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"American Wrestling": Episode #6

Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Des Davids vs. Freddie Datsun

Alicia Strong and ????? vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez

The Force vs. Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant, Chris Caulfield, and James Justice vs. Peter Valentine, T-Rex, and Tyson Baine


Question: Who will Alicia Strong announce as her tag partner? [+1 Point]

HINT: They are NOT on the USPW roster right now… Melody Cuthill

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Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Des Davids vs. Freddie Datsun

Alicia Strong and ????? vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez

The Force vs. Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant, Chris Caulfield, and James Justice vs. Peter Valentine, T-Rex, and Tyson Baine

Alica' partner...I' going to go with Melody cuthill

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"American Wrestling": Episode #6

Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

no idea so I play safe and pick the champ


Des Davids vs. Freddie Datsun

I agree with Tigerkinney here, Datsun gets a DQ win.


Alicia Strong and ????? vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez

The new girl likely isn´t over enough to get a win here so Alicia gets another loss here.


The Force vs. Jumbo Jackson

Loss here would hurt Jumbo so unless you want to kick him out of the Sneer Corporation he should take this one.


Bruce the Giant, Chris Caulfield, and James Justice vs. Peter Valentine, T-Rex, and Tyson Baine

Valentine has creative control so I go with his team getting a cheap win.


Question: Who will Alicia Strong announce as her tag partner? [+1 Point]

HINT: They are NOT on the USPW roster right now…

No idea, let´s say Amber Allen.

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Guest cmdrsam

Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Des Davids vs. Freddie Datsun

Alicia Strong and ????? vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez

The Force vs. Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant, Chris Caulfield, and James Justice vs. Peter Valentine, T-Rex, and Tyson Baine


As far as the mystery partner, Dont have a friggen clue. So my mom is going to be the mystery partner. lol.

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Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Can't see a TV Title change this soon; you're not one for obvious choices.

Des Davids vs. Freddie Datsun

Des Davids needs to justify why he walked away from Datsun.

Alicia Strong and ????? vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez

I think it's a debut... Can't see the debut losing.

The Force vs. Jumbo Jackson

I honestly think the Sneer Corportation needs a strong week.

Bruce the Giant, Chris Caulfield, and James Justice vs. Peter Valentine, T-Rex, and Tyson Baine

Can't see you jobbing out PV here; especially when there's so much legs in his "greatest ever" streak.


I have a few ideas for the mystery partner; but I'm going to go with Sara Marie York.

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: USPW Icon to retire!

Monday, Second Week of February 2010




Giant Redwood to retire!


After a successful, yet polarizing, tenure with United States Pro Wrestling, Giant Redwood (aka Jethro Jonas) has officially announced that he will be hanging up his boots very shortly. The towering, red-bearded, behemoth was a major attraction for Jillefski’s promotion in it’s early days; however, ever since Sam Strong’s buyout, has struggled to stay healthy enough to make an impact. Those close to the controversial big-man felt that the aging powerhouse may have ‘one more run’ left in him as it pertains to the USPW World Championship; however, such an opportunity appears as though it’s even farther away than ever; especially now that Strong’s administration has begun to play ‘hard-ball’ with the often irritable wrestler.


While it’s unknown at this point, there are some within the USPW camp that credit Erik Vincent’s recent well-documented scolding as a potential reason for why Redwood is on the verge of calling it quits.


As reported on our site a few days ago, Redwood’s typical antics appear to be wearing thin on USPW administration. A close confidant of Sam Strong stated this fact rather well when saying – “When he was an attraction, There was more of a concerted effort to work with his irritability. However, now that he’s taken a lighter focus in recent years, Sam [strong] has begun to set certain parameters for Jonas. EV’s [Erik Vincent] disciplinary outburst wasn’t a shock to any of us; we have talked about this moment for quite some time now… what we would do.”


With that, there are some who are claiming that Redwood would rather leave on his own terms versus potentially being fired by Strong’s administration amidst behavioral issues.


More on this to come…




<hr color="black">
"American Wrestling": Episode #6

Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Des Davids vs. Freddie Datsun

Alicia Strong and ????? vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez

The Force vs. Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant, Chris Caulfield, and James Justice vs. Peter Valentine, T-Rex, and Tyson Baine


Who will Alicia Strong announce as her tag partner? [+1 Point]

HINT: They are NOT on the USPW roster right now…
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What a milestone, E-V. Your 3,000 post is celebrating the removal of the cancer that is Giant Redwood on your company. That'll be one to remember, sir.


You know, I didn't even realize that when I wrote it. ha. What a perfectly fitting way to come to 3,000 posts. ;)





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Well that's a stroke of luck. Giant Redwood toppled after barely raising a verbal axe in anger... or something. :rolleyes:


Just finished Episode #5. As always, a strong show although one I don't have a great deal of views on as for the most part, it kinda did what it needed to do following the ppv. Sneer Corp got a lot of attention, picked up a little momentum along the way and the brutal canning of Anger really set the tone of Sneer's regime well. The combination of Bryden, J-Ro and Devine has a lot of potential (I think there's a recent re-render of Seduction in the re-render thread if you're looking to flash her mug around too) and Jillefski's ordeal calling the show alongside Belle kept me amused.


Beyond that, I loved the main event finish as I'm a sucker for supernatural trickery and big set-pieces. The old 'slammed to hell' routine also allowed you to have Enygma 'lose' without him really losing as such, although Bruce and Caulfields separate exploits make me wonder what sort of short-term future the tag belts will have (not that there's exactly much argument for giving them a whole lot of focus at the moment). Anyway, all good stuff.

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Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Devine walks away with the title through a little help from his friends.


Des Davids vs. Freddie Datsun

Some form of draw to keep things going here.


Alicia Strong and ????? vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez

A shocking debut and a shocking win for Alicia and Ms. Squiggles.


The Force vs. Jumbo Jackson

SneerCorps. gets the win.


Bruce the Giant, Chris Caulfield, and James Justice vs. Peter Valentine, T-Rex, and Tyson Baine

Valentine gets Justice in the Legend Lock and gets the eventual submission


Question: Who will Alicia Strong announce as her tag partner? [+1 Point]


I am going to say Alison Rush aka Gorgon as her surprise partner. Bring in a beast to deal with Bryden and Rodriguez.

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Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

New allies = new momentum methinks.


Des Davids vs. Freddie Datsun

I'm guessing Davids keeps heat somehow due to the angle, DQ win perhaps?


Alicia Strong and ????? vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez

Basing this on the fact I've got no real idea on Strong's partner.


The Force vs. Jumbo Jackson

Jackson is currently higher in the pecking order.


Bruce the Giant, Chris Caulfield, and James Justice vs. Peter Valentine, T-Rex, and Tyson Baine

Combining three feuds into one... hmm, I favour the faces in this one.


Question: Who will Alicia Strong announce as her tag partner? [+1 Point]

HINT: They are NOT on the USPW roster right now…


I'm also going to vouch for Gorgon too. She's f-ugly foil for Bryden and J-Ro to play off of, but she's also a credible threat (plus history with Cherry Bomb, what's not to love?).

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Well that's a stroke of luck. Giant Redwood toppled after barely raising a verbal axe in anger... or something. :rolleyes:




The second he retires, he's on his way out the door. ha. I know that may be giving too much information before hand, not wanting to spell things out before hand as it becomes common knowledge versus a part of the ride, but I've wanted Redwood out for a bit now.


He'll get a decent send-off though. Even though I can't really stand the guy, and he has really no talent to help me out, he
an Icon of the USPW-landscape. So, we'll give him a good going away for that reason (removing my feelings for him from the reality of a big-time name going away).


Just finished Episode #5. As always, a strong show although one I don't have a great deal of views on as for the most part, it kinda did what it needed to do following the ppv. Sneer Corp got a lot of attention, picked up a little momentum along the way and the brutal canning of Anger really set the tone of Sneer's regime well. The combination of Bryden, J-Ro and Devine has a lot of potential (I think there's a recent re-render of Seduction in the re-render thread if you're looking to flash her mug around too) and Jillefski's ordeal calling the show alongside Belle kept me amused.


It certainly felt like a 'post-PPV' show when I was writing/booking. While that often means 'new opportunities', switching things around a bit, I felt, this early, It was best to keep things in-line with what we've known up until now. With USPW, I don't want to succumb to the modern trend of having feuds last only a month long. So, in the end, there is more that needs to be done to keep things fresh. Since the start of the project though, I think I counted 10 different storylines that are running right now... haha. As you can guess, it's going to become almost impossible to keep them ALL going on one show. ha.


