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MAW: The Machine Is Dead

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On one side of the table sat Mean Jean Cattley, a name synonymous with Mid Atlantic Wrestling. A two time Mid Atlantic Champion, and the first ever holder of the title.


On the other side of the table sat Rip Chord, wrestling legend and founded of Mid Atlantic Wrestling.


The plan was simple: in one week's time, Mean Jean Cattley would win the fifth annual Rip Chord Invitational Challenge, before reigniting his feud with current Mid Atlantic Champion American Patriot. The idea of Cattley enjoying another reign as Mid Atlantic Champion in the near future was one that had been entertained by Rip Chord and Cattley himself. But those plans had been thrown into array when one of the three North American wrestling giants, Total Championship Wrestling, came calling.


Since the formation of MAW in October 2005, Cattley had been the main man in the company, the rock of the promotion. While young talents such as Steven Parker, Mainstream Hernandez and Des Davids had passed through the main event scene and gone on to bigger things, ‘The Mean Machine’ had been very much a mainstay in Rip Chord’s project for nearly four and a half years. A senior figure by the standards of the MAW roster – and, in fact, the oldest active wrestler at the age of 31 – Chord saw Cattley as a vital tool in nourishing the younger wrestlers, both in the ring and behind the scenes. The fact that Cattley had also acted as head booker of MAW since 2006 just displayed what high esteem Chord held him in.


But at the age of 31, Cattley knew that the chance to join TCW was one that might not come around again during his career. It was a fantastic opportunity to join a promotion that he held in high regard. During the meeting with Rip Chord he explained that he had a lot of respect for what Tommy Cornell had done with TCW and for the method in which Tommy Cornell was trying to compete with SWF. Cattley explained that he felt that TCW’s product would suit him perfectly. And, reluctantly, Rip Chord agreed, accepting that this opportunity was too good for Jean to reject at this point in his career.


And so, as Mean Jean Cattley left Rip Chord’s office following the last of many meetings, Rip knew that he had to plan ahead for a new era in Mid Atlantic Wrestling’s history.


The Machine is dead.




My name is George Knight; I was born in England. I graduated from university with a sports journalism degree at the age of 22, and picked up some work experience writing programmes for local football clubs and independent wrestling shows, before moving to the United States at the age of 24. In 2005 I was blessed with the opportunity to write for the official website of a brand new wrestling promotion, Mid Atlantic Wrestling, and the following year I was appointed head editor. It wasn’t until 2009 during a meeting with MAW management when I expressed an interest in getting involved in wrestling affairs, and I was given the chance to work closely with Jean Cattley on a small team of writers.


Although I’d met and spoken to Rip Chord a few times since I became an MAW employee, I was nothing more than that: an employee. We had a good, if distant, working relationship. But when rumours started to fly that Cattley was leaving for TCW, I sensed an opportunity. I immediately sent an e-mail to Rip Chord and expressed my interest in the position, as well as stressing why I thought I could step up to the task. If he’d had a little longer to find his man then I’m sure that he’d have looked towards finding somebody more qualified to take up the role; but the Rip Chord Invitational was less than a week away, and apparently he wanted the new head booker in by that event for the sake of the promotion’s short-term direction.


Later that night I received a phone call from Rip Chord, and come Wednesday afternoon I was in the private office at his home for the most nerve wracking meeting of my life.


Right off the bat, Rip outlined the opportunity that awaited me. He made it clear that the Rip Chord Invitational would be a trial of sorts, for me to prove what I could do given the head booker role. He also confirmed, in no uncertain terms, what I had suspected: that I wasn’t the ideal candidate for the vacant position. But, with limited time to find a replacement for Jean Cattley – and eager to install a replacement before the Invitational – he was open to giving me a stab at the job.


Me and Rip covered a few other topics, such as the Invitational and what ideas I had floating around in my head for various members of the MAW roster. The fairly brief meeting was concluded as Rip wished me luck in my temporary role.


“This Saturday, Stanley Hall, 3pm – don’t be late, kid.”


With Rip’s raspy voice ringing in my head, I wouldn’t dare be late.

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Mid Atlantic Champion

Citizen X (2)

Defeated American Patriot at Summer Heatwave, July 2010

Previous Champions

Mean Jean Cattley [December 2005 - July 2006]

Steven Parker [July 2006 - February 2007]

Mainstream Hernandez [February 2007 - June 2007]

Erik Strong [June 2007 - April 2008]

Citizen X [April 2008 - September 2008]

Erik Strong (2) [september 2008 - February 2009]

Mean Jean Cattley (2) [February 2009 - July 2009]

American Patriot [July 2009 - July 2010]






Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champions

The Awesomeness (Huey Cannonball & Jefferson Stardust)

Defeated The Aces Of Mayhem in November 2009

Previous Champions

Natural Storm (D.C. Rayne & Eddie Howard) [December 2005 - March 2006]

The Canadian Blondes (Oscar Golden & Flash Savage) [March 2006 - August 2006]

Natural Storm (2) [August 2006 - June 2007]

The Canadian Blondes (2) [June 2007 - May 2008]

C-V-2 (Cameron Vessey & Casey Valentine) [May 2008 - October 2008]

Findlay O'Farraday & Ricky Douglas [October 2008 - May 2009]

The Aces Of Mayhem (Ace Youngblood & Max Mayhem) [May 2009 - November 2009]






Rip Chord Invitational Challenge

Citizen X

Won at The Rip Chord Invitational V

Previous Winners

Mainstream Hernandez [2006]

Mainstream Hernandez (2) [2007]

American Patriot [2008]

Cameron Vessey [2009]

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MAW Roster (as of January 2010)

Main Eventers

American Patriot

Citizen X

Mean Jean Cattley


Upper Midcarders

Cameron Vessey

Findlay O’Farraday

Jay Chord



Ace Youngblood

Brett Starr

Casey Valentine

Max Mayhem

Ricky Douglas


Lower Midcarders

Curtis Jenkins

Huey Cannonball

Riley McManus



Jefferson Stardust

Keith Vegas




Tag Teams

C-V-2 – Cameron Vessey & Casey Valentine

Generation X – Jay Chord & Brett Starr

The Aces Of Mayhem – Ace Youngblood & Max Mayhem

The Atlantic Connection – Riley McManus & Curtis Jenkins

The Awesomeness – Huey Cannonball & Jefferson Stardust



The Succession – Brett Starr/Cameron Vessey/Casey Valentine/Jay Chord





Ernest Forthdyke-Hume (currently managing Ricky Douglas)

Lisa Bowen (currently managing Jefferson Stardust/The Awesomeness)


Announcer: Marvin Earnest

Colour Commentator: Duke Hazzard


Referee: Jay Fair


Road Agent: Rip Chord

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That night, I sat down with an empty notepad in front of me; the Invitational was three days away, and I had nothing.


Well, that’s not strictly true; I had a first round of matches, as well as two title matches.


Everybody had been working hard to promote this event since the start of the new year. For the first time ever MAW was going to be a running a show that was two and a half hours long, and we wanted everybody to know about it. We wanted everybody to be there.


So what did we have? Former Mid Atlantic Champions Mean Jean Cattley and Citizen X; three members of The Succession in Jay Chord, Casey Valentine and Brett Starr; Findlay O’Farraday, a man whose popularity among the MAW fans had shot up in 2009; and two of the brightest young prospects in North American wrestling in Ash Campbell (representing Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling) and The American Flash (representing Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling). Campbell and Flash were set to go up against Casey Valentine and Brett Starr respectively in the first round of matches, while Jay Chord was up against Citizen X and Cattley – the planned winner of the tournament – would take on Findlay O’Farraday.


MAW Tag Team Champions Huey Cannonball and Jefferson Stardust were booked to defend the titles against two time champions Natural Storm, now plying their trade at FREEDOM Caribbean Wrestling (yes, there are that few credible tag teams within MAW that D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard had been brought in for the big event). In the co-main event, last year’s Invitational winner Cameron Vessey would take on American Patriot for the Mid Atlantic Championship.


