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Play by Play. Never liked it in WMMA 2 and never purchased it. The first un-patched (not 1.1) game fought more like Tekken than MMA but it at least didn't have fighters weirdly fatiguing at the wrong moments even though gassed out fighters don't seem as gassed out. The latest Feb. patch made up for all the prior patches with less exciting and weird results in that it resulted in what I consider the most realistic set of MMA representation in all spectrums with some fights clearly exciting the casual "educated" crowd and other fights no longer being poor just because they were chess matches on the ground.


Basically you could say I bought the game because it was more like a semi-realistic arcade game but what keeps me playing it now is because it has the best simulated fights. Still, in my ideal world, I would like an arcade pbp option similar to the first unpatched one as it reminded me most of WMMA 1 and I would like to keep the Feb. patch for playing a more realistic mod but either way it's the existence of one of those two options (depending on how you patch your game) that would make me acquire this. Hell, at this point, I'm more worried that something would go awry in the next patch or WMMA 4's pbp so for me it's worth it as a stand-alone purchase regardless of the sequels. (kinda like WMMA 1 except now there's more fighters and pbp)

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One of my main problems with WMMA 2 was that after I got 6-7 years into any game I lost interest simply because there were never any good up and coming fighters at this point. The regens all sucked for the most part and all I could do after 6-7 years was a bunch of rematches.


Haven't had that problem in WMMA3, I'm 6 1/2 years into my current game and there are plenty of talented up and coming regens. Makes the world much more interesting so I can continue the game.

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