@J-Ro, Bryden, Devine, and Seduction:
I'm not going to lie, as a writer, I'm really excited about this bunch. While it'll come out more as we go, think of J-Ro's antics recently as a good example of WHAT they are all about. They're the popular elite you often see in every high school across America these days; pretty, cool, and very bully-like in their ways of keeping themselves on top based upon their looks alone.


@Guest Commentators:
I quite like how it's shaped up thus far. Randall will bring a totally different vibe to the broadcast this week, as his character is ENTIRELY different, but that's the fun about it all. Some weeks you get arguing, others you get a party, others you get pure craziness. It'll be a lot of fun to work with going forward.


@Sneer Corp/Anger:
I'll first say, I actually like Anger a lot as a character. That said, he stuck out like a sore-thumb with the Sneer Corp these days; as it was impossible for me to put him over the big names the Corp is feuding with right now. That said, his removal is just to show that Sneer is serious about his employees being 'the best'. As time goes on, we'll see this narrative continue to climb; however, it's not like every loss from here on out means that that member is then kicked out; it was just a one-time thing.... Something that could repeat with time I suppose. All in all, I want the Sneer Corp to seem like ANYTHING could happen (as that's typically what happens when you have a man like Sneer at the helm).


Beyond that, I loved the main event finish as I'm a sucker for supernatural trickery and big set-pieces. The old 'slammed to hell' routine also allowed you to have Enygma 'lose' without him really losing as such, although Bruce and Caulfields separate exploits make me wonder what sort of short-term future the tag belts will have (not that there's exactly much argument for giving them a whole lot of focus at the moment). Anyway, all good stuff.


I'm the same way, Sebs; I have a love of the kayfabe approach to supernatural characters. At first, I was planning on booking Enygma as a straight Batman/Sting figure; however, recently, I felt there was a lot of room to broaden his character; adding some drama to the mix. Going forward, I have big plans for the 'Darkened Hero'.


Their pairing as tag team champions has always been a tentative one for me. I knew, from a game perspective, that it would be hard to book them on a weekly basis to defend the crown. In this way, I can keep the tag belts in the forefront; however, can build the tag division before the titles really become 'relevant' on a weekly basis. As for their relationship, it's a rocky one for sure. I'm trying my best not to make Bruce too 'grey' (tweener) as the USPW's product doesn't call for it but, right now, from a reality perspective, one can't really expect Chris and Bruce to be THAT close of friends after warring for a good 4 months or so. In the end, they are the champs but, by no means, friends...

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The Force to address the USPW Faithful come Wednesday; "American Wrestling"!


There is
breaking news
out of USPW headquarters that THE most decorated man in company history, and, quite possibly, THE most beloved figure as well,
The Force
, will be making a
major announcement come this Wednesday
. While little is known in the way of details at the moment, it’s been said that those closest to him feel as though ‘the fire may have burned out’. Even with such an ambiguous statement as that, rumors are starting to run ramped that the 9-time USPW Champion may be unknowingly hinting toward retirement.


Tune in this Wednesday to witness The Force’s monumental announcement…




<hr color="black">
"American Wrestling": Episode #6

Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Des Davids vs. Freddie Datsun

Alicia Strong and ????? vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez

The Force vs. Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant, Chris Caulfield, and James Justice vs. Peter Valentine, T-Rex, and Tyson Baine


Who will Alicia Strong announce as her tag partner? [+1 Point]

HINT: They are NOT on the USPW roster right now…

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"American Wrestling": Episode #6

Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Des Davids vs. Freddie Datsun

Alicia Strong and ????? vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez

The Force vs. Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant, Chris Caulfield, and James Justice vs. Peter Valentine, T-Rex, and Tyson Baine


Question: Who will Alicia Strong announce as her tag partner? [+1 Point]

This is a long shot, but I'm going to say Melody Cuthill. Maybe her contract came up.

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Just as a general heads-up, I'm only 3 segments away, and some small formatting, away from posting the
6th Episode of "American Wrestling"
. I'm not entirely sure when it'll be up for sure; however, I'll be sure to leave a 24 hour warning for those interested in reading the show. At this point, as it's been recently,
It'll probably be done before Monday
; keeping in-line with my typical time-line (booking, posting the card, and writing the show all in a week).


With that said, here are some general thoughts I've had recently while writing this episode:


  • My love of Sam Strong is becoming more powerful as each show goes on. At first, I knew I wanted to portray him differently than just a Hogan-knock-off. Up until this point, I'm really happy with how the "Alpha American" has come across; stern, rugged, brutish in his ways, and, really, the stereotypical 'blue collar' boss-man.

  • The faction with Devine, Rodriguez, Bryden, Seduction (name coming during this next show), is a group that I'm really loving thus far. Perfect heel group; while also staying pretty simple in nature. Think of them, in a way, much like the snobbish, apathetically cool, high school popular elite (only in adulthood. ha).

  • Unlike previous projects, I already have a framework for what's going to happen in the next 2 months or so; which is a stark contrast to how I use to book (week by week). I guess, with this project, I have goals that I really want to accomplish & I've spanned out those goals over the next few months.

  • I would love to incorporate a high flying division in USPW; however, A) don't have that many fliers on the roster to start with, B) I'm not really wanting to go on a hiring spree right now, and C) we already have a crap-ton of titles already. ha. I guess, it's more of a long-term goal if I can find the room to do so.

  • Alicia's mystery tag partner creates a new vibe for the women's division (if not the entire company). I don't want to get too much into it, as it would probably tip people off as to what I'm doing with this spot; however, her addition, at least to me, makes good sense; as it pertains to the Strong mentality. On top of that, It adds some depth to the division from a storyline perspective as well.

  • I'm enjoying writing a 'modern version of kayfabe' with USPW. Not modern as in the in-ring product type but rather an updated version of 'kayfabe' entertainment.

  • For a writer who tends to LOVE the rebellious, overthrowing, kind of nature (a la: PSW, DOA, 4C, etc.), I've come to REALLY embrace the 'Traditionalist' mentality that comes with USPW. Honor, Pride, Hard-nosed, tough as nails, American Gladiators, with a flare for the dramatic (a la: Soap Opera-esque). It's been a great product to write for thus far! With time, I may try to evolve some things from a product perspective (as I've done so very slightly to match my writing style; adding it slowly over-time and at 'major moments' to make it feel realistic); however, this overall tone will always remain.




<hr color="black">
"American Wrestling": Episode #6

Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Des Davids vs. Freddie Datsun

Alicia Strong and ????? vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez

The Force vs. Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant, Chris Caulfield, and James Justice vs. Peter Valentine, T-Rex, and Tyson Baine


Who will Alicia Strong announce as her tag partner? [+1 Point]

HINT: They are NOT on the USPW roster right now…
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Just wanted to give everyone a friendly heads up that the 6th Episode of "American Wrestling" will be up in the next 24 hours!


In reality, as has become custom for me lately, given my busier schedule, you can expect the show sometime around 12:00 AM (CST) tomorrow night (monday morning).


To those who want to take part in the prediction challenge, started last week, then make sure to leave behind your thoughts on this week's episode!








<hr color="black">
"American Wrestling": Episode #6

Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Des Davids vs. Freddie Datsun

Alicia Strong and ????? vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez

The Force vs. Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant, Chris Caulfield, and James Justice vs. Peter Valentine, T-Rex, and Tyson Baine


Who will Alicia Strong announce as her tag partner? [+1 Point]

HINT: They are NOT on the USPW roster right now…
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Episode #6

Wednesday, 2nd Week of February 2010

Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)








Danny Jillefski:
Mystery plagues United States Pro Wrestling as there are MANY unanswered questions these days. Where has Enygma gone? Who is Alicia Strong’s mystery partner in tonight’s tag match against Bryden and Rodriguez? What’s made Bruce the Giant so irritable these days? And, finally, now that the Sneer Corporation has weaned it’s numbers down by one, are they any more of a threat to the USPW Patriots? So many questions… So little answers…

Randall Hopkirk:
Don’t let the questions get ya down, Dann-o!! We only live once; might as well live it like a never-ending Part-ay!

[Randall flashes his signature ‘rock star’ hand gesture]

Danny Jillefski:
Sadly, Randall, my position calls for me to find the answers to these questions; to document where we’ve come from, where we are, and where we will be tomorrow!

Randall Hopkirk:
[Dramatic Snoring]
Let’s get this show on the road, Dann-o!! I hate sittin’ still!!

Danny Jillefski:
Lucky for you, and for all of us, that’s exactly what we’re about to do. After days of speculation, rumors running ramped about his ‘big announcement’, the Force will meet me in the center of that very ring to discuss what’s been on his mind as of late… That’s coming up… Right now!!