Casey Valentine vs. Ash Campbell

Brett Starr vs. The American Flash

Findlay O’Farraday vs. Mean Jean Cattley

Citizen X vs. Jay Chord


Natural Storm vs. The Awesomeness © for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championships


Winner of Match 1 vs. Winner of Match 3

Winner of Match 2 vs. Winner of Match 4


Cameron Vessey vs. American Patriot © for the Mid Atlantic Championship


The Rip Chord Invitational Challenge Final


That was the card that had been advertised for three weeks, and I certainly wasn’t going to be changing matches booked in advance on my first night in the job.


The empty notepad in front of me soon filled itself with notes...

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Don't know if you are ready for predictions, but I'm a mark for MAW....


Casey Valentine vs. Ash Campbell

Brett Starr vs. The American Flash

Findlay O’Farraday vs. Mean Jean Cattley

Citizen X vs. Jay Chord


Natural Storm vs. The Awesomeness © for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championships


Winner of Match 1 vs. Winner of Match 3

Winner of Match 2 vs. Winner of Match 4


Cameron Vessey vs. American Patriot © for the Mid Atlantic Championship


The Rip Chord Invitational Challenge Final: Jay Chord d. Mean Jean Cattley

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Casey Valentine vs. Ash Campbell

Brett Starr vs. The American Flash

Findlay O’Farraday vs. Mean Jean Cattley

Citizen X vs. Jay Chord


Natural Storm vs. The Awesomeness © for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championships


Winner of Match 1 vs. Winner of Match 3

Winner of Match 2 vs. Winner of Match 4


Cameron Vessey vs. American Patriot © for the Mid Atlantic Championship


The Rip Chord Invitational Challenge Final: Winner Of Semi-Final 1 vs. Winner of Semi Final 2

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Casey Valentine vs. Ash Campbell

Brett Starr vs. The American Flash

Findlay O’Farraday vs. Mean Jean Cattley

Citizen X vs. Jay Chord

Natural Storm vs. The Awesomeness © for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championships


Winner of Match 1 vs. Winner of Match 3

Winner of Match 2 vs. Winner of Match 4


Cameron Vessey vs. American Patriot © for the Mid Atlantic Championship


The Rip Chord Invitational Challenge Final: Winner Of Semi-Final 1 vs. Winner of Semi Final 2


Jean Cattley to take it all!

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MAW: The Rip Chord Invitational V





Saturday, Week 4, January 2010 – Stanley Hall

Attendance: 169



Before the show kicks off, Cameron Vessey comes down to the ring – without the other three members of The Succession – with his Mid Atlantic Championship shot scheduled for later tonight.


Cameron Vessey: Tonight is the night... Tonight is the night that will finally witness The Succession conquer Mid Atlantic Wrestling. Tonight is the night that three of my stablemates will compete to follow in my footsteps and win the Rip Chord Invitational... And tonight is the night that I finally reach the top, and defeat American Patriot to become the Mid Atlantic Champion. I hope that you people are ready to witness history, because tonight is the night that ‘The Second Generation Superstar’ becomes the number one man in this promotion, and tonight is the night that The Succession takes over! E+





The Rip Chord Invitational – First Round Match

Casey Valentine vs. Ash Campbell

The first round of matches in the Rip Chord Invitational got underway immediately, with an explosive contest between two wrestlers representing famous legacies, Casey Valentine and Ash Campbell. The two prospects put on a fast paced match, with each man getting a good amount of offense and neither man really getting a firm control over proceedings. The bout came to an abrupt end when Ash Campbell missed with a Flying Crossbody from the top rope, allowing Valentine to quickly capitalise and hit his finishing move, Deep Impact, to pick up the three count.

Casey Valentine defeated Ash Campbell via Pinfall; Casey Valentine advanced to the Semi Finals

Rating: D-





The Rip Chord Invitational – First Round Match

Brett Starr vs. The American Flash

Brett Starr was joined by his tag team partner, Jay Chord, at ringside for this match against The American Flash, representing CZCW. The American Flash tried to use his lightning speed to dictate a high tempo in the opening moments of the match, but Brett Starr soon managed to get a foothold and tried to keep the Flash on the mat, taking out his aerial threat. As the match reached its latter stages The American Flash started to get back into it, building up some momentum and getting Stanley Hall behind him at the same time. After flooring Brett Starr with a big Tornado DDT Flash went to the top rope, looking for a High Velocity Senton. Jay Chord tried to intervene by stepping up onto the apron, and the second of distraction allowed Starr to regain composure and knock Flash off the turnbuckle. Starr hit the Hollywood Hammer, and that was all she wrote for The American Flash.

Brett Starr defeated The American Flash via Pinfall; Brett Starr advanced to the Semi Finals

Rating: E




Prior to his first round match against Findlay O’Farraday, Mean Jean Cattley makes his way to the ring to address the packed crowd at Stanley Hall.


Mean Jean Cattley: I know that a lot of you might have heard rumours, or read things on the internet, about my future. I feel compelled to address the rumours before my match... They’re true. I have signed a contract with Total Championship Wrestling, and begin work on Monday. Which means that tonight will be my final show with MAW.


The announcement is met with a mixed reaction from Stanley Hall.


Mean Jean Cattley: So what does that mean for tonight? Quite simply, it means that I will be leaving Stanley Hall tonight as the winner of the Rip Chord Invitational. After four long years, and two reigns as Mid Atlantic Champion, it’s hard to believe that my name hasn’t graced the list of Invitational winners. But rest assured, that won’t hold true after tonight. It is fitting, in fact it seems like destiny, that on my final night here at Mid Atlantic Wrestling, I will win the Rip Chord Invitational and seal my status as the greatest wrestler in the short history of this company. E+





The Rip Chord Invitational – First Round Match

Findlay O’Farraday vs. Mean Jean Cattley

Mean Jean Cattley’s goal to win the Rip Chord Invitational kicked off with stern opposition, as he took on fan favourite Findlay O’Farraday in the first round of matches. This was a slower match than the first two, as Cattley sized up his opponent in the early stages without getting into a fistfight with O’Farraday, renowned for his brawling style. While O’Farraday had his moments in the match – which the crowd ate up – Mean Jean always looked the likely winner in this one, and it came when Cattley hit the Mood Swing for the victory.

Mean Jean Cattley defeated Findlay O’Farraday via Pinfall; Mean Jean Cattley advanced to the Semi Finals

Rating: D-





The Rip Chord Invitational – First Round Match

Citizen X vs. Jay Chord

Jay Chord accompanied Brett Starr to the ring for his first round match earlier on the card, and Starr was to return the favour as Chord took on Citizen X in the final of the first round matches. This match went back and forth, with the relatively experienced Citizen X controlling parts of the bout but the young Jay Chord looking equally impressive at times. As Citizen X prepped Chord for the Flaming Anarchy it looked like another match would fall victim to outside interference, as Brett Starr climbed up to the apron and took the referees attention; however, the threat was eliminated by The American Flash who swiftly rushed down to ringside and took out Starr, leaving Citizen X to hit his finishing move and pick up the victory, confirming his place as the fourth semi-finalist.

Citizen X defeated Jay Chord via Pinfall; Citizen X advanced to the Semi Finals

Rating: D-




Ahead of their title defence, The Awesomeness had some words for their opponents and the fans in attendance.


Jefferson Stardust: Natural Storm? We’re defending our titles against Natural Storm?


Huey Cannonball: Hey Jefferson, get this – these people are saying that Natural Storm are the greatest tag team in MAW history, can you believe that?


Jefferson Stardust: The greatest tag team in MAW history? But didn’t they pretty much feud with a single tag team for two years? Yeah, that’s right, they won these titles twice, and lost them twice, to a couple of Canadians, ha.


Huey Cannonball – former ally of The Canadian Blondes – looks at his partner with a disgruntled look on his face.


