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Dog Pound Discussion?

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So if nobody objects over-night, I think I'll toss out a sign-up / application thread tomorrow or Tuesday or something. I also think the vice thingie is a great idea, so if anyone else other than 20LEgend want to give it a shot, post a message.


Very, very excited about this.


[enters new character mode] LET'S GET THIS PAR-TAY STARTED! [/end character mode]

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Hi gang


I had a blast playing with it last time but it was SUPER intensive. Maybe 40% of people were great but the non-communication of 20% really made it hard work.


Having said that I thought it was fun to read and the clash of stykes was great.


When I was doing it I regretted not making it (at least partly) a c-verse where people would take on an existing character and write for them. That way when people dropped out (as happens A LOT but without them telling you) you can keep characters and storylines. Also that way would help readers and maybe make some unused c-verse characters a bit more popular.


I think I might also recommend an even longer timescale for shows. Probbaly 2 weeks. With only a week its a constant battle to chase people for promos and contributions. 2 weeks would make the suspense and buildup really exciting.


As 20Legend said Id probably be involved but I dont want it to take up too much time and prevent me writing HIW stuff.


Whoever gets involved - best of luck. Its a great concept, its just that consensual intraweb product is herding cats...

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Hi gang


I had a blast playing with it last time but it was SUPER intensive. Maybe 40% of people were great but the non-communication of 20% really made it hard work.


Having said that I thought it was fun to read and the clash of stykes was great.


When I was doing it I regretted not making it (at least partly) a c-verse where people would take on an existing character and write for them. That way when people dropped out (as happens A LOT but without them telling you) you can keep characters and storylines. Also that way would help readers and maybe make some unused c-verse characters a bit more popular.


I think I might also recommend an even longer timescale for shows. Probbaly 2 weeks. With only a week its a constant battle to chase people for promos and contributions. 2 weeks would make the suspense and buildup really exciting.


As 20Legend said Id probably be involved but I dont want it to take up too much time and prevent me writing HIW stuff.


Whoever gets involved - best of luck. Its a great concept, its just that consensual intraweb product is herding cats...


Great input, thanks.


I realise it's going to be hard milking contributions from some folks and I hope those do not take a part in this project. It is after all, communication and you need to waste a little time from your week to contribute to the project. If you don't have the time and energy, it would probably be better to leave the game to those of who do. (not aimed to anyone particularly)


I don't know about the two week thing: on the other hand, it seems like a great idea, but on the other, not so much. The bonus would be obviously more promos and perhaps better quality, but does every show always have to include everyone's interviews? And also, does it really affect anything, as it could also just lead people to be tired with the project much quicker, as they need to wait a lot longer. And if they don't contribute in the first week, would they in the second?


Regarding your CornellVerse idea. Quite frankly, I don't like. First, I think it would greatly limit the creativity and fun part of this project. People will have some sort of opinion in advance regarding the characters, and they could be hard to break from. As well as the fact that they may have a diary's specific potrayal in mind, and don't want to change it. It might also drop the interest by at least a few participants.


And if people drop out, I don't think one would still want to pick the character of one of those included in the project. It might not fit with their sight of a character, or they may not like how it has been portrayed, they may not like the alliances he's involved in and they would definitely need to catch up on any storylines that would have been running. Chances are, they wouldn't get involved due to those things.


I had some third point, but I forgot it. :p


Would love to have you on board Boltinho, and I hope you do take a part in the project. Thank you for your input as well, it was massively respected.


For those of you who have actually read this post, a sign up thread will most likely get put up today afternoon, I think in the evening at the latest.

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I wouldn't be contributing, but from a management point of perspective, what Boltinho is suggesting with it being C-Verse makes very good sense. Having it so that characters are not forever tied to a particular user is a great way to reduce risk, which seems to be an important thing in a project like this.