… An unpainted, unrecognizable, everyman …


[From the sound of it, that being his well-known
, we were all expecting The Force to explode through the curtain in a combustible fashion; recklessly speeding toward the ring with a level of energy never seen outside of his frame. In reality, we receive none of the sort. Instead, THE most decorated man in USPW history is shown slowly shuffling through the black entrance curtain; his mannerism entirely the opposite of what we have come to expect from the man.]


[With no face paint on, and really no pop to his step, the Force slowly staggers his way toward the ringside area; raising his hand in the air in an awkward fashion as he looks to half-assingly celebrate his entrance. More or less, he looks like a man whose been broken; a person who, at least by the look on his face, has lost everything he owns.]



Danny Jillefski

… A friend is shocked and confused …


[Once in the ring, The Force is met by the utterly confused presence of the USPW’s head announcer, and good friend of the Force’s, Danny Jillefski. For a split second, breaking from his iron-clad sense of professionalism, Danny leans in, off mic, and asks his fading friend whether or not he’s ‘okay’. In return, the Force does nothing to really subdue his fears; sadly nodding ‘yes’ while not really telling so through the rest of his body language. In the end, as the Force’s theme music comes to a close, everyone stands in shock as their beloved crazed-man, the man with lightning in his own veins, is projected before them; broken, overtly tired, and without any connection to his former self.]


Danny Jillefski:
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a list of questions that I had prepared for tonight but…
[Continues to look at the defeated Force with absolute confusion]
… I’m afraid there are MORE pressing matters at the moment.


[Danny continues to stare upon the Force; in a state of shock really. Meanwhile, the unpainted USPW Icon looks more like ‘joe schmoe’, straight off a construction site, than the explosive warrior who once toppled the competition on a yearly basis!]


Danny Jillefski:
I could talk in circles, gussy it up for everyone, but, truthfully, I want to get straight to the point…
[Looks at the Force; confused, almost, to tears.]
What’s happened to you? Where’s the face-paint we’ve all come to know-and-love? Where’s that incessant bounce in your step? That explosive nature that defines you as… The Force?


[The crowd buzzes with anticipation as The Force is shown shying away eye contact; obviously defeated in his body language. A once proud man, one of the most influential figures in USPW history, now looks like a shy 13 year old boy on the verge of his first school dance. With that in mind, without even speaking on the mic, and while looking down on the canvas below in a saddened fashion, the Force is heard saying
“It’s gone”
. Even this simple of a statement seems rather hollow, entirely striped of the usual life that comes with his presence, as it’s blatantly obvious that he’s been cast into some sort of depression of sorts.]


Danny Jillefski:
What do you MEAN ‘it’s Gone’? That’s impossible! You can’t just wake up one day and lose everything that makes you… YOU!
[shakes his head; still in shock; however, growing to the anger stage.]
Snap out of it, Force!! Snap out of it!!!


[The Force shy’s away still, looking down on the canvas below, as he continues to mutter off the microphone.
”I can’t, Danny… It’s gone… All of it… It’s gone…”
is how he responds; defeated even in his tone. In return, after hearing this, Danny continues to grow more toward a slightly-more angered state as the shock is becoming too much to take.]


Danny Jillefski:
All of what?


[Danny tries to make eye contact with the Force; however, is unable to do so as the canvas is the only place the former USPW World Champion is looking upon right now.]


Danny Jillefski:
[The Force’s head perks up slightly]
All of what?!


[A brief staredown follows as neither man is really able to break free from the shock of this moment. Seconds pass as the long-time friends continue to look deep into eachother’s eyes; a look of pain forming upon both of their faces in the process. In the end, again, off-microphone, the Force is heard relaying another statement in a sheepish manner; meanwhile, back peddling in a defeated fashion toward the ring ropes in which to leave the ring.
”The Force is gone, Danny. I lost it… it’s gone
. Then, just as he’s about to exit the ringside all together, he’s heard stating one last message while painstakingly making eye contact with Danny Jillefski briefly;
It’s just James now… My civilian name… James Dayton


Danny Jillefski:
Wait!! Force!! Come back!! Let’s talk about this!!


[Despite his plea, The man we once knew proudly as The Force now exits the ringside area as nothing of the sort; now under his civilian name, as he put it, James Dayton. Sadly, with every step, the sheepish man looks as if he’s been broken-in-two from a psychological perspective; sluggish, tiresome, and without much direction really. In the end, as he turns around to embrace the fans before exiting into the back, raising his arm up in the air in a, rather, generic celebratory manner, the plot only seems to thicken that much more…]



Jumbo Jackson

… ‘The Enforcer’ sees an opportunity …


[As James Dayton’s back is turned to the entrance curtain, the Sneer Corporation’s menacing “Enforcer”, Jumbo Jackson, is shown exploding through said black curtain; slamming his massive boot square into the back of Dayton’s head. The impact is so powerful, so body-jolting, that the man once known as the Force is cast viciously to the steel grating of the “American Wrestling” stage; semi-conscious as the camera man gets a close shot of his face wincing in pain. In the end, as Jumbo stands over his fallen victim with a grotesque sense of pride, raising both of his arms in the air much like a proud gladiator celebrating an epic kill, the lasting image is that of a tight-shot of James Dayton barely gripping onto consciousness as he lays face down on the steel grating of the “American Wrestling” stage.]


Grade: C


Randall Hopkirk:
Dude, this is some crazy stuff going down here tonight… The Force is no more? Broseph wants to be called by his REAL name now? Now I ‘aint the smartest tool in the shed, I’ll freely admit to that, but… I’m confused…




Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield

… The Tag Champs; entering separately ...


[shortly after what can only be called as the ‘death of the Force’, We are suddenly given a prepared video package which clearly shows that there is trouble in paradise with the newfound USPW World Tag Team Champions. In a blockbuster exclusive, we are shown footage of both men entering the Huntsville Fairgrounds; carrying their respective gold; however, not doing so side-by-side. In reality, a small account of what time it was is shown in the corner of the screen in which to further his narrative; with both men entering a good 30 minutes apart. All in all, it’s rather obvious that these two simply are not on the same page despite being held collectively as tag team champions.]


Grade: B


Danny Jillefski:
It’s rather obvious folks, the USPW World Tag Team Champions are SIMPLY not on the same page! Entering the fairgrounds 30 minutes apart, talking to different people backstage, holding ‘fort’ in separate parts of the USPW camp, it’s not good news, folks! Not good news at all!

Randall Hopkirk:
I guess it goes to show; Gold doesn’t always bring you closer, Dann-o!

Danny Jillefski:
I thought it seemed pretty weird that these two could bury the hatchet so quickly after beating the living snot out of one another. I guess, their shared hatred of all things Sneer brought them together but now it looks like they’re barely holding on as a team.

Randall Hopkirk:
Buzzkill, Dann-o! Straight Buzzkill!




Andre “Da Freak” Jones © vs. Darryl “Mighty Fine” Devine
w/ “The Alluring ELITE”

[uSPW Television Championship Match]



While not entirely menacing from a traditional standpoint, Devine’s newfound alliance of beauty follows closely behind him; sending the message right away that these four now travel only in pack-form. Andre, sensing it would take something special to come away with the win does exactly that; meeting his challenger with an explosive onslaught straight away. Bouncing around the ring, utilizing his sheer athleticism as his ultimate tool for success, “Da Freak” stands true to his championship ways; meeting Devine ‘in the middle’ as they war in an open fashion. In the end, sadly, their altercation relies very loosely on prideful competition. While the ‘Alluring Elite’ do their best to distract the champ, the real ‘game-changer’ comes in the form of a newly debuting behemoth.


As Eugene Williams is distracted by the beauties at ringside, catching the often professional referee in a momentary lapse of focus as he attempts to remove them from the ringside area, unhappy with their distracting ways, the menacing sight of unknown big-man rushing through the crowd, climbing over the guardrail and entering the ring, becomes evident.




In a matter of a few seconds, Jones, attempting to leap off the top rope, connecting with the unknown big-man, is literally caught in the air; slammed down to the unforgiving canvas with a bone-crushing forward slam. Seconds later, as the gigantic figure has exited the ring, stepping over the top rope in a methodical fashion, Devine is shown awaiting the Champ’s ascension; slamming him back to the canvas with his signature “Devine Dream Drop” (Twisting Side-Suplex). From there, there is little that can be done; Devine has won the USPW Television Championship thanks to the help of an unknown, truly menacing, big-man.


Darryl Devine wins the USPW Television Championship by defeating Andre Jones in 9:50 via a “Devine Dream Drop” (Twisting Side Suplex).

