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Where the Good Guys Die and the Bad Guys Win: DaVE 2006

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DaVE Christmas With the Devil, December 2005




"Yes! Yes! Caulfield has Holmes on the ropes, "The Hardcore American" is going to win the DaVE Unified Championship!"


"It's not over yet Mitch!"


"Wait a minute, who the hell is that!?"


"Oh my God, is that who I think it is!?"


With my entire body shaking from nerves, I raced down the ramp as fast as I could, steel chair in the hand. The consistently wild DaVE fans had been going nuts for Hardcore icon Chris Caulfield just moments ago, but as I arrived the arena went dead silent. Before I even knew what was happening, I was in the ring. Chris turned and looked at me, he winked quickly before feigning shock at who was standing in front of him.




Chris went down like a sack of rocks as the steel chair made contact with his head. DaVE Unified Champion Bryan Holmes quickly made the cover to retain his title and hightailed it out of there. The once quiet Danger Zone now became a real Danger Zone as the furious fans began to shower me with boos and insults. I stood motionless, arms still shaking from the chair shot. After mere seconds I learned exactly why Bryan Holmes had left so quickly, as a beer bottle came soaring by and missed my face by inches.


Welcome to DaVE, I guess.



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Who Am I?




My name is Matthew Guster, for seven years I was the host of the smash hit TV show American Duos. Of course this means that I’ve been the bunt of many jokes and questions regarding my sexuality, but I became a household name nonetheless. However in January of 2005, I had had enough with the show. The show became less and less interesting every season and I didn’t like it at first anyways. So I quit. The story was played a million times on all of the entertainment shows speculating why I had quit, eventually it was agreed that I wasn’t happy with what they were paying me. Which I wasn’t, but that’s beside the point. No, the main reason I quit the show that made me famous was to follow my real dream.


Professional wrestling.


My one true love, the sport I had grown up with and would die with. I idolized guys like Sam Strong and Rip Chord growing up and despised hated villains like Sam Keith and Nemesis. My dream was in the ring, winning championships and glory in front of thousands of fans. But it never worked out, I wrestled something like a dozen matches in my late teen years but the bad paychecks and bitter veterans more interested in hurting me than putting on a show drove me away. Now, 12 years later and the year is 2006. After leaving Duos, I quickly picked up a job on creative with my favorite promotion Danger and Violence Extreme, DaVE.


It was a dream come true working for DaVE, I got to see guys I had grown up watching on TV like Nemesis and Johnny Martin on a daily basis. I was also proudly responsible for the popular Animalz tag team of Big Cat Brandon and The Wolverine. Guys backstage would often poke fun at me for my past as a “Reality TV lame” but eventually I grew to fit in and became one of the boys. It wasn’t exactly my dream of glory and championships but I was in the wrestling business and life was good.


The third edition of Danger Zone TV in November 2005 changed everything though. Following a brutal main event between Nemesis and Henry Lee that ended in a no-contest, a battered and moody Nemesis arrived backstage to find Eric Tyler holding Matt Sparrow in a half-nelson. I can still remember Tyler laughing and joking with other workers standing around watching as he tortured the DaVE newcomer. Nemesis was not amused and immediately broke the hold.


“Eric, you’re 45 ****ing years old! Act like it!”


“I’m just having a little fun with the kid, is hazing illegal back here now?”


“You know what? I’m ****ing tired of this ****! I quit!”


We all tried to act surprised, but it seemed like everyone knew it was coming. Nemesis had grown tired of the politics and bull**** that happened backstage, he was putting his body on the line day in and day out and due to his position as head booker he had to deal with the other workers immediately afterward when all he wanted was to rest. Such was the life of putting the company in the hands of an active wrestler…


The next day Phil called everyone into the DaVE headquarters to discuss the future of the organization. We all showed up and were surprised to see that Nemesis was standing next to Phil Vibert looking sullen as ever, Phil and Nemesis went way back and pretty much built DaVE into the Tri-State powerhouse that it was together.


