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Ring of Fire: Mo Pounds Mo Problems

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So, Ring of Fire. I fell into one. Good joke. Anyways, I'm sure you are asking yourself, "Gee Huntman. UWL...what about that?" Well to that I say, it is still going to be a massive Summer project that I'll be putting a lot of time into, but I've just got to urge to write and SING! Maybe not so much sing, but write. Granted, these won't be full written matches like UWL was, just shorter, less descriptive matches. I've gotten into a hardcore game of TEW and it just draws me to the dynasty board. Ring Of Fire was the first promotion where I posted more than two shows. I liked it because the UK scene is so flat. I don't feel like people are embracing the European scene! Well, the Ring of Fire scene.


This and UWL were easily my favorite projects. ANYWAYS. Enough sidetracking.



Ring of Fire


First off, let's meet the man of the hour, the booker of Ring Of Fire himself, the one, probably not the only, Vincent Elliot!




Yes, that is Dustin Deuce, but that can be our little secret. Personally, I love the hair.


The Background


Professional wrestling. The dream of any roughhousing, no good, trouble making kiddo, like myself, was to be a professional wrestler. Being born in the United States, I grew up loving Christian Faith, he was like an idol to me. My dream was to be a wrestler like Christian Faith, however I ended up not being as big as Faith, but it was my dream.


Sadly, the dream never came true, but there was another beam of light. When I was 15, I lost interest in wrestling, but as soon as I turned 16, I started hearing about these siblings up North in Canada. The Stones they called themselves, working for a promotion called North of the Border Professional Wrestling. At this point, I hadn't seen them in the ring, let alone even grasp the product NOTBPW was going for. I was lucky enough to get my hands on some DVDs of the promotion and was amazed by what I saw. "The Submission Demon" Johnny Bloodstone at that time was the NOTBPW Canadian champion, he had become my favorite heel on NOTBPW and he, along with just about everyone on that whole roster, got me back into wrestling, and into the technical side of wrestling. I began training at some small gyms and got into submission wrestling as well as the art of Muay Thai.


I was ready to become a wrestler, however, I'm still green. I worked a few Indy shows in the deep South. At that time, I figured, I'm not the best when it comes to getting on the microphone and that is what the American industry was based on. That's how Christian Faith made it. I thought about going North to Canada, maybe West to Japan, but I soon set my goals for the struggling UK scene. I had heard about a small promotion in the Midlands called Ring Of Fire. Why not? 20 years old, American, going to tryout in a area I've never been to in my life, a rookie wrestler. I got my passport and my airplane ticket, I was ready to go.


I had gotten in contact ahead of time with Robert Brown, known as the British Samurai, about where to meet and what not. He had mentioned that the promotion was struggling with money and people attending the shows. He said Merle O'Curle was a great wrestler, but he is a little unsure about his booking. He said we'd talk more when I arrived. When I had gotten into the country, Robert was awaiting for me at the airport. He had gotten a tryout match ready for me when we hit the gym, if I failed miserably, I would have at least gotten a shot at head referee or janitor. Very comforting man.


At the gym, I took a look around the gym. Small, smelly, and dirty. Living the dream. A bunch of the other wrestlers were...wrestling...and training when I had gotten there. I was informed that I had a tryout match with a veteran of the ring, UK Dragon. Still wearing his mask, weird man he is. The tryout was smooth, but it did have its bumps such as the top ring rope on the left side of the ring collapsing. Very promising stuff. My back had taken a beaten and I was ready to hit up the hotel, sleep, and not awake to another match with the UK Dragon. I was on my way out when Robert stopped me, he looked at me, and I looked at him. And he looked at me. I had gotten the job not only as a wrestler, but as the official booker of Ring of Fire! I couldn't believe it, after a sore day of wrestling. I had the dream of being a wrestler in the bag! I was so happy!


Then he told me to take down the ring.


Oh, hello wall of text. I hope you enjoyed the background story, I know I was iffy with it. Expect more updates/cards and such in the next few hours AKA in 8 hours, maybe.