Jefferson Stardust: Oh, right... My bad Huey... But you see, Eddie, D.C., there’s a reason that Natural Storm aren’t the greatest tag team in MAW history. You guys are good...


Huey Cannonball & Jefferson Stardust: ...But we’re awesome! E







Natural Storm vs. The Awesomeness © (w/ Lisa Bowen)

In the first of two titles matches The Awesomeness were looking to prove their worth as Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champions, as they took on arguably the greatest tag team in MAW’s history, Natural Storm. The crowd were delighted to welcome D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard back for the night, and the support from the crowd gave them early momentum in the match as they got off to a positive start. The Awesomeness certainly looked like credible champions throughout the match though, working particularly well as a team at stages of the match to isolate D.C. Rayne and work him down. Carnage broke out later in the match when Jefferson Stardust entered the ring to break up a two count, before Eddie Howard entered to even the odds. Natural Storm used a double team effort to eject Stardust from the ring, to the crowd’s delight, and Howard left the ring to continue the punishment. Before D.C. Rayne could turn his attention back to Huey Cannonball, the legal man, Cannonball managed to surprise him with a roll up and managed to get a three count to retain the titles.

The Awesomeness defeated Natural Storm via Pinfall to retain the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championships

Rating: E+




Both Casey Valentine and Mean Jean Cattley are in the ring ready for their semi final match to begin, but before Jay Fair can order for the bell to be rung, a familiar theme rings around Stanley Hall; and everybody in attendance jumps to their feet as Rip Chord, wrestling legend, appears from the entrance area.


Rip Chord: Wait one second, Jay! Before we kick of these semi finals, I have an announcement to make – and I hope that the rest of The Succession are listening backstage, for their own sake. We’ve already seen two matches tonight fall victim to these punks interfering in each other’s matches, and quite simply, I won’t stand for it! I certainly won’t allow my Invitational to be dragged through mud! So if any of you show your faces at ringside in each other’s matches one more time tonight – whether it’s a semi final, the final, or the Mid Atlantic Championship match – every single one of you will be disqualified from your matches for the rest of the night!


The ringside ban of The Succession is met with cheers from throughout the venue.


Rip Chord: In fact, I will take it upon myself to be at ringside and to personally enforce this rule!


Rip joins Marvin Earnest and Duke Hazzard at ringside to call the rest of the action. E





The Rip Chord Invitational – Semi Final Match

Casey Valentine vs. Mean Jean Cattley

The first semi final was underway and, despite two heels going at it, the fans inside Stanley Hall quickly aligned themselves with Mean Jean Cattley after Valentine, ten years his junior, slapped him in the face in the midst of an early faceoff in the middle of the ring. That inspired and intensity to Mean Jean Cattley’s game which wasn’t seen in his earlier match against Findlay O’Farraday; he didn’t just want to win the match and progress to the final, he wanted to outwrestle Casey Valentine and make his opponent look like an amateur. Valentine more than held his own though, and the two put on an entertaining technical match. The fans sensed a victory for Cattley as the two time Mid Atlantic Champion propped up Casey Valentine and executed his finisher, the Mood Swing, for the second time of the night. Cattley was convinced that it was all over as he went for the cover, but Valentine managed to force a shoulder off the mat on the two count! Both men battled on and a few minutes later Mean Jean went for a second Mood Swing to put Valentine away, but the boy trained by Rip Chord managed to counter and hit Deep Impact, to pick up what would have to be considered a shock victory and ensuring that The Succession would have their own stamp on the final.

Casey Valentine defeated Mean Jean Cattley via Pinfall; Casey Valentine advanced to the Final

Rating: D




After losing his final match for Mid Atlantic Wrestling, Mean Jean Cattley comes around and realises that his era in the promotion has come to an end. Despite him portraying a heel for the past four years, the fans in Stanley Hall recognised what Mean Jean Cattley had done for MAW, and gave him a standing ovation as he left the ring and walked up the entrance ramp for the final time. E





The Rip Chord Invitational – Semi Final Match

Brett Starr vs. Citizen X

With Casey Valentine having already booked a spot in the final of the fifth Rip Chord Invitational, Brett Starr was looking to join him and make it an affair dominated by The Succession; however, if he was going to defeat Citizen X, he was going to have to do it alone following his controversial win earlier in the night. This match didn’t quite have the same edge as the one that preceded it, although it was a bout that contained some decent action with both men getting a good amount of offense. Arguably the most charismatic man on the MAW roster, Brett Starr does a tremendous job of getting heel heat from the fans inside Stanley Hall, which is positive for The Succession. While he showed his star potential in this match, it was also proof that he’s a step away from the main event scene as Citizen X picked up the victory after hitting the Flaming Anarchy.

Citizen X defeated Brett Starr via Pinfall; Citizen X advanced to the Final

Rating: D-




Moments before the defence of his Mid Atlantic Championship defence, Marvin Earnest catches up with American Patriot for a brief pre-match interview.


Marvin Earnest: American Patriot, we’re just moments away from your defence of the MAW Championship against Cameron Vessey. Vessey seems fairly confident ahead of this match, what about you?


American Patriot: Marvin, if I didn’t have confidence in myself, I wouldn’t be in this business.


Marvin Earnest: What are your thoughts on the rest of The Succession being banned from ringside for this match?


American Patriot: It gives me faith that these fans will get what they deserve – a fairly fought contest for the most prestigious prize available.


Marvin Earnest: Thanks Patriot, good luck tonight. D-







Cameron Vessey vs. American Patriot ©

While Casey Valentine was looking to bring his own success to The Succession by winning the Rip Chord Invitational, last year’s winner Cameron Vessey had the chance to make it the perfect night as he took on Mid Atlantic Champion American Patriot (another former Invitational winner), with the strap at stake. A very entertaining showdown here, as Cameron Vessey brought his a-game to the title match, and American Patriot’s efforts were no different with his title on the line. Patriot had the momentum towards the start of the match, feeding off of the crowd to control the early stages, but ‘The Second Generation Superstar’ soon came into the match and displayed the ability and intelligence that had taken him within grasp of main event status in MAW. The very tightly contested match saw several near falls from both competitors, and various unsuccessful attempts at finishing moves. Ultimately, despite a fierce effort at bringing some silverware to The Succession, Cameron Vessey fell victim to American Patriot’s signature Piledriver and the champion would successfully retain the gold.

American Patriot defeated Cameron Vessey via Pinfall to retain the Mid Atlantic Championship

Rating: D-







Casey Valentine vs. Citizen X

Both men headed into their third match of the night, knowing that a third consecutive victory would be a major notch in their MAW careers – as well as a major notch in their credentials to challenge for the Mid Atlantic Championship. A slow start to the matchup eventually boiled into action, with both men desperate to have their names etched into the base of the Rip Chord Invitational trophy; resulting in unarguably the best match on the card. It was back and forth throughout the match, with both men showing the ability and tenacity that had helped them to get to this stage in the competition. Casey Valentine had already shown his toughness earlier in the night when he kicked out of the Mood Swing, and he displayed it again when he kicked out of Citizen X’s X-Wave about ten minutes into the final. Both men began to show fatigue during the match after a long night of action and the action got more intense, as the crowd sensed that one big move could easily end the contest. They watched through their fingers as Casey Valentine went for the Deep Impact, which had already earned Valentine victories over Ash Campbell and Mean Jean Cattley, but Citizen X managed to save himself with a counter; and moments later, hit his own feared finishing move, the Flaming Anarchy. X covered Valentine to pick up the three count, adding his name to the list of Rip Chord Invitational winners.

