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<p><span style="font-family:Impact;"><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">RING OF HONOR NEWSWIRE 5-21-2002</span></span></span></p><p>

</p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">

After a very successful debut in Indiana Ring of Honor would like to thank all the fans who came out to support us. Ring of Honor will return to Indiana in August and we will have details on that show in the coming weeks.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">

In the main event of Tag Wars 2002 Christopher Daniels claimed victory for his team after pining ROH champion Low Ki. These two are set to meet at Death Before Dishonor next month and with his recent win Daniels would seem to have gained the edge in momentum going in. That could all change at our next show Pick Your Poison as these two men will be choosing the opponents for each other.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">

James Maritato and Xavier shocked all in ROH by joining up with Christopher Daniels in Indiana. Maritato turned out to be Daniels partner but earlier in the night Xavier won his triple threat match after a distraction from Allison Danger and a low blow. As a result of how the triple threat match ended ROH officials are giving Ace Steel a chance at retribution as he will face Xavier one on one at our next show. </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">

Mike Quackenbush was very impressive in his ROH debut and will be a part of Ring of Honor in the future as he has signed on to face Steve Corino. Corino is coming off a show stealing match against CM Punk that saw both men pushed to their limits before Corino pulled out the win. Steve Corino also made it know that he now intends to focus on winning the ROH championship and another victory will help solidify his title chances.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">

The next title defense of the Second City Saints has been set for Death Before Dishonor , their opponents none other then the Backseat Boyz. The Saints are still upset about being jumped by the backseats back at Epic Encounter and will put the title on the line in New York. Fans will get a taste of that match when these teams face off in singles action at Pick Your Poison. Colt Cabana will meet Johnny Kashmere and CM Punk will do battle with Trent Acid.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">

Ring of Honor is all about giving young wrestlers the opportunity that other companies don't, and in New York City Michael Shane will get the biggest opportunity o his career as he faces Bryan Danielson. Danielson is a fellow Texas Wrestling Academy graduate who has been involved in a growing rivalry with Super Dragon. Danielson has been on a slide as of late loosing his last few matches so this could be Michael Shane's best chance to pick up a huge win.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">

Next week the ROH videowire will revel the opponents for Low Ki and Christopher Daniels as well as some words from Paul London and Brian "Spanky" Kendrick.</span></span></p>

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The videowire opens with Homicide sitting in front on a curb in front of the ECW arena.


"Yo what up Ring of Honor this is your boy the notorious 187 Homicide and I'm ya host of this the ROH videowire. Now first up we got that cracker Christopher Daniels he gonna let everybody in on who he's pickin to face my boy the ROH champ Low Ki. Roll the tape."


Allison Danger and Christopher Daniels stand in front of an ROH banner as Daniels takes a moment to collect his thoughts before speaking.


"Low Ki in a little over two weeks time I will do battle with an opponent of your choice, an opponent that will go down as a footnote in the record books after I take the ROH title from you at Death Before Dishonor. You see Ring of Honor giving me the ability to choose your opponent at Pick Your Poison all but seals your fate. I present to the world James Maritato."


Maritato walks into the picture rubbing his hands together in anticipation as Daniels continues.


"You see Low Ki James and I already have a game plan that will break you and leave you helpless against me at Death Before Dishonor. James is finally going to get the recognition he deserves by beating you and I'll be more then able to finish off whatever he leaves over. Low Ki it doesn't matter who you pick to face me, I'm not worried because I've got the Prophecy at my side which means there is nobody that can stop us.....and that's the gospel according to the fallen angel."


Things come back to Homicide who is now standing in a nearly empty parking lot.


"James Maritato? Man I beat him back at the first show and if I beat him then you know Low Ki gonna beat him. Speak of the devil my boy got his own little message for Daniels and his Prophecy."


Low Ki walks up to Homicide to shake his hand before turning to the camera.


"Christopher Daniels you will never get your hands on the Ring of Honor title that is something I can Promise you. James Maritato you are a very skilled technician and it will be an honor to do battle with you even though you have allied yourself with Daniels. As I am sure your have guessed by now my choice to face Christopher Daniels is Homicide and after the way things ended at Road to the Title when you last faced each other the other members of the Prophecy are banned from ringside."


Homicide begins to laugh as he cuts in .

"That's right Daniels that little bitch Allison Danger ain't gonna be able to help you win this time."


Low Ki steps in front of Homicde to continue.


On June 15th Christopher Daniels, James Maritato all you can do.....is be....ready."


The video cuts to Paul London and Brian Kendrick standing in the Crawford County High School as the ring crew takes apart the ring in the background. Spanky is the first to speak.


"Hello Ring of Honor fans Kendrick and London or as many of you on the ROH message boards have decided to dub us Londrick."


Paul London cuts in and continues.

"Ya we actually really like the name but that's not why we asked for this time and come to think of it you never told me why we asked for this time either spank."


"Well Paul we've come up short in our last couple of tag matches and well the first was to the Saints who are the tag team champions so ya know that's understandable, but tonight we lost to the Briscoes."


"I know man but that's just a minor set back we're gonna get back on track and before you know it we'll get another crack at the tag titles."


"I have no doubt about that Paul and to help us get there I'm issuing a challenge to one of the winning teams from Tag Wars."


"Ok well who is it Hit Squad?"


"No Hit Squad did win but I'm thinking bigger."

"The Backseat Boyz?"


"Well I would have challenged them but I heard backstage that their gonna face the Saints next show."

"So then the Briscoe Brothers again."


"Nope and keep in mind that Daniels will be in a singles match next show."


"Wait not Joe and Super Dragon not them."




"Why them man they're gonna kill us"


"Hey man have some faith will ya ok so they're bigger and big and strong but a win over them will help shoot us right to the top of the contenders list. besides like you said two matches is a minor set back and if nobody expects us to win what do we have to loose?"


"Ok man but just the same I'm writing out a will tomorrow and buying a ton of ice packs."


"Alright then Super Dragon, Samoa Joe if you guys are man enough to face us then meet us in New York on June 15th."


