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Erik Watts vs. Jim Duggan


Erik will probably win but I just like Jim better.


The Oni Warriors vs. The American Males


~Special Lucha Libre Style MAtch~

Dr. Wagner Jr. vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


The Thrill Seekers vs. The Armstrongs


Rhino vs. Mike Rotunda


~~Special Speed Victory Challenge~~

~~~Fastest Victory between Flair/Malenko becomes undisputed leader of the 4 Horsemen!~~~

~~~~Opponents to be chosen by Arn/Wight on Nitro!~~~~~

Ric Flair vs. ???


Dean Malenko vs. ???


~~~~~Main Event~~~~~

Rick Rude vs. Chris Benoit

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Erik Watts vs. Jim Duggan

The Oni Warriors vs. The American Males

~Special Lucha Libre Style Match~

Dr. Wagner Jr. vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

The Thrill Seekers vs. The Armstrongs

Rhino vs. Mike Rotunda

~~Special Speed Victory Challenge~~

~~~Fastest Victory between Flair/Malenko becomes undisputed leader of the 4 Horsemen!~~~

~~~~Opponents to be chosen by Arn/Wight on Nitro!~~~~~

Ric Flair vs. ???

Dean Malenko vs. ???

Flair wins the challenge.

~~~~~Main Event~~~~~

Rick Rude vs. Chris Benoit

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WCW: Monday Nitro!


Live from: Lawrence Joel Coliseum

Attendance: 14,600 (SOLD OUT!)


Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Dusty Rhodes



Ultimo Dragon defeated Juventud Guerrera


~Main Show~


Sunny days ahead! (68)

Erik Watts makes his way to the ring, accompanied by none other than Tammy Lynn Sytch!


Erik Watts defeats Jim Duggan! 52)

Erik Watts and Duggan tie up in the ring with Duggan getting the advantage. Jim uses his experience to keep Erik on his toes. Erik is forced to use cheap tricks to try to turn the tide but Duggan is able to maintain the momentum. It isn’t until Tammy distracts Jim that Erik gets the roll up and the pin fall.


Erik declares his intentions! (50)

Erik calls for a mic and is handed one as Tammy twirls her hair.


Erik: First off, you will notice that Erik Watts no longer has two hundred and thirty pounds of crap holding him back…To clarify, for those of you who don’t have my college level education, I fired Bobby Duncam Jr. as my bodyguard. If WCW wants to allow him to compete, I could care less, but he will no longer be riding my golden coat tails!


Now, to the real reason I graced your ears with my golden voice…the WCW Drive Championship…MY Championship! Rhino, you may wear that belt, you may be recognized by the company, but we both know that I am the TRUE Drive Champion and soon I will have my belt back around my waist and you will go back to tossing drunks out of the Blue Oyster Bar! My destiny is to stand on top of the WCW mountain and no one and nothing will stop me!


~commercial break~


The Oni Warriors defeated the American Males! (55)

Kiyomori and Orochi used their speed to keep Marcus Bagwell and Scotty Riggs baffled. Orochi eventually isolated Scotty and Marcus was going nuts to get the tag. As Marcus tried to fire the crowd up, Raven, Stevie Richards, and Perry Saturn came out to the ring. Raven stood with his arms out as Scotty broke free and went for the tag, unfortunately Marcus hopped off the ring apron and began to walk over to Raven. As Bagwell continued to walk, Riggs was put in an Oni Driver and the Aerican Males lost the match.


Raven hugs Bagwell! (36)

Raven hugged Marcus Bagwell and then they headed to the back, with Perry Saturn and Stevie Richards following close behind.


Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Dr. Wagner Jr. (49)

In a fast paced match, Dr. Wagner was no match for the speed of the youthful Rey Jr. Despite this Wagner held his own and only when Psicosis and Juventud came out and distracted Wagner did Rey Jr. get the win.


~commercial break~


The Armstrongs defeated The Thrill Seekers! (78)

Lance Storm and Chris Jericho came out first to a round of boos and “You Suck” chants. The Armstrongs came out with Brian doing a quick intro for “Big Time” Brad Armstrong and “Slick” Steve Armstrong. The Armstrongs used their technical knowledge to keep both Jericho and Storm off their game. The match ended with Brad putting Lance in a Armstrong Special.


Choosing the Opponents! (86)

Paul Wight and Arn Anderson made their way to the ring holding mics as the crowd cheered them.


Arn: First off, let me say that this is not hoe Horsemen handle their business. Dean, if you have a problem with the direction of the group, then you go to Ric like a man and you talk it over face to face…IN PRIVATE. Now, you dragged me and Paul into this an since you pride yourself as being such a great technical wrestler I thought who better to face you than a former All American from the University of Michigan…Rick Steiner!