Citizen X defeated Casey Valentine to win the Rip Chord Invitational Challenge

Rating: D




First Round

Casey Valentine defeated Ash Campbell

Brett Starr defeated The American Flash

Mean Jean Cattley defeated Findlay O’Farraday

Citizen X defeated Jay Chord


The Awesomeness © defeated Natural Storm to retain the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championships


Semi Finals

Casey Valentine defeated Mean Jean Cattley

Citizen X defeated Brett Starr


American Patriot © defeated Cameron Vessey to retain the Mid Atlantic Championship


Citizen X defeated Casey Valentine to win the Rip Chord Invitational Challenge



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[OOC: Firstly, I'd like to thank those of you who have posted/made predictions in this thread, rated the thread or taken a silent interest in. I think that it's always encouraging to know that people are interested in a project; whether it's down to your own writing or down to the promotion that you've chosen to write about, it's nice to know that there is interest. Secondly, I just wanted to give a little insight into the fact that, although I have written dynasties before using TEW, I haven't done so in about a year. When I was writing up that show I found myself struggling a little bit - not so much with promos, but more the match write-ups, having not been doing this sort of thing for a long time. Therefore, I'd just like to say that if anybody had any thoughts or things that they think might make the write-ups any easier to read, please let me know. I think that, after I've done a few shows and characters/storylines have developed a little bit, the shows should become easier for me to write and more enjoyable for you to read.]
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So my first show as head booker of Mid Atlantic Wrestling was over, and it had been a relative success; enough of a success for Rip to not look for my replacement right away, anyway.


So what did I learn from the night?


Well, firstly, I’d learned that Mean Jean Cattley and Casey Valentine had the chemistry together to put on a very good match. This discovery would be particularly useful, what with Cattley having parted ways with the company to wrestle for TCW. Bingo. Secondly, I’d learned that The American Flash can be an inconsistent worker – and watching him on a bad night is not particularly pretty. And thirdly, I learned that the tag team division needs strengthening. Well actually, I already knew that, but it seemed a relevant time to mention it.


Negativity aside, I’ve got a real feeling that Mean Jean Cattley’s departure isn’t going to have such a detrimental effect on the company that many had first feared, with a fair amount of talent in and around the main event scene. The Succession are getting a lot of heel heat, and looking bright in the ring; Citizen X looked particularly impressive during the Invitational, and the win will have given him a huge boost; and of course, American Patriot is the superstar of MAW right now (and hopefully for a few years to come). The roster could do with a few more names – and that is something that I will be discussing with Rip in the near future – but there’s enough capable wrestlers to work with.


Mean Jean Cattley is now a name in the history books of Mid Atlantic Wrestling. A new era is dawning.

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[OOC: Firstly, I'd like to thank those of you who have posted/made predictions in this thread, rated the thread or taken a silent interest in. I think that it's always encouraging to know that people are interested in a project; whether it's down to your own writing or down to the promotion that you've chosen to write about, it's nice to know that there is interest. Secondly, I just wanted to give a little insight into the fact that, although I have written dynasties before using TEW, I haven't done so in about a year. When I was writing up that show I found myself struggling a little bit - not so much with promos, but more the match write-ups, having not been doing this sort of thing for a long time. Therefore, I'd just like to say that if anybody had any thoughts or things that they think might make the write-ups any easier to read, please let me know. I think that, after I've done a few shows and characters/storylines have developed a little bit, the shows should become easier for me to write and more enjoyable for you to read.]


I don't read too many MAW dynasties, but I'm a sucker for a good title, so I thought I'd delve into this one and check it out. Match write-ups are an issue for me as well as I imagine a number of other writers on here. There is no real answer to this, to me it's just a case of deciding what you want your matches to be and how they relate to the promotion you're using. For instance if you're running SWF, your main focus is more likely to be telling a story with the wrestlers as opposed to providing a compelling blow-for-blow account. It's down to finding a sustainable style that does everything you want it to.


Your match write-ups are pretty short and breezy to read, but there's an overview there and enough detail of the finishes to allow the reader a decent idea of how everything played out. I would perhaps have liked a little more build to the climax of the Invitational Final, but that's just personal preference. You still built the scene and emphasised the journeys of both men throughout the event. Oh and speaking as a Citizen X fan here, nice choice of winner.

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I don't read too many MAW dynasties, but I'm a sucker for a good title, so I thought I'd delve into this one and check it out. Match write-ups are an issue for me as well as I imagine a number of other writers on here. There is no real answer to this, to me it's just a case of deciding what you want your matches to be and how they relate to the promotion you're using. For instance if you're running SWF, your main focus is more likely to be telling a story with the wrestlers as opposed to providing a compelling blow-for-blow account. It's down to finding a sustainable style that does everything you want it to.


Your match write-ups are pretty short and breezy to read, but there's an overview there and enough detail of the finishes to allow the reader a decent idea of how everything played out. I would perhaps have liked a little more build to the climax of the Invitational Final, but that's just personal preference. You still built the scene and emphasised the journeys of both men throughout the event. Oh and speaking as a Citizen X fan here, nice choice of winner.


Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it. Rereading the final, I can see where you're coming from on subject of the final. I'll try to take then on board for when I'm doing the write-ups for similarly important matches in the future.

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MAW.com: MAW Wrestling Classic Main Event Announced!




Saturday, Week 1, February 2010


MAW Wrestling Classic is coming up, and MAW.com can exclusively reveal that Mid Atlantic Champion American Patriot will join forces with the winner of the Rip Chord Invitational, Citizen X, to take on the team of Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine. Citizen X defeated Casey Valentine last month in the Invitational final, while American Patriot successfully defended his Mid Atlantic Championship against Cameron Vessey, so C-V-2 will definitely be looking to get revenge at Wrestling Classic. On the same night, Citizen X will officially be presented with the Rip Chord Invitational trophy in front of the MAW crowd.


Also booked for the event is a match between Jay Chord and Findlay O’Farraday, both of whom will be looking to avenge their first round exits from the Rip Chord Invitational by picking up a win, as well an exciting debutant in Brendan Idol, formerly signed to SWF.


MAW Wrestling Classic card

Brendan Idol vs. Kenny Clark [K-Squared]

Non-Title Match: The Atlantic Connection vs. The Awesomeness

Findlay O’Farraday vs. Jay Chord

C-V-2 vs. Citizen X & American Patriot


Click here to buy your tickets for MAW Wrestling Classic, live from Stanley Hall, right now!

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MAW Wrestling Classic





Saturday, Week 4, February 2010 – Stanley Hall

Attendance: 91




Dark Match

Keith Vegas vs. Ricky Douglas (w/ Ernest Forthdyke-Hume)

Two men who didn’t compete in the Rip Chord Invitational, Keith Vegas and Ricky Douglas, took part in an extremely brief pre-show match which was dominated by former Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champion, Ricky Douglas. It only took Douglas a couple of minutes to put Vegas away, applying his signature Figure Four Leglock and forcing his opponent to tap out.

Ricky Douglas defeated Keith Vegas via submission

Rating: E




The show begins, and Marvin Earnest is standing in the ring, alongside the Rip Chord Invitational trophy.


Marvin Earnest: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the winner of the 2010 Rip Chord Invitational Challenge... Citizen X!


Everybody in attendance gets to their feet and applauds as Citizen X walks through the entrance, after going through three tough matches and defeating three members of The Succession on his way to becoming the winner of the fifth Rip Chord Invitational. He gets into the ring and, after allowing the applause to fizzle out, takes a microphone from Earnest.


Marvin Earnest: Citizen X, first of all congratulations on winning the Invitational. How are you feeling one month on from that victory?


Citizen X: Marvin, I’m not going to be sitting on this victory. It’s an honour to win the Rip Chord Invitational, but I’m here at Mid Atlantic Wrestling to be the number one man in the promotion. The Mid Atlantic Championship is next on my agenda.


Marvin Earnest: Well the champion, American Patriot, will be your partner tonight as you take on the team of Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine. What are your thoughts on this?


Citizen X: I’ve got a lot of respect for American Patriot. He’s a great wrestler. But he’s got something that I want, and after tonight, I will be pursuing it.