The two men walk off heading to the door as the video fades out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
WOW I'm sorry to the folks who read this little diary I had no intentions of taking this long between posts. Originally Pick Your Poison was supose to go up today, but instead later tonight when I have a bit more time the last newswire will be posted with the show to follow on either sunday or monday. Also what did you all think of the changing text color during the Kendrick/London segment was it easier to follow/read or could you care less?
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As Ring of Honor builds towards Death Before Dishonor the final stop before hand is shaping up to be an impressive show in its own right. Pick Your Poison already has some fantastic matches announced and we have more details on the pick your poison matches featuring Low Ki and Christopher Daniels.


Shortly after posting the latest videowire as expected, Ring of Honor offices received call from an Irate Christopher Daniels concerning his match with Homicide and having The Prophecy banned from ringside. ROH officials informed Daniels that as part of picking the opponent that adding the stipulation to the match is acceptable. Hearing this news calmed Daniels down much to the surprise of officials and his only response was that Low Ki will just deal with his own stipulation before hanging up. Officials tried to contact the fallen angel but were unsuccessful, whatever Daniels has planed he looks to keep it to himself and The Prophecy until Pick Your Poison.


As seen in the videowire Brian Kendrick and to a lesser extent Paul London have issued a challenge to Samoa Joe and Super Dragon. The duo who are officially adopting the fan given name of Londrick want to get back into the chase for the ROH tag titles and feel that a win over the two baddest men on the roster is just the way to do that. ROH officials received word earlier this week that Super Dragon and Samoa Joe have accepted the challenge and will face Londrick at Pick Your Posion.


After failing to get rid of the Backseat Boyz from ROH the S.A.T. will turn their attention to Special K. Amazing Red fell short of beating Hydro at Tag Wars and that has only fueled the backstage boasting of Brian XL and the rest of Special K. The Maximos and Red will again pool their talents in hopes of shutting up Special K in 6-man tag team action. Brian XL has said that he and Hydro will definitely be a part of the team but is unsure of who the third man will be between Dixie and Deranged.



Pick Your Poison

Final Card

Pick Your Poison match #1

Low Ki Vs James Maritato

Pick Your Poison match #2

Christopher Daniels Vs Homicide

Londrick Vs Samoa Joe & Super Dragon

Steve Corino Vs Mike Quackenbush

Trent Acid Vs CM Punk

Johhny Kashmere Vs Colt Cabana

Ace Steel Vs Xavier

Bryan Danielson Vs Michael Shane

S.A.T. Vs Special K

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Pick Your Poison match #1

Low Ki Vs James Maritato


Pick Your Poison match #2

Christopher Daniels Vs Homicide


Londrick Vs Samoa Joe & Super Dragon


Steve Corino Vs Mike Quackenbush


Trent Acid Vs CM Punk


Johhny Kashmere Vs Colt Cabana


Ace Steel Vs Xavier


Bryan Danielson Vs Michael Shane


S.A.T. Vs Special K

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Pick Your Poison match #1

Low Ki Vs James Maritato

Pick Your Poison match #2

Christopher Daniels Vs Homicide

Londrick Vs Samoa Joe & Super Dragon

Steve Corino Vs Mike Quackenbush

Trent Acid Vs CM Punk

Johhny Kashmere Vs Colt Cabana

Ace Steel Vs Xavier

Bryan Danielson Vs Michael Shane

S.A.T. Vs Special K


"Londrick" WTF, even if they never had it officially, i always call them "The Hooligans"


And where is AJ ?

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"Londrick" WTF, even if they never had it officially, i always call them "The Hooligans"


And where is AJ ?



I feel that calling them The Hooligans would be better if they were heels and taking the Londrick name as fan given before hand could help in a turn down the line should I take that route.


ROH officials have been unable to obtain the status of AJ Styles following the events of The Epic Encounter. All attempts at contact with AJ have been unsucsessful.

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Ring of Honor Presents

Pick Your Poison

June 15th Hammerstein Ballroom

1,650 people


Bryan Danielson Vs Michael Shane

One fall match with a 20 minute time limit


Both men were determines to pick up the much needed win in this match as neither one has the best win loss record. Danielson was quick to take the match to the mat where he began o slowly wear down and stretch Michael Shane. Being one of the best mat technicians in Ring of Honor Danielson maintained a decided edge on the mat however Shane showed great fortitude in not giving up to the various holds Danielson applied. Michael Shane managed to mount a brief offensive flurry after escaping a hold, but Danielson made sure to cut him off before he gained too much momentum and put the match away with cattle mutilation.


Winner Bryan Danielson by submission at 15:27

Rating C-


S.A.T. Vs Special K

One fall match with a 15 minute time limit


Special K brought all four members to the ring and it wasn’t until Hydro, Brian XL, and Dixie jumped the S.A.T. before the bell that anyone knew that Dixie was the third man. Special K isolated Joel and worked him over with a plethora of innovative high flying maneuvers from Dixie and Brian XL especially while Hydro stuck more to the ground then his partners. After taking a beating Joel was able to hit Dixie with a belly to back suplex and make the tag to Amazing Red which caused the match to break down into chaos. All six men were fighting in and around the ring with bodies flying everywhere with dives to the outside and into the ring. With everything going on referee Todd Sinclair didn’t see Deranged hit Red with a reverse rana which allowed Hydro to pick up the win for his team after a dragon suplex.


Winners Special K by pinfall at 9:19

Rating E+


Ace Steel Vs Xavier

One fall match with a 20 minute time limit


Xavier seemed very c0cky coming into this match with Allison Danger by his side. Ace Steel tried to end things quickly as he attacked Xavier as he entered the ring and even managed to hit the twist of cain a few minutes in but being so early in the match Xavier was able to get a shoulder up at two. A desperation thumb to the eye gave Xavier a moment to get his bearings before taking the fight back to Ace. These two battled back and forth but Xavier always had a dirty trick up his sleeve to shift things his way. All the underhanded tactics proved too much for Ace Steel as Xavier finished him off with the x breaker after another low blow while Allison Danger distracted the referee.


