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WWF 2002: SmackDown! vs. RAW

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EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP: Eddie Guerrero vs. William Regal ©

D'Lo Brown vs. The Dudley Boyz

Victoria Varon vs. Molly Holly

Head-Butt vs. Billy & Chuck

Mike Awesome & Raven vs. Lance Storm & Justin Credible

Kane vs. Kurt Angle


Excellent Backlash. I loved the entire show. Can't to see where you go from here

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EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP: Eddie Guerrero vs. William Regal ©

With the IC title on SD, this should be Eddy's for the taking here. It will bridge him right up to the Undisputed title in due time.

D'Lo Brown vs. The Dudley Boyz

I think Goldust will come out to even the odds here.

Victoria Varon vs. Molly Holly

Victoria just isn't a big name yet, give her time though.

Head-Butt vs. Billy & Chuck

They'll be looking to climb back up the ranks.

Mike Awesome & Raven vs. Lance Storm & Justin Credible

The Impact Players could really help your tag division, meanwhile Raven and Awesome seems like just a random pairing that can fall apart whenever.

Kane vs. Kurt Angle

Kurt getting shot up to the top of the cards is not a bad thing, the win over Eddy and then a win over Kane will get him there.

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WWF SmackDown! has come to terms on the release of Ivory (Lisa Moretti), Shawn Stasiak (Shawn Stipich), and Johnny Stamboli (John Hugger). On behalf of Mr. Flair, we wish them all the best in their future endeavors.


The World Wrestling Federation is saddened to learn of the death of "Sensational" Sherri. She was 44. The WWF would like to extend its deepest condolences to the family and friends of Sherri Martel.






- Eric Bischoff has signed an official contract with the WWF. We reported a few times that Bisch was in contact with the company ever since the Invasion angle and a big role was prepared for him in the midst of it. However, sides could not come to an agreement. Up until recently, Eric has been working in Austrailia for WWA. Apparently the contract was signed over a week ago and Eric was originally supposed to debut at the end of SmackDown! and for the angle to be followed up on Backlash. However Bischoff wanted to fullfill his committments with WWA and opted to record a voiceover for Ric Flair's answering machine message instead. For those wondering, Bischoff and Vince McMahon seem to have buried the hatchet and get along fine. However, Ric Flair is said to be "disgusted" that WWF would sign Bischoff and put him on the road with SmackDown.




- Speaking of Flair, WWF is attempting to calm the Nature Boy down by signing many of his buddies to contracts. "American Dream" Dusty Rhodes was re-signed to the WWF as an agent as well as Ricky Steamboat. Former WWF jobber "Red Rooster" Terry Taylor was also contacted for a job, but Taylor rejected as he doesn't consider himself retired. Concequently, they replaced "Brother Love" Bruce Pritchard and Johnny "Ace" Laurenitis who were both quietly released over the weekend.




- Scott Hall, who has been without incident so far in his WWF run, got into it last night with Chavo Guerrero. Hall was said to be acting like a bully to Chavo to the point of Guerrero being visibly upset. It's unknown what Chavo did to spark Hall's behavior, if anything. Many of the locker room sided with Chavo and one source says that a top wrestler called Hall "unprofessional" to his face, which sparked the ever eloquent response of "Whatever."




- On the subject of NWO heat, Hall isn't the only one in the doghouse as X-Pac is also getting heat amongst road agents for blowing off a meeting that they set up for him. Backstage sources claim that Pac has been giving road agents a hard time about cooperating with them for the past several weeks.




- It was announced on WWF.com that Ivory, Johnny Stamboli and Shawn Stasiak were released from their SmackDown contracts. We can exclusively confirm these are not legit releases and that and three are still under contract. It's a possibility that they could be heading over to RAW. Nonetheless, roster cuts are indeed expected soon with developmental talents heading over to the main roster.




- In unfortunate breaking news, drugs have taken the life of another member of the wrestling family as Sherri Martel passed away earlier today from an apparent overdose. Sherri had recently been making appearances in the California independent promotion UPW. On behalf of all of us here at the site, we send our condolences to the family, friends and fans of Sherri Martel.


(whoops, meant to post this right after Backlash)

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Bank of America Arena - Seattle, WA

10,454 Fans











RAW kicks off right in the midst of a great contest about to get underway. Eddie Guerrero's theme hits and the fans are stirring as they await the European Championship bout to kick off RAW! RAW takes us ringside as JR and King welcome us to the show admist the colorful entrance.




JR: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night RAW as we are ready for a European Title contest! We want to thank everyone who tuned into Backlash last night and we are certainly going to get much anticipated aftermath here tonight on RAW, King.

King: And I think we're going to see a lot of good moods, JR! Mr. McMahon especially!

JR: Not too sure about that, King. Lots of matches definitly went the boss' way, but some... other decisions beyond his control will be toiling with that mood of his, I'm sure. But wait a minute here!


Something has attracted Good Ol' JR's attention and as we see Eddie hopping up onto the apron, it becomes apparent as to who or what it is.




The Undertaker is seen jogging down to the ring with the Undisputed Championship around his waist. As Eddie tries to climb into the ring, his foot is snagged by "Big Evil", who forces him out ringside and clocks him directly into the head.


JR: What the hell is going on here?!


Pulling Eddie back onto his feet, The Undertaker grabs him by the head and throws him right into the steel steps. As Eddie folds down to the ground, Taker pulls out a chair and locks it around Eddie's leg. Taker then proceeds to pick up the steel steps that Eddie just crashed into and drops them onto the chair! Eddie writhing in pain as EMTs and trainers quickly come out to stop this assault.


JR: What was that about?!

King: The Undertaker is all about being respected and he is beating respect into Latino Heat!

JR: All he comes across as to me is a bully and a bully is not someone to be respected. Eddie Guerrero has nothing to do with The Undertaker or his business, this disgusting attack was completely uncalled for.


The Undertaker is now in the middle of the ring with a smirk on his face, watching as the traineres help a limping Eddie to the back. Big Evil lifts the stick to his lips.


The Undertaker: The only man who should be opening the show is the WWF Champion. And that just so happens to be me. So everyone else, take a backseat because I am, as always, the top dog. Triple H made his triumphant return, had a big parade at the Royal Rumble, won the WrestleMania main event to confetti and rainbows. The fans were jumping on their chairs, little kids were hopping up onto their daddy's backs everytime this arena would dim green. It looked like everything was going in Triple H's favor and that he was the toughest dog in the yard. But clearly, no matter how tough you think you are, how bad you think are you, how much the fans love you... it doesn't make a difference when you're going toe to toe with me. You see cause no matter what, I'm the biggest dog in the yard and no matter what kind of dog you are, you're going to end up sitting in the corner, licking your wounds, clinging onto your life by a thread. Triple H learned that. Shawn Michaels learned that. Eddie Guerrero learned that.


The fans boo and hiss as Taker siliently lowers the mic and paces around the ring.


JR: How evil and sadistic can you be? These are human beings we are talking about here!


The Undertaker: And you know, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Whenever my music hits and I rev my Harley down here... I hear the boos. I hear the hisses. I see the frowns. I see the scowls. I see the grimaces when I make my prey beg for mercy. I see the little children hiding behind their daddy's legs when I make my prey bleed. I see people shaking their head in shame when I beat down all their kiss-ass "fan favorites", my favorite prey. You see, I refuse to be a puppet. And that's exactly what someone like Triple H is. I'm not going to sit here and kiss anyone's ass, especially the fans. From now on, you people pay the price of admission to sit here and hope to some higher power that "The Undertaker" gets his ass kicked. WWF stock is about to be on the rise! So I can leave you with two choices... you sit there booing at me waiting for something that's never going to come.... or you respect me for what I do. I recommend that you---



The fans are on their feet as that recongizable theme hits the soundwaves and Undertaker is cut off. The arena dims green just like 'Taker described with similar reaction from the fans. Taker has an impatient look on his face as the former Undisputed Champion walks past the curtain.




As expected, it is The Game! He's out with his denim clad pants and vest complete with a skin tight Triple H shirt, water bottle in hand as usual.


JR: I think Triple H may have something to say about that! And this crowd is electric!

King: Triple H is a party crasher! This is The Undertaker's night!


Triple H doesn't spend too much time soaking it in, locking his eyes directly on the object around The Undertaker's waist. Climbing into the ring, his eyes continue to stare at the gold as Taker cuts the music off.


The Undertaker: I hope you have a Polaroid on you, boy. Go ahead, snap a picture. It'll be the closet you ever get to getting this title again.


Triple H slowly raises his eyes up to Big Evil's. A short, deadlock cold stare prompts The Game into speaking.


Triple H: It's a tough pill to swallow... but I can admit it. I can admit it, Taker. You were the better man. Congratulations. You defeated me. You had to go and reach your hand into the depths of hell to pull out the stops and make this personal before the bell sounded, but you beat me nonetheless.

The Undertaker: This is a dog eat dog business. There are no such things as friends in the WWF. All the "units" here are using each other to get ahead. I wouldn't be surprised if Shawn was using you to get back into the limelight, you think he wouldn't hesistate to kick you in the skull if it meant him getting ahead?

Triple H: You're right, Deadman. This is a dog eat dog business. I should know more than anyone, even you. I've woke up with knives in my back.. and I'm guilty of taking them out and shoving them into someone else's. But for Shawn and I... it's different 'Taker. It's much different. Now I'm not one that's always been judged for my kindness, hell... it's probably my worst quality. But I do have a heart somewhere in this wireframe and what you did to Shawn... it crossed every line there is to---

The Undertaker: I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS! Do you hear me!? Do you understand it?! I'm the baddest dog here, Hunter! I'm the man! THE MAN! I'm the face of this company! And I will beat every single person down that stands in my way, I don't give a damn who or what they are. It doesn't make a difference, Hunter. Do you have a problem with that?!

Triple H: As a matter of fact I do. And you know what else I have?


Triple H walks up closer to Big Evil and stares back down at that title around The Undertaker's waist before locking eyes with him again.


Triple H: Another dance with the devil. Judgement Day. And it will be mine.


The fans are on their feet as Triple H makes a belt motion around his waist. Undertaker simply chuckles.


The Undertaker: Son, I think it's time for you to take that big ego of yours and head to the back of the line. You got your shot and you lost. That's all there is to it. In case you forgot, SmackDown is next in line. Rematch clauses are no more. I'm moving on, boy. There's quite the line right now full of punks who want to be famous. You already got your spotlight.


Hunter takes a swig of his water bottle and places it down in the ring. Opening up his denim vest, he pulls out a contract and begins to read it silently.


Triple H: Now I'm not a business student... but I read the contacts I sign. And this is one that I signed the day after I won the Undisputed title. And while it's true that the draft has since discountinued the "rematch clause", I was the champion before it. Now you can call it cheating the system, whatever you want, all I know.... I have another shot and I will do everything I can to get it.

The Undertaker: Oh I'm shaking in my boots! Do you think you indimiate me, boy?! I don't care if it's you I have to face or God himself, I will defend this gold against anyone and everyone! It doesn't make a difference! So you want to take me on Judgement Day? Well "Game On", Hunter. But this is your last chance... but don't worry. I'll make sure you stay famous.


Taker drops the mic and stares down his nemesis. Turning his back to The Game, Taker heads out of the ring and walks to the back without looking back.


JR: So it looks like Triple H will get another shot at Big Evil come Judgement Day, what a big match that will be - The Game's chance at retribution!

King: This isn't right, JR. Rematch clauses are no more, Triple H is bullying his way to another shot!

JR: You want to talk about bullying, King?! I'd say The Undertaker has demonstrated that plenty. And after the sadistic mindgames The Undertaker played last week, I'd say Triple H deserves another shot - clause or not.






It's clear this was a punishment match and The Dudleyz did everything they could to hurt D'Lo, not necessarily beat him. Although D'Lo had his work cut out for him if he wanted to actually have a shot. Despite this being a handicap match with arguably one of the best tags teams in the world, he still held his own and had the fans on his side despite his recent actions. But The Dudleyz took clear control and having another man meant plenty of referee distractions and illegal blows to keep things on their side.


Things were looking up as D'Lo began to get on the verge of a comeback, but he was cut short by a quick double team. But at that point...




It's Goldust! D'Lo Brown is dazed in the corner and has no idea what's going on as The Bizarre one hits the ring and takes a few shots at the Dudleyz. Being fresh as a daisy, he's able to knock Bubba out on the ground and D-Von out of the ring. But despite this match not necessarily being fair, interference is clearly not in the rulebook and the referee quickly calls for the bell!


Winners: The Dudley Boyz (via DQ) @ 8:21


King: What is that idiot doing?!

JR: For the last few weeks, we've seen Goldust practically stalking D'Lo Brown and we learned last week he wants a tag team with him... and what better way to show that than saving him from a beatdown?

King: He cost him the match, JR! And besides, this is Goldust... who would want to team up with him!?

JR: Goldust is about as strange as a Twilight Zone episode but he's still a tremendous athlete.

King: Athletic means nothing when you're Goldust, he's just a.... well, D'Lo called it last week - a freak!




With the Dudleyz down, Goldust attempts to help D'Lo to his feet. As he tries to raise his arm up, D'Lo quickly swipes it away. Inaudibly shouting at him, D'Lo pushes Goludst away. He attempts to huff off, but during that exchange...




The Dudley Boyz have recovered and D'Lo walks straight into a 3D! Goldust attempts to intervene but the Dudleyz knock him down with a double clothesline. Looking at the unconcious D'Lo and unsatisfied with their mission to teach him a lesson, Bubba gives D-Von that bugged out stare before pushing him.


Bubba Ray Dudley: GET THE TABLES!!


The fans are booing as D-Von climbs out and slides a table into the ring. Bubba sets it up as D-Von picks the dazed D'Lo to his feet. Bubba hoists himself onto the turnbuckle and D-Von sets up D'Lo for the powerbomb. But Goldust is back to his feet and quickly attempts to intervene again, knocking D-Von in the head and climbing up onto the the rope with D'Lo and Bubba. Bubba starts screaming and asking what Goldust is doing, but the Bizzarre one lifts D'Lo by the shoulders and places him down onto the apron. D'Lo, not being in it, simply lets himself fall down ringside as D-Von recovers. The Dudleyz knock Goldust senseless and D-Von helps Goldie up onto Bubba's shoulders... right before he inevitably crashes right through the table.


JR: Good god, what destricution from these Dudley Boyz! I don't know what Goldust is thinking, but he practically sacrificed himself for D'Lo!

King: He's an idiot, JR! D'Lo wants nothing to do with him, he's just trying to get a favor out of him.

JR: Well I certainly would expect D'Lo to trust Goldust a little more after tonight, but is trust even the issue when it comes to wanting a team with someone like Goldust?






We cut back to Trish Stratus and an unknown raven-haired woman. They seem to be old friends as they hug, but Trish quickly reveals who this lady may be.


Trish Stratus: Vicky! It's so great to see you again!

Victoria Varon: I know, it's been forever!

Trish Stratus: You going to kick some butt tonight, right?!

Victoria Varon: You know it! You're going be out there?

Trish Stratus: Of course! I would never miss a chance to see that goody two shoes eat mat.


The two walk off, all smilies, towards the curtains.


King: Oh my gosh, any friend of Trish is an instant friend of mine!

JR: That is in fact Victoria Varon, folks, newcomer to the WWF Women's Division. All we know about her is that she was a fitness model who use to work with Trish Stratus before Trish's WWF career. And after a long road of trying to get her dream job, she finally has the chance to work with Trish again on the big stage. Victoria Varon's debut coming up next!






Victoria looked great tonight and really put on a competitve match against the already established Molly Holly. Molly argued with the referee several times in the early goings to have Trish taken out, but to no avail. Trish stayed quielty on ringside, rooting for her friend but not getting involved.


Despite the valient effort, Molly would eventually take control. Victoria did fight back however and even went to hit her finisher - The Widow's Peak - as JR so eloquently explained to us. But Molly was able to escape it, fall to her knees behind Victoria, and schoolboy her up for the lightning quick victory!


Winner: Molly Holly @ 5:54


JR: What a showing from newcomer Victoria Varon. Molly Holly may have been the winner here tonight, but I'd say Victoria has a place here in the WWF from that contest.!