Before the presentation can continue, the entrance music of The Succession hits the sound system, and Cameron Vessey begins to make his way to the ring, followed closely by Casey Valentine. Citizen X watches cautiously as his two opponents for the night enter the ring. They waste little time; Cameron Vessey pounces on Citizen X and attacks him, Marvin Earnest quickly fleeing the battlefield and returning to his announce table. Citizen X tries to fight back but Casey Valentine quickly makes it a double team, and the duo overpower him, beating him to the ground. Cameron Vessey soon targets the right knee of the helpless Citizen X, stomping at it while Valentine makes sure he stays on the ground with brutal stomps to the midsection. Casey Valentine then proceeds to apply a Sharpshooter to the man who beat him in the final of the Rip Chord Invitational, applying even more pressure. The hold is locked in for about fifteen seconds before American Patriot intervenes, sprinting from the top of the entrance to the ring and quickly taking Cameron Vessey out with a Clothesline. Valentine quickly breaks the submission hold and slides out of the ring, and Vessey soon follows him. The damage appears to be done though, as Citizen X writhes around the ring in agony. D-





Brendan Idol vs. Kenny Clark

There was a lot of anticipation surrounding the debut of Brendan Idol, whilst the arrival of Kenny Clark (previously working under the name K-Squared) had gone under the radar, to an extent. From the start of the match, Brendan Idol gave the fans a taste of his exciting cruiserweight style, maintaining a high tempo throughout the relatively short match and leaving his feet to perform several athletic moves. The match ended after Idol hit his finishing move, the Idolizer, and picked up the victory via pinfall.

Brendan Idol defeated Kenny Clark via pinfall

Rating: E




Jay Chord is backstage; the image of his face projected on a small screen near the entrance area in Stanley Hall causes boos to echo throughout the venue.


Jay Chord: Findlay O’Farraday, apparently you’re real angry about your performance in the Invitational last month, and apparently you’re going to take it out on me and kick my ass tonight. Well let me tell you something buddy, I’m not particularly proud of my performance last month either, and tonight I am going to prove that my loss to Citizen X was nothing but a minor blip in my ultimate rise to stardom. Jay Chord is not a loser. Jay Chord is a winner, and tonight Findlay, you’re going to find that out the hard way. E+





The Atlantic Connection vs. The Awesomeness (w/ Lisa Bowen)

It was a non-title match, but nevertheless a huge opportunity for the team of Curtis Jenkins and Riley McManus to prove their credentials as a partnership against The Awesomeness. The Atlantic Connection looked held their own against the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champions in the early stages of the match, in particular showing their technical qualities, and the contest was a fairly even one throughout. The champions showed the cutting edge though, and Jefferson Stardust got the pinfall over Riley McManus after hitting his signature move, the Stage Dive.

The Awesomeness defeated The Atlantic Connection via pinfall

Rating: E




Following The Awesomeness’ victory, Ace Youngblood and Max Mayhem appear at the top of the entrance ramp.


Max Mayhem: Huey! Jefferson! You guys are running your mouth about how you guys are awesome, and about how you guys are the best tag team in MAW, but you seem to be forgetting about us!


Ace Youngblood: You guys may have beaten us for those Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championships, but if you’re so ‘awesome’ then why don’t you prove it, and defend them against us?


The fans cheer at the prospect of the top face tag team in the company getting a shot to win back the MAW Tag Team Championships.


Jefferson Stardust: What do you think about that, Huey? Reckon we should give them a shot?


Huey Cannonball: Uhh, let me think about it for a minute... No! We defeated you for these titles, and quite frankly you don’t deserve another shot to win them back. Quite frankly you don’t even deserve to step into the same ring as The Awesomeness.


Jefferson Stardust: Because you guys are losers...


Huey Cannonball and Jefferson Stardust: And we’re awesome!


Cannonball and Stardust high five in the ring, as the fans boo and The Aces Of Mayhem look down to the ring in anger at their challenge being snubbed. E





Findlay O’Farraday vs. Jay Chord

Findlay O’Farraday and Jay Chord had both lost their first round matches of the Rip Chord Invitational in January, and one of them would suffer a second consecutive defeat as they went head to head in the co-main event of the evening. There was a fairly slow start to the match, as Jay Chord tried to avoid getting sucked into a fist fight with Findlay O’Farraday, who is considered by many to be the best brawler in Mid Atlantic Wrestling. The match soon heated up with the big man eager to give his arrogant young opponent some punishment, while Jay Chord proved his pedigree as his fine wrestling ability – as well as his natural heel charisma – shined through during the match. The fan favourite Findlay O’Farraday built up a head of steam towards the end of the match, hitting some big impact moves on Jay Chord; and as he stalked his opponent from behind, the fans knew that he was looking for the Atomic Spinebuster. Jay Chord stumbled to his feet and walked straight into O’Farraday, but as Chord was lifted off the ground he managed to counter the Spinebuster into a devastating DDT! Jay Chord quickly jumped over his opponent and picked up a three count for the victory.

Jay Chord defeated Findlay O’Farraday via pinfall

Rating: D-




Ahead of the main event, Marvin Earnest enters the ring with what appears to be some sort of memo in his hand.


Marvin Earnest: Ladies and gentlemen, I have just received a message from the MAW medical team which states that, due to the injuries suffered at the hands of Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine earlier tonight, Citizen X is physically unable to compete in tonight’s main event. This match will therefore go ahead as a handicap match. E





Handicap Match

C-V-2 vs. American Patriot

American Patriot faced a stern test in this handicap match verses Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine; two possible challengers to the Mid Atlantic Championship on one team. Standard tag team rules still applied, with only one member of C-V-2 allowed in the ring at one time, and it was Valentine – who impressed many last month with his showing in the Rip Chord Invitational – starting the match with Patriot. There was a fairly slow start to the match, with American Patriot ensuring that he didn’t burn himself out too early with two opponents to take on. The major obstacle for the Mid Atlantic Champion was obvious as the match went on; while he wrestled with his opponents, they could easily tag one another in and freshen up while Patriot’s tank slowly ran out of gas. Several times during the match Patriot went for his signature moves, but interference or distraction from the illegal man prevented him from executing the move. The breakthrough looked to have come late on for American Patriot when, moments after ejecting Vessey from the ring over the top rope, he managed to hit his Backdrop Driver on Casey Valentine. Patriot went for the cover: one, two, but Vessey managed to recover in time to break up the cover. The battle continued, with American Patriot searching for another opening to finish the match, but it was Casey Valentine who struck moments later, hitting Deep Impact and going for the cover: one... two... but Patriot kicked out! Valentine quickly tagged his partner in, and before the champion had time to recover Vessey hit his own finishing move, the Vessey Driver, and went for the pinfall. One... Two... Three! After being hit with two successive finishing moves, American Patriot was unable to kick out of the cover and C-V-2 had landed a crucial victory over the champion.

C-V-2 defeated American Patriot via pinfall

Rating: D-




Quick Results

Dark Match: Ricky Douglas defeated Keith Vegas

Brendan Idol defeated Kenny Clark

The Awesomeness defeated The Atlantic Connection

Jay Chord defeated Findlay O’Farraday

Handicap Match: C-V-2 defeated American Patriot



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MAW.com: Citizen X Out For 'Several Weeks'




Wednesday, Week 1, March 2010


MAW.com can exclusively reveal that Citizen X will miss 'several weeks' due to an injury to his right knee.


The Rip Chord Invitational winner was attacked by Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine at MAW Wrestling Classic, suffering several blows to the right knee before Valentine applied a Sharpshooter, causing even more damage to the injury. Citizen X underwent a scan on Monday morning, and the results have confirmed that he will undergo a spell on the sidelines due to significant ligament damage sustained. Although no concrete timescale has been put on Citizen X's recovery, it has been confirmed that he will not be fit to wrestle at MAW Super Showdown, on the last Saturday of March.


No matches have yet been confirmed for the event, but MAW officials have confirmed rumours that Carl Batch has been signed as the new commissioner. Batch is expected to debut in his new role at MAW Super Showdown.


Click here to buy your tickets for MAW Super Showdown, live from Stanley Hall, right now!

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  • 2 weeks later...