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Ring Of Fire Championship


Billy Robinson

Previous Champion: Merle O'Curle (x2)

UK Dragon (x2)




Ring Of Fire #1 Contender


British Samurai

Previous Champions: Billy Robinson

Eric Future



Ring Of Fire Tag Championships


Absolutely Flawless (Kelly and Lance Martin) (x2)

Previous Champions: Future X (Eric Future and Petey Branes)


Main Event

Billy Robinson

British Samurai

Merle O'Curle

UK Dragon


Upper Midcard

Don Henderson

Jonni Lowlife

Walter Morgan



Eric Future

Johnny Highspot

Kelly Martin

Lance Martin

Nigel Svensson

Petey Barnes


Lower Midcard

Gob Narfi

Jon Michael Sharp

Rhys Vali

Vincent Elliott



Martin Heath



Justin Blackham - Announcer

Peaches McCream - Colour



Humphrey Woolsey


Road Agents

Donny Damage


Tag Teams

Absolutely Flawless (Kelly and Lance Martin)

Future X (Eric Future and Petey Barnes)

Sharp & Heath (Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath)

The Shooters (Billy Robinson and Don Henderson)

The Tribe (Rhys Vali and Gob Narfi)

Your New Favourite Team (Johnny Highspot and Jonni Lowlife)

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Ring Of Fire Championship Match

Merle O'Curle © vs. British Samurai



Billy Robinson vs. UK Dragon



Also Featuring...

Don Henderson vs. Walter Morgan

Absolutely Flawless (Kelly and Lance Martin) vs. Future X (Eric Future and Petey Barnes)

Jonni Lowlife vs. Nigel Svensson

Vincent Elliott vs. Rhys Vali



Merle O'Curle © vs. British Samurai for the ROF Championship

Billy Robinson vs. UK Dragon

Don Henderson vs. Walter Morgan

Absolutely Flawless (Kelly and Lance Martin) vs. Future X (Eric Future and Petey Barnes)

Jonni Lowlife vs. Nigel Svensson

Vincent Elliott vs. Rhys Vali

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Merle O'Curle © vs. British Samurai for the ROF Championship

Billy Robinson vs. UK Dragon

Don Henderson vs. Walter Morgan

Absolutely Flawless (Kelly and Lance Martin) vs. Future X (Eric Future and Petey Branes)

Jonni Lowlife vs. Nigel Svensson

Vincent Elliott vs. Rhys Vali

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You know Ill follow any UK diary!


Merle O'Curle © vs. British Samurai for the ROF Championship

Sam is pretty good but not on the first show


Billy Robinson vs. UK Dragon

Probably in my favourite 5 cverse workers


Don Henderson vs. Walter Morgan

Walter looks like he has Downs Syndrome but Don is a pain in the ass


Absolutely Flawless (Kelly and Lance Martin) vs. Future X (Eric Future and Petey Branes)

Hopefully a change soon. Petey is great


Jonni Lowlife vs. Nigel Svensson

Weird actually seeing Nigel in a promo where he belongs


Vincent Elliott vs. Rhys Vali

Why not?

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Merle O'Curle © vs. British Samurai for the ROF Championship

Billy Robinson vs. UK Dragon

Don Henderson vs. Walter Morgan

Absolutely Flawless (Kelly and Lance Martin) vs. Future X (Eric Future and Petey Branes)

Jonni Lowlife vs. Nigel Svensson

Vincent Elliott vs. Rhys Vali

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Saturday, January 16th - Norman Blue Athletic Center



Vincent Elliott vs. Rhys Vali

This match saw some decent action from both men, but you might as well as gone to a funeral as the crowd was dead during it. The match lasted for 5:47 and ended when Vincent locked in the Gallows Pole (Triangle hold) on Rhys.








All 26 of the fans in the gym were going ABSOLUTELY silent as the first match-up began...


Jonni Lowlife vs. Nigel Svensson


Slightly better than the pre-show. Nothing could really be said about it as I was asleep and wasn't awoken, so I assume the crowd was average with it. I did awake to see Jonni hit a Low down (Full nelson facebuster) for the win at the 3:41 mark. YAY AVERAGE MATCHES~!


Absolutely Flawless (Kelly and Lance Martin) vs. Future X (Petey Barnes and Eric Future)


The crowd was really into this match, the in-ring action was a bit of a letdown, but the crowd still loved it. Eric seemed to be out of the loop with the other three. At the 5:48 mark, Kelly hit Petey with the Perfect Driver (Kneeling back to belly piledriver) ending the match.


Don Henderson vs. Walter Morgan


So far, this has been the best match of the night. The crowd was really into it and both men brought their A game to the show. The match saw Walter Morgan lock in the Wigan Wrench (Inverted figure four) forcing Don to tap at the 8:06 mark. Good stuff from both men, well mostly Walter cause he won.


