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USPW: The Great American Spectacle!

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>>> Spectacle (spek-tuh-kuhl):
a public show or display, especially on a large scale.


Throughout the history of this great craft, the Pro Wrestling trade has often been described as a vibrant spectacle. The flamboyant personalities, the grand stories, and the overpowering wave of deep-seeded tradition, all stand as concrete examples of such. Whether it’s the towering 7-footer with a mean streak, the momentous showers of pyrotechnics, or the continuous, never-ending, battle of ‘good and evil’, the industry has become increasingly synonymous with the phrase:
“Larger than life”


There is no greater example of this than the


Join me as we dig deeper into a fabricated world of excitement as
Erik Vincent
, a former ‘Hollywood’ writer, takes the creative reigns of the Strong-led Empire.


“The Great American Spectacle”
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Thank you to those who've commented thus far. I plan on responding to individual posts with time; however, at first, I want to get a few 'backstory posts' out of the way. All in all, It's great to be back.

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: USPW hires new headbooker from Hollywood; Shane Sneer demoted.

Tuesday, First Week of January 2010




The creator of "GREED" joins USPW


United States Pro Wrestling garnered a great deal of attention today as the
Sam Strong
-led wrestling promotion has announced the hiring of a new headbooker; marking the official end of
Shane Sneer’s
lackluster tenure. While a number of potential suitors began to surface on the ‘rag sheets’ online in 2009, Sneer’s replacement appears to be a choice entirely out of left-field; a decision that is quite possibly due to Sam Strong’s recent comment as it pertains to ‘needing a shot in the arm to succeed’.


Erik Vincent
, most notably known as the heralded head-writer for the Snap! Network phenomenon,
, was announced earlier today as said ‘left-field’ choice. Almost instantaneously, the internet wrestling community was seen roaring with a wide-range of opinions on the matter. As one may expect, such chatter can only mean good things for the young promotion as, often, hyper conversation can typically mean a substantial boost in ratings shortly after controversial decisions are made. Whether this was their thought all along, the truth of the matter is quite evident today as USPW is the top trending search for most engines.


At this point, we know very little about the former Hollywood writer; outside of what we’ve obtained from his celebrated tenure as the sole creator of the sensationalized saga that is


Regardless of his credentials, and possible influence on USPW programming, the one truth we have today is that United States Pro Wrestling appears to be in a state of climactic transformation.


Return for more information as it becomes available…

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ohmygosh. I think I just murdered the 'In' button...



Looking forward to it, E-V. If there's anything I can do to help, feel free to ask.

Truthfully, Thank you for that Angel. You, and NoNeck, were two people that I really wanted to talk to before this all saw the light of day. In the end, I most ascribe USPW to you (much like PhantomStranger with TCW, BigPapa42 with SWF, etc). I know there are others who have come along, and done an amazing job; however, you've always been a constant in the USPW realm. That said, I will certainly be coming to you with any comments, thoughts, concerns, etc., that I may have in mind (as always).


I'm in. As long as you recreate Totally Supreme. :p

You know, Hash, I don't really think they would work all that well in USPW. Sure, their slapstick nature may work to an extent but one of the great things about that group was that it was the backbone of what DOA was all about; sticking it to 'the man'. USPW doesn't have that same vibe; I feel. They care more about what they're doing, trying to create the best product possible for their fans, while not really worrying about the competition. Sure, it's going to be there (a focus to 'take them down') but, in reality, the rebellious nature that DOA doesn't really mesh well here.


I loved "Totally Supreme". A lot actually. With USPW, often, such comedy will be dispensed but, given their default pre-set, not much. You'll probably see more 'rastler types versus comedy acts.


Holy flip! E-V's back...and he's doing USPW?!?!?!?!?!?!?


APOCALYPSE!!! IMPOSTER!!! Who are you and what have you done with the real E-V?


That's what I wanna know!!


Either way, front seat season ticket holder over here!


haha. I knew there would be somewhat of a "huh?" mentality with the fact that I would take on USPW. Honestly, up until a week or so ago, I never thought I would do so either. That said, that's exactly why I decided to plan this all out.