Wight: Nice…Ric, you have faced many people over the years, but the biggest thorn in your side has always been “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes…so who better to face you than his son, Dustin Rhodes!


Wight and Arn drop their mics and head to the back as the fans chant “Horsemen!”


~commercial break~


Rhino defeated Mike Rotunda! (64)

Rhino came out to a huge pop as Bobby Heenan smiled a cat who ate the canary grin. Mike came out to a small pop and as soon as he hit the ring he was Gored. The bell rang and Rhino hit the Rhino Driver and won the match in quick fashion.


Ric Flair defeated Dustin Rhodes! (79)

Flair and Rhodes went back and forth, with Flair coming out on top two out of three times. Flair used several dirty tricks and eventually he hooked Dustin in a Figure Four Leg Lock for the win in 12:45!


~commercial break~


Eddy wants his shot! (89)

As we come back from break we see Eddy Guerrero in the ring with a mic.


Eddy: Was up? Chu didn’t espect to sees me out heres did chu? Naw, chu espected to sees another punk gringo like Flair or Eaton and not a Vato Loco likes me! Chu know who else doesn’t espect to sees me…Rick Rude. Now Ricky, chu may be the WCW World Heavyweight Shampion, but as far as I and dees people are concerned…I am the number One contenders. So, why don’t chu grow a pair of cajones and put that title on the lines against me at March Mad House!??


The fans cheer at this suggestion and Eddy soaks it in before walking away, motion to his waist.


Dean Malenko defeated Rick Steiner! (78)

Dean and Rick put on a slow paced, old school style match. Dean almost lost when Rick put him in a modified STF, but Dean was able to break the hold. Dean was then able to hook Rick in a Texas Clover Leaf, getting the win in 12:33! We get a quick backstage shot of Flair going nuts at the time announcement. The announcers noted that Dean won the Victory Time Challenge and is now the leader of the 4 Horsemen.


~commercial break~


Rick Rude Defeated Chris Benoit! (75)

Rde and Bent had a quick match, with Rude using the help of Manny Fernandez and Bobby Eaton to get the win while Steven Regal distracted the ref. After the match Eaton, Manny, and Regal all got into the ring and began to beat Benoit down.


Watching and waiting… (89)

We see a shot of Sting standing in the rafters watching Rude’s Brood continue to beat down Benoit as Nitro went off the air…



Overall show rating: 71! With a 6.22 (American TV) and .01 (Mexican TV) TV Rating!




WCW Saturday Slam Preview!


The Armstrongs vs. Law and Disorder

Erik Watts vs. Ultimo Dragon

Steven Regal and Bobby Eaton vs. Stevie Ray and ???

Vader vs. “Diamond” Dallas Page

Chris Benoit vs. Rhino


~~Main Event~~

Rick Rude vs. Eddy Guerrero

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been sitting back and enjoying this.

When I saw Manny Fernandez as the ref, my first thought was Rick Rude and reuniting the Awesome Twosome. very nice touch --- could almost give the Horsmen a face turn to have a wild stable feud (looks like there is some dissension there and the split is coming).



as for Nash and Hall -- my vote would be to only take one of them for now. We don't need any Order in your New World :)

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The Armstrongs vs. Law and Disorder

Erik Watts vs. Ultimo Dragon

Steven Regal and Bobby Eaton vs.Stevie Ray and ???

Vader vs. “Diamond” Dallas Page

Chris Benoit vs. Rhino

~~Main Event~~

Rick Rude vs. Eddy Guerrero

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The Armstrongs vs. Law and Disorder


Erik Watts vs. Ultimo Dragon


Yes Bill showed nepotism, but even he can't be insane enough to put his no talent kid over one of the best in the world at that time.


Steven Regal and Bobby Eaton vs. Stevie Ray and ???


Vader vs. “Diamond” Dallas Page


Chris Benoit vs. Rhino


~~Main Event~~

Rick Rude vs. Eddy Guerrero



As far as Hall and Nash go. I would try to get both of them but if you have to choose between the two go for Hall.

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WCW: Saturday Slam!


Live from: Mid-South Coliseum

Attendance: 10,085(SOLD OUT!)


Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Dusty Rhodes




Perry Saturn and Stevie Richards defeated Crowbar and Kanyon

Raven defeated Scotty Riggs

:::Raven ordered Saturn and Richards to attack a defeated Riggs:::


~Main Show~


Sting must compete! (82)

We opened Slam with Commissioner Robert Fuller in the ring.