Billy Robinson vs. UK Dragon


Another solid match from two outstanding men, both of these guys fought hard to prove who was best. The crowd was behind every single punch as these men put on a good match. Though, the match did seem to slow down at some points due to the lack of selling, I won't point fingers at who, but hopefully HE will be able to work on that. At 13:10 Billy defeated the Dragon via submission after locking in the Capital City Crucifix (Crucifix armbar) for the win.



Ring Of Fire Championship Match

Merle O'Curle © vs. British Samurai


The first ever main event of the ROF Era. Defending champion Merle O'Curle faces the British Samurai in a match for the covenant Ring of Fire Championship belt. These two men helped make the show worth it to the 26 people outside of the ring. Back and forth action from these two. By the end of the match, the fans were on the edge of their seats after each close fall. The 18 minute long match came to an end when Merle got the Celtic Wreath (Anaconda vice) locked on Samurai's head.


At the end of the day, the show got a pretty decent rating of a 54%. Not the best nor the worst. We're clearly making a name for ourselves. SWF, TCW WATCH OUT!


Prediction Results

Boltinho 4/6

TheEffect 3/6

Midnightnick 3/6


Thanks to everyone who predicted.

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ROF Video Wire!


British Samurai after his match against Merle O'Curle


Samurai is shown, doused in sweat, and a open water bottle in his left hand. He takes a few drinks of it before finishing it and looking at the camera.


Samurai - "Merle, I'll give ya credit where its due. We put on one hell of a match. Although, don't get too ****y over it, that was only one defense so far mate. I'll be back for round 2, I hope you are to. Now bugger off to someone else and leave me alone for the rest of the night, okay?"


As the camera begins to back out, a sudden face walks right to British Samurai in a rush, causing him to sit up face to face. The man is Merle O'Curle seen with his belt draped over his left shoulder. The Irishman begins to speak in his thick Irish accent...


O'Curle: "'Oi! Did I just hear you call me self out for another go?""


British stared right into O'Curle's eyes, never breaking contact nor making a sound, nodding. O'Curle seeing this, smirks, and looks at his title, then back at Brit.


O'Curle: "Well, 'ow about...no."


Merle begins to laugh and walk away from the scene leaving British Samurai behind, clearly pissed off as the screen cuts out.



The Next Tag Team Champs?


The camera opens to a backstage locker room with two fresh faces, Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath, discussing something as the camera draws closer to the duo. A guitar is resting on Sharp's lap and he begins to tap on it.


Sharp: "Ready? 1, 2, 3."




The two high five after their..stellar performance and Sharp puts the guitar on the floor.


Heath: "We are the GREATTTTTTTTTest EVERRR!"


Sharp: "And we'll show dem pretty boys who the real IDOLLS are!" Michael looks into the camera and shouts "KELLY IS A GIRLS NAME!"


The duo begin to crack up and try to hold in their school girl giggles. Heath then clears his throat and begins to speak..


Heath: "Next month Martins, we'll SEEEEEEeeeEEEEEeeeEeeeEeeEEEeeEE YOU!"


The two once again give a high five as the camera slowly cuts out. The Video Wire logo flashes, thus ending the episode. What a high note to exit on.


I think I either butchered some accents or mixed them up...

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Non-Title Match

Merle O'Curle vs. Walter Morgan




Ring Of Fire #1 Contender Match

Billy Robinson © vs. British Samurai



Also Featuring...

Don Henderson vs. UK Dragon

Ring Of Fire Tag Championships Match

Absolutely Flawless (Kelly and Lance Martin) © vs. Sharp & Heath (Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath)

Johnny Highspot vs. Petey Barnes

Nigel Svensson & Vincent Elliot vs. The Tribe (Rhys Vali and Gob Narfi)



Merle O'Curle vs. Walter Morgan

Billy Robinson © vs. British Samurai for the ROF #1 Contender trophy

Don Henderson vs. UK Dragon

Absolutely Flawless (Kelly and Lance Martin) © vs. Sharp & Heath (Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath) for the ROF Tag Championships

Johnny Highspot vs. Petey Barnes

Nigel Svensson & Vincent Elliot vs. The Tribe (Rhys Vali and Gob Narfi)

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Merle O'Curle vs. Walter Morgan

Billy Robinson © vs. British Samurai for the ROF #1 Contender trophy

Don Henderson vs. UK Dragon

Absolutely Flawless (Kelly and Lance Martin) © vs. Sharp & Heath (Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath) for the ROF Tag Championships

Johnny Highspot vs. Petey Barnes

Nigel Svensson & Vincent Elliot vs. The Tribe (Rhys Vali and Gob Narfi)

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Nice show sir. Good start here but formatting is a little... exciting. Maybe make it easier to see winners and be sure to include peoples names in matches as well as pics.


