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TCW: The Never Ending Journey

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I forgot to mention that I have updated the roster list and championship history on the first page of this thread.


p.s. Thanks for the predictions that have already come in for the upcoming show. The preview for those who are interested, is on page 30.

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The Keith Brothers vs The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins & Carl Batch


Bryan Vessey vs Rick Law


Danny Fonzarelli vs Sammy Bach


The L.A. Connection vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Rocky Golden


Koshiro Ino vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


Sam Keith & Wolf Hawkins vs Tommy Cornell & Marc DuBois

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The Keith Brothers vs The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins & Carl Batch


Bryan Vessey vs Rick Law


Danny Fonzarelli vs Sammy Bach


The L.A. Connection vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Rocky Golden


Koshiro Ino vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


Sam Keith & Wolf Hawkins vs Tommy Cornell & Marc DuBois

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I'm so used to surprise winners in this I even second guess my predictions and changed some :)


The Keith Brothers vs The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins & Carl Batch


Bryan Vessey vs Rick Law


Danny Fonzarelli vs Sammy Bach


The L.A. Connection vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Rocky Golden

Keep Golden strong

Koshiro Ino vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

He's the main man

Sam Keith & Wolf Hawkins vs Tommy Cornell & Marc DuBois

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I'm so used to surprise winners in this I even second guess my predictions and changed some :)


Ha. I don't deliberately book surpirse winners without merit, at least I try not to. All the matches I book have a reason behind one guy/team winning with the opposition losing.


You make me feel like Vince Russo with that summary of my decision making process. :p

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The Keith Brothers vs The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins & Carl Batch


Bryan Vessey vs Rick Law


Danny Fonzarelli vs Sammy Bach


The L.A. Connection vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Rocky Golden


Koshiro Ino vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


Sam Keith & Wolf Hawkins vs Tommy Cornell & Marc DuBois

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday of Week 1, June 2010

Wisconsin Gardens

Attendance: 8,634





Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes/Shawn Doakes




“Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” sees Eric Tyler keep to his word as the representative of the board makes his way to ringside with microphone in hand. The veteran grappler takes a moment for the excitement in the crowd to die down before beginning.


Tyler: “Since I was instated as acting general manager of TCW, I have been working diligently on improving the company to the best of my capabilities. Over the past two months the board and myself have been in deep discussions with regards to expanding TCW’s horizons and tonight I can officially announce that a working agreement has been completed with the television network, Arcadia for a Prime Time slot to host TCW latest show.”



Eric Tyler steps to one side and points back at the big screen above the entranceway. After a moment or two “Feel Good Drag” by Anberlin plays and a new graphic flashes up on the screen accompanied by a highlight reel of recent TCW action and a montage of the competitors. The music finally comes to a close as the camera refocuses on Eric Tyler in the ring.


Tyler: “TCW Saturday Night Showcase will air live every Saturday night on Arcadia to bring you fans more of the best professional wrestling the world has to offer! Here at TCW we.........”


Unfamiliar music cuts Tyler short, although the look upon the grizzled veteran’s face indicates that he knows exactly who is about to emerge.




“I Hate Everything About You” by Three Days Grace sees the new TCW World Heavyweight champion make his way down the aisle with Dunton Hall shortly behind. Minnesota does not look pleased despite having won the world heavyweight title this past Sunday at Total Mayhem XV. Dunto Hall retrieves a microphone from ringside before entering the ring with his sole charge; the mastermind Brit looks Eric Tyler up and down before eventually shaking his head.


Hall: “A great man once said, “There is no sin except stupidity” and you, Eric Tyler are guilty of this crime. Do you not realise the significance of Sunday night? My client Joey Minnesota walked out of the biggest PPV of all time as the new TCW World Heavyweight champion and you think it is acceptable to open Total Wrestling yourself a mere two days later!?”


Tyler bristles at being challenged but remains calm to the best of his abilities. Joey Minnesota paces with the world title belt draped over his left shoulder and steps up towards the representative of the board as he takes over from his manager.


Minnesota: “Listen Eric; this is my moment. I earned the right to open the show as the new TCW World Heavyweight champion and you have taken the moment away from me?”


Tyler glares right into the eyes of Joey Minnesota.


Tyler: “First of all, don’t either of you two interrupt me ever again. Now, whilst I congratulate you Joey on winning the title this past Sunday, the announcement I just made effects every wrestler in the company and all the fans in equal measure; your triumph whilst significant for you, is not as big as the evolution of TCW as a whole.”


Minnesota: “Well that’s the thing Eric; I am the evolution of TCW! I am the new World Heavyweight champion and every member of the TCW roster will be looking up at me! I am the face of this company and it is my right to open up the show if I see fit.”


Tyler: “Well that’s where you and I disagree, Joey. If you haven’t noticed, I’m the one who calls the shots around here on behalf of the board and it was they who decided that I should make the announcement that I just did.”


Minnesota: “Who the hell cares if TCW has another show; I am the topic on everybody’s lips; me. I am the main attraction Eric!”