I've booked Hardcore (PSW) and Gritty Modern (DOA) to be my tone up until now. Hell, most of you know me as such a writer; that's, basically, how I got myself to the "Hall of Fame" here on the GDS boards. While I love those products, I've grown really tired of booking them. why? It became the same old thing. It's why starting the second season of DOA felt a little flat to me; even given all the work. It just felt... well.. done already.


With USPW, I have a roster I've never booked before, a concept I've never worked with, and a story that is fairly new to me. All of this is what brought me to USPW's door.


For awhile, I thought of USPW as too gimmicky; too slapstick and not enough focus on real wrestling. That said, after re-learning their product, doing a lot of reading within the bio's of those on the roster, and re-developing my understanding of the product meanings, I've come to view USPW entirely different than before. Sure, there is a gimmicky nature (given 'family friendly'); however, it's not as slapstick as I had first thought (seeing how comedy is at 'low' and that is it's max it can ever grow to as set by the game). So, in a way, 'family friendly' went from being a glorified episode of "Sesame Street" with wrestlers to a more traditional product which has less 'violence' than likes of SWF; yet still touching upon the 'Larger than Life' nature that SWF does. In a sense, USPW feels more to me like WWF of the early 90's; big characters, big bodied men, and some general excitement to everything.


With this thought in mind, I've come to see that USPW does call for some sense of basic violence (seeing how Tyson Baine's storyline with Engyma says he inflicts 'vicious' beatings upon him); however, it's banking more on proper, age-old wrestling, storytelling versus throwing a chair into the mix for no reason.


All in all, I've gotta say... I'm really excited about this one!

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Truthfully, Thank you for that Angel. You, and NoNeck, were two people that I really wanted to talk to before this all saw the light of day. In the end, I most ascribe USPW to you (much like PhantomStranger with TCW, BigPapa42 with SWF, etc). I know there are others who have come along, and done an amazing job; however, you've always been a constant in the USPW realm. That said, I will certainly be coming to you with any comments, thoughts, concerns, etc., that I may have in mind (as always).

Indeed. You're a Piller of the C-Verse, Angel. :)


You know, Hash, I don't really think they would work all that well in USPW. Sure, their slapstick nature may work to an extent but one of the great things about that group was that it was the backbone of what DOA was all about; sticking it to 'the man'. USPW doesn't have that same vibe; I feel. They care more about what they're doing, trying to create the best product possible for their fans, while not really worrying about the competition. Sure, it's going to be there (a focus to 'take them down') but, in reality, the rebellious nature that DOA doesn't really mesh well here.


I loved "Totally Supreme". A lot actually. With USPW, often, such comedy will be dispensed but, given their default pre-set, not much. You'll probably see more 'rastler types versus comedy acts.

Fair enough. Question though: How will the style be? Will the character interact with people backstage? Or will it be more along the lines of your Season 2 of DOA?
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I'd like to get excited about this but gosh, what number is this now? If it gets past four shows I'll be in, but I can't get excited about it yet. Hypocritical of me I know, but I'd just like to see you stick with something as I love the graphics and everything you use.
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Question though: How will the style be? Will the character interact with people backstage? Or will it be more along the lines of your Season 2 of DOA?


The diary itself will be centered around my user-character, Erik Vincent; the sole-creator, and former headwriter, of the Snap! Network phenomenon "GREED". As you can see, given his name (Erik Vincent = EV), and his former development (creating "GREED"), this user is going to be, more closer, to how I actually function; as, in a way, he's kinda me.


So, there will be backstage situations for sure; especially as Erik does his best to meld into the Pro Wrestling world.


I'd like to get excited about this but gosh, what number is this now? If it gets past four shows I'll be in, but I can't get excited about it yet. Hypocritical of me I know, but I'd just like to see you stick with something as I love the graphics and everything you use.


Fair enough, Rathen4. Fair enough.