It makes it easier for non-uk afficionadoes to remember who everyone is.


Merle O'Curle vs. Walter Morgan

Merle is by far the best worker here


Billy Robinson © vs. British Samurai for the ROF #1 Contender trophy

Cant see Samurai starting with two Ls


Don Henderson vs. UK Dragon

The Dragon needs some love


Absolutely Flawless (Kelly and Lance Martin) © vs. Sharp & Heath (Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath) for the ROF Tag Championships

This can be a better feud if Sharp&Heath have to work for it


Johnny Highspot vs. Petey Barnes

Petey is ace


Nigel Svensson & Vincent Elliot vs. The Tribe (Rhys Vali and Gob Narfi)

I cant believe Im picking Narfi over Nigel. Thats not right

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Ah yes, Ring of Fire, looks interesting so far.


Merle O'Curle vs. Walter Morgan

Billy Robinson © vs. British Samurai for the ROF #1 Contender trophy

Don Henderson vs. UK Dragon

Absolutely Flawless (Kelly and Lance Martin) © vs. Sharp & Heath (Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath) for the ROF Tag Championships

Johnny Highspot vs. Petey Barnes

Nigel Svensson & Vincent Elliot vs. The Tribe (Rhys Vali and Gob Narfi)

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Merle O'Curle vs. Walter Morgan

Billy Robinson © vs. British Samurai for the ROF #1 Contender trophy

Don Henderson vs. UK Dragon

Absolutely Flawless (Kelly and Lance Martin) © vs. Sharp & Heath (Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath) for the ROF Tag Championships

Johnny Highspot vs. Petey Barnes

Nigel Svensson & Vincent Elliot vs. The Tribe (Rhys Vali and Gob Narfi)

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I ended up writing the show early (for once), so expect it up late tonight, maybe later. So, if you haven't already, get your predictions in now! There may be a prize for the winner and a Internet high-five for the runners-up.
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Really promising start, I do like a nice straightforward diary :)


Merle O'Curle vs. Walter Morgan

Billy Robinson © vs. British Samurai for the ROF #1 Contender trophy

Don Henderson vs. UK Dragon

Absolutely Flawless (Kelly and Lance Martin) © vs. Sharp & Heath (Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath) for the ROF Tag Championships - They got a promo! In ROF! That means good things!

Johnny Highspot vs. Petey Barnes

Nigel Svensson & Vincent Elliot vs. The Tribe (Rhys Vali and Gob Narfi) - The Tribe are garbage.

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Saturday, February 13th - Norman Blue Athletic Center








Nigel Svensson & Vincent Elliot vs. The Tribe (Rhys Vali and Gob Narfi)


Solid match, decent in-ring action, the crowd was sorta into it. All 37 of them. The Tribe seemed to be completely off their game tonight and it was clear to see. The star of the match was easily Nigel Svensson, taking on both men while Vincent was down. The match came to an end when Nigel isolated Rhys Vali in the middle of the ring, locking in a Hyper Extension Arm Lock as Vincent was holding Gob outside the ring. Rhys didn't last long and tapped at the 6:02 mark.

Winners: Nigel Svensson & Vincent Elliot

Rating: 39%


Johnny Highspot vs. Petey Barnes


Impressive showing for two men usually found in a tag team match-up. The crowd was into it despite the action being pretty average. Johnny seemed to be really on par tonight, helping carry a good portion of the match. The match finally came to a end at the 10:03 mark when Petey caught an unsuspecting Highspot with a X-Press (Belly to back inverted mat slam) for the win.

Winner: Petey Barnes

Rating: 41%



Ring Of Fire Tag Team Championship Match

Absolutely Flawless (Kelly and Lance Martin) © vs. Sharp & Heath (Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath)


Oh my god this match. This match was dreadful. The action wasn't even average and the crowd wasn't into it at all, using this match as a bathroom break. At the 8:27 mark, the fans still around witnessed Lance take the brown haired Heath with a Body Rocker (Death Valley driver) for the win, marking this their 1st defense.