Tyler: “I can tell you why you should care about Saturday Night Showcase; you have already been booked in a match for the debut show. Congratulations Joey, you are the big attraction; you are in demand; you will be in singles action against the living legend, Sam Keith!”


The scowl on Minnesota’s face turns into a grimace at having heard the news.


Tyler: “I’ll leave you to digest that information champ; the ring is all yours.”


The representative of the board exits the ring to head backstage whilst the champion angrily paces up and down. Minnesota raises the microphone to his lips before deciding against it and throwing the equipment forcefully at the announce desk. The TCW World Heavyweight champion storms out of the ring as Dunton Hall tries to simmer his rising levels of aggression.






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The Keith Brothers vs The Canadian Animals w/Carl Batch & Laura Huggins

Almost instantly the apparent dislike between Carl Batch and Laura Huggins is made evident as the two start bickering moments after the opening bell sounds. Surprisingly this does little to affect the focus of the flamboyant Stone whose dazzling array of high-flying manoeuvres has the Keiths struggling to find counters to the outlandish combinations.


Stone seems to invent offence on the fly and to his credit, Huggins is able to adequately hold his own against the young technicians as well, but it is clear to see who the star of the team really is. After twelve minutes of decent action, the exuberant one puts Matthew away with the Party’s Over.

The Canadian Animals defeated The Keith Brothers via pinfall

Rating: C





The cameras take us backstage to the designated interview area where we see a chipper Jasmine Saunders awaiting her cue. A nod of the head sees her smile broaden as she begins.


Saunders: “Tonight I am joined by a very special guest. This man has been one of the hottest topics in professional wrestling for the past couple of days now and it is therefore my pleasure to accommodate Wolf Hawkins in his first interview since what transpired this past Sunday.”




A smiling Wolf Hawkins appears beside Jasmine Saunders as the young interviewer faces the former Syndicate prodigy.


Saunders: “Wolf, I’ve got to ask the question that is on everybody’s lips; what made you decide to strike Tommy Cornell, your mentor, with a steel chair following his iron-man match with Sam Keith?”


Wolf lowers his head slightly as the smile spreads across his expression remembering his actions at Total Mayhem.


Hawkins: “Call it a gradual realisation. For months now, Tommy has been doing things that have rankled with me; whether that is his desperate acts of self preservation, his constant disapproval of the success from those around him, or certain additions to The Syndicate faction. Regardless of how things altered I tried my best to flow with the ever changing landscape but eventually I began to see, just as Sam Keith told me I would, how self centred Tommy Cornell truly is. Tommy said as much himself on Sunday night. When Tommy looked into the eyes of Sam and proclaimed it was “his world”, all the pieces of the puzzle suddenly fit together in my head. TCW is Tommy’s World; a land known as Cornellverse where everybody else is merely a pawn in his game and ultimately expendable.”


Saunders: “So it was an act of revenge?”


Hawkins: “No. It was a case of leaving The Syndicate before Tommy decided that I was becoming too much for him to handle and striking first. It was the smart thing to do. I don’t need to play second fiddle to Tommy Cornell anymore, I am strong enough to make it on my own and with The Syndicate now placing a target directly on my chest, this is my chance to prove myself; to prove that I am better then my former mentor.”




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BryanVessey.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RickLawALT3.jpg

Bryan Vessey vs Rick Law

Rick Law enters this match with a great deal of aggression and tenacity that he showcased during the Golden Shot Gauntlet and Vessey, in all honesty, struggles to the point where the Renegade Officer is damn near dominating proceedings. A big boot nearly turns Vessey inside out but the following cover is only enough to get a long two count. Law is beginning to lose his temper at his inability to put the veteran away and it is this loss of concentration that has proven detrimental to the lawmen on more than one occasion over the past few months.


A Long Arm Of The Law is wild in delivery and Vessey is able to duck under, spin the Renegade Officer around and down Law with a Vessey Driver to end the contest with the following pinfall. Law having been in control for ninety five percent of the match has to be angered with yet another loss.

Bryan Vessey defeated Rick Law via pinfall

Rating: B-




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/DannyFonzarelliALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SammyBachALT.jpg

Danny Fonzarelli vs Sammy Bach

The bigger man in this contest does surprisingly well as the Love Doctor gives the TCW International champion all he can handle. Fonzarelli utilises his fan-friendly repertoire to ensure that the fans remained engaged at all times, although his in-ring skill set itself leaves a lot to be desired. Bach however, perseveres through the worst of his opponent’s attacks and eventually manages to turn the tide in his favour, culminating in a Bach To Reality superkick that floors the big man and signals the end of his valiant attempt.


Periodically throughout the match an audible static is heard throughout the arena and occasionally the cameras lose their feed. The TCW staff are said to be unsure of the source of the interference and Jason Azaria apologises to the audience via commentary. Soon the mystery is unravelled before the viewing audience as Sammy Bach nervously looks around the arena.