Grade: C-


Danny Jillefski:

[both Hopkirk and Jillefski stare at the behemoth who stands before their commentary table; his back to them at this point]

Randall Hopkirk:
I think his face is trying revolt against itself…
Now THAT’s the definition of UGLY!!

[Danny looks to Randall in that ‘SHHHH; shutup man’ kind of manner]

Danny Jillefski:
Randall… He’s right there…

Randall Hopkirk:
I’m just sayin’, the man needs a mask or something…

[Danny looks to be somewhat afraid of what may happen; knowing that the unknown big-man is not that far from the commentary desk.]




Darryl Devine ©, Joanne Rodriguez, Belle Bryden + Seduction and ????

… The “Alluring ELITE” celebrate Devine …


[shortly after the match has come to a close, we witness the sight of the overtly beautiful, yet extremely polarizing, ‘popular club’ known as the “Alluring ELITE” celebrating as one in the center of the ring; joined by their newfound big-man whose name has yet to be announced. With that said, as they celebrate as one, not entirely excited as it wouldn’t be all that ‘cool’ to seem thrilled, the faction celebrates in an apathetic kind of fashion.]


[Meanwhile, we now transition from the ringside area in which to see the very same presentation now displayed on a small closed-circuit TV; positioned atop what seems to be an oak pedestal. As the camera man pans out, we now realize that it’s actually Sam Strong’s towering oak desk for which the TV rests upon; meanwhile, Sam Strong is shown seated behind said desk; staring upon the action in a stern nature. Slowly, we pan out slightly more to see that there’s another new face standing within the segment; a slightly oiled boxer with an intense stare that could kill on it’s own.]



Sam Strong and Brutus O’Leary

… The “Hands of Stone” debuts …


[While the unknown boxer wrenches his hands, breaking them in continually in a typical fighter fashion, Strong slowly turns his attention away from the TV screen; deterring his eyes slightly in which to gaze upon the new-face within the space of his traveling office. With, seemingly, one eye on the scenario at hand, that being the “Alluring ELITE” apathetically celebrating Devine’s victory like ‘popular one’s’ often do, the other sternly delivered eye burns a hole through the boxer’s face; seemingly annoyed in his, typical, rugged-man, irritable, fashion.]


Sam Strong:
“Hands of Stone”, huh?
[Analyzes the man before him; still keeping his one eye on the action unfolding in the ring.]
We’ll see how well those ‘Golden Gloves ‘of yours work in the USPW.
[Pauses; nods with a stern sense of confidence.]
It’s about time someone K-O’s that ‘pretty-boy’…


[With that, Strong turns back to look at the closed-circuit TV screen positioned perfectly at the end of his towering, awe-inspiringly flawless, executive oak desk. With one statement, seemingly out of ‘left field’ as it pertains to what we’ve seen recently, or really what we HAVEN’T seen recently, it becomes rather obvious that Sam Strong isn’t very fond of Darryl Devine; or his newfound faction most likely as well. None the less, as the segment comes to a close, we witness a side shot of the debuting “Hands of Stone” Brutus O’Leary nodding his head in approval; displaying a slight snarl while continuing to punch into his own hand as he ‘breaks-down’ his knuckles that much more.]


Grade: C-


Randall Hopkirk:
Who’s that crazy B-A bruiser? That’s the kind of punk I’d like to have backing me up in a bar fight!
[Laughs; flashes the ‘rock star’ symbol with his hand]

Danny Jillefski:
That’s the man they call “Hands of Stone”! When I first heard he was being brought in by Strong, I made sure to do my homework on the man. He’s a former ‘Golden Glove’ winner, dominating the Brooklyn indy boxing circuit for the last couple years, and someone you can really call a ‘man’s man’. Hard as nails, tough as concrete, O’Leary is JUST the kind of guy Strong goes for.

Randall Hopkirk:
Golden Gloves? Tough as Nails? Meh… I’d rather celebrate throughout the night then get up early and train!
[Laughs; again showing the ‘rock star’ symbol while sticking his tongue out]
‘Hopkirk 24-7’!!!

Danny Jillefski:
Indeed, Randall…
[stares at Randall in a ‘riiiiigghhht’ kind of fashion.]
[shakes it off; looks back to the camera.]
It looks like O’Leary is coming to “American Wrestling” next week, Folks! While we don’t know his EXACT target, it looks like Strong may have a “Mighty One” in his path!




Des Davids vs. Freddie Datsun

[Grudge Match]


Freddie Datsun is pissed. In the typical ‘man-scorned’ kind of scenario, Datsun comes straight out of the gate looking to beat his revenge out of his former partner. Straight away, that’s exactly what happens as the crowd roars with excitement; cheering on the last of THEIR former team. As time goes on; however, Davids unique mix of athleticism, and sheer force, becomes an ultimate equalizer to that of internal aggression. In the end, proving himself to be a changed man, no longer acting in a honorable manner, Davids is shown torpedoing his former partner square into the metal turnbuckle pole from within the ring; forcing Datsun’s right shoulder to spear the reinforcing pole in the process. From there on out, Datsun shows to be in absolute pain; however, trying to simply shake it off without doing so. When all is said and done, Datsun’s injury comes to cost him the match as Davids executes a running shoulder breaker from an original standing powerslam. In intense pain, blacking out at one point due to it, Davids is ultimately able to pick-up the victory; crushing Datsun’s shoulder in the process.


Des Davids defeats Freddie Datsun in 8:04 via a Running Shoulder-Breaker.

Grade: D


Danny Jillefski:
I’m afraid Freddie Datsun may be in a lot of trouble here, Randall. I know the man, and while I would never count him out for any reason, you can see it all over his face; his shoulder is pretty badly banged up.

Randall Hopkirk:
A spear into the pole, and a shoulder-breaker like that, there ‘aint no doubt that he’s in a lot of pain right now, Dann-o!
[shakes his head; grimacing]
I hate to say it but it looks like Davids’ new outlook really made a difference here…

Danny Jillefski:
He used to be such an upstanding guy… Now, I feel as though his heart has gone cold or something. To put a former friend through that… I just don’t get it.

Randall Hopkirk:
He’s a crazy mamma-jamma’; that’s for sure. Let’s just hope Datsun can pull it around…

Danny Jillefski:
Hopefully; that way Des gets what’s comin’ to him…




“The Alluring ELITE”

… Awaiting Strong; looking apathetically cool…


[After a short entrance to the ring, walking as ‘one’ despite seeming as though each and every member feels as though THEY are the only one that matters, the newfound alliance of “The Alluring ELITE” stand within the ring; apathetically attempting to look cool while, all, appearing as though they could be on a model-shoot this very moment. Seconds later, as Alicia’s theme music beings to blare over the Huntsville Fairground’s sound system, the arrogantly-wound pretties don’t appear to be all that interested (expect for the unknown muscle who appears to be aggressively snarling in her direction); stereotypically playing the collective role much like a popular high school clique.]



Alicia Strong

… The ‘Blue Collar Beauty’ brings back-up …


[standing atop the rampway, looking much like an everyday beauty in her own right, the youthful Strong stares upon her heated rival, Joanne Rodriguez, with an intensity unknown to Alicia at this point in his career. Often respected, almost always victorious, the ‘Blue Collar Beauty’ has had to endure absolute pain from psychological perspective from Ms. Rodriguez; the kind of situation normally only seen on elementary school playgrounds. None the less, as she slowly pulls a microphone up to her pouty lips, the youthful Strong is heard pointing her words directly at “High Fashion”; never taking her eyes off of Joanne in the process.]


Alicia Strong:
It’s been a mystery to you all, for the last week, as to WHO I would name as my partner in tonight’s tag match. For me, there was no mystery; no confusion as to WHO I would ask.
In the strong household, there is an iron-clad phrase that rests above our kitchen doorway: “When life gets tough, when challenges arise, when your heart is broken, when fear overtakes, turn to family; they will see you through.”
A few days ago, I did exactly that…


[The crowd pops with excitement; not entirely sure what THAT may mean yet eager to find out. Meanwhile, the apathetically cool “Alluring ELITE” continue to gaze upon Alicia as if her speech has gone on ‘too long’ at this point; arrogantly writing her off already.]


Alicia Strong:
She may not be blood… but that doesn’t matter. To me, she’s been my sister as far back as I can remember; dancing in backstage hallways of Wrestling Arenas when we were 7, drawing pictures of our favorite wrestlers when we were 10, breaking into the business at the same time; following in our father’s footsteps with pride.
So allow me to introduce my tag team partner for tonight… Making her United States Pro Wrestling debut… My


[With that, an unfamiliar theme song begins to blare over the Huntsville Fairgrounds as Alicia turns to the side; clapping enthusiastically for the woman she calls her ‘sister’. Seconds later, with an energetic bounce to her step, Marie Starr officially makes her USPW debut by stepping through the black entrance curtain; instantly embracing Alicia with a gigantic hug!]