Winners: Absolutely Flawless

Rating: 29%


Don Henderson vs. UK Dragon


This match, thankfully, made the crowd happy unlike the previous one. Maybe because this match featured some solid in-ring action and the crowd was into it. Both men seemed to bring their best to the ring and it showed. UK Dragon defeated Henderson at the 12:08 mark when he hit him with a Dragon Drop (Bridging Full nelson suplex) for the pin.

Winner: UK Dragon

Rating: 53%



Ring Of Fire #1 Contender Match

Billy Robinson © vs. British Samurai


There was a lot of buzz going around for this match-up when it was announced that it was up next. After seeing him get shot down by Merle O'Curle, Samurai is looking to win this match and shut Merle up by challenging him for his belt. Of course, Samurai isn't the only one looking for a shot at the belt, rumor has it that if Billy retains tonight, next month he'll be facing the champion, Merle O'Curle, but only time could tell as these two men entered the ring. The action was hot and heavy as each man showed why they deserved a title shot. Near the end of the match, both men were sore and drenched in their sweat. It looked like British Samurai was about to get the upper hand with a Rolling Elbow, but Billy countered it, locking in the Capital City Crucifix (Crucifix armbar) at the 22:33 mark, forcing Samurai to tap out.


It was clear to see the disappointment in Samurai's eyes after the match, but he was a sport, extending his hand out to Billy. Robinson on the other hand, not so much the sport, as he spit right in Samurai's face and screamed at him to get out of the ring. Just as Samurai was making his exit, he turned around and delivered one hell of a Roaring elbow to Billy's skull, leaving the contender knocked out.

Winner: Billy Robinson

Rating: 52%


Non-Title Match

Merle O'Curle vs. Walter Morgan


This match was a hell of a match, it was easily Match of the Night as each man showcased their talents. Merle used plenty of holds on Walter's head and Walter used plenty of fists to the face on Merle's face. Neither man seemed to be getting any advantage during the match. However Merle soon got the upper hand by delivering a brutal Lariat to Morgan and as soon as Morgan got back up, he was taken out by another Lariat. It seemed like Walter's gas tank was empty as O'Curle was lifting him up his feet, but Morgan shocked the crowd by hitting O'Curle with a European uppercut that nearly took him off his feet following up with a running elbow smash taking Merle down. Walter went for a pin, but was shocked when Merle kicked out.


Morgan went to pick up Merle, but was met with a thunderous European uppercut that DID take him down. Merle quickly used this to lock in the Celtic Wreath (Anaconda vice) in the middle of the ring. With no hope, Morgan tapped out at the 18:34 mark.

Winner: Merle O'Curle

Rating: 58%


A good show in my opinion, despite the Flawless/Sharp & Heath match. Merle Vs. Walter really made the show worth watching in my opinion. Overall, the show was about a 55% Slightly better than the last. Kudos to everyone on the show.


Prediction Results

Boltinho 8/12 (67%)

TheEffect 6/12 (50%)

funkyzafara 6/6 (100%)

Jingo 5/6 (83%)

Rathen4 5/6 (83%)

Midnightnick 3/6 (50%)


Congrats to Boltinho for keeping his 1st place spot and to funkyzafara for getting 6 out of 6.

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Vincent Elliott's skills



On an unrelated note to the skills, I may give myself a schedule for writing shows and doing the Video Wires. Or just do what I'm currently doing, writing them early. Expect a Video Wire later tonight or tomorrow.

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I feel like I should talk a little bit more about this diary in relation to what I've got planned, just not the secret plans *WINK!* First off, this diary/dynasty, I'm gonna call it a diary for convenience, is heavily influenced by The Final Countdown's diary, Ring of Honor-We Don't Imitate...We Innovate Even if you don't like real world diaries, it is really worth checking out for wrestling, the guy really knows his stuff, and that is why I started doing this again, because the ROF is all about the wrestling, like Ring of Honor and the Video Wire concept is straight from Ring of Honor. Anyways.