However, the tradeoff is in having less investment in your character as well as less flexibility (although it is likely participants would choose a character they felt resonated with how they'd want to act anyway) like Flamesnoopy suggested. The question is how big of an issue would this be exactly, and would it offset any benefits of being able to trade users while maintaining storylines?

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I wouldn't be contributing, but from a management point of perspective, what Boltinho is suggesting with it being C-Verse makes very good sense. Having it so that characters are not forever tied to a particular user is a great way to reduce risk, which seems to be an important thing in a project like this.


However, the tradeoff is in having less investment in your character as well as less flexibility (although it is likely participants would choose a character they felt resonated with how they'd want to act anyway) like Flamesnoopy suggested. The question is how big of an issue would this be exactly, and would it offset any benefits of being able to trade users while maintaining storylines?


Regarding your CornellVerse idea. Quite frankly, I don't like. First, I think it would greatly limit the creativity and fun part of this project. People will have some sort of opinion in advance regarding the characters, and they could be hard to break from. As well as the fact that they may have a diary's specific potrayal in mind, and don't want to change it. It might also drop the interest by at least a few participants.


And if people drop out, I don't think one would still want to pick the character of one of those included in the project. It might not fit with their sight of a character, or they may not like how it has been portrayed, they may not like the alliances he's involved in and they would definitely need to catch up on any storylines that would have been running. Chances are, they wouldn't get involved due to those things.


This is key I think. I'd like to help out but I dont think I could be reliable for every show. i would like to provide promos for people popping up here and there.


I really think theres room in the c-verse for people to stamp themselves on characters. Especially when removing boundaries on where workers can be employed.


Last time about 1/3 people wanted to play a cult/emo dark rebel who lived in a basement for example. People like Wildchild, Nightstalker and Hallowe'en Knight would be perfect but since most people play in the USA, Canada and the UK they get unused.


I see your point FlameSnoopy but I think theres room for both to coexist. I'm much more interested in 'filling out' underused C-verse characters than I am in doing the same archetype that noone who reads can discover and start using.


Look at what has been done for Jim Force, Bam-Bam Johanssen, Jack Giedroyc, Kayin Puro etc by writers on these boards.


Anyway long rant to make 3 points:


1) C-verse people interspersed would be great.


2) Try to get people to take roles rather than work with a blank slate so you can have a 'Monster Heel', 'devious manager', 'old-school face', 'comedy tag team' etc.


3) You need extra workers that dont belong to people. 75% of people want to win. That isnt going to work unless you throw in some itinerant jobbers with added colour

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I wouldn't be contributing, but from a management point of perspective, what Boltinho is suggesting with it being C-Verse makes very good sense. Having it so that characters are not forever tied to a particular user is a great way to reduce risk, which seems to be an important thing in a project like this.


However, the tradeoff is in having less investment in your character as well as less flexibility (although it is likely participants would choose a character they felt resonated with how they'd want to act anyway) like Flamesnoopy suggested. The question is how big of an issue would this be exactly, and would it offset any benefits of being able to trade users while maintaining storylines?


This is key I think. I'd like to help out but I dont think I could be reliable for every show. i would like to provide promos for people popping up here and there.


I really think theres room in the c-verse for people to stamp themselves on characters. Especially when removing boundaries on where workers can be employed.


Last time about 1/3 people wanted to play a cult/emo dark rebel who lived in a basement for example. People like Wildchild, Nightstalker and Hallowe'en Knight would be perfect but since most people play in the USA, Canada and the UK they get unused.


I see your point FlameSnoopy but I think theres room for both to coexist. I'm much more interested in 'filling out' underused C-verse characters than I am in doing the same archetype that noone who reads can discover and start using.


Look at what has been done for Jim Force, Bam-Bam Johanssen, Jack Giedroyc, Kayin Puro etc by writers on these boards.


Anyway long rant to make 3 points:


1) C-verse people interspersed would be great.


2) Try to get people to take roles rather than work with a blank slate so you can have a 'Monster Heel', 'devious manager', 'old-school face', 'comedy tag team' etc.


