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TNA TV Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. MVP


Chris Sabin vs. Charlie Haas


Abyss vs. Hernandez



Christopher Daniels vs. Tommy Dreamer



Mr. Anderson and Alex Shelley vs. Sting and Shelton Benjamin


AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle

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Monday Week 3, May 2011




Amazing Red, Brian Kendrick, Colt Cabana, Austin Aries and Jimmy Jacobs vs. London Brawling, Jeremy Buck, Kiyoshi and Monty Brown - Amazing Red, Brian Kendrick, Colt Cabana, Austin Aries and Jimmy Jacobs defeated Desmond Wolfe, Magnus, Jeremy Buck, Kiyoshi and Monty Brown in 7:33 when Colt Cabana defeated Kiyoshi by pinfall with the Colt 45. [C]


Hero vs. Eric Young - Hero defeated Eric Young in 4:38 when Eric Young was disqualified when Kazarian ran in and attacked Hero. [C]


TNA presents:



TNA Impact opens with a video showing the end of last week’s main event between Brock Lesnar and Mick Foley – Lesnar executing the Verdict for the pinfall win, but Foley refusing to stay put, limping out of the arena on his own. With Hogan coming down to the ring to celebrate Lesnar’s win, the video ends and this week’s TNA Impact goes on air …


After the video, the pyros go off to start off Impact, and even before the camera can cut to the announcers, JBL’s music hits and he is walking towards the ring, followed by the usual chorus of boos. As he gets in the ring, an official gives him a microphone and JBL begins to talk.




JBL: Tonight, my first order of business is this ... Hulk Hogan, Brock Lesnar ... would you please come and join me in the ring, gentlemen?


More boos as Hogan and Lesnar arrive on the ramp and begin to walk towards JBL.




JBL: I have to say, this rarely happens to me these days but I truly am impressed by you, Brock. It’s not that I would expect anything less from you of course, but I’m just saying. Naturally, I also expect nothing less from you at Sacrifice when you go one on one against Kurt Angle.


Hogan: Brock is nothing short of a force of nature. Nothing can stop him and certainly not Angle, trust me on that, brother.


Lesnar: Angle will stop being a thorn in our side very soon! Kurt, I ...




Just as he is about to continue talking, Kurt Angle comes out to the ramp and makes his way down the aisle, a microphone in his hands.


Angle: You guys sure as hell like to talk trash, don’t you? I mean, I’m not surprised that you would turn to the likes of Brock Lesnar since you couldn’t get the job done against me, Hogan. You just can’t let things go and I’m not surprised at all. What DOES surprise me however is all the ass kissing. You think that is really necessary? But truth be told, that doesn’t really matter a whole lot.


JBL: Well Kurt, Brock took care of your buddy Foley last week. And he’s going to take care of you, good care. Do you think I let disobedience and insubordinance slip? Surely not, Kurt. You’ll pay the price of opposing me instead of ...


Angle: Talk is cheap, Bradshaw. Dirt cheap!


He gets closer to the three men ...


Angle: Don’t you think that with this match against Brock you’ll get rid of me, Bradshaw. That’s my advice for you. And at Sacrifice, Brock ... I will show you who the superior wrestler is ... WHEN I SNAP YOUR DAMN ANKLE!


Kurt Angle drops his microphone and leaves. Brock Lesnar is about to follow him when Hulk Hogan raises his arm and holds it before Lesnar’s chest, keeping the towering at bay. JBL stands a few steps back, obviously amused by the tension between the men before him as we go to commercials... [A*]


TNA TV Championship:

Jeff Jarrett © vs. MVP




The start of the match has MVP take control and Jarrett has some problems with MVP’s illegal maneuvers, cleverly applied so that referee Mark Johnson can’t see a thing. This riles the fans up yet MVP loves the despise he earns as he goes for the pin after a Kneedrop. His feet on the bottom rope, Johnson counts to two until he notices it. MVP is riled up about it and goes face to face with the referee. Jarrett gets up in MVP’s back and rolls him up! A legal attempt now ... one, two ... kick out. MVP quickly gets back up but Double J catches him with a Clothesline. With MVP down, Jarrett executes a Kneedrop of his own, rolls and gets back to his feet. He pulls MVP up and into the corner it goes. Jarrett follows him and Elbow Smash! He sets him up on the top turnbuckle and attempts a Back Suplex ... MVP kicks him away ... Double Axe Handle and now Jarrett is sent into the corner! MVP runs into him and Jarrett goes to his knees after a Kneelift. MVP takes a few steps back, then charges, apparently trying to crush Double J in the corner – but Jarrett gets away in time and MVP runs chest first into the turnbuckles. Jarrett bodyslams staggering MVP as the crowd roars about .. something. Jarrett measures MVP ... and doesn’t notice Christopher Daniels who slides into the ring! Jarrett turns around but it’s too late as Daniels attacks with wild punches and Mark Johnson instantly calls for the bell.


Jeff Jarrett defeated MVP in 8:28 when MVP was disqualified when Christopher Daniels ran in and attacked Jeff Jarrett. Jeff Jarrett makes defense number 4 of his TNA Television title. [B]


Jeff Jarrett is announced winner by DQ caused by the interference of Christopher Daniels. MVP isn't quite down with it, as he apparently thinks he would have won the match and taken Jarrett's TV title. So Daniels and MVP argue, their words inaudible, yet notice Jarrett getting back to his feet. Daniels points at him, and this seems enough for MVP to be convinced to follow Daniels’ lead. They start laying the boots into Jarrett, who at first is trying to fight back but gets overwhelmed quickly. Some more kicks to the back and head follow when Daniels motions MVP to stop ... and nails Jarrett with the Angel's Wings! The fans are ready to riot and cry for someone to come help Jeff Jarrett, but it's for naught. After a few more moments, security rush to the ring and the attackers retreat to the back while medics tend to Jarrett. Daniels stands at the entrance ramp one last moment and does the “belt around waist” motion before going backstage. [B-]


Chris Sabin vs. Charlie Haas




Both men went into this match guns blazing, looking to gain additional momentum for their team as the final match between The Motor City Machine Guns and The World’s Greatest Tag Team for the TNA World Tag Team Titles at Sacrifice comes closer and closer. Last week’s double countout between Shelley and Benjamin still fresh in everybody’s minds, Sabin and Haas are eager to get a decisive result as Haas has Sabin in a Side Headlock. Referee Rudy Charles checks but Sabin defiantly shakes his head. Sabin tries to get clear yet is kept in place. Is he fading? More defiance is the answer as Chris is trying to muscle his way out of the hold. Back to one knee, Sabin buries his elbow in Haas’ gut a few times and this loosens the grip – he hoists him up on his shoulders! Fireman’s Carry and ... Fallaway Slam! Sabin goes straight for the pin but it’s only good for a two count. He picks Haas up and goes for a Whip In but its reversed – Powerslam and Haas has the advantage. He drags Chris Sabin up and slaps him in the face! The crowd boos heavily. Haas sends Sabin into the corner of the ring and charges after him. Sabin leaps up and Haas meets turnbuckle! Cradle pinfall by Sabin! From out of nowhere ... one, two and three and this one is over!


Chris Sabin defeated Charlie Haas in 7:31 by pinfall with a quick cradle. [C+]


Haas slams his fists on the mat in frustration as Sabin rolls out of the ring, letting the fans at ringside celebrate his win. Haas gets up and yells something inaudible at him, but Sabin laughs and walks off.


We cut backstage where Chris Jericho is standing by, ready to cut a promo as suddenly...




Voice: Hey, champ...


Jericho frowns, then rolls his eyes as AJ Styles and Ric Flair walk in front of the camera.




Styles: I hope that belt of yours will be well polished for Sacrifice!


Jericho: As it always is. You’re welcome to look at it whenever you wish Styles, but remember you won’t get any closer to it than that.


Flair: Just go and watch tonight’s main event, if only to be awed by how great a wrestler AJ Styles is. Woo!


Jericho: Oh I’ll watch allright. But I wouldn’t be surprised if you failed tonight just like you failed so far trying to take this belt away from me. Sure, you gave me a run for my money but ... that’s all, really. Giving me a run for the money isn’t enough to take my title you know.


Flair: Victory for AJ is as inevitable as the tide, Chris. This is his time. This is HIS company, his turf. You’re nothing but a rather unwelcome guest, Jericho. An unwelcome guest who stole the biggest prize in TNA...


Styles: And I’m going to take it back!


Styles and Flair get into a staredown with one another as we cut to commercials. [A]


Abyss vs. Hernandez




They start exchanging punches and Abyss gets the upper hand, yet Hernandez doesn’t stand down for long. Thus it keeps going on, the momentum changing back and forth between the brutes. Mitchell is yelling at Abyss, then tells the fans at the guardrail behind him to shut up as they have some choice words for Mitchell. More back and forth and mostly brawling between Abyss and Hernandez as Abyss manages to slam the huge 295 pounder Hernandez. Shaken, Hernandez is struggling to get back to his feet as Abyss charges and almost kicks Hernandez’ head off with a punt. Abyss drags the limp body of his opponent towards the ropes and goes to choke Hernandez on the bottom cable. Referee Brian Hebner stops it and warns Abyss, but his back is turned and it enables James Mitchell to slap Hernandez across the face. This seems t spawn new energy in Hernandez, because as Abyss goes to pick him up, Hernandez pulls Abyss down throat first into the second rope. Hernandez gets up and gathers Abyss for a Bodyslam, followed by a Big Splash! The cover ... only for two as Abyss gets a shoulder up. Abyss struggles with his footing as Hernandez runs the ropes to gain momentum for another charge – and Abyss catches him for the Blackhole Slam! Cover – one, two and three!


Abyss defeated Hernandez in 8:01 by pinfall with the Blackhole Slam. [B]


Abyss is victorious in the ring, and manager James Mitchell doesn't waste a second to get on the microphone.




Mitchell: Today ... everyone has seen the TRUE monster of TNA, Abyss. No one can stop him. No one can escape his wrath. All the shenanigans between Abyss and Samoa Joe will end at Sacrifice ... because Abyss will make JOE his sacrifice! Samoa Joe, you haven’t known pain until you have experienced the pain Abyss has in store for you at Sacrifice. Abyss will make you suffer. Abyss will make you bleed, Joe. And when it’s all said and done ... Abyss will stand before your prone body ... the winner!


He drops the microphone and motions Abyss to follow him backstage. [B]


Christopher Daniels vs. Tommy Dreamer




Dreamer’s tag team partner Matt Morgan is at ringside to watch this singles match. Both men in the ring give it their everything, Dreamer’s tenacity as always beyond any norm or measure. He has Daniels against the ropes, referee Earl Hebner ordering to break it up, as Daniels lands a cheap shot and Dreamer bends over. DDT! Pinfall but kickout at two and a half. Daniels tries to keep control but is blocked after dragging Dreamer up. Dreamer is now raining down fists and Daniels is forced to retreat backwards. Finally against the turnbuckles, Dreamer sends Daniels chest first into the opposite corner and Daniels collapses. Dreamer sets Daniels up onto the top turnbuckle facing the fans, and this is going to be a Suplex – Daniels somehow manages to land on his feet! Dreamer turns around, unaware of what exactly has just happened and runs straight into Daniels’ Angel’s Wings attempt! It’ successful and the cover ... one, two and three!


Christopher Daniels defeated Tommy Dreamer in 7:32 by pinfall with the Angel's Wings. [B]




Matt Morgan, Tommy Dreamer’s partner in Extreme Machine, had been watching the match at ringside. As Daniels is announced the winner, he walks wordlessly to the back without turning around...


As Daniels walks to the back, done with celebrating his win, Jeff Jarrett comes rushing through the crowd, apparently back in shape to get revenge for what happened earlier tonight.




Daniels is sharp enough to dart in time, dodging Jarrett once again. Frustrated, the TNA TV Champion has nothing left to do than to acknowledge the fans cheering him on, yelling after Daniels that he is in for the biggest ass kicking in his life at Sacrifice. The segment fades as we go to commercials...


After the break, Hulk Hogan is in the ring together with MVP, both holding a microphone in hands.




Hogan: Rock, Foley ... you guys are just in the wrong company at the wrong time. Rocky, you should have stayed in Hollywood and not come back to wrestling, especially not to TNA, because this is my turf, brother. This is where I am what you’ll never be ... the great one. I call the shots backstage, and only those in my favor are going anywhere. You Rocky ... are not among my favored...


IF YA SMELL ... what The Rock is cooking!




The Rock and Mick Foley come down to the ring to a massive chorus of cheers, while Hogan and MVP look physically ill at their sight.


The Rock: The Rock has had the questionable pleasure of listening to your ramblings for weeks now, and to be honest, The Rock is getting sick and freaking tired of it. So FINALLY ... The Rock will walk you two jabronys down know-your-role boulevard ...


Foley: THE MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF THE ROCK FANS ... and the dozens and dozens of Mick Foley fans ... want to see ... THE ROCK AND SOCK CONNECTION LAYETH THE SMACKETH DOWN on your candy asses! We’ll give you what you want .. an opportunity to kick our asses ... at Sacrifice ... brother!


Hogan: You want a tag team match with us?


The Rock: Just that it is going to be ... THE ROCK ... and Mick Foley ... who’ll be kicking ass at Sacrifice.