After a commercial break, we come back to RAW and theme music hits that always guarantees thousands of people will be booing...



King: I can't think of a better way to come back from a commercial, JR! Here comes Mr. McMahon!

JR: We can certainly expect Mr. McMahon to look beaming today, whether that's reality or not.




Vince is indeed all smiles as he walks out onto the ramp, William Regal (and the European Championship) & Kurt Angle are in tow, also looking quite pleased after their victories last nigh - though Regal looks quite stiff after that post-match assault from Kane. The trio individual climb into the ring, Regal as usual wiping his feet, and McMahon takes the stick to fill the arena with that gruff McMahon voice.


Vince McMahon: Last night WWF RAW showed exactly why we are the crown jewel of Sports Entertainment. Not only did a RAW member become the first official WWF Undisputed Champion since the draft.... not only did Triple H officially become a RAW superstar... not only did these two gentlemen behind me prove why they were picked by me at the top of the month... but SmackDown also went on to prove to be what I always said they were. Now I'm not going to stand here and babble on about SmackDown because quite frankly, I could care less about what Ric Flair does to get under my skin. But to answer some unanswered questions, I suppose I'll just take this time to congratulate Ric Flair. So let's all give Ric Flair a round of applause!


McMahon, Angle and Regal begin to mockingly clap for their rival, some confused fans follow the lead. Others, who brought their sarcasm detectors with them, begin to boo as they usually do when Vince McMahon speaks.


Vince McMahon: That's right, congratulations on injecting even more cancer into your own brand. You see... me bringing in the NWO for the sole purpose of destroying you and then being stupid enough to draft them is one thing. You willingly taking Brock Lesnar onto your brand along with Paul Heyman... I suppose we can give you a mulligan on that one. But as far as the Jim Cornette's and Eric Bischoff's of the world are concerned.... well, let me put it to you this way. Those two can sit there and talk about how much they'd want to kill me or Monday Night RAW off... but they're still standing in a WWF ring on WWF teleivsion after spending these past few years in whatever hole they were living in to bash MY product. As far as "James E" goes, I'm not even going to bother with because he's been an irrelevant blip on anyone's radar for as long as I can remember.... but Eric Bischoff, I beat you once. I'll beat you again. Hell, I don't even have to beat you again. It's quite simple... SmackDown is going to self destruct. SmackDown.... has cancer. And no matter what you think, Flair... thinking you have it all under control and everything's going to be fine under your order... well that control of yours is slowly going to get eaten piece by piece before you go insane. And when that happens, heh, I'd say your show will be pretty damn watchable if I say so myself. I'd call it "The Rise and Fall of Ric Flair"... perfect. Just how I imagined it.


Angle & Regal, with a smile on their faces, clap for their boss as Vince looks to the ceiling with a smirk and twinkle in his eye. He turns his attention to his associates.


Vince McMahon: Now forgetting all this SmackDown business, I do have something I want to announce out here. I'm very proud of you two especially, I asked you to go out and prove yourselves and you did. You showed exactly what RAW is all about - ruthless aggression. That in mind, I'd like to go ahead and write in permanment ink a match for Judgement Day. You see, Kurt Angle... tonight you have a match against Kane. And after what I saw last night on Backlash because of Kane, I want you to punish him. I want to see you break his ankle in two! And when you're done with that... I'd like you to move onto something else. Yeah, I'd like you to move onto something big! I will be hand selecting you to destroy a certain "problem area" here on RAW that I am, quite frankly, unsatisfied with. You see, there's a certain superstar here who doesn't belong in the year 2002... the year of Kurt Angle! So Kurt, I want a certain Hulk Hogan to realize how much this business has changed in the decade or so he's been frolicing in my competition's backyard. I'm hand picking you to take on Hulk Hogan at Judgement Day!


Angle looks shocked but happy, smiling and shaking hands with his boss.


Vince McMahon: Do me proud, Kurt, like I know you can.


William Regal is waiting, expecting a similar treatment, but Vince simply turns around.


Vince McMahon: So Mr. Hogan, I hope you're watching back there because if you thought last month was tough, the stakes are about to get higher. You see, I'm not letting you get off easy here in the WWF. And at Judgement Day you're going to see exactly why you were just the right guy at the right time 20 years ago. I created Hulkamania! And by God... I'm going to kill it.


McMahon's music starts back up and he and Angle both head to the back. Regal follows, looking clearly disappointed and a bit snubbed at that.


King: Kurt Angle against Hulk Hogan?! That's huge!

JR: Damn right it's huge. That is a colossal announcement for Judgement Day and a huge opportunity for Kurt Angle!






The ex-champions looked strong here, wanting to get another shot at their lost gold. But Headbutt, a newly formed team that certainly isn't use to being on the winning side, wanted some momentum for themselves too. This was a close contest all the way to the end, Rikishi using his size to it's fullest advantage and Al Snow intervening when Billy & Chuck attempted to get cheap.


Rico did get involved quite a bit, attempting to distract his boy's opponents, but the stylist's interactions may have cost Billy & Chuck late in the game. While Chuck distracted the ref, Rico climbed in the ring attempting to knock Rikishi's head off with a karate kick, but he ended up accidently hitting Billy instead after a reversed irish whip. The big man easily takes Rico out while Al Snow hits the Snowplow on Chuck. Climbing to the mid rope, Rikishi hits the Rump Shaker for the three!


Winners: Headbutt @ 7:50


JR: Well it looks like things just aren't getting any better for Billy & Chuck. They lost their titles last night without having to be pinned and now tonight, they lose to Headbutt.

King: They may as well stay out of the tag title hunt anyway, nobody can beat the Perfect Team - especially those idiots!






We cut to the backstage, right outside Vince's office to a very satisfied looking Kurt Angle, standing alongside William Regal. Regal is still looking a bit neglected after that last segment but Angle, however, looks charitable as he is digging through his bag with a smirk. He pulls out the brass knuckles that he got last night at Backlash and wags them in Regal's face.


Kurt Angle: Here you go! Just remember, I worked my butt off to get these and put my medals on the line. So you owe me.

William Regal: Oh pity. You were the one that stole them from me in the first place you pest.


Regal swipes them, but upon a quick glance, grows a clear look of rage.


William Regal: Where in the bloody hell did you get these?!

Kurt Angle: What are you talking about?

William Regal: These aren't my brass knuckles.

Kurt Angle: Alright, alright, I'm sorry about the paint. I went overboard, I know. But you can wash it out! Besides, that flag you always hang around is red, white and blue too isn't it?

William Regal: You imbecile, these are made out of plastic! Did you lose mine and replace them with this rubbish!?

Kurt Angle: That's what they gave me last night... maybe Eddie did it.

William Regal: This cherade has gone on long enough.


Regal barges right into McMahon's door, Angle following behind. McMahon appears to be on the phone and while he's never happy when people knock unannounced, he's certainly not happy with Regal barging in. Even if it is Regal.




Vince McMahon: Uh---excuse me.


McMahon puts the call on hold and stands up with his eyebrows arched down, clearly pissed at the interuption.


Vince McMahon: Mr. Regal, you know damn well I don't appreciate people barging into my office. What do you want?!

William Regal: I apologize Mr. McMahon, but an injustice has occured and I submit it be corrected promptly.


As if this was a crime investigation show, Regal pulls out the brass knuckles and slips them onto McMahon's desk like a piece of evidence. Before he can get into the scientific data, McMahon brashly sweeps the knuckles off the desk. A *clonking* is heard as it echoes off the floor.


Vince McMahon: I could care less about your brass knuckles. I entrusted those to you to give you a small token of confidence becuase by God, you deserved it. But I firmly believe it's gotten to your head. Now granted, a win is a win. And I'm proud that you defeated Kane last night... be keep in mind, you won because of a misunderstanding.


Angle nods his head with a smile.


Kurt Angle: That's right!

Vince McMahon: Now Kurt, here... he nearly slammed Eddie Guerrero through the mat. And at Judgement Day... he's going to slam Hulkamania through the mat. He's going to kill it, I guarantee it. But as for you... well, let's just say you got a little lucky today that The Undertaker was in a sour mood!

William Regal: Are you saying I can't beat Eddie Guerrero?! I didn't ask for The Undertaker to assault him! But if it means that much, restart the match for later tonight. I'll beat him even faster than Kurt did.

Kurt Angle: Not such a hard task after I already weakened him!

Vince McMahon: True. The Undertaker did quite a number to him too and he's still being looked at in the back.

William Regal: I was chokeslammed 5 bloody times last night! Do you think I'm at 100%?! We're even now. I'll take it. I'm a fighting champion. And I'll do you one better, Mr. McMahon. Kurt wants to talk about weakening, eh? Well how about I weaken... Hulkamania.

Kurt Angle: What?!

William Regal: Mr. McMahon... after I'm through with Eduardo... I challenge Hulk Hogan for next week's RAW!


McMahon raises his eyebrows, but nods his heads, looking quite impressed with Regal's challenge.


Vince McMahon: You know what? I love that attitude! So Mr. Regal, you want Hulk Hogan? You got it!

Kurt Angle: Hey now wait a minute!

Vince McMahon: Kurt... you should really take some notes here... this is the kind of optimism that makes you go places. But in the meantime... I suggest you get ready for Kane.


McMahon guides his arm out towards the door saying "Get out" in the nicest way possible. Regal and Angle both comply, shutting the door behind them. The roles are now reversed, Regal looking quite pleased and Angle looking ticked with jealousy.


Kurt Angle: Psh. What the heck was that all about? You think you're such a hot shot or something?

William Regal: Good luck tonight, Kurt.


With a chuckle, Regal heads towards his dressing room, Angle keeping an eye on him off screen.


JR: Some interesting signs of jealousy from both William Regal and Kurt Angle... it's like watching a couple of hungry dogs fight for a steak. I don't know what to make of it.

King: Hey, if I was them I would do it too! Who wouldn't want to be Mr. McMahon's favorite?!

JR: In any light, it appears William Regal vs. Eddie Guerrero is back on and... well, I can't say I'm a fan of that decision. I doubt Eddie will even be able to make it down to the ring after that assault earlier tonight.






As we cut back to ringside with Mr. Perfect & Mark Henry standing in a newly decorated ring. At both ends of the ring is a fancy looking stand holding one of the WWF Tag Team Titles. Standing center is a winner's podium with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd all marked onto it. With a mic in hand, Perfect greets the audience with his perfect voice.


Mr. Perfect: Well, well, well... funny how some things work out, wouldn't you say so, Mark? When I walked through the curtain back in Phillips Arena in January 2002... stepping into a WWF ring for the first time in six years... people told me that I would never achieve anything in this day in age. People had the nerve... people actually had the nerve to call me - ME - a hack! But I always said those people were bleeding with jealousy, crying in their pillows that Mr. Perfect had arrived to steal the spotlight from them. As you can see, I'm once again the man that has it all. I'm here on the best brand in the WWF working for the best boss a guy can ask for - Mr. McMahon! These beautiful pieces of gold resting here in front of you - these belong to me, right around this perfect waist. And together, with the big man here, we're The Perfect Team!


Perfect takes this time to raise both he and Henry's hands up high to rub their victory in last night just a bit more. Fans obviously jeer, but Perfect scoffs at the reaction.


Mr. Perfect: Heh. Typical jealous fools. You WISH you were like me. Everytime you boo us, we just know you're a little upset, aren't ya? You're mad that you can't have my blonde curly hair, the blue eyes, the body, the talent... you WISH you were absolutely perfect! But you're not. And just like Billy & Chuck... and especially the APA - you're simply inferior to what's standing here in the ring. But that's okay, I can't judge people for what they can't change. No reason to beat yourself up by booing even more! And that's exactly what myself and Mark are doing out here. You see, we have a winner's podium - note the plural, winners. That's right, we're here to show a little bit of appreciation for our nemesis' last night. We're here to let them have the spotlight. So I'd like to ask our set of foes to come on our here and place yourselves onto the podium!



After a short pause, midget versions of Billy & Chuck begin to prance their way down to the ring, followed by another pair of little people following behind in APA clothes. Perfect can be seen cracking up in the ring, but the fans are not as amused.


JR: For a second here, I was trying to figure out if this was the same Mr. Perfect I know but looks like that curious thought got shot down like a missile.

King: Oh come on, JR. This is a great moment! Mr. Perfect is showing some appreciation for the teams that thought they can beat him... I mean any idiot knows that The Perfect Team is flawless but they should get an E for Effort at least!

JR: Give me a break, this is humilation at it's finest.


The group of minis are in the ring by now and Perfect guides them each to stand in front of the podium.


Mr. Perfect: Alright, let the ceremony begin! Billy & Chuck... while I object to your decision of not giving us the sole title shot, I can understand why you'd be reluctant. We are the flawless team after all and have proved to be so. Your courage is envied though and I must commend you on being the fighting champions that you were. While I can assure that you'll never, ever hold these titles ever again, Mark & I can still allow you to celebrate second place. And let me remind you all, second place is the best place when you're in the ring with the Perfect Team! Climb on up!


The flamboyant pair of 2 foot soldiers slap hands and give a small Billy & Chuck-like dance as they are helped up onto the '2nd' spot on the podium. Perfect turns his attention to the APA minis, who both try to look laughably intimidating with crossed arms and goatees drawn in with magic marker.


Mr. Perfect: Even you fellas, you have spirit! You fail, fail again, and again, and again. But you never give up! And that's inspiring to every Jack, Joe and Steve back there who can't get anywhere in their insignificant careers. I'm not going to lie, it felt damn good to be able to pin you to win our titles as it just reminded me of what a couple of losers you are---whoops! Did I say losers?


Though they're pretending to be the APA, the mocked up pair still look quite offended with Perfect's wording there.


Mr. Perfect: I'm sorry, I really am, I know this is a winner's circle and all... how about we change that to---ehhh---worst place? Just nevermind all that, step onto the podium boys!


Perfect & Henry help the duo take the short step onto the '3rd' platform onto the podium. Perfect, without hesistation, steps up onto the '1st' platform on the podium, raising his arms up high and flashing a smile. Mark Henry clearly can't fit up there with him, so just raises his arms a few times and gives some mean stares to the audience members


Mr. Perfect: Perfection! And what a masterpiece perfection can be! So to all the current, former, and future tag teams out there in the WWF, take a good hard look at what you're seeing here! The Perfect Team are the Perfect Champions and anytime you go up against us... well, just like these losers - you'll come up short every time!


Perfect chuckles as he points down to the APA and Billy & Chuck combinations. The APA minis once again take offense to being called losers and the Bradshaw look-a-like punches Perfect in the leg. Though it may not have hurt, Perfect does lose his balance and nearly falls, but Henry is there to safely help him keep his balance and step off the podium. Enraged, Perfect starts screaming at Henry to intervene... and the Bradshaw mini is booted in the face. Meanwhile the Billy & Chuck tandem begin beating down the Farooq look-a-like as Henry teases a splash onto the Bradshaw.


JR: Come on now! This is enough already!

King: That's what that idiot gets for punching Mr. Perfect in the leg! He could have sprained his ankle!

JR: That little man may have made a big mistake, but this is going way over the line here. This is a 400+ lb man we're talking about here!





The jeers are quickly turned to cheers as the APA march down to the ring, pissed off expressions painted upon their faces. They waste no time climbing into the ring and attempt to ambush The Perfect Team. But Perfect is quick to exit and while Henry looks to have no problem taking them on, Perfect screams for him to follow. Nonetheless, that doesn't stop the APA from breaking up the Billy & Chuck look-a-likes from beating down the mini Bradshaw. Farooq picks the mini-Chuck up and slides him out of the ring like a bowling ball. Bradshaw picks the mini-Billy up and gets him in position for a Fallaway Slam - and hits it, sending the little guy halfway across the ring and sliding to the outside. As the Perfect Team begin to retreat, the APA taunt them with their own titles in the ring, signaling the belt motion around their waist.


JR: Looks like the APA want another shot at the gold, this feud seems long from over.

King: They don't deserve another shot! How could they ambush this Perfect Ceremony? Everything was going perfectly!






As we come back from a commercial, the competitors in the upcoming tag match are making their entrances. Well, to be more precise, Mike Awesome is making his entrance and Raven is already in the ring, sitting in the corner with a microphone in hand.


Raven: I saw you. Yes, you!


