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4 Corners of Chaos: AWA

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<p>As always solid show...good main event...and a solid 5 minutes devoted to Verne Gagne explaining next weeks main event...</p><p> </p><p>

Everytime I still see this:</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JWfEVdzaZM&feature=related" rel="external nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JWfEVdzaZM&feature=related</a></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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The AWA Roster

As of December, Week 2, 1995


Main Event

Bret 'The Hitman' Hart - AWA World's Heavyweight Champion (*)

Terry Funk (*)

Scott Hall (*)

Scott 'Bam Bam' Bigelow (*)

Ron Simmons (*)


Upper Midcard

Rick Steiner - AWA World Tag Team Champion (*)

Owen Hart - AWA World Tag Team Champion (*)

'Bam Bam' Terry Gordy (*)

Rey Misterio Jr (*)

Scott Steiner - Injured (*)



'The American Nightmare' Dustin Rhodes (*)

'The Silver King' Cesar Barron (*)

Solafa Fatu Lua (*)

Perry Saturn (*)

D. John Finlay (*)

Carlos Konnan (*)

Lance Storm (*)

Dionicio 'Psichosis' Torres (*)

Samula Anoa'i (*)

'The Ultimo Dragon' Yoshihiro Asai (*)


Lower Midcard

Juventud Guerrera (*)

D'Lo Brown (*)

Brian Lawler (*)

Glenn Inferno (*)

Stephen Richards (*)



Jinsei Shinzaki (*)

Chavo Guerrero II (*)

Chris Kanyon (*)



The White Ninja (*)

Mr Wrestling III (*)


Licenced Managers

Jim Cornette (*)

Stephen Richards (*)


The Announce Team

Lord Alfred Hayes (*)

Dusty Rhodes (*)

Curt Hennig (*)

Mean Gene Okerlund (*)


The Figures of Authority

Verne Gagne (*)

Larry Zbyszko (*)


Road Agents

Verne Gagne

Dusty Rhodes



Nick Patrick

Tony Falk

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Emanating from the Lake Charles Civic Center, Live on ESPN in front of 8156 screaming fans it's...


The AWA Presents All-Star Wrestling


We begin, as always, with Lord Alfred Hayes and Dusty Rhodes in the introductory position, before the ring.


LAH "Welcome ladies and gentlemen to AWA All-Star Wresting... and a huge edition of the show at that!"


Dusty "The truth of the words that you speak are truly inspiring Lord Alfred. Tonight we will name a new number one contender for the AWA World's Heavyweight Championship when four of the AWA's best will compete in a fatal four-way match."


LAH "That's right! Rey Misterio Jr, Scott Hall, Ron Simmons and Scot 'Bam Bam' Bigelow will all enter into that ring. Once the bell rings all four men are legal, you can only be eliminated in one fashion: If the referee determines that you have been disqualified then you are to return to the back and the match will continue under triple threat rules. Otherwise: It is first pinfall or submission to victory. And the winner is the number one contender for the Bret Hart's World Title."


Dusty "Let's go to the ring!"




'The Silver King' Cesar Barron and Carlos Konnan w/ Jim Cornette


Dionicio 'Psichosis' Torres and Lance Storm



LAH "Dion Torres is not pairing up with his usual partner here tonight, Juventud Guerrera, who is busy competing in the Middleweight Title Tournament, in which that man, Cesar Barron, The Monarch of Mexico, has already advanced."


Hennig "And let's say Psichosis wins tonight. Alright? Let's say he is able to get some semblance of vengeance on The Cornette Contingent, something they have, thus far, been unable to do, Hayes. I think, if that happens, Los Trapacistas are finished. Torres is going to pair up with Storm."


Dusty "Los Trapacistas are a team. You are utterly incorrect."


Hennig "Mark my words. If Torres wins tonight he's going to ditch Juvi like a murder weapon."


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Cesar Barron and Carlos Konnan defeated Dionicio Torres and Lance Storm in 9:50 when Cesar Barron defeated Dionicio Torres by pinfall with a Silver Driver.

Jim Cornette did some good work at ringside. Cesar Barron and Jim Cornette are a good pairing, they play off each other well. Dionicio Torres and Lance Storm showed excellent chemistry teaming together. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here are your winners: Cesar Barron and Carlos Konnan!



We'll get quick commercial out of the way before moving on to...



Mad Dog Vachon Conference, Middleweight Title Tournament Match

Michael Modest


Juventud Guerrera


At the start of the match a graphic is displayed showing the brackets for The Mad Dog Vachon Conference of the Middleweight Title Tournament:


The Mad Dog Vachon Conference

Yoshihiro Asai vs Brian Lawler

Michael Modest vs Juventud Guerrera

The White Ninja vs Stephen Richards

The Great Sasuke vs Lance Storm


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Juventud Guerrera defeated Michael Modest in 5:31 by pinfall with a Juvi Driver.

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here is your winner: Juventud Guerrera!



LAH "So... Juventud Guerrera advances to the second round of the Middleweight Title Tournament let's go to the back where Verne Gagne has an announcement."


Verne Gagne is backstage with The Samoan Swat Team. Solafa and Samula slap their chests and snarl into the camera. Verne explains that he is pround to reveal the first two memebers of Team AWA. The Team which will defeat TNA at Proving Ground: The Samoan Swat Team! The Swat Team yell their enthusiasm.


But that's not all. Verne is aware that Jeff Jarrett is here somewhere in the building. And Jarrett knows the rules: If he's here, he's here as an active competitor. So Jarrett had best find himself a partner as tonight he goes up against The Swat Team.


Verne's attempt to end the interview on a dramatic note is stopped by a southern accent. But not Jarrett's: Dustin Rhodes.


Rhodes demands to know why he isn't in the fatal four-way to name a new number one contender later tonight.


Verne "Let me tell you something there, young man, Ron Simmons is in this match because he beat you. Because he pinned your shoulders to the mat. What on earth makes you think that you're ahead of him in line?"


Dustin "My father. I'm not in this match because my father, The American Dream, cost me my match against Ron Simmons?" It's not really a question. More of a realization.


"No." Verne corrects, with all the warmth of an automated customer service directory, "You are not in this match because you have not proven yourself to be better than Ron Simmons. A top contender here in the AWA Title."


"I want him." Dustin says, somewhat blank eyed.


"Well he's busy, fighting for the number one contendership." Scolds Gagne, "If you want another match with Ron Simmons, I suggest you go out there and win. That's the only thing thing that's going to convince the Match Making Committee to give you a chance."


Dustin looks annoyed. "Not him. My father. I want to fight my father."


Verne is a bit taken aback. "Dusty Rhodes is not an active competitor."


Dustin steps up to Verne to intimidate him. The Swat Team step forward to make sure that doesn't happen... Dusty backs off. "You will find a way to make it happen... I want Dusty Rhodes in the same ring as me... or next week will be a nightmare for the AWA."


The Swat Team snarl at Rhodes as he exists the stage right. Or left. I can't remember which is which.




Chavo Guerrero II


Terry Funk



LAH "Terry Funk, finding himself at the bottom of the AWA standings, will need to keep his focus as he attempts to claw his way back up to the top of the AWA rankings."


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Terry Funk defeated Chavo Guerrero II in 5:55 by pinfall with a hard right hand. Throughout the match Funk's confidence seemed shaky as he worried at his greasy hair and repeatedly spilled to the outside to collect his thoughts.

Terry Funk was really off his game tonight. Dusty Rhodes and Curt Hennig have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here is your winner: Terry Funk!



In case you had forgotten to buy things today: It's a commercial!



'The American Nightmare' Dustin Rhodes


D'Lo Brown


As The American Nightmare makes his way to the ring, Verne Gagne appears on the Wrestletron:


Verne "Dustin, I know you've threatened us. You've said that the next week will be a nightmare for us if we don't put you in the same ring as your father. We have taken your request under advisement, not because we are concerned about what you will do, but because we always consider the requests of our competitors. With that said if you so much as lay a hand on your father then you will never be in the ring with him in an AWA ring... and what's more: You won't be in an AWA ring with anyone for the next month as you will be suspended if you so much as touch your father tonight. Good luck in your match."


Dustin is furious. He screams at the Wrestletron before slowly turning his attention to Dusty Rhodes at ringside.


Hennig "I think you may have a problem here, Dream."


Dusty "My son needs to learn controlism. This is an important day in his life, he must control his anger and focus on what he needs to do. Wrestle."


The bell rings and D'Lo Brown rolls the distracted Dustin up from behind.






Kickout! In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Dustin Rhodes was eventually able to focus on the task at hand and defeat D'Lo Brown in 7:40 by pinfall with the Curtain Call.

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here is your winner: Dustin Rhodes!



Mean Gene Okerlund is backstage with Jim Cornette who stands in front of The Internationals, Cesar Barron, Yoshihiro Asai and Carlos Konnan, who skulks in the background.


MGO "Jim Cornette, you've amassed quite a bit of talent under your guidence..."


JC "That's correct, yes."


MGO "But not a single one of them yet have achieved any notable success here in the AWA... can you explain that?"


JC "Haven't achieved...? Listen you little... It is only a matter of time before The Internationals, Perry Saturn and D. John Finlay are tag team champions. The current holders of those belts don't deserve them. That title was just handed to Owen Hart because Scott Steiner couldn't take the beating that my boys put on him!"


MGO "It is true that Scott Steiner was injured in a match with-"


JC "That's right, and despite that display have we been given a rematch? NO! But that ends at Proving Ground! That's right, I'm proud to announce that The Internationals get another shot at the Tag Team Championships and this time neither of those buffoons are gonna walk out of that match on their own power."


MGO "You have two men entered in the Middleweight Title Tournament. That man Asai and that man right there, Cesar Barron. It is conceivable that they could meet in the finals of this tournament and if that happens... what then, Mr Cornette?"


JC "First of all, they will meet in the finals of that tournament as they are head and shoulders and waist and knees above the rest of the competition. And when that occurs the Cornette Contingent will deal with it... internally. But before you end this interview I have something to add..."


MGO "And that is?"


JC "I had a man come to me earlier in the show with an interesting proposition... you see it seems that Verne Gagne has told TNA Wrestling's Jeff Jarrett to find himself a tag team partner and, naturally, he came to me. He saw what my men Asai and Konnan did to them at Once and For All. They pinned them to the mat 1 2 3. So, Jeff Jarrett comes to me and asks if I have a partner for him... and do I ever. I present to you all now Jeff Jarrett's partner against the Samoan Swat Team...





Vader steps into the shot towering over everyone else.


JC "And Swat Team! Get used to seeing this man... no... this monster! Because he's not just your opponent tonight... You're looking at the second member of Team TNA at Proving Ground!"


The Cornette Contingent all huzza as Okerlund sends us back to the ring.

This segment fell flat after the previous one.




The Samoan Swat Team


TNA Wrestling's Jeff Jarrett and Vader w/ Jim Cornette



LAH "So we know the first four participants in the 5 on 5 Proving Ground match: For the AWA it will be The Samoan Swat Team and on the other side... Sting and the man they call Vader."


Hennig "That's right Hayes and we will likely be able to get a glimpse of what will happen at proving ground by how this match here tonight plays out."


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Vader, Jeff Jarrett and the Swat Team battled a hard, brawling match which eventually came to an end as Vader and Samula fought on the outside. Vader blocked a savat kick an was, instead, able to send Anoa'i shoulder first into the ringpost. Vader quickly returned to the ring and Samula was unable to beat the count. The Samoan Swat Team were counted out at 9:31.

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Samula Anoa'i is improving in Rumble skills.

Here are your winners: Jeff Jarrett and Vader!



A commercial airs and when we unmute our TV set again it's Larry Zbyszko and Scott hall backstage with Mean Gene Okerlund.


MGO "I'm standing by with a member of the Match Making Committee Larry Zbyszko and a man who will compete tonight for the number one contendership... Scott Hall."


Larry Z puts over Scott Hall. He reminds us that Hall's loss to Sting at Once And For All was not an AWA bout and will not count in the rankings. He also stresses that he and Hart have never had an even one on one match for the World Title.


MGO points out that neither Rey Misterio or Scott Bigelow or Ron Simmons have had World Title shots either.


Scott Hall interrupts. "Hey yo. Listen... to me. I don't mind beating one other guy... two other guys... or three other guys. It makes no difference... to me. I'll earn it. Because for The Bad Guy... earning things... is easy. Before my man Larry Z got involved... the A... W... A... did nothing but try and keep me... and Terry Funk... down. Now that the odds are even... we're going to take the A... W... A... apart."


MGO "Are you talking about this TNA invasion? Larry Zbyszko do you know what you're doing?"


Z "Shut up Okerlund. Look-"


Terry Funk bursts onto the scene, twisting his greasy hair. "Larry! Larry I did it. I won again. Now we need to make me the captain of Team AWA!"


MGO "You?! The captain of Team AWA? But it's your faults this whole-"


Z "I told you to shut up Okerlund! Look Terry, it's going to be tough. But, there's going to be three qualifying matches next week to determine the rest of Team AWA... I'll see what I can do to get you into one of them... but Terry. Honestly, I don't know if it can be done."


Hall "Hey... Terry. Relax. When I'm A... W... A... Champion... you'll get the very... first... shot. I promise."


Terry Funk looks elated. "And I'll get that shot as the savior of the AWA... once I win that proving ground match..." Funk looks up at the lights. "I'll be a hero."


MGO "Good grief. Back to you Lord Alfred."




Mad Dog Vachon Conference, Middleweight Title Tournament Match

Brian Lawler


'The Ultimo Dragon' Yoshihiro Asai


At the start of the match a graphic is displayed showing the brackets for The Mad Dog Vachon Conference of the Middleweight Title Tournament:


The Mad Dog Vachon Conference

Juventud Guerrera

Yoshihiro Asai vs Brian Lawler

The White Ninja vs Stephen Richards

The Great Sasuke vs Lance Storm


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Yoshihiro Asai defeated Brian Lawler in 8:12 by submission with a Dragon Sleeper.

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.



LAH "Really, a very impressive display here by both men... with every match of this Middleweight Title Tournament you get the feeling that the winner of this tournament will truly be the best middleweight in the world."


We return to the back where Gene Okerlund is standing by with Stephen Richards.


Richards "My name is Stephen Richards. Wrestler. Manager. Man."


MGO "So you say-"


Richards "And standing behind me are two of the biggest baddest men in the history of professional wrestling. 'Bam Bam' Terry Gordy. Scott 'Bam Bam' Bigelow. Miracle Violence Connexion."


MGO "Indeed. Tonight-"


Richards "And tonight one of them will take one step towards what he was meant to do. What he was always meant to do. Be named World's Heavyweight Champion. You see, Bret Hart may be one heck of a wrestler, but he's not a quarter as tough as either of these men are and he isn't one sixteenth as mean. And he isn't one thousandth as smart as I am. Tonight, winning this match is just a formality, as Bret Hart will finally have to face a real man tonight in Terry Gordy, and after that a real fighter in Scott Bigelow for his title."