Sammy Bach defeated Danny Fonzarelli via pinfall

Rating: C





The video screen flickers into life, immediately grabbing the attention of Sammy Bach who shuffles his way to the centre of the ring where he challenges the person behind the videos to make themselves known. The video clip seen previously of a women taken from the shadows only to be bathed in a glowing light is once again on display but on this occasion, the footage continues.


http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KarenKillerALT.jpg ----- http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KarenKiller-1.jpg

A hooded figure stands in the doorway from where the illumination is strongest; his features are heavily shadowed as the light source is close behind him. The woman walks towards the man and the two disappear in a haze of dust. The video suddenly ends and all the lights in the arena go out. The sound of echoing high heeled shoes are heard marching down a corridor and a single spotlight centres upon the women emerging at the top of the entrance aisle. The fans recognise the women, although their memory of her does not depict her as looking so......pure.




Karen Killer glides down the entranceway until she reaches the halfway point where she stops. The smile on Killer’s face is a little eerie, almost vacant in design. The International champion’s former manager slowly turns to face the big screen where a new video begins to air accompanied by Evanescence’s “Everybody’s Fool”. The hooded figure emerges at the top of the entranceway and he slowly marches his way until he is down beside the re-born Killer. Sammy Bach begins to nervously pace back and forth as he demands that the hooded figure reveal his identity. The white cloak is undone at the laces and it falls to the floor; the hands of the unknown man then follow the seams of the material up until they clasp the sides of the hood, slowly revealing his identity.




The man is new to the TCW audience but judging by the excited chatter of Doakes, Rhodes and Azaria, the young man has shown a lot of promise in professional wrestling and it is all the commentators can do to not list his achievements and abilities. The black cross painted upon Davis Wayne Newton’s cheek is certainly an interesting feature that Rhodes in particular seems intrigued by.


Sammy Bach looks confused by the man standing in front of him but before the two can interact, TCW goes to a commercial break.




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The L.A. Connection vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo

The new tag team champions look to prove a point with a dominant victory over Fortune and Andrews but things don’t exactly go according to plan. The L.A. Connection are not willing to lie down and take a pasting and instead fight with all the heart they can muster. Andrews utilises his power to his full advantage and even manages to drop both members of Champagne Caviar with a Samoan drop that sandwiches the two champions against the canvas with authority. Fortune tags in and looks to keep momentum on the side of the Connection but Caviar soon regain control of proceedings and eventually put Fortune away with a Lopez Buster that secures the one, two, three.

Champagne Caviar defeated The L.A. Connection via pinfall

Rating: C





As the L.A. Connection leave the ringside area, Cuervo retrieves a couple of microphones from an assistant and gracefully passes them to Lopez and Lover. The tag team champions secure the titles around their waists before beginning.


Lover: “That right there is exactly what Champagne Caviar is all about! We live the high life and still know how to get down and dirty to win matches when it counts!”


Lopez: “Exactly man. That’s why we are the greatest tag team in professional wrestling today and this past Sunday, we earned the gold to prove it!”


Lover and Lopez smile like the cats that got the cream as they stroke their championship titles in unison.


Lover: “You know back home in Mexico, we are treated like royalty; hailed as kings of everything we survey. But here in America, we are met with nothing but apathy and disrespect. It is time for you fans to realise that we are the best thing going in TCW right now, so get on your feet and bow to Nicolas Lopez, bow to Champagne Lover; bow to Champagne Caviar!”


Lopez: “All hail the kings!”




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RockyGoldenALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RickyDaleJohnsonALT.jpg

Rocky Golden vs Ricky Dale Johnson

The two big men start the match with a respectful handshake before locking up and giving each other everything they have, far surpassing the expectation of two fan-favourites doing battle. Golden has a slight edge in speed but The Outlaw more than makes up for that in experience and the two compete in a very even contest. RDJ sets up for Southern Justice but Golden shifts his weight and reverses into a jackhammer suplex. Both men are slow in getting back to their feet but when they do, they instantly thunder towards their opponent, colliding with enough force to drop both men with devastating effect.




The match unfortunately takes a turn for the worse here as the TCW World Heavyweight champion jumps the crowd barrier and slides into the ring as Golden and RDJ stagger to a vertical base. A Minnesota Salute puts Golden back down and the Empire Spiral that follows is enough to do the same to The Outlaw. Joey Minnesota lifts the title high into the air as he glares at the hard camera, yelling a clearly audible statement of intent. “I am the evolution!” Referee Ray Johnson has little choice but to throw the match out and declare the contest a draw.

Rocky Golden drew with Ricky Dale Johnson

Rating: B





The cameras once again take us to the backstage area where Jasmine Saunders awaits; the young interviewer does not seem as happy to be there however, on this occasion. Saunders cautiously begins her introduction for her second guest of the evening.


Saunders: “I am now joined by the leader of The Syndicate, Tommy Cornell. Tommy, what do you have to say about the actions of Wolf Hawkins and what he had to say about you earlier tonight?”




The infamous sneer of Tommy Cornell threatens to erupt as The Syndicate leader breathes heavily whilst he chews the words around in his mouth before spitting out a response. His voice is cold and calculating; he doesn’t yell but the tone of his voice indicates that he is deadly serious.