“Alright, lets get straight down to business. Effective immediately, there will be no physical contact backstage at events. And you *******s know what I mean, don’t get smart. Don’t hurt each other that’s the gist of it.”


Me and several others turned to look at Eric Tyler. His “hazing” of Matt Sparrow was just another in a long line of recent backstage torturing of newcomers by “The Traditionalist”. His face revealed nothing, but we all knew that he wasn’t happy with this news.


“Secondly, the next guy who “demands” a title run or says that Bryan Holmes isn’t over enough to hold the Unified title will be fired on the spot. There will be no exceptions to that.”


Again, all eyes were on Eric Tyler who had several times in the past month complained to Nemesis that he was better than Bryan Holmes and also more popular than he was. This, he said, clearly earned him a lengthy run as the top dog in DaVE. Most of us wondered what Bryan Holmes would think of this, but he was mute and no one had ever heard his opinion on anything. When Nemesis told him he was going to win the title from Big Cat Brandon, he just nodded. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile either.


“Finally, Matt Guster is now Nemesis’ assistant. That means he has just as much authority as Nemesis and if he tells you something, you listen. Got it?"


This time, all eyes were on me. I stood in a stunned silence not really knowing what was going on. Was this Nemesis’ idea? He had always respected my ideas and was the main reason my Animalz tag team made it on the air. Why not Mitch Naess? Not only was Naess the voice of DaVE’s broadcasts, he was also Phil’s protégé and it was known that Phil was grooming him for an important role in the company. A role like the one he had just given me. Phil had everybody leave the room, including Nemesis, except for me and him. He turned and looked at me with the manic glint in his eye that only Phil Vibert had.


“You have no idea how bad I just stuck my neck out for you. Believe me, you weren’t the first choice for the job and if it wasn’t for Nemesis getting his panties in a bunch and deciding he wanted to leave it wouldn’t have happened period. But this is the way things are, we’re telling people you’re just Nemesis’ assistant but the truth is you have much more power than that. Nemesis is tired of being in charge and he suggested you to me.”


I couldn’t help but blurt out the one question that had been burning in my mind.


“Why not Mitch?”


“I offered the job to Mitch, he’s got a kid on the way soon and doesn’t want to miss her early years for anything. Then Nemesis told me about some of the stuff you were pitching, so I’m giving you a shot. But this company is my baby, you’ll have a say in who gets hired but you’re not gonna run amok. I’ve got some ground rules for you, don’t come to me with anyone who doesn’t have a solid enough grip on the basics, and no pussies either. This is DaVE, not that garbage that Jillefski is running down in Florida.”


“Guys who know the basics, and aren’t pussies. Got it.”


“That’s not all. I’m tired of all the bull**** back here and me and Nemesis agree that we don’t want anybody with Law Problems. We don’t have the money to bail them out or the patience to deal with their bull****, got it?"


“Yes sir.”


“Eh, yeah “sir” whatever. Now with Nemesis not wanting to be in charge of the backstage I’m gonna take some time off TV to deal with the **** that goes on back here. I’ve got an excellent idea for a replacement authority figure, he’ll take over after Christmas With the Devil….”


Phil broke down the storyline for me over the next few minutes. For weeks videos would air hyping up the new “man in charge” of DaVE until Christmas With the Devil 2005, where during the Main Event title match between Champion Bryan Holmes and Challenger Chris Caulfield, I would make my return to Television by taking out Caulfield with a chair. It was nerve racking to know I was going to be back on TV, but this time I at least could have some pride in my work.


“Oh and one more thing, if this company falls into debt at any point, there will be HELL to pay!"


Vibert jerked his thumb over his shoulder and I noticed one other man that hadn’t left, Hell’s Bouncer who had been booked as Vibert’s bodyguard on TV recently. I began to wonder if that was just a gimmick as he cracked his knuckles and stared at me through those terrifyingly white lenses.