MGO "Well your men failed to capture the Tag Team Titles back at-"


Richards "At Once And For All my man was struck in the head with a hard plastic cast! A hard plastic cast that has been declared illegal for use in an AWA ring! It was a travesty of justice, but does Verne Gagne revisit it? No. Because of his pathetic pandering to the Hart family. But there will be no casts, no weapons in either of these matches tonight, only bare fists... and there will be none when Scott Bigelow becomes World's Heavyweight Champion."


MGO "There you have it. A very focused Miracle Violence Connexion intend to bring the World's Title into their fold. We'll be back after this..."



"This" turns out to be a commercial. Surprise!




Semi-Main Event

AWA World's Heavyweight Champion, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and AWA World Heavyweight Champions The Can-Am Foundation


Terry Gordy and The Internationals



LAH "Bret Hart and his brother Owen back in the ring together as they talk strategy with Owen's new tag team partner, Rick Steiner."


Dusty "You know I feel Rick Steiner is a natural fit with the Harts, both have extensive amateur backgrounds, trained from very early ages, strong family ties..."


Hennig "They're all ingrates. Yes, I see the connection."


LAH "Any way you cut it, that's a lot of gold on that side of the ring."


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Bret Hart and The Can-Am Foundation defeated Perry Saturn, D. John Finlay and Terry Gordy in 16:18 when Rick Steiner defeated Terry Gordy by pinfall with a German Suplex into a bridge.

Bret Hart looked good out there. This match lifted the crowd.

Here are your winners: Bret Hart and The Can-Am Foundation!



LAH "We'll be back after this final commercial break with our main event of the evening!"


True to his word we return and one by one the challengers for the top title in the AWA make their way to the ring.



Fatal Four Way for the Number One Contendership for the World's Heavyweight Title

Scott 'Bam Bam' Bigelow


Rey Misterio Jr


Scott Hall


Ron Simmons



LAH "All four of these men want this opportunity badly. You can see it in their eyes."


Dusty "This is the kind of match that shapes an entire career. You can't hold the World's Championship if you do not get an opportunity at it."


LAH "It's ture, since Bret Hart has been crowned Champion only four title shots have been granted between only three men. These kinds of opportunities are rare indeed."


Hennig "Because Bret Hart is a coward. That's why."


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Scott Hall and 'Bam Bam' Bigelow formed an early alliance that payed immediate dividends as Bigelow threw Rey clear out of the ring to the floor and then was able to help Hall beatdown Simmons. Predictably they then turned on each other. All four men picked their spots for 15:19 until, with Bigelow neutralized on the outside after Simmons had ducked out of the way of a huge charge against the barricade that had send Bam Bam into the fans, Ron Simmons hit a massive Dominator on Rey Mistierio Jr. Immdeately he was kicked in the back of the head head by a lurking Scott Hall. Hall delivered some quick punishment before sending the former All-American to the outside. Shockingly this bought Rey Misterio enough time to kick out after two but Hall remained focused. He sent Rey into the ropes... Fallaway Slam and a pin... for the victory.

Scott Bigelow was really off his game tonight. This match lifted the crowd and then burnt them out.


LAH "Scott Hall as done it... all on his own, there is no question: Scott Hall is the number one contender for Bret Hart's Title!


The fans boo as we fade to black.


Here are is your winner, and Number One Contender for the World's Heavyweight Title: Scott Hall!



Overall rating: B-

There was a feeling that a number of angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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The World Wrestling Analyst.


News and notes from around the AWA.


-It is clear now that Bret Hart has become a national phenominom. Realizing this, the AWA is hoping to capitalize on his popularity, combining it with the buzz centering around the TNA Crossover, central to which is number one contender: Scott Hall. The hopes backstage are that this Scott Hall/Bret Hart World Title Match set for Proving Ground will be the highest viewed PPV in AWA history.


-The current card for AWA Proving Ground is as follows:


AWA World's Heavyweight Title Match

Bret 'The Hitman' Hart ©


Scott Hall




Proving Ground Match

Team AWA

Solafa Fatu Lua, Samula Anoa'i, ???, ??? and ???


Team TNA

Sting, Vader, ???, ??? and ???




AWA Tag Team Title Match

The Can-Am Foundation ©


The Internationals


And more matches are expected to be announced, as well as the remaining members of Team AWA to be revealed, on this week's All-Star Wrestling.


-The Middleweight Title Tournament is exected to continue in the upcoming weeks, with officials backstage being pleased with the quality of some of the matches it has produced so far. First round match-ups Jinsei Shinzaki vs Dionicio Torres and Brian Lawler vs Yoshihiro Asai, in particular, were said to impress the AWA brass. The following are the current standings in the tournament:


The Pat O'Connor Conference

First Round

Mr Wrestling III vs Glenn Inferno

Rey Misterio Jr vs Blue Demon Jr

Second Round

Cesar Barron vs Dionicio Torres


The Mad Dog Vachon Conference

First Round

The White Ninja vs Stephen Richards

The Great Sasuke vs Lance Storm

Second Round

Juventud Guerrera vs Yoshihiro Asai


The remaining first round match-ups are scheduled to take place over the next two weeks, with the Second Round, Semi-Final match-ups taking place after Proving Ground. It is unclear at this time if any tournament matches will take place at the Pay Per View event.


-A press release from the AWA offices has confirmed that three huge Proving Ground Qualifying Matches will take place at this upcoming week's All-Star Wrestling, after which Team AWA will be in place. But before the two promotions collide at Proving Ground, they're going to have to work together. AWA Champion Bret Hart and TNA Wrestling's Sting, who have repeatedly stated respect for one another, have issued a challenge to their main rivals for this weeks episode. There has been no word yet as to whether or not TNA Champion Jeff Jarrett and AWA Number One Contender Scott Hall will accept the challenge but assuming they do, these are the announced matches for AWA All-Stars:


AWA World's Heavyweight Champion, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and Sting


TNA World Champion, Jeff Jarrett and Scott Hall




Proving Ground Qualifying Match

Rey Misterio Jr


'The American Nightmare' Dustin Rhodes




Proving Ground Qualifying Match

Scott 'Bam Bam' Bigelow


Ron Simmons




Proving Ground Qualifying Match

'Bam Bam' Terry Gordy


'The Silver King' Cesar Barron




Middleweight Title Tournament First Round Match

Stephen Richards


The White Ninja




Middleweight Title Tournament First Round Match

The Great Sasuke


Lance Storm


Also: Deprived on an opertunity to attempt to qualify for Team AWA, Terry Funk continues to try and climb his way up the AWA rankings. And more!


-Hector Blake reporting.

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(So I've been a bit behind, this AWA episode happens previous to the most recent TNA show. I don't think it comes into play... but just to be clear. Oh and as a result of it being super late it's rushed... again.)


Emanating LIVE from the North Star Colosseum in Minneapolis, Minnesota! In front of 9247 screaming fans it's...


The AWA presents All-Star Wrestling!


We kick things off with Lord Alfred Hayes and Dusty Rhodes in the introductory position.


LAH "Hello and welcome to All-Star Wrestling. I'm Lord Alfred Hayes and this here is the legendary Dusty Rhodes..."


Dusty 'That is correct. I am the one, the only American Dream. I am the man you do not want to wake up form."


LAH "Indeed, if those were words that you just uttered Dusty, I'm sure that they were wise ones."


Dusty "Thank you."


LAH "Tonight we have a doozy of a main event as AWA World Champion, Bret Hart teams with the brand new TNA World Champion Sting to take on the number one contender for the AWA title Scott Hall and former TNA top dog... Jeff Jarrett."


Dusty "But that is not all. Tonight we will find out who the final three members to join The Samoan Swat Team will be to comprise Team AWA as there will be three one on one qualifisifying match ups."


LAH "And that team will meet The TNA World Champion Sting, the man known only as Vader and three other members of the TNA Roster in a Proving Ground match. But now let's go to the ring."




Carlos Konnan, Yoshihiro Asai and The Internationals w/ Jim Cornette


Los Trapacistas and The New Guard



LAH "Los Trapacistas who have been looking for some measure of revenge against the Cornette Contingent will continue to get opportunities as they not only get Konnan, Asai and the number one contenders for the Tag Team Titles here tonight. But Juventud and Psichosis will meet Asai and The Silver King, respectively, in the second round of the Middleweight Title Tournament next month."


Hennig "And...?"


LAH "Pardon?"


Hennig "And you call yourself a journalist. And I have it on good authority that Konnan and Asai will team up to beat the tar out of Los Trapacistas at Proving Ground."


LAH "I hadn't heard about that."


Hennig "Well maybe that should tell you something about your job security."


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Carlos Konnan, Yoshihiro Asai and The Internationals defeated Los Trapacistas and The New Guard in 6:49 when one half of the number one contenders for the AWA Tag Team Titles, D. John Finlay, defeated Brian Lawler by pinfall.

Jim Cornette did some good work at ringside. Dusty Rhodes and Curt Hennig have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here are your winners: The Cornette Contingent!



LAH "A dominant display by the men who might be the next Tat Team Champions: The Internationals. As well as Barron and Asai."


Dusty "This next match should be fas-cis-inating. The business manager of Scott Bigelow and Terry Gordy: Stephen Richards, will step into the ring for the first time as he attempt to become the first ever middleweight champion."


LAH "And keep in mind, neither of his clients have held gold here in the AWA. What a story it would be if their manager held a title before either of them."



Mad Dog Vachon Conference, Middleweight Title Tournament Match

The White Ninja


Stephen Richards


At the start of the match a graphic is displayed showing the brackets for The Mad Dog Vachon Conference of the Middleweight Title Tournament:

The Mad Dog Vachon Conference

First Round

The White Ninja vs Stephen Richards

The Great Sasuke vs Lance Storm

Second Round

Juventud Guerrera vs Yoshihiro Asai


In an extremely short match that the crowd was red hot for, Stephen Richards defeated The White Ninja in 5:06 by pinfall with a Stevie Kick.

The White Ninja seemed off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here is your winner: Stephen Richards



One commercial assault later...


LAH "Welcome back, next up Terry Funk continues to attempt to fight his way up the ranks as he takes on the man that embodies wrestling... Mr Wrestling III.



Terry Funk


Mr Wrestling III



LAH "And I know that Terry Funk is deeply disappointed that he was not selected to even attempt to qualify for Team AWA at Proving Ground."


Hennig "And that is a disgrace. This vendetta that Verne Gagne holds against Terry Funk is going to bite us right in the behind! If Verne Gagne cared at all about the AWA he would put forward the best team he possibly could and mark my words: The best team we possibly can assemble is lead by that man: Terry Funk."


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Terry Funk defeated Mr Wrestling III in 5:43 by submission with a Spinning Toe Hold. Throughout the match Terry Funk seemed agitated and nervous, clutching at his greasy hair and sitting down to stew, which would allow his opponent an opportunity for a comeback, but ultimately it was not to be.

Dusty Rhodes and Curt Hennig have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The match was poorly placed on the show; the crowd were already pretty hot, so running a match designed to warm them up fell flat. Which is strange as the this match had a cold crowd. The performance of Terry Funk stood out as being good.

Here is you winner: Terry Funk!




Team AWA, Proving Ground Qualifying Match

'The Silver King' Cesar Barron w/ Jim Cornette


'Bam Bam' Terry Gordy w/ Stephen Richards



LAH "Two of your favourites going head to head here, Curt."


Hennig "These are definitely the type of men the AWA needs on our team for Proving Ground. What's a crime is that they both won't be included."


Dusty "Stephen Richards was triumpherant earlier in the night, moving on to the quarter finals of the Middleweight Title Tournament... it will be interesting to see if he can lead as well as he can compete himself here tonight."


Before the match actually began Richards and Cornette got face to face and had an argument as to who's man was the better of the two. Unable to decide they both grab mics and let he fans decided. First Cornette introduces The Monarch of Mexico who gets booed out of the building. Then Stephen Richards introduces Terry Gordy who is also booed to oblivion. Furious they both flip off the fans and the match finally gets underway. In a match that had some good action and started with a hot crowd that saw it's heat drop to average levels by the end, both men were hesitant to engage each other, but when they finally did it was Gordy who had the advantage most of the way. Despite this Cesar got a couple quick roll ups and was dismayed to find on the official distracted by Stephen Richards on what would appear to have had otherwise been the decisive one. Using the distraction, however, Jim Cornette slide Cesar Barron a steel chair. But when Cesar turned to use the weapon he found a fully recovered Terry Gordy who ripped the steel chair out of his hands and blasted the masked man in the gut. Unfortunately for Gordy, Richards, seeing the chair in play, dropped from the apron in hopes of having the official catch Barron in the act. Instead the official catches Gordy's assault on The Silver King and disqualifies him on the spot. Cesar Barron defeated Terry Gordy in 9:47 by disqualification.

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The crowd was hot for this one.

Here is your winner, and member of Team AWA: Cesar Barron!



LAH "That was absolute chaos at the end! But The Silver King is the next member of Team AWA!"


We got to commercial and when we return Dusty Rhodes is worried.


Dusty "So let me get this straight. Jim Cornette manages Cesar Barron."


Hennig "Yes."


Dusty "Who is on Team AWA."


Hennig "Are you concussed?"


Dusty "But he also manages Vader."


Hennig "How you don't choke to death trying to eat your own clothes I will never know."


Dusty "Vader is a member of Team TNA! Where do Jim Cornette's loyalties lie?"


LAH "That is a very good question, but up next we have our next Team AWA Qualifying Match.



Team AWA, Proving Ground Qualifying Match

'The American Nightmare' Dustin Rhodes


Rey Misterio Jr


In a bout that featured great action and a cold crowd who was brought back up to an average level of heat, Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Dustin Rhodes in 13:20 by pinfall with a roll up from behind while Dustin was busy threatening his father. Dustin Rhodes is furious... but he knows if he touches his father there will be severe consequences as per Verne Gagne so he skulks to the back.

The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here is your winner: Rey Misterio Jr!



Verne Gagne and The Samoan Swat Team bust into Jim Cornette and The Silver King and Vader's locker room. A confrontation evolves, strangely.


Basically Verne demands to know who's side Cornette is on. The AWA's (he points to Barron) or TNA Wrestling's (he points to Vader).


Jim Cornette points out that he doesn't have an exclusive contract with the AWA and he doesn't owe Verne Gagne any answers. But he can assure Verne that for Jim Cornette, Proving Ground is a no lose situation.


All four of the wrestlers break out into a choreographed dance depicting the inner feelings of Gagne and Cornette.


That's not true. I'm sorry.


The crowd was hot going in but the segment fell flat after the previous one.




Mad Dog Vachon Conference, Middleweight Title Tournament Match

Lance Storm


The Great Sasuke


At the start of the match a graphic is displayed showing the brackets for The Mad Dog Vachon Conference of the Middleweight Title Tournament:

The Mad Dog Vachon Conference

First Round

The Great Sasuke vs Lance Storm

Second Round

Juventud Guerrera vs Yoshihiro Asai

Stephen Richards vs ???