Cornell: “That p**** little ingrate. Wolf Hawkins has made the biggest mistake of his life. I told him last month that I brought him into this business and I can take him right back out of it and trust me when I say that is exactly what I plan on doing now. Wolf knew what The Syndicate was about, I brought Wolf from obscurity and morphed him into the talent that he is and in return, he was to help me in achieving my goals. Somewhere along the line he forgot that and grew resentful, I just wish I could go back to when this all started and put him out of his misery before he got illusions of his own self worth.”


Cornell turns his head to stare directly into the lens, His message cutting through the audience and right to its intended target.


Cornell: “Watch your back Wolf, because the moment it is turned, I’ll drive the same knife into your back that you drove into mine.”




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KoshiroInoALT6.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoeyMinnesotaALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/DuntonHallALT.jpg

Koshiro Ino vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

The Japanese Warrior offers his hand as the opening bell sounds but the TCW World Heavyweight champion returns the gesture with a derisory snort before slapping Ino’s hand to one side. When the two do begin to trade, the action is smooth; Ino providing the strike based offence as opposed to Minnesota’s more grounded transitional repertoire but they gel together quite well. Joey does infuse high-impact, innovative moves to take Ino off his game and leave him fighting an uphill battle. The Japanese Warrior does well to not become overawed however and comes close to winning the contest himself with a Kobra’s Bite that narrowly misses the target. Minnesota uses Ino’s momentum to wrap him up in a small cradle and holds on just long enough to secure the pinfall victory much to the delight of Dunton Hall at ringside.

Joey Minnesota defeated Koshiro Ino via pinfall

Rating: B




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SamKeith-1.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/WolfHawkins.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TommyCornellALT-1.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/MarcDuboisALT.jpg

Sam Keith & Wolf Hawkins vs Tommy Cornell & Marc DuBois

It is clear from the offset that Keith is having difficulties in adjusting to the idea of siding with Wolf Hawkins. Keith has always said that it was only a matter of time before Hawkins saw that he was being held back by his former mentor but perhaps Sam didn’t realise that this change would happen so soon. The duo struggle to work in harmony as a result although as the match progresses they do start to improve in timing if nothing else.


DuBois and Cornell seem intent on making Hawkins their sole target in this match and Keith is left unnoticed for the most part, allowing him to be even more lethal in the delivery of his attacks. DuBois has Hawkins lined up for the Marc Of Excellence but Keith intercepts and takes the Model down with a Neutron Plex. Cornell jumps on Keith almost immediately to drop him with a Guilt Trip and only just manages to avoid the Full Moon Rising that Hawkins has prepared afterwards. Mentor and protégé stare down as the crowd begins to come unglued but alas the twenty minute time limit has elapsed and before they can engage, a herd of officials descend on the scene to step between the competitors.


Cornell and Wolf are straining to get at each other whilst the officials struggle to keep them apart. This is the parting shot we see as the screen fades to black and Total Wrestling goes off the air.

Sam Keith & Wolf Hawkins drew with Tommy Cornell and Marc DuBois as the time limit is reached

Rating: B




Show Rating: B

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Prediction Results



Phantom Stranger: 3/7

Midnighnick: 3/7

Bigpapa42: 3/7

pauls07: 3/7

20LEgend: 4/7

Emark: 4/7



Congratulations go to 20LEgend and Emark, you have won this round.



Overall Standings

1st: Bigpapa42 = 11

2nd: Emark = 10

3rd: jesseewiak = 7

4th: jgriff3029 = 6

4th: 20LEgend = 6

5th: Tigerkinney = 5

6th: jhd1 = 4

6th: Phantom Stranger = 4

7th: angeldelayette = 3

7th: Midnightnick = 3

8th: MJStark = 2

9th: smurphy1014 = 1

9th: ChrisKid = 1

9th: legendkiller13 = 1

9th: CamillePunk = 1

9th: pauls07 = 1

10th: BHK1978 = 0

10th: Liamo = 0

10th: juggaloninjalee = 0

10th: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

10th: QFresh = 0

10th: Boltinho = 0

10th: MorenoKing24 = 0

10th: BoomKing = 0



Hope everybody enjoyed the show. :)

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...DWN looks awesome. Like, ridiculously awesome.


Thanks buddy. I think I posted him in the re-render thread a few months back but I can't remember for sure if this version was included. I can always re-post them there for those that are interested.


Hopefully his gimmick will be an interesting one for the readers to enjoy as his persona is a bit more complex than the average TCW worker.

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TCW Saturday Night Showcase, Saturday of Week 1, June 2010

Following the big announcement by Mr Tyler this Tuesday evening, we here at tcw.com are pleased to reveal the line-up for the reborn debut edition of Saturday Night Showcase. A great night of action is sure to be had by all so let’s waste no more time and look at what will be on offer.


Following weeks of bizarre videos and messages directed toward TCW International champion, Sammy Bach, the man and woman behind the clips made themselves known on Total Wrestling this past Tuesday. Karen Killer, Bach’s former valet/groupie made her return to TCW television following the brutal Bach To Reality superkick that floored here a few months ago and upon her return has brought a new talent to the TCW roster. Davis Wayne Newton will open up the new TCW television show when he goes in singles action against a man strongly associated with the Prince of Percussion in Hell Monkey. A win in his TCW debut would certainly send a big message to the rest of the locker room for DWN but doing so against a man the calibre of Hell Monkey will be easier said than done.