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Truthfully, Thank you for that Angel. You, and NoNeck, were two people that I really wanted to talk to before this all saw the light of day. In the end, I most ascribe USPW to you (much like PhantomStranger with TCW, BigPapa42 with SWF, etc). I know there are others who have come along, and done an amazing job; however, you've always been a constant in the USPW realm. That said, I will certainly be coming to you with any comments, thoughts, concerns, etc., that I may have in mind (as always).


Indeed. You're a Piller of the C-Verse, Angel. :)


I appreciate that from both of you. It's nice to be remembered for something. E-V, you know my pm box is always open. I am definitely looking forward to what you create here. USPW is definitely a fun promotion.

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OOC: Next internet post coming in the next 30 mins or so.

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No need to be, Rathen4. I understand your sentiments.


Awesome to see you back in the diary writing game E-V. I don't doubt that we're all in for a real treat. You sir, are a fantastic writer! :)


I will be following for sure.


It's much appreciated, LoNdOn! :D Thank you for such kind words.





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: USPW's new Headbooker, Erik Vincent, speaks!

Tuesday, First Week of January 2010




The 'Man of the Hour' speaks!


“I’m not looking to overhaul anything; to be honest. There are a lot of things that we do great as a wrestling brand. With that said; however, I was brought in to give us that extra push that USPW’s been in need of for quite some time. What does that mean? Only I, and Strong, know at this point. In the end, to those USPW purists, I can promise you, here and now, that we will only enhance the product you’ve come to love. We will not falter.”


In a short phone interview with the USPW’s new headbooker, it seems as though that
Mr. Vincent
is already cementing his stance; as it pertains to his potential mantra as a creative leader. With this in mind, using our conversation with him as a backdrop, it seems as though the former Hollywood writer is not expecting to instill a sense of massive upheaval. Instead, a proper ‘balance’ appears to be in order.


In a re-assuring tone, many of the USPW performers raced to their tweeter accounts today in response to such a momentous signing; showing respect for the previous headbooker,
Shane Sneer
, while also speaking of a high level of ‘excitement’ over the recent change.


An introductory press conference is set for tomorrow afternoon; as Erik Vincent will officially speak with the wrestling media for the first time, in-person, as the new ‘creative mastermind’ behind USPW. As one may expect, knowing Sam Strong’s love for a good spectacle, there’s a good chance that the mediated event will be nothing short of exciting.

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USPW is gonna be awesome to see from an EV perspective. It's one of my favorite companies to book in the C-Verse (alongside UEW and NotBPW) because of the characters involved. I'm hoping to see Taylor Kidd in his "American Kidd" alt.


While Taylor's skill set (abysmal. ha), and the "American Kidd" personality, would meld pretty well with USPW his "F-" popularity makes it almost impossible to really take him on. In reality, he'd probably tank every segment he ever saw for quite some time. haha. That said, I will probably have to refrain from using him; unless I can garner a "B" show of some sort.


As someone coming back into keeping up with diaries again all I have to say is: awesome.


Great to have you back, foolinc! This diary will be pretty easy to keep up with as it won't move quite as fast as others may. I'm still pretty busy but am really excited about USPW all together. So, while it won't be as slow as molasses, it certainly will move a lot slower than some of my previous projects.


Either way, good to have you on board!





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“What makes you think you can cut it as a Pro Wrestling booker?”


The buzzing sea of wrestling journalists collectively shift to the end of their seats; eagerly anticipating my response. The low-level hum that had previously been an underlying fact, generated by a number of off-handed conversations by said journalists, abruptly comes to a screeching halt. In this very moment, with a large executive podium before me, branded with the proud image of a gleaming USPW logo, and a large blue screen lining the wall at my back, there was no doubt that I was certainly the center of attention.


I crack a smile of sorts; nodding my head in an agreeing fashion as this was often my ‘go-to-move’ when challenged. In the end, it was best to find common ground, then creating your own distinction, than blatantly disagreeing in an abrasive fashion. This way, it seemed more like you were agreeing with them while also planting the seed of your unwavering defense.