Welcome to DaVE, I guess.

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DaVE: Danger Zone TV, live from McGaw Arena




The fallout of a thrilling Christmas With the Devil 2005 will be in full effect as DaVE comes to you live on East Coast Today from the McGaw Arena. After a shocking DaVE debut costing Chris Caulfield his Unified Title match with Bryan Holmes, pop culture icon Matthew Guster will be in the arena to address the fans regarding his arrival in DaVE! Will Guster make it out of the Danger Zone alive after costing "The Hardcore American" his chance to win the Unified Title live on PPV nearly two weeks ago?


Also, in a featured contest "The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler will square off with "The V Man" Vin Tanner. The New Wave has made their presence known in Tyler's matches recently, costing his opponents chances at defeating Tyler and establishing the School of Tradition as one of the most dangerous groups in DaVE! However will they have enough gas in the tank to interfere, as in the evenings opener they will engage in high-impact tag team action with the dynamic and dangerous Adrenaline Rush!


In other tag team action, The Peak Brothers and The New Jersey Devils will meet in a pivotal match up to determine the #1 Contenders to the DaVE Tag Team Championships currently held by The Animalz! The Peak Brothers could bring all three DaVE Championships to the House of Holmes as Eddie currently holds the Brass Knuckles Title and Barry Holmes holds the Unified Title. Finally, JD Morgan and Shawn Gonzalez will engage in what promises to be some of the best technical wrestling in DaVE history! Can "The Lone Wolf" overcome the veteran Englishman?


And Unified Champion Bryan Holmes will appear following his controversial title defense against Chris Caulfield. Bryan Holmes' mouthpiece Carl Batch will likely have plenty to say regarding The House of Holmes recent domination of DaVE, but will Chris Caulfield cut the celebration short and take revenge? Tune in Thursday Night on East Coast Today to see the finest wrestling action in the world!



Danger Zone TV

Bryan Holmes © vs. Henry Lee - DaVE Unified Title

Eric Tyler vs. Vin Tanner

The New Jersey Devils vs. The Peak Brothers - #1 Contenders Match

Shawn Gonzalez vs. JD Morgan

Adrenaline Rush vs. The New Wave

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Bryan Holmes © vs. Henry Lee - DaVE Unified Title

Holmes to retain I feel.


Eric Tyler vs. Vin Tanner

Tyler is too talented to lose to Tanner.


The New Jersey Devils vs. The Peak Brothers - #1 Contenders Match

The Peaks are great together. Doug not so much on his own.


Shawn Gonzalez vs. JD Morgan

Shawn has a lot of talent and should go over Morgan here.


Adrenaline Rush vs. The New Wave

Guide and Scout are your best team.

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DaVE: Danger Zone TV, live from McGaw Arena in front of (sold out) 5,000 fans and airing live on East Coast Today!


<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/kGjXYvZR_wA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


In a match that was relegated to the pre-show due to time constraints, The New Wave defeated Adrenaline Rush when Guide pinned Teddy Powell following a Guided Missile (Top Rope Missile Drop Kick)!




DaVE’s first program of the new year began with commentary team Mitch Naess and Emma Easy introducing the fans to the sold out McGaw Arena and breaking down the events that occurred during the main event of DaVE’s end of year show Christmas With the Devils 2005. I made my way out onto the stage trying to look as ****y as possible. I was reminded exactly what kind of environment the Danger Zone was quickly as the fans showered me with boos and pelted garbage in my direction. Ring announcer Cat Jemson took the time to introduce me.


“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Matthew Guster!”


As I entered the ring, I took the microphone from Cat Jemson and finally after nearly two weeks of waiting, I addressed the DaVE fans regarding Christmas With the Devil;


“Hello, hello. Thanks everyone, no really, thanks so much. First things first, I’d like to let everyone know that Chris Caulfield couldn’t make it tonight, somebody cracked his head open and they won’t let him out of the hospital.” Big time boos for that. “Now you all know who I am, because unlike you I’m actually important. But… why am I here? Well it’s all very simple, East Coast Today is tired of the chaos and tired of the mayhem that takes place on this program. They’re tired of the inmates running the asylum, so effective immediately they have named me, Matt Guster, the President of Danger and Violence Extreme!”