The following contest will feature tag team action as Bryan Vessey partners up with the first graduate of the TCW wrestling academy, Aaron Andrews to take on the pairing of the Renegade Officer, Rick Law and the Canadian technician, Owen Love. As we understand it, Law demanded another shot a Bryan Vessey having fallen just short on Total Wrestling and Bryan Vessey, ever the competitor, was more than willing to accept the challenge. Whether you like him or hate him, Rick Law unquestionably has a lot of guts and that has to be credited.


The recently dethroned tag team champions The New Wave will be taking on The Machines in what is sure to be another great tag team outing between the two duos. Guide and Scout are entitled to their tag team title rematch which will take place at Excessive Force as we understand it and will want to put The Machines in their rear view mirror as soon as possible. However, a win for Hill and Anderson could put The Machines right back into contention and knowing the two Syndicate members, anything is possible.


As promised by Eric Tyler on Total Wrestling, the Living Legend, Sam Keith will get his opportunity to take on Joey Minnesota as the two square off in singles action. Minnesota did not look pleased after being informed he would be encountering Keith and who can blame him? The question that must be plaguing the mind of the TCW World Heavyweight champion right now however, is the potential repercussions that The Outlaw and Rocky Golden have in store for him following his interference in their match on Tuesday night.


The main event of the evening will see a clash of styles when The Syndicate’s young prodigy, Marc DuBois goes against The Great White, Eddie Peak. The Hardcore Assassin has promised to deliver an ungodly amount of punishment to his opponent tonight and deliver a message to a certain Physical Phenom in the process. DuBois may have his looks but don’t let that fool you; The Model can really go in the ring and we wouldn’t at all be surprised to see The Syndicate man emerge victorious in this or any other contest.


All of this plus much more on Arcadia this upcoming Saturday night. Be sure to tune in, you won’t want to miss out!



Prediction Key


Davis Wayne Newton w/Karen Killer vs Hell Monkey


Bryan Vessey & Aaron Andrews vs Rick Law & Owen Love


The New Wave vs The Machines


Sam Keith vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


Eddie Peak vs Marc DuBois

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Unfortunately there will be a delay for the upcoming show due to circumstances out of my control. My laptop that had both TEW 2010 and WMMA3 on it (including all of my Daz3D work which I had backed up not long before the meltdown) completely died and I lost a hell of a lot of stuff.


My new laptop should arrive within the next 4-5 days and hopefully by then I can sort out the licensing of the games with Scott Vibert to have everything up and running by then. I also managed to back up the save game folder so if all goes well, we should be in the clear. Failing that I will just book the shows for the first five months as I did according to this thread and continue the diary from there. Basically, this diary will not be coming to a skidding halt.


Hope you all understand



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Just to let you guys know, my new laptop arrived today and I have both Daz3D and TEW 2010 up and running. Fortunately the saved game that I backed up has so far proved to be in working order and thus the diary will continue forward as promised.



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TCW Saturday Night Showcase

Saturday of Week 1, June 2010

Virginia Park Fields

Attendance: 9,195




Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes/Shawn Doakes



http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/DavisWayneNewtonALT2.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KarenKiller-1.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/HellMonkeyALT.jpg

Davis Wayne Newton w/Karen Killer vs Hell Monkey

The TCW audience get their first taste of what DWN is capable of in the ring as he and Hell Monkey do battle to kick off the re-birth of Saturday Night Showcase. Newton seems to glide his way to the ring and understandably, Hell Monkey remains wary during the opening exchanges; unsure of what to expect.


Killer remains calm at ringside, unnervingly so. She just stares blankly at DWN as he goes to work on Monkey. Sammy Bach's associate does his best to hang with DWN and does a damn fine job for the vast majority, even connecting with a glancing Tumbling Monkey that sends Newton rolling to the outside. Hell Monkey ascends to the top of the turnbuckle, readying himself to take flight as DWN slowly gets to his feet. When he reaches a vertical base, Monkey flips himself forward at his target but Newton is prepared and uses the momentum and direction of his opponent to deliver a fisherman's buster that he calls the Angel's Fall. Monkey lands with a thud much to the chagrin of the masked man and he is unable to return to the ring before Sam Sparrow's ten count. DWN picks up the win in his TCW debut.

Davis Wayne Newton defeated Hell Monkey via countout

Rating: B-





]No sooner has the bell sounded, we see the TCW International champion, Sammy Bach jump the crowd barrier and slide into the ring behind DWN. Killer suddenly snaps into focus and points rapidly in the champion's direction, alerting Newton to the upcoming danger. DWN slips to the left just in time to avoid a Bach To Reality superkick, the same move that put Killer out of action and instead clasps the Prince of Percussion looking for another Angel's Fall, but as he lifts the champion into the air, Bach kicks free and lands behind Newton allowing him to slip back out of the ring and head up the entrance aisle.


