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What's going on in your game?

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Solid card. Things are looking good. I thought that HEAT was the champs. Seems like you have a lot ot work with currently. Plenty of guys to work with. Who's Avalanche? I don't recognize the name off hand.




I'm working on my AAA game and i didn't realize all the work that goes into even a minor dynasty. I've been saving the cards and writing up shows. I'm even more impressed with the guys that do it day in and day out.


My last house show was a solid C even with not pushing for Wanda and Quine to main event. I'm mostly using it to push some tag teams and build some of the lower skilled ladies so i can hit the end of the month shows. So far J-ro lost and i'm gonna go with a slow build for Cat Quine to start beating Wanda's bodyguards till she gets a shot in a month or two.


I need to get back to my MAW save shortly too.

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him, the guy has B- Populatirty and now he is a Main Eventer :eek:


Also, I still got a list of guys I rarley use, but another Fued, I got going on is Sid vs Meng and Big Bubba


Plus, I made a Major Mistake in my game


Got Nitro on Monday Night, ABC on Monday and Nippon TV on Tuesday

Thunder on Thursday Night FOX


but only 1 Hour to book:eek:

so Saturday Night is the only show with 2 Shows

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Gotcha. Didn't get the reference and agree that Tenta is a good fit for the company. You've got some big guys with Vader, Tenta, Sid and a few others.


Missed that Stars and stripes are the champs. Good deal. Seems like you'll be busy for the next few months building up guys for Austin and for the Tag belts.I like that Sid and Meng are gonna have a small feud. Both are big guys and while Sid isn't my favorite guy, Him and Meng should put on solid matches.


I'm slowly working on AAA and trying to break the ceiling with the promotion. I'm getting good matches. With the entertainment aspect, Wanda Fish is gold on the mic. I'm only running 1 hour shows before the bigger 2 hour end of month shows. It's helping but i don't like advance booking a ton of shows cause i'm a lazy head.


Still fun so i'll keep playing.

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If his Pop stays up,which I hope by September

Can face Vader for the World Title, which Vader destroys Austin in September

He loses to him in September and October and November the Austin wins WWlll battle royal.Austin can be the #1 Face like he was in WWF.

I'm not a fan of Sid either but he is pretty good and will just make him always win lol nothing else


May bring up two people from WCW:TNA to be a tag team. May be Edge and Christian:p.


AAA games sounds good is it a All-Women's promotion or something?

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Yeah. AAA is the all women promotion. It's got some great workers but the bad thing is that there aren't alot of ladies in the standard 2005 database and many of the best only work for Japan. It's tough going but i have some good girls to work with. Currently running C/C- shows as i build to the big end of month show, with regular ones and the big show, i'm still making money.
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I hated my users name .. bah. no idea how to change it but i'm not gonna use it.. Rubio Smitt.. rubio is stupid.. going with Ron.



AAA Ladies Night


Tues week 2 Dec 2005


Washington Gym


1467 people

Anne and Cath Quine talked up Bomb vs Nightfall

Cherry Bomb defeated Raven Nightfall.

J-RO and Quine talk about Wanda and Suzue

Heavenly Bodies lost to Wild Times.

Anne and Quine talk up M-Brendon

Suzue Katayama defeated Candy Floss.

Wanda and Suzue talk about J-RO.

C- show.


Tues week 3 Dec 2005

Washington Gym

1300 people

Quine beat Miss Mexico

Goodlooking Bunny beat Gorgon/Bach

Wanda/Suzue/Devil’s Daughter beat J-ro/Ellie may/Raven Nightfall

D show

Tues week 4 Dec 2005

Washington Gym

1100 people

Anne talked up Wanda Fish.

Cherry Bomb beat Ellie May

Dream Team beat Wild Times.

J-RO taunted Wanda Fish

Black Widow beat Golden Delicious.

Anne talked to Cat Quine and Wanda Fish about their match at Pretty Amazing.