Foley: IF YA SMELL ... HOW THE SOCK IS ... smelling?


The Rock: Stop ruining The Rock’s best catchphrases...


MVP: You guys must think you’re so, so funny. Let me tell you something...


Foley: Brothers...


MVP: At Sacrifice, Hulk Hogan and I will beat the living hell out of you two washed up has beens!


Hogan: You can run your mouths all you want, boys. When you’re facing MVP and the biggest legend this industry has ever known, me, the only way for you is DOWN. We accept! Hulk Hogan and MVP versus Mick Foley and The Rock at Sacrifice ... you’re on, brothers. You ...


Rock and Foley drop their microphones and leave along with their music, not allowing Hogan to finish his sentence. Fuming, Hogan and MVP stare past them as we go back to the announcers. [A*]


Taz: Foley and Rock without a shadow of a doubt won this little argument here.


Bischoff: Well, who laughs last laughs best. Seriously, they’ve probably poked fun at their opponents one time too many, and they will pay for it come Sacrifice. This amount of disrespect deserves nothing else but punishment!


Taz: Oh, I’m pretty sure Hogan and MVP will be punished, no doubt about that.


Bischoff: I wasn’t talking about ...


Tenay: Let’s just get ready for the next match, okay?


Mr. Anderson and Alex Shelley vs. Sting and Shelton Benjamin




Anderson and Shelley start out but it doesn’t take long for the other two to get involved, and an all out brawl erupts in the ring, referee Mark Johnson having some problems to contain the four men. As the smoke clears, Sting is in the ring with Anderson and they lay into each other with punches to the head, Anderson getting the upper hand. He tags in Shelley and together they begin working on Sting in their corner. Shelley with an Irish Whip sends Sting towards Mr. Anderson who sends him flying with a Back Body Drop. Benjamin comes in and levels Anderson from behind with a Facebuster. Shelley in turn lands a Belly-to-Back Suplex and Benjamin is down too. Sting gets up, grabs Shelley and throws him through the ropes to the outside. Once again, the match has descended into pure chaos and Johnson, not for the first time, is threatening to DQ both teams. Benjamin leaps over the top rope to the outside and hits Shelley with a Flying Forearm. Anderson clotheslines Sting out of the ring and now all four men are on the outside and the referee starts counting. Amidst the confusion, it appears quite unclear who the legal men are as Benjamin rakes Shelley across the guardrail. Anderson shoves Sting against the guardrail and goes to clothesline him over it – Sting dodges, slams Anderson’s face on the guardrail and with a Clothesline to the back, sends him over the guardrail now! Both men are landing in a heap between the fans at ringside. Elsewhere, Benjamin drags Shelley back up and into the ring. Benjamin goes to the top rope and waits for Shelley to get to his feet. Flying Cross Body Press and the pinfall ... one, two and ... shoulder up! Benjamin measures Shelley and ... Paydirt! No! Shelley catches him in mid air and turns it into a Backbreaker! What a counter and pinfall ... one, two ... kick out! Both men quickly get up and Benjamin hits home with a knee to the gut as Anderson and Sting STILL brawl on the outside. Sting sends Anderson into the ringsteps and makes it into the ring for a two on one against Shelley. Shelley is sent over the top rope and on the outside, is dragged up by Benjamin and held in place. Sting takes aim – punch but Shelley gets away and Benjamin is hit straight in the face. Shelley is now throwing punches at Sting but Benjamin shakes off the cobwebs, drops on his knee behind Shelley and – LOW BLOW! The referee has seen this while he was counting of course and he calls for the bell!


Mr. Anderson and Alex Shelley defeated Sting and Shelton Benjamin in 13:35 when Shelton Benjamin was disqualified while fighting Alex Shelley. [B+]


After the official announcement of the DQ caused by Benjamin low-blowing Alex Shelley, Sting and Benjamin keep attacking Mr. Anderson and the numerical advantage is beginning to tell as Shelley is down, rolling around in pain. As they lay the boots into Mr. Anderson, Chris Sabin is making his way to the ring and slides in to help Anderson and Shelley.




A dropkick hits Benjamin who rolls out of the ring, and Sting takes a superkick and is sent across the top rope to the outside. Charlie Haas appears but is too late and can only help Sting and Benjamin get back to their feet. In the ring, Sabin and Anderson help Alex Shelley back to his feet as they celebrate with the fans, Sting and The World’s Greatest Tag Team retreating to the back.


Next up – a video for the main event between AJ Styles and Kurt Angle. Recent events are replayed and emphasis is put on the fact that whoever wins tonight will go into Sacrifice with high momentum. AJ Styles is challenging Chris Jericho for the TNA World Heavyweight Title while Kurt Angle is going one on one against Brock Lesnar to determine the better man of the two. [A]


AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle




The start has Angle employ his superior mat skills and AJ finds himself on the mat more often than not, even having to fend off a Bow-and-arrow submission which is a close call for Styles. Flair is pounding his hand on the apron in support of his client, but Angle keeps the initiative after a Back Suplex. He drags AJ up and slams him face first into the top turnbuckle, and indeed, Angle goes up on the turnbuckles – BACKSPRING ASAI MOONSAULT! A rarity for Angle to take to the air these days, and all the sweeter he manages to connect. Pinfall ... one, two ... shoulder up! Angle keeps Styles off balance by reverting back to mat wrestling now and Styles is in trouble, finding himself in a Dragon Sleeper. Flair has seen enough and gets on the apron to yell at Styles, or Angle, or the referee, it’s not quite clear at this point, and Earl Hebner walks over to him to send him off the ring. Flair keeps yelling and Angle is getting sick of it. He releases AJ and walks over to Hebner and Flair, and he shoves the dirtiest player in the game off. Hebner taps Angle on the shoulder ... and Kurt nails the referee with a Back Elbow, most likely thinking it was AJ Styles back to his feet and attacking him! Earl Hebner is down and out. Angle shakes his head in frustration as Flair gets a hold of his leg from the outside. AJ is now up! Angle, trying to get clear, finally makes it, turns around and AJ hits him with a kick to the midsection and a subsequent Facebuster! The cover ... no one to make the count! AJ gets up and climbs the top rope. Angle makes it to his feet and Styles levels him with Flying Head Scissors! The referee is still down as Brock Lesnar makes his way to the ring! The fans are rioting at this turn of events. Lesnar gets into the ring, scouts for Hebner, and picks Angle up. VERDICT! The Verdict on Angle as Lesnar slides out of the ring to watch the inevitable pinfall win for AJ. Hebner slowly gets up ... Jericho comes through the crowd. Lesnar, Flair and Styles are too focused on Angle and Hebner and only notice Y2J once he is in the ring ... CODEBREAKER and AJ Styles is leveled. Jericho goes to the outside. The fans cheer wildly and Hebner is now back to his feet. The referee watches the carnage in the ring and notices Jericho and Lesnar at ringside ... as he is unsure of what has happened, he begins to count on Styles and Angle. The match having already taken a massive toll on both combatants, the Verdict and the Codebreaker may have been enough for ... eight, nine and ten! Both men are indeed counted on!


AJ Styles drew with Kurt Angle in 16:33 following a double count out after Brock Lesnar and Chris Jericho interfered. [B+]




Jericho and Lesnar stand on opposing sides of the ring, enjoying to watch the carnage they created while Angle and Styles stir, not quite capable of getting back to their feet just yet. Flair is trying to help AJ and has him back to a seated position in the corner of the ring, Kurt Angle on both knees now. Suddenly, JBL’s music hits and he comes down to the ring and gets in. He receives a microphone as everyone around ringside is curious at what might now transpire...




JBL: Rest assured that I have witnessed controversy at almost every show for weeks now, and I am getting sick and tired of it at an increasing rate (Jericho chuckles at this). It is why I have taken precautions and prepared for them since a while now so that Sacrifice may go down the way it should. My precaution is ... Sting! Get on out here!




Sting appears on the ramp and walks down to the ring.


JBL: Sting here is the right man for a task I have for him at Sacrifice, no matter what happens in his match against Mr. Anderson.


Jericho is going to say something but JBL holds up his hand.


JBL: At Sacrifice, I want Chris Jericho versus AJ Styles to go down ... without controversy. I want it to be called straight down the middle, and I want the right man to win. Because of that, you, Sting, will be the special referee for that match.


The fans boo at this. Jericho looks indifferent while Styles and Flair grin from ear to ear.


JBL: And now, you are all dismissed. NO one will attack anybody anymore tonight, are we clear? I won’t have it. That’s all for tonight ... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? I said ... dismissed!


Slowly, the men at ringside walk to the back as we go to the announcers...


Taz: Oh come on! Sting is special guest referee for Jericho versus Styles? And JBL has the gall to say it’ll be called right down the middle? You have to be goddamn kidding me. This is a screw job in the making!


Bischoff: Why can’t you trust Mr. Layfield for once? All he is trying here is to ensure the main event of Sacrifice goes down without controversy ... you of all people should appreciate that, Taz.


Taz: I trust him as far as I can throw my truck, Bisch. Sting of all people to officiate the title match? That’s controversy before the match has even started!


Bischoff: Your negativity just went up to new levels, Taz.


Taz: Bisch, can there please with sugar on top be one show on which you don’t annoy the living hell out of me?


Tenay: Erm guys ... we have reached the end of the show. Make sure to tune in next week for another action packed edition of TNA Impact! Good night everyone.


With that, we see a video with highlights from tonight’s matches and afterwards, the fade to the credits.


Show Rating: B+


Post Show:


D’Angelo Dinero vs. Rhino - D'Angelo Dinero defeated Rhino in 6:53 by pinfall with the Dinero Express. [D+]


Rob Van Dam and Matt Hardy vs. TNA Security - Rob Van Dam and Matt Hardy defeated TNA Security in 2:41 when Matt Hardy defeated Gunner by pinfall with the Twist of Fate. [D]

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Thank you once again for reading and predicting. Your results this time:


michgcs 4/6

Destiny 4/6

BHK 3/6


As we move on with the card of the next show ....




TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Chris Jericho © vs. AJ Styles w/special referee Sting


Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar


Hulk Hogan and MVP vs. The Rock and Mick Foley


Mr. Anderson vs. Sting


TNA TV Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. Christopher Daniels


Samoa Joe vs. Abyss


TNA World Tag Team Championship:

The Motor City Machine Guns © vs. The World’s Greatest Tag Team

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TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Chris Jericho © vs. AJ Styles w/special referee Sting



Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar



Hulk Hogan and MVP vs. The Rock and Mick Foley


Mr. Anderson vs. Sting


TNA TV Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. Christopher Daniels


Samoa Joe vs. Abyss



TNA World Tag Team Championship:

The Motor City Machine Guns © vs. The World’s Greatest Tag Team

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TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Chris Jericho © vs. AJ Styles w/special referee Sting: AJ Styles with Stings help



Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar: I'm thinking smoz, but Lesnar wins.



Hulk Hogan and MVP vs. The Rock and Mick Foley: Rock and Foley.



Mr. Anderson vs. Sting: Mr. Anderson



TNA TV Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. Christopher Daniels: I think it's high time for Jarrett to drop the belt, Daniels wins.


Samoa Joe vs. Abyss: Samoa Joe



TNA World Tag Team Championship:

The Motor City Machine Guns © vs. The World’s Greatest Tag Team: MCMG retain the belts.

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Sunday Week 3, May 2011




Live from the Marriott Center in Provo, Utah.




Desmond Wolfe vs. Brian Kendrick - Desmond Wolfe defeated Brian Kendrick in 6:12 by pinfall with the Jawbreaker Lariat. [C+]


Rob Van Dam vs. Monty Brown - Rob Van Dam defeated Monty Brown in 7:05 by pinfall with the Five Star Frog Splash. [B-]


Pay Per View:


Mike Tenay, Taz and Eric Bischoff welcome the fans watching at home to Sacrifice. After a camera ride across the arena accompanied by heavy guitar riffs, a video plays...

Tonight’s card for the fans watching on Pay Per View is run down, with emphasis put on the main event between Chris Jericho and AJ Styles as well as the co main event, Brock Lesnar versus Kurt Angle. As the video slowly fades out, pyros go off accompanied by the cheering of the 22000 fans and we are live. TNA presents Sacrifice live from the Marriott Center in Provo, Utah!


Tenay: It is once again a packed card tonight as TNA presents Sacrifice!


Taz: My boy Chris Jericho is defending his World Heavyweight Title against the man he beat before, AJ Styles. But unlike last month at Lockdown, AJ Styles now has the backing of new TNA owner John “Bradshaw” Layfield, so he may have that ace up his sleeves he needs to capture the title in the main event tonight!


Bischoff: I much rather see homegrown talent at the top than any Stamford reject, you trust me on that. So whatever it is he has up his sleeves, I just hope it’s enough to take that belt so it is once again in the hands of a TNA original.


Some more bickering follows, but the bell rings and cuts the announcers off as the first match is announced ...