In an extremely short match, Lance Storm defeated The Great Sasuke in 4:39 by submission with a Single Leg Crab.

Dusty Rhodes and Curt Hennig have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here is your winner: Lance Storm!



We return from the wacky world of advertising in time for the final Proving Ground Qualifying Match


LAH "We now know that Team AWA will consist of The Samoan Swat Team, Rey Misterio Jr and his arch-rival 'The Silver King' Cesar Barron."


Dusty "And that Jim Cornette will be in the corner of both the AWA and TNA Wrestling... I don't like this one bit, Lord Alfred."


Hennig "Are you calling into question the loyalty and integrity of Jim Cornette? He would do anything for the AWA!"


LAH "He's partially responsible for this entire TNA Invasion in the first place!"


Hennig "Or maybe it was money. He'd do anything for money. Either way: A great man."



Semi-Main Event

Team AWA, Proving Ground Qualifying Match

Ron Simmons


Scott 'Bam Bam' Bigelow


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Scott Bigelow and Ron Simmons started off with a test of strength and exchanged power moves from there. As the match went on Ron Simmons began targeting the knee of Bigelow. After 15 minutes of action, the two battled to the outside where eventually Simmons would shoulder tackle Bigelow into the railing sending the big man down. Simmons then realized that the ten count was drawing near and went to head back to the ring, only to have a fan from the audience wrap a t-shirt around his throat! The official couldn't see what was keeping Simmons from returning to the ring so he continued his count. Scott Bigelow drew with Ron Simmons in 15:33 following a double count out. After the bell rang the fan climbed over the railing... still choking Ron...


LAH "That's no fan... that's your son! That's Dustin Rhodes!"


Hennig "Unable to stand by while the man who who stuck his nose in his family business take his spot in the biggest match in AWA history Dustin Rhodes takes matters into his own hands! And, might I suggest, takes out his frustrations after you cost him his match earlier with your never ending distractions! You caused this Dusty! This is great!"


This match lifted the crowd.

This match has been declared a draw!



Dustin Rhodes continues to choke out Ron Simmons in the isleway. Richards and Bigelow head to the back.


Dusty "Well, I've got news for my son."


Dusty throws his headset down and picks up a microphone. He's in the ring now.


Dusty "Dustin. Now Dustin you just hold off a minute!"


Dustin looks up at his father with frenzied eyes before renewing his choke on the downed Simmons.


Dusty "Now I know you blame me for your troubles and you blame Ron and you blame everybody but yourself. So son, I've got good news for you. We've been discusserating different scenarios backstage should you not qualify for Proving Ground. And as you cost that honourable man right there his rightful place on Team AWA... you're both free to face each other one more time, one on one at Proving Ground!" The fans cheer "And I know you complained about the circumstatances under which you were defeated by Ron at Once And For All..." More cheering "So to ensure that this match is called right down the middle there will be a special guest referee...





Dustin Rhodes drops Ron Simmons and stares up at his father in disbelief.


Hennig "What??? This is a travesty! How could they let this happen!? Dustin Rhodes has been screwed here by Verne Gagne and the AWA Matchmaking Committee!"


Dusty and Dustin stare one another down as we head to commercial.



The crowd is hot when we return. We're backstage with Mean Gene Okerlund and the AWA Tag Team Champions The Can-Am Foundation.


MGO asks Owen Hart how his wrist is healing. Owen says that he's confident he will be able to compete without the hard plastic cast any week now and when he does the tag team division had better watch out of a Can-Am Foundation operating at 100%.


MGO mentions that Owen's cast has made contact with a couple opponents over the past months and it seems to have given him a slight advantage. Owen disagrees. He brings up his losses to Scott Hall and Rey Misterio and Terry Funk. He says those are matches he would have won if he wasn't handicapped by this cast.


MGO asks Rick Steiner how his brother Scott is doing. Owen looks concerned and Rick talks about his recovery... until Larry Zbysko walks into the screen.


Zbyszko tells them that they shouldn't be worried about Scott Steiner or Rey Misterio or any of that jazz they're talking about because they are less than two weeks away from defending those titles, that they didn't earn, against The Internationals. And, quite frankly, Larry Z doesn't think they have what it takes to win that match.


Owen cuts into Zbyszko. Z starts to fire back when Terry Funk interrupts his interruption.


Z "What do you want, Terry?"


Funk worries at his hair. "Did you see that last match?"


Z "Of course I did. Can't you see I'm busy?" The CAF shake their heads and walk off. Hart give s a long hard look at the man who broke his wrist before being pulled away by Rick Steiner.


Funk "There's still a spot open on Team AWA." Funk looks up and into the future. "I can still be a hero."


Zbyszko sighs. "Ok. Look: I'll argue your case to the committee... and honestly their running out of candidates so... so you might get a chance. But, look, Terry try to stop thinking about this. You need to focus on working your way up the rankings."


Funk "Oh I am, Larry. I am... but when I finally get my shot at the title... it won't just be as number one contender... it will be as a hero."


MGO "Well this is stupid. Let's go back to you Lord Alfred."





Main Event

Inter-promotional Tag Team Match

AWA World's Heavyweight Champion, Bret Hart and TNA World's Heavyweight Champion, Sting


Scott Hall and TNA Wrestling's Jeff Jarrett


In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, both teams battled smart tag team matches until the 15 minute mark where things broke down. Scott Hall pulled Bret Hart off the ring apron to prevent a hot tag by Sting and the two battled over the barricade and into the crowd. This left legal men Sting and Jeff Jarrett to fight one on one in the ring until Jarrett missed with a charge into the corner and found himself the victim of a Scorpion Death Drop followed by Lock and tapped out at 18:16.

Dusty Rhodes and Curt Hennig have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. This match lifted the crowd. This match had a hot crowd.

Here are your winners: Bret Hart and TNA's Sting!



Meanwhile Scott Hall and Bret Hart battle into the crowd. They exchange right hands until Hall's size allows him to get the advantage on hart... he hits an inverted atomic drop and then levels Hart with a discus punch. He then gathers up Hart...


Dusty "No... he wouldn't..."




Hennig "This is great!"


LAH "What did he just do!"


Bret Hart is out. Hall stands over him. But then breaks and starts demanding something from the ring crew nearby. Someone get's him a microphone.


Hall "Hey yo..." Heat. "If you think... that your'e gonna be the hero? ...That you're gonna come back from this? ...and beat me?" Boooo. "Then you've got another one of these coming." Hall smirks. Someone throws a cup of fries at him. Hall threatens to strike the fans and they scatter. "Oh. And Mr A... W... A World Champion... I have a message for you T... N... A..." Smirk. Boo. "The third member of Team T... N... A... will be just... too... sweeeeeeet!"


The fans boo as the announcers speculate...


Hennig "Wait does he mean?"


Dusty "God have mercy on the collective soul of the AWA if that man becomes our world Champion.


LAH "We're out of time... please visit the AWA Bulletin Board System for updates on Bret Hart's condition... until next time this is Lord Alfred Hayes saying, so long!"

Bret Hart looked good. Scott Hall underperformed. The crowd was hot but this segment fell flat after the last one.



Overall Rating B-

There was a feeling that a number of angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Editor's Note: I'm still behind in my write ups, so please remember that this card happens before the most recent WWF one... and for continuity reasons, perhaps more relevantly, the TNA vs AWA ppv.


Emanating LIVE from the North Star Colosseum in Minneapolis, Minnesota! In front of 8456 screaming fans it's...


The AWA presents All-Star Wrestling


We begins as always with Lord Alfred Hayes and Dusty Rhodes at the introductory position in front of the ring.


LAH "Hello Ladies and gentlemen, we are only four days away from Proving Ground where the AWA Champion will take on the man, who in my eyes, is a traitor to the AWA in Scott Hall."


Dusty "That is right. Scott Hall only cares about one man. One man and no organization. Mark my words indeed."


LAH "Also the AWA represented by The Samoan Swat Team, the amazing Rey Misterio Jr and 'The Silver King' Cesar Barron, as well as a yet to be named member, will fight for the pride of the AWA against Sting, Kevin Nash, the man known as Vader as well as, we have just been informed, the veteran Tito Santana and the massive One... Man... Gang!"


Dusty "Jim Cornette will be at ringside for that match I am told. But the question will be! ...Lord Afred, the question will be if he will be there to assist Cesar Barron and the AWA or Vader and TNA Wrestling.


LAH "But tonight's main even will be all AWA. As Bret Hart and his brother Owen, now World and Tag Champions, reunite to take on the Miracle Violence Connexion! Let's take it to the ring."




One Half of the AWA Tag Team Champions, Rick Steiner


Yoshihiro Asai w/ Jim Cornette



Dusty "And there is that snake now, James E Cornette."


Hennig "What is wrong with you tonight? Jim Cornette has one of his men representing the AWA at Proving Ground. One of his best men, in The Monarch of Mexico: Cesar Barron!"


Dusty "Yes, and he also has Vader representing T... N... A."


Hennig "Well he's a business man... I can't begrudge him hedging his bets... and let's talk about how smart Jim Cornette is. He has options other people don't have: Look at this, he has The Internationals: Perry Saturn and D. John Finlay going up against the Can-Am Foundation in four day. Everybody else would be watch tapes and talking to former opponents. I'm sure he's doing all that too, but he has arranged a match between one of them, Rick Steiner, and one of his men so that he can get a front row seat and get a good long look at Steiner's game."


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Rick Steiner defeated Yoshihiro Asai in 7:54 by camel clutch.

The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here is your winner: Rick Steiner!



Verne Gagne is backstage filing paperwork. AWA stock prices shoot through the roof. Dustin Rhodes storms in.


Dustin demands to know how it has come about that his father Dusty Rhodes is going to be allowed to be a referee for his match at Proving Ground. Everyone knows his father resents him. His father has made his life a living hell ever since the AWA restarted. Dustin wants out of the match and if Verne doesn't do it then he will make Verne's life... a nightmare.


Before Verne can address his concerns Terry Funk bursts in. Verne visibly slumps in his chair, defeated.


Funk tugs at his greasy hair, trying to sounds as appeasing as possible. He even calls Verne "sir". Rhodes is disgusted. Funk points out that there is still one spot open on Team AWA... still a chance he can make the cut... still a chance that he can be... a hero.


Verne snaps his fingers until Funk stops staring up and too the left. Presumably at his bright and glorious future.


Verne says fine. He's running out of options so fine. He's going to give them both a chance to get what they want, but they have to earn it. They're going to have a match tonight, if Dustin wins he's out of his match with Simmons and onto Team AWA. If funk wins... he gets he's shot to be a hero... but if Ron Simmons wins Simmons is in Team AWA and Dustin v Ron is still on.


The announcers excitedly explain that that means there will be a triple threat tonight.




Pat O'Connor Conference, Middleweight Title Tournament Match

Glenn Inferno


Mr Wrestling III


At the start of the match a graphic is displayed showing the brackets for The Mad Dog Vachon Conference of the Middleweight Title Tournament:


The Pat O'Connor Conference

First Round

Mr Wrestling III vs Glenn Inferno

Rey Misterio Jr vs Blue Demon Jr

Second Round

Cesar Barron vs Dionicio Torres


In an extremely short match, Glenn Inferno defeated Mr Wrestling III in 5:30 by pinfall with The Last Dance.

Glenn Inferno and Mr Wrestling III just don't click at all, and it showed in their performances. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The crowd was hot, but this match brought their mood down.

Here is your winner: Glenn Inferno!



We go to commercials in the hopes that you forget the last match and when we return...



The Internationals w/ Jim Cornette


The New Guard



LAH "I see a lot of potential in Chavo Guerrero II and Brian Lawler. Two second generation wrestlers, actually Chavo is a third generation competitor and once they get their chemistry down they could be a real force to be reckoned with."


Hennig "Tell it like it is, they have no chance here tonight against the men who will be tag team champions in four short days: Jim Cornette's Internationals."


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Internationals defeated The New Guard in 5:35 when D. John Finlay defeated Brian Lawler by pinfall.

Jim Cornette did some good work at ringside. Chavo Guerrero II seemed off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here are your winners: The Internationals!




The Samoan Swat Team and Cesar Barron w/ Jim Cornette


Los Trapacistas and Lance Storm



LAH "Verne Gagne, perhaps concerned about cohesion on Team AWA, has asked that these three members work a match here tonight and see if they can't develop some chemistry. The fourth member of the team, Rey Misterio, was unable to participate as he has a Middleweight Title Tournament Match later tonight."


Hennig "You see? Putting himself before the team. Mark my words. If the AWA loses it will be because of Rey Misterio and his selfish attitude."


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Samula Anoa'i, Solafa Fatu Lua and Cesar Barron defeated Juventud Guerrera, Dionicio Torres and Lance Storm in 8:24 when Cesar Barron defeated Juventud Guerrera, sneaking in a blind tag after the Samoans hit a double savat kick to steal the pinfall. The Swat Team seem to feel slighted, but ultimate accept it as Barron parades around cheering, "I did it!"

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here are your winners: The Samoan Swat Team and Cesar Barron!




Pat O'Connor Conference, Middleweight Title Tournament Match

Blue Demon Jr


Rey Misterio Jr


At the start of the match a graphic is displayed showing the brackets for The Mad Dog Vachon Conference of the Middleweight Title Tournament:


The Pat O'Connor Conference

First Round

Rey Misterio Jr vs Blue Demon Jr

Second Round

Cesar Barron vs Dionicio Torres

Glenn Inferno vs ???


LAH "Blue Demon Jr one of the man vaulted international stars who have traveled the world to take part in this tournament to crown the first ever Middleweight Champion."


Hennig "And I was talking to him before the show, I speak a little Spanish."


Dusty "You absolut-i-ly do not."


Hennig "Of course I do. Taco. Burrito."


LAH "You're a disgrace to this profession."


Hennig "Quesadilla."


Dusty "When is the next commercial break... I have an inspiration."


Hennig "As I was saying, Blue Demon Jr told me that he knew Rey in Mexico and if he was part of Team AWA he would be very worried. He said Rey was always putting himself before his team mates. They have these six man matches over there, and Rey wouldn't do them. He's too selfish to share the lime light with anyone else."


LAH "That is slander. What you are saying is totally untrue."


Hennig "I didn't say it. I'm just telling you what Blue Demon said. And it's translated from Spanish. No way it would hold up in court."


In an extremely short match, Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Blue Demon Jr. in 4:46 by pinfall with a Springboard Huracarrana.

The crowd was cold but the colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here is your winner: Rey Misterio Jr!



We fall into the commercial trap, but when we climb back out we find ourselves backstage where Mean Gene Okerlund is standing by with The Samoan Swat Team, Rey Misterio Jr, Cesar Barron and Jim Cornette... Team AWA.


MGO "First of all congratulations on all your victories tonight. Things look good going into Proving Ground for the AWA."


Cornette "Well that's right. And how could they not when 'The Silver King' Cesar Barron is the team captain? So as long as you three carcasses can carry your weight, we're gonna be fine!"


The Swat Team take exception to this and menace Cornette who hides behind Barron. Barron puffs out his chest, but seems ready to flee at any moment.