Winner Xavier by pinfall at 14:43

Rating D+


Johnny Kashmere Vs Colt Cabana

One fall match with a 20 minute time limit


Johnny Kashmere once again came to the ring through the crowd while Colt Cabana was noticeably more serious and focused as he made his way out. Those in the crown expecting a classic wrestling contest were very disappointed as these two were more interested in exchanging kicks and punches for most of the match then holds. Cabana took a slight advantage after a bionic elbow to the head and after a snap suplex as well as a lariat only resulted in a two count Cabana decided to attempt the colt 45. Johnny was able to block the move and counter with a back body drop and began to attack the neck of Cabana with a swinging neck breaker and a DDT. After a near fall Kashmere began putting the boots to Cabana before lifting him up for a possible fishermans suplex or buster, Cabana however managed to shift his weight at the last second and rolled Johnny up in a small package that kept his shoulders down for three.


Winner Colt Cabana by pinfall at 14:01

Rating D


The referee raises Cabana’s arm but he is quickly assaulted by Trent Acid who came in through the crowd as well. The Backseats begin to attack Cabana as CM Punk comes out to save his partner. Punk knocks Kashmere out of the ring quickly and begins trading shots with Acid inside the ring. Cabana and Kashmere begin brawling to the back and Todd Sinclair decides to ring the bell and start the match between Punk and Acid.


Rating E-

Trent Acid Vs CM Punk

One fall match with a 20 minute time limit


Acid and Punk continued to brawl for most of the match going in and out of the ring and even into the crowd. Todd Sinclair gave these men a lot of leeway in this match as he could have counted both men out multiple times and even turned a blind eye to the chair use in the crowd by both men. Eventually Punk and Acid found their way back into the ring and stayed their for the most part. While inside the ring Acid ducked a clothesline and dropped Punk with a DDT that left both men out on the canvas. Acid was the first to his feet and went for a powerbomb but after several punches Punk fought out of it and managed to hit a double underhook backbreaker. Punk followed up with a shining wizard that resulted in a near fall and a pepsi twist that had the same effect. Punk began to show some signs of frustration as he dragged Acid to the corner. Punk had Acid set up for the pepsi plunge but Trent fought out of in and launched Punk across the ring ala Ric Flair. CM Punk staggered to his feet and turned around right into a yakuza kick from Acid that kept Punk down long enough to get the three count.


Winner Trent Acid by pinfall at 17:28

Rating D+




Londrick Vs Samoa Joe & Super Dragon

One fall match with a 30 minute time limit


Samoa Joe and Super Dragon seemed to have very little interest in teaming together tonight as neither man did much to even acknowledge each other. The team of Londrick have been getting better and better since first teaming together in February and they looked to be in top form tonight. Super Dragon started the match for his team against Paul London but it didn’t stay that way for long, London and Spanky were sure to tag out at regular intervals as they used their quickness to wear out Super Dragon. When Super Dragon got close enough Samoa Joe tagged himself in and took control as he cornered London and delivered some brutal kicks that floored the young man. Joe proceeded to tag Super Dragon back in while yelling at him “That’s how it’s done.” Before exiting the ring. Super Dragon and Samoa Joe then proceeded to attempt to outdo one another at punishing Paul London who was less than thrilled to be a part of the game. London showed a lot of heart hanging in there and found a change to tag out aft hitting Joe with his dropsault. Having spent so much time on the apron Spanky was the proverbial house of fire as he took the fight to Joe with a leg lariat and super kick before delivering a second super kick to Super Dragon. Spanky sent Joe into the corner and charged at him but got caught with a huge STO that halted all the momentum Spanky had built up. Joe quickly cinched in the rear naked choke and with London still recovering on the floor Spanky had no choice but to tap out.


Winners Samoa Joe and Suuper Dragon by submission at 14:37

Rating C-


Steve Corino Vs Mike Quackenbush

One fall match with a 20 minute time limit


Corino came out to the ring as his normal c0cky self thinking that he would make short work of the smaller Quackenbush. Corino’s overconfidence nearly cost him in the early going as Quackenbush scored multiple near falls and gave Corino all he could handle. Corino started getting mad at being embarrassed by Quackenbush but that only made things worse as Corino’s moves were even easier to dodge and counter. Finally Corino left the ring to cool off and try and slow down the pace of the match taking nearly the full 20 count before reentering the ring. Now refocused Corino began to slowly take control o the match. Utilizing his size advantage Corino began to push Quackenbush around the ring and eventually locked in a cravat and kept hold of it for as long as he could trying to wear down the neck in preparation for the old school expulsion or the northern lights bomb. Quackenbush began to fight out of the hold with elbows to the mid section but just as he had himself free Corino raked his eyes. Brushing off the warning from Paul Turner Corino spiked Quackenbush with a piledriver that got a two count. Corino began to pull Quackenbush to his feet as he began to heckle the crowd and was surprised by Quackenbush who began throwing right hands having seemingly gained a second wind. Keeping Corino off balance with a variety of arm drags and other innovative takedowns Quackenbush caught Corino with a spring board swinging DDT that scored a two count. Quackenbush locked Corino in his lighting lock beta but after much effort Corino manages to reach the ropes and get the break. Corino pulled himself up in the corner but was met with a clothesline and bulldog from Quackenbush. With Corino down Quackenbush went for his triple jump moonsault that he calls chain lighting but Corino was able to roll out of the way and Quackenbush managed to land on his feet. Corino caught Quackenbush with a super kick and followed up with the old school expulsion for the win