TNA TV Championship


Jeff Jarrett © vs. Christopher Daniels




Jarrett’s anger at Daniels dictates the early goings of the match as Double J furiously attacks and has Daniels retreating to the outside a few times. Daniels takes his sweet time to return to the ring, much to the ire of the fans, but it also helps to distract and put Jarrett off his balance and gameplan. Eventually, Jarrett follows Daniels to the outside and grabs him by the neck to throw him into the ring again, but Daniels throws his elbow out and hits Jarrett square in the gut. Faceslam on the apron and Jarrett is now shoved in the ring. Getting back up, Double J is caught with an Armbar Grapevine and taken down. Nothing in terms of a tap out however as Jarrett manages to get clear near the ropes. Daniels awaits him with a kick to the midsection and follows with an Exploder Suplex. The pin is good for two as Jarrett kicks out. Daniels picks him up for an Irish Whip but is reversed. Jeff Jarrett puts his knee up and Daniels runs straight into it, flipping over and landing on his back. Elbow Drop followed by a Knee Drop and now Jarrett attempts the cover – shoulder up at two. Jarrett drags him up and executes an Inverted Atomic Drop, followed by a Clothesline. Daniels slowly gets back up and ... STROKE! Jeff Jarrett nails Christopher Daniels with his finisher and this could be it ... one, two ... foot on the rope. The crowd sighs as they were just about to cheer Jarrett on. Double J argues briefly with referee Rudy Charles and claps his hands together three times, but Charles holds two fingers up as he points to the ropes. Daniels gets back up behind Jeff Jarrett and as Double J turns around ... Angel’s Wings! Daniels hits home with his finisher ... one, two and three!


Christopher Daniels defeated Jeff Jarrett in 12:33 by pinfall with the Angel’s Wings. Christopher Daniels wins the TNA Television title. [B]


Daniels rolls out of the ring and receives his newly won title belt, the fans booing him at the top of their voices. Jeff Jarrett looks crestfallen and stares a hole through Daniels as he watches him lift up the belt in celebration. Christopher Daniels has some mockery for his defeated opponent as we switch to the announce table.


Bischoff: What a great competitor Christopher Daniels is. I mean, I of course knew this ever since he returned to TNA (looks over to Taz with a mocking grin). Daniels can’t be denied and it all culminated in his title win tonight.


Taz: It was a close enough call, but yes, Daniels cleanly defeated Jeff Jarrett and you can’t argue that. Tonight, it was just not meant to be for Jarrett as he lost his belt to the better man on the night. Good job to both and congratz to Christopher Daniels I suppose.


Bischoff: Will you now finally start believing me?


Taz: Um ... no.


With that, the next match is announced ...


TNA World Tag Team Championship

The Motor City Machine Guns vs. The World’s Greatest Tag Team




Shelley and Benjamin start out and Shelton takes the advantage early on after some back and forth. He tags Haas in and both lay the boots into Shelley in their corner. Double Back Suplex and Haas tries the pin for two. Elbow Smash and Haas wrestles Alex down into a Front Facelock. Shelley struggles and eventually reaches the ropes as Haas tags Benjamin back in. They go for a Whip In and together, back body drop Shelley with high elevation. This takes the wind out of Alex as Benjamin pulls him up for a Roundhouse Kick. Benjamin runs into the cables and executes a fine Ropeflip Moonsault. One, two ... shoulder up. Sabin is yelling for Shelley to make the tag and he desperately tries just that, but Benjamin tags Haas in and together, they stop him in his tracks with kicks to the back. Shelley is dragged up for a Double Dropkick. Once again they pull him up and it’s a Whip In. He ducks the Double Clothesline and comes out of the other ropes, rolls under another double team attempt and turns, sending both Haas and Benjamin down with a Clothesline. With his last ounce of strength, Shelley leaps towards his corner and Sabin is legal now. He runs and starts punching Benjamin and Sabin and eventually, Benjamin retreats to the outside as he is not the legal man for his team. Haas is whipped into the turnbuckles and Sabin follows for a Huracanrana! One, two and kick out. Benjamin comes in and clotheslines Sabin down. Referee Brian Hebner warns him as Haas rolls Sabin up from behind – one, two and... Shelley breaks it up. Haas and Sabin are now trading punches and Haas gets the upper hand, forcing Chris Sabin into his team’s corner. Tag is made and they set him up on the top turnbuckle. Double Superplex! This has to be it! One, two, thr... Shelley breaks it up again! Benjamin and Haas are now close to rioting and go after Alex Shelley. This gives Chris Sabin time to regroup and as Benjamin goes to pick him up, Shelton finds himself rolled up for a two count. He gets up a second before Sabin and uses this to boot Chris down. Tag to Haas. Charlie Haas sends Sabin reeling after an Elbow Smash and follows with a Lariat, then goes in a mounted position to rain down fists. Brian Hebner interrupts this as Haas is arguing with him. Once he turns to Sabin again, Chris again goes for a roll up and now Benjamin breaks it up. This brings in Alex Shelley who clotheslines Shelton over the top rope. Haas levels Sabin in the meantime and goes to the top rope. Flying Legdrop – Sabin rolls out of the way and Charlie Haas lands hard! Sabin tags in Shelley who measures Haas ... Shellshock! One, two ... Benjamin is too late ... three!


The Motor City Machine Guns defeated The World's Greatest Tag Team in 14:09 when Alex Shelley defeated Charlie Haas by pinfall with the Shellshock. The Motor City Machine Guns win the vacant TNA World Tag Team Titles. [B+]

Shelton Benjamin was a second too late for breaking up the pin and it cost them dearly. The Motor City Machine Guns have re-captured their tag team titles after they were vacated thanks to the controversy over the recent weeks.


Taz: I think this has answered any question there might still have been regarding the World Tag Team Titles. Shelley and Sabin deserve them and should be proud. I sure am proud for TNA to have such fine Tag Team Champions!


Bischoff: If you think The World’s Greatest Tag Team will just move on and forget this you are sorely mistaken. They tasted gold in TNA before and now they want it again, so if I was Alex or Chris I’d be on the lookout.


We go to a short video clip with scenes of the wild rivalry between Samoa Joe and Abyss and afterwards, straight to their match which is next.


Samoa Joe vs. Abyss




Both big men start out brawling, Joe trying to contain Abyss’ brute force with tactics and finely honed wrestling skills. Abyss eventually takes control though, a Powerslam taking the wind out of Joe. Mitchell forges Abyss on, yelling at the top of his voice to hurt Samoa Joe. The fans respond massively to this and get to their feet, roaring “Joe, Joe, Joe” at the top of their voices. This then has Joe reversing an Irish Whip into the corner and he follows suit with a Big Splash. With Abyss staggering, Joe grabs him to execute a Backbreaker. Cover for two. Joe drags Abyss up and slams him against the top turnbuckle. Elbow to the head and Abyss is forced against the turnbuckles. Joe goes to the second rope and hammers away when Abyss grabs him – Spinebuster! Abyss shakes off the cobwebs and stomps Joe almost into the canvas before trying a pinfall himself – two is the result as Joe gets a shoulder up. Abyss drags Joe towards center ring and drops down on him with a knee, resting on Joe’s throat. This is supposed to be a pinfall but only two again as Samoa Joe kicks out. Abyss picks him up for a Whip In. Big Boot – no, Joe ducks and goes into the ropes. Both go for a Clothesline on the return and lay each other out. Referee Mark Johnson begins to count and Joe stirs at the count of six. Abyss gets up too and while still on their knees, they begin throwing punches. The crowd is going wild in their support for Joe who begins to get the upper hand and forces Abyss back, a step with each punch. Then though, Abyss kicks him in the gut and grabs Joe for a DDT. Mitchell motions for Abyss to end it as the monster pulls Joe to his knees for a Whip In into the corner. Abyss follows but only meets turnbuckle as Joe steps aside. Samoa Joe turns Abyss around and manages to sit him up on the top turnbuckle with a huge display of strength, then lays into the groggy monster with wild punches. Joe then ... seizes Abyss up! Unbelievable! MUSCLE BUSTER! The crowd erupts as Joe, his back apparently quite stressed after this, goes for the pin – one, two and three! The fans go crazy.


Samoa Joe defeated Abyss in 15:25 by pinfall with the Muscle Buster. [A]


Taz: Wow, just wow. Samoa Joe is a beast. Muscle Buster takes Abyss out and you have to wonder where Samoa Joe gets THIS strength from.


Tenay: Listen to the fans, folks! They are absolutely loving this! Joe just landed a huge victory and ... oh boy ...


Samoa Joe celebrates his victory in the ring, the fans cheering him on. Abyss is about to snap on the outside, Joe's Muscle Buster having done him in. James Mitchell grabs Abyss and whispers in his ear ... Abyss gets into the ring behind Joe’s back and clobbers him down! Mitchell yells at Joe as the fans cry foul, then orders Abyss to continue the assault. Abyss brings a table into the ring and sets it up. Joe stirs and is kicked in the face by Mitchell - Abyss lifts Joe up and it’s the Blackhole Slam THROUGH the table! Now satisfied, James Mitchell cracks a wicked grin at the fallen Samoa Joe and orders Abyss to follow him out of the ring and up the aisle to the backstage area. Joe seems legitimately hurt, and paramedics rush to the ring to tend to him. [B+]


Taz: Come the hell on! This was uncalled for. Joe won this match fair and square and ...


Bischoff: It’s not over until James Mitchell says it’s over. See, Abyss walks out of this having lost the match, but Joe gets out of the night on a stretcher. Still a glorious ending of the match for Abyss if you ask me.


Taz: And you ... enjoy this, don’t you?


Bischoff: Well ... yeah!


Taz: I would pay serious money to see you on the receiving end of the Muscle Buster, Bisch.


Tenay: Guys, guys ... we’re ready for the next match.


TNA X-Division Championship


Kazarian © vs. Hero




Kazarian charges even before the bell and lays Hero out, and for a while, this start of the match has Kaz dominate the challenger. After several unsuccessful pinfall attempts, Kaz goes to the top rope and goes for a Flying Elbow, but Hero rolls away. Kazarian lands hard and Hero takes the initiative with mounted punches. Referee Earl Hebner sees the closed fists and orders Hero to stop. Complying, Hero gets up and Kaz kicks him in the gut, then in the legs to get him down. Lariat however is dodged, Hero grabs the arm and answers with a Short Clothesline. Again he goes mounted but while doing so is surprised with a roll up by Kaz – one, two, th... kickout. Close call here as both get up and start trading punches. Kaz goes for the Irish Whip. Hero leaps him once and Kaz apparently thinks it’ll happen again, yet is surprised with a Big Boot. Hero runs to the ropes and gets on the apron. Using the top rope for elevation, he comes flying with a Senton Splash! Cover – one, two, th... shoulder up. Hero picks Kaz up for a Body Slam and goes to the top rope. Senton Bomb now? No ... Kazarian moves out of the way. With Hero down, Kaz goes mounted now for a short series of elbows to the head. Kazarian then climbs the top turnbuckle himself, but it’s a little premature as the previous attacks didn’t do enough to keep Hero down for long. As Kaz is up on top, Hero is there and throws him off, Kazarian crashing hard on his back in center ring. Hero measures him ... Kaz staggers up slowly ... HERO’S WELCOME! One, two and three – we have a NEW TNA X-Division Champion!


Hero defeated Kazarian in 12:26 by pinfall with the Hero’s Welcome. Hero wins the TNA X Division title. [B]


Hero celebrates with the fans as Flair and Kazarian walk back in defeat. The fans at ringside get a dose of the new X-Division champ as Hero runs around the ring, high fiving everyone he can.


Taz: You spoke of a glorious ending there earlier in the match between Joe and Abyss, Eric. THIS was a glorious ending if there ever was one.


Bischoff: Do you always feel the need to twist the words I say around?


Taz: Only when I’m in a happy mood. When not, I rather tell you to stop talking altogether so my brain won’t fry, you see.


We go backstage to John 'Bradshaw' Layfield and Sting seated in Layfield's office.




JBL: Just to make this clear ... you know what I expect of you tonight, right?


Sting: I do. The plan is simple enough, no?


JBL: The best and most glorious plans are simple, Sting. However, even the best battle-plan does not survive the first encounter, normally that is. But for tonight ... yeah, I don’t think anything could go wrong.


Sting: I fully realize what’s at stake here, JBL. Don’t worry. We’ve talked to him and we’re all on the same page. It’s what matters, right?


JBL: It’s what matters indeed. Anymore questions?


Sting shakes his head.


JBL: Good. Oh ... your match is next. Good luck and all and better get going.


Sting nods and walks out. Suddenly, JBL’s cellphone is ringing and he waves towards the cameraman to turn his camera off. [B+]


Mr. Anderson vs. Sting




Anderson begins with fury, punching like a madman and throwing Sting around the ring. Sting slides out, apparently having enough already, but Anderson won’t allow it and follows him. He drags Sting back towards the ring from the aisle, slams him on the apron and throws him in the ring. Anderson follows in, but Sting uses this momentary break to his advantage and kicks Mr. Anderson straight in the face. Dazed, Anderson hangs in the second rope and Sting boot-chokes him. The fans riot at this and Brian Hebner gets in between. Sting picks him up and pushes him into the corner for a series of punches and elbows. European Uppercut follows and Anderson staggers. Back into the corner, Sting takes a few paces back and charges to crush Anderson with a boot. Problem being, Anderson is gone! Sting meets turnbuckles and Anderson uses this for a Reverse DDT. Mr. Anderson gets up and measures Sting who is immobile ... Anderson climbs to the top rope and it’s the Kenton Bomb! Anderson falls on Sting and hooks the leg ... one, two and three!