Raven points directly at the cameraman stuffing the camera in Raven's face on the outside.


Raven: I saw how you didn't flick the camera on until I already got in the ring. I saw how Vince forced me to team with the man who possesses the 10th Draft Pick that I desire. I see excuses, but not answers. I see cop outs, but not decisions. I see cowards, but nobody courageous. Awesome! Step in the ring.


Awesome does so, Hardcore Title draped over his shoulder.


Raven: You've gotten a free ride. Don't deny it. You walk into Vince's office and he flops his tongue out like a dog. He handed you that title, it was a present. Consider me an indian giver, but I want it back.


Awesome simply shrugs and mouths "anytime", clearly not intimidated by Raven.


Raven: Enemies we are. Enemies we were. Enemies we shall stay. Tonight... I'm winning. Not for you, but for me. My advice to you is this... if you want your match history to remain unblemished, stay off my playground. Quoth th--





The former Impact Players interupt the scuffle, both standing on the stage and looking quite pleased with the animosity against their future foes.


Justin Credible: Well excuse us for crashing the party, but while you two are re-igniting that old heat, we're re-uniting an old flame! Lance, buddy, why don't you bring out our lovely guest?


Storm heads to the back, disappearing for a few seconds before popping back out with a gorgeous bikini clad woman around his arm.




Though many may not know who she is, there's certainly a number of cult ECW fans in the audience who proudly chant it's initials, knowing exactly who it is.


Justin Credible: Oh that's right! Some of you may know her and for those that don't, you will real soon because once you see her you will never forget the name of Dawn Marie! Now ring the bell!


Credible and Storm both dash down to the ring with Dawn right behind as this match gets underway.






Credible & Storm controlled most of this match, especially working on Raven. Though Raven held his own for the early part, Storm & Credible were filled with energy and weren't going down easy. Raven could have easily fixed the situation with a simple tag, but it was clear he didn't want to do that. But eventually, Awesome would get a blind tag and while Raven was ticked, he didn't want to lose at the end of it all either. Awesome cleaned house and even got an Awesome Bomb on Storm in, but Dawn Marie made her presence quite prominent by slipping Storm's foot onto the rope.


Though didn't stop the big man as he began to pummel Credible. Before he could get any real momentum there, Raven slapped his back for the blind tag. Awesome clearly objected to this however as he tagged himself back in almost immediatly by shoving Raven off the apron. The two have a verbal exchange as Storm & Credible both retreat outside for a breather. During this break, Dawn pulls out two Singapore canes from under the ring and hands them to her boys. As they slide back in, having no regard for the rules, they whack the hell out of Mike Awesome.


Winners: Raven & Mike Awesome (via DQ) @ 7:24


The referee calls for the bell but Credible & Storm seem to have no care at all for winning, but showing Awesome up. And it definitly does show as the big man is chopped down like a tree and welts begin to form all over his body with each hard shot. Raven, getting the best of both worlds with a win and his partner getting the tar kicked out of him, shrugs his shoulders and heads to the back like nothing, leaving Credible, Storm and Marie to pose in the ring over the violently hurt Awesome.


JR: What a brutal beatdown on Mike Awesome... clearly Justin Credible & Lance Storm seem to want revenge, but that was the epitome of cheap. You still awake King?

King: Normally I wouldn't be but Dawn Marie did a good job of keeping me up! Oh, and I'm wide awake too, woohoo!

JR: Behave, King. The Extreme Diva definitely made herself known here tonight, that's for sure.






A familiar setting to cut backstage to, we are in Mr. McMahon's office. The boss is alone, but is waiting by the door as if he is expecting someone. Sure enough, a knock is heard.


Vince McMahon: Get in.




The door swings open to reveal Matt Hardy & Christian, obviously getting a split reaction from the crowd due to their respective alignments with the fans here in Seattle.


Christian: Mr. McMahon, I hope this isn't about Matt wrestling me again - I beat him! And I have to say, I'm really looking forward to taking myself to new heights.

Matt Hardy: What?! You didn't beat me, punk, you cheated!

Christian: Psh! Excuses, excuses!

Matt Hardy: You want to go again? Anytime, anywhere!

Vince McMahon: SHUT UP!


Both men's voices are immediately cut off as they stare at Vince, who looks growingly impatient.


Vince McMahon: You two should be thankful you ever get to stand in this office because it's a rarity. Don't blow this opportunity I have for you or else you'll never have an opportunity on WWF RAW ever again. Do you understand me?

Christian: Sure thing, boss.

Matt Hardy: Yeah, yeah.


McMahon attempts to flush away his angered emotions and readjusts his position before saying what he really wanted to say when he brought them in.


Vince McMahon: Almost twenty years ago there was a tag team here in the WWF called The Rockers.... a team that consisted of one Marty Jannetty and a little known teenaged pretty boy named Shawn Michaels. You won't be hearing The Rocker's name when it comes to the greatest of all time, that I can admit, but they were still an influential pair. I'm sure you two gentlemen have quite the memory when it comes to this tag team because your two former teams have elements of this tandem. I could clearly see the influence. But just like The Rockers, your teams had to come to an end. We know the story. After the Rockers, Shawn Michaels turned into one of the biggest superstars of all time while Marty Jannetty..... exactly. And it's sort of interesting to me how history is repeating itself with both of you playing the same role. Which is why I brought you in here tonight...

Christian: If I may... I just want to say thank you. It's an honor - HONOR - to be compared to Shawn Michaels by my own boss! That's really cool!

Vince McMahon: Are you finished? Think twice before interrupting me again. I was actually thinking you two are both the future Marty Jannetty's. Yeah, you both are down the path of irrelevancy. Edge is a former King of the Ring winner, he was a top draft pick, he's got quite the fanbase going over on SmackDown. You, Christian, what have you done since then? Jeff Hardy... not going to comment on what the hell he's trying to do but at least he's doing something than constantly whining to me about his girlfriend being away from him. That's right, Matt, whining to me is not the wisest of decisions and will usually land you in the unemployment line... however, I'm feeling generous right about now.


McMahon clasps his hands together and begins to pace as Hardy & Christian both try their hardest to not look offended.


Vince McMahon: I'm feeling generous to give you two a second chance. It's clear to me you two will never be the new Shawn Michaels, but doesn't stop you from saving yourselves from going down the path of Jannetty. So here's what's going to happen... you two are now a tag team.

Matt Hardy: Wait a minute--what?! Team with HIM?


McMahon aggressively arches his eyebrows at Hardy's interruption. But rather than raising his voice, he quietly turns to his desk and picks up two pieces of paper.


Vince McMahon: These two pieces of paperwork are your contracts. And you know what that means? I own you. You are mine. You are property of WWF RAW. So if you want to object to this? Fine. That's fine. You don't have to do as I say. But if you refuse, you are free to watch two others get the opportunity of a lifetime from me from your television sets. Because that's where you'll be watching RAW from every week. It's as simple as this, do as I say or go home. What will it be?

Christian: I, for one, love this idea! You're a genius, Mr. McMahon... I mean, I may not be the Shawn Michaels of Edge & Christian in your eyes but I sure as hell am with this one. Matt, consider yourself lucky, you can learn a lot from me!

Matt Hardy: Whatever.

Vince McMahon: I'll take that as a yes. You'll make your debut next week, I advise you be ready. Now get out.


The pair leave with mixed reactions, but Mr. McMahon has a look of satisfaction after playtime with his guinea pigs.


JR: What an interesting pair that will be... Matt Hardy and Christian?

King: I can't believe it, Christian is going to be held down from that idiot Matt Hardy now!

JR: Well if anything, these two youngsters just got a second chance at making a name for themselves here on RAW. I guess we'll really see where this could take us next week!







It was clear that Eddie was not ready for action as he limped out to his flamboyant theme. Regal, however, looked focused and ready to prove a point to his boss. As the two wrangled, Regal was able to take clear advantage, using his submission knowledge and skill to wear down Eddie's leg even more.


Latino Heat was clearly in trouble, but still put up a fight, fighting through the pain to stay in with a variety of suplexes and high flying attacks, which caused more harm than good on Eddie's hurt leg. Towards the end, Eddie was able to hit a perfect series of suplexes. He took a long time, but eventually was able to climb up to the top rope. The delay allowed Regal to roll out of the way of a Frog Splash attempt and quickly lock on the Regal Stretch. Eddie had no choice but to tap.


Winner and STILL European Champion: William Regal @ 12:35


King: You're looking at a man of dominance, JR! William Regal really proved himself to Mr. McMahon tonight! Hulk Hogan better watch out!

JR: My backside he did. William Regal is a tremendous wrestler, but Eddie Guerrero was simply not able to perform at the level we're use to seeing him perform at tonight.






The fans were on their feet for this one with Hulk Hogan backing his buddy up against his future opponent at Judgement Day. After exchanging a few words with the Hulkster, Angle and Kane went right to work. Though Angle attempted to keep things level, things got ugly fast. Kane threw Angle out the ring with minimal effort and brawled with the Olympian throughout ringside, even going into the crowd for several moments. Angle was getting knocked around left and right, things weren't helpful with the entire arena as well as Hulk Hogan rooting it on.


After much persuasion from the referee, things got back in the ring where Kane attempted to stay on top of things with power moves and strikes. Angle did try to get back in the swing of things using his quickness and wrestling skill, but Kane bounced back after every quick suplex Angle attempted. And just like that, Angle was back on the receiving end of some devastating slams from almost 7 feet in the air. Kane goes for multiple pin attempts to wear Angle down, but Kurt impressively hangs in there after each and every one.


Kurt shows some impressive signs of life with a huge German following a ducked clothesline, but Kane once again is able to spring up without feeling a thing. Frustrated with the energy Kane is showing in this one, Angle attempts another, but is abruptly stopped. Kane throttles the throat, but Angle ducks down and hooks a leg - the Ankle Lock is in! But once again, Kane simply powers out by twitching his leg off to the side, brushing Angle off as if he was a flea. Back to their feet, Angle attempts to stay on the offensive, but Kane catches him and flips him over, could it be Tombstone time?! It looks as if that could be Angle's fate, but Angle cleverly reaches his arms down to Kane's leg and somehow flips him down onto his stomach.


Angle has the Ankle Lock on again! Hogan is slapping the mat and the fans are clapping their hands for Kane to power out. With impressive strength, Kane is able to roll to his back and gets ready to push Angle away.... but Kurt instinctively flips over with the ankle hooked into a bridged pin variation. Kane doesn't even know how to react as the referee slaps his hands for the 1...2...3?!


Winner: Kurt Angle @ 14:45


King: Oh my gosh, he's done it again, JR! Kurt Angle has done it again! Three cheers for Kurt!

JR: Calm down, would you? Kane looked fresh as a daisy out there tonight, but somehow Angle is able to come out on top with that flash pin. Oh now wait a minute here...






The dust has settled and Angle knew right away to get the hell out of there as fast as possible. With a smile painted on his face, the gold medalist walks backwards, facing Hogan in the ring and acting as if he has got his number. Kane is obviously steamed as one little mistake was all it took for him to lose. Hogan attempts to calm the Big Red Machine down, but Kane looks ready to punch a hole right through the ring. Rather than doing that...




King: Oh no, not again!

JR: No, don't do this! Kane, you have a whole career ahead of you, you don't need to do this! By God!


Kane looks to take his frustrations out on Tim White instead! Hogan warns Kane to not do it, but Kane is reluctant to listen as White is lifted up in the air and slammed onto the mat.


King: Wah! He should be arrested, how many more officials are going to be assaulted by him?!

JR: Good God.... good God. I can understand Kane's frustration, but this is going too far!


Hogan has both hands on Kane's shoulders to stop the carnage and the Big Red Machine complies. But before the two can ride out in the sunset, the titantron switches on.




Vince McMahon: Kane, last night you chose the very unwise path of walking on thin ice on my brand. You unreasonably chose to put your hands on a referee due to your own mistakes. Seeing as how you still haven't learned your lesson, I'm going to make a move that will make the RAW backstage environment a little more peaceful. Kane, I can say with the most amount of satisfaction, you are indefinitely suspended!


Right on cue, four police officers are shown marching down to the ring from behind the curtains.


Vince McMahon: You will now be escorted out. If you so much as lay a finger on any of these officers, I will upgrade that suspension to a firing.


Hogan attempts to reason with Kane to comply, though both are obviously ticked at McMahon's decision here. The officers waste no time ordering Kane out of the ring. As he does, no problems seem to arise as he follows them to the back with no restraint. But the fans do have a problem with this, showcasing it with jeers from 10,000 people.


King: Justice has been served, see ya!

JR: I'm not too sure what is going through that demented head of Kane as of right now, but from the looks of it, we won't know for a long time. Lots of questions are to be answered, but our time here is up. Ladies and gentlemen, goodnight from Seattle.


Quick Results:


The Dudley Boyz defeated D'Lo Brown (via DQ)

Molly Holly defeated Victoria Varon

Headbutt defeated Billy & Chuck

Raven & Mike Awesome defeated The Impact Players (via DQ)

William Regal defeated Eddie Guerrero to retain the WWF European championship

Kurt Angle defeated Kane




Shutout28 - 4/6

KrisKatana - 3/6

Jingo - 2/6

Beejus - 2/6


@Shutout - Thanks man!

@Beejus - I've always been a bit of a Bull mark actually. I don't think I'd have to heart to can him, haha

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Stevie Richards opened the show by announcing that he originally was going to team up with Raven, but said he didn't trust him enough and is replacing him with his new found friend. Former ECW wrestler Nova comes out for the next match to team with Stevie. Justin Credible & Lance Storm defeated Stevie Richards & Nova. Quite a few ECW chants in the arena during this one and a faint BWO one. Decent match, pretty fast-paced but Nova & Richards were really off as a team for some reason. Finish came with Richards booted in the skull with a double superkick from Storm & Credible for the win.


Johnny the Bull was in the ring with Shawn Stasiak (filiming the entire thing on a handheld camera) and announced that he was released by SmackDown to make room for a bunch of "tough enough punks". Bull bets he's not only tougher than any of his replacements but anyone on the RAW roster. Goldust defeated Johnny Stamboli. Shawn Stasiak stayed at ringside with the handheld the whole time and attempted to get involved a occasionally as well. Goldust remained consistently strong and pinned him after a Curtain Call.


Nick Dinsmore was out for another open challenge, claiming to be the best wrestler on the RAW roster. Perry Saturn answered the challenge. Nick Dinsmore defeated Perry Saturn. Dinsmore attempted to out-wrestle Saturn but failed big time. Saturn controlled most of the match but Dinsmore got Saturn at ringside and cheaply beat him down before rolling back in the ring just before the count of 10. Saturn was pissed, but Dinsmore left before any revenge could take place.


In the main event of the evening, Mr. Perfect defeated Al Snow. Good typical Heat main event. Henry was at ringside, but stayed out it for the most part. The pair posed with the tag titles after the match.

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SmackDown is making it's way to the West Coast! Big Blue is at the Haas Pavillion for what could be the NWO's last stand! Last Sunday at Backlash, Eric Bischoff made his shocking debut and tried to earn himself a job working directly under Ric Flair. Though Flair (And quite possibly everyone else) was skeptical of Bischoff's attempts, the former WCW President made his mark against the NWO and got them to gamble: Win against Rock N' Sock and one of them will earn a title shot... lose against Rock N' Sock and one of them will be fired. As we now know, the latter did indeed happen and the NWO is about to become one member short after tonight! But in what possibly could be any of the three men's last nights here on SD, all of them will be wrestling singles matches in an attempt to save face. X-Pac will lock horns with resident superhero The Hurricane, Scott Hall with "The Rabid Wolverine" Chris Benoit, and Kevin Nash with former King of the Ring winner Edge!


In high flying cruiserweight action, Tajiri will defend the gold against Scotty 2 Hotty. Tajiri successfully defended the title last Sunday when mystery man (later revealed to be named Jamie Noble) intervened in the contest. Will we get more answers as to what Noble's purpose in the WWF is and the specifics on his relationship with Tajiri? Meanwhile, it's tag team action! Booker T & Brock Lesnar will team up to take on Rob Van Dam & Maven. DDP was originally scheduled to be RVD's partner tonight, but nagging injuries suffered from his match with Lesnar last Sunday has called for a replacement. Maven may be a small fish in the pond these guys swim in, but can he prove himself to be a worthy partner to the Intercontinental Champ?