Winner Steve Corino by pinfall at 16:52

Rating C

Pick Your Poison match #1

Christopher Daniels Vs Homicide

One fall match with a 30 minute time limit


Christopher Daniels looked very different without Allison Danger by his side but Daniels is still a world class wrestler and showed it in this match. Daniels was obviously looking to wrestle a slow and methodical match to avoid incurring any injuries before his big match with Low Ki. Homicide eon the other hand came out looking for a fight and to put a halt to all the momentum that Daniels had built in the last few months. For the most part Homicide dominated the beginning of the match with his wild brawling style that eventually knocked Daniels to the floor. Homicide went for the tope con helio but Daniels saw it coming and moved out of the way pointing to his head. Homicide however slid out to the floor and caught Daniels with a clothesline on the floor. Homicide tired to whip Daniels into the guardrail but Daniels reversed it and followed up with a clothesline of his own that knocked Homicide into the first row. Daniels quickly returned to the ring to catch a breather and pounced on Homicide as he entered the ring. From then on Daniels was in the driver’s seat working various holds and mixing in some stomps knee and elbow drops as well. In what could be a preview of Death Before Dishonor Daniels spent some time working over the arm and shoulder of Homicide as Daniels normally focuses on the neck to set up the last rites. For all the punishment he endured Homicide refused to quit or stay down for three and Daniels began to grow more and more frustrated as the match went on. Soon enough frustration got the better of Daniels as he tried to end the match with the double jump moonsault but landed on the raised knees of Homicide. Despite having one arm Homicide began to lay into Daniels with an ace crusher and a shining wizard. The advantage tipped back and forth with each ma going for their big moves trying to put the match away. Homicide stunned Daniels with a right hand and a boot to the gut and went for the cop killa but Daniels was able to slip out and catch Homicide with the last rites. Daniels possibly had the match won but decided to add an exclamation point by landing the double jump moonsault before pinning Homicide.


Winner Christopher Daniels by pinfall at 20:26

Rating C


As Homicide leaves the ring Christopher Daniels picks up the ringside microphone.


“Low Ki just as I foretold I’ve beaten your challenger despite being without my Prophecy. It was rather convenient of Ring of Honor to not mention to me that I could add a stipulation to your match so before I do that lets get James out here.”


Both James Maritato and Allison Danger make their way to the ring as Daniels continues.


“You see Low Ki you said you wanted to be a fighting champion and I promised James here that I would help get him the title shot he deserves. So tonight Low Ki per my stipulation you will defend the ROH title against James Maritato, now you won’t be able to take the easy way out and simply give up when James stretches you past your breaking point or just let the referee count you out when James beats you into the mat.”


Daniels begins to laugh as Low Ki’s music begins and the ROH champion makes his way to the ring. As Low Ki enters the ring Daniels takes his leave to the back apparently content to watch from the monitors in the back.


Rating E


Pick Your Poison Match #2

ROH Title Match

James Maritato Vs Low Ki

One fall match with a 60 minute time limit


James Maritato took control right away hitting Low Ki in the head with the title belt while he was handing it to Todd Sinclair before the bell rang. Low Ki was definitely out of it but instead of going for a big move to try and win the match James Maritato began to viciously attack the right arm of Low Ki. Maritato went to work with stomps and even slammed the arm into the edge of the ring apron a few times. Low Ki was in obvious pain but it was all he could do to simply keep Maritato at bay. Soon Maritato settled into his regular discipline of working a hold as he continued to attack the right arm. While trapped in a short arm scissors Low Ki showed great flexibility as he managed to land a few kicks that forced Maritato to break the hold. Once he gained a moment to recover Low Ki began land kicks to the legs and chest of Maritato that began to raise welts. Ki began to gain the advantage with his array of kicks leading the charge while Maritato made several attempts to go for the injured arm but Low Ki kept it well defended. James was determined however and eventually managed to get Low Ki down and lock in an armbar. Ki quickly got to the ropes to force the break and it was at this time that Maritato began attacking the neck of Low Ki. Even thought James Maritato was getting his title shot he was still thinking about helping out Christopher Daniels. Maritato picked up Low Ki and had him set up for a DDT but Ki pushed Maritato off and connected with a rolling koppu kick to the head that floored the challenger. Low Ki nailed Maritato with black magic but only got a two count. As Maritato got his shoulder up Low Ki immediately transitioned into the dragon clutch. Maritato refused to give up until Low Ki released the hold and came down on the back of Maritato with a double stomp. Low Ki immediately went back to the dragon clutch and the second time Maritato finally tapped out.


Winner Low Ki by submission at 27:51

Rating C


Christopher Daniels runs back down to the ring grabbing the ROH title before entering the ring looking to lay out Low Ki just like at Epic Encounter. Daniels measured Ki for a shot but Low Ki ducked it and landed a kick to the side of Daniels head. Daniels bid a hastey retreat as Low Ki held the ROH title above his head.


Rating E+


Backstage CM Punk is sitting with Colt Cabana


“Backseat Boyz and more to the point Trent Acid tonight you may have pinned me but don’t think for a second that you have any chance of taking these belts from us at Death Before Dishonor. When the titles are on the line and with Cabana in my corner the Saints are unbeatable.”

Rating E



Pick Results

BHK1978 - 7/9

Nest - 5/9

Final Countdown - 5/9

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  • 4 weeks later...
Just a quick update I've been really busy with work and getting ready to move in about a week. Once the dust settles on the move and we get stuff unpacked I'll get to updating again as I have Death Before Dishonor written up already.
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  • 3 weeks later...



Death Before Dishonor is quickly approaching and the card is shaping up to be our best yet with two title matches and a big grudge match that was signed just after Pick Your Poison.


The Ring of Honor title will be on the line as “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels challenges Low Ki. This started back at the first show Era of Honor Begins, now almost 4 months later these two will battle for the title a second time. Both men gained momentum by picking up wins in their respective Pick your Poison matches but the condition of Low Ki’s neck and shoulder could be a factor going into the contest.


The Backseat Boyz and The Second City Saints drew even over the weekend with Colt Cabana beating Johnny Kashmere and Trent Acid defeating CM Punk. The Backseats claim to be the best tag team in wrestling and a win at Death Before Dishonor will add the ROH tag titles to their CZW tag titles. ROH officials don’t want to think about what the Backseats might do with the titles should they walk away with them, but with both teams looking evenly matches ROH officials may have to prepare for the worst.