The self-proclaimed Rock God looks annoyed at having not been able to inflict pain on DWN yet relieved to have avoided any injury himself. No doubt Bach will plan another attack in the not too distant future as theorised by Kyle Rhodes. The question is, when?




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BryanVessey.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/AaronAndrewsALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RickLawALT3.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/OwenLoveALT.jpg

Bryan Vessey & Aaron Andrews vs Rick Law & Owen Love

The Renegade Officer is by far the more aggressive of the four as the two teams start proceedings; no time for a feeling out process for Law who tears into Bryan Vessey with a dogged determination. Vessey tags in Andrews who fares a little better than the veteran but Law is on a mission and even the TCW wrestling school graduate struggles to battle against the Renegade.


Law eventually slows down having burned himself out and is forced to tag the Canadian technician who looks to throw Andrews around for a while but to little avail. Double A lands on his feet following a release german suplex and connects with a charging boot that flips Owen Love completely over and onto his face. The match is even from this moment onwards, both teams trying their damndest to earn the win. Law runs around the apron and sends Andrews crashing to the floor with a hellacious clothesline as Love looks to put Vessey away with a Love Gun in the centre of the ring. Somehow the veteran twists free and drops Love with a Vessey Driver of his own before floating into the cover to pick up the pinfall victory. Law hurriedly scrambles to intercept but is too late and is left to stew in his own fumes. The Renegade Officer is apoplectic with rage as Bryan Vessey once again gets one up on him. Jason Azaria is quick to point out that Rick Law has never been one to let an issue slide, regardless of which side of the fence he may be on and this one is most likely far from over.

Bryan Vessey & Aaron Andrews defeated Rick Law and Owen Love via pinfall

Rating: B-





The cameras take us backstage where we enter the locker room of The Great White, Eddie Peak. The monster of a man is standing with his back to the camera, inhaling deeply as the lens focuses on his frame. The words are intimidating as they fall from his lips, an unquestionable hatred and intent laced throughout.


Peak: "Tonight I will be in the main event against the prodigy of The Syndicate, Marc DuBois. The Model, The Pretty Boy, whatever you want to call him, he will end up on the receiving end of a relentless beating courtesy of The Hardcore Assassin. Nothing personal kid, my target is elsewhere. You will be the sacrificial lamb sent to the slaughter as I send a message to Remo."


Just the mentioning of the name makes Peak snarl; a snarl that intimidates like no other.


Peak: "The Physical Phenom may have earned a paper victory at Total Mayhem but he has not beaten me, not by a long shot. So listen up and listen good Remo; you and your rent-a-hoe manager should watch your backs because the Great White is still hungry and he won't settle until he tears both of you limb from limb! The hunt is not over yet."




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GuideALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ScoutALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BrentHillALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JohnAndersonALT.jpg

The New Wave vs The Machines

Another enjoyable outing between these two teams adds to their already infamous history of encounters. The Machines start the stronger on this night with Anderson in particular impressing with his performance. The Human Arsenal methodically picks apart Guide and tags out in regular intervals to keep both Syndicate members fresh; sound tag team strategy that is expected from both duos.


The New Wave are ever resilient and don't take long to fight back into the contest with quick paced counter strikes that Hill and Anderson have never quite been able to prevent. Scout looks to apply the Special Forces lock on Brent Hill but Anderson hooks him by the arms and readies for the Ammo Dump. Guide is on the charge and spears the midsection of The Machine with a Guided Missile sending him tumbling out of the ring but is soon dropped himself with a standing urinagi courtesy of Hill who is quick to ascend the turnbuckle to deliver a King Of The Hill splash. The connection is impactful and the wind is driven almost completely out of Guide's body. Hill seizes his moment ad hooks the leg for the cover but the sudden grimace on his face intimates that things may not be going his way for much longer. Scout ties The Machine's legs into a knot and arches back to secure the Special Forces on the second time of asking. With Anderson incapacitated and the ring ropes out of reach, Hill signals his submission in short order.

The New Wave defeated The Machines via submission

Rating: B





The elegant Jasmine Saunders awaits the cameras backstage as the designated interview area is set up for a forthcoming one-on-one. The beaming smile on the young lady's face indicates that her guest is unlikely to cause her any problems; i.e. the guest is not Edd Stone and she soon cuts the silence with her melodic tones.


Saunders: "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight I am joined by a bonafide TCW legend, The Outlaw, Ricky Dale Johnson."




The Outlaw strolls into shot with his ever present Stetson resting atop his head. He looks calm in the presence of Saunders but troubled by the actions that have befallen him over the past few weeks.


Saunders: "Ricky, over the past seven days you must have been though an emotional rollercoaster, from headlining Total Mayhem XV, to seeing Joey Minnesota win the TCW World Heavyweight championship and this past Tuesday, the same individual jumping both you and Rocky Golden in your match costing each of you a potential win. With that in mind, what is your current state of mind and what are your plans for the near future?"


The Outlaw slowly strokes the stubble on his chin as he contemplates the question.