Robert Fuller: Ladies and Gentlemen allow me to welcome you all to WCW Saturday Slam. Now tonight, we have a full show loaded with the type of action you can only find in WCW…however, what we don’t have is Sting scheduled to compete. Or, we didn’t…you see I am ordering Sting to compete tonight. Now, because this is an impromptu match I will not name his opponent…instead I will let anyone in the back who is willing to, step up and face Sting tonight! Enjoy the show folks!


Commissioner Fuller walks away as the crowd cheers his announcement.


Vader defeats “Diamond” Dallas Page! (75)

Vader comes out to a nice pop, further cementing his status as a baby face. For his part Page seems to phone in his entrance, perhaps upset over his string of losses. Page jumps the bell and attacks Vader, but the big man shrugs it off. Vader then takes Page off his feet with a huge lariat and follows it up with a Vader Bomb for the win.


~commercial break~


Armstrong Intro! (71)

Brad and Steve Armstrong walk down to the ring followed by Brian who is holding a mic. They all step into the ring and Brian begins to speak…


Brian: Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages…stand up and put your hands together for the future WCW Tag Team Champions of the Woooorld… “Big Time” Brad Armstrong… “Slick” Steve Armstrong…The M. F’N Armstrong Brothers!


The Armstrongs w/ Brian Armstrong defeat Law and Disorder w/ Sonny Onoo (70)

After the crowd settles down, Law and Disorder come out to loud boos. Brad and OMG start things off with Brad using his speed and technical skill to keep the big man on the defensive. By the time Steve tags in it is only a few minutes before he has OMG taping out to an Armstrong Special.


Stevie Ray finds a partner! (69)

We see a shot of Stevie Ray in the back and it appears he is talking to someone. As the camera pans out, we see he is talking to Rick Steiner. They shake hands and walk off together.


~commercial break~


Ultimo Dragon defeats Erik Watts w/Tammy Lynn Sytch by DQ! (65)

Ultimo Dragon comes out to loud cheers as the fans love his colorful strobe light entrance. Erik Watts comes out with Tammy to some boos mixed with cat calls at Tammy. Dragon uses his speed to overwhelm Erik, but Tammy uses her “assets” to slow Dragon down several times which allows Erik to get back in the match. The match ended when Tammy was caught tripping Dragon by the ref and he called for he DQ.


Rude’s Brood (Regal and Eaton) defeated Stevie Ray and Rick Steiner (78)

Rude’s Brood came out to a loud round of boos as well as chants of “You screwed Sting.” Regal and Eaton loved it and played up the crowd for more heat. Ray and Steiner came out to a small pop as the announcers noted the amount of tag titles between the two of them. Regal and Eaton went back and forth with Ray and Steiner, but Manny Fernandez came down and distracted Ray long enough to allow Regal to lock in a Scorpion Death Lock and get the win. After the match Ray looked at Steiner in the ring and shook his head as he walked off.


~commercial break~


Sting appears! (84)

We see Sting in the rafters, looking down at the ring. The announcers note that although Sting is in the arena they have no idea if he will actually compete like Commissioner Fuller ordered him to.


Rhino w/Bobby Heenan defeats Chris Benoit! (72)

Rhino comes out to a huge pop as the crowd appears to be getting more and more behind him each week. Chris Benoit comes out to little fanfare which seems to bother him a bit. As soon as the bell rings Rhino Gores Benoit as the crowd pops. Rhino follows this up with a Rhino Driver then a pin.


The 4 Horsemen are under new management! (82)

We see the 4 Horsemen in their locker room and it appears that Dean Malenko is giving out orders.


Dean: Listen up guys, we are no longer going to be doing things the Flair way. From now on we do things MY way. So that means if you wish to remain a Horsemen, then you better start pulling your weight and stop resting on your laurels. Tonight we have a eight man tag match against Jim Duggan, Mike Rotunda, Paul Orndorff, and Koko B. Ware. Now last week it may have been okay for us to lose that match, but this week…under MY watch, if we don’t win…the loser of this match, will be very…very, sorry. Understand Ric?


Ric doesn’t answer he just stares Malenko down, which causes Dean to laugh in Ric’s face. The scene fades as Dean walks off with Paul and Ric continues to stare them down.


~commercial break~


The Brotha Hood defeated “Dirty” Dick Slater and Bunkhouse Buck! (75)

Ron and Booker came out to a nice cheer as they strutted to the ring with their tag titles. Slater and Buck came out to almost no response, as the crowd knew who was going to lose this one. Booker and Ron showed great chemistry in their match as they tagged in and out and kept Slater isolated for much of the bout. The end came after Buck was nailed with a Dominator from Ron.