MGO "Which brings up the question... where do your loyalties lie, Mr Cornette? With Cesar Barron and the AWA or with Vader and TNA Wrestling?"


Cornette "Look, I'm on the up and up. I'm going to help my client do everything he can to win-"


He is interrupted by Terry Funk who bursts onto the set clutching his stringy hair and apologizing for the interruption. They all look disgusted. Funk tells them how happy he is that they'll be team-mates and that they don't have to worry about him one iota. He's on the up and up. And that he will be... their hero.


They all leave awkwardly as he stares up and to the left.


Terry Funk came across well. This segment fell flat in juxtaposition to the last one.




Scott Hall


D'Lo Brown


In an extremely short match, the number one contender for the AWA World's Heavyweight Championship, Scott Hall defeated D'Lo Brown in 4:40 by pinfall with a Razor's Edge.


LAH "A dominant display by Big Scott Hall!"


Dusty Rhodes and Curt Hennig have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here is your winner: Scott Hall!



We cut to the back where Gene Okerlund is standing by with AWA World Champion, Bret 'The Hitman" Hart. It takes a full thirty seconds for the cheers to die down.


MGO "Bret Hart, it is four days until you have to defend your World's Heavyweight Championship against Scott Hall. A man who, along with Terry Funk, has made your life miserable here in the AWA. What are your thoughts at this time."


Hart "You know what? He has. He has made my life miserable. He and his creepy friend Terry Funk. They broke my brother's wrist. Then bent the rules of the AWA to take advantage of his disability. They've hounded me, interfered in my matches, bad mouthed me to the fans and to the AWA matchmaking committee. And then last week Scott Hall attacked me. After our match was over, because he still has never pinned me or made me submit in a wrestling match here in the AWA. Nobody has. But after our match was over, he used that move of his that he calls the Razor's Edge. If you've been watching the program you just saw it used on poor D'Lo. Well he hit me with that on a bare concrete floor. Now, I don't know if you've ever fallen on concrete before, but if you've ever tripped or fallen on cement then you know that it's no joke, even without at a 6'6" monster driving you into it. What that move does is it drives your shoulders and neck into the ground, with the rest of your body weight all focused on that relatively small area. If he catches you real good, you can hit the back of your head and your out, you could have a concussion. Well, luckily that didn't happen to me, but he hit me good enough that my right shoulder and my neck that I didn't get out of bed the next day. And I wasn't medically cleared to wrestle until this morning."


MGO "Are you 100%?"


Hart "If I said I was there wouldn't be a person in this building that would believe me. But I'm good enough to compete. And I'm good enough to be the hell out of that piece of trash Scott Hall at proving ground."


MGO "AWA World's Heavyweight Champion, Bret Hart. Back to you Lord Alfred."


The crowd was cold but this segment lifted them.




Team AWA Qualifying Match

'The American Nightmare' Dustin Rhodes


Terry Funk


Ron Simmons



LAH "This match will be elimination rules. So to win, you need to beat all your opponents. The winner will be the final member of Team AWA along with The Samoan Swat Team along with Rey Misterio Jr and along with Cesar Barron. Both of whom have advanced to the second round of the Middleweight Title Tournament."


Hennig "And the reason this is so important is the level of competition on the other side. The TNA World Champion Sting. The monstrous Vader who nearly destroyed the entire AWA roster in one night, including our beloved World Champion Bret Hart. Seven foot tall Kevin Nash. The wily veteran Tito Santana and the massive One Man Gang! Whoever wins this is going to have their work cut out for them, Alf."


LAH "Would you please refrain from referring to me as Alf?"


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Terry Funk, Dustin Rhodes and Ron Simmons started off tentatively. It was fairly even for the first few minutes until Rhodes and Funk teamed up and began to dominate the match, attempting to eliminate Ron Simmons. Simmons however would not stay down. And the two villains tried increasingly devastating moves but found themselves in the midst of a come back as Simmons fired punches at both men driving them to the edges of the ring. That's when Terry Funk charged...



and was caught with a spinebuster!


And a huge Dominator! The move was a so powerful that that Funk bounced off his back, onto his head and flopped down into an upside down a tangle in the corner. Dustin struck from behind sending Simmons to the floor. Dustin shot a nasty look to his father before sending Simmons into the metal guard rail. And again! He took Simmons up the entry way and set him up for a pile driver on the cement floor...


Dusty "No. No he wouldn't do this..."


Back body drop by Simmons! Dustin Rhodes lands back first on the concrete. Screaming in agony.


Dusty "Oh thank god."


Hennig "Your own son is sent back first onto a concrete floor and you say 'Oh thank god'? You disgust me!"


And that's how the official completed his count. With Dustin writhing on the floor. And Ron Simmons leaning against the metal barricade holding his back.


Terry Funk defeated Dustin Rhodes and Ron Simmons in 15:37 when both men were counted out. The ref lifts Terry's arm while Terry still lays tangled upside and unconscious in the ropes.

This match lifted the crowd.

Here is your winner: Terry Funk!



Hennig "Terry Funk has done it! He might not know it now, but he will get his chance to be a hero!"


Dusty "It seems that the fate of the AWA and the fate of Terry Funk are intertwined... oh no!"


Ron Simmons is heading to the back and Dusty pulls himself to his feet. He's eye down Simmons. The fans are trying to warn Ron. He looks around. Asks the fans and turns... into a hard shot by Rhodes. Rhodes fires away driving Simmons back against the railing. He sends Simmons across into the metal! And again! Simmons slumps and Rhodes gathers him up... he's going for the pile driver!


Dusty "OK! Stop! Stop it, my son!"


Dustin looks up at Dusty, mesmerized with anger.


Dusty "Look, Dustin, I do not expect you to listen to me... I do not expect you to listen to reason... but I know what it is that you want. And this is not it, Dustin Rhodes." Cheers "You want to prove yourself. You want to prove yourself to me. To Ron Simmons. To these wonderful people. And to the AWA. I know what you want Dustin. You want to be a champion." A negative reaction at that idea. "But this is not going to help you do it. If you can do this very thing that you are attempting to do... if you can do it in the ring... that will help you. If you can defeat Ron Simmons, not only in that ring but with a referee... my very self... who is perceived as being prejudiced against you, although I assure you that simply is not true, then, Dustin... then you will be taken seriously. Then you will be a contender... but first, you must face adversity..."


Dustin Rhodes stares blankly at his father... considering his words. He pushes Simmons to the ground. He points at Ron as he walks off saying that Ron Simmons will suffer that fate... just not now... but at Proving Ground.


Dusty Rhodes looked good but this segment fell flat after that match.



We cut backstage where Bret Hart is taping up his wrists.


LAH "World's Heavyweight Champion Bret Hart is next!"




The Hart Foundation


Miracle Violence Connexion w/ Stephen Richards


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, it started with Richards insisting that Owen Hart had a foreign object in his cast. While the official checked it, the Bam Bams attacked Bret Hart and the match began! MCV dominated Bret for the first eight minutes before he finally made the hot tag to Owen and both Gordy and Bigelow bailed from the ring complaining of the cast.


LAH "Scott Bigelow knows that cast very well as he was struck with it during a tag team title match at at Once And For All... and he claims that he was knocked out by it."


Hennig "Of course he was. That thing is a dangerous weapon and that's why if it comes in contact with any competitor the official is to call for an immediate disqualification."


Gordy jumped Owen from behind while Scott pretended to get into the ring. And The Connexion went back to their dominating ways. Eventually Owen was able to mount enough offense to get back to tag Bret at the 14 minute mark and the brothers were able to work together to dump Bigelow from the ring. Gordy missed a big shoulder in the corner that sent him into the ring post and Bret was able to capitalize with a series of moves ending in the Sharpshooter. Terry Gordy tapped out at 15:54.

Bret Hart looked good out there. This match lifted the crowd. The crowd was burnt out by the end of this match.

Here are your winners: The Hart Foundation!



As Bret and Owen celebrate in the ring with their championships, Scott Hall walks out into the entryway. He sneers down at Bret, who holds his championship up high and eyes down his opponent.



Overall Rating B-

There was a feeling that a number of angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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actually I think the tension between father and son is going quite well. As special referee, will Dusty turn heel and help his son? Will he show his true Ame-hi-can Dweam colors and lay down the law if his son cheats - thus setting up Dustin to attack him (I can see Dustin wanting to reconcile "having seen the light" and ask for a hug - but that touching moment shattered by a chainshot) and an eventual match. the ultimate swerve is that Dusty calls it down the middle and we have a clean match (year right, and Hunter was really thinking about stripping the WWE title from either Punk or Cena on Raw)
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The World Wrestling Analyst.


The announced card for AWA's Proving Ground:


AWA World's Heavyweight Title Match

Bret 'The Hitman' Hart ©


Scott Hall




Ron Simmons


'The American Nightmare' Dustin Rhodes


With special guest referee, and father of Dustin Rhodes, 'The American Dream' Dusty Rhodes!




Proving Ground Match


Team AWA

Rey Misterio Jr, Cesar Barron, The Samoan Swat Team and Terry Funk


Team TNA

Sting, Kevin Nash, Vader, One Man Gang and Tito Santana




AWA Tag Team Title Match

The Can-Am Foundation ©


The Internationals w/ Jim Cornette




Los Trapacistas


Carlos Konnan and Yoshihiro Asai w/ Jim Cornette


Plus Miracle Violence Connexion, Lance Storm and more!


-Hector Blake reporting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Emanating LIVE from the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado! In front of an AWA record 18,007 screaming fans it's...


AWA's Proving Ground part I


LAH "Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to what truly will be AWA's Proving Ground, hot off the heels of the most talked about wrestling event of the four corner's era: TNA vs AWA, the rubber match will take place here tonight.


Dusty "That is correct as both the AWA and our most heated rivals TNA Wrestling walked away from that event with four wins a piece. Tonight it will five of TNA's top competitors against five of the AWA's finest."


Los Trapacistas music hits and Juvi and Psichosis step from the back.



Los Trapacistas


Carlos Konnan and 'The Ultimo Dragon' Yoshihiro Asai w/ Jim Cornette



Once in the ring Konnan skulks out flanked by The Dragon and Jim Cornette.


LAH "And we are joined at this time by the man who represented the AWA in the commentary position at that historic event: Curt Hennig."


Hennig "That's right, and let me tell you something: The pay over at TNA is something special. I've really come around to seeing Jim Cornette's point of view on this. That is a smart, smart man."


Dusty "Is that all that this is about to you? Is this only about money? That's low, brother. The AWA is the best wrestling on the expansative face of the earth. And all that it takes for you to start singing the praises of another organization is a little grease in your palm. That's low."


Hennig "Do you work here for free? That's what I thought."


LAH "Los Trapacistas have been trying to get some semblance of revenge against The Cornette Contingent ever since they were brutalized in Vader's first appearance. On top of this contest they are slated to meet Asai and Cesar Barron respectively in the second round of the Middle Weight Title Tournament to take place over the following weeks."


Hennig "And how successful have they been?"


LAH "Well... not very, thus far."


Hennig "That's right, I don't expect that to change."


Dusty "Well what are or are not your expectations are quite frankly irreleveloent. You see there is a reason that men and women step into that ring and wrestle and do not ask you, baby, expect. And the most important matches of this conflict are yet to occur... the matches where gold, baby, gold... is on the line."


Hennig "Please stop calling me baby."


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Los Trap started out like ahouse of fire, but eventually were slowed down by Konnan. Some good teamwork by Ulitmo and Konnan lead was finally undone by a hot tag to Psichosis who cleaned house but when he tagged back to Juventud, Ultimo hit him from behind. Juvi took out Asai but got caught in a small package by Carlos Konnan for the pin at 14:52. Immediately after the pinfall Carlos bailed from the ring and collected Asai and Cornette and the baddies retreated up the ramp to the back, with Juvi and Psichosis staring them down in the ring.

Dusty Rhodes and Curt Hennig have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here are you winners: Carlos Konnan and Yoshiro Asai!



Mean Gene Okerlund is backstage alone.


MGO "Hello ladies and gentlemen we're awaiting the arrival of Jim Cornette, who manages both 'The Silver King' Cesar Barron of Team AWA and the man known only as Vader of Team TNA, to see if he has any insight on either team's strategy going into this massive matchup.


Cornette walks into the scene congratulating his charges. Konnan and Asai can be seen walking off in the background. Cornette cuts Okerlund off before he can ask a question.


Cornette "Did you see that? Did you see what the two of the greatest wrestlers today just did to those two little Chihuahuas? Carlos Konnan and 'The Ultimo Dragon' Yoshihiro Asai are two of the greatest wrestlers in the business today!"


MGO "Well you sure got out of the ringside area fast enough..."


Cornette "Of course! I'm a busy man!"


MGO "Indeed you are, in fact you are managing men on both sides of the Proving Ground Match tonight between the AWA and TNA Wrestling... and we were wondering, Jim Cornette, do you have any insight into how each team is preparing."


Cornette "No! I don't! And first of all if I did I wouldn't tell you and all these peabrained, zombified mid-westerners out there. But I don't have any insight Mean Gene. And it's not because of my men Vader or Cesar Barron. It's their idiotic 'teammates' that have banned me from not just one, but both of the locker rooms! I have no idea what's going on!"


MGO "Is this, perhaps, a sign that your influence with your clients is waning?"


Cornette "No it is not you balanced breakfast looking midget! My men have complete faith in me and they are deeply distressed that I have been banned from the locker rooms, let me tell you. Let me tell you something, if there was a way that both teams could lose, this is how they would do it. Banning me from their strategy sessions. It's like your arms and legs told your brain they didn't need it anymore, although in your case that probably wouldn't make much of a difference. Now if you'll excuse me The Internationals have a big match coming up tonight and we need to get ready to win us some championships."


And with the Jim Cornette walks off.


MGO "Back to you, Lord Alfred, at ringside."




AWA World Tag Team Championship Match

The Can-Am Foundation ©


The Ineternationals w/ Jim Cornette


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, these two teams battled back and forth using frequent tags and a variety of holds and submission maneuverings. The end came when Owen Hart missed a splash in the corner and got caught up with the ref, knocking him out. In came Jim Cornette with his Tennis Rack who snuck up behind Rick Steiner in the corner, who was pounding on D. John Finlay. Owen disposed of Perry Saturn to the outside and then came up behind Cornette for the save. Cornette turned around slowly and seeing Owen, dropped his tennis racket and began pleading. Hearing the comotion Rick Steiner turned to completely surround Jim Cornette.


At that point Finlay reached out from the corner and delivered an inverted DDT to Steiner! Owen, having made Cornette beg enough, swings with his hard plastic cast



Cornette ducks! Owen nails Finlay as he returns to his feet! Finlay sways for a moment before collapsing to the canvas! Cornette high tails it out of the ring... Owen gives chase as the official begins to stir. Rick Steiner comes to and sees Finlay laid out. He drapes an arm over his downed opponent as the official counts to three at 19:31.