Marie Starr

… Micky’s Daughter joins the USPW …


[As the realization starts to take hold, placing the last name with time, the USPW faithful respond with a hefty response of excitement; showering the 2nd generation competitor with a response fit for wrestling royalty. All in all, as their loving hug comes to a close, the long-time ‘sisters’ confidently step toward the squared circle; powerful in thought as they are walking together. Meanwhile, the members of the “Alluring ELITE” don’t seem to really care all that much; shrugging off the excitement with a hefty-dose of arrogance. Well, everyone but the unknown ‘muscle’ who continues to snarl like a raging dog looking at a T-Bone steak; a fact that has him standing out more so than normal when surrounded by such beautiful people.]


Grade: D


Danny Jillefski:
Little Marie has FINALLY come to United States Pro Wrestling! I can remember this young woman when she was barely walking; running to Micky backstage at an event. Now look at her; all grown up!
[Proudly smiles]
This is a GREAT day in USPW history…

Randall Hopkirk:
These gals have it in their blood, Dann-o! You can just tell by the way they walk…
[Nods his head dramatically]
You don’t wanna mess with these two!

Danny Jillefski:
Folks, We’re in for quite the treat… Alicia Strong… Marie Starr… Joanne Rodriguez… Belle Bryden… It’s happening… RIGHT… NOW!




Alicia Strong and Marie Starr vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez
w/ “The Alluring ELITE”


Despite being her first night in a USPW ring, Marie Starr looks extremely comfortable within it’s ropes. Even with the menacing sight of the USPW Television Champion, Darryl Devine, and his unknown muscle, standing at ringside, the long-time friends (Alicia & Marie) look as though they were born for this very moment; working like a well-oiled machine in their first outing together. Whenever it looked like Joanne, or Belle, were on the verge of breaking their spirits, the beloved babyfaces always found a way to re-charge eachother’s batteries; motiving one another just as much as throwing punches at their opposition.




In the end, even as the unknown muscle, and Devine, look to interfere, with Devine holding Alicia captive only to have the big-man crash into Devine as Strong is able to weasel her way out, the ending shot came from the newly discovered Marie; landing her signature “Super-Starr” (spinning neckbreaker) upon the unsuspecting Joanne Rodriguez. The maneuver, in all of it’s twisting impactful glory, appears to be powerful enough to subdue even the most hard-headed competitors as “High Fashion” herself is unable to respond to a 3-count against her favor.


Alicia Strong and Marie Starr defeat Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez in 9:58 via a “Super-Starr” (Spinning neckbreaker) from Marie upon Joanne.

Grade: C




With a look of absolute disdain upon her face, Ms. Rodriguez slowly pulls her head from the canvas; projecting a snarling sense of hatred in the process. The often gorgeous face of “High Fashion” now looks devilish in nature as it’s obvious that she’s unhappy about the loss. Meanwhile, as the rest of the “Alluring ELITE” help her to her feet, Alicia and Marie are shown celebrating up the rampway as they back-peddle happily; raising eachother’s hands in victory.


Danny Jillefski:
What a debut!!! Marie Starr is just another example that, sometimes, success is just in your blood!

Randall Hopkirk:
Who’da thunk it? We just witnessed a Starr and a Strong competing as tag partners… in 2010!!! Craz-ay!

Danny Jillefski:
I suppose you’re right…
[Laughs; somewhat shocked]
THIS is what USPW is all about, folks; long-standing tradition! Two of the most powerful wrestling names in history… forming as one to meet one’s rivals! If Alicia was going to turn to ANYONE… It was going to be her life-long friend, Marie Starr!!




Cherry Bomb © and Raven Robinson

… Backstage argument …


[shortly following the Strong/Starr victory, a phrase that many felt would never be uttered in professional wrestling since the 80’s, we are now presented the sight of the fiery USPW Women’s Champion, Cherry Bomb, standing across from the former champion in her own right, “The Dark Angel”, Raven Robinson. With a heated staredown already in progress, neither looks to back-down from the other; fixated on one another as they meet in an aggressive manner somewhere ‘backstage’ of the Huntsville Fairgrounds.]


[After what seems like a lengthy moment of silence, the unsettling quiet is finally broken as “The Dark Angel” begins to speak in a challenging manner. Meanwhile, Cherry Bomb simple stands across from her, raging within, as it seems like she could ‘explode’ at any second now; a fact that is often typical with the dominating Women’s Champion.]


Raven Robinson:
It may not be tonight, it may not be tomorrow,… deep down, It doesn’t really matter WHEN…
[stares deep into the fiery Cherry Bomb’s eyes; matching her intensity which is a feat in it’s own right]
I will reclaim the USPW Women’s Championship… mark my words… This won’t be the last of me in your face…


[Cherry Bomb, showing that she isn’t threatened in the slightest, actually shuffles closer to the former Champ; getting straight in her face as she sticks her chin out in a confrontational fashion. With that, a few more seconds pass with complete silence; that is until Cherry Bomb finally speaks up in her, typical, explosive nature.]


Cherry Bomb:
You HAD your chance, Raven. You came, you saw, and you failed…
[Pauses; stares Raven in the eyes in a fiery fashion]
… miserably.


[The abrasive, ultra-destructive, Champ Pauses; meanwhile, Raven’s demeanor grows more aggressive in it’s tone in response to Cherry Bomb’s statement.]


Cherry Bomb:
Enjoy the view at the back of the line…


[Cherry Bomb pauses once again as the two competitors stare viciously into eachother’s eyes. For a second, it looks like the segment may come to a close in that simple of a manner; however, soon thereafter, the plot thickens…]



Micky Starr

… Booking for Next Week …


[As Cherry Bomb and Raven Robinson stare eachother down, neither giving ground in the process, the recently appointed ‘Women’s Wrestling Czar’, Wrestling LEGEND, Micky Starr, is shown shuffling onto the scene; his puffing chest showing up in-between the two competitors. Slowly, the camera man pans out in which to see the aging ICON standing in the close background; projecting a stern sense of confidence that often comes with those who competed in his generation.]


Micky Starr:
I wouldn’t speak so fast, there Cherry…


[Cherry Bomb slowly turns her attention to look at Micky in the same aggressive manner; slowly turning her neck as if she were to say ‘You’ve got to be kidding me; Did you just interrupt me?’. In return, Starr looks unshaken by the menacing stare from the Women’s Champ.]


Cherry Bomb:
Close your trap, Gramps…
This has nothin’ to do with you…


Micky Starr:
Oh, but, missy, it does…
[Pauses; looks at the two of them]
Next week, “American Wrestling”, we’re going to have ourselves a battle royal…
Every girl for themselves. The winner goes on to challenge for YOUR strap at “Red, White, Black, and Blue” later this month.
[Pauses; looks Cherry deep in the eye with a stern sense of confidence]
So, at this point, you may still have a “Dark Angel” over your shoulder…


[Cherry Bomb’s mannerisms simply deflect such a statement, turning her attention back toward Raven as “The Dark Angel” slowly projects a sly grin across her porcelain-like face. In the end, the segment comes to a close with the two of them locked in a feverish stare-down; meanwhile, Micky is shown standing authoritatively in the close background; stern in his conviction.]


Raven Robinson:
You can’t escape me, Cherry Bomb…
[stares into her eyes; grinning in a sly fashion]
I’m going to win next week, and when I do… I’ll light that wick of yours and watch you explode…


Cherry Bomb:
I’d like to see ya try…


[The USPW Women’s Champion Sticks her chin out; looking toward Raven in a combative fashion. Meanwhile, the segment comes to a close with Bomb and Raven feverishly staring eachother down; all the while Micky stands in a gruff, statue-esque, fashion in the background.]


Grade: C


Danny Jillefski:
Did you hear that, Randall? We’ve got ourselves a Women’s Battle Royal set for next week on “American Wrestling”! Wow! What a way to stroll into ‘Hollywood’ than having a hotly-contested war between some of THE greatest women wrestlers in Pro Wrestling history!

Randall Hopkirk:
[Nods his head in a dramatic fashion; over the top]
I’m lookin’ forward to this one, Dann-o! These lovely ladies sure pack a punch!