Mr. Anderson defeated Sting in 13:19 by pinfall with the Kenton Bomb. [B]


Anderson punches the air in celebration as Sting rolls out of the ring. He doesn’t look happy, but still focused, most likely already having his guest referee appearance in the main event in his mind. Anderson looks after him, but with this clear win, he is no longer concerned about Sting.


Taz: A convincing win for Mr. Anderson here tonight, and I have to say a win that I personally did not expect to happen so cleanly, what with JBL being in league with Sting as it would appear and...


Bischoff: Wait a minute, Taz! Sting is a legend, a sure entry to the pro-wrestling hall of fame, and you imply he would need any outside help? Okay, he lost today but come on Taz ... what you suggest is ... original.


Taz: I would love to argue with you, because I always win you know, but in this case I won’t because I already said all that needed to be said.


Bischoff: So I win this round!


Taz: Let me quote one of the guys in the next match here ... know your role and shut your mouth!


A short video plays highlighting the events that led to this next match as we go to ringside again ...


Hulk Hogan and MVP vs. The Rock and Mick Foley




Referee Mark Johnson has a hard time containing the four men as they go all out on each other from the get go. A wild brawl erupts in the ring and on the outside and it goes on for several minutes until some measure of order is restored. MVP and Foley start properly and Foley gets the upper hand, laying into MVP in the corner of the ring. A flurry of punches and Knife Edge Chops, each accompanied by a “Woo” from the fans, and MVP is reeling. The Rock is tagged in and he manhandles MVP in a similar manner. Foley comes back in and Double Clothesline after an Irish Whip. MVP desperately needs a tag but Rock and Foley deny him. More double teaming and finally, Hogan breaks up a pin at two. The Rock mockingly stands before Hogan in the corner, turns and goes to work some more on MVP. He gathers him for a Body Slam but Hogan again gets into the ring and shoves The Rock. Letting go of MVP, Rock turns around and Johnson interferes, sending Hogan back out. MVP clobbers The Rock from behind and shoots him into his team’s corner. Choking follows and Foley comes in to interfere, Johnson holding him back. This gives MVP and Hogan some leeway as Hogan throttles Rock from behind while MVP lays into him. Foley points at the scene and the referee finally turns and warns Hogan to let go. MVP tags Hogan in who body slams Rock. Hogan goes into the ropes and there is the Legdrop! One, two ... Foley breaks it up. MVP comes running and clotheslines Foley over the top rope. Hogan drags The Rock up in the meantime and throws punches, but Rock eventually blocks and starts fighting back. Exchanging fists, they go near the ropes. On the outside, MVP and Foley keep fighting as well. The Rock then gets the upper hand clotheslines Hogan out. Now all four men, two on each side of the ring, are on the outside and oblivious to the counting of Johnson, keep laying into each other. Eight ... nine ... ten, it’s all over!


Hulk Hogan and MVP drew with The Rock and Mick Foley in 12:21 following a double count out. [B]


Both teams keep brawling after their match, oblivious to the ringing of the bell. As security comes to the ring, they simply go into the crowd, exchanging punches until they brawl their way out of the arena.


Tenay: This is far from over, folks. But measures will have to be taken to prevent another non-result like this.


Bischoff: Bah, as if that is needed. You’re right Mike, this ain’t over, but trust me when I tell you that eventually, Mick Foley will be exposed for the fraud he is. He can’t hang with the likes of Hogan and MVP. Foley is just a failure...


Taz: Oh, you mean like when you failed at...


Bischoff: Come on Taz, that’s ten years ago now. Can we get over and past it, please?


Taz: Simple answer?


Bischoff: If you want to...


Taz: Simple answer is no.


Tenay and Taz smile at one another as we get ready for the co-main event of the night...


Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar




The start has both men showing quite some respect for one another as they are biding their time, trying to get a measure of their opponent. Elbow and collar tie up ends in nothing as they just move each other back and forth. Both men nullify each other’s wrestling skills with blocks and thus, Lesnar is the first to throw a punch at Angle, obviously annoyed by his mat skills getting him nowhere. Angle replies in kind and we have ourselves a flurry of punches being thrown back and forth. Lesnar slowly is forced into the ropes and referee Brian Hebner separates them. Kurt Angle slowly lets go and is chopped for his troubles. Kick to the midsection, European Uppercut and Lesnar trips Angle into the ropes. He chokes him with a boot against the bottom rope which Hebner instantly breaks up. Brock yells at the official but Hebner is certainly staying on top of things here. Lesnar drags Angle up and goes for a takedown attempt, but Angle blocks this and hiptosses Lesnar to the mat. Kneedrop and Angle rolls back up. Lesnar also gets to his feet and Clothesline by Angle. Lesnar isn’t sent down but is staggering about. Another Clothesline, and still, Lesnar stays on his feet. Angle runs the ropes for a Lariat but Lesnar waits for him with a Powerbomb. The cover but only for two. Annoyed, Lesnar goes mounted and begins to rain down punches, but Angle catches an arm, snaps it around and forces Lesnar on the mat. Submission is applied ... but Lesnar refuses to tap out. Brock is desperately reaching for the ropes as Angle applies more pressure on the stressed limb. Clearly in pain, Lesnar finally manages to wiggle his way towards the ropes and Angle has to let go. Kurt gets up and stomps the arm for good measure, Lesnar wincing. Lesnar is on one knee and Angle drags him up and into the corner. Knife Edge Chop – “Woo!” – Knife Edge Chop – “Woo”. This is repeated a few more times and Lesnar’s chest is bright red. Angle kicks the knee and Lesnar is down. Kurt Angle goes a few steps back and charges, running into Lesnar with a High Knee. Pinfall – foot on the rope. Angle slams the mat and gets up. He measures Brock Lesnar – ANKLE LOCK! He has Lesnar in the Ankle Lock but the big man is too close to the ropes – and Angle has to break up. Brock Lesnar picks himself up by the top rope and Angle charges – Lesnar ducks – and back body drops Angle out of the ring. NO! Angle comes to a stand on the apron. Punch and Lesnar takes it squarely in the face and staggers ... Angle gets into the ring and has Lesnar up on his shoulders ... Angle Slam? No! Lesnar slips down and it’s a roll up ... One, two ... Lesnar has the tights ... THREE!


Brock Lesnar defeated Kurt Angle in 14:30 by pinfall with a handful of tights. [A]


This match had the fans on their feet, and Kurt Angle receives a standing ovation for his performance. He is on the outside, not even bothering to argue with Brian Hebner as he looks pissed off enough to drop the official right on the spot. Angle demands a microphone ...


Angle: Lesnar, you piece of trailer park trash! Is that what you learned when you were away from wrestling? Is this how you get the job done? The easy way? I tell you this much Brock, it won’t work for you. Not if I have anything to say about it. I’ll get back at you for this, trust me. No one cheats his way out of Kurt Angle’s wrath. You probably hope you are rid of me now, but nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, it has just begun. And I’m not just talking about you, Brock. Not at all, man.


He drops the microphone and heads off up the aisle, Lesnar grinning and staring after him as we go to the announce booth...


Bischoff: What does he mean?


Taz: We’ll find out pretty soon I would think. Angle isn’t a man who takes kindly to losses, and even less so if they are a result of blatantly cheating.


Bischoff: Kurt Angle is an obsessive compulsive freak! He should just accept tonight’s match like a man and move on to be honest.


Taz: Ah well Bisch, not every man will accept defeat like Mr. Eric Sheepoff...


Bischoff: WHAT?


Tenay: And now it is time ... for our MAIN EVENT of the night!


A video plays with highlights of the feud between Chris Jericho and AJ Styles that had been going on since a few months now. Scenes from their first two encounters are played, mixed with some of the shenanigans between them as we go back to the ring. The fans are on their feet in unison, the cheering for this final match of the night deafening ...


TNA World Heavyweight Championship


Chris Jericho © vs. AJ Styles with special referee Sting




A methodical opening by both, mutual respect reigning supreme to begin this encounter. After a few minutes the match picks up pace, and the momentum switches between both these men. Special referee Sting is calling things right down the middle, threatening both equally for minor infractions. In fact, Sting is more rigid than any regular referee normally is. The crowd appreciates this. Styles has Jericho in a Side Headlock and goes for a Bulldog, but Y2J shoves him off and lands a Superkick! Cover one, two ... shoulder up. This rattled AJ who is having a hard time regaining his composure as Ric Flair slams the apron. Much is at stake here, it’s AJ’s third and probably last attempt to get the title off of Jericho. Jericho picks Styles up and this looks to become a Piledriver! But AJ gets out and slips down to his feet. Jericho with a Clothesline attempt but it is ducked and turned into a crunching Neckbreaker. The cover for two as Jericho gets a shoulder up now. AJ goes to the top rope and measures Chris Jericho ... Y2J slowly gets to his feet ... AJ takes to the air but Jericho, more out of instinct than anything else, jumps for a Dropkick and catches AJ Styles in mid air. Both men are down now and Styles is breathing hard as Jericho gets to his feet. He nods to Sting? The announcers question what that was all about as Jericho pulls Styles into center ring ... and applies the Walls of Jericho! Styles is struggling and fighting and ... the bell? The fans are stunned as Jericho is announced the winner...


Chris Jericho defeated AJ Styles in 19:53 by submission, which Sting called despite there being no tapping, with the Walls Of Jericho. Chris Jericho makes defense number 5 of his TNA World Heavyweight title. [B+]


AJ Styles gets on his knees and stares a hole through the arena. Flair is standing on the outside, equally taken aback. Chris Jericho is handed his title belt and he gets on the second rope, lifting the gold up to a mixed reaction from the rather shocked crowd. Styles gets up and into Sting’s face, who sees to it to get out of the ring and away as quickly as he can, making his way out of the arena through the crowd. Flair is in the ring meanwhile, talking to AJ Styles. Jericho continues his celebration as the music of TNA owner John “Bradshaw” Layfield hits.




Looking for answers, Flair and Styles stand in center ring near Chris Jericho as JBL gets into the ring and into Jericho’s face. There is tension and ... A HANDSHAKE! Chris Jericho has just accepted Layfield’s handshake! Flair and Styles are in utter disbelief at Layfield and TNA World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho celebrating together...


Tenay: What in the living hell...?


Taz: I can’ believe this! What does this mean now? AJ Styles was JBL’s golden boy and now this? Can anyone please make sense out of this?


Bischoff: I would love to and God knows my IQ is higher than those of my fellow announcers combined, but at this point, not even I can ... although I of course love the controversy already!


Taz: Bisch, you are mistaking IQ for the average age of YOUR golden boys in your company which averaged around 60, correct me if I'm wrong. Big difference there ...


Tenay: Folks, tomorrow night’s Impact has just become even more of a can’t miss than it usually already is. Make sure to tune in tomorrow night because what happened just minutes ago will need some explaining ... some good explaining. Good night everybody.


With that, the broadcast comes to an end...


Show Rating: B+

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Nevermind that, man, glad you liked the show ;) ...


Prediction results:


bcwildcatjohn: 5/7

BHK1978: 2/7


Thank you for predicting and let's move forward to Monday Week 4, May 2011




D'Angelo Dinero vs. Rhino


Kazarian vs. Colt Cabana


Jeff Hardy vs. Brian Kendrick


Abyss vs. Douglas Williams


TNA TV Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. Rob Van Dam


Mr. Anderson vs. MVP


Kurt Angle vs. Shelton Benjamin

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D'Angelo Dinero vs. Rhino


Kazarian vs. Colt Cabana


Jeff Hardy vs. Brian Kendrick


Abyss vs. Douglas Williams


TNA TV Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. Rob Van Dam


Mr. Anderson vs. MVP


Kurt Angle vs. Shelton Benjamin

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D'Angelo Dinero vs. Rhino


Kazarian vs. Colt Cabana


Jeff Hardy vs. Brian Kendrick


Abyss vs. Douglas Williams


TNA TV Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. Rob Van Dam


Mr. Anderson vs. MVP


Kurt Angle vs. Shelton Benjamin

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D'Angelo Dinero vs. Rhino: Dinero


Kazarian vs. Colt Cabana: Cabana


Jeff Hardy vs. Brian Kendrick: Kendrick


Abyss vs. Douglas Williams: Abyss


TNA TV Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. Rob Van Dam: Daniels


Mr. Anderson vs. MVP: MVP


Kurt Angle vs. Shelton Benjamin: Angle

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Monday Week 4, May 2011






Beer Money, Inc. defeated Jesse Neal and Austin Aries in 3:59 when Robert Roode defeated Jesse Neal by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. [C+]


TNA World Tag Team Championship: The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Kiyoshi and Eric Young in 6:20 when Alex Shelley defeated Kiyoshi by pinfall with a Sliced Bread #2. The Motor City Machine Guns make defense number 2 of their TNA Tag Team titles. [C+]


TNA X-Division Championship: Hero defeated Desmond Wolfe in 4:09 by disqualification. Hero makes defense number 1 of his TNA X Division title. [B-]


Desmond Wolfe is fuming at the decision by Brian Hebner, but the referee is having none of it. Wolfe motions that this isn’t over yet to Hero and leaves ringside.