The Can-Am Foundation make defence number 3 of their AWA World Tag Team Championship titles. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here are your winners and STILL AWA World Tag Team Champions: Rick Steiner and Owen Hart, The Can-Am Foundation!



We cut to the back where Mean Gene Okerlund is standing by with TNA World Champion Sting, Kevin Nash, the man known only as Vader, the One Man Gang and Tito Santana: Team TNA!


Mean Gene asks them what their plans are tonight. Sting says that they may not all get along, they may not all like each other, hell, they may all want to beat the hell out of one another, but they'll have plenty of time to do that after they prove TNA's dominance tonight!


Kevin Nash adds that he's spoken to Scott Hall and he and Scott might just have a surprise for everyone at the end of the show.


Mean Gene demands to know what that might be but Big Kev just smirks and pats Gene on the head.


Boy does Vader look mean.




D'Lo Brown


Lance Storm



LAH "What did Kevin Nash mean by that?"


Dusty "I think that it is obvious, is it not?"


Hennig "What are you prattling on about?"


Dusty "Scott Hall is going to defect to TNA with our World's Heavyweight Championship."


Hennig "No. I'm serious. I have no idea what you're saying."


LAH "I find it hard to believe that even Scott Hall would stoop to that."


Dusty "Who was the first maaaan, to cross over to TNA Wrestling? Who was the one, along with Jim Cornette, who brought these TNA miscreants into our home? Think about it, baby, if Scott Hall wins tonight it will be hard times for the AWA."


Hennig "Does anyone else have a sense of deja vu? I feel like we've just seen this angle before..."


Dusty "I once had the most delectable deja vu in this little diner in Louisiana with plum sauce..."


Meanwhile, in a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat , Lance Storm defeated D'Lo Brown in 9:41 by submission with a Single Leg Crab.

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match benefited from a hot crowd going in, if not by the end.

Here is your winner: Lance Storm!



And we go back to the backstage area where Mean Gene is standing by with Team AWA: Terry Funk, Cesar Barron, The Samoan Swat Team and the TNA X Division Champion... Rey Misterio Jr!


MGO asks them if they can really trust Cesar Barron tonight what with his connection to Jim Cornette and the problems that he's had with Rey Misterio. Terry Funk is quick to quell that idea. Terry puts over The Swat Team as monsters, Cesar Barron as one of the most well bred wrestler's he's ever met who would doesn't know the meaning of the word selfishness. He puts over Rey Misterio's winning of the TNA X Division Championship at TNA vs AWA and he assures us that even if every one of them were to somehow fall... that he: Terry Funk will save the AWA. And he will become...


A hero.


He looks up at the future, wringing his greasy hair as the rest of the team slowly walks off awkwardly.


Mean Gene tells us that match is next.




Proving Ground Match

Team TNA

Tito Santana, One Man Gang, Kevin Nash, Vader and TNA Champion, Sting


Team AWA

The Samoan Swat Team, 'The Silver King' Cesar Barron, Terry Funk and TNA X Division Champion, Rey Misterio Jr


A brief explanation of the rules:

The ring will be surrounded by a steel cage.

Two men will start.

Every five minutes a man from each team will emerge from their team's lockerroom entrance and enter the cage.

The order of entry will be determined by the team captains: For TNA, Sting. For the AWA, Rey Misterio Jr.

If any wrestler is pinned by a member of the opposing team, or is forced to submit, they are eliminated.

Eliminations can occur at anytime once a wrestler has made their entrance

Victory is achieved when all members of one team have been eliminated.


LAH "Welcome to a first for the AWA and first for wrestling as a whole... AWA's inaugural Proving Ground match. And there couldn't be more on the line as the AWA goes head to head with their biggest rival: TNA Wrestling."


Dusty "That is correct, Lord Alfred. AWA vs TNA ended in a draw with 4 victories a piece. And tonight we find out, once and for all, who the better organizization is, brother."


Hennig "And I want to say it is a travesty that Rey Misterio was named the captain of Team AWA by Verne Gagne. When you have a man the calibre of Cesar Barron on your team, you make him your leader."


LAH "If you can trust him. It would seem that his loyalty to the AWA is brought into question through his alliance with Vader's manager: Jim Cornette."


Dusty "And Rey Misterio went over there to TNA Wrestling and he not only brought us back a victory at TNA vs AWA... but he brought us back a title, brother. Rey Misterio deserves to be captain."


TNA's first competitor is introduced as... TNA World Champion, Sting!


LAH "I must admit a show of class here, but TNA's World Champion, as the Stinger volunteering himself to potentially spend the most time in direct combat and take most of the punishment."


Hennig "A show of stupidity. What is it going to do to his team if they see their captain and champion go down early in this match up? I think the odds just went up for the AWA."


With Sting in the ring, proudly displaying the TNA World Title, we now find out who Rey Misterio chose to start things off for the American Wrestling Association:



'The Silver King' Cesar Barron!


Hennig "This is exactly what I'm talking about! Rey Misterio should never have been made captain! He's let his personal feelings get in the way of good strategy! He's thrown Cesar Barron to the wolves!"


The Monarch of Mexico does not look pleased to be starting this match up, and he stalls for some time, yelling at the crowd, before entering the cage. Jim Cornette is no where to be seen.


Sting and Barron start with some chain wrestling, which leads to each man trying to throw the other into the cage but both men avoiding the blow in a series of ways. Eventually sting gets control with an armbar and rides out the first five minutes.


Now entering the arena from the AWA entrance: Samula Anoa'i!


Now entering the arena from the TNA entrance: Tito Santana!


Sanata rushes to the ring and enters first as Samula stocks to the ring at a methodical pace. By the time the Samoan gets there Sting and and Tito are bouncing Barron back and forth from punch to punch. But when the big man arrives he makes an impact as Sting turns right into a thrust chop!


Samula beats away on Sting as Tito sends Cesar into the ropes... back body drop!


No! Sunset Flip!











Eliminated: Tito Santana by Cesar Barron at 6:25!


LAH "It's now 2 on 1 for the AWA!"


The AWA crowd pops as the official tries to get a surprised Santana out of the ring. Barron immediately up and joins Samula in attacking Sting. They try several pin attempts but can't keep the painted one down and Sting is able to last the second five minute stretch until...


Now entering the arena from the AWA entrance: Solafa Fatu Lua!


Now entering the arena from the TNA entrance: One Man Gang!


Dusty "So much for strategy being thrown out the window the only tag team in this match are now in the ring together, baby!"


Neither man rushes to the ring. Well maybe One Man Gang is rushing. It's hard to tell. Meanwhile Sting starts to fight back against Samula and Barron, only to have Cesar dropkick the back of his knee sending him to the mat!


OMG and Solafa enter the ring... they stare one another down... and begin exchanging big right hands! OMG gets the advantage but the other Swat Team member breaks away from kicking sting and The SST go to work on the One Man Gang!


Double Savat Kick! Spinebuster! Headbutt off the top rope! Meanwhile Sting begins to fight back against Cesar Barron! He has The Silver King reeling...


The Samoan Swat Team hit a double DDT on the One Man Gang!


Solafa covers!





Sting sends Barron in to the steel cage!




Sting leaps for the save!


Hard knee by Samula Anoa'i drives Sting to the mat before he can make it to his teammate!



Eliminated: The One Man Gang by Solafa Fatu Lua at 13:14!


LAH "Dear God it's 3 on 1! It has been complete domination so far by Team AWA!"


Hennig "Rey Misterio is a genius! I saw it right from the beginning! You lead with your best foot, and then put your best chemistry workers together immediately afterwards. See? Aren't you glad I suggested to Verne that Rey would excel as AWA captain."


Sting backs into corner as the now emboldened Cesar Barron slowly closes in on him, a Swat Team member on either side. There is a bit of blood dribbling out from one of the eye holes in The Silver King's mask and it makes him look far more menacing than he has previously come across. Sting holds off as long as he can before they're apon him.


But Sting takes the fight to them. Right hand to Solafa! Right hand to Samula! The Silver King with a hard forearm and Sting is driven back into the corner. Barron now directing traffic: He is demanding the Swat Team break Sting. Fatu and Anoa'i get into Barron's face.


LAH "It does not appear the Samoan Swat Team liked Barron's tone!"


Hennig "What is wrong with those two? He's not the enemy!"


This buys Sting some precious seconds as the clock winds down:


Now entering the arena from the AWA entrance: Team Captain, and TNA X Division Champion: Rey Misterio Jr!


Now entering the arena from the TNA entrance: Kevin Nash!


Nash steps out nonchalantly and poses for the crowd. By comparison Rey Misterio is to the cage almost faster the officials can open his door. Rey slips in between the ring ropes and the steel mesh and runs along the apron...


He pulls himself up by the cage and ropes just as he reaches the corner where Sting is trying to collect himself...


And delivers a lightning fast kick to the side of Sting's head!


LAH "Wow!"


Dusty "That is why he is the captain of Team AWA! What a kick, brother!"


Rey slips into the ring and shoves Barron and points to Sting. The Swat Team begin to stomp away on Sting Rey joins them but Barron holds back...


Barron waves them away!


LAH "I think Cesar Barron is done taking orders! He might be going home!"


The Silver King turns to leave the cage...


and walks straight into a big boot by Kevin Nash!


Nash has finally sauntered it to the ring and just floors Barron. Samula sees him, charges...


Big forearm floors the Samoan! Solafa now turns to face Nash. He slaps his chest. Three big strides...


Right into a big knee by Nash! Nash sends Solafa Fatu head first into the cage... Rey is on the top rope! He dives at Nash! Caught! Nash throws Rey Misterio head first into the steel enclosure as well!


LAH "Kevin Nash has just cleared house! It's a 4 on 2 advantage for the AWA but you wouldn't know it to see the ring now!"


Sting is laying beaten in the corner. Misterio and Fatu are downed from the cage. Cesar Barron has dragged himself to a corner, leaving a thin trail of blood, which is still leaking out from beneath his mask. Samula Anoa'i is to his feet... Hard chop to Nash! Another! Samula sends Nash into the ropes...




Big Boot! It hits in the chest of Samula and it staggers him back against the ropes but doesn't knock him down... Nash takes two huge strides forward...


Another Boot sending the side of Samula's face into the steel cage! Samula stumbles to the center of the ring, dazed. Boot to the gut...


Jacknife Powerbomb! The pin...











Eliminated: Samula Anoa'i by Kevin Nash at 19:10!


Rey and Solafa make the save just a little too late! They begin to fire away on the back of Nash. Sting drags himself to his feet... he stumbles forward to make the save on Nash...


High Flipping Dropkick by Cesar Baron sends Sting right back to the turnbuckle! Barron lays into Sting in the corner! Solafa Fatu and Rey Misterio kick away at a downed Nash as Samula Anoa'i is escorted from the ring. And that is the scene when the final entrants make their appearance:


Now entering the arena from the AWA entrance: Terry Funk!


Now entering the arena from the TNA entrance:




LAH "And the monster Vader has entered the fray. But the AWA still holds a 4 on 3 advantage!"


Vader stalks to the ring while Terry Funk rushes forward then stops getting distracted by some fans who he feels the need to yell at. Funk only makes a few steps forward before there are a few other fans who need haranguing. Meanwhile Vader methodically stomps to the ring. By the time he arrives Sting is slumped in the corner with Cesar Barron over him yelling into his face. Meanwhile Solafa Fatu is attempting for a cover on Nash after a he had held Nash down for Misterio to deliver a splash off the top rope.





Rey sees Vader.




He doesn't know what to do.




Rey charges...


Low dropkick to the knee!


No! Vader just swatted him out of the air! Ray up to his feet quick!


But Vader has him against the throat...


Vader throws Rey Misterio across the ring and into the steel cage with one hand! Rey smashes into the steel and drops to the apron, tangled in the ropes. Terry Funk is still outside the ring jawing with the fans. Solafa up now. He slaps his chest...


Savat kick to Vader!


NO SELL! Now it's Vader's turn to slap his chest! Solafa Fatu off the ropes...


He runs right into a huge palm strike by Vader! Solafa staggers backwards into a corner.


Vader Attack! Fatu stumbles out of the corner... boot to the gut...


Powerbomb! Terry Funk steps up on the steel ring steps, still looking back at the people in attendance, abusing them. Vader to the corner...


Funk finally turns his attention to the ring...\







Funk looks terrified.





He just stands there frozen.




Eliminated: Solafa Fatu Lua by Vader at 22:18!


Funk backs down the stairs.


Dusty "What in the name of all hell is Terry Funk doing???"


LAH "It is now 3 on 3... the AWA have lost their advantage... but it's only 3 on 3 if Terry Funk actually gets into the ring!"


Vader sees Funk and approaches the open door as Funk backs away... Vader is standing at the entrance to the cage, beckoning Terry Funk...


Funk looks up at Vader...


And runs.


Terry Funk runs around the cage to where there is no door as fast as he can holding himself ready to run in whatever direction from which Vader doesn't come.


Meanwhile Jim Cornette has made his way from the back, entering from the AWA locker room, and Cesar Barron has missed all of this as he is gloating over a beaten TNA Champion in the corner. Barron turns in a moment of glory and finds himself across the ring, looking into the eyes of Vader.


Hennig "And now we find out if there was any strategizing between Jim Cornette's TNA and AWA counterparts."


LAH "Neither man has shown any signs of intending to betray their team in this contest as both men have struck a blow to the other side. Cesar Barron eliminating Tito Santana and Vader, just now, pinning Solafa Fatu Lua."


Dusty "Our fate rests in the hands of Cesar Barron, I tell you... after that coward Terry Funk up and ran, we cannot take another betrayal."


Barron and Vader walk up face to face... Jim Cornette outside the cage is holding up his arms...


and Cesar Barron sticks out his hand!!!


Dusty "That sum-of-a..."


Vader takes it!


Cornette is jumping up and down with happiness!


AND CLOTHESLINES HIM TO HELL! Vader quickly gathers up Barron...


Cornette is stunned.


CHOKESLAM! and a pin...





Jim Cornette turns around so he doesn't have to see it.







Eliminated: Cesar Barron by Vader at 24:52!


Funk from behind with a chair! Vader arches his back as he reels from the blow! Terry Funk had slipped into the ring with a steel chair in hand during the pinfall! The crowd is behind Terry Funk! Funk with another chairshot to the back of Vader who drops to one knee...


A Third Chairshot brings Vader to the ground!



Big Boot by Kevin Nash out of nowhere!


Ducked by Funk!!


Funk is behind Nash, he drives the steel chair into the knee of Kevin Nash! Big Kev crumples.


LAH "Kevin Nash is hurt."


Funk lifts up the chair and brings it down on Nash's knee, not once, not twice, not three times but four. Funk slaps on the spinning toe hold...


And Kevin Nash has no choice but to tap out!


Eliminated: Kevin Nash by Terry Funk at 25:46!


Hennig "He did it he's going to be a hero! The AWA has tied it up!"


Dusty "By hiding outside the cage until an oper-a-tunity presented it's self? That is no here, brother."


Vader is back to his feet... Funk with the chair...