The Road Warriors make their presence felt! (82)

After the match the Road Warriors run out to the ring and attack Ron and Booker. Ron and Booker are left laid out as Animal and Hawk pose with the tag titles before dropping them on Booker and Ron and walking off to a loud boo from the crowd.


~commercial break~


The 4 Horsemen defeat Jim Duggan, Mike Rotunda, Paul Orndorff, and Koko B. Ware. (77)

The Horsemen come out to some cheers mixed in with boos. Jim Duggan, Mike Rotunda, Paul Orndorff, and Koko B. Ware then come out to a loud cheer from the nostalgic crowd. Dean ordered Ric to start the match off and he kept him in their, telling Paul and Arn not to tag in. After Flair had Koko in a Figure Four Leg Lock, Dean tagged himself in and pinned Koko as Paul and Arn kept the rest at bay. Ric looked upset as Dean had his hand raised in victory.


Jericho steps up! (83)

Chris Jericho came out to the ring holding a mic as the crowd booed him.


Chris: So…here we are at another Saturday Slam, and yours truly, your faaavorite wrestler, is nowhere on the schedule! Crowd boos I know…I’m as upset about it as you. The Commish came out and ordered Sting to compete, and he said anyone could accept the match…well I am anyone! Sting, get your face painted keister out here meister so I can embarrass you and show all MY fans why this should be called…Saturday Night Jericho!


Jericho drops the mic and awaits Sting, whom the announcers note may or may not even show up to the ring.


~commercial break~


Sting defeats Jericho! (77)

When we come back from break Sting still hasn’t made it to the ring and Jericho is leaning on the ropes ****ily, confident he will win by no show. Just as the ref begins to count the lights go out. When they come back on Sting is Behind Chris. Jericho throws his hands up as if to say “Nice try Sting” but then Sting grabs him from behind and lands a Scorpion Death Drop (reverse DDT). Sting makes the pin with one foot on Jericho as the crowd cheers. Rick Rude appeared on the ramp but the lights go out and Sting is gone before Rude makes it to the ring.


Rude wants Eddy now! (94)


Rude[/u: Eddy, get out here and get what’s coming to you. I don’t know how they do it where you’re from, but here in America, when you run your mouth about your betters, you get a boot shoved down your throat!


Eddy has something to say! (90)

Suddenly Eddy Guerrero’s music hits and he appears on the stage area with a mic.


Eddy: Oye vato, chill out holmes. You’re going to pop a vein in your cabesa holmes. Now, if chu think chur my better, well then you done got chur head too far up Manny’s culo essai! The crowd laughs at this Speaking of Manny, you guys may call churselfs the Awesome Twosome…but if he gets involved, chu’re gonna be the lonesome onesome, cuz I’ll beat that old man to death essai! Crowd pops again


~commercial break~


Eddy Guerrero defeats Rick Rude by DQ! (94)

Eddy and Rude put on a display on great wrestling that got the entire audience involved in the drama. Eventually Steven Regal and Bobby Eaton ran to the ring but Eddy dove over the ropes on to them taking them both down. It wasn’t until Manny Fernandez came down that Rude was DQ’ed, after Manny nailed Sting with the WCW World Championship. Afterward the entire Rude Brood put the boots to Eddy as Slam went off the air.


Overall show rating: 81! With a 6.58 TV Rating!




WCW Sunday Drive Preview!


Brian Armstrong vs. Disco Inferno

Big Ron Studd w/Mai Tai vs. Paul Orndorff

Chris Jericho vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

Raven vs. Dustin Rhodes


~~Main Event~~

~Drive Championship~

Rhino{c} w/Bobby Heenan vs. Erik Watts w/ Tammy Lynn Sytch

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Brian Armstrong vs. Disco Inferno

Big Ron Studd w/Mai Tai vs. Paul Orndorff

Chris Jericho vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

Raven vs. Dustin Rhodes


~~Main Event~~

~Drive Championship~

Rhino{c} w/Bobby Heenan vs. Erik Watts w/ Tammy Lynn Sytch

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Brian Armstrong vs. Disco Inferno


Big Ron Studd w/Mai Tai vs. Paul Orndorff


Chris Jericho vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Raven vs. Dustin Rhodes


~~Main Event~~

~Drive Championship~

Rhino{c} w/Bobby Heenan vs. Erik Watts w/ Tammy Lynn Sytch

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Brian Armstrong vs. Disco Inferno

Big Ron Studd w/Mai Tai vs. Paul Orndorff

Chris Jericho vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

Raven vs. Dustin Rhodes


~~Main Event~~

~Drive Championship~

Rhino{c} w/Bobby Heenan vs. Erik Watts w/ Tammy Lynn Sytch

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WCW: Sunday Drive!