TV Show:


TNA Impact opens with the usual display of pyrotechnics, and when the smoke clears, TNA owner John “Bradshaw” Layfield comes down to the ring, accompanied by an overwhelmingly massive chorus of boos. JBL doesn’t seem to care however and steps into the ring, a microphone already in his hands.




JBL: I welcome you all to MY show and MY company ...


The booing is deafening ...


JBL: Last night was about decisions and about sacrifice, as the show is so aptly named. A decision I had to make for the better of the entire company, and the corresponding sacrifice that was, most unfortunately mind you, inevitable. But before we continue, let me introduce to you ... your TNA World Heavyweight Champion – Chris Jericho!




Jericho comes out to a mixed reaction, more boos than cheers for the champion as he is making his way towards the ring, his title belt draped over the left shoulder. As he gets into the ring, an official hands him a microphone, but JBL keeps talking.


JBL: After Lockdown I had to decide if I was going to allow a washed up has been like Ric Flair and a never were like Styles to be on top of TNA. MY TNA. The answer to that ... was and is no!


The fans begin to throw garbage into the ring ... and this is only the beginning of the show.


JBL: And so it was only fitting that I would align myself ... and this company ... and ultimately, YOU, the fans ... with this man right by my side ... YOUR TNA World Heavyweight Champion ... Chris Jericho!


As the words are leaving JBL’s lips, the two shake hands and then give each other a hug! It appears to be wise to have security at ringside now as the fans feel betrayed by the man they had been cheering on just one night before! The mood soon changes however as AJ Styles’ music hits and he comes down to the ring, followed by Ric Flair. Where they had been targets of the fans’ contempt going into yesterday’s match, today they are getting cheered on. What a difference a night makes! Flair has a microphone in hands and begins to talk ..




Flair: You, Layfield ... are a piece of ****!


The crowd erupts in cheers and JBL’s face is ashen ...


Flair: Scheming and plotting is one thing ... but betraying those that trust you, especially when YOU are the owner ... is the most despicable thing I have personally ever witnessed, and trust me, I have seen a lot. You, JBL, just like someone else who is in this, in your company, right now, are all about abuse of power. It’s what you are, no more, no less. Abuse of power. You are a sad excuse for a man who hides behind his money constantly, thinking he can get away with everything. But you can’t, Layfield. Not this time. This will come back to haunt you. I hate your guts, John.


Flair is about to snap when Jericho talks ...


Jericho: You had your chances. AJ had and wasted three perfectly valid title opportunities. You’re with a failure, Ric. Styles is nothing but a failure. I chose wisely, Ric. YOUR boss, JBL, will bring this company to the next level ... and I will be a part of it. He has laid it all out for me. He approached me with a deal before Sacrifice, and it sounded too good to miss out on. Not only empty promises either. Everything suddenly made so much sense. With this alliance, my career will be elevated even further! And you? You, Styles and Flair, will continue to be ... the washed up has been and the never were.


JBL: And Flair ... don’t you dare speaking out of turn again. I have considered firing you both ... but I won’t. I will make your life a miserable hell from now on Flair, and for everyone who aligns himself with you ... and I will enjoy every single minute of it. See, even a multi-millionaire like I sometimes needs his moments of joy ... and your demise, Ric, will be most enjoyable. You should be sitting at home with your family now Ric. You should be collecting royalties now, Ric, but you WASTED it all because you're the limousine riding son of a gun, hm? And now you make a fool out of yourself week after week. Why? Because you’re a loser, Ric. And I don’t associate with losers. You are making me sick!


Flair gets into the ring now, red hot with anger. AJ Styles is trying to hold him back but it’s to no avail ... as Flair goes face to face with JBL, Layfield slaps him across the cheek.


JBL: One more word from you and you’ll consider your current financial issues nothing but a minor bump in the road. I own you Flair. I own you. You have nowhere to go. Your ass is mine.


A pause, tension in the air, and Flair tosses down his microphone and turns around to leave.


JBL: Oh and Ric ...


Slowly, Flair turns back ... CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL! JBL decks Ric Flair and AJ Styles instantly jumps into the ring but is kicked down by Chris Jericho. Security arrive and contain Styles while Flair is down and out. Jericho laughs.


JBL: I was going to say one last thing to you, Ric. You better get ready for next week. Next week ... Ric Flair ... will make his triumphant return to active competition!


The fans react puzzled.


JBL: Next week ... Ric Flair will go one on one against ...


A well known music blasts over the arena speakers and out comes no other than Brock Lesnar!




JBL: Brock Lesnar!


The fans boo once again, realizing in an instant that Flair has a snowball’s chance in hell to make it out of a match with Lesnar in one piece. The towering Lesnar seems to enjoy the thought however, as he makes a cut-throat gesture towards Styles. Jericho leans against the ropes, laughing hard. Layfield throws Flair out of the ring where ringside workers tend to him. Styles lifts him up and helps him to the back, shooting murderous glances at JBL and Jericho. [A*]


The segment ends as the cameras focus on the announce booth ...


Tenay: What a way to open tonight’s show. For once, I am at a loss for words.


Taz: What a mockery. What a travesty. Ric Flair has retired from active competition and he is in no way ready to take on that brute Lesnar. Is JBL trying to get Flair killed? This is treason. Treachery. I would have never thought that Jericho would sink this low.


Bischoff: The most important part of this all is that I am beginning to really warm up to Chris Jericho. We have ourselves a great World Champion in TNA.


Tenay and Taz ignore him as the first match of the night starts ...


D’Angelo Dinero vs. Rhino




Rhino comes out and starts pummeling Dinero, Rhino’s strength telling against a man who is smaller than him. However, Dinero fights back and stays in the match, outpacing Rhino. Rhino picks him up for a Bodyslam but Dinero struggles out, lands on his feet and delivers a kick to the head that has Rhino staggering. Dinero charges but Rhino regains composure in time and Powerbomb! One, two ... shoulder up. Rhino shoots him into the ropes and back body drops D’Angelo. He seizes Dinero up again and Backbreaker – Rhino then tosses him down like a ragdoll. D’Angelo Dinero seems out of it and Rhino measures him ... Dinero comes back to his feet ... Rhino charges for The Gore! Dinero dodges and Rhino crashes into the turnbuckles! Shaking the cobwebs off, Dinero starts running at Rhino and Dinero Express! One, two and three!


D'Angelo Dinero defeated Rhino in 6:53 by pinfall with the Dinero Express. [C]


Dinero lifts his arms in victory, but he isn’t done ... he demands a microphone.


Dinero: So I have been sitting on the backburner, fighting week after week to get some measure of respect in this company. For a while. A long while. But you know what? It ends now. No more ... hey, you’re a nice dude, all laid back and that useless dribble. Let me tell you ... that changes tonight. Tonight on Impact, I am calling you out, Christopher Daniels. Do you have the guts to put that TV title on the line against me? Do you? Don’t poop your pants, I don’t want an answer right now. I just want you to know that I’m coming for you.


Dinero drops the microphone and leaves the ring, the fans cheering him on in applause. [B-]


Taz: A new attitude there, hm? Suits him rather well I have to say.


Bischoff: Yeah well ... this no more Mr. Nice Guy is fine and dandy, but we’ll see if he can walk the walk. Daniels is no push over ...


Taz: Are you saying Dinero is?


Bischoff: What I mean is that a change in attitude does not necessarily translate into being more successful. And Christopher Daniels has won it all. Daniels knows how to end matches in his favor and win titles. Dinero is just ... probably not in his league.


Taz: We’ll see, Bisch, we’ll see.


Tenay: Let’s get ready for the next match of the night, shall we?


Former TNA X-Division Champion Kazarian comes to the ring, without manager Ric Flair, and announces that he no longer wants to be aligned with a “failure”. This gets him a solid chorus of boos as the memory of what happened earlier on the show is still fresh. Instead, he says, he will right the wrongs and take “his” belt back from Hero. Kaz says he’ll make an example of Colt Cabana tonight and then, Hero’s days as X-Division Champion are numbered.


Kazarian vs. Colt Cabana




Kaz takes control over Cabana and lays into Colt with punches and kicks. Bodyslam. Kaz gets to the second rope and lands on Colt with both fists hitting the head. Kazarian walks around Cabana, raising his arms arrogantly as the crowd responds with wild booing. Kaz picks him up and into the ropes – Clothesline as Cabana comes back. The cover – only for two. Kaz measures Cabana and kicks him in the chest for good measure before dragging him up. Irish Whip into the turnbuckles and Kaz follows but Colt Cabana gets out of the way. Cabana sets Kaz up in the corner – German Suplex off the top rope – but Kazarian shows quite some athleticism as he spins in mid air and lands on his feet. Cabana gets to a vertical base and is dropkicked into the corner. Kaz slams him face first into the turnbuckles and executes a German Suplex of his own! Cover ... one, two ... foot on the rope! Kazarian turns to referee Mark Johnson and complains, but Johnson is steadfast. Kaz should really turn around ... no! Cabana rolls him up from behind ... one, two and three! What an upset!


Colt Cabana defeated Kazarian in 8:26 by pinfall with a surprise roll up. [B]


Cabana goes bananas celebrating his victory, then jumps out of the ring and high fives the fans at ringside. Kazarian is in shock and stares a hole through the arena. Taz is happy for Cabana, cheerfully questioning who the failure is as the segment comes to a close.


We go backstage and Tommy Dreamer is sitting alone in his locker room when a knock comes from the door.




Dreamer says “come in” but only another knock from the door follows. With a sigh, Tommy gets up and opens the door ... and is instantly pounded down by his former partner Matt Morgan! What the hell?




Dreamer is utterly caught by surprise and shoved down in his own locker room. Towering over him, Morgan picks Dreamer up and tosses him into a set of chairs. He follows, grabs a chair and breaks it over Dreamer’s back.


Matt Morgan: Dreamer you peace of crap. You have held me down for too long. We should be champions now ... and instead, we’re not even in a match tonight! It’s all your damn fault. This ends right here. I am going to destroy you, Dreamer. I am sick and tired of you.


Morgan drops the chair and leaves Dreamer down and out in his own locker room. [C+]


Tenay: Folks, we just witnessed the end of Extreme Machine. But was this really needed? What a devious attack on the hardcore icon. Dreamer doesn’t deserve this.


Bischoff: Deserving or not isn’t the question, Mike. Matt Morgan’s career in TNA was going nowhere and something had to be done about it. I guess you could say he was well in his right to beat Dreamer to a pulp.


Taz: Eric, tonight I am going to watch the video of you being tossed in a garbage truck again. It’s going to cheer me up tremendously.


We go back to the ring for the next match ...


Jeff Hardy vs. Brian Kendrick




Fast paced action from the very get go determines this match as both men try to outdo the other in awing the crowd it seems. Hardy had been off TV for a while treating some injuries, but ring rust doesn’t seem a problem tonight. Kendrick is down on the mat as Jeff goes to the apron, elevates himself over the top rope and lands with a Legdrop. Pinfall – one, two but the shoulder is up in time. Hardy drags Kendrick up who is staggering ... again Jeff goes to the apron and leaps over the rope, but Brian Kendrick replies with a Dropkick and connects. Hardy is down. Kendrick goes to the top turnbuckle and hits home with a 450 Splash! Cover – one, two and... kickout! Kendrick pulls him up and shoots him into the ropes. Brian charges and is going to splash Jeff but no one is home! Kendrick is staggering out of the corner and Hardy runs up the turnbuckles – Whisper in the Wind! One, two and three!


Jeff Hardy defeated Brian Kendrick in 8:07 by pinfall with the Whisper in the Wind. [B]


Jeff demands the microphone after his victory over Kendrick.




Jeff Hardy: It’s good to be back in TNA ...


He gets a mild pop from the crowd who are curious about his intentions ...


Jeff Hardy: Especially because a certain other Hardy is making a mockery of our name! Matt, I’ve not answered your calls because I have nothing more to say to you. I am back and I will go straight back to the top where I belong, and I will do all of that without you. And as of right now, I’m going after you, Daniels. When people like Dinero can challenge for the belt, I sure can as well. And as for you Matt ...


Matt Hardy comes out as could be expected and the fans rally behind him.




Matt Hardy: As for me what, Jeff? Man, I wanted to help you. I wanted you to get your act back together. What are you doing instead? Blame me for your shortcomings. Blame me for everything. Hell, just keep doing so, it’s not that I care. You’re just a whining crybaby Jeff. You want everything spoonfed to you. It’s not going to happen Jeff. I won’t let it happen.


Jeff Hardy: What are you going to do about it, Matt? Fight me?


Matt Hardy: Better than that, Jeff. I’m challenging Daniels myself!


