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Competative Credability

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how do you keep this up? I'm trying to break into the international ranks and my cred floats from 28-32 constantly.....I can't bring it up any higher than that...with this in mind let me tell you i book matches in a top talent vs top talent fashion. I'm just curious if i can obtain a high cred rating and keep booking my top guys against each other, or if i'm going to have to baby them by feeding them cans. Also I don't really like stealing talent I'd much prefer to build talent from regens and the unemployed. Are these possible? Or am i doomed to remain amidst the national level never to see improvement?
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The obvious way is to steal top ranked fighters. It's easy to get to 40+% if you start poaching, I understand you don't like to do that so you could maybe consider doing it in the meantime so you can move up in popularity and with time your cred will swell to around 50%. At that point you can stop poaching and even let some of the guys you stole go back. Just an idea, it's interesting because I'm sure this is a dilemma most players will face, as it seems too difficult to raise competitive credibility any other way, yet most players seem to also favor letting other companies keep some of their top guys.
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In WMMA2 I took every top guy and it damn near ruined my game at one point because Alpha, who was second after my company, wouldn't hire any new fighters. Things got really boring and I had to make all kinds of adjustments to bring Alpha back. This time I let a lot of talented fighters do their thing. I was still number one. Suddenly I got fired because of it. Make sure you maintain the credibility because it will cost you.
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