While the SmackDown crew may be unsure of what to do with Triple H's revelation of a rematch with The Undertaker at Judgement Day, it doesn't seem to be stopping Ric Flair from hopping some of his top guys onto the road to the gold. Flair has announced that SmackDown will have a mini-tournament to determine the next #1 Contender and the first pair up are The Rock and Chris Jericho. It's no question the "Great One" deserves a title shot after his triumphant victories over Hulk Hogan and the NWO in back-to-back pay-per-views. But first, he must take on an old rival in Y2J. And while Jericho is in hot water due to his assault on Mick Foley last Sunday, Flair promised Jericho an opportunity to regain his title and this could be it. But should he step over the line again come showtime, the "Nature Boy" has talked about "dealing" with Jericho... whatever that means! In any light, these SmackDown elites look to tear the house down as one of them will get a step closer to the WWF Undisputed Championship.


Quick Picks:


WWF CRUISERWEIGHT: Scotty 2 Hotty w/ Albert vs. Tajiri ©

Rob Van Dam & Maven vs. Brock Lesnar & Booker T w/ Paul Heyman

The Hurricane vs. X-Pac

Chris Benoit vs. Scott Hall

Edge vs. Kevin Nash

The Rock vs. Chris Jericho

BONUS: Who will be kicked out of the NWO?

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WWF CRUISERWEIGHT: Scotty 2 Hotty w/ Albert vs. Tajiri ©

Rob Van Dam & Maven vs. Brock Lesnar & Booker T w/ Paul Heyman

The Hurricane vs. X-Pac

Chris Benoit vs. Scott Hall

Edge vs. Kevin Nash

The Rock vs. Chris Jericho

BONUS: Who will be kicked out of the NWO?

I say Kevin Nash just as a twist!

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WWF CRUISERWEIGHT: Scotty 2 Hotty w/ Albert vs. Tajiri ©

I really like Tajiri + Scotty and Albert are a team and have no real need for a singles title. Unless you plan on splitting them, which I wouldn't complain about.


Rob Van Dam & Maven vs. Brock Lesnar & Booker T w/ Paul Heyman

Ohai Maven. You'll never beat Brock Lesnar.


The Hurricane vs. X-Pac

The longer I go without seeing Pac in real life, the more I find myself remembering him fondly.


Chris Benoit vs. Scott Hall

See final question.


Edge vs. Kevin Nash

Screw Edge; make Christian an 11-time champ instead.


The Rock vs. Chris Jericho

Jericho isn't going to catch a break here; as awesome as he is, Rock is just better.


BONUS: Who will be kicked out of the NWO?

Scott Hall

He's the one causing the friction, not X-Pac, so the groundwork has been laid. More than that though, I'm presuming you're using Genadi's 2002 mod to run this on TEW and have become thoroughly annoyed with his drinking tanking ratings and his attitude causing trouble backstage and this is your means for writing him out. Give him a six month vacation as if he's gone to rehab then bring him back a healthy, changed man.

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WWF CRUISERWEIGHT: Scotty 2 Hotty w/ Albert vs. Tajiri ©

Rob Van Dam & Maven vs. Brock Lesnar & Booker T w/ Paul Heyman

A way to give Brock a loss without him getting pinned!?

The Hurricane vs. X-Pac

Chris Benoit vs. Scott Hall

Edge vs. Kevin Nash

The Rock vs. Chris Jericho

BONUS: Who will be kicked out of the NWO? I wish it was none but alas ... Scott Hall!

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Haas Pavillion - Berkeley, California

10,000 Fans


Dark Matches:

Jeff Hardy defeated Funaki at 2:35 via pinfall






Mike Tenay: We are off the heels of a history making Backlash as we return back home to SmackDown! Mike Tenay and Tazz here at the sold out Haas Pavillion, and Tazz - tonight we will finally see something I'm sure the "Nature Boy" has been yearning to see for a long time... a NWO member is out tonight! Out of the job!

Tazz: Absolutely. NWO have been doing everything they can to stay in power since bein drafted, but Flair has ruled this place with an iron fist. Naitch ain't backin' down from anyone!

Tenay: Interestingly enough is the debut of a man that the NWO have a very distinct history with. The former president of WCW, Eric Bischoff, made a surprise return last Sunday and.... well, I'm personally quite surprised with Bischoff's perspective.

Tazz: I tell ya', when I saw that smarmy smile and leather jacket again, I thought we'd be in for a world of trouble. But some people do change! And Bischoff is definitly showing signs of it! Notfa nothin', but I don't see how you can't credit "Easy E" with causing the NWO's downfall tonight, am I wrong?

Tenay: You may be right. There's still a lot of unanswered questions. And appropriately enough, cameras are currently in the office of Ric Flair along with Arn Anderson and Eric Bischoff. Let's get back there to see what's going on!






Ric Flair: ...and I'm not just going to let them get away with that, nosiree. That is OUR title shot and if Vince wants to bully Triple H into it?! Well we'll just fight both of 'em!

Arn Anderson: What do you mean, boss?

Ric Flair: I say we do a triple threat!


Gritting his teeth with a sharp inhale, Bischoff shakes his head.


Eric Bischoff: With all due respect, I don't think that is such a good idea.

Ric Flair: And why is that, Mr. ex-President of WCW?

Eric Bischoff: Triple H and the Undertaker have elevated their personal issues onto such a grand scale right now that I just think having one of our guys go in there is... well, not very business savvy.

Ric Flair: Not business savvy? Are you saying I'm not cut out for business? Because that's exactly what Vince McMahon has been telling me since this whole mess started. I don't need YOU of all people to try and tell me what is a good business decision and what isn't.


Flair's face is already starting to illuminate a red aura. Bischoff knows that Flair is an easy one to push over the edge so keeps his distance.


Arn Anderson: Hey listen, you don't see me agreeing with this guy very often but maybe Eric's right. I mean King of the Ring is not too far from now, why don't we just give one our guys the chance then?

Ric Flair: Because it's OUR turn!

Eric Bischoff: So we'll take two turns. Look we got a mini-tournament right? Why don't we just have that culminate at Judgement Day... winner takes on Triple H and The Undertaker at King of the Ring. I mean we still don't even know who the other two guys competing in this "tournament" are!

Arn Anderson: He's right, we have to focus on taking out the NWO this month anyway.


Flair begins to pace around his room, thumb up brushing against his bottom lip. He stops at his desks and plants his hands down to look both Arn and Bisch in the eye.


Ric Flair: Okay. You know what? I said I'd have a cabinet here. I said I wouldn't be a dictator. If you guys disagree, then I guess I'll listen. So onto this tourament... as much as I can't stand the guy, I promised Chris Jericho a chance so I put him in a slot tonight. But win or lose, let's just say I have a special surprise for him tonight. The Rock - no doubt about it - he deserves a shot. So I'd like to ask you guys to name two more.


Eric and Arn both nod their heads in thought. Arn pipes in first with his index finger raised up.


Arn Anderson: I'll go with Edge.

Ric Flair: Edge it is! Good choice. Eric?

Eric Bischoff: Easily the Big Show.

Ric Flair: Alright, Big Show vs. Edge for next week and NWO dies this week, woooo! Things are looking up!


Tenay: Wow so Big Show vs. Edge is on the books for next week - two big opportunities there.

Tazz: Lands of opportunity is here on SmackDown, that's fasure! And what is with this "surprise" on Chris Jericho?

Tenay: I haven't the slightest clue!







The champion looked strong going into this one, trying to keep his momentum high despite the fact his win was far from legitimate last Sunday. Though Scotty wasn't getting much offense in, he hung in there and had the fans on his side in almost unanimous fashion. Tajiri kept things relatively clean, but was itching to use his mist too - especially on someone who didn't have a protector for once! After getting the blind ref to look the other way, Tajiri expelled a yellow-colored mist that was barely noticable on Scotty's face. But Scotty's buddy was not letting Tajiri get away with that, hopping on the apron and trying to explain to the ref what he saw.




But here comes that dirty south friend of Tajiri from last Sunday! Noble heads to the apron and impressively pulls the big man Albert off the apron by his leg. He gives him a hard shove and shouts.


Jamie Noble: Leave em' alone, y'hear?! He's the best champion of all time yer freakin' skinhead!


And with that - POW. Albert gives Noble a bicycle kick right to the jaw. But by this point, the referee is back to the match and a dazed Scotty is rocked with a Buzzsaw Kick! Tajiri goes for the cover and gets the win!


Winner and STILL Cruiserweight Champion: Tajiri @ 4:44


Tenay: And there's that friend of Tajiri once again, possibly costing Scotty of a DQ victory.

Tazz: I tried to interview that cat but to no avail, no idea what he's on!

Tenay: Folks, we'll try to get Kevin Kelly back there as soon as possible to try to get more answers as to what this guy is trying to do!






Maven was clearly out of place here, although just like he did with Chris Jericho - he still poured his heart out against the duo. But despite his best efforts, Booker was too experienced and Brock was too powerful. The duo took advantage of it by keeping Maven in the ring and working on him as much as they could. But egos got the best of them as Lesnar and Booker - possibly two contenders for RVD's title - begin to argue about who should get offense in, even resulting in Booker breaking up a pin attempt from his own partner!


Maven eventually got the tag in as the two men argued and the fresh Mr. Thursday Nights got in a flurry of offense using his kicks and speed. RVD stayed on top for several moments, but Brock & Booker came to their senses to work together again and did just that. As Maven recovered, he went straight for Booker in an attempt to keep it even, the two eventually brawling to the outside - leaving Brock and RVD as the legal men. Though Maven's intentions helped, Lesnar is a monster of a man, especially in singles competition. And while RVD threw everything but the kitchen sink at him to stay on top, Lesnar was able to overcome Van Dam and finished him off with a F-5.


Winners: Brock Lesnar & Booker T @ 10:04


Tenay: Brock Lesnar gets the pin on the champ... could that mean Brock Lesnar will get a future title shot?

Tazz: Could be! But let's not forget the Booker man, he's been wantin a title shot like crazy lately too!






We cut to the back where we see an irate looking Jamie Noble, hand on jaw, with a frantic looking Tajiri. Tajiri begins speaking Japanese to Noble, but it's obvious he doesn't understand a word of it.


Jamie Noble: Just shaddup, Tamiri! Shaddup!

Kevin Kelley: It's Tajiri.

Jamie Noble: Keep yer trap shut too, city slicker! Did you see what that dag nab cueball did to me?! I need a massage from yer woman! Where the hell is she?!

Kevin Kelly: Uhh, about that if I may - who are you talking about?

Jamie Noble: Ey shut up! Who the hell are you anyway!? Why you following us around with that stick, boy?!

Kevin Kelly: I'm an interviewer... this is my job.

Jamie Noble: Well go be a interviewer to someone else!! Tajama, let me ask you something... who is that cueball that kicked me in the damn face?! Who is he, I want him! I want to kick his ass!

Kevin Kelly: That's Albert.

Jamie Noble: Hey didn't I tell you to scram?!

Kevin Kelly: Can you even understand a word of what Tajiri is saying?

Jamie Noble: Of course I do, I studied Japanese in that school we use to go to, y'see. So this "Albert" feller... how do I go about kicking this guys ass?

Kevin Kelly: Are you even a wrestler?

Jamie Noble: Sure I am! I've been a wrassler for... six long years! Yeah, I trained at... at that Andre the Giant feller's place y'see.

Kevin Kelly: Uhhh... Andre the Giant has been dead for almost ten years.

Jamie Noble: EY I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO SHADDUP! Eric Riftraff or Rich Blair or whoever the hell runs this dump, tell em' Jamie Noble's a-comin and that some asses are about to be kicked!






We cut to the back where we see Ric Flair in his office alone. Stacy Keibler opens the door and Flair pops his head open as if he was expecting someone. Right behind Stacy walks in a very banged up looking Diamond Dallas Page.




We can see tape wrapped around his body underneath his shirt and he's walking with a heavy limp. Though he looks terrible, Page is all smiles as he greets Flair with a handshake.


Ric Flair: You okay? You look horrible.

Diamond Dallas Page: I'm great!


Without showing an expression of pain, Page limps over to a chair and plops himself down, kicking his feet up onto a coffee table nearby.


Diamond Dallas Page: I had to see and I found out.


Page throws his arms up in the air with a smirk.


Ric Flair: Yeah... that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. Let me ask you this... how much have you thought about retirement?

Diamond Dallas Page: Ya' kidding me? Hey, I mean, I may be on the wrong side of 40 but that don't mean a thing to me, Ricky. When I walked out to that crowd Sunday... saw all those people putting up the Diamond sign and chanting my name... I know it's not over, not for a long shot. I'm here to stay, baby!

Ric Flair: Hey I agree with you, the fans are electric here on SmackDown and that's why I love this job so much. But sometimes it's just time, don't you think?

Diamond Dallas Page: Ric, I can do this. I can do this! I mean Brock kicked the tar out of me, I give ya that. But that cat... through all our thick history over these past few weeks, that kids got a future on him. And I'm honored to be the first man he beat on the many PPVs we'll be seeing him on. Now don't get me wrong, I ain't here to take the spotlight away from the kids, but this is my passion.

Ric Flair: I had that same psychology but look at me now. I'm here wearing a suit having the time of my life running the best wrestling brand in the world.

Diamond Dallas Page: When I look at you, Ric... I see lost opportunity.

Ric Flair: I beg your pardon?

Diamond Dallas Page: You're a legend in this biz, no doubt about it. You're an icon! But I also think you still have it. I mean maybe it might sound a little crazy... but don't you think you have another run under your belt?

Ric Flair: I'm 53 years old, Page.

Diamond Dallas Page: So why should that stop you? Look I ain't talking Millionaire's Club or the old Dubya schtick, SmackDown is all about the future after all. But there's just something about knowing your days are numbered, you know? You're right, Ric. I don't have a lot of time. But that's exactly why I'm living in the moment. And honestly I think you should think about it too. Woooooo!


We hear the fans cheer and woo in approval of another Nature Boy run. Page begins to get up and heads towards the door while Flair looks deep in thought.


Diamond Dallas Page: Just think about it, Ric. 17-time World Champion sounds pretty damn nice to me if I say so myself!


And with that, Page opens the door and limps on out. Flair's expression doesn't even budge as he head back to ringside.


Tenay: Another Ric Flair run in the WWF?! Could you imagine?

Tazz: Ey' I respect Flair for all he's done in 'dis business, but come on! You think he can hang with these boys?!

Tenay: I don't see why not! Time may not be on his side but could you imagine one of the best of all time going up against some of the best of this current generation? I'd say there are quite a few dream matches here!






Normally these would be a Cruiserweight ranking match but with Pac's NWO gear proudly showing, it's clear that's one title hunt he'll never be in. Or any title hunt, for that matter. Pac's had very limited success upon his return and has yet to rack up a win... tonight he looks to do that against The Hurricane.


Surprisingly, the masked one kept his own and this match turned out to be quite even, especially with the roaring crowd getting to Pac with the "X-Pac sucks" chants. But after a close battle, Hurricane went for the Chokeslam only to get kicked in the gut and go down with an X-Factor. This was enough for the NWO to get their first win for the evening!


Winner: X-Pac @ 6:01






We cut to the backstage as Ric Flair has seemed to finally get some alone time. He's sitting at his desk with no Arn or Eric in sight. But that soon changes as the door swings open with force and surprisingly, the WWF Champion himself walks in.




It's Flair's old "buddy", the Undertaker. These two have a very bloody past and Flair's face says it all. Taker doesn't seem to have a care in the world as he nonchalantly lounges himself onto a sofa on the other side of the room and kicks his feet up much like the more inviting DDP. Taker takes the the Undisputed title from around his waist and places it onto his shoulder, looking at it a bit before staring back to the motionless Flair.


Ric Flair: Can I help you?

The Undertaker: No. You can't help me. I don't need your help. I don't need anyone's help. Look at this.


Taker taps his finger upon the center of his championship.


The Undertaker: This represents who I am. I'm a champion. I'm a winner. I'm THE MAN.

Ric Flair: Yes, I see. Congratulations.