“I understand that many of you may feel that I’m not the man for this job. I’ve made my career in Hollywood and have had very little interaction with this industry in the process. With that said, this has been a dream of mine since I was young enough to comprehend the weekly spectacle that is the Pro Wrestling business. While writing, and creating, the “GREED” saga on Pop!, brought me to the table, figuratively speaking, this position, this opportunity, is the very thing I’ve waited for my entire life.”


Their beady eyes still tell of doubt; not responding as favorably as I would have first thought.


“I promise you that…”


I interject once again; uncomfortable with the awkward silence. In reality, these kind of events don’t often amount to these kind of pauses; however, the Pro Wrestling industry seems to be a totally different ‘animal’. With that said, those many have dubbed as ‘smarks’, or in our case our mediated ‘friends’, watch on with a considerable amount of doubt. Then again, could you blame them? Despite being a relative ‘baby’ amongst the ‘adults of the industry’ (ie: TCW & SWF), the USPW had quickly garnered a great deal of love from it’s fans; quickly becoming one of the most prized commodities the American Wrestling Industry has ever seen in the process.


“Do you know anything about how to stage a wrestling program, Mr. Vincent? While “GREED” may have a very vocal niche audience, this is something altogether different than that. I guess, what I’m trying to say is, Do you feel you have what it takes to craft an entertaining program without resorting to brutally dark overtones found in your previous creation?”


His question was warranted. The “GREED” Franchise was often marred with critical interjections; often labeling the work as ‘too dark’, ‘too brutal’, and ‘rather vicious in nature’. In reality, anyone would question someone of my previous experience as a potential suitor for a product such as the USPW’s. Most certainly, it’s this fact that drove many to react as they did; questioning such a move while creating a sense of mass hysteria across all forms of media. All in all, just because you were known for something in your past doesn’t mean you can transcend that stigma; creating something completely new in the process.


With this thought bouncing within my head, I, again, nod in agreement; however, quickly employ an underlying rebuttal to his statement.


“You’re right. “GREED” and the USPW are two totally different programs; both you, and I, know that. That said, I don’t believe that my past will go onto hinder my future as a writer. Sure, my previous program was much more dark, much more brutal, but I would like to believe that I’m not a one-trick pony.”


A short chuckle resonates from within; smirking in the process.


“Look. When Sam Strong and I first spoke, these problems were certainly addressed. In reality, if I didn’t think that I was the man for the job, or the same with Sam, then you can expect that I wouldn’t be standing here today.”


I look down for a brief second at Sam Strong seated next to me. For a split moment, we exchange eye contact in a favorable fashion; knowing that such a question was certainly going to arise sooner than later. In the end, as I turn back toward addressing the problem further, the overall ‘master plan’ for this press conference begins to take shape… That being a pre-planned cluster-scenario that would certainly place all of the attention on the USPW, as a whole, and how I factor into that, than just the mind numbing questions of “Who are you? Why are you here?”…


“You’re not the man for the job, Mr. Vincent.
I AM!!




From the back of the room stands the former USPW Headbooker,
Shane Sneer
, along with his fellow kayfabe brethren in
Mick Muscles, Jumbo Jackson, Danny Rushmore, and Anger
, as their interjection masterfully dabbles in the middle-ground between what is scripted and what is real. Their overall presence inspires the journalists before them to snicker slightly, knowing that this is most certainly staged; however, still documenting the proceedings in the process. More or less, as Sneer stands before his men, most certainly a little jaded in reality over the loss of his position, the overall ‘fireworks’ have begun…


Before I can mutter a word into the microphone before me, USPW Owner,
Sam Strong
, is shown leaping to his feet in a stiff fashion. From there, pointing in Sneer’s direction authoritatively, the Wrestling LEGEND adds a level of fire to the show.




“Get out of here! You HAD your moment!”


Sam Strong projects loudly; rumbling in the process. Meanwhile, The Sneer Corporation looks as if they are hunkering down for a fight.


“I should STILL have that moment, Strong! This company is NOTHING without me; NOTHING! That little punk of yours, that ‘Hollywood Sissy’, is going to sink this place so fast that you’ll be begging for me to return to my post.”