With that, Matt drops the microphone and goes backstage, leaving his brother standing in the ring with a stunned look. [B-]


Abyss vs. Douglas Williams




Abyss is caught by surprise with a flurry of offense by Williams. Douglas seems oblivious to the size difference as he forces Abyss into the corner of the ring and goes to the second rope to punch away at the monster. This is a little too much however – Abyss grabs him in a Bear Hug. He carries Williams around, follows with an Inverted Atomic Drop and clotheslines the Englishman down. He pulls Williams up – Bodyslam. Williams is dragged up again and fired into the ropes – Powerslam – no, Williams slides underneath Abyss in the last moment! Abyss turns around and meets a kick to the head. The monster is staggering. Williams faceplants Abyss with a Front Face Slam to bring the monster down. Cover – one, two and Abyss throws him off. The monster turns around for a Clothesline but it only hits air. Low Dropkick into the knees forces Abyss down – Williams runs into him with a knee to the face! Cover – one, two and kickout. Douglas runs into the ropes but James Mitchell pulls the top cable down and Williams crashes and burns to the outside. No DQ here? No ... only a warning for Mitchell. Abyss gets up but Samoa Joe comes running down the aisle! Abyss doesn’t seem to notice, too fixated on Williams ... and Joe slides into the ring and ignores referee Brian Hebner as he throws punches at Abyss! The bell rings for the DQ...


Abyss defeated Douglas Williams in 8:33 when Douglas Williams was disqualified when Samoa Joe ran in and attacked Abyss. [B+]




Samoa Joe keeps laying into Abyss, getting sweet revenge for what happened last night at Sacrifice. Abyss tries to fend him off but Joe is red hot. Eventually, security come down to ringside and it takes ten men to get Joe off Abyss. James Mitchell gets into the ring and pulls Abyss by the hair, not allowing his client to continue the brawl. Samoa Joe wants to wrestle free from the guards holding him in place, but their number is telling and he is contained for the time being. Joe yells at the top of his voice, but it’s inaudible in the overall noise of the crowd cheering him on. With Mitchell and Abyss retreating to the back, the sight of Samoa Joe being escorted out of the arena ends the segment. [A]


Afterwards, we switch to the back where Christopher Daniels is standing by in front of a camera, his TNA TV Championship around his waist.




Daniels: D’Angelo, D’Angelo, calm down man. You see, people like me usually don’t bother with people like you, especially when I have already humbled you before but okay ... see, I’m a fighting champion as we all know. I’m the greatest TV Champion of all time, as we all know. And you? You’re ... forgettable, Dinero. You haven’t done anything in TNA that would be worth remembering. But anyways ... I’m a fighting champion allright. You have your match and your fifteen minutes of fame ... although I highly doubt it’ll take me fifteen minutes. And now, I urge you to watch my match, Dinero. Watch ... and learn.


Daniels walks off the camera as we return to the arena. The fans are booing Daniels for his arrogance as we go straight to the match ...


TNA TV Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. Rob Van Dam




Daniels is eager to let actions follow his words and he instantly takes command. Methodical as always, Daniels looks to dismantle RVD but Van Dam is not to be denied for too long. RVD leaps Daniels’ and as the TV Champion turns around, RVD jumps and it’s a kick to the head. Daniels staggers as RVD grabs him for a Back Suplex. RVD runs to the apron, leaps over the top rope and executes a Flying Elbow Drop. Van Dam gets up, to the opposite apron, and comes flying now with a Legdrop – One, two ... shoulder up. RVD pick Daniels up and into the corner of the ring it goes. RVD charges – Handspring Elbow! Daniels looks out of it. RVD mounts him in the corner and begins to pound away, the crowd enthusiastically counting every punch until the count of ten. RVD drops as Daniels staggers out of the corner and finally falls down. RVD positions him and goes to the top turnbuckle – Five Star Frog Splash – Daniels raises his knee! RVD lands belly first on Daniels’ knee and now rolls around in pain. Daniels slowly gets to his feet, limping slighty, and picks RVD up ... Angel’s Wings! The cover – one, two and three!


Christopher Daniels defeated Rob Van Dam in 8:54 by pinfall with the Angel’s Wings. Christopher Daniels makes defense number 1 of his TNA Television title. [C-]


Daniels receives his title belt and celebrates in the ring. Some fans even applaud him but the vast majority despises the arrogance on display. Not looking left or right, Daniels walks up the aisle as we cut to commercial break.

After commercials, we are back in the ring for the next match of the night...


Mr. Anderson vs. MVP




MVP is in trouble from the bell on as Anderson’s initial attack is overwhelming him. MVP tries to retreat to the outside a few times, but eventually Anderson has seen enough and follows him. He throws MVP into the guardrail to then deliver a series of punches, rolls back into the ring and out again while MVP is still trying to regroup. Anderson goes to fire MVP into the steel steps but is reversed and crashed into the ringsteps himself. This gives MVP a bit of a break and he rolls his opponent into the ring. MVP goes to the second turnbuckle and nails Anderson with a Fistdrop – cover for two. He picks Anderson up – Irish Whip and Back Body Drop – no! Anderson with a Kneelift and he follows up with a Clothesline, and MVP is down again. Now Mr. Anderson tries the pinfall but shoulder up two. Then, Sting comes down to the ring and Anderson shoots menacing glances at him. Both keep staring at one another while MVP is back up behind Mr. Anderson – PLAYMAKER! MVP pins Anderson and hooks the leg... one, two, three!


MVP defeated Mr. Anderson in 9:06 by pinfall with the Playmaker following interference from Sting. [B]




Sting gets in the ring and together with MVP lays into Mr. Anderson. Hogan makes it a three on one and Anderson is in severe problems now. There is Hogan’s leg drop! Right afterwards, Sting applies the Scorpion Deathlock! But there come The Rock and Mick Foley!




Together, they manage to get Hogan and his henchmen off Mr. Anderson but the damage has surely been done. The Rock gets a microphone.


The Rock: The Rock is now officially annoyed by you, Hogan! It is time for The Rock to end this once and for all. Next week, Hogan, you can show if you have the guts ... The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan ... one on one ... on Impact. What do you say?


Hogan says nothing and leaves with Sting and MVP in tow. Anderson is meanwhile helped back to his feet by Mick Foley as the three men in the ring are massively cheered on by the crowd. [A]


We go backstage and Kurt Angle is entering John “Bradshaw” Layfield’s office. JBL is sitting at his desk, with Chris Jericho leaning against it. Their eyes open wide at the sight of Kurt Angle.




JBL: You have five seconds to explain yourself before I am going to get you thrown out of the building!


Angle: Simple. I’m challenging your golden boy here.


Jericho grins from ear to ear.


Jericho: As far as I know, you lost last night. How does that make you a contender, let alone give you the right to challenge me?


Angle: Because Brock Lesnar is a cheating little weasel who couldn’t beat me in a straight up match. And because you wouldn’t go one on one with another cheating weasel after what you did last night. And because there IS no other contender who is on my level. And ... because I’m Kurt Angle, plain and simple. Listen, the stunt you guys pulled there with AJ and Ric was low allright, but it’s not my problem. My problem is that you have that belt and not me.


Jericho: Then stop losing, man. Get back on track, secure yourself a few wins here and there and you may ... ASK ... for a shot at this in about a year from now.


Angle: Very funny, Chris. Very funny. But you know, I am not known to be a very patient man.


JBL: And soon, you also won’t be known as a very employed man if you keep this insubordinance up. How dare you approach MY champion like that, Kurt? Are you kidding me? But hey, I’ll throw you a bone ... after all, I’m a very benevolent man ... tonight, you’re going one on one against Shelton Benjamin. Happy yet?


JBL gets up from his desk.


JBL: Now you must excuse us. We’re bound to go to some dinner and we’re already late, not that those who invite ME to dinner wouldn’t consider it worth waiting for me of course, but out of courtesy, which you fully lack, we have to go now. I’ll make sure to watch your match at my earliest convenience.


Angle is red hot with anger but says nothing. Jericho motions him to leave the room and he does, slamming the door shut with authority.


Jericho: Gotta watch out for him. Kurt isn’t one to let go easily.


JBL: I have his number, trust me. Everything works as intended. [A]


We go to the last commercial break of the night and when we come, the main event is on ...


Kurt Angle vs. Shelton Benjamin




Angle goes into the match with his scientific, mat based style, while Benjamin tries to overcome him with a more flashy approach. Because of this, the early part of the match has quite some momentum changes as neither man can contain the other for very long. Back and forth it goes, and the fans are on their feet for this encounter, the noise level is deafening. Nothing illegal by either man, which is amazing considering Shelton’s recent outings, as Benjamin whips Angle into the corner of the ring. He charges, runs up the ropes and knees Angle in the face. Kurt is staggering and taken down. Benjamin goes to the top rope and scouts Kurt Angle, who is staggering back to his feet. Huracanrana and the pin ... for two as Angle kicks out. Benjamin yells at referee Earl Hebner in frustration, but the official is having none of it and holds up two fingers. Benjamin lifts Angle from the mat and this looks to be a Piledriver – Angle turns it into a Back Body Drop! Angle, still shaken, turns to Benjamin who is getting back up and charges but Kurt ducks. Armbar Takedown! Benjamin is screaming in pain as Angle applies the submission hold, yet Shelton is close enough to the ropes and makes it! Angle has to release him and drags him to the feet. Benjamin uses this for an Uppercut that has Angle reeling ... Benjamin goes for a Spinning Heel Kick and Angle catches the foot! He takes him down again using Shelton’s own momentum and it’s the Ankle Lock! This doesn’t look good for Shelton now that they are in center ring ... and Benjamin indeed taps out! The bell rings...


Kurt Angle defeated Shelton Benjamin in 16:11 by submission with the Ankle Lock. [B+]


Angle gets on the microphone after his win, Shelton Benjamin leaving in frustration. The fans cheer Angle on as he begins to speak...


Angle: You better had been watching, Layfield! I’m coming for that belt, like it or not.


Kurt Angle drops the microphone and leaves the ring, a stern look on his face.


Tenay: If you look up intensity in a dictionary, you’ll most likely find a picture of Kurt Angle. JBL threw him an obstacle and Angle overcame it. Let’s see what else is up Layfield’s sleeves.


Bischoff: You realize you are talking bad about the boss, Mike? Watch your language, it might be better for you.


Taz: I realize you are kissing the boss’ ass, and down the road that might be bad for your health. It took JBL one night to make enough enemies to last him a lifetime ...


Bischoff: Always remember - controversy creates cash!


Tenay: That’s it for tonight folks. Tune in next week to another action packed episode of TNA Impact. Good night everybody.


Final Show Rating: B+

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Thank you once again for your predictions. This round has a tie ...


BHK1978 6/7

bcwildcatjohn 6/7

Destiny 4/7


So let's get going with the card for Monday Week 1, June 2011:




D'Angelo Dinero vs. Jeff Hardy


The World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Team 3D


The Motor City Machine Guns (TNA World Tag Team Champions) and Hero (TNA X-Division Champion) vs. Beer Money, Inc. and Kazarian


Ric Flair vs. Brock Lesnar


Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez


TNA TV Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. Tommy Dreamer


The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan

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Great work on the promos. That is usually my favorite part of a diary and you have done a great job with them thus far.


D'Angelo Dinero vs. Jeff Hardy


The World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Team 3D


The Motor City Machine Guns (TNA World Tag Team Champions) and Hero (TNA X-Division Champion) vs. Beer Money, Inc. and Kazarian


Ric Flair vs. Brock Lesnar


Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez


TNA TV Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. Tommy Dreamer


The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan

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Dammit I dont know how I miss the predictions, I'm subscribing to this diary so it won't happen again :mad:


D'Angelo Dinero vs. Jeff Hardy


The World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Team 3D


The Motor City Machine Guns (TNA World Tag Team Champions) and Hero (TNA X-Division Champion) vs. Beer Money, Inc. and Kazarian


Ric Flair vs. Brock Lesnar


Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez


TNA TV Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. Tommy Dreamer


The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan

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Great job with this diary. Subscribed.


D'Angelo Dinero vs. Jeff Hardy


The World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Team 3D


The Motor City Machine Guns (TNA World Tag Team Champions) and Hero (TNA X-Division Champion) vs. Beer Money, Inc. and Kazarian


Ric Flair vs. Brock Lesnar


Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez


TNA TV Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. Tommy Dreamer


The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan

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D'Angelo Dinero vs. Jeff Hardy

Winner-D'Angelo Dinero- You can't go wrong with The Pope. The man is on a roll and even though Jeff did win against Kendrick last week, Pope is gonna have Jeff reading the bible after he's done with him.


The World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Team 3D

Winner: Team 3D- The only reason why I am choosing Team 3D is because I think it's time that WGTT start to TESTIFY!!


The Motor City Machine Guns (TNA World Tag Team Champions) and Hero (TNA X-Division Champion) vs. Beer Money, Inc. and Kazarian

Winner-MCMG and Hero- I would've chosen Beer Money and Kazarian, but with the way that Kazarian is losing now a days... Can't go wrong with the men from the Windy City and That Young KO kid.


Ric Flair vs. Brock Lesnar

Winner-Ric Flair- This is just the beginning of better things for Flair. He's not called the Dirtiest Player In The Game for no reason.


Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez

Winner:Matt Morgan- He just turned heel. He has to win.


TNA TV Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. Tommy Dreamer

Winner-Christopher Daniels- He's beaten Double J. He just beat RVD. Tommy Dreamer doesn't stand a chance.


The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan

Winner:The Rock-Rocky just arrived in TNA. I would love for Hogan to win just for ****s and giggles... but after what Hogan,Sting and MVP did to Anderson I just don't know what'll happen.

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D'Angelo Dinero vs. Jeff Hardy: Dinero


The World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Team 3D: Smoz no finish.