Danny Jillefski:
They certainly do, Randall! They certainly do!




vs. “The Enforcer” Jumbo Jackson


The man we once called “The Force” looks to be a shell of his former-self; meek, tentative, and somewhat rigid in his actions. With this in mind, it should come as NO shock that Jumbo pretty much has his way with the un-painted Dayton. Sure, there are moments where James looks as though he may be summoning his internal ‘force’, getting on a roll of sorts; however, such excitement is quickly squashed by the overpowering strikes of the Sneer Corporation’s Enforcer. In the end, with Dayton half-conscious, leaning heavily into a corner of the squared circle, Jackson is shown steam-rolling ahead; leaping into the air for a gigantic corner-splash. Shockingly, Dayton is able to maneuver out of the way, if by second nature, as Jumbo’s head collides with the corner of the ring-post. In dramatic fashion, the big-man crashes to the canvas in a thunderous heap as Dayton lays on the canvas next to him; shocked by what he sees before him. As the shock begins to subside, Dayton quickly scurries his way over to “The Enforcer”; jumping atop of his motionless body and ultimately receiving a SHOCKING 3-count in his favor! As expected, as Dayton’s hand is raised as the victory, obviously shocked by what has just happened, yet still meek in his demeanor, the USPW faithful are heard cheering like crazy for the most decorated man in USPW history.


James Dayton defeats Jumbo Jackson in 5:57 via a botched corner splash from Jackson; hitting his head on the ring pole.

Grade: D


Danny Jillefski:

Randall Hopkirk:
Force or no Force, this B-A just pulled this one out of left-field!!

Danny Jillefski:
Maybe the Force is still with him? Deep under it all? How else could you explain that? Jackson hits his head on accident, James moves out of the way in-time, and, all in all, Jumbo is knocked clean-out!

Randall Hopkirk:
This calls for a PART-AY!!!
[Dancing in his chair]




Eric Tyler

… WHY???? …


[An unfamiliar theme blares over the Huntsville Fairground’s sound system as the ice-cold presence of the famed “Traditionalist” shuffles his way toward the ringside area. Even despite the overtly negative response, unhappy with his recent actions, attacking Nicky Champion on two different occasions as if from nowhere, this former USPW color commentator doesn’t seem to really take notice. Once in the ring, taking his sweet time, methodically climbing through the middle ropes and entering the unforgiving space of the squared circle, Tyler is shown looking out upon the crowd with a lifeless look upon his face. Not irritable, not arrogant, not even spirited in any manner. Instead, he looks like a soulless man; silent, calm, yet entirely deadly.]


Eric Tyler:
[Pauses; looks out upon the crowd with a regal sense to his stance.]
That’s the only thing I’ve heard over the last few weeks. As others were challenging for championships, indulging in bitter rivalries, and making a case for relevancy, I was continually placed under a microscope; asked WHY I would do such a thing as to attack Nicky Champion… twice…


[Eric Tyler pauses; looks out upon the crowd as he seemingly shield’s his psyche from the incessant booing via the usage of an ice-cold sense of confidence.]


Eric Tyler:
Truthfully, It’s rather simple… You see, I’ve grown tired of young Nicky’s untested crowning here in the USPW. Does he have the build? Yes. Does he have the look? Most certainly. Does he have the skill-set in which to stake claim as the NEXT big thing in Professional Wrestling?
[stares into the camera lens; stern in his delivery]
That’s for us to find out. You see, I came to USPW with a goal in mind; to prove young Nicky to be the sham that he most certainly is. Underneath the packaging, the cool, honorable, persona, lies a man whose been handed everything… yet… proved nothing.


[The crowd boos loudly; Tyler continues to stand within the ring with a stroke of regal confidence.]


Eric Tyler:
You may have Strong’s backing, young Nicky, but I promise you, even the endorsement of the “Alpha American” can’t save you from the truth.
[Looks into the camera with a sense of fury in his cold eyes]
If you survive what I have in store for you then there’s no doubt that you are, truly, the man they say you are. If you’re unable to, you’ll still be remembered… only then as the joke who fooled them all into thinking he was to be a great. By the looks of things thus far, I’m afraid that we may have a imposter on our hands, ladies and gentlemen…


[The crowd boos in response to Eric’s threatening words; showering the “Traditionalist” with a wall of much disdain. Seconds later; however, the reaction within the Huntsville Fairgrounds turns a complete 180 with the presence of their beloved “Hawkeye”…]



Nicky Champion

… Pissed; looking for a fight …


[With a roaring response at his back, the Iowa-born-native storms through the black entrance curtain; angrily stomping toward the ringside area in the process. Once in the ring, Champion steps straight to “The Traditionalist”; standing nose-to-nose with Eric Tyler in the process. As pure rage explodes from every pore of the beloved “Hawkeye”, Eric Tyler projects the absolute opposite; standing with a firm sense of calm to his stare. All in all, raising the microphone slowly to his mouth, maneuvering said microphone from the side in which to stay as close to Champion as possible, the “Traditionalist”, again, begins to speak.]


Eric Tyler:
Hit a little too close for comfort, young Nicky?
Prove me wrong… Go ahead… Take your shot… You know you want to…


[Trying to tug at Champion’s honorable shield, Tyler attempts to verbally inspire Nicky out of his typical action; utilizing Champion’s obvious fury as a possible agent for violence. With his fist starting to raise, looking Tyler square in his ice-cold eyes, continually overthinking whether or not he should strike, Champion looks as though all may come into action… That is… Until the “Alpha American” breaks the tense environment with a much celebrated arrival.]



Sam Strong

... Putting the ball into motion ...


[standing atop the rampway, inches from the black entrance curtain, the Wrestling LEGEND, Sam Strong, stands in an equally proud manner; sternly portraying a sense of authority despite not uttering a single word. With that, as the crowd’s response slowly starts to temper, Strong is heard finally addressing the situation at hand; utilizing a USPW-branded microphone to do so. Meanwhile, Tyler and Champion still stand on the verge of violent action; fixated on one another in an aggressive fashion.]


Sam Strong:
You want to prove somethin’, Tyler? Well, I’m damn sure that Nicky is lookin’ to do the same.
[strong pauses; crowd pops]
Next week, as we step into ‘Hollywood’, you’ll both get your battleground; smack-center in the middle of the squared circle.


[The crowd pops loudly as Strong sternly stares upon the ringside area; projecting an unwavering sense of brutish authority with his stare. Meanwhile, Champion and Tyler have come to embrace the notion of finally meeting for the first time in history; next week as “American Wrestling” overtakes ‘Hollywood’! All in all, as Champion nods his head in approval, radiating a sense of bad-ass coolness to his warrior-like demeanor, the “Traditionalist” simply stands the same as he had before; displaying an ice-cold sense of calm despite being granted, theoretically, what he wants: that being Champion in the ring.]


Sam Strong:
Next-big-thing, keeper of Tradition, it doesn’t matter who you are, where you’ve come from, or where you’re going,…
All that matters is, next week, you’re going to beat the livin’-snot out of one another.
[Pauses; points down to the squared circle in a bold statement]
May the best man win…


[With that, the “Alpha American’s” theme music, once again, begins to blare over the Huntsville Fairgrounds; an instance that has come to pass quite often since he bought the company 4 years ago now. None the less, we fade to a commercial break with two lasting images: 1) Eric Tyler & Nicky Champion standing nose-to-nose with one another; fixated on beating the holy-hell out of one another next week in ‘Hollywood’ and 2) Sam Strong standing atop the rampway in a statue-esque kind of fashion; displaying a true sense of brute authority simply through non-verbal communication.]


Grade: C


Danny Jillefski:
Well folks, we’re about to witness USPW History next week in ‘Hollywood’; as Eric Tyler will compete in a USPW ring for the FIRST TIME in history! Man-o-man, even being as hated as he is right now, as a wrestling fan, this is HUGE news!

Randall Hopkirk:
Eric Tyler is one bad man; there’s no denying that. He survived chaos in the Tri-State and now he’s coming to our neck of the woods; to finally get his hands on the man he calls ‘lucky’…

Danny Jillefski:
“American Wrestling” in ‘Hollywood’ is already shaping up to be one-great-event, Folks! Make sure to tune in!!




Bruce the Giant,
, and
vs. Peter Valentine, T-Rex, and
w/ Shane Sneer

[3 vs 3 Match; First Elimination Rules]


The ringside area is buzzing with anticipation as these 7 individuals storm the ringside area; knowing that only one trio could walk away with the bragging rights tonight. With so much hatred running between these men, fusing 4 different storylines in one match-up, there is certainly a convoluted atmosphere circulating almost immediately. Adding to the craziness, it’s rather apparent that Bruce appears to be a man on an ‘island’ of sorts; not interacting with either of his partners (even though ONE of them, Caulfield, currently holds the USPW World Tag Team Championships with him thus far).