The boos only grew louder when the music of The House of Holmes began to play and DaVE Unified Champion Bryan Holmes, Brass Knuckles Champion Eddie Peak and his brother Doug Peak, and their “Mouthpiece” Carl Batch made their way down to the ring.


“Hello Mr. President, I’m Carl Batch and uh, just so you know, I run things around here. Because I got these guys on my side.”


He motioned to the guys surrounding him, a truly intimidating bunch now that I looked closely.


“Actually Carl, I think you have me all wrong. See, I understand this business, and I also understand that the House of Holmes is the future of DaVE. I’m here to… take out the trash. You’re welcome to help out.”


I offered Carl my hand and he observed me curiously. Suddenly the fans exploded with cheers as “The Icon of Insanity” Henry Lee rushed down the ramp and into the ring. Me and the House of Holmes quickly bailed out as Lee played to the crowd before grabbing up the microphone I had left behind.


“Hey Holmes, I couldn’t help but notice that you don’t have a match tonight. So Mr. President how about putting me in the ring with him for the Unified Championship!” He paused for a moment as I shook my head vigorously. “Actually, who gives a **** what you think! Because this is DaVE, and here the inmates DO run the asylum! See you later tonight Bryan!”


Henry chucked the mic down and played to the crowd some more as the DaVE fans showed their approval of the title match being booked for that very night by “The Icon of Insanity”!




Backstage, Eric Tyler was standing in front of a DaVE set.


“Unappreciated and undermined for too long, tonight “The Traditionalist” wrestles Vin Tanner, but why? Why am I relegated to pointless matches with nobodies like Tanner when losers like Henry Lee get a title shot just because they ask? Perhaps Matt Guster will change things and perhaps he won’t, but for now one thing is certain. That is the House of Tradition, myself and the New Wave are the biggest stars in DaVE and before long we will take all the belts this organization has to offer. But three is strong, and four is elite… tonight the House of Tradition will welcome someone new to it’s ranks!”




Shawn Gonzalez vs. JD Morgan

This was a decent match between two of the best technicians that DaVE has to offer. JD Morgan looked very strong and was in control for much of the match until Gonzalez managed to lock in the Latino Crab (Boston Crab) forcing Morgan to submit.


Winner: Shawn Gonzalez (C-)




Following the match Gonzalez was taking the time to celebrate the hard-fought victory until quickly and suddenly JD Morgan pounced from behind, beating Gonzalez down to the mat and locking in the Cross Atlantic Stretch (Crippler Cross Face) until security rushed the ring and separated the two.




Alex Braun stood backstage with his tag team partner Tank Bradley standing in the background.


“Hah-roo! Hello DaVE-heads and everyone watching around the world, we’re just moments away from the most exciting, death defying, simply shining tag team in the Danger Zone earning a shot at the belts we’ve held three times already. See, me and my compadre here” Jerks thumb at the silent Tank Bradley “are the REAL best tag team in DaVE! Not just lackeys to Bryan Holmes like our opponents. Take care DaVE and remember to keep IT cool!”




The New Jersey Devils vs. The Peak Brothers - #1 Contender Match

Alex Braun and Eddie Peak both have very promising futures in DaVE, unfortunately each mans tag partner does not and the mans showered Tank Bradley and Doug Peak with pure hatred the entire match. Brass Knuckles Champ Eddie Peak was the star of the match and eventually scored the victory via Peak of Perfection (Sit-Down Powerbomb) setting up a title match with the Animalz at Back in Black!


Winners: The Peak Brothers (D+)




Carl Batch is in the House of Holmes’ locker room backstage watching his clients earn a shot a the Tag Team Titles. Looking please he turns to the camera.