The Motor City Machine Guns (TNA World Tag Team Champions) and Hero (TNA X-Division Champion) vs. Beer Money, Inc. and Kazarian: MCMG/Hero


Ric Flair vs. Brock Lesnar: Lesnar


Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez: Morgan


TNA TV Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. Tommy Dreamer: Daniels


The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan: No finish

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Monday Week 1, June 2011






Douglas Williams defeated Murphy in 3:04 by pinfall with the Revolution DDT. [C-]


Colt Cabana defeated Kiyoshi in 3:42 by pinfall with the Colt 45. [C]


Rhino defeated Jay Lethal in 6:45 by pinfall with the Gore. [B-]


TV Show:


Impact opens with a replay of TNA World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho shaking hands with John “Bradshaw” Layfield before brutally assaulting Ric Flair, with AJ Styles being held back by security. Then, we cut to the arena and the fans are in ecstasy for tonight’s show.


Tenay: Welcome everybody to another action packed edition of TNA Impact. What we witnessed last week was atrocious and absolutely uncalled for, and to add to that, Ric Flair was forced into a match against no other than Brock Lesnar tonight.


Bischoff: It’s Ric’s chance to get back at JBL. If he beats Lesnar ... ah, who the hell am I kidding!? I know it’ll be quite memorable though. Enjoyable too.


Taz: You’re a sick person, Bischoff.


There’s a feed from backstage and a stretch limousine is arriving in the parking lot. The driver gets out and opens the back door. Dressed in expensive suits, TNA owner John “Bradshaw” Layfield and Chris Jericho, his title belt over his shoulder, step out of the black car, looking very content with one another.




The fans welcome them with a shower of boos, but the camera turns slightly ... to show Kurt Angle is lurking behind a wall, watching Jericho and JBL enter the arena.




The fans cheer at his sight and Angle smiles wickedly as the camera goes back to the arena and the first match of the night goes underway. [A*]



D’Angelo Dinero vs. Jeff Hardy


Dinero showed his new found poise when he went all out from the very start, but Hardy held his own and they had quite the back and forth match. Nothing decisive would happen for a while however, as they just kept getting up and coming for more. Then though, Hardy was shot into the ropes and Dinero got ready for a Powerbomb but Hardy got out of it and ended up standing behind Dinero. Jeff used this for a Facebuster and went straight for the pin ... two count. He picked Dinero up and whipped him into the corner, following in for a running knee right into the gut. With Dinero bending, Hardy set him up on the top turnbuckle – Superplex! Jeff leapt to the top rope and prepared for the Swanton Bomb – and took to the air! NO ONE HOME! Dinero rolled away in a last bit of strength effort and Jeff Hardy landed hard on the mat. It was in this moment that suddenly, Matt Morgan showed up on the ramp and began to march to the ring. Dinero got up and ready to lay waste on Hardy when he saw the brute approaching. Morgan got into the ring, referee Brian Hebner being shoved aside by the big man. Hebner was having none of it and motioned for the bell. Right afterwards, he laid out D’Angelo Dinero with a massive Big Boot!


D'Angelo Dinero drew with Jeff Hardy in 8:54 when the match descended into chaos after Matt Morgan got involved. [B-]


Tenay: You’ve got to be kidding me. What in the living hell is Morgan’s business in this match?


Taz: Well, he has no business in this match, but I think he doesn’t quite care who he gets to destroy at this point. When he destroyed Tommy Dreamer in his locker room last week to end their tag team, he wanted to prove a point and I guess he is doing the same right here, right now. His arbitrary choice of a target though makes me wonder if Morgan hasn’t perhaps lost it.


Morgan lifts Dinero up and powerslams him right in the center of the ring. Jeff Hardy is beholding, considering his options ... but obviously comes to the conclusion that Dinero is another contender for the TV Title, and it’s never bad to get rid of those. So he motions Morgan to hold Dinero in position and climbs to the top turnbuckle – Swanton Bomb hits home this time! Morgan follows suit with a leg drop. They are clinically dismantling him as suddenly, a roar goes through the upset crowd. It’s Matt Hardy and Tommy Dreamer coming through the crowd! Dreamer is still patched up from last week’s assault, but ready enough to get involved as they jump over the guardrail wielding canes! Jeff Hardy bails out of the ring, and Morgan follows, an air of superiority about him. The segment ends with Dreamer and Matt Hardy tending to Dinero until paramedics arrive. [C]


After a brief message from the sponsors we return to Impact for the next match.



The World’s Greatest Tag Team vs. Team 3D


Haas and Devon began and Brother Devon took control, using his size to his advantage. Using a few fists and elbows, he had Haas in his team’s corner where he and Ray started to work on Charlie. Ray was tagged in and delivered shoulder blocks to Haas’ midsection before bodyslamming him and attempting a pin for two. Tag is made to Devon again and Whip In for a Clothesline. Shelton Benjamin complained to referee Earl Hebner about something illegal only he had seen, and Haas used this for a low blow and the hot tag to Benjamin. Shelton went to town on Devon until Brother Ray had to break up a pinfall attempt after a Superkick. Hebner warned Ray as Devon got worked over by Shelton and Charlie, and when the official turned around Ray used the situation to double clothesline both down. Hebner now sent Ray out of the ring and Devon missed with a Lariat against Haas who had ducked it, ending up standing behind him. He grabbed Devon and Shelton executed a fine Superkick, Haas following suit with a Bridging German Suplex – one, two and three!


The World's Greatest Tag Team defeated Team 3D in 7:23 when Charlie Haas pinned Brother Devon after a Bridging German Suplex. [B+]


Tenay: Both teams tried to gain some momentum back after they had suffered a string of losses over the recent weeks, and Benjamin and Haas might have done just that here tonight with this solid win. They might not have the fans behind them, but you can’t deny the fact that these two are among the best the business has to offer in tag team competition, and I believe they’ll be back in the hunt for the TNA World Tag Team Titles before long.


Bischoff: The Motor City Machine Guns should be happy they escaped their series of matches with Benjamin and Haas with the belts still around their waists. Trust me, if they meet again, and they will, things will be vastly different.


Taz: How do you know? Clairvoyance?


Bischoff: Knowledge and wisdom, Taz.


Before they can get into more back and forth arguing, the camera shifts backstage where Ric Flair is being stopped on his walk towards the ring by lovely Christy Hemme. Alongside her, quite surprisingly, is Douglas Williams.


Christy: Erm Ric ...


Flair glances over to the two, but looks to be deep in thoughts. He is very obviously trying to cover up his limping ...


Christy: I just wanted to wish you all the best for tonight.


Flair: What are you two doing here together?


Williams: We’re in some sort of ... business agreement.


Christy: And we’d like you to know that not everyone in TNA is against you, or for JBL and Chris. What they did was ... I can’t even begin to tell you how shocked and sad I was. How’s AJ?


Flair: Banned from the arena tonight.


Williams: We have your back, Ric. Lesnar isn’t scaring me. Hell, you don’t look like you should be anywhere near the ring tonight. I mean, I used to be your biggest fan back in the days, Ric. One word from you and ...


Flair: Doug, no. This whole thing is also my fault, sort of. I should never have trusted Layfield. But we make mistakes, don’t we? I just know that down the line, I’ll get the chance to right the wrongs. Trust me. You two ... don’t get involved in this. This is far too much of a mess. I appreciate you guys trying to cheer me up but ... just don’t get involved, ok?


With that, Flair walks on and leaves Hemme and Williams standing, who give each other a concerned look. We go back to ringside where the next match is announced... [A]



The Motor City Machine Guns (TNA World Tag Team Champions) and Hero (TNA X-Division Champion) vs. Beer Money, Inc. and Kazarian


Referee Mark Johnson had his work cut out for him as all six men began a wild brawl in the ring. Hero clotheslined Kaz over the top rope while Robert Roode and Chris Sabin fell through the ropes brawling, leaving Shelley and Storm in the ring to duke it out. Storm shot him in the corner of the ring and followed up with a Clothesline that had Shelley sink down in the corner. Some choking by Storm had Johnson warn him, “Cowboy” finally ending it on the count of four. Hero came back in the ring and dropkicked Storm from behind and over the top rope! Then Charlie Haas entered the ring and began throwing punches at Hero as Shelley got back up. He shook off the cobwebs and scouted the area for an opponent, then found Kazarian and Robert Roode to be the perfect targets – Alex leapt the top rope and with a Flying Cross Body, landed on both men outside of the ring. Amidst all the chaos, Shelton Benjamin snuck his way through the crowd and to ringside, where Chris Sabin was just getting back up after Robert Roode had taken him out earlier. Benjamin grabbed him from behind and threw him head first into the ringsteps, then rolled him back into the ring. Afterwards, Shelton saw to it to get the hell away. Haas and Hero were meanwhile back on the outside as well as James Storm just got back in and saw Sabin lying there motionless. For good measure, James Storm picked him up – 8 Second Ride! He went for the pinfall and hooked the leg – one, two and three!


Beer Money, Inc and Kazarian defeated The Motor City Machine Guns and Hero in 7:45 when James Storm defeated Chris Sabin by pinfall with a 8-Second Ride after Shelton Benjamin had attacked Chris Sabin. [B]


Taz: You’ve got to be kidding me! Don’t tell me Johnson didn’t see that!


Tenay: I’m not kidding when I say he didn’t. Storm weaseled his team into a victory here tonight thanks to Shelton Benjamin, and no matter how it came to pass, I guess Beer Money now have a valid point in getting another shot at the World Tag Team Titles, like it or not. Benjamin didn’t exactly make it easier for The World’s Greatest Tag Team tonight I don’t think – his, well ... “help” tonight may in fact backfire on The World’s Greatest Tag Team.


Bischoff: I do like the outcome of the match. Beer Money know how to finish matches, and winning is the most important part of our business, right?


Taz: Yeah, you of all people should know that, Eric.


WOOOOOOOO! Ric Flair comes down to the ring, the fans behind him like you wouldn’t believe it. He walks down the aisle, looking very focused, yet also has a hint of worry on his face. AJ Styles is banned from the arena tonight, why JBL ordered this being quite obvious, so Flair has no backup in his match against Brock Lesnar.


Bischoff: Flair was right ... he said he got himself into this, and that is absolutely correct. But he was delusional to think a man like JBL would link himself with the likes of Flair and Styles. I saw this coming from the get go ... and now Flair got himself into a situation where this match tonight could indeed and finally be his last.


Taz: You saw this coming? Amazing Eric, you used to not see anything coming, right? Be that as it may, this match should have never been sanctioned. JBL and Lesnar are sick men. Flair is 63 years old for crying out loud, and Lesnar is in his prime, a monster, a legitimate dual sports superstar. And it speaks volumes of his character that Jericho would associate himself with the likes of JBL. Oh how the mighty have fallen ...


Bischoff: Cut the drama, Taz, and don’t disturb me ... I want to see this.


Flair is in the ring and his music dies down ... Lesnar’s theme hits and he appears on the ramp, the crowd booing him enthusiastically.



Ric Flair vs. Brock Lesnar


Lesnar walks down the aisle, a torrent of profanity in his wake, and gets into the ring. The bell rings and Flair backs away from Lesnar, who is trying to get a hold of him. SLAP! Flair slaps Brock across the face, and this riles the towering man up to no end. But Flair dodges again! Another slap. Lesnar seems to go about the match a little more methodically now, trying to get an opening. Flair dodges – no, Lesnar saw it coming and finally gets a hold of him! He grabs Flair by the throat and lifts him up, Flair’s feet dangling two feet above the mat. Lesnar drops him and Flair crashes hard on his back. Brock grins wickedly as the crowd is trying to boo him out of the building. Lesnar drags him up and now it’s Flair being slapped hard. Brock grabs his neck, drags Flair into the corner of the ring and slams him face first onto the top turnbuckle. One, two, three ... ten times. He let’s go and Flair appears out of it, throwing punches around then falling flat on his face. Lesnar is relentless. He lifts Ric Flair up and gorilla presses him over his head! Brock walks around the ring with Flair, the fans having quite enough of this one sided slaughter, then drops him. Ric lands hard and stiffens on the mat, his back being a hell of pain. Brock Lesnar is biding his time. He bends down to Flair and slaps him, yelling inaudible insults at the legend. Then, he puts a foot on his chest and motions referee Brian Hebner to start the pinfall. Reluctantly, the referee complies. One, two ... Flair shoves the foot off! More amused than angry, Lesnar lifts Flair to his feet again. Elbow smash to the head! Short clothesline and Flair is down again, convulsing now. Lesnar drags him up. POWERBOMB! Lesnar pulls Flair to the feet and hoists him up once more – Side Backbreaker. Flair appears to be out of it. Brock Lesnar drags him to the feet again! Lesnar measures Flair and he readies him ... is this going to be ... There’s a commotion in the crowd ... and in some sections, a cheer rises up. Lesnar looks around, confused, and let’s go of Flair ... SAMOA JOE! IT’S SAMOA JOE! Joe slides into the ring and Lesnar charges instantly ... Joe ducks ... Lesnar turns around and Joe clotheslines him over the top rope to the outside! The bell rings! There are more men now! Mr. Anderson and Rob Van Dam slide into the ring, with RVD going in a fighting stance and Anderson tending to Flair. The fans are at fever pitch, and as the bell rings again, we get the official announcement.