The plan right now is for me to do a year in-game and see how it pans out. I've got a few ideas I'd like to bring in for the current year and some for the next year, if I were to go so far. If you can, please leave feedback regrading the shows, Video Wire, etc, because I'm not the most gifted writer, if it isn't obvious to see. The shows are super short, but I plan to make the semi-main events and the main events longer featuring more action than the others. I'm also planning on stealing the concept of "Superstar/Wrestler of the Month." So expect a few of those once a month. In my last post I discussed briefly the idea of having a schedule and thinking about it now. I'm just going to shove that idea away. Shows will be up whenever I can get them up, usually within 2-4 days, and Video Wires will be going before or after a show usually. I think I may do them after I post a card, so all segments won't be prerecorded ones or aftermath of a match ones. Thanks for supporting this diary so far by predicting, it doesn't seem like much, but really it gives me that extra push to getting a show out for you to enjoy. I'm pretty sure at the end of the game year, I'll give out a prize for the winner with the best prediction score, the prize is undecided at the moment, but I'll think it over pretty hard. Once again, thanks for following my diary, even though its two shows in. Here is the card, it should be followed by a Video Wire or a Wrestler of the Month.








Ring Of Fire Championship Match

Merle O'Curle © vs. Billy Robinson*




Ring Of Fire #1 Contender Match

Three-Way Dance

British Samurai vs. UK Dragon vs. Walter Morgan



Also Featuring...

Jonni Lowlife vs. Don Henderson

Lance Martin vs. ???

Eric Future vs. Petey Barnes

Jon Michael Sharp vs. Gob Narfi


*The #1 Contender Trophy has been vacated whether or not Billy Robinson wins.



Merle O'Curle © vs. Billy Robinson for the ROF Championship

British Samurai vs. UK Dragon vs. Walter Morgan or the ROF #1 Contender trophy

Jonni Lowlife vs. Don Henderson

Lance Martin vs. ???

Eric Future vs. Petey Barnes

Jon Michael Sharp vs. Gob Narfi

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Merle O'Curle © vs. Billy Robinson for the ROF Championship

Clearly Merle is going to be champ for a while


British Samurai vs. UK Dragon vs. Walter Morgan or the ROF #1 Contender trophy

Normally Id go for Dragon here but you just CANT have Samurai lose 3 on the bounce. Can you?


Jonni Lowlife vs. Don Henderson

Don is dull as hell but a great fit for RoF


Lance Martin vs. ???

Please let it be Leigh Burton. Please


Eric Future vs. Petey Barnes


Jon Michael Sharp vs. Gob Narfi

Im not falling for that again

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Merle O'Curle © vs. Billy Robinson for the ROF Championship

British Samurai vs. UK Dragon vs. Walter Morgan or the ROF #1 Contender trophy

Jonni Lowlife vs. Don Henderson

Lance Martin vs. ???

Eric Future vs. Petey Barnes

Jon Michael Sharp vs. Gob Narfi

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Wrestler of the Month!


British Samurai


Record: 0-2

Next Match: British Samurai Vs. UK Dragon Vs. Walter Morgan for the #1 Contender Trophy in a Three-Way Dance


- Fisherman Suplex

- Samurai Secret Stretch

- Way of the Samurai

- Roaring Elbow



In 1994, Robert Brown, a young Englishmen made his professional debut in the world of wrestling. He was known for being an consistent worker and brought out his best in every match. In 2005, known as the British Samurai, Robert took over UK promotion, Ring of Fire. Nowadays his goals are to continue to bring a show to each and every fan in crowd and to train up and coming wrestlers to give back to the wrestling community. He and his company made news recently. In a shocking turn of events, Merle O'Curle was removed from head booker position and to replace him was a young American wrestling under the name, Vincent Elliot. No one is sure as to why Merle was removed or why 18 year old Vincent Elliot was picked to fill his shoes. He is currently on a rough 0-2 record, suffering loses to Merle O'Curle and Billy Robinson. At the upcoming event, ROF March Badassness, he is facing Walter Morgan and the UK Dragon in a match for the #1 Contender trophy. Will the Samurai rise to the top and strike for gold? Or will the way of the Samurai fail him?


So, there's that. I'm not totally proud of it, but I do like it. The upcoming ones will be a little more in-depth than this one I hope. Anyways, enjoy and don't forget to predict.

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Merle O'Curle © vs. Billy Robinson for the ROF Championship

British Samurai vs. UK Dragon vs. Walter Morgan or the ROF #1 Contender trophy

Jonni Lowlife vs. Don Henderson

Lance Martin vs. ???

Eric Future vs. Petey Barnes

Jon Michael Sharp vs. Gob Narfi

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