The big grudge match signed shortly after Pick Your Poison will pit Super Dragon against Bryan Danielson. These two have been going back and forth since Road to the Title when Danielson pinned Super Dragon. Super Dragon has seeming held the upper hand during this rivalry with multiple attacks on Danielson as well as a pinfall victory at Tag Wars 2002, However it looks like neither man will be satisfied until they meet one on one again.


Despite falling to Steve Corino Mike Quackenbush continued to impress ROH officials. Still looking for his first victory he has signed to face Prophecy member James Maritato in what could be a real show stealer. Both men are two of the very best technicians in not just Ring of Honor but wrestling in general, this will be a real treat for the purists.


Jay and Mark Briscoe finally picked up their first win at Tag Wars and will look to not only create a winning streak but pick up a win over the S.A.T. the team that beat them back on the first show, and that they went to a time limit draw with at Epic Encounter. There is no doubt that the Briscoes have made tremendous strides since Era of Honor Begins but will it be enough to finally put away the S.A.T.


Check back later this week as the ROH videowire will feature an interview with The Amazing Red. as well as a confrontation between Samoa Joe and ROH owner Lucas Jeanneret. Plus the featured match of the videowire sees Tony Mamaluke battle Deranged from Special K.

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The videowire opens with a visibly angry Samoa Joe searching the backstage area.


“Damn it camera man if you don’t keep up then I’m gonna kick your ass next.”


Joe continues his search before rounding a corner to find ROH owner Lucas Jeanneret on his phone by some vending machines. Joe storms over and takes the phone from a surprised Lucas and tosses it across the room before speaking.


“Lucas you son of a bitch I want my damn title shot. I’m undefeated and yet tonight I’m stuck in a tag match against a couple of kids while Maritato gets a shot at the title. Your either going to name me the #1 contender to the winner of the Daniels Ki match or add me to the match at Death Before Dishonor right now unless you’d rather go to the hospital.”


“Whoa now Joe calm down. Your absolutely right your unbeaten and without question that you do indeed deserve a title shot. However your definitely not getting added to the title match coming up and I’m not going to just name you the #1 contender that’s not how I do business. If your going to be named the #1 contender then your going to have to earn it.”


“Earn it? I’ve more than earned it, I’ve beaten everyone you put in my way Xavier, Homicide, Scoot Andrews, hell even those stupid tag matches with Super Dragon I’ve been forced into.”


“Well Joe I seem to remember you saying that you were going to choke out Homicide to send a message to Low Ki and you failed to do that.”


“Who the hell cares? I got the win and that’s what matters.”


“I care Joe because it’s one thing you have failed to do so what I’m going to do is book a rematch. At Death Before Dishonor you and Homicide will fight again and should you win then I’ll name you the #1 contender and give you the next title shot. But if you don’t win then I’m giving that shot to somebody else.”


“So I have to beat that ghetto punk Homicide again and then I get my title shot huh?”


“Should be easy for you right?”


Joe glares at Lucas for a moment before walking away as the video cuts to Amazing Red sitting in the locker-room area.


“Steve Corino you’re so proud of what you did to AJ Styles. Ring of Honor has tried to get a hold of him I’ve tried nobody knows where he is or how bad he’s hurt. I was speechless and honored when AJ came to me and asked me to be his partner to face you and CW Anderson. AJ could have asked anyone but he came to me and that meant a lot to me and now thanks to you Corino he’s gone. Because of that I’m challenging you to a match at Death Before Dishonor to avenge AJ. Steve you and AJ had some problems and I’m going to finish this for AJ.”


Tony Mamaluke Vs Deranged

In a match that had solid in ring action but not much in the way of heat Tony Mamaluke defeated Deranged at 6:40 with the sicilian stretch.

Rating D+

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Death Before Dishonor is nearly upon us and with an already loaded card we have even more to add.


To say the Samoa Joe is egger for a title shot would be a quite an understatement as seen in the videowire. Joe threatened to put ROH owner Lucas Jeanneret in the hospital but it seems that the promise of a title shot was enough to appease the big man. In order to get that shot however Joe will once again have to take on and defeat the notorious 187 Homicide. These two had a very hard hitting match back at Crowning a Champion but can Joe come out on top again and get his long awaited title shot?


Steve Corino has accepted the challenge issued by The Amazing Red and they will meet at Death Before Dishonor. Red is looking to avenge his friend AJ Styles who hasn’t been heard from since Epic Encounter and Corino has said he is looking forward to doing the same to Red. “If that little kid wants to find AJ so bad then I’ll give him all the time in the world to do so after I end his career too.” Corino is the heavy favorite in this match but Red has pulled off some upsets before and a win over Corino would be the biggest of his career.


By virtue of their win back at Tag Wars Da Hit Squad will be in action at Death Before Dishonor as they take on Brian XL and Hydro of Special K. Since coming to ROH Hydro has helped Special K become a force in Ring of Honor, can they keep their momentum going on Ring of Honor’s biggest show to date?


All of the members of The Prophecy will now be in action as Xavier has been signed to face Tony Mamaluke. After his win in the latest videowire Mamaluke ended his string of losses but Xavier has looked very good since joining The Prophecy and will try to continue his winning ways.


Death Before Dishonor is a mere 3 days away and the card is fantastic make sure your there on the 29th to witness this historic show.