He hits Vader on his right side!


He hits Vader on his left side!


Vader is swaying...


Terry Funk brings the chair down on the head of Vader! Big Van drops to his knees! Funk places the chair on the floor... the crowd is fully behind him...


DDT onto the steel chair! The pin!











Eliminated: Vader by Terry Funk at 27:05!


LAH "Terry Funk is doing it... you may not agree with how... but Terry Funk has brought the AWA within one pinfall of winning it all!"


Hennig "And it's still 2 on 1!"


Rey Misterio dragging himself to his feet. Terry Funk turns with his chair towards the TNA Champion Sting...


Who pulls himself to his feet and starts firing right hands! Terry funk is reeling! A big right hand by Sting causes Funk to drop the chair! Funk is up against the ropes... hard chop by Sting! Rey off the opposite ropes...


Big Dropick to the back of Sting's head!


No! Sting ducks! Rey connects to the face of Terry Funk! Driving his head back against the steel cage! Funk stumbles to the center of the ring and Sting roles him up in a small package!









Rey makes the save!


No! Too late says the referee!


Eliminated: Terry Funk by Sting at 28:02!


LAH "And we're down to the two team captains! TNA X Division Champion, Rey Misterio and TNA World Champion, Sting!"


Terry Funk sits up stunned. He is bleeding from the back of his head. The official is trying to get him out of the ring.


Hennig "Rey Misterio just cost Terry Funk this match! Rey Misterio my have just cost the AWA this match! And Rey Misterio has just cost Terry Funk his chance to be a hero!"


Funk gets up despondently and walks towards the door. He looks back, filled with sadness. Rey Misterio is using the ropes to drag himself to his feet.


Terry Funk rushes back into the ring and Grabs Re Misterio by the pants and mask and throws him head first into the cage!




He grabs Rey and sends him head first into the cage again! Funk if freaking out. Screaming at the fans. Screaming at the ref. Screaming at Rey Misterio. He grabs Rey once more and sends him shoulder first into the ring post! We have two more officials in the ring now trying to get Funk out...


Funk throws one to the ground! Terry Funk knocks another down and unconscious...


Right hand from Sting! And another and Funk is reeling! Sting drives Funk back with punches...


A huge Right Hand send Terry Funk through the ropes, through the door and spills him to the outside where remaining official locks the door.


Dusty "Terry Funk has just betrayed the AWA! Terry Funk has let his own personal pride, own personal feeling destroy any chance the AWA has of winning this match!"


Sting turns back towards Rey who is cumpled on the floor.



And does nothing.


LAH "Sting- Sting is waiting... waiting for Rey to get to his feet."


Dusty "If I didn't know better... I'd say Sting seems to be cheer for Rey."


And indeed he is. Sting. TNA World Champion, and beat up and tired as he is, is encouraging the crowd to inspire Rey Misterio to his feet...


And it works.


Rey slowly drags himself to a standing position.


But it's only a shell.


Rey Misterio is standing. Barely, but he is standing. He isn't doing anything else. Arms limp by his side.


Sting looks at the ground. He looks at the fans. It is plain as day he doesn't want to do it like this, but he has no choice.


Sting grabs Rey by the mask...


Scorpion Death Drop.








Eliminated: Rey Misterio Jr by Sting at 30:54!


The Sole Man Proven Tonight: TNA World Champion, Sting!


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Sting, Vader, Kevin Nash, One Man Gang and Tito Santana defeated Terry Funk, Rey Misterio Jr., Cesar Barron and The Samoan Swat Team.


Here is your winner: TNA Wrestling!

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Terry Funk came out of the match looking good. Sting looked good out there. Vader came out of the match looking good.


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<p>And now, the longest running episodic pay per view episode in AWA History…</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AWA Proving Ground, Part II</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Hennig “Well that was long.”</p><p> </p><p>

LAH “I cannot believe it. I never actually thought…”</p><p> </p><p>

Dusty “Let me tell you something, brother. If Terry Funk thought he was in the AWA doghouse before… “</p><p> </p><p>

LAH “Well, the show must go on…”</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****************************************</p><p>

Miracle Violence Connexion w/ Stephen Richards</p><p>


The New Guard </p><p>

*****************************************</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

LAH “Brian Lawler and Chavo Guerrero II, second and third generation wrestlers respectively, are a relatively new tag team here in the AWA. And they have there work cut out for them tonight against the big, mean Miracle Violence Connexion.”</p><p>

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Miracle Violence Connexion defeated The New Guard in 10:29 when Terry Gordy defeated Chavo Guerrero II by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver. MVC were in control for the vast majority of the match and looked decisive in their victory.</p><p>

<em>Stephen Richards did some good work at ringside. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. </em></p><p>

<strong>Here are your winners: Scott Bigelow and Terry Gordy, Miracle Violence Connexion!</strong></p><p><strong>

D+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We cut to the back where Larry Zbyzsko is standing by with the number one contender Scott Hall.</p><p> </p><p>

Larry thanks the fans and waits for them to stop applauding him even though, they aren’t doing that.</p><p> </p><p>

Z “Thank you, Thank you. Obviously right now the environment backstage here at AWA Proving Ground is ominous. Quite frankly, I don’t think a lot of the locker room expected for TNA to walk out beaten us. Having embarrassed us. On our own pay per view. In front of our own fans.” </p><p> </p><p>

Booing.</p><p> </p><p>

Z “But I did.” The booing grows louder. “I did because the man behind the entire situation was unfit to lead. Because this concept, this team was faulty. The captain was wrong.” Boo! “The strategy was wrong. And ultimately Verne Gagne was wrong. About all of it.” Boo! “And this Wednesday we will begin to repair the AWA, and we will begin to do that with the removal of Verne Gagne as the owner of the AWA.”</p><p> </p><p>

The fans don’t like this idea. Or at least don’t like the idea of the alternative.</p><p> </p><p>

Z “But that change won’t begin on Wednesday. It begins tonight… with the removal of Bret Hart as Champion.” Now there’s booing. Clear and loud. “In a lot of ways Bret Hart is Verne Gagne’s champion. Not the AWA’s. He’s been sheltered, by Gagne. Protected. He’s been given every opportunity while others have had to scrape and scrounge for even a chance at the title. Not to mention he’s as dull and as lifeless as Gagne himself. He symbolizes everything that is wrong with the AWA, and everything that is wrong with Verne Gagne’s ownership. But all that changes tonight as a man with AWA roots, through and through, a man who men want to be and women want to be with, a man’s man, my man, the AWA’s man, Scott Hall takes the AWA World’s Heavyweight Title.</p><p> </p><p>

Hall smirks and leans forward, “Tonight… say goodbye… to Bret… Hart. Say goodbye… to the A… W… A… Title. And say hello…” There’s a twinkle in his eye, “To the bad guy.”</p><p> </p><p>

It seems like the promo is over but then Terry Funk burst onto the screen, clutching his hair.</p><p> </p><p>

Funk “Did you see that? Scott? Larry? Did you see what he did to me? That little punk... that stinky, slimey little bastard... what he did to me? He cost me my chance... my chance to be... a hero. He cost us! The AWA... You saw that didn’t you...”</p><p> </p><p>

Z “Ok, ok Terry... this isn’t the time. Here... let’s go talk about this in private... we may have to do some damage control...”</p><p> </p><p>

And with that Larry Zbyzsko walks off with Terry Funk, leaving Scott Hall to head off on his own.</p><p>

<strong>C+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Dusty “Well pardon me, gentlemen, I have some officiating to do.”</p><p> </p><p>

Dusty Rhodes stands up to a huge pop and enters the ring. He removes his shirt to reveal a referee uniform and the crowd pops again as Ron Simmon’s music plays.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*******************************************************</p><p>

Ron Simmons</p><p>


‘The American Nightmare’ Dustin Rhodes</p><p>

With Special Guest Referee: ‘The American Dream’ Dusty Rhodes</p><p>

*******************************************************</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

LAH “We are still in shock here tonight... it is so difficult to believe that TNA has won here tonight at Proving Ground.”</p><p> </p><p>

Hennig “And this night is still not over, Hayes. Scott Hall may very well take our World Title and walk to TNA Wrestling... Damn that sounds familiar... where have I see this before...”</p><p> </p><p>

LAH “I thought you were under the impression that he would simply not do that.”</p><p> </p><p>

Hennig “Listen up Hayes... after what TNA has shown here tonight, everyone on this roster has to be wondering if they’re in the right place.”</p><p> </p><p>

LAH “I cannot believe you would say that.”</p><p> </p><p>

Hennig “When the going gets tough, you best get going with the toughest.”</p><p> </p><p>

Next out is Dustin Rhodes. The American Nightmare too heat. He makes his way straight to the ring and immediately gets in the face of his father. We can’t hear what he’s saying, but we can be sure it isn’t nice.</p><p> </p><p>

Dusty Rhodes jaws back... And Dustin ****s his arm to strike his dad! But Simmons grabs Dustin’s arm! Dustin looks back to see Ron Simmons, grim as concrete, shaking his head no.</p><p> </p><p>

Dustin rips his arm away and turns to face Simmons. He begins running his mouth at Ron...</p><p>



And Simmons just clocks him! Rhodes reels and Dusty calls for the bell! Simmons keeps on the attck with right hands, and Dustin reacts to each one like he’s been shot with a gun until a big haymaker sends Dustin through the ropes and to the outside! Simmons after him and he beats him along the outside, all the way around the ring. Rhodes bails back into the ring... Simmons follows...</p><p>


It’s a trap by Simmons who comes off the ropes with a kick... No! Simmons is in quicker than Dustin had expected and he bats his foot away... Huge clothesline by Simmons! Dustin bails to the outside and begins to stumble up the ramp to the outside! </p><p>


Dusty Rhodes rushes past his son and cuts him off!</p><p> </p><p>

Hennig “How did that cow of a man move that fast!?”</p><p> </p><p>

LAH “Dusty isn’t going to count out his son! He’s going to make sure he fights like a man!”</p><p> </p><p>

Dustin is furious... but sensing Simmons is behind him he turns...</p><p>


Right into a vicious forearm! Simmons drags Rhodes back to the ring and continues to beat the tar out of Rhodes until, in a moment of desperation The American Nightmare manages to dodge a forearm in the corner and capitalize on a stunned Simmons.</p><p> </p><p>

From there the match went back and forth in a wild brawl. Dusty seemed mostly impartial but wouldn’t accept a count out and let the two go outside the ring and into the crowd more than once without calling the match.</p><p> </p><p>

Eventually after several pin attempts Dustin grew frustrated with his inability to put Simmons away. Sure enough he went to the outside and got himself a chair. When he returned Dusty was there to stop him.</p><p>


Dustin thinks about it...</p><p>


Winds up...</p><p>


Dusty Rhodes with a boot to the gut of his own son... stoping him dead mid swing! The crowd pops!</p><p> </p><p>

Hennig “An official can’t put his hands on a competitor! What is he doing???”</p><p> </p><p>

Dusty rips the chair out of the doubled over Dustin’s hands... and throws it to the outside. Ron Simmons up...</p><p>


DDT on Rhodes! Simmons gathers up The American Nightmare...</p><p>


DOMINATOR! And a pin...</p><p>











3!!!</p><p> </p><p>

LAH “I think Dusty hesitated... he didn’t want to count the three!”</p><p> </p><p>

Hennig “He shouldn’t have counted the three! He blatantly interfered in the match up! This is a travesty.”</p><p> </p><p>

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Ron Simmons defeated Dustin Rhodes in 17:50 by pinfall.</p><p>

<em>The crowd was cold to start, but this match lifted them.</em></p><p>

<strong>Here is your winner: Ron Simmons!</strong></p><p><strong>

B</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Immediately following the match Dustin Rhodes rolled to the outside and headed to the back furious. Dusty Rhodes didn’t even stay to lift Ron Simmon’s hand. He simply returned to the commentator’s booth leaving Ron to celebrate alone.”</p><p> </p><p>

Hennig “Your’e a disgrace, Rhodes.”</p><p> </p><p>

Dusty “I did my job, brother. Right down the middle. Let’s go to the back, I do not want to talk about this.”</p><p> </p><p>

Hennig “Dusty Rhodes doesn’t want to talk. Right.”</p><p> </p><p>

We cut to the back where Mean Gene Okerlund is standing by with AWA World’s Heavyweight Champion, Bret Hart.</p><p> </p><p>

MGO tells Bret that in a just a few moments he’ll be facing Scott Hall with his World’s Heavyweight Title on the line.</p><p> </p><p>

Bret says he understands and appreciates it. He also understands how big and strong Scott Hall is and how hard he hits. He understands that Scott Hall can wrestle to, if he decides it’s beneficial and he’s heard the rumors. He’s heard that Scott Hall is in good with TNA scum like Jeff Jarrett. Boooo. And Kevin Nash. Boooo! And he knows that if he, Bret Hart, allows Scott Hall to take the title tonight, then there’s a chance that Scott Hall will turn around and break his contract with the AWA and walk right back into TNA Wrestling... just like he did a month and a half ago. But this time as the AWA World’s Heavyweight Champion.</p><p> </p><p>

Bret also knows that Scott Hall and Terry Funk broke his brother’s wrist. He also knows that they have made his life hell since day one of the Four Corners era. And Bret Hart knows that Terry Funk just cost the AWA it’s pride in the Proving Ground match earlier tonight and he <em>doesn’t</em> know that that wasn’t on purpose...</p><p>


So yeah. Bret Hart knows this is big. And that’s when Bret Hart is at his best.</p><p>

<em>This segment lifted the crowd.</em></p><p>

<strong>B+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>**********************************</p><p>

AWA World’s Heavyweight Title Match</p><p>

Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart ©</p><p>


Scott Hall</p><p>


In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Scott hall and Bret Hart starting things off with some holds and reversals that predictably came out with Bret on the better end. But Hall stuck by his guns and eventually managed to get Bret into a series of holds, holding his own against the champion on the mat.</p><p> </p><p>

But you can’t be Bret Hart that way, and it became obvious why as Hall ended up in a compromising position more and more as we moved towards the 10:00 mark. So when Hall dumped Bret Hart to the outside, he made not mistake and took full advantage.</p><p> </p><p>

Hall layed into Bret with heavy blows. Sent the champion into the ring steps. Short irish whip into the steel guard rail! Short Irish whip back into the ring steps again! <em>And back into the guard rail!</em> <strong>Back into the steps once more!</strong> And Hall loomed over Hart as he slumped to the ground.</p><p> </p><p>

From there it was all Hall. Scott Hall deliberately took Bret Hart apart piece by piece the way that Hart is known to do. Working over Bret’s back with abdominal stretches, fallaway slams, forearms and camel clutches. Every time Bret would fight back, he’d meet a hard right hand or a boot to the face.</p><p> </p><p>

As we neared the 20:00 mark Bret began his comeback. But even so it was halted and really served to even things up more than anything, culminating in the two exchanging near falls off role ups and power moves. Going back and forth, each coming within moments of victory until Bret went for the sharpshooter...</p><p>


<em><strong>Scott Hall with a small package!</strong></em></p><p>









3!!!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>NO!</strong> Bret kicks out! Bret holds onto Hall’s leg from the kickout! Bret crosses Hall’s legs and sits back...</p><p>


Seamlessly transitioning into the Sharpshooter!</p><p>



Hall reaching for the ropes...</p><p>



The official asking him...</p><p>



Scott Hall taps out at 22:26!</p><p> </p><p>

LAH “He’s done it! Bret Hart has retained his AWA World’s Heavyweight Title!”</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Bret Hart makes defence number 5 of his AWA World's Heavyweight Championship title. This match lifted the crowd.</em></p><p>

<strong>Here is your winner and </strong><strong><em>STILL</em></strong><strong> AWA World’s Heavyweight Champion: Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart!</strong></p><p><strong>

A</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Bret Hart is handed the World Championship and he climbs the turnbuckle and poses for the crowd as Lord Alfred Hayes says goodbye and wishes us all luck in the new year.</p><p>

<strong>B+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Overall Rating: B</strong></p>

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The World Wrestling Analyst.