MAW Super Showdown





Saturday, Week 4, March 2010 – Stanley Hall

Attendance: 96




Dark Match

Kenny Clark vs. Keith Vegas

Kenny Clark was defeated in his debut to Brendan Idol, while Keith Vegas was on the undercard for the second show in a row after his loss to Ricky Douglas at Wrestling Classic. Vegas was more competitive in this match as he continued his attempts to repay the faith shown by Rip Chord to hand him a spot on the MAW roster, but after a few minutes of fairly poor action it was Kenny Clark who managed to pick up his first MAW victory after connecting with a Reverse Facebuster.

Kenny Clark defeated Keith Vegas via pinfall

Rating: E-




The show begins and Mid Atlantic Wrestling’s new commissioner (as earlier revealed on MAW.com), Carl Batch, is introduced to the fans in Stanley Hall as he makes his way down to the ring. He picks up a microphone, but before he can say a word the familiar theme music of Cameron Vessey begins to play. Boasting a pinfall victory over the MAW Champion – albeit in a handicap match – Vessey confidently interrupts the new commissioner.


Cameron Vessey: Let me stop you right there, Batch, because before you say anything there’s something that you need to address. Before you stands a man who, in case you’re not already aware, scored a pinfall victory over the MAW Champion just one month ago. Some people might say that such a feat makes me the number one contender. So what do you say, ‘commissioner’?


Carl Batch: Some people might consider you a number one contender, Cameron, but I don’t. It was a handicap match! If you really want a title shot, you’ve gotta prove it. So you can have your title shot, if you win your match tonight against another man who picked up a win at Wrestling Classic... Brendan Idol! Cameron Vessey verses Brendan Idol, tonight, and the winner gets a shot at the Mid Atlantic Wrestling Championship!


There is a pop from the crowd as the new commissioner reveals tonight’s main event. Cameron Vessey nods his head with a confident expression on his face. He leaves ringside once again, satisfied with the result of his confrontation with the new authority figure.


Carl Batch: Now, to address the MAW Tag Team Championships. Apparently Huey Cannonball and Jefferson Stardust are refusing to defend their titles against The Aces Of Mayhem because they’re not awesome enough. Well, thankfully, that decision is no longer in their hands. So tonight, Max Mayhem will be up against Huey Cannonball in a singles match, and if he gets a win the title match is on! And that match is right now!


The fans cheer once again, as the new commissioner makes a massive impact on his first night in the job. E+





Max Mayhem vs. Huey Cannonball

Max Mayhem had the opportunity to earn him and his partner Ace Youngblood a shot at the MAW Tag Team Championships, but he had to defeat Huey Cannonball in this match first. The match was bound to be a high paced affair from the moment that it was announced as two cruiserweights came together, and they didn’t disappoint as they put on an entertaining opening contest to the show filled with plenty of exciting spots. After Max Mayhem went to the top rope, only for his flying lariat attempt to be countered in mid-air with an impressive dropkick from Cannonball, the fans sensed that the match was coming to an end. The Canadian signalled for his finishing move, Cannonball Run – however, he took too long taunting to the fans and practically forgot about his opponent, leaving him open to a roll up! Mayhem picked up a flash three count and secured a title shot for The Aces Of Mayhem.

Max Mayhem defeated Huey Cannonball via pinfall

Rating: E-




Former MAW Tag Team Champion Ricky Douglas makes his way down to the ring, to a negative reception from the Stanley Hall crowd.


Ricky Douglas: For four long years I have constantly been in the shadows of other people here in Mid Atlantic Wrestling. When I was a part of the A Star Alliance it was Steven Parker who constantly got the accolades and title shots, while I worked my ass off month after month and got nothing. I was a key cog in The Firm, but while Mean Jean Cattley and Steven Parker had their opportunities to be the main man of the promotion what did I get? Nothing. Then I had a reign as an MAW Tag Team Champion with Findlay O’Farraday, yet while he’s participating in the Rip Chord Invitational in January I’m sat backstage watching the damn thing. Well I’ve had enough of it. I’m not just here to make up the numbers, and the days of me being a stepping stone are over. From now on, it’s going to be me who takes these opportunities, and I’m willing to prove myself tonight by defeating anybody on the roster who has the stupidity to step into the ring with me.


Douglas’ open challenge is quickly accepted by Curtis Jenkins. E-





Ricky Douglas (w/ Ernest Forthdyke-Hume) vs. Curtis Jenkins

Following an exciting competition between two cruiserweights, in Ricky Douglas and Curtis Jenkins we had two technically decent wrestlers, and the result was a slower, more methodical match than the opener. Ricky Douglas was looking to escalate himself up the card with a win, while Jenkins also had a point to prove after The Atlantic Connection lost at Wrestling Classic. The Englishman was out of luck here though, as Douglas dominated most of the match and picked up the victory after debuting his new finishing move, a Northern Lights Suplex.

Ricky Douglas defeated Curtis Jenkins via pinfall

Rating: E




Ahead of his match against new boy Hugh de Aske, Brett Starr makes his way down to the ring to an epic chorus of boos from the crowd. He picks up a microphone, but struggles to even begin his sentence with jeers ringing around the venue.


Brett Starr: You know, I’d be more bothered with you people booing me if you knew a damn thing about wrestling. I mean seriously, the same people who go crazy for that masked idiot month after month boo me, and I’m supposed to be offended? Give me a break.


The boos for Brett Starr get even stronger after his insults towards the fans.


Brett Starr: Thankfully, after Cameron Vessey earns his title shot later tonight and then goes on to win the Mid Atlantic Wrestling Championship, we won’t have to put up with ‘The Masked Idiot’ any longer. And when Cameron is champion, you can all look forward to a long era of domination for The Succession. E+





Brett Starr vs. Hugh de Aske

Belgian rookie Hugh de Aske was making his Mid Atlantic Wrestling debut here – minus the pirate gimmick that he had previously been using on small independent shows – but he faced quite the task as he took on a Rip Chord Invitational semi finalist, Brett Starr. Hugh de Ask was keen to make an early impression on the MAW audience and there was no better way to do so than taking the game to Brett Starr, one of the most hated men on the roster. Starr played his part as the pantomime villain, as usual, making time during his more dominant periods of the match to play to the crowd’s hatred of him. The Belgian looked very impressive on his debut, and every person in attendance was behind him as he began to build up a good amount of momentum against Brett Starr, first countering Starr’s finishing move attempt and then hitting a couple of successive clotheslines, bring the crowd to their feet. De Aske then executed an Irish Whip, sending his opponent into the turnbuckle, and then looking for a big lariat. Brett Starr managed to lift his foot up though, connecting with the chest of de Aske before instantly killing his momentum with the Hollywood Hammer. Starr went for the cover and got a three count, picking up the victory.

Brett Starr defeated Hugh de Aske via pinfall

Rating: E




Brett Starr celebrates his victory, standing on the turnbuckle and taunting while the fans don’t respond so enthusiastically, jeering his celebrations. Meanwhile, in the centre of the ring, Hugh de Aske recovers from the Hollywood Hammer that saw him lose on his debut and gets up to his feet. As Brett Starr drops from the turnbuckle and makes his way out of the ring, Hugh de Aske appears to stands in his way, before extending his arm as a sign of respect after a competitive match. Brett Starr examines Hugh de Aske for a moment, thinking about his offer, before smugly laughing and turning his back on the handshake offer, leaving the ring. E-




Ahead of the upcoming number one contender’s match, MAW Champion American Patriot makes his way down to ringside, receiving a standing ovation as he joins Marvin Earnest and Duke Hazzard at the commentary table. E-