Live from: Hammerstein Ballroom

Attendance: 2,500 (SOLD OUT!)


Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Dusty Rhodes




Masked Wrestlers #1 & 2 defeated Mike Rotunda and Hector Guerrero

Marcus Bagwell defeated Silver King


~Main Show~


Brian Armstrong defeated Disco Inferno (52)

Big Ron Studd w/ Mai Tai defeated Paul Orndorff (38)

:::Chris Jericho promos on Rey Misterio Jr.::: (64)

Chris Jericho defeated Rey Misterio Jr. (74)

Raven defeated Dustin Rhodes (71)

:::Raven mocks a defeated Dustin Rhodes::: (60)

Rhino defeated Erik Watts to retain the Drive Championship (67)

:::Rhino distracted by Tammy Sytch, allowing Erik to lay him out with a chair!::: (70)


Overall show rating: 66! With a .55 TV Rating!




WCW Monday Nitro Preview!


Stevie Ray and ??? vs. Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick Slater

Dustin Rhodes vs. “Diamond” Dallas Page

Rick Rude w/Manny Fernandez vs. Mike Rotunda

The Armstrongs vs. Steven Regal and Bobby Eaton w/Manny Fernadez


~~Main Event~~

Eddy Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko

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Stevie Ray and ??? vs. Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick Slater

go Jimmy Golden!

Dustin Rhodes vs. “Diamond” Dallas Page

Rick Rude w/Manny Fernandez vs. Mike Rotunda

The Armstrongs vs. Steven Regal and Bobby Eaton w/Manny Fernadez


~~Main Event~~

Eddy Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko

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Stevie Ray and ??? vs. Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick Slater

Dustin Rhodes vs. “Diamond” Dallas Page

Rick Rude w/Manny Fernandez vs. Mike Rotunda

The Armstrongs vs. Steven Regal and Bobby Eaton w/Manny Fernadez


I really want to go with Regal and Eaton because those are two of my favorite wrestlers of all-time. However, the Armstrongs are on a roll right now.

~~Main Event~~

Eddy Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko

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Stevie Ray and ??? vs. Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick Slater

Dustin Rhodes vs. “Diamond” Dallas Page

Rick Rude w/Manny Fernandez vs. Mike Rotunda

The Armstrongs vs. Steven Regal and Bobby Eaton w/Manny Fernadez


~~Main Event~~

Eddy Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko

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Show is almost ready to roll...however, in the meantime I would like to know All your thoughts on the following...


After March I was thinking of doing either...


A) Split up the tag teams and single competitors onto seperate brands, keeping Sunday Drive for rookies. OR...


B) Turn Sunday Drive into an A Show and create 3 "Brands" 1 for tag teams, 1 for Singles non/Cruiser and the other for Criser/X division. Or...


C) Keep Slam and Nitro the same, but turn Drive into a Seperate Hardcore brand while remaining a "B" Show. Or...


D) A mix and match of the previous thoughts.


WCW Monday Nitro Preview!


Stevie Ray and ??? vs. Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick Slater

Dustin Rhodes vs. “Diamond” Dallas Page

Rick Rude w/Manny Fernandez vs. Mike Rotunda

The Armstrongs vs. Steven Regal and Bobby Eaton w/Manny Fernadez


~~Main Event~~

Eddy Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko

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Show is almost ready to roll...however, in the meantime I would like to know All your thoughts on the following...


After March I was thinking of doing either...


A) Split up the tag teams and single competitors onto seperate brands, keeping Sunday Drive for rookies. OR...


B) Turn Sunday Drive into an A Show and create 3 "Brands" 1 for tag teams, 1 for Singles non/Cruiser and the other for Criser/X division. Or...


C) Keep Slam and Nitro the same, but turn Drive into a Seperate Hardcore brand while remaining a "B" Show. Or...


D) A mix and match of the previous thoughts.


D. Mixing and matching them into brands with a mix of all makes them more interesting and doesn't have the problem have not being interesting enough in general.

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Show is almost ready to roll...however, in the meantime I would like to know All your thoughts on the following...


After March I was thinking of doing either...


A) Split up the tag teams and single competitors onto seperate brands, keeping Sunday Drive for rookies. OR...