3) You need extra workers that dont belong to people. 75% of people want to win. That isnt going to work unless you throw in some itinerant jobbers with added colour


Some great points. I just don't think it's worthwhile to take the risk of having less fun and less participants (thus, less contributions, less ideas being thrown around) just to have a longer, quantity based dynasty. It's just my opinion though. Plus, I think there is a possibility that people would want to join in during the dynasty, if there would be a long one, even though it has had a lenghty run. Lots of ways to remove people from the show in kayfabe perspective.


I do agree with the roles. Like you said, last time, it ended up with everyone being the angsty, non-social, darkness loving freak. But again, the freedom and creativity takes a severe hit just because the annoying big guy set guidelines for roles.


The third one is a little trickier. It's obvious everyone wants to succeed, thus it being very important to keep everyone as close as 50/50 win-loss percent as possible. But I don't see any viable solutions. I could create a character or a few, but I do think that would be kind of lame. If anyone has any ideas, free to throw them in to the mill.


Those who are about to contribute, or are thinking about it, feel free to offer your cents. Especially about the CornellVerse character vs. From scratch workers -discussion. Would be helpful to know, what the PEOPLE want :D

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I'll admit. Last time was a manifestation of a bad period in my life. Now things are much brighter, the angsty darkside goes away.


I think having it half and half works. Maybe give a company size, and a limit to worker popularity (i.e. local size and Tommy Cornell is spamming popularity). Also generic characters could work.


In conclusion, let the people create characters but maybe limit the number of same gimmicks, i.e. maybe 3 dark angsty people at most. That way more creativity is required. And that ain't a bad thing, it's a good thing.

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I'll admit. Last time was a manifestation of a bad period in my life. Now things are much brighter, the angsty darkside goes away.


I think having it half and half works. Maybe give a company size, and a limit to worker popularity (i.e. local size and Tommy Cornell is spamming popularity). Also generic characters could work.


In conclusion, let the people create characters but maybe limit the number of same gimmicks, i.e. maybe 3 dark angsty people at most. That way more creativity is required. And that ain't a bad thing, it's a good thing.


But this then gives the opportunity for some guys to pick the Jay Chord's and KC Glenn's and other superworkers. If we create them by a form, it's going to be way more balanced, and thus (more) fun for all parties I think.

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But this then gives the opportunity for some guys to pick the Jay Chord's and KC Glenn's and other superworkers. If we create them by a form, it's going to be way more balanced, and thus (more) fun for all parties I think.


I forgot about the super talented but non popular people.



And yes, I will always be biased towards people coming up with their own characters. I mean with such legends as Owyn Glydwnr (I've just murdered that name) and Stormcloud, Derek_b, The Carnifax and more, people who come up with a really inventive character are amazing!


So vote Yes on Ballot FS, and come up with some good characters people! :)

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I like the idea of specific roles.


I like the idea of generic workers who may or may not beat you


I like the idea of limiting gimmicks on a first come, first served basis.


Question: If my character was a monster heel who never spoke but had a manager that I wrote promos for would I essentially be playing the manager and the actual wrestler be considered a generic character?

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Last time there were very few "regular" wrestlers and too many goth/emo/demonic/freak characters so I would suggest allowing people to create what characters they want but if too many of the same gimmick start to emerge put a cap on it.
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I forgot about the super talented but non popular people.



And yes, I will always be biased towards people coming up with their own characters. I mean with such legends as Owyn Glydwnr (I've just murdered that name) and Stormcloud, Derek_b, The Carnifax and more, people who come up with a really inventive character are amazing!


So vote Yes on Ballot FS, and come up with some good characters people! :)


You missed Scotty Gamble off that list of awesome characters by the way :p

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Question: If my character was a monster heel who never spoke but had a manager that I wrote promos for would I essentially be playing the manager and the actual wrestler be considered a generic character?