Death Before Dishonor

Final Card


ROH Title Match

Christopher Daniels Vs Low Ki

ROH Tag Title Match

The Backseat Boyz Vs The Second City Saints

Grudge Match

Super Dragon Vs Bryan Danielson

Samoa Joe Vs Homicide

Steve Corino Vs The Amazing Red

James Maritato Vs Mike Quackenbush

The S.A.T. Vs The Briscoe Brothers

Xavier Vs Tony Mamaluke

Da Hit Squad Vs Special K (Brian XL & Hydro)

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ROH Title Match

Christopher Daniels Vs Low Ki


ROH Tag Title Match

The Backseat Boyz Vs The Second City Saints


Grudge Match

Super Dragon Vs Bryan Danielson


Samoa Joe Vs Homicide


Steve Corino Vs The Amazing Red


James Maritato Vs Mike Quackenbush


The S.A.T. Vs The Briscoe Brothers


Xavier Vs Tony Mamaluke


Da Hit Squad Vs Special K (Brian XL & Hydro)

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ROH Title Match

Christopher Daniels Vs Low Ki

ROH Tag Title Match

The Backseat Boyz Vs The Second City Saints

Grudge Match

Super Dragon Vs Bryan Danielson

Samoa Joe Vs Homicide

Steve Corino Vs The Amazing Red

James Maritato Vs Mike Quackenbush

The S.A.T. Vs The Briscoe Brothers

Xavier Vs Tony Mamaluke

Da Hit Squad Vs Special K (Brian XL & Hydro)

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Ring of Honor Presents

Death Before Dishonor

June 29nd Hammerstein Ballroom

1, 598 people


“Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Ring of Honor as we bring to you Death Before Dishonor from the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City. As you should all know I’m Dave Prazak and tonight we have an incredible card but first let me introduce the man to my left, you know him as the owner of ROH but tonight he’s going to join us in the broadcast booth Lucas Jeanneret.”


“Thanks Dave Your right we have an amazing show tonight Low Ki and Christopher Daniels for the ROH title, The Backseats taking on the Saints for the tag team titles, Super Dragon and Bryan Danielson, what more could you ask for?”


“How about a ROH title shot for Samoa Joe?”


“Hey I told Joe if he beats Homicide tonight then he will get the very next shot so it’s all in his hands.”


“Let’s go to the ring for our opening contest.”


Xavier Vs Tony Mamaluke

One fall match with a 15 minute time limit


Tony Mamaluke looked to have desperation etched on his face due to his less then stellar win loss record as of late. Xavier on the other hand was beaming with confidence thanks to his association with The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels and The Prophecy. The desperation of Mamaluke was the biggest factor of this match as it caused him to go for broke looking to hit big moves early and often. This worked out a few times but more often than not Xavier wasn’t close to being worn down enough and managed to block or counter everything Mamaluke threw at him. Xavier had the match wrapped up after hitting the X Breaker but decided to top on the 450 splash to further add to Mamaluke’s despair.


Winner Xavier by pinfall at 11:16

Rating D-


Da Hit Squad Vs Special K (Brian XL & Hydro)

One fall match with a 15 minute time limit


Brian XL has believed that since Hydro joined Special K the group is unbeatable and with the recent string of wins it’s hard to argue that. However as talented as Hydro and Brian XL are they were simply no match for the sheer size and strength of Da Hit Squad. Dan Maff and Monsta Mack Dominated the match with their punishing offense until Hydro managed to take Monsta Mack down with a missile dropkick. The Special k members were able to mount a short burst of offense highlighted by their innovative high flying maneuvers before Maff was tagged in. Not wanting to let their big opportunity pass by Maff was a man possessed as he destroyed both opponents before finishing off Brian XL with the Burning Hammer.


Winners Da Hit Squad by pinfall at 10:21

Rating D+


James Maritato Vs Mike Quackenbush

One fall match with a 20 minute time limit


Many fans were eagerly anticipating this match as a potential show stealer. Both men seemed determined to prove that they were the superior grappler as they put on a technical classic. So many holds were exchanged countered and seemingly invented on the spot that Dean Melenko himself would have been impressed. The term human chess game was a perfect term for this match as no move was wasted as each man focused on a body part of choice the arm and shoulder for Maritato and the Neck for Quackenbush. As the match wore on Quackenbush slowly began to pull ahead the damage to the neck of Maritato taking its toll. In response Maritato put a halt to the mat classic by tossing Quackenbush to the floor and using the ring post and apron to do extra damage to the arm and shoulder. Once back in the ring Maritato resumed the submission wrestling as he continued to work over the arm and shoulder of Quackenbush. As Maritato tired to lock in the Fujiwar Armbar while Quackenbush tired to keep the hold from being fully applied the bell rang as the 20 minute time limit had elapsed.


Winner Time Limit Draw at 20:00

Rating C-


The S.A.T. Vs The Briscoe Brothers

One fall match with a 30 minute time limit


These two teams know each other very well having faced each other now 3 times in ROH. Last time at Epic Encounter they went to a 15 minute draw so ROH officials have doubled the time to make sure there is a winner. The Briscoes showed how much they’ve improved since February going move for move with the Maximos. After Mark cleaned house with some unique karate moves Jay stepped in to hit Joel with the spike jay driller and the Briscoes finally defeated The S.A.T.


Winners The Briscoe Brothers by pinfall at 10:42

Rating D+


Bryan Danielson’s music begins to and the American Dragon makes his way to the ring for his grudge match with Super Dragon. Before Danielson can make it to the ring Super Dragon charges out from the back blindsiding Danielson and knocking him head first into the ring apron. Super Dragon tosses Danielson into the guardrail and ring post before rolling him into the ring to actually start the match.


Rating E+


Grudge Match

Super Dragon Vs Bryan Danielson

One fall match with a 30 minute time limit


Super Dragon continued to dominate Danielson but just couldn’t manage to keep him down for the 3 count. After awhile Super Dragon tossed Danielson to the floor looking to inflict more punishment but Danielson ducked the tope con helio and Super Dragon landed back first across the guardrail. Danielson managed to mount a short comeback after that but all of the previous punishment kept him from being as effective. Super Dragon regained control of the match and finally managed to keep Danielson down after a lariat and psychodriver.


Winner Super Dragon by pinfall at 16:13

Rating C+




Samoa Joe Vs Homicide

One fall match with a 30 minute time limit


Samoa Joe came out looking to put away Homicide ASAP with some heavy strikes in the corn. Homicide managed to cover up and avoid the brunt of some of the harder strikes but was still taken down by a hard kick to the legs. Referee Paul Turner managed to get some separation between the two but Homicide quickly rushed Joe to give him his receipt. The match teetered back and forth with each man landing some stiff shots and big moves. Joe thought he had the match won after hitting the muscle buster but Homicide managed to get his shoulder up just in time. Joe couldn’t believe it and got in the face of the referee which allowed Homicide to roll Joe up for the win.