News and Notes from around the AWA and the world of wrestling.


First AWA news.


-There is a general feeling backstage that the TNA vs AWA storyline helped TNA's brand a significant amount more than it helped the AWA. But company officials are trying not to dwell on this perception and instead move forward. Sources say the AWA brass are confident in the line ups for their next three pay per views.


-On the topic of the TNA crossover. One thing which was hushed up during the angle, for political reasons, but is now being openly talked about, Vader put off people backstage with his attitude just as much as he impressed them with his in ring work. The situation came to a head in week four of December, where Vader was backstage, but ultimately not used. While going over the show Vader felt that Lord Alfred Hayes had not put him over in previous episodes significantly enough. When Hayes said he did not see a problem with the way he had called Vader's segments Vader menaced the retired wrestling turned announcer, and ultimate shoved him off his chair onto the ground. Vader was ejected from the meeting and ultimately fined by Rick Savant and Verne Gagne.


-The monthly AWA scouting reports came in with high praise for Ron Simmons, Cesar Barron and the Samoan Swat Team. All of whom were said to be making strides at improving in key areas that could make all of them bigger players for the company. All was not rosey however, as the scouting reports were very negative on Masato Tanaka, who portrays The White Ninja, Jinsei Shinzaki and Chris Kanyon who management feels are showing no signs of wanting to move up the ladder.


-There is concern backstage about the contract situation with a number of the AWA wrestlers. With rumours circulating that Owen Hart and Curt Hennig are going to stay on with the AWA past the invasion angle, AWA's exclusivity of roster following the draft is slowly being eroded. There is growing concern as to what will come of the company if Bret Hart is not able to be resigned to a written contract when his current deal is up.


-In ratings news AWA's Proving Ground tied the top buyrate for the company set with Regenesis at .91 and set an all time attendance record for the company at 18,007. All-Star Wrestling's new TV deal paid immediate dividends as it brought in it's best overall ratings yet in the month of December.


This includes the December week 2 episode which featured a new high water mark of 3.58 for the program. This also means that the AWA has a new highest drawing main event: The fatal fourway for the number one contendership between Scott Hall, Rey Misterio Jr, Ron Simmons and Scott 'Bam Bam' Bigelow. It is interesting to note that the AWA's highest drawing television main event of all time did not feature their champion, Bret Hart.




It is worth noting, however, that WCW Main Event has, in it's short existence, beat the WWF in the ratings in 3 of the 4 weeks that it has aired. Time will tell if that pace can be maintained.


-In the broader picture the ratings war between the top four companies seems to be drawing closer as both the WWF and WCW's flagship shows saw drop offs and the AWA and TNA steadily gained. TNA however was mostly making up lost ground from their initial ratings.




-Dr X has opened up a new promotion in West Central Mexico named Grupo Internacional Revolucion. We'll all be keeping an eye on IWRG as time goes on.


-And finally the end of year award have been announced with the AWA cleaning up.


-AWA World's Heavyweight Champion, Bret Hart was named wrestler of the year, listed as number 1 on the Top 100.


-Terry Funk was named Veteran Wrestler of the Year, listed as number 5 overall on the top 100.


-Terry Funk vs Bret Hart, non-title, on AWA All-Star Wrestling was named the match of the year. You can bet with that news more people than ever will be tuning in to AWA programing as they might just see the best wrestling of the year for free.


-Although not an AWA event, TNA vs AWA was named the card of the year. It featured TNA facing off against AWA talent.


-Other winners included NJPW's Hiroyoshi Tenzan winning Young Wrestler of the Year and Akira Hokuto winning Female Wrestler of the Year. Hokuto competed for CMLL, JWP and AJW throughout the year.


-The following is a list of AWA wrestlers who placed on the Top 100. There were thee AWA wrestlers in the Top 10, which is more than any other North American company, and trailed only AJPW, who had 4. In total there were 17 representatives of the AWA in the top 100.


1 - Bret 'The Hitman' Hart

3 - Scott Hall

5 - Terry Funk

13 - Ron Simmons

23 - Owen Hart

43 - Rey Misterio Jr

44 - 'The American Nightmare' Dustin Rhodes

50 - Rick Steiner

52 - Scott 'Bam Bam' Bigelow

54 - Scott Steiner

55 - Perry Saturn

59 - 'Bam Bam' Terry Gordy

61 - D. John Finlay

79 - 'The Silver King' Cesar Barron

92 - Dionicio 'Psichosis' Torres

95 - Juventud Guerrera

98 - Lance Storm


-Hector Blake Reporting.

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The World Wrestling Analyst.


-The following is the announced line up for this upcoming AWA All Star Wrestling:


AWA World's Heavyweight Champion, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and the AWA World Tag Team Champions, The Can-Am Foundation


The Cornette Contingent w/ Jim Cornette




Middleweight Title Tournament

Pat O'Connor Conference Semi-Final Match

Stephen Richards


Lance Storm




Middleweight Title Tournament

Mad Dog Vachon Conference Semi-Final Match

Juventud Guerrera


'The Ultimo Dragon' Yoshihiro Asai w/ Jim Cornette




Proving Ground rematch

Miracle Violence Connexion w/ Stephen Richards


The New Guard




In his official AWA debut:

One Man Gang


Dionicio 'Psichosis' Torres


PLUS A new number one contender will be revealed, The Samoan Swat Team will be in action and more!


-Hector Blake reporting.

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Coming to you LIVE in front of 8,467 screaming fans in the North Star Colosseum, in Minneapolis, Minnesota it’s…


The AWA presents All-Star Wrestling


We begin with the ringing of the bell as Scott “Bam Bam” Bigelow steps from behind the curtain looking mean as hell. He is followed closely by a wild eyed “Bam Bam” Terry Gordy and a confident looking Stephen Richards.



Miracle Violence Connexion w/ Stephen Richards


The New Guard



LAH “Welcome to AWA’s All Star Wrestling, Chavo Guerrero II and Brian Lawler are already in the ring as we await a rematch from what was a soul wrenching night this past Sunday at Proving Ground.”


Dusty “It was a night that none of us will forget for some time, brother.”


Hennig “Especially not your son Dustin Rhodes as you finally showed exactly how selfish you truly are and counted your own son’s shoulder’s to the mat.”


Dusty “You listen here fancy man! I wanted my own flesh and blood to be victorious with every fibre of my be-ing. But I wanted him to do it the right way, brother. Like a man. And he when he went for that chair… he left me no choice. Sometimes it takes tough love to bring a

man to see the light, brother. But he will, I know that he will.”


LAH “And of course, as I’m sure you all know by now, the Proving Ground match came down to Terry Funk and Rey Misterio against TNA Champion Sting… But we’ve got a match right now!”


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Miracle Violence Connexion smashed The New Guard for 10:29 before Scott Bigelow pinned Brian Lawler after a Double Spinebuster. Bigelow roared at the crowd menacingly while the ref counted to fall.


LAH “Another decisive victory for Bigelow and Gordy. I feel for whomever ends up in the ring with them next.”


Stephen Richards did some good work at ringside. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost

Here are your winners: Terry Gordy and Scot Bigelow, Miracle Violence Connexion!



As The New Guard are helped to the back Verne Gagne makes his way to the ring looking serious and without fanfare. He congratulates TNA Wrestling on their victory at Proving Ground, but he says this loss doesn’t reflect poorly on the AWA. It reflects poorly on only one man...



Terry Funk.


Verne demands that Terry Funk come into this ring right now and face him. Because it’s time for Terry Funk to face the consequences of his actions, and it’s time for Verne to do what’s right of the AWA. Addition by subtraction.


Hennig “He doesn’t mean...”


Verne waits and before long Terry Funk steps out from the back looking pensive. Worrying at his hair. But the trepidation slips from his features as Larry Zbyszko steps from the back and accompanies him to the ring.


Dusty “What in the depths is he doing here?”


LAH “Well Larry Zbyszko said at Proving Ground that he was going to begin to repair the AWA starting tonight on All-Star Wrestling.”


Z and Funk join Verne Gagne in the ring. Gange begins by telling Larry Z that he’s making a mistake. Larry explains to Verne that he would trust Gagne’s opinion a whole lot more if it wasn’t for the fact that Gagne has made mistake after mistake after mistake ever since the AWA opened.


Gagne scoffs at this. He says business is booming, Gagne points the finger at Z and accuses him of facilitating the appearance of TNA Wrestlers which ultimately lead to the embarrassment of the AWA at Proving Ground. And now Zbyszko is continuing that mistake if he thinks he’s going to save Terry Funk’s job.


Larry Z doesn’t think he’s going to save Terry Funk’s job. He’s already saved it. In fact he’s not just saved Terry Funk’s job... but he’s returning him to the Main Event. Where he belongs. Because tonight will be headlined by Funk and Scott Hall vs Rey Misterio and Ron Simmons. Z says that you’re damn right he’s responsible for TNA crossing over with the AWA. And thanks to him all eyes are now on AWA wrestling. He says TNA vs AWA was named the best PPV of the year... only, that match didn’t happen on our turf did it? That event didn’t bring us nearly any money, did it? No. And why was that? Because Verne Gagne didn’t want to hold that event. Because Verne Gange wanted to risk it all in one match. A Proving Ground match. And Verne Gagne wanted to make up Team AWA the way he wanted it. It wasn’t Team AWA: It was Team Gagne that lost at Proving Ground. It was Verne Gagne that named Rey Misterio as captain and it was Verne Gagne’s captain that kicked Terry Funk in the face causing him to be eliminated... and ultimately for Team Gagne to lose.


Gagne is furious. If Terry Funk had been a man, if Terry Funk had taken one for the team, Rey Misterio still would have beaten Sting. Gagne is sure of it. It was Terry Funk that cost the AWA the match... not Verne. What Zbyszko is saying is absurd.


Z “Well the committee doesn’t think so.”


Gagne “What?”


Terry Funk is smiling as Zbyszko explains, “That’s right the Match Making Committee feels that there is too much power in the hands of one man. And as such it has seen fit to expand it’s own powers... and reduce yours... for the good of the company.”


Gagne “They’re making a power grab!”


Z “No. I am.” Booo! “The Match Making Committee has not only increased it’s own powers, but has given me the title of On Sight Committee Representative. And I am here now to, in person, execute the will of the committee and... and only in dire circumstances I assure you... make decisions on it’s behalf should rapid decision making be necessary.” Boooo! “Since you have proven completely inadequate to do so.”


Gagne “You son of a bitch! You set me up!”


Z “So this is what’s going to happen. The committee has selected someone who they believe should be the number one contender. Someone who has never received a World Title shot. But The Committee believe in earning your opportunities, and also want to prove that your decision making prowess is... questionable, at best. So you are to select a Verne Gagne approved challenger, who has never received a World’s Title shot, and our two contestants will go at it next week with the winner to face Bret Hart for the title at All Roads To Ruin!”


Terry Funk takes the microphone. He thanks Larry Zbyszko. And he tells Verne that he’s not mad that Gagne tried to fire him. Terry Funk understands that Gagne is just suffering from... misplaced anger. Who Verne is really mad at... is Rey Misterio. The fans pop for Rey.


Funk “But don’t worry, Verne... I will avenge the AWA. You see... I can still be a hero. All I have to do is make Rey Misterio pay for what he did to the AWA, and what he did to me, at Proving Ground.”


And with that Z and Funk head to the back. With Gagne fuming.



We go to commercial and return for a match.



Dionicio ‘Psicosis’ Torres


One Man Gang



LAH “Dionicio Torres has had some success, advancing to the second round of the Middleweight Title Tournament... and he will face Cesar Barron, of the Cornette Contingent with which Torres has had problems as of late, in a second round match up next week.”


Dusty “This is true, baby. But he will have to compete well out of the middleweight division tonight as he faces a Gang of a Man.”


In an extremely short match which benefited from a hot crowd, Dionicio Torres defeated One Man Gang in 4:56 by pinfall with a fast roll up.


Hennig “I can’t believe it.”


Dusty “What an upset here tonight! It is fantastical, baby! Yeah!”

Dusty Rhodes and Curt Hennig have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The announcing quality lifted the match.

Here is your winner: Dionicio Torres!




Mad Dog Vachon Conference, Middleweight Title Tournament Match

Stephen Richards


Lance Storm


The Mad Dog Vachon Conference

Second Round

Stephen Richards vs Lance Storm

Juventud Guerrera vs Yoshihiro Asai


LAH “Stephen Richards, who refers to himself as the World’s Sexiest Intellectual, may very well get his hands on championship gold before the men who pay him for his managerial servies.”


Hennig “You saw how dominate they looked tonight, and at Proving Ground... it is only a matter of time before they get their hands on some gold.”


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Lance Storm defeated Stephen Richards in 7:58 by submission with a Single Leg Crab.

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The match was poorly placed on the show; the crowd were already pretty hot, so running a match designed to warm them up fell flat.

Here is your winner: Lance Storm!



LAH “An impressive effort here tonight by Lance Storm who advances to the Mad Dog Vachon Conference Finals!”


We go to commercial and when we return it’s...



‘The American Nightmare’ Dustin Rhodes


Mr Wrestling III


In an extremely short match, Dustin Rhodes doesn’t look at his father once, while Dusty maintains that he didn’t want to count his son’s shoulders to the mat. He just didn’t want his son to win like a coward at Proving Ground. Mr Wrestling III doesn’t get a single offensive move in 5:06 and then is defeated by pinfall with a Curtain Call.

Dusty Rhodes and Curt Hennig have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Well executed squash.

Here is your winner: Dustin Rhodes!



Dustin calls for a microphone and, still without looking at him once, asks his father to join him in the ring. Dusty says he doesn’t think that is wise. Dustin says that Dusty has his word that he will not hit him. He will not lay a hand on him. Dustin sits down in the corner of the ring, he says “See? I won’t lay a finger on you.”