Just filler house shows, mostly to just give stat boosts as we head to Pretty Amazing. I am gonna run an all out Tag show shortly. Those are always fun.




What kinda road notes are your using in your matches.

I'm just going with winner--pinfall or submission-- and open matches for the most part.

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I hear ya. I do use keep strong on my main eventers when they fight anyone thats not in the main event. I only use dominate if i'm jobbing out a guy who's leaving or if someone has some serious menace. I don't like crushing guys all that much but it has a good use.


Most of my angles are entertainment and that's good for me currently. I don't have alot of overness, so i've added alot of angles from other packs. Idom's and one other i found on ewwharehouse.com

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I'm running unchanged story lines right now. The 4-6 person ones. I need to evolve a few of them so i can start the Tag Tournament that i'm planning on using for the next few Big Shows. Good looking Bunny have the belts so i'm gonna book some teams for them to face at the end of the month shows.


Most of the Story Lines that i'm using are C's or C+. Mainly because i'm regional so i'm not really gonna hit better than that till i'm cult, i think. So still working on things. A tag tournament and once i figure out how to deal with the working agreement i have with 5ssw, so i can use their workers, i'm going to run an invasion story that puts my biggest heel, Wanda Fish and my biggest face Cath Quine together to fend them off.


That's far in the future.

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Well a C heat for regional sounds right


I also got a Working Agreement with CMLL so I may do a Cruiserweight Invasion. Cause they don't got enough US Pop to main event shows


I also got about 10 WWF guys that I want to steal to form the nWo. Unlike WCW the only people that will be in it will be Outsiders I am not Stealing Diseal or Ramon cause I don't like

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The NWO was a good idea till everyone in the promotion was in the damn thing.

If you keep it small, use a lot of attack and hype angles it'll go well. I don't care for Hall or Nash either really. Both aren't that great in the ring and both have their share of problems, not to mention being jerks out of the ring.

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Which in turn will make WCW have to team up to take down nWo.

I think if you are more known in another Promotion then u join nWo and if you arent well known any then you just a WCW guy lol


Also Slamboree card will be up in a little bit.


Nash, he is good on the mic so may sign him to be play by play lol but hate him backstage from stories


I never heard anything Major from Hall but just his Drinking Problems make me not want to hire him

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WCW Slamboree:The Final Battle


PE-Mexican Airscats(Two Talented Mexicans) vs Billy Kidman and Devon Storm


1-Tommy Dreamer vs Sandman vs Scorpio vs Jerry Sags vs Brian Knobbs vs Ice Train vs Kevin Sullivan vs Buckhouse Buck vs Dick Slater vs Dave Finlay in a Hardcore Battle Royal for the Vacant WCW Hardcore Title


2-Chris Jericho© vs Dr.Wagner Jr. for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship


3-Vader© vs Arn Anderson vs Avalanche for the WCW United States Championship


4-Mick Foley vs Diamond Dallas Page and winner will be Ref for the TV Title Match


5-Triple H(w/Harley Race) vs Dustin Rhodes(w/Dusty Rhodes) and the Losers Manager is Fired from WCW and Winner gets a Title Shot of his Choice Next Night on Nitro


6-Steven Regal© vs Johnny B.Badd for the WCW Televison Championship


7-Paul Roma vs Paul Orndoff in a Loser Retires Match(FINAL)


8-Sid and ???(Debuting Kane) vs Meng and Big Bubba Rogers


9-Stars and Stripes© vs Harlem Heat for the WCW World Tag Team Championship(#14)


10-Sting vs Randy Savage in a No DQ Match(#20)


11-Steve Austin© vs Ric Flair for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship in Ric Flairs Final Chance(FINAL ONE)


The # and FINAL ONE is the Plot in the Storyline which means, the Main Event ones are almost done.Most likely Afer Austin gets done with Flair, he will feud with Avalanche and I may just make Avalanche attack Flair and then air Tribute to Injuired Worker in this, so Flair doesnt get mad

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Looks like a solid card there.


