control of the body, Severn tries to finish Rampage off with a rear naked choke.

>Rampage fights off the rear naked choke attempt.

>Severn keeps both hooks, despite Rampage trying to pull them apart.

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>Severn starts hammering away at Rampage with right hands.

>There's lots of strikes landing, Rampage needs to find a way out of this position quickly!

>The referee pulls Severn away, stopping the match!

>By TKO, the winner is Dan Severn!

>Official Result: 'The Beast' Dan Severn defeats Quinton 'Rampage' Jackson (TKO (Strikes) in 5:28 of round 1). The match was rated as being Great.

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I remember Dan Halvorsen in one of my games was on a three match losing streak and I was seriously just waiting for him to retire. Next thing I know he wins his next match (forgot who he fought, this was a while ago) and I decide to can him out against one of my ranked guys. He wins a decisive TKO vicotry in 40 seconds. Wins his next two matches including a contender match and puts away my Welterweight champion. He defends the belt 3 times and then announces his retirement. Of course, he wins his retirement match and retires as my champ. I thought it was the coolest thing ever.
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I remember Dan Halvorsen in one of my games was on a three match losing streak and I was seriously just waiting for him to retire. Next thing I know he wins his next match (forgot who he fought, this was a while ago) and I decide to can him out against one of my ranked guys. He wins a decisive TKO vicotry in 40 seconds. Wins his next two matches including a contender match and puts away my Welterweight champion. He defends the belt 3 times and then announces his retirement. Of course, he wins his retirement match and retires as my champ. I thought it was the coolest thing ever.


Dan does tend to do that a lot in my games as well. I have never had him win enough to win a championship but he always seems to go on a nice two or three fight win streak (usually against fighters his old ass has no business beating). Just to screw up my plans.:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sean Morrison at age 40 is still kicking ass in my game. I recently moved him up to welterweight because it looked like he was on a decline, but he's so far gone 5-1 and very close to getting a title shot. This almost never would have happened in WMMA 1/2.


I really love how fighters can still be very competitive and even be title holders way past their prime. In fact, Miyagi moved up to Middleweight and beat one of the best PnP fighters Buddy Garner at age 35! And Julio Regueiro is fighting him for the title next at age 37! And I don't hand out titles without fighters earning it either; they're fighting top competition!


A few more examples: Endo (age 35) at LH just beat Isaiah Monroe (age 31) for the title. And both Katou (age 36) and Asanovic (age 37) have beaten back the younger fighters to reign over the cruiserweight division. Love it. :D

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