Number One Contender’s Match

Brendan Idol vs. Cameron Vessey

Brendan Idol was an instant hit with the MAW fans after a very impressive showing on his debut, and he found himself thrown into a massive match on just his second show as he took on Cameron Vessey for the opportunity to compete for the Mid Atlantic Wrestling Championship. It was clear from the opening bell that Vessey was wrestling with the bit between his teeth, eager to earn himself another opportunity at the MAW Championship, and he came out of the blocks quickly with an aggressive approach. Despite dominating the opening moments of the match and trying to focus his attacks on Idol’s legs, with a few to eliminating his aerial arsenal, the fan favourite soon managed to work his way into the match and imposed his high tempo cruiserweight style onto the match, which Cameron Vessey struggled to cope with at times. The match swung several times, with both men getting a good amount of offense throughout the contest and both having moments where it looked likely that they might have been able to pick up a victory. The match was taken up a notch when Cameron Vessey, in control of the match, hoisted his opponent up onto the top turnbuckle and looked to take him back down to the match with a Superplex. However, Idol managed to resist the maneuver, fighting back with a few punches and sending Vessey crashing down to the mat. The fans were on their feet, as Idol found himself on the top rope, in the prime position for his finishing move. Idol stood up straight, before leaping off the turnbuckle and connecting with The Idolizer! Moments away from picking up an invaluable victory, Idol dragged himself across the mat and covered Vessey: one... two... but Vessey managed to kick out on two and a half! The two competitors slowly made their way back to their feet, drained of energy but at the same time driving on, with the incentive of a title shot. With the match nearing its end, it was Brendan Idol who managed to get a foothold of the match, finding a second wind and looking to put Vessey away. After striking Vessey several times, Brendan Idol ran towards the ropes, bouncing off of them and running back towards his opponent; but at the blink of an eye, the leader of The Succession hit his signature Vessey Driver and quickly covered Idol, picking up the victory and cementing a MAW Championship shot.

Cameron Vessey defeated Brendan Idol via Pinfall; Cameron Vessey is the number one contender to the Mid Atlantic Wrestling Championship

Rating: D-




After winning the match, Cameron Vessey stands on the turnbuckle and looks down at American Patriot, who has the Mid Atlantic Wrestling Championship belt laid in front of him on the announce table. Cameron Vessey points at the belt and laughs, while American Patriot nods, relishing the challenge. E




Quick Results

Dark Match: Kenny Clark defeated Keith Vegas

Max Mayhem defeated Huey Cannonball

Ricky Douglas defeated Curtis Jenkins

Brett Starr defeated Hugh de Aske

Number One Contender’s Match: Cameron Vessey defeated Brendan Idol



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I'm liking the additions you've made recently; Batch as the new commish, Brendan Idol is a great project and it's always good to see K-Squared getting some dynasty love. Hugh de Aske without the pirate gimmick however... that's treason :p


Apart from that, some nice solid booking on display. Vessey is gaining momentum and credibility following his original loss to AP. Not sure if the injury to Citizen X is simply worked though? Good stuff regardless.

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Monday, Week 1, April 2010


I’d heard a lot of bad things about Jay Chord’s attitude, and on Saturday night I got to witness it first hand for the first time during my tenure as head booker of Mid Atlantic Wrestling. I’d arranged a meeting between all of the wrestlers on the roster – whether they had a match or not – and Rip Chord. I’m not sure if Jay thought that because it’s his father he didn’t have to bother, but he was nowhere to be seen. Later on in the night I made it clear to him that this sort of behaviour wouldn’t be tolerated; he seemed to take it in, but we’ll see.


That aside, I feel that Super Showdown went fairly well; at the very least I’ve learned that a card doesn’t have to feature American Patriot for it to be half decent. Or Citizen X for that matter. I think that the few storylines that I’ve been working on are developing quite well, and I’m getting a better idea of how I might be able to utilise particular workers over the coming months. Even with the bright additions to the roster of Brendan Idol, Hugh de Aske and K-Squared, as well as Syd Collier (a young graduate from the Mid Atlantic Boot Camp who just signed a contract this morning), I still feel that the staff of active wrestlers could do with a couple more additions, especially if we want to start running shows that are longer than an hour any time soon.


With three relatively successful shows under my belt, a fairly peaceful locker room atmosphere and the company making considerable profits across the last three months, I’m not too disappointed with how things have gone so far. Still waiting for the wrestling business to throw me that inevitable curveball.

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MAW.com: MAW Americana Card Revealed!




Friday, Week 1, April 2010


One month before defending the Mid Atlantic Wrestling Championship against Cameron Vessey, American Patriot will prepare for the match at MAW Americana as he goes one on one against Casey Valentine in the main event. After losing to C-V-2 in a handicap match in February, American Patriot will surely want to take some momentum into his title defence next month, while a win for Casey Valentine could propel him into the title picture.


On the same night, The Aces Of Mayhem will challenge The Awesomeness for the MAW Tag Team Championships, as they look to become two-time champions. Max Mayhem had the edge over Huey Cannonball at Wrestling Classic, earning himself and Ace Youngblood this title shot. The Awesomeness have proclaimed themselves the best tag team in MAW history, but face a stern title defence this month.


Elsewhere on the card, Jay Chord will take on former 4C star Nomad, while Riley McManus has accepted Ricky Douglas’ ongoing open challenge and will be looking to avenge Douglas’ victory over his partner Curtis Jenkins last month.


MAW Americana card

Jay Chord vs. Nomad

Ricky Douglas vs. Riley McManus

MAW Tag Team Championship Match: The Aces Of Mayhem vs. The Awesomeness ©

Casey Valentine vs. American Patriot


MAW.com can also reveal that long serving referee Jay Fair has signed a contract with Total Championship Wrestling, effective immediately. Everybody at Mid Atlantic Wrestling thanks Jay for his service since 2005 and wishes him the best in his future endeavours. 24 year old Wilson Carlisle has been hired as the new head referee, and will begin service at MAW Americana.


Click here to buy your tickets for MAW Americana, live from Stanley Hall, right now!

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MAW Americana





Saturday, Week 4, April 2010 – Stanley Hall

Attendance: 111




Dark Match

Findlay O’Farraday vs. Syd Collier

Syd Collier, fresh from the Mid Atlantic Boot Camp, was making his MAW debut against Findlay O’Farraday, who hadn’t wrestled since his loss to Jay Chord at MAW Wrestling Classic in February. Collier is a decent technical worker with a good look and potential, but tonight he faced a stern test in O’Farraday who was keen to avenge for consecutive losses. Collier had a few moments during the match to put his qualities on display for the MAW fans, but the match was largely dominated by Findlay O’Farraday who picked up a win at the end of a short match, finishing his opponent off with the Atomic Spinebuster.

Findlay O’Farraday defeated Syd Collier via pinfall

Rating: E




The show kicks off, and the number one contender to the Mid Atlantic Wrestling Championship, Cameron Vessey, comes down to the ring fresh off of his victory over Brendan Idol at MAW Super Showdown. Without his stablemates, he enters the ring and picks up a microphone.


Cameron Vessey: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, take this moment in. Remember it. The moment that the future of Mid Atlantic Wrestling stood before you. The moment that the future MAW Champion stood before you. If you haven’t already, buy your tickets for Old School Rules as soon as you get home; log onto MAW.com and buy your tickets straight away, because it’s gonna be massive. At Old School Rules, I will step into the ring against American Patriot, and by the end of the night ‘The Second Generation Superstar’ will be your champion. Patriot, I know you’re watching right now, and I’d advise you to enjoy the company of that belt while you can; because by the end of next month, it will be firmly strapped around my waist.


Vessey drops the microphone and leaves the ring, getting jeered by the fans as he makes his way back to the locker room. E+





Jay Chord vs. Nomad

Nomad – formerly of Canadian promotion 4C – was the second debutant of the night, taking on Jay Chord of The Succession. Nomad is a young Canadian with a very impressive look, and decent in-ring skills to boot, and he surprised Jay Chord in the early stages of the matchup, with Chord seeming to underestimate his opponent’s ability. Chord soon came into the match though, and it was an evenly contested tie. Throughout the matchup Jay Chord tested rookie referee Wilson Carlisle’s authority, holding on to submissions after Nomad had reached the ropes and using closed fists; Carlisle wasn’t fazed though, and did a great job of calling the match on his first night in MAW. As the match went on at a fairly fast pace Jay Chord’s impeccable stamina became apparent, as he began to get the best of Nomad. After wearing down the Canadian, Jay Chord was ready to put Nomad away and went for the Cradle Piledriver. However, Nomad managed to counter by flipping Jay Chord over his shoulders before swiftly hitting his finishing move, Drift Shift! Quickly going for the cover, Nomad picked up what has to be considered a shock victory on his debut.