RDJ: "You're absolutely right Jasmine; this past week has seen its share of highs and lows for me..............."


RDJ's thoughts trail off as his expression transforms to an altogether more serious demeanour.


RDJ: "Joey Minnesota is strutting around with his big boy britches on thinking his s*** doesn't stink. I have news for Joey and the little pest that he hangs around with. I..........."


The Outlaw trails off once again but this time it is because of a new arrival to the interview area.




Former TCW World Heavyweight champion, Rocky Golden wanders up to The Outlaw with a smirk on his face.


Golden: "I know what you are gonna say Ricky and I feel the exact same way. Joey has had my title for less than a week and is already acting like Mr high and mighty. On top of all of that he jumps us during our match on Tuesday and is saying to everybody backstage that will listen that I don't deserve my world title rematch? That doesn't sit well with me at all and although we may have different reasons, you and I have a common goal; to beat the hell out of Joey Minnesota and to do it as soon as possible. Fortunately for me I have the opportunity to do it before you but unfortunately for you my friend, I won't be leaving anything left when I'm done with him."


The Outlaw smiles at the words of the former champion.


RDJ: "With all due respect Rocky, what makes you think you will be getting a rematch before me? From what I remember, it was you who got pinned at Total Mayhem........"


Rocky's face turns a little sour at RDJ's comment but perseveres.


Golden: "C'mon now Ricky, I don't want to play top trumps with you or anything but I do have a championship rematch clause and speaking of losses, haven't you lost to Joey on two separate occasions now?"


The exchange is heating up although it is still apparent that the two respect one another.


RDJ: "You mean the time he used the brass knuckles to knock me out or the time I beat him until the referee had to pull me away?"


Rocky laughs in response but before he can verbalise a follow up, another familiar voice cuts into proceedings.




Tyler: "Perhaps I can shed some light on the situation."


The representative of the board sidles into shot causing both Golden and RDJ's attentions shift.


Tyler: "Both of you make very valid points about why you deserve to be in the World Heavyweight title match at Excessive Force and it therefore didn't take long for myself and the board to make a decision regarding the issue."


The Outlaw tilts his head in anticipation.


Tyler: "At Excessive Force the TCW World Heavyweight champion, Joey Minnesota will defend his title in a rematch from Total Mayhem XV as he takes on the former World Heavyweight champion, Rocky Golden and The Outlaw, Ricky Dale Johnson."


The two competitors look pleased with the ruling although it is sure to anger the current champion.


Tyler: "Make the most of the opportunity boys, you may not get another one for quite some time if you fall short here."




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SamKeith-1.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoeyMinnesotaALT.jpg

Sam Keith vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

As the TCW World Heavyweight champion makes his way to the ring, he is visibly engaged in a heated discussion with The Mastermind who is actively trying to settle the infamous temper of Minnesota. Sam Keith is already set in the ring to test the young champion and take him to his limits, just as he did with Rocky Golden when he carried the ten pounds of gold.


The match itself is far from stellar and the two combatants are likely to be disappointed and perhaps the majority of the blame should be place squarely upon the shoulders of Joey Minnesota who seems distant from the onset. The champion's focus seems off and this allows Keith to dictate the pace throughout. There are a few near pinfalls on the part of both men and a close submission attempt from the veteran but ultimately the youthful hunger of the champion shines through and he puts Keith away with an Empire Spiral after roughly fifteen minutes of competition.

Joey Minnesota defeated Sam Keith via pinfall

Rating: C




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddiePeakALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/MarcDuboisALT.jpg

Eddie Peak vs Marc DuBois

A complete contrast of styles; suave and egotistical against sheer hulking aggression. DuBois tries to employ a hit and run tactic early on to keep the big man guessing, the worst thing you can do against The Hardcore Assassin is remain a motionless target. The Model counters the charges of Peak in an attempt to use his considerable momentum against him. Whilst this proved successful initially, it only takes one mistake to undo all of the previous good work, and one mistake is exactly what DuBois did.


Having kept Peak unsettled for the opening few minutes of the match, DuBois ascends the corner turnbuckle and takes flight in the direction of the Great White who simply catches The Model and dumps him with a colossal powerslam. From this moment on it is all Eddie Peak and the beating he puts on DuBois makes for difficult viewing even for those who possess a strong disliking of The Syndicate. The message being sent to Remo is clear; Peak wants more of the Physical Phenom and clearly he has garnered the attention of the man himself.




Remo emerges at the top of the entrance aisle and stares daggers down at the Great White who returns the glare. The two beckon the other to make the journey over and eventually Peak is the one to relent. Peak thunders up the entrance aisle and he and Remo disappear backstage. With referee Ray Johnson administering the count in the ring, the ten is reached and there is still no sign of The Hardcore Assassin, leaving Marc DuBois a very confused and battered victor.

Marc DuBois defeated Eddie Peak via countout

Rating: B




Show Rating: B

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Prediction Results


Emark: 5/5

pauls07: 4/5

Midnightnick: 2/5

Phantom Stranger: 3/5



Congratulations Emark, you have won this round!