The action itself is rather slow-and-plotting. With so many big-men competing within one ring, there are several rest holds, warring taunts, and verbal altercations, in which to collectively give them a resting point. This couldn’t be any more true for Bruce the Giant who, despite seeming like a GOD-like force, barely moves around the ring at a turtle’s pace; a sad truth that’s come to this point of his illustrious career. In contrast, it’s not like anyone else speeds at much a faster rate really; however, Bruce’s epic stoic nature only furthers the fact that the largest man in Pro Wrestling history has now become a ‘figure’ more than just a wrestler; which often gives those lofty enough the ability to compete on their terms alone.


While the match never really picks up from a pace standpoint, drama certainly spikes toward the end of the match.




At one point, after yelling profusely toward the tooth-pick rolling “Outlaw”, Shane Sneer is actually socked into next week by a stiff right hand from James Justice. As expected, such a strike sends the Huntsville Fairgrounds into an absolute tizzy; rejoicing over such a monumental moment in the USPW’s 2010 campaign. After such a strike, seeing his hard-nosed leader falling to the ground, the “Jurassic Power” explodes with a sense of fury; meeting Justice outside of the ring, where he had just socked Sneer, in which to engage in a heated brawl. While neither really look as though their gaining the upper-hand on one another, the wild nature of their fight gives a strong feel of intensity.


Meanwhile, in the ring, Peter Valentine has just caught Chris Caulfield from behind as he hits the nearby ropes; landing a hard clubbing to the back of his head. While the strike doesn’t entirely knock-down the “Hardcore American”, Caulfield does stagger straight into the awaiting grasp of “The Demon”; who stands as the legal man. After an axe-handle strike of his own, firmly upon Caulfield’s back, Baine is shown lifting the often steel-chair-toting Icon with a ring-rattling “Hades Bomb” (Powerbomb).


The only legal man available to break the hold is Bruce the Giant…


Shockingly, instead of doing so,
the gigantic LEGEND does nothing of the sort
; instead, firmly standing on the apron as he stairs straight into Baine’s eyes; as Baine has pinned Caulfield with his vantage point straight at Bruce. Three seconds go bye as Bruce still doesn’t move. In reality, you would think Bruce would save his fellow tag team champion from the dreaded grasp of defeat, especially when it’s levied by someone such as Baine; however, that’s not what happens.


Even as the final count is administered by Eugene Williams, Bruce continues to stare upon his vile foe; a fact that is reciprocated by “The Demon” as well.


Peter Valentine, T-Rex, and Tyson Baine defeat Bruce the Giant, Chris Caulfield, and James Justice in 11:34 via a “Hades Bomb” from Tyson Baine upon Chris Caulfield.

Grade: C-


Danny Jillefski:
What was THAT all about? He had a chance to break the count and… and… he didn’t!

Randall Hopkirk:
If you ask me, Dann-o, it looks like there’s trouble in paradise… Why wouldn’t Bruce save Chris from the loss? Looks like a good ole’ fashion game of… ‘KO City’…

Danny Jillefski:
In all my years, I thought I knew Bruce… I mean, last month he was savagely attacked by the Sneer Corporation, had his entire career in jeopardy, then went on to win the tag gold with Caulfield in shocking fashion; however, now, he looks like he doesn’t give anything about anyone… He does this on HIS terms it seems… and his Agenda has Tyson Baine on it…

Randall Hopkirk:
Well put, dude… Stellar breakdown…

[Danny nods his head; rolling his mouth in a sarcastic manner]

Danny Jillefski:
Thanks, Randall…




T-Rex, James Justice, and Shane Sneer

… Sneer unconscious; Justice & T-Rex brawl around ringside …


[As Sneer lays motionless on his back, his head propped up against the steel guardrail behind him, the Sneer Corporation’s “Jurassic Power”, T-Rex, is shown wildly brawling with his arch-nemesis; James Justice. Tooth-and-nail, fists are flying as the two USPW Icons war in a heated fashion; neither really gaining ground over the other all-together. In the end, though, as they continue to tear around the ringside area, passing past an unconscious Sneer in the process, these two bitter rivals find themselves laying into one another in an inspired fashion.]



Peter Valentine and Chris Caulfield

… ‘The Great’ capitalizes on his fallen victim …


[As Chris Caulfield struggles to regain his composure, slowly returning to his feet following a match-ending, ring-rattling, “Hades Bomb” from Tyson Baine, his ascension is brutally thwarted by the manipulative hands of the self-proclaimed “Greatest of All-Time”. With his back turned to Valentine, the USPW National Champion is shown stomping aggressively toward Caulfield; brutishly overtaking him with an unsuspecting “Legendary Lock” (Full Nelson Submission). The “Hardcore American” does his best to break-free, throwing his body around like a mad-man; however, his depleted strength stands as NO match to the overpowering force of Peter Valentine. In time, as the pain becomes too much, Caulfield is shown passing out from intense pain; now limp within Peter’s grasp.]



Bruce the Giant and Tyson Baine

… Staredown; potential Violence …


[As all of this carnage unfolds, Bruce the Giant is shown still standing on the apron; slowly moving from said spot with a gradual step over the top rope. Meanwhile, “The Demon” stands before him; snarling, huffing like a wild boar, and practically calling on Bruce to ‘come get some’ through his gestures. All in all, as it looks like they’re about to intertwine with one another; the lights go completely out…]


[What follows is an amazing spectacle of lights; lightning, wayward flashes, and the video tron displaying a ‘snow’ like ‘dead-air’ presentation. Moments later, as the lightning continues to flash, and thunder rumbles the very core of the Fairgrounds, a short video is played upon the video tron; one filled with various mysterious images cast into smoke. In the end, the video comes to a climactic close as we’re given one final frame…]




[With the final frame sinking in, and the Fairgrounds cast into complete darkness, “American Wrestling” goes off the air without even the slightest image what was to happen between the 6-feuding wrestlers. Instead, the broadcast comes to a haunting close; cast into the darkness as camera light’s flash in the surrounding area. Lightning, thunder rolls, camera flashes, and a lasting image is all that we witness… Put forth by a man unseen for close to a week now…]


Grade: B-


Danny Jillefski:
He may have been chokeslammed into the abyss last week but it looks like the USPW World Champion continues to exist in the shadows…

Randall Hopkirk:
This man is one craz-ay customer, Dann-o! I mean, Enygma’s always been an odd-man; always hiding in the darkness. But now… Something seems even more… out-there…

Danny Jillefski:
Bruce and Baine may be on a crash course of their own but, tonight, Enygma showed himself to be smack in the center of it all; dictating everyone’s hand from afar. What will happen next week folks as the USPW invades ‘Hollywood’? Tune in, next week, Wednesday Evening, for more GREAT USPW action!! Goodnight folks!









Overall Show Grade:

Show Attendance:
5,000 people

TV Show Rating:
1.36 (+ 0.06) on Sports America!

<hr color="black">
Quick “American Wrestling” Results

Darryl Devine © defeated Andre Jones via pinfall. (C-)

Des Davids defeated Freddie Datsun via pinfall. (D)

Alicia Strong and Marie Starr defeated Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez via pinfall. ©

James Dayton defeated Jumbo Jackson via pinfall. (D)

Peter Valentine, T-Rex, and Tyson Baine defeated Bruce the Giant, Chris Caulfield, and James Justice via pinfall. (C-)
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"American Wrestling" - Episode #6 Prediction Points
mikemelling – 4/5*

angeldelayette – 3/5

bgbuff – 3/5

20LEgend – 3/5*

MichiganHero – 3/5

sebsplex – 2/5

Tigerkinney – 2/5*

jesseewiak – 1/5

cmdrsam – 1/5

Zergon – 1/5

Emark – 0/5

Midnighnick – 0/5


Congratulations to
who came away with the most correct choices in this week's prediction contest!


Also, mikemelling, 20LEgend, and Tigerkinney, all had right answers as it pertains to Alicia Strong's mystery tag partner. While she's known as Sara Marie York to us all; in the USPW-landscape she is playing Micky Starr's kayfabe daughter... Marie Starr!



Overall Prediction Contest Rankings

ENDING: "Red, White, Black, and Blue"; USPW's February PPV!

angeldelayette – 7/10

bgbuff – 7/10

Tigerkinney – 6/10

sebsplex – 6/10

20LEgend – 6/10

jesseewiak – 6/10

Emark – 5.5/10

cmdrsam – 5/10

mikemelling - 4/10

Greggyb – 4/10

Zergon – 4/10

MichiganHero - 3/10

Midnightnick – 3/10

Hashasheen – 2/10

Tigerkinney - 2/10

jeseewiak - 1/10


The winner of the overall Prediction Contest (Ending with predictions for "Red, White, Black, and Blue"; USPW's February PPV) will be given the opportunity to book the USPW World Champion against ANYONE on the USPW roster on the preceding "American Wrestling" broadcast (1st week of March 2010).
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Great show, liked it all, favourite part was definitely The ELITE parts, just because I think the team go well together and Danny J lying about seeing Marie Starr was funny. The Force interest me and that match gives me an idea as to where I think this is going, can't wait til he gets the force back (fingers crossed.):)


Nearly forgot Brutus O'Leary great name and hope he is legitimately pushed.