I don't get what you mean by a generic character. I think such combos should be allowed. So that you would control both the manager and your monster heel. It can of course create some fun storylines/segments and such.


Last time there were very few "regular" wrestlers and too many goth/emo/demonic/freak characters so I would suggest allowing people to create what characters they want but if too many of the same gimmick start to emerge put a cap on it.


This sounds good to me.

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What about the idea of the guy running the show (or the vice pres) controlling a few characters, ala NPCs? These could be the more normal, bland wrestlers and their purpose is to fill in whatever deficiencies exist with the dynasty at any given moment in time.


To elaborate, since the pres or vice pres is more interested in the dynasty being a success than winning, he or she will be able to make better use of slapping the odd character in there to provide someone a win, fill in the missing spot in a storyline/match, or better balance things out.


Of course, it would require keeping things really simple so that it doesn't become a huge chore, in which case appointing the task to the vice pres (should one be chosen) would be the best idea.

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What about the idea of the guy running the show (or the vice pres) controlling a few characters, ala NPCs? These could be the more normal, bland wrestlers and their purpose is to fill in whatever deficiencies exist with the dynasty at any given moment in time.


To elaborate, since the pres or vice pres is more interested in the dynasty being a success than winning, he or she will be able to make better use of slapping the odd character in there to provide someone a win, fill in the missing spot in a storyline/match, or better balance things out.


Of course, it would require keeping things really simple so that it doesn't become a huge chore, in which case appointing the task to the vice pres (should one be chosen) would be the best idea.


Exactly what I suggested some posts ago :p


Lets see how many guys turn out first in the sign ups thread, and go from there. I guess a couple of odd jobbers wouldn't hurt.

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Exactly what I suggested some posts ago :p


Lets see how many guys turn out first in the sign ups thread, and go from there. I guess a couple of odd jobbers wouldn't hurt.


Lol I must have missed that post, whoops


The other idea I'm playing with in my mind goes back a bit more to my boardgame background, and I'm envisioning some kind of system where players earn a point for every show they contribute to (motivation for the win), and these points can eventually be traded in for certain things (which would result in some kind of kayfabe to explain it, naturally).


The things are what I'm not sure of at the moment, but my initial thoughts are vetoing decisions, influencing the booking outcomes, doin run-ins where it may not typically be expected, etc.


Key being that total points one person could save would be capped and there would be some strategy involved since points would not be easy to come by, so the player would have to choose wisely. Should he use his points now or save them for later? Does someone else expect me to use my points, and will counter that with their own power play? That kind of thing.


Admitidly, I can't actually remember the logistics of how the previous Dogpound dynasties were run, but if this could be incorporated in any way, shape, or form I think it could create a pretty unique experience with even more added depth

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Lol I must have missed that post, whoops


The other idea I'm playing with in my mind goes back a bit more to my boardgame background, and I'm envisioning some kind of system where players earn a point for every show they contribute to (motivation for the win), and these points can eventually be traded in for certain things (which would result in some kind of kayfabe to explain it, naturally).


The things are what I'm not sure of at the moment, but my initial thoughts are vetoing decisions, influencing the booking outcomes, doin run-ins where it may not typically be expected, etc.


Key being that total points one person could save would be capped and there would be some strategy involved since points would not be easy to come by, so the player would have to choose wisely. Should he use his points now or save them for later? Does someone else expect me to use my points, and will counter that with their own power play? That kind of thing.


Admitidly, I can't actually remember the logistics of how the previous Dogpound dynasties were run, but if this could be incorporated in any way, shape, or form I think it could create a pretty unique experience with even more added depth


I always love these kinds of things. It would create so many possibilities and would be an awesome way of rewarding the active players. The problems raise, when you actually have to put these things into practice.


It would be very complicated and confusing. Just the fact that someone has to keep up with the points is already complicated. Then, people actually being aware as to what the can do with the points and how many they have etc. is confusing. And I think more likely than not, it's just going to fall into it's own complexity and fail :p

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