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Hiring cans or merging divisions?

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My light and welterweight divisions have a few top stars but every time someone puts a couple of wins together they lose against someone they should be beating. This seems to make a lack of stars with fighters unable to make a name for themselves. I am stuck on deciding what to do is it worth merging the two divisions or would it be better to hire a few cans for people to beat in the prelims for a year or more?


Merging also gives the possibility of a very good champion vs champion superfight but people like Miguel Torres will be giving away a lot of weight if the divisions are merged.

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Try to hire cans with good reputation on the country of your Promotion

Or, alternatively, just keep going and try to book in a way as to always have matches that give a lot of reputation to one guy and take away reputation from another, if you book smartly that way, its impossible for you not to get new popular talent or at least keep talent growing in popularity.

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