The Undertaker: Don't give me that, boy. You don't have to kiss my ass just because I'm the clockwork of the WWF now. No, no all you have to do is do your damn job. See, Ric, I plan on being champion for a very long time. I got Triple H at Judgement Day and I have every intention of not only beating him but retiring him. I'd love nothing more than that. So I give you one month, Ric. You have one month to find the biggest bad ass you can muck up to take me on. I hope you're ready.

Ric Flair: Well, gee, thanks for the tip.

The Undertaker: Don't get smart with me, I'm laying the facts into you. Know why? Cause nobody else has the BALLS to do it. But I do. Yeah, just because I have the right to be on this show doesn't mean I'm buckling down to my knees and puckering up anytime soon.

Ric Flair: Can't say I ever expected that.

The Undertaker: Good! Because you know what? I don't like you. I hate you. I heard what DDP said about another run, I hope you listened to him. I really hope you did. I would love nothing more than to see you come out of retirement only for me to put you back in it. Mark my words.

Ric Flair: Fascinating.

The Undertaker: I told you already, don't get smart with me! You ain't my boss! I'm the boss! That's right, I'm the boss of this company because I'm the man that people care about. I'm the man on the posters, I'm the man on the marquee, I'm the man that sells the tickets. These people hate me, they want to see me lose, and they're going to spend every penny they can find under their couch to see their kiss ass fan favorites like you try to take me down. IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!


The Undertaker abruptly stands up and marches over to Flair's desk. He slams the belt down onto it. Flair doesn't even budge.


The Undertaker: Take a look at that nameplate. This overrides the one sitting on your desk. Keep that in mind. As long as I'm champion, I'm the boss 'round here. That's Mr. Undertaker to you. I wish you the best of luck in taking me out, Ric. Cause you're gonna need all the luck in the world and then some.


Flipping the belt back up onto his shoulder, Taker heads right out the door.


Tenay: Who does that guy think he is?!

Tazz: Well... he's The Undertaker, Tenay! And that belt pretty much says he's the best in the world at the moment.

Tenay: That doesn't give him the right to bully our boss like that! I'm not sure what kind of ride Undertaker's ego has been on lately, but it's sickening to watch.






We cut backstage to the NWO lockerroom. Hall is getting the finishing touches on his ring gear on while Nash is still getting warmed up. An elated looking Pac is unwrapping the tape from his hands.


X-Pac: That's what I'm talking about! And you say I'm the weakest? Kicked off with a win, black and white all the way! In your face, Scott!


Scott simply lets out that low-voiced chuckle.


Scott Hall: Yeah. Some hot shot you are. You beat some scrub who wears a cape. I'm up against Chris Benoit, you know, the guy you tapped like a little bitch to.

X-Pac: Hey don't try to justify anything, Scott. You lose tonight then you're no better than me, you better remember that!

Scott Hall: If you honestly think me and Kev are going anywhere tonight, you got another thing coming. That's all I have to say.

X-Pac: Listen, Kevin, I know you and Scott are tight but we have to think about unity here and it's just not happening with this drunk-ass prick.


Kevin looks embarrassed to be in the room, palm on face and neck going side to side.


Kevin Nash: Look. I don't want anyone going anywhere tonight. We're the black and white for life. Do you get that? FOR LIFE! Your membership is lifetime when you're inducted into this wolfpac. We're standing up to Ric and Eric today, that's all there is to it. We go in there as one, we exit as one. We fight till we die. Do you understand me?

Scott Hall: Always.

X-Pac: I think that's a load of bull, Kev.

Scott Hall: You better watch where you stand.

X-Pac: No, I'm going to speak my mind. That's a load of bull and you know it. If this was for life you would have rejected Eric's deal on Sunday. Hell, I know I would have! Forget power, forget titles, we don't need em'! We're the NWO, we're here to do what Vince payed us to do. I know Eric wants me gone more than anything. I know Scott was whispering in your ear that I'm expendable. I know you think I'm some sort of weak link but you motha's are wrong. I won tonight and I plan on doing it for as long as I can for us and us only. I'm about the NWO, not X-Pac! Scott Hall is about... Scott Hall.

Scott Hall: Would you just shut up already?

Kevin Nash: Pac, just relax. You're not going anywhere tonight. Nobody is. Let's go get ready, Scott.

Scott Hall: You got it, Kev.


Tenay: Well it's been drawing more and more obvious since the day dissension started, X-Pac is obviously on the outs here.

Tazz: No doubt. Hall and Nash are tight as a drum. I don't see either backstabbing the other tonight.






Scott Hall was out there to prove to both X-Pac and perhaps himself that he was a crucial part of the NWO. He went in here looking strong against the always intense Chris Benoit, but the Rabid Wolverine was on task today and surprised Hall with a series of suplexes and submissions. Hall's experience allowed him to stay on top for a good chunk of the match, but his trademark ****iness always opened up a spot for Benoit to take control.


After a good chunk of back and forth action, Hall was able to stay on top of Benoit and attempt to end him with the Outsider's Edge. But as Benoit is up in the crucifix, he manages to latch an arm and pull it towards him, shifting his weight down and impressively getting the Crossface in! Hall is completely dumbfounded by the blindside and has no idea what to do, being in the center of the ring and feeling his neck and arm separate from his shoulders. Hall hesitates but ultimately has no choice but to slap his hand on the mat. This ones over!


Winner: Chris Benoit @ 10:38






Just seconds into the screen change, the arena is filled with deafening cheers as The Rock appears with Kevin Kelly.


Kevin Kelly: Rock, in tonight's main event you're up one-on-one against Chris Jericho for a chance at being the next #1 Contender. And next week, Edge and Big---


Before he can finish, Rock sticks his palm in Kelly's face before gently tugging the microphone towards his mouth. After a short pause to reel in the cheers, Rock snaps it back and let's out that booming voice.


The Rock: Finally The Rock has come back to Berkeley!


Works like magic everytime. "Rocky, Rocky, Rocky!"


The Rock: Kevin Kelly, The Rock knows what he has coming to him, The Rock knows who stands in the way! It doesn't matter if it's Jericho today, Big Show tomorrow, Edge the next day, King Kong Bundy the next day, Kamala the next day, Kevin Kelly the next day, a nice slice of pie the next day -- it doesn't matter because you see, it is the Rock's destiny to be the next WWF Undisputed Champion, it is the culmination of everything we've worked for, we being The Rock and the people. And there is nothing, and The Rock means NOTHING that can stand in the way of that!

Kevin Kelly: Last Sunday you beat---


The Rock once again cuts Kelly off and brings the mic back to his mouth.


The Rock: If you smellelelelelellelelelel-EL.... what the Rock...... is cooking.


Eyebrow and a sing along crowd, The Rock walks off and we cut elsewhere.






We cut to Flair's office where Bischoff is now present. Flair looks to be getting ready to head to ringside for the NWO dismissal. Bischoff, however, has another idea.


Eric Bischoff: You know, Ric, not to sing my own praises but I do think I did a pretty good job at Backlash.

Ric Flair: Yes, you did. And that's why you're here right now.

Eric Bischoff: That said, I think you should give this task to me.

Ric Flair: What are you talking about?

Eric Bischoff: With all due respect, I think I can handle this NWO situation a little better. Look, they're rebels. They're being paid money to destroy this place. I think I can.... maybe levitate the situation a little bit.

Ric Flair: Eric, this opportunity doesn't come often. I don't want this going any other way than how I want.

Eric Bischoff: And I can do that.

Ric Flair: I don't want X-Pac gone, do you understand me? I'm not concerned about him, I want Hall or Nash gone. I know you have beef with Pac and I don't want you going out there to vent your personal issues.

Eric Bischoff: No problem.

Ric Flair: And I'm serious, Bischoff. If Hall or Nash are still here after tonight... you won't be. Consider this trial #2.

Eric Bischoff: Listen, I got back-up. Don't worry about it, you want it? You got it. You can count on me, Ric.


Bischoff, flashing that always smarmy smile, straightens out his leather jacket and heads out the door.


Tenay: So Bischoff gets another chance to prove his trust.... but Hall or Nash leaving tonight?

Tazz: Yeah, like I said before, I can't see any of it happenin'. X-Pac has got the "heat" if you get what I'm sayin'.






We cut to Lita and Edge backstage, Edge getting ready to head out for his match.


Edge: This is huge for me, I get a chance at at title shot next week and I could beat a former WWF Champion this week - way cool!

Lita: Speaking of championships, I actually wanted to tell you something. I spoke to Ric earlier today and.... I get to take on Jazz at Judgement Day!

Edge: Sweet! Could you imagine at Judgement Day me winning the WWF Championship, you winning the Women's championship? Awesome.

Lita: I know and if I get to become Women's champion, I get to go to RAW too... finally.

Edge: Yeah... that's.... that's great. By the way, I know Matt's been talking about how he wants me to watch you and all but... I think it'd be for the best if you stayed back here for this match.

Lita: What, why?

Edge: Well I'm dealing with the NWO and I know what they're capable of... this being one of their last nights here and all. I'd just a feel a whole lot better if you stayed back here.

Lita: Okay, fine. Good luck out there.

Edge: Thanks, friend!


And Edge is off. Lita watches him disappear around the corner with her arms crossed before turning around, presumably to head to her dressing room. But before she gets too far...



The lights begin to flicker before that frequently seen glow-in-the-dark head starts to lower from the ceiling.




Lita: Go away, Jeff.

Jeff Hardy: Ouch, Lita, my feelings are hurt. I don't know why you no longer care. You continue to sit there and sling dirt. And to me, it's just not fair. So I backstabbed my brother, your lover, your boo. I did was best for me. I know for a fact you'd do it too. So why don't you just leave me be?

Lita: Ugh. You know, there's a reason why you never got a career doing this. This is awful. Just stop.

Jeff Hardy: What is reciting but pouring of the heart? That's all I do, why should I stop? I know this whole ordeal has been tearing you apart. But perhaps you should join my show before you become a flop. Join my sideshow, it's where you'd fit! Your acrobats, your moves, your look, your dress! You'd be my biggest hit! But if you refuse, I predict a mess. Your life will be hell. I see this through the crystal ball. After Jazz destroys you, stagnant you will dwell. For all you've worked for, your career will fall. You worked too hard, you should listen to me! I'm not speaking of opinions, but facts! In fact, I tell you this with what I can see.... perhaps you should watch your back?


Suddenly Hardy's head pulls up, the music comes to an abrupt stop, and the lights come back on. Lita looks confused, but is otherwise fine... for now?




Well Jeff was right about one thing - Lita should have watched her back as the WWF Women's Champion comes screaming from the other side of the hall to clock Lita in the back of the head with her title. Jazz continues the assault with several boots to the motionless Lita before officials pull her away.


Jazz: You want this belt?! Come and get it! I'M THE REAL BITCH, REMEMBER THAT!


Jazz is pulled off screen while Lita is attended. We cut back to ringside.


Tenay: My God, this Jeff Hardy stuff has gone from flat out weird to violent. What a vicious attack by Jazz!

Tazz: Edge made a big mistake leavin' her out here I think... I know Matt can't be happy!






Though Edge hasn't quite broken the glass ceiling when it comes to the main event scene, he is no stranger to fighting (and even defeating) big names on a regular basis. Nevertheless, Nash was not one to let someone off easy and went into this one wanting to keep himself (and the NWO) on the winning side of things for the night. Using his size, power and experience - Nash stayed on top of this one for a good majority of the match. But Edge's speed and fan support kept this from being a total squash. But that can only get you so far.


Towards the end of this one, Nash looked to tuck Edge for the Jackknife, but Edge was able to slip out of it and amount his own burst of offense. After some quick strikes and a spinning wheel kick that sent the big man off his feet, Edge set up for his devastating Spear. As Nash got up, Edge was off to the races. But as Edge came close, Nash lift his knee up in the air, causing Edge to buckle down to the ground. Nash once again set up the Jackknife and got Edge up in the air... but Edge somehow was able to roll through with a sunset flip! Nash is blindsided by the sudden pin attempt! 1....2....3?!


Winner: Edge @ 9:05


Tenay: My God! Edge has pulled off the upset!

Tazz: Huge, huge, huge victory for Edge there!

Tenay: This will definitely make the upcoming NWO "meeting" very interesting!






Pac and Hall have made it to the ring by this point, Nash looking stunned in the center of the ring. Edge usually has no problem taking on a fight, but this is one he's not willing to stick around for as he jets right to the back. While the NWO squabble and argue about losing two in a row, music hits which averts their attention to the stage.



The fans once again throw out a mixed reaction for the controversial ex-WCW President's music hitting. This is Bischoff's second opportunity to try and show that he's a "changed man". The NWO know Bisch may not be on their side this time around what with him putting them in this mess in the first place.




And here comes Bischoff! With a mic in hand, Eric keeps his distance, staying on the stage with a smile painted on his face.


Eric Bischoff: Well, well, well. Isn't this quite the situation? Well let's get right to this guys, one of you is going to be fired here tonight. And let me just say - I'm going to take the most pleasure in doing this. You three jackasses are the reason my reputation is in the toilet right now. And quite frankly, I'm sick of being grouped in with you. So this is how we're going to do things... I'm not just going to call out a name and tell them to pack their bags. Instead, you got yourself into this mess.... you take yourself out of it. You guys are in charge of kicking someone out. Time starts now.


Bischoff points to his imaginary watch by tapping his wrist. The trio stand in the ring, perplexed as to what to do. But as to be expected, Hall looks at Nash, points at Pac and inaudibly tries to swindle Pac out of the NWO. Pac abruptly goes outside and grabs a mic.


X-Pac: Screw you, Scott! I'm the only one who won their match today, you two failed. As far as I'm concerned, I should be safe. Kev is one of the best leaders anyone can ask for. You, Scott, are nothing but hack with a chip on your shoulder.


Scott gives off his spooky fingers and proceeds to clock Pac right in the face with a stiff right hand. Pac drops down and Hall begins to stomp on him before Nash pulls him off. Just as Nash does, Pac springs back up and tackles Hall into a corner. Nash pulls him off too and gets between them with his long arms.


Kevin Nash: Knock it off! I told you guys we are in this together. The hell is the matter with you two?


Nash shoves Hall aside and looks at Bischoff straight the face.


Kevin Nash: The deal was that one of us would have to be fired. So what if we refuse, Eric? Then what?


Bischoff simply lets off a confident chuckle.


Eric Bischoff: Let's just say you'll be having some big problems.



Tenay: Uh oh! Big problems is right, here comes the Big Show!

Tazz: And last we saw Show, the NWO beat him down virtually 3-on-1 in last week's main event... he must have revenge on his mind tonight!




The fans cheer in approval as an eager looking Big Show steps onto the stage, punching his ham-sized fists together.


Eric Bischoff: Well?

Kevin Nash: Heh. You'll have to do a lot more than that, that's for sure.

Eric Bischoff: Yeah? We'll see about that.


And with that, Show marches down to the ring with the NWO waiting in position. As Big Show climbs in, X-Pac heads towards him, but is simply pushed away. Hall moves in with some heavy strikes, none of which even make Show flinch. Hall's neck is throttled and up he goes... down he goes! Hall is laid out and Pac, knowing he has no chance against this guy, simply heads out the ring. The fans are on their feet as Nash moves closer to Show, the two big seven footers sharing an intense showdown. Nash goes for the strike first, raising his arm up high over Show.


Tenay: What?!

Tazz: What's goin' on here?


Nash hasn't raised his arm to strike, he's instead giving Show the wolf head! Show, on orders by Bischoff to kick the snot out of the NWO, stares at their trademark hand sign and gives it right back to Nash!


Eric Bischoff: What the hell are you doing?!


Show turns around with a smile on his face to Bischoff before vaulting himself into the ropes and throwing his hand up high as a member of the NWO! Nash begins to pat his back while Pac is back in the ring, throwing numerous cross chops down at Hall's unconscious body. Bischoff is stunned!


Tenay: I can't believe what I've just seen... Scott Hall is kicked out of the NWO and Big Show has just virtually replaced him!

Tazz: You want to talk about weakening the NWO? I think they just got much, much stronger.

Tenay: I'm afraid you're right about that.






Fans cheer in approval as the car crash hits and Mick Foley makes an unscheduled appearance. He goes right for the commentary booth to presumably watch The Rock take on Chris Jericho up next!