Winner Homicide by pinfall at 17:49

Rating C+


Steve Corino Vs The Amazing Red

One fall match with a 20 minute time limit


Red catches Corino off guard attacking with a flurry of punches and kicks at the start of the bout. Red manages to keep control of the match in this way until he goes for one of his high risk springboard maneuvers that Corino avoids. Corino then begins to dominate Red keeping him grounded and working on the neck. When Corino tires to include some more power maneuvers such as the powerbomb Red counters it into a swinging DDT that leaves both men lying. Red tries to mount some offense but Corino shuts that down with a super kick, and shortly afterwards Corino puts the match away with the old school expulsion.


Winner Steve Corino by pinfall at 14:54

Rating D+


Corino picks up the ringside microphone to address Red who is still out on the mat.


“Well you little punk I hope you’re happy, you failed to avenge your idiot friend AJ and now just like I promised I’m going to end your pathetic career just like I did to him.”


Corino begins to pull Red to the apron ready to put him through the table but before he gets that far the crowd begins to erupt as AJ Styles makes his way through the crowd with a steel chair in hand. Corino decides that discretion is the better part of valor and makes his way to the back as AJ stops his chase to check on Red.


Rating E+


ROH Tag Title Match

The Backseat Boyz Vs The Second City Saints

One fall match with a 45 minute time limit


Neither team wanted to wait any longer as they began to brawl as soon as the Saints entered the ring. The two teams fought in and around the ring for a few moments until referee Paul Turner was able to establish some order. After some back and forth action The Backseats managed to isolate CM Punk and began to wear him down. The Backseats worked over Punk for some time even hitting him with their double team maneuver the dream sequence. After an extended beating Punk found the chance to tag in Cabana who went to town on the Backseats with jabs and a pair of bionic elbows. Cabana did well fighting both men off and after some time Punk had recovered enough to help out his partner. The finish came when Punk saved Cabana from the T-Gimmick which allowed Cabana to catch Acid with a small package that was good for 3.


Winners The Second City Saints by pinfall at 21:26

Rating C+


ROH Title Match

Christopher Daniels Vs Low Ki

One fall match with a 60 minute time limit


The crowd was abuzz with anticipation for the ROH title match as the challenger and champion made their way to the ring. After the Introductions are made and the match begins Daniels and Low Ki lock up in an intense collar and elbow tie up. Daniels wastes no time targeting the neck and shoulder that James Maritato worked over at Pick Your Poison. Low Ki gets in a fair amount of shots in his own right landing various kicks to the head and legs of Daniels. The Fallen Angel came close to gaining the title with a cross armbreaker and crossface but Ki managed to reach the ropes both times. On the other side Low Ki came close to retaining the title after hitting Daniels with black magic and his tidal wave kick. Daniels hit the last rites and went for his double jump moonsault but Low Ki rolled out of the way. Daniels hit the canvas hard while Low Ki quickly got to his feet and picked up Daniels driving him down with the Ki Krusher. Daniels managed a shoulder up just before 3 and Low Ki immediately transitioned to the dragon clutch. Daniels locked in the center of the ring but began to slowly pull himself to the ropes as some fans began to chant please don’t tap. Daniels came within inches of the ropes but the pain was just too much as he finally tapped out.


Winner Low Ki by submission at 29:15

Rating C


Backstage AJ Styles is in the locker room with The Amazing Red who has a trainer icing his neck. AJ pulls the camera man to the hallway before speaking to him.


"Corino if you thought that attack back at the Epic Encounter was going to put me out of wrestling your obviously wrong. Sure you hurt me and there was nothing I wanted more then to come back and make you pay but I had to wait and heal. So while I did that I went off the grid to focus and think about all the things I was going to do to you when I was finally able to come back. Red he’s done more than enough I’m back so now Steve you and I are going to finish this. You’ve beaten me once and I’ve beaten you once so let’s settle this once and for all no holds barred anything goes. Steve there is nowhere you can run nowhere you can hide that I won’t go to find you and end this.”


The trainer comes out from the locker room and AJ reenters as the screen fades out.


Rating D-



Pick Results

BHK1978 - 5/9

The Final Countdown - 6/9

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<p><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-family:Impact;">RING OF HONOR NEWSWIRE 7-1-2002</span></span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">Death Before Dishonor is in the record books and will go down as possibly one of the greatest shows in ROH history. June 29th was an incredible night but Ring of Honor looks forward now to this month of July and our next show Hot Summer Nights.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">

In the main event of Death Before Dishonor Low Ki retained the ROH title in a nearly 30 minute classic against The Fallen Angle Christopher Daniels. Low Ki now has 4 successful title defenses and ROH officials can now announce the next challenger to face Low Ki at Hot Summer Nights. This man has been unbeaten since The Epic Encounter and was at the center of another big moment at Death Before Dishonor, The King of Old School Steve Corino.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">

The big moment Corino was a part of as many now know was the return of AJ Styles. Corino had threatened to put The Amazing Red out of action in the same manner he had used on AJ but was stopped by the returning Styles. ROH officials and even Red himself had tried to contact AJ with no luck so it was truly a shock when AJ returned. AJ had some words for Corino after the show challenging him to a rubber match with no rules. Corino is now scheduled to face Low Ki so AJ will have to wait to get his hands on Corino but as AJ said it’s just a matter of time. </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">

After failing to secure a ROH title shot Samoa Joe was livid backstage leaving the lockroom in shambles. While Joe may have been unsuccessful he is still seen as a top contender and has been given the challenge of Bryan Danielson. Joe has some experience facing Danielson as he teamed with Super Dragon to battle Danielson at Tag Wars but how will he fare in singles action.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">

Super Dragon will also be in action against the man who defeated his occasional partner Samoa Joe, The Notorious 187 Homicide. Super Dragon has been riding a big wave of momentum as of late while Homicide has just put an end to Joe’s wave. A win will help each man’s chances for an ROH title shot and as wild as both men can be this match could end up going all over the arena. </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">

ROH officials are excited to announce the first event in the month of August will feature what we are calling The Survival of the Fittest. More details to follow in the coming weeks. </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">

Coming up in the next ROH Videowire you’ll hear from The Briscoe Brothers as well as The Prophecy. Also ROH officials will make an announcement in regards to AJ Styles and Steve Corino, plus tag team action as Londrick are in action against Divine Storm</span></span></p>

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The videowire opens with Ring of Honor owner Lucas Jeanneret sitting in his office.