“Just like I told ya’ the House of Holmes is running DaVE and at Back in Black we will hold ALL of the titles available in this company. But first things first my Bryan Holmes” Camera reveals Holmes relaxing in a chair further back in the room “has to deal with this PEST Henry Lee. Who is Henry Lee? He calls himself “The Icon of Insanity” and I guess he proved that nickname by calling out the baddest man on the planet. Have no fear DaVE, Bryan Holmes isn’t losing that title for a long time!”




Eric Tyler vs. Vin Tanner

A show stealing performance by two of the most solid workers on the roster. Vin did a fantastic job of selling Tyler’s attacks and had a couple of very good rallies, including landing his finishing move V for Victory (Crucifix Powerbomb)! Just as it seemed like Vin would pull off the big upset, a masked man appeared at ringside distracting the referee while Tanner pinned Tyler. As Vin went to see what was happening Tyler recovered and rolled him up from behind while grabbing the ropes for a quick three count victory.


Winner: Eric Tyler (C+)




After the match Tyler boot the boots to Vin Tanner while the masked man (Recognized by Mitch Naess as indy star Acid) went to the top ropes and landed a devastating Acid Rain Bomb (Shooting Star Press)! Finally Johnny Martin arrived to a massive ovation from the fans with a steel chair in hand. Acid and Tyler quickly bailed out of the ring but as Martin went to help Vin Tanner to his feet, Nemesis arrived in the ring, launching a big boot into the steel chair and knocking it into Martin’s face. After a few moments Martin climbed to his feet only to be met by a devastating Nemesis Arrow (Spear)! Nemesis left the ring in chaos after reminding Martin who his sole attention should be focused on.




Bryan Holmes © vs. Henry Lee - DaVE Unified Title Match

As much as the fans love Henry Lee’s character they do not enjoy his in-ring ability and let him hear about it during this match. Still the always solid Holmes managed to carry his challenger to a very solid match portraying his silent assassin mindset to a tee. Henry Lee mustered up the last of his energy with a flurry of punches and attempted to hit his signature Asylum Buster (X-Factor) but Holmes managed to break free and landed a devastating Cyclone Shock Kick (Super Kick) for the pinfall victory and successful title defense.


Winner: Bryan Holmes ©




Following the match, I made my way down to the ring. Holmes stood motionless in the ring following the successful title defense, impervious to all the boos and jeers coming his way from the Danger Zone. I took the Unified Title from the time keeper at ringside and presented it to the successful Champion. I posed for the crowd as Holmes slung the title over his shoulder and began to exit the ring…


… Until the arrival of DaVE’s most beloved star Chris Caulfield sent the fans in a frenzy. Still sporting a bandage over his forehead where the steel chair had busted him open, he still struck a menacing figure as he raced down the ring with his signature baseball bat in hand. As Caulfield hit the ring, I quickly attempted to bail out but he grabbed a fistful of hair and dragged me to the center of the ring raising the baseball bat up high to a massive show of approval from the fans. Fortunately, I was saved by a Cyclone Shock Kick right to Caulfield’s face, as he had overlooked the Unified Champion still being in the ring. I sat stunned and scared in a corner of the ring as Holmes exited the ring leaving Caulfield in a heap on the mat and Danger Zone TV came to an end…



Final Rating: C, not quite what I wanted my first day on the job but due to time constraints some big stars were left off the card. I’ve managed to secure an extra thirty minutes for future broadcasts so that shouldn’t be a problem again.

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Entertaining intro, looking forward to the first show results. Out of interest, what data are you playing this on?


Modified converted data from the original 05 game. I tried adding in guys not in the data like Aaron Andrews and such, but it was too much of a pain.


Thanks for the replies guys. I've come up with an idea for a predictions award that I think is pretty solid, anyone who can score a perfect score 4 times in a row can select any wrestler for me to sign to DaVE. Both Shutout28 and juggaloninjalee have 1 so far.