Tenay: Well here's a pleasant surprise, welcome back to the commentary booth, Mick!

Mick Foley: Thank you. After last night, I can't miss an opportunity to see this from the best seats in the house!

Tazz: How's the head?

Mick Foley: Oh I'm fine now, I just woke up with a hell of a headache on Monday. That doesn't make Chris any less guilty though.

Tenay: I'm in full agreement with you, that attack last Sunday was absolutely uncalled for and after tonight... he could have a very good chance of being the #1 Contender.

Mick Foley: The Undertaker said something on Monday that is only half true - this is a dog eat dog business, but only the pushovers allow the bullies like that to get ahead. And let's just say Mrs. Rock and Mrs. Foley did not raise pushovers, that's for sure!






As to be expected, this was a long, physical match between two of the top players on not only SmackDown, but the entire WWF. Jericho was wanting to get that long awaited title shot and The Rock was looking to prove why he's the #1 SmackDown pick. This match stayed even all the way past the 10 minute mark, even getting to the 15 minute mark.


After The Rock gets to the ropes on a Walls of Jericho attempt and especially after kicking out of the Lionsault, it was clear Jericho was getting flustered. The Rock has one of the biggest hearts in wrestling and it shown here tonight, especially with the California crowd on his side. Jericho attempted to go to devious methods from here and that included punching the referee right in the head and throwing him out of the ring. Slipping to the outside, Jericho got a chair ready and stalked The Rock, waiting for him to get back to his feet to scramble his brains with that steel chair. But at that moment, Foley rose from his commentator's desk and got himself onto the apron. Jericho found the chair getting itself pulled back further and further. Jericho quickly turned around to confront Mick, obviously intervening to prevent Jericho from getting a cheap win here. Fed up, Jericho pushes the chair, with Foley, and causes him to crash down onto the floor. Jericho turns around and walks right into a Rock Bottom! But the referee is down!




It's Bischoff! In a referee shirt?! Alright then... out he comes and in the ring he goes! Just as The Rock gets the cover on, Bischoff gets in position! 1....2....3!


Winner: The Rock @ 17:31






The fans are, as always, going wild for the Great One knowing he will be going to Judgement Day. Foley has joined his buddy in the ring for the celebration and is offered a handshake for his help in stopping Jericho from scrambling Rock's head with a chair.


Tenay: An electric crowd as always, The Rock has done it again!

Tazz: Pretty common phrase lately, dudes on a role, what can I say?

Tenay: The Rock mentioned before that the WWF Title was his destiny and nothing would stop him from getting there. Big Show or Edge have a lot of work to do if they want to stop the wheels of momentum of the "People's Champion"!




As the two celebrate, Bischoff looks on, flashing a smile to a job well done. He looks directly into the camera.


Eric Bischoff: I told you! I told you, you can trust Eric Bischoff!


Bischoff softly claps for The Rock as he walks up the ramp before disappearing backstage.


Tenay: I have to say, Bischoff did the right thing in coming out here and replacing the referee... I've been most suspicious of what Eric is doing here on SmackDown but everything he has done so far has brought good.

Tazz: Everyone deserves a second chance, Tenay. Bisch has had some blood on his hands for a long time but he's really startin' to show that he can be a positive influence on Thursday Nights!


But unnoticed from the announcers, The Rock, and Foley - Chris Jericho has recovered and ringside and has regained the chair that Foley took from him. Slithering into the ring like a snake, *THWAP* Jericho hits The Rock square on the back while he is posing on the turnbuckle. Rocky falls forward onto the apron, arching his back out from that steel slap... *THWAP* Another chair shot sends him off the apron and onto the ground, possibly busted open. Foley attempts to intervene but *THWAP* another chair shot to his noggin! Chris Jericho has gone ballistic!


Tenay: This is ridiculous, can we get someone out here?!

Tazz: Second chairshot to the head in a week for Foley, what a rough seven days.

Tenay: Jericho needs to get over himself and help needs to be brought out here! This is inexcusable!


But rather than that, the lights go completely out. Or perhaps this is the "surprise"? What is going on here? The fans begin to stir as they await the lights to return as they were. And eventually they do. With the lights back, Jericho appears to be unharmed, but the ring is not the same as it was. In addition to the three men, a black bat is now rested in front of Jericho's feet. Many fans rise to their feet when they realize what the object is.


Tenay: Black baseball bat?!

Tazz: Oh man...

Tenay: I only know one person who that could belong to!


Jericho observes the bat and finds an etching in it. "JERICHO" is carved into it with a knife. Enraged, Jericho slams the bat down into the ring, causing it to bounce out onto the floor. As he turns around, he finds another surprise - The Rock has recovered and a Rock Bottom puts Jericho back on the mat! The Rock helps a dazed Foley back up and the duo celebrate to the roaring crowd.


Tenay: And the Rock N' Sock are left standing!

Tazz: I can only imagine what Jericho's feelin' right now. Already out of the tournament and now... well, I don't like mentionin' names without knowin' fa'sure, but is Sting after Jericho now?!

Tenay: Hey, don't look at me! It wouldn't be SmackDown without some unanswered questions after all... ladies and gentlemen, join us next Thursday and hopefully we'll be able to fill you in!


Quick Results


Tajiri defeated Scotty 2 Hotty to retain the Cruiserweight championship

Booker T & Brock Lesnar defeated Maven & Rob Van Dam

X-Pac defeated The Hurricane

Chris Benoit defeated Scott Hall

Edge defeated Kevin Nash

The Rock defeated Chris Jericho






Slim Jim - 6/6

KJFTW - 5/6

Jingo - 3/6


Road to Judgement Day


Slim Jim - 6/6

Jingo - 5/12

KJFTW - 5/6

Shutout28 - 4/6

KrisKatana - 3/6

Beejus - 2/6

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Being in the World Wrestling Federation is the biggest priviledge in this business. Many people try to get there, but most of them fail. Are you Tough Enough to be in the WWF? Probably not. But Velocity's Director of Talent, James E. Cornette, has searched high and low for eight people he thinks are just that! Cornette has made some sweeping changes to the format of the show and rather than bring in some kids off the street, Jim is looking to bring in eight experienced wrestlers who haven't gotten their fair shot yet. But who really is cut out for the World Wrestling Federation? Let's meet the cast and see if you can decide!




Christopher Nowinski


Chris Nowinski may sound familiar to long time followers of the show. Chris is better known as Chris Harvard, one of the finalists for the original Tough Enough! But why is he back and as a contestant once again? "They made a mistake. A critical one", says a bitter Nowinski. "I'm a Harvard graduate. I could have had any job I wanted and I chose to be a WWF superstar instead. So they choose Maven over me? Really?" Since the closing of Tough Enough, Nowinski never let go of his dream. He immediately sought further training at various wrestling schools, but never lasted more than a few months. "They say I don't belong there. And not because I'm awful, but because I'm too good. That's right, I have a wrestling trainer who trained people currently in the WWF tell me that I'm too good for this school!" Since getting various forms of training, Nowinski's phone has never stopped ringing with promoter after promoter wanting to see the Harvard alumnis at their show. Nowinski has traveled all of the world, recently just completing a show in London.


Though it may be unheard of for someone to get a second chance at Tough Enough, Nowisnki's done just that. "Maven won because they felt sorry for his mommy. That's all there is to it! Bottom line is this - I don't belong in a school, I graduated from Harvard and I'm the modern day Renaissance Man. It's time to show the WWF what they've been missing for a year!" Nowinski certainly has a big opportunity on his hands and with Jim Cornette's personal backing, there's no telling how much Nowinski has improved since his rookie days!




Dave Batista


Dave Batista is a monster of a man from Washington D.C. The 6'6" powerhouse is clearly the most intimidating of the bunch, but that hasn't made his life easy. Growing up in a poverty-stricken area, Batista looks to make the triumphant climb from the poorhouse to the penthouse. "Three people died on my front lawn, murdered. All this before I was the age of 9. I was stealing cars when I was just 13. And by the time I was 17, I was on my own. And I have been since then." Ashamed Batista is not to admit he has had a rough upbringing and only uses it as his drive. "I wasn't born like this, I worked for it. And damn hard." Despite his great look, Batista hasn't had it easy in this rough business either. Upon realizing his dream of wanting to be a wrestler, he haded to the WCW Power Plant to work under Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker. There, the Sarge told Batista to his face "Kid, you'll never make it in the wrestling business". "You think that's the first time someone told me I can't do something? I've lived off that."


Batista didn't let Parker's opinion ruin his chances as he immediately headed over to the Wild Samoan Training Centre to work under Afa Anoa'i. Since working with the former WWF Tag Team Champion, Batista has fit in like a glove and is improving with each day. "I like to work out and hurt people. What else is there for me to do? Nothing. This is what I was born to do." And it's starting to become more apparent that this could be Batista's destiny. It's no question Batista's life has made him into a tough young man, but is he Tough Enough for the WWF?




Doug Basham


"The Bashman" Doug Basham is one of the more experienced members of the cast and he's not afraid to say it. "I've been working my ass off for 10 years to get where I am today. If that doesn't warrant a call from the WWF, I don't know what does." Basham has been working hard since 1993, mostly competing in a promotion that is good friends with the WWF - Ohio Valley Wrestling. Of course it certainly helps that Basham's uncle is the head trainer! "Being born for the business is so cliche these days, but I actually have a reason to be. My family is wrestling and as a result, so am I. But here's the difference... nobody knows anyone from my family. And soon enough, everyone will know me! You know the Attitude Era of the 90's? Well prepare for the Basham Era of the 2000's. It's time for the D-Generation - the Doug Generation!"


Being so experienced and growing up with that family history definitly gives Basham an edge over the rest of the competition. But if Basham is as good as he says he is, why hasn't the WWF noticed him yet? "You know how it is. People try to get their buddies into the show before some soon-to-be from Kentucky. They may not know it yet, but I'm a key. I can open up a pretty nice chest of treasure if they let me. They just have to find me first and Tough Enough is the first step. The rest will naturally take it's course." Basham certainly has no qualms about promoting himself, but will Jim Cornette think the same way when it's go time?




Lash LeRoux


Lash LeRoux may be recognized by some viewers and could be considered the most successful of this crop. LeRoux has the most experience on TV, being a popular face on the WCW lowcard ranks. Though Lash never was able to break the glass ceiling before WCW closed it's doors, that hasn't stopped him from continuing to pursue his dream of being a wrestling superstar. The Ragin' Cajun has continued to pay his dues at Heartland Wrestilng Association, continuing training under Les Thatcher. "I'm sick of being stuck in limbo, I'm ready to make something of myself," says the Louisiana native. "No disrespect to my trainers, but I really do feel like it's time for the Stooge from Baton Rouge to get some airtime up in here!"


Growing up idolizing the Four Horsemen, Lash was psyched to learn about not only being casted from Tough Enough, but the show being exclusive to SmackDown. "I get the opportunity to work for my childhood heroes, that alone is worth the ride!" With his trademark chops, red mop of hair, and colorful personality, Lash shouldn't have much of a problem getting the fans on his side. But will he win Jim Cornette over? Is Lash LeRoux really Tough Enough?




Rob Conway


"Showtime" Rob Conway is a pretty boy from Memphis who many may question why he's trying his craft in the WWF. "I'm the embodiment of entertainment. I've pursued modeling, acting, even singing. Yeah, I'll admit it, the WWF isn't a dream of mine. It's just another bullet point on my resume." Conway doesn't know much about the business but that surprisingly didn't stop Jim Cornette from casting him to his show. "Don't think that I was just handed a spot here, I worked for it. I got a spot over at Memphis Championship Wrestling in preparation for this and this perfect physique right here pretty much leveled everyone they threw at me!"


"I joined wrestling because my agent said I had the look for it. I didn't grow up watching it, I always thought it was redneck trash. But it's pretty fun. Mainly because I'm so good at it and I'm an instant star!" Though Conway won't win many friends with his attitude, that certainly isn't what he's here for. "I have the look, the charisma, the skill, the credentials, the connections, and the future to be Tough Enough. They would be insane to not pick me."




Shannon Moore


Shannon Moore may look like a teen idol pop star, but he is far from it. Moore has always knew he wanted to be a wrestler and that was evident as he grappled with the future Hardy Boyz in their backyard as a child. Moore eventually went on to work the duo's short lived OMEGA promotion before attempting to make a career for himself. "With my size and look, getting into wrestling was tough. But I have to thank Matt and Jeff for all they did for me when we were younger. They really helped push me to heights that would have been difficult to get to on my own." After OMEGA shut it's doors, Moore scored a high accomplishment by getting picked up by WCW and attempting to work his way up from there.


Though Moore couldn't reach big heights before WCW was purchased by Vince McMahon, the experience helped boost his career, allowing more phone calls from eager promoters wanting to see his exciting high flying abilities. "I don't look like a wrestler at all, but when I go out there, I become one. I think that's interesting to some people," says an elated Moore who is finally getting his chance at the WWF. "I'm Tough Enough, may not look it, but I am. I'm here to show that size doesn't mean anything."




Shelton Benjamin


Shelton Benjamin is an impressive amateur wrestler from Orangeburg, South Carolina looking to break into the WWF. Benjamin has been quite the successful athlete and has no problem boasting about it. "I was 122-10 as a wrestler in high school. I'm a two-time South Carolina state high school champion. I was a Junior College Nation Track Champion and got the junior college nation wrestling havyweight title." But that's not even the start of it. "I got accepted into the University of Minnesota and went 36-6, became a two-time All-American heavyweight and placed in the Big Ten Championship. They told me I could an Olympian, I could be the next Kurt Angle. But you know what? I decided to go to the WWF."


Indeed Benjamin gave up a huge opportunity to try his craft in the WWF and that says a lot about the South Carolina native. "The WWF is a place I can feel at home at. And to be honest with you, it's something I can excell at. I'm probably the best athlete in this competition, not to toot my own horn." It's no question Benjamin is proud of his accomplishments and he looks to showcase all he can do on the big stage. But will that amateur career translate as well as he thinks it will in the world of the WWF?




Sonny Siaki


"Star Quality" Sonny Siaki is a tremendous athlete from Hawaii. In high school, Siaki was a star linebacker and many predicted he would one day play for the NFL. Surprisingly, Sonny didn't go down that route and instead opted to train to become a professional wrestler. "It humbles me to think that I could be on national TV right now being a top NFL linebacker. But I wanted something new, something fresh to test myself with." And already, people are saying Siaki could very well get a job with the WWF.


"I love surfing. Know why? The whole idea is to get as high as you can on a wave. That's exactly what I want to do here. Beat Tough Enough, go to the WWF, get as high up as I can go. And I can do it." Siaki does seem to want this more for the challenge than money or fame. "It's not about fame. I'm basically a celebrity in Hawaii anyway. It's not about money either, I'm not ashamed to say my family is loaded. Money is never an issue. I hate people that whine about having hard lives. I don't have it easy because I'm pressured with becoming more successful than I already am. If I win Tough Enough like I know I can, I will complete that goal."


Tough Enough airs this Saturday at 10:00 PM EST with Kevin Kelly and Charles "Godfather" Wright! Jim Cornette has announced that he will kick off the show and reveal the eight "trainers". In addition, the eight cast members will introduce themselves in person with guest interviewers such as Diamond Dallas Page, Mick Foley and more!

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  • 2 weeks later...



Kevin Kelly: Welcome to this special "Tough Enough" edition of Velocity! Kevin Kelly here with Chuck "Godfather" Wright, and Godfather, we're going into this one relatively blind.

The Godfather: Notta' clue, roof's going to be on fire tonight Double-K. I am ready for a par-tay up in here!

Kevin Kelly: We were introduced to the cast on WWF.com, but aside from that, anything can happen!



Suddenly music we haven't heard since 1998 hits the PA and out comes Jim Cornette...




Power is nothing Cornette is use to in the WWF, but alas, he has it thanks to Ric Flair. Jim wastes no time, heading right to the ring with a mic in hand.


Kevin Kelly: Jim Cornette making his own entrance in the WWF? I don't think I'd ever see that again.

The Godfather: We saw Jimmy announce on Backlash that he's the man in charge here. I have no clue what to expect but damn, Jim Cornette the runner of Tough Enough? Hey, I like it!