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Great show, liked it all, favourite part was definitely The ELITE parts, just because I think the team go well together


Thank you, 20LEgend. "The Alluring ELITE" is certainly a group I've been really excited to craft. In all honesty, It wasn't part of my original plans; however, in-time, it became a great concept of a group (ie: High School popular elite; aka pretty b*tches). Then, throwing Devine and seduction into the group added something else to the mix (however, the addition of the squiggly big-man really gives the group more depth from a storyline, brand, development!)



and Danny J lying about seeing Marie Starr was funny.


Yea, it may seem weird seeing how it's much easier to see through the kayfabe wall than in reality; as I'm up-front about the kayfabeness & we all know the default Cornellverse database. In the end, I wanted to use Danny (a man who I'm trying to bill as this intelligent voice within the wrestling industry; a trusted historian & understander of all things traditional wrestling) as a way to add further 'realism' (or really kayfabe) to the fact that Sara Marie York is, in-fact, Micky's daughter! Thus is USPW wrestling; 'modern kayfabe'.


Now we get plenty of good Strong/Starr moments in the USPW going forward as a new 'generation' of the names continue on.


The Force interest me and that match gives me an idea as to where I think this is going, can't wait til he gets the force back (fingers crossed.):)


It very well could happen... or... We may be witnessing the end of an era....

Nearly forgot Brutus O'Leary great name and hope he is legitimately pushed.


Thanks on the naming nod. I feel like it gives him a classic brutish, hard-nosed, traditional Irish, boxer; the guy you'd find on the indy circuits in New York boxing his life away. In the end, that's how he's going to be written as. Will it end in a huge push for the man? Not entirely sure. However, I must say that I hired him for a reason... I love his character & the potential it could have in a kayfabe-like promotion such as USPW.

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You totally stole The Force's new name from the great Kilmarnock F.C. player, also known as James Dayton (Same spelling and all :o).


I can truthfully say that It's 100% a coincidence.
He once went by Jim Force; so, I knew James would be a good fit for a given name. From there, Dayton was chosen as it's the last name of a good friend of mine. It all came together and seemed to work really well with his character; so, in time I jumped at it. Crazy that it's used in another realm; however, with only so many names out there, combinations of sorts, it's bound to happen. ha.


Nice pick with Marie Starr and Ox Mastadon for The ELITE. USPW needs more fat men :p


My thoughts exactly on Ox. He's a protege of Dread; so, you know he'd be a great fit in a company run by Sam Strong (given that he often hires people who are connected to him in some way). All together, I feel he gives the "Alluring ELITE" an added sense of depth; which will be greater described in the future as it becomes obvious why HE was chosen to be the ELITE's muscle.




<hr color="black">

Episode #6 of "American Wrestling" can be found on the previous page!

It was posted late last night (12 AM CST); so, some may have missed it if you aren't one also dealing with Insomnia on a daily basis. ;)

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Post-Show Footage: "American Wrestling" - 6th Episode!


[The image of a shocked Randall Hopkirk is shown as he shuffles through a deserted backstage hallway of the Huntsville Fairgrounds’ production center. His eyes are rather wide; as it looks like he’s talking to himself in a bewildered fashion. As time goes on, “The Animal” finally stands before the camera lens; displaying the semblance of his ‘party-boy’ mentality; however, also displaying a wide-eyed sense of wonder.]


Randall Hopkirk:
Freakin’ crazy, man. The lights; they just went out. Lightning, thunder, the whole craziness.
[shakes his head]
And that message; “I’m coming for YOU!”…
[shakes his head again; chuckling lightly to himself.]
Whoever that’s directed toward, it looks like the Champ is looking to crush his enemies… Even if it IS from within the darkness…
[Chuckles to himself again; walking on as he still seems somewhat shocked]
Enygma’s comin’, boys… I’m just glad he’s not comin’ for me…


[With that, the exclusive USPW.com footage comes to a close as the screen slowly fades to black. Before doing so; however, we’re given one final image of “The Animal” shuffling down a deserted hallway; still ‘larger than life’ but now slightly bewildered by what he had just witnessed while sitting at ringside as the guest commentator for this week’s broadcast of “American Wrestling”.]

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Post-Show Footage: "American Wrestling" - 6th Episode!


[The sight of Raven Robinson pacing, in a backstage hallway of the Huntsville Fairgrounds production center, is projected as the former USPW Women’s Champion appears to be lost in deep thought. With every energetic step, every spin of her body, turning subconsciously in a new direction, the “Dark Angel” oozes an extreme level of nervous anticipation from every pore. Coming off of “American Wrestling”, now with the knowledge that she will, again, have an opportunity to challenge for her previous crown, named to the gigantic Women’s Battle Royal next week on “American Wrestling”, it looks as though she’s already mentally preparing herself; possibly on an obsessive level.]


Raven Robinson:
You can’t lose…
[Continually pacing; biting her fingernails in the process]
You can’t allow yourself to lose…
[Pauses; paces]
You can’t let your “Dark Angels” down…
[Pauses; deep in thought]
This is your last chance; don’t blow it… YOU... CANNOT… BLOW IT!!


[With her final statement dripping with added nervous tension, Raven looks as though she’s forcing herself down a troubling road of expectation. With her fingers in her mouth, biting her fingernails like a nervous Nancy, this exclusive, USPW.com, video is brought to a faded close; the final image being that of “The Dark Angel” Raven Robinson stressing over her upcoming Women’s Battle Royal in ‘Hollywood’ next week.]

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Thursday, 2nd Week of February 2010

... "Evolution of 'Modern Kayfabe'" ...







The phrase had been coined, outside of our walls, by those in the wrestling media at the turn of 2010. I was somewhat of an unknown, only recognizable in entertainment circles as the creator, and head-writer, of the successful Snap! program “GREED”, and, for this, for my deep-seeded connection to the grandiose stage of ‘Hollywood’, we were dubbed as an instant spectacle. It was unshakable, cast across the internet like a continually used, 3rd party banner, and with time, we came to realize that it was a powerful notion to embrace.


My rise as the headbooker was a decision made by Sam Strong himself; hoping to break-free from the obvious 3rd place position that his company had become stuck within.
“We need a change; we need a new vision”
. These are the wonderful words that Shane [sneer] claims set the ball-in-motion. At the time, Sneer was on the verge of stepping down from his role; knowing that his deteriorating health was becoming too much of a liability as of late. He had a wife, children, even grandchildren, and he knew that his overall spirit was more important than his profession. Luckily for me, this prompted Strong to look elsewhere… And elsewhere he did…


From my hiring, it was known that I would, eventually, shake things up within the USPW landscape. At first, it was best to inform the masses that the product they had come to love wasn’t going to shift all that much. In reality, even at this point, I don’t plan on evolving the tried-and-true method of USPW booking all that much. With that said; however, my recent decisions have shown a new focus for our programming... One of a… Spectacle.


Whether it’s the documented Civil War, Tyson Baine’s insubordinate climb, or Enygma’s supernatural-like transformation, the USPW had embarked upon a new journey under my tenure. While it was expected that this ‘journey’ wouldn’t change things entirely, it was widely known that such a shift in focus was there in which to add viewers to our programming. Thus far, it’s worked…


6 Shows Ago:

5 Shows Ago:

4 Shows Ago:

3 Shows Ago:

2 Shows Ago:

1 Show Ago:


As the visuals became more grandiose, more in-line with my ‘Hollywood’ past, “American Wrestling” found it’s viewership climbing at a speedy-pace. The greater the smoke-and-mirrors, the harder we pushed kayfabe in the ‘modern world’, the better we found ourselves in the ratings war. Were we going to out-wrestle TCW? No. Would we EVER match the inherent ‘coolness’ that comes with the SWF? Most likely, No. Our niche lies in another realm… In creating, as said before, the art of a Spectacle…


So, almost two months into my tenure, it has become glaringly obvious that Strong was ‘on-board’ with my decision to overhaul the USPW’s programming.


With that, we usher in a new-era of United States Pro Wrestling…


A new brand from head-to-toe…


Let the
‘Age of the Spectacle’
, officially, overtake the USPW…

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