Also, some may have noticed the presentation of this is HEAVILY based on James Casey's fantastic MAW dynasty from TEW 08. I hope he doesn't mind, it's just really easy on the eyes.


And one last thing I thought I should note, the idea for this came to mind when I was thinking of which promotion to pick and thought "What if Ryan Seacrest came to ECW and started running ****?" 0_o




My first show was in the books, far from spectacular but I was sure Phil would find it acceptable due to the transition phase of moving from Nemesis to me. We're quite different people actually. After the last segment ended, I headed to the backstage area expecting pats on the back and congratulations from everyone but instead I found a locker room in silence, other than Phil's office where a large amount of profanities were heard.


"What's going on?" I asked Nemesis


"Five guys just went in there to tell Phil they got contracts with the big leagues, they're leaving." He growled back.


My heart fell, I had been expecting this at all. I wondered who all was leaving, losing five workers was a huge deal. After a minute or two of waiting, the door opened and to my dismay out came Alex Braun, Henry Lee, Kurt Laramee, Emma Chase, and even "Extreme Ref" Ryan Holland all looking depressed as if that meeting hadn't gone at all like they wanted it too.


And then everyone stared at the fifth man with mouths wide open, Johnny Martin. The DaVE icon, the man who had unified the DaVE Championship and effectively ended the Tri-State Wars. However, Martin didn't follow the others and stopped. Held in his hand was a contract with the SWF logo plastered on top of it. Martin raised the contract for all to see before ripping it into pieces. I suddenly realized exactly what this company meant to some people and why Johnny was as revered backstage as he was, "The Icon" gathered his things without a word and left.


I breathed a sigh of relief, losing Martin would've been a disaster but still replacing Braun and Lee would be extremely difficult, losing our color commentator and lead referee also wasn't the best thing ever. Looks like it's time to make my first signings...



DaVE Danger Zone TV, live from McGaw Arena


Following the stunning reveal of Matt Guster as DaVE President, he has booked a blockbuster match up for the second edition of Danger Zone TV in 2006. "Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield will have an opportunity to earn another shot at Bryan Holmes' Unified Championship, but first he will have to get by one of DaVE's most fierce competitors, Brass Knuckles Champion "The Assassin" Eddie Peak! If Caulfield wins, he is guaranteed a title shot at Back in Black later this month! A match like this can only be contested under DaVE rules, which means no rules!


In other huge action, "The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler will face off with "The Icon" Johnny Martin in a match with added intrigue following the events on last weeks show. However, with Nemesis wanting revenge for his loss to Martin at Christmas With the Devil, will Martin be able to get by the dangerous Tyler? And the masked man Acid who debuted as a new member of The House of Tradition will likely make his presence felt once again!


Also, in more technical action Shawn Gonzalez will meet up-and-comer Art Reed. Will JD Morgan come after Gonzalez again, after losing to him last week? And in non-title action, The Animalz will prepare for their pending showdown with The Peak Brothers at Back in Black as they take on the mountain men from Canada, The McWade Brothers! And finally, after his debut last week Acid will make his first in-ring appearance taking on the now solo Tank Bradley!


And The House of Holmes has promised to make a decision regarding Matt Guster's offer to "Work Together"! Tune in to East Coast Today, Friday Night to see DaVE: Danger Zone TV!



Danger Zone TV

Chris Caulfield vs. Eddie Peak - DaVE Rules - If Caulfield wins, Holmes will grant him Unified Title shot

Eric Tyler vs. Johnny Martin

Art Reed vs. Shawn Gonzalez

The Animalz vs. The McWades - Non Title Match

Acid vs. Tank Bradley

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Chris Caulfield vs. Eddie Peak - DaVE Rules - If Caulfield wins, Holmes will grant him Unified Title shot

Eric Tyler vs. Johnny Martin

Art Reed vs. Shawn Gonzalez

The Animalz vs. The McWades - Non Title Match

Acid vs. Tank Bradley

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