“The only post you’ll be returning to is the back of the unemployment line if you don’t get your goons out of here, Sneer! Mark my words… A year left on your contract or not, I will fire you this instance if it means I don’t have to listen to that voice of yours any further! “


Mr. Strong projects toughly again; creating a level of tension to the proceedings. Meanwhile, Sneer is doing exactly that… Sneering with rage in return.


“Enough with this bull, I want my title shot, Gramps! I’m sick of waiting around; playing your little ‘cat-mouse’ game! I want Raven… and I want her NOW!”




In a shocking addition,
Cherry Bomb
is seen strolling onto the scene; as if from nowhere. While the Sneer Corporation stands in the back of the room, appearing like an impeding army of misfits, Cherry Bomb, instead, enters from the side; much closer to the stage in the end.


With her finger drawn, pointing aggressively at Sam Strong, the former USPW Womens Champion enters the scenario in a combustible fashion.


“Excuse me, little miss?”


He responds in a condescending tone; physically looking down upon Cherry Bomb in the process.


“You heard me! I don’t care WHO you bring in, Sneer promised me a title shot and I’ll be damned if I lose that!”


“She’s right. I did promise her a title shot… You can’t change the course of what’s already been written, Strong…”


Shane Sneer interjects from the back of the room; smirking devilishly as he says the previous line. More or less, the tension that typically raises with regime changes is spewing forth from the backgrounds in this case… Coming full force, out in the open, to those who cover our industry. A masterful plan if I say so myself.


“Ms. Bomb, you have nothing to worry about… For, this week on “American Wrestling”, there will be a battle royal in which to find the new #1 contender to the Womens Championship!”


I add; looking as the ‘good one’ in all of this. In reality, more so as the outsider I suppose.


“Shut it, sissy-boy! I don’t need to prove nothin’ to anyone of you! You can take that battle royal of yours and stick it!”


Cherry Bomb was playing her part perfectly; bringing her ‘combustible’ personality type to a different medium in which to further the public’s knowledge of her in the process. At one point, I actually had to hold back a smile of my own as, to be honest, I was quite the fan of Sherie. In all honesty, we all knew that she would re-ignite the flame of her influence over the division; however, at this point, our disagreement was best used to create a kayfabe war of voices…


“You see, Strong… Do you SEE what you’ve done to your company? One stupid mistake and this empire of yours is crumbling! You’ll be sorry…


Shane Sneer interjects again; still standing at the back of the room with his fellow brethren.


“I’ll see to it that you will be!!!”


With that final statement, Shane drops his brow downward slightly; creating a truly epic angered man look in the process. Meanwhile, as Cherry Bomb looks to interject once again, pointing aggressively at Strong and I, everything is instantly thrown to pure hysteria as the unthinkable happens next…


In a truly thunderous fashion, two large bodied individuals come slamming through the curtain at my back; crashing into the blue-draped tables at my side as a number of company officials frantically move in fear of what is happening. With that said, as the table comes crashing onto the floor before the media, Sam Strong does nothing to budge; simply standing up in an authoritative fashion as he does his best to seem absolutely pissed off about what is happening here today.




With the commotion of the initial ‘blast’ coming down slightly, we now witness that the two large bodied men are none other than the USPW World Heavyweight Champion,
and his heated rival,
Tyson Baine
. Now, laying near the flipped over table, Baine is seen laying into the USPW Champion with fists of fury; most likely adding more onto a fight that, seemingly, started in the back (away from the press conference).




With Baine & Enygma feverishly brawling with one another, rolling around the conference room floor as Baine’s polarizing manager,
Shiek Mustafa
barks in the background, Shane Sneer, and his corporation, standing as direct opposition to Strong’s recent decision for a regime change, and Cherry Bomb shouting aggressively in the management’s, myself included, direction, the overall nature of the events at hand feel very chaotic. In turn, that’s exactly what we had planned…


Instead of a boring, drawn out, introduction, Sam and I felt it was best to add a little flair to the proceedings; touching upon his love for a spectacle as a way to further drum up attention for USPW in the process. With this in mind, as the journalists before us continue to playfully mark for what they continue to witness today, the grand ‘show’ that is my official announcement into the company, the reasoning behind my newfound employment with USPW slowly begins to take form.