Kevin Kelly: Cornette's a very controversial figure but say what you want about him, the man does know this business and has an eye for talent.


By now, Cornette has hit the ring and cuts to the chase.


Jim Cornette: Now before we get into the Tough Enough festivities, I got a few things on my mind that I feel the need to slam out to you all. First of all, you are all looking at the new Director of Talent for Velocity, promoted by Ric Flair himself. Yes James E. Cornette is somehow, someway back in the WWF but I suppose it helps I ain't working under a McMahon or one of his stooges who likes to say yes and looks good in a suit. Instead, I'm working for Ric Flair and he may very well be one of the few people in this business that I still have a shred of respect for. Of course, I say this keeping in mind that he just hired one of the biggest skidmarks on the wrestling business' underpants last Sunday, but that's another story for another day. In any case, Tough Enough 3 is under the ruling of me and we're going to make a few changes around here. Now before I was the man in charge, Tough Enough was some "reality" show where you had wannabe celebrities who thought they could use Tough Enough to continue their bad acting elsewhere on the MTV timeslot. Well I have news for you - this is professional wrestling, not the Real World: LA. So instead of what we're use to, I'm changing things up here. What we will be bringing to you here on Tough Enough are eight already established, yet unknown, wrestlers will introduce themselves here on the wider scale. These are eight guys who know the wrestling business, want to be in the wrestling business and we're letting them break in right here on Velocity. Oh and by the way, I said wrestlers. Wrestlers on a wrestling show in wrestling gear wrestling in a wrestling ring. There are no "superstars" or "sports entertainers" here, so you could take those two "terms" and shove them up your ass because my mouth is the last place I expect to hear them out of from now on. Now to help to train these eight unknowns, we're going to have another eight "Velocity stand-outs", also known as the eight guys who have about as much momentum as an elephant running uphill with sandpaper on it's feet. These eight "trainers" will choose one of the Tough Enough contestants as their protege and will be booked right here on Velocity in various matches involving their students. It is their responsbility to help build these guys and make them into something while also saving their own careers. When the time comes, I will be removing a duo from the show one by one by one until we are down to just one set of student and teacher. The reward of winning Tough Enough III will not only be an official contract here on SmackDown, but a special interpromotional match with whoever the World Tag Team Champions may be at that time at a future PPV event.


Kevin Kelly: Wow! Well that's one way to start your WWF career, a title shot right off the bat!

The Godfather: And considering Corny's description of these 8 "teachers", I say they can only appreciate a title shot too. Heck, I'd say I'm kinda jealous!

Kevin Kelly: Right you are, this is certainly a land of opportunity here on Velocity.


Jim Cornette: So at this time I would like the 8 trainers who have decided to participate in this to come on down here. And move it, don't come out with your silly entrance music and your ridiculous taunts, just come out and face me in here.




Cornette waits in the ring as Hardcore Holly, Chavo Guerrero, Test, The Zoo Crew, Billy Kidman, Maven and Val Venis all walk down the aisle. As they slowly file in, they line up nearly and Cornette observes the trainers first hand.


Jim Cornette: Well how fantastic. Let's do a little meet the cast shall we? Oh by the way, I say now is a good time for me to tell you all that as the Director of Talent for Velocity, I do have the power to fire anyone that stands in this ring. And I will use it. As a matter of fact, the first team I eliminate from this competition will be fired in this very ring. Student goes back to whatever the hell else he was doing, teacher can hitchhike on their shortbus back to RAW for all I give a hoot.


Cornette walks up and down the line and stops short where Hardcore Holly stands.


Jim Cornette: Well, well, it's been awhile hasn't it? Yeah, that's right, we have a little bit of history together don't we? I had the distinct pleasure of managing you once in the New Midnight Express. Which I like to call the Curtain Jerker Express and an experience I much rather have completely erased from memory. And it looks like things haven't changed much have they Bob? Well, you cut your hair, aged a hell of a lot, and call yourself "Hardcore Holly" on the brand that doesn't have the Hardcore Division. Well let me tell you something, Bob - and you will be called Bob here - I suggest you take this opportunity to get the wheels of motion spinning unless you plan on jogging in place for the rest of your career. And by rest of your career, I would mean a few weeks at best because I'll have NO problem canning your ass. And for the hell of it, I'll rehire Bart Gunn from whatever box he's living in just to fire him too!


Cornette walks over to Test. Test clearly towers over Cornette, but that doesn't seem to intimidate him in the least.


Jim Cornette: Now apparently, Test, you have some sort of "Immunity" is that right? Well let me make this abudantly clear to you - you don't have Immunity from me. You have Immunity from the WWF, not SmackDown. So if I'm not feeling up for the Test, I'll have no problem marking a nice big red F on your forehead and sending you back to McMahon-land. I mean look at you, a guy like you and you're going to tell me you haven't hit the big one at least once? What, did you give Paul the stink eye on a pass? Make something of yourself, you got the tools, utilize them!


Kevin Kelly: Who the hell is Paul?


Jim walks over to Kidman.


Jim Cornette: Oh look, it's Billy Kidman everyone! The guy who a certain someone once said "couldn't headline a wrestling show at a flea market"! Well here's some good news Billy, I am one who doesn't judge the book by it's cover. And I guess it helps I hate that "certain someone" with a seething passion and think their opinions are about as useful as a chocolate teapot. But don't think for a second I'm going to let you piggy back ride me just for that! And I do suggest you stop taking your personality classes from the ocean floor if you want to make something of yourself in the future!


Jim walks over to the Zoo Crew and looks slightly confused.


Jim Cornette: Alright, I'm not insane, I did count 9 people. So this is the Zoo Crew? Ah yes, the very epitome of sports entertainer. You've been dancing around here scratching the bottom of the barrell in hopes some people in this crowd will appreciate you. And when they do... pssst, it's not anything they can do in the ring! Well boys, I hate to inform you, but this is singles only so one of you hit the bricks.


Albert and Scotty softly discuss it and without much hesistation, Scotty points to Albert, to which the big man nods.


Jim Cornette: Okay, terrific. So Albert it is, although I have my doubts that you could train a bird to flap it's damned wings, but good luck to you. Scotty - get the hell out before I force you and King Jr. to go beg for your jobs to Vince.


Scotty quickly heads on out as Cornette approaches Spike Dudley.


Jim Cornette: Spike? I hope you're out here to train the next best referee because I don't see how you make a wrestling trainer. Well hey, like I told Kidman, I don't judge a book by it's cover, but I make an exception for you because you suck. That's right, I said it Spike. You suck. What are you going to do about it? Slap the taste out of my mouth? You got beat by a damned girl, son! If you can't beat Lita, who the hell can you beat?! If I had to pick someone already to kick off this God forsaken show it would be you easily... although I may call you back and give you a referee shirt, we could use a few.


Jim walks over to Val Venis.


Jim Cornette: Oh well hey there Val Venis, did I just step into a time machine that took me back to 1998 when this persona was actually interesting? I have to say though, Val, the new look fits you well. The bald and out of shape porn star thing just perfectly symbolizes your career. You've established yourself Val, I know you have talent when you want to use it to I suggest you start using it unless you want to find yourself bald, fat, and unemployed.


Cornette walks over to Chavo Guerrero.


Jim Cornette: Well if there was ever a diamond sticking out of a cow pie, this is it. Chavo Guerrero, let me just say that I think you're the most underrated wrestler in the WWF. Hell, in the WWF? I'd say Chavo Guerrero is the most underrated wrestler in the WORLD! And I mean that, Chavo, I do. But is that the WWF faults? Hell no it's not, it's your fault for jumping around on a god damned hobby horse for half your career and living in your uncle's shadow for the other half. Let me tell you something, I'm pulling for you on this one because I want to see you succeed, Chavo. But biased I will not be and if you show the same signs that you have been lately, say hi to Eddie for me when you're begging for him to get Vince to want you on his brand.


Finally, Cornette walks over to Maven.


Jim Cornette: Now what in the hell are you doing out here, Maven? You won the first Tough Enough and you think that you have the screws to be a trainer? You're greener than a damned forrest! Now granted you got some big wins last year.... eliminating The Undertaker from the Royal Rumble, beating said Undertaker for the ever-so-prestigious, which I emphasize with the most amount of sarcasm possible, Hardcore championship. But heck, dare I say it, you're a glint in the rough with this crop of guys....


Cornette paces around, shaking his head in disbelief.


Jim Cornette: And I mean really! This is the group of guys I'm sent to work with?! Well I don't know how I'm going to do it but I will make this work. And you eight guys better make it work because I have a temper hotter than lava when things don't go down the way I want. Let's just get down to business already cause I'm already sick of yapping. This is how tonight is going to work, we're going to have ourselves a tournament. Two random tag team matches, the winner of the tag matches will face off in a singles match. You may not get along with your partner, but that doesn't phase me! You'll have to learn to work with people you may or may not have a difference of opinion with - your careers count on it! The winner of those matches will face off in the final. And from this tournament we'll determine the order of selection in our very own Tough Enough Draft next week on Velocity. So Bob Holly and Val Venis, you will be taking on the team of Test and Albert. Spike Dudley and Billy Kidman, you will be taking on Chavo Guerrero and Maven. And so on and so forth. So without further ado, let's get Tough Enough underway!






The one night only T&A reunion was not as cohesive as it could have been with the two at each other's throats, clearly choosing two very opposite paths of success, or lack thereof, since their break-up. While Holly & Venis certainly weren't buddies before or after this match, they were able to take advantage of the situation pretty easily. After a brief shoving match with his own partner, Test walked into an Alabama Slam from Bob Holly followed up by a Money Shot from Val Venis! That was enough to put this one to sleep.


Winners: Val Venis & Bob Holly @ 4:33






We cut to the back where we see our first look into the Tough Enough cast as Doug Basham & Shannon Moore stand aside The Hurr---well, Gregory Helms.


Gregory S. Helms: Greetings WWF citizens! It is I, the mild mannered reporter, Gregory S. Helms! And tonight I bestow upon you two young men who look to make a break in the crazy wild universe of the World Wrestling Federation! Mr. Moore and Mr. Basham, I humbly welcome you to to Tough Enough!

Doug Basham: I just wann---

Gregory S. Helms: Excuse me one moment, Mr. Basham! I would just like to comment that you, Mr. Moore, look awfully familiar!

Shannon Moore: Really?

Gregory S. Helms: Yes---but not to me I mean! But you match the description of a civilian that The Hurricane has told me about! I'm an aquaitence of The Hurricane, you see.

Shannon Moore: Get! Out! Dude, The Hurricane is my favorite wrestler!

Gregory S. Helms: Is that so?

Shannon Moore: Absolutely! I mean he's an inspiration to me obviously, a cruiserweight superhero and all. Being Cruiserweight champion is one of my biggest goals!

Gregory S. Helms: We could use a man like you on our humble blue brand! That heinous mystical villain needs his championship relinquished! And that goon of his needs to be taken out too, but power in numbers could very well be The Hurricane's weakness, from what he tells me!

Shannon Moore: Well hey, I know I'm supposed to work my way up from this show and all but... maybe when it's all over, I can help The Hurricane out!

Gregory S. Helms: That is a fine idea!

Doug Basham: Uhhh... isn't this supposed to be a inter---

Gregory S. Helms: One moment, Mr. Basham! Mr. Moore, the union could use a few more soldiers in their army! Of course, you'd have to pass several tests by the special doctors down in the Hurri-Cave, but I don't see why you couldn't pass them!

Shannon Moore: Mark me down!

Gregory S. Helms: A fine start to your career, Mr. Moore! The Hurricane may not be a Tough Enough "trainer", but he's a powerful ally to have! Best of luck to you, young lad!


Suddenly the microphone is snatched away from Helms and Basham begins to breathe heavily into it with rage painted all over his face. He looks into the camera without giving any eye contact to his fellow contestant or Helms.


Doug Basham: And this.... this right here is exactly what I wanted to talk about. Congratulations for proving my point. This is exactly what this business has turned into, people using their "connections" to make it far and not their God given talent - something I have plenty of!


While Basham continues to ramble, Helms and Moore shrug before walking off screen.


Doug Basham: I've been working my ass off for ten years to get here and you don't see me kissing ass 2 minutes after debuting on WWF television, do you?! You make me sick, both of you. I've been waiting patiently in line for my turn and jokers like THIS have cut ahead of me all this time?! Well enough is enough, it's my time! It's the Era of Basham, the D-Generation! And after I finally show what I can do out there, I swear on all I've sacrificed to get to where I am that I will crush you like the little bug you are, Shannon Moore. You will feel my lasting....


Basham goes to point his finger into Moore's face but realizes he is no longer there. After an awkward pause and another look of frustration for having been blown off again, he simply gazes back into the camera.


Doug Basham: ...impression.


Basham slams the mic down and huffs off.


Kevin Kelly: Already some strong signs of tension between this cast, nothing but a good thing for us that's for sure!

The Godfather: These kids are going to scratch and claw their way to the top, anything it takes to get noticed! Doug's gotta understand that you got to be noticeable to get noticed, there's no hand outs in the WWF!

Kevin Kelly: Right you are.






Unlike the last tag contest, this one stayed cohesive and clean throughout. A good battle between three cruiserweights and a young struggling up-and-comer. Jim Cornette praising Chavo may have lit a fuse under him however as he really shone in this match, dominating most of it and blind tagging Maven often to get some offense in. This one ended after Chavo hit Kidman with a Gory Bomb.


Winner: Chavo Guerrero & Maven @ 4:22






We cut to the back where we find a new interviewer - Mick Foley, along with Rob Conway and Lash LeRoux. Conway is eyeing Lash with an odd look, not even paying attention to the former world champion.


Mick Foley: I'm back here once again in.... Berekly, California! And I'm pleased to welcome here another batch of young kids ready to tear into Tough Enough! Welcome to the show Rob Conway and Lash LeRoux! I'll start with you, Rob... is there any trainer that maybe jumps out to you as someone you'd want?


Completely ignoring the question, Conway points towards Lash's direction.


Rob Conway: What the hell do you call this? I mean seriously, this is what someone might take as a... what do you call it? WWF Superstar? This guy looks like a clown. Who the hell are you?

Lash LeRoux: Who am I!? My name is Lash "Swam from my daddy to his boss' daughter at the French Quarter, dropped my pair near the One Shell Square, became a fan in downtown, became the man in uptown, only to become the Ayatollah of Shrimp Creoleah" LeRoux! Don't be hatin'!

Rob Conway: Pffft. I guess I answered my own question. You must be one of those "placeholder" guys, you know, to make the other guys look good. I mean if it was just them and me then this contest would already be over afterall.

Mick Foley: Well hey, you can never judge a book by it's cover in this business. I think I'm living proof of that!

Rob Conway: Living proof of what? Being a fat, boring interviewer? Maybe this idiot should take that job too.

Lash LeRoux: That's not cool dissing Mick like that, man. We're being interviewed by a former WWF champ here!

Mick Foley: Look, this interview isn't really about me...

Rob Conway: Former world champion? Haha! You mean to tell me that this sorry sob of a being is a freakin' wrestler at this joint? Man this competition isn't only going to be easy, the real thing is. I mean THIS?

Lash LeRoux: Whoa hold on a second here, you mean to tell me you never heard of Mick Foley? Really?

Mick Foley: Now I'm not one to boast but I do consider myself a recognizable face here in the WWF. Have you even watched an episode of the WWF?

Rob Conway: Well let's face it, I didn't grow up in a trailer park.

Lash LeRoux: What in the hell are you doing on this show then?!

Rob Conway: To check a mark on my resume of course! My agent told me that I have the body and the look for wrestling. Now don't get me wrong, wrestling's okay. And I'm damned good at it! Don't think I just walked onto the set, I have experience!

Lash LeRoux: How much?

Rob Conway: ...Two months. But I've been training for six! And I'm undefeated, thank you.

Lash LeRoux: Not if I help it, oh yeah!

Mick Foley: I do find it a little insulting that you would take the place of someone a little bit more enthusiastic about being the WWF.

Rob Conway: And I find it insulting that you have this superiority complex just because you're somehow a former world champion. How about you piss off?


Rob literally shoves Foley out of the way, which produces several "Ohhhhh"'s from the live audience. He turns back to Lash. Foley grows an amused look on his face and reaches into his pocket.