Overall Standings

1st: Bigpapa42 = 11

1st: Emark = 11

2nd: jesseewiak = 7

3rd: jgriff3029 = 6

3rd: 20LEgend = 6

4th: Tigerkinney = 5

5th: jhd1 = 4

5th: Phantom Stranger = 4

6th: angeldelayette = 3

6th: Midnightnick = 3

7th: MJStark = 2

8th: smurphy1014 = 1

8th: ChrisKid = 1

8th: legendkiller13 = 1

8th: CamillePunk = 1

8th: pauls07 = 1

9th: BHK1978 = 0

9th: Liamo = 0

9th: juggaloninjalee = 0

9th: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

9th: QFresh = 0

9th: Boltinho = 0

9th: MorenoKing24 = 0

9th: BoomKing = 0


A big thank you to everybody who predicts and reads this diary, it really does mean a lot to me.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling, Tuesday of Week 2, June 2010

Another Tuesday sees another stellar edition of TCW Presents Total Wrestling on the cards. We have been informed here at tcw.com that there is a hell of a lot scheduled for the upcoming card and from what we have seen based upon the matches on tap, we can't wait for Tuesday night to arrive.


The opening match of Total Wrestling will feature the same two individuals who competed in the opener at the reborn Saturday Night Showcase, although they will not be going it alone. Davis Wayne Newton will team with a man who has also had his fair share of problems with Sammy Bach as of late, in Benny Benson as they take on the duo of Hell Monkey and the International champion himself. Will Bach be able to ignore the mind games of DWN long enough to pick up the win, or will the newcomer stake a claim to being given a title shot by upsetting the champion?


A triple threat match is scheduled to follow as the All-Action champion, Gino Montero looks set to take on the Japanese Warrior, Koshiro Ino and the Physical Phenom, Remo Richardson. All three men have completely different skillsets and it will be interesting to see who can utilise their repertoire to best affect. Also, let's not forget that Carl Batch, the manger of the Physical Phenom, has another client who seems hell-bent on making the All-Action champion's life as miserable as possible.


Sam's boys, Greg and Matthew will feature in tag team action as they take on the newly crowned TCW World Tag Team champions, Champagne Caviar. Both duos have shown a lot of promise over the past few months and it will be interesting to see who currently has what it takes to better the other. The championship gold makes the Mexican pair favourites, but would you rule out anybody with the surname of Keith?


The former front man of Painful Procedure and the current Golden Shot briefcase holder, Troy Tornado is set to go in singles action against the man that took one hell of a beating Saturday night yet somehow emerged victorious against the Great White, Marc DuBois. Can The Model keep his composure against another formidable opponent, or will the TCW original reign supreme?


Following that, a big time six man tag will take centre stage when Sam Keith sides with a man he has taken under his wing, Aaron Andrews and the former Syndicate prodigy, Wolf Hawkins to take on a Syndicate trio of Tommy Cornell and The Machines. Andrews has had his share of problems with Wolf in the past and the question has to be, can the thrown together alliance stand up against the unity of Cornell, Hill and Anderson?


The main event of the evening will comprise two thirds of the scheduled Excessive Force PPV headliner as the defending TCW World Heavyweight champion, Joey Minnesota squares off with the man whom he took the title from, Rocky Golden. Which of these two will pick up a big slice of momentum pie following this encounter and furthermore, will The Outlaw make his presence felt? Rumour has it, Rocky requested this match in order to show Minnesota exactly why he deserves his title rematch. We don't envy the champion one bit.


All this and much more, Tuesday night on GNN Total Sports. Be sure to tune in, you won't want to miss out!



Prediction Key


Benny Benson & Davis Wayne Newton w/Karen Killer vs Sammy Bach & Hell Monkey


Gino Montero vs Koshiro Ino vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch


The Keith Brothers vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Troy Tornado vs Marc DuBois


Sam Keith, Aaron Andrews & Wolf Hawkins vs Tommy Cornell & The Machines


Rocky Golden vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

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Benny Benson & Davis Wayne Newton w/Karen Killer vs Sammy Bach & Hell Monkey


Gino Montero vs Koshiro Ino vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch


The Keith Brothers vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Troy Tornado vs Marc DuBois


Sam Keith, Aaron Andrews & Wolf Hawkins vs Tommy Cornell & The Machines


Rocky Golden vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

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Benny Benson & Davis Wayne Newton w/Karen Killer vs Sammy Bach & Hell Monkey


Gino Montero vs Koshiro Ino vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch


The Keith Brothers vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Troy Tornado vs Marc DuBois


Sam Keith, Aaron Andrews & Wolf Hawkins vs Tommy Cornell & The Machines


Rocky Golden vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

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Benny Benson & Davis Wayne Newton w/Karen Killer vs Sammy Bach & Hell Monkey


Gino Montero vs Koshiro Ino vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch


The Keith Brothers vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Troy Tornado vs Marc DuBois


Sam Keith, Aaron Andrews & Wolf Hawkins vs Tommy Cornell & The Machines


Rocky Golden vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

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