Nomad defeated Jay Chord via pinfall

Rating: D-




Nomad celebrates his debut victory in MAW, but moments after his defeat Jay Chord ambushes the Canadian from behind. Not long after, Brett Starr joins Jay Chord in the ring and Generation X beat down Nomad in the centre of the ring, receiving the same negative reception as Cameron Vessey did earlier in the night. The boos turn to cheers as Hugh de Aske runs down the aisle to Nomad’s aid, but as he slides under the bottom rope both Chord and Starr dive onto him and begin to beat him down. Generation X continue the beatdown for several minutes, and Jay Chord executes his Cradle Piledriver before the duo exit the ring to a chorus of boos from the Stanley Hall audience. F+





Ricky Douglas (w/ Ernest Forthdyke-Hume) vs. Riley McManus

Ricky Douglas’ quest to impress MAW management and earn himself a spot in the main event continued tonight as he stepped into the ring with another talented technician, Riley McManus, after defeating his tag team partner Curtis Jenkins last month at Super Showdown. Like Douglas’ previous match this was a slow paced, methodical affair with both men trying to outwrestle one another. For the second consecutive match it was Ricky Douglas who came out on top, finishing off his opponent with the finishing move that he debuted last month, the Northern Lights Suplex.

Ricky Douglas defeated Riley McManus via pinfall

Rating: E+




Following his client’s victory, Ricky Douglas picks up a microphone and addresses the newly appointed commissioner, Carl Batch.


Ricky Douglas: Carl Batch! Batch, wherever you are, I know you just watched that. That’s two victories in a row for ‘Straight A’ Ricky Douglas, and he’s starting to get hot. So what are you gonna do about it? An MAW title match? Make yourself useful, ‘commissioner’, and give me what I’ve deserved since 2005! F+




Ace Youngblood and Max Mayhem are in the ring. Despite being just moments away from defending their MAW Tag Team Championships, The Awesomeness find time before the match to say a word to the crowd and boast about how awesome they are.


Huey Cannonball: Max Mayhem, a month ago you struck jackpot when you went one on one against me, and caught me on an off night. You see, when you’re as awesome as I am, the occasional off night is inevitable.


Jefferson Stardust: But you see, Ace, Max, lightning doesn’t strike twice, and losers like you don’t pick up two wins against The Awesomeness.


Huey Cannonball: Especially when one of you has a freakin’ mohawk!


Jefferson Stardust: And if the two of you think that you’ll be leaving Stanley Hall tonight as Tag Team Champions, then sorry, but you’re fresh out of luck. We’re the champions, and we’ll be champions at the end of this match...


Huey Cannonball and Jefferson Stardust: Because we’re awesome! E+







The Aces Of Mayhem vs. The Awesomeness © (w/ Lisa Bowen)

The Aces Of Mayhem had the opportunity to join an exclusive club of tag teams by becoming only the third team in Mid Atlantic Wrestling history to win the MAW Tag Team Championships for a second time. The Awesomeness could certainly talk the talk, and it was now up to them to live up to their self-hype by successfully defending their championships against the team that they won them from five months ago. Max Mayhem got off to a frantic start and tried to bag his team an early victory, starting off slightly quicker than his opponent Jefferson Stardust and hitting some high impact moves in the opening moments, getting several two counts. As former champions The Aces Of Mayhem looked like strong challengers to the titles, while Cannonball and Jefferson also worked terrifically as a team throughout the contest. On several occasions during the match the illegal member of The Awesomeness broke up the pinfall, but after Max Mayhem had taken out Huey Cannonball on the outside with a Suicide Dive the champions’ reign was in threat, with Ace Youngblood picking up real momentum against Jefferson Stardust in the ring. After hitting a big DDT, Youngblood climbed to the top rope and signalled for the Flying Tomahawk Chop as Stardust made his way to his feet. Youngblood flew off the top rope towards Stardust, who quickly dropped to his knees, avoiding the finisher; and as Youngblood landed on his feet, Stardust connected with a blatant low blow in front of the referee. The Awesomeness were disqualified, but as a result retained the championships despite an average in-ring display.

The Aces Of Mayhem defeated The Awesomeness via disqualification; The Awesomeness retained the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championships

Rating: E




For the second time in the night, a member of The Succession stood in the middle of the ring with a microphone in his hand; this time it was Casey Valentine, moments ahead of his main event match against American Patriot.


Casey Valentine: Next month, the entire face of Mid Atlantic Wrestling will change. After I defeat American Patriot tonight, and then Cameron Vessey goes on to defeat him for the MAW Championship next month, you will witness the beginning of a new, long era in this company. An era that sees The Succession headlining every monthly show and dominating the main event scene of Mid Atlantic Wrestling. Get ready for the greatest years that this promotion has ever witnessed. D





Casey Valentine vs. American Patriot

Ahead of defending the MAW Championship against Cameron Vessey in a month’s time, American Patriot was up against the other half of C-V-2 in a non-title match tonight. For American Patriot, it was the perfect opportunity to get some momentum behind him ahead of the title defence, while for Casey Valentine it was a chance to prove himself as a genuine title contender after falling short in the Rip Chord Invitational final months ago. Both workers started the match fairly tentatively, keen to not give the opponent a possible opening during the early stages of the match. It wasn’t long before the contest began to heat up though, with American Patriot getting much of the offensive action but Valentine also looking impressive during spells in the match. The first big moment during the match came when American Patriot looked for the Inverted Piledriver, but Casey Valentine desperately scrambled away from the feared maneuver to stick in the match. Soon afterwards Valentine looked for his own finishing move, Deep Impact, and managed to connect with it. It wasn’t enough to put away the reigning MAW Champion though, as American Patriot managed to kick out of the move on a two count. Frustrated with his opponent’s resilience, Casey Valentine didn’t give Patriot time to recover as he immediately looked for the Sharpshooter which had put Citizen X on the sidelines a couple of months ago, and managed to lock it in! In agony, American Patriot reached out for the bottom rope with the every fan in the arena willing him towards it, but his fingertips were about a foot away from forcing Valentine to break the hold. American Patriot continued to reach out for the bottom rope, slowly crawling and dragging the weight of himself and Valentine towards the edge of the ring. He got closer and closer, just inches away from the bottom rope... And with one final lunge, he wrapped his fingers around the rope, saving himself! The battle continued as American Patriot limped to his feet, and the edge looked to be with Casey Valentine. Valentine immediately grabbed American Patriot and dragged him towards the centre of the ring, looking to put the match to bed with a second Deep Impact, but with a sudden second wind American Patriot managed to counter the move, before hitting the Backdrop Driver! Casey Valentine was out, and American Patriot managed to drag himself over Valentine’s body, getting a three count and picking up a vital victory a month prior to his big title defence.

American Patriot defeated Casey Valentine via pinfall

Rating: E+




Quick Results

Dark Match: Findlay O’Farraday defeated Syd Collier

Nomad defeated Jay Chord

Ricky Douglas defeated Riley McManus

The Aces Of Mayhem defeated The Awesomeness © via DQ; The Awesomeness retain the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championships

American Patriot defeated Casey Valentine






Post-Show Notes


* Marvin Earnest was the centre of controversy before the show had even kicked off, as he had apparently been spreading rumours about debuting referee Wilson Carlisle behind his back, which nearly led to a fistfight between the two. I warned Earnest with authority, to which he responded, “Gotcha boss, you’ve made your point loud and clear”.


* On the subject of new referee Wilson Carlisle, he did an extremely good job on his first night with the company. He looks like he will be a good addition to the MAW staff.

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