Ric Flair vs. Brock Lesnar ended in a no contest in 6:35 after Mr. Anderson, Rob Van Dam and Samoa Joe got involved in the match. [B+]




Brock Lesnar is red hot with anger, but three against one seems to be odds he doesn’t fancy to take on and with threatening glances, he turns and leaves.


Bischoff: These men just committed career suicide!


Taz: Better than idly standing by and watching this butchery. Joe, Anderson and RVD knew before stopping this that they’d get on JBL’s bad side, and still did it. It speaks volumes of their integrity and character.


Brock Lesnar walks up the aisle and to the back, fuming, as Samoa Joe, Mr. Anderson and Rob Van Dam lift Ric Flair up to his feet. Together, they are celebrating with the fans as we go to a video with scenes from the “match” we just witnessed. [A]


Once we get back in the arena with the live feed after a short commercial break, the next match is announced.



Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez


Both men are of equal size and strength, and as such their tie up resulted in nothing. A second attempt led to nothing again, but on the third, Morgan planted his knee in Hernandez’ gut and took the advantage. Morgan went on offense with an Uppercut, followed by a DDT and Hernandez stayed down. Morgan raised his arms while staring menacingly at the crowd as Hernandez slowly got back to one knee. Morgan turned just to get speared by Hernandez! The cover ended in a two count. Hernandez dragged Morgan up and dropped him with a Bodyslam, followed by an Elbow Drop – one, two but Morgan got his shoulder up in time. Hernandez went for an Irish Whip and Morgan crashed into the turnbuckles. Hernandez charged him – Matt Morgan extended his leg and Hernandez ran straight into the Big Boot. Hernandez was leveled! Morgan dragged him up – F-5! Morgan executed the F-5 and one, two, three!


Matt Morgan defeated Hernandez in 5:26 by pinfall with a F-5. [C]


Bischoff: Matt Morgan clearly found his poise and determination again. It’s quite obvious that for him, it was best to break up the team with Tommy Dreamer as it was getting him nowhere.


Taz: Well, I know Tommy ... if you think he’s going to allow Morgan to get away with what he did last week, you’re sorely mistaken.


We go to the back and Hulk Hogan is standing by with MVP ...


Hogan: Tonight I am going to prove a point. Rock, you wanted me in the ring ... you got me! And I promise you brother, you’ll regret it. And if you think you could pull anything funny ... I have this man here, MVP, making sure nothing will happen.


Taz: I’ll just pretend I didn’t hear that...


Hogan: Do you think you could just walk into TNA and steal my spotlight? Do you think you could undo decades of Hulkamania? I was a legend in this industry when you weren’t even old enough to drive a car, brother. What did you do when you were on top of the world, THANKS to this industry that I build up? You bailed. You took the easy way out and left your fans behind so you could shoot some stupid movies in Hollywood. And for that, brother, you even want respect? Now you return and all these idiots out there cheer you on. It’s like they’ve forgotten everything I ever did for them. It’s The Rock here, The Rock there.


A voice comes from off camera ...


Voice: The Rock ... is actually over here!


Hogan and MVP whirl around as The Rock walks into the scene.


The Rock: The Rock remembers what you did for these people ... brother. The Rock thinks the last time these people liked to see you was back when the iron curtain was still up. Back then, we all loved you ... we said our prayers and took our vitamins ... until we realized your vitamins were the ones injected into your candy ass. Now, you are just a relic of the past, hanging on to the business just because of your name. Nah-ah, The Rock isn’t going to let this happen in TNA. Hogan, it is time for you to realize your time is up. The fans loathe you, everybody backstage except your little pet project here loathes you ... tonight, The Rock will help you realize that when you walk down know your role boulevard and check into the Smackdown hotel. The Rock will kick your vitamin-injected candy ass so hard you’re going to cough up curly stuff for a while.


The Rock drops his microphone and does the muscle flexing Hulk Hogan is famous for before leaving the scene. Hogan and MVP stare at him as he walks off, highly aggravated. [A*]


Bischoff: This amount of disrespect for the Hulkster is pissing me off. Hogan single-handedly made this business what it is today, and it was him who allowed people like Rock to be where they are in life today. Can Rock do anything else but mock people he should be grateful to for what they did?


Taz: Yeah, he can kick their candy asses ...


We go back to the ring for the next match ...


TNA TV Championship



Christopher Daniels © vs. Tommy Dreamer


Dreamer has a lot of anger and frustration to vent, and as such he went into this match guns blazing. Daniels had his difficulties with this aggression and saw to it to retreat to the outside at various points during the match. Dreamer, unwilling to allow Daniels such leeway, pursued him, grabbed Daniels by the neck and slammed him into the guardrail, much to the approval of the fans. Daniels staggered and was leveled by a Clothesline, then Dreamer went back into the ring. Going right outside again, he went to pick immobile Daniels up but it was a ruse – by way of pulling on Dreamer’s shirt, Daniels pulled him into the guardrail. Daniels got back into the ring and looked content to win via countout, but Dreamer managed to get back inside by the count of nine. Now it was Daniels’ turn to wreak havoc as he laid waste on Dreamer, but it was short lived as Dreamer blocked a punch to deliver a series of fists to the head of his own. Daniels was stumbling about as Matt Morgan, who we had seen in his match earlier, showed up at the entrance ramp. Dreamer noticed him and instantly invited Morgan to come to the ring, but the big brute refused. This gave Daniels the time he needed to get his wits back and he attacked Dreamer from behind – Angel’s Wings! The cover – one, two, three!


Christopher Daniels defeated Tommy Dreamer in 10:33 by pinfall with the Angel's Wings. Christopher Daniels makes defense number 2 of his TNA Television title. [B]


Dreamer gave everything he had in this match and brought Daniels close to defeat several times, but when Morgan showed up at the entrance ramp, he gave Daniels the second he needed ... he caught Dreamer with the Angel’s Wings and the match was over.


Bischoff: There you see the reason why Matt Morgan ended their team. Dreamer is just not on his level.


Taz: What do you know about being on someone’s level, Eric? Tommy is one of my closest friends, and I tell you he’ll get back at Morgan, trust you me. This loss tonight doesn’t mean anything when it comes to Matt Morgan vs. Tommy Dreamer. Tommy was great, and had it not been for Morgan, who knows if we wouldn’t have crowned a new TV Champion tonight. Morgan has opened a can of worms he should never have opened and he will pay for it.


Bischoff: It’s about focus, Taz. And where was Dreamer’s focus, hm? He was easily distracted and that’s that ...


Once again the camera goes backstage and we’re in the office of JBL. James Mitchell is standing inside with Abyss. Sting is there too, and Chris Jericho leans casually against the wall.




JBL: I have summoned you here because tonight ... tonight didn’t exactly work out as planned. I am sure you would agree with that. There are a few people in this company who ... are not quite in line with me. I am sure you know who I’m talking about. And quite obviously, something needs to be done about it so we get those people back in line. So ... you, Sting, and you, Abyss ... next week, you will teach a certain Samoa Joe a lesson he won’t forget.


Jericho grins ...


Jericho: And make sure to ... make the lesson a good one. Oh and boss ...


JBL: ...


Jericho: I have ideas for a few other people as well. Angle ... he should be top priority.


JBL: I know, I know ... we’ll get to that. Now ... Sting, Abyss ... get out of here. You know what to do.


With that, Mitchell is leading Abyss out of the room and Sting follows suit. Jericho shuts the door and we go back to ringside for the main event. [A]



The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan


The Rock started out overwhelming Hogan with a flurry of punches that had Hogan retreating into the corner of the ring. Relentlessly, Rock kept attacking him, the fists just kept coming until he grabbed Hogan and started smashing his head against the top turnbuckle repeatedly with the fans counting along. The Rock was absolutely furious. He shot Hogan into the ropes and on the return, welcomed him with a Big Boot out of the Hulk Hogan playbook. The cover led to a two count as Hogan got a shoulder up in time. The Rock was red hot and dragged Hogan back up only to be eye raked for his troubles. Referee Earl Hebner had apparently not seen it and Hogan clotheslined Rock down. Picking Rock up, Hogan had some choice words for his opponent before body slamming him. The Hulkster dragged The Rock around to get him in position, then ran into the ropes as he went for the Guillotine Legdrop – The Rock moved out of the way and Hogan landed on the mat. At this point, MVP was darting towards the ring! Rock got Hogan up and was just about to execute the Rock Bottom when MVP slid into the ring and clobbered Rock from behind. Earl Hebner called for the bell instantly...


The Rock defeated Hulk Hogan in 12:02 when Hulk Hogan was disqualified when MVP ran in and attacked The Rock. [B]


Earl Hebner had no choice but to call for the bell. MVP and Hogan roll out of the ring and The Rock gets up and leans over the ropes, frustrated about the outcome of the match. He goes to the corner and onto the second rope and motions MVP and Hogan to come back, but they just mock him and retreat to the back.


Taz: Christ, The Rock had him and of course MVP interfered. He should be banned from ringside everytime Hogan steps into the ring to wrestle.


Tenay: I agree but I am being informed that something is happening on the parking lot so let’s shift over ...


On the parking lot, we see Mick Foley standing by with a microphone.




Foley: I know what you’re going to say, dear audience. What in the world is a New York Times bestseller author doing in the parking lot of the venue when inside, TNA Impact is still live? That’s easy ... my buddy Kurt told me of a plan he had, and truth be told, it sounded too great to miss. So here I am ... and over there is Kurt.




The camera shifts to a big Kenworth truck in the distance, revving up.


Foley: Oookay ... there’s Kurt in his ... truck ... now ... take a look at that nice limo over there.


The camera shifts again, this time showing the expensive limousine JBL and Jericho arrived in earlier in the night.


Foley: I guess you could say ... my buddy Kurt doesn’t really like to get overlooked and ignored. In actual fact, he quite hates it. But ok, let’s cut to the chase ...


Mick reaches into a bag and produces a flag. A green one ... he gets a big speaker as well. He then waves the flag.


Foley: Green flag! Green flag! Green, green, green ...


Angle shoots the truck forward and speeds past Mick ... towards the limousine ... KA-BLAM! ... and crashes into it’s left side. The limo is smashed against the wall next to it. The truck looks to be quite intact still, and Angle drives it backwards and halts next to Mick who opens the passenger door.


Foley: Oh boy what a mess! Poor limo ... such a nice thing.


Angle: It used to be ...


Foley gets in and shuts the door. The duo speeds off in their truck. We go back to the arena ... [A*]


Bischoff: What ... the ... hell?


Taz is laughing hysterically and can’t talk ... doesn’t seem he can even breathe at the moment.


Tenay: I am at a loss for words. Kurt Angle and Mick Foley just totaled JBL’s limousine. Wow just wow.


Bischoff: This will come back to haunt them. You think their boss .. that’s right, THEIR boss JBL will just sit by and let them get away with it?


Tenay: No I don’t, but tonight, it’s Foley and Angle who laugh last. Folks, we’re at the end of tonight’s show. I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did and we’ll see you again next Monday, same time, for another packed edition of TNA Impact only on Spike TV. Good night everybody!


Final Show Rating: B+

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Thank you all for predicting, with these results as the outcome:


BHK1978: 5/7

michgcs: 4/7

Kijar: 4/7

In_Human3: 3/7

bcwildcatjohn: 2/7


I am especially thankful for the feedback, rate/hate/praise away, the more the merrier.


Here's the card for Monday Week 2, June 2011




TNA TV Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. Matt Hardy

Matt Morgan vs. Jeff Jarrett


Douglas Williams vs. Rhino


Claudio Castagnoli vs. Colt Cabana


Shelton Benjamin w/Charlie Haas vs. Rob Van Dam


Samoa Joe vs. Abyss and Sting


The Rock vs. MVP

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Christopher Daniels © vs. Matt Hardy: Daniels


Matt Morgan vs. Jeff Jarrett: Morgan


Douglas Williams vs. Rhino: Rhino


Claudio Castagnoli vs. Colt Cabana: Can we just call it a draw and be done with it. That said, Claudio


Shelton Benjamin w/Charlie Haas vs. Rob Van Dam: RVD by DQ


Samoa Joe vs. Abyss and Sting: Abyss/Sting


The Rock vs. MVP: Rock

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Christopher Daniels © vs. Matt Hardy


Matt Morgan vs. Jeff Jarrett


Douglas Williams vs. Rhino


Claudio Castagnoli vs. Colt Cabana


Shelton Benjamin w/Charlie Haas vs. Rob Van Dam


Samoa Joe vs. Abyss and Sting


The Rock vs. MVP

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Christopher Daniels © vs. Matt Hardy


Matt Morgan vs. Jeff Jarrett


Douglas Williams vs. Rhino


Claudio Castagnoli vs. Colt Cabana


Shelton Benjamin w/Charlie Haas vs. Rob Van Dam


Samoa Joe vs. Abyss and Sting


The Rock vs. MVP

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TNA TV Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. Matt Hardy



Matt Morgan vs. Jeff Jarrett


Douglas Williams vs. Rhino


Claudio Castagnoli vs. Colt Cabana


Shelton Benjamin w/Charlie Haas vs. Rob Van Dam


Samoa Joe vs. Abyss and Sting


The Rock vs. MVP

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