B) Turn Sunday Drive into an A Show and create 3 "Brands" 1 for tag teams, 1 for Singles non/Cruiser and the other for Criser/X division. Or...


C) Keep Slam and Nitro the same, but turn Drive into a Seperate Hardcore brand while remaining a "B" Show. Or...


D) A mix and match of the previous thoughts.


To be honest I am not sure I like any brands but that is only because nothing like that happened in real life (Well to an extent it did, once Nitro came on the air Saturday Night pretty much became a Midcard show.). However, if I had to go with one D as well.

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WCW: Monday Nitro!


Live from: Rupp Arena

Attendance: 16,687


Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Dusty Rhodes




Masked Wrestlers #1 & 2 defeated Marcus Bagwell and Disco Inferno

The Brotha Hood defeated Savage Fury


~Main Show~


Eddy Arrives! (92)

As soon as the Nitro theme finishes up we see footage of Eddy Guerrero arriving to the arena. Eddy looks pissed off and we can hear him screaming that he wants a piece of Rude!


Ultimo Dragon defeated El Dandy! (63)

In a as paced match, Ultimo Dragon was able to defeat El Dandy after Dandy missed a Moon Sault and Dragon locked in a Dragon Sleeper. The crowd was really into Dragon and he loved their attention.


~commercial break~


The Perfect Partner! (66)

Stevie Ray walks down to the ring and with a mic as the crowds cheers are mixed with some boos.


Stevie: Now, ever since my brother decided to side with that fruit booty Ron Simmons over his own flesh and blood I’ve been looking for a new partner to capture the tag titles with...without much luck, ya dig? Now, I thought that Rick Steiner would be a great choice, but he proved to be the weaker Steiner brother after all. Tonight however, I gots me someone I know will get the job did…The Junk Yard Dawg!


Stevie Ray and JYD defeated Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick! (60)

Stevie and JYD used their size and strength to push Dick and Buck around as the crowd cheered them on. A few miscommunications between Ray and JYD allowed Buck and Dick o remain a threat but Stevie eventually managed to nail Buck with a Ghetto Stomp (big boot) for the win. During the match Animal and Hawk remained on the entrance ramp watching the fight closely.


The Road Warriors attack Stevie Ray and JYD! (78)

As JYD and Stevie Ray celebrated their win, Animal and Hawk hit the ring and attacked. Stevie and JYD fought back and for a moment Stevie got the advantage on Animal, however instead of helping JYD he walked off leaving JYD to receive a Doomsday Device.


~commercial break~


Dustin Rhodes defeated “Diamond” Dallas Page! (65)

Dustin and Page brawled inside and outside of the ring. The ref was earning his pay check and both men were full of piss and vinegar and looking to take it out on their opponent. Just as Page looked like he would land a Diamond Cutter, Raven came down to the ring and got his attention, allowing Dustin to land a Cattle Drive for the win.


What about me? (56)

Raven grabs a mic and begins to speak as Dustin keeps his eyes on him.


Raven: Bravo…another mediocre win from a mediocre wrestler. Funny, I defeated you on Drive and yet here you are on Nitro while I’m getting told to stay home. Funny how I am undefeated in WCW yet, guys like Page here, who hasn’t had a win in almost a month, are being paraded in front of you like stars while me and my crew…who wasn’t even allowed in the building mind you, are being treated like trash because…what was it that the boss said? Oh yeah, we aren’t “TV friendly!” You two had your time and you blew it…what about me? What about Raven!?


Raven’s mic is cut as security rushes the ring and removes him from the arena, the announcers noting that no one cares about a small man who used to wrestle in a back yard federation from New Jersey.


~commercial break~


Rick Rude w/Manny Fernandez defeated Mike Rotunda! (74)

Rude was booed heavily as he made his way to the ring, where Rotunda was already waiting him. Rude jumped the bell and nailed Mike with a chop block to the left knee. For the remainder of the match Rude worked on Mike’s knee as the crowd booed him. Several times during the match it looked like Rotunda would turn things around but as he tried to his knee gave out and allowed Rude to remain in control. The match ended with a Rude Awaking from Rick Rude onto Mike before getting the 1, 2, 3.


Eddy got lucky! (86)

Rick Rude is joined by the rest of the Rude Brood as Manny Fernandez presents him a mic.


Rude: Eddy…last week at Slam you were lucky. Not only because you managed to weasel yourself a victory over me, but because you were able to leave the arena on your own two feet. Now this week, I’m afraid your not going to be so lucky. When you face Dean Malenko later tonight you better have eyes behind your head because we will be there and we will hurt you…bad. Eddy, you think you’re the best thing going in WCW but you’re in for one serious Rude Awakening!