“Hello Ring of Honor fans as I’m sure you all know I’m the owner of this fine company, and I’m here on this videowire to make an announcement regarding the issue between AJ Styles and Steve Corino. Now following Death Before Dishonor AJ made it very clear that he wanted to face Steve Corino in a fight not a wrestling match. Today I’m announcing that on July the 20th in Boston AJ Styles will get his wish in a come as you are Boston street fight. Now I know Steve Corino isn’t going to be happy about this but this is the only way to make sure this feud comes to a definite end however should Corino defeat Low Ki at Hot Summer Nights the ROH title will NOT be on the line. Also to keep these two from going at it before their match if AJ makes physical contact with Corino AJ will not get this street fight and should Corino make the contact Corino will lose his ROH title shot. Furthermore AJ will be removed from the building prior to Corino’s title shot and will not be permitted to return to the building .I thank you for your time and truly hope that this will put an end to this issue.”


The scene shifts to Christopher Daniels and the rest of the Prophecy sitting in a lavish room with expensive looking furniture and décor. Daniels handles the talking.


“Ya know I’ll be the first to admit it I failed. I did everything I could but in the end I failed to win the ROH title., and while I’m disappointed with that I know that it is my destiny to become ROH champion. One day my destiny will come to fruition, but in the meantime I will not be able to be at the next ROH show due to my New Japan commitments but Xavier and James Maritato will still represent The Prophecy in my absence. Xavier you have done very well since joining our cause and I have no doubt that you will continue to do so against Mike Quackenbush. Now James just battled him to a 20 minute draw and I know that with his help your victory is all but assured. James however I know that with your superior technical abilities you can handle anyone on the ROH roster so I told the Ring of Honor office to give you the absolute best opponent so as to properly display your skills. Now even though I won’t be in New York Allison Danger will keep me updated throughout the night but I know that the Prophecy will be victorious and that ladies and gentlemen is the gospel….according to the fallen angel.”


Things move to a drastically different scene of a farm with the Briscoe Brothers sitting on the back of a pickup truck as chickens roam the area. Jay is the first to speak.


“Yall boys should know by now who we are my brother Mark and I the Briscoe Brothers. Now as you should also know we been on a bit of a roll lately we beat Spanky and Paul London, plus we finally beat them bitches the S.A.T. too. Things done started out tough for us but that just made us stronger and better. “


“That’s right and after beatin those teams there only one more team that we haven’t beat then done beat us and that’s the tag champs the Second City Saints.”


“Ya that’s right and yall boys should know we coming for them belts so best shine them up real nice for us cause they gonna be ours soon enough.”


The Briscoes both open up cans of beer and begin drinking as the scene fades out and jumps to the ring for the videowire match.


Londrick Vs Divine Storm

In a match that had good action and average heat Londrick defeated Divine Storm at 8:03 when Spanky defeated Chris Divine after hitting him with sliced bread #2

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Hot Summer Nights is just days away and we have some new matches to announce following the recent videowire. Also as seen in the videowire AJ Styles and Steve Corino will tentatively meet at our next show just over a week away in a come as you are Boston Street Fight.


Christopher Daniels requested an opponent for James Maritato that was as Daniels said is worthy of the skill of Maritato. After careful consideration and looking at availability ROH officials have settled on AJ Styles. With his opponents chosen James joins fellow Prophecy member Xavier in action as Xavier will face Mike Quackenbush.


During the videowire the Briscoe Brothers made it known that they are coming after the ROH tag titles calling out the Second City Saints. Instead of waiting it out the Saints have challenged the Briscoes to a match at Hot Summer Nights for the titles, which the Briscoes quickly accepted.


For months now Brian XL has been bragging about how dominate Special K is and not even the defeat to Da Hit Squad at Death Before Dishonor has shut him up. With AJ Styles now back in ROH Amazing red has brought his attentions back to Special K and will get his chance to quiet Brian XL when they meet one on one.


Another member of Special K Hydro will also be in action taking on Ace Steel. Ace has had a run of bad luck thanks to Xavier and hopes to get a much needed win. Hydro on the other hand has yet to be beaten in ROH competition and is possibly seen as the favorite in this match by some.


The final match to round out Hot Summer Nights will feature tag team action. Fresh of their win on the videowire Londrick will square off with the Backseat Boyz who themselves are fresh off losing the CZW tag titles. Both teams are looking to get back into the tag title chase and need a win in this match.


Hot Summer Nights

Final Card


ROH Title

Steve Corino Vs Low Ki

ROH Tag Title

The Briscoe Brothers Vs The Second City Saints

Homicide Vs Super Dragon

Bryan Danielson Vs Samoa Joe

James Maritato Vs AJ Styles

Londrick Vs The Backseat Boyz

Mike Quackenbush Vs Xavier

Ace Steel Vs Hydro

Brian XL Vs The Amazing Red

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ROH Title

Steve Corino Vs Low Ki


ROH Tag Title

The Briscoe Brothers Vs The Second City Saints


Homicide Vs Super Dragon


Bryan Danielson Vs Samoa Joe


James Maritato Vs AJ Styles


Londrick Vs The Backseat Boyz


Mike Quackenbush Vs Xavier


For someone I have never heard of until I went on this site, Mike Quackenbush sure gets a lot of love in the Real World Diaries.


Ace Steel Vs Hydro


Brian XL Vs The Amazing Red

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