In which to drum up further interest, hopefully catapulting his company to heights unimaginable, Sam Strong has turned to ‘Hollywood’, to myself, Erik Vincent, in hopes that my knack for ‘drama’ would usher in a new, more successful, era for United States Pro Wrestling. While the USPW had garnered the prize as the ‘fastest growing wrestling promotion in history’ over the last decade, the truth of the matter is… A change was needed if USPW was to ever move on past the plateau created for them at this point.


Think of me as the master landscaper; creating new ground that wasn’t there before. Giving USPW a way to reach heights once thought impossible.


My name is Erik Vincent, E-V to my friends and peers, and this marks the beginning of a new chapter; for both I and USPW…
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A far cry from what we were spitballing over a few weeks ago, E-V, but it looks like a project that's caught your heart, and that in and of itself is enough to bring me confidence.


I'd like to get excited about this but gosh, what number is this now? If it gets past four shows I'll be in, but I can't get excited about it yet. Hypocritical of me I know, but I'd just like to see you stick with something as I love the graphics and everything you use.


TEW2008 Era:

Eisen-Verse: 4 diaries, two very short, one 445 posts, one 1000+


Rathen4: 6 diaries, only 2 breaking 100 posts - both, I believe, the same game, and still totalling fewer posts than the 445 diary managed.


TEW2010 Era:

Eisen-Verse: 7 diaries (other than this one), 5 100 posts plus, highest 676 posts.


Rathen4: 5 diaries, 2 of them breaking 100 posts, one being your current project, highest 118 at time of typing.


I know you acknowledge it's slightly hypocritical, but the numbers are pretty stark as a contrast.


And here's the thing...


Both of you still beat the average diary length comfortably. This isn't a knock on your productivity or your dedication, Rathen, it's just a response as regards the actual facts of the situation. E-V can seem like a guy, post-PSW08, who doesn't stick with the projects, but only if you just glance by; the numbers are actually in his favour.

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A far cry from what we were spitballing over a few weeks ago, E-V, but it looks like a project that's caught your heart, and that in and of itself is enough to bring me confidence.


Yea, I decided to make a change when I all of a sudden realized that I was booking/writing for the same company over-and-over again. I've done gritty, dark, hardcore-esque, modern violence, for quite some time now (a good number of projects by now). So, in which to find that 'flare' again, I've decided to go in an entirely new route.


While my version of USPW won't play as much on comedy as others, as it's only at a 'low' level naturally in the game, I'm really interested in creating a product more centered on traditional values of pro wrestling. Touching upon more of the idioms typically used & having fun with a more light-hearted, pride focused, less violent, product.


E-V can seem like a guy, post-PSW08, who doesn't stick with the projects, but only if you just glance by; the numbers are actually in his favour.


It's true. I freely admit that I probably look like a 'runner' in most cases. That said, I truly love writing these dynasties and really do have good intentions. All in all, I think the reason I would jump is because I put so much effort into my write-ups that, if I'm not feeling it, then it's best to just sever ties. That said, I plan on lightening the load with this project slightly. Not dumbing down results but making it a more streamlined process so that I can keep things fresh & not get boggled down by continuously writing epics every week. :D

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Both of you still beat the average diary length comfortably. This isn't a knock on your productivity or your dedication, Rathen, it's just a response as regards the actual facts of the situation.


The numbers are pretty skewed by the sheer amount of people that post in E-V's threads to say "I'm on board", plus the constant bumping of the thread by replying to posts as they come in, rather than together. Sorry, E-V, this is a particular bug bear of mine but I mean you no ill will with it. I can appreciate where you're coming from but it's a completely unfair comparison and it's rather got my back up.


edit: Look, I have a reputation here for ruining threads and starting arguments. PM me if you want to discuss this otherwise let's just leave it here so E-V's thread isn't ruined.

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