~commercial break~


Rhino w/Bobby Heenan defeated Koko B. Ware! (59)

Rhino ran through Koko with a thunderous Gore that left Koko down and gasping for air. Rhino then nailed a Rhino Driver, but instead of pinning Koko he dragged him to the corner and landed a Vader Bomb and finally pinning Koko. As Rhino had his hand raised he flipped the “Vader Sign” upside as EMTs checked on Koko who wasn’t moving.


*Koko suffered a cracked sternum and will be out for a few weeks.


Vader defeated Stan Lane! (78)

Vader came out to a huge pop as Stan Lane warmed up in the ring. As soon as Vader got to the ropes Lane attacked but Vader fought him off and landed a huge power bomb. Vader then landed a Vader Bomb and pinned Lane. As the ref raised his hand Vader was heard saying “That’s a real Vader Bomb!”


~commercial break~


Oh…you didn’t know? (58)

Brad and Steve Armstrong walk down to the ring followed by Brian who is holding a mic. They all step into the ring and Brian begins to speak…


Brian: Oh…you didn’t know? Well, your ass better call soooome body! Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages…stand up and put your hands together for the future W C W Tag Team Champions of the Woooorld… “Big Time” Brad Armstrong… “Slick” Steve Armstrong…The M. F’N Armstrong Brothers!


The Armstrongs defeated Steven Regal and Bobby Eaton w/Manny Fernandez! (80)

Brad and Regal started things off, but soon Regal had Eaton in and the two were working Brad over. Steve tried to get in but Manny kept the ref distracted and the ref missed the tag several times as the crowd grew hot. Steve finally was able to get the tag and he cleared house and even gave Manny a shot to the face that got the crowd popping. The match ended when Brad hooked on an Armstrong Special making Bobby tap out.


Sting got your back! (99)

We cut to the back and see Eddy warming up for his match when Sting walks into the room.


Eddy: What do you want vato?


Sting: I know you have no reason to trust me Eddy…but I promise if Rude and his cronies show up to the ring during your match…the Stinger will send them to the back with their tails tucked between their legs!


Eddy: Oh yeah homie? You and what army essai?


Sting: This one!


Sting pulls a bat from his trench coat as Eddy’s eyes go wide and we go to commercial.


~commercial break~


Eddy defeats Dean Malenko! (100! OMFG!!!!)

Eddy comes out to a huge pop and he plays the crowd up very well. Dean then comes out to loud boos and a “you screwed Flair” chant. The bell rings and these two do what they do best and keep the crowd on the edge of their seats. Eddy eventually goes in for the 3 Amigos but Dean pushes the ref at Eddy knocking the ref out and causing Eddy to stumble. As this happens the Rude Brood makes their way out to the ring but suddenly the lights go out and when they come back Sting is standing between the Rude Brood and the ring. There is a brief moment of tension as they stare one another down, meanwhile in the ring Dean grabs his Can-Am title from ringside and enters the ring. The Rude Brood go for Sting and one by one they are whacked by the bat until Rude is the only one left standing, staring Sting down. Meanwhile, Dean sizes Eddy up but from the crowd comes Ric Flair who, behind Dean’s back, gets the ref revived. The ref takes the belt from Dean and Eddy gets to his feet and turns Dean around and hits his 3 Amigos. Outside the ring Rude backs off slowly with the rest of the Rude Brood who are holding their ribs from the bat shots. Eddy then climbs the turnbuckles and nails a Frog Splash to get the win.


Overall show rating: 85! With a 6.98 American TV Rating and a .01 Mexican TV Rating!




WCW Saturday Slam Preview!


Dean Malenko vs. Ric Flair

Word is Dean has ordered Flair into this match and is looking to prove to Flair that he is the better wrestler and leader once and for all.


The Brotha Hood vs. Law and Disorder

The tag champs look to show their dominance over the tag division by taking down another team, meanwhile Law and Disorder is looking for a win to put them back into the title picture and a win over the champs would certainly do just that.


Sting vs. “Diamond” Dallas Page

The “Enigmatic” Sting looks to make a statement as Page just looks to get a win and get his career back on track. After Sting’s stand against the Rude Brood on Nitro one can only wonder if Rick Rude and his followers will make their presence felt in this one.


Erik Watts w/Tammy Lynn Sytch vs. Chris Benoit

Erik has been claiming for weeks that he will become the Drive Champion yet again and a win over Benoit would certainly lend some credibility to those statements. However, the “Canadian Crippler” Chris Benoit is no pushover and if Erik isn’t careful he could wind up out of action.