Dusty gets a microphone himself and assures his son that he isn’t afraid of Dustin Rhodes or anybody else laying a finger on him. He reminds his son that he is Dusty Rhodes. Former world champion. “I’m the baddest of the bad, baby.” And Dusty enters the ring. Immediately Dustin stands up. Dusty starts back but Dustin stops him, saying:


“What? I thought you weren’t afraid? Don’t worry though... I meant it I’m not going to touch you. But I wanted to ask you into this ring so that I could tell you why I’m not going to beat the living hell out of you, like I want to. After everything you’ve done to me... not just over the past few months... but over my entire life!” Boo! “After everything you’ve done to me I want to tear that stupid cowboy hat off your head and beat you bloody but I’m not. I’m not going to beat you within an inch of your life...”


He pauses. Takes a deep breath.


“Because I’m going to do that to you at All Roads To Ruin. On Pay Per View. And I’m going to do it in a wrestling match sanctioned by the AWA.”


LAH “WHAT??? Dusty Rhodes is not an active competitor!”


Hennig “This is great, Hayes!”


Dustin explains that he approached Larry Zbyszko after he heard about his expanded powers. And he Zbyszko to him that this is exactly the kind of match that Verne Gagne would never be creative enough to come up with. That the match making committee would love. Dustin explains that Dusty Rhodes is an AWA employee and if the AWA feel the need to adjust his job description... well that’s just the way that it goes.


Dusty “I will not do that, my son. I will not fight my own flesh and blood.”


Dustin “Well that’s no problem... because as far as I am concerned... you are not my father.” Booooo! “And after All Roads To Ruin you will not be able to walk under your own power.”

Dustin Rhodes underperformed. This segment lifted the crowd.



We go to commercial.


LAH “Well that was just creepy.”


Dusty “This is not set in stone. I will find a way out of this, mark my words, brother.”


Hennig “You’re a coward.”



Mad Dog Vachon Conference, Middleweight Title Tournament Match

Juventud Guerrera


‘The Ultimo Dragon’ Yoshihiro Asai


The Mad Dog Vachon Conference

Second Round

Juventud Guerrera vs Yoshihiro Asai

Conference Finals

Lance Storm vs ???


LAH “And now the second semi-final match to the Mad Dog Vachon Conference of the Middleweight Title Tournament... and a chance for Juventud Guerrera to really cost Jim Cornette and his Contingent a valuable opportunity to bring gold into their circle.”


Hennig “And more importantly to move towards putting gold around his own waist. But that doesn’t look very likely. How man wins have Los Trapacistas gotten over The Contingent? That’s what I thought.”


LAH “Well we don’t know the outcome till we have the match... and the winner will go on to face Lance Storm in the Conference Finals.”


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Juventud Guerrera defeated Yoshihiro Asai in 8:03 by pinfall with a quick cradle.

The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here is your winner: Juventud Guerrera!



Hennig “What??”


LAH “That has to be considered an upset! Juventud Guerrera finally bests one of Cornette’s wrestlers and is now two wins away from being the first ever AWA Middleweight Champion!”



The Samoan Swat Team


Jinsei Shinzaki and Glenn Inferno


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Samoan Swat Team defeated Jinsei Shinzaki and Glenn Inferno in 7:28 when Samula Anoa'i defeated Jinsei Shinzaki by pinfall with a Double Savat Kick.

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The crowd was hot for this one, but the squash job kind of killed it.

Here are you winners: The Samoan Swat Team!



LAH “An impressive display! The Can Am Foundation have to be watching very closely as there are a number of teams who look dangerous at the moment!”


Speaking of the Can-Am Foundation, Gene Okerlund is backstage with them now, and also with a gentleman by the name of Bret Hart.


The three of them talk about how they’re going to be facing three guys who know each other really well, and are all being directed by one mind: Jim Cornette. But the Harts and Steiner know each other pretty damn well too, and are confident that they will be victorious tonight.


Bret says he can’t speculate on who he thinks will be the next challenger for his title, but he’s prepared for anyone in the AWA. Even you , Mean Gene.


There’s a lot of gold on the screen and the World and Tag Champs are all in good spirits.


Okerlund asks Owen about his ‘inadvertent’ use of his plaster cast. He asks how the healing process is coming, and if Owen is concerned that some of those ‘accidental’ uses of the cast might be tarnishing his image.


Owen is shocked that Gene would ask such a question. First of all, there is no questioning Owen Hart’s reputation. He’s a champion. Secondly the healing process is going well, but he’s not going to lie, wrestling while injured has slowed the healing process some. It’s taking longer than anyone had expected. But he’s confident that soon he’ll be at 100% and then his career will take off!


Bret and Rick chime in that they know Owen and know he would never purposely take advantage of his cast.


Okerlund throws it to commercial.

Bret Hart looked good.


When we return it’s time for:



Semi-Main Event

AWA World’s Heavyweight Champion, Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart and AWA Tag Team Champions, The Can-Am Foundation


The Internationals and ‘The Silver King’ Cesar Barron w/ Jim Cornette


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Bret Hart and The Can-Am Foundation defeated Perry Saturn, D. John Finlay and Cesar Barron in 15:37 when Bret Hart defeated D. John Finlay by submission with a Sharpshooter. Throughout the match both teams demonstrated excellent teamwork. Both sides were definitely on the same page.

Jim Cornette did some good work at ringside. Cesar Barron and Jim Cornette are a good pairing, they play off each other well. Dusty Rhodes and Curt Hennig have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The performance of Bret Hart stood out as being good. This match lifted the crowd.

Here are you winners: Bret Hart and the Can-Am Foundation, Owen Hart and Rick Steiner!



LAH “We have just received word, ladies and gentlemen who the two competitors, next week in the number one contender’s match, will be.”


Dusty “It is a doozy, brother.”


LAH “This will be a very hard hitting match as Verne Gagne has chosen the man who defeated your son, Dusty, The All American Ron Simmons... to face The Committee’s selection...”


Dusty “And you know that Stephen Richards is responsible for this. He must have been lobbying the committee very hard, brother.”


LAH “Ron Simmons vs Scott ‘Bam Bam’ Bigelow. Next week. You don’t want to miss that.”



One last commercial before:



The Main Event

Scott Hall and Terry Funk


Rey Misterio Jr and Ron Simmons


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, all four men battled fiercely. With Funk targeting Misterio right off the bat will all kinds of cheap shots right off the bat. Eventually the baddies isolated Misterio and worked him down for a long time before the inevitable hot tag to Simmons who kicked some god damned ass. Badly. Ron Simmon delivered a devastating Spinebuster to Scott Hall on teh outside that Hall never got up from until the closing moments of the contest. He then whipped Terry Funk’s behind from pillar to post until...


Dusty “Is that... Is that Terry Gordy?”


LAH “Bam Bam Terry Gordy is making his way to the ring. The other half of Miracle Violence Connexion with Ron Simmon’s opponent next week: Scott Bigelow!”


Hennig “That’s going to be a fine.”


Simmons sees him and steps out of the ring. Simmons tells Gordy to get out of here before he gets his ass kicked. Terry Funk is trying to use the referee to crawl to his feet, blatantly distracting him...


Terry Gordy swings with a haymaker!


Blocked! Ron Simons beings firing away on Terry Gordy who attempts to run away, but Simmons is on him... Meanwhile, Rey rolls up Funk from behind!






Kickout! Rey off the ropes, Dropkick to Funk’s face! Rey with some face paced offense until Hall drags himself into the ring... Rey doesn’t see him...


Huge clothesline from behind! The official corrals Hall into the corner... and freaked out Funk dives to make the tag even though Rey is down and out. Hall in...


Razor’s Edge! The pin...







Funk and Hall defeated Rey Misterio Jr. and Ron Simmons in 16:04.

This match lifted the crowd.

Here are your winners: Terry Funk and Scott Hall!



Terry Funk leaps into the ring and begins savaging Rey Misterio! Hall is on him too with kicks. The official rings the bell again and again!


Dusty “We need to get some officials out here! Somebody needs to stop this.”


LAH “We’re receiving word that our officials are busy trying to break up the fight between Ron Simmons and Terry Gordy which is still going on throughout the backstage! ...And... something else as well...”


Hall holds Rey as Funk trash talks into his face and slaps him. The fans are booing and throwing trash.


LAH “Yes... and I’m told there’s a third fight in the arena that has broken out... we have a camera back there...”



Scott Bigelow and Bret Hart are in the hallway trading blows! Hart ducks a big punch by Bigelow! Fore arms by Hart! A boot to the gut! Hart is in control...


Stevie Kick out of no-where!”


Bret Hart falls backwards, slumped into some boxes! Bigelow shakes off the cobwebs and is on him! Bigelow with right hands! All the while Richards is shouting instructions. Bam Bam pulls Hart out of the refuse and holds him by the hair...


He flings him into the concrete wall!


Hart falls with a thud on to the equally concrete floor.


LAH “It is chaos throughout the arena... we need to get control... we’re out of time! Goodnight!”



Overall Rating: B

There was a feeling that a number of angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Coming to you LIVE in front of 8,606 screaming fans in the North Star Colosseum, in Minneapolis, Minnesota it’s…


The AWA presents All-Star Wrestling



Non-Title Match

AWA World Tag Team Chamions, The Can-Am Express


The Internationals w/ Jim Cornette


In an extremely short match, The Internationals defeated The Can-Am Foundation in 5:07 when Owen Hart was disqualified while fighting D. John Finlay.

-Owen Hare uses his cast again but this time is caught. The official DQs the champions and Rick Steiner is visibly upset.

Jim Cornette did some good work at ringside. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here are you winners: D. John Finlay and Perry Saturn, The Internationals!



-Rick Steiner confronts Owen about the loss. The announcers speculate as to whether Owen used the cast on purpose. Hennig thinks he did, Hayes and Dusty don’t believe it. Rick walks out on Owen, so Owen gets on the mic and vows to prove to Rick that he deserves to be his partner.



-Back from commercial and Verne Gagne tell Owen Hart he’s got his match, later tonight. Owen leaves Verne to his paperwork which is interrupted by Jim Cornette who points out that his boys just beat the champions and he demands a tag title shot. Verne says fine. The Internationals will meet the champions at All Roads to Ruin. But he’s tired of Cornette and all the trouble he’s caused so he says that Los Trapacistas will get a match against two members of the Cornette Contingent: Yoshihiro Asai… and Jim Cornette!




Los Trapacistas


‘The Ultimo Dragon’ Yoshihiro Asai and Jim Cornette


In an extremely short match, Los Trapacistas defeated Jim Cornette and Yoshihiro Asai in 5:01 when Juventud Guerrera defeated Jim Cornette by pinfall with a Juvi Driver.

-Cornette played the cowardly manager for 4 min before getting beat up by the faces who both hit both of their finishers on him. Afterwards he had to be helped out on a stretcher.

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Hot crowd.

Here are you winners: Juventud Guerrera and Dionicio Torres, Los Trapacistas!




‘The American Nightmare’ Dustin Rhodes


Chris Kanyon


In an extremely short match, Dustin Rhodes defeated Chris Kanyon in 5:20 by pinfall with a Bulldog.

-Squash job.

Chris Kanyon was slowed by injury somewhat. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.



-After the match Dustin Rhodes gets no the mic and tells us exactly what he’s going to do to his father at All Roads to Ruin. Dusty admits he hasn’t found a way out of the match yet.

This segment lifted the crowd. Cold crowd.




Terry Funk and Scott Hall


The New Guard


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Funk and Hall defeated The New Guard in 5:54 when Terry Funk defeated Chavo Guerrero II by submission with a Spinning Toe Hold.

-Funk and Hall look strong beating the second and third geners.

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The performance of Terry Funk stood out as being good. Hot crowd.

Here are you winners: Terry Funk and Scott Hall



Gene Okerlund talks to Cesar Barron and Lance Storm about how much they dislike one another. Both insist they will be Middleweight Champion.




Owen Hart


Chavo Guerrero II


In an extremely short match, Chavo Guerrero II defeated Owen Hart in 4:50 by pinfall.

-Owen Hart was out to prove to his partner that he was a worthy partner, but ended up being upset by the upstart Chavo Guerrero.

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The performance of Owen Hart stood out as being good.



Rick Steiner comes out and says that Owen shouldn’t worry about the match that just happened. Owen shouldn’t worry about proving that he’s worthy of being a champion. Because next week Rick’s brother Scott Steiner returns and Owen wont’ be needing this any longer. Rick takes away Owen’s Tag Title. Owen gets upset. Calls Rick Steiner names. Calls the fans names. Is generally mean to everyone and says that he should keep the belt not Rick. Rick refuses so Owen fumes, sputters and finally quits.


Owen Hart stomps out of the AWA like a child.




Pat O’Connor Conference Semifinal Match

Rey Misterio Jr


Glenn Inferno


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Glenn Inferno in 7:15 by pinfall with a Springboard Huracarrana.

-Rey looks like a star in a surprisingly good match.

Glenn Inferno and Rey Misterio Jr. have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.



Gene Okerlund talks to Bret Hart about Simmons and Bigelow backstage.

-Bret talks up both men, saying whomever it is that he faces will be an unparalleled challenge. But he assures us he will emerge victorious. He talks about the MVC attacking him last week and he knows that when people are within touching distance of the World Title that they start to act differently. They up their game. They become more aggressive and more focused. He says we might see something from both men tonight that we’ve never seen before. He also mentions he’ll be facing Carlos Konnan tonight, and he doesn’t take him lightly.

Bret Hart looked good. This segment lifted the crowd.




Non-Title Match

AWA World’s Heavyweight Champion, Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart


Carlos Konnan


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Bret Hart defeated Carlos Konnan in 16:29 by submission with a Sharpshooter.

-Konnan has, easily, his best AWA match as the two have a very technical encounter. Konnan looks good but the Champ is clearly the Champ.

Carlos Konnan was visibly tiring toward the end. Bret Hart and Carlos Konnan have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. Bret Hart came out of the match looking good. This match lifted the crowd. By the end the crowd was burnt out.

Here is your winner: AWA World’s Heavyweight Champion, Bret Hart!



Gene Okerlund is backstage with Stephen Richards and Miracle Violence Connexion. Richards says they will destroy Ron Simmons and then Bret Hart.

-Stephen Richards describes himself as the sexiest living intellectual which I think is hilarious.

Hot crowd.




Main Event

Number One Contender’s Match

Scott ‘Bam Bam’ Bigleow w/ Stephen Richards


Ron Simmons


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Scott Bigelow defeated Ron Simmons in 19:53 by pinfall.

This one is a wild brawl that spills to the outside repeatedly. Simmons knocks Stephen Richards out not once, but twice. At one point Terry Gordy makes his way from the back only to get bet up by Simmons too. But eventually all the distractions prove too much and Bigelow is able to take advantage of Simmon’s loss of focus and hit his Fallaway slam for the pin.

This match lifted the crowd.

Here is your winner, and number one contender: Scott ‘Bam Bam’ Bigelow!



Bret Hart makes his way to the ring. He shows no fear of Gordy who’s at ringside and gets right up in Bigelow’s face. The two stare each other down as the show ends.


Overall Rating: B--

There was a feeling...

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