Rob Conway: Say, when do we move into that mansion? You can't tell me we're doing THIS for the rest of the "show", right? I mean really, this pla----MUFFFFF!!


And much to the joy of the crowd, Conway is shut up with a dirty, stinking Mr. Socko stuck into his mouth! Foley pins Conway to the ground as he muffles and flings his arms and legs about, attempting to free himself. As douchey as the guy may be, he's still a human being and several agents flock onto the scene the seperate Foley from Conway.


Kevin Kelly: I'm speechless right now, what kind of person do you have to be to put your hands on someone like Mick Foley on your first day?!

The Godfather: A first class moron! Dudes got an ego the size of the moon, but if the fans have any say, I don't think he'll last long!






After working well together in thier last match, Bob Holly & Val Venis finally got to get their hands on each other. Quite a short match, but stayed relatively even for all it's shortness. Holly was able to catch Venis in a quick Alabama Slam to get the victory just minutes in!


Winner: Bob Holly @ 3:44






We cut to the back for yet another interview. Sonny Siaki & Dave Batista stand aside SmackDown Executive Consultant, Eric Bischoff.


Eric Bischoff: You may be surprised to see me here, but you shouldn't be. Now all opinions about the stooge running things here aside, I like this show! I'm a fan! Despite common folklore, I'm very interested in the future. And not only do I see future here... I see money. And hey, I'm interested in money too! So I'd like to introduce the WWF fans to two men who fit that bill, Dave Batista & Sonny Siaki! And whoa... when I look at you, Dave Batista, I see a future face on a WrestleMania poster! You LOOK like a wrestler, but are you one?

Dave Batista: You're damn right I am. No matter what anyone says.

Eric Bischoff: What does that mean?

Dave Batista: I've had my fair share of critics. We'll leave it at that. I'm not the most experienced but I do think I want this more than anyone else. I've been basically on my own since the age of 13 and made some bad choices in my life. But through thick and thin, this is where I wanted to be.

Sonny Siaki: What kind of bad choices, Dave?

Dave Batista: Theft, dealing, robbery, car jacking, gang activity---

Sonny Siaki: And let me guess... now you're clean and everything's all fluffy bunnies and rainbows now right? Just the perfect coming-of-age story to warm the fans hearts?

Dave Batista: Life is never fluffy rainbows and rainbows, trust fund baby.

Sonny Siaki: Trust fund baby?! Hey, I didn't even get the chance to speak yet and you're calling me names now? That hurts my feelings, David.

Dave Batista: I know what you're doing. And I don't like it.

Eric Bischoff: I like what's cooking here! But I suppose I will give you the chance to speak to now, Sonny. I have to say, you got a great look. You remind me of a young Rock.

Sonny Siaki: Thank you very much, Eric. I worked hard for this, I didn't inherit this body... maybe my looks, but I can't help that. Joking aside, I'm not going to sit here and blather on about how good I think I am. Instead, I'll show you what I can do when the time comes. As we all know...


Siaki turns and stares directly into Batista's eyes.


Sonny Siaki: ...actions speak louder than words.


Kevin Kelly: Always good to see another batch of youngsters that will be featured on this show. Make sure you all tune in next week when they get picked, I can hardly wait for that!

The Godfather: These interviews are really their only chance to catch the eyes of these trainers... you gotta know they're paying close attention. You pick a dud... you could be out of the job!






Both men were eager to get to the finals and have a Top 2 pick in this fun little match before the main event. Pretty even match, though Chavo still had that badge of confidence on him. Chavo may have gotten too ****y however as Maven was able to get into the full swing of things towards the end. Chavo never recovered as a quick top rope Crossbody put Chavo down for the three!


Winner: Maven @ 5:01






We cut to our final interview of the evening - DDP is with Shelton Benjamin and Christopher Nowinski!


Diamond Dallas Page: Yo it's me, it's me, it's DDP! And right behind me are the last two pieces to the Tough Enough puzzle. And hey, unlike the other monkeys, I actually plan on conducting an interview here! So let's start with the Harvard man! Christopher Nowinski, as someone who is probably use to having the best, what are you looking for in a trainer?

Christopher Nowinski: Honestly, the only person I don't want to be with is Maven.

Diamond Dallas Page: I take it this is stemming from your short history with Maven?

Christopher Nowinski: Yes, precisely. I'm not a bitter man but when someone uses sympathy to take something from you, I have a problem with that. Maven's okay, sure. But he's no Harvard graduate!

Diamond Dallas Page: We're looking at a former Tough Enough finalist... literally inches away from getting into the WWF prior to this. So let me ask a Shelton Benjamin for instance... is it fair to you that you're competing against this guy?

Shelton Benjamin: I welcome the challenge. But I will say this, I don't think Christopher lost because of Maven's sympathy... but because of his heart.

Christopher Nowinski: Heart?! Are you kidding me? I'm a Harvard graduate and instead of being my own boss, I'm trying to make it in the WWF! That's the definition of heart... what the hell have you done that can even come close to matching that?

Shelton Benjamin: Heh... only dropped out of the Olympics to get a career here. I'll pop you this - would you have turned down Harvard for the WWF?

Christopher Nowinski: Well... I... uh... that's not fair!

Shelton Benjamin: I rest my case, DDP.

Diamond Dallas Page: Well smokes! Anything more you want to say gentlemen?

Christopher Nowinski: At the end of the day, I'm here now! And no matter what anyone says about where my heart belongs, I wouldn't be here again if it wasn't the WWF.

Shelton Benjamin: Well I'd just like to point---

Diamond Dallas Page: Hold that thought.


Page looks off screen with a disgusted look on his face.


Diamond Dallas Page: What the hell are you doing here?


And in walks a man Page has had plenty of history with over the month.




It's Paul Heyman, walking on screen with his hands folded across his stomach.


Paul Heyman: Good to see you, Page. How's the leg?

Diamond Dallas Page: Fine.

Paul Heyman: Oh I think that's a bit of a stretch. Hoho. I'm not here to see you so if you'd excuse me....


Heyman curiously approaches Shelton.


Paul Heyman: I just wanted to pop in and say you're welcome.


With a smile on his face, Heyman nods and walks off as Benjamin stares off, hands on hips.


Kevin Kelly: "You're welcome"? What the hell could that mean?

The Godfather: Do we have some past there maybe?

Kevin Kelly: Wouldn't surprise me, we've seen plenty of that so far through this debut episode.






And the finals are here. Both men were fatigued from their previous matches, but still poured their hearts out to get that all-important top pick and nice first impression to Mr. Cornette. The match remained relatively even, surprising for a young rookie against a tough veteran. Holly stayed on offense for most of it but Maven got in a few spurts of offense as well. As the men got towards the end, Holly ran right into a beautiful dropkick to the face. Maven climbed up to the top rope to go for his Crossbody, but Holly caught him and turned it into an impressive Alabama Slam. Goodnight nurse!


Winner: Bob Holly @ 6:27


Kevin Kelly: And Bob Holly will get the first pick next week! I must say, I think Holly's got a big edge in this compeition being a former Tough Enough trainer in season's past.

The Godfather: He's a tough guy and knows his wrestling. Definitly would peg him as the favorite in this one!

Kevin Kelly: I still take my hat off to Maven for making it as far as he did and hey, let's not forget he's got Tough Enough experience too! Once again, be sure to tune in next week when the trainers and the Tough Enough Kids collide for the first time! Who will choose who? Who will become something? Which trainer will get their career moving again? The path to both a first and second chance here on SmackDown is fully on the road! For Godfather, I'm Kevin Kelly, we bid farewell!


Quick results:


Bob Holly & Val Venis defeated Test & Albert

Maven & Chavo Guerrero defeated Spike Dudley & Billy Kidman

Bob Holly defeated Val Venis

Maven defeated Chavo Guerrero

Bob Holly defeated Maven


Pick order for next week:


1. Bob Holly

2. Maven

3. Chavo Guerrero

4. Val Venis

5. Spike Dudley

6. Albert

7. Billy Kidman

8. Test

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- Steve "Sting" Borden has signed with the World Wrestling Federation. Last Thursday's closing segment featured Sting's trademark baseball bat with Chris Jericho's name etched into it. Many saw this as a surprise as Sting is notorious for his opinions on the WWF and Vince McMahon. It's believed Ric Flair was a huge factor in Sting coming on board and the two have been having phone conversations almost daily for the past few months. It should be noted that we have no details on the contract or how long it's for.




- Scott Hall getting kicked out of the NWO was indeed an angle to write Hall off TV. Agents have been critical of Hall's work ethic since returning to the WWF and his backstage argument with Chavo Guerrero at Backlash may have been enough of an excuse to cut Hall loose. Hall's contract is set to expire on Monday and officials were waiting until the last minute to decide whether or not to keep him on board. At this point, it looks like he'll be let go.




- Jeff Jarrett announced today that NWA: Total Nonstop Action will be opening it's office doors in Nashville. Jarrett has commented that he hopes this new promotion will help fill the void left by WCW's departure. We're unsure of when their first show is scheduled, but it will be within the next two months. We'll be covering all the latest signings and news for NWA:TNA in the upcoming weeks. The wrestling world is about to get very interesting!




- "Dirty" Dutch Mantell has been named the new head booker of WWF-affiliated Ohio Valley Wrestling. Mantell previously worked in the WWF as Uncle Zeb, manager of the Blu Brothers. This is coming off Jim Cornette's on-screen promotion to the main roster.




- Speaking of Jim Cornette, his opening promo on Velocity was allegedly completely unscripted. Cornette was allowed to give similar "shoots" in the late 90's in the form of video packages, often knocking on WCW or the WWF itself. Many of the talent backstage were rolling their eyes at some of the things Cornette was allowed to say.




- Fans of the Rock knew it was only a matter of time before Hollywood came knocking and knocking they did! His glorified cameo in The Mummy Returns was the start of a career that now sees him as a bonafide crossover movie star. The Scorpion King, a spin-off prequel to The Mummy movie series, has plans to star the top WWF talent as it's leading role. We're unsure of when filming is scheduled but The Rock's days as an active member of the roster may very well be numbered.

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RAW returns to our neighbors up north to the Air Canada Centre in Toronto!


Last week, Mr. McMahon ordered that Christian & Matt Hardy would be a tag team from now on. While the two former tag champions are far from friends, it seems their careers are riding on this tandem succeeding in the eyes of the boss. And to prove their worth, they'll go up against the skidding former champs, Billy & Chuck. Can the camp duo end their sudden losing streak or will Christian & Hardy's unlikely alliance prove to be a dangerous one?


In a match that will pit two men on very different missions against each other, Raven will meet up with Goldust. Both of these guys are some of the most bizzarre characters in the WWF as of now and have seemed to be almost obsessed with their current ambitions. Goldust has been on the hunt to curiously have D'Lo Brown as his new tag team partner while Raven is pursuing the "10th Draft Pick", the Hardcore Championship. But as these men put their issues aside for this one, who will come out on top?


The APA and Perfect Team have been at each other's throats since the latter's formation. It's no secret the APA want a title shot, but they're going to have to work for it to get it. Tonight is that first step as Bradshaw goes up against Mr. Perfect in one-on-one action. Meanwhile, the Women's division got a new addition last week as Victoria Varon made an impressive debut, nearly defeating Molly Holly. Tonight, she teams up with her friend, Trish Stratus, to take on the team of Molly and Ivory - fresh off her departure from SmackDown!


In tonight's semi-main event, Eddie Guerrero looks to get revenge on The Undertaker. Last week, Eddie Guerrero found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time, leading to a severe beatdown from Big Evil and an injury that gave him a steep disadvantage in his European title match. While the WWF Title is not on the line, this win would be monsterous for Latino Heat! Speaking of the WWF Undisputed Title, Triple H has noted that he will appear on RAW liva via satelite by way of San Antonio, TX. This is, of course, the home of "HBK" Shawn Michaels. Michaels was released from the hospital last night and an update on the his condition is expected while "The Game" also plans to unveil a big change-up to his planned title match against Big Evil!


In the main event, William Regal takes on Hulk Hogan. Last week it was announced that Kurt Angle will get his shot at Hogan at King of the Ring, boosting his confidence to a whole new level. Annoyed with the Olympic Medalist's attitude, Regal quickly challenged Hogan to restore faith with Mr. McMahon. While Angle is not happy about this turn of events, McMahon is beaming with Regal's bold optimism. All things considered, this could be considered the biggest match of Regal's career. Can Regal upset Hogan or will Hulkamania run wild?


Quick picks:


Christian & Matt Hardy vs. Billy & Chuck w/ Rico

Goldust vs. Raven

Bradshaw vs. Mr. Perfect

Trish Stratus & Victoria Varon vs. Molly Holly & Ivory

Eddie Guerrero vs. The Undertaker

Hulk Hogan vs. William Regal

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Nice show really enjoyd the 'Tough Enough' Velocity!


Christian & Matt Hardy vs. Billy & Chuck w/ Rico

Goldust vs. Raven

Bradshaw vs. Mr. Perfect

Trish Stratus & Victoria Varon vs. Molly Holly & Ivory

Eddie Guerrero vs. The Undertaker

Hulk Hogan vs. William Regal

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Christian & Matt Hardy vs. Billy & Chuck w/ Rico

Goldust vs. Raven

Bradshaw vs. Mr. Perfect

Trish Stratus & Victoria Varon vs. Molly Holly & Ivory

Eddie Guerrero vs. The Undertaker

Hulk Hogan vs. William Regal


I picked a couple of upsets so I hope they come through. Can't wait

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I was looking at some dynasties and I randomly dipped into this one, I’m glad I did.


I’ve only had time to read some of your shows so far, I enjoyed the Smackdown I read but I absolutely love what you are doing with Tough Enough. Fantastic usage of Jim Cornette!


This is a great dynasty, great layout and plenty of depth while at the same time being easy to get into.


You’re doing a great thing with this and I’ll keep checking back for more.

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Christian & Matt Hardy vs. Billy & Chuck w/ Rico

Goldust vs. Raven

Bradshaw vs. Mr. Perfect

Trish Stratus & Victoria Varon vs. Molly Holly & Ivory

Eddie Guerrero vs. The Undertaker

Hulk Hogan vs. William Regal

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Tough Enough was a good show, and your Cornette stuff was pretty on the button for him. Interesting to see it being presented more like NXT than the real life TE but then I think a real life TE would be tricky to convey without just abandoning TEW altogether. Although if you set distribution to internet rather than DVD/Video and ran weekly non-ppv events, that might be a way to replicate it but I'm being too fussy... and you'd have to fiddle with match ratios so you didn't get dinged every week for being essentially 100% angles. Err. Anyway, tl;dr - I enjoyed TE in the format you presented it.


Christian & Matt Hardy vs. Billy & Chuck w/ Rico

- Presumably it won't be pretty and cohesive but I think they'll get off to a winning start, and probably go on a nice streak, assuming they win. If they lose, I can see them losing a lot through arguments, Vince giving them a tag title shot to focus their minds, they continue arguing but somehow fluke the win in that match and THEN go on a winning run, where eventually they'll grow into a proper team. Also, I think Billy Gunn was too dull for the Billy/Chuck gimmick, so I'd bring back Road Dogg and have the New Age Outlaws reform, and if you want to continue the ambiguously gay tag team, Chris Kanyon would be a lock for Chuck's new "interest". One definitely gay and one maybe gay teammate would probably produce a good dynamic for angles.


Goldust vs. Raven

Given their characters and situations, Raven needs the win more. Goldust is actively looking to be a tag team wrestler, he shouldn't be beating a guy looking to make an impact in the singles division. Unless you hate Raven, of course :p


Bradshaw vs. Mr. Perfect

It might be DQ or Count Out but it could just be clean. I'm presuming Faarooq gets a crack at Mark Henry soon, and as the powerful partner, he gets more from a victory than Hennig, who doesn't need to win.


Trish Stratus & Victoria Varon vs. Molly Holly & Ivory

Gives Victoria a win to make her look credible but Trish gets the pinfall because she's the best diva in the company.


Eddie Guerrero vs. The Undertaker

He's your champ and he's The Undertaker. As much as I like Eddie, that doesn't bode well for him.


Hulk Hogan vs. William Regal

Hogan wins. Kurt will probably get involved in some way, perhaps "accidentally" costing Regal the match.

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