Rhino w/Bobby Heenan vs. Vader

In a match that many people have been waiting for, the two behemoths of WCW go toe to toe for the first time. Vader looking to prove he is thee dominant force in WCW while Rhino is looking to prove he is the future and Vader is the past.


~~Main Event~~


Eddy Guerrero vs. Manny Fernandez

Eddy has let it be known that he wants another piece of Rick Rude but Rude says he will only face Eddy if Eddy can defeat every member of the Rude Brood in a series of 1 on 1 matches starting with Manny.


Quick Picks

Dean Malenko vs. Ric Flair

The Brotha Hood vs. Law and Disorder

Sting vs. “Diamond” Dallas Page

Erik Watts vs. Chirs Benoit

Rhino vs. Vader

Eddy Guerrero vs. Manny Fernandez

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This is the best EWR/TEW I've ever read. Not the greatest compliment ever - almost everything is horrible - but I have little doubt it'd be up there even if other people knew how to do real storylines like you do. Especially love the "blended reality" going on here such as WCW Rhino, Raven's Flock, and Crow Sting.


Scattered comments are that I haven't even noticed the results for the shows that are just _____ defeats _____. Could you put something back into those shows because I can't care to read if you can't care to present. Reminds me of Heat vs Velocity. I only watched Velocity because Heat commentary subliminally told you it wasn't worth watching while I always watched Velocity because the commentators there acted like it was important.


I'm not sure I understand where Rhino/Vader came from and also am having difficulty telling how long this is going because there are no dates. Aside from, duh, week to week of course. Just the general time line compared to when the next "big show" is. If you added show dates and then in the promos insinuated dates for future matches it'd help.

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This is the best EWR/TEW I've ever read. Not the greatest compliment ever - almost everything is horrible - but I have little doubt it'd be up there even if other people knew how to do real storylines like you do. Especially love the "blended reality" going on here such as WCW Rhino, Raven's Flock, and Crow Sting.


Scattered comments are that I haven't even noticed the results for the shows that are just _____ defeats _____. Could you put something back into those shows because I can't care to read if you can't care to present. Reminds me of Heat vs Velocity. I only watched Velocity because Heat commentary subliminally told you it wasn't worth watching while I always watched Velocity because the commentators there acted like it was important.


I'm not sure I understand where Rhino/Vader came from and also am having difficulty telling how long this is going because there are no dates. Aside from, duh, week to week of course. Just the general time line compared to when the next "big show" is. If you added show dates and then in the promos insinuated dates for future matches it'd help.


First off...thanks for the compliment. It feels good to know people enjoy this. The shows with the ___ defeats ___ are probably the Drive shows which is the B show for WCW and really has little storyline impact, at least for now...unless you mean lack of pix? The diary started in January 1996 with Starrcade '95 used to show where we were at this point. Right now we eading into the 2nd Saturday of March. The Rhino/Vader storyline started way back in the 4th Saturday of Febuary with this promo...


Vader Who? (80)

Bobby Heenan and Rhino make their way to the ring as the crowd begins a “gore” chant. Heenan looks pleased with himself, as Rhino is confuised about the crowd reaction. They step into the ring and Heenan asks for a mic….


Bobby Heenan: Take a look at this man…this RHINO! Back in January I told you I saw something special in this man. I told you that this man would lay a path to the WCW Championship that was paved with the bodies of the men he destroyed. I even told you he would be the most feared man in WCW. What did you all do? You all doubted “The Brain.” You all said, “But Bobby, what about Vader?” Vader?! Vader couldn’t lace up this man’s boots!


Now despite destroying every “man”, and I use the term loosely when referring to anyone other than Rhino, that was put in front of him Rhino still is not being placed in the Main Event like he so rightfully deserves. Well, tonight…Rhino will destroy Jim Duggan and when the smoke clears on that match everyone will know that this man with his Drive Championship is the true World Champion! And as far as Vader is concerned…we only got ONE word for him…


Rhino: GORE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you continue to enjoy this dynasty and that I can live up to your praise.

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As of right now I am still up in the air as to which Tag Team (Stevie Ray and ???, The Road Warriors, or the Armstrongs) should recieve a title shot against The Brotha Hood. Any thoughts from the readers?



Quick Picks for Slam

Dean Malenko vs. Ric Flair

The Brotha Hood vs. Law and Disorder

Sting vs. “Diamond” Dallas Page

Erik Watts vs. Chirs Benoit

Rhino vs. Vader

Eddy Guerrero vs. Manny Fernandez

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