1-Tommy Dreamer vs Sandman vs Scorpio vs Jerry Sags vs Brian Knobbs vs Ice Train vs Kevin Sullivan vs Buckhouse Buck vs Dick Slater vs Dave Finlay in a Hardcore Battle Royal for the Vacant WCW Hardcore Title


I'm a big Dreamer fan. Hope he gets a run with the belt.



3-Vader© vs Arn Anderson vs Avalanche for the WCW United States Championship

This is gonna be ugly for AA. Though he could win letting Vader and Avalanche fight it out and steal a win.


5-Triple H(w/Harley Race) vs Dustin Rhodes(w/Dusty Rhodes) and the Losers Manager is Fired from WCW and Winner gets a Title Shot of his Choice Next Night on Nitro

I can see you losing Race but i'm sure Dusty is top row in performance stats. So losing him would be a bit blow.



7-Paul Roma vs Paul Orndoff in a Loser Retires Match(FINAL)

Alas poor Roma, we barely knew you.


0-Sting vs Randy Savage in a No DQ Match(#20)

Match of the night. Go Sting.



I see big numbers for this. I'd even pay to see it on PPV.

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Guess you didn't want to do just ur favorite matches lol


Also really tempted to try to sign the Stenier Brothers to beef up the tag divison beyond Nasty Boys, Stars and Stripes, and Harlem Heat they will be the second Heel team with Harlem Heat so that will work out


Also here it the B Rated Show HHPW Betayred

Main Event was Scott Steiner defending the Hulk Hogan title against Jerry Lawler

Animal Beat Hulk Hogan

Hawk Beat Jim Duggan

Brutus Beefcake Beat Rick Steiner to win the Hulk Hogan TV Title

Steve Williams and Robert Gibson Beat Douglas and Spivey to win the Hulk Hogan Tag Team Titles

Raven Over Mike Enos

In the worst match,Pat Tanaka Beat Horace Hogan


Also now Randy Savage has a Strong Dislike of me since I Warned him after being late for 2 shows really Savage? Dont be late and I wont get on to you

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I'm going to just make Harley Race a backstage worker and when I need a A* to increase the rating I will make the match :p


Also, really thinking about making a Dynasty with this.


Would any of you read it lol and tell me how I'm doing and what I need to do lol


And also, they are both in their 50 and 40's so didn't want then to do it so long lol I was expecting a B or C+ match from those 2 together but you never know with TEW

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here is the Spring Stampede Results(There was no April card,I thought Slamboree so I made a goof :p

PE-Pure Greatness(Adam Copeland and Christian) Def.Hardyz and Devon and Pillman

1-Dreamer© won a Hardcore Battle Royal to Retain the WCW Hardcore Title

2-Avalanche Over Bobby Eaton

3-Jericho© Over Kidman to Retain the WCW Cruiserweight

4-Vader© Def.Arn Anderson to Retain the WCW US Title

5-Mick Foley Def.DDP to be the Ref for the TV Title Match

6-Triple H Def.Dustin Rhodes by cheating

7-Steven Regal© Def.Johnny B.Badd to Retain the WCW Televison Championship

8-Paul Roma Def.Paul Ornoff in a Loser Retires Match

9-Sid and Kane Jacbobs Def.Meng and Big Bubba Rogers

10-Stars and Stripes© Def.Harlem Heat to Retain the WCW World Tag Team Championship

11-Sting Def.Randy Savage in a No DQ

12-Steve Austin© Def.Ric Flair to Retain the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

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this is a good day for me :D lol


he is now one of the most popular guys on WCW and can yall help me to pick someone after Flair lol


*Austin is a Heel

Some people that could help


Savage(Heel) and Sting(Face) are going to feud for a few more months so no

Sid(Also Heel)

Vader(Also Heel)

Anderson(Face) Could work since Austin took Flair and he wants revenge, he takes out another Legend and he will soon become the "Legend Killer" like Orton :p


what do yall think?

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